Rambo: First Blood Part II FAQ/Walkthrough for the Sega Master System Written by: PickMeUp Version: 1.2 - 4/1/07 E-Mail: PickHuttt at aol dot com =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== I. Introduction II. Story III. Controls IV. Gameplay -Players- -Lives- -Weapons/Items- -Concentration Camps/Police Cars- -Barricades- -End Round Statistics- -Enemies- V. Walkthrough -Tips- -Round 1- -Round 2- -Round 3- -Round 4- -Round 5- -Round 6- VI. Ending VII. Codes and Secrets VIII. FAQ IX. Version History X. Legal Section XI. Credits/Thanks/Other Stuff -If you want to find a certain section without having to manually scroll down, press Ctrl and F at the same time and a search box will pop up. Enter the name of the section (ex: enter I. Introduction if you want to go to that section) and press the find button. =============================================================================== I. Introduction =============================================================================== Hello and welcome to yet another one of my FAQs for the Sega Master System, this one being for Rambo: First Blood Part II. My reasons for making this FAQ/Walkthrough is that there weren't any FAQs up for this game and thought it would be nice to have one up if people need any help. Another reason being is I'm a big fan of the Sega Master System. Well I hope you'll find something helpful in this faq, I'll do my best in making it. =============================================================================== II. Story =============================================================================== As Rambo and Zane, you must fight your way into the enemy's territory and get to the concentration camps. Equipped with arrow bombs and an M-60 with a supposedly endless supply of ping pong balls, you have to fight through an onslaught of enemies to free your countrymen from those concentration camps. =============================================================================== III. Controls =============================================================================== D PAD - Moves the player in any direction. BUTTON 1 - Shoots M-60, starts game at title screen. BUTTON 2 - Shoots Arrow-bombs, starts game at title screen. =============================================================================== IV. Gameplay =============================================================================== --------- -Players- --------- You can play this as a one or two player game, Rambo being the first player and Zane being the second. During the first two rounds a second player can jump in anytime they want, you won't have that option once you get past round 2. *Also in a two player game, either player can continue after they die for, supposedly, an unlimited number of times. You also won't have this option once you get past round 2. *Thanks to NiouBrightShieldHero for the two player continuing info. ------- -Lives- ------- When you start the game you'll have a total of three lives and will get an extra life every time you complete a round. You'll see how many lives you have left during the game in the top left or right part of the screen right beside a picture of your player. Although the number of lives will stop at 9, you can actually still get more lives after that, but you won't know exactly how many you have until you see the statistics at the end of each round. If you lose all of your lives, the game will end, show your overall score and send you back to the title screen. --------------- -Weapons/Items- --------------- -M-60 This is your main weapon in the game, it has an unlimited supply of ping pong ba...er...I mean ammo. There are two powerups for this weapon you can get during the game from the enemy. One of them is a log with a "S" mark on it, this will give you the ability to shoot through more then one enemy, and the other powerup is another log with an "L" mark on it. This power up will give you the ability to shoot at long distances, having these two powerups will make fighting the enemy much easier. -Arrow-bombs This is your second weapon, when you start out at the beginning you'll only have a total of 5 arrow bombs. But by blowing up concentration camps or police cars, you'll be able to get more arrow bombs and power ups. The item that has two small arrow bombs inside a green pouch will give you more arrow bombs, the item that shows one long arrow bomb is the upgrade and more arrow bombs. With this upgrade, your arrow bombs will be able to explode in four different angles, killing an enemy in their direction. You can see how many Arrow-bombs you have left in the upper left or right corner of the screen with an image of an Arrow bomb beside it. Although the number will stop at 9, you can still collect more Arrow-bombs, but you won't know how much you have in total until you see the statistics at the end of each round. Every time you get hit, the number of Arrow-bombs will reset back to 5. -"?" Item This log with a "?" mark on it will appear sometimes appear blowing up a concentration camp or police car. When you get this item, it will kill everyone on screen, if you have both of the power ups for your M-60 then this item won't have any effect. --------------------------------- -Concentration Camps/Police Cars- --------------------------------- Concentration camps