MARY SHELLEY’S FRANKENSTEIN FAQ/WALKTHROUGH -Sega CD version- By Hanyousama ( UPDATE: April 13, 2009 – Minor fixes and fixed the image link again. UPDATE: Feburary 9, 2010 – A few more minor fixes. _______________________________________________________________________ ===TABLE OF CONTENTS=================================================1= -Table of Contents--------1 -Introduction-------------2 -Screen Layout------------3 -Control Layouts----------4 ---General---------4.1 ---Field-----------4.2 ---Fighting--------4.3 -Attacks(during battle)---5 -Walkthrough--------------6 ---Act 1-----------6.1 ---Act 2-----------6.2 ---Act 3-----------6.3 ---Act 4-----------6.4 ---Act 5-----------6.5 ---Act 6-----------6.6 ---Act 7-----------6.7 -Special Thanks-----------7 -Legal Stuff--------------8 _______________________________________________________________________ ===INTRODUCTION======================================================2= Hello. I am the author of this walkthrough of which you are reading. No doubt that if you have decided to look at this you are a little curious (or morbidly so) of the Sega CD version of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, based on the movie of the same name. Having played the game myself on my own Sega CD back when I used to have it, I can honestly say that after trying the Super NES and Genesis versions of the license, it is the far better and more interesting (if not goofier or more out of character) game to play, especially when compared to Sony Imagesoft’s Sega CD attempt at Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It is not a “good” game, per se, but it is not bad either and is actually worthy of spending some time with if you are a fan of the film, which didn’t do so well either, but has a cult following. The two catridge-based adaptations are terrible side-scroller attempts, and aren’t very good at all. This one is an adventure-style game, and certain parts of it are mixed with a fighting game... which in honesty, doesn’t make sense in relation to the movie (I don’t remember Victor Frankenstein learning how to do kung-fu in the film). Fortunately, the battles are neither too hard nor too easy, nor cheap and ironically does help the game’s challenge somewhat. Later on at some point it was released as a package deal with the Sega CD game of Dracula, but Frankenstein was easily the better of the two, though that really didn’t do any better justice for it’s sales. Seeing as how no one has written a FAQ for this game yet, I have taken the liberty of doing so for those who want to know how to get through the game. Forgive the simplice of this fanfic, as my ASCII skills are terrible, and I don’t want to bother mucking about with that sort of nonsense. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the walkthrough and that it helps. I finished it all in a day. Please DO NOT steal this FAQ and claim it as your own, or plagiarize it, nor may you use it for your own gains without my permission. If there is something in here you feel I’ve missed or anything, please email me at and feel free to let me know. I appreciate any comments or questions and will do my best to answer them. Thank you very much for respecting this. _______________________________________________________________________ ===SCREEN LAYOUT=====================================================3= No doubt you will need to understand the layout of your displays in case your copy didn’t come with a manual or you downloaded a ROM of the game from somewhere (same can be said for the controls). Some may be a little more obvious than others, but it never hurts to point them out anyway, does it? Since I can’t be bothered with a ASCII drawing, I have provided a picture for reference which you may find here: Just copy the address down and paste it in your browser’s address bar and click on whatever button makes it start loading. -To the far and upper left corner, you will find your LIFE BAR. There aren’t a lot of obstacles that will hurt you while you are on the field, but there will be and they will indeed do so. This life bar is also carried with you into and out of the fighting portions of the game, length and all, so whatever damage you take in either place will come with you, and it does not restore upon clearing an act. Now and then you will have opportunities to restore your health or raise it by eating certain foods you may find/get in the game. -Directly below that are what I would prefer to refer to as HEALTH STOCKS (or you can call them LIVES if you want), represented as red hearts. On the field, if your health bar drains out, your life meter will begin anew at the cost of one of these hearts. If you are defeated in a battle, you will start over from where you entered in the screen. If you eat food while your bar is near full or already full, you will gain an extra stock and whatever amount of health that food replenishes. You can carry up to 5 hearts, and you start out with two, three if you count the final stock if all your hearts are used. When all that is gone as well as your health, the game is over, no continues. Make sure you’ve saved! -Next to the life bar and stocks is another portion of the status displays that features a small window. When you approach an item that may be picked up, it will appear in this window, letting