Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun (Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon) Nintendo "Combat" Games Guide By: VmprHntrD v1.2 (1/1/99) Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ ****** ****** ** *** ** .8888888. *** ** .88888888888 ** ** .8888' '888' ** ** .8888 '8' * * C888" * * C888 Pretty Soldier * * ., '888._ * * 8P "8. 88888._ 'V 8* * _. o8 .d8b. 88. "8' "88888o._ 8 '8' * 'T88 .88 .d8b. .8 8. 8P8 8 "888888._ 8 '8' 8* * 888. .888 .8' '8.8 8 8 8. 8 "88888_ 8'8 8 8* * 8888. .8888 8' '88 8 8 '8 8 "888. 8 8 8 8* .d8b. "888. 88P88_8PP88 8 88 8 8 8.8 888P .8 8. 8 8*.8' '8. 8 '8 88 P888P 88 8. .8'8 8' 8 '88 .888P 88888 8 8*8' '8 8 .8 88 88P 88 '8._.8' 'T8P' .8. 88 .8. 8888' 8' '8 8 8*8 8 888 * 88 ' 88 'T8P' '8 .888.__.8888' .8 8. 8 8*8. .8 8 8 * 88 88 8 88888888888' .8. .8. 8 8 '8._,8' 8 8. *88 .d88b. * "8888888" .8..8 *'T8P' .8. .8.d88b. *** .88o. '8. **** ***** ** '8. ************ * *** ** *** *** **** *** ************* ______________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun (Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon) "Combat" games help file. In this guide you will find out the basic setup, moves, and strategies, with some tips from me as well to the side scrolling and fighting action Sailor Moon games for Gameboy and SuperNES(Super Famicom). To break down this guide in the most logical way I could I put them in order of how the program ran in anime/manga which is Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, and Sailor Moon Super S. Below I will reveal a little bit of back- ground into the stories behind the games and explain menus for the Japanese illiterate. But that just scratches the surface as I will back this up with some great tips on monsters and bosses, walkthroughs for the Gameboy games story modes, controls for the Sailor Soldiers in the one on one combat games, and much more as I build to this guide. To keep things clear for those who are English and Japanese speakers and know the characters by those names in most cases I'll place the names from both countries in this order English then the Japanese counterpart in parenthesis like so: Serena(Usagi). As I do not know all the names to some of the characters some names will just be simple description to be fair. Also I do not plan to cover the puzzle games as I feel you should learn games like that on your own, it's all personal strategy to success. With that clear I hope you like the guide I have laid before you, if you have any comments or questions please email me at the address at the top of this guide and I'll be sure to answer you, or help you in your problem. Thanks! [Games Covered in the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Guide]_______________________ I . Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun (SFC) II. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun (Gameboy) III. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun R (SFC) IV. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun R (Gameboy) V. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun S (SFC) VI. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun Super S (SFC) [I. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun for Super Famicom] ["Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon" (C)1993 ANGEL]__________________________________ [Title Screen Menus] As our story begins on the title screen we are shown the Moon Kingdom lit up in its past glory. A time a millenium ago when the Moon Kingdom flourished, before the time of the great attack by Queen Beryl and the negaforce, sadly the Moon Kingdom was destroyed. Before all her powers were lost the queen of the moon Queen Serenity sent away her daughter Princess Serena(Serenity), her four princess protectors of the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, as well as, her only love Prince Darien (Mamoru) of Earth with many others. They were all sent to Earth to be reborn again in the far future when they will be needed to be called upon again to save the world from the negaforce. Moving forward to current times we find that Queen Beryl has returned with her eyes set on the Earth. Here the five Sailor Soldiers will be for this game in combat with Queen Beryl's four generals evil monsters, the generals Zoicite and Malachite, a brainwashed Prince Darien (Mamoru), and finally Queen Beryl. Here with the menu that will appear to you with the picture of the past when the Moon Kingdom was strong you will get three choices on what to do. Select the three using the Control Pad, and finally hit the Start Button to confirm. A. One Player Game B. Two Player Game Tip: If you hold the L and R Buttons at the same time when you press the Start Button both players can play as the same Sailor Soldier. C. Options Screen - Change options by using the Control Pad and Buttons. 1. Option one lets you set the difficulty level of the game, it is set to normal as default. Pressing right on the Control Pad once will select the hard setting, and once more the easy mode. Remember in easy mode though you can only play the first two of five levels in this game. 2. Option two lets you set the number of continues you get in the game. It is defaulted to three, you can choose five as the other option. 3. Option three sets the button layout. Which can be done for both players. 4. Option four lets you sample the background music. 5. Option five lets you sample the sound effects. 6. Option six lets you sample the voice clips. 7. Option seven lets you exit back to the main screen by pressing Start. [Playing the Game] Once you have selected your options and the amount of players for your battle with Queen Beryl's negaverse minions before you can send them back to where they came from you need to select your Sailor Soldier. You get to choose from left to right Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Mars. Each of the five Sailor Soldiers have their own weaknesses and strengths so keep that in mind when choosing your player or team. To choose your Sailor Soldier just highlight them when the Control Pad then press the Y Button. Your out of uniform Soldier will transform and after the opener to the stage is done you can begin to play. When you do complete a level in this game your preformance will be evaluated on a report card of sorts. This report card at the end of each of the levels will add up the points you have earned from everything that you have done from giving beatings, to getting items and food, and even how long you took in each level will be looked at too. When this is added up you will see a grade of A, B, C, D, or E on the screen. Be aware that if you die in a level or even take even a moderate beating you won't get an A, if you die or die so that you have to continue you'll end up with a C at best. Like I said, everything, and I mean everything is evaluated, what I don't know is if it effecting the ending. [Player's Attack Options] All of the Sailor Soldiers have specific way to attack the enemy which is usually a combinations of punches, kicks, chopping, or in Sailor Venus's case her "Love Me Chain" used as a whip, and these are done by pressing the Y Button repeatedly. A combination move will occur if your Soldier continues to batter the enemy until it falls down, not to say it won't get back up again for some more. To allow your Sailor Soldier to Jump simply press the B Button to do it, though if you press left or right at the same time they'll jump in that direction. To attack in air with intent to knock the enemy down press the Y Button to kick, but if you wish to stun an enemy to set them up for an attack you need to press Down and hold it while pressing the Y Button. When you do this the Sailor Scouts will put out their fist to stun an enemy, though Sailor Mars will use one of her banishment charms, and Sailor Venus will use her "Love Me Chain" to do the stunning. Each Sailor Soldier also has the ability to toss an enemy, each in their own unique way. There are actually two types of throws you can use, a close range and long range attack. If you get close to an opponent and can grab ahold of them if you just press the Y Button to attack you will beat on the enemy a bit then toss them aside which is stronger. If you grab ahold of an enemy and then press Left or Right on the Control Pad while pressing the Y Button you will toss the enemy long distance. Use this attack to your advantage as you can throw an enemy into some more causing addition damage to the original, as well as, all it comes in contact with before it hits the ground. The most popular and well known of the Sailor Soldier's attacks though are the elemental attacks which are: Mercury's "Shabon Spray", Mars's "Fireballs Charge", Jupiter's "Thunder Clap", Venus's "Crescent Beam", and Sailor Moon's "Moon Tiara Action." To do these attacks you will need to hold down the Y Button and release it when the meter up by the characters life bar is full. Be aware you are vunerable to considerable damage while you are charging this attack up as you have no way to defend yourself, so use it wisely. The Sailor Soldiers also have a power move which you can use if you are surrounded and desperate, it does though take off a small piece of your life bar, but will clear the area and it is better than a beating or death. To do this move just press both the Y and B Buttons together. This like the attacks listed above are unique as well to each of the five Sailor Soldiers. [Objects Found Throughout the Game] As time progresses in the game you will come across many items lying around randomly or inside things that you have destroyed, don't just stare at them, pick them up. Each of these items can refill your life, add a new life, or give you a boost of bonus points towards an extra life. To get them is quite simple, just stand over the item and press the Y Button to bend down and get it. Some items that you can find are food items which can restore a little to a lot of energy, also if you can find Tuxedo Mask's rose that will fully fill your life bar. Also be aware that with regular items, that food too will not only give life, but bonus points as well so always pick it up before going on. [General Notes on Enemy and Boss Combat] When you encounter any enemy or boss if you attempt to grab them for that kind of attack they could do the same to you so keep that in mind. An interesting thing I found out though occurs in boss combat, I don't know if its a bug or it was intentional evasion to make the fight more difficult. When you are lets say combating Malachite sometimes your attacks will seem to connect to your own eyes, but they really don't at all. This could be a problem with hit detection, but I feel that it was more likely a challenge booster which makes more sense, people should be able to evade somewhat, no? And what's the fun of trapping an enemy on a wall and beating them as soon as they get up, this way they can get up and have a chance to