The Secret of Monkey Island This FAQ/Walkthrough by Evil Sponge Version 1.0 May 21, 2001 Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. Version History III. Characters IV. Walkthrough V. Insult List VI. Secret Stuff VII. Legal Stuff PART I: INTRODUCTION "I didn't mean to call you Cannonball-Head. I meant Chrome Dome." Lines like that, a blind lookout, and Spiffy the dog are just a few of the great things about The Secret of Monkey Island. I mean, who can honestly say that you can't remember the Fettuccini Brothers? Well, if you can't, I suppose that's why you're here... Well then, let's get right down to helping you out, shall we? I've done and seen everything in this game by now, so I believe I'm qualified to help ya out. Besides, who wouldn't trust an Evil Sponge? So whether you're lost on Monkey Island, can't find the SCUMM Bar, can't beat the Sword Master, or are just confused in general, you've certainly come to the right place! That's enough out of me, on with the adventure!! PART II: VERSION HISTORY Version 1.0: first version, added everything. PART III: CHARACTERS Guybrush Threepwood: The protagonist of this story. A semi-mighty pirate wannabe. This is the man whose misadventures you follow throughout the course of this adventure. Elaine Marley: Governor of Melee Island, and romantic interest of the mighty Mr. Threepwood. Ghost Pirate LeChuck: The antagonist of our story. This undead pirate pines for Elaine Marley's affection, and has hatched a plot to marry her. Herman Toothrot: The hermit of Monkey Island. After being marooned on the mystical voodoo island, Herman seems to have lost most of his senses and talks to someone known as the "player." Stan: Owner of Stan's Previously Owned Ships, and slippery salesman. Carla: The Sword Master of Melee Island. So far, she is undefeated in sword fighting. But what's up with her and the shopkeeper? Otis: Prisoner in the Melee jail, albeit a victim of society. Meethook: Proprietor of Hook Island and all the attractions therein. Voodoo Lady: She gives Guybrush advice, though sometimes eerily cryptic, throughout the game to aid him in his quest. Monkey Island Cannibals: The cannibals of Monkey Island. They have recently noticed the high cholesterol content in human flesh, and are considering undergoing a complete paradigm shift in their belief system. PART IV: WALKTHROUGH -------------------------- |PART ONE: THE THREE TRIALS| -------------------------- "You must master Swordplay, Thievery, Huntery" Introducing Guybrush Threepwood, pirate extraordinaire! Well, pirate wannabe at any rate. You are now Guybrush, so don't try and look for stuff or bug people when I say that "you" should. Anywho, the blind look-out tells you to head to the SCUMM Bar and find the pirate leaders. Once you regain control of the hero, do just that. You can check out the Governor's election poster if you want, but otherwise just head to the Bar. The Grog House can be found by walking to the right. Open the door and step in. Quite the jumpin' place...especially that guy on the chandelier. There are three people in this area that you can talk to. The first, Mancomb Sheepgood, can be found right by the door. The second is the one raising and lowering his Grog mug, he tells you about LeChuck. The third is the one at the last table with the small hat, who shamelessly promotes LOOM. For any/all of them, talk about all the options in whatever order suits you. When you're done, talk to the dog (no real reason, but it's amusing). Now walk to the curtain. You should see three Important Looking Pirates sitting behind a table. Talk to them. You can greet them anyway you choose, so pick what you feel is the funniest one. Now ask about becoming a pirate (or the other one's, but then you have to start over), and ask about each one. The Grog ingredients are funny, and you can insult them if you want, but otherwise you're done here. On with the game! Ok, here's how this is going to work. You can complete the trials in any order, but for the purposes of this walkthrough I'll do them in the order given by the Important Looking Pirates. When I play through the game, I usually have everything I need by the time I Master the Sword, so that's how I'll take you through. So you may need to look back there if you don't have an item for a later trial. We'll see how well that works out. ****Master the Sword**** Before you leave the bar, hang out near the kitchen door and wait for the cook to come out. When he does, enter the kitchen. The table on the back wall has a hunk of meat on top and a pot underneath. Pick up both. Dunk the meat in the cauldron of boiling water, then pick it up again. Now walk out the door to the left. Walk to the end of the dock and onto the bottom plank. Do that twice more and then quickly pick up the fish. Now leave the bar. Now I know you're anxious to explore the vast town of Melee, but first you need to head left and up the cliff face. Head past the Lookout post to enter the overhead view. Near where you stand (you are now two pixels) is