Version 1.5 5/2/03 _____ (_ _) | | | | | | _| |_ (_____) Bignose the Caveman Walkthrough by The Lost Gamer ( Copyright 2003 Table of Contents: 001. General information 002. Story 003. Characters 004. Walkthrough 004a. Paradise Island 004b. Monster Island 004c. Terror Island 004d. Chaos Island 005. Game Genie Codes 006. Credits 001-General Information ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a walkthrough for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game called Bignose the Caveman. If you want to tell me something, e-mail me at, but make the subject blank if you do. If you want to use part of this guide for something, please ask first. 002-Story ----------------------------------------------------------- Bignose is chasing a pterodactyl in an attempt to kill it so he can have dinner. 003-Characters ----------------------------------------------------------- Bignose: The main character. He doesn’t appear to be that smart, but give him a break, he’s a caveman. Pterodactyl: Bignose’s dinner, if Bignose ever catches it. Stegosaurus: A small purple enemy. Triceratops: The first boss that Bignose meets. You know, the dinosaurs were all dead before cave men came into being. Dimetrodon: I think that’s the right name for the orange dinosaur in the game. Baby dinosaur: A small, stationary dinosaur. Triceratops: A small purple dinosaur. Flinstones: A dinosaur whose design was apparently affected by the Flinstones. Spider: An eight legged enemy. Scorpio: A scorpion-like boss. Pterodactyl: A flying dinosaur. Moby Dick: White whales that attack you. Serpentia: A sea serpent. Turtle: Sometimes a bad guy, sometimes a stepping stone. Hummingbird: A weird choice of a bad guy. Fish: A fish (Wow! Really?) that can kill Bignose. Rocky: A rock-colored boss. Rat: Orange rats. Weird. Lavati: A lava boss. Cobra: Snake enemy. Saber tooth tiger: A mean boss. Bat: A flying mammal that eats insects. Fishman: A boss that is a big fish. 004-Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------- Before you start playing, there’s some stuff you should know. By pressing A, you make Bignose jump. By pressing B, he uses his club. Bignose gets points for collecting bones. What’s really important is collecting grapes, because they level up Bignose. However, if you get hit, your level up goes away. Bignose dies easily, so be cautious. Also, you can hold B to have Bignose constantly attack. 004a-Paradise Island ----------------------------------------------------------- Part One -------- Okay, walk right. A stegosaurus runs at you, hit it with your club or jump over it. Get the two bones, and continue right. Jump over the next stegosaurus and over that hole in the ground (get the bone in midair). Get the bones and the grapes here. Press B to see the effect of getting the grapes. Great! Jump over the gap to your right (get the bone) on the other side), then jump over two successive gaps. Kill or jump over the stegosaurus that attacks, and get the bone there. Jump over two gaps, get the bone, and then jump over two more gaps. Go right here (you meet another stegosaurus) and get the bone. Jump over the big gap there onto the ground. Kill the stegosaurus that comes, and get the grapes. Go right and you meet the boss, a triceratops. Triceratops is easy if you have the grapes. Go as far left as you can, turn right, and press B constantly to fire at the triceratops. It dies after four hits. Part Two -------- Attack the stegosaurus that comes for you. When you hit it with the grape attack, a bone is left behind. Get the bone before it falls, and start going right. Get the grapes, and jump the gap. You meet a new dinosaur, a dimetrodon. Beat it like a stegosaurus. Go right, and get the three bones along the way. Right of the third bone is a stegosaurus, so don’t accidentally land on it after you get the bone. Right past that is a rock. It does nothing. Right past the rock is two dimetrodons, one has a bone. Kill them. Get the bone right of that before jumping the gap. Past the gap, a stegosaurus and a dimetrodon attack. Kill them and go on. Note the grapes in the tree; get them before jumping the gap. Jump the next gap, getting the bone in midair. Jump the next gap, and go across the platform with a rock on it. Jump the gap at the end, and start going right. A stegosaurus comes at you very quickly, so be prepared. It has a bone inside it as well. Past the second stegosaurus is another gap. Cross it and walk on. Just after the rock is a dimetrodon; look out for it. Cross the gap and get the two bones in the air. Cross the next gap (a dimetrodon is waiting for you at the end of your jump), then simply continue on through this area to the boss. The boss is a triceratops again. It’s just as easy to beat as it was last time. Part Three ---------- From here, you can enter three shops. Depending on the number of bones you have, you can buy various things. Choose a shop (or none), buy what you want, and leave to truly start the third level. The shop in the middle offers spells, the one on the left offers better club techniques, and the one on the right is a mix of the other two. Go right and kill the baby dinosaur (a new enemy). Fall down the gap instead of jumping it. Yay, a secret place! The first baby dinosaur here has a bone. Get the bones in the secret area, and at the end, ride the platform up and jump to get back to the main part of the level. Start heading right. Kill the baby dinosaur. Continue right and kill the triceratops and the baby dinosaur. When you drop down to the lower level, a triceratops with a bone will attack you, so look out for it. Continue right; go up the tree and get the bone. If you need grapes, continue along up the trees; if not, go back to the ground and head right. Get the bone and look out for triceratopses. Past the trees, continue on (a triceratops attacks here), and jump on that stump. It rises up, jump off it to the tree branch. Jump off the tree branch over the gap. Kill the baby dinosaurs here (the first one has a bone) and get the bone above the stump. Jump to the tree branch, and from here, jump from branch to branch, getting bones along the way. Once you land on normal ground again, you’ll come across a stump with baby dinosaurs on either side. Kill the baby dinosaurs (the second one has a bone), and get the bone above the stump. Go right to meet the boss. The boss is a Flinstones dinosaur. It can shoot fireballs at you. At no time should you be at the left hand side of the screen, as it can fire about 5 rapid fireballs at you when you are there, and it is near impossible to dodge them all. A good idea is to stay within the black area of the background, going out of it only to dodge fireballs. All the while, hit the dinosaur with grapes. After about ten hits, he dies. Part Four --------- Walk straight right to fall down into another hidden area. Go right to the end, killing enemies along the way (some have bones). At the end, go up to the main area. Go right here, and kill the baby dinosaur. A platform moves left and right over the gap, jump on it, and get to the other side of the gap. The tricky part is that you can’t ride the platform; if you stand still, you fall off and die. Not really difficult, but more unexpected. Once you cross the gap, continue right. After dropping down, a triceratops with a bone attacks, so be ready. Go right up the stair thing, and fall off. Get the two bones left of the cliff, then head right. New enemies, spiders, are here, but they’re easy to kill. Past the spider, jump on the cliff, and jump up the tree branches. You make it to a cloud place. Jump to the cliff, and off it onto the cloud in midair. Jump off the cloud to the two bones, and then fall down the gap in the clouds on your left. You’ll land on ground (if you land on the tree, you can jump up to a hidden shop and a cloud level). Go right, and jump on the tree stump. A gap right of you shortens so you can jump it normally; do so. After the gap, get the grapes. Now you have a bunch of trees; jump from tree to tree, getting bones and killing spiders on the way. Past it is the boss, Scorpio. Oh no, it’s a prehistoric X-man! Actually, that’s the wrong Scorpio. This Scorpio is a nasty scorpion thing that shoots fire from its stinger. Okay, this guy isn’t hard to beat when you know what to do. Stand directly left of the rock on the ground. Jump the fire Scorpio shoots at you; don’t move left or right. Get used to jumping the fire like that. Now all you have to do is press B while jumping to throw grapes at it. Eventually, Scorpio dies. Part Five --------- Okay, this part is side scrolling. If you don’t know what that means, you will when you play this level. The background moves automatically, and Bignose is forced to keep up. This level has a lot of clouds. The jumps aren’t too hard; the side scrolling is what makes the level hard. Also, pterodactyls fly around this level, so look up for them. They show up where your character wants to be (up top with the bones), so be careful as they can pop out from nowhere. As with pretty much all of the side scrolling levels I cover (I can’t remember any exceptions), I won’t