=============================================================================== PHANTASY STAR II: HUEY'S ADVENTURE - WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ・ Version 01.00 [01/20/10]. ・ This document is copyrighted (c) 2010 by Lynn Brown A.K.A. enigmaopoeia. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3667.html O=============================================================================O | [00] TABLE OF CONTENTS | O=============================================================================O ・ [01] INTRODUCTION ・ [02] CONTROLS ・ [03] GAME MECHANICS ・ [04] HOW TO PLAY ・ [05] PROLOGUE ・ [06] WALKTHROUGH ・ [07] MAP ・ [08] INVENTORY ・ [09] BESTIARY ・ [10] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ・ [11] REVISION HISTORY ・ [12] LEGAL INFORMATION ・ [13] SPECIAL THANKS [NOTE: Please use CTRL + F to navigate through my guide better!] O=============================================================================O | [01] INTRODUCTION | O=============================================================================O Phantasy Star II: Text Adventures [ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャー] was a compilation of eight games based around the main characters before the events of Phantasy Star II, they were released around 1990 and 1991 for the SEGA MegaNet. Later SHILKA'S, AMIA'S, HUEY'S, and EUSIS'S ADVENTURES were included in Game no Kandzume VOL. 1 [ゲームのかんづめ VOL. 1] and NEI'S, RUDGER'S, KINDS'S, and ANNE'S ADVENTURES were included in Game no Kandzume VOL. 2 [ゲームのかんづめ VOL. 2] both released on March 18th, 1994 for the Mega CD. All eight games were included in SEGA AGES 2500 Series Vol. 32: Phantasy Star Complete Collection [SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.32 ファンタシースター コンプリートコレクション] for the PlayStation 2. The text adventure concept is also used in Phantasy Star Adventure [ファンタシースターアドベンチャー], released on March 13th, 1992 for the Game Gear. This specific walkthrough covers HUEY'S ADVENTURE [ヒューイの冒険]. Huey Reane [ヒューイ・リーン] is known as Hugh Thompson in the English version of Phantasy Star II. Strange creatures are rumored to be stalking the halls of the Motavian University in Kvarts, Huey's alma mater. In the English version of Phantasy Star II, the planet Motavia is known as Mota. At the president's request, Huey comes to investigate. Huey's girlfriend, not-so-good friend, and others from his university days appear to keep things interesting. The eight compilations that made up the Phantasy Star II: Text Adventures was never released outside of Japan. And as of January 2010, these Adventures have been unofficially translated by M.I.J.E.T. and this walkthrough will follow their translation. I have also included the Japanese, so please encode this document in "Japanese (Shift-JIS)" to be able to view the Japanese. There are spoilers abound in this walkthrough, I have written it to tell the player how to beat this game. Due to that, there may be some areas I will skip as they serve no purpose toward getting to the end. Therefore to experience the most fulfillment out this game is to explore areas on your own and use this as a guide to help keep you on the right track. I hope you enjoy playing this game as much as I did! O=============================================================================O | [02] CONTROLS | O=============================================================================O Here are the description of the controls used. --------------------------------------------------------- | MEGA DRIVE CONTROL PAD | | --------------- _START_ | | | ^ | |_______| | | | . ------- . | | | | |__| |__| | _A_ _B_ _C_ | | |< |__ O __| >| SEGA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |___| |___| | | | . ------- . | | | | v | _______ TRIGGER | | --------------- __| |__ | |____________________| |____________________| +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | COMMAND | DETAILS | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Directional Pad | The directional pad allows you to navigate through | | | menus. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | START | The START button display the basic informational | | | How to Play [あそびかた] screen. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | A Button | The A TRIGGER button allows you to confirm your | | | selection and advance the message window. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | B Button | The B TRIGGER button allows you to cancel your | | | selection. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | C Button | The C TRIGGER button allows you to confirm your | | | selection and advance the message window. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ O=============================================================================O | [03] GAME MECHANICS | O=============================================================================O Here are the explanations of the main menu and battle system in this game. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAIN MENU | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o This is the main menu you'll be interacting with. ------------------------------------------- | ------------- ------------- ----------- | | | PHANTASY | | | | | | | | STAR II | | Huey | | * Move | | | | HUEY'S | | Reane | | * Look | | | | ADVENTURE | | | | * Take | | | ------------- ------------- | * Use | | | --------------------------- | * Drop | | | | HP XX AP XX XXX MST | | | | | --------------------------- ----------- | | --------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENG | DETAILS | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | HP | HP | Huey's Hit Points, this determines his health. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | AP | AP | Huey's Attack Points, this determines his strength. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | メセタ | MST | How much Meseta, the currency, Huey is carrying. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | いどうする | Move | Allows you to move Huey to the next location by | | | | selecting North, South, East, or West; or even Up or | | | | Down if you are utilizing a ladder/stairs/elevator. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | 見る | Look | Allows Huey to examine specific objects, people, or | | | | biomonsters. Also the "Look" command can uncover new | | | | objects or people for him to interact with. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | 取る | Take | Allows Huey to pick up specific objects. He can only | | | | carry up to six items at a time. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | 使う | Use | Allows Huey to use the items in his inventory on | | | | objects, people, or biomonsters. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | すてる | Drop | Allows Huey to discard items he no longer need. You | | | | can also pick back up the object in the location it | | | | was dropped off at if you still have access to it. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ When you select certain options above, you will be shown these new options: +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENGLISH | DETAILS | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何を見る | Look at... | Select a surrounding to view in detail. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | あたり | Local Area | View your current surrounding. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何を取る | Take what? | Select an item to be put into your inventory. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何を使う | Use what? | Select an item in your inventory to be used. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何に使う | ...on what? | Select an object you want to use this item on. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何をすてる | Drop what? | Drop an item in your inventory. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | BATTLE SYSTEM | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There are times where Huey will encounter biomonsters and they must be defeated in order to progress. They will be shown to the upper-left corner of the screen. To attack an enemy, you will have to select "Use" [使う], then choose a weapon currently in your inventory, and finally select the biomonster to use it on. Unfortunately, Huey cannot use his bare fists in battle, he must find weapons in order to battle. Each weapon have their own unique Attack Power [AP] value, the weakest will have an AP of 4, while the strongest will have an AP of 5. Whenever Huey or the biomonster attack, a six-sided dice will roll onto the screen. Huey's damage is displayed as the blue dice rolled from the right side, and the biomonster's damage is displayed as the red dice rolled from the left side. The amount of dice will increase depending on how strong the weapon or biomonster is. The amount of damage dealt is calculated by multiplying the AP by the amount rolled. However if the dice amount rolled is 5 or less, the attack will miss and no damage will be dealt. For example: If Huey attacks with the Metal Bat with 4 AP and the dice roll is 10, he will deal 4X10=40 points of damage to the biomonster. Once Huey's HP reaches 0, instead of a Game Over, instead he'll still be able to roam through the university as a "ghost". While he may be "invincible", it may cause the game to be buggy, therefore I would avoid exploiting this. Huey cannot restore his HP during battle. However if he needs healing, Huey will have to use the shock gun on the food servers at the lounge and cafeteria to obtain a dimate which will completely restore his HP. And this method can be used to basically supply yourself with an infinite amount of dimates. O=============================================================================O | [04] HOW TO PLAY | O=============================================================================O The title screen starts up with a gray background and an image of Huey and the biomonster, Petite Flower, in the center, the text around it reads "PHANTASY STAR II: HUEY'S ADVENTURE". Press the START button to begin the game. It shows you a green screen which tells you how to play this game. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | HOW TO PLAY [あそびかた] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o 1. Controls A / C: Select B: Cancel A+B+C: Reset Game (this screen only) 2. The Display HP : Hit Points AP : Attack Points MST: Meseta (money) 3. The "Use" Command There are two kinds of objects: those that can be taken, and those that can't. You can only use items that are in your possession. 4. Combat When engaged in battle, "use" your weapon on your opponent. There may also be situations where you can win without using weapons. When you press the START button again, you will be shown the prologue. O=============================================================================O | [05] PROLOGUE | O=============================================================================O The prologue narrates the time and location of HUEY'S ADVENTURE: Time : 1284 A.W., Summer Place : Kvarts City, on the planet Motavia Character: Huey His name was Huey, and he lived in Kvarts, a small college town not far from Paseo. At the heart of the city, he conducted genetic engineering research at the local branch of the Motavian University. Summertime was just around the corner that morning, yet Kvarts City was still enjoying cool weather, being situated on a plateau. Huey was drifting off to sleep while enjoying the pleasant breezes coming through the window when the visiphone rang. It was the president of the university. Apparently an incident had occurred at the school and he wanted to discuss the details in person. Huey scrambled out of bed and headed for campus. Thus starts HUEY'S ADVENTURE. O=============================================================================O | [06] WALKTHROUGH | O=============================================================================O Huey must investigate an incident at the Motavian University... o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CENTRAL AVENUE [中央通り] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Huey starts off at the main street of Kvarts City, a highway extends northward. We need to head for the Motavian University, so select "Move" [いどうする], press the up directional key to "North", and press the A button to move north. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CROSSROADS [分かれ道] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a street sign here, examine it by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Sign" [表示板]. It tells you that the university's campus is to the east and the energy center is to the west. Going to the west is futile since the guard there will state that you have no business there. Therefore select "Move" [いどうする] and go "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | FRONT GATE [正門] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a huge gym to the south and the entrance to the campus proper to the north. There are also students gathering by a flower bed made of synthetic plants that Huey himself cultivated in a lab. Select "Look" [見る] and "Students" [学生たち], and they will tell Huey about the rumors going around such as noises have been heard coming from the gym when no one is inside, and metalball equipment have been moved on its own will. Is this university haunted? We'll have to see what the president has to say. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LOBBY [ロビー] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o To the back sits the receptionist. Select "Look" [見る] and "Receptionist" [お姉さん] to learn that the president is waiting for him on the second floor upstairs. Before we start exploring the university, let's see what the president has to say, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "Up". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT'S OFFICE [学長室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There are some awards and trophies, and the president is sitting behind a large desk. You can check out the accolades by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Awards" [表彰状] and "Trophies" [トロフィ] to see the many accomplishments of this university. Then when you're finished, speak with the president by selecting "Look" [見る] and "President" [学長]. He tells you that rumors are circulating about a strange creature being loose on campus. While he doesn't know if these rumors are true, however he doesn't want to wait for an incident to occur. He leaves Huey to study this creature and wants him to investigate this matter. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "Down". Time for Huey to play detective! o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LOBBY [ロビー] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Start by checking out the hallways, select "Move" [いどうする] and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | HALLWAY [ろうか] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a cafeteria to the north and a shop to the south. First let's enter the cafeteria, select "Move" [いどうする] and "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | STUDENT CAFETERIA [学生食堂] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o To the east is the kitchen, it is necessary to enter there. There is a Meal A on a table and Rita Partridge [リタ・パートリッジ], Huey's girlfriend, waving at him from across the tables. Let's talk to our girlfriend by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Rita" [リタ]. She tells Huey that she hasn't seen any strange creature, but she wants to give him a new kind of flower she has been working on. How sweet of her. Let's enter the kitchen by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | HALLWAY [ろうか] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o We don't have enough money to purchase the goods at the shop to the south, so let's head further down the hall by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "East". The hallway continues to the south and there is a classroom to the east, let's enter the classroom by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CLASSROOM [教室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Loyd, one of Huey's buddies, is reading to himself. There is a storage room to the north and a metal bat can be seen. Talk to Loyd by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Loyd" [ロイド]. He tells Huey that he's seen a small shadow in the gym basement, then he reminds Huey he still owe him 50 Meseta. Pick up the Metal Bat on the floor by selecting "Take" [取る] and "Metal Bat" [メタルバット]. Now we have our first weapon! There is nothing to the north for now, so let's exit the classroom. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | HALLWAY [ろうか] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South" to go further down the hallway. There is a classroom to the east and the hallway continues more down south, let's enter the other classroom by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CLASSROOM [教室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a large locker against the back wall, open it by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Locker" [ロッカー]. A pair of pince-nez eyeglasses will fall on the floor. Pick them up by selecting "Take" [取る] and "Pince-nez" [鼻メガネ]. Huey note that these glasses would be useful as a disguise. There is nothing else here, so select "Move" [いどうする] and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | HALLWAY [ろうか] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South" to go further down the hallway. There is a research center to the east, but everything is locked there. There is a stairway leading down to the power section. Head downstairs by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "Down". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | POWER SECTION ENTRANCE [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a guard standing in front of the entrance. Select "Look" [見る] and "Guard" [ガードマン], he warns you he is not to allow anyone to come inside. Well, that's no problem because Huey always have his ID card on hi-- crap! Since Huey left in such a hurry, he forgot to bring it. Oh well... Maybe we should check up on Rita again. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "Up", "North", "North", "West", and "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | STUDENT CAFETERIA [学生食堂] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Rita" [リタ], and she lends Huey her ID card. Select "Look" [見る] and "ID Card" [IDカード] to see that it is made out of razor-thin plastic. You could suffer a papercut or even lose a finger with this. Yikes!! Did I mention it even doubles as a weapon? That's crazy! But unfortunately for Huey, there is no way he's going to get past the guard as a "Rita". Let's check out the shadow in the gym basement that Loyd was talking about. Exit by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "South", "West", "South", and "South" to the gymnasium exterior. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GYMNASIUM EXTERIOR [体育館前] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Loitering around the entrance are a man named Rody and his gang, whom all view Huey as an enemy. Huey would rather not have a confrontation with them, but to learn more about their bad blood. Select "Look" [見る] and "Rody" [ロディ] to learn that Rody and his gang have been bullying Huey because they resent the fact he's on good terms with Rita, the most beautiful girl in school. But we need to get past them, let's try out our disguise. Select "Use" [使う] and "Pince-nez" [鼻メガネ], Huey will automatically walk by Rody's gang wearing the disguise. Huey scares off the gang, and they have no intention of picking a fight with him. We're done with the pince-nez eyeglasses, select "Drop" [すてる] and "Pince-nez" [鼻メガネ]. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "Down". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GYMNASIUM [体育館] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a notice here, examine it by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Sign" [表示板]. It reads, "Unauthorized personnel are strictly prohibited from entering the auxiliary reactor room." We all know that means we should definitely enter inside! Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | AUXILIARY REACTOR ROOM [副動力室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a small reactor here, select "Look" [見る] and "Reactor" [副動力炉]. The reactor seems to be functioning normally, but what's this, one of the power lines has been torn off. Let's take a closer look at it, select "Look" [見る] and "Power Lines" [動力パイプ]. Then we will engage in our first battle! The Petite Flower only has 50 HP, 1 AP, and deals damage with 2 dice. You have two weapons to choose from: The metal bat or the ID card. The ID card deals more damage with an AP of 5, so I suggest to use that. Start your first battle by selecting "Use" [使う], then "Metal Bat" [メタルバット] or "ID Card" [IDカード], and "Petite Flower" [プチフラワー]. After the Petite Flower is defeated, a key will fall out of its innards. Select "Take" [取る] and "Key" [カギ] to pick it up, "Biology Group" is inscribed upon it. Then the Petite Flower suddenly starts moving again, but it vanishes into a small fissure in the floor. We'll need to head toward the Research Department. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North", "North", "North", "North", "East", "East", "South", "South", and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | ENTRANCE TO RESEARCH DEPARTMENT [研究区画・入口] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There are doors to the north and south, and also a key box is here. Examine the northern door by selecting "Look" [見る] and "North Door" [北のドア] to read that it leads to Ralph's laboratory, it's locked. Examine the southern door by selecting "Look" [見る] and "South Door" [南のドア] to read that it leads to Huey's laboratory, it's locked as well. Fortunately for us, the key we pick up earlier unlocks these doors. Select "Use" [使う], then "Key" [カギ] and "North Door" [北のドア]; and once more, select "Use" [使う], then "Key" [カギ] and "South Door" [南のドア]. Then Huey will return the key back to it's rightful place in the key box. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | RALPH'S LAB [ラルフ・研究室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Ralph, one of Huey's friends, is here absorbed in his experiment involving a gene synthesizer. Select "Look" [見る] and "Ralph" [ラルフ] to learn more about him. Ralph hints that the guard at the power station really loves manjuu buns which gives Huey an idea. You can also check out his work by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Synthesizer" [シンセサイザー]. Leave and let's enter the southern door by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "South" and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | HUEY'S LAB [ヒューイ・研究室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Experiment" [実験システム] to learn more about what Huey does here. And also select "Look" [見る] and "Monitor" [モニター] to learn that there is too much power. Let's pick up Huey's lab coat by selecting "Take" [取る] and "Lab Coat" [白衣]. As he does this, a Mad Flower, an evolved form of the Petite Flower, emerges. The Mad Flower only has 50 HP, 1 AP, and deals damage with 3 dice. Select "Use" [使う], then "Metal Bat" [メタルバット] or "ID Card" [IDカード], and "Mad Flower" [マッドフラワー]. After the Mad Flower is defeated, it will escape to the basement. Not again! Select "Take" [取る] and "Lab Coat" [白衣] again. Huey will find 40 Meseta in the pockets, now he will have 60 Meseta. Now we can deal with that guard. Also if you select "Use" [使う] and "Lab Coat" [白衣], Huey will wear it and his defense will increase. Now you will take 1d less damage from monsters. We're now going to enter the shop, select "Move" [いどうする] and "North", "West", "North", "North", "West", and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SHOP [売店] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The counter here is practically overflowing with Motavian manjuu buns. Select "Look" [見る] and "Cashier" [店員], Huey will hand over 40 Meseta and receive a manjuu bun in return. Now we can get past that pesky guard, select "Move" [いどうする] and "North", "East", "South", "South", and "Down". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | POWER SECTION ENTRANCE [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Use" [使う], then "Manjuu Bun" [まんじゅう] and "Guard" [ガードマン]. Immediately the guard takes the bait and let Huey through. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o To the south is the dust chute, an useless area which has a Super DX Gun stuck inside a hole there, but it is nothing more than a red herring. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "East". To the north is the security room and south is the lounge. There is nothing useful in the lounge right now, so select "Move" [いどうする] and "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SECURITY ROOM [警備室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Check out the surveillance monitors by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Monitors" [監視モニター] to notice that there are some fuzzy reception coming from the transformer room. You could pick up the stun baton by selecting "Take" [取る] and "Stun Baton" [警棒], but it doesn't serve any purpose in this game. So it's just best to leave it be. Exit by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "South" and "East" to go deeper into the passageway. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The passageway continues to the north, east is the janitor's closet, and south is the temperature control room. The temperature control room is another useless area. Let's go north by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "North". Huey suspects a monster may be lurking around. Start by taking the mop by selecting "Take" [取る] and "Mop" [モップ]. Let's go back and head for the janitor's closet. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South" and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | JANITOR'S CLOSET [用具室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Ceiling" [天井], Huey takes notice of the vent in the center of the ceiling. Select "Look" [見る] and "Vent" [換気口] to see that there is something inside. We're going to reach it by using our mop, select "Use" [使う], then "Mop" [モップ] and "Vent" [換気口]. Huey will start poking at it and a shock gun will fall out. Yes, we got ourselves another weapon and it's stronger than your metal bat and ID card! Select "Take" [取る] and "Shock Gun" [ショックガン]. As you pick this up, it gives you a huge hint on what this can be used for. We're now done with the mop, select "Drop" [すてる] and "Mop" [モップ]. Now select "Move" [いどうする] and "West", "West", and "South" to enter the lounge. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LOUNGE [休憩室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Server" [サーバー], this food server dispenses food, but it would only work if you have a security guard's ID card. Since that also means Rita's ID card is useless here, let's do some vandalizing, shall we? Select "Use" [使う], then "Shock Gun" [ショックガン] and "Server" [サーバー], a dimate will fall out. Select "Take" [取る] and "Dimate" [ディメイト], then select "Use" [使う] and "Dimate" [ディメイト]. Huey's HP will be completely restored. You can use the shock gun on the food server to basically give yourself an infinite supply of dimates. However Huey can only carry one dimate at a time. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "North", "East", "North", and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o This place makes Huey feel uneasy, you can tell a battle is coming near. Go forth, select "Move" [いどうする] and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRANSFORMER ROOM [変電室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o These large tentacles mark the appearance of Crazy Wire [クレイジーワイヤー], an unfortunately name for such a biological terror. Also if you want to see a funny scene, try selecting "Use" [使う], then "Mop" [モップ] or anything else that is not a weapon or disguise, and "Crazy Wire" [クレイジー]. The only damage done would be toward Huey's ego. Ha! The Crazy Wire only has 50 HP, 1 AP, and deals damage with 4 dice or 3 dice if you have the lab coat equipped. Select "Use" [使う], then choose the "Shock Gun" [ショックガン], and "Crazy Wire" [クレイジー]. After the Crazy Wire is defeated, it will yank its tentacles back into the wall. Now you can explore deeper, select "Move" [いどうする] and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "Down". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CONTROL ROOM [制御室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There's an operator here huddling. Select "Look" [見る] and "Operator" [係員], and then select "Look" [見る] and "Monitors" [監視モニター] to see that there is something unnatural moving around the reactor room. Let's get down to the bottom of this! Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | REACTOR ROOM [動力室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o How lovely, there is a Kiith Flower wrecking havoc here, and not to mention the Crazy Wire was just one part of this giant monster's body! The Kiith Flower will absorb the energy from the shock gun to grow stronger. While your metal bat and ID card can damage it, the Kiith Flower is invincible as long as it is connected to the reactor. Do not bother to attack it, but rather select "Look" [見る] and "Power Lines" [動力パイプ]. Huey notices the power lines run through the Kiith Flower's body, but he would need a knife to cut the lines. Well, we do have something just as sharp, select "Use" [使う], then "ID Card" [IDカード] and "Power Lines" [動力パイプ]. Huey will sever the lines and the weaken Kiith Flower will escape through the ceiling. Damn those pesky flowers. We're done here in the power section, let's report our findings to the president. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North", "East", "Up", "North", "West", "West", "South", "West", "West", "North", "Up", "North", "North", "West", "West", and "Up". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT'S OFFICE [学長室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "President" [学長], considering that the creature is evolving, it would try to attack the main energy center. He will make the necessary arrangements for you so that you can enter there. He wants you to continue on your investigation and sends you off. Let's say goodbye to our girlfriend and rival before we go, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "Down", "East", and "North" o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | STUDENT CAFETERIA [学生食堂] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Rita" [リタ], and she wishes him well. Let's see our good pal, Rody, by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and go "South", "West", "South", and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GYMNASIUM EXTERIOR [体育館前] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Rody" [ロディ], he will look after Rita while you give those plants hell. Now let's start heading toward the main energy center, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North", "West", and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAIN ENTRANCE [正面玄関] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Guard" [守衛], he'll let Huey pass through. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LOBBY [ロビー] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Nothing to do here. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | OFFICE [オフィス] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o You can speak with the clerks, select "Look" [見る] and "Clerks" [事務員]. Too bad they won't pay you any mind even when there is a threat in the building. Ignore them and select "Move" [いどうする] and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRESSING ROOM [更衣室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Jackpot! Uh, I mean, select "Look" [見る] and "Poster" [貼り紙]. You know that's just begging you to start peeking, you peeping tom you! Select "Look" [見る] and "Curtain" [カーテン] to see that there is is someone behind the curtain. If you want to see another funny scene, select "Look" [見る] and "Shower" [カーテンの奥]. Huey will get pelted on by angry female employees who were bathing and he'll lose 5 HP in the process. If you have less than 5 HP, it'll cause the game to get buggy so it's best to use a dimate beforehand. Or just ignore it altogether. