***************************************************************************** Chrono Trigger FAQ/Walkthrough For the Super Nintendo Version 1.1 (Last Updated 3/30/2004) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2001-2006 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Story 4. Controls 5. Overview 6. Walkthrough 7. Enemies 8. Bosses 9. Weapons 10. Armor 11. Headgear 12. Accessories 13. Items 14. Techniques 15. Shops 16. Mini-Games 17. Side Quests 18. Endings 19. Secrets/Tips and Tricks 20. Credits 21. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.1 (3/30/04): Added information on the Dark Helm, and where to get it (Death Peak; see walkthrough). Version 1.05 (9/9/01): Corrected/added a whole bunch of stuff, thanks to phoenixfxp(at)hotmail.com! Version 1.0 (8/16/01): The first, complete version of this FAQ. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chrono Trigger is Squaresoft's masterpiece game for the Super NES. This game of the RPG genre introduces new aspects of gameplay, including traveling through several time periods to change the course of the game, as well as the use of techniques (basically a magic system like in older games). I don't want to go too far here, but if you want to try a really great RPG for the SNES, I definitely recommend this one! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Story -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Living in the seemingly peaceful kingdom of Guardia in 1000 A.D., the child CRONO was chosen by guardian spirits to save the world from ultimate devastation. Though Doomsday will not happen until the year 1999, the ancient seeds of destruction were planted long ago by the evil LAVOS. Your mission in the world of CHRONO TRIGGER is to travel back and forth through time to change the course of history, and stop Lavos from succeeding in his dark plan. On your journey, you will battle monsters and meet many helpful people in both the past and the future. Some will become your faithful and powerful companions, while others will give you clues by telling you stories. Pay attention to what they say, and good luck in your adventure. FUTURE In the future, 2300 A.D., the world has almost been destroyed by the evil Lavos. Those who survive are hungry, hurt, and hopeless. Find out how to help them, because the future of the world depends on you. PRESENT In 1000 A.D., beneath the surface of peaceful surroundings, monsters from the past are scheming to destroy the world while residents, unaware of the approaching peril, celebrate in the kingdom of Guardia. PAST Back in 600 A.D., humans are at war against monsters controlled by the evil Prince of Darkness. He has already defeated many Guardia knights, so in order to help them, you must travel even further back - to 65 Million B.C. - when Lavos first arrived on earth. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move character, move cursor on menu screens Start: Pause game Select: View World Map if you're in a Field area A: Talk to people, open chests, check things, enter an area if you're on the World Map B: Dash (in Field areas only, not the World Map) X: Open menu screen Y: Change party members, bring up time compass when aboard the Epoch L and R: Hold simultaneously to attempt running from battle ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Overview -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============ Menu Screens ============ During the game, pressing X opens up the menu screen. From there, you can press Left or Right to move along the menu bar to pick what you want to use or change. Here's a quick rundown of each option on that menu bar: Character Status: The first option on the menu. Here, you can equip any person in your group with new weapons, armor, or accessories. Item: You can view a list of all the items you currently possess. Any item in yellow writing means you can use it right now. Tech: Use this to view a list of the Techs that each person in your group has. You can view all Dual and Triple Techs that any particular person has learned and is part of, too. Configuration: Here, you can configure different aspects of gameplay, which will be shown on your screen as you move the cursor down the list. Character Order: You choose what order your currently 3-person party stands in. The one on the top is the "leader" in the group and will walk in front. Data Save: You can save your game's current progress in one of three files here. You can only save when in the overworld or at designated save points. ========== Techniques ========== Techniques, or Techs, are your characters' magic spells basically. When you defeat enemies, you gain Tech Points. After you gain a certain amount of those points, one of your party members learns a new Tech/magic spell. In the first part of the game, your party at that point will only be able to learn a couple of Techs. Only after meeting Spekkio at the End of Time will you be able to learn/cast magic spells. Each character has a specific element, and depending on their element, they'll learn a certain type of