you know. I’ll get around to explaining how to do just that in the next chapter. -The largest portion of the displays is the inventory menu, represented by 8 circular windows. You can carry up to 8 items at a time, and I will explain how to go about using this menu a little later on. I should mention here that whatever unused items are left in your inventory when you advance to a new chapter in the game will be done away with whether you have a say in it or not with only an exception here and there, so make sure any food in your inventory is eaten before you proceed on. -Also, the person there with the discolored skin and purple robes is YOU. Obviously the star of the movie was the Creature (AKA Frankenstein’s Monster) whom of which you play as. But that is probably fairly obvious. _______________________________________________________________________ ===CONTROL LAYOUTS===================================================4= Now that you know what is what, it’s time to go on a run down of the controls. There are three different settings, depending on which one the game switches to. Since this a Sega CD game, it uses the same controller as the Genesis. The regular one that is (D-pad, Start, A, B, and C). The six button one can work too, of course, but half the buttons will not have any sort of use. There is also an overhead mode that is part of the adventure form of the game, but I have not put up an explanation of the controls on it since all you can really do in this mode is move around with the D-Pad. ---General---4.1 Movement -- Moving about is simple: Use the D-Pad. Left or right, up or down, it’s your choice. You can also move diagonally as well, giving you 8 directions to move about in. Saving/Loading -– To save your game in progress, press the B and C buttons. This will pull up a menu for saving your game where the instructions are given to you on what button does which function here. You may also load a game up from where you previously saved, which can also be picked at the startup menu. The only time in the gameplay when you cannot save is during a battle. Don’t worry if you see the movie and act opening when you reload a game; you’ll start off right where and when you saved. You can also save more than one game into the RAM. Pausing/Unpausing -– During gameplay, to pause the game, simply press the one button that has served this purpose since the dawn of video games: the Start button. Skipping Movies –- Unlike Dracula, Frankenstein does not boast any scenes from the movie, but rather computer generated ones that pop up in-between acts. A good call, as using video clips from the film probably wouldn’t have done a lot of good for the game, considering how grainy the aforementioned one’s turned out. While this can be turned off in the options in the startup menu, you can skip them anyhow by pressing either A, B, C or Start. ---Field---4.2 Browsing Through/Selecting Inventory Items -– Since you can carry more than 1 item, you can browse around the windows by pressing the A button. This, of course, pauses the Creature in place while you use left and right on the D-Pad to scroll through your available items. Four cursors around the window indicates that you are currently highlighting that item. To leave the inventory, just press the A button again. The cursor will reappear wherever window you left it on the next time you decide to scroll through it. Taking A Closer Look at an Item -- While browsing through your inventory, you can pull up a sometimes badly lighted and grainy CG still frame of the appropriate item by pressing the B button. Some stills are better than others, though, and if you’re having some trouble making out one item in a window, then this helps somewhat. Really not as bad an idea as it sounds. Using an Item -- To use a highlighted item in your inventory while browsing through it, press the C button. Some items cannot be used until you are in a certain area or facing something where it can be used. Dropping an Item -– If you don’t want to keep an item around at the moment, you can put it back by highlighting it and then pressing Down on the D-Pad. It’s important to note, though, that you can only drop the item if you are facing the exact same place where you took it from, and if you aren’t standing in the right spot at the time, the Creature will still hang on to it. After all, he’s not just going to dump it wherever, it would have been a strain on the programmers’ skills. Picking Up Items -- If you directly face an item that can be picked up (which will appear in the earlier-mentioned item window), hold the direction toward it press the A button and the Creature will put that item into his inventory. Scrolling Through Text -- To advance/disperse any text windows, especially during conversations between you and another character, press the B button. Interaction with Other Characters -- You can interact with other characters around in the overhead or field parts of the game by simply walking over to them. When you come within their field of interaction they will speak/react to you. ---Fighting---4.3 Movement -– To move around, press left and right on the controller. These are 2D battles, after all. Jumping -- To jump around through the air, press Up. Crouching -- To kneel down, press Down. Attacking -- Standing there and doing