appear during Rounds 1-4, they're easy to spot since they'll be flashing all the time. You can only blow them up with arrow bombs and when you do you'll see a dancing prisoner inside that will throw you an item. If there is another item lying around on screen when you blow up the camps then they won't throw you anything. This is because there can only be one item on screen at a time. The police cars appear in Round 5, you'll easily spot them right away with the flashing. When you blow them up with an arrow bomb, you'll have to wait a couple of seconds before an item pops out. ------------ -Barricades- ------------ These appear at the end of every round, ranging from giant steel walls, stone walls, boulders etc. You won't be able to blow them up right away (the last round is different though), but when they start flashing, shoot an arrow-bomb at it to make it explode and walk through it to complete the round. ---------------------- -End Round Statistics- ---------------------- You'll see this screen appear at the end of each round. The screen will display the round you've just completed, a picture of Rambo, the hi-score, your current score, the number of grenades you have left (arrow bombs) and how many lives you have remaining. --------- -Enemies- --------- -INFRANTRYMEN/POLICEMEN/COMMANDOS - 100 pts. These are the kinds of enemy that will appear the most on screen throughout the game, they will not stop appearing on screen no matter what. They'll start from the top and slowly make there way to the bottom of the screen while shooting until they disappear when they make it to the bottom, if you didn't shoot them that is. Infrantrymen appear in rounds 1-4, Policemen in round 5 and Commandos appear in round 6. -BAZOOKA SOLDIERS - 150 pts. This enemy will be completely covered in red and holding a bazooka in his right (the player's left) side. They will appear on screen, stay in one place and will only shoot straight down. After a couple of shots, they'll stop and run straight down the screen and disappear. Bazooka Soldiers appear in rounds 1-4. -SNIPERS - 200 pts. You'll see this type of enemy lying on the ground, they only shoot straight down and will not fire until you're in their line of fire. Snipers appear in rounds 1, 3 and 5. -FLAME THROWERS - 200 pts. You'll usually know this enemy is near when you see a line of fire come your way. They'll only stay in one position but are still pretty dangerous. Depending on where you are standing they can shoot fire in three directions, left, right and straight down. Flame Throwers appear in rounds 1, 3 and 6. -TANK - 1000 pts. These tanks can only slowly move left or right, so they can easily be avoided or destroyed, but they are still dangerous if you're not careful. They can only fire bullets or missiles in the straight down position and when the missiles explode, they'll explode in four different directions. Tanks appear in rounds 1, 3 and 6. -ARTILLERYMEN - 150 pts. You'll easily spot this enemy because they'll always be standing beside a 82mm mortar. This enemy will shoot bombs into the air and when they land, will explode in four different directions. Artillerymen appear in rounds 2 and 4. -KNIFE SOLDIERS - 150 pts. This enemy will look like the 2nd and 4th round infrantrymen except they'll be wearing yellow. They slowly zig zag their way down on the screen while throwing knifes in your current position. Knife Soldiers appear in rounds 2 and 4. -RIFLEMEN - 150 pts. This enemy will be wearing a blue cap, blue shirt and brown pants. He'll slowly walk down the screen and shoot at you with his very fast bullets. Riflemen only appear in round 5. -HIGHWAY PATROLMEN - 500 pts. You'll see this type of enemy riding on a motorcycle and will go straight down the screen. While he's doing this, he'll be throwing grenades on the ground that explode in four different angles. Highway Patrolmen appear only in round 5. -ROCKET LAUNCHERS - 200 pts. This enemy will be be completely covered in yellow and is holding a rocket launcher on his shoulder. He'll slowly walk down the screen while shooting fast black balls in your direction. Rocket Launchers appear in the 6th round. =============================================================================== V. Walkthrough =============================================================================== ------ -Tips- ------ -When you start each round or reappear after getting hit, your player will be invisible for a little bit and you can reposition him by moving left or right. Use this opportunity to place your player in a good or safe position before you start. -The four way explosions from your arrow-bombs, destroyed concentration camps, tanks and barricades won't harm you, so don't freak out when you see them. -Although the enemy's bullets can hurt you, the enemies themselves can't. You can walk right through them, though I don't recommmend you do that, but it's helpful to know in desperate situations. -Keep in mind that only one item can be on screen at a time. If there's an item lying around when you blow up a concentration camp or police car, an item won't pop out of them. -Don't be afraid to use your arrow bombs if you seem to be out numbered, there are plenty of concentration camps/cop cars in each round. An arrow bomb item will always appear at the end of rounds 1-5 when