a purple dot. Go to the purple dot, grasshopper. Good job, now walk left and enter the circus tent. When you get a chance to, interrupt the Fettuccini Brothers. They try to get you into the cannon, and I know you want to go into the cannon, but you have no money. So, ask what they pay when you can. Tell them that you have a helmet (it's the pot), and you waltz into the cannon. Ow. Well, now you have money. Head back to town, and pass the SCUMM Bar and walk to the archway. Talk to the shifty guy on the corner, and respond however you wish to his inquiry. Buy the map, and say "Yowza!" No, that isn't a game option, I just want to see how many people will actually yell "Yowza!" To the left are some Men of Low Moral Fiber (pirates). Talk to them. The only important thing to do is ask about the shady guy on the corner. Now tell them that you'll take the minutes from them if they pay you 2 pieces 'o eight. The rest that they have to say is amusing, but that's up to you. Now, past the map seller are some doors. Go into the first one on the right (open it first, you darn fool). Pick up the Rubber Chicken With A Pully In The Middle from the chest. Walk all the way to the right and you'll encounter the Voodoo Lady. Talk to her about everything, then head back out. Walk under the clock (which always says 10:00) to encounter the next section of town. Some mysterious words are appearing out of the alley, you should go check them out. In there you meet up with Fester Shinetop, the sheriff of Melee. Say whatever you want, then exit the alley. The building immediately to the right of the alley is the shop, and that should be your next stop. Inside is a crabby storekeeper. Find the sword and shovel inside the shop and talk to the shopkeeper. Say you want to buy one, then the other. Now, ask about the Sword Master of Melee Island. He leaves to go talk to her, and you follow. Once on the overhead view, walk to the fork in the path (where the 2-pixel shopkeeper goes) to enter the forest. You must now follow the old grouch through the woods, taking the exact path that he takes. On the way, pick some yellow flowers. Eventually, he pulls on a sign that raises a bridge...follow. Now you hang back and listen in on grumpy's conversation with Carla, a.k.a. the Sword Master. Hmmm...interesting. You can't possible win now, so exit the forest from whence you came. On the map, head to the dot on the lower right portion of the map. On the way, you are stopped at the bridge by a troll. Offer a dialog choice or two, then, when you can access your inventory, give him the fish. You automatically leave, and discover that George Lucas is the troll (I'm not kidding. That's who it's supposed to be). Now, onward to the dot-on-the-lower-right. This is the home of a sword teacher, Cap'n Smirk. To convince him to train you, you need to do a classic "do so/do not" argument with him. Just pay him and you're in! This humorous training sequence is one of the better parts of this game. Pick any choices in there, then exit the area when your lesson is over. Now to fight! See the Insult List if you have a bad memory or don't ever write things down. Remember, if you haven't heard the insults/rebuttles from a pirate yet, you can't use it. When you have them all (or hear "Wow, you're good enough to fight the Sword Master" after victory) go fight the Sword Master. She is the only one who insults during the battle, and responses can be found in the Insult List. Collect your prize and move on! ****Master the Art of Thievery**** Head back to town, and go to the area where the shop is located. The structure on the far left is your next destination. Head inside and talk to Otis, the prisoner. Ewww...he needs to freshen up his breath a little first. Go to the shop and buy some mints, then return and give them to Otis. Talk to him about whatever you please. If you talk about Shinetop, he'll come in and act all threatening. Finish talking to him, the exit. Head under the arch to the left and walk to the mansion. Gasp! Piranna Poodles! Use the flower petal with the cooked meat, then use the meat with condiment with the poodles. Open the door to the mansion and head on in. The door to the right of the...door (that you came in) opens the single funniest moment in the game (technically, it's a tie...). What are waiting for? Open the door! You are treated to an automatic, hilarious sequence. At the end you find the idol but you can't get past the lock without a file. Head back to Otis. Talk to him if you want, but you need to give him the "gopher repellant" that you just picked up in the mansion to get rid of the rats. In exchange you get his Aunt Tilly's carrot cake. Use the cake, and you uncover a file! Head back into the mansion, and go into the gaping hole where the painting used to be. When you're confronted by the sheriff, choose any option. Governor Marley comes to your rescue. "Talk" to her, then try to leave the mansion. Fester Shinetop stops you, then ties the idol to you and dumps you in the water. You can do one of two things