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North" and "South". This will send us back again into the dressing room. Why? Select "Look" [見る] and "Shower" [カーテンの奥]. Now there won't be any shrieking girls, but there is a bottle of shampoo here. Select "Take" [取る] and "Shampoo" [シャンプー]. That's all we came here for, so let's leave and go further in this building. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "North" and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o To the south is a cafeteria where you can get yourself a dimate [ディメイト] by using the shock gun [ショックガン] on the food server [サーバー] like back at the lounge. I suggest using up a dimate if you are not at full 50 HP. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SECRETARY'S OFFICE [秘書室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Secretary" [ロボット秘書] to talk to the robotic secretary, but it offers no advice. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHIEF'S OFFICE [所長室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o You can talk to the chief by selecting "Look" [見る] and "Chief" [所長], but he basically kicks you out because "they have things situated". Yeah, right! Continue further by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and go "East", "South", and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o We'll head south into the control room later, for now, head toward the main reactor. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | FIRST SHUTTER [第1シャッター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Switch" [スイッチ], you would need to swipe an ID card to get through it. Since Rita's ID card don't work here, you might have to jolt your way through. Select "Use" [使う], then "Shock Gun" [ショックガン] and "Switch" [スイッチ]. Huey will use the shock gun on the wall switch and the shutter opens! Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SECOND SHUTTER [第2シャッター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Another shutter, another switch. You know what to do here. Select "Use" [使う], then "Shock Gun" [ショックガン] and "Switch" [スイッチ]. Now select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | THIRD SHUTTER [第3シャッター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o This is really getting annoying!! Select "Use" [使う], then "Shock Gun" [ショックガン] and "Switch" [スイッチ]. Now select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAIN REACTOR ROOM [メイン動力室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Seems our good floral friend is back and this time it is back with a vengeance as the Crisis Flower [クライシスフラワー]. Like with the Kiith Flower, you cannot do any damage to the Crisis Flower. And the power lines in here are way too thick to be cut through, not to mention it might even cause the reactor to meltdown. To figure out its weakness, select "Look" [見る] and "Reactor" [動力炉] for a clue on what to do next. Let's see the chief about this. Don't bother attacking it and retreat for now, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "East", "East", "East", "East", "East", "North", and "West". Also note that as you retreat, tentacles from the Crisis Flower will start to poke out. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHIEF'S OFFICE [所長室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Damn, that chief cleared out fast! All that's left is that giant desk of his. Select "Look" [見る] and "Desk" [机] to find the control key abandoned here. Select "Take" [取る] and "Control Key" [制御キー], now we have to access the control room. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "East", "South", and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o To access the control room to the south, you have to get past the Crisis Flower's Tentacles. The tentacle only has 50 HP, 1 AP, and deals damage with 4 dice or 3 dice if you have the lab coat equipped. Select "Use" [使う], then "Shock Gun" [ショックガン], and "Tentacle" [触手]. After the Tentacle is defeated, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CONTROL ROOM [制御室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The tentacles are back. Kill it by selecting "Use" [使う], then "Shock Gun" [ショックガン], and "Tentacle" [触手]. Or you can ignore it altogether, though I find it easier to kill it so you can focus on the story. Let's juice up this baby! Select "Use" [使う], then "Control Key" [制御キー] and "Console" [操作盤]. As Huey turns the key to generate more power, the key will eventually break. CRAP! Now what to do? Don't we have anything else that is hexagonal in shape like the key? Why, yes, we actually do! Select "Use" [使う], then "Shampoo" [シャンプー] and "Console" [操作盤]. [Note that the key must break first in order for the shampoo to work.] Huey will watch the creature mutate on the monitor and explode, leaving behind a beautiful shower of petals. That is when Huey suddenly recognizes this was actually the new species of flowers he was working on... Whoops!! o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAIN ENTRANCE [正面玄関] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o A crowd appeared before Huey: the president, his enemy, his friend, his girlfriend, and basically everyone from the university. Select "Look" [見る] and "Rita" [リタ], she then slaps him really hard. Of course her and the whole school is angry because this whole fiasco was all Huey's fault. Aw, poor him! The End Copyright 1990 SEGA Huey's story has ended and now the rest of his journey can be followed up in Phantasy Star II. Congratulations, you've beaten HUEY'S ADVENTURE! O=============================================================================O | [07] MAP | O=============================================================================O Here are the map of the locations you will be visiting. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAP #1: MOTAVIAN UNIVERSITY AND POWER SECTION | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEGEND: "||" for North/South, "=" for East/West, "^^" for Up/Down | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [PO] [SC] = [KI] [ST] ^^ || || [LO] = [HW] = [HW] = [CR] || || || [ME] = [CR] = [FG] [SP] [HW] = [CR] [RL] || || || || || [M2] [CA] [GE] [HW] ======== [RD] ^^ || || [GY] = [ZG] [HW] [HL] || ^^ [AX] [PS] [SR] [PW] = [PW] = [TR] || || || || [PW] = [PW] = [PW] = [JC] [PW] || || || ^^ [DC] [LO] [TC] [PW] = [CO] || [RR] +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | XX | LOCATION | XX | LOCATION | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | CA | Central Avenue [中央通り] | CR | Crossroads [分かれ道] | | FG | Front Gate [正門] | GE | Gymnasium Exterior [体育館前] | | LO | Lobby [ロビー] | HW | Hallway [ろうか] | | SC | Student Cafeteria [学生食堂] | KI | Kitchen [調理場] | | SP | Shop [売店] | CR | Classroom [教室] | | ST | Storage Room [物置] | GY | Gymnasium [体育館] | | ZG | Zero-G Exercise Room | AX | Auxiliary Reactor Room | | | [無重力運動室] | | [副動力室] | | PO | University President's Office | RD | Entrance to Research Department | | | [学長室] | | [研究区画・入口] | | RL | Ralph's Lab [ラルフ・研究室] | HL | Huey's Lab [ヒューイ・研究室] | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | PS | Power Section Entrance [通路] | PW | Passageway [通路] | | DC | Dust Chute [ダストシュート] | SR | Security Room [警備室] | | LO | Lounge [休憩室] | JC | Janitor's Closet [用具室] | | TC | Temperature Control [冷却室] | TR | Transformer Room [変電室] | | CO | Control Room [制御室] | RR | Reactor Room [動力室] | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | ME | Main Entrance [正面玄関] | M2 | Go to Map #2, start at [LO] | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAP #2: MAIN ENERGY CENTER | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEGEND: "||" for North/South, "=" for East/West, "^^" for Up/Down | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [CO] = [SO] [M1] || || [MR] = [TS] = [SS] = [FS] = [PW] = [PW] = [OF] = [LO] || || || [CR] [CA] [DR] +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | XX | LOCATION | XX | LOCATION | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | M1 | Go to Map #1, start at [ME] | LO | Lobby [ロビー] | | OF | Office [オフィス] | DR | Dressing Room [更衣室] | | PW | Passageway [通路] | CA | Cafeteria [食堂] | | SO | Secretary's Office [秘書室] | CO | Chief's Office [所長室] | | CR | Control Room [制御室] | FS | First Shutter [第1シャッター] | | SS | Second Shutter [第2シャッター] | TS | Third Shutter [第3シャッター] | | MR | Main Reactor Room | | | | | [メイン動力室] | | | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ O=============================================================================O | [08] INVENTORY | O=============================================================================O Here are the listing of the items you will acquire with during your gameplay and their usage, sorted by alphabetical order. [CONTROL KEY (制御キー):] ・ DETAILS: The key to the reactor is in the form of a hexagonal rod. ・ OBTAIN : Chief's Office, after meeting the Crisis Flower. ・ USAGE : Use it on the console in the control room. [DIMATE (ディメイト):] ・ DETAILS: This medicine recovers one's vitality. ・ OBTAIN : Lounge, use the shock gun on the food server machine. ・ USAGE : Completely restores Huey's HP. [ID CARD (IDカード):] ・ DETAILS: Rita's portrait and statistics are printed on it. The card is made out of razor-thin plastic. If not handled carefully, it could sever a finger! ・ OBTAIN : Student cafeteria, borrowed from Rita after talking to the guard at the power section entrance. ・ USAGE : Allows Huey to battle biomonsters. [KEY (カギ):] ・ DETAILS: "Biology Group" is inscribed upon it. ・ OBTAIN : Auxiliary reactor room, after defeating the Petite Flower. ・ USAGE : Unlocks Ralph's lab and Huey's lab in the research department. [LAB COAT (白衣):] ・ DETAILS: Huey habitually wears this lab coat. ・ OBTAIN : Huey's Lab, after defeating the Mad Flower. ・ USAGE : Wearing this will increase your defense. [MANJUU BUN (まんじゅう):] ・ DETAILS: It is stuffed full of bean jam. ・ OBTAIN : Shop. Hand over 40 Meseta to the cashier. ・ USAGE : Use it on the guard to gain access to the power section. [METAL BAT (メタルバット):] ・ DETAILS: It's a highly durable bat used to play metalball. Capable of returning pitches at speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour, it also makes a decent weapon. ・ OBTAIN : Classroom, on the floor next to Loyd. ・ USAGE : Allows Huey to battle biomonsters. [MOP (モップ):] ・ DETAILS: The head of the mop is in tatters, and the extra-long wooden handle is decaying. ・ OBTAIN : Passageway, on the floor. ・ USAGE : Use it on the vent in the janitor's closet to gain access to the shock gun. [PINCE-NEZ EYEGLASSES (鼻メガネ):] ・ DETAILS: A novelty item: fake plastic spectacles that clip to the nose. They might be useful as a disguise. ・ OBTAIN : Classroom, open the locker and they will fall out onto the floor. ・ USAGE : Allows Huey to sneak by Rody in the gymnasium exterior. [SHAMPOO (シャンプー):] ・ DETAILS: This bottle shape is in vogue: long, thin, and hexagonal. ・ OBTAIN : Dressing room, enter the dressing room twice in order to find it behind the shower curtain. ・ USAGE : Use it on the console in the control room after the control key breaks. [SHOCK GUN (ショックガン):] ・ DETAILS: A self-defense item capable of causing a high-voltage shock. Huey recalled that one of his childhood friends would use these things on vending machines. It would cause the circuitry to malfunction, allowing him to steal soft drinks. ・ OBTAIN : Janitor's closet, use the mop on the vent for it to fall out. ・ USAGE : Allows Huey to battle biomonsters, and can be used to get dimates from the food server machine in the lounge. [STUN BATON (警棒):] ・ DETAILS: It causes paralysis by electrifying the target with a high level of current. At the highest setting, it makes for a very reliable weapon. ・ OBTAIN : Security room, on the floor. ・ USAGE : This item has no use in this game. O=============================================================================O | [09] EQUIPMENT | O=============================================================================O Here are the listing of the equipments you can use, sorted by their strength. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | WEAPONS | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o +--------------+-----------+----+-------+-------------------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENGLISH | AP | DMG | LOCATION | +--------------+-----------+----+-------+-------------------------------------+ | メタルバット | Metal Bat | 4 | 2d6X4 | Classroom. | +--------------+-----------+----+-------+-------------------------------------+ | IDカード | ID Card | 5 | 2d6X5 | Student Cafeteria. | +--------------+-----------+----+-------+-------------------------------------+ | ショックガン | Shock Gun | 5 | 3d6X5 | Janitor's Closet. | +--------------+-----------+----+-------+-------------------------------------+ o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | ARMOR | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o +----------+----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENGLISH | DEFENSE | LOCATION | +----------+----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | 白衣 | Lab Coat | -1d Damage | Huey's Lab. | +----------+----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ O=============================================================================O | [10] BESTIARY | O=============================================================================O Here are the listing of the biomonsters, sorted by their appearance. +--------------------+---------------+-----+----+-------+---------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENGLISH | HP | AP | DMG | LOCATION | +--------------------+---------------+-----+----+-------+---------------------+ | プチフラワー | Petite Flower | 50 | 1 | 2d6X1 | Auxiliary Reactor | | | | | | | Room. | +--------------------+---------------+-----+----+-------+---------------------+ | マッドフラワー | Mad Flower | 50 | 1 | 3d6X1 | Huey's Lab. | +--------------------+---------------+-----+----+-------+---------------------+ | クレイジーワイヤー | Crazy Wire | 50 | 1 | 4d6X1 | Transformer Room. | +--------------------+---------------+-----+----+-------+---------------------+ | キースフラワー | Kiith Flower | --- | 1 | 5d6X1 | Reactor Room. | +--------------------+---------------+-----+----+-------+---------------------+ | クライシスフラワー | Crisis Flower | --- | 1 | 6d6X1 | Main Reactor Room. | +--------------------+---------------+-----+----+-------+---------------------+ | 触手 | Tentacles | 50 | 1 | 4d6X1 | Main Reactor Room. | +--------------------+---------------+-----+----+-------+---------------------+ O=============================================================================O | [11] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | O=============================================================================O Here are the questions that most players often ask. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GENERAL QUESTIONS | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [Q: DO I NEED TO PLAY PHANTASY STAR II IN ORDER TO PLAY THE TEXT ADVENTURES?] キ A: Not really since the events of the Text Adventures takes place months or years before Phantasy Star II. This is to let you know about their individual backgrounds and how they were before they teamed together. [Q: DOES HUEY'S CLASSMATES MAKE AN APPEARANCE IN OTHER PHANTASY STAR GAMES?] キ A: They only appear in Phantasy Star II: Text Adventure - HUEY'S ADVENTURE. They are not shown in the actual Phantasy Star II game. [Q: HOW LONG IS THIS GAME?] キ A: About 1 to 2 hours long. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GAMEPLAY QUESTIONS | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [Q: IS THERE A WAY TO INCREASE HUEY'S MAXIMUM HP?] ・ A: You cannot, Huey's health always stay at 50 HP. [Q: WHY I CANNOT TAKE CERTAIN OBJECTS WITH ME?] ・ A: Huey is only allowed to carry up to six item at a time. Once he carries exactly six items and you try to pick up an item, you will get the message: "You can't carry anymore." [取れる物はありません。] Thus you will have to drop items if you want to pick up new objects. [Q: HOW MUCH MESETA AM I SUPPOSED TO FIND IN THE LAB COAT?] ・ A: According to three of the Japanese walkthroughs for HUEY'S ADVENTURE, they state there was supposed to be 100 Meseta in the coat pockets. However in the translated patch supplied by M.I.J.E.T., he will only able to find 40 Meseta. I don't know if this was intentional. [Q: HOW DO I PICK UP THE SUPER DX GUN IN THE DUST CHUTE?] ・ A: The Super DX Gun is a red herring, you cannot grab this item at all. You can try to use your mop on it, but it'll fall into the incinerator. [Q: HOW DO YOU GET HUEY'S HP TO 99 AS SHOWN ON M.I.J.E.T.'S WEBSITE?] ・ A: Through hacking, this same screenshot also shows Huey using the Super DX Gun which is an item not possible to obtain in the game. [Q: HOW DO I PAY BACK LOYD'S DEBT?] ・ A: You cannot. It's just a plot device used to give Huey more character. Even when you have 50 Meseta on you, Loyd won't take it. [Q: WHERE CAN I USE RITA'S ID CARD AT?] ・ A: Rita's ID card is meant to be used as a weapon. If you need to access something with an ID card, it's best to use your shock gun. [Q: HOW MANY ENDINGS DOES THIS GAME HAVE?] キ A: There is only one ending to this game. O=============================================================================O | [12] REVISION HISTORY | O=============================================================================O ・ v01.00 [01/20/10] = Created this guide. O=============================================================================O | [13] LEGAL INFORMATION | O=============================================================================O [AUTHOR:] ・ This document is copyrighted (c) 2010 by Lynn Brown A.K.A. enigmaopoeia. ・ If you have any information you would like to submit to this document, send an e-mail to "enigmaopoeia[at]gmail[dot]com". I will include your submission in the next update with proper credit given. Also due to my busy schedule, I am unable to reply to every e-mail I receive. [DISCLAIMER:] ・ The latest version of this document can always be found at GameFAQs. This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ・ Phantasy Star II (c) SEGA of America, Inc. O=============================================================================O | [14] SPECIAL THANKS | O=============================================================================O My thanks to the following below who contributed to this document! ・ GameFAQs @ http://www.gamefaqs.com for hosting my guides. ・ Rebecca Capowski @ http://home.att.net/~RCgamusic/trans.htm for her translations. ・ M.I.J.E.T. @ http://mijet.eludevisibility.org for translating the game. ・ Milktea @ http://www15.ocn.ne.jp/~milktea/index.html for their walkthrough. ・ NAK @ http://freett.com/naknak for their walkthrough. ・ Wepon's Game Land @ http://urawa.cool.ne.jp/wepon for their walkthrough. I also want to thank you for reading this guide! ===============================================================================