Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure Walkthrough Version 1.0 By Ferahgo If I knew how to do ASCII art well, this is where I'd insert a cool thing displaying the Boogerman title. Unfortunately, I can't. Oh well. ------------------------------------ Contents ------------------------------------ -Intro -Controls -Game Intro -Flatulent Swamps, Level 1-4 -The Pits, Level 1-4 -Boogerville, Level 1-4 -Mucous Mountain, Level 1-2 -Nasal Caverns, Level 1-2 -Pus Palace, Level 1-4 -Bosses -Items -Legal Shtuff Use ctrl+F to find things easier, even though this is a fairly small walkthrough. ------------------------------------ Intro ------------------------------------ The folks over at Interplay must still have a good grasp on their inner childhoods to make a game that consists of beating your enemies with farts, burps, loogies, and boogers picked from the main character's nose. Released in 1994 on both the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis, this game has been all but forgotten. ------------------------------------ Controls ------------------------------------ D-Pad: Basic movement. Down over garbage piles: Dig through the garbage to find an item. Y: Pick N' Flick. Reduces the Snot Meter. Y With Bottle of Milk: Loogie. Reduces the Snot Meter. A: Belch. Hold to power it up and send the Belch across the screen. Reduces the Gas Meter. A With Spicy Pepper: Flaming Belch. Reduces the Gas Meter. Down + A: Fart. Hold to power it up and send the Fart across the screen. Reduces the Gas Meter. Down + A With Spicy Pepper: Flaming Fart. Reduces the Gas Meter. B: Jump. Down + B: Fall through certain floors. While in the air with Spicy Pepper: Hold A for a Flaming Fart Rocket. Reduces the Gas Meter. R: Hold to move screen down, release to center on Boogerman. L: Hold to move screen up, release to center on Boogerman. Start: Pause. Select: Nothing in this game. Boogerman's health is reflected in his cape's color. Flashing - 3 hits left, only obtained after getting a Red Cape item while already at Red. Red - 2 hits left. Yellow - 1 hit left. ------------------------------------ Game Intro ------------------------------------ Words fail me in trying to describe this game, so I'll let the game do the talking for the introduction. "It's a dark and stormy night at Professor Stinkbaum's lab where a machine has been built to save the world from pollution by transexisting it to Dimension Xcrement. Eccentric millionaire Snotty Ragsdale has taken a job at the lab to investigate its safety and find out exactly where the pollution is going. He has a bad feeling about this latest contraption. This night his suspicions will come true..." Enter Snotty Ragsdale, pushing a vacuum and carrying a feather duster. After dusting for a second, he sneezes, and an arm reaches out of the machine and steals a part from it. Snotty runs off screen, and then we see Boogerman come out from the Men's room. After shouting his catch phrase of, "Booger!" he follows the arm down the hole, and we enter ------------------------------------ Flatulent Swamps, Level 1 ------------------------------------ Head right to meet your first enemy, any of Boogerman's attacks can take this out, including simply jumping on his head, Mario style. You will see a Plunger on a snot covered branch above you, collect Plungers for a chance at a 1-up at the end of the stage. Higher up in that tree is a Red Cape, collect this to increase your health. Back on the ground, you'll notice little reddish globs. These are Pimples, pop them by jumping on them for an easy 50 points, and they also count towards the chance at the 1-up at the end of the stage. Continue right, either by land or by tree, or by both if you want to get a high score, and you will see a red and white can with a B on it. Grab this Can of Beans to increase your Gas Meter. Don't forget to dig through any piles of trash you find. Continuing right, grabbing whatever you want, killing enemies in nasty ways as you go, you'll come to a Toilet with a green Up arrow. Ignore this for now, it's an exit Toilet, and not an entrance Toilet. Climb the slippery snot vine by continually jumping up it, or you'll slide right off of it. Once at the top, head back to the left for a bit and you will find the entrance Toilet, a Toilet with a green Down arrow. Go down to enter a small bonus room, which holds a few more plungers and some Mucus Balls. The snot trampoline works just as you would expect it to, jump on it to bounce high. At the top of this area, to the right of the Toilet to take you back to the main area, is your first Spicy Pepper. Eat it to turn the Belch into the Flaming Belch, and the Fart into the Flaming Fart. Both are much more powerful than their regular counterparts. Moving right from the exit Toilet, you'll pass by a small wooden thing on the ground, which when stepped on becomes an Outhouse. This is the Continue Point. At the farthest right point, you'll see a Nose. Hit up to get snorted and sent to the other side. Continue on, ever right-wards, until you reach the end of the stage. If you have around 30 Plungers and around 5-10 Pimples popped, you can build a tall enough ladder to reach the 1-up. On to ------------------------------------ Flatulent Swamps, Level 2 ------------------------------------ The three most important words in this game are: Keep Going Right. Once you have the basic attacks down, you can either explore to your heart's content to get that high score, or you