+-----------------------------------------------+ | Home Alone(SMS) | |-----------------------------------------------| | FAQ/Walkthrough by strawhat | | Version 0.5 | | Last Update: 8/30/07 | | E-mail: plasmad00d13smooth{at}gmail[dot]com | +-----------------------------------------------+ ============================================================================== ~Table of Contents ============================================================================== {1.0} Introduction {2.0} Basics {3.0} Walkthrough {4.0} FAQ {5.0} Ending Note: For easy searching, highlight a section name and number(without the spaces at the beginning), press Ctrl + F and paste the section name in the menu. Press find and voila! For Mac users, use the command key in place of the control key. Disclaimer: ============================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and violation of copyright. Sites allowed to host this FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com faqs.ign.com www.honestgamers.com www.1up.com www.supercheats.com www.gamerhelp.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {1.0} Introduction xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This game is based on the hit movie, Home Alone, premiering in 1990. It features a young boy named Kevin who got left back at home. Two sad little people named Marv and Harry try to rob Kevin's house. In this game, you must protect your house from the two thieves from stealing your valuables! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {2.0} Basics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In this game, you must grab the cases of jewels on the screen and put them in the safe in your house. While doing this, you must avoid the two robbers, Harry and Marv. Once you touch them, you lose a life. You get three tries per level. You also lose a life if one of the robbers grab the jewels in the house and leave with them. You can only carry three valuables at a time, so during higher levels, you'll need to make multiple trips to the safe. There are a few obstacles in the house. There's the dog. Whoever the dog touches will trip. If that person happens to be carrying a bag of jewels, well, they won't anymore afterwards. There are several things that you can find in the house. You can find random food items which add to your score or three bullets. Press 1 on your controller to fire them. Hit one of the robbers to make them drop the jewels and/or add to your score. +===============================+ | Controls | |===============================| | Button | Effect | |-------------------------------| | D-Pad | Move Kevin | | 1/Start | Fire gun | | 2 | Jump | | Down + 2 | Down one floor | +-------------------------------+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {3.0} Walkthrough xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Family House ------------ Level 1: -------- Really easy. Marv and Harry are all the way on the bottom floor. The safe is on the top floor with the valuables on the second. Just head down the stairs onto the second floor and grab them, then head back up to the safe. If you're too slow and the thieves get to your location, jump over them and head to the left side of the house. Jump on the couch to give yourself a boost to the upper floor where you can safely reach the safe. Level 2: -------- The valuables are on the bottom floor. Go through the tunnel to the right of where you start. Go left, collect the hamburger, then quickly head up the stairs to get the valuables. By this point, Marv and Harry are probably hot on your trail. Jump over them if you can. If you can't jump quickly up the steps and make your way towards the tunnel again on the top floor of the house. Go to the bottom floor and enter the safe near the leleft of the center of the room. Level 3: -------- I don't know about you, but this was a really easy level. Go down the tunnel quickly and you'll see Marv and Harry enter from the left. Go right and grab the valuables. Head back and by then, the thieves will be gone upstairs looking for you. Just jump up the stairs to the safe and you're done. Fun House --------- Level 4: -------- This level is difficult. We have less than half a minute to do this! First, head down the mouth to the right to end up on the bottom floor. Go left to collect the first valuable. Jump over Marv and Harry, then use the jack-in- the-box to jump up to the next floor. From there, grab the second set of valuables and head to the right side of the floor to reach the safe. The hard part is just getting to the valuables. Jumping over Marv and Harry isn't much of a problem. Level 5: -------- On this level, you'll have to really utilize the jack-in-the-boxes if you want to succeed. Head down the mouth to the right of where you first start to head to the bottom floor. Go a bit to the left, then jump on the jack up to the second floor. Grab the two valuables on this level, then jump on another jack to the right to get to the next. Head up the stairs to arrive on the fourth floor. Return to the upper left corner where you first started to find the safe and finish the level. Bonus House Level 6 ------- This is a bonus level. The thieves aren't here, and the only thing you have to worry about is time, which you have plenty of. You should have time to get everything here; just be sure to use the bouncers to get back up the floors instead of the stairs. Level 7 ------- There are three valuables to collect here. This level is really hard if you don't know what to do. First, run all the way to the right side of the level. Collect the hamburger, then jump off the edge to the right and land to the left on the second floor from the top. Get the valuables there, then run left and head down the mouth as far left as you can get. You'll appear on the second floor, right in front of the valuables AND the thieves. Quickly get what you need and head back in that same mouth. You'll appear on the bottom floor. There's still one valuable we need, and