SMS Completion Project Author: Alianger Email: Contact info: MSN - e-mail, see above Disclaimer: This FAQ/Walkthrough is the copyright of Alianger. If you want to use this FAQ on any of your sites, if you have any suggestions, or if some piece information in the walkthrough is diffuse, then please make contact. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cyborg Hunter Copyrighted to SEGA and developed by Sega Entertainment, Inc. Distributed by Activision in the US. No. of Players: 1 Save/Password: Not featured. Rounds: 7 This walkthrough covers the English version of the game, released in Europe and the US. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Instructions 3. Tips, Glitches & Cheats 4. Walkthrough 5. Ending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- European Manual Story: The Year: 2242. You are Paladin, the toughest bounty hunter in the galaxy. Monstrous Cyborgs are threatening to take control of the universe under the direction of their evil leader, Vipron. Your mission is to gain access to Vipron's chambers and destroy him. Sound easy enough? It isn't. Once inside the forbidding Cyborg fortress, you'll have to fight your way through seven separate Cyborg-infested areas, each having five levels. Warp-speed elevators will transport you to each level. At the beginning of the hunt, your only weapons are your fists, stamina, and your ability to outwit the onslaught of deadly Cyborg guards. You'll have to pick up additional weapons and equipment as you travel through each area. To test your wits even further, you'll need ID Cards to access some areas of the fortress. Fortunately, you're not alone. Adina, your contact back at headquarters, will provide some vital clues that may save your life. And split-screen technology will alert you to the deadly enemies that lurk ahead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Instructions - You'll have to read these before playing the game... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cyborg Fortress is divided into four sections: Section 1 - Areas A, B, C Section 2 - Areas D, E Section 3 - Area F Section 4 - Area G (Vipron is here.) Each section contains Lower Cyborgs, Chief Cyborgs, and a Cyborg boss. You must defeat the Cyborg boss to gain an ID Card for access to the next section. At the beginning of the game, you may only enter Areas A, B, and C. As Adina will tell you, it's best to enter Area A first. Objectives: Once inside an area, your goal is to destroy all the Chief Cyborgs in that area, get the item, and then destroy the Cyborg boss. The Chief Cyborgs are displayed in white on your 3D-ish Tunnel Scope (located in the top left corner of the screen). The Lower Cyborgs are displayed in red. You must defeat all the Chief Cyborgs to be able to leave the area you are in. The number of Chief Cyborgs remaining in an area is displayed by a white number just above the Battle Screen. Controls: Control Pad 1 enables you to move left/right, jump/duck, shoot/punch, and use bombs. Bombs are used by pressing the UP directional button. Entering a door is done in the same way, so make sure you're standing right in front of the door when entering it. Control Pad 2 enables access to your inventory screen. You should have 2 Pads plugged in while playing or you'll have to switch between the ports. Elevators and how to use them: Each area has five floors. Use an elevator to travel from floor to floor. Consult your Radar Map to determine which floors are accessible from your current position. To enter an elevator, stand in front of it and press the UP directional button. Once inside, press the RIGHT directional button to move to the Exit door on the right-hand side. While facing the door, select a floor number with the UP or DOWN directional buttons. To start the elevator, press either button 1 or 2. When you reach the selected floor, the door will open automatically. Press the RIGHT directional button to exit the elevator. While your current position is selected, you can open the door by pressing either button 1 or 2. To close the door, press the DOWN directional button.) Weapons: Normal Punch - You'll start the game with your bare fists. Psycho Punch - Each punch will reduce your Psycho Power. Psycho Gun - The most powerful weapon available. It will drain your Psycho Power. Ray Gun - Unlimited bullets. It will not reduce your Psycho Power. Light Gun - Each shot lights up the total darkness found on some floors. Your Psycho Power is not affected. Bomb - Use it against your toughest opponents. You can carry a maximum of 9 Bombs. Equipment: Shield - Use it to break through the force field in Area B. ID Cards - Slide the ID Card into the computer terminal located in the Area Selection Sector to access the next section. Jet Engine - Wear it to fly over obstacles and enemies. While flying, you can't lay down Bombs or enter Doors. You can't crouch either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Tips, Glitches & Cheats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower Cyborgs re-spawn when you enter an elevator. Avoiding the Electric Floor Traps: If you land only with the tip of your feet on the edge of one of these traps, the game won't register a hit and you'll be unharmed. Unlimited Life & Psycho Power: Any items you pick up, like Bombs, Psycho Power and Life Power, will reappear when you enter and leave an elevator. So when you are low on power, go back to area A and enter the first elevator in the middle of the area. Travel to the second floor, where you'll find Psycho Power to the right of the elevator. On the third floor you'll find Life Power to the left. You can continuously enter and exit the elevator (you don't have to change floors), grabbing the power-ups until you're at full strength. You'll have no problem beating the game this way. ; ) Killing the Final Boss, Vipron effortlessly: If you have full Life and Psycho Power when reaching Vipron, you can just stand in the entrance, duck and fire repeatedly with either the Psycho Gun or the Psycho Punch (it actually works better with the punch) and you'll have about 20 % life left when Vipron goes down! This works because you inflict damage much faster when you're up close to an enemy, just like in many old shoot 'em up games, and a single Psycho Punch can hit 2 times in a row when you're next to an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Walkthrough (v1.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Area A =============================================================================== Item Locations: Area A: Shield - Top Floor There's no time limit, so don't feel rushed to beat this Area. There's also no boss fight until Area C, so don't worry about using your Psycho Punch too much. Exploring will net you plenty of power ups. On the first floor is a Bomb, on the second there's a Psycho Power Up (P), on the third there's a Life Up (L), and on the fourth is another Bomb. You can always return to an Area after finishing it to pick up any of these again. Enemies: The Lower Cyborgs are easiest to beat using either the Psycho or normal punch, even if you come back to Area A after gaining the other weapons. Move in close and punch when they jump. The Cyborg Chiefs will probably cost you a lot of life unless you attack them with the Psycho Punch. Three hits will finish them off. Attack quickly because once they fire, the Psycho Punch will be blocked by their projectiles. =============================================================================== Area B =============================================================================== Item Locations: Area B: Ray Gun & Jet Engine - Top Floor, Third Floor There's no Life Up in this Area, so take it slow and try to get the Jet Engine as soon as possible. Once you get the Ray Gun, this Area is a breeze. Enemies: The Lower Cyborgs are easiest to kill using the psycho punch. They move back and forth apparently at random, so if you get in close enough to do a normal punch you could end up getting hit, but at the same time it's easier than avoiding the fireballs that they spit. The Cyborg Chiefs are quite easy to beat with normal punches. Get right in front of them and punch when they jump. To make fighting them easier, you can use your Jet Engine to hover slightly above ground and beat them to death. They'll just keep walking into your fist. =============================================================================== Area C =============================================================================== Item Locations: Area C: I.D. Card - Beat Cytra on the Top Floor Once again, no Life Up. But there's a Bomb on the second floor, and a Psycho Power Up on the fourth. Enemies: The Lower Cyborgs are easily beaten by first running forward until they disappear on the Tunnel Scope, then take a few more steps, wait until they pop out either from the front or behind and then blast them immediately with the Ray Gun. The Cyborg Chiefs here are quite tough and very resilient to the Ray Gun, so I suggest using the Psycho Punch and the Jet Engine when facing them. 8 Hits should be sufficient. Boss 1, Cytra: When you encounter Cytra, lay one bomb. After it explodes, her life meter will be reduced by about 50 %! Additional bombs won't do much damage however. Afterwards, shoot her repeatedly with the Ray Gun. When she jumps, run underneath her and continue firing from the other side. On occasion, she will aim low when she fires, so don't get too close or you will get hit by the following burst when she jumps. Do not use the Jet Engine in this battle. =============================================================================== Area D =============================================================================== Item Locations: Area D: Light Gun & Psycho Gun - Third Floor, Top Floor (boss room) When you get to Area D, be prepared to duck or shoot the Flying Cyborg on the first floor. 2 Shots will destroy it. There are dark floors (second and fifth) in this Area where you won't be able to use your Tunnel Scope, but you can still see and kill the enemies. When you get it, fire the Light Gun to see everything briefly. Without it, Bombs are your only option. Where a boss was in the previous Area, you'll now find the Psycho Gun instead, the strongest weapon in the game. Enemies: The walking Lower "Cyborgs" are quick and attack in numbers, but the Ray Gun kills them in just 2 hits and they won't follow you if you fly past them. Fight the Chief Cyborgs with the Ray Gun. If you're standing, the Ray Gun shots will destroy the projectiles they fire. They jump around a lot, so you may want to use the Jet Engine. =============================================================================== Area E =============================================================================== Item Locations: Area E: I.D. Card - Beat Gastar In this area the first and third floors are blacked out, but for some reason you still see enemies in your Tunnel Scope, so this shouldn't be a problem even without the Light Gun. There's a Life Up on the fourth floor. Enemies: Use a Psycho Punch against the Lower Cyborgs. Nothing else is very efficient against them and you can't skip them by flying because they'll jump at you. Use the Psycho Gun and Jet Engine against the Cyborg Chiefs. They can only have 2 boomerangs flying at the same time, so dodge the 'rangs, then duck and blast away. Repeat until dead. Boss 2, Gastar: Make sure you're somewhat powered up before meeting with Gastar so you can survive his initial bouncing beam attack. To beat him, get up close and fire your Psycho Gun. When he jumps around, run back and forth underneath him like you did when fighting Cytra and he'll be dead in no time. He might not even fire if you stay close! =============================================================================== Area F =============================================================================== Item Locations: Area F: I.D. Card - Beat the boss In this area you'll be attacked immediately by two Flying Cyborgs in a row, coming at you from the left. These enemies appear on most of the other floors as well. Enemies: Use the Psycho Gun against the "Cyborg" Chiefs. Try to stay as close as possible and get the timing right and they'll go down easy. They don't do much damage. Boss 3: If anyone knows the name of this boss, please tell me! He's pretty easy to beat. Try to get to the middle of the room and stay there. Dodge his fire by ducking & jumping and keep blasting him with the Psycho Gun. =============================================================================== Area G =============================================================================== This is a pretty straight-forward Area. Just remember to save your Psycho Power for the final boss, Vipron (though you can always go back and refill if you want to). There's a Life Up on the third floor. Enemies: Use your Jet Engine to maneuver around the Cyborg Traps on the first and fifth floors. You cannot destroy them. Use the Light- or Ray Gun against the Cyborg Chiefs. It will take longer to kill them and you will probably lose some life, but you need the Psycho Power to beat Vipron. They give birth to small creatures that block your fire, but if you stand far back and shoot, eventually they'll be destroyed without doing much harm. Final Boss, Vipron: Use the Jet Engine and the Psycho Gun when fighting Vipron. Note that your shots will not damage him after he starts to charge. As he charges, fly over him and then shoot him when he stops. Try to locate yourself in the middle of the screen when firing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Ending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paladin, you've done a great job! Everybody in the base station is very pleased. The last step is to return to the base station where you will be welcomed and applauded for your accom- plishment. This will be our last co- mmunication. See you next at the base station. (Wireframe pictures similar to the intro are then shown displaying Paladin, Trevor (who?), and Catherine (huh?) against a windows 3.1 style "space screensaver" background. Perhaps there's more to the story in the Japanese version?) THE END