spell. Below is a quick list of what element each character has: Crono: Lightning Marle: Water Lucca: Fire Robo: N/A Frog: Water Ayla: N/A Magus: Shadow As your party learns new Techs, you'll notice that certain people are starting to learn Dual Techs. That occurs when two people in the current party have learned specific spells/Techs, which they can combine to perform a strong attack in battle. There are also Triple Techs that can be learned, but all 3 characters in the party must know specific spells, or have a certain Accessory equipped in order to use it. =============== Status Ailments =============== There are many different status-changing effects that enemies can hit you with during battle. You can use either a Heal item or certain healing Techs to cure most of these ailments. Here's a quick list of those ailments: Blind: An "X" appears over a character's head, and the chances of them hitting an enemy decreases. Chaos: A star appears over the character's head, and you lose control of them. When their time meter fills, they'll randomly attack any ally or enemy, but attack them and they'll be back to their senses. Poison: Character gradually loses HP each round in battle; purple bubble over head appears. Sleep: As the name implies, the character falls asleep and cannot function in battle for several rounds. If attacked, they'll usually wake up. Lock: A question mark appears over the character's head, and they become unable to use any Techs/Magic. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction ------------ When you start a new game, you'll have to choose the battle settings; either Active or Wait. I chose the Active setting for my game. After you do that, give a name to Crono and press Start to begin the game. You'll see a brief overhead view of the area with some sort of fireworks going off at Leene Square, as well as balloons floating in the air. The screen will become blank and you'll hear a voice calling, which is Crono's mother. She'll come in and open the windows, then tell Crono to behave himself, and then she'll go downstairs. You now have control of Crono, so head downstairs yourself and his mother will tell him to meet his inventor friend (who you'll then name as Lucca). After that, talk to his mother again to get 200G, and then leave the house. In the overworld, you can check out many surrounding areas before heading north to Leene Square. If you're a beginner to this game, head south to the bunch of buildings, and go to the leftmost one, which is the Mayor's Manor. Mayor's Manor (1000 A.D.) ------------------------- In this place, talk to everyone standing around to learn about the gameplay in this game if you're a beginner. Open the first chest you come across to get a Tonic. Then, go upstairs and talk to several more people there. Open the chest in the middle of that room to get 100G, then talk to the man standing in front of it. Take his advice, then talk to him again to get 300G more! When you're ready, go back downstairs and exit the manor. Now, head north to Leene Square, which is the colorful area to the north of Crono's house. Leene Square (1000 A.D.) ------------------------ When you enter this area, you'll realize that the Millennial Fair is taking place here. There are many different mini-games around you can take part in (see the Mini-Games section of this guide for that list). Also, be sure to visit the weapons, armor, and item shops, then buy some Tonics, the Iron Blade, BronzeHelm, and Karate Gi for Crono. Equip that on him, then sell the old stuff, then continue north into the second area of the square. You'll see a girl running back and forth in front of you in a panic. Go up to her and she'll run into you, causing yourself and her to fall, as well as her pendant. After you both get up, talk to her, then go get the pendant for her (you can pick up the pendant before talking to her, but that'll affect the outcome of a later event). Bring her the pendant and she'll introduce herself as Marle. Allow her to walk with you, and she'll join your party! Now, there are a few other things you should do while you wait, since Lucca's invention isn't ready yet according to the people standing at the north end of this area. Take the path left and down to the west side of this area. You'll see a pink bag on a counter there; do NOT touch it! Doing so will affect the outcome of an event later on. You'll see a cat nearby in the corner. Go up to it and press A, then it'll follow you around. Head all the way to the east side of this area, near the Soda-Guzzling Contest table. Talk to the girl standing there and she'll thank you for finding her cat, and Marle will think you're sweet for helping the girl out. Next, go back left to the middle area, then go south to the first area of Leene Square. Talk to Melchior the swordsmith (he's standing to the left of the upper-right blue tent), and say no when he asks you to get Marle to sell the pendant. Then, go left and talk to the guy in the other blue tent. Don't worry about buying Marle equipment yet though; just talk to the merchant