here. First, you can pick up the idol then automatically leave. Second, you can wait around for more than ten minutes and drown, which is quite a bit funnier than it sounds. Back on the dock, if you didn't do this trial last, you talk to Elaine. I highly recommend not doing this last so you can see this! The most bizzare soap opera ever unfolds on the dock of Melee Island. ****Master the Quest**** Quite the short trial indeed. Assuming that you already have the map and shovel all you need to do is go to the fork, and enter the woods. Look at the map, and you see dancing lessons...peculiar. Use these lessons to get through the woods. Back is the entrance at the top of the screen, and left and right are obvious. The past three times my directions have been "Back Left Right; Left Right Back; Right Left Back". If those don't work for you, just look at the map. Once at the end, use the shovel on the "X", and claim some of the treasure. You automatically fill the hole back in (and paint a new X), so all you have to do is go back to town. ****How to save your Plunder Bunny**** Like the Trials, obtaining the ship and three crew members can be done in any order, and you can even do some whilst completing another. So, I'll just have them listed here without getting the items necessary for the others. **Getting a Ship** In the lower section of the map, between Capt. Smirk's and the toll bridge is a section with a plethora of lights. Go there. You are greeted by Stan, of Stan's Previously Owned Vessels. When he asks what kind of ship you're looking for say that you "really don't have that much to spend" and you are taken to the Sea Monkey. After being asked how much you're willing to pay, tell him that you were hoping to get one on credit. Back your way out of the conversation and leave the area. Stan will appear at the exit and give you a compass and a business card. Joy. Now, head back to town. Go to the Store and talk to the Shopkeeper. Ask him about procuring a note of credit, and tell him that you do indeed have a job. Pay attention to how he opens the safe, then pick any job description you want. In case you didn't write down, or remember, the safe combo watch it again. This is random, so I can't give you anything definite, I can tell you that you pull # times, push # times, pull # times, then push # times. Anywho, ask him about the Sword Master and he'll leave again. After he's gone open the safe. Now go back to Stan's. Ask to see "that cheap one again", then tell him about your credit slip, and then you can start haggling. First talk about extras. Say no to every one of them. You can stop talking about extras once Stan gets back to the "Porthole Defoggers." Now make an offer. The note of credit in your possession is for 5,000 pieces of eight, which is less than the ship is worth so you need to make that seem like a lot. So, start the offers a 2,000 and work your way up to 5,000 at increments of 1,000. The final offer of 5,000 will seem good to Stan, and you get the ship. Leave the shipyard, and you're now ready to get a crew. **Recruiting Carla** Go to the Sword Master's hideout. Talk to Carla, and tell her that "The Governor's been KIDNAPPED!" You'll automatically show her the note and she'll join you. Easy, huh? **Recruiting Meathook** Go to the Island on the upper left portion of the map. Climb up the ladder and use the Chicken with the cable. Open the door on the 'ouse and 'ead in. Talk to Meathook. If you haven't been here already, I recommend you talk to him about everything else before you tell him about the governor. Just cause it's funny. When your ready, tell Meathook about Elaine's abduction. Before he'll join your crew, you must first prove yourself. Once you regain control, open the little box door. Do whatever you want to the Beast, and then Meathook will join you. Climb the ladder, use the chicken, and then head back to the island overview. **Recruiting Otis** To the town of Melee!! Stop at the SCUMM Bar. Grab all three mugs and then go into the kitchen, talking to the cook on the way there if you want. Fill one of the mugs with Grog from the barrel. The Grog begins melting through the mug instantly, so you must quickly make your way to the jail. On the way, if your mug status becomes "mug near death," immediatly use it with one of the other mugs. Repeat process if necessary. Once in the cell, use the mug with the lock on Otis's cell. You'll tell him (if you haven't already) that Elaine has been kidnapped, and he'll run off. ***Leaving Melee Island*** Go to the docks when all above has been acomplished. Any response to Otis and Carla will do, then you're ready to set sail! --------------------- |PART TWO: THE JOURNEY| --------------------- "We had to return to the ship because Herman forgot to use the bathroom." Oh, great, a mutiny. Well, nothing left to do now but go to your cabin. ****Preparing the Voodoo Soup**** On the desk in the back, pick up the feather pen and the ink. Open the left-hand drawer of the desk and look inside. Read the old book you just