Prince of Persia - Strategy for Sega Mega CD Written by Magnus Andersson This strategy is dedicated for my girlfriend, Maringa, who is my beloved princess. :) ----------------------------------------- About this strategy ----------------------------------------- This strategy is specially written for the Sega Mega CD version of Prince of Persia. Prince of Persia is available for several systems, like Amiga, Atari, PC, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive and Gameboy (and even more systems, but I don´t know them all). I think there are some similarities in the game between the versions, but as I wrote, this strategy is specially written for the Sega Mega CD version. It is possible that some parts could be used for other versions as well, but since I haven´t played the other versions very much, I don´t know for sure about it. Please note that my English is far from perfect (I´m from Sweden), but I hope that everything will be clear in this strategy even so. I have tried to explain every move in detail, so that you know what to do next. I´m often mixing left and right: Sometimes when I write right, I mean left, and sometimes when I write left, I mean right. I learned this wrong in school, and since then I´m still mixing them up. Sometimes when I for example write that there is "a floor button to the left", when it actually is to the right, then of course, I mean "right". I´m very sorry about this, and I hope you won´t be too confused about this. If you have any questions or comments, I will gladly help you/reply to you. :) My e-mail address is available at the top of this document. You may spread this document in any way you would like, and you may upload it anywhere on the Internet. But you may not make any changes to it, or sell it, or make any own profit out of it. In the Mega CD version, there are 12 levels, but the 12th level is split into three parts. You have one hour to complete the game (As you watch the intro, you will see that Jaffa the Grand Vizier will give the princess one hour´s time of thinking, if she will marry him or not. If you fail to complete the game in this time, the game is over. ----------------------------------------- The moves ----------------------------------------- With the D-pad, the "arrow buttons", you steer the prince. By pressing "up", you will jump up to a higher level (if a higher level is available). "Down" will make you crouch. If you are standing close to an edge, you will jump down. A-button makes you tip-toeing, while walking in a direction. You need to tip-toe to spike-traps on the floor, or else they kill you immediately. You can also use the A-button for tip-toeing, so that you stand exactly as far out as possible to an edge of a hole. Very practical, if you for example need to make a "standing jump" over a hole. The B-button makes you jump. It is good to use the jump-button to check if any plates in the roof or in the floor are loose. Stand close to a loose plate in the roof to break it. By pressing B-button, and one direction at the same time, the prince makes a "standing jump", which is a bit shorter then the "running jump". The "running jump" will be needed when you need to pass longer holes. Pick up speed (pressing the D-pad in the direction you are intending to jump), and press B-button, when you are about two steps away from the edge, to make the jump. The C-button is used to hang down from an edge. When you are standing close to an edge, turn around (by pressing the opposite direction with A-button together, once). Press and hold C-button, and press down. When the prince is hanging down, release C to release and to fall down. If you want to get up again when hanging, simply press "up" again. It is important that you keep the C-button hold if you decide to climb back up. Or else, the prince will release the grip (and possibly fall down to a brutal death). The A-button has the same function as the C-button. If you are going to get through a gate, which is closing, and which already has closed too much for you to walk through, then try to crouch, and walk through. ----------------------------------------- Swordbattle ----------------------------------------- You will face several of Jaffa´s henchmen as you fight through the way in the dungeon to save the princess. When you will face an enemy (after that you have picked up the sword (Scimitar) on the first level), you will draw the sword automatically. To make an attack, press C. To block, press B. A pretty safe technique I use to use when I fight the henchmen is that I try to stand still. When the enemy gets close, I simply make an attack, and if I´m lucky, I will strike successfully. But, it doesn´t help to simply wave around with your sword over and over again. If you do so, your enemy will never approach to you. You need to strike in the very right moment. Timing is the key to win. This technique doesn´t work for all enemies though. But when the situation becomes different, I will try to give advice how to beat the enemy. ----------------------------------------- Time ----------------------------------------- As I wrote above, you have one hour to complete all 12 levels. There is no time for idling. Try to get through the levels as quickly as possible, but of course it is sometimes a good idea to take some tricky parts slower (level 8 for example, is a real nightmare, where you must go very slowly, and plan everything very carefully). When I completed the game, I had about 20 minutes left of the hour. I will type my time record after every described level, so that you understand about how long the level is, and how much time which could be needed to complete the level. Try to play on fastest game speed. It will make you gaining plenty of time (the hour does not pass faster if you play on fastest level, nor does it pass slower if you play on slower speed). However, I always play on slowest speed, 5, when fighting an enemy, to be on a safer side to win. It is worth to take some time with the battles, than losing too much energy. The risk is too high that you need to start the level all over again. And that is not worth it, in my humble opinion. It could be difficult to play on fastest level directly as you start playing the game, since the control is a bit tricky in the beginning. I advise that you start playing on slower speed, and