------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- [ SUHO JEONSA ] ---------------------------- ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- --------------------------------- [ Master System ]---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o Suho Jeonsa is a game made in Korea that was also released in Australia as part of a 4-in-1 pack for the Sega Master System. This is a sideways version of games like Breakout and Arkanoid. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Suho Jeonsa and its characters are trademarks of Open Corp. and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ/Walkthrough is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka IceQueenZer0 and can't be put on other sites or posted without given permission nor can it be reproduced w/o proper consent. o---------------------o STORY o---------------------o Pabille and Iona had kept the keep-land for the peace to the world. Shadre who wants to command the world offends the keep-land. Shadre got the world by dark force and... Could Pabille and iona recover the peace of the world... o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o D-pad = Move left or right. Press down to slide down a slope. Button 1 = Shoot (after gathering the powerup) o---------------------o POWERUPS o---------------------o Blue Thunderbolt = remove random block Red Thunderbolt = shrink paddle to half size Capsule = restore shrunken paddle Paddle = temporarily shoot balls at blocks Triple Shot = Shoot in three directions Red Ring Thunder = faster ball Blue Ring Wave = slower ball B bubble = extra life Red arrow = replay level Yellow arrow = advance to next level Hourglass = freeze ball into place Restore = Bring 2 blocks back on screen (don't work if stage is cleared) Pink Ball = clear away an invincible block, so its useless till later stages. o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o There really isn't any exact strategy to playing this game. So far I know there are 24 rounds to play. The stages carry a different theme. After level 12, the themes will reset but the patterns and bosses will be different. However, some blocks will be indestructible unless you get a pink ball to clear one. The first level with indestructible blocks is actually in level 12 which is pyramid theme and the pharaoh heads on the end of the bottom rows can't be broken normally. The blocks will also start taking extra hits to destroy as you progress. There will be times where the block will be stuck in an endless loop and you'll be forced to end the game or you can use the other controller to make Iona playable or Pabille if you chose Iona first. With 2 players in play, the player will die if it goes off that player's side of the screen. Another thing that should be noted for a 2-player game is that when fighting the bosses, they will have larger lifebars and will shoot a star for each side. Themes are as follows: Stage 1 & 13: Birds Stage 2 & 14: Ice Stage 3 & 15: Lava Rocks Stage 4 & 16: Toothpaste Stage 5 & 17: Love Stage 6 & 18: Sweets Stage 7 & 19: Space Invader Stage 8 & 20: Birthday Presents Stage 9 & 21: Dice Stage 10 & 22: Sports Stage 11 & 23: Fish Stage 12 & 24: Egyptian Tombs ---- +The first 10 bosses will fly to random spots on the screen and shoot a star that will kill you if it hits you.+ Round 1 Boss: Bird Round 2 Boss: Dragon Round 3 Boss: Ghoul Round 4 Boss: Toothpaste Tube (you can use level skip here to avoid this fight) Round 5 Boss: Heartheaded woman Round 6 Boss: Cake Round 7 Boss: Alien (You can skip this boss here) Round 8 Boss: Clown in Birthday Present SUit Round 9 Boss: Dice Monster Round 10 Boss: Bowling Ball Sumo +Bosses 11-20 shoot two stars that angle one up and one down+ Round 11 Boss: Boxing Fish Round 12 Boss: Mummy Round 13 Boss: King Beaver Round 14 Boss: Mudman Round 15 Boss: Genie (You can skip this fight) Round 16 Boss: Alien 2 Round 17 Boss: King Pig Round 18 Boss: Headhunter Round 19 Boss: Caveman (You can skip this fight) Round 20: Dynamite +The remaining bosses shoot three stars. 2 diagonal and one slow straight one. Round 21: Mushroomhead (He and the rest will shoot three stars) Round 22: Halloween Jester Round 23: Jungle Warrior Round 24: Wild Cactus (Shadre?) o---------------------o EPILOGUE o---------------------o The world re-get the peace. and the Keep-land is lighting in the sky. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o GameFAQs and others for hosting You for reading Open Corp for making the game o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Check out other guides at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html Also check out http://www.vizzed.com/boards/index.php?ref=237869 for some good ol' retrogaming action. My sister Chigura posts there as Kage Negra. http://www.facebook.com/pages/PurrfectTrio/151169454928013 - Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/icequeenzero Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero