URUSEI YATSURA: DEAR MY FRIENDS FAQ 1.0 10/04/2002 CONTENTS ========== About the faq About the game About Urusei Yatsura About the characters Controlling the game Saving the game Ten's games Gameplay advice Walkthrough ABOUT THIS FAQ =============== This is a faq for the Urusei Yatsura game Urusei Yatsura: Dear My Friends for Mega-CD. I like Urusei Yatsura and this is a good Urusei Yatsura game. When i first played it i got stuck a lot because there were no faqs to be found. I managed to finish it in the end through guesswork. After i finished it i still didn't get bored playing it so i thought i might as well do a faq. It should help anyone lucky enough to play this great game who can't understand Japanese. It's a good technical showcase for Mega-CD, good for anime fans who haven't tried Urusei Yatsura, and a big treat for fans of the manga/show. ABOUT THE GAME ================ Urusei Yatsura: Dear My Friends is the 1994 Sega Mega-CD game by Game Arts which is based on the Urusei Yatsura animated show, which in turn is based on the popular Urusei Yatsura manga created by Rumiko Takahashi. It uses the "digital comic" style of gameplay where the game is viewed and interacted with in manga-style picture panels, but also uses a lot of original animated footage created for the game to tell the story . You progress through the game by talking to characters from the show, and finding and using items in appropriate scenes. It was only ever released in Japan and is now very collectable. ABOUT URUSEI YATSURA ====================== The Urusei Yatsura animated show ran from 1981 to 1986 spanning 195 episodes. 6 movies and 9 OAVs were also produced during and after the run. The story is based around Lum, a friendly alien girl, and her "fiance" Ataru, a human boy. Many other characters have a prominent place in the show, but ultimately the focus is always on Lum and Ataru. Urusei Yatsura has gone through many visual changes, but Urusei Yatsura: Dear My Friends mostly resembles the more realistic character proportions found in the movies. All the characters from the show appearing in Urusei Yatsura: Dear My Friends are played by their original voice actors. ABOUT THE CHARACTERS ======================= Here is background information on the most prominent animated series characters to be found in Urusei Yatsura: Dear My Friends. You will also encounter dozens of cameos from the show and movies as well as some original characters created for the game. LUM Lum is the beautiful Oni girl who adores Ataru Moroboshi. The Oni are identified by their tiger-striped clothes/spaceships, magic powers and horns. Oni are friendly, but often stir up trouble without realising it. Lum's story began with the day the Oni cheerfully announced that they would invade Earth unless a randomly chosen native could prove himself and his race in a game of tag. That native was Ataru. All Ataru had to do was touch Lum's horns and he'd win his planet's freedom. Unfortunately Ataru's motivation was not so chivalrous. He just wanted to get near the gorgeous Lum, despite the fact that he already had a girlfriend, the faithful Shinobu. Shinobu promised to marry him if he won the game, he did, and declared that he was going to get married. Lum mistook this as a proposal, which she accepted. Now she is hopelessly dedicated to Ataru, but because Ataru has won her unquestioning affection, she's not interesting to him anymore, so he decides to go back to his lecherous girl-hunts. Unlike Shinobu though, Super-powered flying Lum is an anchor he can't shake. She is insanely jealous and regularly electrifies him to keep him in check. Lum brings trouble wherever she goes. Lum is so gorgeous that men compete for her attention to the point of trying to murder each other, and visits from her family and freaky assortment of space friends to Earth regularly cause parts of Japan to disappear, shrink, or explode. Lum is a student at Tomobiki High with Ataru and their friends Shinobu, Shuutaro, Megane, and the Lum Stormtroopers. ATARU MOROBOSHI Ataru is Lum's "Darling". Ataru is the walking embodiment of lecherous, polygamous lust. He never stops thinking about girls (emphasis on plural). He seriously believes that his sole purpose in life is to date every hot babe in the world, and he just-as seriously believes it is possible, despite the fact that only two women have ever shown him genuine affection. For Ataru, the hunt is everything. If he ever actually managed to charm his prey into submission, it would no longer be fun for him. Such an incident happened the day he met the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, Lum. After Lum dedicated her life to being around Ataru 24 hours