Rise of the Dragon (Dynamix/Sierra) For Sega CD By LoSt BoY(Mike Lodato) Tuesday October 30th 2k1 A Button-Opens up inventory where you can look at items/and or save your game. B Button-Shoots In arcade mode. C Button- Does everything and even skips dialogue/scenes. Wake up, get your clothes off the floor and hanger, go into the bathroom and get the items from the medicine cabinet. Also note you have a gun hidden under your pillow when you click on it. Go to your computer and start it up and check all your video phones messages, also remember to take your ID out of the computer along with the Image the mayor has sent you. Go to the City Hall, buy some roses and take them to Karen. In turn she will then give you keys to your cupboard at home which you should now go into and loot of goodies. Go to the pleasure dome but do NOT ever carry a weapon or the bouncers will take it from you and be jerks and not return it. Talk to the guy all the way in the back corner and show him the picture of the mayor's daughter. Don't be rude and just try to be polite while pumping info out of him. He's "The Jake" and he's the mouth about town, so if your ever stuck give him a shot cause he knows a lot. After Talking to the Jake, Chen's location should be on your map. Go to his house and watch a few scenes. Go to his video phone and watch his message and take his ID out of the machine for safe keepings. The enter his bathroom and get the drug tab off the sink. Then enter his bedroom and touch the dragon statue's eye. It will reveal a safe which you can now put a plastic explosive on which will open it. In the safe is a paper written in another language, some candy and maybe something else I can't quite remember he he. Now go to the right of city hall and talk to the old man in the alley. Show him the paper you found in the safe and he will give you some talismans and a bullet proof vest. Use the vest ASAP by equipping it on Blade under his trench coat. The other stuff is mainly just for show, but when pushed B on they do reveal some funny stuff. Go to city hall and give Karen Chen's ID to run a scan on, and also give her the drug tab which will take her a day to run a scan on. Go home and get some rest. To sleep you have to advance the time until Blade is tired, in which he'll sleep. Always head to the Jake to see if he wants a meeting with you to move the story along. Get the results from Karen about the drugs and show them to the Mayor by ordering you have to see him to his secretary. After speaking to the mayor he gives you a police ID which you use in the door next to his office to get a nice big gun. Go to the sewer in front of one of the new locations that opened on the map, in the sewer go to the control panel and use the wire testers on them. This part of the game can be very very annoying. Make sure to save before you try this. You have to follow the little diagram on the front of the panel. What you have to do is stick the colors with the same color. Like the red goes near the top with the red wire, and the blue goes to the top with the blue wire next to the red and the yellow goes on one of the yellow wires on the side right. After tapping the Video Phone correctly, head back to your place and watch the video transmission. Also head over to just before the old mans alley way and go to the warehouse and put a plastic explosive on the meters outside. Talk to the Jake who say's he'll call you and he can't speak in person. You then go home and advance a few hours until you receive Jake's call. And you'll also see a video of Karen getting kidnapped by Hwang's men. And you'll see one of Hwang's men get killed by Hwang for taking to long on this project and by letting you (Blade) interfere. You will receive a message on your video phone from Hwang speaking of Karen. Advance until you see a scene about sending troops to the reservoir, then go there and shoot all the bad guys. Take the little hover car and go into city hall/the alley to meet Jake near the warehouse and you'll find him there. After you find Jake go back into the Hover car and take it to Dang Hwang's place. You'll land on the roof. Enter through the door and tell the secretary you recognize her, ask her on a date or whatever and convince her to let you in the security room. Inside the room all switches except the break room, then push the security system off lever down. It will ask you for a color code to shut the security system off, you must enter the colors in this order: RYP YWP YRP WRY PBW. P = Purple R = Red Y = Yellow W = White B = Blue If you forget the code at any time, just push B on the fortune cookie which has the code on it for the colors. After your done with this and you leave the room the girl regrets letting you in and gets mad, when she goes to push the security panel it won't work due to you having just shut it off heh. Blade will explain briefly to her to leave because something "Nasty" is about to go down. Proceed up the stairs and take the first door on the right, Which is the janitor's closet, take the screwdriver. And then Open both panels. Turn the wires off using the switch and use the screwdriver on the components. Take some wires. Then go to the next door near the janitor's closet, it will be Karen hooked up to a timer, you must Use the wires on Karen to connect them to her, then Push C to get a close up of Karen after you hook up the wires and unhook the ones attached to her neck. You'll see a few scenes and then you'll be in an arcade sequence where you have to shoot the guards and kill Bahumat. In this arcade part you have to shoot with the B button and Jump with either A or C. You also need to do super jumps at some points but Holding UP and pushing A or C. You have to first do a super jump and shoot at the same time to take out the little lever and make the smoke stop coming down. You then kill the cops and keep moving. You'll see more smoke vents but no lever to shoot so you have to hold down and jump and get onto the rocks, and while kneeling time it so you walk through the smoke when its not down. And don't worry about the cop just walk through him (you wont get hurt from walking through him). Then kill that guard. Then use your super jump to go from rock to rock and then shoot a lever and kill some more guards. After a few minutes of this you'll reach Bahumat who spits fire at you. You must super jump or kneel to dodge all the shots, while shooting him in the face with your gun. After successfully killing him you will get the ending =). Hope you had fun, I know I love this game. There are many ways to die in this game lol,falling down a hole near your apartment,getting beat up by the bouncers at the club or even getting electrocuted in the sewers. Have fun and try not to kill Blade too much lol. Please check out my Sega CD site. http://www.segacduniverse.cjb.net Or http://www.angelfire.com/ny/dezmoowu/segacduniverse.html