provide instructions for it. It’d be pointless as the point of side scrolling is moving fast, and you can’t do that if you have to check a guide every few seconds. At the end, the boss is a pterodactyl. Stand in the left-most part of the screen and press B a lot. When the pterodactyl flies at you in a straight line (as opposed to it flying up and down), jump over it to the right, and get back to the left corner when it’s gone. Try to hit it the whole time, and it dies after about five hits. Part Six -------- You get to visit the three shops again, just like last time. The next level is side scrolling like the last one. Here, Bignose is using his club like a propeller. Press A to move up, and B to hit something. Note that you can’t land on anything at the bottom of the screen. Pterodactyls are amuck in this part, as well as whales. Moby Dicks are at the bottom of the screen, and they spout out water at Bignose. Try to be in the middle of the screen at all times so new enemies won’t come out and surprise you. At the end is the boss, Serpentia. It’s a sea serpent that sticks its head out of the sea and moves the head back and forth. I think the best idea here is to be at the top left hand corner of the screen. Wait until Serpentia pops up, and if it doesn’t pop up on the left hand part of the screen, go down and hit it. Then go back up, and repeat until it’s dead. That’s the end of this level! 004b-Monster Island ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay, the cutscene makes no sense. Bignose is sleeping, then he falls off a cliff going after Pterodactyl, then he’s sleeping again, and suddenly he’s on a new island. Oh well. Jump over the rock and kill the turtle, a new enemy. Walk right into the gap. You fall into a hidden area. Go right across it (there are two turtles there, and they aren’t easy to kill), and go up at the end. Go right and jump over the water (water kills Bignose). A hummingbird attacks you as you go right, so look out. When you reach the next bit of water, you’ll notice there are turtles that move up and down. Jump on the turtles when they are up at the surface to get across. Past the turtles, jump up to the tree and get on the highest branch. Jump right off it onto another tree branch. Keep going right (if you hit the rock, a rather pointless earthquake takes place). Past the rock is a turtle. Get the bone over the stump. Past that is one of those groups of trees. You know what to do; jump from tree to tree, getting bones and avoiding enemies along the way. Past the trees is some water with the up/down turtles on it. There are only two turtles, so you have to jump from the second turtle to the end. Past that is the same thing, except with three turtles. Past that, jump up to the platform in midair and go across it. Get the bones (two turtles are on the platform too). At the end of the platform is the boss, Rocky. Boy, he does look like a rock, doesn’t he? Here’s how to beat him: Get to the left of the rock on the ground (the one left of Rocky), and press B rapidly until he dies. That’s it. Part Two -------- You get to visit the three shops before this part, which takes place inside a cave. Ooh, spooky. Luckily Bignose is a caveman, so it shouldn’t be too hard. Run right and jump to the platform in midair. As soon as you land, press B to attack the rat that comes at you. The second platform right of this one has a rat on it; kill the rat, and continue right (get the grapes), then fall down the hole with the bone in front of it. Go right, get the two bones, and jump back up into the cave. That was simple. Note that landing on the spikes doesn’t kill you in this game. Walk right through the pillar (a rat is directly after it). Next is a pool of lava that will kill Bignose, so you have to carefully jump and not fall into the lava. Don’t get hit by the drippy ceiling while you’re at it. Good luck, this is actually kind of difficult. Past the rat who is walking back and forth is the boss, Lavati. Lavati is a lava monster that pops out of the lava, floats around, and then goes back into the lava. You can’t touch the lava or Lavati, of course. Stay on the left hand part for the first two attacks, then get to the third pillar. After the third attack, go on the right side for two attacks, then to the left side. You should be able to kill Lavati in that time. Part Three ---------- Walk right. There are turtles on the water. Your strategy here isn’t hard, but it isn’t easy either. Jump right onto the turtles, getting the bone and pressing B in midair to kill the fish. Once you land on the