Earthworm Jim: Special Edition Sega CD version FAQ version 1.1 last updated Nov 2009 by: David Chin Contents -------- 1.1 INTRODUCTION LEVELS 2.1 New Junk City 2.2 What the Heck! 2.3 Big Bruty (Sega CD exclusive!) 2.4 Down the Tubes 2.5 Tube Race 2.6 Snot a Problem! 2.7 Level 5 2.8 For Pete's Sake 2.9 Intestinal Distress 2.10 Buttville SPECIAL LEVELS 3.1 Andy Asteroids 3.2 Psycrow 3.3 Who Turned Off the Lights? PASSWORDS 4.1 Easy (not finished) 4.2 Normal 4.3 Difficult (not finished) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5.1 EWJ SEGA CD ENHANCEMENTS 5.2 EWJ Fun Facts 5.3 LIST OF FAQ UPDATES 1.1 INTRODUCTION This is not a walkthrough but rather a list of questions & answers that pertain to certain parts of the game which may prove difficult for some players. Many of these also apply to the Genesis version but not all as some refer to specific modifications of the Sega CD version of the game. This special ed. of the game includes one completely new level, some remixed music and additional sfx. The usual disclaimer applies, blah, blah, don't plagerize, blah, don't make money off my work, alter it or take credit for it. If you do, then I will shoot a homing missile up your...ahem. LEVELS 2.1 New Junk City Q: What do I do with this cow? A: Jump & worm whip the fridge hanging on the crane to launch it away. Q: How do I defeat the crows & dogs? A: Crows can be shot or worm whipped. Worm whipping is most effective. The dogs are too fast to be worm whipped so you'll have to shoot them down fast. Q: How do I swing? A: First you need a hook. Spotting these should be easy but if you're not sure look for any twinkling you may see or listen for ricochet when you're shooting. Both of these indicate that you can swing on the object by using your worm whip. Usually the tip of the whip must make contact with the hook for you to swing. Q: How do I do the helicopter head? A: To do the helicopter head you must be in midair and while in midair you must continuously tap the jump button. Jim's head will turn into a helicopter rotor and you'll be able to hover slowly to the ground. This is especially helpful for long jumps and navigating narrow passages. Q: How do I rebound off the tires higher? A: Holding the jump button will allow jim to rebound off the tires higher. Q: How do I get through the narrow gap in between the ledge & the tires? (right after I launched the cow) A: Try walking off the edge but then immediately using your helicopter head. If you do it right you'll hover in diagonally onto the lower level. Proceed left and you will be in the area below where you began the level. You'll get an extra life. Q: I'm hanging on a ring on a horizontal clothesline but I'm not moving. A: Try shooting in the opposite direction you want to go. Q: What do I do with the toilet? A: Flush it or jump inside to warp to another area. Q; How do I defeat the moving trash can sub-boss? A: You'll have to shoot it while either dodging or deflecting falling objects. You can't deflect the anvils it shoots. When it starts driving, make a good running jump over it and shoot. If you don't avoid it while its moving it will give you a nasty uppercut and its hits will reset back to zero. Q: I jumped in the toilet but now I'm nude, what do I do? A: First you need to jump from side to side on the curved green platforms and then slide & jump along the various sloped platforms. Q: I chose the Stud path but how do I get the extra life? A: When you're launched in the air, immediately move to the left, you'll enter a secret passage & land on the slope with the extra life giving you an infinite number of trys at beating the Stud path. Q: How do I get onto the higher sloping platforms above? A: I've noticed these also, at the moment I don't know. Q: How do I beat Junkyard Joe (the fat guy that spits fish)? A: You need to wait for the magnet to drop a crate. You then need to worm whip the crate so that it falls on the spring & hits Joe in the butt. A good spot to avoid the spitting fish is to stand right on the edge just before the spring. Q: What happens if I jump on the spring? A: You'll be launched very high up onto a series of platforms with some energy. Q: Where is the first shortcut? A: The first shortcut is right at the beginning after you launch the cow. When you jump on the sliding rings. There are two of them. Instead of proceeding onto the second ring, hang on the first ring and slide down to the left but right before it falls jump to the left & worm whip to swing on the moose's antlers. This takes a few trys. You'll climb a chain and have to jump onto a