a day, such an inescapable prison of monogamy drove Ataru over the edge, urging him to hunt girls with an awe-inspiring persistency the likes of which not even Shinobu had to endure. Ataru posseses god-given lust abilities. For the most part, Ataru is a scrawny hormone-driven moron, but when his full lust is triggered, it gives him tremendous intelligence, speed, agilty and strength. As long as he has his lust powers to protect him, Ataru is virtually invulnerable, which is good because life does not treat him well. Born on a spectacularly coincidental unlucky day, Ataru's lack of good-fortune has been decided forever, and he must live with it. Lum is the only good thing that has happened to him in his life. 99% of the time He is not concious of the fact, but underneath the lechery he only has eyes for Lum. It will take the threat of her impending death or permanant exile to a strange dimension to dig his true feelings out. SHINOBU Shinobu was Ataru's on/off girlfriend for several years until Lum arrived on Earth. Although Ataru had problems, it wasn't until Lum laid his monumental commitment hangups bare for all the world to see that Shinobu became truly disgusted with him. Due to the many obstacles encountered during their stormy relationship, Shinobu's frustrations manifested as tremendous physical strength. She is the strongest character in Urusei Yatsura. SHUUTARO MENDOU Shuutaro is the heir to the massive Mendou financial empire. At face value he is a target for women everywhere with his good looks, charming wordplay and incredible wealth. Unfortunately for Shuutaro, it is a very well-rehearsed act. When his act is tested, he can be awkward and shallow. When he is in the company of only men, he can be cowardly and indecisive. The only things he has going for him are his incredible financial resources and his private army, which is bigger than Japan's. Shuutaro's army is regularly used to fight space invaders and settle intergalactic political disputes. Like most of the boys at Tomobiki, Shuutaro is head over heels in love with Lum, and drives himself crazy wondering what she sees in a loser like Ataru when she could be with someone handsome and rich like him. Shuutaro's weapon of choice is his sword, which he regularly tries to disembowel Ataru with. CHERRY Cherry is a Buddhist monk who is an expert on the supernatural, specifically spirits pertaining to bad luck. For this reason he is never far from Ataru much to Ataru's distress, who blames Cherry for his bad luck. Cherry maintains that his interest in Ataru is purely scholarly, but for reasons not known there is an undoubtable sense of satisfaction on Cherry's part in seeing Ataru always finish last. Cherry's niece, Sakura, finds her uncle to be incompetent and lazy SAKURA Sakura is the only woman who can claim to compete with Lum for the attentions of Tomobiki's male population. The stunning "Raving beauty of mystery", Sakura has two guises: she is both the nurse for Tomibiki and a shinto priestess who is an expert on all things spritual. Unlike her Uncle though, she is very professional and effective in this respect. RYUUNOSUKE FUJINAMI Ryuunosuke is a girl who was brought up to be a boy. Her father wanted a boy more than anything in the world but when she was born he was greatly disappointed. When Ryuunosuke's mother died her father took it upon himself to raise her as a boy, by cutting her hair short, putting her in boys clothes and training her to fight. All Ryuunosuke ever wanted was to put on pretty dresses and go on dates, put her father would never allow it. Ryuunosuke's resentment of her father's attitudes made her take her fights against him so seriously that she became a world-class martial artist. Ryuunosuke had spent so long thinking and acting like a boy that her mannerisms can now pass for the real thing. This, coupled with her feminine beauty, makes other girls think she is a handsome boy and a hot date! Ryuunosuke is beautiful, clever, independent, confident and good-natured. Any women that aren't aware of Ryuunosuke's secret (and even a few that are) find her irresistable. RAN Ran is a childhood friend of Lum's. Many years ago, they were both interested in the same boy, Rei. Lum and Rei became engaged, but split when she found out how very stupid he was. This enraged Ran, who swore revenge on Lum. She had revenge on her mind for an awful long time, because her bitterness warped her personality into two distinct halves: one is a squeaky-voiced sweet angel, the other is a rabid foul-mouthed killing machine. She flits between the two personalities at high speed without even knowing it. Although Lum and Ran's differences were settled long ago, Ran