when you feel safer about the control, you could increase the game speed. If you simply want to play through the game with help from this strategy only, then I suggest you to play through the level slowly once, and then try to play it through again, a bit faster. The time passes slower in the game than in real life. 1 minute in the game is 1 minute and 12 seconds in reality. ----------------------------------------- Strategy - Level 1 ----------------------------------------- One more thing before we the game after completing a level!! I forgot to do that when I had completed level 9 for the first time, and I was *quite* annoyed about myself about that... First of all on level 1, run right and down, and run as far as possible to the right. A fake plattform breaks under you. Step close to the edge and hang down, and release the grip to fall down. Go left (if you go right, you will face a guard, but you can´t fight him because you haven´t gotten the sword yet), and up to the next room. Jump over the hole, and hit the floor button to open the gate to the left. In the next room, go down from the plattform, and hit the floor button to the right. The gate to the left goes up. When you are going to jump over the hole, be careful, the part which is covering the hole is a fake floor and breaks as soon as you walk on it, so try to jump over it. Exit to the left before the gate closes. In the next room, two plates are fake on level you are standing on. Simply run over them and continue to the left. In the next room, hit the button on the floor, then step as close as you can (by tip-toeing) to the edge above a hole (the plate over it is a fake). From this point, make a "standing jump" to the left. The next plate right of the fake plate makes the gate going down immediately if you step on it, so you need to jump over it as well. In the next room, there is a loose plate in the roof. If you make it falling down, by jumping, you can get up and take a bottle of energy to the up/left, if you have lost energy. Be careful with the spike-trap in the floor. You can also get another energy bottle if you go right instead (there are fake plates in the next room, simply step on them to reach the bottle). If you continue this way, you will also face another guard and eventually end up where the level started. If you don´t want to go up here, then continue left instead. Stand as close as possible to the edge, and make a standing jump over to the left. The next plates are fake, but it doesn´t matter if you break them. In the next room to the left, you will find the sword on the bottom. Pick it up, and go back. As you reach the spot where you made the last standing jump, go up on the plattform to the left of the hole and get as close as possible to the edge, and make a standing jump over. From this point, there are two ways to go, to go back. You can either go upwards (read above), but then you must fight another guard. Taking this way takes only more time, and is a greater risk. It is better to go the same way back. If you choose this way, then exit to the left, get through the next room, and climb up on the plattform in the next room after that. If you broke the fake plates (most likely), then stand close to the edge, and make a standing jump over. Get over the hole in the next room (beware of the fake plate, in case you didn´t break it before), and continue on to the next room. Jump over the hole with spikes on the bottom, and continue right, and then right again. You will now face the guard in the beginning. Kill him. In the next room, hit the plate to the left. The door will open. As you stand at the stairs, press "up" to go to the next level. My time record on this level is 1 minute and 53 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 2 ----------------------------------------- The guard(s) on level 1 was slightly easier than the guards on this level. Things are getting harder already. Go left in the beginning. In the next room, first two plates are fake. If you fall down, climb up again and fight the guard. When he is killed, continue right. In this room, you can pick up an energy bottle if you have lost energy (the plate before the spike-trap on the floor is a fake). There is a loose plate in the roof as well. It is the third one, from right. If you go up here, you will find another energy bottle (don´t waste time on taking the energy bottle if you already are completely healthy). In the next room, go as far out as possible to the edge and make a standing jump, and be ready to grab the edge as you reach the other side, by pressing the C-button. You can also make a running jump over, if you prefer to do so. Go up, and you will meet the next guard. After killing him, hit the floor button, and continue left. In the next room, there is another energy bottle on the floor. The plate over the hole is (of course) fake, so if you run over it, you can after that it has fallen down, climb down, and pick up the bottle. Even if you don´t need the bottle, I suggest you to climb down, because that´s an easier way to go. The second plate after the hole to the right side closes the next gate (but you can of course jump over it), so it is easier to climb down. In the next room, be careful with the spike-trap on the floor. Climb up, and fight the next guard. In the next room, you can pick up the *first* bottle, to heal up one bottle unit. But do *not* drink the second one, it contains poison. If you simply run across the floor, the gate behind you closes. If you want the gate to remain open, then make a standing jump directly after that you passed the gate. In the next room, there is a loose plate directly in the roof. If you get up there, you will find two energy bottles. Jump over the edge and fight the next guard. Be careful here. He has already drawn his sword, so his chance to strike you first is very high. As you land on the plattform, press C-button quickly to strike. In the next room are two ways to go. If you go upwards, you will reach a powerbottle, which restores your health completely and increases your maximum bottle energy by one. You really need this bottle, because the enemies will get harder later on, they will get more energy as well, and Jaffa has eight energy bottles in the end, so you don´t stand much chance against him with only three bottles... Anyway, climb