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Legality: This Guide is Copyright, 2010, Matthew McIntyre This guide may not be used on a website or in any public forum where it is protected by copyright without the consent of the author. To contact me: entropiclobo(at)yahoo(dot)ca or chaos(dot)wolf(at)gmail(dot)com Websites with permission to use this Guide: www.GameFAQS.com www.neoseeker.com faqs.IGN.com www.1up.com www.honestgamer.com Game by Vic Tokai ****************************************************************************** * Table of Contents * ****************************************************************************** *To jump to a section, hold the Control Key and press F, then type in the section number as it appears (ie type PF1) PF1: Intro PF2: Gameplay PF2.1: Physics PF2.2: Items PF2.3: Characters PF2.4: Minigame PF3: Walkthrough PF3.1: World 1 PF3.2: World 2 PF3.3: World 3 PF3.4: World 4 PF3.5: World 5 PF3.6: World 6 PF3.7: World 7 PF4: Enemies PF5: Bosses PF6: Objects PF7: Credits PsychoFox is rated "M" for "Madfox." It contains scenes of eggshell brutalization and an angry, hairy, big-mouthed monster pretending to be a sign post. Player discretion is advised. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | PF1: Intro | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ever play DeCap attack? How about Kid Kool? Well, Psycho Fox gets compared to these two a lot - and for good reason. They're all by Vic Tokai, have similar mechanics, and use essentially the same physics. Though it pains me to mention Kid Kool in the same breath as Psycho Fox, all of these games have the same inertia-based physics. Unlike Kid Kool, Psycho Fox actually fits very snuggly into this role. Most enemy placement is fair, there are multiple paths without annoying screen transitions, and the levels are laid out very well. It's a game with a definite learning curve. Perhaps you will fall terribly short the first time you try to jump over a pit. But with a little practice it becomes clear that this is a fun and charming game, and among the best on the Master System. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | PF2: Gameplay | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Psycho Fox takes place over 21 stages dispersed over 7 worlds, 3 stages each. The point of Psycho Fox is to make it from the left end of the round past the Round End sign at the far right end. The third stage of every world has a boss that must be defeated before you can reach the Round End sign. Besides this linear progression, there are a few warp zones interspersed for you to find that can substantially speed up your quest. Button One (No birdfly): Punch Button One (With birdfly): Throw Birdfly Button Two (Tap): Jump Button Two (Hold): Longer Jump Pause: Subscreen (button 2 uses items on the subscreen) Control Pad: Moves Psycho Fox Birdfly is your weapon that you can pick up. While Fox is holding Birdfly, he can take one hit of damage but he will lose birdfly as a result. If Fox is hit without birdfly, he dies. You can not carry birdfly into a boss encounter. When you throw birdfly, you are considered as not having it at all and a hit will kill you. You throw birdfly at enemies as an attack when you have it. It is lobbed with a lateral trajectory and will rest where it falls for a few seconds. It is lethal to enemies while it lays in wait and also on its return trip. Sometimes, it is best to manufacture that situation, because birdfly passes through objects on its return flight and can strike some tricky to hit enemies with ease. You can so regain birdfy by running over to it and picking it up. Please note that you cannot punch until you've thrown birdfly. This means enemies right in front of you can be deadly, because birdfly might miss them and you might not get to punch fast enough. So please compensate for this by not allowing enemies anywhere near you ;). -=-=-=-PF2.1: Physics-=-=-=- Psycho Fox has an inertia based physics system. Basically, if you're at rest you're going to tend to stay at rest. This means jumps from a dead stop will not go far, at all. .''. . . A B --------- With little or no motion you will not have a very effective jump at all. .-'''-. .' '. .' '. ---->A B ---------------------- With a running start you can make your jump much wider and higher. Holding jump aso increases the length of your jump, and the length of any object that throws you in the air for that matter. -->A-->>B-->>> It also means you have some levels of acceleration. You start slow but gradually pick up a lot of speed. The level sometimes uses this against you, or makes you use this in inventive ways. ->--. +--+ ' | '-->> +-------+ Dropping from one level to another will not decrease your build up of speed. .'. .' '. --->A B---->>> +---+ +------+ Sometimes to gain enough speed you will have to jump from one platform to another. As long as you're holding right when you jump this will not decrease your build up of speed. O --(It's a living) -|- / \ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ Even to jump between two blocks it's often best to hang off one end then run to the other end to get enough speed. ->-->>> O --(Look Ma, I'm just like Mario) ->-->>> -|- ->-->>> / \ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ If the blocks are only one block apart, you CAN run across them. In fact, it's often the best solution to gaining speed in some cases. You can also skip over two-block gaps if you're going -really- fast, but this is very situational and not always the best solution. Also note that when you run off an edge, Fox will paddle his legs like an idiot before he falls. It's for the cartoon effect, yes, but it gives you a chance to get back on the ledge you ran off. Hold back towards the edge and he might be able to make it back on. Play around with the physics in the first stage. Once you're used to them, they don't present nearly the stumbling block they do at first. In fact, they're the bulk of this game's learning curve. -=-=-=-PF2.2: Items-=-=-=- Fox can collect a number of items to help him on his quest. Many of them are found by cracking eggs or killing enemies. *1-Up: Found in eggs, it's best to know where these are and stand over the egg as you crack it. This is because 1ups appear as a faded "ghost" of your active character that you have to touch to acquire. if you don't, you'll have to chase it down as it runs away. *Birdfly: Found in eggs, if you don't have birdfy then the eggs that give him to you will contain him. Otherwise, theyw ill be empty. Some eggs are always empty, however, it doesn't mean birdfly is there sometimes. *Bomb: Five pronged item that sucks all onscreen enemies into itself. Not super useful as there's rarely so many enemies on the screen at once. But it is helpful to save a few for some congested locales. *Invincibility Potion: Mostly dropped from monsters, this potion gives you invincibiity for a short period. Stockpile them for some of the more congested areas of World 7. *Money Bag: Allows you to place one bet each at the end of round minigame. *Psycho Stick: A shinto stick that you can use on the subscreen to change your active character. Yes, you also need one to change back to Fox. -=-=-=-PF2.3: Characters-=-=-=- There are four characters in Psycho Fox. Use a psycho stick to switch your characters. *Fox: The default and titular Psycho Fox has average stats between the characters. This means he is the best choice for beginning players. He is usually outshined by Tiger, but there are some spots where Tiger's speed is a liability or causes him to overshoot some things if you aren't careful. So for _MOST_ parts of the game, Fox is all you need. *Hippo: The hippo jumps only half as high as Fox and cannot run nearly as fast. His big use is breaking rock walls - stacks of cracked rock blocks - with his punch. These often lead to good treasure troves, but you usually want to switch to someone else soon. *Monkey: Monkey has super high jumps and you'd think this would put him at a distinct advantage over everyone else. But no, he is still slower than Psycho Fox. There are only a few situations where you NEED monkey but if you want to play a more slow and deliberate game, he's not bad. *Tiger: Like Fox except much faster, and he can reach his top speed sooner. Tiger is often required to reach some areas in the last few worlds and he is especially helpful on ice and sand which generally impede movement. You can clear the game with Tiger in mostly the same manner as you can with Fox. It's just that he will overshoot some of Fox's jumps, and to connect with them you have to jump from different places. He's a very fast character, so he's a real treat once you're used to the game. -=-=-=-PF2.4: Minigame-=-=-=- At the end of each stage you can place any moneybags you want on the base of a path. You can place more than one money bag on one path to act as a multiplier. You MUST use EVERY money bag you've collected in the stage. If you have no mmoney bags, it will tell you as much and it'll proceed to the next round. Once all bets are placed, Fox or Foxes will walk up branching paths from where you placed your bets. There are five resullts: 1. Hole: You get nothing. 2. Psycho Stick: You get a psycho stick. 3. Potion: You get an invincibility potion. 4. Bomb: You get a bomb. 5: Castle Slots: Press the button and the slot will stop on a number between and including 1-5. You will earn this many lives. There is always one of each. You can either cover many paths with one or so bags each and guarantee that you will gain at least some kind of reward, or you can place multiple on one path in hopes of getting multiple good prizes. For instance, place 4 and then get 5 on the Castle Slots and you will get a 20up. Seriously. And your lives can go above 100. Of course, there's no way to predict which path eads where so this is entirely chance. Also please note that when fox gets an item it says "1up." This doesn't mean you are getting an extra life. Instead, it means you are getting an extra copy of that item, ha ha. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | PF3: Walkthrough | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This guide is for Psycho Fox mainly, not the other characters. It also considers most situations as you having no birdfy. Birdfly makes a lot of the strategies moot when dealing with enemies because it is a projectile. But don't get over-confident. If you get hit, the enemy based strats will come in handy. World can be found through Control F, PF3.X. PF3.1 Will take you to World 1, for example. A specific round can be found via Control F, PF3.X.Y X is the world, Y is the specific round. So PF3.1.1 Takes you to Round 1-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PF3.1: World 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Typical first level theme, grass and hills. And deadly water. ............................................................................... ---PF3.1.1: Round 1-1--- ............................................................................... Head right and punch the egg for birdfly. Take him and immediately launch it at the yellow shell lumbering forward. If he misses, just punch the enemy. Defeat the next yellow shells and make your way to the water's edge. Jump up the platforms here. Remember, even on the small platforms you need to get a running start or you will have no horizontal momentum. As for the shell enemies, punch them as they approach, and then make your jumps. Let's keep making our way up. If you fall, the path isn't too bad, but we want to stay on the upwards path. When it evens out at a long platform, throw birdfly at the yellow shell. Then, walk over to that egg and open it for a psycho stick. The yellow shell sometimes drops a potion, snag that too if it shows up. There'll be another yellow shell as you move right. Defeat it, then climb the stair platform to the right to where it evens out, with the white conifer trees. Now, run full speed from the far left. You can either jump at the end, or if you aren't into risks you can just run full tilt off the edge. You will get caught on a pole, which after shaking should fire you up and over. This should happen because you will hit the TOP of the pole at great speeds. If you can't make it, you could just turn into Monkey, but Psycho Fox can make it himself... (remember, transform with psycho stick on the subscreen) Anyways, you should hae made it up to a new staircase platform. If you didn't, just proceed aong the bottom and watch out for the spring enemy here. Punch it as it lands just in front of you. If you make it up to the platform, climb it. If you have birdfly, launch it at any yellow shells (should be two). You'll come to some midair platforms. If you fall here, maybe only Monkey could make it back up. But don't worry, you ony have to worry about enemies if you fall. Either way, jump to the two highest platforms, then the long platform with white conifers. Kill the yellow shell here. There's another white pole around here. You want to get to the far left of this long platform and run right. Just before the rightmost of the two trees, jump and hold the jump button. You should hit the TOP of the white pole and hold the jump button as you spring back and forth. It should launch you to some spring boards. Use them to make it to a platform up and right. Kill the yellow shell from a distance with birdfly if possible, otherwise let it come to you and punch its chops. Get the bag from the first egg, then stand right next to the second egg as you open it. Grab the flashing Fox for a 1up before it runs away. From here the path splits if you want to warp or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARPING Stay on the top path, you will see some blocks, with a one space separation. Well, the old platformer standby is that you can run over these empty squares if you can go fast enough. Check this out: .--------------. / B / \ --------->A (CLOUD) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] \ \ +-----+ | |WATERWATERWATERWATER From the leftmost block run right, jump at block A. Over Cloud B, hold back so you will land lined up with the cloud instead of falling to your death in the water. That's always nice. Get the psycho stick from the shell. Now for the water. Change to Monkey if you want (they provide the psycho stick even) but Psycho Fox CAN make this jump. Just run from the extreme left edge and jump. Start attacking as soon as you land to kill the yellow shell. Now, move forward and jump up to the platform, kill the yellow shell. If you have birdfly, fire him off the side of the platform and it will strike something invisible - a few hits and there will be a hole in the sky. Jump in for the warp zone. The closest pipe (after the hill) takes you to 7-1. The pipe at the end of the warp zone goes to 2-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO WARPING If you decide not to warp, run across those same four blocks and jump. Hold back just after the last block of the set of three. You will fall to the lower level, and miss any water. Attack as soon as you land to take care of the yellow shell. Toss birdfly at spring monster to the right. Otherwise, wait for him to come near and punch him in the face. Now, more water. There's no real advantage to going up on the spring board, except that the platform there will keep you above water. If you decide to go up, be aware that there are two yelow shells there and a spring monster just after the platform. Passing the spring monster, proceed slowly to the right. There will be another spring monster. Kill it at a distance, or just wait for it to come over to you. When you reach another climb, there will be a yellow shell. Deal with it, then notice the springboards here. Jump on one and hold the jump button to go higher than you normally would. Use the springboards to make it up to another ong platform. Kill the yellow shell here. DO NOT crack the egg until the shell is dead. Get the 1up before it even starts running, then jump back off to the left. There's nothing important to the right and there are more items on the lower path. Hitting the lower path once more, go right and defeat the two yellow shells. You will see many eggs lined up along the platform here. Only the first, fourth, and six eggs have items (two bags and a psycho stick). The others are either empty or hold yellow shells. So take your items and head to the right. Just a few more yellow shells, and then the stage ends at the signpost. ............................................................................... ---PF3.1.2: Round 1-2--- ............................................................................... We'll want to stick to the high road for the most part, unless you plan on warping. Let's begin. There are three yellow shells to the right, near the staircases. Defeat them, and climb the stairs. Get a birdfly from the egg if you haven't already. Run and jump to the white pole and try to land on the springboard. If you don't, you may find yourself near three eggs. The left and right eggs hold bags, the middle egg is a trap. Back to the springboard. Hold the jump button so you go higher. Climb the platforms to the right and jump to the next platform. Don't risk the spring- board here on threat of falling. So just jump, and kill the yellow shell you come to. Run and jump right. You'll arrive on another platform with an egg. Crack it for a psycho stick and then decide if you'd like to warp or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARPING From here, drop off to the left (as far as you can jump). Punch as you fall so you will kill any yellow shells that get in your way as you land. Alright, open up the subscreen and choose to become Hippo. Hippo can barely jump but he CAN break the hell out of those rocks to the right with his punches. So, go ahead and clear a path. Move right and kill any yellow shells here. You will see two eggs (tee hee). Crack them for a bag and a psycho stick. If you have birdfly, jump and toss him right from here to crack open the warp zone. Otherwise you may have to change into someone more jumpful than the Hippo. Hippo will be hardpressed to get the springboards in this warp zone anyways. So change to monkey or someone if you want to use the springboards. Hold right and Monkey will miss the first set but land on the lower set. Hold the jump button to go higher on the springboards - really high with Monkey. You will join back up with the higher path, so keep bouncing right. The first pipe you come to will ead to 6-1. The pipe at the end of the room (which Hippo can reach) leads to 5-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO WARPING If you aren't warping, just stay as Fox and head right. Jump to the next platform and hang just off the left side of it. Run right and jump, hold the jump button. You will catch a white pole and it will fling you forward. If you went fast enough, it should take you to another suspended platform. -->If you don't make it: Stick to the single block platforms, and be careful of the eggs here - they're trapped. The path is mostly clear to the right, the bottom path can net you a birdfly if you lost yours, and a bag. BUT there are a few springboard monsters here so tread very carefully. When you come to the singular blocks, just run across. You will see a few propeller enemies here. If you have birdfly, throw him past their little cubbies and stand on the ground. Birdfly should fly back through them, killing them. Otherwise, just make high jumps so they don't get you. Take your time. Just after the propellers, you'll find some springboard enemies. Dispatch them before moving on. There's a big staircase to the right. -->If you made it: Run right until you scroll the two yellow shells onscreen. Kill them now before you scroll the screen any further. Once they're gone, run right an jump at the end of the platform. You'll land just past two blocks, on a platform. Head right, kill the yellow shells. Jump up to the next platform, and you will spy some lighter platforms, each separated by one space each. Well, it's not so clear-cut. .-'''''''-. / \ / \ -------->A @ B +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ Run along the first three, JUMP at A, and pass over the Propeller at "@." Land at B, don't overshoot by far otherwise. you should pass the propeller before it even gets the chance to jump. From here, run across the single blocks and jump right before it splits to the lower blocks. Hold right and jump, you will sail over another propeller. You should have enough momentum after that sprint to carry you to the next long platform. There are three eggs here. Never mind the middle egg -> it holds a spring monster. The first egg holds a bag, the rightmost egg holds a 1up. Open this egg right next to it and grab the 1up before it runs away. Do not chase it, there are two spring monsters at the right edge of this platform. Aright, deal with those two spring monsters, and drop down to the big staircase just below. (Sometimes, there are three spring monsters) -->Big staircase If you fell from up high, take out any spring monsters as absolute top priority. The paths converge here. Take your time climbing up and right, be sure to defeat the yellow shells as they draw near. Take your time as you head right, there are two spring monsters up and coming. Just past these enemies is the goal, however. ............................................................................... ---PF3.1.3: Round 1-3--- ............................................................................... OK, this stage is basically two distinct paths. There's an upper path, and a lower path. The upper path is more lucrative. They will converge at this round's sole white pole. So, starting out, head right. Destroy the two spring monsters, then choose to go up or down,, from here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Run beneath the long platform and destroy the two yellow shells. Jump up to the platform spanning the water. Remember, do -not- jump from a standstill or you -will- end up in the drink. Passing the water, defeat the yellow shells. Now, there is a platform over that body of water. Fox cant reach it, so just run and jump over the body of water. Just hold down right and jump, he can do it. Some propellers up ahead. Stand near them and punch as they jump. No problem. the yellow shells just after are no problem, either. Climb the hills to the right and crack the eggs for a birdfly (if you're lacking) and a bag. Kill the two yellow shells. You will have to run and jump over the next bit of water. Again, hold jump and you will make it easily. There are propellers just after however, so don't overshoot your mark. Just stand one square next to these propellers and punch the buggers when they jump. There are two spring monsters near to that staue, so scroll one onscreen at a time and dispatch them swiftly. Climb the big staircase to the right, destroying yellow shells as you go. At the top, you can converge upon the upper path, or you can fight the yellow shells along the bottom. If you stick to the bottom, the white pole is just after the body of water. Leap across this water. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH If you instead want to head up, let the yellow shell walk off the ledge and kill it. Get a running jump and leap to the platform yourself. Alright. Jump up the platforms to the right, kill the yellow shell on the longest. There will be a springboard just after it. Leap to the springboard, use these to reach new grounds. Kill the the yellow shells up here, then get birdfly from the egg if you're lacking one. There is a bridge to the right. The bridge is tricky. The boards drop under your weight. there are three bridges here, some enemies upon them. If you are Tiger, you can just run the whole distance. As Fox, run past the first bridge, stop. Jump about four blocks in to the second bridge, jump back to land. This should attract the first spring monster over to you. Let it fall in the water or kill it, then run and jump over the hole you made. Jump over the second spring monster, turn back and kill it. Alright, for the third bridge just jump about three blocks in then jump back to land. The next spring monster will have appeared. Take care of it, then jump over the hole you made. Run to the next spot of dry land. If you don't have birdfly, then run and launch of this small bridge, over the propeller. Continue past the propeller and jump from the bridge just past it. If you have birdfly, kill the propeller. Run from its perch across the bridge and jump to the next one. Make it to the stone block on the far right of the next bridge. From here, run across the next bridge and off the side onto another bridge. Jump from here and land near some eggs. Three eggs - a 1up, bag, and psycho stick. The 1up is the first egg, don't let it get away. To the right, three more bags in three more eggs. Jump right, you will be converging on the lower path here at the white pole. Be careful of the yellow shells. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGED Alright, now the white pole really isn't very useful here. Or at least, it's not essential. In fact, it can land you in trouble. Just drop down below it, past the big staircase. Mind the yellow shells down here. The propellers to the right are on -top- of their platforms so they are really easy to just punch. Do so, continue right. Decide now if you want to warp or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARPING Use the springboards. Hold jump when you bounce on them and climb higher and higher. []B WARP A [] [] There are three springboards just past the cloud platform. Hold jump on spring- board A and toss the birdfly right when you are lined up with point B, the highest platform. When it breaks open, jump in. The pipe just after the downward slope goes to 4-1. The pipe at the far end of the room goes to 5-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO WARPING Skip the springboards altogether. Cimb the stairs to the right, kill the yellow shells as they come, take it easy. Don't get too excited when you see the springboard at the top. There is one yellow shell after it. Kill the enemy, then bounce right on the springboard over the last few steps of the staircase. The first _BOSS_ is straight ahead. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 1 ******************************************************************************* This giant chicken will drop from the sky, followed by a cannon. 1. Jump on the cannon's switch. The bullet will knock one segment from the chicken. 2. Run left as the chicken splits and flies above the cannon and drops. 3. Run right as it does the same to your current position. Hit the cannon just as it assembles, it should take off another segment. 4. Repeat from 2 until dead. Basically, it splits itself apart then attempts to assemble ont op of you by dropping its parts from the sky. You will need to hit it with the cannon five times. If you miss the cannon, get out of the way. Not a difficult boss, but what can you expect from a chicken who wears the same shirt as Piglet from Winnie the Pooh? The goal is a short jog to the right. The entire round is cleared! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PF3.2.1: World 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Typical platformer second level with a skull motif. Er, what? Yeah, that's a little different :). ............................................................................... ---PF3.2.1: Round 2-1--- ............................................................................... Well, it's either a top path the whole way or a bottom path the whole way. Head right, kill the yellow shells, then choose to go up ro down. There are more rewaards to reap along the top. The bottom path is really empty though, and its lack of resistance could be equally attractive. But I digress, let's get down to it. Head right, kill the yellow shells you come to. The path splits lower and upper. Blocks lead up, a tunnel leads right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Take the tunnel. You can walk right up to the propellers here and punch them to death. Once they've been removed, open that egg for birdfly if you don't have him. Head right, defeat the yellow shells and the propeller. Jump over the small pit of water, then stop. Kill that fly in the aviator gear as it flies toward you and then continue along. There are two more before the next platforms. Continue at a reasonable clip and just kill them as you approach. Don't outright run though. When you arrive at the water, pass overhead. Move forward relatively quickly, take the time to kill the yellow shells you come upon. Climb the hill here, the egg on top holds a birdfly. Head right to the next hill. Kill one propeller, grab the bomb from the egg, then kill the next propeller. Run full tilt to the right after this hill. Make a leap to sail over the pool of water when you see it so that Fox is carried over the propeller. Cool. But if you can't do this, you'll probably have to take out the propeller with birdfly. If _this_ option is unavailable, try to build up as much speed as possible and attempt the jump. To the right, kill the spring monsters then the propeller nearest the water. Then, head back left as far as possible then run right and jump over the next pool of water and the propeller beast as well. Nice! Climb the stairs, take the time to defeat the yellow shells. Nevermind the two eggs you pass at the end of the stairs... they're trapped. Continue right, kill the flies, and you will converge with the upper path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH So if we're going to explore the upper echelon we will need to climb the blocks before the tunnel. You can do most of these from a near standstill. At the top, kill the two yellow shells. Climb up and break the eggs. One for a psycho stick, and one for a bag. From here, run and jump over the split in the path. You do _not_ want the lower path here because it leads to two trapped eggs with no way to return. So make that jump! You'll want to start running from -before- the broken eggs, jump at the far right side. OK, so we're at another staircase of sorts. Climb on up, it's not your last chance. The eggs here seem to be empty. What a rip, dude! Totally bogus! Run full tilt across the bridge and JUMP when you see the spring monsters. You will be going fast enough that you should easily sail over them. Try to land on one of the thin platforms. Once you do, move two or so platforms ahead, turn around and kill the spring monsters now tailing you. Start jumping right. When you spot the big fly coming, stop, and either duck it or strike it as it approaches. Alright, you will come to some propellers. They're no problem with birdfly, but if you can only punch then let Fox stray about haway off the nearest block and have him punch the propeller. it should reach. Repeat for the second propeller. Continue along, you can fall down here for a chance at a 1up or you can stay along the top for more lucrative loot. -->Falling down Drop down just before the platform with the tree. There are vents here to help you back up if you don't want to be here. Of course, the screen does not scroll back in this game, so you won't be able to use them after getting the 1up. So, head right and either kill the propeller with birdfly, or jump over it with your best sprint from the small block above the spikes. After that obstacle, the 1up is in an egg. -->Staying up Climb the hill past the tree, kill the yellow shells. Empty the egg of any contents and continue right. Kill the fly, then drop down the cliffs until you see a long thin platform. Jump to it. -->Staying in the middle If you miss your jump, you will probably land in a central path. Kill the fly and nevermind the egg - it has a spring monster inside. You can either run right and skip the first bit of water or you can jump. You have to stop suddenly on the platform, so I would just use a running jump. Kill the fly that appears here, and make the next few jumps right to dry land. Kill the two flies to the right and take the psycho stick from the egg. You can run, jump, and use the springboards to the right to make it back up to the top path. -->Staying on top If you make the jump, head right and kill the yellow shell. Take the psycho stick from the egg and approach the edge. Run and jump to the cloud platform. These eggs each have a bag. Take 'em. Run and jump right, kill the yellow shells. Climb the hill here, then drop down on the other side. Drop off the righthand side and you will land on some springboards. From the triple springboards, hold jump and land on the single, jump past the stack of two clouds, and just past them allow yourself to drop to another triple set. Jump right to the next single, then right to the rock wall. -->Converge Either way, use the springboards to reach the upper right. Use a psycho stick and turn into Hippo. Break the brick wall (you may have to throw birdfly over the edge so he will actually punch... if you have birdfly). Alright, eggs numbered from the rock wall moving right: 1. Yellow Shell, avoid. 2. 1up 3. 1up 4. Spring Monster, avoid 5. Bag 6. Psycho Stick You can stay as hippo if you want, or you can change back into something more mobile. Either way, jump off the side to the right and the upper and lower paths will merge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE You will want to make a small jump instead of dropping if you're coming from above, since the flies here will probably get you if you don't overshoot them. If you are coming from below, then certainly beat them. Start up the Mario-esque final staircase and slaughter the poor Yellow Shells in your way. At the top, simply run right to end the stage. ............................................................................... ---PF3.2.2: Round 2-2--- ............................................................................... If you're still the Hippo, you may want to change back. Or you will be forced along the bottom path. Now, this level is pretty destitute, but you can pick and choose what you want if you go along the top due to multiple branches down to the bottom. You won't be able to make it back up so much, but the rewards aren't so great that you have to be very conservative with your choices. It's possible to rejoin the upper path, anyways so you can get most worthwhile loot on your run. Now, there are three flies to the right. You can fight them, but I prefer to run and jump over the three of them. Try to land just after the third fly, as one of the Skulls will start flashing. It will drop to the ground - if you have birdfly kill it now. If not, it will jump towards you. It has a largely horizontal path, so defeat it after it lands. You -can- jump on it three times but that could be risky. After two yellow shells, the paths split. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Just drop down right from the get-go, no fooling around here. Hug the wall and look for the skull to start flashing. As soon as it drops down, punch it and destroy it. Otherwise, run under it as it jumps, turn around, and destroy it. Run through the tunnel, kill the yellow shell. I've tried to use Monkey to get those three eggs from the lower path but it's hard to get enough momentum here even with his ultra jumps. So, lets continue right. The first skull you come to is an enemy. It will probably bounce off the wall on its first jump and make it on its second. Land a punch on its second jump. The next skull is also an eney. Run up to it and punch it as soon as it drops. As for the flies to the right, kill the first and avoid the second with a jump. You can rejoin the upper path with the springboard here. Do so if you wish, but otherwise don't even jump up to it. If you're staying along the bottom, head right and destroy the next skull as it touches the ground. The next skull is in the background, but the third in this set of four is another enemy. Watch for the flash, move forward, and punch it when it touches the ground. Defeat the yellow shell to the right. Alright, a body of water. Be warned, both eggs above it are trapped. The egg on the cloud just to the right of that platform, however, contains a birdfly. If you don't need that, then avoid the finnicky jump up to the platforms and just run full speed towards the water. Fox should skip across to the other side. No problemo. After a few yellow shells, you'll come to a rock wall. Now, the bottom rock wall leads to a hallway with enemies - don't bother. The next rock wall, the middle wall, is where paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Instead of dropping, jump across to the right. Climb the stairs and defeat the yellow shells as they come to you. There is abother enemy skull at the the top of this climb. Destroy it as soon as it touches the ground. You should have ample time if you start your approach when you first notice it flash. -->If you want two bags, but don't mind changing routes shortly If you want to score two money bags, drop down to the right from here and hug right on the control pad. The eggs here will be two bags and a birdfly. To the right, there are two flies. Try to scroll them onscreen one at a time. Duck the first guy, and jump over the second. The springboard to the right let's you return to the upper path. -->Staying at the top Run and jump right, instead. Kill the fly then jump right from the top stairs and try to grab the pole. Otherwise, hold right. Both options will land you on a staircase. -->Converge The brief spit converges on the staircase. Climb the staircase and defeat the yellow shells as they come to you. When you see the skull poles, try to get a small running start to clear most of the rest of the stairs. The righthand skull is an enemy, and we want to make it there before it starts attacking. Strike it when it touches the ground, otherwise try to predict its landing spot ont he stairs and kill it when it lands there. Run and jump right from here, but cut your jump short right before the cloud. Fox should land on some springboards if you fell straight down from here. Use them to reach the cloud platform to the upper right. You can drop down from here to the right to get a bag, and left from there for a birdfly. Or you can stay on the upper path. Take a running jump up and right to the next cloud. Crack the egg for a Psycho Stick. Run and jump right. The first egg is a money bag and the second is a spring monster (so don't bother). Join the paths, drop off to the right - watch out for the yellow shells, you may wat to hug left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Now that the paths converge you can either take the middle path for the warp or the top path if you aren't. The middle path has a psycho stick to pick up BUT you require changing into the hippo to reach it so it's a moot point - you will actually be at a net loss. There is a 1up along the middle though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARPING If you decide you'd like to warp, change into a Hippo annd break the blocks in the way of the middle tunnel. Head to the eggs, get the 1up and psycho stick. Now, either change to something more mobile or stick with the Hippo if you really want to. He CAN leap upon that block with a running start, so try if you might. Jump and hit the air to the up and right of this platform. It will break, and the warp zone opens up. Upon entering this one, there seems to be only one pipe - at the end, to 3-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO WARPING -->Middle Path Of course, you can still take the middle path if you want. Become a hippo, break the wall, collect the 1up and psycho stick. Jump right at the dropoff, you should overshoot the fly. You will see one of the skulls start flashing in that pit. Run into the pit and punch it as it touches the ground. -->Upper Path Or you can take the simpler upper path for less rewards OR if you have no psycho sticks at all. Climb the hill, and defeat the yellow shells. There's a large expanse of water at the the top. From the left ledge, run right straight at the water. You will skip across the water on your butt. Stop as soon as you reach dry land because there is a spring monster here. Kill it as it jumps toward you. **** The white pole can be used to reach a distant platform. Before that water, change into a tiger and drink a potion for protection. Run and skip across the water, and do a single press jump just about halfway across the platform with the spring monster. This should make you grab the top of the white pole. Hold up+right+jump and you might sail up to an otherwise inaccessible cloud platform. Eggs 2 and 4 are trapped, the other two have a psycho stick and a money bag between them. This isn't worth the trip. **** Jump right, past the white pole the paths reconverge. -->Converge Climb the staircase to the right taking care to kill the yellow shells. With them out of the way, make your way to the top. Move steadily right. You may have to wait on the stairs for the first skull to come to you. But the the skull just after you should definitely cream that one on your own terms. Drop it as soon as it drops to the ground. Another staircase to the right. Jump over the propeller, then begin the ascent. I wonder if there are yellow shells on this staircase? Of course there are, so take your time. Alright, when the ground evens out watch out for the first skull pole. It's an enemy, so strike it down. But it's clear running to the goal after that! ............................................................................... ---PF3.2.3: Round 2-3--- ............................................................................... Head right slowly, there are two spring monsters. Try to scroll them on one t a time, and kill the first before exposing the second. You'll come to a series of single blocks separated by single holes. There's not much in this stage. There's a moneybag along the bottom and a 1up far along the top. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Just drop through one of those holes near the blocks. Walk over to the propeller and kill it. Just stand next to it and punch. After this, leap to the cloud and get birdfly from the egg if you're lacking. From here, throw birdly left, then drop down to the left. Crack the egg closest to the wall for a bag. Then birdfly should be back to you. Throw birdfly at the skull which just dropped down. If you throw it before cracking the egg, there's a good chance this skull will drop a potion, ruining your chances for the bag. You know, since only one item can be onscreen at once. You can then take the potion from the skull and still get the psycho stick from the second egg because unlike the first it won't be scrolled offscreen. Moving on. There are two propellers to the right. Move quickly and punch them as you come to them. Now, a skull wil be flashing, one of the highest skulls. Move over to it and another skull will start flashing. Well, punch the first one when it first touches the ground, then move back. Hit the second one as it lannds in front of you. Birdfly is helpful here. The very last skull of this "forest" is also an enemy, so tread lightly. Kill it as it spins on the ground. A staircase, with a yellow shell now. Defeat it, climb to the top... That egg contains a yellow shell so never mind it. Move slowly down the stairs and inch toward the propeller punch it when it jumps. Or just run and jump over it. A yellow shell waits after the down stairs though, so be carefull where you land. Don't bother jumping to the platform above the water (too high even for Monkey) and don't skip yourself over the water. Instead, jump over the water, land on the coast. You want to stop as quickly as possible since the third skull pole in this row will be an enemy. Run over and punch it before it starts jumping. A spring monster was just beyond the skull. Let it approach, then punch it when it is nearest. Run over to the block near the water - don't jump! Let the fly appear in the sky then run back to the left boundary, then right again and jump over the water pit and propeller monster in one go. What's a staircase without yellow shell monsters? Not a Psycho Fox staircase.. Destroy them, climb to the top. Eventually, you will come to some propellers in little pics. Stand in the central positions of the ledges over their pits. They will jump, you will punch. It's a match made in heaven. Climbing up and to the right, there will be another propeller. Just walk over to it and punch it. Defeat the yellow shells to the right and the path converges at the stone wall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Instead of dropping, run across those single blocks and jump at the end, you can hold the jump button in. You should hit the top of a white pole. Release the jump button because you don't want to overshoot to the bridge and find yourself dropping with the floor boards. Nevermind the egg here, it's a trap. Run right over the bridge. Jump over the fly, then make another jump when you land so you don't die. Try to land on dry land, beside the propeller. Punch it and get ready for the small bridge. Now, this small bridge. Run from the far left bit of non-bridge, head right. Jump aand hod jump from about the second bridge panel. Angle your jump so that you land on the springboard. Hold jump, and let yourself descend on the right- hand side of the cloud just to the right that you are passinng over. Line up -with the cloud's righthand side-. This should still make you overshoot the propeller. Now, use the platforms to climb up and right. There will be a few eggs on the long platform you come to. The first is trapped with a yellow shell, so forget about it. Move along, slowly. There are flies up ahead and you want to only scroll one onscreen at a time. Leap over the first one, duck the second. Get the psycho stick from this pair of eggs and continue right. There's a bomb in the next egg and then a blank? Seems to be two blanks up here even sans birdfly. A spike pit draws near! It's easy to pass. Remember that you STILL need to build up steam to make these jumps but it's like only half a block's worth. Passing the spike pit, there are two eggs. The lefthand egg is a 1up - snack it heartily. The righthand egg is trapped. Avoid it with extreme prejudice. Jump off the edge to the right and the paths will converge. Be careful of the yellow shells down there! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE The paths converge at the rock wall. Now, if you have a psycho stick, you can use it here for some money bag loot down the line. Or if you have no psycho stick or want to warp, take the top path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARPING Climb the stairs and fight the yellow shells on the stairs and just over them. Run and skip across this pool of water. Stop right on the coast. Jump over the first fly, duck the second. Then, get birdfly from the egg. OK,, there are some springboards to the right. Bounce on the bottom right springboard... B WARP A C Springboard C. Throw the birdfly at the warp hole and crack it open. Enter it if you plan on warping. Nevermind the springboards, just drop to the ground. The first warp leads to 3-1, the far end warp leads to 4-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO WARPING -->Top Path If you aren't warping you can still take the top path if you have no desire for the middle/have no psycho stick. Climb the stairs and fight the yellow shells on the stairs and just over them. Run and skip across this pool of water. Stop right on the coast. Jump over the first fly, duck the second. Then, get birdfly from the egg. Drop off to the right. -->Middle Path *Have at least TWO psycho sticks. If you want to head through the Middle Path or I guess Lower Path now, turn into the hippo and punch down the wall. You will want to change back. This round has a Boss and the hippo will be dead in the water. Anything else will do. The four eggs here have money bags. Grab them all! Move right, and kill the fly or jump over it. Drop off the ledge to the right and the paths converge. -->Converge You can either destroy or leap over the fly that is approaching. Keep a moderate pace, you will see a skull flash. Walk over to it and strike it in the chops before it starts jumping. Keep going. You'll see another skull fashing. Deal with this in the same way. The staircase ahead, it has a yelow shell. Destroy it. Inch close to the propeller, let it jump. Punch it in the face. The boss is just over this staircase. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 2 ******************************************************************************* It's a giant fly. Run and jump onto the platform to the right. It drops from the ceiling. Now, a can of bug spray will also drop down, on that platform. If you punch this, it adjusts its position. If you jump on the button, it sprays the bug spray. So, let's beat that big bad bug with the bug spray. When it jumps near, jump onto the button and it should spray from the nozzle, damaging it. For the first hit, just jump ont he button as it leaps toward you. It should just jump right into the spray. Now, for the second hit it seems to make a straight vertical leap after every parabolic leap. So keep that in mind, it might jump straight up in front of the nozzle, or it might jump straight up just out of reach. Predict where it'll be and maybe punch the can left a bit. The jumps are very regular, it seems. For the third hit, I find it best to hit the spray over to the edge. Again, you don't have to... but it helps. Three hits and it's game over for this pest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PF3.3: World 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ An Egyptian theme now. Rad music, kind of reminds me a little of famicom's Super Arabian... ha ha, sort of. Either way, there are a few new obstacles in this world. There are cannons here, that lob shots at Fox... And the stairs here sometimes transform into ramps. Cool stuff, if you're ready for it. ............................................................................... ---PF3.3.1: Round 3-1--- ............................................................................... The split between this level's two paths is pretty readily available at the start. Just defeat the three yellow shells on the ledge to the right and you will already be at the split. The bottom route is really barren. I'd try to stick with the top route. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Drop off the edge, head right. You will notice that the stairs to the right flip down to reveal a slippery ramp. Stay clear for now, destroy the yellow shells. Once they've been properly disposed of, -run- up to the top of the ramp that the stairs form. Run and jump to the next ledge. There will be a spring monster, destroy it before proceeding. There will be another one just ahead. Again, destroy it before proceeding. There is a pit of water here, and it is surrounded by those collapsing stairs. _..._ .' '. .'''. / ' ' . ------A . ' ---> ------+ . ' +----- \ @ ---B / \ [] [] [][] / \ / \+.-.-.-.-.-.-.+/ Alright, instead of strugging against the inclines, it's best to build up speed and jump from point A. You should clear the propeller at "@" and land on the double blocks. Run forward and leap at point B to the next ledge. Try to avoid the yellow shell. This means you might have to land on the top step, but that's not so bad. Head right to the springboards. That cannon past them will lob cannonballs down the slope. Hold jump on the springboards and clear the cannon altogether. Proceed to the right, old chap. From here, run and jump right from the ledge. Hit the white polee at the top so you aren't held prone down near those yellow shells. Use the pole to reach those stone columns. Between these columns there are two propellers. Jump to the first and punch the propeller that jumps up. Run and jump over the second one. Scroll right past the two pyrabids and you will see a green jumping enemy. Let it come to you, kill it. Its third jump is higher than the first two, so watch out for that. You could also try to run under it on its high jump, this is risky. Once its gone, run and jump to the stairs. They will collapse into a ramp, stay near the centre of the stairs until the cannon lobs its cannon ball. Avoid the shot, then hurry past the cannon. Kill the yellow shell on the next ledge, get ready to jump. _..._ .' '. .'''. / ' ' . ------A . ' @ ---> ------+ . ' +----- \ ---B / \ [] [][] / \ / \+.-.-.-.-.-.-.+/ Similar to before. Run and jump at A. Land on the double platform and jump from B, sailing over the cannon. This is ideal. If you come to too abrupt of a stop on the double squaare platform, wait for the cannon at "@" to shoot before attempting to jump over it. Jump over the propeller, then head right. Do this slowly, scroll the two spring monsters onscreen and defeat the in turn. The upper and lower paths converge here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Run and jump to the staircase. It will collapse, but it shouldn't be very slippery. Stay near the centre of the stairs and let the cannon shoot its cannonball. You can jump off the top of cannonballs so once it fires, attempt to leap over. If you don't quite make it, like I said you will just bounce off of the shot. Scramble over the cannon before it fires again. Hang halfway of the block nearest the propeller monster and punch it. Jump to its block, then the springboard. Use it to reach the long platform to the right. Run from stone to sand and jump over the green propelller beast, landing on the stairs. The cannon fires when you reach the second highest "step" (now ramp panel). So move here and jump over the cannon ball, and continue over the cannon. __ (CLOUD) ..'' ''. ()-----A \ +---+ +-+ \ / | | | @ \ / | | | +-+ @ ' | +-+ | | +-+ ' | | | +-+ ' ------+ +-+ ' B +-+ | | | | +-+ Alright. Both methods here lack birdfly. If you have birdfly you can dispatch the propellers (@) at a distance. Without him, you will either have to jump on their heads or pull off this move. If you drop down beside the cannon at "()" you can run forward, skipping the hole between its perch and the singular block. So you can gain enough speed to make a jump at A that will clear both propellers. Fall down on the righthand half of the cloud and you should land at B. It depends if you want to risk damage or just plain falling. Either way, let's take it from point B. Jump right to the next suspended column. Hang off the left side a bit then run right. Jump near to the cannon overlooking the collapsing stairs, then jump again after a short sprint over the cannon. Otherwise, wait for it to shoot the ball, then leap over that. There are propellers ons ome of the blocks suspended over this spike pit. You can inch your way about halfway off of a block to punch them, if you don't have birdfly. Either way dispose of them. Immediately to the right there is a cloud platform. Run from the left end of the higher platform and jump when Psycho Fox drops to the lower platform... so ------+ +-----+\__A +--- Run, drop, jump at A. Hold the jump button and you will clear a large gap. You will probaby land near to a cannon, so jump again to clear that cannon. You'll be at a bridge just after the cannon. Now, you could run across it and jump over the green jumping monsters, or you could drop down to the alternate route for a short shift to get some items before returning to the top. Now, there are no items on the immediate top path passing the bridge, so just run as far as you see the spikes below the bridge, and fall with the bridge panel when there are no spikes above you. The green jumpers should be nowhere to be seen, and you'll just have to destroy the yellow shell down here... Run right now. The first egg has a 1up, so stay right by it to snag it - you don't want it running away. The next two have bags. The last is a birdfly. Cool, nice swag. We -can- return to the upper path again now. There is a springboard to the right. Leap on it and use it to reach the next springboards up and to the right. You can either go through that rock wall or over the top path. The top path lacks any good swag. If you have any psycho sticks, the rock wall path is the most desireable. -->Top Path Use the springboards to jump up here. There are to spring monsters to the east. Scroll them on one at a time and kill them as they approach. You will come to a triangular setup of stone columns. Jump upon the first, let the propeller jump then punch it. The egg up here has a birdfly - if you need it. Over the ledge to the right you'll find two yellow shells. Kill them, and the paths converge. -->Rock Wall Path Transform into the Hippo and punch down the wall. Head right, kill any yellow shells. Change back to whatever you prefer from the hippo, we need to do some jumping soon. But first, let's ransack the joint of all of the gains we can ill get. There are four eggs. Three bags, one psycho stick. That should facilitate your retransformation nicely. Kill the yellow shell near then end, then jump back up to the upper path. -->Converge Alright, jump to the springboard here and hold the button in. The egg you come to has a 1up, so stand just off centre, punch it, and grab the 1up. Run and jump as far as you can to the right, so that you will avoid the spring monsters as you reconverge with the lower path. Turn and kill them if they decide to pursue. If you and on -top- of one, try to stay there unti it dies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Alright, we're heading right again. Stand on top of the coumn in front of the short collapsing staircase. Kill the propeller when it jumps up, then climb that staircase/ramp. Run right, you will see some yellow shells. Do _not_ try to jump them. The sand will have slowed you down and you'll be jumping to your death. Instead, kill them as they arrive and -then- get to their ledge. The Round End is just ahead! ............................................................................... ---PF3.3.2: Round 3-2--- ............................................................................... The top path is very diverse and the stage generally has a lot of springboards. Head right, defeat the yellow shells. You can use those springboards to reach the top path OR just keep right if you want to stick to the bottom. There are plenty of opportunities to reach the upper path in this level, so maybe stay at top and head back up if you fall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Kill the yellow shells then jump up the collapsing stairs. Move about halfway up the next staircase and wait for the cannon to shoot. Move and jump over the ball, scramble over the cannon. Alright, head right from here. Once the green jumper shows up, wait for it to land in front of you then smack it in the gob. Run and leap right over the next cannon, facing away from you. -->Miss the jump You will be in a tunne with springboards. Do NOT hold jump, the ceiling is lined with spikes. You should instead hold right, landing on as many stone columns as possible. -->Make the jump Run up the incline and stay around halway up. Jump over the cannonball when it is shot, then jump over the cannon. If you want to head to the upper path, run from the cannon to the right and jump. Latch onto the white pole and hold up+right+jump to make it to the springboards above. Staying on the lower path of the level, however, just drop down to the right. -->Converge Defeat the yellow shells, head right to the water. Use the wide arrays of springboards to move to the right. When you arrive on dry land, either kill the green jumper that appears, or head back onto the springboards and jump over it. There's a stone plateau to the right. There are two green jumpers here... get them to scroll on one at a time. Take one out, then scroll the other onscreen and take it out. If you are Monkey, the pair of springboards to the right will lead you back up to the top path. Otherwise, head right to the water. Now, there are single springboards here... you will use them to bounce right and make it to the other side of the water- logged area. It's probably best to hold jump here and go higher and floatier, might be easier to actually land your jumps, more time to adjust position. As for the propellers? Spring _over_ them, there's only two. Scramble up the collapsing stairs when you land on them. There is no cannon so it's a simple matter of reaching the top. To the right, there is a threeway split after the white pole. The lowest path is path 1. The highest (you can reach) is path three. And the middle is 2. The most lucrative path is most definitely the highest, 3. -Path 1: Pass the white pole, and kill the yellow shells. Jump up and stand near the green propeller. When it jumps, punch it. Head right and kill one more yellow shell. You'll arrive at a rock wall. Change into a hippo and break down the wall. Walk right and break the eggs. One is birdfly, the next is a psycho stick. Keep right. -Path 2: Pass the white pole, and kill the yellow shells. Jump up and stand near the green propeller. When it jumps, punch it. Head right and kill one more yellow shell. You'll arrive at a rock wall. Don't transform, jump up to the path and kill any yellow shells. Run right and drop off the far end. -1 and 2 converge: To the right, there's a yellow shell. Defeat it, climb the stairs to the right. Climb the next staircase and jump over the cannonball when it shoots. All path converge. -Path 3 Instead of passing the white pole, run and jump at it - connect at the top. Hold up and right and it should fling you up to a single stone block or the stairs just after it. Make sure to hold jump. Stay at the halfway point and jump over the cannonball when it fires. Scramble over the cannon, then head into the tunnel. Just make your jumps from block to block. The propeller enemy is just after a two block platform - so run and jump past it. Not too bad at all. Jump over the cannon and land on the stairs. Let them collapse, then move down about one panel's space to gain some momentum. Jump to the springboards and use them to reach the platform with the eggs, to the right. Both of these eggs are 1ups (!!!!) so break them while you are standing on them so you don't have to chase either down. Pretty sure you can't jump up above from here. The sand slows down even Monkey. So just jump off to the right. With as much of a running start as you can muster you should be able to clear the stairs and cannon. All paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH From the start use the springboards to leap up to the sandy platform. From here you can use more springboards to climb upwards. Do so, and land on the high sandy platform. Move toward the rocky plateau. It will have a few yellow shells on top of it. Defeat these two crustacean barbarians and jump upon the lofty perch ahead of you. Drop down on the other side, you will be confronted with a split. -->Staying on top: Jump between the stone blocks and off the white spingboard to the next long platform. Two spring monsters are up ahead, kill them each one at a time - walk slowly so that only one comes onscreen at a time. When you get to the stone blocks, run and jump over the propeller to the next set of stone blocks. On these two stone blocks, the paths reconverge. -->Going below: Drop down past the stone blocks instead. Walk slowly tot he right. There are two spring monsters down here and you want to deal with them one at a time. Dispatch the two of them, head right. If you don't have a birdfly, get one from the egg you come to. When you come to the stone blocks, use the springboard to launh yourself over the propeller and onto the two stone block platform to the right of it. WATCH OUT for any spring monsters coming from above. On these two stone blocks, the paths reconverge. -->Converge You're going to want to make a long jump now... (CLOUD) .-'''''''''-. .' '. / \ / (CLOUD) \ ---A \ .''''. [][] \ / \ @ B +-- ()() | \ | \ | \ ()() ()()+-----+ Alright, you'll head to the far left of the platform then run right. Jump right and HOLD the Jump button from point B. Passing under the second cloud in that diagram, you will want to drop in line with it to the springboards at B. If you miss to either side there's still a chance to get back up as there are two more springboard sets. Either way, get up behind the cannon at "@." Aright, kind of tricky here. You're going to have to jump over the cannon and let the stairs collapse. Dodge the cannon ball, then start from the second highest collpased panel and run a bit down hill (like 1 panel's worth, not too far or you will gain too much momentum and drop down). Jump to the spring- boards to your right. If you fall, it's alright. Actually, these springboards lead to the same place as an ascension point along the lower path - multiple springboards leading back up to the upper path. Either way, if you'e made your jumps bounce along to the right until you land on some stone blocks, beside a propeller. Kill the propeller enemy, rock him in the chops with your fist. Jump up to the sandy platform here. Great haul. Five eggs: Four money bags and one psycho stick. We'll presently jump to the springboard to the right. But you're on sand so make sure to use your maximum allowance with respect to running distance. Hold down jump when you launch off of this springboard and propel yourself over to the cannon. It's facing right, over some collapsing stairs. Jump to the stairs, let them collapse, then jump back onto the cannon in case of cannonballs. Drop right and run to about the halfway point of the ramp... (CLOUD) (CLOUD) -+ @ \ .-''''. +---+ \ .' . | \ \ / . | \ A . (CLOUD) | \ . | \ . +--------+ . [][][][][][][][] . B ! [][][][][][][][] So run to the halfway point of the ramp, and jump. You will have passed the two high clouds. One from where you started and another just past the stairs. There will be a lower one a bit farther right, and you want to land to the left of its vertical axis. This is because there is a spring monster at "!" and you will want adequate time to respond to and subsequently kill. It's a short jog and a few hops right now to the next springboard. Don't spring too far right from here. Essentially, there's a body of water coming up and a yellow shell right before it. So if you get all hot and bothered from the springboard being there, you're going to find yourself in trouble. Just spring to the left side of the srone blocks and kill the yellow shell. There are actually two bodies of water to the right. Start running right and you will skip over the first on your bum. Keep running and skip over the second but stop as soon as you hit dry land once more. Destroy the yellow shell here. You've got an option here. Either try to reach one 1up, or reach 2 of them. -->One 1up. From the lower level of stone blocks run right andd jump. Reach the springboard and bounce up to the egg. Punch it open for a 1up. You can then drop down left and kill the spring monster. Go left to see if one of the eggs you just had to pass is still onscreen, it'll have a second 1up, but it depends how far right you went if it'll be there at all. -->Two 1ups (guaranteed). Just walk off the sandy platform, and kill the spring monster. Head back left for the two eggs. Both of them are one-ups. Stay on top of them as you open them because you do -not- want to chase them over sand. -->After one-ups Run and jump as far right as you can. When you make it to the the top of the staircase with the cannon, all path converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE If you land near the cannon, get above it asap. Either way, all paths converge here. Let's do this thing. From the springboard past the cannon, head right. Kill the yellow shells you come across. The goal is just ahead. ............................................................................... ---PF3.3.3: Round 3-3--- ............................................................................... An odd set-up here. The two extremes of the stage are linear, but the middle is very congested and varied. Run to the rock plateau to the right. Kill the two yellow shells here then leap upon it. Head right, just skip this white pole. Chance are it will fling you right into a cannonball. Instead, head to the small collapsing staircase and kill the yellow shells that are coming down them. Climb it, you'll come to another staircase. Make it collapse and wait in the middle for the cannon to fire a shot down at you. Leap over the shot, then over the cannon. Quickly get to the springboard. Use it to rocket over the spring monster that's bounding toward you. Don't go too far right. There's a second spring monster so you'll want to kill it when it lands in front of you. You might have to turn and kill the first guy then jump on the second. Or at least jump on the second. Believe it, the sand actually makes a small hop a bit more desireable than trying to run up and punch. Moving on, to the cactus platforms. Jump onto the cactus (!?) and kill the propeller. Drop off to the right and kill the yellow shell. Keep heading right, you'll see a drop off and some springboards. The path diverges here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Just drop down the side of the cliff. Climb these collapsed stairs and take out the spring monster at the top. To the right is another cactus. Jump to it and destroy the propeller monster. Climb the next cactus and trounce the propeller at the top. Head right towards the stone columns. There are two propeller beasts here. Walk next to the and let them jump. Strike them when they do so, continue along. Head over the next cactus, then cause the stairs to collapse. Get back on the righthand arm of the cactus and run and jump back to the slope. Jump over the cannonball. From the top of this hill, run and jump to the right. You will probably fall short of the next cannon due to the ceiling. It's alright, just jump again over the cannonball and then scramble over the cannon. Tricky jump coming up, .' ' @ _ ' +----+ .' . ' / .' . '/ ---->A ! B/ [] [] [][] / / [][][][]WATERWATERWATER+----------+ Two single blocks spaced one block apart. Run from the left block across the gap and jump at point A to clear the propeller. Land at B on the hill, or a bit above it. Jump over the cannonball, then clear the cannon. You'll see two springboards. Moving on, you can take a high path, a mid path, or the low path from here on out. -> Low Path Ignore the springboards and head right. On the rock block plateau, scroll it onscreen slowly and kill each of the green jumpers that appears. Sometimes they will even fall through the blocks but do not bank on this. Deal with them one at a time. Heading right into the pit flanked by spike pits, run and jump from the top. Don't even touch the steps. You will want to land on the platform to the left of the propeller. Just lean out halfway off your block and punch it. Of course the separation between your perch and the propeller's is one block. You can run from your platform to its, and jump at the end of its platform. As Fox, at least, this should carry you past the cannon. Otherwise, dodge its shot and jump once more to avoid it. More to the right, scale these cacti to converge on all routes. ->Mid Path Use those springboards to jump up and right. Change into Hippo and break the wall. Break the eggs for two money bags. Run right to converge with the high path. ->High Path Use the springboards to jump up and right. Keep going above the rock wall and right and just pass overhead. You'll converge with the mid path. ->Mid and High Converge: If you changed into Hippo, change back. You will be fighting a boss and he just can't deal with this one. So be prepared. Run right over the blocks and jump over the propeller to the springboard. Run down this slope and all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH To head up, jump to the springboards from the ledge instead of dropping down. Use them to reach the large cactus. Break the eggs here for birdfly and a psycho stick. Jump right to the springboards and use them to reach the highest path. Yes, there is a split. The lower path just has spring monster and forces you down. Stick to the top route. But lo, there is a green jumper here. Kill it with Birdfly, otherwise you will need to let it come to you. You might consider bopping it with a few jumps, since the sand makes fine adjustments for good punching kind of difficult. Some columns and an egg. First of all, stand on the earthbound column and let the propeller jump up. Smack it in the kisser. From the centre, crack the left egg for a 1up and jump into it. Then crack the right egg for a money bag. THEN, be on your merry way. Run and jump right, past a cloud. Look for the palm tree and land. If you did not land by the egg, drop down beside it. Kill the yellow shell, then open the egg for a money bag. Head right, use the springboards to head back up to the sandy platform with palm trees. Then use its springboard to make it up to the long stone blocks platform. Cool. Run right, jump over the first propeller and land on the two block platform. Stand halfway over the right side of this platform and punch the propeller. Hop right and use the springboard to make it easily over the cannon and collapsing stairs. Just be careful jumping here between blocks over that spike pit. There IS a propeller here. But there is a platform just to the left of it. Stand halfway of the righthand of the closest platform and it should start jumping. Punch it. After this bold move, keep jumping until you are atop the cannon. Run down the hill. You should end up just before another hill. Run down this one and all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Alright, all paths converge on the big cactus. From this cactuus' right arm, run and jump to the sandy platform with two eggs. The contents of the eggs include a money bag and a bomb. So rock them up, and let's continue. Nevermind the platforms, drop off the right and kill the yellow shells. Move right and kill the propeller with a punch to the chops. The world BOSS is just ahead. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 3 ******************************************************************************* Great concept, poor execution. The round sign will start flashing, run back to the stone blocks. You _don't_ want to be stuck on the sand for this fight. The Round End sign will come to life, a big furry beastie. Alright, basically the monster will run back and forth, and you must jump on its head three times. Once the monster starts flashing, run to the blocks. When it is almost upon you, jump up and land on its head. If you are thrown to the sand, it's alright. It'll move faster, but still, jump straight up when it is about one monster's space away from you. You should land on its head. It'll move even faster for the third hit. When it's about 1.5 monster's spaces away from you jump and angle your jump towards it. It's easier to do this rather than try to react to it directy in front of you. This way, it may be hit or it may pass under you. Either way, you're safe. One slip-up could end it for you, but this guy is like one-dimensional so you should catch on very soon. Just run right to the real end sign after the fact, and we're off to world 4! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PF3.4: World 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alright, a cloud world. You've only had a little possible experience with air vents so far. But this is a cloud world so they're legally required to have air vents, naturally. ............................................................................... ---PF3.4.1: Round 4-1--- ............................................................................... The level is very diverse. If you decide to take the upper/middle paths, you will have many options. The air vents to the right have propellers intersperced between them. Remain over an air vent and let it propel you upwards, skip the propellers. The split is here already. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Stay down, in line with the Ksitigarbha Statues. I won't be typing _that_ everytime. But it will become necessary to mention the statues as they take on a similar role to Skull Poles. Once a Statue starts flashing, it will start walking towards you. Walking, not jumping. It will die in three jumps or one punch so they should be no problem whatsoever. And lo, one of the statues here comes to life. Punch it, and keep to the right. Move slowly, there are spring monsters here and you want to kill them one at a time... scroll one onscreen and defeat it before scrolling the next onscreen. Defeat the Statue just up ahead, before the water. Monkey can jump up to that clou, but don't bother. You can rejoin the upper path from up there anyways. So just run and skip across the water. The four vents to the right should prope you up the second cloud in a stack. This is fine just drop down to the right. Heading right from here, more vents. Right after is a split. -->Staying on the Ground Level: Avoid the obvious staircase and head down past the statue. Skip over the water and stop immediately. Kill the yellow shell. Clamour over the columns to the right. There are a few propellers here but you have ample space to get beside them and kill them. After the columns, head right to the vent but _do NOT_ jump on it yet. Wait for the spring monsters on that cloud to leap down and punch them as they come down to your level. When both are defeated, use the vent to reach the cloud. Paths converge at that vent, are about to split again. -->Taking the higher path: ***! Climb up the cloud staircase instead. Nevermind the mid path, you want to head up to the eggs. Crack the two eggs you come to for birdfly and a money bag. The next egg is a yellow shell trap - avoid it. The fourth egg is a psycho stick, however, so snag that one. Head right of the ledge. Be patient, let the yellow shells to the right come to you. Once they're out of the way, jump to their platform. Jump again to the cloud platform with two statues. Neither are alive, so fret not my love. From here, run and jump to the small cloud platform to the right. Keep jumping until you land by some statues. The subpaths converge here. -->Converge If you were taking the high road subpath, then you can jump down to reach the mid and the low from the point with the two statues. Be careful of the spring monsters, you'll want to hug right and kill them asap as you fall. Alright, the lowest path is blocked by a rock wall and has a springboard to head up. The mid path has a long body of water, use the vent to reach the highest body of water. The top path has a white pole which can rejoin the highest path in the level, -->Lowest: Change into Hippo... bounce on the springboard and throw birdfly left. Start trying to move into the wall and punch... it seems that if you hold down and punch sometimes the springboard will break when you break part of the wall. Don't bank on it, might best to get in here with water skipping instead. Either way, head into the tunnel. The eggs in here are a birdfly and three money bags. Don't miss the yellow shell either, so kill that. The paths converge as the tunnel empties. BOTH statues at the end of the tunnel are alive so don't try running past them. Break their faces, instead. -->Middlle: The easiest path, just run across the water and you'll skip to the other side. Drop down off the ledge flush to the wall and kill the two statues. The paths converge. -->High: Run right across this platform and jump at the tall, snow covered tree. When you hit the small cloud platform you should press and hold jump again. You should connect with the top of a white pole - hold up right and jump and this can fling you to the level's highest path. Otherwise, it will whiff and you will be converged with the other paths. there are living statues just to the right drop off of the pole so beware. -->Converge: After you deal with the two statues, head right. You'll see some columns but don't move too swiftly because a spring monsters will arrive. Kill it and make your way past these ground columns. There's a yellow shell and a few propellers along the way, but there's open spaces beside them so just get ner and punch them. All paths converge when you next see a statue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Near the start there is a cloud with two pairs of air vents. Use these to reach the small cloud platforms way up high. Head right along these small cloud platforms. Jump a bit at the start to try and scroll the air offscreen. It will make life more than a tad easier. Either way, head right. You can either take the stairs up here, or just keep to the right. They both wind up in the same place, only going straight has no enemies for this small stretch of stage. -->Staying to the right: Use the springboards to move right, land on the coud featuring a statue. Jump across the clouds and the paths converge already. -->Taking the Stairs Wait for the yellow shell to get off of the cloud steps or just kill it. Climb up the cloud steps and you will encounter two Ksitigarbha Statues... the one on the right will come to life and walk toward you. It'll flash before it does so. Just punch the bugger. Defeat the yellow shells to the right, the hop right across the cloud platforms and the brief split will reconverge. -->Converge But we're going to split again, two choices. 1. You can drop down until you see some eggs. This will take you to the lower path. 2. Climb the cloud stairs until you reach the two statues. If you took the high path you will be here anyways. -->High Path For the sake of argument, we'll take the high path as the low path heads down to the round's bottom path. This is covered at point "***!" in the text above if you want to head there. Either way, destroy the two yellow shells near the statues. Run right from here and jump onto the next cloud platform, then right next to the ground pillars. There's one propeller here. Jump onto the pillar in front of it, it will jump up and you will punch it in the face. Done deal. Start moving right using the cloud platforms... if you don't have a birdfly to kill that Propeller with then build up steam, run and jump. You should hit the top of it when it jumps and you'll bounce to the next cloud. Risky, so use birdfly if you have it. Keep jumping right between platforms and you will come to some statues. The statue on the right will come to life, so hit it quickly. Scroll the screen slowly to the right. There are two spring monsters up here and you only want to fight them one at a time. Run from the living statue's base and press jump (don't hold) at the far right end of the platform. You should connect with the top of a white pole. Hold up+right+jump. The white pole should whip you up to another cloud platform to the upper right. Jump to the longer cloud platform, move right then jump to the highest of the two smaller cloud platforms. Drop down to the right and you should end up on a cloud with a few eggs. Kill the spring monsters here and then collect the bounties from the eggs. From the left->right: Empty/Psycho Stick/Money Bag/1up. Run and jump off the righthand edge. You'll land on a cloud platform. Drop off the righthand side to rejoin the lower path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Alright. so all paths converge at two statues. The righthand statue is alive, however, so be sure to destroy that asap. Heading right again, there's nothing in the way of the goal sign. Rejoice! ............................................................................... ---PF3.4.2: Round 4-2--- ............................................................................... The upper path is varied in this level, the lower is pretty straightforward. There are a lot of bridges in this stage, so you're going to have to plan your moves. You shouldn't have had to use many potions up to this point. If some of the bridge moves seem too difficult to pull off, it's a good stage to use a potion or two in. Anyways, let's get started. The path splits right from the start. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Jump on the vent and kill the statue that's walking around near it. Head right and attract the spring monsters onscreen, run back to the vent and head up on top of the cloud platform. Runn off the righthand side and keep running to scroll the spring monsters off of the screen. Just pass the white pole now, and kill the yellow shell just afterwards. One more yellow shell and you'll be at the water. Now, there are some fireballs erupting from the water here (what?) that are deadly to the touch. Once the fireball grows big and vanishes, quickly make a jump to the block past it. None of the fireballs should come up through a block so as long as you stand squarely in the middle of one you should be safe. The first fireball is after the first vent, the second is before the second vent. They only plume up when you jump, so make sure you gain some momentum before you jump so that you will actually clear them. Landing on dry land (clouds) to the east, kill the yellow shells. Walk right from here, jump across the platforms suspended over the water. Alright, stop when you see the vent. There is a fireball point shortly after it. Run and jump into the vent's air current and use it to propel yourself high into the air. Land on the double block platform just after the fireball. There's another fireball just after... Wait for it to vanish then jump right to the next double block platform. Jump right again to the cloud platform here. Move slowly to the right. There are two spring monsters here and you want to kill them one at a time... so scroll only one onscreen at a time. Jump over the next vennt and you will be standing before a bridge. You will basically run right. Jump over the green jumpers when you see them, and then jump over the two spring monsters when the first one comes onscreen. Keep going to solid ground, then turn and kill any stragglers in pursuit. Head right over those pillars annd destroy the propeller monster. Climb these cloud stairs. They don't lead anywhere but they'll get you away from the spring monsters. Run right off the top ledge and you will be running across another bridge. Jump when you see the green jumpers and you should clear them with ease. Jump again when you see the yellow shells and don't stop until you reach a solid platform. Head right, beat the yellow shells, and the Upper and Lower paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Alright, this can be tricky but watch the vent from the start. When it stops blowing air, run toward it. Jump over it and the air current should be starting again and it wil push you up. Hit the cloud platform running and jump of the right edge. Hold jump ad you should connect with the white pole's apex. Now, on the white pole hold up+right+jump. When it flings you up to the statues you should quickly get by them. They will come to life, so turn back and defeat them. OR, if you land in front of them, just beat them as they walk towards you. Either way works, it's just situational. Heading right you will come to a staircase like set-up. You can either go straight (itmes) or go up. -->Going Up: Climb the cloud platforms and you'll arrive at some ground pillars. Kill the propeller and head right. You should come to a bridge. Start running from before the bridge. You will have to jump over some yellow shells. Fine. Keep running when you land and jump over the tree green jumpers coming up. Yeah, there's three so you'll have to make your jump pretty close. Keep running until you get to solid ground. Jump past the next two ground pillars and kill the yellow shell. Climb the cloud platforms and drop down the righthand side beside the statues. Defeat them, then walk off the lledge to the right to converge the two upper pathways. -->Going Straight: Instead of climbing the platforms, head right to the eggs. Crack them for a money bag and a birdfly. To the right there are two more eggs. The first is trapped with a yellow shell, avoid it. But the far right has a psycho stick. Rock it then keep to the right. Jump across the cloud platforms to the right. When you land on the longer cloud platform you'll encounter some eggs. Alright, the two left side eggs. The first is a money bag, the second is a bomb. Get both. Alright, the righthand eggs. The first is a money bag, take it. The second is a spring monster so just avoid it. Jump to the right, across the cloud platforms. There are a few ground columns to the right. Climb over them. There _is_ one propeller which you can jump over or just get near and punch. Jump to the next cloud platform and all paths converge. -->Converge: You can split here, but only the top path needs a strategy. If you just decide to go past the white pole and climb the cloud platforms to the right, you will eventually make it to where the top path converges with it, and you will have had no resistances. Take this path only if you want to/fail the white pole. To use the white pole properly, .- O .' | ---->---->-+ .' | ()()()()()()\ .' | +--->A | ()()() | [ ] ()()()()() Run from the left side of the long cloud platform onto the smaller platform to the right of it. JUMP from this point and hold jump, connect with the top of the pole. Hold up, jump, and right and you should land up near some eggs. The eggs up here include from left to right: birdfly, 1up, and two money bags. Jump up on the ground pillar next to the propeller. When it jumps, punch it. Jump off the righthand side of the cloud platform here, all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Kill the yellow shells at the bottom of this cloud platform staircase. There are two propellers along this way. Just jump beside them and punch them. Finish your climb, and move right to the Round End. ............................................................................... ---PF3.4.3: Round 4-3--- ............................................................................... This level is hugely varied. It has three distinct paths, so there's plenty of options. The only eggs in the level, by the way, are at the end of the upper path. Also, if you want to -warp- you need to go to the upper or middle path. Head right, beat the yellow shells. Get next to the propeller between the two pillars and punch it. When you see the cloud stairs to the right, the path splits. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Head under the platform staircase... approach the bridge. Some spring monsters will be making their dire approach. Defeat the two of them before you ever set foot on the bridge. Once it's clear, you can just run over that bridge. You'll be faced with another bridge. Start running, leap over the green jumper. Keep running when you land and jump over the yellow shells near the end. Come to a rest on the solid cloud. You can take that platform stairs up to the middle path if you want. If you're staying along the bottom, just head right. Leap over the vents to the right, just pass right over the propellers. Drop down beside that staue and head right. Start jumping between blocks over that water. Don't try using the vent to make a far and long jump... just drop to the block in front of it. There is a fireball just before solid ground. Let it vanish then jump to safety. Head right along this solid cloud and either leap over the yellow shells or kill them. You will come to another body of water. Between the two platforms, there are two fireballs. Let both disappear, then jump to the second platform. Wait. A statue will come to life. Let it walk into the water. Kill the yellow shells to the right. Climb the first hill, run and jump from the top to the next hill. Avoid the propeller altogether. Drop down the side, let the statue come to life. Punch him. Climb over the next hill, watch for the -two- statues that come to life beyond it. Jump past them, turn, and destroy them. Heading right once more, jump from block to block to pass the water. Land on dry land and punch the statue that comes to life. To the right, all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE PATH Climb the cloud staircase near the start of the level. You can either change into monkey and head up, or just head right along the middle path. The middle path starts with a series of springboards. Use them to travel to the right. Near the end you will see some statues. Just idle on a springboard and let them flash, come to life, and promptly march to their doom off the side of the cliff. Now, bounce to the right. Walk right and defeat the next living statue, then the propeller. Jump right, there will be some springboards here where you can join the upper path instead if you jump straight up on the boards. This is preferrable to having to change ito Monkey at the start, wastes less items. Otherwise, bounce right and past the statue. Turn and destroy it as it comes to life, then turn back right and destroy the yellow shell. Alright, so just climb over the hill and destroy the living statue. Head right and pass beyond the white pole. Start climbing the cloud platforms to the right. Run and jump over the platform with the propeller. Defeat the yellow shell when you come to it, and head past the vents. You can go up or straight from here. Just go straight and you'll converge on the upper path anyways. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Aright, if you want to start the level on the upper path you're going to have to switch to Monkey via a psycho stick. Be warned that there is no real advanage to going up now, and that you can get to the upper path from the mid path a short ways down the line. Either way, as Monkey you an use the springboards near the star to reach high up, the upper path. Move right on the spring boards and land on the solid cloud platform just before the statue. The second statue will come to life - punch that bad boy. You may want to change back into Tiger now. You're going to have to run fast in a couple of places, and if you fall to a bridge on the lower path you will want speed. So Tiger. Run right and jump up the platforms and over to the springboards. Its a simple journey to the right bouncing along on the springboards. Note that this is the point that the middle path leads into the upper path, so like I said you weren't missing anything if you started at the middle. Alright, so switch to Tiger while you're on the springboards. .--'''--. .' . .'''. .' . .' '. .'''. / . / '. / \ / C-->--->--D \ A B [][][][][][][] \ (CLOUD)* () () () +-+ +-+ \ | | @ | | \ [][][][][][][][][] \ | | | | \ +-+ +-+ \ \ \ (CLOUD) \ [][][][][][][] O White Pole -> | It's difficult move, but made much easier with Tiger to help you with his speed. From the third springboard away from those pillars, at point A, spring to the closest to the pillars - point B. Spring from here right to the left edge of the cloud platform, point C. Run forward to about 3/4 of its length and tap jump at point D. Hold right until you come upon the cloud I've marked with "*." make sure you end up descending in line with the space just to the right of the cloud. Connect with the top of the white pole. Hold up and right and jump. IF you were going fast enough this pole will let you continue the upper path by flinging you up to some springboards. So, up on these springboards bounce right and and near the two statues. Move right and jump to the cloud platforms. When you land up near the eggs, the only eggs in this level, kill the two spring monsters one at a time. Scroll them onscreen one at a time so that you have more time to react to each. Then, feel free to plunder the eggs. Each one is a money bag. Follow the cloud platforms now to the far right and the upper and middle paths will converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE AND UPPER PATH CONVERGE - WARP OPPORTUNITY If you are on the top path, walk off the edge of the farthest platform and hug left to land on the platform under it, on the mid path. From that cloud, run and jump right to the springboard. [][][] WARP ()() Bounce up and face right. In line with the cloud, punch/launch birdfly and the warp should start cracking open. If you want to warp, enter it. If you want to go to 6-1, drop down the left from the start then follow the path right across bridges and blocks. If you go to the end of the area you will have two pipe options. The left pipe leads to 4-1 and the right pipe leads to 7-1. If you aren't warping, just drop right and join the lower path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL PATHS CONVERGE Al paths converge on a group of statues. One of them will come to life, so take care of it and continue right. Kill the two propellers you come to, then continue right for the Boss. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 4 ******************************************************************************* It's the giant fly again... actually easier than last time too. This is because it takes wider leaps. Now, yes, this would normally mean it's more difficult but if you allow yourself to get up to the platform before it comes down it will be easily available. It should span the arena in two hops. 1. For the first hit, jump on the can when it is in the middle of its second hop coming up from below you. That should knock it back. 2. When it bounced off the lefthand wall, it'll land then jump again towards you. Jump onn the spray can as it reaches its arc and it should be hit by the spray. It will speed up considerably at this point. 3. Wait for it to jump left and bounce off the wall. Again, jump on the spray can when it makes its leap after the deflection. You'll want to do it just before it reaches its apex. Only try spraying it if its jumping from near under you on the first hit. It gets too fast and dangerous after that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PF3.5: World 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A dungeon world. Same game, black background. Oh, spooky! ............................................................................... ---PF3.5.1: Round 5-1--- ............................................................................... Three distinct paths. Of course the top is most lucrative. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Head right and come to the springboard. Just drop down and right. There are _three_ spring monsters down here. Scroll them on screen one at a time and kill each one as it jumps towards you. There's water to the right. The water, run and skip over the first pool of water. Keep running and skip the second. Start moving over the pipes. When you are adjacent to a propeller monster (there are two) let it jump and punch it out. After the last pipe, run right. Yes, the pipes are separated by two spaces, but it seems that Fox can still make it if he's running fast enough. So run over them and jump when you see a higher pipe. Land on top of it. Of course, you could slowly hop between pipes if you don't think that method is immaculate and safe, ha ha. Anyways, from this higher pipe. Run and jump to the next pipe and then jump from the edge of it. It's a tight squeeze because of the low ceiling but as long as you've built up some momentum you should make it. Move right fighting yellow shells until you come to a rock wall. There is a springboard leading up from here if you want to get to the middle path. Otherwise, change into a hippo and knock down the wall if you have a few psycho sticks to burn and want a birdfly/bomb. Move between the pipes to the right. There are yellow shells here, moving back and forth but drop onto the yellow shells when they draw near. Passing the pipes, beat the yellow shells then get the eggs. One has birdfly, the other has a bomb. Now, hippo CAN skip across water but you will want to transform into someone else now. Skip across the water and make a slow approach right. Scroll the green jumpers on screen one at a time. Kill them as they arrive. Pass the one yellow shell to the right then approach the water. All paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE PATH Run right from the start and bounce right off the springboard. Kill the yellow shell and pass under the cannon after its shot disappears. You can use that cannon to reach the top path, btw but see the Upper Path for that walkthrough/ Anyways, to the right there is a large body of water. Run and skip across it on your bum and come to a stop just afterwards. Jump between the pipes here. The ceilings are low, however. So you want some momentum before you jump or you _will_ plummet into the spikes. There are two propellers exposed on the ground to the right. Put them out of their misery. Bounce across the white springboards. When you see the propeller, you can throw birdfly at it. If you don't have birdfly, just hold jump and bounce right from the nearest springboard to it. You'll clear it. Back on solid ground, head right and kill the yellow shell. More springboards now. Just head right. Don't hold jump because you will sail into the spiked ceiling. In fact an unheld bounce can carry you over the propeller so do it that way. Once it's cleared, get to the righthand wall and hug it so that you'll scoot into the tunnel. Head right and destroy the yellow shells here. Alright, we're at some pipes. Run right and jump so that your head touches the opening of the ceiling pipe. With your momentum, you should easily clear the spikes. Alright, the propeller. If you have no birdfly then you should just jump on top of it and beat it into the ground. Run right from there to sneak through the opening between the pipes. Drop down right off the edge and kill any enemies around (yellow shell, -maybe- a green jumper). All paths converge here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH From the start bounce across the springboard to the right. See the cannon? When its cannonball hits one piston, it shoots the other one up. So if you stand on one piston, let the cannonball hit the other. It should launch you up. Now please note, if you are holding the jump button you will go higher. No, it doesn't make sense. But it's what you'll have to do. Jump on the left piston and hold down jump. Hold jump and right when you are launched into the air. Defeat the two yellow shells here, then move right. Jump over the pipes. Let the yellow shells walk down and get trapped between the pipes, then pass over them. Climb the pipe stairs here. If you go for the egg, you will get birdfly. Jump back up, and jump up and right. Jump through these pipes. Come up adjacent to the propeller. Once it starts jumping, punch it in the face. When you see the springboards, notice that the first is only one block away from the ledge. Even given the little running space you can run over to the springboard. Bounce right to the ledge. When you see the spring monster, jump back to the springboards then back over to the ledge when the spring monster jumps out toward the springboards. Run and jump over the three pipes and two propellers in one go. Defeat the yellow shells and keep right. Run right toward the spike pit. Jump at the edge with your head hitting the open end of the pipe. Walk over near the propeller, then jump and punch it. Jump to the net pipe, then run right andd hug the next wall to slip into the tunnel. Jump right over the propeller. Move into the pit formed by pipes. Kill the propeller and crack the eggs for a money bag and a bomb. Jump to the next pit, kill the next propeller. Crack open the eggs for a money bag and a birdfly. Move through the pipes to the right. When you are right next to the propeller, let it jump and punch it in the face. Defeat the yellow shells, and head right. Now, you can either jump to those springboards and head to the rock wall OR just drop down a level to the middle path. If you spring over to the rock walls, change to a Hippo. Break the wall, then walk in. Kill the yellow shell. Break the eggs here for a bomb and a psycho stick. There are two more eggs but they are empty. Change back from a Hippo to whatever else. Drop down from here, all paths converge at this point. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE To the right of where all three paths converge. To the right, there are springboards. If you hold jump and use the lefthand ones to climb straight up then you will come to two eggs - both money bags. Drop down back to the springboards. Head right from here. Make big jumps because there are fireballs coming out of some segments of the water. At the far end, hug the right wall and you'll slip into a tunnel. You can take a bottom route here for a more direct path to the goal OR you can start a climb up for some items. -->Bottom: Land beside the propeller and defeat it. Kill the yellow shells and head right. This converges with the upper path. -->Heading up: Use the springboards to bounce up to the pipes. There are two yellow shells in this segment. What you want to do is jump to a pipe then jump straight up to scroll the pipe two pipes above you. ====| <-A |==== B ====| Here. While you are in position B, jump to reveal pipe A. Do this every time you reach a new pipe. This will reveal the yellow shells early and give you plenty of time to kill them. When you're up at top, there are some eggs. The first holds a 1up, the second holds a money bag. The third holds a psycho stick and there's a birdfly in the fourth. Drop down the righthand side. -->Converge: Climb over the pipes and head right to the Round End. ............................................................................... ---PF3.5.1: Round 5-1--- ............................................................................... This round takes place in three big areas. This is fine, let's get started. Run right to the wal. There will be two green jumpers up above you to the right. They cannot reach you. So just jump and attack them when they bounce off the wall trying to reach you. Jump over those pipes and you'll be in the first chamber. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT 1 It starts with some pistons. The top path is dangerous, and has no items. But you can check it out if you like. -LOWER- Just pass the pistons. Drop down to the right and kill the yellow shells. Now you have the option of dropping down or passing to the right. If you just go straight right, you'll find some items. -> Going down: Drop down past the second springboard and kill the yellow shells down here. Move right, killing the propeller enemies. They are exposed so you can just get to them and punch them. When you see the cannonball hit the piston in front of you, pass on by before another can arrive. You can use that piston system to head back up. If you keep going down, it's just a few steps to some springboards which will take you up to where the paths converge. -> Going right: Use the springboards instead to hop to the right. Once you land on the ground, run towards the cannon and jump over it. Hold right and you'll hug the wall. You should squeeze into the tunnel. Kill the yellow shell when you arrive. Head right and crack the eggs. You will snag a birdfly and a money bag. The upper and lower paths converge just to the right. -UPPER- You'll need to use those pistons. Hold down the jump button and stand on the righthand side of the bllue piston and face right. Hold right when you are flung into the air and you should make it up past the cannon. There will be a spring monster here right away, so kill it if you can. You might only have enough time to try a stomp on it, unless you run back a few steps. Run right now, towards the edge. Jump so that your head hits the open end of the pipe facing down. You should make it onto the pipe platform. Jump to the next pipe and let the yellow shell walk to the spikes. Then hold right yourself until you are on the next platform. Alright, the propeller. Jump onto the propeller and stomp-kill it. You can either try short hop to the right or you can head left as far as possible and run full tilt to the right. If you're fast enough Fox should clear those gaps. Stop when you pass the spike pits. Defeat the yellow shells here as you move right. Jump out to the right wall and hold right, you'll converge with the other paths. -CONVERGE- Alright, we're in the bouncy tunnel now. If you have birdfly, chuck it at the yellow shell, oherwise, bounce in place until it draws near then bounce over it to safety. Do the same for the next yellow shell. Segment 2 opens up to the right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT 2 There's a three path split here right from the entrance. I'd stick to the top path due to the loot. the lowest path is really quick, though. -LOWER- Drop down to the right to a pipe platform, and down again to the right to another pipe platform. You'll be over the water now. Walk right and jump over the holes when the fireballs vanish. Just keep moving and jumping. There's a yellow shell at the end but this is it, a very simple path along the bottom. -MIDDLE- Use the springboards to jump right to the "ladder" set-up of pipes. Jump right from the ladder assembly. You'll land on an elbow pipe. Jump right to the next elbow joint. Keep jumping up and right and you'll come to some springboards. These take you to the end, and they converge with the other two paths. -UPPER- Use the springboards to jump right to the "ladder" set-up of pipes. start climbing upwards here - watch out for any stray yellow shells. At the top, you will see an elbow pipe with some eggs. Jump over and crack them. A psycho stick and 1up. Head right now, jump right to the pipes with the propeller. Walk adjacent to the propeller and watch it jump up. Punch it, then move along. Deal with the yellow shell on the next pipe, and jump over. Now, the next pipe includes some eggs. You need to gain momentum and jump at the far right end and touch your head to the bottom of the pipe above you. This should land you one the egg platform. Kill the yellow shell here then crack the left egg and right egg for money bags. The middle egg is a yellow shell trap so avoid it. Jump right to the next elbow pipe. The paths converge here. -CONVERGE- If you went up, you can jump and hold right against wall. If you took mid or low, use the springboards to enter the tunnel in the wall. Once you're in the tunnel, moce slowly right - it's a bouncy tunnel and there are enemies here. Try to bounce on top of the yellow shells. At the end of the tunnel, let the yellow shells enter the pit. Bounce out on top of them and kill them. You're in Segment 3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT 3 Segment three only has one path because it is a long twisty tunnel of pipes. There are a few branches, but they're short. Climb the platforms above you. They are long ennough to build up adequate momentum. Once you see the yellow shell let it come to you, then beat it. Once its defeated, climb the rest of the way to the top. There's a propeller to the right but don't pay it any mind. Just inch to the right until you fall straight downthe hole here. Keep dropping unntil you reach the pipe platform above the water. Let any yellow shells to the right fall into the water. Run and jump across the pit - hold jump. You could also run right from the far left if you're brave, ha ha. Fox should skip the pit. Kill the next yellow shell here and consider your climb. If you kill the propeller here you can climb up and spy an egg. Jump over to the egg and break it open for a 1up. Now, you can either head back right and climb the platforms or use the springboards here. ->Springboards: Just bounce up to the eggs. They are two money bags. ->Platforms: Just climb up. If you spot a yellow shell, wait for it to come near you and kill it as it approaches. There's an alternate path through the righthand side of this platform climb. About halfway up, you can jump through the wall. Or you can go to the top and drop down to this same place. Either way, you'll end up along the water. Head right until you see another climb. Climb all the way up and kill the propeller at the end. Break the egg for a psycho stick and decide:: do you want to take the upper or lower path to the goal? The bottom is easier. -->Top: Jump across to the bouncy tunnel. Move close to the spring monster in here, attacking. Once he's dealt with, get onto the pipes (watch out for lethal spikes) and drop down the pit to converge with the bottom path. -->Bottom: Hug the right wall as you drop right. You will wind up in the bottom tunnel. Move through the pipes. Enter the chambers with the yellow shells when they have moved away. Punch the and continue along. Keep going, keep punching, and the paths converge. -->Converge: Just kill a few yellow shells to the east and the Round End is just ahead. ............................................................................... ---PF3.5.3: Round 5-3--- ............................................................................... Head right and bounce across the white springboards. You may want to go down but believe me, there's a conflagration of enemies down there. So bounce over the propeller and to the brick ledge. If you head down, you'll get a 1up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Drop down to the left off the ledge and you'll end up on an elbow pipe. Break the eggs for a money bag and a 1up. Drop down and hold right. You'll be on a platform with two eggs. Break the left egg for a birdfly. The second is trapped, leave it. You can keep to the right or drop down from here. -->Keep Right: Run and jump right across the pipes and you will come upon three eggs. Leave them, they're all enemies. Jump to the first springboard then right to the next. Hold right as you bounce to make it to the next ledge. *If you want to go UP here, you'd have to use Monkey. There are eggs here. Two money bags then a bomb. The three eggs after this have nothing inside. Also there are two yellow shells here kill them. Head right to the springboards to converge with the lowest path. -->Drop Down: Drop down to the bottom level. Kill the yellow shells here then headd to the right. Leap across the gaps here using the pipes as footholds. Walk over adjacent to the propeller monster and punch it when it jumps. Kill the yellow shell to the right. The paths converge at the springboards. -->Converge: Jump to the springboards and hold jump. Sail over any fireballs with your extra bit of air. Get to the ledge. Move slowly right. Scroll the spring monsters onscreen one at a time and kill them in turn. Move right. Some pipes over water. That vent could screw you up so wait until the yellow shell is out of the way. Just make your way to the right, jump over the gaps when the fire plumes disappear. To the right is a bouncy tunnel. Try to bounce OVER the yellow shells here and head up at the end. Leap up in front of the vent and immediately jump right and up to the springboard. Hold left here to make it to the next springboard. Hold jump on the springboard and get to the pipe next to the next vent. Jump right away to the next springboard then right to the bouncy tunnel. The paths converge here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Jump across the gap near the start via the white springboards. You'll want to clear that propeller completely. You can cross those spikes via the vents here. Basically, Jump onto a vent and stay there. Just as the air starts to blow you up, hold right and Fox will propel to the next vent. Hover over this vent until again you are blown up in the air. Just keep this pattern up until you reach the end. Kill the propeller here then get across the gap via the springboards. You can choose to drop down to the lower path (see Lower Path's splits) or the middle path, or stay on the upper path. Upper and Middle's rewards are the same. However, the middle path is _deadly_. Stick with the top path. -->Middle Path: Drop left off the edge then hug the right wall. You'll squeeze into a tunnel on the way down. Jump past the vents here when the wind dies down or out completely. If you do not, you will be blown into the spikes. So stand a bit aways then run and jump through the current as it dies down or dies out. Kill any yellow shells thrown in the mix too. You can be sure to make tap hops not hold hops, and hold right and you'll come out on top fairly often. As you exit the tunnel of vents, there will be a green jumper coming hither. Destroy it on its approach. Jump between the pipes to the end. When you reach the climbing segment, you've converged with the topmost path. -->Top Path: Just keep heading right. Move through the tight corridor and kill the propeller when you come to it... stand beside it and let it jump before you punch it in the face. When the path opens right run full tilt to the right and jump over the two vents in the small room. Hug the right wall and enter the tunnel over there. Jump to the pipe beside this propeller and punch it when it jumps up. Move right and out into the pipes suspended in midair. Start jumping right across them. Jump on the propeller's head and continue along. You will come to an elbow pipe, two eggs. One is empty and one contains birdfly so get it if you're lacking your fine feathered friend. There is a series of pipes below used for climbing up, so you've basically converged with the middle path. -->Converge: You can climb up to the upper right and take the top path right. Or you can drop down to the lower right and take that path. The top path requires you to change to Hippo. -->Bottom Path: Drop down the righthand wall. To the right is a bouncy tunnel. Try to bounce OVER the yellow shells here and head up at the end. Leap up in front of the vent and immediately jump right and up to the springboard. Hold left here to make it to the next springboard. Hold jump on the springboard and get to the pipe next to the next vent. Jump right away to the next springboard then right to the bouncy tunnel. The paths converge here. -->Top Path: Keep jumping along the upper right and you'll encounter a rock wall. If you plan on going through here, change into Hippo and break it down. To the right there are four eggs. From the left->right: Money bag, empty, money bag, yellow shell trap. So just take the money bags and be on your way. Change back from Hippo. There IS a boss in this level and you don't want to fight it as Hippo. Run and jump right to the bouncy tunnel and all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Aright the bouncy tunnel. There are three yelow shells in here so either throw birdfly at them or make a slow approach (attacking) to each one. You should get through without issue. After the long drop, kill the yellow shell. Head right and defeat the next two yellow shells on the ledge. Jump to those pipes. There is only a distance of one block between each one so just run over them. You'll pass right over the propellers. Alright, there's a piston system here. Stand on the blue piston and hold down Jump. Launch up when the red piston is depressed and land on the cannon. Jump up immediately via the springboard to escape the spring monsters. OR you could fight them if you want to reach the boss asap. BUT we'll head up for now, hold jump on that springboard and reach the pipe way up high. Jump to the next pipe and defeat the yellow shell. Two eggs up here, a money bag and a psycho stick. Collect them both and idle before the bouncy tunnel. Let the yellow shells here come to you and punch their lights out. Head through the tunnel and drop down at the end. The boss is just through that short passage. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 5 ******************************************************************************* It's the chicken in the Piglet sweather again. This guy doesn't drop from the ceiling any more, but instead flies across the screen kind of like the Yellow Devil of Mega Man infamy. Anyways, you can jump on its segments and jump over its head. Presumably the game wants you to jump on the cannon, shoot it, dodge it while moving to the left side of the screen, then dodge it while moving to the right side of the screen. This Kenucky Fried Reject doesn't need to _EVER_ flly across the screen. 1. When the cannon falls down, jump on the button to shoot the chicken. 2. Move to about halfway between the cannon and the chicken. When the chicken begins to move, walk over to the cannon. 3. Shoot it again when it reassembles. 