WOLFCHILD FAQ/WALKTHROUGH For play on Super Nintendo Entertainment System Presented by Joseph Shaffer (Joe the Destoryer) Last Updated: 12/19/10 Version: 1.8 Phase: Technically Complete THE FOLLOWING SITES ARE GIVEN HOSTING PRIVILEDGE: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) IGN (www.ign.com) HonestGamers (www.honestgamers.com) If you are e-mailing me about feedback, questions, or anything having to do with any FAQ, please send it to thechowrocker@yahoo.com. IMPORTANT: If you are going to send me an e-mail regarding any FAQ or review I've written, please include the game's name in the subject, OTHERWISE IT WILL BE DELETED. This FAQ is technically complete. Any information that was missed or has been found to be incorrect can be corrected if you hit me with some e-mail. If I verify your corrections, I will give you credit in my Thank You section. _______________________________________________________________________ UPDATE HISTORY 10/1/01- Late Monday Night. Although I'm about ready to expire for the night, I decided to give Wolf Chld for SNES a FAQ/Walkthrough, so I'm creating one right now. 10/2/01- Sections 7 and 8 up and running. Section 2 is also going. Walkthrough spans through level 2. Added some stuff to the FAQ section. Completed the items section. 10/3/01- Added some questions to the FAQ. Added Section 1B. Walkthrough now spans through Level 3. Section 4 complete. Seciton 1A now complete. 10/4/07- Walkthrough covers through part 1 of Level 4. 10/4/01 (Second Update)- Walkthrough covers all of Level 4. 10/9/01- Walkthrough covers part 1 of Level 5 and a bit of part 2. Expect a final update later today. 10/9/01 (second update)- Okay, so thanks to college work, we didn't get the second update on GameFAQs right away. However, you are getting it quite soon after the last one. The game's walkthrough now covers the whole game, all through the final boss. Even spellchecked while the tunes of Static-X filled my ears... All pollished, there might be some minor spelling errors that made it past the spellcheck, but they're probably not anything really big. 11/12/02- FAQ-wide update... 8/27/03- FAq-wide update... 12/19/10- Proofreading done. Reference credit goes to the instruction manual. Contents According to Joe ------------------------- Section 1: Introduction 1A: Saul's Conflict 1B: Basics to Wolf Child Section 2: Projectile Shots Section 3: Transforming Section 4: Items 4A: Score Building Items 4B: Life Increasing Items 4C: Misc. Items Section 5: Walkthrough 5A: Level 1: Wolf Ship 5B: Level 2: Dense Jungle 5C: Level 3: Ancient Temple 5D: Level 4: CHIMERA Base 5E: Level 5: Inner Core Section 6: FAQ Section 7: Legal Bit Section 8: Thank You and Goodbye ------------------------- / SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION \ ----------------------------- 1A: SAUL'S CONFLICT The year is hazy. Actually it's not even given. But I guess the year isn't really important. What is important is a man named Kal Morrow is a world renowned genetics scientist. He's good. REAL good! So good that his genetic splicing abilities have opened our world scientifically and culturally to a whole new level. Various aspects of different cultures are influenced by his work. Needless to say, he's Nobel material. On top of his genetic work is his research on different psychic and physiological powers in various beings. He found a way to make an ultimate being based on all of this research. One that would be extremely powerful both physically and mentally. However, such a design could easily rouse to wake the desire of those who wish to use it for evil. In the spotlight now... the terrorist group CHIMERA. CHIMERA is just as terrible of a terrorist society as the beast Chimera from Greek tales. They are led by a madman named Karl Draxx. Draxx is like any villain in a video game or movie. Ever since his crib days, he's wanted nothing more than to rule the world. "...And what would you like to be when you grow up, young Karl?" "I want to rule the world!" "Oh, that's so cute!" "Laugh it up while you can! You'll be kissing my feet!" Since Karl couldn't major in world domination in college, he never thought his dream would be realized. Finally, he saw the chance to make his dream a reality: Kidnap Kal Morrow and use his research on ultimate beings to make an army of them and... RULE THE WORLD! Yeah, sounds like a plot you'd see on Super Friends, sure, but I guess it works for this game. CHIMERA stormed the island in which Morrow was conducting his research. His security workers, his wife, and one of his sons were all killed by the terrorists. The only person who wasn't attacked was Morrow's other son, Saul Morrow. Saul was out at sea near the island as it was being attacked. Saul rushed back to the island... Too little, too late. Seeing his family completely killed brought great grieving, but it also brought great anger. You don't want to make Saul angry. You won't like him when he's angry. After a little looking around, Saul found something quite interesting. Something called PROJECT: WOLFCHILD. Saul got a hold of this project, using the device to change his genetic coding. With this, Saul gained the ability to become a werewolf. Not just any werewolf, but a powerful werewolf with great physical and mental abilities as his father had been working towards. With a new power at his fingertips, Saul stepped out in search of Draxx and CHIMERA. He caught a glimpse of an airship in the sky and thought it would be a good place for his vengeance to start. 1B: BASICS OF WOLFCHILD The game is not very complex. Learning the controls and the button layout only takes simple trial and error (or looking in the book, if you have it). This game controls like any 2D side scroller game or platform game. You run along a horizontal-based screen, going from platform to platform killing enemies, destroying different types of obstacles (those that can be destroyed, anyway), and trying to make your way to the end of each level. The first thing you should know is basic attacking. While attacking as Saul, you can only punch. No combos, no extra kicks, no special aerial assaults. Only punch. However, in wolf form, you can shoot projectile (see next section). As said before, certain obstacles can be destroyed, which can result in obtaining special items found throughout the game (see Section 4). At the very end of each level (of which there are 5) is a boss. The bosses are fairly easy up until level 4, which is where the true frustration starts. Don't worry, though. You always have your Smart Bombs, which are bombs that can be dropped to do a certain amount of damage to every creature on the screen (recommended on saving for the last two bosses, if at all possible). Control Set Up D-Pad Left/Right: Move Saul Left or Right D-Pad Down: Crouch D-Pad Up: Really does nothing Start Button: Pause game Select Button: Not used X Button: Change weapons (can only be used if you have more than one weapon and are in wolf form) Y Button: Attack A Button: Drop Smart Bomb (push with B to commit suicide when game is paused) B Button: Jump (push with A to commit suicide when game is paused) R/L Trigger: Not used ----------------------------- / SECTION 2: PROJECTILE SHOTS \ --------------------------------- When gaining the ability to transform, you aren't limited to the constant punching to which human Saul is limited. Instead, Saul can use different projectile shots in werewolf phase and hit his enemies from a nice, long distance. This actually makes fighting enemies (bosses in particular) a little easier to kill. That is the major advantage to transforming into a werewolf in this game. When you first transform, you will only start with a regular projectile shot (called Basic Shot). However, as you progress through each level, you can destroy different objects to gain different items to give you the ability to use different projectile shots. The only difference is that projectile other than the basic shot is actually limited in quantity. Your Basic Shot, on the other hand, is infinite. Here now is a list of different projectile shots. Basic Shot- This is the shot you initially start with in werewolf form. When you run out of other projectile shots, it comes right back to this one. This one has no special characteristics. It goes in a straight line until it hits a target or impediment. After doing so, it's gone and you must fire another one. Dual Shot- It sounds like it would be two shots fired at once, but it's not. This is actually a very high speed shot that can be fire quite rapidly. It goes in a straight line until finally hitting and enemy/obstacle and possibly dealing some damage to it, depending on whether or not it was a damagable object. Arc Shot- Fires outward at regular speed. However, the big difference to this one is it curves downward. Good for hitting any enemies that are low to the ground. Flamer- Probably my favorite of the shots. This one is a big fireball that shoots in a straight line. It doesn't stop with whatever it hits, it continues on its path. Unfortunately, it can't go through walls. It can, however, cut through rows of destroyable scenery. Homer- A shot that homes in on nearby enemies. Good for those in very hard to reach places and flying enemies. It will continually follow an enemy until it hits the target or hits an obstacle. Plazma Ball- A strange weapon indeed. Fires outward in a zigzag motion and does immense damage to enemies. Cannot be stopped by enemies, only by obstacles. Three Way- Fires out three, separate shots outward. One goes straight, one heads up in a diagonal motion, and the last heads down in a diagonal motion. Boomer- Moves around Saul's body a bit like a boomerang, hence the name Boomer. ------------------------- / SECTION 3: TRANSFORMING \ ----------------------------- The defining gimmick behind this game seems to be our hero's ability to transform. Transforming is indeed helpful even though it really doesn't do anything for Saul's physical stats. To transform, you must grab either a full life restorer or a double life restorer (double must bring you to full, other wise, no transformation). What advantages do transforming and projectiles give you? -Expanded attack range. Otherwise, you'll have to rely on Saul's fists, and against almost any enemy or obstacle, the fists can be a pain. -An extension of the last, you can attack enemies from complex angles. Say, for instance, you're going up a slope and there's an enemy on a ledge opposite of you. You certainly can't defeat him easily with fists. This is where your blasts can also come handy, for getting those hard to reach enemies. -Get past obstacles and enemies quicker with the Flamer. The Flamer will go in a straight line and practically destroy everything in its path. This is useful a couple parts in the game when there is a long row of obstacles in your way. -The Flamer can also kill enemies faster than any other attack in the game, except maybe the Boomer. -Dual Shot allows faster fire capabilities. Saul can keep his ability through the whole game after first gaining it. However, if you take enough damage, Saul will revert back to human. I have found that at times dying as a result of suicide does not take you back to human because you die and restart with full life. So, the game still thinks that it should grant you all the privileges of a wolf. I don't know if this was intentional or a bug, but it's nice either way (then again, I really see no point to the suicide feature since it's actually quite hard to get stuck). ------------------ / SECTION 4: ITEMS \ ---------------------- Item are found in various areas of the level in many different ways. Some are just laying around in plain sight. Others can only be obtained if you destroy something. There are other still that are hidden behind scenery. It all depends on where you go in the game. Each item serves a different purpose in the game. There are quite a few that are only put there to improve your score. Needless to say, the usage of each item is very helpful in game as far as survival. 4A: SCORE BUILDING ITEMS The most basic type of score building item is the different chrome and gold orbs found throughout the game. You'll find many of these just laying around, waiting to be picked up. [NOTE: All the orbs below are listed from smallest size to biggest] Chrome Orbs- 100, 200, 400, or 1000 points, depending on size. Gold Orbs- 2000 or 4000 points, also depending on size. BONUS Orbs- Orbs that have the letters to the word "BONUS" in them. Collect all of them to spell BONUS and get 20,000 points. 4B: LIFE INCREASING ITEMS As with any platform game that uses health points to some degree, you will need some items that give you life points back. Let's not forget that you're also working with a limited number of lives here. So, of course the game is going to give you a shot at gaining some extras! Life Increaser (1 bolt)- Restores one point of health. Life Increaser (2 bolts)- Restores two points of health. Can make you transform. Life Increaser (Giant Bolt)- Restores life to full and transforms you (if you haven't transformed). EXTEND Bonus- A little ball with the letters EXT in it. Adds two slots ot your max. health. EXTRA Orbs- Orbs that have the letters to the word "EXTRA" in them. Collect all of them to spell EXTRA and get an extra life. 4C: MISC. ITEMS Items that really didn't fit in the other two categories... Shield- Puts a barrier around you for a limited time. Smart Bombs- These are very useful. You start the game with a few of them and can be used by pushing the A button (default setting). What this does is damage every enemy on the screen when it explodes. You can also pick these up extras laying around in different areas of the game. Restart Bonus- A small, square-shaped object with an arrow bouncing up and down on it. This allows you to start in a specific area when/if you die. ------------------------ / SECTION 5: WALKTHROUGH \ ---------------------------- NOTE: This walkthrough is assumed to be taken using the "normal" difficulty. Depending one what other difficulty you take, there may or may not be the same amount of enemies and the difficulty rating for different bosses will fluctuate. 5A: LEVEL 1: WOLF SHIP You will start things off on the Wolf Ship. First thing you should do is run left and punch the very last pole on the far left. This will drop a 2000 point orb for you (I guess you should only do that if you really want all the point orbs). Now, head right. Kill the first trooper that runs at you by ducking and punching. Do not give him a chance to attack. As you continue to run right after him, another one will drop in. Finish him off as well. Run right again and there should be two more green troopers, one running and one standing stationary and firing shots. Kill them both and watch out for the beast trooper above you on the ledge. Go right and destroy the crate next to the wall. The crate should have a 4000 point orb inside it and a 200 on top of it. Grab them both if you wish and go back to the left where the beast trooper is firing from the ledge. Wait just below him (and a bit in front of him) for him to fire. Immediately after he fires, jump in the air and punch him. If he didn't go down with the first punch, then wait for him to fire again and repeat the process until he finally dies. Now, jump on the ledge and head left some more. Jump to the next platform on the left and there will be another beast trooper. He shouldn't be too hard since he is in a very easy to kill position. Walk up to him, do not jump, but punch him while in a standing position and he will fall off the airship immediately. Jump onto the next platform and destroy the crate and pick up the item. Now, you'll be transformed into a werewolf. Jump to the next platform and duck. There will be another beast trooper crouching and shooting. This one will require you to duck his shots. While crouching, fire from a distance and take him out. Now, move on. Jump around and up to the platform above you. Duck the instant you touch ground on it and fire your Basic Shot at the standing beast warrior. Once he's down, go left a little ways and shoot the next beast trooper and jump onto the platform he once occupied. Before doing that, if you are still a werewolf, then face right (towards the beast trooper above you) and jump into the air and at the top of a jump, fire some shots. Fire enough to kill the guy above you. Now, continue to the platform on the left. Grab the 1000 point orb and be ready to jump to the next platform on the right. Head right along the platform. If you haven't yet killed the trooper up there, do so now and avoid his fire by crouching. Don't worry too much about the hang gliding enemies that come by. They cannot hurt you, but you can kill them for extra points if you wish. On the farthest right you can go at the top, jump down on the right. You should now be on a platform with a slope to the right and some poles sticking up on either side. Punch the pole on the left for a 4000 point orb. Go right and be careful of the jet thrusters here. When the top one subsides, go down to the bottom of the slope and wait there. Now, wait for the bottom one to subside and drop down. You will most likely wind up grabbing the energy at the bottom of the fall. Head right. There should be a trooper dropping barrels down at you. Jump over the barrels and attack him with projectile. If you're back to being human, then just punch the crap out of him while trying to avoid the barrels. Destroy the object protruding from the floor to get an "N" for your bonus. Now, continue right. Grab the Restart Bonus next to the crates. Now, destroy the crates for a Smart Bomb and a Full Life Restorer (which will change you to a werewolf if you're not). Now, here's a mini-boss of sorts. This is a trooper inside a special cannon. First it will stand straight up, then it will bop up and down and fire the first of three shots in the air. While it is doing this, attack it until it comes up when bopping up and down. When it stands straight again after bopping is when it fires the first shot. After it fires the first shot, crouch. The cannon will move forward in a semi-arc of sorts and fire a shot that's considerably low to the ground, but can be dodged by crouching. While crouching, continually fire until the second shot has passed over you. Now, the cannon will go even lower and fire another shot that can be dodged by jumping over it. Hopefully, you've stopped firing and have focused long enough to jump over the beam. Keep repeating the process until it is destroyed. Head right up the slope and down over the wall and you will come to a clearing where you will fight the first boss. BOSS BIRD MAN There is two ways to kill this guy. One of them is the easy, but very cheap way. The Bird Man will drop a bomb as he flies toward the screen. To avoid the bomb, stand on either the far right or left. The bomb will make several different BOOMs while progressively heading both right and left. On the second BOOM, jump to the very middle of the clearing. Wait until the flames have left. Now the Bird Man will approach from the right side. The cheap way to do this is to immediately use four (if you have four) Smart Bombs. If not, then there's the "more fair" way to take care of this. As the Bird man is coming in, run to the far right and stay beneath him and a little bit behind him. Give yourself enough room to jump behind him and be able to attack. If you are in werewolf stage, then only attack him when he is not moving in a back-to-forward motion. Only when he is moving forward-to-back or when he does his charge attack. If you are not a werewolf, then only hit him when he is standing still or when he moves back after coming off a forward-to-back motion. With time and hits, he will fall. Now it's on to level 2. 5B: LEVEL 2: DENSE JUNGLE You will start out on a strange-looking tree bough. If you can, fall to the one below you and destroy the strange pods down there. In one of them is an orb worth 4000 points. There should be some other orbs on that same bough worth 100 and 200. Now drop down to the bough just below that one and grab the 400 point orb. Destroy the pod and grab the Flamer. If you want, just push X button and save it for bigger and better things. Now drop down. Be careful if you land too close to the tree you were originally standing on. There is a small plant near the bottom of the tree that shoots up from underneath you and does some damage. Further to the right of that is a plant creature that gives you an X when you attack it and a 2000 point orb to the left of it. Destroy the creature if you encounter it and grab the orb and the X. Move on to the right. Go through the tree and grab the Full Life restore on the other side to change to a wolf if need be. Destroy the enemies on the right and avoid the bud creature popping up out of the bough. Go to the right and into the tree for some extra items. Now, exit the tree and walk down the sloped bough, heading left. There should be two pods there. Destroy one to get a 400 point orb. Now head right. Do not go through the tree on the right just yet. Instead, keep going down the slope (it should be going to the right) and grab the 100 point orb below it. Once on the ground head left. Destroy the trooper perched on the bough and go through the tree, still heading left. There should be a big, stone wall in your way. Jump against the wall and there should be a hidden path leading inward, giving you some bonus items. Head back out, go through the tree again and jump back on the last sloped bough you were on. This time take the bough on the right that has a vertical formation sticking out of it and some recognizable orange thorns sticking out of it. Be careful here. If you're fast, you can grab a score -building orb from the vertical formation. There doesn't