stop you... a much less boring idea. Below are strategies to use on the bosses of this game, keep in mind this is what I find effective, and also never use your elemental attacks on a boss they'll almost always evade it and make you sorry you tried it in the first place. Most often you can't charge it, they'll smack you around while trying. Stage One Boss: Large Blue Cat - To take on this enemy you need to be smart as I found him quite difficult at first. This large cat will try to cut you up by bringing its claws down on you. To attack him jump kicking is effective but slow. I find attacking with standard hits at the most distance allowed is best, but sometimes he get in on you in the middle of your combination of attacks, so back off if he looks like he can get inside on you. If you knock him down, he'll pounce on you which hurts a lot, before he pounces get close and either above or below him on the screen and he'll miss. Stage Two Boss: Pastry Queen - This boss attacks with a combination of spins and spitting pink cotton candy like puffs at you. If she spins or spits at you just move up or down out of the way is the best you can do. When she is still attack her with standard punch button combinations, again jump kicking works but is slow. She will disappear and reappear at random, but usually onyly after being knocked down so be aware of that. Enemies will try to help her out but if you are careful they really won't be in the way. Stage Three Boss: Zoicite Costumed as Sailor Moon(from the episode Sailor Venus appears in) - Anyways this battle is quite difficult as she is quite fast and hard to hit. She will get small support from lesser enemies, so keep an eye on them. Zoicite will attack you with her speed with rapid punches and jump kicking. My best advice for this witch is to get just below her on the screen as she jumps so when she lands you can pull up into her and combination punch attack her until she falls over. Keep this up and she'll go down but not really easy, and she can not by jump kicked, she'll avoid it. The best way to take her is hard to setup, and it's quite "cheap" if you can get her along the side wall and knock her over, just constantly keep hitting punch and never stop, she'll get up into it, take the combo in the face and keep falling over until the fight ends, like I said cheap but highly effective. Stage Four Boss: Malachite - Now this is one tough battle there are many reinforcements he'll call to help, he's fast, and fires projectiles of dark energy at you. The best thing to try to do is avoid him at first and take out the reinforcements so you can concentrate on Malachite. The best way to get in some solid hits on him is to curl around from above or below and punch him until he falls down. When he gets up though he's usually really pissed off for taking a hit and will throw around three shots of dark energy at you which his sometimes highly unavoidable, and at worst will be timed to when you get up and you'll take all three hits which I think means death. Stage Five Boss #1: Brainwashed Prince Darien - This battle is quite easy so here is what you have to do. Rush him and punch him until he falls over. Now get out of the way he'll try and jump slash with the sword. When he comes down and starts to get up just attack him again. Just stay on top of him and attack as often as possible except when he jump slashes and he'll fall fast. Final Boss: Queen Beryl - If you thought Malachite was a nightmare, then she is the all out antichrist. Queen Beryl won't even bother to lowering herself to fight you at first. To start you'll have to deal with three pairs of two enemies that come out one at a time, then she'll attack, with more backup of course. Queen Beryl will float around the level, when you hit her and if you are lucky knock her down she'll get pissed off. Queen Beryl will put up her arms and discharge two bolts of nega energy to the ground and rush at you, just sidestep it if you can. Another favorite attack of her's if you get too much distance from her is placing her arms high and firing bolts of energy at you which are almost impossible to dodge, be smart and stay relatively close to her at all times. At times she'll take petty swipes at you as well, just keep beating on her between her charges and pokes at you and it'll be over sooner than later. Also if you can pick up one of her assistants and throw it into her, a nice way to take off a little energy when you're in a bind. [II. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun for Gameboy] ["Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon" (C)1994 ANGEL]__________________________________ [Title Screen Menu] As our story begins we are presented with the title screen for Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun. After you press the Start Button Serena(Usagi) will pop up and ask you which difficulty level you'd like to play the game at. On the left side there is normal difficulty which gives you four hit points, and on the right is easy which gives you six hit points. As a funny note translated from Japanese normal setting is called Boy, and easy is called Girl, funny what you can get away with when you don't live in a political correct choked nation. [Stage One] Our first level open's in Serena's(Usagi's) home with her and her mother having some conversation. Since I'm sure you can't read this text, otherwise you wouldn't be using this you'd best just press the A Button to advance the screen in these text boxes. Once you're outside of your house you have the ability to jump with A Button, talk with the B Button(it's also used for your attacks as a Sailor Soldier.) Now walk to the east until you come across the first intersection, turn into here to move back a block. From here you have a choice to go west or east, I'll explain both but west will advance the story faster. If you chose to go to the east go along until you come to another intersection and then head into it and then to the east again until you come to the the Osa-P which is Molly's mom's shop(she's inside) and Molly is outside. Go inside and talk to Molly's mom, once you're done go back home and you'll find Luna outside, talk to her, then head back to the Osa-P again and talk to her once more. A battle will now begin. If you chose to go to the west you'll find two intersections on your way. The first one heads to Andrew at the Game Crown Center, and the second goes to a Fortune Teller. To get to the Game Crown Center from the first intersection go to the east and enter the first door you can. Here Andrew will let you do two things, one play a game of Sailor V, or leave the arcade. If you chose to play Sailor V the object of this little mini game is quite simple. Use Sailor V to knock the hamburger patties out from between there buns by shooting at them with a little gun. You have limited time so see how many points you can rack up. Now if you want to see the Fortune Teller, back from where the two intersections were go into the second one and then go west. The Fortune Teller is inside the first door, she'll give you lots of options, but since you can't read them, just ignore her and leave. Now back to the battle I mentioned that starts from the Osa-P, here Serena (Usagi) will transform into the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon's main attack in combat is a kick she does with the B Button(jump kicking can be done by pressing A then B Buttons.) Sailor Moon though has a secondary attack which is her Sonic Cry. Oddly crying is more effective than you might think this is because her crying has a devastating effect on the Negaverse. If she were to continue to cry she could damage the balance of the Negaverse's structure. Because of this in the game when you cry you can shatter the level itself which can break up rocky formations that hold special items, and there are four total you can get which are: Invincibility - This item looks like a strangely shaped rod or wand. When you get this four stars will form a rectangle around you, and anything it touches will be destroyed. Invincibility only lasts for a limited time, so be aware. Also this item will restore all of your lost hit points as well, very useful. Moon Tiara Action - Obviously this is Sailor Moons original primary attack, her moon tiara. When she gets this item which looks like her tiara(charged) with four sparkles around it she can use her tiara. This is a very powerful weapon that can kill anything but a boss in one hit. A downside to this item though is when it's active you can't cry. When active four hearts will be around you, you'll lose one for each hit you take, lose 4 and you lose the Moon Tiara Action power. Freezing Time - This item which looks a bit like the Sailor Soldiers wrist communicators will freeze time for a little while. This weapon like the Moon Tiara can be lost by taking four hits as well. Enemies are also only frozen in time horiztonally, NOT vertically, flying enemies will go up and down so be aware of that. Frozen enemies can still hurt too if you hit them as well. 1UP - There are only around two or three of these in the game. A 1UP for some odd reason you don't know will give you one extra life to use in the game. [Into the Battle Before the Boss] In these area's before you can take on the head boss for each of the levels to this game you have to work your way passed many of its minions. These levels stay the same throughout in design though new types of attacks from enemies will occur. As you get into later levels, the structure stays the same except that they just get longer than the last. Early levels you'll deal with ground enemies coming from both sides of the screen, but in later levels you'll come across enemies like slime that can attack from above so my advice with them and any flying enemy, stay out of the center of the screen or you WILL take a hit. In these places just take it slowly as you advance and be sure to kill all the enemies otherwise it will be over very quickly. In time you'll figure out how far enemies can move or jump at you so you won't take hits anymore, just keep trying, and don't give up. If you die you restart in that block. But if you run out of lives and continue it's back to the story section. [The First Boss - Molly's Possessed Mother] To start be aware that with any boss when you hit them, they will flash for a second or two. At this time they can't hurt you, use this to your advantage to get behind them and be ready to attack again. Now to attack this boss keep that in mind. When she's in the air she'll attempt to stretch out her arms and stick you with her fingers, she'll then float across the screen. At this moment just jump kick her and be sure to pass through her as she's flashing, you need to stay opposite of her our you WILL get hit. Sometimes she'll pass across the ground to try to hit you, jump kick her the same way. [Stage Two] In this level you start out a Juuban Hr. High School. Go out the