the barricades start flashing. --------- -Round 1- --------- When you start the round and you're still in an invisible state, move your player to the right side of the screen. Now destroy the concentration camp to get extra arrow-bombs and stay to the right of the screen when moving up. There will be two infrantrymen in the middle of the screen just slightly ahead of the destroyed concentration camp, the left will be shooting straight down while the one on the right will be shooting at you. Take out the right one, when you get closer to the left one, he'll throw a grenade and run off to the right of the screen. Stay on the right side while going up and you'll encounter two bazooka soldiers, take them out if you want and destroy the concentration camp just slightly ahead of them. Grab the "?" that comes out of the camp to kill all the enemy on screen. Keep sticking to the right of the screen when going further up and two infrantrymen will run down the middle, stop and throw grenades that explode in a 4 way (all the grenades thrown by the enemy will explode in a 4 way). After they run off, move to the middle of the screen and continue moving up. Up ahead you'll see two flame throwers on the left and right of the screen, if you were in the middle then you would of slightly missed both of their attacks. Take them out and destroy the concentration camp (from here on out I'll refer to them as just camps) and get the item. Now stay in middle left of the screen and cross the swamp, just ahead of the swamp will be a tank that you can easily avoid, sometimes the tank won't appear though. Now stay in the middle left while continuing on and there will be an infrantryman in the middle that will rapidly shoot straight down if you get in his line of fire. Take him out and move to the middle, slightly ahead will be an infrantryman to the left that will throw grenades in your direction. After taking him out, stick to the middle again when moving up, you'll encounter a flame thrower to the left standing beside a camp. Shoot him and destroy the camp and grab the item that pops out, now stay on the left and just ahead you'll spot a sniper. After killing him, move up a bit and an infrantryman will run down diagonally from left to right shooting rapidly down. Either take him out or avoid his shots and continue up on the left side of the screen, sometimes he'll appear later on in the opposite side. There will be bazooka soldiers (sometimes one) in the middle of the screen and an infrantryman will run on the left side of the screen and throw a grenade. After getting pass him, destroy the camp on the left further up to get the item that comes out. Move a little bit up to the swamp and an infrantryman or two will appear on the right and throw grenades, after they disappear move to the right of the screen where the dry strip of land is. Move up and you'll see a tank, avoid his shots and get close enough and shoot two arrow bombs directly at it to destroy it. Just above the tank to the right is a camp, destroy it and get the item. Move to the center and continue up, ahead will be a flame thrower to the left and sniper to the right. Take out the flame thrower and ignore the sniper, just above to the left will be a camp, destroy it and get the item. Slightly ahead to the left will be another sniper, kill him, continue up and you'll reach the end of the stage, sometimes you'll spot a tank to the right. Here you'll have a barricade in front of you, you can't destroy it right away so you have to fight off the infrantrymen that continue appearing on screen. Seconds later grenades will be thrown from above in your direction, make sure to watch out for them. After awhile the barricade will start flashing and an arrow bomb item will appear. Destroy the barricade with an arrow bomb and walk through the destroyed barricade to finish the round. --------- -Round 2- --------- At the beginning, stick to the left and move forward. An infrantryman will come down diagonally from left to right, if you stuck to the right then he should have missed you. A little bit ahead you'll see a camp on the left and an artilleryman to the right, take him out first before you destroy the camp. After getting an item from the camp, just above it will be an infrantryman that will rapidly shoot at you where ever you go. Kill him and move to the middle, just ahead will be a knife soldier, shoot him but don't forget to dodge his knifes. Move to the left to avoid the infrantryman diagonally coming down from right to left. Keep moving up and you'll come across a small bridge with an infrantryman on it that will throw grenades at you. After taking him out and crossing the bridge, there will be a hole to the left that an infrantryman will jump out of. Kill him and move to the right, there will be an infrantryman, an artilleryman and a knife soldier ahead to the left. Take them out in that order. To the right of them will be a camp, when you walk up to it another knife soldier will come down from the right. After killing him, take out the infrantryman that's above the camp on a hill, if you don't have the long distance power up then use an arrow bomb to take him out. Get the item from the camp and shoot the infrantryman just above in the middle of the screen that's rapidly shooting at you. Stay in the middle to