seem to be much of a way to dodge this, so just take the hit and hope for the best. Head to the right. There should be a trooper standing there. Take him out as best as you can and dodge his shots. You should see some spikes in front of that same trooper. You can pass those easily by just walking through them. Just DO NOT JUMP! Head right and drop down to the ground. Kill the plant and destroy the pod to get some life increasers. Now, head back onto the bough and this time make your way up. There should be a trooper shooting in sort of a lazy arc. Kill the trooper and progress left. You should now see a strange robot on the tree. Jumping on the robot will cause it to move upward. Jump on the robot and climb a little ways, then jump to the right and kill the trooper. Jump to the bough and head right, up the slope. There you should find a nice Restart Bonus. Go through the tree now. There should be a robot below you, but just after you jump on it, it dies. Don't worry too much if you fall. You may land on the spikes down below, but either way grab the orb down there and walk to the left, through the tree. You can now make your way back to the spot you were at. What you're going to want to do is jump from the robot underneath you to the robot on the right very quickly. Now, ride the robot on the right up a ways. There should be a skewering bud and a U right after it. Climb up the slopes and grab the orbs on the way up. Kill the plant monster if need be. Go through the tree and head left. Go through the spikes, grab the orb and destroy the pod to get an Extend Bonus. If you want, drop down the ledge where you got the Extend Bonus to get another score building orb, a Homer, and a B. Don't worry, you can easily get back to where you once were by dropping to the right. Work your way back to the area where you found the Extend Bonus and take out the trooper at the top of the slope above it. Now continue to the left. There will be a strange pod that explodes and sends little missile-like thorns at you. Dodge the thorns and walk off the edge on the left. Watch the bud creature and the spikes as you drop. Grab the Restart Bonus and the life increaser on the far left. Watch out because there is another snapping plant creature just before the life increaser. If you want, you can drop just below the ledge rather than jump to the platform on the left and grab an extend bonus. If you did, then make your way back around. If not, then just jump on the platform and let it take you up. Jump to the next one, which goes nowhere, but then jump to the next one on the left and head all the way up to another bough. Destroy the pods to get a score increaser and a Dual Shot. Kill the trooper and head right to grab the shield. Now jump on the robot and head up. Jump on the platform on the left when you can and right it all the way, then jump on the left edge of the bough. Grab the full increaser and the 1000 point orb. Destroy the pod on the left and grab a 100 point orb. Stay clear of the bud creatures (destroy them if you like) and kill the trooper at the top of the slope. There should be another trooper right after him for you to destroy. Get past him and keep heading right. Kill the lizard monster and jump over the vertical formation. There will be a bud on the other side of the formation and another lizard monster on the far right. Take it out and keep going. Drop to the next bough down and head left. Destroy the pod and grab your 100 point orb. Be careful here because the edge of the bough is breakable. Instead, jump just before the fragile end of the bough and onto the next bough on the left. Go through the tree and destroy the pod to get a Smart Bomb. Now head back out and drop down. Once down, destroy the pod for an Arc Shot and jump over the formation and stay clear of the bud and the spikes on the other side. Kill the lizard monster on the right and destroy the pod for an A. Keep heading right and drop down to the next bough. Kill the trooper on the right and walk into the tree for a life increaser. Now head left. Notice that there are two breakable boughs further to the left. If you can, destroy the bud creature that keeps popping out on the bough above the limbs, then jump over the limbs to get a 4000 point orb on the other side. Drop down now and be sure to avoid the spikes on the way down. Kill the lizard monster on the right and jump over the formation and the pod. Once on the other side, destroy the pod and grab the full life increaser. Now just stay clear of the bud and continue right and go through the tree. Before dropping down, jump on the robot and up onto the next bough on the right. Jump up and around, dodging the bullets of the trooper above. The easiest way I found to kill him was to jump on the very bottom of the slope and crouch, then fire. Of course, that only works in wolf form. If you're not a wolf, then move up a little closer and crouch. Do not destroy the pod on the right. Use it as a stepping stone to get to the next bough above. Dodge the bud creature and climb a bit of the ways up the slope, but not all the way up. If you're a wolf, then jump up from the slope and kill the plant creature on the right. If not, then you'll have to use brute force and crouching. Go into the tree on the left to get some points, Now jump to the next bough and again DON'T DESTROY THE POD! Use it as a stepping stone to get to the items on top of the tree. Head back down to the last robot you used. Be sure to destroy the pods you used as stepping stones on the way to get an O and a small life increasure. Now, where the robot was, drop down. Somehow, there's supposed to be a way to get that projectile shot on the far right, but I'm not sure how. Anyway, watch for the spikes as you fall. Do not fall directly below the robot, otherwise you will hit some spikes. Grab the life increaser and jump on the next robot and let it fall, but do not fall with it lest you should hit some spikes. Kill the trooper on the left and drop down to the next small bough. Now jump over and kill the trooper on the right (further down) if you wish. Drop down some more. Drop to the left and kill the trooper there. You can walk through the stone wall on the left to get some points and an X. Come back out and kill the plant creature by standing the furthest right you can without going into the wall and shooting at it. If you're in human state, then use brute force. Either way, try not to destroy the pod so you can use it as a stepping stone to get the Smart Bomb above. You can then destroy the pod for some life and go through the tree on the right. Watch out for the plant on the right and keep going. You are now done with the level, but now it's time for the boss... BOSS CHAMELEON Notice that this guy can only shoot in one direction. That is diagonally in front of him. If you're in a wolf state, examine his shooting pattern and work your shots around it. Be sure he doesn't hit you too much. If you're in a human state, there is a long but safe way to defeat him. Head to the far right, but do not go all the way onto the bricks. There should be one lone standing brick on the ground with a platform way above it. Stand as far as you can to the right on that brick and Chameleon will appear above you. Jump directly into the air and punch him as much as you can. Don't worry, his shot can't get you if you're as far right as you can be. Keep hitting him and he should eventually die. Just don't get too careless. 5C: LEVEL 3: ANCIENT TEMPLE -PART I- Starting things off, head right. Go down the slope and walk a little to the right. Before jumping up to the raised piece of floor (where the gold column is), attack or fire a shot while standing. The best way to put this, if you're in wolf form (I'm not sure if it works in human form), face right and fire at the column. You should see some orbs pop up out of the air. Grab them (worth 100, 200, and 400 in order from left to right), and jump up to the raised floor level. While heading right, you should come across a flying insect. It seems to be harmless, but it can be quite annoying. Kill it and the one after it if you please. It does make things go by just that much more smoothly. Continue right until a boulder appears out of nowhere. There are two ways to take care of this. You could try jumping over it if you can react fast enough or you could run away from it until it explodes. It should not return again in the second case. Continue right after the boulder. Grab the life power-up and be careful in the area where there are bugs on the ceiling. Walk slowly because maggots will fall from the ceiling without warning. Grab the B down the line and walk over the dome structure and continue right. There should be some slopes going both up and down coming up. Careful for the two boulders right around here. Keep going right after you've gotten past them. After that should be some more maggots falling from the ceiling (about two to three of them). You should now see some greenish-colorer blocks on the ground near some spikes. If you jump high enough on the blocks, you can destroy them. Underneath them is two score building orbs, one for 2000 and another for 4000. Now jump on the platform on the right. That will take you down. Careful not to drop too close too the platform or you will land on some spikes. Drop to the far left and make your way to the gold column. Inch your way past the column carefully. On the left side of the column is a giant, snapping bug hidden in the floor. It will bite you if you walk on it. Destroy the bricks after the bug. Grab the life increaser and continue left. Soon as you get to the slope be ready to run back. A boulder will come at you down from the top of the slope and the best way to avoid it is to run back. It will explode and be out of your life for good (or until you play this part again). Head left up the slope and jump on the giant, green bug. It will take you across the spikes. Proceed left some more. Now you will have your first run in with a bug monster. Shoot/Punch it to death and keep walking. You can destroy the bricks here by jumping on them. Be sure to get the Smart Bomb on the far right in the row of bricks. There will also be two orbs worth 4000 points, one worth 2000 points, and a Dual Shot in all the bricks. After destroying all the bricks and grabbing the loot, continue left. Destroy the two bricks that are further left (albeit that there is nothing inside) and kill the trooper standing there, but watch his shots. There will be two more similar situations with some bricks in the way and some troopers right afterwards. Just repeat the process on each and continue left. Avoid the boulder after the last trooper and keep going. Hidden behind the next column is a 100 point orb. Grab it if you want, all you have to do is walk over it. Go down the slope and drop off into the next section. The first thing you'll see on the right is the tail of a bug, which throws