BUBSY FAQ for the Genesis by GavLuvsGA 2 - 7 - 2002 If you have any questions or suggestions, please e - mail GavLuvsGA@aol.com or XPhileScaper1121@aol.com, and I will rerad them as long as you put "Bubsy" in the subject heading. And please don't send me IMs or attachments. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Items 3 Baddies 4 Walkthrough 5 Passwords 1 Introduction Well, this is an old game, but I saw on the requests page at GameFAQs that someone had requested a walkthrough. I've had this game for 4 years or so, so here's my attempt. 2 Items Yarn Balls Some stay the same colour; others change colour rapidly. Some colours are more valuable than others; the ones that change colour give points based on the colour when you touched it. Colours are worth this number of points: Green: 10 points Purple: 20 points Yellow: 30 points Red: 40 points Wool - Gas Matron This gies you anywhere between 1000 and 7777 points. Yarn Crates Hold 25 yarn balls and are worth 500 points each. 1 ups/2 ups Come in form of T shirts. The number of lives you gain is shown on it Shadow T Shirt Makes you invisible to enemies - comes i the form of a black T shirt with a ! on it Invincibility Looks like the Shadow Shirt only is white; makes you invincble - almost (only water and spiky objects can kill you) Continue Looks like a recycle symbol. TNT Crate Can be used to boost you up really high. Banana Crate Bananas come out and you will slip if you're not careful. Tack Crate Tacks come out; don't touch them or you'll be killed. 3 Baddies Beaver (500 points) Found on Chapters 10 through 12, these fire missiles in a straight line. Bee (500 points) Flies around in circles, often in groups. Hard to avoid. Car They come in two varieties; yellow and red. You can kill the yellow ones (but you bounce very high), but avoid the red ones. These are convertibles and when you get in, you will be trapped inside and will be carried off screen to meet a nasty end. Carousel Figures (300 points) Chapters 4 through 6 feature carousels, all with dangerous figures on. They can be killed when heading right to left (when going the other way they're in the background). Duck (700 points) Flys overhead and drops eggs on you. Eel (800 points) Very irritating; this will ram your raft in the Lake chapters, and try to drown you. Firecracker (200 points) Can be used to cross beds of spikes by jumping on them, but it is hard to avoid being hit accidentally. Flying Fish (500 points) Leap out of the water in various patterns. Giraffe (N/A) They appear on the train carraiges - mostly. They are pretty harmless and you can bounce on their heads. But don't ask me what one is doing living in a gopher hole in Chapter 9. Invulnerable. Gopher (200 points) Appear out of holes in the canyon and shoot guns. They jump up and down and are easy to kill. Most gopher holes lead to secrets. Grumbleweed (600 points) Very annoying; these roll across the canyon and can catch you unawares. Gumball Machine (N/A) Fire gumballs at you. Avoid their shots; they cannot be destroyed. Horny Toad (N/A) Found on the train, these just get in the way. Invincible; do not touch. Hot Dog (100 points) Jumps around erratically. Ice Cream (100 points) The only enemies that cannot kill you. This simply freezes you for a few seconds. Lightbulb Bug (300 points) The only problem with these is that they move around erratically, making taking them out a pain. Mole Pilot (500 points) Flies in a small plane in the Jungle levels; these can be killed and their planes used as transport. Moth (600 points) These fly around erratically, and when hit once turn into a caterpillar and take one more hit to kill. Piano (800 points) Only two exist. They are pushed down a hill in Chapter 2. You can hear them coming before they hit you. Sand Shark (800 points) I hate these; they live in the desert and can sneak up on you. Very hard to avoid in gopher holes. Snapagator (300 points) Found in the lake; they like to eat Bubsy's raft. Snorkel Turtle (200 points) These will get in your way both in the air and on the lake. They tend to push your raft in the wrong direction. Spaceship (800 points) Flys overhead, beack and forth. Spider (400 points) Like so many other baddies, this jumps around a lot. Be careful if one is above you. Stalactite (N/A) Found in Gopher holes, this falls from the ceiling and explodes when you get close. Starfish (100 points) They leap out of the water in the lake. Train (400 points) Only seven appear, out of the tunnels in Chapters 1 and 3. They can be destroyed by a hit to the head and their tunnels can be entered by pressing up; they will usually warp you to another location. Tree Frog (200 points) These run very fast indeed, and also climb trees and vines. T - Rex (400 points) Very rare, and quite small, these simply run about the place. Woolies (500 points) They appear on every