picked up. Leave the cabin. Climb up the mast, grab the flag, and climb back down. Now go down the hatch. Climb down the next hatch, and look around. On the wall nearest to the monitor is a long piece of rope that you need to get. On the left are some kegs. Look at them, then "pick them up" to obtain some gunpowder. Finally, open the chest in the lower right section. Look inside to get some VERY fine wine. Head back up the hatch and through the door. Open the cupboard on the left to reveal some cereal. Pick up a box and open it. Look at the prize inside to realize that it's a key! Go back the the cabin and use the key on the cabinet on the right. Open the chest inside and get some cinnamon sticks and a piece of paper. Head back to the kitchen. Throw almost everything you own into the pot! Well, except for the money, anything that's paper, compass, the rope, and the gunpowder. Everything in? Good. Now toss in the gunpowder. You pass out, but the ship steers itself to Monkey Island. ****Getting Ashore**** Click somewhere to get back up, the pick up the small pot on the shelf. Leave the kitchen, then go down the hatch to get some more gunpowder. Make your merry way up to the deck. Use the rope with the cannon, and use the gunpowder with the cannon nozzle. Go back to the kitchen and use the map with the red hot fire under the couldron, then run up to the deck and use the flamming mass with the fuse. Finally, "Use Pot"! ------------------------------- |PART THREE: UNDER MONKEY ISLAND| ------------------------------- "What happened to your pants?" "What pants?" After listening to Herman Toothrot talk to you, click somewhere to get up and put your flaming pants out. You can read the note on the tree, but you must pick up the banana from the ground. Your main objective at this point is to get the oars for that rowboat. So, into the jungle! ****Getting the Rowboat**** Head north onto the next screen. Now, go off the left hand side of the screen. There should be a volcano in view. On the northern part of the rim is some foliage. Click on that and your pixel stack will walk to it, and enter Herman Toothrot's Fort. Pick up the first rope piece and the spyglass. Now push the cannon, and it'll spill. Herman will enter and talk for a little. Talk about whatever you can before he stops, then pick up the spilt gunpowder and the cannonball. Exit to the overview. Walk off the right hand side, then go to the river fork. Look at the "note under rock" and you'll get both. When you look at the rock, you note by its conchoidal fractures that it is a piece of flint. Before you get destructive, walk to the footholds on the upper part of the screen. Read the note, and ponder its meaning. Now push the art form twice, and climb up the footholds. Once at the top, push the rock that's on the upper part of the ledge, and it'll be catapulted into the banana tree. M. Toothrot arrives and talks some more, so indulge him. Fun Break!!! That's right, there's two more wacky things to do here. The first is to walk to the far right of the ledge, and the ground crumbles beneath you. A funny scene ensues. The second is to pull the catapult twice, head back up and pick a rock up from the pile to the right, then push it off. This sinks your ship! Sinking your ship changes a cut-scene later, and the ending! Now, head back down the cliff to the very bottom. Use the handful of gunpowder on the dam. Now use the flint with the cannonball. You're washed downstream aways ere you get back onto the shore line. Walk to the pond, talk to Herman, then pick up the rope near the hapless corpse. Go downward to the next screen and walk to the large crack. Use a rope with the strong branch, use the other one with the sturdy stump, and pick up the oars. Now exit the screen and head to the near-by beach. ****Entering the Giant Monkey Head**** Once on the beach, pick up the fallen bananas and use the oars with the rowboat. You need to row yourself to the northern most section of the island, and dock on the beach on the eastern section. There's another memo on the beach, but nothing else of note. Enter the jungle/overview and walk to the village in the northwestern section. The huts are all empty. Walk all the way to the left and pick up the bananas in the fruit basket. Walk back to the right and you're confronted by the Monkey Island Cannibals. Any choice is fine, but "Look out behind you, it's a three headed monkey!" twice is funny. You can offer whatever you want, when given the option, but you currently have nothing that they want. Once in the hut you see Herman's lost banana pickers! But, alas, you can't leave with them. Pick up the skull on the floor, then follow suit with the loose plank underneath. Exit through the new hole. Note: if you keep coming back and getting thrown into the hut, the cannibals will use more elaborate means to keep the door shut. Back to the beach that the cannon fired you onto. From there go into the jungle and walk toward the moving grey square simply titled "monkey". Give said monkey all of your