series of sliding rings. Once at the top, there are homing missiles on your right but the left leads to the toilet warp. However, you can get the homing missiles and still get to the toilet warp. With this shortcut, you'll completely bypass the sub-boss moving trash can. Q: Where is the second shortcut? A: The second shortcut occurs approximately midway through the level. Again look for a moose head. Jump & swing with your worm whip. This one will bring you to an area with an extra life & 4 mega plasma just under where you'll have to fight the sub-boss trash can. 2.2 What the Heck! Q: How do I vanquish the flying black demons? A: The best way is to approach them slowly then worm whip them before they come after you. Plasma shots work but are less effective and should only be used if you can't reach them with your worm whip. Q: How do I open the gates? A: Shoot/worm whip the wheel closeby. Q: What do I do with the rotating green crystals? A: Jump on them & run in the opposite direction they are rotating. Q: How do I get the extra life in the alcove after I'm on the first green crystal? A: It's pretty easy. Once the green crystal is high enough you can just jump into the alcove. Q: How do I kill the lawyers? A: Worm whip their suitcase away and then shoot them! That'll earn you a mega plasma. Q: I've reached a point where I worm whip but I don't get anywhere, help! A: This is probably the area after you pass the rising gate and jump to a higher platform. This is where you have to worm whip twice in a row. Q: How do I obtain items that are under ledges that I'm standing on? A: Try walking off the ledge in one direction but immediately move in the opposite direction after you fall. If done right you'll hang onto the ledge & climb back on top with the items. Q: How do I beat the sub-boss, Snowman? A: Worm whip him before he can belch fire balls or if you have any, you can use your mega plasma shots. Regular plasma doesn't seem to affect him. Q: I'm nude again but now Evil the Cat's shooting fire, what do I do? A: Just jump & avoid the flames & duds. The duds can throw off your timing a bit so be careful. After enough flames have hit the support of the platform that Evil the Cat is standing on, it will break. Q: Okay I'm back in my suit, how do I defeat Evil the Cat? A: Look for the eyes & shoot him before he pounces on you. Jump over the two flames (one at a time) that come after you. You'll need to shoot him 9 times to use up his 9 lives. 2.3 Big Bruty (Sega CD exclusive!) Q: How do I beat the big head flys? A: Like the crows, worm whipping takes them out with one shot. If you can do it, try and lure them all together and make a small jump & worm whip. You can take out 3 at a time. Shooting also works. Q: Big Bruty keeps on eating me, how do I beat him? A: You can't, but you can lure him away & get past him. Q: How do I lure Big Bruty? A: Just stand close enough to him. He's dumb & blind but once he smells you, he'll chase you. He's also slow so it's easy to run away from him. Q: Can I swing from hooks that are on the opposite side of a wall/structure? A: Actually you can. You'll even pass through walls while worm whipping. There are a few areas with extra goodies that you can get to by worm whipping at hooks through walls. 2.4 Down the Tubes General Tips Q: How do I get past the floating pink puss? A: Worm whipping is best but you can shoot them too. Q: How do I destroy the giant black cats/tiny orange cats? A: If you have a mega plasma shot, you can use that but most times you'll have to avoid them. Q: How do I get past the giant cats in the narrow tubes? A: You'll have to jump up into the small domes and press up to lift your butt off. When the cat walks away, jump down & proceed. Q: How do I get past the small orange cats? A: Chances are there's a giant hamster stuck in a cage. You'll need to find the switch to open the cage and then ride the hamster. When riding the hamster press the shoot button so that the hamster can eat the orange cats. Q: How do I operate the underwater bubble ship? A: Use the directional pad to rotate the jets and press any button to propel the ship. Q: How do I get past the last orange cat? A: There's no hamster around so that leaves you two options. One is a mega plasma shot and the other is to just walk over and let that cat hammer you & throw you across (assuming you have enough health) Q: How do I get that extra life at the end? A: Instead of jumping up the vertical tube. Move to the right all the way to the end of the horizontal tube & jump. You'll fly up a hidden tube & get the extra life. Q: How do I get the red atom powerup right before the level ends? A: Just stand under the gold platform & jump straight up. 2.5 Tube Race Q: I can't get though the maze with the 90 sec air supply! A: It is quite possible to get through with practice but there is a hidden air station that gives you 60 secs. Try & look for some lights. You have to move through what appears to be a diagonal wall on the left. I also recall another hidden 30 sec air station somewhere after that which I don't believe was in the original version but if you get the 60 second one, that should be enough. Q: How do I beat Bob the fish? A: It's impossible actually. 