projectile at you. Stand a bit close, you don't have to stand very close, on the same level at least, crouch and fire shots at the tail until it dies. Only stand very close if you're in human form. Now continue right. You should be able to go through the wall and grab a Restart Bonus on the other side. Right after the Restart Bonus is a giant bug monster and an Extend Bonus right after him (notice that you'll have to jump to grab the Extend Bonus or you'll fall through the floor). Grab the Extend Bonus and fall through the floor to the left of it. When you fall through, you will have to continue right. Careful as you walk through the bug-infested area as a huge, maggot-like monster will appear from the ceiling. Pay it no mind, just let it go by. It won't return afterwards. Get past that and walk part way up the slope and turn left. Jump and fire shots at the trooper if you're in wolf form. If not, then just do the best you can to dodge his attacks or use a Smart Bomb if you like. Go up the slope now, still heading right, and watch out for the next few maggots that fall from the ceiling. Jump on the big, green bug and again it will take you across. Here is a rather unusual, but logical part. You can walk past spikes as normal, correct? So how do you grab these next two items above the spikes on the platform without touching the spikes? Simply walk underneath them and jump towards the direction they are closest to with no spikes. In other words, if you wish to grab the Extend Bonus, get underneath it and jump to the left. Do the same for the 4000 point orb and continue right. Watch out for the strange looking sac here. It will launch a strange bug at you. The best way to get around it is to go under it as soon as you can, but don't go too far right. After you've gotten past the little insect, continue right. Watch out because a maggot falls where the sac is. There should be another maggot and a huge tail that comes up out at the edge further right. Jump down now. My best recommendation is to leave the trooper alone. If you wish to kill him, then crouch on the left side and fire at his head. When he fires a shot, be ready to jump over it. Now drop down further and destroy the bricks on the right to get an orb. Head left now. Another giant maggot should migrate through the ceiling and the floor and two smaller ones will fall from the ceiling a little bit after. Keep heading left, stepping over the dome structure. This next part can be irritating. Whatever you do, do not jump or you will break the bricks which make up the bridge you have above the spikes. You will see another one of those sacs on the ceiling. When it launches the insect, run right and let it crash into the floor and die. Heading back left, you will come across a boulder. Run away from it, do not jump over it. It will die on its own. Now, go back left some more. There will be yet another boulder. Head left, going down the slopes and grabbing some orbs for 400 and 1000 points. Kill the trooper and continue. There will be another trooper after him for you to dispose of and a huge bug tail that pops up out of the ground at the top of the slope behind the trooper. Kill the bug slope carefully and head left some more. Use some timing judgment here. As you start heading further to the drop off, a small arrow will fire from the wall. Be quick to crouch under it and drop down. Grab the Restart Bonus on the left, head left some more, and jump on the platform heading down. From here, there are two paths you can go: The very bottom or the midway point. There will be a place called The Intersection, which is where they both meet. For the record, you can take the midway point on the elevator and work back to the bottom if you wish. Decision Branch A 1. [Assuming you took the bottom] While on the platform, ride it all the way down. Do not drop off until you reach the bottom because there are spikes that will stop you from taking shortcuts. Once on the bottom, head right and watch out for the giant maggot. Continue right until you start to fall through the floor. You will grab some orbs that you can't see. Jump up to the raise floor and as you head further right, watch out for the arrow that approaches from the trap on the left. Duck underneath it and continue to some bricks and a trooper. Destroy the bricks and kill the trooper, then grab the life increaser. You will come to a huge column of bricks. That is The Intersection. 2. [Assuming you took the midway point] On the platform heading down, you will see three vertical bars all in a row on the right. It should be right after the first spike that appears on the left. Jump to the bars and walk through the wall. Watch out for the three maggots that fall from the ceiling and kill the flying insect that approaches. Keep heading right. A couple more flying insects will appear. Destroy them and continue. Now you have another Decision Branch to make. Go through the column of bricks or continue right. Yes, you can go right, then turn around and go through the column, which if you want to explore the whole level, I recommend. Decision Branch B 1. [Assuming you went through the column of bricks] Jump up and grab the life increaser and you will bust through the bricks. If you wish, you can head left and grab some stuff you missed. Break through the bricks on the left and kill the trooper, then break through more bricks for a life increaser. Watch out for the arrow that shoots out further left, and drop down into the lower level of the floor. Walk left and grab some of the orbs, then head back right to the place where the column was. Break through the bricks on the right, take out the trooper, and grab the Flamer shot. Use multiple Flamer shots to pulverize through the bricks and troopers along the way on the right. You will now come to another sac in the ceiling with a pile of bricks to the left of it. Do not destroy the higher up bricks. Instead, let the bug the sac shoots out hit the bricks and die. Now you can destroy the bricks for some orbs and the ones right after those. There will then be two migrating giant maggots on the way, a pile of bricks which can be destroyed for some orbs, and another small arrow that fires from the wall. Dodge the arrow and drop down. 2. [Assuming you went right] Heading right, watch out for the sac that launches a bug. It should hopefully launch the bug such that you can easily shoot or punch it. Do so and keep going right. There will be more breakable brick bridges (try saying that five time fast!). Watch out for the boulder. Either run away from it as it comes from the right or jump over it and land on the solid piece of land with a life increaser on it. Keep heading right after that. Two more boulders will appear along the way. You can do the same with them as you did the first as there will be some more solid areas to land on when jumping. Kill the flying bug further right. From here, you can either drop straight down, or head left and drop through the column (see the small section above for details). {If you are trying to explore the whole level, the best possibilities to take would be combination A2 and B2 above} All in all, you should drop down through the floor easily. There will be a trooper on the left below you. Before taking him out, destroy the bug monster on the left, walking along the platform. Now, drop down from the platform and take out the trooper on the right. You can also walk through the wall on the right side of the trooper. Continue left. Jump on the platform and let it take you all the way down. A flying insect could appear around this time, but it really won't interfere with you. Pay it no mind. Once the platform can go no further, jump left to avoid the spikes. Head left and kill all the bug monsters that appear (some will fly from underneath the platform). Keep going left, destroy the trooper and continue. You will come to a small, open spot in the floor. An indent, if you will. Right after the indent is an arrow that flies out of the wall. Do not concern yourself with the insect that appears on the right. It's only a ruse to detract you from the arrow and get hurt. Duck under the arrow and continue left some more. Break through the bricks and it's on to the next part of the level. -PART II- Do not head right at all. Instead, head left and watch out for the bug that will come up from out of the ground. Avoid it and continue left and a tail will shoot up from out of the ground. Crouch and destroy it, then continue forward. Drop down and grab the Dual Shot. If you stand right next to the right side of the first platform (facing left) and fire, some health will appear. Kill the trooper up on the platform if you wish. Head left and crouch when firing at the next bug monster. It can fire shots out its mouth. There is a Smart Bomb hidden behind the column here. Grab it and now head down progressively, grabbing any times on the platforms on the way down. This part will be a bit tricky, but as you get closer to the bottom, there will be two bugs walking back and forth. If you can, get in between them, crouch, and blast them or punch them. Grab the health restorer and the orb (if you didn't already) and head left. Now, head left, but don't destroy any bricks just yet. The one stuck in the floor has nothing. If you can, find a way to climb the pile of bricks. Get to the top and destroy the trooper, but make sure you don't destroy the brick sticking out from the rest just below the platform. You'll see why in a moment. Head left a little after the piece sticking out and destroy the bricks and the flying insect and grab the A inside it. Now, here's a slightly tricky part. Before heading back to the other side, kill the trooper on the platform, but make sure the piece sticking out on the pile of bricks is still in tact because you will need it to get up on the platform if you wish to. After killing the trooper, a ways right (just beyond the piece sticking out), but don't drop down any at all. If you jump on the second piece over from the right (it should be a long, horizontal piece), you will break a little through the floor, just don't break completely through. Now standing on the lower area, jump to the piece that is sticking up on the right. From there, jump onto the platform and walk right through the wall and grab some orbs. Now drop down and destroy the piece sticking out for a 4000 point orb. Start heading down and destroy as many bricks as you can and grab all the orbs you can. Head left, walking underneath the structure and kill the giant, bug monster. Keep going left and kill the next bug as well. Go up the slope and jump on the huge, silver grasshopper. Use it to get you on the platform and kill the trooper. Behind him should be a brick that gives you a 2000 point orb. This next part can be a little tricky, too. Left of the grasshopper is a platform that drops immediately and explodes as it reaches the bottom. Drop on it and immediately begin angling left to drop onto another. The instant you hit that one, angle right right away and you should reach the floor. Begin heading right. Destroy the bricks for a life restorer and grab the Dual Shot. Kill the trooper there, too and keep heading right. Heading right, you should come to some saws that pop out of the ground and ceiling. Here's where the real traps start to come in... Gulp! When the saw disappears, walk past it. The best way to get around the stationary ones, as I've found, is to stand near them and wait until they suck into the environment, then run past them. The third saw will actually move. What to do here is to wait for it to emerge, then follow carefully behind it without touching it and advance when it sinks. At the fifth saw, blast the bricks if you're a wolf, then advance. If not, then walk over, and punch the bricks while ducking to avoid the saw. Head right some more and grab the Restart Bonus. Get past the next saw and destroy the bricks on the raised floor level and keep going right. Kill the bug creature and keep heading right. There will be some flying ones descending as you approach them. Kill them as they descend and progress to a snail on the wall. If you can, jump on the snail and ride it as it goes up. Jump on the platform on the left. Drop down from the snail and head left. Try hard to get past the saw and the spike below it. Continue once you have gotten past them (timing is the key). There will not be a pendulum with a saw on it. Wonderful! The way to get across these is tricky. For the first one, run as it swings left and duck a little ways left of the top of the chain. There will be another one. Drat! If you time it just right, you can jump over this one right as the saw is heading right (make sure you clear it right as the saw reaches the bottom of its motion) or you can do as you did before with the other one, only you will have to crouch a bit further left (basically, just above the saw as it reaches the furthest left it can go). The next one can be ducked under, but it's very difficult to do. Again, you will have to do it below the blade when it's on the far left. You can also easily jump over this one. Keep going to the next pendulum. Do the same strategy that you did to dodge the other ones. There will be one with a platform involved. Use the platform to you advantage to run across the pendulum, but remember you will still have to jump when getting across. Grab the orbs if you wish. Keep heading left after this. Grab the life increaser and keep going. Avoid the boulder that comes at you from the left. There will be another boulder for you to get around and an arrow near the end of the floor. Dodge the arrow and drop down. Destroy the bricks and grab the orbs. Feh, another pendulum! Get past the pendulum and drop down. You should notice a stack of horizontal bricks as you drop down from the ledge. Jump on the bricks and break through them to get an orb. Head right now. Be careful with the green slime on the slope. It will make it extra slippery and possibly cause you to fall onto the spikes. Grab the Restart Bonus and keep going right. There will be another slope with slime on it. Get down carefully and jump over the spikes, then grab the orb on the other side. Keep heading right some more. Now comes a hard part. There will be slime all around and a pendulum on top of all that. Timing, again, is the key. Apply what you've learned before from dodging the pendulums (assuming you did learn) and whatever you do, do not choke under pressure. Get past that and grab the item hidden behind the column. Another couple of pendulums after the slope heading down. Get past the pendulums and there will be another with some orbs under it. Only grab the orbs if you're feeling courageous. Get past that pendulum by jumping over it and the indent at the same time. Another pendulum! Jump over this one as well and drop down off the edge into the next part. Kill the trooper and break through the bricks. Now drop down and kill the trooper that's a bit to the left. You can also go through the wall on the right. Keep heading left and go through the wall (grabbing the Three Way Shot), but try not to drop down. If you can, time your run just right and jump to the floor above on the left. If you drop below, you will have to get across some saws, a bug, and some bricks at the end. Anyway, assuming you made it to the upper floor, head left and kill the bugs. Keep going, jump on the snail and ride it to the top and kill the trooper. Head left some more. Kill the two bugs that are left, but make sure you don't kill the last one with a Flamer. Now, while standing on the edge of the platform, destroy the wall right across just enough to be able to jump straight over. Break through the bricks and grab all the stuff you can, including the Extend Bonus, the orbs, the life restorer, and the Boomer. Head right and drop down from the stone structure, grabbing the orb on the way down. Kill the enemies if you need to and break through the bricks and head left. Grab the life. You'll notice that heading left, this is a really long hall. Get ready for the easiest boss in the game! BOSS SPIDER BROOD This boss is even pathetic in human form, just as long as you're fast. In wolf form (assuming you are), change your weapon to the Dual Shot. Run left and drop down into a chamber. This is where you'll face the Spider Brood. Two spiders will run out at a time. As they hit the ground, punch or shoot them. Only one shot is necessary for taking them out. Do this on one side then the next (they will drop down on either side of you). Smart Bombs shouldn't even be needed here. When you've beaten them, it's on to CHIMERA Base! 5D: LEVEL 4: CHIMERA BASE -PART I- You'll start out on an elevator going up. First thing you need to do is avoid the spiked platforms that are coming down at you. After you've successfully dodged all the spiked platforms, troopers will now start dropping in. My suggestion is to use the Flamer if you're in wolf form and you have it. What you do is stand on a far side, fire a shot, and chase after it letting it go through each enemy there. You'll notice that you've never seen troopers like this before. These ones actually crouch and attack, so crouching won't keep you 100% safe. There will be lots of enemies coming down at you. You just need to destroy them all and avoid being shot (a tad more difficult than it sounds, sure). After you've defeated them all, a platform will descend on the right side. Jump on it and let it carry out. Grab the life restorer on the right and destroy the crates on the left. There should be a Dual Shot in one of the crates and a small orb in one of the others (I think it's worth only 100 points). Continue left and defeat the troopers as they come by. When you can't go any further left, drop directly down. Use the crate to an advantage here. This trooper can crouch. What you want to do is duck underneath his shots and let the others hit the crate. When he's wide open, stand and fire a shot directly at him, then destroy the crate if you wish, but there's nothing inside (nor is there anything inside the others below it). Walk left, drop down, and use the same strategy on the next trooper below. Drop down on the left and there should be yet another one with which you can apply the same strategy. After you've defeated him, go left. Kill any troopers that appear. You can use ducking to an advantage on these ones (the one behind the slope, at least). Now climb the slope on the left and grab the Restart Bonus. After that, jump on the platform and let it carry you upward. Before reaching the top, you can jump to the right and get some life from a crate there. Now, jump back to the elevator-like platform. When you reach the top, jump through the floor. Walk right a little ways and jump onto the area above you with the two crates on it. Destroy the crates and get a life restorer and a Three Way Shot. Drop back down and head right. The Boomer comes quite handy on these next two enemies. Use it on them if you have it to destroy them easily. If you're still in human form, then use the punching to the best of your ability. Get past the next two troopers and climb the slope. There will be another trooper at the top. No need to jump up and kill him. Equip a powerful attack like Boomer if you can (punching is sufficient here), walk most of the way up and attack at his lower body. It should defeat him without having him attack you. Head right some more. Another of those powerful troopers is up ahead. Take him out with a Boomer if possible and head right. Another situation with a trooper in front of a crate. Again, use the crate to your advantage and destroy it to get a life restorer. Now jump left and climb the slope. When you get to the top of the slope, jump through the floor. Kill the trooper that sits at the top and head right. Only head left if you really want to destroy the trooper over that way. As you're heading left, yet another trooper appears and one right after him. Destroy them both and jump on the platform to carry you upward. Jump through the floor and beware as you're heading left. This is where you'll be attacked by the octopus creatures. These guys are very tough! If you're in wolf form, Flamer is a nice weapon to use here. Head left, destroying any octopus creatures that break free from their chamber. After you get past all the octopi, head left and kill the enemy behind the slope with a Flamer, if possible. If you're human, then just avoid him. It's all you can do. Climb the slope now and take out the trooper up there. Now jump right. Destroy all the crates to get a life restorer and a Dual Shot. Jump right to the next platform. Head right, but be careful. The pipes will shoot projectile. You can intercept the shots with regular blasts or punches, but it is still quite hard to do this part. Head right until you come to some small, metal towers. Jump on the platforms on the towers and grab the orb at the top. Kill the enemy on the left if you have projectile capabilities. Jump left. If you didn't kill the enemy before, do so now. Head left. There will be spikes here. Walk past the first load of spikes and grab the orb. Now stand under the platform and jump on it. Jump over to the next platform, then to the next. After you've grabbed the orb up there, kill the enemy on the right and jump over onto the right. Kill the enemy and walk up the slope. Kill the enemy at the top of the slope as well (no need to jump to do so, just get close and attack at his lower section). Now jump left. Heading left, destroy the crates and grab the orbs. There will be an enemy when heading left. Crouch and take him out, then jump over the sets of spikes while heading left. Grab the Restart Bonus and destroy the crate. If you can, try to jump over the breakable floor that is presented next to the third set of spikes here and destroy the crate to grab some Dual