up, and tip-toe through the first trap. Climb up to the higher plattform and drink the bottle. To avoid the traps as you go down, stand close to the edge, and make a standing jump over. You will jump over the traps, and land right of them. Tip-toe through them, and get down again. In the next room, there is only a spike-trap on the floor. In the room after that, get close to the edge, and make a standing jump over. Turn around, go close to the edge, and turn around again. Climb up one plattform, and go left. In the next room, there is a loose plate in the roof. Climb up here, to the left. Get close to the edge, turn around, and climb up. Turn around again towards the edge again, and make a standing jump over, and be ready to grab the other side as you reach it. (You can also make a running jump, if you prefer to do so. You will hear a door open. Jump back again, and go right and exit through the door in the next room. If you continue right, you will just face another guard, but there is no point in fighting him. The only reason is that you also can take that way up, if you didn´t find the loose plate in the roof. But the way I described is easier to go, and it saves time. My time record on this level is 2 minutes and 39 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 3 ----------------------------------------- Go right in the beginning to the room to the right, and climb up two plattforms. Jump over to the right side, and continue climbing upwards as far as possible. Jump right (standing jump), and in the next room, jump over to the plattform to the very right. Now, a tricky task awaits you. In a limited time, you have to jump back to the place you climbed up, but at the same time also continue further left, to the next room, where another hole awaits you. You need to jump over it as well, and then in the room after that, make a long jump to the gate *and* grip the edge as you reach the other side!! This sounds complicated, yes I know, but if you take a look on this place, you will probably see what I mean. In the room with the gate, the last plate is fake, so be careful. You have to make everything in one run without stopping (in other case you will not have enough time before the gate closes). As you stand on the floor button to open the gate, turn around, and make two standing jumps directly to the left. Then move carefully to the edge and do the rest in one run. (This is how I do it, maybe you know an easier way). After this part, you will see an energy bottle, which you could drink if you have lost energy so far. Before you enter next room, start running, and fall down from the plattform you were running on, to the plattform where the skeleton is. A plate falls down behind you, and if you fall down with it, you have to start all over again... Continue left and upwards to the next gate. You will open it with the floor button as you climb up to it. In the next room, there is a "chop-machine" (I don´t know what they are called, but that´s a suitable name for such a machine). Go carefully close to it, using the A-button, and walk through it just when it has closed, then you will walk through unharmed. If you fail, you will die immediately, no matter how much energy you have left. Continue down and hit the floor button in the room below (the button is located to the very right). Get up again, pass the chop-machine and through the gate. But be careful now! As soon as you jump down from the plattform with the get, quickly press C to draw your sword faster. The skeleton is alive! And no matter how much you strike it, you can´t kill it. (It is difficult to kill something which already is dead...). Instead, you have to push him over the edge to the right. The skeleton is harder to beat, than a normal guard. Try to advance against him, to push him backwards against his edge. When he gets close to you, or you get close to him, start pressing the B-button for blocking (even though the skelton isn´t attacking). When the skelton does attack, you will block, and immediately as you have blocked, press C to strike. I can almost guarantee that you will strike successfully. The skeleton will take a step backwards, and you can do it again and again til that he falls down. But, it is not over yet. Climb down, where the skeleton fell down. But keep the C-button pressed, so that you hang down, before you release the grip. In other case, the fall will be too high, and you will lose one energy bottle. Here the computer is more or less cheating, because the skeleton will almost for certain strike you first before you get a chance to attack. To get rid of this darn skeleton again, do the same as you did before. The plate over the hole to the left is fake, so when the skeleton steps on it, he falls down. Make a standing jump over the hole when the skeleton is gone, and run left, and exit through the door to the next level. My time record on this level is 2 minutes and 6 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 4 ----------------------------------------- Nice background colour. :) Hit the floor button to the right, and go through the gate to the left. Step on the other two floor buttons in the next room, and exit to the left. In the next room, simply run against the gate. But as you reach it, it closes, and you will fall down on from a fake plate. Be prepared to grab to the edge as you are falling down, and then release the grip (in other case you will lose one energy unit because of the fall). But even if you do lose one energy unit, it doesn´t matter actually. Your health will soon be restored. In the new room, with the guard on the right side, go left (slowly, so that you don´t fall down in the hole in the next room). Climb up in the hole above. In this new room, turn around, and press B-button. A fake plate falls down. Climb up here, and run to the gate. A fake plate falls down behind you, and it hits a floor button which opens this gate. In the next room, there is a chop-machine and a potion which increases your maximum bottle energy units by one. Get through the trap and drink the bottle and get back one room. There is a hole to the right (where you climbed up), and you must jump over it. Make a standing jump, but don´t do it from the edge! Stand about one plate away from the edge and jump over(If you make a standing jump from the edge, you