level and come in different forms. Some will stand still while others jump around. Some roll cheese or fire eggs at you. The final level has woolies who fire guns at you. Other things to look out for. Spikes Anything spike will kill Bubsy; this includes tacks, and also cacti and spiky trees. Water You will drown; water is common on the village and lake areas; you are only safe on waterslides. Falls Glide whenever you fall a long way or you'll splat on the ground. Manhole Covers They open the way to secret routes (sometimes), but if it its you when it shoots up or down, it kills you. You can bounce off them by standing on them though. Roller Coaster Trains Though they are fun to ride, they can also be dangerous. They can run Bubsy over (for some reason, and it may be a glitch, just running into one that is stationary is fatal. Also, jump off as soon as it reaches a sudden cliff, or it's curtains for you. Red Lights For some reason, when on the Woolie Spaceship, Bubsy cannot enter a room with a red flashing light or he melts. 4 Walkthrough Area 1: The Village Includes - Chapter 1: Cheese Wheels of Doom Chapter 2: Forbidden Plummet Chapter 3: A Bridge Too Fur This is an easy area to start off in; there are plenty of caves to explore and water slides. Jump on the roofs of houses to find yarn balls. You can also raise bridges by jumping on the wheels next to them; these alow you to cross sections of water. Not a lot is needed to say here. Special Stage Locations Special stages are to collect extra points. You leave them by falling off the screen. There is no target. You cannot re - enter them. The main methods of travel within are waterslides and moving platforms. Chapter 1 When you reach the first steep hill, jump across on the platforms and then kill the duck and jump on the waterfall. Go right and reach another platform. Use a tree to spring onto another waterfall; at the next junction you will see a 2 life jumper on the left; go left and glide down (use A). Head right to a clff face with a door in it. Press up to go in and emerge higher up. Go back in to enter the special stage. Chapter 2 Head right and go dowsn the waterfall; manoevre yourself so you end up at the bottom right (not in the cave), and you will be in front of a large area of water. Head right and kill the Woolie throwing cheese at you and go up to the door. Go in, then when you emerge, re - enter to find a special stage. Chapter 3 At the start of the level get to the bottom of the screen and head left, then glide over the lake. There are four tunnels with trains coming out; kill the trains and enter the furthest to the left. It takes you to the special stage. Boss Two spaceships appear and hover around. All you need to do his each one on top twice when the woolie inside looks out. They speed up after being hit, but are still easy to take out. Area 2: The Fair Includes - Chapter 4: Fair Conditioning Chapter 5: Night of the Bobcat Chapter 6: Our Furless Leader This is more fun than the first level; all three levels are slightly repetitive and all include several roller coaster tracks at the top of the screen. Use the strongmen to reach the top; these have a button in beteen them, so jump onto it (you should jump from above), and press B when you hit the button to bounce higher. A carousel always appears in the middle of the screen along the bottom; other common features are cheese huts, which always have some kind of prize inside but tend to have a woolie standing on top with an unlimited supply of cheese to throw at you. The end of Chaper 6 consists of a huge maze; there are lots of passages you can take, but the quickest route is to go through the first door then head left, killing baddies. Jump over the boot (this will kick you into a wall and delay you otherwise) and enter the door on the other side. Enter the door nearest to you in the next room and then enter the red door in the one after that. Then head right, killing enemies and enter the last door and then run and jump the gap and go through the large door (N.B. You cannot go back through this door). Run down the slope to meet the boss. You can, however, take time to explore it and get all the items. If you do this you may run short of time, so kill yourself and return to the restart point, then take the quickest route through. This will save having to restart the chapter. Special Stage Locations Chapter 4 Around the middle of the level are several planes flying aorund at the top of the screen use these to reach a high up platform with a door on. This leads to the special stage. Chapter 5 Go along the bottom of the level and past the carousel. You will see a door that is blocked by crates. Go up and ride the roller coaster train, jumping off before it falls. Repeat with the next train. Jump the gap and jump onto the moving platform that you see. Cross a series of these (the