4. After shooting it jump immediately to its head. 5. It will "reassemble" almost exactly where it is, it will barely move. 6. Repeat 3 through 5. Alright, nice. You can basically keep it in front of the cannon as long as you neatly jump from chicken head to cannon plunger. Basically, if you do that stupid paddling midair cartoon shtick, you're probably screwed. Otherwise, you are good to go. If this is too close for your comfort, do it the way Vic Tokai intended. Hit it with the cannon, jump over it as it flies towards you and run to the left. Jump over it when it moves back to the left and jump on the cannon again. Rinse and repeat, either method and this guy will go down extra crispy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PF3.6: World 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Of course there had to be an ice world. Ice is a bit difficult to accelerate on and you'll glide a bit after a stop. ............................................................................... ---PF3.6.1: Round 6-1--- ............................................................................... Get used to the ice right now. Test its physics as you head right, and defeat the yellow shell on the ledge. From this hill, decide whether or not to go top, bottom, or middle. Top is the most lucrative, of course, but requires some white pole work to get there. The white pole provides the threeway split in paths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Just pass the white pole and defeat the yellow shells afterwards. To the right of the white pole there is a body of water. Run right from the pole and bounce over the water on your bum Jumping right to the next ledge, inch your way right slowly. There will be some spring monsters here... scroll them onscreen one at a time ad kill them in turn as they approach you. Drop off the right side. Use the platforms to the right to jump over the water. Try to land centrally so you don't slide too far on the ice. Also, there are fire plumes between some of the platforms (you know, in keeping with the ice theme I guess) so wait until the plumes vanish between your jumps. Landing on the coast to the right, defeat the yellow shell. There will be a fly buzzing by above you, nowhere close. Head to the pit now. See the propeller? Just jump over it and to the right. The segment with trees has no ice. Don't get too excited. Move right slowly. There are two green jumpers here, and you only want to deal with one at a time if possible - so scroll the second one onscreen only after the first has been defeated. Head right. You will approach a rock wall, defeat the yellow shells then decide if you want to go through this tunnel (three money bags) or over it. -->Through the Tunnel: Transform into Hippo and break down the wall. Run down the hallway and break the four eggs. One is empty but the rest are money bags. The paths converge at the end of the tunnel. There's another rock wall on this path so don't transform back until after that one, unless you plan on skipping it. -->Over the Tunnel: Just jump above it and run right to the end. There are a few yellow shells along the way, and an opening in the ceiling leads into the middle path. Drop off the far right end to rejoin the tunnel's path. -->Converge: Back in one place now guys. Moving to the right you come to a non-iced patch. Dodge the fly here and approach the far right with caution. There are two green jumpers here. Scroll one onto the screen at a time, get to the plain ground and defeat them as they make their approach. Run right and bounce over the water. Stop at the edge and approach the next bit of water with caution. Notice that there is a fire plume between the plartforms? Make your jumps when you're sure you won't get scorched. A few hops later and you'll be on the coast resting near a ledge. After the second ledge here, head right slowly. There are two green jumpers and as always you only want one on the screen at a time. Defeat both, and head right to the rock wall. Now, you can either head through the wall for some items or climb up over it. The tunnel has items. -->Over the rock wall: Jump over it and start climbing. After the yellow shell, use the springboards to reach the top. All paths converge. -->Through the rock wall: If you aren't already Hippo, change into him and break down the wall. Walk through tunnel - don't jump or you will die. Kill the yellow shells as they arrive and break the eggs for birdfly, a bag, and a psycho stick. Use the springboards to reach the top, and all the paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE PATH You'll need to make it to the white pole. Clear the yellow shells off the stair-like assembly and get started. .''''. .' O .' | .' | .'B->-->C | / +-----+ | ->A | | | +----+ | | | | [ ] +----------+-------------- From the lower step get about a one step start and jump from A to B. Run from B to C and jump at C to hit the top of the white pole. Hold up+jump+right and you should sail up to the next level. Head right towards the disjoint staircase and dodge the fly. Climb to the top, then go back one step to avoid the next two flies. Since we're going on the Middle Path, jump right to the springboards and use them to bounce farther to the right. Climb the next stairlike assemble just past the red ice pillars. Leveling out on the next long platform, jump over the fly. Then, approach the propeller on those pillars and strike it down. Jump from the last pillar right out to the midair platforms of ice. Or you could just run right and you will probably land on the platform. When you notice the long gap after the second platform, there is actually a springboard pair in the middle of the gap, just below your view. Use it to bounce right. Move right jumping over gaps and beating yellow shells until you come to the area with trees. Run from the ice across the ground and jump at the end. You should hit the midway point of the white pole with enough speed that if you hold right and jump it should propel you over the long gap and allow you to continue the middle path. Head right over the pillar and kill the propeller beast. There is an egg up there that Monkey could reach. Don't bother, it's empty. So just jump the gap and keep on moving. On the long platform run and jump right as far as you can. You should pass two green jumpers as you land. One might decide to give chase - kill it. You'll be standing near to a rock wall. Now, you can either head through the wall for some items or climb up over it. The tunnel has items. -->Over the rock wall: Jump over it and start climbing. After the yellow shell, use the springboards to reach the top. All paths converge. -->Through the rock wall: If you aren't already Hippo, change into him and break down the wall. Walk through tunnel - don't jump or you will die. Kill the yellow shells as they arrive and break the eggs for birdfly, a bag, and a psycho stick. Use the springboards to reach the top, and all the paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH You'll need to make it to the white pole. Clear the yellow shells off the stair-like assembly and get started. .''''. .' O .' | .' | .'B->-->C | / +-----+ | ->A | | | +----+ | | | | [ ] +----------+-------------- From the lower step get about a one step start and jump from A to B. Run from B to C and jump at C to hit the top of the white pole. Hold up+jump+right and you should sail up to the next level. Head right towards the disjoint staircase and dodge the fly. Climb to the top, then go back one step to avoid the next two flies. Since we are going up, jump right to the springboards and hold jump. Use them to climb upwards past the red ice pillar. The propellers here are easily exposed so just walk adjacent to them and kill them. The eggs up here include birdfly and a money bag. Jump out to the platforms here. I find it best to jump over the single block entirely. On the last platform, a fly will appear. Jump over it as it approaches then jump right. Hold back so as not to fall into the spike pit. Move right and jump over the spike pit. It's hard to quickly build up speed on ice so were going to have to jump on top of the propeller we see. Normally, we could just jump over it. But it's too risky here. Either way, knock it into the ground then finish jumping to the right. Run right when you see the trees and jump up to the egg. With enough speed Fox can do this, no need to change. Stand right on top of the egg as you crack it for a 1up - you DON'T want to go chasing one on ice over spikes, ha ha. Now, this is super hard to keep on top path. Honesty, a bomb is not worth all of this work. But I digress, here we go. (CLOUD) ...-'''--.. .'' \ .'. .'. .' \ ' B---. .' D----. .' \ (CLOUD) --A +-+ ---C +---+ . .' \ +-+ | | +-+ | | . .' \ | | | | | | | | ---E \ | |^^^^| |^^^^| |^^^^| |-------------+ O +----+ +----+ +----+ | | | | ---------------------------------------+ | Transform into Tiger. Start at the third pillar left from the ledge. Move a tad for momentum and jump at A to B. Hod right and run from B down to C where you should immediately jump to D. From D run right and drop right, almost immediately after dropping tap jump (at E) and angle down at the lower cloud there, over the white pole. On the white pole you can will hold up, right, and jump and sail to the next part of the top path. Honestly, if you wiff this jump don't sweat it. I'd recommend not even bothering. But if you do make it, head right but don't drop down. Let the flies pass under you and then drop down to the right. Nevermind the first egg you come to, it's a spring monster. Instead, kill the propeller beast and break the second egg for a bomb. There is one spring monster to the right, so take it out before you continue. There are a few platforms to the right. Jump from platform to platform but stop and avoid the two flies when you see them. Remember to build some speed back up for further jumps. From the end of these platforms you can drop down to a rock wall or just leap right. The rock wall's tunnel has items. -->Over the rock wall: Just jump right from the last block and you'll already be converging with the tunnel's path. All paths converge. -->Through the rock wall: Drop down from the lowest platform, while it is still near the middle of the screen or else you won't be able to reach the wall. Kill any green jumpers you land near. If you aren't already Hippo, change into him and break down the wall. Walk through tunnel - don't jump or you will die. Kill the yellow shells as they arrive and break the eggs for birdfly, a bag, and a psycho stick. Use the springboards to reach the top, and all the paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Scroll the two flies beyond the pit onscreen one at a time and jump over each one. Head right. The goal is right there. ............................................................................... ---PF3.6.2: Round 6-2--- ............................................................................... There's a split in this stage, of course, but it happens a short distance into the level. Middle and Upper have more loot than Lower, of course. Head right and run across the bridge. Stop on the icy divider and look for the green jumper to the immediate right. Jump and hit it as it draws near. Back up to the left of this single block of ice, then run right across the next bridge and leap up to the ledge. From the ledge, choose your path... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH From the ledge, just drop off to the right. Hit the bridge running and jump to the right over the yellow shells when you see them. You'll be on solid ground near a springboard. Drop off the next ledge and kill the yellow shell near the red pillar. There are two propeller monsters amongst the red pillars. Just get next to them and let them jump. Punch them. Moving on, beat the two yellow shells and cross the ledges and you will come to some plain ground. Move right and scroll the three flies onscreen one at a time. Kill one, then scroll the next. Alright, water. Run from the small tree right and skip across the water. Come to a stop on the immediate coast following the water. Wait behind the small tree on the other side for the spring monster to arrive. Kill it. Leap over the spike pits to the right. You can clear both in one jump if you get a full head of steam. Otherwise, try jumping to the middle column and do it in two jumps. After the next stretch of plain ground, scroll right until you see a green jumper. Let it come to you and kill it. Then, run right at full speed and leap over the next green jumper. Pass over those red pillars. Now, head right and there will be a spring monster. Let it come to you, kill it. Now scroll the next one onscreen and kill it. Run at the water and skip over it. Keep running over the two brief spurts of land and Fox -WILL- clear the gaps. If you get gunshy you could just jump the rest of the way I suppose. Kill the yellow shells near where you end up. Just past here is a bridge. Run right across it and jump over the green jumper when you see it. Hit the ground running and jump soon again over the two smaller bridges to the ledge. Leap across these pools. The second pool has a fire ball, so jump past it when the plume disappears. All paths converge here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE PATH From the ledge, just drop off to the right. Hit the bridge running and jump to the right over the yellow shells when you see them. You'll be on solid ground near a springboard. Now, instead of dropping right, jump right to the platforms. Move across the bridge and leap to the egg. Open it for a psycho stick. Run and jump over the yellow shell as it marches along the bridge closest to your ledge. Jump swiftly to the next ledge with an egg. Open it for birdfly. Run across the bridge and jump to the white pole. It'll toss you over to the right side allowing you to continue your intrepid middle path. *If you use Tiger, this pole can make you reah the Upper Path. Kill the yellow shells to the right and run full tilt across the bridges to the right. Jump over any yellow shells that drop down then jump over the gap after the third bridge. From this ledge drop down in line with the cloud and you'll land next to an egg.. Open it for a money bag, then bounce back up on the trampoline. There's a bridge to the right. If you have no potions, drop down. If you have been saving up potions, use one now. There are two spring monsters and a fly on this bridge and that is just too much to try avoiding and weaving. You can try it, but potions (or bombs) will make your word a lot easier. So drink the potion - your probably got one from a yellow shell anyways - and power through the enemies to the right. You'll be on some ice before another bridge. Run across the bridge and jump at the end to the white pole's top. Hold jump and direct Fox to the ice platform to the upper right of the pole. Start climbing up and right but give pause when you see any flies. Get out of their way then complete your climb up and right. The propeller on those red pillars is ecposed, just kill it. Drop right from here. Avoid/kill the flies and make a choice. Either drop down and take the lower path blocked by a rock tunne or just take this short path right to the end. All paths converge here, anyways. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Jump right from the ledge and land on the long platform. Kill the fly. Kill the next fly to the right. From here run right and just jump the gap. There _is_ a springboard under the cloud, but it wil make no difference. Kill the spring monster after the gap, either way. Pass the red pillars and you will come to two blocks suspended in mid air. Climb to the highest block and jump right. Drop left from the red pillar and you will land near an egg. This has birdfly. You are also on the middle path now. If you want to continue the Upper Path, change into Tiger and run right across the bridge. Jump and hit the top of the pole and hold up and jump. You should fly high up to a ledge with some trees. I recommend using Tiger for this because he can gain the necessary speed even in spite of the poor traction on ice. Anyways, head right and kill the spring monster. There's only one, so you can be a little quick. To the right there is a two level ice plateay with some yellow shells. Kill them, then jump up to the eggs. Crack both for money bags. Run right across the bridge and jump over the green jumper. Leap to the next ledge with two eggs. These are two more money bags so fill up. Jump out to the rightmost platform then drop down left. Kill the spring monster if it comes after you, and try to land on the ice and not the bridge. We want to drop down here to use the white pole to the east because it's simply easier. So once you deal with any monsters you can run across the bridge and jump at the end to the white pole's top. Hold jump and direct Fox to the ice platform to the upper right of the pole. Start climbing up and right but give pause when you see any flies. Get out of their way then complete your climb up and right. The propeller on those red pillars is ecposed, just kill it. Drop right from here. Avoid/kill the flies and make a choice. Either drop down and take the lower path blocked by a rock tunne or just take this short path right to the end. All paths converge here, anyways. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Alright, it depends on whether you're going to take the upper path or lower path to the goal and/or warp. You can access the warp from EITHER direction. I'd say take the top because then you don't have to waste psycho sticks changing to and from Hippo. -->Lower Path: Transform into Hippo and break the rock wall. Kill the yellow shells then bounce up on the springboard. If you're just going for the goal, use the boards to the right. The warp is in the middle. Anyways, bouncing into the middle, kill the propeller you come to. the springboards can carry you up to the top, out the hole. Watch out for flies. -->Upper Path: If you came from the upper or mid paths you're probably already up here anyways, but fro the lower path simply climb the springboards outside of the rock wall. Watch out for the flies at the top. You can still access the warp without wasting psycho sticks from here, so have at it. -->Either way, Decide if you're going to warp or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARPING Either path, you can still enter the middle chamber and find the warp. Kill the propeller monster in the middle chamber then notice the springboards. | () | | | | | | | |() WARP| | | | | | | | ()-------+ The warp is to the right of the middle springboard in this set-up, basically in the middle of the middle chamber, period. So use the bottom springboard to jump up and punch it open. The first warp leads back to 3-1 and the warp at the end of the room leads to 7-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO WARPING If you aren't warping, just pass over the gaps at the top of the hill and kill/ avoid any flies. The Round End is right there. ............................................................................... ---PF3.6.3: Round 6-3--- ............................................................................... Run right from the start and jump over all three fies. You'll notice some yellow shells on the edge just after - kill them. Climb straight up the white springboards and get the 1up from the egg at the very top. Now, choose your path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH Just drop to the bottom of those springboards and head right. There will be a number of platforms to the right. There are fireballs between some of them so wait until you see the plume disappear before you jump. On the last platform before the jump wait for the fly to appear and jump on it before you jump across the final gap. There will be another fly on this small island so jump on it. There are more platforms to the right, over the water. Again, there are fireballs here so jump to the next platform just after they vanish. Jump right to the eggs. The first is trapped, the second is birdfly, and the third is a psycho stick. Pass the red pillars and kill the propeller you come to. Keep to the right... Kill the yellow shells on the two level hill to the right. Run and jump from the right and latch onto the top of the white pole. You can hold jump if you'd like to reach the upper paths or you can drop down to continue the lower. When you drop jump over the fly then kill the spring monster. There's another spring monster to the east, kill that sucker too. You'll be at a bridge. Run right over the bridge, jump over the flies. Land on the propeller and stay on top of it until it dies. Head right to the one block ice column. The spring monster will come down, kill it. Jump to the edge and kill anything here. Run right and jump over the fly. Land near the springboard. You can either proceed straight right (items) or up (bridge) from here. -->Heading Up: Jump up the springboards, run right across the bridge. Jump over the green jumper. You can use the blocks at the end to join the middle path or you can drop down to the right to converge with the bottom. -->Straight Right: Bounce from the springboard and land on top of the propeller. Stomp it to death. Run full tilt and pass over the gaps with your speed or take careful jumps. Either way, the second egg here has a birdfly and the third has a money bag. The first one seemed to be empty. -->Converge: The paths converge to the right. Kill the yellow shells on the edges to the right then climb your way over. Run right and jump over the fly. Worry about your survival, the white pole is not necessary as you'll be cimbing up near the landing point soon. So pass on by the white pole and continue along. So pass it, run and jump right over the green jumper. Keep to the right. Kill the next green jumper, then run and skip bounce over the water. Kill the propeller to the east, then use the springboards to head up to the top. All paths converge at the top. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE PATH Head to the icy platform beside the springboards and kill the propellers here. Run and jump right and you should clear the two flies. Never mind the white pole here, just pass on by. Kill the yellow shells to the right and start jumping over the spike pits. Jump on top of the propeller and stomp it to death. Keep going to the right now. At the last edge, wait for the spring monster to appear. Let it get stuck against the wall. Jump on it and stomp it to death. Run annd jump right across the blocks and gap. Move across the red pillars and jump the propeller to death, move right and climb the blocks to the right. Drop to the right and kill the fly down here. Run across this platform from the far left off the righthand side and you should grab the white pole. Hold up, right, and jump. Sail up to the white springboard. Spring up to the top and head right, jump over the fly. Climb the ledge at the right. Jump over the spike pits. Keep along this path if you want to switch to the upper path, or fall through pit with no spikes to stay on the middle path. Keeping with the middle path, fall through here to your two eggs. There is a psycho stick and a money bag in these eggs. Walk off the edge to the right, land on the red pillars. Climb up the blocks to the east. When you see a fly, stay in place and jump over the fly. Keep the climb going. Jump across the platforms. When you see a fly, stop and jump over it. Make it to the platform to the right with the trees. Kill the two yellow shells. Run and jump right to the pole. Use it to leap to the first platform after it. Jump over the fly that presents itself immediately. There should be no more flies so jump across the platforms to the blocks in the east. Jump right to the springboards and onto the long ice platform. Kill the yellow shell and continue right. Drop off the righthand edge past the white pole. So pass it, run and jump right over the green jumper. Keep to the right. Kill the next green jumper, then run and skip bounce over the water. Kill the propeller to the east, then use the springboards to head up to the top. All paths converge at the top. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH You're going to need to change to Tiger for this. Head to the icy platform beside the springboards and kill the propellers here. Kill the flies near the regular ground are down below. Change into Tiger and run and jump to the right. Catch the top of the white pole with Tiger's speed and propel up and right to the upper path. We need tiger because of the flies. If you try using anyone else you'd have to start from a higher platform, and probably ram into the flies and hurt yourself. With Tiger, we can clear out the flies and build up enough speed on just one platform. Anyways, kill the yellow shell up here. Head right and start passing over the spike pits. Just run and leap over the propeller altogether. When you get to the red pillars, crack the eggs for a money bag from each and kill the propeer beast. You can get close enough to punch him. Drop to the right and kill the fly down here. Run across this platform from the far left off the righthand side and you should grab the white pole. Hold up, right, and jump. Sail up to the white springboard. Spring up to the top and head right, jump over the fly. Climb the ledge at the right. Jump over the spike pits. Keep along this path if you want to stay on the upper path, or fall through pit with no spikes to switch to the middle path. Sticking with the upper path, jump onto the propeller and stomp it to death. Head right from here. Run right and jump to the springboard. Hold jump and use it to reach far up and to the right. Alright, for the next jump check it out: .--''''''--. .' \ .' \ ----------A (CLOUD) \ [][][][][][][][] \ \ \ \ \ (CLOUD) (CLOUD) O | | Basically start running from the left and jump from block six. Pass the first cloud and angle down towards the second. Connect with the top of the white pole and hold up+right+jump to sail up and rejoin the top path. Make your way steadily over the spike pits. Stand on top of the egg that you come to. Punch it open for a 1up. Run and jump from the egg's platform past the propeller and to the ground to the right of the spike pit. Move right and dodge the fly. Kill the yellow shells (three) as you head right and up the hills. There's a drop off here. Drop down to the right and you'll and on a new section, you'll see a yellow shell approach. Walk over to the yellow shell and kill it. Kill the next one, then bounce up on the springboards. +-+ +-+ A +-+ +---+ +-+ +---+ +---+ +---+ You will be on a set-up like this. Drop to the right of the second platform, marked at A. Get the Psycho Stick from the egg then run and jump right to the springboards. Use these to climb to the top of this hill, where all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE All paths converge at the top of that hill. Kill the propeller immediately near the ledge, head right. Kill the next guy and head right. Start over the spike pits. STOP when you see a fly and let it pass. You'll make your way over safely as long as you gain some momentum before each jump and wait out the fies. Boss 6 is just to the right. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 6 ******************************************************************************* Alright, it's the big Round Sign beast again. Even though it doesn't appear from the round sign, it still appears on the far right. So run right, activate the fight, and get to the middle of the screen. .....________..... DIRT ICE ICE DIRT The arena is set up like that, dirt on the sides and ice in the middle. Now, you would thing that Ice would make this a royal pain. Yes, it's harder to build up speed, but please note that Fox's jump from a staandstill is enough to clear the boss' head so the point is moot, really. 1. For the first hit, jump towards it and bop its head, keep holding the direction you jumped to end up on the other side of the screen. 2. Jump towards him on the second hit but just and a few spaces past him (in direction opposite of what he's going). 3. This is because he moves much faster on hit three. You will want to jump back at him almost immediately and land you last hit. If you miss, try to hit him with a standstill jump when he's about a boss' length away. He's no problem and while the third hit may trip you up with its speed, if you play in a predictive manner he shouldn't be too hard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PF3.7: World 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yeah! The final lap! World 7 is the second dungeon level and also the game's final world. It has some of the harshest physics and also some of the fastest. It's not typically super complex, but then it doesn't need to be. This is it, little buddy. ............................................................................... ---PF3.7.1: Round 7-1--- ............................................................................... This one starts as two distinct paths but they become intertwined a tad near the end. Both 1ups in the level can be reached via both paths but you're going to need Hippo to rock them. Of course, save -that- for when you get there. When you start the level, there are two eggs. Bust them for a psycho stick and birdfly. Slug your way up the ramp to the the right, then run and jump to the next ramp to the right. The vent will actually help you in that respect, build up speed. Defeat the yellow shell you come to, and the propeller beast at the top. There's a split now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH If you decide to go down the lower path, then head down the ramp. As soon as you see the other ramp to the right, jump to it. You should have picked up enough speed on your downward trot and if you pick up _too much_ you will run right into a spike pit. Defeat the yellow shell found here. Passing the vent, you will be moving very fast. Jump from the midpoint of the ramp you'll be jogging down and right to the escalator. Now, the escalator will attempt to bring you into the yellow shells, so attack them as you approach. Drop down to the right and pass the white pole. It is not an essential element to reaching the upper path and you'd rather not risk flying into an enemy anyways. Climb the hill to the right. When you see the yellow shells, slide back down, kill them, and -then- scale it all the way to the top. At the top of the hill you can consider going over or under (birdfly) the path you see before you. -->Over: Run and jump right and run up the hill. Kill the two yellow shells here. The springboards laid out above you can lead into the upper path. If you're staying on the lower path, just drop off to the right to converge the split. You should have landed on a springboard, near a propeller. -->Under: Drop down and approach the eggs. The first is empty, the second is trapped with a yellow shell. The third willl provide birdfly if you don't already have it, and the fourth is trapped with a spring monster. So really, just get the third egg. Move right to converge with the upper path. -->Converge: Use the springboard to bounce up and punch the propeller, and land on its perch. Move about halfway down this hill then jump to the springboards. Use these to bounce right and land on _top_ of the vent. Run right from the vent and jump from the level section past the hill, ..--.. ----. .' '. ( |[ '---A B +---+ ( ) ( ) / | Basically, from the left side of the vent down to the space in front of it, jump right close to the end at A. Your momentum will be so great that it's actually safer to aim for the farther springboard, B. The jumps to the right are simple as long as you build up a little speed before each one. Each egg is a money bag so you want to score them all. When passing the propellers, just and on top of them and stomp them to death. Beat the yellow shell to the right. At the top of that escalator is a split in the path. If you have some psycho sticks, head up for 1ups. Otherwise, you'll need to stay down. -->Heading Up Jump from the first escalator to the next, fight against the air vent near the top and jump to the third escalator. Move right to the rock wall and change into Hippo. Break down the rock wall, then you may want to switch back from Hippo since this level demands mobility. The first two eggs hold 1ups, stand directly on top of them. The third holds birdfly. Down the hill to the right are two spring monsters. Since you should have birdfly, they shouldn't be an issue. But in the event that you don't, try to scroll one onscreen at a time and punch them as they approach. The hill to the right is where all paths converge. --Staying Down Drop down at the end of the first escalator and move slowly to the right. Kill the green jumpers that appear one at a time, only have one on the screen at a time and they will be much easier. Head right to the hill. Head up it, kill the yellow shells near the top. Use the small decline after the springboards to gain some speed and jump off the block. Land on top of the propeller and stomp it to death. Then, it's a few hops right to platform... kill the spring monster here as it lands. The hill to the right - that's where all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH Instead of heading down that hill, we're going to make use of the springboards on the top of our first ascent of World 7. Use them to bounce up and right to an escalator. Now, escalators are basically hills with the reverse effect, you go faster as you go up them, slower if you fight against them. Kill the propeller at the top, then jump to the next small escalator. Jump at the top to the next one. Now, you have to run down this. Even though you will be fighting the direction, run from top to bottom and jump - you should make it to the next escalator. Kill the propeller beast at the top then jump to the next, jump to the right of this and you will be near a hill and a springboard. Now, the hill makes you plummet to the lower section, let's stick with the springboard. Jump to it, bounce right to the escalator and ride it to the top. Jump off the hill to the right and land near the ledge. Kill the spring monster that's on the warpath and head right. Kill the yellow shells on the ramp to the right and then mke it to the top. Make a choice. Use the springboards to reach a middle path here, or the highest path. The middle path, if you have a psycho stick, leads to two 1ups. the upper path will at least net you one money bag. -->Middle Path: Jump to the path beneath the escalator. Move right to the eggs. Kill the spring monsters near them. Open the first and third eggs only, the second has a spring monster. You should score a bomb and a psycho stick. Leap over the propellers to the right, walk under the white pole. Kill the yellow shells dropping in from the upper right. Run and jump to the long platform. Jump across the gaps here. There is a propeller near the vent. Stand next to it and let the propeller jump. Kill it. Pass the vent, jump to the escalator. Move right to the rock wall and change into Hippo. Break down the rock wall, then you may want to switch back from Hippo since this level demands mobility. The first two eggs hold 1ups, stand directly on top of them. The third holds birdfly. Down the hill to the right are two spring monsters. Since you should have birdfly, they shouldn't be an issue. But in the event that you don't, try to scroll one onscreen at a time and punch them as they approach. The hill to the right is where all paths converge. -->Upper Path: Use the springboard to reach high up to the escalator. RUN right. You will skip the gaps to the next escalator, the vent will push you right and you'll bounce off the propeller if you're Fox. If you're someone slower, you'll want to jump after the vent. Either way, stop at the propeller, make sure there is a block visible to the right over the spike pit and make sure the propeller is dead. Now, you can always drop down to the middle path from here and get the two 1ups (need to change to Hippo down there) but if you want to stay on the top path, you're going to have to pull off some fancy moves: -->. +-+ '. +-+ '--->-. +----+. .'''. | \. .' '. ^^^^^^^| \. .' . -------| \A . | \ . | \ . +------+ +---+ O | | Run from the block right, hit the top of the hill then run down the hill itself. Tap jump at point A and land at the top of the white pole. Hold up, right, and jump and you should make it to some springboards in the upper right. Bounce to the escalator, run to the right. Get past the vent and run up the escalator just past it. You should land near some eggs. Kill the spring monster before you go for any eggs. The right egg has a yellow shell, so avoid that. But the left egg has a money bag so snag it. Jump to the block to the right. Then, jump on top of the propeller and stomp it to death. Jump right from the down slope here to the hill to the lower right, where all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Alright, this hill is literally just before the Round's end. Kill any yellow shells here, then run up and past the top of it. The Round will End. ............................................................................... ---PF3.7.2: Round 7-2--- ............................................................................... There are only two distinct paths in this level but you'll have to struggle to stay on the top. The best eggs are along the top - but also the worst. There are many trapped eggs in this area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH If you're going to go down the lower path, head down the long ramp to the right. Now, there is a white pole at the bottom, but we are going to ignore it. Even reaching the top path, it is not essential. Basically, move down the ramp SLOWLY. There are THREE spring monsters on the ramp and you only want to encounter ONE at a time or else it'll get really hairy really quick. Kill them as you go, then pass the white pole at the bottom of the ramp. Kill the yellow shells here, then head right. Kill the yellow shell at the top of the small hill, then slide back down. Run up the hill then jump across the spike pit via the springboards. The first egg is empty and the second is birdfly. Heading right from here, leap to the springboards. Jump OVER the propeller to the third springboard, then right again to the hill. Kill the yellow shell on this hill. the springboards at the top of the hill can be used to rejoin the upper path. Otherwise, jump over the cannon and run down the hill. If you jump and connect with the white pole near the top at a fast enough speed it will fling you up to another white pole. You can't go anywhere from here, so just drop down to the right. If you just passed the white pole istead of jumping to it, you'll have to fight two green jumpers. Slowly scroll the screen as you move right and fight one at a time only. Move right when they are finished and reconvene with the other path at the their white pole. Kill the spring monster near the white pole. Wait for it to pass the pole as if you try to pass the pole it will hold you prone for a second and that could be fatal. When that's dealt with, just pass the white pole. Kill the yellow shell near the vent then run up the hill. When the vent pushes you right, jump to the next ramp and kill the yellow shell here. The springboards up here let you join the upper path (1up, about the only worthwhile length of the upper path). But if you're taking the lower path still you're going to want to run down the hill to the right and jump at the end. You want to land on top of the cannon. If you fall, you will need to kill the green jumper ASAP and use the piston system to reach back up and right. Either way, passing the cannon there is a propeller beast. Kill it and drop to the right. A spring monster will be presenty jumping down that incline - wonderful. There are two. Let them come to you and only scroll one onto the screen at a time. Climb to the top of their hill to the right. There is a long hill to the right. Luckily, the only enemies include two yellow shells so just kill them and make it to the top. Alright theres a long stretch of flat ground here. There's nothing here so it's right again to the next hill, and as always kill the yellow shell here. You'll be on a ledge overlooking a propeller, and this is where all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH The upper path is difficult to reach and stay with. You have multiple avenues of reaching this path and I really recommend reaching it later in the level rather than now. But by all means, you can try. From the start run right to the hill. Now, you will notice that the hill has a few large squares along its tiles as you head down... \ \ \ \ +--+\ | | \ +--+ \ \ \ Kind of like that. So, when you reach the very first square after running from the Round 7-2 sign, jump and hold jump to the right. You should land near some eggs. Only open the middle egg, for a psycho stick. The two flanks have spring monsters inside of them - bah. You've reached the upper path, but that's no guarantee that you'll stay up here. From the left of the platform with eggs, run right and jump at the end. Hold jump and connect with the third springboard to the right, hold jump as you bounce off of that and it should bring you rght to an escalator. Jump as soon as you land because you land next to a cannon annd of course it'll try to shoot you ASAP. From the cannon, look to the right. Hang halfway over the block to the right and punch the propeller beast. Jump across these blocks to the right. You can either keep going up or drop down for one second (items) -->Going up: Just jump to the ramp and beat the yellow shell here. From the top, run right and jump to the escalator to rejoin the other path. -->Dropping down: Drop down to the right of these blocks and you will be near three eggs. The first is a spring monster, but the second two are money bags so be sure to collect those. Use the springboards to the right to reach the escalator and converge with the top path. Now, you could have also used those springboards to get to the top path from the lower path. -->Converge: Kill the propeller at the top of the escalator. If you want to be sure to make the next jump, I'd switch to Tiger. Run down the ramp to the right and jump at the end. I presume the pole to the right can get you to the next part of the upper path. Unfortunately, I've tried from many directions and even with Tiger you just can't consistently ge the speed required to get up there. So you won't be missing a 1up anyways, I'd just recommend to jump to that pole and pass it. Drop right from the white pole and rejoin the lower path for a moment. Head right. Kill the spring monster near the white pole. Wait for it to pass the pole as if you try to pass the pole it will hold you prone for a second and that could be fatal. When that's dealt with, just pass the white pole. Kill the yellow shell near the vent then run up the hill. When the vent pushes you right, jump to the next ramp and kill the yellow shell here. The springboards up here let you join the upper path. We're going to do so and leae the lower path in our wake. Use the springboards to reach the escalators to the upper right. Ride'em. Kill the propeller at the midpoint and the yellow shell at the top. Now, at the top you have the choice of heading down (bags+psycho stick behind a rock wall) or over (1up on a series of bridges over spikes). -->Heading Down: If you're heading down, simply walk off the side of the "top" of this escalator series. If you fall straight you will land on a springboard. Hold jump and bounce from the left springboard right to the rock wall. If you try it from the righthand springboard you'll probably bang your noggin on the ceiling and plummet to the lower path. Change to hippo and knock down this wall. Two of the eggs to the right hold money bags, another holds a psycho stick. You may want to use that to change back from Hippo ASAP. Drop off the righthand ledge, kill the three yellow shells here then get to the top of the hill. Alright theres a long stretch of flat ground here. There's nothing here so it's right again to the next hill, and as always kill the yellow shell here. You'll be on a ledge overlooking a propeller, and this is where all paths converge. -->Heading Up: If you decide to keep going going upwards, just jump to the next ledge from the top of the escalators. You'll spot a small bridge. Run right, jump over the green jumpers and come to a rest on the two eggs. Stand right on top of the left egg and crack it for a 1up - you don't want to chase it over a bridge. Get the money bag from the righthand egg. Run across the long bridge now and jump over the yellow shell along the way. Come to a stop near the ramp. Don't go after those three eggs because there is an enemy waiting in each one. Slide down the hill and kill the propeller. Drop right to converge with the other paths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE Kill the propeller beast at the base of the hill. Climb the large hill and kill the yellow shells that populate it. When the ground evens out, the Round End sign is just ahead. ............................................................................... ---PF3.7.3: Round 7-3--- ............................................................................... As you might expect, this final round is quick and intense. While it's not very long, all things considered, it is very dangerous. Head right slowly from the start. There are two green jumpers here and you will want to scroll them onscreen one at a time. Kill one before scrolling the other onscreen. Stand on the blue piston and wait for the cannon to depress the red piston. Direct your ascent (hold jump as well) over the cannon. Passing this cannon, you have the choice to go up or down. The MIDDLE path has THREE 1ups... So that's where I recommend you go. You can access it from the upper or lower directions, but you'll get more items along the lower entry point. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWER PATH You're going to want to go down the hill to the right. Jump right when you see the first of three spring monsters... you want to clear all of them. When you see a block hold left to land at the base of the ramp. If you can't manage this, then just drink one of your potions and walk through the spring monsters. The other option of course is to fight them one at a time, but the steep hill complicates that. Anyways, at the base of the hill. Jump right to the block, then onto the air vent. Jump from the vent to the springboard and from the springboard to the block nearest below the next vent. Jump to the block adjacent to the vent, then once more to the platform with the three eggs. This is easier when the vent stops blowing, of course. The two side eggs are empty but the middle holds a Psycho Stick. From this point, the Lower and Middle paths split. Taking the lower path, run and jump right. Land in line with the blocks past the springboards, which would lead to the middle path. You'll land on a ramp - kill the yellow shells here. At the top you can jump right to the ledge that leads to the middle path's tunnel to the three 1ups. But keeping with the lower path, head down the hill to the right and up the next one. Kill the yellow shell here and notice the Rock Wall? It's a -trick-. Yes, there are two eggs past it but they are _EMPTY_. You will waste a psycho stick changing to Hippo, and another changing back because there's a bridge a short spell after and a boss in the level to boot. So go _UNDER_ the rock wall. Kill the yellow shells here and keep going to the right. At the bridge run right and jump over the two spring monsters as soon as you see them. When you see the propeller beast, leap over it and land next to the eggs. Kill the propeller beast then break open the eggs for a bomb and birdfly. Run from where the propeller was right and over the bridge. Leap over the two green jumpers and come to a stop soon after, at the solid ground following the bridge. There's some water here. This is mostly a simple case of jumping between pillars but please note two things. First of all, you should jump on _top_ of the propeller beast and bounce-stomp it to death. Second of all, there is a fireball in the last pool. So watch its plume disappear, then jump past it. Continuing to the right, climb the hill and skip the two eggs - they contain spring monsters anyways. Run right across the bridge. Jump over the first green jumper when you see it and. Jump across the second but cut your jump short after you've passed it. This is so you do not ram into the propeller at the end of the bridge which you will clear with your third jump. On the ground after that propeller's ledge, all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE PATH You're going to want to go down the hill to the right. Jump right when you see the first of three spring monsters... you want to clear all of them. When you see a block hold left to land at the base of the ramp. If you can't manage this, then just drink one of your potions and walk through the spring monsters. The other option of course is to fight them one at a time, but the steep hill complicates that. Anyways, at the base of the hill. Jump right to the block, then onto the air vent. Jump from the vent to the springboard and from the springboard to the block nearest below the next vent. Jump to the block adjacent to the vent, then once more to the platform with the three eggs. This is easier when the vent stops blowing, of course. The two side eggs are empty but the middle holds a Psycho Stick. From this point, the Lower and Middle paths split. Jump to the white springboards off the right edge and hold jump. Use them to reach the white pole. Even though you are only about 1/3 the way up, hold right and jump and it should still toss you to the next platform. If you whiff this, you'll have a chance to rejoin the middle path shortly, so don't worry. Anyways, jump over to the propeller beast, kill it, and make your way over to the righthand wall. Fall down along side of it and you'll land between a propeller beast and a tunnel. We'll be entering the tunnel. Now, there are two ways to pass these chambers. You can run from the dividers and leap clear across their expanses. Or you can use the spring boards. Do NOT hold jump or you will die. Just bounce to the righthand walls and hug them to enter each divider. Remember to make the arc of your jumps outside of the dividers or you'll bop your head and probably die. Use the springboards just outside of the tunnel to reach the four eggs -> three 1ups and a psycho stick. Super lucrative. Jump right to the springboard and use it to reach the next escalator. Kill the yellow shell over here. You can go up from the top of this escalator or stay relatively straight to the right. -->Heading Up: Run across the bridge and jump to the springboard. Hold jump and use it to reach the right end of the next and higher bridge. By the right end, of course I mean the solid block. Drop right to the lefthand block of the next and lower bridge. Run right and leap over the propeller beast to the springboard beyond it. Land on the lefthand block of the next and higher bridge. Run across this bridge, jump to the next, run some more then jump over the propeller beast to the down slope. Run down this slope, and move across the bridge. Jump onto the propeller beast here and kill it with your bouncing stomp. The two split paths converge. -->Heading Right: Run across the bridge and jump to the springboard. Hold jump and use it to reach the right end of the next and higher bridge. By the right end, of course I mean the solid block. Drop right to the lefthand block of the next and lower bridge. Walk onto the bridge and drop down a level. Walk right, kill the yellow shell. Next, run and jump onto the single block suspended in midair. You'll have to hang nearly your entire body of the lefthand side of this block and run right before jumping to reach the next block. But the next few jumps aren't as bad, make it to the bridge. Run across the bridge and jump on top of the propeller beast. Kill it by bouncing on it a few times. The two split paths converge. -->Converge: From where you destroyed the propeller beast, run down the hill to the right and jump at the end. This should carry you past another propeller beast. You'll land on some ground to the right of it, and beneath it. This is where all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER PATH After the piston system, you will want to jump up to the escalator. Run most of the way up then jump over the cannon's shot and land on top of the cannon itself. Use the springboards to make it up to the eggs. Don't go for them yet though. Walk right until you see the spring monster. Let it come to you, then kill it. Walk right until you see another spring monster. Kill this one too. Then, get the eggs. You'll score birdfly and a bomb. Head as far back left as you can manage. Run right and tap jump at the end. You should grab the top of a white pole. Hold up+right+jump and you will be propelled up to the upper path's continuation. You'll want to angle your landing onto one of the two blocks before the ledge or you'll probably run into a propeller beast. From these blocks, jump on top of the propeller beast and stomp it into the ground. You'll be standing before a bridge now. Run across the first bridge and jump as the second bridge starts so that you will jump over the two green jumpers. Run onto the long bridge and jump when you see the two spring monsters. This will be near the end, and feel free to continue over the edge. *That bridge was a good place to use a potion. In fact, I'd recommend drinking one, at least for the long bridge. Dropping down kill any yellow shells nearby, and get to the top of that escalator you landed on. This converges with the middle path, so the info here is the same for the sake of simplicity. You can go up from the top of this escalator or stay relatively straight to the right. -->Heading Up: Run across the bridge and jump to the springboard. Hold jump and use it to reach the right end of the next and higher bridge. By the right end, of course I mean the solid block. Drop right to the lefthand block of the next and lower bridge. Run right and leap over the propeller beast to the springboard beyond it. Land on the lefthand block of the next and higher bridge. Run across this bridge, jump to the next, run some more then jump over the propeller beast to the down slope. Run down this slope, and move across the bridge. Jump onto the propeller beast here and kill it with your bouncing stomp. The two split paths converge. -->Heading Right: Run across the bridge and jump to the springboard. Hold jump and use it to reach the right end of the next and higher bridge. By the right end, of course I mean the solid block. Drop right to the lefthand block of the next and lower bridge. Walk onto the bridge and drop down a level. Walk right, kill the yellow shell. Next, run and jump onto the single block suspended in midair. You'll have to hang nearly your entire body of the lefthand side of this block and run right before jumping to reach the next block. But the next few jumps aren't as bad, make it to the bridge. Run across the bridge and jump on top of the propeller beast. Kill it by bouncing on it a few times. The two split paths converge. -->Converge: From where you destroyed the propeller beast, run down the hill to the right and jump at the end. This should carry you past another propeller beast. You'll land on some ground to the right of it, and beneath it. This is where all paths converge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGE After that propeller beast, run right to encounter the final boss. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 7 ******************************************************************************* This is the final boss. It seems he is called "Madfox Daimyojin." Whatever, when we're through his name will be "Grease Spot." Essentially, the battlefield is set up like this: | | | (B) | +--------------+ (C) ---------------- B is the Boss, and C is the Cannon. Basically, Madfox moves left and right along his little chamber. The cannon has two plungers, one to either side. When Psycho Fox punches one of these plungers, it lobs a bomb up and over. The "over" direction is away from Psycho Fox. Three hits of this bomb attack will defeat Madfox. So you want to hit the pungers in a way that it lobs the bomb at Madfox and not away from him. The punching also moves the cannon across the floor so that enters in to the equation as well. Madfox has one attack, a lightning bolt. | | | (B) | +---------/----+ / (C)/ ---------------- It has a very low lateral trajectory but it is fatal. When Madfox stops, stay away from him and JUMP so it won't catch your feet. The bolt is usually angled toward Psycho. It's best to always move the opposite direction that Madfox is moving. That way you don't have to stop and try to accelerate away in the opposite direction if he stops moving. You can get one free hit at the start of this battle, stand to the right of the cannon as the battle starts and as soon as it starts, hit the righthand plunger and you -will- hit Madfox. Beyond that, just keep on the move and hit the plungers often and he will be hit often enough by the sheer virtue of his girth. It can be a bit tricky at first, but as soon as you figure out his lightning attack, you can just concentrate on evasion and retaliation. ******************************************************************************* Once Madfox has been defeated, run right past the Round End and watch the... uh, interesting ending... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | PF4: Enemies | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This game has a smmall assortment of enemies. I don't know the official names of these enemies, but here they are with descriptive names and info on how to deal with them. *Fly: Flies forward in a bit of a shakey path, but stays relatively lateral in its trajectory. You can attack it from the side or bounce on it three times. Sometimes best avoided altogether. *Green Jumper: These green balls with eyes and long legs leap toward you. They're kind of like the earlier spring monsters, but they seem a little quicker. Not to mention, every few jumps will be a higher/longer jump. Try to hit them on their first or second jump. Running under them is also a viable option, though this can be hard to predict and of course Fox's acceleration in these situations leaves much to be desired. You CAN jump on them, but it takes many hits. It's not recommended under most constraints. *Ksitigarbha Statue: Background element flashes, then moves toward you. The statue here isn't trying to watch over you! Instead, it walks straight towards you... so it is very easy to defeat. You can tell it apart from background statues by the thicker outline. *Propeller Beast: Little green guys with propeller hats. Often hide in pits, will jump up if you try to jump over them - so jump high and fast. While pits offer protection, a trick is to throw birdfly past the pit, then stand at the same level as the peopeller (but not right next to, they will continually jump). This can cause birdfly to kill them on his return trip. If you stand right next to a Propeller, it will jump continually. Makes them easy to punch if they're ina cubby, though! *Skull: Flashes from the background skulls, drops to the ground. It then makes wide leaps toward you. Best to predict its path, then kill it after it lands. You can also bounce on it three times, but that could be risky. There is a small window of opportunity to hit them as soon as they touch the ground, because they don't jump immediatey. This is the best way to kill them but it isn't always an option. Note that if you're keen on picking out these guys from a distance they have spOooOOOOoooky red eyes where the normal skull poles do not. *Spring Monster: Often hides in eggs. Can jump high as it moves swiftly back and forth. Hit it with a punch after it lands and before it jumps. *Yellow Shell: Simple crustacean enemy that walks across the ground. You can jump on top of them twice to defeat them, or punch them. It's safest to punch them. Can also be found in some eggs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | PF5: Bosses | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= All bosses are collected here for convenience. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 1 ******************************************************************************* This giant chicken will drop from the sky, followed by a cannon. 1. Jump on the cannon's switch. The bullet will knock one segment from the chicken. 2. Run left as the chicken splits and flies above the cannon and drops. 3. Run right as it does the same to your current position. Hit the cannon just as it assembles, it should take off another segment. 4. Repeat from 2 until dead. Basically, it splits itself apart then attempts to assemble ont op of you by dropping its parts from the sky. You will need to hit it with the cannon five times. If you miss the cannon, get out of the way. Not a difficult boss, but what can you expect from a chicken who wears the same shirt as Piglet from Winnie the Pooh? ******************************************************************************* BOSS 2 ******************************************************************************* It's a giant fly. Run and jump onto the platform to the right. It drops from the ceiling. Now, a can of bug spray will also drop down, on that platform. If you punch this, it adjusts its position. If you jump on the button, it sprays the bug spray. So, let's beat that big bad bug with the bug spray. When it jumps near, jump onto the button and it should spray from the nozzle, damaging it. For the first hit, just jump on the button as it leaps toward you. It should just jump right into the spray. Now, for the second hit it seems to make a straight vertical leap after every parabolic leap. So keep that in mind, it might jump straight up in front of the nozzle, or it might jump straight up just out of reach. Predict where it'll be and maybe punch the can left a bit. The jumps are very regular, it seems. For the third hit, I find it best to hit the spray over to the edge. Again, you don't have to... but it helps. Three hits and it's game over for this pest. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 3 ******************************************************************************* Great concept, poor execution. The round sign will start flashing, run back to the stone blocks. You _don't_ want to be stuck on the sand for this fight. The Round End sign will come to life, a big furry beastie. Alright, basically the monster will run back and forth, and you must jump on its head three times. Once the monster starts flashing, run to the blocks. When it is almost upon you, jump up and land on its head. If you are thrown to the sand, it's alright. It'll move faster, but still, jump straight up when it is about one monster's space away from you. You should land on its head. It'll move even faster for the third hit. When it's about 1.5 monster's spaces away from you jump and angle your jump towards it. It's easier to do this rather than try to react to it directy in front of you. This way, it may be hit or it may pass under you. Either way, you're safe. One slip-up could end it for you, but this guy is like one-dimensional so you should catch on very soon. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 4 ******************************************************************************* It's the giant fly again... actually easier than last time too. This is because it takes wider leaps. Now, yes, this would normally mean it's more difficult but if you allow yourself to get up to the platform before it comes down it will be easily available. It should span the arena in two hops. 1. For the first hit, jump on the can when it is in the middle of its second hop coming up from below you. That should knock it back. 2. When it bounced off the lefthand wall, it'll land then jump again towards you. Jump onn the spray can as it reaches its arc and it should be hit by the spray. It will speed up considerably at this point. 3. Wait for it to jump left and bounce off the wall. Again, jump on the spray can when it makes its leap after the deflection. You'll want to do it just before it reaches its apex. Only try spraying it if its jumping from near under you on the first hit. It gets too fast and dangerous after that. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 5 ******************************************************************************* It's the chicken in the Piglet sweather again. This guy doesn't drop from the ceiling any more, but instead flies across the screen kind of like the Yellow Devil of Mega Man infamy. Anyways, you can jump on its segments and jump over its head. Presumably the game wants you to jump on the cannon, shoot it, dodge it while moving to the left side of the screen, then dodge it while moving to the right side of the screen. This Kenucky Fried Reject doesn't need to _EVER_ flly across the screen. 1. When the cannon falls down, jump on the button to shoot the chicken. 2. Move to about halfway between the cannon and the chicken. When the chicken begins to move, walk over to the cannon. 3. Shoot it again when it reassembles. 4. After shooting it jump immediately to its head. 5. It will "reassemble" almost exactly where it is, it will barely move. 6. Repeat 3 through 5. Alright, nice. You can basically keep it in front of the cannon as long as you neatly jump from chicken head to cannon plunger. Basically, if you do that stupid paddling midair cartoon shtick, you're probably screwed. Otherwise, you are good to go. If this is too close for your comfort, do it the way Vic Tokai intended. Hit it with the cannon, jump over it as it flies towards you and run to the left. Jump over it when it moves back to the left and jump on the cannon again. Rinse and repeat, either method and this guy will go down extra crispy. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 6 ******************************************************************************* Alright, it's the big Round Sign beast again. Even though it doesn't appear from the round sign, it still appears on the far right. So run right, activate the fight, and get to the middle of the screen. .....________..... DIRT ICE ICE DIRT The arena is set up like that, dirt on the sides and ice in the middle. Now, you would thing that Ice would make this a royal pain. Yes, it's harder to build up speed, but please note that Fox's jump from a staandstill is enough to clear the boss' head so the point is moot, really. 1. For the first hit, jump towards it and bop its head, keep holding the direction you jumped to end up on the other side of the screen. 2. Jump towards him on the second hit but just and a few spaces past him (in direction opposite of what he's going). 3. This is because he moves much faster on hit three. You will want to jump back at him almost immediately and land you last hit. If you miss, try to hit him with a standstill jump when he's about a boss' length away. He's no problem and while the third hit may trip you up with its speed, if you play in a predictive manner he shouldn't be too hard. ******************************************************************************* BOSS 7 ******************************************************************************* This is the final boss. It seems he is called "Madfox Daimyojin." Whatever, when we're through his name will be "Grease Spot." Essentially, the battlefield is set up like this: | | | (B) | +--------------+ (C) ---------------- B is the Boss, and C is the Cannon. Basically, Madfox moves left and right along his little chamber. The cannon has two plungers, one to either side. When Psycho Fox punches one of these plungers, it lobs a bomb up and over. The "over" direction is away from Psycho Fox. Three hits of this bomb attack will defeat Madfox. So you want to hit the pungers in a way that it lobs the bomb at Madfox and not away from him. The punching also moves the cannon across the floor so that enters in to the equation as well. Madfox has one attack, a lightning bolt. | | | (B) | +---------/----+ / (C)/ ---------------- It has a very low lateral trajectory but it is fatal. When Madfox stops, stay away from him and JUMP so it won't catch your feet. The bolt is usually angled toward Psycho. It's best to always move the opposite direction that Madfox is moving. That way you don't have to stop and try to accelerate away in the opposite direction if he stops moving. You can get one free hit at the start of this battle, stand to the right of the cannon as the battle starts and as soon as it starts, hit the righthand plunger and you -will- hit Madfox. Beyond that, just keep on the move and hit the plungers often and he will be hit often enough by the sheer virtue of his girth. It can be a bit tricky at first, but as soon as you figure out his lightning attack, you can just concentrate on evasion and retaliation. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | PF6: Objects and Environment | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *Bridge: The boards of a bridge fall as you run across. You will know bridges based on their wired guardrails. It's best to hit these bridges running, leaping over enemies at opportune moments. Sometimes it's best to just drink an invincibility potion and power through the bridge. *Cannon: The cannon is a stationary trap often positioned at the top of an incline. It doesn't so much fire a shot as it does let a cannonball drop and roll down an incline. If you have enough momentum to clear it in a jump - great. Otherwise, wait for it to release a cannonball then jump over that before jumping over the cannon. The cannonballs, by the way, can be jumped on. It won't destroy them, but Fox will bounce off of them. Nice to know, so you won't get so flustered trying to leap to safety. Heh. *Collapsing Stairs: Stairs that collapse into a ramp when you stand upon them. *Egg: Can hod nothing, birdfly, an enemy, a bomb, a 1up or a psycho stick. They are not random, and you'll often plan your course around them. *Escalator: Moving ramp, even though it has steps it acts as one continuous surface. You'll move faster if you go with the direction of movement. You'll move slower trying to move against it. *Fireball: A plume of fire that erupts upwards when you try to jump over it. Trickier tha the propeller enemies because it is invisible until you jump and of course you can't land on it. As you're jumping, just mark where the fireballs are coming up from (they should plume when you jump if their spot is onscreen). Once you know this, just gain some speed and leap over their spawn point. *Ice: Ice impedes your movement. It's hard to start running on ice, but it's alright when you get started. you will slide to a stop, however. *Piston Two pistons aligned next to each other. When one is depressed by a cannonball, the other rams upwards. If you are standing on the ramming piston, you can be flung into the air. You'll be flung higher if you're holding jump, to boot. *Ramp: Steep hill that is hard to run up and you slip down quickly. *Round End: The goal of every stage. Pass it to move on. *Sand: Sand impedes your movement, you run at a slower pace. *Spikes: Fatal surface that will kill you if you touch it, even with birdfly. *Springboard: White springboards that bounce you higher than most jumps. Hold jump down to go higher. *Water: If you run at water at full speed, you can skip over it on your bum. If you jup into water or are not going fast enough, you will sink and die. *White Pole: A large white pole that can fling Fox to the right. How far and how fast he is flung depends on how fast you grab the pole, and how high up you grab it. High speed grabbing the top will usually result in the farthest toss. You need to be careful though, because even if Psycho Fox grabs the lower end of the pole froma s tandstill he has to wait as it wiggles and pops him out. This can leave you prone to attack. *Vent: An urn shaped object puffing air. The vertical vents can send you up into the air (or into spikes). The horizontal vents push you in a certain direction. They are tough to run against, but it speeds you up if you run with the air. Many vents have a cycle, and have a small window of opportunity where they blow no air at all. It's sometimes best to pass them at this time. *Warp: A hidden part of the level that starts to crack when hit. Three hits opens a hole in the sky, leading to the warp zone. There are more warps early in the game it seems than later. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | PF7: Credits | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks to Vic Tokai for the game. Really, I don't _care_ that any other game uses these physics because _this_ is a good game and that's all that really matters. Thanks of course go out to my hosts, as without them you would not be reading this guide. Websites with permission to use this Guide: www.GameFAQS.com www.neoseeker.com faqs.IGN.com www.1up.com www.honestgamer.com Game by Vic Tokai