turtles, jump right to safe land, getting the bone from the fish. From here, go right, and jump from platform to platform (if you fall, you land in the water and drown). At the last one, jump onto the righter turtle, and then to normal land (get the grapes in mid-jump). Keep going right. You have to jump across a bunch of water again, but this time fish get in the way. Hold down the B button and you shouldn’t have to worry about them. The jumping across water with fish in it continues for the whole level. You then get to the boss, and it’s Rocky again, with a little bird to help him kill Bignose. Hold B the whole time, and avoid the bird to kill Rocky. Part Four --------- Back in the caves again. A rat comes at you, kill it. Walk right (right of the rock is another rat, hiding in the stalagmites). If you hit the rock, the ceiling leaks on top of you. Jump to the platform, then fall down to the pit with a bone in it. Walk across that area, then jump back up to the normal level. Walk right (beware of the rat in the stalagmites). Jump over the lava, and kill the rat waiting for you. Go right and get the bone (if you break the rock from the left, you get grapes). Fall through the hole in the bottom of the screen three times in a row. Kill the spider, go right, and up through the gap in the ceiling. This room just...SUCKS!!! See the rock on the left (the one in midair). Run/jump off of it right onto the rock there. You timing has to be just perfect. This is perhaps the hardest thing in the game so far. Once you make it, jump through the ceiling. The next level is home to three spiders. Kill the two on the bottom, then climb up the left wall, go right, kill the spider there, and jump through the ceiling. Go right here (there’s a rat in the stalagmites). Jump right off this platform onto the rock (if you land on the one in midair, kill the spider for a bone). If not, land one the one in the lava. If neither, you’re dead. Jump right to the platform there. Jump right over the gap, and kill the rat hiding in the stalagmites. Keep going right and kill the two spiders. Jump across the gap. Continue right, and jump up through the gap in the ceiling when you reach it. Jump on the rock in midair, and jump right onto the high platform. Before going down, remember there’s a rat waiting for you in the stalagmites. Kill the spider and go down through the gap in the floor. Continue right and get the grapes. Right right of that is Lavati again. Kill Lavati just like last time. Part Five --------- You get to visit the three shops before this level. Cool. Those lazy programmers. This is the same as part four on the last island, with the enemies and background slightly changed. Same strategy applies though. Here’s that strategy again: Walk straight right to fall down into another hidden area. Go right to the end, killing enemies along the way (some have bones). At the end, go up to the main area. Go right here, and kill the baby dinosaur. A platform moves left and right over the gap, jump on it, and get to the other side of the gap. The tricky part is that you can’t ride the platform; if you stand still, you fall off and die. Not really difficult, but more unexpected. Once you cross the gap, continue right. After dropping down, a triceratops with a bone attacks, so be ready. Go right up the stair thing, and fall off. Get the two bones left of the cliff, then head right. New enemies, spiders, are here, but they’re easy to kill. Past the spider, jump on the cliff, and jump up the tree branches. You make it to a cloud place. Jump to the cliff, and off it onto the cloud in midair. Jump off the cloud to the two bones, and then fall down the gap in the clouds on your left. You’ll land on ground (if you land on the tree, you can jump up to a hidden shop and a cloud level). Go right, and jump on the tree stump. A gap right of you shortens so you can jump it normally; do so. After the gap, get the grapes. Now you have a bunch of trees; jump from tree to tree, getting bones and killing spiders on the way. Past it is the boss, Scorpio. Okay, this guy isn’t hard to beat when you know what to do. Stand directly left of the rock on the ground. Jump the fire Scorpio shoots at you; don’t move left or right. Get used to jumping the fire like that. Now all you have to do is hold B while jumping to throw grapes at it. Eventually, Scorpio dies. Part Six -------- Walk right. Jump onto the first turtle, then jump to the second turtle after that (you skip over a turtle, get the grapes in mid-air during your jump). Jump off it to normal land. Get the bones and