take out the knife soldier that shows up next and get ready for an infrantryman to jump out of the last hole on the left side before the swamp. Destroy the camp to the right of that hole to get an item and stick to the right side of the screen when going into the swamp. There will be an infrantryman on a hill to the right in the swamp throwing grenades, shoot him and move to the left of the screen. Ahead will be an artilleryman beside a camp to the left, kill him and destroy the camp. Stay on the left and you'll avoid another infrantryman coming down diagonally, shoot the bazooka soldier in front of the bridge and the grenade throwing infrantryman on the bridge. Just ahead will be an artilleryman, to the right of him will be a camp. Before destroying the camp, kill the infrantyman throwing grenades just above on another bridge. Walk up to the bridge and an infrantyman will come running down and throw a grenade, after taking him out and crossing the bridge move to the middle to avoid the bazooka solider that appears on the right. There will be three holes ahead, each with an infrantryman that will jump out of them. After getting pass the first hole, an infrantryman will run on screen and throw a grenade, just ahead of him will be an infrantryman shooting straight down, a bazooka soldier and a knife soldier in the middle. Keep moving ahead and just above the 3rd and final hole will be an artilleryman to the right. Here you'll face another barricade with a skull image on it, the same thing will happen here like at the end of the first round. Just keep shooting all the infrantrymen appearing until the barricade flashes. Destroy it with an arrow bomb, walk through it and complete the round. --------- -Round 3- --------- Move your temporally invisible player to the middle to avoid the infrantryman diagonally moving down. Now move up and you should spot a tank to the right and a flame thrower to the left, destroy the tank and the camp right beside it and avoid the flame thrower. Continue moving up the middle and there will be two flame throwers to the left in front of another camp, kill them both and blow up the camp. Just above of the camp will be a sniper and a tank to the right, take out the sniper, ignore the tank and stick to the left to avoid the two bazooka soldiers that appear in the middle ahead. Destroy the camp to the left of them and move to the middle and move on up. Up ahead will be a sniper and flame thrower to the left and a tank to the right, you can easily avoid them if you want. Slightly above them will be a camp with a flame thrower beside it to the left. If you're having trouble taking him out because of the rocks then use an arrow bomb. After grabbing the item from the camp, stay to the left and move up, you'll see a bazooka soldier and an infrantryman behind him trying to shoot at you. Kill them both and to the right just ahead will be a sniper, move a little bit closer to him and an infrantyman will run on screen and throw a grenade. Stick to the right of the screen after taking out the sniper and there will be a flame thrower and bazooka soldier in the middle up ahead. Take them out and move to the middle, there will be a camp to the right and a sniper just above. Use an arrow bomb if you're having a hard time killing him with the rocks in the way. Blow up the camp and stick to the right to avoid an infrantryman running down diagonally from the left. Move up a bit and there will be two bazooka soldiers in the middle, either wait until they run off or get one of them to get by. Move up ahead in the middle and you'll see a sniper to the left and a tank to the right just above, take them both out before moving on. Just ahead will be another barricade, no difference here then in the last two rounds. Again, keep fighting off the infrantrymen and grenades until the wall flashes, shoot the wall with an arrow bomb, go through it and complete the round. --------- -Round 4- --------- When you start this stage, blow up the camp to your right, get the item and move to the left of the screen into the swamp. You'll see an infrantryman in a dry spot on the left throwing grenades, kill him and try to avoid the other grenade throwing infrantryman on the right, if you can't then shot an arrow bomb at him. Stick to the left and move ahead, you'll see a camp and an arrtilleryman on the left, take him out and destroy the camp. Right above the camp will be a hole with an infrantryman that will jump out, kill him and walk towards the bridge. There will be an infrantryman on the bridge throwing grenades and another one on the second bridge after that, when you get through that there will be a camp on the left right beside the second bridge. After getting the item from the camp, take out the infrantryman throwing grenades on the first hill in the swamp. Now move to the right and shot at the second infrantryman on the second hill, avoid the third on on the third one on the last hill if possible. Above to the right will be a camp and possibly an artilleryman beside it, ahead to the left on a cliff will be an infrantryman throwing grenades. If you don't have the long distance power up then use an arrow bomb to take him out, at this point two infrantrymen will run on screen, throw grenades and run off and an infrantryman will jump out of the hole to the