still retains her stroboscopic split psyche. TEN Ten is Lum's Fire-breathing baby cousin. He journeyed to earth specially to meet Ataru, but didn't like what he saw when he arrived. Ten decided that Ataru was not right for Lum at all and decided to stick around to talk his cousin out of their relationship. When this did not work, Ten realised there was nothing he could but but look after what he believes are Lum's best interests. When Ataru bothers girls with his advances, Ten sets fire to him. When he occasionally shows Lum affection, Ten sets fire to him. He can't win. Ataru and Ten hate each other. MEGANE Megane is the leader of the Lum Stormtroopers, a lovesick brotherhood sworn to dedicate their lives to Lum's hapiness, no matter what heartbreak.it costs them. Although the Stormtroopers think Lum is a beautiful sexy girl they would kill each other for, it is Megane who truly painfully adores her. More than Shuutaro, more than anyone except maybe Ataru, Lum is all he thinks about from the moment he begins his bleak Lumless day to the stomach-wrenching Lumless sobs that send him to sleep. Megane is jealous to the point that he wishes Ataru was dead, but because he is the one who brings Lum happiness, he can tolerate his existance and even be his friend. REI Rei is Lum's former fiance and the object of Ran's affection. Rei is incredibly handsome but incredibly unintelligent. He literally has nothing on his mind except food. Sometimes he turns into a strange giant space cow. INABA Inaba was appointed an apprentice in the study of alternate cosmic realities by dimension rabbits, but he abused his position to help Shinobu by showing her how her life might have turned out if she had made different choices. The dimension rabbits, although displeased, kept the hard-working Inaba on board, demoting him to janitor. He still has a soft spot for Shinobu, which is reciprocated. KOTATSUNEKO Kotatsuneko is the ghost of a cat which froze to death after being forgotten and locked out by it's owners. Now he hangs around Ataru and his friends, seeking out places of warmth. Unlike lots of animals in Urusei Yatsura, he can't talk. RYOUKO MENDO Ryouko is Mendou's sister. She is very spiteful and hates just about everybody. She aspires to be in showbusiness and likes to use lots of over-dramatic theatrical speeches and flourishes. She is always accompanied by sinister masked stagehands who assist her in her evil plans. TSUBAME OZUNO Tsubame is Sakura's fiance. He studies non-eastern mystic arts. KITSUNE Kitsune is a cute fox creature that morphs into miniature fox duplicates of anyone it likes. TORAJIMA Torajima is a vicious cat with an eyepatch that claims Ataru's house as his own. He is Ten's nemesis. CONTROLLING THE GAME ====================== Cross pad = Moves your pointer A Button = Selects/deselects item menu B Button = Cycle through pointer mode C Button = Confirms pointer action/travel to location/skip scene Start Button = Pause You Play Ataru in this game and see everthing from his point of view. Your pointer is your method of interacting with the game. You guide your pointer around with the cross pad. The pointer has three selectable modes which you cycle through with the B button: look (appears as an eye), speak (a mouth) and action (a hand). When you want to look at an object or speak to a character, let the pointer drift over the target in it's appropriate mode. If it is possible to look at or speak to the target, the pointer will turn red. Pressing the C button while the pointer is red allows you to look/speak. The same applies to the action mode. The action mode is used to manipulate the scenery by opening doors, pushing switches etc. The action mode is also used to collect items. You can only carry out actions when the pointer turns red. The exception to this is when giving items to characters- the pointer will always turn red as you can try giving almost any item to almost any character even if nothing results from it. To give or use an item, call up the item menu with the A button. While in the item menu, you can use action mode to select an item for use or look mode to gain some information about the item. The first item in the menu is always Ataru's diary which is used to save (See below). When you move the pointer over a location exit, the pointer will turn into a foot. Pressing the C button in foot mode will allow you to move around. While loading scenes and locations, the pointer appears as a star. SAVING THE GAME ================= To save the game, bring up the item menu with the A button. Select the first item, Ataru's diary with the action mode. Select slot 1, 2 or 3 to save your game in. Once chosen the game will