run right (a hummingbird flies at you from behind). Luckily, if you don’t stop, you fall out of the hummingbird’s reach. Destroy the rock there for an extra life. From there, jump from turtle to turtle until you reach a bit of normal land with a rock. Destroy the rock, and you beat the level without having to fight the boss. Cool. Part Seven ---------- Sheesh, just like the last part of the last world. Only this time, the whales have been replaced by volcanoes that you can’t touch. Look out for the flying enemies. Try to be in the middle of the screen at all times so new enemies won’t come out and surprise you. What’s REALLY weird is that you get sent back into that level this one is a rip-off of. It’s weird. At the end is the boss, Serpentia. It’s a sea serpent that sticks its head out of the sea and moves the head back and forth. I think the best idea here is to be at the top left hand corner of the screen. Wait until Serpentia pops up, and if it doesn’t pop up on the left hand part of the screen, go down and hit it. Then go back up, and repeat until it’s dead. That’s the end of this level! 004c-Terror Island ----------------------------------------------------------- Great, another weird cutscene. Bignose sleeps, then you see him walk to the Flinestones dinosaur. The dinosaur shoots a fireball at him, then Bignose jumps into some water to cool off. Then you see Bignose asleep again, and suddenly he’s on another island. You get to visit the shops again. Part One -------- This is getting to be ridiculous. Did the programmers honestly think that they could repeat a level by changing the graphics and that no one would notice? This is just the same as level one’s part two, except with some bone places down below that you can reach. Here’s your strategy: Attack the enemy that comes for you. When you hit it with the grape attack, a bone is left behind. Get the bone before it falls, and start going right. Get the grapes, and jump the gap. You meet an enemy. Go right, and get the three bones along the way. Right of the third bone is an enemy, so don’t accidentally land on it after you get the bone. Right past that is a rock. Hit it and the screen shakes. Right past the rock is two enemies, one has a bone. Kill them. Get the bone right of that before jumping the gap. Past the gap, two enemies attack. Kill them and go on. Note the grapes in the tree; get them before jumping the gap. Jump the next gap, getting the bone in midair. Jump the next gap, and go across the platform with a rock on it. Jump the gap at the end, and start going right. An enemy comes at you very quickly, so be prepared. It has a bone inside it as well. Past the second enemy is another gap. Cross it and walk on. Just after the rock is an enemy; look out for it. Cross the gap and get the two bones in the air. Cross the next gap (an enemy is waiting for you at the end of your jump), then simply continue on through this area to the boss. The boss is a triceratops again. It’s even easier to beat than it was last time you met it since you’re more experienced at playing Bignose. Part Two -------- Jump to the platform in midair (kill the scorpion on it) and to the next platform in midair. Here’s a cool shortcut that you wouldn’t expect. While in the middle of this platform, jump straight up. You’re in a bone-filled cloud land. Go right through this area, getting the bones, and go down at the end. Go to the platform in midair right of this one. Once again, jump up through the top to another bone cloud place, drop down when you’re done. Go right here. Before jumping right, kill the scorpion on the platform in midair so you don’t land on it. Jump to that small platform in midair. Walk right off it, but don’t jump. Land on that strangely colored platform in midair. It lifts you up high, jump right off that onto some platforms you would have otherwise been unable to reach. Go right (there are two scorpions waiting for you). Jump to the platform right of it, and to the platform right of that. Kill the flying dinosaur that comes at you, then jump right to another platform. Jump to the platform right of this, and to the one right of that. Kill the flying dinosaur before jumping to another platform. Jump to the higher platform after you land (a flying dinosaur with a bone attacks). Jump to the stair-like platforms right of you, which also have a flying dinosaur on them. Go to the lower platform right of the stairs. Walk across and get the grapes. Jump to the platform right of it, and to the higher of the two platforms right of that one. Jump to the platform right