classroom door and head west and you'll find Amy(Ami), talk to her. Now go into the second door(the first is your classroom) and go to the west and enter the door you see and go west again. You'll come passed a sign that says "On Air" just keep going west off the screen and you'll enter a room. The enemy is here, talk to her. Go back now to your classroom you started at which was door one, and go over to door three and go inside and talk to Luna. Now exit and then go into door two and go to the west walking passed the first door you see. Just keep going you'll find Luna and she'll take you into the next battle. [The Second Boss - Sonic Monster(?)] Hey American's, this one won't look familiar to you(or me) but this is from one of the undubbed episodes(f@#$ing DiC). To start jump over the boss's sonic blast attack and just jump kick her when she's on the ground level. She will get mad, go in the air, and transform... jump kick here again while she is still. Now follow her to the left side of the screen and jump kick her again. She'll fly into the middle, and you should move over to the left. She will notice, get on the ground level and come at you. Kick the monster again and then pass through her as she is flashing, do it again when she turns around and comes to the right to you. The pattern at this point will start over, just keep it up until she falls. It isn't over yet, now it's time to mix it with Jedite. In this confrontation he's easy enough, but you don't get an energy refill so that's the downer to this. You are now into a new screen going to confront him, just walk forward until he appears. [Jedite: The First Strike] Jedite will appear oon the right side of the screen, but he will quickly jump over to the left. Before he does this jump if you are fast enough you can jump straight up and kick him as he passes. Now that he's on the left he will hop into the middle of the screen to spook you, then back to the left again. He'll now attack with a nega energy ball, just jump it, and the pattern will repeat once more. He's simple here, don't think he will be later on. [Stage Three] Here we start at a Health Spa resort and Molly will be with you and follow you as you go along. Just move to the east and you'll enter a doorway, the take will take control for a moment and Molly will take off. Now head to the east and you'll find Raye(Rei) so talk to her. In the doorway to the right of her you'll find Ms. Haruna(I believe) go into it and walk tot he east, talk to the lady and then she'll take off. Now head back to Rei and go into the door to her left. In there you'll find a guy to talk to, talk to him, and then go to the east and into a doorway. Go to the east and talk to the guy, then go to the west and find Luna, talk to her. Luna will take you to a new place, now head west and go into the doorway. A small piece of plot will be told to you and then it's off to battle again. A note about this battle area, there are slimes that will attack from the roof and can't be shot if you have the gun, so just jump over them. You'll then come across the guy from the Spa, then Luna. [Jedite: What? Not him again.] Jedite is more of a pain this time around. He'll start off by doing an odd floating roll at you which you need to jump over. The best place to be in this level because of this is always in the center, NEVER the outside. He will now try to attack you with that nega energy ball again, jump that too. Jedite will hop to the middle of the screen, here you will kick him, and then he'll jump back to where he was and the pattern will start over again. [Stage Four] There is no story here for Sailor Moon, its just time to rock n' roll with the Negaverse in this all combat level. Start crying now because guess what Luna has been captured and it stuck in one of the rocks, so free her. Once freed she will take you into the real battle sequence. In this area you'll be bombarded with fireballs that can be taken out with a kick of some Moon Tiara Action. Soon you'll come across what you think is Luna, it's not, its a fake. This is an evil Luna because she won't advance you, then again I guess it is all on point of view since the real one will get you into more trouble. After speaking to fake Luna head to the left, find and speak to the real Luna. She will send you into the next piece of battle with a few encouraging words. Now head right and go take out Jedite once and for all. [Jedite: Will he ever learn?] Here is the final time you'll have to deal with this lacky Negaverse general. Jedite will jump up and hang from the center of the ceiling, when he's there you can jump kick him (As with all battles with Jedite stay in the center.) He will now drop down to the center so kick him again, and he'll back off to the edge of the screen. Once again Jedite will throw one of his pathetic nega energy balls at you, jump over it as usual. Well that's his pattern, just finish him off fast because the fun has just started. [Queen Beryl: The Final Battle] When Jedite gets sent straight into the hurt locker Queen Beryl will make the scene and she's mad. Queen Beryl will appear on the platfrom, and when she is flashing jump kick at her, by the time you get to her she'll stop flashing and be vunerable. When she is flashing is the ONLY time you can hurt her so get the timing down fast or it's all over for Sailor Moon. As if this wasn't bad enough when she reappears after this might be on another platform, she has no pattern just total randomness to her appearances. Now you wonder what else could go wrong, well how about the fact that the face of Metallia who Queen Beryl consults will take shots at you with lightning bolts. If you can take out Queen Beryl your adventure will be over and the world saved from Queen Beryl and the Negaforce. [III. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun R for Super Famicom] ["Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R" (C)1993 BAN DAI]______________________________ [Title Screen Menus] Our game opens on a late afternoon day overlooking the waterfront and four beams of light pass overhead and our story begins. Queen Beryl is gone, the Doom Tree has passed, and now a new threat has come to Tokyo in the form of the Negamoon and its followers from a distant future. As the day begins a girl drops out of the sky and lands on Serena(Usagi), and being able to hypnotise people with the help of her Luna P Ball she convinces Serena's (Usagi's) family that she is their cousin Rini(Chibiusa). Anyways as the story goes she has come to the past to find the Silver Imperium Crystal and her mother in the past to help her out. With the help of the Sailor Soldiers protecting her they take care of the Four Sisters Catsy, Bertie, Avery, and Prisma. Our story now in the game takes off from here where you'll have to deal with many monsters brought fourth by Prince Diamond and his three generals Emerald, Sapphire, and Rubius. Here on the title screen with the beautiful Sailor Moon R you will be given four choices to continue from with many choices under each. To make this easy for you to get by on I'll explain them in a clockwise manner. A. Main Game Start - Choose this to get a second menu leading up to the start of the game. 1. Press the button on the left option for a One Player Game. 2. Press the button on the right for a Two Player Game. B. Play the Main Game With Rini - This unique option lets you play the game as Rini (Chibiusa) alone or with another. Tip: Want to try playing some secret modes under this screen? Just hold down the L, R, Select, and Start Buttons to get this special menu. 1. Option one in this menu lets you play a two player game with two Rini's (Chibiusa's). 2. Option two is a "Best Friend" mode in which you get to play the game much like the above option, but I believe the difficulty is different. 3. Option three is a Two Player option that lets you play the first player as one of the five Sailor Scouts, while the second player gets to use Rini (Chibiusa) which makes for an interesting combination. C. Two Player Combat Mode - In this option you and a friend get to choose your favorite of the five Sailor Soldiers and fight it out to the end. D. Options Screen - Change options by using the Control Pad and Buttons. 1. Option one lets you set the difficulty level of the game, it is set to normal as default. Pressing right on the Control Pad once will select the hard setting, and once more the easy mode. Remember in easy mode though you can only play the first two of five levels in this game. 2. Option two lets you set the number of continues you get in the game. It is defaulted to three, you can choose five as the other option. 3. Option four lets you sample the background music. 4. Option five lets you sample the sound effects. 5. Option six lets you sample the voice clips. 6. Option seven lets you exit back to the main screen by pressing Start. [Playing the Game] Once you have selected your options and the amount of players for your battle with Prince Diamonds negaverse minions before you can send them back to where they came from you need to select your Sailor Soldier. You get to choose from left to right Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter. Each of the five Sailor Soldiers have their own weaknesses and strengths so keep that in mind when choosing your player or team. To choose your Sailor Soldier just highlight them when the Control Pad then press the Y Button. Your out of uniform Soldier will transform and after the opener to the stage is done you can begin to play. If in the case you chose to use Rini (Chibiusa) be aware she can NOT throw or grab onto enemies to attack. She can though attack using her parasol to beat on the enemy or charge it up for an attack of shooting stars, she even has a powerful attack too, Luna P Attack. When you do complete a level in this game your preformance will be evaluated on a report card of sorts. This report card at the end of each of the levels will add up the points you have earned from everything that you have done from giving beatings, to getting items and food, and even how long you took in each level will be looked at too. When this is added up you will see a grade of A, B, C, D, or E on the screen. Be aware that if you die in a level or even take even a moderate beating you won't get an A, if you die or die so that you have to continue you'll end up with a C at best. Like I said, everything, and I mean everything is evaluated, what I don't know is if it effecting the ending. The main game only consists of four main stages which are made up of generally two sub-stages. All the enemies you will encounter are monster lackies that the Nega Moon's forces have sent against the Soldiers in the TV show. Be advised though unlike in the older of these two side scrollers the enemies in this game have much better AI working for them. Enemies will dodge projectile attacks and the such by attacking accordingly or side stepping out of the way. As