Updated 3/28/01 Batman forever Author::Wallywest80 Version 1.5 (monday, March, 2001) Contact information: Any help or comments e-mail me at Wallywest80@hotmail.com and if i use your tip in the FAQ you will get full credit for it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello and welcome to my first FAQ. Ok first off i started on a spider-man FAQ that well...did not go so well and so i stated to look around for a new game to make a FAQ for. well i noticed right then there was no FAQ of the moves, And any one who has played it knows that it can be a pain to learn the moves and because of this i will try and help by making this FAQ. ======================================================================= *********************COPYRIGHT INFORMATION**************************** ======================================================================= This document is Copyright© 2000, Johnny mayo . All Rights Reserved. THIS MAY NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER SITE OTHER THEN WWW.GAME FAQS.COM IF YOU SEE THIS ON ANY OTHER SITE E-MAIL. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS TO MAKE MONEY IN ANY WAY. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE RETRANSMITTED, EDITED, ALTERED, PUBLISHED, IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. IF I FIND YOU HAVE I WILL SEEK LEGAL ACTION . --------------------------------------------------------------------- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Bios 2.move lists 3.Walk through ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Version 1.00 :getting started Version 1.5 :Adding a partial walk through for the first level ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Bio's ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Batman :the Dark Knight (Created by bob kane) NAME: Bruce wayne AGE:In his 30's FIRST Appearance in a comic:Detective comics #27 1939 ORIGIN: Thomas Wayne and his wife were walking along with their son, Bruce, on their way home from a movie. A unidentified gunman leaped from the shadows announcing a holdup and reached for the necklace around Martha's neck. When Thomas tried to stop the crime from happening, the gunman (Joe Chill) shot him dead with one bullet. He then shot the screaming Martha and faded into the night leaving young bruce wayne. After many years of pain and mourning, in 1939 he decides that it is time to devote his life to fighting crime. After seeing a huge bat fly by his window he thought his costume should look like a bat, to strike fear into a criminal's mind. He chooses to fight crime without guns, using gadgets and martial arts instead. Robin: the boy wonder (Created by bob kane) NAME:Dick greyson Age:Late teens or early 20's FIRST Appearance in a comic:Detective Comics #38 (April '40) ORIGIN: Robin is Batman's partner in crime fighting and has his own costume and gadgets. Dick Grayson, as a young boy, was part of the Flying Graysons, a husband and wife team of circus and trapeze artists. His parents, John and Mary Grayson, were murdered early on in his life. Batman adopted young Grayson and gave him a home.Robin has aided Batman countless times over the years and has always been a good friend. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- These moves work the same for Batman and Robin. F=Forward D=Down L=Left button R=Right button U=Up B=Back +=at the same time Gas spray: D, D, F, A Smoke pellet: F, D, A, Flash pellet: D, D, F+B(B button) Elcetric Pellet: F, D+A Slippery goo: F, F, D+B (B button) Sticky goo:D, D+X Tranq Darts: F, D+A Heat Rays= F, B, F, B, Y Bat Bola: D, D+A Cape Morph(batman): L+Y, Y, Y Electro Shield(robin) : L+Y, Y, Y Force Wall: D, D, D+B Bomb (The standard version): D,D, F+B Electro Staff Prod: D, D, F+Y Roll Retreat: R+B, B+Y Roll Attack: F, F+Y Bomb : D, D, F+B ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following list of weapons are after you have the blue prints ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Holographic Decoy: hold down and keep tapping A button Homing Batarang: press down toward on the D-Pad then Hit Y Rocket boots: F, F+X Bat cuffs: F, D+X ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Walkthrough (Not complete) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok i had some one ask me about this so i thought i would add a little walkthrough to this FAQ, But mear in mind it's not great and i may not get around to completeing it but I'll add what i can when i can. Ok i will give a walk through up to the bridge on the first level, if i did not cover what you needed or something just drop me another line ok? Ok as you start the game walk right and kill the first inmate then a cell will blow up letting another inmate go so kill him as well. A door should open to your right go through it (some doors can be kicked open) now in this next area kill the next inmate there and then step on the riddle "Solve my riddles and to secrets be led - If they are not already have your head" now walk on and another cell will blow open so kill this inmate, now over head is a hole so get under it and use the select+up to use your bat hooks to get up there. walk left and there is a safe, use a kick to open it and a inmate will drop down on you so kill him then walk right and yet another cell blows open so kill yet another inmate, go on to your left a door should open so go in and you will be on a bridge with two enimies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THANKS TO ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Batman fan sites for Bio information CjayC: (for having this site and a place to keep my FAQ) God :for helping me get trough this Wroth: a good friend well i would like to thank many people on my first FAQ but i only have so much room.... All characters in this game are TM and Copyright 2000 DC comics, Inc. Acclaim, Inc. Copyright 2000 Accliam Publishing, Inc. Developed by Acclaim. All rights reserved.