of this one, and then to the upper platform. Right of that is a platform with a rock on it; destroy the rock for three bones. Jump to either of the two platforms right of this one (scorpions are waiting for you there, so look out), then go right until you meet the boss. The boss is saber tooth tiger. It jumps around. Hold the B button down, and it dies after about five hits. If you stay about one forth of the width of the screen from the left hand side of the screen, you should be okay, and it will be dead before it reaches you. Part Three ---------- Another cave level. Go right, and jump across the lava. Do a second jump across the lava, and fall down the pit. Go right. A bat flies at you, so don’t get hit. Continue right. Past the platform that goes up and down (don’t use it) are purple stalagcites that fall on you when you walk underneath. Use the strategy of walking under the stalagcite, but dodging left quickly so you’re not hit. There are three of them. Past that, go up the platform (a bat protects it). Go right (a frog and a bat attack). Keep going right through this area. After you start going down, two bats attack, one from each side. Jump to the platform in midair, and then up through the second gap in the ceiling. Kill the frog, and get all the bones/grapes in this area here. Then go down the gap in the ceiling and go right (a bat attacks you from behind). Jump to the next platform (a bat attacks). Here you have to jump from platform to platform over the lava (seems awfully familiar...). When you reach a platform with a rock on it. Destroy the rock to beat the level without fighting Lavati, the boss, again. Part Four --------- Kill the scorpion right of you (it has a bone). Go right, and two platforms right is a platform with a scorpion on it. On the long platform right of that is a flying dinosaur. Past that, get the two bones and fall down. Well, this is pretty weird. Bignose falls down, you can move left/right to get the bones and grapes. Or not. When you land, the platform right of you has a scorpion on it. Follow along the lower platforms. A scorpion is on the lowest one. Jump to the platform right of it, and get the bone. Fall down the bottom of the screen. Another falling thing. This is rather strange. Jump to the platform right of this one. A flying dinosaur attacks you from behind. Keep going right across the platforms (a flying dinosaur attacks up at the top of the screen), and then fall down at the end. Yet another falling thing. When you land, jump across the platforms. Two platforms right of the one you land on, two flying dinosaurs attack, one up high and one down low. Then continue on, and fall down at the end. Yes, another falling thing. When you land, jump to the platform right of the one you land on. It has grapes there. Walk right to fight the boss. It’s saber tooth tiger again, should be no problem. Part Five --------- You get to visit the three shops again. A side scrolling level. If you’re lazy, hold B the whole time (or if you’re really lazy, place something on the B button so you don’t have to), and Bignose will kill all the enemies without taking damage (or getting bones). You reach the boss, fishman. Stand in the middle of the second platform and attack fishman by holding down the B button. It dies easily. Part Six -------- Another side-scrolling helicopter level. Do it like you did the other ones. If you’re lazy, stay in the upper left hand corner and hold down A and B until you reach the boss. It’s better to do the normal strategy though. At the end is the boss, Serpentia. It’s a sea serpent that sticks its head out of the sea and moves the head back and forth. I think the best idea here is to be at the top left hand corner of the screen. Wait until Serpentia pops up, and if it doesn’t pop up on the left hand part of the screen, go down and hit it. Then go back up, and repeat until it’s dead. That’s the end of this level! 