Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold Walkthrough 1.0 3DO Version February 10, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- by Thomas Mak email: website: & This document is Copyrighted 2002 Thomas Mak. It may be freely exchanged as long as no modifications are made and an e-mail telling me where it has been sent is sent to me. If you find this helpful, please send me a short email and let me know! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my fourth walkthrough/FAQ so it's by no mean perfect or complete. I recently sold my 3DO and games so I probably won't complete this walkthrough. If anyone would like to complete it for me, please email me at the email above. Check out my other walkthroughs: Brain Dead 13 for 3DO Crime Patrol for 3DO Mad Dog McCree for 3DO ----------- Story Line: ----------- When you start the system if you don't press anything, you can watch two scenes which are basically as followed. The Old Man from Part 1 greets you and tells that you can choose 3 different guides for the hunt of the lost gold. An Indian who knows short cuts, a lady and a professor. --------------- Codes & Tricks: --------------- Enemy Load time - Before any enemy shows up, the 3DO machine actually makes the reading noise and pauses for a second. That's a clue an enemy is approaching. Extra Bullets - If you find skulls or urns you can shoot them for extra bullets. Not all screens have them. There's at most 1 per screen. Once you shoot it, you won't be able to shoot it again. ------ Modes: ------ When you press "P", you'll come to the screen where you can choose your difficulty level, Training Mode, Start game, continue game, Select 1 or 2 players, Calibrate gun, and Quit. Difficulty Level - There are Deputy, Sheriff, and Marshall levels going from easiest to hardest in that order. In harder levels you have to kill more random enemies. Play - Clicking on Play will start a new game. Be careful not to click on it when you pause an ongoing game. You'll have to start over. Continue - This is to continue a game from pausing. If you ran out of lives, you can also continue from an earlier stage. Players Selections - You can select either "1 Player" or "2 Players." Calibrate - If you own a light gun, you can use this option to calibrate your gun. ------------ Walkthrough: ------------ You are on a wagon traveling with the Old Man. He tells you to practice your shots. First shoot the dynamite on the right. Then shoot a skull on the left. It will give you another 6 bullets. Lastly shoot the sign on the right. Next, you'll see a dying man on the ground. He tells you to be careful of Mad Dog's men. A bad guy appear behinds the wagon from the left. Shoot him. Then a man comes from the right. After you shoot him, a man comes from left. Shoot him too and a man riding on a horse comes from the left behind the wagon. Shoot him. Then you'll see a guy riding a horse far away. He'll go away. Next the old guy tells you to get in the town. Once in there, you see a skull on the lower left you can shoot. A horse carriage passes by. Don't shoot it or you might kill the man on it. Afterwards, a man pops up from on the left from the casket. Then a man in red comes out from the door on the right. Next comes a man on the staircase to the right. Next, a man comes out from the top center of the stairs. After that, a man pops up between the flights of stairs at the middle of the screen. Lastly, the man in red gets back up. Give him another shot. Next screen, a man turns around and shoots you. Make sure you shoot him fast enough. Then, the same scene again, except the man is a priest. Don't shoot him. He will give you a map. Now you can choose 1 of the 3 guides. -------------- The Professor: -------------- The Professor is playing poker with people. The screen changes to overhead view. Someone on the left side of the table calls him a cheater and pulls the gun. Shoot him before he kills the Professor, who ducks on the floor. The guy next to him pulls out his gun. Shoot him. Next, shoot the gun on the far upper right corner. Next, shoot the bartender. Then shoot the gun on the lower left corner at the green table. The guy next to the Professor gets back up. Shoot him before he holds the Professor hostage. Then, a lady pops out with a gun behind the wall next to the bartender. Shoot her. Notice there's a skull on the wall next to her which you can shoot for extra bullets. The screen changes and a guy comes in through the door on the right. Shoot him. Notice there's a skull above him you can shoot for bullets. Next, another guy comes in on the balcony. Shoot him. Next, a woman screams as she comes in through the door on the top left. Don't shoot. A man follows her in red, shoot him. Notice there's a skull at the center of the screen. The old man shows up and tells you to get out of town because you have the map. There's someone on top of the building. Shoot him. Now the Professor tells you Mad Dog is robbing the train. As the train goes by, shoot the people that pop up. 1 guy pops up from the first cargo. 