============================================================================== _ _ _ __ | | | | | | / | | |_| | __ __ __ __ __ __| |_ __| --| | | \ /_ | /__|/_ |/ |/ _|/_ | | / | _| | --| | | __| |__ | __| --| | | __| --| | | | | \__|_|_|___| |___|___|___|_| |___|\__| |___|_| _ _ _ _ | |_ |_| | | | | ____ __ __ | | | __ _ _ _ __| |__ __ | | | \ / | \| -|/_ | | | | |/__| |__\| \ / | | | | | | | | | | | __| | | | |__ | | _ | | | | | |_|_|_|___|_|_|_|_|___|__ | |_|___|_|___|_|_|___| |__/ ============================================================================== The Secret of Monkey Island by Spatvark (spatfaqs@hotmail.co.uk) ============================================================================== / =============================== \ < [01] Introduction > \ =============================== / Avast me hearties! Our hero, the intrepid Guybrush Threepwood... well, what be in a name? He be out to become the best goddamned pirate he can be, and he'll cut any scurvy seadogs throat that he has to! ...What, he be all-a-fainting at the sight of blood? Darr, he just needs to get used to it! Still, he be willing to spit in their face! Maybe if he has a serious phlegm problem he might, you say?. He at least can give them a beating, surely? No you say? What the hell chance has he of becoming a pirate at all then!? Next thing ye know, ye'll be saying that he won't rape, plunder and steal! ... Ye be jesting with me, aye? He does at least drink grog, right? "He'd have to have a fake ID to get served first"? Arr, this not be boding well for us methinks... ----- The first of a series of four Point-and-Click Adventures starring the wussy wannabe pirate Guybrush Threepwood, the Monkey Island games are the epitomy of all that the genre should be. Except, well, the fourth one, since it's so bad. With funny storylines, witty repartee, clever puzzles and pirates, the Monkey Island games bring together a confluence of sheer awesome that no one can not love. Except for the fourth one. Since it's so bad. / =============================== \ < [02] Disclaimer > \ =============================== / Listen up you mangy lot, this bit is important. You are free to use this FAQ for personal reference but if you plagiarize any sections, well... I'll have to come up with something evil to do to you... The only place allowed to host this FAQ is: GameFAQS - http://www.gamefaqs.com If you see it anywhere else, please contact me at: spatfaqs@hotmail.co.uk You can also contact me with any questions that pertain to The Secret of Monkey Island that AREN'T answered in this FAQ, or any corrections to mistakes I've made (this does not include typographical errors; I'm not THAT anal retentive about my work). Also, do not bother to email me and ask whether you can host this FAQ on your site, the answer is no. GameFAQs is the only place I particularly feel like trusting, while sites that have to go soliciting for FAQs strike me as desperate to get a reputation even a tenth of that GameFAQs has. So don't bother, I won't even reply to your emails. / =============================== \ < [03] Version History > \ =============================== / v1.10 - Updated the Copyright. [09/01/09] v1.05 - Slight formatting update, change of email and an edit to the disclaimer. v1.00 - It's not like there's a whole lot that can be done with a FAQ/ Walkthrough for this kind of game, and I think I've got it all down here. / =============================== \ < [04] Contents > \ =============================== / **>Introduction -------------------------------------- [01] **>Disclaimer ---------------------------------------- [02] **>Version History ----------------------------------- [03] **>Contents ------------------------------------------ [04] **>Characters ---------------------------------------- [05] **>Walkthrough --------------------------------------- [06] ==>Part One: The Three Trials ------------------------- [06a] -->Introductions ---------------------------------------- [06a.1] -->Thievery --------------------------------------------- [06a.2] -->Swordplay -------------------------------------------- [06a.3] -->Treasure Hunting ------------------------------------- [06a.4] -->Leaving Mêlée Island --------------------------------- [06a.5] ==>Part Two: The Journey ------------------------------ [06b] ==>Part Three: Under Monkey Island -------------------- [06c] -->Exploring Monkey Island ------------------------------ [06c.1] -->Cannibal Run ----------------------------------------- [06c.2] -->LeChuck's Ship --------------------------------------- [06c.3] ==>Last Part: Guybrush Kicks Butt --------------------- [06d] **>FAQ ----------------------------------------------- [07] **>Thanks -------------------------------------------- [08] **>Legal Stuff --------------------------------------- [09] **>Next Version -------------------------------------- [10] **>Working On... ------------------------------------- [11] **>Goodbye! ------------------------------------------ [12] / =============================== \ < [05] Characters > \ =============================== / Guybrush Threepwood: Arr, Guybrush be more useless than a barnacle on a barmaids backside, but he be the hero o' the story, so ye must guide him through the obstacles that block his path to becoming the greatest pirate there ever was! ...Mark my words, ye be screwed me lad, ye be more screwed than a whore on Booty Island! Elaine Marley: The lovely Governess o' Mêlée Island, she be adored by all the pirates here, and not jes' because she be good at her job, if ye know what I mean. Arr, she surely be a sight for sore eyes, and it not be too long 'til Guybrush be making sheeps eyes at her. Ghost Pirate LeChuck: Guybrush not be the only one after the heart of Governor Marley, but also the dreaded Ghost Pirate LeChuck! Even after he and his crew met their watery fates in Davey Jones's locker in search of the secret of Monkey Island, his obsession with our fair governer has brought him back from the dead and he be planning to make her his, regardless o' what he has to do! Fester Shinetop: Arr, Fester be a scoundrel o' the worst sorts, a law man! And not jes' any law man, he be sheriff of Mêlée Island! Nobody likes the mean landlubber, not even Governor Marley who appointed him, but he be the only man who wanted the job after the mysterious death o' the previous sheriff. Many a man, me good self included, be thinking that Fester Shinetop had his hand in that incident, and be planning some dark deed for the not so distant future... Salesman Stan: I be warning you young'un, beware Stan's fast talking mouth and flailing arms. He may seem like an honest dealer in ships, but be wary lest he dump a creaky ol' tub upon ye, making ye think it be the sale o' the century! Voodoo Lady: She be a creepy one, that she is, but her dark magicks be useful, if not a bit on the flashy side! But by the beard on me chin, I wouldn't mind a quick fumble below decks with her, thar be plenty to hold onto! Herman Toothrot: The lone survivor o' his crews expedition to Monkey Island, Herman be the only civilised man there. His mind may be gallivanting off somewhere else, but he be sharp to any tricks ye may try to play on him! / =============================== \ < [06] Walkthrough > \ =============================== / First, here's a table with the control shortcuts on, they'll make your life a lot easier whilst traversing the world in The Secret