will jump over the hole, but also fall down in the other one in the other one, and then you have to get back up again). Jump over the hole, and go right. In the next room, go right and down. In this new room, a gate has opened, which wasn´t opened before. Go right from here (if you go left, you have to battle the guard you saw erlier, and there is actually no need to fight him at all). In the next room, you could pick up an energy bottle. In the next room is another energy bottle available, and there is also a chop-machine, and a guard. Get through the chop-machine by tip-toeing (the guard will not attack you before that you have gone through). As you are through the chop-machine. Try to advance a bit away from the machine, so that the guard doesn´t push you back into the trap. In the next room, climb up as far as possible. Jump over the hole and go right from here (if you go left you will just face another guard, and there is no need to fight him either). In the next room, avoid the spike-trap on the floor. In the next room, you will fight another guard. In the room after that you can pick up an energy bottle (a fake plate open the way to it). Continue through the next room. In the room after that, climb down one plattform, and get through the chop-machine. Hit the floor button to the left. You will hear that the door to the next level goes up, but that a mirror also is blocking the way! And you can´t get out if you go down either, there is only another energy bottle, but there is no point in taking it either (that would only be vaste of time), because you are not going to face any more enemies on this level. Get back up to the mirror. You can´t walk through it, but you can jump through it! Pick up speed, and make a running jump through the mirror. Your own mirror picture runs out the other way. You will meet him again later. Go left two rooms and exit to the next level. My time record on this level is 2 minutes and 32 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 5 ----------------------------------------- Hit the floor button to the left and go through the gate to the right. In the next room, climb up and fight the guard. Continue right and up to the next room. From here you can either to left or right. If you go left, you will find a room with another bottle which increases the maximum bottle energy units by one, but to be honest I don´t think it is possible to take this bottle. As soon as you get pass the chop-machines, you will hit a floor button, and then your own mirror picture from level 4 arrives, and steals the bottle! So instead, go left. In this room, jump over the hole, and hang down from the edge on the left side, and release the grip to fall down one plattform. If you need the energy bottle, simply jump over (you need to grab the edge as you jump over, if you make a standing jump) and take it, and jump back. In the room to the reight, be prepared, a guard is waiting for you here. After killing him, go left and get through the gate. If you are hurt, you could also go up, at the edge in the roof. In this room, in the top to the very left is a loose plate in the roof. Up there are two energy bottles. To go back, go right, and hang down as you did last time from the edge, to get back. In the next room is another guard. After killing him, continue left. In the next room, you can pick up an energy bottle if you climb down. If you climb down to the room below, there is another bottle available behind a chop-machine. After this, you face another guard. And of course the plate over hole is fake, so get over it without falling down. Press C quickly to draw your sword faster, and kill the guard. When he is killed, continue left. You need to get through the gate before it closes. If it already is closed, then get back and hit the floor button where you fought the guard and get through the gate. There is no point in climbing down into the hole, there is nothing of interest down there. In the next room, exit to the next level. My time record on this level is 2 minutes and 8 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 6 ----------------------------------------- This level is no doubt the shortest one in the game. Hit the floor button to the right, and go through the first gate to the left. Tip-toe through the spike-traps on the floor in the next room. In the room after that, hit the floor button, and make a standing jump from the edge. Tip-toe through the spike-traps and go to the next room. Here you will face a stronger guard, who has five energy bottles as well. First, get pass the hole with the fake plate, and then quickly press C to draw your sword faster. Be careful with this guard, because he has two kinds of attacks. Except for the normal strike attack, he can also wave his sword in some way over his head and attack that way. The best way to beat him is like you did with the skeleton on level 3: Get close to him, and press B button over and over again, even when he isn´t attacking. When he does attack, you will block, and then quickly press C to strike. The chance is very high that you succeed to strike, and if you are really lucky, you can even strike him twice directly! Be careful, so that he doesn´t push you down in the hole behind you. When he is beaten, go through the gate. Jump over the hole in the next room, and in the room after that, simply fall down! And the level is completed. You will see your mirror picture standing on the other side, but even if you succeed in making a long jump, and gripping the other side, the gate will close again, and you will fall down. I don´t think it is possible to reach the order side. But if you know a way, please let me know. :) My time record on this level is 29 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 7 ----------------------------------------- Your fall from level 6 was a long one. Be prepared to grab the edge immediately as level 7 begins, or else you will fall to death. But even if you fail to grab the edge for the first time, and die, don´t worry. You can still save the game, so that you can start on level 7 again. There is nothing of interest on the left side where you start, so jump over to the other side. In the next room you will fight a guard, and behind him is a chop-machine. In the room after that, you simply have to run through (a fake plate in the