nothing obviously doesn’t win you any progress, especially since there is no time limit in the battles; they last until either you or your foe falls down to the ground. The A and B buttons are your appropriate keys for this function, some involving use of the D-Pad. As such, if you’d like to practice these moves, the game thankfully comes with a mode to get used to the fighting ("Practice Fights”) in the startup menu. A list of attacks can be found in the next section. Defending -- To defend against your opponent’s attacks, hold the C button, much in the same way as Mortal Kombat. But this is better, since the Start button pauses and doesn’t make it as uncomfortable. You cannot move while defending, but you can crouch down and block any incoming low attacks by holding the C button and pressing/holding Down on the D-pad. Every blow you block will take away a slight bit of your health, but thankfully this is much more forgiving than when you do it in MK. ===ATTACKS (DURING BATTLE)===========================================5= Hook Punch -- A button Thrust Kick -- B button Push Attack -- Toward+A Fierce Swing -- Away+A Headbutt –- Toward or Away+B Stomach Punch -- While crouching, A Ankle Kick -- While crouching, B Flying Push -- While jumping in either direction, A Heel Kick -- While jumping in either direction, B Running Headbutt* -- Quarter circle+A * - This is the only special move that I’ve found, though it only does as much damage as a regular attack. Be careful if your opponent blocks it, however, as it will leave you open to attack while you recover. If your opponent is in the corner when it’s done, or if you’re in a certain place at the right time, it can possibly hit the opponent twice. The standing headbutt, by the way, is your most powerful move in this regard. ===WALKTHROUGH=======================================================6= ---Act 1---6.1 Victor Frankenstein’s lab, Ingolsladt, February 1793 You, the Creature, awaken from being brought to life just as any story of Frankenstein should go. Thankfully you have no bolts in your head or neck so you should be fine. You are apparently in Dr. Frankenstein’s garret in a village, though one would wonder if maybe the castle would have been a better choice of operation for this experiment. It’s far too late to undo or consider this anyway. It’s also quite a mess here and Victor has not bothered to clean up after himself. The first thing you may notice nearby to the left side of the screen where you start is a bunch of squirming, wriggling eels on top of the pool of whatever liquid that is and directly above a dripping object. Don’t try to step over them or even touch them, as they will cause you harm. Instead, walk directly up to head into the first room you need to go into. In this next room, move over to the left side of the room, but watch out for the dripping liquid coming from the orb on the shelf above, as that is acid, and will hurt you if you step into it. Walk around it. Once there, head over to the shelf and take the =fresh bread= and the can of =Dissolve Away!™ sulfuric acid=, which you could find in any convenience store near you in the late 1700s. You’ve picked up what you need here, so head back out the way you came to return to the lab room. Walk over to the eels and get close, but not TOO close, and use the can of acid to kill all the eels in your path without any remorse. Oh well, they were probably doomed anyway and would have died from Victor’s negligence. With your path cleared, head to the left and up to the next door you see to enter the Store Room. In here, this is really only one item you need: the bottle of =chloroform= on the shelf. But as you head over to get it, a deformed looking monster (Mutant) will come out from under a blanket it’s been hiding (sleeping?) under for some reason and proceed to engage in a battle with you. How did it get there? Where did it come from? Was it one of Victor’s experiments? Did he wander in and take residence in there when no one was looking? Well, these questions will never be answered anyhow. Fortunately, as your first opponent, he shouldn’t be too difficult to eliminate. Once the Mutant has been done away with in a very neat death animation, head over and proceed to grab the chloroform, then leave the room. While back in the lab again, head to the far left and move to the door to enter Victor’s bedroom, where he is sleeping. How long, I don’t know. He probably simply turned on the machine to bring you to life and then went to sleep without any sense of responsibility... lazy scientist. You’ll also notice a key on his nightstand on the far right side of the room, but before you can go and pick it up, Victor will wake up and speak to you. He, of course, realizes what he’s just done, so he’s decided to right his wrong by kicking your ass with his mad karate skillz (you should see his win animation. It’s so out of his character). However, you can avoid this fight easily by highlighting the chloroform you picked up and pressing C to use it before he reaches the middle of the screen, which will put him back to sleep. Whether you defeat him in battle or chloroform him, you are now allowed to grab the key on his nightstand at your leisure. Do so and head out of the room to go back to the lab room, then head all the far right and up to the