final one falls under your weight so be quick) and then take out the egg - hurling Woolie. Ride on another floating platform to a series of wooden ledges (and another Woolie). There's also a 1 up T shirt. At the end, glide through the small gap with a door behind it, get the yarn ball crate and enter the door. It takes you to the door under the boxes (and a continue). Re - enter the door to find the special stage. Chapter 6 In the maze area, head left and enter the far left door. Enter the door nearest to you, but in the next room enter the purple door. In the next room is another door, so enter that, then at the other end, re - enter it. Boss Similar to the previous Boss, only they go round in circles and are faster and harder to hit. Area 3: Wild West Includes - Chapter 7: The Good, The Bad and the Woolies Chapter 8: A Fistful of Yarn Chapter 9: Dances With Woolies This area is different from all the others; the first section of each level involves navigating your way along a steam train (a little like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) to pull a lever in the engine compartment. When you reach the engine be sure to explore it first, as there are loads of items, including on the bumper and inside the engine itself. Don't fall off the train as you fall to your death. A detailed walkthrough is included below for each train top section. Chapter 7 Drop down straight away for some yarn balls below you, then go right. Avoid the horny toad and jump to the next carraige. Drop inside this one for some more yarn and then get out using the floating platform. Next, get to the dynamite crate between two horny toads and get some more yarn. The next carraige has a tack crate and some spaceships. Jump over and push the crate towards the high wall, avoiding toads. Next is a giraffe wagon, so use their heads as springs and activate the restart point. This is followed by a trailer full of woolies and a toad, then more giraffes (use them to get a 1 up). Then use the moving platforms over the spikes to the right in order to reach the yarn balls. The next trailer has five Woolies in and at the end is a lone yarn ball. Jump over to the edge of the next if you're brave and get the one there. Do a big jump on top of the next carraige, which is huge, then jump the spikes and kill the cheese throwing Woolie. The next section has a yarn crate, a dynamite crate (use this to boost yourself upwards) and a crate to help you jump over the wall, though this can also be done by bouncing on the Woolie's head. Get to the restart point, then go down and get more yarn (look in the whole truck), then come out using the moving platform. Next is the coal wagon, followed by the engine. Cross the engine for a yarn crate on the bumper, then head to the driver's cabin, which holds a Woolie and some yarn. Pull the lever and jump into the canyon. Chapter 8 Drop down again and kill a woolie and get two yarn balls. Thjen go up and right. Kill the two Woolies and smash their egg supply, then get more yarn balls from below. Then make a big jump over the pyramid of Horny Toads. Bounce on the Woolies and use the dynamite crate to get to the next carriage. N.B. Bec areful going in this one as there is a dynamite crate to get out. If you miss or fall back in, you will be trapped and must wait for time to run out. The next carriage has a restart point on top and some items inside. Two easy 1 ups follow, which can be gained by gliding over spikes. A cart full of Woolies follows, followed by one who is throwing eggs from a raised platform. There is another restart point. Jump on the platform above and it will start to move erratically. Use it to jump and glide to the next carriage and use the giraffe's head to bounce up to the Shadow Shirt. Kill the T - Rex. The next carriage is identical, exceot bouncing on the giraffes gets you another easy 1 up (you can slo get three yarn balls between the carriages using the giraffes). Jump the next gap and avoid spikes and more eggs. Make a big jump and get all the yarn balls and kill the next set of Woolies. Make a large jump over to the next high wall. Avoid the toad on the low wall, then simply jump the high one (you don't need the crate). A Woolie tries to throw cheese at you on the coal truck. Kill him. Cross the engine, killing the Woolies and the Gopher and get the three yarn balls on the bumper. You can go further into the engine this time. Chapter 9 Go down for a dynamite crate that shoots you up to a 1 up. Watch the toads though. On the other side is a shadow shirt, but also a tack crate. The next carriage has Woolies and yarn balls inside. Then comes a flat carriage and then two giraffes. then another carriage with Woolies. An egg - throwing Woolie lurks on the next one after that so be careful, but there is also a restart point. Kill five Woolies and a spaceship in the enxt truck