ask you to confirm your save. Two options appear. Choose the left option to confirm, or the right option to cancel. TEN'S GAMES =========== There are 3 game cartridges Ataru can find in his house to play on Ten's Oni game system. They do not appear in the main game until Ataru has given Ran her purse. GIRL FIGHTER NITRO A Street Fighter style fighting game For 1 or 2 players. Location: In the drawer beneath the Microwave oven in Ataru's kitchen. How to play: Hit your enemy until their energy meter is gone. Best of three rounds wins the game. 4 characters are selectable: Lum (Special move: Electricity), Ryuunosuke (Special move: One hundred-fist punch) , Shinobu (Special move: Desk throw) and Asuka (Special move: Teleport). Controls: Up = Jump Down = No effect Left = Walk away/Walk towards/Block Right = Walk away/Walk towards/Block Button A = Attack Button B = Attack Button C = Attack Button B + C = Special move Start = Pause/Exit option MAXIMUM SPEED A Defender style game I player only. Location: Under the edge of the sheet covering the table in Ataru's living room. How to play: Help Benten destroy alien insect warriors, Use the radar to see the location of the enemy. When all of the aliens have been destroyed, a new wave appears. Controls: Up = Fly up Down = Fly down Left = Accelerate/Decelerate Right = Accelerate/Decelerate Button A = Change direction Button B = Fire Button C = Napalm bomb Start = Pause/Exit option KOTATSUNEKO FOOD GAME A Game-and-Watch style juggle game. 1 player only. Location: Behind the plaque in Ataru's living room. How to play: Help Kotatsuneko catch as much tasty food that falls from the sky in his basket as possible within the time limit. Avoid the weights that will knock Kotatsuneko out temporarily. Controls: Up = No effect Down = No effect Left = Walk left Right = Walk right Button A = No effect Button B = No effect Button C = No effect Start = Pause/Exit option GAMEPLAY ADVICE ================= WARNING! This faq only contains the minimal information required to beat the game, and beating it is only half the fun. If you follow this faq to the letter you will miss many scenes and puzzles. More than half of the items found in the game are unnecessary to get to the end, but can be used to advance the story. Numerous characters and locations are not neccessary to visit, and are only there to make the game more fun. It is worth taking time to explore, especially if you are a Urusei Yatsura fan, as many characters will do different things or be in different places at different stages of the game. You should only use this faq if you are really, really stuck. WALKTHROUGH ============== After the intro movie, the game begins. ATARU'S BEDROOM (Available exits: Window, Hallway) After Ataru talks to himself for a while, Lum will enter. After a short scene with some talking, Lum will fly away. Exit to the hallway through the door on the right. ATARU'S HALLWAY (Available exits: Outside Ataru's House, Living Room, Kitchen) Follow the path outside at the bottom of the screen. OUTSIDE ATARU'S HOUSE (Available exits: Inside Ataru's House, Ataru's Street) Lum is standing outside your house. Talk to Lum. Lum will join you. An animated scene will play showing a Ran doll falling from the sky. Ataru catches the doll, which explodes, leaving a pink piece of paper on the ground. This is a pass to Ran's spaceship. Pick up the pass and exit to the street. ATARU'S STREET (Available exits: Main Map, Outside Ataru's House, Cherry's Tent) Exit to the main map through the bottom of the screen. MAIN MAP (Available exits: Ataru's Street, Ran's Spaceship, Outside Tomobiki High School) Select the upper right yellow spot to visit Tomobiki High School. OUTSIDE TOMOBIKI HIGH SCHOOL (Available exits: Main Map, School Hall) Enter Tomobiki High School. SCHOOL HALL (Available exits: Outside School, Toilets, Upstairs, Property Room) Exit right to visit the Property Room. PROPERTY ROOM (available exits: School Hall) Ring the bell. Ryuunosuke will appear. Talk to Ryuunosuke. Ryuunosuke wil give you Ran's purse. Exit to the school hall. Sakura will appear for a conversation. When she has finished talking, exit back to the main map. Select the upper right yellow spot to visit Ran's spaceship. OUTSIDE RAN'S SPACESHIP (Available exits: Main Map, Inside Ran's spaceship) Use Ran's pass on the ID puncher to your left. Now enter Ran's Spaceship. INSIDE RAN'S SPACESHIP (Available exits: Outside Ran's Spaceship) Ran is here, drinking tea. Give the purse to Ran. After she's finished talking, go back to the main map. Go to Ataru's street. You will see Kotatsuneko disappear around the far right corner of the street. There is a missing octopus poster on the