you progress you'll find stronger versions of enemies with new attack patterns, you can identify them in new colors and new enemies all together. So keep in mind this isn't exactly a mindless brawling game the enemies will try to use strategy, outnumber you, or out wit you so make a plan and do it. The other new feature to this game is an added fighting simulator in which you can ONLY use the five Sailor Soldiers, not Rini (Chibiusa). Below I will go into more detail about the moves the Soldiers can preform in this mode of play but needless to say its a fun addition with little perks. A nice thing to see in this is that you can move into the foreground and background in this mode to evade shots unlike in most Street Fighter II type games. Sadly though it's only a two player game, and I think it is the reason why this game only had four levels and not five or more like the original, oh well. [Player's Attack Options] All of the Sailor Soldiers have specific way to attack the enemy which is usually a combinations of punches, kicks, and choppinge by pressing the Y Button repeatedly. A combination move will occur if your Soldier continues to batter the enemy until it falls down, not to say it won't get back up again for some more. To allow your Sailor Soldier to Jump simply press the B Button to do it, though if you press left or right at the same time they'll jump in that direction. To attack in air with intent to knock the enemy down press the Y Button to kick, but if you wish to stun an enemy to set them up for an attack you need to press Down and hold it while pressing the Y Button. When you do this the Sailor Scouts will put out their fist to stun an enemy, though Sailor Mars will use one of her banishment charms, and Sailor Venus will use her "Love Me Chain" to do the stunning. Added though to this game is also a real devastation grabbing aerial attack which does considerable damage. To do this simply grab ahold of the enemy, then press B Button to Jump, then A Button to smash the enemy(and even bosses too) into the ground. Each Sailor Soldier also has the ability to toss an enemy, each in their own unique way. There are actually two types of throws you can use, a close range and long range attack. If you get close to an opponent and can grab ahold of them if you just press the Y Button to attack you will beat on the enemy a bit then toss them aside which is stronger. If you grab ahold of an enemy and then press Left or Right on the Control Pad while pressing the Y Button you will toss the enemy long distance. Use this attack to your advantage as you can throw an enemy into some more causing addition damage to the original, as well as, all it comes in contact with before it hits the ground. The most popular and well known of the Sailor Soldier's attacks though are the elemental attacks which are: Mercury's "Shabon Spray(Ice)", Mars's "Firebird Strike", Jupiter's "Thunder Dragon", Venus's "Throbbing Heart", and Sailor Moon's "Moon Tiara Action." To do these attacks you will need to hold down the Y Button and release it when the meter up by the characters life bar is full. Be aware you are vunerable to considerable damage while you are charging this attack up as you have no way to defend, so use it wisely. The Sailor Soldiers also have a power move which you can use if you are surrounded and desperate, it does though take off a small piece of your life bar, but will clear the area and it is better than a beating or death. To do this move just press both the Y and B Buttons together. This like the attacks listed above are unique as well to each of the five Sailor Soldiers. And finally in the one player mode ONLY you have a limited amount of a super attack which is the attacks the Sailors learned in the "Doom Tree" part of Sailor Moon R. Sailor Mercury uses her "Shine Aqua Illusion", Sailor Mar's has her "Mars Fire Surround", Sailor Jupiter with her "Thunder Clap Zap"(it fills the screen), Sailor Venus's "Crescent Meteor Shower", and Sailor Moon uses her "Moon Sceptre Elimination." Use them wisely, you only get three, though you can pick up one or two more throughout the whole game. When playing a two player game though you have the option of yet another attack to make up for the fact you can use the attack just mentioned above. One Sailor Soldier can take ahold of another and throw her at the enemy. If the other player who is in flight hits the Y Button to attack she can down an enemy, or many of them, and do considerable damage with an flying elbow drop. [Playing the Fighting Game] The fighting game isn't quite as glorius as the main game but can be fun with a friend, and only with a friend since its a two player game only. To attack with a punch you use the Y Button, to Kick use the X Button, to Jump use the B Button, to use your elemental attack use the A Button, and to block use the L and R Buttons. Throwing and Jump Kicking work off the same principle as the main game, but uses the button setup for this mode. Each Sailor Scout can also use their life draining power move as well, though it doesn't hurt you, but you need to use the Control Pad + A Button in a certain way to do it. And here are those moves listed just below by Sailor Scout. Sailor Moon Back, Back/Down, Down + A Button Sailor Mercury Forward, Down, Down/Forward + A Button Sailor Mars Back, Down/Back, Down/Forward, Forward + A Button Sailor Jupiter Back, Up/Back, Up, Down + A Button Sailor Venus Forward, Back, Forward + A Button [Objects Found Throughout the Game] As time progresses in the game you will come across many items lying around randomly or inside things that you have destroyed, don't just stare at them, pick them up. Each of these items can refill your life, add a new life, or give you a boost of bonus points towards an extra life, and if you're lucky you can find the item to give you an extra of your limited attacks. To get them is quite simple, just stand over the item and press the Y Button to bend down and get it. Some items that you can find are food items which can restore a little to a lot of energy, also if you can find Tuxedo Mask's rose that will fully fill your life bar. Also be aware that with regular items, that food too will not only give life, but bonus points as well so always pick it up before going on. The coveted item of the game though I feel is the 1UP wrist communicator and the red bow which adds an extra of the limited attacks. You can find sixteen items in this game if you search hard enough, the point values they range from are 300 for small things like lollipops and vanilla ice cream cones to the 10,000 point green crystal. [Alternate Endings to the Main Game] Fortunatley this game will give you more than one ending once you finish off Prince Diamond at the final stage. The ending you get depends again by your preformance from start to finish, I feel it works off the grading scale described above. There are several different endings that I can recall, though I don't remember how many I've seen or if they are all of them as well. Some small parts do tend to stay the same way once you down Prince Diamond and the ending begins, I'd describe it but that would ruin the fun. [Tactics For Enemy and Boss Combat] [Monster Tactics] Here's a tip for those eletricity using witches that show up I believe in stage three of the game. Stay close no matter what, if you get more than I'd say four inches away they'll dive at you with a powerful electric attack, but they can't do much to you at all on the ground. For the short fat monsters, with the yellow ones distance their rolls, and when they stop grab them and toss them quickly, but if alone grab ahold beat them twice, then jump slam attack them for a lot of damage. Now with the blue ones the best thing to do is just keep punching as they dive at you, they'll always take the hit. For the white ones that slide, fight them somewhat like the yellow, avoid they're slides then pick them up and beat them senseless. Now with the spinning enemies with the dual blades the best thing to do is to not try to grab them, just let them spin at you while you punch rapidly, most likely you'll hit them and they'll fall down quickly. Let it be known though they don't just spin in one direction they can arc down at you so beware. One other enemy to be wary of is the greenish colored monsters with the yellow head, they will often if you get close trying to grab them, they'll grab you and beat on you three or four times which you can't break out of, then let go. The final enemy to watch which I feel is the worst are the Gelax. Never ever try to grab a gold or silver Gelax they'll always grab you and try to crush you by enveloping your Sailor Soldier. With the gold ones you have to be a bit more careful as when you knock them down, they'll go into a puddle and follow you. They'll only get solid under you, so let them try it, back up a bit and then punch their lights out when they're up before they can grab you. Also in the second substage of stage two when you're on the raft most find part hard and life consuming, but there is a way out. After awhile you'll learn where and when enemies will drop down onto your raft. Be in that area and when they land grab them and toss them off the raft fast. Don't bother using regular attacks as their partner will backstab you, just throw them both off real fast before the next round of enemies come or it'll pile up on you. [Boss Tactics] Stage One Boss: Emerald (Esumeroodo) - This boss is quite simple, and if you are careful on approaching her she won't even touch you. She'll try to here and there attack you with a swipe of her fan or with a kick to the face, but that's easy to deal with. Her one troublesome attack comes after she's been knocked down a third and seventh time and she'll get up and charge you with her feet rapidly kicking at your last position from when she takes off. Just move out of the way and you'll be fine, this move is easy to see coming if she's on the screen because she'll just get up and go, not try to walk at you as normal. If you are able to take her down before you have her hit the ground five times she will not be able to call in reinforcements so plan wisely, make it easy. Stage Two Boss: Sapphire (Safuiiru) - This second boss I find in most cases is even more easy than Emerald, if you can trap him into a little loop I discovered. First I'll let you know that if you can't he likes to jump around next to you and hit you with a very painful flurry of punches. Now to kill him with little to no, or no damage at all try this pattern. When he drops down next to the back wall punch him a few times, then grab him and hit him two of the three times to knock one over, then press the jump button, and then A to slam him into the ground. As he's down walk straight up an inch or so, as soon as he's fully up come down and repeat the process if you time it right he won't get in a hit! Stage Three Boss: Rubius (Rubiusu) - The third boss is a