2.6 Snot a Problem! Q: Ooh bungee jumping but What do I do besides that? A: You have to bump Major Mucous so that he hits the wall while avoiding the walls youself. Q: What are those eyes at the bottom in the pit of mucous? A: It's one bad monster who will chomp you instantly to death if you get close to it. Q: Major Mucous is spinning, what do I do? A: Avoid him & wait. You can't shoulder ram him when he's doing this as it will only damage yourself. Q: I can't beat Major Mucus in round 3, can you help me? A: Certainly, the trick is to stay close to one wall & let Major Mucus come to you. Dodge him by moving up or down & then nail him against the wall one or two times. 2.7 Level 5 Q: Hey! Why is this level 5? A: Originally it was but that new Big Bruty level completely threw everything off. Q: How do I go up the escalator? A: You can't at first. Proceed right & jump onto these golden orbs that exchange electricity. You'll find a red switch that you can shoot/worm whip to activate the escalator. Q: How do I stop the eyes from coming after me? A: The first series of them you have to shoot Professor Monkey for a Head who's keeping the valve open. In the second series of them, you just have to worm whip the Black Spheres themselves to close them. Q: I heard there's a secret level here, where is it? A: Midway through this level, you'll come across what appears to be a black rectangle with red circular lights on it. Just jump into this rectangular area to access the secret level. See the Special Levels section for Who Turned Out the Lights for info on getting through the secret level. Q: I've encountered Professor Monkey for a head, how do I beat him? A: The easiest way is to jump onto the chain that he's climbing on & shoot him until he runs away. You'll have to do this a few times. Q: How do I defeat the walking Henhouse? A: You have to shoot/worm whip the red switch to drop a fishbowl on its head. Q: I'm falling with the Henhouse, help me? A: You just have to shoot/worm whip the henhouse while avoiding the walls & the exploding eggs it drops after you hit it. The best way is to stay in the lower part of the screen and while the henhouse is approaching you, dodge it and as you move up past it, shoot. 2.8 For Pete's Sake Q: Okay, what exactly am I suppose to do here? A: Protect Pete of course! Because if you don't, he'll mutate into a nasty dog and drag you back a few paces and take a chunk of your energy. Q: How do I get Pete to stop walking? A: Try shooting some plasma. Q: How do I get Pete to jump over gaps? A: Pete himself can't jump but you can give him a lift by worm whipping him. Q: What do I do when asteroids start falling? A: You must shoot them. Listen for the music as an early warning. Q: I noticed that the level continues on even after Pete reaches his home. A: If you want to try this advanced part of the level, you can worm whip Peter right over his house. If you succeed Pete will reach his other home. 2.9 Intestinal Distress Q: Is there any way to stop these bouncing bowel movements? A: You have to avoid them at first but once you reach their source, you can worm whip the orifice from which the bowel movements originate from. Q: There's an extra life under me but how do I get it? A: This one is a little stange. Walk up to the left but then walk right. If you did it correctly, you'll enter the area below you with the extra life. Q: There's a tube on the right but an area on the left with spikes on the floor... A: Going up the tube leads to Doc Duodenum but if you go right & double worm whip you'll get an extra life. I believe in the original version there was no powerup here making it redundant to even go to. Q: How do I defeat Doc Duodenum? A: Shoot him with short bursts in midair while avoiding the bile he spews. Either jump over him or run under him while he jumps. Move from side to side. Q: Why is this level so unpleasant? A: Other than taking place inside the Queen's colon, yech! It only has one continue point in the whole level. 