Shots. Head left, but be ready to head back in a second here. When heading left, kill the troopers using either Flamer or Boomer and grab the life restorer. Once you've gotten the life restorer, head right again and jump through the breakable floor. Destroy the crates to grab some orbs. One of the crates carries a Smart Bomb and the other carries a Flamer. Head left. You'll have to face more of those octopus creatures. If you're in wolf form, use your Flamer to get rid of them, or else just punch them while avoiding their attack. Jump onto the platform after heading all the way left and go up the slope. Destroy the crates and the trooper up there. There will be some orbs. Head back down the way you came and head left, down the slope. Jump on the platform and let it fall all the way down. You should hit the floor and be standing between a couple of spikes. Head right and kill the trooper that appears. No need to really climb the slope. Just keep heading right and jump through the floor on the far right past all the platforms. There will be an enemy to the right of the platforms. Kill him and go through. There will be some orbs worth 4000 each when you fall through for you to pick up. Head left now. Use the crate to your advantage again to defeat the enemy. You can also use a Flamer to go through the box and hit the trooper as well. Head right and grab the full restorer. If you're a wolf, crouch and fire a Flamer at the enemy to dispose of him. Otherwise, just use regular means. Head right and kill the enemy on the far right side, if you can. There is a 4000 point orb there, so jump over and grab it if you want it. You can also drop down, angle left, and grab a 4000 point orb there, too! Drop down and head right. If you wish, jump over the way down, kill the enemy, and walk through the wall on the right. There will be a ton of crates there which you can destroy and get a whole load of orbs. Head back left and drop down again. Kill the enemy on the right and walk through the wall to get some points. Head left again and destroy the crates. There will be a Boomer in a crate for you. Drop down. Now you'll be on an elevator, this time heading down. Troopers will fall again. Kill them with the Flamer Strategy spoken of earlier. After you've gone through several sets of these, the level ends. -PART II- Jump right and destroy the crates. Grab the full life restorer and become a wolf if you're not one. Drop down on the left side and walk left, down the slope. Destroy the crates for some points and a Dual Shot. Switch back to whatever you had it on (I usually use Flamer myself) and run right. Kill the trooper on the right and drop. Run right and kill the trooper with the big gun. There should be a couple of 2000 point orbs for you to grab as well. Do so. Continue right. Jump up to kill the trooper that is above you. Then move on and another will appear with a big gun again. Destroy him as well, just don't let him attack you. Move on. Head right and drop down. Now head left and down the slope. Kill all the troopers while heading left and also pick up the orbs. Once you've gotten the last orb on the far left, go right again. Along the way right, you should bump into about three different jet- pack troopers. Take them out and grab the life restorer as you come across it. Keep going. Make your way down the slope. If you're in wolf formation, jump in the air and fire a shot at the trooper above to take him out. Grab the chrome orb and continue right, jumping over the drop off. In front of the far right wall, beyond the slope, should be a trooper waiting for you. Fire a well placed Flamer through the slope to take him out, then go up the slope. Grab the life restorer if you need it, then kill the trooper to the left of the life restorer. Now, jump left and head up the slope and kill the trooper up there. Also destroy the crate for a Flamer. Head back to the drop off I previously told you to jump over and drop down it. Destroy the crates as you see fit. Grab any orbs that come out. Now head left. Jump over the spikes and kill the trooper. Continue left and we come to a slight impediment in our rode. Before you are some blocks that have a tendency to move. One one side of each block is a small row of spikes. Since these things move so fast, it's almost a guessing game as to when to jump. Only jump on the first one when the spikes are not exposed. When you've finally made your way left, jump back onto the floor and over the spikes. Proceed some more. There will be a few troopers along the way, one of which I know has a big gun (the others I killed before I could quite see what they look like). It may look as though you've come to a dead end after heading so far left, but quite the contrary, actually. You can walk through the wall here and fall down to the lower level. Grab the Restart Bonus and destroy the crates. Kill the trooper, then jump over the drop off and grab the Dual Shot. Now, drop down and take out the trooper on the left. Head right. You should now come to some big, green pipes. Some fish creatures should jump out of some of the pipes. These guys are extremely tough. The best way to take them down is with the Boomer. It will take two shots, but that's a lot less than some weapons. On average, I had to use three Flamers to take these guys down. Kill each of them as they pop out of the pipes and attack. Head right. There will be a trooper that fires with a lazy arc. Crouch in front of him if your human or the crate if your a wolf and blast him. Continue right. There should be another one. Repeat the process and grab the Smart Bomb out of the crate. Head right and through the wall. Kill the troopers on the right and above you as you come in. You can also jump once the trooper above you is gone and just barely reach the Smart Bomb. Now drop down on the right and kill the last trooper. If you don't have a Homer, you're going to have to take damage. If you do have a Homer, then fire a few at him to destroy him, then jump where he was standing and walk past the spikes. Head left and jump over against the wall to go through it. Fire at the crate to destroy it. There will be nothing inside, but the shot will cause some orbs and an Extend Bonus to appear. Grab them. You can either drop down on the left or right. Let's assume you took the right path. Drop down again and walk past another set of spikes. After that is another drop down with an enemy waiting there. Kill him as well and destroy the crate on the left. You should get a Flamer out of it. Now go through the wall on the left and destroy the two big gun troopers and grab the life restorer shortly afterwards. Keep heading left. You will now be under the big, green pipes. The fish creatures will fall to you now. Destroy them with the Boomer if you can (or fist if you're human) and keep heading left. Take the upper route before going down the slope. Destroy the trooper there and the crates. You should get some orbs and a full life restorer. Now go back and down the left slope. Kill the trooper and head right. Watch out for the crates. If they hit you, you will take damage. Just jump over them as they come at you. Further right will be a Restart Bonus. Grab it and continue. There will be some troopers along down the right. Take them out and eventually jump over the drop off to claim a full life restorer. Drop down and grab the Arc Shot on the left. You can also go through the wall on the right. Do so, then destroy the trooper and keep heading left. Along the line, there will be a pipe into which the crates are being fed. Run across when a crate is not present and destroy the troopers that appear further left. More crates to dodge! Do the same as before. There will eventually be a stack of crates with a 4000 point orb in the top one. Destroy the crate, grab the orb, and continue left, dodging the moving crates. Head left until you come to a trooper and a bunch of crates. Kill the trooper and destroy the crates, and grab the life restorers and the B. Drop down and destroy some more crates. Yay! Finally got the Plasma Ball! Head right and kill the trooper with a Flamer (or fists) then get past the falling crates again. Head right some more. Destroy the fish creature and the crates to get an orb. There should also be a trooper near some capsules. Destroy the trooper. There should be a platform here that you can jump on that will carry you. Jump on it and jump onto the canisters on the right. Walk right and drop down from the canisters. Kill the troopers here and jump on the platform here. Now head right. Kill the enemies that appear and continue right. Kill the fish monster that falls from the tubes. Now, drop down and kill the enemy on the left. Grab the life restorer. Jump back up and head right. Kill the enemy above and continue. Grab the Three Way and destroy the enemy behind the slope. Head right some more. Get ready for quite a tough battle coming right up... BOSS GIANT SHRIMP This guy can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing. If you're a wolf, I suggest using a Flamer. If you're a human, you're limited to hands. The first thing the shrimp will do is fire a plasma ball that will split into several different ones. Stand near the middle and wait for them to descend around you. He will fire another. After he does, run up against one of the pipes, either one, and wait for the shrimp to roll past you. If you are a human, run to the opposite pipe and punch him as he goes down. If not, then either side will do and do not attempt to fire at him. If you're a wolf, then run to either side, it doesn't matter which. Only fire at him when he emerges from the pipes and make sure you hit him in the head. Keep doing this until he finally dies. 5E: LEVEL 5: INNER CORE -Part I- Head right to start, but as you approach the pipes on the ceiling, walk slowly because there will be flames falling from there. As you head right there will be a crate. Destroy it, hopefully with a Flamer. If you do so with a Flamer, it will go straight through the crate and hurt (possibly even destroy) the enemy just beyond the crate. Keep going right and watching out for the falling flames. Just after that trooper will be another crate with an enemy just beyond it. Do the same thing again. If you can't use Flamer, then just make the best of what you have (other shots, fists). Now destroy the crates below the slope to get a Dual Shot. Climb the slope and watch out for the multi-blade pendulum above you. You have two choices. You can go to the left of the pendulum, destroying the crate and going through the wall, then destroying the remaining crates in your way. You can also go right and get some extra stuff. If you went right, to go part A. If you decided to take the left path through the wall, go to B. Heading right can eventually lead to the path you would take by heading left. In other words, A does eventually lead to B, but if you feel you'd rather simplify your way to