door to go into the front room. Once in here, just head to the door to the far right and use the key to exit this act. Make sure you ate the bread before you left, though! ---Act 2---6.2 The Town of Ingolsladt, Germany, February 1793 The second act opens with you in an overhead view, standing in town. You can go back into Victor’s house if you want, but there’s nothing for you there that would be of importance, and Victor certaintly won’t be there. Nearby you’ll see some pigs... you can walk into them as much as you want, they aren’t going to speak to you. They just wander around and grunt. There is also a blacksmith here to the far left of this screen, but he will just insult you. :( First, head left, then up into the space in between the buildings to enter a new area, where two NPCs are wandering around like idiots. They won’t speak to you either. Head up here and over the archway in between the next two buildings in front of you to enter the Alchemist’s Shop, where a few giant spiders are roaming left and right mindlessly across the floor waiting for dinner to enter their path of travel. Don’t touch these guys, they will quickly drain you of your precious health! Head to the very bottom to the screen when they are moving away from you and move across it to where a red bottle is sitting on a desk, which is a =Sleeping Potion=. Wait for them to pass by again, then quickly head up and grab the bottle. And do it fast, because while you are activating your inventory mode, they will still be moving. Once you grab the bottle, quickly head back down and get the hell out of there without touching the spiders. Also, make sure you are not standing where the web is on the desk for very long, because the spider closest to it, if you are standing there regardless of the position, will drain you of your health. With the sleeping potion in your hands, head back out the way you came back to the part of the town you started out in, and head to the far left and over the archway to enter the stables, where a horse is eating next to the cart and blocking your way. Head to the far right and grab the =horsefeeder full of food pellets=, then head back over and stop near the open half of the entrance/exit to the stable. Use the feeder bag here, which will somehow turn into a bowl full of feed. The horse will notice and walk over the feed and kick the air for no reason before proceeding to eat. Head all the way left and up and pick up the =bale of dry hay= here, then leave the area. Once back in the village, from the archway, head down and in between the two nearest buildings to head to the next part of the town. To the far left are two soldiers guarding the door. You could fight these guys, but even if you win there will still be two soldiers guarding the door, so it’s useless fighting them. There’s also another NPC here sweeping the ground who will insult you when you talk to him. You can also enter the General Store above him, but the clerk there will throw you out if you walk too far to the right. Some people... :( Head to the far right and enter the rightmost building through the doorway to go into a store owner’s home. Walk all the way to the right till you are facing some candles, and use the dry bale of hay on them, which will start a fire (you will automatically be teleported out of the building). The store owner will be running around like a fool screaming for help, while the guy sweeping the ground does nothing, as he is too busy having fun doing his job. You are now free to enter the General Store (where the dog laying by the fire will do nothing to stop you either) and grab the =tasty leg of chicken= sitting on the counter. You can’t eat this food item, since you’ll be using it for something else later. Leave the store and head over to the left and enter the building closest to the path you entered this screen from to enter the Jailer’s House. Walk over to the right where the Jailer, sleeping on a couch, will wake up and greet you, asking you if you have anything to drink. You could proceed to move past him and fight him, but you could also give him the sleeping potion you took earlier, which he will drink and go back to sleep. Proceed to the right and take the leftmost =key to the cells= from the rack, then head back out and back up to the first part of the town. Once here, head up the gateway in the middle of the town to head into the city jail, where two people are pleading for your help whilst a doberman guards it. You can also pick a fight with this nasty looking mongrel, but if you grabbed the chicken leg, walk over until it starts barking at you repeatedly (without getting too close) and give it the chicken leg, where it will proceed to eat it forever. With the dog busy, head over to the cell and use the key you took to release the prisoners from their cell, then head out the bottom of the screen. Those two soldiers from the gate will be running around with the prisoners, acting like they are trying to catch them, but more like they are randomly acting like fools, and the prisoners just running around just as dumbfoundedly. Whatever the reason, they’re distracted, so head back down to the lower part of the town, then to the gate at the far left, where you will soon exit to the outside of the gate. From here, leave through the bottom of the screen