004d-Chaos Island ----------------------------------------------------------- Another cutscene. Bignose sleeps, then he walks in a cave. A giant monster eye appears, and Bignose runs away. He sleeps again, and is on another island. Part One -------- You get to visit the three shops before starting this level. Great, another level repeat. The bad part is that it’s a repeat of a repeat. Attack the enemy that comes for you. When you hit it with the grape attack, a bone is left behind. Get the bone before it falls, and start going right. Get the grapes, and jump the gap. You meet an enemy. Go right, and get the three bones along the way. Right of the third bone is an enemy, so don’t accidentally land on it after you get the bone. Right past that is a rock. Hit it and the screen shakes. Right past the rock is two enemies, one has a bone. Kill them. Get the bone right of that before jumping the gap. Past the gap, two enemies attack. Kill them and go on. Note the grapes in the tree; get them before jumping the gap. Jump the next gap, getting the bone in midair. Jump the next gap, and go across the platform with a rock on it. Jump the gap at the end, and start going right. An enemy comes at you very quickly, so be prepared. It has a bone inside it as well. Past the second enemy is another gap. Cross it and walk on. Just after the rock is an enemy; look out for it. Cross the gap and get the two bones in the air. Cross the next gap (an enemy is waiting for you at the end of your jump), then simply continue on through this area to the boss. The boss is a triceratops again. Part Two -------- You get to visit the three shops again. Okay, is level is another one of those repeat levels, but changed a bit. Kill the rat, and go to the end of the platform (an orange stalagcite attacks you). Jump right twice across the lava. Jump over the gap, and go right (don’t break the rock). Past the rock is a frog, so kill it. Go up past the frog. In this area, avoid the bat and get the bones, then go down. Walk right (as soon as you reach the end of this platform, a bat attacks you from behind). Jump off, and don’t break the rocks. The ceiling drips, so walk past when the water isn’t dripping down. Fall in the pit; it raises a door. Destroy the rock that was past the door. All right, you’re invincible! Simply breeze through the rest of this level and its boss, Lavati again. Part Three ---------- Well, this level isn’t hard to understand. You jump from tree to tree until you reach the end while pterodactyls attack you all throughout the level. I’d write how to beat this part, but it’d just look like this: Jump to the branch right of you. Jump to the next branch. Now jump to the next one. Then jump to the one next to you, and the one next to that. Repeat ad infinitum. The boss is the Flinestones monster. It can shoot fireballs at you. At no time should you be at the left hand side of the screen, as it can fire about 5 rapid fireballs at you when you are there, and it is near impossible to dodge them all. A good idea is to stay within the black area of the background, going out of it only to dodge fireballs. All the while, hit the dinosaur with grapes. After about ten hits, he dies. Part Four --------- You get to visit the three shops before starting this level. Another repeat level. Shesh. Oh well. Jump over the rock and kill the enemy. Last time you could fall into a hidden area, but it doesn’t work this time. So go right until you catch up with what I said earlier (which follows): Go right and jump over the water (water kills Bignose). A hummingbird attacks you as you go right, so look out. When you reach the next bit of water, you’ll notice there are turtles that move up and down. Jump on the turtles when they are up at the surface to get across. Past the turtles, jump up to the tree and get on the highest branch. Jump right off it onto another tree branch. Keep going right (if you hit the rock, a rather pointless earthquake takes place). Past the rock is a turtle. Get the bone over the stump. Past that is one of those groups of trees. You know what to do; jump from tree to tree, getting bones and avoiding enemies along the way. Past the trees is some water with the up/down turtles on it. There are only two turtles, so you have to jump from the second turtle to the end. Past that is the same thing, except with three turtles. Past that, jump up to the platform in midair and go across it. Get the bones (two turtles are on the platform too). At the end of the platform is the boss, Rocky. Boy, he does look like a rock, doesn’t he? Here’s how to beat him: Get to the left of the rock on the ground (the one left of Rocky), and press B rapidly until he dies. That’s it. Part Five --------- Poop. More repeat levels. I’m mad. Jump to the platform in midair (kill the scorpion on it) and to the next platform in midair. Go to the platform in midair right of this one. Once again, jump up through the top to another bone cloud place, drop down when you’re done. Go right here. Before jumping right, kill the scorpion on the platform in midair so you don’t land on it. Jump to that small platform in midair. Walk right off it, but don’t jump. Land on that strangely colored platform in midair. It lifts you