bananas, and then leave. The monkey is now following you! Boo-yah. Walk up, then right. Now go across the beach and into the clearing in the middle of the round forest area. Walk through the monkey grounds with your pal in tow ("look at" the bodies, hehe) and pull on the nose of the totem pole. Walk away and the monkey will jump up and grab the nose. Now walk to the Gigantic Monkey Head. Find the wimpy idol and take it all the way back to the cannibal's village. After saying, "Please don't eat me! I'll give you anything!" give them the wimpy idol. They are now appeased, and in your debt. Head left and go into the hut. Pick up the banana pickers, and then leave. Head right and you'll encounter Toothrot ranting funnily. Give him his banana pickers in exchange for the key to the Great Monkey Head. Leave the village... ...and go right back in. The Monkey Island Cannibals will great you, and ask if they can repay you. Say that they can, and pretty much choose any option from then on. To get the special navigator head, give them the leaflet (which is roughly titled "How to get ahead in navigation"). Now, to the Monkey Head! Walk past the impaled bodies and to the Monkey Head. Use the key in the Gigantic Monkey Ear. Holy earwax-problem, Batman! Anywho, enter the newly opened mouth. Walk to the right (I figured there'd be mushrooms in Hell too) and into the cave. Use the Navigator Head, and follow its nose to froot loops, The correct path. Keep going until you reach the ghost ship. In order to walk around on the ship, you need to be invisible to ghosts. To be invisible you need the necklace on the navigator head. So, talk to the head. Use any greeting, then be mean until you threaten to drop kick the head into the lava. Congrats, the necklace is yours! Use said necklace and enter the ship. ****Recovering the Voodoo Anti-root****'s the Bucket Mouse! Oops...wrong game... Anywho, head left and open the door. That's right, now you can enter. Use the compass with the key on the wall, then leave. Now head right and go down the hatch. Walk straight and through the door. Pick up the ghost feather by the chickens and return to the sleeping crew member. Use the ghost feather on him (his feet actually) twice and he'll drop his mug 'o grog. Return to the ghost chickens and pigs, and use the key in the hatch. After going through the hatch, use the grog on the dish. The rat will drink the grog and fall over. Pick up the grease and return to the deck. Use the grease with the door on the right and open it, then enter. Pick up the ghost tools, and return to the pig screen. Use the tools on the glowing crate, then look inside. ****Leaving Monkey Island**** You automatically return to the village and get the magic seltzer bottle. Leave the village, and you automatically return to ship. Except the ship's not there!! Talk to the head-juggling spectre and ask where the ship is. Now, basically choose any option, and eventually say that you have to stop the wedding. One of two things will happen here. Either your crew will show up and you leave with them, or (if you sunk the ship) Herman Toothrot will arrive and you'll all leave on his ship. What? He can't leave on the ship unless he's rescued, cause he's stranded. Otherwise it would be against the rules. ...What? ------------------------------ |LAST PART: GUYBRUSH KICKS BUTT| ------------------------------ "With my spear and magic helmet." After landing, whatever crew you arrived with deserts you. Try to leave the docks and you'll get attacked by a ghost. Pick any choice, and you'll spray him with the magic brew of the root. Leave the docks. Spray the grim spectre with the bottle of seltzer-ness and continue to the church. Now, enter the church. Yell whichever you feel appropriate to stop the wedding. Now, say something to LeChuck and the governor will slide down from a rope. Make another comment and the "bride" turns out to be two monkeys with some root beer in a similar seltzer bottle. Guybrush chases them off, though, and Elaine follows them. Say what ever you want to LeChuck (though the "I can't believe your..." lines are pretty good), then he pounds you. After you get smacked around a few more times, you land in the Grog machine at Stan's. Stan soon gets pounded and LeChuck shakes you out of the machine. Get up, then use the small green bottle of Root Beer on LeChuck. Ta-Dah!! Enjoy the ending! PART V: INSULT LIST Regular Pirates: Insult: My handkerchief will wipe up your blood. Witty Comeback: So you got that job as janitor, after all. Insult: Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab! Witty Comeback: First you'd better stop waving it like a feather-duster. Insult: I once owned a dog that was smarter than you. Witty Comeback: He must have taught everything you know. Insult: This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur! Witty Comeback: And I've got a little TIP for you. Get the POINT? Insult: Nobody's ever drawn blood from me and nobody ever will! Witty Comeback: You run THAT fast? Insult: People fall at my feet when