=============================================================================== =============================================================================== -FLICKY- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ;XS222X, ,X7. ,Zi X7 ;i ,M.,a :M Z80BaX.;Z,X2 8a,ar a8SrrXS. Z8:2 Bar2 BX.a M 2 .@ S 78 S W; rr Z2 . 7. 8; SS8 :X .@ 2 M 2 .@ a 7Z 2 B; 7r ;B X ZMSaX Zr Z; r: 07 :7.@ .2 .@ 7irSr 7Z S B; 7r WZ ;i Z; Xi Wr .r .S. .@ .a. 7Z S B; rr 8Z ;i iii Z; :B 2 S2Z. XX .@ B8B;. rZ ;X2S Bi rr ;W 7;Ba rX Zr S.W .X iZX .2 ,@ S 78 ,S Wi ir 20 :7 8r 2 S2 7r 2ri:r 2. iW;,a, i2BWWBXS, iB22; ;BBWaa7 ;@ZS 8Z0, 8a222XZXi i:. FAQ/Walkthrough (C) Tainted CHAOS VERSION 1.00 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== VERSION HISTORY =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Version 1.00 (July 26th, 2004) - In the VERSION HISTORY, I reversed the order of updates, and, that, the most recent updates appear at the top, instead of the bottom. Version 0.63 (July 17th, 2004) - Corrected a bunch of mistakes. Version 0.62 (July 7th, 2004) - Another small update. Deleted an unnecessary note in the WALKTHROUGH section. Version 0.61 (June 16th, 2004) - An EXTREMELY small update. Added a note to the WALKTHROUGH section. Version 0.60 (June 13th, 2004) - Fixed ANOTHER mistake, and added a few things to the WALKTHROUGH section. Version 0.52 (June 8th, 2004) - Fixed another mistake. Version 0.51 (June 2nd, 2004) - Fixed some errors. Version 0.50 (May 29th, 2004) - Creation of FAQ/Walkthrough. Everything (excluding the WALKTHROUGH section) is complete. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== =============================================================================== (1) - Introduction (2) - Game Basics -Controls -Gameplay Info (3) - Walkthrough (4) - Secrets & Hints (5) - Conclusion -Credits -Authorized Websites -Legal Info -Contact Me =============================================================================== =============================================================================== (1) - INTRODUCTION =============================================================================== =============================================================================== If you've ever played Sonic 3D Blast, then you probably have an idea of what this game is about. Flicky was a game developed for the Genesis/Megadrive. Unfortunately, though, it was quite unknown, judging from the fact that hardly anyone even knew about this quirky, little platformer. Flicky is a fairly decent game, boasting addictive gameplay and innovative elements. Although it generally had nothing to do with Sonic, it DOES feature a character named Flicky, who happens to play a role in Sonic 3D Blast. This is my second FAQ/Walkthrough for GameFAQs. So far, I have yet to write guides for any systems other than the Genesis/Megadrive. Hopefully, in the future, I will get around to doing that kind of thing. If you spot a mistake in this guide, then feel free to contact me via e-mail. My e-mail address is listed at the bottom of this FAQ. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== (2) - GAME BASICS =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CONTROL PAD] - Move [A], [B], [C] - Jump [START] - Pause ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this game, you control a nifty character named Flicky. Your objective is to collect all the Chirps, and exit through the door in the level. When you touch a Chirp, you will hear a little noise, and the Chirp will follow you. Gather all the Chirps, lead them to the door, and the level will end. You don't need to have all the Chirps exit at one time, although it DOES improve your score. Also, finishing the level faster will gain you more points, so try to finish quickly. In each level, there are also enemies to look out for. In the game, there are two enemies: Tiger and Iggy. If you touch either of them, you'll lose a life. If you lose all your lives, then the game is over. No continues, no replays. Fortunately, you can also defeat enemies in this game. In each level, there are certain objects that you can use to destroy your foes. Just touch the object, and jump to fire it across the screen at your enemies. Of course, your foes will always be reincarnated, but you DO get points for doing this. Other than that, there are also Bonus Rounds in this game. Occasionally, after beating a level, you will be taken to a Bonus Round. In a Bonus Round, you cannot lose a life, but it is a good opportunity to earn some good points. It's not hard, either, as long as you pay attention. At the bottom of the screen, Chirps will be launched into the air by two seesaws. They will descend, four at a time. Your goal is to catch those Chirps with your net. The more Chirps you collect, the more points you receive. It's easy to get a perfect score, but in later levels, the patterns change, so be prepared. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== (3) - WALKTHROUGH =============================================================================== =============================================================================== This is the WALKTHROUGH section. I'll be giving tips and strategies for each level, and I will try to be as detailed as possible. If you spot a mistake, then feel free to contact me via e-mail. My e-mail address is listed at the bottom of this FAQ. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 1 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: * CHIRPS: 5 RECORD TIME: 10 SEC. This is a very straightforward level. There are 5 Chirps, and you can pretty much gather them all in one trip. At the start, immediately head right, and get the first Chirp. Continue and head up the platforms, while gathering more Chirps. When you've gotten the last one, drop down and exit through the doorway. The Tigers shouldn't cause too much trouble...if one gets in your way, either run in the opposite direction, or just simply jump over it. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 2 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: * CHIRPS: 6 RECORD TIME: 14 SEC. This one's a bit harder than the first level...which means it's STILL pretty easy. The trickiest part is when you have to collect the 2 Chirps at the bottom, since you can easily get trapped by Tigers. If one of your Chirps touch a Tiger, they'll scatter and you'll need to pick them up again. Move as quickly as you can, and try not to get trapped. If you're stuck, try using weapons and fire them at your foes. It's harder to get a record time here, but keep trying. Other than that, I have no other specific strategies. It's still a pretty easy level, after all. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 3 (BONUS ROUND) ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: N/A CHIRPS: N/A RECORD TIME: N/A It's easy to get a perfect score here...just concentrate. The Chirps will descend in a straight line, so they're pretty easy to catch. I have nothing to say here. Just do your best, and try to catch as many Chirps as you can. Also, try not to move around too much. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 4 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: ** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 14 SEC. There are 8 Chirps in this level, and it IS possible to gather them all in one trip. However, just to be safe, you should move cautiously, and keep an eye out for Tigers. Use weapons when necessary, and only jump over Tigers when you desperately need to. Again, it's easy to get trapped here, but overall, it's not too bad, once you start memorizing the layout a bit. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 5 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: ** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 11 SEC. START -> (Hold RIGHT) EXIT -------- C -------- C -------- -------- C -------- -------- -------- C ------- -------- C -------- -------- -------- C -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- C C -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the start, hold right, and follow the line of Chirps, leading to the ground. Continue right, get the Chirp in the air, and jump towards the next platform (the lowest one). Next, jump towards the platform to your right. Now, before the Tiger appears, QUICKLY jump and follow the diagonal line of Chirps to your left. You should land on the second highest platform (left of the exiting platform). Jump towards the platform to your right, and exit through the door. If done quickly, you should be able to complete the level within 15 seconds. I'm sure there are other strategies, but this is probably the best one. You can also use weapons if necessary. Don't get trapped by the Tigers. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 6 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: ** CHIRPS: 7 RECORD TIME: 12 SEC. At the start, you can either go down the left or right tunnel. If you choose the left route, you have a better chance of getting trapped by Tigers, so I STRONGLY recommend that you choose the right path. Head down the right tunnel, while collecting Chirps. When you reach the dead end, quickly grab the Chirp, and head up the left tunnel before the Tiger appears. This shouldn't be too hard. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 7 (BONUS ROUND) ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: N/A CHIRPS: N/A RECORD TIME: N/A Another Bonus Round. This time, though, the Chirps descend in a horizontal line, which makes things a bit harder. Instead of staying in one place when they fall, move to either the right or left, and "sweep" the entire group so that you don't miss any. Once again, getting perfect isn't hard, but you'll need good timing and reflexes to beat this one. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 8 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: ** CHIRPS: 7 RECORD TIME: 14 SEC. I really have no specific strategy here. Start by heading left, dropping down, heading right, and working your way up again. You'll need to be extremely quick, though, because if you aren't, the Tigers will cause trouble for you. You should be able to beat this level within 20 seconds. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 9 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: *** CHIRPS: 7 RECORD TIME: 17 SEC. This is a hard one. The Tigers are quite annoying, and you'll need to be quick if you're aiming to beat the level before 20 seconds. Take advantage of the vertical shaft in the center, and don't spend too much time revisiting areas. Use weapons when you need to, and if you're trapped, try jumping over the Tigers. It always works for me. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 10 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: *** CHIRPS: 7 RECORD TIME: 14 SEC. Probably, your biggest concern in this level is the Tiger that appears from the left. Iggy also makes an appearance in this round, but he shouldn't be too much of a problem. Try circling the room. Start by heading right, dropping down, and making your way up the left side again. I don't know...I can't give any specific strategies here. Just keep an eye out for trouble, that's all. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 11 (BONUS ROUND) ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: N/A CHIRPS: N/A RECORD TIME: N/A This is a harder one. At first, the Chirps will be scattered, but as they descend, they will close in on each other. You can get them all at once by just simply staying in one spot, but it's better to move around. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 12 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: ** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 18 SEC. Start from the top, and make your way to the bottom. The Tigers can easily trap you in those narrow passageways, so be careful. Iggy can also prove to be an annoying foe. Move quickly, and take advantage of the weapons at the top of the screen. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 13 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: *** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 15 SEC. Again, I really have no specific strategies here. The small area with the exit is probably the safest place to be. Probably, the toughest part is getting the Chirp at the very top of the screen, because even if you can avoid the Iggy and make it back down, you also have Tigers to deal with. Move quickly, and if one strategy doesn't work, try another. It's not that hard, anyway. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 14 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: ** CHIRPS: 6 RECORD TIME: 13 SEC. Head up the rightmost set of steps, and then come back down the left side. Look out for Tigers, because they will also be roaming the platforms. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 15 (BONUS ROUND) ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: N/A CHIRPS: N/A RECORD TIME: N/A This time, the Chirps will descend in a vertical line, but they will come in two separate groups. In order to catch them all, you will actually need to jump and get them while they're in the air. The final set of Chirps will descend in a horizontal line, so get ready. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 16 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: **** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 18 SEC. This is a difficult level. It is very easy to get trapped by Tigers in the lower areas. Start by heading left. Focus on getting the Chirps as quickly as possible, especially the ones in the intersecting tunnels. Take advantage of weapons, and once you're done, head back up and exit through the door. Good luck! ******************************************************************************* ROUND 17 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: *** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 12 SEC. Since there are so many small platforms, you'll need to aim your jumps carefully. The Tigers usually hunt you down in pairs, so use weapons to take both of them out at once. At the start, I usually head left. Drop down, get the Chirps, and get back up. Watch out for Iggy as well. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 18 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: *** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 15 SEC. Take advantage of wide, open spaces. The most dangerous parts of this level are the lower areas. You can easily get trapped in those narrow passageways, and more often than not, the Tigers and Iggys will usually team up against you and hunt you down in the smaller rooms. At the start, aim for the Chirps at the bottom, and try to gather them before enemies appear. Weapons are almost useless here, considering that they're all at the top. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 19 (BONUS ROUND) ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: N/A CHIRPS: N/A RECORD TIME: N/A This one is easy. When the ascend, the Chirps will curl around, and then drop down. Keep moving back and forth, and you should be able to catch them all. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 20 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: *** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 19 SEC. Weapons are a must here. Start by dropping down, and getting the Chirps at the bottom. Move quickly, because Tigers will be after you. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 21 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: * CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 13 SEC. This is very easy. Start from the bottom, and work your way up while gathering Chirps. If the enemies start to bother you, just use weapons. Try to move quickly, so that you can avoid the enemy that appears at the top. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 22 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: *** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 19 SEC. Start by heading right, going up, dropping down, and getting the Chirps on the left side. The vertical chamber in the center can cause you trouble, so use weapons if necessary. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 23 (BONUS ROUND) ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: N/A CHIRPS: N/A RECORD TIME: N/A The Chirps will descend in a line, but they also tend to "zig-zag" on the way down. Doesn't matter, though. Since they're not very far apart, you should be able to catch the entire group by just standing in one spot. ******************************************************************************* ROUND 24 ******************************************************************************* DIFFICULTY: ** CHIRPS: 8 RECORD TIME: 16 SEC. At the start, head right, and climb up the left stairway, while collectng Chirps. Then, jump over the gap, and go down the right stairway. After you've gotten the Chirps on both stairways, drop down the vertical shaft, and get the Chirp in the center. At the bottom, get the Chirps on both sides, and then exit through the doorway. Watch out for Tigers and Iggys. Use weapons if necessary. ******************************************************************************* THE END? ******************************************************************************* This game is practically endless. Like any good arcade game, you probably won't play long enough to find out WHEN this game actually ends. If you ask me, then I think that the game has to end SOMEWHERE, although it's nearly impossible for me to confirm this. Anyway, I'm not going to write guides for the rest of the levels, because it would be very time-consuming, and I simply do NOT have that much spare time. However, regardless of whether or not I actually get around to doing that, I really don't think it's necessary. No matter how far you get into the game, the concept shouldn't change, and some of the levels might get a bit repetitive anyway. Okay, enough talk. Have fun! If you discover any secrets, then feel free to e-mail me and let me know. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== (4) - SECRETS & HINTS =============================================================================== =============================================================================== There are only two secrets in this game, and only ONE of them is actually worth mentioning. Otherwise, for an arcade classic like this, I don't think that it makes such a big difference. BIKINI GIRL - Complete the first 10 levels of the game under 20 seconds, and get a perfect score in every bonus round. If you manage to succeed, then a picture of a girl in a bikini should appear at the lower-left corner of the screen. LEVEL SELECT - For you lazy gamers out there, Sega was nice enough to provide us with a level select. To access it, start a new game, and hold [UP] + [A] + [C] + [START] on your controller. When "Round 1" appears on the screen, release those buttons. Now, you have accessed the level select. Use UP and DOWN to select the round to begin on. Unfortunately, the highest you can start from is Round 36, but you can still continue from there. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== (5) - CONCLUSION =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sega - For creating the Genesis. Sonic Team - For making this game. GameFAQs - This awesome site, and it's hard-working team of geniuses. ASCII Generator - Responsible for the ASCII Art (above). Everybody Else - All you people who supported me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHORIZED WEBSITES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your website isn't listed below, you can e-mail me, and I'll put your website on this list. ONLY the websites listed below are allowed to post this guide on their site. www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.gamespot.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyrighted (C) Tainted CHAOS 2004. You may: -Post this on your site (after letting me know via e-mail) -Print this FAQ out for personal uses -Use any info from this FAQ (as long as you provide credit) You may NOT: -Distribute this FAQ to the public for profit -Post this FAQ on your site WITHOUT my permission -Reproduce this FAQ in any way ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT ME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-MAIL: If you have any questions, comments, or spotted any mistakes in this FAQ, then feel free to contact me. I check my e-mail at least once a day, so chances are that I will reply to you within a day or so. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== -END OF FAQ- =============================================================================== ===============================================================================