right. After that, move to the middle right of the screen and continue up. A knife soldier will appear, dodge his knifes and take him out. Continue moving forward and there will be an artilleryman to the right and a camp to the left, kill him, destroy the camp and walk towards the bridge. An infrantryman throwing grenades will be on the bridge, after taking him out when you get near the bridge, a bazooka soldier will appear and start shooting down at the bridge. Try to take him out or wait for him to run off if possible. Cross the bridge and move to the middle and two knife soldiers will appear, ahead of them will be another knife soldier in the middle and one more above him to the right. After you get passed them and near the next bridge, another bazooka soldier will appear in front of it and shoot down. When you get pass the bridge there will be two holes ahead to the left with infrantrymen ready to jump out of them. To the right will be an artilleryman and just above will be a barricade. Basically do the same thing as you've been doing in the last three rounds at this point and complete the round. --------- -Round 5- --------- As soon as the round starts, a rifleman will come down shooting at you. Take him out and destroy the cop car in front of you, after getting the item from it, stay on the left for a bit to let the bike on the right drive by. After that, move to the right and shoot the crawling rifleman that appears on the right and ignore the one on the left. Destroy the cop car just above to the right and kill the rifleman on the left ahead, go in the right tunnel and get ready to shoot at the rifleman that appears above you. Then take out the rolling policeman that came out from the left side, now move over to the left side to avoid another highway patrolman and destroy the cop car above to the left. After that you'll see another wall with two tunnels, at the other side of both of them will be riflemen pointing their guns at the tunnels. This part can be very tricky, if you have the arrow bomb upgrade then shoot through the tunnel to hit one of the riflemen. If you don't have one then you'll have to time it right when going through, right after they shoot. After you get passed this part, you'll be in a mountain area, basically all I'll say is watch out for riflemen that appear and start shooting right away and policemen that jump down from hills. When you get to the bridges, watch out for the rifleman that stands on the left side and shoots in your direction. Pick the right bridge and stay on the left or right side of it. This way you'll have plenty of room to dodge an attack, when you reach the end of the bridge, sometimes a highway patrolman will drive on the bridge. Since there's little room on the bridge, it's almost impossible to avoid his grenades and there's the likeliness that you'll die. After you get off the bridge, you'll be in another mountain area and you'll have to watch out for the same enemies as the last area with the addition of policemen coming down diagonally. When you get to the end, there will be a giant boulder which is another barricade, do the same thing here as you did in the last four rounds. The only difference here is that it will be an open area and that will make the enemies be all over the place and come down more faster. The boulder will eventually flash but it will be hard to see, so you'll have to watch for the arrow bomb item to appear to know when to destroy the boulder. Go into the cave to complete the round. --------- -Round 6- --------- When you start out, move to the left part of the screen and get ready to shoot a commando coming down diagonally from the left. Another one will appear to the right but he won't hit you, stick to the left and move ahead. There will be a flame thrower in the middle, when you get pass him the land will have a bunch of rocks in your path, so getting through will be a little hard. Above the flame thrower will be a commando throwing grenades, take him out and stick to the left. You'll encounter a rocket launcher in the middle, above him will be a split, pick the left side. Keep an eye out for the face statues in the middle because some of them will shoot yellow balls at you, also watch out for a commando that runs on and throws a grenade. When you get to the entrance to the base, there will be a flame thrower and a rocket launcher, try taking out the rocket launcher with an arrow bomb if he's giving you trouble. When you're inside the base there's a couple of things to watch out for, especially with the sides. There will be gun turrents hanging out that will try to shoot at you when you pass them and some of the holes will throw out grenades and explode when they bounce in your direction. Try to stick to the left or right to avoid getting hit by tanks that appear on both sides and there will be a flame thrower in the middle, you'll encounter this twice. When you get to the other "entrance", there will be a flame thrower standing in front it and two rocket launchers will be just above him. When you take them out and move on ahead, you'll see a tank on the right side, destroy it before moving further. Just ahead of it will be the last barricade, to the left will be a gun turrent and holes to the right that will throw out grenades every couple of seconds. The barricade itself