then use a moving platform to get the 1 up under the carriage, watching out for another Woolie with eggs. Jump the high wall after the Woolie and gross another giraffe carriage. This is followed by a banana crate placed conveniently near osme tacks; avoid and use the dynamite crate to reach the next truck (you can also jump this). This has tacks and three Woolies, followed by a truck with two banana crates, a Woolie and two ducks. Take a running jump to the top of the next truck and get the yarn inside. A T Rex is running around on the Coal Truck; kill it. Three Yarn Balls appear on the bumper again if you run over the engine. Grab the 1 up inside the engine and pull the lever. After the train sequences, Bubsy jumps off and ends up in the Canyon. This area is full of gopher holes that lead to secret passages. The main hazards are cactuses and bones (don't touch these) and also rolling rocks. There are lots of places to explore but you should be careful not to run out of time. Special Stage Locations Chapter 7 At the end of the level, go up a hill past a restart point and kill an egg - throwing Woolie. Head up and left and glide to a lone platform with a door. Go through it; head right for a continue (you have to push the crate onto the bones and then jump up and across). Re - enter the door to reach the special stage. Chapter 8 Go right, avoiding the cacti and you will see three Gopher Holes. Enter the middle one and go down and left (beware of the shark) and through the door. Glide right to reach a ladder. At the top jump to the platform with arrows on and head left across a series of platforms. Climb the ladder and kill the Woolie at the top. Jump left to the door and enter it. Chapter 9 Gard to describe, but go right until you find three balls rolling around all at once. Right of this there should be a cliff. You land right of a door. Go up and right to a reastart point, then go down and you will see a wall on the left you can run into and you reach a hill you can slide down. Slide left and enter an area with skulls (don't touch) and stagmites. If you jump high enough you will reach a passage overhead. Go right and find a door to the special stage. Boss This is different. Just one spaceship appears, but it is bigger and drops Woolies. Kill the Woolies and the ship; you beat the level only when every Wollie is killed, in addition to the ship, which takes FOUR hits to kill. Area 4: Canada Includes - Chapter 10: Beavery Careful (groan) Chapter 11: Rock Around the Croc Chapter 12: Claws For Alarm I'm not sure if it is meant to be Canada, but it looks like it is (and it has beavers). Anyway, this is perhaps the toughest section of the game as there are millions of ways to die, not least drowning in the water (even standing in it when it is up to your ankles will kill you). You can also be attacked by a sea creature, flying paddle or hit one of the spiky trees or beds of spikes. Some switches (run into these to throw them) will lower the water temporarily, but it is safest to take the route along the top of the level. Special Stage Locations Chapter 10 Make your way to the very end of the level and you will see a door to the left of the end of level marker. Enter it and you will be warped back a considerable distance. Re - enter and repeat until you find yourself entering the Special Stage. Chapter 11 Very hard to explain, but take the top route straight away and go along the waterslides. Keep jumping and you should find a door with a restart point by it. Go through it to another door; go through this and kill the bveaver to the right (this is hard to do). Go right until you find a restart point and lever. This lowers the water. Go down and head left, killing flying flish (who still behave like there's water there) and starfish and jump over spikes until you reach a door. This takes you to a door that you can't get to by any other means at it is surrounded by deadly thorns. Get the continue and re - enter to find the special stage. Chapter 12 There's a section with several branching waterslides. I'm not quite sure how I got there, but by jumping past that bit you should find a door nearby, which leads to another door with a 1 up above it. Re - enter for the Special Stage (terrible directions, I know). Okay, easier way; go along the bottom until you find two moths (or whatever they're meant to be) andglide down to the door nearby; this leads to the same door I mentioned above. Boss This is a nightmare as you're on a raft floating on the water, that you cannot control. A spaceship appears and drops missiles at you. Dispose of it FAST. The best technique is to wait until it goes under once and flies to the left. The raft goes right. As it returns, over thje waater, jump up and start gliding and hit it four times. It you take too long its missiles will destroy your raft (it slowly loses segments). N.B. If