middle breaks). In the room after that, the second plate in the roof is loose. Make it falling down, and climb up there. In the first room is a chop-machine, and in the second room is a guard. In the third room is a way down, and a bottle of energy. When you have gone down from here, hit the floor button and continue right. In the next room a gate closes behind you, and another one is open, but there is also a spike-trap, and in front of the spike-trap is a button which closes the gate. To get through here, first walk on the second plate beween the gates, to keep the gate open, and then stand on the right edge on the third plate (in the middle between the gates). From this point, make a standing jump. You will jump over the closing button and the spike-trap and can continue to the next room. In the next room is a giant hole, and there is also a plattform to another side. Do not attempt to jump over, that´s impossible. Instead, walk to the very edge, turn around, hang down, release the grip, and be ready to grab the edge when you reach the plattform below. You can take this way to the right, but this way is a bit complicated, so I prefer to go down yet another plattform. When you have reached this plattform, go left, and in the next room, stand as close as possible to the edge, and jump over the spike-traps. But you must also grab on to the other side as you jump, or else you fall on the second spike-trap. In the next room, simply avoid the spike-traps on the floor. In the room after that, climb up two plattforms. In the room above, climb up to the next plattform (by standing close to the edge and turning around). Now continue up to the plattform with the guard, and as you climb, hit the C-button like crazy, because the guard will attack quickly, and there is a risk that he strikes before that you have drawn your sword, and if that happens, you die immediately. The risk is also very high that you fall down, and then you remove your sword, giving the guard a brilliant opportunity to strike you again to death (The game is more or less cheating here). When the guard is killed, run over to the next room to the left. A plate behind you breaks. Go down, and through the chop-machines. Continue through the next two rooms, and take the bottle. Immediately as you have taken it, hang down and release the grip. For a short while, the great fall can not harm you. As you are standing at the bottom with the closed door to the next level, press the plate button to the left, and go through the gate. When pressing the other button on other side of the gate, the door to the next level opens. But don´t exit yet! Continue right two rooms, and you will find a bottle which increases your maximum energy bottle units by one. Go back, and then up on plattform above you, through the next gate (jump over the little hole). Now you will find yourself on an edge, and you can´t see what´s going to happen if you jump. Stand on the very edge, make a standing jump, and grab the other edge when you reach it, and go back the entire way, to that place where you found the bottle, which made that you could fall down without being harmed. When you are there, remember to hang down, before releasing the grip. If you fall down directly, you die. You will get one unit damage, but the bottle you picked up restored your energy completely, so it doesn´t matter. Exit through the door on the bottom. My time record on this level is 3 minutes and 18 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 8 ----------------------------------------- I *hate* this level!! The difficult level is cruel here, and it is also the longest level in the game. Take your time on this time, it will be needed. This level is no doubt the hardest in the game, so when this level is completed, the worst part is definately over. If you manage to pass this level, then I can guarantee that you will complete the game. Go left in the beginning. Climb up to the plattform to the left in the beginning. To the right is only a poison bottle. The second plate on the plattfrom is fake. In the next room, you will fight a guard, but he is more intelligent than the other guards, because he uses the same technique as I described in the beginning. So instead, use the strategy as on level 6, that you get closer, then block his attack, and then strike (it doesn´t work everytime, but that´s the only way). When he is killed, stand on the edge, make a standing jump and grab the edge on the other side. In the next room, you can pick up an energy bottle. Jump over to the other side, and climb down to the room below. At the bottom, get through the chop-machine and continue right. Avoid the spike-traps on the floor in the next room. Simply run through the next room (with the closed door to the next level). And guess what! The button on the plattform above opens it! And reaching that spot, and getting back in one piece is easier said than done. But here we go...continue to the next room, and avoid the next spike-traps on the floor. Run through the next two rooms. Avoid the spike-trap in the next room. Fight the guard in the room after that. Avoid the spike-trap in the next room, and pick up the energy bottle if you need it. If you take it, be sure to be standing on the edge, make a standing jump, to jump over the spike-trap below. Run through the next room. In the next room you need to make a long jump, and grip the edge on the other side. To do this, get back to the room before, pick up speed, make a running jump over, and grip the edge, and get up. Climb up to the top plattfrom, stand on the edge, make a stadning jump over, and grab the edge again, and get up. You can climb up here on the right side, to pick up an energy bottle. Now, you have to go the entire way to the door button, and I guess you noticed as you ran through the rooms, what kind of nightmares which is awaiting you. Immediately as you enter the next room, hit C like crazy, because the guard will attack you right away (the game is cheating AGAIN!!). Stand close to the next room, and walk into it, but do *not* tip-toe. If you do so, he kills you in one strike immediately. When he is killed, stand on the edge, make a standing jump and grab the other edge. If you fail, you lose one energy unit, and you have to walk around the next room, get through the two chop-machines as soon as you