SHERLOCK HOLMES VOLUME I ANSWERS Mystified Murderess: Killer: Loretta Nolan 1: C 2: B Burglar: Guy Clarendon 1: B Case of the Tin Soldier Killer: Phillip Arneau 1: B 2: D 3: C Case of the Mummy's Curse Killer: Phillip Travis 1: C 2: D 3: B WALKTHORUGH <---THIS SHERLOCK HOLMES VOL. I WALKTHROUGH IS COPYRIGHTED BY SEGA---> Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (NOTE: the following hints will allow you to solve the cases, but NOT achieve Holmes' score (we leave that up to YOU)) The Mummy's Curse. Goal: Solve the murders of Ebenizer Turnbull, Andrew Weatherby, and James Windibanks. For newspaper information, read the London Times dated: 17 August 1888. 5 March 1889. 12 April 1889. You must visit the following to solve this case: Henry Ellis. Jardine, Matheson, & Co. (under "Shipping Companies"). London University. Andrew Weatherby. Other people/places to visit for this case: Abdullah Al-Saud. Akram Fahmi. Louise and Merrill Fenwick. Quintin Hogg. London Library. Sir Jasper Meek. H. R. Murray. Herman Ramsey. Porky Shinwell. Luther Tenney. Philip Travis. Anthony Uruburu. James Windibanks. Solution: Ebenizer Turnbull. Murderer: Philip Travis. Motive: C. Andrew Weatherby. Murderer: Philip Travis. Motive: D. James Windibanks. Murderer: Philip Travis. Motive: B. The Mystified Murderess. Goal: Prove the innocence of Francis Nolan by finding the real murderer and solve the "Society Burglar" case. For information in the newspapers, read the London Times dated: 4 July 1888. You must visit the follow to solve this case: Sir Francis Clarendon (or Guy Clarendon). Cox & Company (under "Bank"). Hiram Davenport. Edward Hall (set up an interview with Frances Nolan). Halliday's Private Hotel. Porky Shinwell. S. Goff. Dr. Precy Trevelyan. Other people/places to visit for this case: Aberdeen Navigation Co. (under "Shipping Companies"). Disraeli O'Brian. Gus Bullock. Bessie Dearth. H. C. Hardinge. Bradford Lewin. Dr. Jerrold Mason. Sir Jasper Meek. H. R. Murray Francis Nolan (talk to her maid). Loretta Nolan. Cornelius Oldwine. Langdale Pike. Otis Richmond. Sommerset House. Solution: Guy Clarendon. Murderer: Loretta Nolan. Motive: C. Why did Francis Nolan go to Halliday's Private Hotel. Answer: B. Society Burglar. Burglar: Guy Clarendon. Motive: B. The Tin Soldier. Goal: Solve the murder of General Farnsworth Armstead. You must visit the following to solve this case: General Farnsworth Armstead. French Embassy (under "Embassies"). Grand Hotel (under "Hotels"). Princess Theater. Other people/places to visit for this case: Dr. A Ainstree. Bridge House Hotel. DeKeyser's Royal Hotel (under "Hotels"). Peter Dudley. Lord Malcom Fitch. Robert Jurgens. Booth Lacey. London Bridge Station. Red Bull Inn. William Rowland. Russian Embassy (under "Embassies"). Porky Shinwell. St. Mary's. Anita or Claire Thomas. Solution: General Farnsworth Armstead. Murderer: Phillip Arneau. Motive: B. Reason for the Napoleon figure to be turned around: Answer: D. What did the General call his wife: Answer: C. SEGA OF AMERICAc August 11, 1993, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ---------------END SHERLOCK HOLMES VOL I WALKTHROUGH------------