up high, jump right off that onto some platforms you would have otherwise been unable to reach. Go right (there are two scorpions waiting for you). Jump to the platform right of it, and to the platform right of that. Kill the flying dinosaur that comes at you, then jump right to another platform. Jump to the platform right of this, and to the one right of that. Kill the flying dinosaur before jumping to another platform. Jump to the higher platform after you land (a flying dinosaur with a bone attacks). Jump to the stair-like platforms right of you, which also have a flying dinosaur on them. Go to the lower platform right of the stairs. Walk across and get the grapes. Jump to the platform right of it, and to the higher of the two platforms right of that one. Jump to the platform right of this one, and then to the upper platform. Right of that is a platform with a rock on it; DON’T destroy it this time. Jump to either of the two platforms right of this one (scorpions are waiting for you there, so look out), then go right until you meet the boss. The boss is saber tooth tiger. It jumps around. Hold the B button down, and it dies after about five hits. If you stay about one forth of the width of the screen from the left hand side of the screen, you should be okay, and it will be dead before it reaches you. Part Six -------- DANGNABIT, IT’S ANOTHER REPEAT LEVEL!!! I’M MAD!!! Here’s my repeated strategy: Walk straight right to fall down into another hidden area. Go right to the end, killing enemies along the way (some have bones). At the end, go up to the main area. Go right here, and kill the baby dinosaur. A platform moves left and right over the gap, jump on it, and get to the other side of the gap. The tricky part is that you can’t ride the platform; if you stand still, you fall off and die. Not really difficult, but more unexpected. Once you cross the gap, continue right. After dropping down, a triceratops with a bone attacks, so be ready. Go right up the stair thing, and fall off. Get the two bones left of the cliff, then head right. New enemies, spiders, are here, but they’re easy to kill. Past the spider, jump on the cliff, and jump up the tree branches. You make it to a cloud place. Jump to the cliff, and off it onto the cloud in midair. Jump off the cloud to the two bones, and then fall down the gap in the clouds on your left. You’ll land on ground (if you land on the tree, you can jump up to a hidden shop and a cloud level). Go right, and jump on the tree stump. A gap right of you shortens so you can jump it normally; do so. After the gap, get the grapes. Now you have a bunch of trees; jump from tree to tree, getting bones and killing spiders on the way. Past it is the boss, Scorpio. Oh no, it’s a prehistoric X-man! Actually, that’s the wrong Scorpio. This Scorpio is a nasty scorpion thing that shoots fire from its stinger. Okay, this guy isn’t hard to beat when you know what to do. Stand directly left of the rock on the ground. Jump the fire Scorpio shoots at you; don’t move left or right. Get used to jumping the fire like that. Now all you have to do is press B while jumping to throw grapes at it. Eventually, Scorpio dies. Part Seven ---------- Well, at least this isn’t a repeat level. However, it’s another one of those helicopter levels. Here’s my advice again: Try to be in the middle of the screen at all times so new enemies won’t come out and surprise you. At the end is the last boss, pterodactyl. Yes, the thing Bignose has been chasing for the entire game. It flies around the screen. Hold the B and A buttons the whole time, and press right and left to maneuver. After many, many hits, you win. The ending is this: at the caveman Red Cross, both Bignose and the pterodactyl come out in wheelchairs, the wheel being a brand new invention. We learn that Bignose ate the pterodactyl for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Oh boy. You can check out more big nosed adventures in Bignose Freaks Out, the sequel to this game. And yes, he’s freaking out because there were so many repeat levels in this game. 005-Game Genie Codes ---------------------------------------------------------- PEUYITLA 1 life TEUAITLA 6 lives PEUYITLE 9 lives SXOTPAVG Infinite lives ANENAKLL Slower timer AXENAKLL Faster timer AEEYYZPA Never lose bones when buying XXXYITSZ + VEKYAVSE + AOUGTAE Start on Monster Island XXXYITSZ + VEKYAVSE + ZOUGTAE Start on Terror Island 006-Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2003. If you want to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under general information)