can, because after a while the gate to the left end closes. If it happens that the gate closes, then you have to walk back to the room with the "cheating" guard, and press the floor button, to open it again. Then, as you enter the room, keep the D-pad pressed in the left direction! If you did it correctly, then you will simply run through the chop-machines, and they will miss you, and you can exit trough the gate in time. In the next room, you must make a running jump over to the gate, because the last plate is (of course) fake. If the gate already is closing, then you must do everything in one long run and jump, from the room with the cheating guard, and everything must work perfect...Be careful, so that you stop quickly as you enter the next room. There is another hole here which you need to pass. And you need to make a running jump here, because the plate you can see, covering a bit of hole is fake as well, so you can´t grab to it. There is not much space to pick up speed, but it is possible to make a running jump. In the next room, there is a chop-machine, and a guard. Get through the chop-machine and fight the gaurd (he will not attack before that you are through, but be careful so that he doesn´t strike first, or push you backwards into the chop-machine). Go through the next gate, and in the next room, jump over the hole (a standing jump is enough, if you grab the edge). In the next room, avoid the chop-machines, and in the next room you will reach the button which opens the door to the next level. When the button is pressed, then go back to the last gate. It has closed by now, so you are trapped! But, the princess´ little white mouse (who also delivered a message to you (you can read about it in the manual), walks on the door button, and then he vanishes again. Hang down from the edge and release the grip. Go back to the door which leads to the next level (avoid the spike-traps on the way back), and exit. The nightmare is over... :) My time record on this level is 4 minutes and 58 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 9 ----------------------------------------- Go left in the beginning, and press the floor button to open the gate. Get as close as possible to the chop-machine, and make a standing jump through, in the right moment. If you simply walk through, you will hit another floor button which closes the gate. In the next room, climb up, and jump over to the right side in the room after that. Run through the next room, where the closed door to the next level is. Simply run through the room. In the next room, there is a chop-machine and a guard. When you through here, climb upwards on plattforms in the next room, and drink the energy bottle, if you need it. Continue upwards, and in the next room, climb up on the higher plattform. The plattforms in the middle are fake, so be careful here. In the next room to the right, you fight a guard. Then, hit the floor button on the other side of the spike trap. Now, get back as quickly as you can, before the gate closes again. The plate in front of the gate is a floor button which closes the gate, so you need to jump over it. In the next room, jump over to the other side, and go down, and go left. Immediately as you are in the room with the closed door which leads to the next level (you are standing on the higher plattform to the right), stop. The first plate here is a fake, but you are supposed to break it. It falls down on the floor button below, and opens the gate on the other side. As you walk on the plate, be sure to not fall down with it, you will lose time if you do so, and you also have to make some extra jumps and other risky stuff again, so try to not fall down. Simply walk over the plattform, and when it has broken, jump back, and get back up, and up to the next room. In this room, hit the floor button to the right to open the next gate. In the next room, behind the gate, you will find a bridge with a guard on it. The third plate from right is loose, so run across this plate, and kill the guard. In the next room, there is an energy bottle, which you could drink, but be careful with the spike-traps. Climb up to the highest plattform. In the next room, you need to make a running jump, to the floor button on the other side (the last plate is loose), and be ready to grab it. When you have grabbed it, release it. Continue left, and jump over to the other side in the next room, and destroy the loose plates in the roof (or the floor to the highest plattfrom). Do *not* drink the bottle on the highest plattform. If you do, the screen turns up-side-down! Instead, on the highest plattform, go left and drink the next bottle instead, it creases your maximum energy units by one. Get back to the room with with up-side-down bottle, and go down this time. In the next room, you can either go down, or right. If you go right, you will find an energy bottle, behind two chop-machines. To continue, climb down on the plattforms. In the next room, go through the chop-machine, and hit the floor button. Get back quickly through the gate that opened, before it closes, and then out again before it closes. Now quickly climb up to the higher plattform where the other gate is, and get out again before it closes (if you stuck inside, the only option is to restart (from a saved file, don´t restart with the "restart" option, then you lose plenty of time). In the next room to the right is just a chop-machine, and in the room after that is a guard. After killing him, continue right, and in the room with the closed exit, press the floor button to open the exit door. Hang down from the plattform, release, and exit to the next level. My time record on this level is 3 minutes and 58 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 10 ----------------------------------------- Get down one plattform, hit the floor button and go through the gate to the left. Go through the next room, and in the next one, fight the guard. When he is killed, get back to the room where you started, and go right this time. Be careful, there is a loose plate just in the beginning of this room. There is also another guar here. Be careful so that he doesn´t push you down into the hole. As soon as you strike him, advance further a bit against him, so that you get some more space, away from the hole. When is beaten, keep running right