of Monkey Island: \======================================================/ | Controls | /======================================================\ | O | Open | W | Walk To | U | Use | | C | Close | P | Pick Up | L | Look At | | S | Push (Shove) | T | Talk To | N | Turn On | | Y | Pull (Yank) | G | Give | F | Turn Off | \======================================================/ Also, when you're talking to someone, you can have up to six different possible responses on screen at a time; pressing 1 to 6 on your keyboard will automatically say the one that corresponds to the numbered position. With that sorted out, let's get this underway! <--[06a] Part One: The Three Trials-----------------------------> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[06a.1] Introductions== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \============================/ | Items | Description | /===============================================================\ | Hunk of Meat | It's some sort of meat, or meatlike substance... | |--------------|--------------------------------------------------| | Pot | Someone cooked a headcheese in this. | |--------------|--------------------------------------------------| | Fish | I think it's a herring. | \===============================================================/ Walk to the right until you reach a building with a sign above it that has a smily face upon it. Right click the door to open it and then step inside. Talk to the pirate just to the right of the door, and he'll refer you to Estefan, the pirate in black on the table to the bottom-right of the screen. Talk to him about the incident between LeChuck and Governor Marley and then walk to the Curtain on the right-hand side of the screen, which will take you to the second part of the Scumm Bar. Talk to the Important-Looking Pirates and tell them that you want to become a pirate; they'll inform you that you need to complete The Three Trials to become one. Once you've finished talking to them about the trials, try to enter the door to your right; the cook will shout at you. Move about halfway across the screen and wait for the chef to leave the kitchen and walk off the screen before bolting for the kitchen. Inside, grab the Hunk of Meat and the Pot. Open the door leading to the small pier outside where a seagull is busy picking at a fish. Step on the bottom-right corner of the plank to send the bird flying upwards; repeat this until you have enough time to pick up the Fish. Leave the kitchen and the Scumm Bar entirely. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[06a.2] Thievery== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \====================================/ | Items | Descriptions | /==========================================================================\ | Minutes | There sure are a lot of spelling errors. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Breath Mints | BREATHMASTER -- For the pirate who cares about first | | | impressions. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Yellow Petal | It's a striking yellow colour. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Meat with Condiment | It's some sort of meat, or meatlike | | | substance... | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Staple Remover | I bet this will come in handy. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Manual of Style | I think it's some kind of religious text. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Wax Lips | They're Yak-sized and covered in slobber. I'M | | | certainly not going to chew on them. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Gopher Repellant | It says gophers won't come near you with this stuff | | | on. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Cake | It's heavy. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | File | It's a raspy metal file. | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Fabulous Idol | It's beautiful | \==========================================================================/ Walk right to the Archway, and to the next screen of the village. Talk to the Citizen of Mêlée and pick the fourth option, and then tell him you don't have enough money for the map. Talk to the Men of Low Moral Fiber (Pirates) and ask them about the guy across the street; when they offer you a copy of the Minutes, offer to take it if they give you two Pieces of Eight. Once you've finished conversing with them, walk through the Archway underneath the Clock to the third screen of the village. A voice "Psssst"s at you from the Alley, so walk into it. A bald guy will sneak up on you, eventually introducing himself as Sheriff Fester Shinetop. Leave the Alley, and go into the building on the left. Talk to the cell's tenant (the big one, not the four-footed one) and Guybrush will refuse to talk to him on account of the prisoners chronic halitosis. Leave the jail and open the door to the right before entering. Ask the storekeeper about Breath Mints and he'll sell you a roll for 1 Piece of Eight. Return to the Jail and Give the prisoner the Breath Mints. Once you've exhausted the possibilities of conversation with Otis, leave the Village and go to the Fork on the island map. Take the right-most path and Pick Up the Flowers to get a Yellow Petal. Use it on the Hunk of Meat to make the Meat with Condiment. Back to the village, head past the Jail through the left-most Archway to find yourself on a trail towards the Governor's Mansion. Walk to it and then Give the Meat with Condiment to the Deadly Pirahna Poodles. Once they're out cold, open the door and enter. Open the door to the right of the entrance and go through it, and you'll have a sequence with Fester. Once it's FINALLY over (though, time spent laughing is time spent wisely), leave the mansion and head back to the Jail. Give Otis the Gopher Repellant and he'll thank you by giving you the Cake. Open it to get the File. Return to the Mansion and go through the Gaping Hole. Once your conversations with Fester and Governor Marley are over, try to leave the Mansion, and the Sheriff will intervene. Trapped underwater, there are plenty of sharp objects about to cut the rope tying you to the Fabulous Idol with, it's just a shame that you can't actually reach any of them. So, how do we get out before Guybrush drowns? Easy. Pick up the Fabulous Idol. After what's probably my favourite scene in any of the Monkey Island games (Man, now that's what I call an incentive!), you're finally complete with the first of The Three Trials! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[06a.3] Swordplay== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \====================================/ | Items | Descriptions | /======================================================================\ | Sword | SLASHMASTER -- When you want a sword as sharp as | | | your wit. | |---------------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 100% Cotton T-shirt | It says "I beat the Sword Master" | \======================================================================/ Go into the Scumm Bar and give the Fabulous Idol to the Important-Looking Pirates, and check up on any details you may want to. Leave the village and click to go to the Clearing near the middle of the map. Walk down the hill and enter the Circus Tent, to find the Fettucini Brothers arguing about which one of them will get into the cannon. After getting their attention, ask how much they'll pay you if you do it instead, and then agree to it. When they ask about a helmet, say you have it, and Give the Pot to the Fettucini Brothers. After the short scene, you leave minus the Pot, but with 478 Pieces of Eight and a mild concussion. Leave the Clearing and head back to the Village. Head to the shop and pick up the Sword, and then Use the Bell to call the storekeeper. Talk to him about the sword and buy it, before leaving. Don't bother asking him about the Sword Master of Mêlée Island just yet, you need some training first. Leave the Village and walk to the House on the lower-right peninsula of the island. Before you reach the Lights, you'll come across a Bridge, guarded by a Troll. When you ask him about the toll, he says "I want something that will attract attention but have no real importance." Give him the Fish, and he'll exclaim "Ah! A red herring!" and let you pass. Get it =D? Resume walking to the House and Open the Door. Ask Captain Smirk to train you and keep nagging until he agrees. Eventually you'll undergo some training, and he lets you in on the secret to success at sword-fighting: Insults! This is actually very important, so pay attention to what he says. See, to win a sword-fight in this game, you need to out-insult your opponent. Each insult has an appropriate retort that you can use to defeat your opponents insults, and thus take another step towards defeating them. However, you have to learn them first! After leaving Captain Smirk's Big Body Pirate Gym, you'll note that there are four different types of pirate walking about on the island map: Bloodthirsty Pirate, Dirty Rotten Pirate, Stinking Pirate and Ugly Pirate. Walk into them to enter a dialogue with them, and if you so wish, you can start a sword-fight with them, thus giving you the opportunity to learn all of the Insults and Retorts. There are 16 combinations in all; after learning 12 of them and winning your duels, they pirates will say that you're good enough to fight the Sword Master, but ignore them. I honestly recommend learning all sixteen combo's. Also, I find the best spot for getting into fights (I wait for them to come to me, rather than chasing after them) is at the rotated-T junction just west of the Fork; practically every pirate has to go through there. The way a swordfight works is as follows: Guybrush uses an insult, and the Pirate tries to retort. If the Pirate uses the correct retort, he wins a point. - The Pirate then uses an insult and you try to retort. If the Pirate uses the wrong retort, you win a point. - You then get to use another insult and the Pirate tries to retort. This repeats until one of you gets three points, winning the duel. You can only learn an insult by having a Pirate use it on you, and you can only learn a retort by having a Pirate use it on the right insult. Below is a table of the insults and retorts: /========================================================================\ | Insult | This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur! | | Retort | And I've got a little TIP for you. Get the POINT? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish-kabob! | | Retort | First you'd better stop waving it around like a feather-duster. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | My handkerchief will wipe up your blood! | | Retort | So you got that job as janitor, after all. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | People fall at my feet when they see me coming. | | Retort | Even BEFORE they smell your breath? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | I once owned a dog that was smarter than you. | | Retort | He must have taught you everything you know. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | You make me want to puke. | | Retort | You make me think somebody already did. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | Nobody's ever drawn blood from me, and nobody ever will! | | Retort | You run THAT fast? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | You fight like a dairy farmer. | | Retort | How appropriate. You fight like a cow. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle! | | Retort | I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | Have you stopped wearing diapers yet? | | Retort | Why, did you want to borrow one? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | I've heard you are a contemptible sneak. | | Retort | Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | You're no match for my brains, you poor fool. | | Retort | I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | You have the manners of a beggar. | | Retort | I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | I'm not going to take your insolence sitting down! | | Retort | Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | There are no words for how disgusting you are. | | Retort | Yes there are. You just never learned them. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | I've spoken with apes more polite than you. | | Retort | I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion. | \========================================================================/ Once you've learnt them all, go to the Village and return to the Shop. Talk To the storekeeper and ask him about the Sword Master. When he leaves, follow him out of the shop and to the Fork on the island map. Inside, just go through every opening that he does, and eventually you'll arrive at the Sword Master's house. Once the storekeeper and the sword master finish talking, go and talk to her yourself; challenge her to a fight. This duel differs slightly from your training duel; Carla does all of the insults, and they're all different from the ones you first learnt, BUT they can be countered with the same retorts. Also, the first to five points wins. The following table shows her insults and the retorts you need to beat them (To be honest, you should be able to work the right ones out without it if you're smart, but hey, it means I get to pad this out!): /==================================================================\ | Insult | I've got a long, sharp lesson for you to learn today. | | Retort | And I've got a little TIP for you. Get the POINT? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | My tongue is sharper than any sword. | | Retort | First, you'd better stop waving it like a feather-duster. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | My name is feared in every dirty corner of this island! | | Retort | So you got that job as a janitor, after all. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | My wisest enemies run away at the first sight of me! | | Retort | Even BEFORE they smell your breath? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | Only once have I met such a coward! | | Retort | He must have taught you everything you know. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | If your brother's like you, better to marry a pig. | | Retort | You make me think somebody already did. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | No one will ever catch ME fighting as badly as you do. | | Retort | You run THAT fast?" | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | I will milk every last drop of blood from your body. | | Retort | How appropriate, you fight like a cow. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | My last fight ended with my hands covered with blood. | | Retort | I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | I hope you have a boat ready for a quick escape. | | Retort | Why, did you want to borrow one? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | My sword is famous all over the Caribbean! | | Retort | Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | I've got the courage and skill of a master swordsman! | | Retort | I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | Every word you say to me is stupid. | | Retort | I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | You are a pain in the backside, sir! | | Retort | Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh? | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | There are no clever moves that can help you now. | | Retort | Yes there are. You just never learned them. | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Insult | Now I know what filth and stupidity really are. | | Retort | I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion. | \==================================================================/ When you defeat her, you'll get the 100% Cotton T-shirt, and you'll have completed the second of the Three Trials! One more to go! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[06a.4] Treasure Hunting== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \=======================/ | Items | Description | /======================================================================\ | Shovel | DIGMASTER -- The only shovel for serious treasure-hunting | | | enthusiasts. | |---------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Map | Looking at the map shows you a picture of the dance steps | |---------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | T-shirt | "I found the Treasure of Mêlée Island and all I got was this | | | stupid T-shirt!" | \======================================================================/ Head back to the Scumm Bar and Give the 100% Cotton T-shirt to the Important- Looking Pirates; they'll hand it back. Leave and go to the shop; while the storekeeper is berating you, pick up the Shovel and Talk To him. Buy the Shovel and leave. Go to the Citizen of Mêlée and buy the Map; Look At it, and it'll turn out he's ripped you off! They're dance instructions! Leave the village and go to the Fork. Look at the map again and follow the directions it shows: Back means a Path at the back of the screen, Left means a Path to the left of the screen, and Right means... who'd have thought it? It means a Path to the right of the screen! Amazing! After following all nine instructions (I think they're different for every game; I might try to confirm this later but then again, I might not. My instructions were Back, Left, Right, Left, Right, Back, Right, Left and Back.) walk to the right and you'll find an X on the ground. Use the Shovel on the X and eventually you get the Lost Treasure of Mêlée Island! Finally, all three of the Three Trials are done! Once we're confirmed as pirates, it's time for some hot smoochin' action back at Governor Marley's mansion! Let's head to the Scumm Bar! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[06a.5] Leaving Mêlée Island== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \==================================/ | Items | Description | /==========================================================================\ | Note | "Attention pirates of Mêlée: | | | Your governor is alive and well and she is by my side | | | as she was always meant to be. If you try to find us | | | you will only meet with horrifying disaster. | | | Yours truly, Captain LeChuck." | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Hunk of Meat | It's some sort of meat, or meatlike substance... | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Mug | Looks like a fine pewter tankard. | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Mug o' Grog | Looks like a fine pewter tankard. | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Melting Mug | Looks like a fine pewter tankard. | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Mug Near Death | Looks like a fine pewter tankard. | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Pewter Wad | I don't think it will hold much now. | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Rubber Chicken | Hmmm... A rubber chicken with a pulley in the | | | middle... What possible use could this have? | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Business Card | STAN'S PREVIOUSLY OWNED VESSELS - "I won't shut up | | | until I've made you a deal!" --Stan | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Magnetic Compass | "When you set sail for good value, all winds blow | | | towards Stan's!" (WARNING: Contains strong magnet | | | which may interfere with other navigational | | | equipment. | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Storekeeper's Note | I, the good and honourable storekeeper do hereby take | | | the liability for the debts of the bearer of this | | | note for any amount up to 5000 pieces of eight. | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Pamphlet | It's called "How to Get a Leg Up in Treasure | | | Hunting." | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Leaflet | It's called "How to Get Ahead in Navigating." | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Brochure | It's called "How to Arm Yourself in Sea Battle." | \==========================================================================/ What was that? A ghost ship? Then that means... The lookout catches up to you and gives you the skinny on what's been going down; LeChuck has kidnapped Governor Marley! "What about my damn smoochies!?" I hear you cry. Well, you'll just have to go and get her back, won't you? All the way to Monkey Island, from which no one has ever returned alive! Read the note and then head for the Governor's Mansion, to see if we can get some confirmation. After the funny conversation finishes, leave via the right-hand Archway and then enter the third door to the right from where you are. You'll wind up in the Voodoo Lady's store; Pick Up the Rubber Chicken and then go to the right and talk to her. Ask her about your future and tell her to say everything. After all teh talking, head to the Scumm Bar. Looking kinda empty here... pick up all five mugs and then talk to the Cook. Once you've finished talking to him, go into the kitchen, take the Hunk of Meat and and then use a Mug on the Barrel. Go to the Jail as fast as you can; when the Mug o' Grog turns into a Mug Near Death, Use it on another Mug. When you reach the Jail, use the Mug o' Grog (or whichever derivative it is) on the Lock to bust Otis outta there! Enthused with thanks for your good deed, he naturally offers to help if you need it, and of course, we need a crew to man the ship on our voyage to Monkey Island! Shame Otis isn't too thrilled by the idea... "LOOK BEHIND YOU! A THREE HEADED MONKEY!" Once he's gone, leave the Jail and you'll see another cutscene. When that's over, try to go through the Archway towards the Governor's Mansion for a funny conversation, and then leave via the right-hand Archway. Enter the third door to the right from where you are, and you'll wind up in the Voodoo Lady's store. Pick Up the Rubber Chicken and leave the village. We need to look into getting a ship, so let's head to the Lights on the island map. Upon entering, you're assailed by Stan; tell