will be a face statue and a row of flashing lights on each side that will shoot at you. Use your M-60 instead of your arrow bombs to shoot at them, they'll be destroyed faster this way. After you destroy both sides, the face itself will start shooting at you, use your M-60 to shoot at the face until it gets destroyed. Walk through the giant hole to complete the round and beat the game. =============================================================================== VI. Ending =============================================================================== After finishing the 6th round, you'll see Rambo firing his M-60 into the air while the people he rescued cheer in the background, then you'll see a helicopter flying off into the sunset/sunrise and the screen will fade to black. Your overall score will scroll by, then the staff credits, the scoring list, the music credits and then the words "Presented by Sega." and finally "The End" will scroll on screen and stop in the middle. After that, the game will send you back to the title screen. =============================================================================== VII. Codes and Secrets =============================================================================== These were sent to me by mothugz2k2, and since this person did a good job describing it him/herself, I'll just include everything he/she said below: The Cheats: (for continuing your game) These codes must be entered at the title screen ONLY after you made it to the particular level and before the demo starts (so you basically have plenty of time): Level 2: down, up, left, right, button 1 Level 3: right, right, left, up, up, button 1 Level 4: down, left, right, left, left, button 1 Level 5: right, right, up, up, down, right, button 1 Level 6: up, down, right, left, left, down, down, button 1 Secret (Level 6) All the rocks that seem to get in your way actually contain arrows. But the trick is the rocks must be hit directly in the middle to be destroyed. But if you have the arrows that explode in 4 directions, destroying the rocks are much easier. =============================================================================== VIII. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions =============================================================================== Q: Any codes or secrets? A: Yes, check the above section if you haven't yet. Q: So after you lose all your lives, there's no way of continuing? A: You can continue in a two player game and only in the first two rounds. Also, check the Codes and Secrets section for info about continuing. Q: Who is Zane? A: I have no idea. XD Q: I heard there are different versions of this game, is this true? A: Yup, in Japan it's called Ashura and in Europe it's called Secret Commando. The only differences I know between these three versions are the name and player changes. You can go to www.vgmuseum.com to check out the pics of these versions. Q: What do you think of this game? A: I liked it, it's a pretty challenging game. The only complaint I have is that your player moves too slow, but I guess that's what makes it so challenging. =============================================================================== IX. Version History =============================================================================== Version 1.0 - Started FAQ/Walkthrough on February 6, 2004. Finished Version 1.0 on February 11, 2004. Finished sections I-X, probably needs some tweaking in the future. Submitted to GameFAQs on February 11, 2004. Version 1.1 - Added in the mention of continuing in a two player game, go to -Players- in the Gameplay section for more info. Submitted to GameFAQs on May 15, 2004. Version 1.2 - Added a codes and secrets section. Thanks to mothugz2k2 for the info. Submitted to GameFAQs on April 1, 2007. =============================================================================== X. Legal Section =============================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This document should only appear on GameFAQs, if you find this FAQ on another website, please inform me about this by e-mail. This document is Copyright 2004 Wendell Baugher. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. =============================================================================== XI. Credits/Thanks/Other Stuff =============================================================================== -Thanks to CJayC for hosting this document on his site. -Thanks to the game and instruction manual, if it wasn't for these then this faq wouldn't have been created in the first place. -Thanks to The Sega Notebook, google it and you'll know what I mean. -If you think anything is missing in this document then please e-mail about it with the heading "Rambo F/W contribution". I'll give you credit of course, if you don't want your name mentioned then I'll just put "anonymous contributor" in place of your name. -If you're gonna e-mail me any comments (good or bad) or questions about this document then have the heading be "Rambo F/W C/Q". -If you want to see screenshots of this game or the ending then check out The Video Game Museum at www.vgmuseum.com. =============================================================================== ZANE? ===============================================================================