without stopping (some loose plates on the floor will break). As you have passed the gate, do *not* climb up to fight the next guard. If you do so, he will strike you to death immediately. Instead, continue right, and hit the floor button in the next room. The next thing you must do is a bit tricky: You have to get through the chop-machines above, and also avoid the hidden floor button that closes the gate, and also get through the gate before it closes. This is how to do it: Clmib up to the next plattform, and as soon as you have climbed up, turn around, and make one tip-toe step, so that you are standing on the very edge. Turn around again, so that you face the gate. Now, make a standing jump through the first chop-machine, in the right moment. When you have gotten through it, stand still, and make a new standing jump through the next machine in the right moment. By doing this, you can avoid the machines and the hidden floor button. In the next room, climb up on the higher plattform, but do not you through the chop-machine, and do not fight the guard! You don´t need to go that way. Behind the guard is only a loose plate in the roof, which leads to an energy bottle, but it is not worth the risk to take it (if you get a single bottle damage as you fight him, your fight has been in main), and of course you also lose some time. Instead, as you have climbed up, turn around, stand on the edge (if you don´t stand on the edge, the chop-machine will chop you to death), and press B button. A loose plate in the roof falls down. Climb up there. In the next room, turn around, make a standing jump, and run as far as you can without stopping. The plates behind you will break, but if you keep the D-pad pressed, you will not fall down. When you have reached the end, you will fall down. Quickly go left, to avoid fighting the guard. Take the energy bottle in the next room if you need it. Hit the floor button, and run without stopping through the gate, and continue running into the next room. A fake plate behind falls down, but if you keep running, you will not fall down with it. On the lower plattform, quickly climb up to the gate in the top/left, before it closes. In the next room, you will fight another guard. The last plate in the roof is loose, so make it falling down, climb up and hit the floor button to open the next gate. Climb down and go through the gate. In the next room, the first plate is fake, so be careful so that you don´t fall down. Hit the floor button to the left, and hang down from the edge, release, and exit to the next level. If you prefer to fight the gaurd now, instead of in the beginning, feel free to do so. If you do so, then climb down from the right edge, so that you get more space before he attacks. My time record on this level is 2 minutes and 33 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 11 ----------------------------------------- Climb up and go right to the next room. Make a running jump over the hole and grab the edge on the other side as you reach it. Get up, and break the second plate in the roof on the other side. Climb up here to the left, and run as far as possible without stopping. When you can´t run further, you will fall down to the room where you started, but you will stand on the other plattform, with the bottle. It increase your maximum bottle units by one. After taking it, jump over the hole, and get back to the place where you climbed up, but don´t climb up this time. Continue to the next room instead (with the chop-machine and the guard) and break the second plate in the roof. You will most likely be damaged, but it doesn´t matter. As you climb up, you will get an energy bottle. From this point, run right as far as possible without stopping. When you are standing on the last plate to the right, hang down from it, and release. In the room below, jump over the hole, and hit the button to the left, jump back, and run through the gate, but after that you have gone through it, don´t stop! Keep running, because you also have to get through another gate as well before it closes. Some fake plates breaks behind you, but if you keep the D-button pressed, you will not fall down. In the next room, be careful, there are two fake plates over the spike-traps. Fight the guard in this room (if you are lucky, then you can push him over his edge). There is also a loose plate in the roof here to the left, and an energy bottle above, if you would need it. Make a running jump from this plattform into the next room, and be ready to grab the edge on the other side. The plate you grab is a fake, but keep the C-button pressed, and you will grab the "real" plate below. Climb up. In the next room, there is another guard. After killing him, continue to the next room. The plate to the right is fake. Break it, and hit the floor button below. Go back to the door to exit to the next level. My time record on this level is 2 minutes and 5 seconds. ----------------------------------------- Level 12 ----------------------------------------- As I described above, this level is split into three parts, and fortunately, you can save the game after every part (it would be too cruel in other case). The first part starts a the bottom of a room, and your goal is the top. Be careful as you climb up, it is a way long way down...Go right in the beginning, and climb up three plattforms in the next room. In the room above, walk to the right edge, and climb up another two plattforms, to the plattform with the spike-trap. Tip-toe through the spike-trap, so that you are standing in the end of it. The next plates are fake, so you have to run into the next room, and as you do this prepare to make a running jump over, and grab the other side as you reach it. Climb up two plattforms to the next room above. From this point, a quite difficult jump is waiting for you, you must make three jumps in one run. Get back as far as you can to the left, pick up speed, and make a running jump over, and keep running, and jump again when you are about in the middle of the plattform. You will now jump into the next room to the right to another plattform, but without stopping, you must make another running jump in the same run!! But do the third jump a little bit later than your second jump, because the plattform before the third jump is longer. When you have managed to make all