can just follow the arrows to the stage exit. In this stage, if you search around up in the trees, you can find your first Bottle of Milk. Not really much else to say, there's another bonus Toilet in the lower area of the stage. ------------------------------------ Flatulent Swamps, Level 3 ------------------------------------ Just more of the same stuff. You will meet a new enemy here, a ghost creature that comes out of trees. They're just as easy to kill as everything else. The bonus Toilet is easy to find here, it's right on the main path. Move right until you find the nose, then move left to the next nose, then move right to finish the stage and move on to the next level. ------------------------------------ Flatulent Swamps, Level 4 ------------------------------------ 4 Levels for each Area, then a Boss. If this were the 70's, I'd say Keep on Truckin'. Fortunately, this is a fairly short level, but you may have to do some backtracking to get into the trees so you can get to the end. On to the first Boss. Check the Boss' section for more info on Hickboy. ------------------------------------ The Pits, Level 1 ------------------------------------ This area takes place somewhere that has various leaking body parts sticking out of the walls. Watch out for broken snot vines near the top of the level. Right before the end of the level, you'll see a long snot vine after a trail of short snot vines, climb to the top and leap up off the screen, you'll grab onto a hidden trail of short snot vines, follow these to grab a 1-up. ------------------------------------ The Pits, Level 2 ------------------------------------ The bonus Toilet is at the lower left of the level, just after the entrance. You'll fall down to a trampoline, and you can go left from there to find the exit Toilet, jump on top of that and hop over the wall to get to the entrance Toilet. Watch out for the white creatures, it takes 3 weak attacks or one powerful attack to kill it. Towards the middle, when you trampoline up to a trail of short snot vines, head left for a 1-up and a Red Cape. ------------------------------------ The Pits, Level 3 ------------------------------------ Once again, the bonus Toilet is on the main path. The exit is in the upper left corner of the screen, not a whole lot to this level, really. ------------------------------------ The Pits, Level 4 ------------------------------------ The bonus Toilet really can't be missed in this level. It's not hidden or secret at all, it's at the end of the first rightwards walkway. Once again, it's a fairly short, very straightforward level. On to Boss #2, Revolta. Boss section time, if you need the help. ------------------------------------ Boogerville, Level 1 ------------------------------------ As the name implies, this takes place in a town like area. There's a new enemy here that will pop when killed and release a lot of goo, so don't jump on them, take them out from afar with a simple Pick N' Flick. Not a lot special about this level, just more of the same platform style gaming. ------------------------------------ Boogerville, Level 2 ------------------------------------ Not too long after the start, a 1-up is in plain sight inside a wall. The hidden entrance is to the left of it, not too hard to find. Take the Nose to get to the bonus Toilet. Nothing else too hidden or special, just continue on to the end of the level. ------------------------------------ Boogerville, Level 3 ------------------------------------ The bonus Toilet in this stage is actually almost decently hidden. After you see the exit Toilet, you'll see a trail of snot vines heading to the right. Grab the one on the left, and then jump up to the hidden trail of snot vines heading to the left to find the entrance Toilet. After the Toilet, it's pretty smooth sailing through the rest of the level. ------------------------------------ Boogerville, Level 4 ------------------------------------ Short 4th levels seem to be the trend in this game. Very straightforward, but there's some good stuff to be found if you have the Spicy Pepper and can fly around the level. Now for the third Boss, Flyboy. Boss section for help. ------------------------------------ Mucous Mountains, Level 1 ------------------------------------ The mucous is flowing freely in this area. It's a varied section, instead of four Levels in one Area, there's four Levels alternating between the Mucous Mountains and the Nasal Caverns, 2 Levels for each Area, then a Boss. A new enemy that can be a nuisance while digging through the trash piles is a ram like creature. It will charge at you, but knows to stop before falling off edges. Any attack takes it out. At the end of the first pathway leading right, you'll see a trampoline. Avoid this for now, and go down just to the left of it to hit another trampoline. Wait for the platform to come along, and ride it back to the left to grab 2 1-ups. To kill the spear-wielding creatures that are on the platforms slightly below you, either use the Pick N' Flick at the right angle to hit them, or charge up a Flaming Belch or Fart. Or you can simply time your jump right and ignore them completely. Whenever you see the twin snot lines leading from a ledge, just wait for the platform to come along. Another new creature guarding the bonus Toilet is a fat yellow creature that uses a skinny green creature as a club. Like the big white creature, this one needs 3 normal attacks or 1 powerful attack to get rid of it. Two