it's shaped like a tiara. In fact, it is a tiara. Head a bit to the right of where you appear and bounce to the second floor. Go right to nab the tiara, then go down the mouth. Go back left. If Harry and Marv are still there, wait for them to come down. Jump over them and head up the stairs. We'll be right where the second set of valuables were. The safe is just to the right. Enter and finish the level. Green House Level 8 ------- Really easy. Just head to the right, jump off the right edge to get onto the floor below and pick up the valuables there. The other two are on the floor right below it. Jump off to the right again and collect the two there. Marv and Harry shouldn't even be on the stairs yet. Head to the left and climb up a flight of stairs, then bounce your way back to the top floor where the safe is. Finish! Level 9 ------- Also easy. Press down and 2 to jump down two floors right from where you start to get the first valuable. Go right, then bounce up one floor to get the next. Drop down again and go right for the last. Just go up the two nearest stairs to get to the safe, located on the upper right corner. Level 10 -------- This stage can be a bit tricky. Your timing must be good since you can't finish it too early. Start by dropping down two floors by pressing down and 2. Go right to collect your first valuable. Just right of that are some blankets and a valuable right above it. Bounce on those blankets up one floor to get the second valuable, then drop back down two floors. Go right to collect the last valuable. Drop down to the last level, then go left. Hopefully, by now Harry and Marv have made it to the second floor. If they have, great. Just go all the way to the left on the ground floor to where the safe is. If they aren't, well, hang around on the second floor near them so they'll run after you. Then, drop down and get to the safe. If you try to get to the safe while the thieves are on the ground floor, they'll have enough time to reach you before you put in all your valuables, resulting in the loss of a life. We don't want that! Power House Level 11 -------- This is the first time that we'll have to collect four valubales. This is also the first time that there are multiple safes in a level. Remember that you can only carry three valuables at a time! When the level starts, go right until you see a valuable on the floor underneath you. Jump down, collect it, then jump down again to get another one, and you should see one more on the floor below it. Head down and you'll have three valuables with you. There's a safe conveniently to the right of the third valuable, so deposit your stuff there. Let's get that last valuable. After the safe, to left and you'll find the last valuable. Jump over Harry and Marv, then use the stool to boost yourself up one floor. Climb up the steps to the safe in the upper left to deposit your last valuable and complete the level. Bonus House Level 12 -------- Another bonus level. You have more than enough time to collect EVERYTHING here, so do so. You only have one try, so don't be stupid and mess this up. It can give you a great boost in points. Level 13 -------- Five valuables to collect. This is easy for the most part. When the level starts, keep going right until you see the valuable. Get it, then continue right until you see the ammunition. We might need this later, so pick it up then drop down a floor for the second valuable. Drop down another one for the third. Return to the safe located where you started on the upper left corner. From here, drop down two levels to get the valuable. Jump up a floor by bouncing on a stool for the last one and return to the safe. If you're too slow and Marv and Harry already have a valuable, seek them out and shoot them with the ammunition that you picked up earlier. Level 14 -------- Like before, there will be five valuables to collect and you might need to shoot the thieves. When the level starts, go all the way to the right to collect some ammunition and valuables. Drop down twice to get two valuables, then return to the safe in the upper left corner where you started. After depositing those valuables, drop down a floor to collect another valuable. If Harry/Marv's there to collect it, shoot them and it should fly up one floor. Bounce on the stool to the right to collect the last valuable. Marv and Harry appear to move faster on this level. It's important to collect the valuables to the right first where you can't see them as well. It's also a little difficult to collect all the valuables before Harry or Marv get to one of them. Haunted House xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {4.0} FAQ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Q: I have trouble going up the stairs. I always go past it on the same floor instead of going up! Can you help me? A: Press left and up and the same time. Try to minimize the use of stairs though; they're a little slow. Q: Can I move up the stairs faster? A: You can try jumping up the stairs. Try to jump on the "bouncy" things in the room to propel you to the next floor if you can. Don't try to "jump" down the stairs though. Q: How can I move down floors faster? A: Press down and 2 to just jump down the floor. You can also jump down the path on the right edge of every level. Q: I'm having trouble getting to the valuables in time. The thieves usually get to them before I do, and I don't have any ammo for my gun. A: The thieves always start in the same place, so it's smart to obtain the valuables near them first and work you way up. They move pretty slowly, so it's safe near the top. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {5.0} Ending xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks for reading this guide for such an obscure game. If you have any further questions, you can E-mail me and I'll do my best to answer. Credits *~-~-~-~* ~Thanks to CJayC of GameFAQs for the disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2006-07 {c} MG(Strawhat) END OF FILE