nightmare compared to the first two as he is assisted by two to three Gelax in combat. Rubius likes to flip around a bit, charge with punches, fires a blast of dark energy at times, and he'll pick you up smack you around a bit and throw you away. Now the only good strategy to him is to stay close and keep attacking with a beating in the same lineup as I mentioned for Sapphire. When he tries to shoot at you either try to jump it which is harder, or try to sidestep it which is also quite hard as well. Don't get real close(toss/grab distance) unless you have Rubius in a stunned condition from a few punches or you get grabbed, battered, and tossed to the wind. All this goes on with Gelax popping up and down to squeeze you dry. If you can, and I don't advise it, grab on and toss it into him and the others if they're in a group, its a nice cheap way to level him. For this boss I advise using not your elemental attack, but the limited attack you get three of, it takes off a bar of life. Final Stage Four Boss: Prince Diamond (Furinsu Demando) - This final boss can be a real pest, even more so than Rubius was. To combat him is quite difficult as he will fire shots of dark energy at you, he'll spin around and bolt at you quite often. He's also quite good and jumping in near you and giving a fast beating with his fists, as well as just tossing you if he has the chance. The best thing to do in this level is keep a moderate distance until you see an opening to attack, usually when he's just walking. At this time the easiest thing to do it just try to throw him, or if you can use the pattern of attack I did for Sapphire with the punches, grab hits, then the drop. This is hard to do with those two electric witches helping him as with Rubius before he's got plenty of backup constantly around him making it harder to get at him. Remember that those two ladies around him given the distance will dive at you with their electric attack so keep your eye on them too. Now and easy method for help though also comes from them, as you can easily approach them and throw them constantly into Prince Diamond given he's close enough and lined up for it. Also as with Rubius I highly advise keeping a few of those limited attack shots shots and buring him real fast with it as they can take off a bar of life from each one. [IV. Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon R for Gameboy] ["Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R" (C)1994 ANGEL]________________________________ [Title Screen Menu] As our story begins we are presented with the title screen for Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun R. After you press the start button Serena(Usagi) will appear and give you four options to choose from. These options are to play the game in Story Mode, Play the Action Sequences, Play the Puzzles, or Enter a Password. As listed above those are your options in clockwise order, here's more info about each of the options below: A. Story Mode - Play the game with all the story sequences. Before you can though you must choose Easy Mode(left) or Normal Mode(right). In easy mode you get three lives and twelve hit points, in normal you get eight. B. Play the Action Sequences - Here you can choose any Sailor Soldier you like and use her throughout the games action sequences. As with the Story Mode you'll have to pick easy or normal modes which give you the same power. C. Play the Puzzles - Here you have six puzzle games to choose from and when you select a game you get three choices which are to get a description of the game, play the game, and quit to the main menu. The six games I'll list as usual in clockwise order and they are: 1. Sailor V Game - As Sailor V you must shoot all the birds that come onto the screen, if three pass you by the game is over. 2. Card Game - This is simply the old game of High/Low in which you need to guess if you card is higher or lower than the dealers, if you miss once its over, get five and you win. There are three menu choices in this game which are Higher, Lower, and Quit. 3. Sliding Tile Game - Using the control pad to highlight a square, and then the jump button to move it you can reassemble many nice pictures. If you press the attack button you get an option to press the jump button to Quit this game. 4. Grandpa The Fortune Teller - Choose from one of four fortunes, not use to you probably though if you're reading this since its in Japanese. 5. Memeory Game - In this game you just get a bunch of face down cards, flip them over and match two. If you miss five times its over so be careful. 6. Sailor Moon Quiz - Answer questions about Sailor Moon, for each right one you get a point used to uncover a secret picture covered in squares. This like Grandpa the Fortune Teller is in Japanese so don't bother trying if you can't read the language. C. Password - Enter your previously earned password here to continue. [Stage One] In this beginning stage you get to play the role of Serena(Usagi), keep in mind that the jump button talks to people, and the attack button displays a map. To make this easy on you annd myself I'm going to just list the characters you have to talk to to get through the level. Start by walkting to the east and then go up at the first intersection and continue to the east, and then up at the next intersection again. Up here go to the west and find Melvin and talk to him, once you're done he'll follow you. Now go back to the intersection and go down, then go west passed the intersection until you arrive at the Osa-P, talk to Molly, he'll stay with her. Now to the left of her is the Osa-P's front door with Luna outside, talk to her then go inside. Here you'll talk to Molly's Mom which will turn into an enemy, and you'll tranform into Sailor Moon ready for battle. You don't have to fight though, she will challenge you to the memory game, which you don't have to do. After walking out of the Osa-P with Luna following you go speak to Ami who is back out by where you left your house. After that go speak to Rei, she's up top right where Melvin was, then finally go see Rini who is beyond that intersection that takes you where Melvin was and talk to her. Once you've done all that go back up the intersection and go to the right up to where Andrew is at the Game Crown Center. At this time the game will take over and place you into the action sequence. [Into the Battle Before the Boss] In these area's like in the first gameboy Sailor Moon game you have to go through a level of some length before you come to the boss. In this game though some of the levels will go vertical as well as horizontal. Each Sailor you use in these phases will attack with her elemental attack and jump with the other button. As with all these stages take it slow so you don't get trapped by monsters and take hits, though in this game killing monsters can reveal to you health items which are hearts for 1 hit point and cake for a full refill. You will also come across roses here and there this are extra lives, get them. In this first stage you are Sailor Moon, in the rest of the stages you play the other Sailor Soldiers in this order: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus. [The First Boss - Catsy (Kooan)] Catsy is a pretty simple boss with a straight forward pattern and technique. To take care of her avoid her by jumping over her cartwheels and then shoot her with your Moon Tiara. Catsy will take a shot at you when she stops her cartwheeling so just jump over it, if you never stop using the tiara though she will not stop cartwheeling so keep that in mind. [Stage Two] You start this stage as Rini(Chibiusa) so walk to the east passed the first intersection and the second too and talk to Darien(Mamoru) and then enter the building there and talk to Amy(Ami), she will now lead you around. Walk to the west and go back to the first intersection and go up it. Walk to the west again and and enter the building, Ami will leave Rini(Chibiusa) there, so now head to the east and go up the steps. Walk to the west passed Melvin and then enter the door. Once this little sequence is over go out of the temple and walk to the west again until you see Luna, talk to her, then go west again and talk to Serena(Usagi). Now go west again and talk to Chad(broom guy) and walk again to the west and go up the intersection and then go west again, here you will find Rubius holding Rini(Chibiusa) captive. [The Second Boss - Rubius (Rubiusu)] Rubius is a pretty sneaky fighter compared to Catsy, as soon as battle starts take a shot at him. He will make a gesture with his arm and an oil drum will drop down on where you are standing, so move. Being out of the way shoot him again, he'll fire a blast at you so jump over it and shoot at him again. He'll get annoyed and jump down to where you are standing so move. Keep this pattern up and he'll go down without too much effort. Just remember to keep a good distance from him so he and his oil drums can't hurt you. [Stage Three] You start this stage out (as well as the others) as a Sailor Soldier, and in this one that is Sailor Mars. Start by walking to the east and go up the first intersection(not the one in front of you right away) and go east at the next intersection. Keep going to the east and at the next intersection go down and head to the east until you see Rini(Chibiusa), talk to her. Now go to the west and go up the intersection and go west again and speak to Sailor Moon. Walk to the west again and go up the first intersection and continue west until you see Luna, talk to her, then go into the curtained door(you'll talk to Tuxedo Mask.) Walk to the east and go down the intersection and continue walking to the east, at the next intersection go up and go east passed Sailor Mercury into the door. Here you'll speak to the Guardian of the Gate of Time, Sailor Pluto, talk to her. Now go back to the place you talked to Tuxedo Mask and enter, you'll talk to King Endymion. Now go into the room you can see in the center of your map. When you are done talking walk to the east and go down the intersection and walk to the east and go in the door. You'll be doing a little talking here, just advance passed it and go back to where Sailor Pluto was, the game will take over here and off you go into combat. [The Third Boss - Emerald (Esumeroodo)] This woman needless to say has a jealous vicious streak, and her attacks toward you are quite random. The best I can tell you to do is avoid the stuff she throws at you. She'll try to hop to where you are and kick you, jump away from that it hurts quite a bit. Just keep that in mind and you'll live. [Stage Four] Here you are Sailor Jupiter, now walk to the east and two sequences will take over, after that go to the east again and go up the hallway, then to the east and up the next hallway. Walk east again and go passed the intersection and a girl standing there and keep going until you find the Luna P Ball and talk to it, then go west and enter the balcony. Walk