more 1-ups can be gained after leaving the bonus Toilet and climbing to the right side of the next level up. Use the trampoline, but instead of going left like the arrow says, jump right to the small tree sticking out of the side of the mountain. From there, jump to the small grey cloud, and snag the pair of 1-ups. After you finally reach the top of the mountain, we continue right on to the Nasal Caverns. ------------------------------------ Nasal Caverns, Level 1 ------------------------------------ A new enemy right off the bat is one that will wait above you with a TNT plunger that will detonate the area right below it. There isn't really any way to kill it, you just have to time it so that you don't get hit. Rock tossing creatures also debut here, I think the name is pretty self-explanatory. Watch for the creature swinging the pick axe, they can't be jumped on. Also watch for the creatures that hang onto the falling stalactites. To get to the bonus Toilet here, you have to blow up the rocks guarding the mouth just below the Nose with any kind of Fart or Belch. Once inside, position yourself over the really short snot vine, and hit down and B to fall through through the floor and enter the bonus Toilet. Yet another new enemy in this area hides under the ground wearing a drill helmet and pops up underneath you as you walk by. A big fat yellow thing hanging by a rope becomes a Thwomp like trap, except it follows a simple up and down pattern, it can't tell whether you're near it or not. A big hulking orange lug poses the same threat as all other big crits we've encountered so far, 3 normal or 1 powerful attack will do it in. ------------------------------------ Mucous Mountains, Level 2 ------------------------------------ Back to climbing the Mountain. If you have Flaming Fart Rocket power, use it to skip a level every now and then to save time, unless you're going for the high score. The bonus Toilet is on the main path this time around, on about the fourth level up, heading left. Other than that, not much is going on in this level. Back to the Caverns. ------------------------------------ Nasal Caverns, Level 2 ------------------------------------ The Toilet is on the main path again, not too far from the entrance of the level. Always keep an eye out for the drill-hatted enemies hiding under the floor, they can easily take you down if you're not looking for them. If you want the extra life, look for the area that has the alternating rock platforms sticking out from the wall, and jump down to the bridge below. If you're not that confident of where it is, just keep heading right until you get to the snot vine, and go to the bottom. From here, head left, past a checkpoint, to a Nose. Just be careful not to jump past the spot that has the 1-up, there isn't any land beyond it. The exit is immediately after the short trail of snot vines. After these 4 levels, we move on to the Boss. Deodor Ant is up this time, Boss section for help. ------------------------------------ Pus Palace, Level 1 ------------------------------------ The final area, the Booger Meister's Lair. Only 4 more levels and 1 more boss until you beat the game. It's a slightly confusing area, but nothing too hard to figure out. There is only one path to the exit, after all. The Flaming Fart Rocket, as always, comes in handy to grab some items that are just out of reach. No bonus levels at the end of the stage anymore, but they still give you plenty of Plungers and Pimples to pop. No bonus Toilets, either. ------------------------------------ Pus Palace, Level 2 ------------------------------------ No secrets or bonus Toilets or hidden fun stuffs whatsoever here. Just a straighforward level. Work your way through to the end of the level, you're almost done now. I actually would've expected the final levels of the game to be much harder. ------------------------------------ Pus Palace, Level 3 ------------------------------------ There's a hidden 1-up shortly after one of the fat yellow with skinny green club creatures. Look in the black and green checkered wall to the right of a snot vine for it. If you go down the stairs just after that point, you'll find a bunch of trash heaps, dig through them to get some goodies, particularly the Bottle of Milk and the Spicy Pepper. All in all, a rather short level. ------------------------------------ Pus Palace, Level 4 ------------------------------------ The last actual platforming level of the game, chock full of power ups, in case you missed them last level, or lost them since. Try to hold on to the Spicy Pepper and the Bottle of Milk, the battle with the Booger Meister is long enough already. The level really couldn't be more of a straight path, there's no branching off or hidden areas whatsoever. On to the final boss of the game, the Booger Meister. ------------------------------------ Bosses ------------------------------------ Hickboy - He has a few fairly easy to dodge attacks. He can throw his chicken like a boomerang, he can fire eggs from the chicken at three angles, one straight ahead, one to hit you if you're on the branch, and one slightly above the branch, and his movement can be an attack as well. He holds the chicken above his head and its flapping lifts him off the ground and carries him across the stage. As mentioned earlier, all of these attacks can be dodged quite easily. Usually when you attack him, he will do one of his own attacks immediately after. Use whatever attacks you want