they see me coming. Witty Comeback: Even BEFORE they smell your breath? Insult: You make me want to puke. Witty Comeback: You make me think somebody already did. Insult: I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle! Witty Comeback: I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose. Insult: I've spoken with apes more polite than you. Witty Comeback: I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion. Insult: Have you stopped wearing diapers yet? Witty Comeback: Why, did you want to borrow one? Insult: You have the manners of a beggar. Witty Comeback: I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me. Insult: There are no words for how disgusting you are. Witty Comeback: Yes there are. You just never learned them. Insult: You're no match for my brains, you poor fool. Witty Comeback: I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them. Insult: I'm not going to take your insolence sitting down! Witty Comeback: Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh? Insult: I've heard you were a contemptible sneak. Witty Comeback: Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all. Insult: You fight like a dairy farmer. Witty Comeback: How appropriate. You fight like a cow. Next, the Sword Master Insults: Swordmaster: My name is feared in every dirty corner of this island! Witty Comeback: So you got that job as janitor, after all. Swordmaster: My tongue is sharper than any sword! Witty Comeback: First you'd better stop waving it like a feather-duster. Swordmaster: Only once I have met such a coward! Witty Comeback: He must have taught everything you know. Swordmaster: I've got a long, sharp lesson for you to learn today. Witty Comeback: And I've got a little TIP for you. Get the POINT? Swordmaster: No one will ever catch ME fighting as badly as you do. Witty Comeback: You run THAT fast? Swordmaster: My wisest enemies run away at the first sight of me! Witty Comeback: Even BEFORE they smell your breath? Swordmaster: If your brother is like you, better to marry a pig. Witty Comeback: You make me think somebody already did. Swordmaster: My last fight ended with my hands covered with blood. Witty Comeback: I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose. Swordmaster: Now I know what filth and stupidity really are. Witty Comeback: I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion. Swordmaster: I hope you have a boat ready for a quick escape. Witty Comeback: Why, did you want to borrow one? Swordmaster: Every word you say to me is stupid. Witty Comeback: I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me. Swordmaster: There are no clever moves that can help you now. Witty Comeback: Yes there are. You just never learned them. Swordmaster: I've got the courage and skill of a master swordsman! Witty Comeback: I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them. Swordmaster: You are a pain in the backside, sir! Witty Comeback: Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh? Swordmaster: My sword is famous all over the Caribbean! Witty Comeback: Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all. Swordmaster: I will milk every drop of blood from your body! Witty Comeback: How appropriate. You fight like a cow. Swordmaster: I usually see people like you passed-out on tavern floors. Witty Comeback: Even BEFORE they smell your breath? PART VI: SECRET STUFF Kill Guybrush! After you retrieve the Idol of Hands and Fester Shinetop throws you into the water, just wait for 10 minutes. Since Guybrush can only hold his breath that long, he'll drown! On Monkey Island, climb up the foothills above the catapult and walk all the way to the right. You fall! But then you bounce off a rubber tree and back up to the top, but its still funny. Alternate way to blow up the dam: Put the gunpowder on the dam, then open up the spyglass. Use the lens from that on the gunpowder. Futuristic door: If you keep coming back and getting thrown into the hut, the cannibals will use more elaborate means to keep the door shut. Different Endings: Don't move the catapult on Monkey Island at all, or just move it back, and push a rock off the edge. This sinks your ship! Sinking your ship changes a cut-scene later, and the ending! Winning the game: At any point in the game, press CTRL+SHIFT+W and you are asked if you want to win. Just say yes! PART VII: LEGAL STUFF This is usually the section where I thank all the people who helped me out with the game. However, I got through all by my self so I can't really thank anyone for that. However, a big thank you goes out to LucasArts and Ron Gilbert for creating this game. Also, thanks to GameFAQs for posting all my stuff. Want a more interactive version of this FAQ? Just head to the Video Games section of: This is posted with permission at: Any questions? Comments? Tarot Readings? Just email me at: This FAQ/Walkthrough is (C)copyright to Evil Sponge. Please do not use this document, or any part therein, without the permission of Evil Sponge. If you want to post this on your site, email me and ask.