three jumps correctly, you will find yourself in a room (with a skeleton, but fortunately, it is not alive) with the only possibility to go up. So climb up one plattform, and get rid of the loose plattform in the roof, and climb up two plattforms. Go left to the next room, and stand on the edge, and make a standing jump, and grab the edge on the other side as you reach it. Climb up one plattform, and run across the bridge (or whatever you would call it). It only contains fake plates (of course), so don´t stop running before that you have entered the next room. Here, you must make another running jump (since the last plate on the plattform is a fake one) over to the other side (you will probably not need to grab the other edge, but be prepared, just in case). Climb up to the next room, and climb up all plattforms in this room, and continue climbing up to the room over the closed gate. In this room, hit the floor button. Climb down again, and go through the gate which has opened now. Go inside the next room, turn around and pick up speed and make a running jump in the room with the gate, over to the other side to the right. You need to grab the edge, so be prepared for that. On the next plattform, run into the next room. The plates behind you will break, so don´t stop before that you are over on the other side. Climb up to the next room above. Stand still immediately as you enter this room, and press B-button. A fake plate falls down on your head, causing one energy unit damage, but it can´t be helped. Turn around, and tip-toe one step right, so that you are standing on the very edge. Press "up" to climb up (if you don´t do it like this, the risk is very high that you fall down). As you are standing on the bridge, tip-toe three steps to the right (the plate to the very right is fake, so don´t walk on it). Turn around, pick up speed, and making a running jump, and run into the next room. Climb up on the plattform above. Be prepared, because the next part is a very hard one, and you need some luck here. In the game manual, the princess wrote in the letter to you, that Jaffa had a special opponent for you, which not even you could defeat, but she thought that there was some trick about it. The enemy is no one else, but your own mirror-picture, who ran out of the mirror on level 6!! Run over the bridge (the second and third plate from right are fake), and then your mirror-pictures hows up. If you strike him successfully, you will notice that you are losing one energy unit for everytime you hit him, and if you kill him, you die immediately as well!! Jaffa was right, you can´t beat him. But you are not supposed to beat him! Instead, when the battle begins, put down your sword (press "down"). Hopefully, your mirror-picture will do the same. This is a bit nasty, but he doesn´t always do this, don´t ask me why. Once I put down my sword immediately, and then he killed me in one strike, but another time, I blocked two attacks, and then I put down my sword, and then he did the same. I´m not sure about how to do it, but at least I can say: Don´t strike him! You could try blocking an attack or two, and then put down your sword, or you could also try doing so right away. I don´t know how to do it actually, sometimes it just works. Luck is needed here. In case it works, then simply run into him. You and your mirror-picture becomes one again, but be careful, as soon as you are one again, you will start running in the other direction, so be careful so that you don´t fall down from the edge. In case it doesn´t work, you have to start from the bottom again...Enter the next room to the left. It seems as there is no way to continue from here, but in fact, there is. Simply keep running! Plattforms will appear under your feet as you run forward, so don´t worry. No jumps are needed. :) As you reach the other side, hang down, and release the grip. Exit to the left. My time record in this part is 2 minutes and 9 seconds. The game does not save any time records for level 12 in part 2 and 3 (but the one-hour time is still running). The second part of the level begins here, and your health is restored. Save the game first of all! The game file will be saved as level 12 as well, but a saved game will continue from this place. First of all, stand still, til that all plates from the roof have falled down. Go to the next room, and wait again til that all plates from the roof have fallen down as well. Jump over the hole, and continue to the next room. Climb up as high as possible in the next room (with the door to the next level). Jump over to the other side, and enter the room to the right. Here you will face a stronger guard (the first time I saw him, I thought it was Jaffa, but it isn´t) on a bridge. The first plate on the bridge is a fake. The guard himself on the bridge is as hard as Jaffa, but he doesn´t have as many energy bottles as Jaffa. Again, use the strategy as on level 6, that you get closer, then block his attack, and then strike. Be careful when you block, because when you block, you will move one step backwards. Try to advance as soon as you get an opportunity to do so, so that you don´t fall down from the bridge. I actually find this guard harder to beat, than Jaffa himself (very much because of the bridge). When the guard is beaten, the door which leads to the next part opens, after a few seconds. Get back, and jump over the hole to the right in the room with the door, and exit to the third part. First of all, save the game. The third part takes place in the palace. First, hit the floor button to the right, and then go through all the gates and rooms to the left. You will reach Jaffa, and there will be a cutscene, where you and Jaffa are talking to each other (if you want to skip this cutscene, press start). After this, the final battle against Jaffa begins. Again I suggest you to battle him as you did with the guard on level 6. Get close to him, press B over and over again, block his attack, and then strike. It could happen sometimes that you have to block several times before you can strike. You will see when you have the best opportunity to attack. When you have struck him eight times, he is dead, and you can lean back and enjoy the happy ending!! :) :) Good Luck!! :) :) Prince of Persia Strategy - Sega Mega CD version Written by Magnus Andersson in June 2000.