to on him, and he will fall quite shortly. Literally, when he dies, he falls over, squishing his chicken. Revolta - She's as nasty as you are. One of her attacks is to remove the cloth hiding her face, and Belch out a cloud that hovers across the level, and releases some lightning along the way. Stay above the cloud and you'll be fine. She will also remove her cloth and make a kissy-face at you, which will send a copy of her head in an arcing up and down pattern across the stage, that will hit both below and above the platforms you can stand on. Moving across the stage is also an attack, as is the pattern with most bosses in this game. She pulls out a pole, and vault across the stage. An easy boss to defeat. Just be careful, whenever you hit her, she'll pole vault across the stage. When you beat her, she will finally see her own face, and pass out. Flyboy - Is it me, or do all of these bosses have 3 attacks? Flyboy is no different, except for the fact that he hovers instead of stands, being a Fly and all. His first attack is to spit, or probably throw up, since he is a Fly, at you. He will aim at the ground just to the left or right of the trampoline first, then at the air just above that ground, then back at the ground again. Your best bet is to simply stand in front of the trampoline when he does this. Duck under him when he flies across to the other side of the screen. His final attack is to reach into his external underpants and pull out a worm, which crawls across the ground. This can be easily hopped over, or squished. After you attack him, he will either use one of his own attacks, or fly across the screen. Your final attack will swat this Fly for good. Deodor Ant - First attack, Deodor Ant will generate a charge between his two antennae and fire three bolts of lighting across the stage, all at once. Easily avoided by either sitting on the upper platform or simply jumping over it. Next attack, he pulls... something, not quite sure what, out of his external underpants and shoots a cloud across the stage. Again, very easy to avoid, same as the lightning except the cloud moves slightly faster. Then he has the attack of firing 3 projectiles across the stage at 3 different angles. What they are, I'm not sure, he leans over, pulls his cape across him, and throws three blue circles. Avoid this the same way you've been avoiding every other Boss' 3 angled projectile attack. Moving across the stage is at least unique for each Boss, he burrows his way into the ground, a rock falls on both platforms, then a few in the middle, some of which may contain Mucous Balls, and then he comes upon the other side of the screen. He's like Revolta, in that when he gets hit, he moves to the other side of the screen, then immediately does an attack. A Boss is a Boss in this game, they stuck with their patterns. Kind of bad, but at least it's nothing amazingly difficult or ridiculously cheap. The battle is noticeably longer than the others, however. Booger Meister - Even the final Boss of the game only has three attacks. Lazy programmers, but it makes my job easier. He's basically a more powerful version of Boogerman, but without the Loogie, and a different kind of Pick N' Flick. He will release a Belch attack of his own that flies across the screen at a rather fast pace, easily avoided by waiting on the upper portion of the screen. He may fire out some boogers from his nose, which will come to life and become those annoying small bouncy creatures. Destroy the creatures quickly, they can be a hassle. He may turn around and release a Fart attack, which is aimed at the upper portion of the screen. He will bounce along the screen on his butt when he crosses, it seems he had springs installed into the rear of his external underpants. After attacks, he will cross the screen, then instantaneously release an attack. Be careful of this, it can be hard to dodge a Belch attack after jumping over him. After a long battle, or a very long battle, if you don't have the Bottle of Milk or the Spicy Pepper, he will finally collapse, and the green rod his portrait was holding will fall. Boogerman then Belches Booger Meister into an oversized toilet, and he is flushed. Congratulations, you have just beaten this game! ------------------------------------ Items ------------------------------------ Plunger: Grab around 30 of these for a chance at a 1-up at the end of each level. Red Cape: The Red Cape increases Boogerman's health by 1. i.e., if your cape is yellow, it will turn red after grabbing a Red Cape, and if it is red, it will start flashing. 3 hits is the most health you can have at any point in time. Mucous Ball: Refills the Snot Meter. Can of Beans: Refills the Gas Meter. Spicy Pepper: Eat this to change the Belch to the Flaming Belch and the Fart to the Flaming Fart. Enables Flaming Fart Rocket. Bottle of Milk: Drink this to change the Pick N' Flick to the Loogie. Boogerman's Smilin' Face: 1-up. ------------------------------------ Legal Shtuff (the boring nonsense) ------------------------------------ This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. If you want to place it on your own web site, you may do so only by writing for my permission first. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display without my permission is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Credits- Myself, Ferahgo, for writing the FAQ Interplay, for making such a great, yet ridiculous, game. CJayC, for having such a great site.