the next part, take B. A. [Assuming you went right] Ignore the crate the left of the pendulum, as it holds nothing. Head right. There is a creature below the floor that will snap up and bite you, so be careful. Further right will be some gray blocks. Jump on one of the blocks on the far left and you will break through it. Now either fire a Flamer to the remaining row or make the best of your given attacks. Under the one you destroyed by jumping should be a 1000 point orb. Under the others should be a 4000 pointer and a Smart Bomb. Grab them, then destroy the trooper to the right of the Smart Bomb and keep heading right. As you head right you will come to a slope with a pendulum further down it and an enemy up on a ledge just above the pendulum. Defeat the enemy if you need to, but there's nothing on the ledge. Head down and avoid the pendulum. The best way to do so is to stand close to its leftmost point and wait until it begins to head right. A bit after it starts, run right after it and you should go right under it. Keep going. Jump up and destroy the trooper on the platform if you can. The crate to the left of him has a life restorer in it. Also on the bottom floor here should be a trooper behind a crate. There is nothing in the crate, so use it to your advantage by firing a shot at the trooper. Now climb the different platforms. Climb with caution because on the left just above you should be a trooper that aims directly at you. Do not stand still. Keep jumping and eventually take him out. On the right above that should be another trooper to take out. Somewhere on the left should be a couple of crates, one of which has a 400 point orb. Grab that and keep ascending. Climb all the way to the top and head left now. Kill the trooper and continue. There will be a whole series of pendulums as you head left. The first one should be easy to dodge since it's pretty high up. For the rest, you'll have to apply any dodging strategies you learned in Level 3. For the second one, I recommend the run-duck strategy. The third you should try to jump over since that ramp boost you up high enough to make the pendulum low. Past that is the next one. I also suggest a run-duck strategy for that one. Just beyond the last pendulum is a Restart Bonus. Grab it and head left. When you fall down here, try to angle right and destroy all the crates in this area. You should get a total of two full life restorers here. Now, drop down and you'll have met Part B below, the Intersection. B. [Intersection] If the crates are in your way, destroy them albeit the fact that there is nothing inside them. Head left. Kill the troopers with heavy guns on the way. On the far left near the wall should be a small orb. Grab it if you wish then jump on the left platform and let it carry you up. Then jump to the right platform and fire a shot at the trooper at the top. You can then blast through the crates. You should have gotten a Flamer from the deal. Be careful when heading right because there will be a creature that will jump up out of the floor. You can see some features of it sticking up out of the floor. Get past that and jump on the next platform to let it carry you up. Jump through the floor and kill the trooper. Head right, killing all the troopers on the way. Be careful because these ones fire in an arc. Now jump up to a more elevated floor and grab a Restart Bonus. Destroy the block on the left for a Shield and then destroy the crates and head right. There will be a couple of big gun carriers on the way right. Destroy them, grab the life restorer, and jump on the platform to let it carry you. Time your jump just right and head left. Watch out for the falling flames again. Walk left cautiously. Destroy the crate on the way. If you didn't already, then destroy the enemy after the crate. Now walk past the spikes. Destroy the arc-shooting trooper and head up the slope. There should be another arc-shooter there. Take him out as well and jump onto the right platform. On the way, take out all the troopers you can while dodging bullets from above. Run right to grab an N and head back to the left. Destroy all the troopers here with caution. Jump onto the left wall and head left some more. There will be another arc-shooter on the steel beam platform. Take him out and drop down through the far left gray block. Do not destroy the others yet. Jump on the next one on the right and head right to grab an R. Now, go back and plow through the blocks to grab a Smart Bomb. Before climbing the platforms on the left, I'd suggest jumping onto the platform above the R and using that as a boost to fire at the trooper on the far left. If you can't fire, then just climb to him and use your fists. Destroying the crate on the furthest down will get you a chrome orb. Now climb the platforms until you get to one that has a slope heading to the right. Climb the slope and kill the enemy on the right. Jump to the left and grab the two orbs. Now comes another judgment call. You can either go up or right. Just so you know, there isn't a whole lot extra on the right except for a full life restorer, but that can be found just as easily if you go up. 1. [Assuming you went up] The area should have an enemy on the right and some orbs on a steel platform on the left. Kill the enemy and grab the orbs if you wasn't already (this was covered above just before breaking into these two sections. There should be an elevator just to the right. Use the highest up platform to jump to the elevator and let it take you up. Then jump left onto the middle platform. It will fall, so immediately jump left again and let that one take you upward. Grab the Restart Bonus and plow through the gray bricks. Head right and destroy the trooper, then drop down. Break through the bricks as best as you can and grab a bunch of 4000 point orbs. Enter the room and grab the full life restorer. Go right and take out the arc-shooter, avoiding his shots. Finally, climb the slope on the right, if need be, and take out the trooper. This one aims, so he can be a pain. Now head right. Exiting the room, destroy the big gun carrier and climb the platforms. Grab a Homer at the top and head right, down the slope. On the way down, try to destroy all the troopers on the right. When you reach the bottom, also take out the arc- shooter. While still on the brown ramp, jump through the bottom platform overhead. Go all the way right and jump through the platforms and walk through the wall on the right. Grab the Flamer, then head right and grab the life restorer. Now stand on top of the gray blocks and jump through them. Be sure you try to land in a crouching position because there will be an enemy on the left firing shots. Take him out if you can. If have the ability to, destroy the blocks lining the ceiling on the right. Destroy as many gray blocks on the right as you can (jumping over the drop off) and grab the orbs. Drop down on the drop off I told you to avoid and you will reach the Intersection. 2. [Assuming you went right] After killing the trooper, head right. There will be a platform with spikes almost all the way across it. The key is to jump on the very edge and walk across, then jump to the next platform. Head right and destroy the trooper and the arc-shooter. Jump over the drop off and kill the next arc-shooter and keep going right. Dodge the pendulum to the best of your ability and keep going. There will be two more after that, the third of which I recommend you try jumping over. Head right and you've already made it to the intersection. [Intersection] Avoid the spikes if you came from 2. If you came from 1, go down the slope and take out the arc-shooter. Either way you came, drop down the drop off, but be sure to stay on the right side of the wall. You can go through the wall on the right on the way down, but there doesn't seem to be anything in there. Drop all the way down and destroy all the crates. Grab the Dual Shot from the crates on the left and head right. You've completed the area. -Part II- The walkthrough for this level will be a bit confusing, but if you go through the level, you will see it's not as hard or confusing as it sounds. Just bear with me... The final stage. Grab the Smart Bomb and head right. Destroy the big gun carrier on the way. Grab the full life restorer and the small orb and keep going right. Be cautious about this area as flames fall the ceiling. Kill the enemy further right by crouching and firing/punching. Keep going and grab the A. Kill the next trooper on the right and keep going, past the golden statue. Grab the orb. If you have a firing ability, jump in the air and fire a shot (Flamer hopefully) at the trooper to the right and finish him off. Be cautious about climbing as there will be two aiming troopers above. First there will be one on the left near an orb. Take him out, then aim at the second one on the right. Jump up to the top and grab the Three Way Shot. Jump on the platform and let it carry you above. Kill the crouched trooper on the left. Here is where you'll find two different paths. Do not consider going right as you should actually be coming from that way if you take one of the paths. From here, you can either go up or left. Up will just take you right back to this area, but it will also reward you with a few items. If you are heading up, go to the first section. If you are going left, go to the second section. There is a way to go left without going up, but I HIGHLY recommend going up as it will help you get across the spikes so much easier. 