to the east from here and talk to Luna. Now go down the intersection on the right and walk east and go down the next intersection as well. Continue east and go up the next intersection and go east until you see a door, enter it. Now go back to the balcony and go to the west and talk to Luna again. Go down the intersection on your left now and go to the west until you see a hallway to go up, continue west and go into the door. Walk to the east and go down the intersection then continue east and go up the hallway you find and continue east some more until you find another intersection to go down. Here head to the west and talk to Luna, then go into the doorway to the left of her and battle will begin again. [The Fourth Boss - Sapphire (Safuiiru)] Here you'll come across Sapphire, the brother of Prince Diamond(he looks a lot like Darien doesn't he?) Anyways he fights quite dirty, he has other things do most the combat for him. Sapphire will raise he hands and call forth two Gelax to assist him, at this point he can be hurt. When the Gelax are dead by you he'll fire beams of dark energy at you, only when he moves from one side of the screen to the other he can be hurt. When you hit him, he'll call forth two more Gelax, and this is how it goes until he falls. If he dies and there are still Gelax around kill them and it ends right there. [Stage Five] In this final stage you are Sailor Venus. To start out you must head to the east and go up the hallway before you, then go to the west and talk to Luna. Now from here go back and talk to Sailor Moon which you passed by. Now go up the hallway and go west and talk to Sailor Mercury, from there walk west some more and talk to Sailor Mars. From here enter the door at the far left of the second corridor on your map, after a nice speach final combat will commence. [Prince Diamond (Furinsu Demando) - The Final Battle] Prince Diamond is quite tough to kill so stay on your guard. Diamond will shoot out balls of dark energy at you will also jump kick to where you are now standing, so get out of the way fast. The only way to stop this attack of his is to blast him with your crescent beam to stun him. There's not an exact pattern to him here either beyond just dodging and counter attacking. Once the battle is over you get sent back into the story mode, just walk to the east and enter the door at the end of the corridor. The game will now end with a nice long plot ending sequence, the world is saved and you win. [V. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun S for Super Famicom] ["Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S" (C)1994 ANGEL]________________________________ (Note: This is for the fighting game, not the puzzle game) [Title Screen Menus] As our game begins a bell tolls three times in the night and we see five tall pillars, on top of each pillar stands one of the five original Sailor Soldiers with Sailor Moon in the highest middle pillar. As the story goes on we find ourselves a little time later after the Sailor Moon R story with the Negamoon deciphals under Prince Diamond and the wiseman defeated. In this new time of the "S" series we find ourselves back in the present, but with a familiar face in training, and two new Sailor Soldiers as well. Rini (Chibiusa) has come back to the present to train with the Soldiers as Sailor Chibimoon, and Sailor Pluto as well has made the scene coming away from the Gate of Time. The two new Soldiers are Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus who had been searching for three sacred talismans in order to unite them into one. This item later on would boost Sailor Moon's powers in order to make her into Super Sailor Moon. Well as it seems the Soldiers feel that maybe there needs to be a change in the command structure of the nine Sailor Soldiers and our story begins as the nine of them want to fight it out to prove who's the best and deserves to lead the rest, needless to say this makes Sailor Moon quite upset to say the least. Anyways as the pillars with the Soldiers fades away into the background we are presented with a colorful menu with six options to choose from. A. Story Mode - Play the game in story mode to decide who becomes the leader. B. 1P vs 2P - Play a two player game with a friend to see who's best. C. 1P vs CPU - Play a game against the computer controlled Sailor Soldier that you will choose to fight. D. Tournament Mode - Play the game in tournament mode, you select which of the Sailor Soldiers you want to play as and go against 7 computer controlled Sailor Soldiers in a fight to the end. E. Practice Mode - Choose a Sailor Soldier you'd like to practice with to learn its moves, the enemy Soldier you pick will just sit there and take it from you. Press the Start Button to get a partial list, if you have the manual (which I do) it's got all the moves. Read below for that list. F. Option Screen - Change options by using the Control Pad and Buttons. 1. Option one sets the difficulty level of the game. There are three levels to choose from which are normal(default), and pressing right will get you difficult mode, and right again is "Intimate Friend", and again easy. 2. Option two lets you choose if you want to have/not have a time limit. 3. Option three lets you sample the music tracks. 4. Option four lets you sample the sound effects. 5. Option five lets you sample the vocal effects. 6. Option six lets you exit back to the main menu. [Playing in Story Mode] In the story mode you can use to use the first six of the nine Sailor Soldiers which are known as the "Inner Senshi"(Inner Soldiers). These Soldiers are: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Chibimoon. In the story mode before you begin combat by hitting the Select Button you can access the Ability Customize System (ACS). This will explained a little farther down in this section. You can also choose not to play in this mode on the Player Select screen and hit select to get back to the main menu, once beyond this area there is no going back, but by defeat. When you are choosing your Sailor Soldier for combat keep in mind you can choose to wear the alternate(Player 2) players uniform color instead of the default which we see on the anime itself. To select these different color fuku(suits) just hit the B or A Buttons, this applies in ALL MODES. [Playing Against the CPU and a Second Player] In this mode of play you can choose to use any of the nine Sailor Soldiers to use which are: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Uranus. As with the Story Mode part of the game on the selection screen hit the Select Button to use the Ability Customize System, unlike in Story Mode you can use this before each set of battles against a friend or the computer. [Playing in Tournament Mode] This mode is for one or two players, but has a tendency to get boring fast if you aren't with a friend, or lose early on because you'll have to just watch the tournament tally screen to see the winners with a little animation. In this mode you can choose any of the Sailor Soldiers you want to use, and all the Sailor Soldiers you'd like to combat. Keep in mind you can even select the same Sailor Soldier more than once for this tournament. Be advised there is no second tries in this mode, its one round until one goes down. [Ability Customize System (ACS)] Well finally here we are at the Ability Customize System (ACS), which I'll call it from now on. Using this option allows the player to beef up the Sailor Soldier you chose by 10 points in Story Mode, and 15 points in Player vs Computer Mode. Keeping in mind you don't have to use any or all of the points to increase an ability press the A or Y Button, to decrease an ability use the B or X Button on the hexagonal meter. To select the attribute you wish to enhance just move the Control Pad to the Left or Right to highlight it and then add as much as you like to it that you can. Since these abilities on the meter aren't in english I will discuss what they are and what they can do for you in a clockwise position starting on top: 1. Elemental Energy - This gauge when you increase it will make your elemental attacks incrementally more powerful. 2. Question Mark - This gauge will increase the power of your Desperation Attack which can do incredible damage if highly powered up, keep in mind it only works when you're injured badly(panting), or 10 sec left on the clock. 3. Defensive Power - This gauge decreases the amount of damage you take from another Sailor Soldiers attack the more you add to it. 4. Playfulness - This is simply the handicapping option, not intended for unexperienced players. The higher this is the more likely your going to foul up an attack or fall on your face when Reverse Flash Jumping. Your Sailor will attempt to do the move and fail, at this time she'll giggle or something, at this moment you are vunerable for a few moments to damage. 5. Life Meter - This gauge increases the amount of life over 100% on your life bar, which will show up in green in combat. 6. Attack Power - This gauge increases the strength of your non-elemental attacks such as kicks, punches, grabbing maneuvers, and throws. * Consider this, the ACS is the ultimate equalizer in combat against friends or the computer. This six sided gauge is really the difficulty meter more than the one in the option screen. To test what I mean try playing it in Story Mode with use of the ACS, then without it using the same Sailor. [Controlling Your Sailor Soldier] The controls to this game are fairly simple and unless you set it up to use the automation feature the game only requires the use of the B, A, Y, and X Buttons. Y and X Buttons are respectively the Weak and Strong Punch while B and A Buttons are respectively the Weak and Strong Kick Buttons. Jumping in this game is simply done by pressing Up on the Control Pad, and Ducking is done by pressing Down on the Control Pad. When you are playing in Story Mode, Two Player Mode, or One Player vs the CPU Mode you will be presented with a screen allowing you to change the button layout in this game. Here is where you can also set automation to the special attacks of each of the Sailor Soldiers by allowing the L and R Buttons to handle that. When this is on in combat, you will hold either the L or R Buttons and then a Punch or Kick Button. In cases of attacks with more than one strength, L Button is for the weaker, and R is for the stronger attack. Desperation Attacks are preformed by pressing L and R Button at the same time. When your opponent throws or uses a grab attack on you, you'll fall to the ground and take damage. The full loss of energy from the attack can be avoided by repeatedly pressing an attack button while you are being thrown, and if you are lucky you'll land on your feet and be able to respond to an opponents next attack. This will not work though in two special cases and that is Sailor Jupiter's Giant Swing, and Sailor Uranus's Diving Gaia Crash. All the moves that are present in this game can be preformed at any given time during combat except for one exception, the Desperation Attack. This special move is reserved for when you are beaten down to a point of panting for dear life, or when there are just 10 seconds or left on the clock(a heart will flash in the middle of the energy/time bar on the top of the screen. This move is reserved for this moment because it can take off as much as around 75% of the opponent Sailor's life, but it can be done as many times as you like. [Special Moves of the Sailor Soldiers] *Sailor Moon - Tsukino Usagi* Moon Tiara Action: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch(Weak/Strong) Moon Spiral Heart Attack: Jump then while in the air, Down, Down/Back, Back + Punch(Weak/Strong) Sonic Cry: Charge Down (2sec) then Up + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Headbutting: Forward + Strong Punch Throw One: Forward + Strong Kick In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Kick. Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Forward Flash Jump: Forward, Forward Desperation Attack -> Silver Crystal Operation: Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back + Strong Kick *Sailor Mercury - Mizuno Ami* Shabon Spray: Charge Back (2sec) then Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Mercury Aqua Mirage: Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Up/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Reverse Break Step: Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Throw One: Forward + Strong Kick In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Jump off edge of screen: When you are jumping and touch the edge of the screen press the direction opposite of the edge and you will jump off it. Desperation Attack -> Water Bullet: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Forward + Strong Kick *Sailor Mars - Hino Rei* Fire Soul Bird: Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Mars Snake Fire: Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) Fire Heel Drop: Down, Down/Back, Back + Kick (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Slapping: Forward + Strong Punch Throw One: Forward + Strong Kick In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Kick Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Mars Snake Flare: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Down/Back, Down + Strong Kick NOTE: This move looks the same as Mars Snake Fire, but it rises up. *Sailor Jupiter - Kino Makoto* Supreme Thunder Dragon: Charge Back (2sec) then Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Jupiter Coconut Cyclone: Jump then Forward, Down/Forward, Down + Punch (Weak/Strong) Jupiter Double Axle: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) NOTE: You can control the direction of the double axle by pressing right and left after it is executed. Also Sailor Jupiter can't be hurt by projectiles while preforming this maneuver. Throws or Grabs. Giant Swing: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Up/Back, Up, Up/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Lightning Strike: Down, Down/Back, Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Strong Punch *Sailor Venus - Aino Minako* Cresent Beam: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Venus Link Chain Sword: Charge Down (2sec) then Up + Punch (Weak/Strong) Venus Love Me Chain: Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Kneeing: Forward + Strong Kick Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Chain Explosive: Back, Back/Down, Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Down/Forward, Down + Strong Punch *Sailor Chibimoon - Chibiusa/Small Lady* Pink Sugar Heart Attack: Charge Back (2sec) then Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Swinging Marshmallow: Jump then Down + Strong Punch or Kick Throws or Grabs. Slapping: Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Double Jump: Up then while at its highest Up again. Desperation Attack -> Luna P Attack: Jump Forward and while in the air press Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back + Strong Punch *Sailor Pluto - Meiou Setsuna* Dead Scream: Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) NOTE: Dead Scream (Weak) shoots out a cyclone towards your opponent, while Dead Screen (Strong) creates a screen high barrier of wind. Stork Sweep: Charge Back (2 sec) the Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Kneeing: Forward + Strong Kick Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Dimensional Dance: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down, Back, Back, Forward + Strong Punch *Sailor Neptune - Kaiou Michiru* Deep Submerging: Down, Down/Back, Back + Punch (Weak/Strong) Splash Edge: Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Dragon Rise: Forward, Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Strong Punch *Sailor Uranus - Ten'ou Haruka* World Shaking: Forward, Down/Forward, Down + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs: Diving Gaia Crash: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Up/Back, Up, Up, Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) Step Kick: Forward + Strong Kick Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Forward Flash Jump: Forward, Forward Desperation Attack -> Destructive Carnival: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Strong Kick [Alternate Openers and Beginnings to the Story Mode Game] As with Sailor Moon R this game too does change as you finish off all your opponent Sailor Soldiers in Story Mode. When you complete the game and it finally heads back to the introduction screen you will find that your Sailor Soldier you beat the game with will be on the top middle pillar instead of Sailor Moon(unless you win with her.) Afterwards a new screen will appear with a full sized Sailor Soldier with a special message for you(I will not ruin this one for you.) Other changes occur as well, on the Title Screen it will not say in Japanese Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun(Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon) anymore, it will say the name of the Soldier you beat the game with so if you used Sailor Jupiter then: Bishoujo Senshi Sera Jupita(Pretty Soldier Sailor Jupiter), and her head will be the new bust on the screen. Also the icon on the menu options screen will change too to the power item of the victorious Sailor Soldier. [VI. Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun Super S for Super Famicom] ["Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Super S" (C)1996 ANGEL]__________________________ (Note: This is for the fighting game, not the puzzle game) [Title Screen Menus] As this final game in the chapter of Nintendo Sailor Moon Combat titles begins we open upon a pastel scene with a pegasus and then upon the silhouettes of the original Sailor Soldiers plus Rini(Chibiusa). As this latest chapter in the fighting games unfolds after a major battle was one it was suggested by Sailor Chibimoon that maybe we need a new leader somewhat as of a joke, but the other Sailor Soldiers seemed to like the idea. This of course really did annoy Super Sailor Moon as she has always been the leader and felt it should stay that way. After a little more input from the Outer Senshi (including Sailor Saturn in this version) they decide to have an all out friendly battle to decide who should be the leader. As the menu to this game unfolds after the toll of three bells we are given yet again with the previous fighting game the same six options to choose from. A. Story Mode - Play the game in story mode to decide who becomes the leader. B. 1P vs 2P - Play a two player game with a friend to see who's best. C. 1P vs CPU - Play a game against the computer controlled Sailor Soldier that you will choose to fight. D. Tournament Mode - Play the game in tournament mode, you select which of the Sailor Soldiers you want to play as and go against 7 computer controlled Sailor Soldiers in a fight to the end. E. Practice Mode - Choose a Sailor Soldier you'd like to practice with to learn its moves, the enemy Soldier you pick will just sit there and take it from you. Press the Start Button to get a partial list, if you have the manual (which I do) it's got all the moves. Read below for that list. F. Option Screen - Change options by using the Control Pad and Buttons. 1. Option one sets the difficulty level of the game. There are three levels to choose from which are normal(default), and pressing right will get you difficult mode, and right again is "Intimate Friend", and again easy. 2. Option two lets you choose if you want to have/not have a time limit. 3. Option three lets you sample the music tracks. 4. Option four lets you sample the sound effects. 5. Option five lets you sample the vocal effects. 6. Option six lets you exit back to the main menu. [Playing in Story Mode] In the story mode you can use to use the first six of the nine Sailor Soldiers which are known as the "Inner Senshi"(Inner Soldiers). These Soldiers are: Super Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Chibimoon. In the story mode before you begin combat by hitting the Select Button you can access the Ability Customize System (ACS). This will explained a little farther down in this section. You can also choose not to play in this mode on the Player Select screen and hit select to get back to the main menu, once beyond this area there is no going back, but by defeat. When you are choosing your Sailor Soldier for combat keep in mind you can choose to wear the alternate(Player 2) players uniform color instead of the default which we see on the anime itself. To select these different color fuku(suits) just hit the B or A Buttons, this applies in ALL MODES. [Playing Against the CPU and a Second Player] In this mode of play you can choose to use any of the ten Sailor Soldiers to use they are: Super Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Saturn. As with the Story Mode part of the game on the selection screen hit the Select Button to use the Ability Customize System, unlike in Story Mode you can use this before each set of battles against a friend or the computer. [Playing in Tournament Mode] This mode is for one or two players, but has a tendency to get boring fast if you aren't with a friend, or lose early on because you'll have to just watch the tournament tally screen to see the winners with a little animation. In this mode you can choose any of the Sailor Soldiers you want to use, and all the Sailor Soldiers you'd like to combat. Keep in mind you can even select the same Sailor Soldier more than once for this tournament. Be advised there is no second tries in this mode, its one round until one goes down. [Ability Customize System (ACS)] Well finally here we are at the Ability Customize System (ACS), which I'll call it from now on. Using this option allows the player to beef up the Sailor Soldier you chose by 10 points in Story Mode, and 15 points in Player vs Computer Mode. Keeping in mind you don't have to use any or all of the points to increase an ability press the A or Y Button, to decrease an ability use the B or X Button on the hexagonal meter. To select the attribute you wish to enhance just move the Control Pad to the Left or Right to highlight it and then add as much as you like to it that you can. Since these abilities on the meter aren't in english I will discuss what they are and what they can do for you in a clockwise position starting on top: 1. Elemental Energy - This gauge when you increase it will make your elemental attacks incrementally more powerful. 