2.10 Buttville Q: There are all these spikes, what do I do? A: Use your helicopter head to navigate. Q: What path should I take? A: Any will do but if you take the right, there's a hook along the way which you can worm whip onto to get an extra life. Q: How do I get rid of the bees, they keep on coming? A: You have to find the hive & destroy it to stop more bees from coming. Q: I keep losing a life after these bugs pop out from the dark & bite me in half. A: When they come out You must worm whip them. Plasma shots are useless. Q: After hanging on the top, there appears to be nowhere to go, where do I go? A: You're almost near the end. If you noticed, there's a hook just below you. You'll have to drop and worm swing on the hook to land on top of the Queen. If you don't, you'll hear the boss music but fall on the spikes below & die. Q: How do I defeat the Queen's butt? A: You can shoot it from below or jump & worm whip. Or if you have one, you can induce major constipation with a single mega plasma shot up the butt. Q: How do I defeat the Queen? A: As long as you have enough ammo just keep shooting her enough so that the flies she releases don't knock you off the snot floating platforms. SPECIAL LEVELS 3.1 Andy Asteroids This level occurs in between almost all the other regular levels. It occurs 7 times in the whole game & becomes increasingly difficult. You can collect shields that protect you from asteroid collisions. Speed boosts not only make you go faster but you become temporarily invincible as well. If Psycrow has caught up to you, you can bump him a few times to get ahead of him. I like the 3-d boomtube illusion of this level. Q: What do I do? A: Press the shoot button to start accelerating. Q: What am I collecting these bubbles for? A: If you manage to get 50 & beat Psy-crow in the race, you earn a continue. This is relativel easy to do in the first three iterations of this level. Q: I grabbed a shield, how do I activate it? A: Press the worm whip button. Q; Can I die in this level? A: Actually yes, even though your health bar doesn't appear, you lose energy for every asteroid you hit. Q: What happens if I lose? A: Find out below. 3.2 Psycrow When you lose the race, you have to fight Psycrow. To defeat him, you must shoot him & then worm whip him while he's temporarily dazed. You'll have to do this as many times as the number of the iteration of the race. For example if this is the 7th iteration of the race you are doing, you will have to shoot & worm whip Psycrow 7 times. 3.3 Who Turned out the Lights? Q: Where's the secret shortcut in the first section? A: Right from the beginning, walk up to the first light then jump to the higher one on the left. Then jump right and you'll be walking along a platform at the top of the screen which will lead you to an extra life & the exit. Q: Ahh! There are these giant orange eyes chasing me, how do I escape? A: Well if you noticed while you were walking, the stairs go up & down really sharply. So what you do is you retreat to the top of one of the stairs & just when the orange eyes reach you, you jump over them & run like crazy to the exit & back to Level 5. Passwords 4.2 Difficulty Level: Normal Andy Asteroids 1 - red atom, blue atom, plasma gun, cow, cow What the Heck! - blue atom, faucet, plasma gun, cow, red atom Big Bruty - blue atom, red atom, blue atom, cow, faucet Andy Asteroids 2 - faucet, tv, blue atom, cow, fire hydrant Down the Tubes - fire hydrant, blue atom, plasma gun, fire hydrant, Jim Tube Race - cow, blue atom, plasma gun, faucet, plasma gun Andy Asteroids 3 - blue atom, blue atom, cow, blue atom, cow Snot a Problem - red atom, fire hydrant, faucet, plasma gun, cow Andy Asteroids 4 - cow, jim, tv, tv, red atom Level 5 - cow, cow, faucet, cow, faucet Andy Asteroids 5 - fire hydrant, fire hydrant, red atom, blue atom, red atom For Pete's Sake - faucet, fire hydrant, blue atom, red atom, blue atom Andy Aseroids 6 - cow, jim, cow, fire hydrant, faucet Intestinal Distress - plasma gun, red atom, fire hydrant, cow, tv Andy Asteroids 7 - plasma gun, red atom, faucet, plasma gun, tv Buttville - red atom, cow, blue atom, blue atom, cow ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5.1 EWJ SEGA CD ENHANCEMENTS Along with a CD quality soundtrack, there have also been more frames of animation added for a smoother look. The extra exclusive level Big Bruty is completely new. There have been some completely new areas added to New Junk City & What the Heck! levels. Level 5 has also been noticeably altered in some areas. Jim also has