following the path in front of the gate, and enter the next act. ---Act 3---6.3 Augsburg Forest, Germany, April 1793 This is where the game starts to get a little more complex. This part of the game can get a little confusing to maneuver around since the paths all wind around each other, but when you start to memorize what path goes where you start to get the hang of it. Your start out this part of the story on a path that branches out four directions in a + like form. The upmost path will lead you nowhere, and heading to the upright of it while at the top of the screen will take you to the left most path, a glitch they left in the game. For now, head to the right path, and when you reach the next screen from there, take the one to the right to enter the area where the Outlaws’ Camp is to the right of the place. Enter it. Don’t worry, despite there being a campfire going, no one’s going to bother you. Walk up and take the =lucky charm= sitting there on a dead end path to the left of a wagon and then head over to the campfire, where the last two items of need are waiting for you. Grab the =hot soup= next to the fire, and then take the =necklace= sitting on the log next to it. Head out of the camp and go back to the four way path. Take the path leading down and keep heading down until you emerge in another overhead screen, where there is a barn (there is also another path you can take to get there, but this one is much more easier to work with). Head into the barn, and take the =shears= to the right, and the =bag of manure= to the left, then leave and go back to the + like path again the same way you came (make sure you kept note of which paths lead there from where you traveled!). Once back at the + path, head to the left one and keep traveling and taking the leftmost paths for two screens, then one that leads up for one where you will find a small cottage with a chicken coop and a NPC feeding chickens who is too busy to speak to you. Head into the cottage, where an old lady will greet you. Unlike those jerks back in the town, she’ll be friendly toward you. She’ll tell you that the outlaws stole her necklace, which is convenient if you followed my directions so far, as you will already have them. Give them to her by highlighting it and pressing C, and she will thank you by giving you some food (some cookies and a roasted chicken) before leaving forever, which you can then eat to add more stocks/health. Leave the cottage and the area it’s in the way you came. Once back on the path from the cottage, head down two screens, then right, where the next screen is filled with the same spiders you saw in the last act, doing the exact same thing (fortunately, no webs this time), so be sure to look out for them and haul your butt over to the path to the right while being careful not to get in front of the spiders, then head right one more screen where you’ll find a wolf starving due to the severe lack of creatures to eat around here, so it decides it wants to eat you, giving you the second opportunity to kill wildlife (this fight, like the first one, cannot be avoided). Block it’s charging attack and then follow up with a running headbutt to damage it some. Once you’ve made the wolf lapse into a silly death, a skunk will appear from out of nowhere. Not that it matters anyway, you can’t interact with it much. Head right one screen, then down in the next, where you’ll emerge in a series of trees with huge nasty looking insects that perform metamorphosis out of their cocoon things and fly around. When you attempt to move past these things, the Creature will complain to you that he doesn’t want to get anywhere near them. Well, if you have the bag of manure with you, that won’t be a problem anymore. Use the bag of poo and despite them continually flying around on the screen they will allow him to move down the screen to the next area. Problem solved. You’ll find yourself in another overhead view area where someone is speaking to a blind old man in a cottage next to a pumpkin patch. Go over and enter the area to see what the ruckus is about. A greedy landlord is pestering the poor old guy for money and since his son is in another town, he hasn’t paid the rent yet. That’s not enough to convince the landlord to have some patience, so he decides he wants to take the pumpkins that are for the special customers at Frankenstein Mansion. When the text ends, head over to fight the landlord away, who, like Victor, also seems to have learned to fight in some kind of martial art and will use his cane to smack you around. As soon as you win and return to the field, the old man will go inside. Follow him in and he will tell you how grateful he is for beating the snot out of landlord and tell you his lucky charm has gone missing, which he feels is the cause of his bad luck. If you’ve gone and taken it prior to all this, give it to him and he’ll go and tell his wife, leaving the room. You can wait there all you want, but he won’t return, so just leave the house. With him gone, though, you can now head left and up to the pumpkin patch (walk to the pumpkins to enter the area). Once here, walk over the =pumpkins= that have a greenish hue to them and use the shears to clip them free and take them into your inventory. You won’t have to use these just yet, as they need to be delivered