2. Question Mark - This gauge will increase the power of your Desperation Attack which can do incredible damage if highly powered up, keep in mind it only works when you're injured badly(panting), or 10 sec left on the clock. 3. Defensive Power - This gauge decreases the amount of damage you take from another Sailor Soldiers attack the more you add to it. 4. Playfulness - This is simply the handicapping option, not intended for unexperienced players. The higher this is the more likely your going to foul up an attack or fall on your face when Reverse Flash Jumping. Your Sailor will attempt to do the move and fail, at this time she'll giggle or something, at this moment you are vunerable for a few moments to damage. 5. Life Meter - This gauge increases the amount of life over 100% on your life bar, which will show up in green in combat. 6. Attack Power - This gauge increases the strength of your non-elemental attacks such as kicks, punches, grabbing maneuvers, and throws. * Consider this, the ACS is the ultimate equalizer in combat against friends or the computer. This six sided gauge is really the difficulty meter more than the one in the option screen. To test what I mean try playing it in Story Mode with use of the ACS, then without it using the same Sailor. [Controlling Your Sailor Soldier] The controls to this game are fairly simple and unless you set it up to use the automation feature the game only requires the use of the B, A, Y, and X Buttons. Y and X Buttons are respectively the Weak and Strong Punch while B and A Buttons are respectively the Weak and Strong Kick Buttons. Jumping in this game is simply done by pressing Up on the Control Pad, and Ducking is done by pressing Down on the Control Pad. When you are playing in Story Mode, Two Player Mode, or One Player vs the CPU Mode you will be presented with a screen allowing you to change the button layout in this game. Here is where you can also set automation to the special attacks of each of the Sailor Soldiers by allowing the L and R Buttons to handle that. When this is on in combat, you will hold either the L or R Buttons and then a Punch or Kick Button. In cases of attacks with more than one strength, L Button is for the weaker, and R is for the stronger attack. Desperation Attacks are preformed by pressing L and R Button at the same time. When your opponent throws or uses a grab attack on you, you'll fall to the ground and take damage. The full loss of energy from the attack can be avoided by repeatedly pressing an attack button while you are being thrown, and if you are lucky you'll land on your feet and be able to respond to an opponents next attack. This will not work though in two special cases and that is Sailor Jupiter's Giant Swing, and Sailor Uranus's Diving Gaia Crash. All the moves that are present in this game can be preformed at any given time during combat except for one exception, the Desperation Attack. This special move is reserved for when you are beaten down to a point of panting for dear life, or when there are just 10 seconds or left on the clock(a heart will flash in the middle of the energy/time bar on the top of the screen. This move is reserved for this moment because it can take off as much as around 75% of the opponent Sailor's life, but it can be done as many times as you like. [Special Moves of the Sailor Soldiers] *Super Sailor Moon - Tsukino Usagi* Moon Tiara Action: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Moon Gorgeous Meditation: Down, Down/Back, Back, Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Sonic Cry: Charge Down (2sec) then Up + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Headbutting: Forward + Strong Punch Throw One: Forward + Strong Kick In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Kick. Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Forward Flash Jump: Forward, Forward Desperation Attack -> Silver Crystal Operation: Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back + Strong Kick *Sailor Mercury - Mizuno Ami* Mercury Aqua Rhapsody: Down, Down/Back, Back + Punch (Weak/Strong) Mercury Aqua Mirage: Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Up/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Reverse Break Step: Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Throw One: Forward + Strong Kick In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Jump off edge of screen: When you are jumping and touch the edge of the screen press the direction opposite of the edge and you will jump off it. Desperation Attack -> Water Bullet: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Forward + Strong Kick *Sailor Mars - Hino Rei* Mars Flame Sniper: Forward, Back + Punch (Weak/Strong) Mars Snake Fire: Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) Fire Heel Drop: Down, Down/Back, Back + Kick (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Slapping: Forward + Strong Punch Throw One: Forward + Strong Kick In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Kick Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Mars Snake Flare: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Down/Back, Down + Strong Kick NOTE: This move looks the same as Mars Snake Fire, but it rises up. *Sailor Jupiter - Kino Makoto* Jupiter Oak Revolution: Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Back + Punch (Weak/Strong) Jupiter Coconut Cyclone: Jump then Forward, Down/Forward, Down + Punch (Weak/Strong) Jupiter Double Axle: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) NOTE: You can control the direction of the double axle by pressing right and left after it is executed. Also Sailor Jupiter can't be hurt by projectiles while preforming this maneuver. Throws or Grabs. Giant Swing: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Up/Back, Up, Up/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Lightning Strike: Down, Down/Back, Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Strong Punch *Sailor Venus - Aino Minako* Venus Love and Beauty Shock: Back, Down/Back, Down + Punch (Weak/Strong) Venus Link Chain Sword: Charge Down (2sec) then Up + Punch (Weak/Strong) Venus Love Me Chain: Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Kneeing: Forward + Strong Kick Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Chain Explosive: Back, Back/Down, Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Down/Forward, Down + Strong Punch *Super Sailor Chibimoon - Chibiusa/Small Lady* Pink Sugar Heart Attack: Charge Back (2sec) then Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Swinging Marshmallow: Jump then Down + Strong Punch or Kick Throws or Grabs. Slapping: Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Double Jump: Up then while at its highest Up again. Desperation Attack -> Twinkle Yell: Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Down + Strong Punch *Sailor Pluto - Meiou Setsuna* Chronos Typhoon: Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Dead Scream: Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) NOTE: Dead Scream (Weak) shoots out a cyclone towards your opponent, while Dead Screen (Strong) creates a screen high barrier of wind. Stork Sweep: Charge Back (2 sec) the Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Kneeing: Forward + Strong Kick Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Dimensional Dance: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down, Back, Back, Forward + Strong Kick *Sailor Neptune - Kaiou Michiru* Submarine Reflection: Charge Back (2 sec) the Forward + Punch Deep Submerging: Down, Down/Back, Back + Punch (Weak/Strong) Splash Edge: Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch In the air grab: While in air next to opponent press Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Dragon Rise: Forward, Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Down, Down/Forward + Strong Punch *Sailor Uranus - Ten'ou Haruka* Space Sword Blaster: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) World Shaking: Forward, Down/Forward, Down + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs: Diving Gaia Crash: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Up/Back, Up, Up, Forward + Kick (Weak/Strong) Step Kick: Forward + Strong Kick Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Forward Flash Jump: Forward, Forward Desperation Attack -> Destructive Carnival: Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Strong Kick *Sailor Saturn - Tomoe Hotaru* Silence Buster: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch (Weak/Strong) Press Crusher: Jump then while in the air Forward, Down/Forward, Down + Kick (Weak/Strong) Death Reborn Revolution: Down, Down/Back, Back + Punch (Weak/Strong) Throws or Grabs. Rolling Kick: Forward + Strong Kick Throw One: Forward + Strong Punch Reverse Flash Jump: Back, Back Desperation Attack -> Death Dive Break: Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Back + Strong Punch [Alternate Openers and Beginnings to the Story Mode Game] As with Sailor Moon S this game too does change as you finish off all your opponent Sailor Soldiers in Story Mode. When you complete the game and it finally heads back to the introduction screen you will find that your Sailor Soldier you beat the game with a new screen will appear with a full sized Sailor Soldier with a special message for you(I will not ruin this one for you either.) Other changes occur as well, on the Title Screen it will not say in Japanese Bishoujo Senshi Sera Mun(Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon) anymore, it will say the name of the Soldier you beat the game with like so if you used let's say Sailor Jupiter then: Bishoujo Senshi Sera Jupita(Pretty Soldier Sailor Jupiter), and her head will be the new bust on the screen. Also the icon on the menu options screen will change too to the power item of the victorious Sailor Soldier. If you'd like to see those new screens now though here's how: Before powering up the machine, hold down the L and R buttons on the top of your controller and press the button to select the Sailor Soldier you like: Super Sailor Moon: L and R Buttons + Up Button Super Sailor Chibimoon: L and R Buttons + Down Button Sailor Mars: L and R Buttons + A Button Sailor Venus: L and R Buttons + B Button Sailor Mercury: L and R Buttons + X Button Sailor Jupiter: L and R Buttons + Y Button