wall. Look at the poster. Head to Ataru's house. From the hallway, enter Ataru's Kitchen ATARU'S KITCHEN (Available exits: Hallway) Look at the microwave/fridge. MICROWAVE OVEN/REFRIDGERATOR (Available exits: Ataru's Kitchen) Open the microwave. Inside is a fishy pancake. Take the fishy pancake. Leave back through Ataru's house to the street, then head round the corner to where Kotatsuneko went. CHERRY'S TENT (Available exits: Ataru's Street) Where is Cherry? He's not here, only Kotatsuneko with the missing octopus on his head. Give Kotatsuneko the fishy pancake and he will give you the octopus. Now exit to the main map. On the main map a new spot has appeared. Head to it to visit the Mendou driveway. MENDOU DRIVEWAY (Available exits: Main map, Mendou Gate) head to the far center of the screen to approach The Mendou gate. MENDOU GATE (Available exits: Mendou Driveway, Mendou Gardens) Show the octupus to one of the guards. He will open the access door for you. Enter the access door to visit The Mendou gardens. MENDOU GARDENS (Available exits: Mendou Gate, Octopus House, State Room) You will see the octopus house in the upper left of the screen. Head over to it OCTOPUS HOUSE (Available exits: Mendou Gardens) Shuutaro is here. After he offers his greetings, give him the octopus. In return, he will give you a drum (Note- this item is not required to finish the game). Now exit back to the main map and head to the school. At the school, Kitsune will be standing outside. Talk to Kitsune. Kitsune will ask about Shinobu. Exit to the main map. Now a new location has appeared in the bottom left of the main map. This is Shinobu's street. Go to Shinobu's street. SHINOBU'S STREET (Available exits: Main map, Shinobu's house) Go to the far end of the street to visit Shinobu's house. SHINOBU'S HOUSE (Available exits: Shinobu's street) Ring Shinobu's bell. Shinobu's mother will tell you that Shinobu is at the park. Exit to the main map. A new location will appear on the middle right side of the screen- the park fountain. Head to the school again. At the school, talk to Kitsune again. Kitsune will give you a nut. Exit to the main map. Go to Ataru's street. You will see steam coming from Cherry's Tent. Go to Cherry's tent. The steam is coming from nabe cooking over a stove, which means Cherry can't be too far away. Sure enough, He makes one of his famous surprise appearances. After some talking, Give Cherry the nut. Cherry will chat some more and give you a green book. Now exit to the main map. A new location will appear on the main map in the lower right side of the screen. This is the city outskirts. Go to the city outskirts. CITY OUTSKIRTS (Available exits: Main Map, Temple Entrance) Tsubame is here. Walk to the trees in the distance to go to the temple entrance. TEMPLE ENTRANCE (Available exits: Inside Temple, Temple Entrance) Sakura's mother is here. Move to the entrance to the temple. INSIDE TEMPLE (Available exits: Temple Entrance) Sakura is here. Give Sakura the green book. After Sakura finishes talking, leave the temple and go to the main map. An animated sequence will begin, showing the city locations linked by magic to form a giant star. In the center, a large beam desends from the sky to Ataru's house. Go to Ataru's house. The child from the opening movie is sitting outside Ataru's window. This is Chara. Use action on Chara. Chara will introduce himself to Ataru and Lum. Chara is looking for his pendant. Lum agrees to help. Chara now joins you. Go to the park fountain. PARK FOUNTAIN (Available exits: Park Bench, Food stand) Exit to the right to visit the food stand. FOOD STAND (Available exits: Park fountain) Ten is lying on the floor. Speak to him. Now exit back to the park fountain. A mean looking cat with an eyepatch has appeared. This is Torajima. Look at Torajima. Torajima will fight with Ataru and leave. A strange sparkle from the bush to the left appears. Look at the sparkle. It's Chara's pendant! An animated scene of Ataru teasing Chara will play. Suddenly everyone disappears, including Lum! Exit to the main map. Go to the Mendou driveway. Lum is here. Lum will rejoin you. Go to the mendou gate Open the gate. A long animated scene will play as Ataru discovers that the city is not the city at all, but a floating copy. He becomes angry at Chara who responds by turning into a sexy girl! Chara hurls a fireball at Ataru who is knocked off the city. Lum catches him as Chara flies away. When the scene ends, got to Ataru's house. Ataru flips out as he discovers his house is buried underground! When he calms down, go to Sakura's temple. Another animated scene begins as Sakura explains what has happened to the city. They are interrupted