to a house in Geneva, your next destination. As soon as you take them, a =recorder= will be laying there nearby, which you should take as well. Whatever you do, do NOT leave the screen or reload a saved game before you take it, because once you do, a bug in the game will cause it to disappear forever and you will be forced to start the game all over. Once you have the pumpkin and the recorder, head to the up and left in the pumpkin patch to enter a cluster of trees, where you will find the old blind man from before sitting and weeping about his recorder, which he has lost. Walk over and give it to him, and he will thank you by answering your question on where Geneva is before proceeding to play it, and apparently has decided to forget about telling his wife about you for some reason. Must be old age. With this act of good done, a path up and to the right will be open to you. Head into it and to the next screen, where a horse carriage will pull in. After a conversation with the driver, approach it and hop aboard and you will be taken to Geneva over a period of 5 months. ---Act 4---6.4 The City of Geneva, Switzerland, September 1793 You will arrive at the city gates leading to the city. From here, simply walk into the town. Once here, walk all the way to the left and enter the building there and go over to an old man sitting next to a key that you need, who mistakes you as his son due to old age. He’ll berate you, then give you a =coin= to go buy matches with. Leave the house, then head to the right and enter the nearby General Store, where the owner (who looks more like she’s wearing a shower cap on her head) is having a huge rat problem. Like the spiders, they will continually pace left and right nonstop. But unlike them, if they run into you, they will cause you no harm, so you’re safe here, despite how threatening they may look. Approach her, and she will tell you about the problem and that she needs a rat trap, of which you don’t have yet. Go ahead and give her the coin for now, and she will give you the =matches= the old man asked you to get. Head back over the old man’s house and give him the matches, where he’ll start a nice fire in his fireplace and get so comfy that he’ll fall asleep, allowing you to take the =key= next to him. Leave out the door to the left of the room and enter the backyard. With the key in hand, go over to the door of the shed and use the key to unlock it, then step inside. Walk over to the very left of the room and take the =nails= laying there on the ground, then leave the shed, and the backyard the same way you came in, and leave the old man’s house. Once back in the streets, head up and under a bridge, and up the next screen to enter the next part of the town. Head to the right to enter another nearby building where a man is trying to hang his picture in vain without any nails. And when it falls down he just puts it back up without trying anything else! Walk over and give him the nails you found, and he will reward your kindness with two =coins=. Move over to the left and take the =rat trap= sitting almost unseen near the vase in the lower left-hand corner of the screen (it’s easy to miss, believe me! If it doesn’t appear in the item window, walk up or down till it appears in it). Your work is done here, so leave the house. Head all the way back to the General Store from earlier in this act and give the owner the rat trap. She’ll give you another =coin= for your help in return. Leave here and go back up through the bridge and into the part of town earlier, then trek over to the lower right corner of the screen to enter another part of the town. Head right and into the home of a cat lady. Approach her and she will tell you that she’s misplaced her cat Snowy, who usually comes when there’s milk. Take the =key= next to her and head back outside. Take the stony path next to her house to move into another screen where there is a cellar door. Walk over to the doors and use the key on it, and a brown cat will climb out. Oh wait, it’s just a white cat covered head to toe in dust. The cat will then run off. You’ve found Snowy, so head back to the old cat lady and approach her; she will give you a strawberry tart (which you can eat) and some flowers (to assault your allergies). Head back over to the previous part of the town and walk over to where all the dirty pigeons are hanging around to find a grocer at a stall taking care of some of his products. Approach him, and he will tell you this delivery is for the people in Frankenstein Mansion nearby, which you need to get to, but he will give them to you to deliver if you give him three coins. Well, you’ve certaintly got three, so choose either one of them with the C button and after some animations you will automatically gain the =bag of mixed vegetables=. Well, with that done (unless you want to have some fun chasing away the pigeons), head back over to the right part of the town again, but this time head up in between the cat lady’s house and the building next to it to approach the Frankenstein Mansion at last. As you approach the gate, the guard will cock his gun and not allow you to pass... that is, if you don’t have the groceries. But since you do he will allow you to deliver the goods. Head through the gate, and head to the left of the next area until you see an entryway