him you want a cheap boat and that you wanted to get it on credit. He mentions that the storekeeper might be able to give you credit if you have a job... When you've finished talking to Stan, head back to the Village and into the shop. Ask the storekeeper about getting some credit and tell him that you do have a job; when he goes to open up the safe, keep an eye open to note down the combination he uses to open it. Answer however you like, you won't get the credit; when he asks if he can do anything else, tell him you're looking for the Sword Master again. He'll go out, leaving the shop unsupervised... To open the safe, Push and Pull the handle; Push moves it clockwise, and Pull moves it counter-clockwise. Once you've entered the combination and grabbed the Storekeeper's Note, hightail it outta there! Go to the Sword Master's House on the island map, and talk to Carla; tell her that the Governor was kidnapped and she'll join your crew. Next, head to the Used Ship Emporium and ask Stan to show you the cheap one again; when he asks for payment, tell him that you have credit from the Storekeeper. Now for the hard bit, getting the price down to 5,000 Piece of Eight; ask Stan about the Extras and then say no to all of them until he starts to go from the beginning of the list again, and then say you've had enough of the extras. Ask him what he thinks it's worth and then tell him to forget it. When he tries to call you back, say that he might be right and then ask him what he thinks it's worth again. If it's down to 6,300, then make him an offer for 5,000 Pieces of Eight, and you should be done. If not, repeat the process until it works. When you've finally bought the Sea Monkey, Stan mentions that you need THREE crewmates. Well, we've got one so far, Carla, but we need more! Where be that scurvy lubber Otis hidin', arr? Use a Piece of Eight in the Grog machine, but nothing comes out. Leave the Used Ship Emporium and head to the one place on Mêlée Island that we haven't been to yet; the Island. Climb the Pole and use the Rubber Chicken on the Cable, before entering the house. A man with hooks for hands approaches you; tell him that the Governor has been kidnapped and then suggest you get a crew together and lead a rescue mission. After all the talking, open the last door, face the fearsome beast inside and touch it! Or any of the other 11 commands. Once Meathook agrees to join your crew and you leave the house, head back to the Village, and you'll find Stan on the docks. After he gives you some nautical-related literature and leaves, Otis shows up, followed by Carla and Meathook. It's the end of the first part of The Secret of Monkey Island! <--[06b] Part Two: The Journey----------------------------------> \==========================================/ | Items | Description | /==========================================================================\ | Feather Pen | It's a ballpoint feather pen. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Ink | I don't see anything special about it. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Dusty Book | Guybrush reads diary entries from it. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Bookmark | It's the top of a cereal box, used as a | | | bookmark. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Jolly Roger | What a fine looking flag. Shivers me timbers | | | just looking at it. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Giant Piece of Rope | It's a giant piece of rope. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Piece of Rope | It's a piece of rope. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Tiny Piece of Rope | It's a tiny piece of rope. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Dinky Little Rope | It's a dinky little rope. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Infinitesimally Small Rope | It's an infinitesimally small rope. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Gunpowder | Looks explosive. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Fine Wine | I'm no enologist, but judging by the deep red | | | colour ...this is a very fine wine. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Cereal | Hmmmm... I loved this stuff when I was a kid. | | | I liked the way it chewed up the roof of your | | | mouth. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Prize | This is no prize! It's a small key with a | | | finely engraved monkey on it. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Small Key | It's a small key with a finely engraved | | | monkey on it. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Pot | It's about the same size as my head. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Piece of Paper | Guybrush looks at the "Map to Monkey Island" | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Cinnamon Sticks | I don't see anything special about them. | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Flaming Mess | Yikes! | \==========================================================================/ Arr, we be sailing in search of booty, Governor Marley's booty to be precise, and what a pretty sight it is! Ahem... anyway, the crew have mutineed on our inept hero, so we need to set about finding Monkey Island by ourselves! Inside the Captain's cabin, take the Feather Pen and the Ink, and then open the drawer and Look At it to find a Dusty Book. Look At the Dusty Book to read the Captain's diary entries and receive the Bookmark. Leave the Cabin and climb the Rope Ladder to the Crow's Nest. Take the Jolly Roger and climb back down, before going down the Hatch. Go down the second Hatch, Pick Up the Giant Piece of Rope, Open the Kegs to the left to get some Gunpowder, Open the reddish-brown Chest in the bottom-right corner and Look At it to get some Fine Wine and then go up the ladder. Walk to the door and enter the kitchen; Open the Cupboard, Pick Up the Cereal, Open the Cereal and you'll get a Toy Prize. Look At the Toy Prize to discover it's actually a Small Key. Grab the pot and then head back to the Captain's cabin. Use the Small Key on the Cabinet to open it, and then Open the Small Chest. Look At it to find a Piece of Paper and some Cinnamon Sticks. Get back in the kitchen (Wench!); the following items can be added to the Cooking Pot, if you want to clear out space in your inventory: » 100% Cotton T-shirt » T-shirt » Business Card » Dusty Book » Feather Pen » Small Key HOWEVER, one of the following items MUST NOT go into the pot, you can pick which: » Business Card » Dusty Book » Feather Pen Finally, the following items have to go into the Cooking Pot: » Breath Mints » Rubber Chicken » Ink » Jolly Roger » Gunpowder » Fine Wine » Cereal » Cinnamon Sticks With the last item added, there's and explosion and Guybrush passes out. When he comes to, click anywhere to make him get up, and then head up on deck, where you'll discover that you've arrived at Monkey Island! Use the Giant Piece of Rope on the Cannon, and then go down the Hatch twice. Open the Kegs to the left again to get some more gunpowder and go into the Kitchen. Use either the Business Card, Dusty Book or Feather Pen (whichever one you didn't add to the Cooking Pot) with the Red Hot Fire, and then get up on deck. Use the Gunpowder in the Cannon Nozzle, Use the Flaming Mass on the Fuse, Use the Pot and KABOOM! You're sailing off towards Monkey Island, this time by air! <--[06c] Part Three: Under Monkey Island------------------------> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[06c.1] Exploring Monkey Island== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \====================================/ | Items | Description | /==========================================================================\ | Banana (x3) | It's yellow. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Spyglass | WARNING: Objects in spyglass may be farther away | | | than they appear. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Rope (Fort) | Good, strong stuff. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Lens | My feet look bigger through this. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Cannon Ball | It has three holes in it. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Handful of Gunpowder | Black and explosive, just the way I like it. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Memo (Beach #2) | Herman-- | | | Please return our key to the Monkey Head. | | | --the Cannibals | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Memo (River Fork) | To the Ghost Pirate LeChuck: | | | We must ask you once again to curtail your nightly | | | activities in the Sacred Monkey Head area. Decent | | | people are trying to sleep! Kindly keep the noise | | | level down. | | | --The Monkey Island Cannibals. | | | P.S.-- We saw you taking that woman with the scarf | | | down there! | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Noteworthy Rock | I'm no geologist, but judging by these conchoidal | | | fractures, I'd say this is a piece of flint. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Flint | As I said, it's flint. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Memo (Towering Rock) | Note to the Monkey Island Cannibals: | | | Please stop moving this. It is delicately balanced. | | | --Herman Toothrot. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Memo (Pond) | To the Monkey Island Cannibals: | | | I don't mind you worshipping in front of the Sacred | | | Monkey Idol that doubles as my home and secret base | | | of operations... | | | ...but could you please refrain from leaving messy | | | sacrifices on my porch. Also, please DO NOT ENTER | | | the Monkey Head. | | | --G.P. LeChuck. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Rope (Pond) | It seems to be a jump rope. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Memo (Beach #3) | "To: Herman Toothrot | | | From: Yammer, Hem, and Haw, attorneys at law | | | Re: Suit against cannibal tribe over malicious | | | tossing of your oars into a chasm. | | | I think we have a case here. We can probably soak | | | them for emotional distress, and possibly punitive | | | damages as well." | | | Hmm. Sounds like Legalese. I don't think I can | | | translate the rest. | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Oars | It's a pair of oars. | \==========================================================================/ You'll find Guybrush buried headfirst into the sands of a Beach. We'll call this Beach #1 from now. When both the monkey and Herman have left, click anywhere to get up, and then Pick Up the Banana. Read the Piece of Paper and then walk into the Jungle. Click the north-west corner of the map and when Guybrush reaches there, it'll scroll further along. Click on the Fort found on the north side of the extinct volcano, Pick Up the Spyglass and the Rope, Open the Spyglass to get the Lens, and then Push the Cannon. Tell Herman that a monkey did it and he'll walk off in a huff. Pick Up the Cannon Ball and the Gunpowder and then leave. Go to the Beach (Now known as Beach #2) due south of the Fort and Look At the Note. Leave and then click on the east edge of the map and then click on the River Fork, where the Dry River Bed meets the River. Look At the Note under a Rock; after reading the Memo, Look At the Noteworthy Rock to find it's a piece of Flint. Walk To the Footholds and Look At the Note, before climbing up the next set of Footholds. Talk to Herman when he joins you, and then Push the Rock off the cliff. ...Oh whoops, was that your ship? Oh well. Pick Up the Heap o' Rocks and then walk onto the precipice to the right. ...Oh whoops, did you just die? Oh well. Of course, you didn't really, but hah, had you going for a moment! Walk To the Path Down and then Pull the Primitive Art twice before going back up to the top. Push the Rock off the cliff again, and then go back down to the River Fork. Use the Handful of Gunpowder on the Dam, and then use the Flint on the Cannon Ball, OR use the Lens on the Gunpowder, either one blasting the Dam, thus filling the Dry River Bed. Walk to the Pond at the end of the River (The bit you just filled up). Pick Up the Note and the Rope before leaving. Head to the Beach to the east, which we'll call Beach #3 from now. Pick Up the Bottle to get another Memo and then go back into the Jungle. Go to the Crack (Located just north of Beach #1) and use one of the Ropes on the Sturdy Branch, Walk To the ledge below, use the other Rope on the Sturdy Stump and Walk To the bottom of the Crack. Pick Up the Oars and then exit. Go to Beach #1 and pick up the two Bananas and then Use the Rowboat. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[06c.2] Cannibal Run== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \=====================================/ | Items | Description | /=========================================================================\ | Memo (Beach #4) | Cannibals-- | | | I'm not giving you bloodsuckers your key to the | | | Monkey Head until you return my banana picker. | | | --H.T. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Banana | It's yellow. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Memo (Guest Hut) | To the ghost pirate LeChuck: | | | We must protest your "acquisition" of our voodoo | | | antiroot. We realise that it provides a hazard | | | towards you and your crew, but this is thievery! | | | --The Monkey Island Cannibals | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Skull | What a cute little skull. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Wimpy Little Idol | What a cheap piece of mass-produced tourist crap. | | | On the bottom it says "Made by Lemonhead." | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Banana Picker | It says "If found, please return to Herman | | | Toothrot." | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Monkey Head Key | Looks like a giant cotton swab. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Head of the Navigator | Guybrush looks at the Head. | \=========================================================================/ From Beach #1. go north-east, north, and then to the new Beach, Beach #4. Read the Note and then Walk To the Jungle. Go to the Village and head straight to the left; pick up the Bananas from the Fruit Bowl and then try to leave, only to run into the Cannibals. When they ask for an offering, just wait and they'll assume you have nothing to give them, thus taking you to the Guest Hut. Read the Note, Pick Up the Skull, Open the Floorboard and Walk To the Hole to escape. Go back to Beach #4 and row the boat to Beach #1. Walk To the Jungle and to the Monkey. Give all five Bananas to the Monkey and then walk to the Clearing east of Beach #3. Walk to the right and Pull the Nose of the Totem Pole to the left, and then walk away from it. The Monkey will hang from it, keeping it pulled down. Walk To the Giant Monkey Head, Pick Up the Wimpy Little Idol, head back to the Village and Give it to the Cannibals. When they rush off, go to the Guest Hut and liberate the Banana Picker. Exit and you'll find Herman talking to himself; Talk To him and tell him you have the Banana Picker; he trades it for the Monkey Head Key. Leave the Village and re-enter; tell the Cannibals that you're looking for LeChuck and Governor Marley, and they'll tell you how to defeat LeChuck. The problem is, LeChuck's stolen the Voodoo Root they need to make the potion! They also tell you about how to get to LeChuck's ship within the catacombs, but they're not willing to give you their last Head of the Navigator. Once the conversation ends, give them the Leaflet and they'll be delighted, giving you the Head of the Navigator. I hate that last puzzle, I literally spent months trying to work out what I needed to do to get the Head, and that godawful pun just never occured to me XD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[06c.3] LeChuck's Ship== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \=====================================/ | Items | Description | /=========================================================================\ | Necklace on Navigator | It's slimy and goopy. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Necklace on Guybrush | It's slimy and goopy and it's around my neck | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Key | It's a big ghostly-looking key. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Ghost Feather | It's a feather. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Jug o' Grog | It's a bottle of ghost grog. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Glob of Grease | Yech, it's all over my hands. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Ghost Tools | They're glowing ghost tools. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Voodoo Root | It's twisted and dried up and not very impressive | | | looking. | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Magic Seltzer Bottle | It seems to be filled with some carbonated fluid. | \=========================================================================/ Head to the Giant Monkey Head and use the Monkey Head Key in the Giant Monkey Ear, to open up a path inside. Take it and head all the way to the right of the first screen. On the second one, Use the Head of the Navigator, and Guybrush will pull it out; the head spins around and then faces the direction that you should head in - make sure to stop in front of doorways to let it re-orientate itself. After taking the correct path enough times, you'll arrive at a high cliff overlooking LeChuck's ghost ship. Talk To the Head of the Navigator and ask it for its necklace; keep nagging at it and threatening it with violence until it yields, and then Pick Up the Necklace on Navigator. Head on down to LeChuck's ship. Onboard, head to the left and enter the closed door to the south of the Ghost Dog, to find yourself in the same room as LeChuck! Good thing that necklace makes you invisible to ghosts, right? Use the Magnetic Compass on the Key to snatch it without G.P. LeChuck noticing and hightail it outta there. On deck, head to the right and go down the hatch and through the passageway. Pick up the Ghost Feather and then go back a room to the bunks. Position yourself so that you're by his feet (next to the chest) and Use the Ghost Feather twice upon the Sleeping Ghost Crew to make him drop the Jug o' Grog. Snatch it up and go back to the Animal Pens. Look At the Glowing Crate to confirm the location of the Voodoo Antiroot and then use the Key on the Hatch. Walk To the Cooking Grease, but Guybrush gets scared of the Ghost Rat, so Use the Jug o' Grog on the Dish and the Rat gets drunk and passes out... or dies. Whatever. Now you can safely pick up the Cooking Grease. Go back up on deck and Open the Door to the right side; it'll squeak as you do so and Bob (One of the Pirate Ghosts) will go over and close it. Use the Glob of Grease on the Door to stop it squeaking and then Open it and enter. You'll find a sleeping Ghost guarding the entrance to the Brig, where Bob said that they'd had to put Governor Marley in earlier. Grab the Ghost Tools, but Guybrush won't use 'em to knock out the Ghost Guard, without any Voodoo Antiroot mixture backing him up. Head back to the Animal Pens and use the Ghost Tools on the Glowing Crate to bust it open! Look at it to get the Voodoo Root! Head on back to the Cannibals Village and they'll take the Voodoo Root of your hands. Note what they say, that they're going to go and ferment it. After your brief conversation with the three-headed monkey, the Cannibals will return and give you the Magic Seltzer Bottle, and we're pretty much good to go! Leave the Village and you'll wind up back at the cliff overlooking LeChuck's ghost shi-- the hell? It's not there anymore! After Bob spills the beans that LeChuck's off to marry Governor Marley in the church on Mêlée Island, Herman turns up and offers Bob a lift to Mêlée Island to make it in time for the wedding, so ask for a lift too! <--[06d] Last Part: Guybrush Kicks Butt-------------------------> \=========================/ | Items | Description | /=============================================================\ | Root Beer | It seems to be filled with some carbonated fluid. | \=============================================================/ Back on the familiar pier of Mêlée Island, head to the right and Guybrush will be confronted with a ghost; pick any of the four options to dispatch it with the Magical Seltzer Bottle, and then continue off to the right. On the next screen, you have a choice; confront the Grim Spectre or open the door just to your left to come out by the Archway below the Clock. Go through it and then enter the middle building on this screen, to interrupt the wedding! Oh man, and it all goes horribly, hideously, horrifically wrong. But all you need to know is Guybrush takes a hell of a beating, with LeChuck literally sending him flying about the island. When you land in Stan's Used Ship Emporium and go headfirst into the Grog Machine, and are then pulled out by LeChuck, Pick Up the Root Beer that popped out of the machine when you hit it, and then Use the Root Beer on LeChuck before he sends you flying off again. Hey, you did it, you defeated the dreaded Ghost Pirate LeChuck! Watch the ridiculously cheesy ending sequence, and then the real star of the show, the credits! / =============================== \ < [07] FAQ > \ =============================== / ==Q. Are there any alternate endings to The Secret of Monkey Island?========== A. The only real difference there can be in the ending is if you don't sink the Sea Monkey with the catapault. At the end of the third part, instead of Herman showing up, the crew (Carla, Otis and Meathook) show up and you sail back to Mêlée Island on the Sea Monkey, and in the ending, instead of the crew in the Cannibals Guest Hut, you see Herman left behind on the island. ==Q. What references are there to other Lucasarts games in The Secret of Monkey Island?