you run to the end of the level with the water lowered, you'll hear a glitchy sound and the water will automatically rise with a raft for you to stand on and the boss will appear. Area 5: The Jungle Includes - Chapter 13: Eye of the Bobcat Chapter 14: No Time To Paws Chapter 15: Lethal Woolie This is one of the best levels in the game; climb through the tree tops to reach the end. For some reason this level makes me think of Predator and Apocalypse Now. On Chapter 13, if you fall out of the trees, you will have to run along to the left and climb up again. On Chapters 14 and 15, falling too far is fatal as there is no ground. There are some annoying baddies that jump around on platforms overhead so look before you leap. Spider's webs can be used as springs. Special Stage Locations Chapter 13 Wow, this was easy to find. Go up into the treesat your first chance and kill the spiders. Head right, under a spider's web and enter the door ahead of you. Chapter 14 This one is about halfway through the level; it's just right of a spider's web which has a 1 up over it. Chapter 15 Another easy one. Go straight up and you come to some vines. Go up them and to the left and you see a door. Go in and get the yarn balls when you come out, then re - enter and you find the special stage. Boss This is TOUGH. Two large spaceships appear and drop giant yarn balls (no, you can't collect these) and also bees. I usually rely on luck here. Area 6 - The Woolie Spaceship Includes - Chapter 16: A Farewell To Woolies The best level of the game! This level does not have the multiple routes that appear in others, so I can provide a full walkthrough. Go up the ramp and kill the Woolies (how come they need spacesuits and Bubsy doesn't???) There are a few overhead missiles watch out for. At the end of the corridor, go up and head left, entering the teleporter like you would a door. In the next room activate the restart point and jump over the flashing red chamber - its deadly. At the end of this corridor is the first bubble gun - toting Woolie. You need a well timed running jump to kill this one, then take out the spaceship and enter the teleport. Jump over to the switch and immediately jump back. Enter the teleporter for the final special stage. When you leave the stage, enter the telporter again and return to the chamber you couldn't enter before. The red light is gone so you can go in. Continue on through the teleport again and drop down the hole; head left using springs for a Wool Gas Matron and then glide down to the next switch. Go right and use the spring to enter the next section of the spaceship and kill the Woolie and hit the next switch (on the left). This allows the next teleporter to be accessible. Run right and jump on the floating blue platform. Before it falls away, take out the spaceship and the Woolie and then collect all the yarn balls. Enter the teleporter after hitting the switch that opens the way ahead, but unfortunately brings three Woolies out of cryogenic suspension. They have lightning guns which they will attempt to kill you with. Once you've killed them collect all items and then head upwards, avoiding stray cheese.and kill some more lightning gun Woolies. Enter a teleporter, which takes you to a room containing a restart point. Re - enter and you will reach a room with some tacks and a yarn crate; the teleporter will then take you to a room with a Woolie and Wool Gas Matron. In the next room, head right and down, killing a Woolie with a lightning gun, then drop down. Kill the spaceship and jump on the moving platform, killing the Woolie with the bubble gun, and his companion and pulling another switch to allow you to progress. Make your way along the corridor, taking a detour to get a 2 up, guarded by a Woolie with another bubble gun. Kill two more and enter the last teleporter, then hit the last restart point. Ahead are three Woolies, at different levels - two with bubble guns and one with a lightning gun, whom you must take out individually buy jumping just high enough, then gliding (to avoid being hit by the one above). Then run along the corridor, killing spaceships. Get the 1 up and face the final boss. Special Stage Location See the walkthrough above. Final Boss The final boss is the two - headed Woolie leader and he is hard! He will float across screen, throwing bananas, organges and cheese at you. Jump at him and hit him on the head, avoiding his laser shield and land on the other side of the room. Keep doing this and he speeds up. I have only beaten this boss once. 5 Passwords Chapter 2: CKBGMM Chapter 3: SCTWMN Chapter 4: MKBRLN Chapter 5: LBLNRD Chapter 6: JMDKRK Chapter 7: STGRTN Chaper 8: SBBSHC Chapter 9: DBKRRB Chapter 10: MSFCTS Chapter 11: KMGRBS Chapter 12: SLJMBG Chapter 13: TGRTVN Chapter 14: CCLDSL Chapter 15: BTCLMB Chapter 16: STCJDH END. See above for e - mail address.