and head up into it. Head into the door in the next screen to go into the kitchen. Move left and approach the lady nearby who will tell you where to put the bag. Just highlight the bag and press C here to put them away like she asked. While you’re here, take the =candelabrum= sitting on the table nearby. Head right and enter a doorway to the lower right and enter the ground floor hallway. Keep moving to the left and then move up the stairs to reach the upper floor, then walk to the right until you approach a maid, who will notice your flowers if you have them. She’ll allow you to enter the bedroom, which belongs to a girl named Elizabeth. Move all the way to the left and walk over to the vase on a table. Put the flowers in the vase with the C button, then head back out. Once back in the upper hall, go all the way back to the left and north to enter William Frankenstein’s room, where the little fellow is playing with a yoyo. Approach him, and he will tell you where you may find Victor, who has gone wonky and locked himself in the attic. Additionally, he took the key to it with him. Crap. However, all is not lost! There is a secret entrance to it from Elizabeth’s bedroom. Yay for the architects. Head back over to the gal’s bedroom. Place the candelabrum on the right side of the fireplace above the picture, and a wall will open up to reveal the secret passage, allowing you entry into the attic. Move on to the right, where you will find Victor. I bet you wish you could see the look on his face when he realizes you’ve found him. Unfortunately he’s a game sprite and the size doesn’t show his expressions, so you’re treated to his animations instead. The Creature will engage in a symposium of dialogue with his creator, and tell him about how people hate and treat him. Turns out the poor guy just wants a friend. Unfortunately the kind of friend our corpse made of various body parts wants is a female just like him so he can be accepted, and Victor doesn’t want to comply with such a gruesome act. However, if he grants the Creature’s wish he will disappear with her in lovely Antarctica or something and live in the freezing cold with the Eskimos and never be seen again. Hm, it’s a tough decision... but Victor complies, and tells you what all he needs to bring forth a female Creature just like him. ---Act 5---6.5 Return to Ingolstadt, Germany, January 1794 Once again, you have found yourself back in the town of Ingolstadt, under the nighttime sky. Those soldiers must have killed those prisoners or something, because they’re guarding the gate again, and this time there’s a third guy who will attack you into a battle if you get too close. However, eliminating this guy will actually have an effect this time and he’ll disappear if beaten, but it’s still an optional fight. Okay, to make a beautiful female corpse, you’re going to need a lot of stuff. Head into the upper part of the town and into Victor’s garret, and head into the lab room. Someone went and cleaned the place up, but unfortunately those bloody annoying spiders are back. Move around to the left, avoiding the spiders as you go, and move to a barrel where a =wall chart= is sticking out. Grab it when there aren’t any spiders close to it moving about. Haul butt over to the left of the room, then enter Victor’s bedroom, which has been cleaned out except for some items he’s somehow left there. Grab the =bottle of body parts= (more like a bottle with two hands), and the =dairy= on the shelf. You’ve got all you need here, so dodge them spiders and get out of there. Head back over to the lower part of the town a screen down and approach the third tent from the right directly below the General Store here. A guy spinning a spool of thread has to go pee something fierce and can’t be bothered to go in his pants, so he asks you to mind the store while he dashes off. This is your chance to steal it while no one is looking (not like anyone is anyway) and snatch the =spool= away. The owner will come back angrily and forget all about his dangerously full bladder and call you a toe rag before you kung-fu fight. Well, you don’t have to pay; you’re the Creature, so kick the guy’s butt and proceed on your way. Head over to the guards’ quarters next to where the Jailer’s house is and walk to the lower right corner of the screen to enter what I ASSUME is the bathroom. Remember that fight with the soldier? If you had fought the guy, a sewerguard will be here and walk over to you when you get close and fight you with his shovel. So unless you want an extra fight you can avoid this one. Head over to the open door in the floor and you’ll be transported outside in front of the gates since this time you can’t trick the guards with more expendable prisoners. Leave down the path at the bottom of the screen. ---Act 6---6.6 Frankenstein Mansion, Geneva, Switzerland, April 1794 Back again in Geneva, eh? Well, so far you’ve picked up the needed items, now to get the rest. Also, you will have a =coin= in your inventory, no doubt given to you by Victor. Head into the General Store here in the town to find that the rat trap didn’t quite work out the way the owner had hoped as she is practically standing there like a statue in anger over it. Move over and take the =live rat (aaargh)= sitting next to her. A live rat with a steel tail as evidenced