=========================================================== A. There are three references to Loom: the first is a pirate in the Scumm Bar wearing a Loom badge ('tis Cobb, the guy who gets melted), the second is the Seagull on the jetty behind the Scumm bar, and the third is the first response you can make after being fired into the tent pole at the Circus (Bobbin is the main character of Loom). On Monkey Island, in the grounds of the Giant Monkey Head, there's a Sam and Max Idol. Also, in many conversations, you can make a comment about selling fine jackets, that's a reference to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Finally, when you open the Crate aboard LeChuck's ghost ship, the first few notes of the Indiana Jones theme play. ==Q. Can you kill Bob when you meet him under Monkey Island after LeChuck has taken the Ghost Ship to Mêlée Island?==================================== A. Yes, you can, and the following is what you need to say to do so: » Have a taste of root beer, you evil spirit! » I think I'll zap you anyway. » Tell me where the ghost ship is. » OK, I promise. » What wedding? » Where is the wedding? » I've got to go after them! When Guybrush makes to leave, Bob turns around to stare out where the ghost ship was, and instead of going, Guybrush turns back, pulling out the Magic Seltzer Bottle. As Bob turns his head round, he gets a shot of root beer. Yay! ==Q. Is there a way to actually lose in the game?============================= A. Depending upon the version you're playing, there are two. The first one that always works is to leave Guybrush at the bottom of the Mêlée Village pier for ten minutes. He'll turn all sorts of colours and finally drown, but you're "apparently" given a chance to retry it. I wasn't when I tried it, but that may be down to the version I had, that's all. The other method only works on some versions; I've had a fair few copies of The Secret of Monkey Island over the years, and once I managed to put the Leaflet into the Cooking Pot aboard the Sea Monkey. This meant that I couldn't get the Head of the Navigator from the Cannibals, and thus couldn't get to LeChuck's ghost ship. ==Q. Is there any other way of completing the game than defeating LeChuck on Mêlée Island?============================================================ A. Press Ctrl + W and press Y when asked if you want to win; it'll take you straight to the credits. Though, I guess I wouldn't really call that completing the game. ==Q. Are there any more little secrets in the game?=========================== A. Well, you can repeatedly escape from the Guest Hut in the Cannibals Village and then get recaptured; each time you do so, they change the door to try and prevent you from escaping. Shame that's not how you're doing it, isn't it? XD Also, the storekeeper has about ten different complaints he starts rattling off at you which are pretty funny to read. That's about all I can think of. ==Q. Do the Minutes have any use whatsoever?================================= A. Not really, but with the 2 Pieces of Eight you get for them, you can buy the Breath Mints, and thus complete the Thievery trial, without doing the whole Circus scene. But you'll still have to do it to complete either of the Swordplay and Treasure Hunting trials. Also, in some versions of The Secret of Monkey Island, you can put them in the Cooking Pot aboard the Sea Monkey. ==Q. Why is the Fabulous Idol called the Idol o' Many Hands when it has no hands? It makes no logical sense!======================================== A. That's the point. It's not supposed to make sense, it's non sequitur. ==Q. Help! I own a copy of The Secret of Monkey Island, but I can't get it to run!===================================================================== A. Chances are, your computer is just too good to run The Secret of Monkey Island. However, there is a solution to this; the wonderful folk over at ScummVM (http://www.scummvm.org) have created a nifty program to allow many old point-and-click games to be run on todays more technologically advanced computers. ==Q. Do you know where I can find a copy of The Secret of Monkey Island? I can't seem to find it in the shops, nor *ahem*online*ahem*=============== A. All of the Lucasarts Point-and-Click Adventure games are on the IDSA's hitlist, so there are very few places online that would pirate the games. Add the fact that despite being very old, it's not so long ago that they were still being sold, you should be able to get a hold of a copy via eBay. It's a shame though, the games are no longer sold by LucasArts, but have not been declared as Abandonware. ==Q. What's Abandonware when it's at home?==================================== A. Abandonware is software that has been abandoned. No, really. What it actually means is that it is no longer sold or produced, and has been released into the public domain. ==Q. Well, what's in it for Lucasarts?======================================== A. Apart from respect from the old-school gamers, nothing really. But there's only so much flogging of a dead horse that can be done, and the Monkey Island games are such classics (except the fourth one, since it's so bad) that EVERYONE should be able to play them. ==Q. Will there ever be another Monkey Island game?=========================== A. Lucasarts seem to have squashed that idea, and Ron Gilbert doesn't have enough cash to buy the Monkey Island name to make Monkey Island 3a: The Secret Revealed or Your Money Back, the third game as it was originally planned to be by him. So no, it doesn't seem likely. ==Q. Is there anything else you can pad out this FAQ section with?============ A. Not really. no. I guess I could transcribe the Credits down, but they're not as good in this one as they are in Monkey Island II: LeChuck's Revenge. ==Q. So how come you're still writing these stupid questions?================= A. Padding is the art of making nothing take up space; the actual contents of the padding is irrelevant, it's the fact that it IS padding =D? Go ask a girl about the padding she puts in her bra, she'll probably explain it far clearer than I do. Honest. / =============================== \ < [08] Thanks > \ =============================== / This list is gonna be pretty short methinks =P My Brother - for getting me into the Monkey Island games in the first place, and doing most of the puzzle solving for me (I used to be a hideous example of back-seat gaming) DJellybean - for clueing me in for the basics of FAQ presentation. Phoenix 1911 - I stole the copyright stuff from him coz' it sounded all professional and stuff XD GameFAQS - for hosting this FAQ. / =============================== \ < [09] Legal Stuff > \ =============================== / This unofficial document is protected by the international Copyright law. All content within is created and owned by Peter Carter. Absolutely no profit must be made from this work; it may not be reproduced, in part or in whole, and/or altered in any way or under any circumstances without the prior consent from the author, except for personal and private use. All copyrights and trademarks contained within are owned by their respective holders. No copyright infringement was intended during the creation of this document. Copyright 2005-2009 Peter Carter. / =============================== \ < [10] Next Version > \ =============================== / There probably won't be a next version to be honest. What can be added to this? / =============================== \ < [11] Working On... > \ =============================== / Fallout 1. / =============================== \ < [12] Goodbye! > \ =============================== / GOODBYE! And that's all for now folks!