=============================================================================== PHANTASY STAR II: SHILKA'S ADVENTURE - WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ・ Version 01.00 [01/23/10]. ・ This document is copyrighted (c) 2010 by Lynn Brown A.K.A. enigmaopoeia. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3667.html O=============================================================================O | [00] TABLE OF CONTENTS | O=============================================================================O ・ [01] INTRODUCTION ・ [02] CONTROLS ・ [03] GAME MECHANICS ・ [04] HOW TO PLAY ・ [05] PROLOGUE ・ [06] WALKTHROUGH ・ [07] MAP ・ [08] INVENTORY ・ [09] EQUIPMENT ・ [10] BESTIARY ・ [11] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ・ [12] REVISION HISTORY ・ [13] LEGAL INFORMATION ・ [14] SPECIAL THANKS [NOTE: Please use CTRL + F to navigate through my guide better!] O=============================================================================O | [01] INTRODUCTION | O=============================================================================O Phantasy Star II: Text Adventures [ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャー] was a compilation of eight games based around the main characters before the events of Phantasy Star II, they were released around 1990 and 1991 for the SEGA MegaNet. Later SHILKA'S, AMIA'S, HUEY'S, and EUSIS'S ADVENTURES were included in Game no Kandzume VOL. 1 [ゲームのかんづめ VOL. 1] and NEI'S, RUDGER'S, KINDS'S, and ANNE'S ADVENTURES were included in Game no Kandzume VOL. 2 [ゲームのかんづめ VOL. 2] both released on March 18th, 1994 for the Mega CD. All eight games were included in SEGA AGES 2500 Series Vol. 32: Phantasy Star Complete Collection [SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.32 ファンタシースター コンプリートコレクション] for the PlayStation 2. The text adventure concept is also used in Phantasy Star Adventure [ファンタシースターアドベンチャー], released on March 13th, 1992 for the Game Gear. This specific walkthrough covers SHILKA'S ADVENTURE [シルカの冒険]. Shilka Levinia [シルカ・レビニア] is known as Shir Gold in the English version of Phantasy Star II and the setting takes place on the planet Motavia known as Mota in the English version of Phantasy Star II. Shilka is the greatest thief in the world. Her next prize is the masterpiece "Opa Opa". I wonder if she can really pull it off? Includes hang-glider action (among other things), but is this strange, flashy behavior ladylike? The eight compilations that made up the Phantasy Star II: Text Adventures was never released outside of Japan. And as of January 2010, four out of the eight Adventures have been unofficially translated by M.I.J.E.T. and this walkthrough will follow their translation. I have also included the Japanese, so please encode this document in "Japanese (Shift-JIS)" to be able to view the Japanese. There are spoilers abound in this walkthrough, I have written it to tell the player how to beat this game. Due to that, there may be some areas I will skip as they serve no purpose toward getting to the end. Therefore to experience the most fulfillment out this game is to explore areas on your own and use this as a guide to help keep you on the right track. I hope you enjoy playing this game as much as I did! O=============================================================================O | [02] CONTROLS | O=============================================================================O Here are the description of the controls used. --------------------------------------------------------- | MEGA DRIVE CONTROL PAD | | --------------- _START_ | | | ^ | |_______| | | | . ------- . | | | | |__| |__| | _A_ _B_ _C_ | | |< |__ O __| >| SEGA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |___| |___| | | | . ------- . | | | | v | _______ TRIGGER | | --------------- __| |__ | |____________________| |____________________| +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | COMMAND | DETAILS | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Directional Pad | The directional pad allows you to navigate through | | | menus. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | START | The START button display the basic informational | | | How to Play [あそびかた] screen. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | A Button | The A TRIGGER button allows you to confirm your | | | selection and advance the message window. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | B Button | The B TRIGGER button allows you to cancel your | | | selection. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | C Button | The C TRIGGER button allows you to confirm your | | | selection and advance the message window. | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ O=============================================================================O | [03] GAME MECHANICS | O=============================================================================O Here are the explanations of the main menu and battle system in this game. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAIN MENU | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o This is the main menu you'll be interacting with. ------------------------------------------- | ------------- ------------- ----------- | | | PHANTASY | | | | | | | | STAR II | | Shilka | | * Move | | | | SHILKA'S | | Levinia | | * Look | | | | ADVENTURE | | | | * Take | | | ------------- ------------- | * Use | | | --------------------------- | * Drop | | | | HP XX AP XX | | | | | --------------------------- ----------- | | --------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENG | DETAILS | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | HP | HP | Shilka's Hit Points, this determines her health. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | AP | AP | Shilka's Attack Points, this determines her strength. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | いどうする | Move | Allows you to move Shilka to the next location by | | | | selecting North, South, East, or West; or even Up or | | | | Down if you are utilizing a ladder/stairs/elevator. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | 見る | Look | Allows Shilka to examine specific objects, people, or | | | | biomonsters. Also the "Look" command can uncover new | | | | objects or people for her to interact with. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | 取る | Take | Allows Shilka to pick up specific objects. She can | | | | only carry up to six items at a time. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | 使う | Use | Allows Shilka to use the items in her inventory on | | | | objects, people, or biomonsters. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | すてる | Drop | Allows Shilka to discard items she no longer need. | | | | You can also pick back up the object in the location | | | | it was dropped off at if you still have access to it. | +------------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+ When you select certain options above, you will be shown these new options: +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENGLISH | DETAILS | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何を見る | Look at... | Select a surrounding to view in detail. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | あたり | Local Area | View your current surrounding. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何を取る | Take what? | Select an item to be put into your inventory. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何を使う | Use what? | Select an item in your inventory to be used. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何に使う | ...on what? | Select an object you want to use this item on. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | 何をすてる | Drop what? | Drop an item in your inventory. | +------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | BATTLE SYSTEM | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There are times where Shilka will encounter robots and they must be defeated in order to progress. They will be shown to the upper-left corner of the screen. To attack an enemy, you will have to select "Use" [使う], then choose a weapon currently in your inventory, and finally select the robot to use it on. Unfortunately, Shilka cannot use her bare fists in battle, she must find or purchase weapons in order to battle. Each weapon have their own unique Attack Power [AP] value, the weakest will have an AP of 1, while the strongest will have an AP of 5. Whenever Shilka or a robot attack, a six-sided dice will roll onto the screen. Shilka's damage is displayed as the blue dice rolled from the right side, and the robot's damage is displayed as the red dice rolled from the left side. The amount of dice will increase depending on how strong the weapon or robot is. The amount of damage dealt is calculated by multiplying the AP by the amount rolled. However if the dice amount rolled is 5 or less, the attack will miss and no damage will be dealt. For example: If Shilka attacks with the Surfboard with 1 AP and the dice roll is 10, she will deal 1X10=10 points of damage to the robot. Once Shilka's HP reaches 0, it is Game Over. Not only that, if she happens to mess up on her heist, she will also get a Game Over. Shilka cannot restore her HP during battle. If she needs healing, she will have to enter any restrooms she come across to be healed completely. O=============================================================================O | [04] HOW TO PLAY | O=============================================================================O The title screen starts up with a green background and an image of Shilka in the city amongst laser trip wire, the text around it reads "PHANTASY STAR II: SHILKA'S ADVENTURE". Press the START button to begin the game. It shows you a green screen which tells you how to play this game. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | HOW TO PLAY [あそびかた] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o 1. Controls A / C: Select B: Cancel A+B+C: Reset Game (this screen only) 2. The Display HP : Hit Points AP : Attack Points MST: Meseta (money) 3. The "Use" Command There are two kinds of objects: those that can be taken, and those that can't. You can only use items that are in your possession. 4. Combat When engaged in battle, "use" your weapon on your opponent. There may also be situations where you can win without using weapons. When you press the START button again, you will be shown the prologue. O=============================================================================O | [05] PROLOGUE | O=============================================================================O The prologue narrates the time and location of SHILKA'S ADVENTURE: Time : 1282 A.W., Autumn Place : Paseo City, on the planet Motavia Character: Shilka Room 1457 of the Paseo Imperial Hotel A woman gazed at the nighttime view of Paseo through the window of her room. Her name was Shilka. As the daughter of one of Paseo's wealthiest families, she grew up wanting for nothing, and so began to crave the thrill she got from stealing. From world-renowned gem stones to cans of food from the supermarket, she stole it all. Her latest target was on display inside the art gallery on the tenth floor of the building next door. Her prize was to be the Opa Opa, an oil painting by the artistic genius Eli Ossale, valued at billions of Meseta. Shilka could feel her heart throbbing within her chest. This was to be her first big score in a long time... Thus starts SHILKA'S ADVENTURE. O=============================================================================O | [06] WALKTHROUGH | O=============================================================================O Your mission is to snatch the painting undetected... o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | ROOM 1457 [1457号室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Shilka starts off in her hotel room. Currently she is dressed in a blue, one-piece dress ending in a miniskirt. Select "Move" [いどうする], press the up directional key to "North", and press the A button to move north. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | OUTSIDE SHILKA'S ROOM [シルカの部屋の前] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Nothing to do here, select "Move" [いどうする] and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | FOURTEENTH FLOOR [14階] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o To the west is the emergency exit which we'll go to soon. For now, select "Move" [いどうする] and "North" to enter the elevator. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | ELEVATOR [エレベーター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "Down" to get to the first floor. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South" to exit the elevator. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | FIRST FLOOR LOBBY [1階ロビー] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "East" to get to the front desk. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | FRONT DESK [フロント] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Woman" [ホテルウーマン], and she will give Shilka a hotel-issued credit card and let her know that she can use it to pay for things in this hotel and the balance will be due when she checks out. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West" and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SPORTING GOODS STORE [スポーツ店] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a hang glider and a sand surfboard for sale here. The hang glider costs 150,000 Meseta and the surfboard costs 80,000 Meseta. No worries, we got a credit card to take care of the purchases. Select "Use" [使う], then "Credit Card" [カード] and "Hang Glider" [ハングライダー]; and select "Use" [使う], then "Credit Card" [カード] and "Surfboard" [サーフボード]. We're going to have to get out of here, head back to the fourteenth floor by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and go "East", "North", "Up", "South", and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | EMERGENCY EXIT [非常口] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | FIRE ESCAPE [非常階段] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Kaiser Bldg." [カイザービル] to learn more about the Kaiser Building, your next location. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "Up". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | ROOFTOP [屋上] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o This looks like perfect weather for gliding. Select "Use" [使う], then "Hang Glider" [ハングライダー] and "Sky" [空]. As she gracefully glides into the air, she hears the the sound of a rip. One of the wings got caught on a lightning rod and tore apart! She loses her balance and crashes onto the roof of the Kaiser Building. Since the hang glider is ripped, Shilka discarded it. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | ROOFTOP [隣ビルの屋上] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o We are now at the Kaiser Building. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | ROOFTOP [鉄扉の前] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | EDGE OF THE ROOF [屋上のはし] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Railing" [鉄柵], Shilka would take notice of the lightning rod. Select "Take" [取る] and "Lightning Rod" [避雷針]. We're done here, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West" and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CORRIDOR [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CORNER [まがり角] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | TWELFTH FLOOR [12階] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o A Robo-Guard blocks you and shouts, "THIS AREA IS OFF-LIMITS." You will have to defeat it in order to proceed. The Robo-Guard only has 20 HP, 1 AP, and deals damage with 2 dice. You have two weapons to choose from: The surfboard or the lightning rod. The lightning rod uses a dice more than the surfboard to deal damage, so I suggest to use that. Start your first battle by selecting "Use" [使う], then "Surfboard" [サーフボード] or "Lightning Rod" [避雷針], and "Robo-Guard" [ロボガード]. After the Robo-Guard is defeated, it will drop its weapon, a laser gun. Select "Take" [取る] and "Laser Gun" [レーザーガン]. Since we now have a stronger weapon, we can ditch the crappy ones. Select "Drop" [すてる] and "Surfboard" [サーフボード], and select "Drop" [すてる] and "Lightning Rod" [避雷針]. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | EASTERN ELEVATOR [東エレベーター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "Down". You're on the tenth floor where the art gallery is exhibiting Eli Ossale's works, but we can't do anything now. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "Down". You are now on the sixth floor, we'll get off here. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SIXTH FLOOR EAST [6階東] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The east leads to a cloakroom, beyond are sounds coming from the ballroom. A corridor is to the west and a restroom to the south. You can replenish your HP at the restroom, select "Move" [いどうする] and "South" to go there. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | RESTROOM [レストルーム] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Immediately upon entering, Shilka's health is completely restored to 50 HP. Select "Take" [取る] and "Hand Mirror" [手鏡]. There is nothing much to do here, select "Move" [いどうする] and "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SIXTH FLOOR EAST [6階東] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "East" to the Cloakroom. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CLOAKROOM [クローク] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is an attendant here, let's head toward the ballroom to the north. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | BALLROOM [パーティー会場] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o A gala is taking place here to honor the building's fifth anniversary. And someone carelessly placed a key in plain sight. Select "Take" [取る] and "Key" [キー], it's a key for a coin locker marked "No. 5". Now we are done with the sixth floor, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "South", "West", "West", "West", and "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CENTRAL ELEVATOR [中央エレベーター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o You can go up to the ninth floor, but there is nothing of importance there. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "Down". We're on the third floor, select "Move" [いどうする] and "South" to leave. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | THIRD FLOOR [3階] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o To the east is the restroom, there is an item for us to pick up there. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | RESTROOM [レストルーム] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is another key here, select "Take" [取る] and "Key" [キー], it's a key for a coin locker marked "No. 8". Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West", "North", "Down", and "South" to the ground floor. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | FIRST FLOOR CENTER [1階中央] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There are coin lockers to the east and a lobby to the west. First let's use those keys we've acquired, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LOCKER ROOM [コインロッカー] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Time to see what these keys do. Select "Use" [使う], then "Key No. 5" [キーNO.5], and "Lockers" [コインロッカー]. A brown bag is inside locker number five. Select "Look" [見る] and "Brown Bag" [バッグ], there is a contact microphone inside. Select "Take" [取る] and "Contact Mic" [盗聴器]. This will allow us to eavesdrop on conversations. Now for the other locker, select "Use" [使う], then "Key No. 8" [キーNO.8], and "Lockers" [コインロッカー]. A gym bag is inside locker number eight. Select "Look" [見る] and "Gym Bag" [スポーツバッグ], there is a climbing set inside. Select "Take" [取る] and "Climbing Set" [靴と手袋]. This will allow us to climb up walls and ceilings. Honestly, they make this way too easy on us. Now we are going to the ninth floor to put our contact mic to use. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West", "North", "Up", "Up", "Up", and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | NINTH FLOOR [9階] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There is nothing to the east at Room 915, except there is a funny scene when you try to listen in. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | ROOM 914 EXTERIOR [914号室] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o You can hear that a conversation is taking place behind the door. Select "Use" [使う], then "Contact Mic" [盗聴器] and "Door" [ドア]. You learn that two brothers are speaking to each other, they reveal that the surveillance cameras at the art gallery can be disabled. There is a security system on the fifth floor and you will need a password, before the man divulge too much, they suspect someone's behind the door. Shilka managed to escape safely before she got caught. Now she will be at the ninth floor, let's go back to the ground floor, select "Move" [いどうする] and "North", "Down", "Down", "Down", "South", "West", "West", and "North" to reach the elevators there. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | WESTERN ELEVATOR [西エレベーター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o You could go down to the first basement, but it is unnecessary, though you can experience your first Game Over there. If you want to know how to do this, read the section below. Else just skip it and select "Move" [いどうする] and "Up" to be at floor five. If you cannot access "Up" here, it is because you haven't listened to the conversation at Room 914. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GAME OVER [ゲームオーバー] @ WESTERN ELEVATOR [西エレベーター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and "Down" and "South", you'll be at the first basement. Let's go to the kitchen first by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "East". Select "Take" [取る] and "Key" [キー]. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West" and "West". We're at the power substation entrance. Select "Use" [使う], then "Key" [キー] and "Door" [ドア] to unlock the door. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West". At the power substation, select "Take" [取る] and "Pliers" [ペンチ]. Then select "Look" [見る] and "Switch Panel" [配電盤] to find the power lines, this will cut off the power supply for the entire building and security systems. Of course this would sound like a good idea if you don't think this through. Anyways, select "Use" [使う], then "Pliers" [ペンチ] and "Power Lines" [電線]. Now you plunge the whole building into darkness. You can't see because everything is pitch black, so all you can do is select "Move" [いどうする] and "East" and "East". At the first basement, Shilka realized she's trapped in the basement. Game Over. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | WESTERN ELEVATOR [西エレベーター] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o If you had skipped the Game Over scene, you'll be here at floor five. We'll get to this floor later, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "Up". We're on the eleventh floor, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "South" and "East" to enter the corridor there. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | DEAD END [行きどまり] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Why, hello there, dangerous looking robot! This version of the Robo-Guard has 120 HP, 3 AP, and deals damage with 2 dice. You technically have three weapons to choose from: The surfboard, lightning rod, or laser gun. But if you were following my walkthrough, you should only have the laser gun and it also deals the most damage. Select "Use" [使う], then "Laser Gun" [レーザーガン] and "Robo-Guard" [ロボガード]. But to really speed up this battle, select "Use" [使う], then "Hand Mirror" [手鏡] and "Robo-Guard" [ロボガード]. It will instantly kill any Robo-Guard! Also whatever you do, do NOT drop the laser gun. We will have to use it later right here. After the Robo-Guard is defeated, it will drop an I.D. card. If you defeated it the ole fashioned way, you won't specifically get this message, but you can still pick it up. Select "Take" [取る] and "I.D. Card" [IDカード]. Don't worry about the iron grill, we'll get to it later. Let's head back to the fifth floor. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "West", "North", "Down", "South", and "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | PASSAGEWAY [通路] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Another Robo-Guard is here, but it's a weaker version with 20 HP, 1 AP, and deals damage with 2 dice. Select "Use" [使う], then "Laser Gun" [レーザーガン] or "Hand Mirror" [手鏡] depending if you want to end the battle quickly or not, and "Robo-Guard" [ロボガード]. Unfortunately, this Robo-Guard won't drop anything. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CONTROL ROOM LOBBY [まがり角] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The second Game Over is right here, it's very simple to do and if you want to know how to do this, read the section below. Else just skip it and we'll need to climb the walls and ceiling to get past the three security cameras. Select "Use" [使う], then "Climbing Set" [靴と手袋] and "Wall" [壁]. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GAME OVER [ゲームオーバー] @ CONTROL ROOM LOBBY [まがり角] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Being sadistic, aren't we? For an easy Game Over, select "Move" [いどうする] and "North". Shilka will sound the alarm, and now there's no way she can steal the painting. Game Over. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CONTROL ROOM ENTRANCE [コントロールルーム入口] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o If you had skipped the Game Over scene, you will now be here at the control room entrance. To the north is a door with a card-reader slot. We have the I.D. card, select "Use" [使う], then "I.D. Card" [IDカード] and "Card Slot" [挿入口]. It works and now we have access to the control room! Select "Move" [いどうする] and "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CONTROL ROOM [コントロールルーム] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Look" [見る] and "Terminal" [端末機]. It required a password, Shilka heard someone coming and she hid behind a desk. Two men entered, the brothers from Room 914, and inputted the password into the terminal and left. Wow, they done our dirty work for us! Now the security system is down, select "Move" [いどうする] and "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GAME OVER [ゲームオーバー] @ CR ENTRANCE [コントロールルーム入口] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o This will only work if you forgot to disable the security in the control room. Just select "Move" [いどうする] and "South". Shilka will sound the alarm, and now there's no way she can steal the painting. Game Over. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CONTROL ROOM ENTRANCE [コントロールルーム入口] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o If security has been disabled, Shilka will notice the security camera stopped functioning. Now she is safe to walk by them without going Spider-Man on the walls and ceiling. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South", "East", "East", "North", "Up", "South", and "East" back to the dead end on the eleventh floor. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | DEAD END [行きどまり] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Use" [使う], then "Laser Gun" [レーザーガン] and "Iron Grill" [鉄格子]. Now the air shaft is accessible. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | INSIDE AIR SHAFT [通気口内] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Shilka needs to crawl on her stomach in order to advance. Below she can see a surveillance camera and an android through an opening, it's the entrance to the gallery on the tenth floor. If you haven't disabled the security, that will all be said about this place. However if you disabled security, you can see thieves cutting through the art gallery's shutter with a burner. Hey, they are the two brothers from before and they're after your treasure! And we're not going to let them get away with it... literally! Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "South". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | INSIDE AIR SHAFT 2 [通気口内2] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The lattice has been removed here thus making it possible to climb down. If you haven't disabled the security, a security camera is here just waiting to detect you. You will have to go to the control room to disable it. But you can get the third Game Over here if you like, read the section below. However if you disabled security, you won't see this security camera and can proceed by selecting "Move" [いどうする] and "South" to the gallery interior. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GAME OVER [ゲームオーバー] @ INSIDE AIR SHAFT 2 [通気口内2] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o This will only work if you forgotten to disable security at the control room, select "Move" [いどうする] and go "Down" to the gallery interior. Shilka will sound the alarm, and now there's no way she can steal the painting. Game Over. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GALLERY INTERIOR [ギャラリー内] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The art gallery is eerily dark after hours. Select "Move" [いどうする] and "South", we gotta beat the thieves to the painting! o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MASTERPIECE COLLECTION [名画の部屋] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The Opa Opa masterpiece is here. Select "Take" [取る] and "Masterpiece" [名画] when she takes it down, the piercing sound of an alarm blares out. Apparently, the security system wasn't completely disabled... Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". We gotta make our getaway! o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GALLERY INTERIOR [ギャラリー内] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GALLERY INTERIOR 2 [ギャラリー内2] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The entrance to the north is blocked by a heavy shutter, however a small opening is visible in the frame of the door to the east. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SECRET STAIRWAY [秘密の階段] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o These stairs end in an impasse to the east. A smoke bomb can be seen here. Select "Take" [取る] and "Smoke Bomb" [発炎筒]. Now select "Look" [見る] and "Impasse" [いきどまり] to see that it's actually a secret passage, and... o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | TWELFTH FLOOR [12階] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Somehow we ended up here. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "East", "North", "East", and "East". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | EDGE OF THE ROOF [屋上のはし] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o There's no use in running around the Kaiser Building, so we're gonna do some wall climbing. Select "Use" [使う], then "Climbing Set" [靴と手袋] and "Wall" [壁] to start climbing down. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | BUILDING EXTERIOR 1 [空中1] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Now we're outside the tenth floor window, there's no way for us to get inside from here. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "Down". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | BUILDING EXTERIOR 2 [空中2] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o We can hear the murmuring of partygoers. Floors three to five below are covered by a transparent glass, so Shilka will be detected for sure. We have to stop here where the rear window of the cloakroom is open. Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "West". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | CLOAKROOM [クローク] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o Seems that someone left their skimpy outfit on a coat hanger here. First select "Drop" [すてる] and "Laser Gun" [レーザーガン] because we're carrying too much already. Now select "Take" [取る] and "Skimpy Outfit" [小さな服], Shilka will immediately change into it. Now she's a cute bunny girl! Select "Move" [いどうする] and go "North". o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | BALLROOM [パーティー会場] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The ballroom is now in confusion. But let's use this to our advantage, select "Use" [使う], then "Smoke Bomb" [発炎筒] and "Ballroom" [会場内]. Shilka would throw the smoke bomb under a table and throw the party going on into a frenzy by shouting that there is a fire. Taking advantage of this, Shilka entered the emergency evacuation shelter and... o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | OUTSIDE THE BUILDING [地上] | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o The fire engine already arrived in time Shilka reached the ground. Shilka was able to blend in with the escaping guests and vanish into the crowd. The two brothers were apprehended by the police. The next day's issue of the Motavia Times printed the following story: "Eli Ossale's Masterpiece Stolen!" With the two suspects in custody, they were still unable to recover the painting. The End Copyright 1990 SEGA Shilka's story has ended and now the rest of her journey can be followed up in Phantasy Star II. Congratulations, you've beaten SHILKA'S ADVENTURE! O=============================================================================O | [07] MAP | O=============================================================================O Here are the map of the locations you will be visiting. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAP #1: PASEO IMPERIAL HOTEL | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEGEND: "||" for North/South, "=" for East/West, "^^" for Up/Down | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [ E V ] || ^^ [RE] = [15] ^^ ^^ [RT] [EV] ^^ ^^ [FE] = [EE] = [14] = [OR] ^^ || [EV] [HR] || [SG] = [FL] = [FD] +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | XX | LOCATION | XX | LOCATION | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | HR | Room 1457 [1457号室] | OR | Outside Shilka's Room | | 14 | Fourteenth Floor [14階] | | [シルカの部屋の前] | | EE | Emergency Exit [非常口] | FE | Fire Escape [非常階段] | | RT | Rooftop [屋上] | EV | Elevator [エレベーター] | | 15 | Fifteenth Floor [15階] | RE | Restaurant [レストラン] | | FL | First Floor Lobby [1階ロビー] | FD | Front Desk [フロント] | | SG | Sporting Goods Store | | | | | [スポーツ店] | | | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAP #2: KAISER BUILDING, PART 1 | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEGEND: "||" for North/South, "=" for East/West, "^^" for Up/Down | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [ E V ] [CR] = [RF] = [ER] ^^ || || || ^^ [ E V ] [12] = [CO] [RT] ^^ || ^^ ^^ [ CE ] [GE] = [PW] = [10] [EV] [B1] || ^^ ^^ ^^ [9W] = [09] = [9E] [ C E ] [EV] [BR] ^^ ^^ || || || ^^ [ C E ] [6C] = [CR]========= [6E] = [CL] =============== [B2] ^^ || || [CE] [03] = [RR] [RR] || [M3] = [1C] = [LR] +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | XX | LOCATION | XX | LOCATION | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | RT | Rooftop [鉄とびらの前] | RF | Rooftop [鉄扉の前] | | ER | Edge of the Roof [屋上のはし] | CR | Corridor [通路] | | CO | Corner [まがり角] | 12 | Twelfth Floor [12階] | | 10 | Tenth Floor [10階] | PW | Passageway [通路] | | EV | Eastern Elevator | GE | Gallery Entrance | | | [東エレベーター] | | [ギャラリー入口] | | 6E | Sixth Floor East [6階東] | RR | Restroom [レストルーム] | | CL | Cloakroom [クローク] | BR | Ballroom [パーティー会場] | | 6C | Sixth Floor Center [6階中央] | CE | Central Elevator | | 09 | Ninth Floor [9階] | | [中央エレベーター] | | 9W | Room 914 Exterior [914号室] | 9E | Room 915 Exterior [915号室] | | 03 | Third Floor [3階] | 1C | First Floor Center [1階中央] | | LR | Locker Room [コインロッカー] | B1 | Building Exterior 1 [空中1] | | B2 | Building Exterior 2 [空中2] | M3 | Go to Map #3, start at [LO] | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAP #3: KAISER BUILDING, PART 2 | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEGEND: "||" for North/South, "=" for East/West, "^^" for Up/Down | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [ W E ] ^^ || ^^ [11] = [DE] ^^ || ^^ [IA] ^^ || ^^ [I2] [G2] = [SS] = [M2] ^^ ^^ || ^^ [ G I ] = [ER] [CR] ^^ || || ^^ [MC] [CE] [ W E ] || || ^^ [CL] = [PW] = [05] [ W E ] ^^ || [WE] [1W] = [LO] || [PS] = [SE] = [1B] = [KI] +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | XX | LOCATION | XX | LOCATION | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ | M1 | Go to Map #1, start at [1C] | LO | Lobby [ロビー] | | 1W | First Floor West [1階西] | 1B | First Basement [地下1階] | | KI | Kitchen [厨房] | PS | Power Substation [配電室] | | 05 | Fifth Floor [5階] | 11 | Eleventh Floor [11階] | | WE | Western Elevator | SE | Power Substation Entrance | | | [西エレベーター] | | [配電室入口] | | PW | Passageway [通路] | CL | Control Room Lobby [まがり角] | | CE | Control Room Entrance | CR | Control Room | | | [コントロールルーム入口] | | [コントロールルーム] | | DE | Dead End [行きどまり] | IA | Inside Air Shaft [通気口内] | | I2 | Inside Air Shaft 2 [通気口内] | GI | Gallery Interior [ギャラリー内] | | ER | Exhibition Room [展示室] | SS | Secret Stairway [秘密の階段] | | GI | Gallery Interior 2 | MC | Masterpiece Collection | | | [ギャラリー内2] | | [名画の部屋] | | M2 | Go to Map #2, start at [12] | | | +----+---------------------------------+----+---------------------------------+ O=============================================================================O | [08] INVENTORY | O=============================================================================O Here are the listing of the items you will acquire with during your gameplay and their usage, sorted by alphabetical order. [CLIMBING SET (靴と手袋):] ・ DETAILS: A set of gloves and shoes with soft rubber suction pads attached. They enable their owner to climb walls and ceilings when worn. ・ OBTAIN : Locker room, use key no. 8 and it is found inside the gym bag. ・ USAGE : Allows Shilka to climb walls. [CONTACT MICROPHONE (盗聴器):] ・ DETAILS: This covert listening device is an older model, but still highly effective. Similar to a stethoscope, it is used by placing the diaphragm disc against a surface adjacent to a location that you want to eavesdrop on. ・ OBTAIN : Locker room, use key no. 5 and it is found inside the gym bag. ・ USAGE : Use it on Room 914 exterior's door to listen on the conversation. [CREDIT CARD (カード):] ・ DETAILS: This card can be used for shopping, meals, and other accommodations within the Imperial Hotel. ・ OBTAIN : Paseo Imperial Hotel, at the front desk. ・ USAGE : To purchase items. [HAND MIRROR (手鏡):] ・ DETAILS: This circular mirror is approximately twenty centimeters in diameter. Someone must have forgotten it. ・ OBTAIN : Restroom, on the sixth floor. ・ USAGE : Use it on robots to instantly destroy them. [HANG GLIDER (ハングライダー):] ・ DETAILS: Hang gliders are the latest fad in Paseo. This kind is popular because it is small enough to fit in a briefcase when folded up. ・ OBTAIN : Sporting goods store, purchase it with your credit card. ・ USAGE : Use it at the rooftop to travel to the Kaiser Building. [I.D. CARD (IDカード):] ・ DETAILS: The purpose of this magnetic card, which is the same size as a credit card, is unknown. ・ OBTAIN : Dead end, after defeating the Robo-Guard. ・ USAGE : Use it on the card slot at the control room entrance. [KEY (キー):] ・ DETAILS: The purpose of this key is not readily apparent. ・ OBTAIN : Kitchen, in plain sight. ・ USAGE : Unlocks the locked door at the power substation entrance. [KEY NO. 5 (キーNO.5):] ・ DETAILS: It's a key for a coin locker. "No. 5" is engraved on it. ・ OBTAIN : Ballroom, in plain sight. ・ USAGE : Unlocks coin locker number 5 in the locker room. [KEY NO. 8 (キーNO.8):] ・ DETAILS: It's a key for a coin locker. "No. 8" is engraved on it. ・ OBTAIN : Restroom, on the third floor. ・ USAGE : Unlocks coin locker number 8 in the locker room. [LASER GUN (レーザーガン):] ・ DETAILS: It's the weapon that the guard robot was using. No larger than a pistol, it is still quite powerful. ・ OBTAIN : Twelfth floor, after defeating the Robo-Guard. ・ USAGE : Allows Shilka to battle robots. [LIGHTNING ROD (避雷針):] ・ DETAILS: It's essentially a forty-centimeter-long iron pole. It's the same one that ruined the hang glider. Perhaps it will come in handy. ・ OBTAIN : Edge of the roof, look at the railing to discover it. ・ USAGE : Allows Shilka to battle robots. [MASTERPIECE (名画):] ・ DETAILS: Eli Ossale's magnum opus evokes a vision of Fantasy World with its brilliant use of color. ・ OBTAIN : Masterpiece collection, in plain sight. ・ USAGE : Must be kept in inventory in order to finish the game. [PLIERS (ペンチ):] ・ DETAILS: A large pair of lineman's pliers for cutting wires and the like. ・ OBTAIN : Power substation, in plain sight. ・ USAGE : Use it to cut the power lines at the power substation. [SAND SURFBOARD (サーフボード):] ・ DETAILS: It's a board intended for sand surfing, a very popular sport on Motavia. ・ OBTAIN : Sporting goods store, purchase it with your credit card. ・ USAGE : Allows Shilka to battle robots. [SKIMPY OUTFIT (小さな服):] ・ DETAILS: It's a bunny girl costume made of gold lame' with adorable rabbit ears and a cute bobble for a tail. ・ OBTAIN : Cloakroom, after obtaining the masterpiece. ・ USAGE : To disguise yourself. [SMOKE BOMB (発炎筒):] ・ DETAILS: It may be small, but it's capable of releasing a tremendous amount of smoke when ignited. This model is intended for signalling purposes. ・ OBTAIN : Secret stairway, in plain sight. ・ USAGE : Use it in the ballroom to make a getaway. O=============================================================================O | [09] EQUIPMENT | O=============================================================================O Here are the listing of the equipments you can use, sorted by their strength. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | WEAPONS | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o +--------------+---------------+----+-------+---------------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENGLISH | AP | DMG | LOCATION | +--------------+---------------+----+-------+---------------------------------+ | サーフボード | Surfboard | 1 | 2d6X1 | Sporting Goods Store. | +--------------+---------------+----+-------+---------------------------------+ | 避雷針 | Lightning Rod | 1 | 3d6X1 | Edge of the Roof. | +--------------+---------------+----+-------+---------------------------------+ | レーザーガン | Laser Gun | 5 | 1d6X5 | Twelfth Floor. | +--------------+---------------+----+-------+---------------------------------+ o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | SPECIAL ITEMS | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o +--------------+---------------+------------+---------------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENGLISH | LOCATION | NOTES | +--------------+---------------+------------+---------------------------------+ | 手鏡 | Hand Mirror | Restroom | Instantly destroy Robo-Guards. | +--------------+---------------+------------+---------------------------------+ O=============================================================================O | [10] BESTIARY | O=============================================================================O Here are the listing of the robots, sorted by their appearance. +------------------+--------------+-----+----+-------+------------------------+ | JAPANESE | ENGLISH | HP | AP | DMG | LOCATION | +------------------+--------------+-----+----+-------+------------------------+ | ロボガード | Robo-Guard | 20 | 1 | 2d6X1 | Twelfth Floor. | +------------------+--------------+-----+----+-------+------------------------+ | ロボガード | Robo-Guard | 20 | 1 | 2d6X1 | Passageway. | +------------------+--------------+-----+----+-------+------------------------+ | ロボガード | Robo-Guard | 120 | 3 | 2d6X3 | Dead End. | +------------------+--------------+-----+----+-------+------------------------+ O=============================================================================O | [11] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | O=============================================================================O Here are the questions that most players often ask. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GENERAL QUESTIONS | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [Q: DO I NEED TO PLAY PHANTASY STAR II IN ORDER TO PLAY THE TEXT ADVENTURES?] ・ A: Not really since the events of the Text Adventures takes place months or years before Phantasy Star II. This is to let you know about their individual backgrounds and how they were before they teamed together. [Q: WHO IS ELI OSSALE? WHAT IS OPA OPA?] ・ A: Eli Ossale is just a pseudonym for Ossale Kohta, the penname for Kotaro Hayashida. Kotaro Hayashida is the designer for the Alex Kidd series who also worked on the Phantasy Star series. Opa Opa is the name of the spaceship starring in the SEGA series, Fantasy Zone. [Q: HOW LONG IS THIS GAME?] ・ A: About 1 to 2 hours long. o-------------------------------------------------------------------o | GAMEPLAY QUESTIONS | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o [Q: IS THERE A WAY TO INCREASE SHILKA'S MAXIMUM HP?] ・ A: You cannot, Shilka's health always stay at 50 HP. [Q: WHAT PURPOSE DOES THE SKIMPY OUTFIT SERVE?] ・ A: Nothing, really. It's just there for eye candy. [Q: HOW MANY ENDINGS DOES THIS GAME HAVE?] ・ A: There is only one ending to this game regardless if you exit the Kaiser Building in your miniskirt or in the skimpy outfit. O=============================================================================O | [12] REVISION HISTORY | O=============================================================================O ・ v01.00 [01/23/10] = Created this guide. O=============================================================================O | [13] LEGAL INFORMATION | O=============================================================================O [AUTHOR:] ・ This document is copyrighted (c) 2010 by Lynn Brown A.K.A. enigmaopoeia. ・ If you have any information you would like to submit to this document, send an e-mail to "enigmaopoeia[at]gmail[dot]com". I will include your submission in the next update with proper credit given. Also due to my busy schedule, I am unable to reply to every e-mail I receive. [DISCLAIMER:] ・ The latest version of this document can always be found at GameFAQs. This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ・ Phantasy Star II (c) SEGA of America, Inc. O=============================================================================O | [14] SPECIAL THANKS | O=============================================================================O My thanks to the following below who contributed to this document! ・ GameFAQs @ http://www.gamefaqs.com for hosting my guides. ・ Rebecca Capowski @ http://home.att.net/~RCgamusic/trans.htm for her translations. ・ M.I.J.E.T. @ http://mijet.eludevisibility.org for translating the game. ・ Milktea @ http://www15.ocn.ne.jp/~milktea/index.html for their walkthrough. ・ NAK @ http://freett.com/naknak for their walkthrough. ・ Wepon's Game Land @ http://urawa.cool.ne.jp/wepon for their walkthrough. I also want to thank you for reading this guide! ===============================================================================