in it’s close up still. Walk over to the owner and give her the coin to buy a =bottle of iodine=, which is good for brides and things. Then make your way out. Head under the bridge and to the next part of the town again, then right (the direction that is) to the next screen and head over to the Frankenstein Mansion. It doesn’t look like you’ll be able to get in through the gate, though, as a big silly looking dog is pacing back and forth in front of it. Get as close as you can to it use the live rat to make it run away from the gate, then proceed in. Head into the mansion through the kitchen again like before and move through the halls until you reach the upper floor again. Move all the way to the right and you’ll find that Victor left the attic open for you this time, so go on ahead inside where the doc has everything set up for wife-making. Move all the way to the left, where Victor is, who has grown a beard, and he’ll take your items... then pull out a gun. Uh oh, seems he doesn’t seem to want to go through with this anymore and wants to kill you. Don’t walk toward him or around him, as doing so will cause him to shoot you, costing you a stock/life and dumping you back out at the front of the mansion. Instead, walk away from him, where Elizabeth, his wife, will run in and block your path. At this point, you may want to put in your mouthguard, don your helmet, and strap yourself into your chair, because it’s time for the most absurd fight in the entire movie- based video game. That’s right, you are brawling against ELIZABETH FRANKENSTEIN, of all people. She’s got some pretty wicked moves too, like a very fast rolling attack that will surprise you when you least expect it (and will have just as amusing a win animation as Victor’s). Looks like you have no choice but to kill her. Once she’s down, sit back and enjoy the beautifully animated and emotional cutscene that follows. With Elizabeth soon made a monster too, the Creature just shoves Victor down and takes her with him to head north. ---Act 7---6.7 Alexander Nevsky, Arctic, October 1794 You start out this final chapter in a ship with Elizabeth, your new wife. She doesn’t seem to mind having been unwillingly-though-illegally divorced from Victor and is primping up in her own way, despite being shaved balder than Sinead O’ Connor. Walk up and to the left and grab the =lantern= to light up your life. Your wife will then get up and start walking away. Follow her, and soon a mysterious voice will speak to you, asking you to meet him “on the ice”. Move to the right. Walk over to a cage in the lower right hand corner of the screen until something appears in your item window... pick up the =tarpaulin=, which is there. It’s use, I know not. It’s pretty well hidden, so you won’t exactly see it (interestingly, if you press C once you have it he’ll say Dr. Frankenstein asked him to bring it to him, even though it’s past the wife-making part). Once you do, the chickens will go nuts and a sailor will walk in wondering what all the noise is about... and your wife will split the scene while he talks with you! He’s not going to let you go, so you’ll have to kill him too. Once you’ve removed him from your way, head up the door and above deck. Walk left one screen where another sailor is standing there with a harpoon. Walk over to him to start another battle, as there’s no other way to advance the game. Be careful of how he uses it, as he can hit you from a good range. Once he’s defeated, head left again and do so until you find... Victor! Victor Frankenstein has decided to confront you for one last battle, as you have taken everything near and dear from him. Once he is out of the picture, proceed on to the left and then down once you reach the end of the screen. Soon, you’ll be walking on the snow (though it doesn’t look very much like it), where Mrs. Creature is. Walk over to the metal thing behind her (I forget what that thing is called) and use the lantern on it to set the ship aflame. After all of that, sit back once again, this time for the ending and credits that follow for all your work. Congratulations! I guess... ===SPECIAL THANKS====================================================7= Francis Ford Coppola, Kenneth Branagh and TriStar Pictures --Making the film. You tried your best with it, and I still found it enjoyable. Sega --Credit for making the Sega CD, a rather underappreciated system, but is actually kind of neat and worthy of some mention. Sony Imagesoft --Making this game. Your SNES and Genesis adaptions were as abominable as the Creature himself, but you at least put your best efforts into the Sega CD version, even if the fighting game element doesn’t mix well with the film. Psygnosis --Developing the game. You --Have you read this far already? Well, special thanks to you then, and extra for using the FAQ/walkthrough. Mary Shelley --You’re long dead, but if not for you, there would be no Frankenstein or Frankenstein’s monster. The world would be less fun without him. ===LEGAL STUFF=======================================================8= This FAQ is © -Hanyousama-, created March 30, 2007. I do not claim ownership for any liscenced properties mentioned here whatsoever. So you know... all rights reserved and everything. =======================================================================