2 guys pop up in the second cargo. ---------------- Buckskin Bonnie: ---------------- First guy comes on the right. Shoot him. Then a guy comes through the door about the center of the screen. Shoot him. Then to the right, a guy pops up from behind the crates. Shoot him. A guy then shows up holding Bonnie as hostage. He's holding a gun and a stick of dynamite. Wait for the close-up screen. When you shoot him, be careful not to kill Bonnie. After she's freed, she will pick up the stick of dynamite and throw it back inside. The house explodes and the only funny sequence of the whole game occurs. Next screen, shoot the gun with a sword hiding on the left. Then a guy pops up on top of the house. Shoot him. He falls on the ground but gets back up. Shoot him again. A guy then pops up inside a basket on the right. Shoot him. The first guy gets back up. Give him a final bullet. Screen changes, and Bonnie runs out of a door. Shoot the guy behind him. Then the house explodes. Screen changes again and you're up for a duel. 3 guys are sitting down. Notice there's a skull on the lower right. The first guy gets up for you. When he draws, you draw and shoot him. A guy goes to look at him, and trickily draws his shotgun at you. Shoot him before he does. The last guy gets up and kicks both guys and draw. Shoot him. Screen changes once more and Bonnie is speaking to you. She tells you that the X is near. A guy charges in the background. Shoot him. Bonnie tells you that she owes you and invites you to take a bath with her. =) Well, before you can hop in, Peeping Toms show up. First shoot the guy on the bottom most tree branch. Then shoot at the guy on branch at the top middle of the screen. Bonnie tells you that she loves the way you pull the trigger. You can definitely feel admiration in the air! Screen changes again, and Bonnie tells you that you can say goodbye to the treasure unless you can hit an item. This item changes from game to game. One time it's a lantern. Another time, it's the ammo box. So listen carefully to what she says. Next, a guy pops up at the center of the screen. Shoot him. Then a guy pops up at above him. Shoot him too. Next, a guy near you pops up while holding a stick to trick you. The stick holds his hat and points to the left while he pops up on the right. So make sure you shoot to the right. Then a guy pops up from the top left, shoot him. Then the second guy pops up again, kill him this time. Next, a guy walks in from the left. Shoot him. He tries to get up, shoot him again. Lastly, the guy from the middle pops up again. Shoot him and that's it for this round. Screen changes. Shoot the item that Bonnie asked you to repeatedly. If a bad guy pops up, then him out. They pop up at random time. The whole place would explode if you get the item in time. Otherwise, a bad guy will get you with a machine gun. Screen changes. A guy pops out from the left. Shoot him. After that, people seem to be pop up randomly. It can be from left again, or top left, middle left, top right, or right. Notice the guy from right requires two hits. ------ Duels: ------ Duels happen at random times. Usually, just wait until the right moment, and draw your gun and shoot. Sometimes it takes two bullets to take out the bad guy. ------- Deaths: ------- There's a guy that speaks to you every time you die. "Well, you've got two lives left." (He sometimes says this when you have two lives left.) "Didn't last long, did ye?" "You're going up, or down? Hehehe." "We may have to trim you up a bit. We'll make you fit." (Referring to the coffin.) "One size fits all." (Referring to the coffin again.) "Welcome to Boot Hill." (Referring to the Cemetary.) "Well, you're history, partner." "I think you're gonna have to put more money in this game." (Referring to putting quarters in the arcade game.) "You've let us down, now we're going to let you down." (After the professor gets killed at the poker table.) If you kill the priest - "This was a good man." If you kill the woman in the saloon - "That was a good woman you killed. And they are hard to find." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- by Thomas Mak email: website: & This document is Copyrighted 2001 Thomas Mak. It may be freely exchanged as long as no modifications are made and an e-mail telling me where it has been sent is sent to me. If you find this helpful, please send me a short email and let me know! -----------------------------------------------------------------------