one new weapon, the homing missile. However, most of the other levels don't seem to be much different from their originals except for that there seem to be enemies placed where there were none before. Supposedly there is a new shortcut in Down the Tubes. Other visual goodies include a larger number of idle animations. Also if you hold down while Jim is hanging on a ledge, he scratches his butt. I like the new additions to the first two levels but Big Bruty though fun to play is a bit disappointing since Bruty initially runs really slow which doesn't make for much of an exciting chase. The new sketchy intro is very cool. Since this is based on the Genesis version, you don't get the nice graphical enhancements of the SNES backgrounds but the advantage of a wider view of the level within the screen is kept. So is it worth playing for the enhancements? Well if you played the original, you won't find a lot of radical changes except for the first level. Big Bruty has its moments. I wish they had cut down the number of times you had to go through Andy Asteroids. 4-5 times would've been plenty enough. 5.2 EWJ Fun Facts Apparently after you launch the cow in the first level, you are suppose to be able to see the cow flying in every single subsequent level. I have only seen the cow in Tube Race right at the end of the level & midway through Buttville so I don't know if this is true or not. The development of this special edition was for the most part handled by Interplay and not Shiny. On the original game, virtually the same team who worked on the Sega Genesis version of Aladdin worked on EWJ 1 except for 1 or 2 people (artists I think). Some characters/levels in the game are named after members of the development team. Big Bruty (Nick Bruty) Andy Asteroids (Andy Aster) Psycrow (Steve Crow & Psy-Q) The character of Snot who appears in EWJ 2 was apparently planned to make an appearance in the EWJ 1 but was cut since he wasn't really necessary. Doug Tennapel created the character of EWJ when he was a kid, though he humbly adds that much of the world of EWJ was a collaborative effort of the Shiny team. His official website is at Dave Perry is bloody tall like basketball player tall. His official website is at Tommy Tallarico was responsible for the amazing soundtrack of the original game but I don't think he was involved with the remixed featured in this version. He has an official website at The lawyers in What the Heck! were a very late addition to the game. The original Genesis version has one extra level that the SNES doesn't. That is Intestinal Distress. To be quite honest, it's a very boring level to play. When Jim is moving along the chains, he uses one hand & his head rather than hand over hand to move along the chains. When you shoot Psycrow you are actually knocking the hook out of his gun which then lands on his head causing him to become dazed. EWJ had his own cartoon briefly for 2 seasons. I think he also had a comic book. The Shiny & Playmates would appreciate it very much if you bought every single EWJ toy & licenced product. Since that may be hard to find now, I'm sure they are now thinking that they would like you to buy this on the Wii virtual console. A PC version of this Sega CD game was released for Windows 95 by Activision around 1995. Okay not a fact but wouldn't it be cool if somehow you could play the secret level with the lights on by finding a secret light switch? As for where I got most of these facts I don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it was from an old issue of the Sega Visions magazine. Others were just from my own observations. There will be a new remake of the original genesis title with HD graphics that will also include the Big Bruty level from the Sega CD but unfortunately no option to play the remixed levels. It will supposedly be released in late 2009 and will be available for Wii, PS3 and Xbox360. 5.3 LIST OF FAQ UPDATES ver 1.0 was original posted june 2003 in the genesis section of gamefaqs since back then there was no sega cd secion. This version 1.1 is a slightly revised version with a few corrections but nothing major and should be in the correct section this time. Why it took me so long to correct is because I wasn't playing video games for a while and only recently recovered my password. There are indeed some secrets missing from this faq but I will not update it as all the main questions concerning getting through the game I believe have been answered. There's a nice video on youtube by rcmagn that shows a bunch of secrets many of which I didn't know myself at the time.