1. [Assuming you went up] While on the platform, destroy the trooper on the left if you haven't and grab the orb near him. Now jump onto the platforms above and destroy the trooper on the right and grab the gold orb nearby. Ascend a little bit and there will be an aiming trooper. Take him out and instead of continuing the ascent, go right. Beware the creature that pops out of the ground. Take out the arc- shooter a bit of the ways down and grab the life restorer. Head back out (watching out for the creature again) and ascend. You can go right from here and stand on the highest platform, then jump left and go through the wall. You can do that or go right. Remember, you can go back if you do go through the wall, but it could cost you some life. If you went through the wall, go to the section below. If not or you are heading back towards the left route, proceed to {NO WALL}. {Assuming you went through the wall: Grab all the orbs you can heading right. When you get as far right as possible, jump through the blocks and angle left on your way down. One of the blocks in here should have a Dual Shot for you to grab. Drop through the blocks. Proceed from here to {CLOSE}} {NO WALL} On the left should be a pillar with an orb behind it and a Restart Bonus next to it. Grab both of them and head left. Jump over the creature on the floor. You will come to a post with golden heads on it. The heads fire shots at you in rounds of three. Duck down and when three shots have gone by, stand back up and run past it. You will come to another one, but this one doesn't fire. After that post is another one that does fire. Use the same strategy and get to the blocks. Only destroy the top blocks and grab the Dual Shot that falls between the bottom ones. Only leave the right bottom one standing. You can destroy the left one for a small orb. To the left of the blocks is a trooper. Duck under his shots and take him out, then continue left. Drop down to the platform below and kill the crouched trooper, then drop down again. You can head right from here, but that would require that you take some damage from the spikes. {Assuming you go right: Skip the rest of this sub-section 1 and head right. You will have to take damage from the spikes and walk along them. There will eventually be some rotating blocks with spikes on one side of them. Jump when it's safe and make your way further right. You will eventually come to a place with a bunch of platforms leading down and some orbs on the platforms. Grab all you can and drop down. (proceed to {HERE}} I don't recommend heading right, but if you wanted to... Anyway, keep dropping downward. Try to angle right when dropping down from the first platform at the top so you can land on the next platform down, then drop from that and angle right again to get away from the spikes. Walk right and drop down again and take out the crouched enemy. Drop down and angle as far left as you can to avoid the spikes. Run right and grab the Smart Bomb. Continue right and drop again, then kill the enemy on the left. Drop down yet again and kill another enemy on the right near the pendulum. If you want, wait until the pendulum is out of the way and drop down, then run left to grab a 4000 point orb. Now run right and avoid the pendulum as best as you can. There will be two more pendulums after that and a few platforms leading up. Jump through as far as you can. Proceed to {HERE}. {HERE} Grab the full life restorer and dodge the pendulum, heading right. Jump up to the next plane and jump onto the platform. Now, jump off the platform and you will be back where you started. Time to take the left route. [proceed to Afterward] 2. [Afterward] If you chose to go up, you will be guided across the spikes a lot easier. If not, then you'll have to either bear the damage or hope that you can land on the tiniest piece of land and run across the spikes (I've done it a few times before...). Drop down and grab the Restart Bonus. Head right. Grab the Dual Shot and avoid the shots being fired from the mouths of the heads on the posts. Destroy the crate on the far right to get an orb... Proceed to {CLOSE}. {CLOSE} Drop down and watch out for the shots being fired at you still. Duck underneath and wait for the third to be shot, then run. Watch out for another wave on the way left, then drop down and grab the full life restorer. Head right. Rotating blocks with spikes. Jump from block to block carefully, and when you get to the furthest right point, jump right, but try to position yourself in the middle of the drop (a bit hard to do since it's hard to see the outlines of the drop). Fall all the way down, avoiding the spikes. Drop down, killing the two troopers on the way and continue down. There will be a trooper on the right for you to destroy. Take him out as well and drop down some more. Another one on the right. Also take him out, now go left. Take out the enemy under the far left platform, then climb a ways and take out the aimer. Keep going up. At one point there will be two platforms across from each other, the higher one on the left. Jump from the right platform to the left as best as you can and ascend, then take out the aiming trooper above. Grab the Arc Shot on the right, then the Restart Bonus on the left. Head left now. Go past all the statues and grab the full life restorer. Kill the enemy just above that. If you have the ability to fire, then stand as far left as possible without falling into the spikes and fire a shot at the enemy across the way. Jump left by way of the platform above and take out the aimer and the other trooper below him on the way left. On the way left will be yet another aimer above, a trooper against the wall and one below. Take the aimer and the one against he wall first, then drop down and take out the one below. Head right from here. Head right and take out all the troopers and aimers (there should be about 5-6) that you come into contact with and grab the Dual Shot on the way. Stand on the farthest right point (without dropping down) and jump right through the wall. You should come to a place with blocks that have a Flamer and all the letters to make BONUS. Walk back out now. Drop to the next level down and head left, down the slope. Drop to the floor and kill the enemy on the right and walk that way, then jump through the wall. Destroy all the bricks here to get all the letters to spell EXTRA. Now, exit back the way you came. There will be a few firing posts on the way left, so watch out. After them are some more rotating blocks. Jump on those ones with care, continuing left. Drop down and walk right. After all the statues should be some crates, one of which has a Smart Bomb. Walk right cautiously across the piped ceiling and watch out for the falling flames. Kill the big gun carrier and continue right. Grab the full life restorer and continue until finally you've reached the end (there should be two troops and a small orb on the way). Now the time is neigh. Either face Saul's fears or run whimpering and crying. Draxx awaits... FINAL BATTLE KARL DRAXX -Form 1- Get past the spikes when entering then drop to the center chamber. Kal is behind the bars! Draxx should be on the right in a human form. Draxx's action command goes a bit like this: Fire Homer...roll across chamber...Fire Homer...Roll across chamber...Drop rocks from ceiling...Wait...Roll across screen...Repeat process... If you're in human form, only attack him when he is waiting, that way you won't be hit by the Homer as it's coming after you. In wolf form, dodge the Homer as best as you can and take pot shots at Draxx. When he hits his wait command, unleash. The one part you should be concerned the most with (if not the Homers) is the blocks that fall from the ceiling. They will always fall in the same areas, so stand in the spots each time. From there, he will wait, so like I said, unleash. If you did as I usually do and save all of your Smart Bombs, don't use them just yet. Wait for the next form. Continue hitting and Draxx will reveal some new skin. -Form 2- This one didn't take me too long to figure out, but does still take a little practice. Draxx will teleport around the room. Do not stand still. When he appears fire at him. Eventually, he will fire a row of plazma balls. From here, run to the far right side of the chamber and wait. The balls will not effect you there. When Draxx appears, time your jump and jump over his attack. If you're in human form, then what to do is to only attack when he's doing his teleportation strategy without the plasma factored in. Keep running around the room and when he appears, turn around and punch him. When he does the plasma, use the same strategy as with the wolf and run to the far left of the screen. One question you will probably ask is this: Every time the plasma balls disappear, he fires more and I can't find a time to attack him. When do I attack? The answer is this. Attack him every time he appears on your way to the left side of the chamber. Another pointer to give you... When you reach the furthest right, do not face right. Lightly tap the left D-pad and face the left. That way, when you come down off jumping over his attack, you can fire at/punch him. Continue hitting him or using Smart Bombs until he's toast. Enjoy what little of an ending there is. Congrats! --------------- / SECTION 6: FAQ \ ------------------- Q: Where can I get a ROM for this game? A: It's called a "Search Engine" for a reason. USE IT! Q: How do you do the invincibility cheat? A: After completing a level, Saul will throw his hand into the air and catch some lightning in his hand. At that moment, pause the game and commit suicide. Saul will lose all his life, but not his wolf form. The thing is you cannot grab any life restoring items or the invincibility will be made null. Q: I ran out of Smart Bombs! How do I get more? A: You can find them in different areas of different levels. Q: What happens if you grab a projectile shot while still in human form? A: You will gain 400 points, but you won't be able to use the weapon. You can only use projectile shots in wolf form. Q: Is there any way, short of hurting yourself, that you can change back to human from wolf form? A: No. Q: Are there any other transformations in the game? A: Well, if there were others, then why call it "Wolfchild?" Q: How does this version differ from others? A: The only thing I know is that the Sega CD version actually has FMV's (or maybe just one) as I saw in a magazine. Q: How do you commit suicide? A: Pause the game and push A+B simultaneously. Q: Any advice you can give on the pendulums on level 3? A: Jump over or run under them. Either way is fine. Make sure when you jump over them that you are able to clear them easily. This is not something that will necessarily happen instantly. It's something you may have to work at a couple times, maybe even more depending on your gaming skill. Remember, when ducking to avoid it, make sure you do the procedure like this: Wait until it starts swinging away from you. Now run as far as you can, preferably to the area just below the blade and crouch. If you do this and you're still getting hit, then you're too far over and need to run further when you do this. Assuming you want to head left with a pendulum swinging, then wait for the pendulum to swing to the left and follow it. Crouch at the space at which you would be directly below the pendulum when it's furthest left it can be. I hope I didn't confuse you too much with that. ---------------------- / SECTION 7: LEGAL BIT \ -------------------------- This FAQ is copyright 2001-2010 to Joseph Shaffer, aka Joe the Destroyer or JoeTheDestroyer. Any use of this FAQ for commercial purposes in any way, shape, or form without confirmed consent of the author is strictly prohibited. This can be used for personal use and freely distributed, as long as there is no profit being made off the FAQ without my approval before hand (this includes magazines). This also cannot be posted on any websites without my solid approval. Any failure to comply with said premises can, and probably will, result in legal actions. ---------------------------------- / SECTION 8: THANK YOU AND GOODBYE \ -------------------------------------- Thanks goes to the following GameFAQs. Virgin and Core for putting this game together, I guess... HonestGamers (C) Joseph Shaffer 2001-2010