by a strange message from Chara who appears in Sakura's mirror. When the scene has finished, go to Cherry's Tent. Speak to Cherry. Cherry will give you a sweet. Now go to the Mendou gate. The Mendou gate has been trashed by a monster! Go through the hole in the gate. Mendou's army is fighting the monster. Mendou himself has already been defeated by the monster as a distressed Ryouko looks on. Walk over to the monster. Another long animated scene begins, revealing that Chara is sitting on the monster's head. Chara hops down to greet Ataru and Lum. Ataru gives Chara the sweet and she turns back to normal. Chara becomes upset and flies away. Lum chases after him/her. Chara begins to glow. The glow envelops Lum and the two disappear in a flash of light. When the scene is over, go to Shinobu's Street. Sakura is here, although she is different somehow. After she finishes talking, she joins Ataru. An animated scene begins as Lum wakes to find herself inside the toybox from the opening movie. Go to Shinobu's house. Ring Shinobu's Bell. Shinobu will answer and invite you inside. Walk to Shinobu's front door to go to Shinobu's bedroom. SHINOBU'S BEDROOM (Available exits: Shinobu's house) Shinobu is here. Talk to Shinobu. Talk to Shinobu's flowers. The flowers shine a beam onto the floor, which makes a hole. Inaba appears from the hole. Inaba gives you a key, then says goodbye to Shinobu and disappears. Go back outside and head to the main map. A scene begins showing Lum exploring the toybox and finding Chara. When it has finished, go to Ran's ship. Inside Ran's ship, there is a strange little man smoking a cigarette. Open the door that Ran was hiding before and some infra-red goggles will fall out. These are better than infra-red goggles because they show you where hidden doors to strange dimensions are (Note- this item is not required to finish the game, but it makes it easier to see the hidden doors). Now go to the park. Go to the Park bench. PARK BENCH (Available exits: Park Fountain) Use the goggles. You will see where to use the key. Use the key on the tree. Go through the tree. LOVER'S TREE (Available exits: Park Bench) Pick up one of the brown monsters at the bottom of the screen. Go back through the park to the main map. Another scene from the toybox shows Lum consoling the frightened Tara. The pendant around his/her neck begins to fade. When the scene is over, go to the school. Go inside, and head to the toilets. TOILETS (Available exits: School Hall) Use the goggles. You will see where to use the key. Use the key on the door. Go through the door. STRANGE MARKET Look at the multi-coloured machine beneath the dog salesman, then talk to the dog salesman. Now exit back out into the toilets, through the school and on to the main map. Go to Cherry's tent. Use the goggles. You will see where to use the key. Use the key on the tent. Go inside the tent. UNUSUAL HILL (Available exits: Cherry's Tent, Inside Restaurant) A mysterious restaurant is perched high atop the unusual hill. Go up the hill to the restaurant. INSIDE RESTAURANT (Available exits: Unusual Hill) Megane is serving in the restaurant! Speak to Megane to get his attention. Look at the hanging sign to your left. Give Megane the brown monster. Megane will give you a green jelly. Now leave and go back through Cherry's tent to the main map. Go back to the school. Go to the toilets again, and go through the door to visit the dog salesman. Give the dog salesman the green jelly. The dog salesman will give you the multi-coloured machine. Now exit through the school to the main map. The game switches to an animated scene with Lum and Chara who are playing in the toybox. The dying pendant's power completely fades and the toybox begins to disintegrate. All of the toys fall out and disappear into space. The toybox continues to fall apart until there is only a small piece left for Lum and Chara to stand on. When the scene has finished, go to Ataru's street. Sakura senses Lum is in danger. Go to Ataru's house. Use the multi-coloured machine on Ataru's buried house. Ataru's House will be restored to normal! Now go inside Ataru's house. Go to Ataru's bedroom. Use the goggles. You will see where to use the key. Use the key on Ataru's closet (Make sure it is CLOSED first). Now go inside the closet. Just as the last piece of the toybox is about to fall apart, Ataru's hand reaches into his closet and saves Lum and Chara from spinning into space. Now sit back and watch the textbook Urusei Yatsura ending. THAT'S IT! ========= Thanks to Mum for everything. Thanks to George Lucas for the space films. Thanks to Jonogo for the download of this game. Keep it real Copyright 2002 Dennis Skelton