and don't buy anything. You'll then find out that Lucca's experiment is ready in the north area of the square. So, go play any other mini-games you want to, then exchange your Silver Points for regular money by talking to the guy in the purple tent in the second area of the square. Now, continue north and Marle will stop you because she wants to look at the candy. Wait for her patiently (do NOT move, as that also affects a later event). When she's done, continue north to the next area. Here, you'll hear Taban, Lucca's father, announcing the newest invention Lucca made. Go up and talk to him, then talk to Lucca on the left telepod. She'll jump off and allow you to try her invention. Walk onto the left telepod and Lucca and Taban will power up the machine, which will warp you to the right telepod, making the invention a success. Next, talk to Marle and she'll want to try the invention as well. She'll get onto the telepod, but her pendant will react, causing her to warp into another dimension. Taban will freak out, while Lucca has no clue what just happened. Go to the telepod and take the pendant Marle left behind, then you'll automatically step onto the telepod. Lucca will then power up the invention again and send Crono into the same warp that Marle went through. After that, you'll end up in Truce Canyon in the year 600 A.D. Truce Canyon (600 A.D.) ----------------------- When you arrive in this area, move around and 3 Blue Imps will come out to attack you. Defeat them, then head left into the next area. Go up the ladder and continue left, then a flying creature will drop a couple Blue Imps down to fight you. Beat them and go left, then open the chest to get a Tonic. Now, head south and open another chest to get the PowerGlove accessory (I recommend you equip Crono with this immediately). Then, go back up a tiny bit and take the path left and down a ladder. At the bottom, defeat the 2 Blue Imps and the Roly, then continue southeast out of this area. Back on the overworld map, head south and visit the Residences to learn about the area, as well as the Truce Inn if you need to rest from your battles at the Truce Canyon. Also, check out the Market if you wish to buy some items. Otherwise, head south and west along the path, then go north into the next area, which is the Guardia Forest. Guardia Forest (600 A.D.) ------------------------- When you enter this area, head north and east when the path splits. Continue east and a couple of Green Elf and Roly enemies will jump out from the tree. Defeat them and take the path south and east. You'll see a couple of sparkling lights on the ground here. Check out the northmost one to get a Power Tab, then check out the south one, which is a trap that makes enemies jump out to attack. Beat them, then go back west and north, and this time take the path all the way north and east. Go around the bend and you'll see the bushes shake. Check them out and a creature will jump out and run away, dropping a Shelter for you to keep. Continue west and check out the next set of bushes that shakes, then defeat the enemies that pop out. When you reach where the path splits, head northwest and defeat the next set of enemies that appear. Then, continue northeast and north out to the overworld again. On the overworld, take a moment to recover your health with a Tonic or two, or even a Shelter if you want. When you're ready, go north and enter Guardia Castle. Guardia Castle (600 A.D.) ------------------------- Upon entering Guardia Castle, the two soldiers standing guard will stop you. The Queen will then come and give you permission to come and follow her into the castle. So, continue north into the following room, which is the throne room. Here, talk to the King sitting on the throne to the left, and he'll be happy since you "saved Queen Leene's life". He'll let you know that she's been acting rather oddly lately, and that she also lost her coral pin. After he's done talking, go right and up the hallway, then up the stairs to the next room. Go up 2 floors, then open the chest in the second room to get a Tonic. Now, continue going all the way upstairs to the top. When you get there, go down and talk to the soldier blocking access to the room. He'll tell you the Queen awaits you, then he'll move, so continue left and up through the door into her room. Go up to the Queen and she'll dismiss the two maids in there, then she'll ask you to come nearer. Walk closer and she'll reveal herself as Marle, disguised as Queen Leene. She'll explain to you what happened, then the room will change colors and Marle will say she feels like she's being torn up. Walk up to her again and she'll vanish without a trace! Now, open the chest to the left to get Ether, then go down and out of this room. Go right down the hallway and the maids and the guard will be standing there. Talk to them if you want, then go up to the stairs, then go all the way down to the bottom floor again. Walk south and Lucca will come running towards you. She'll ask you where the girl (Marle) went, then she'll freak out because she disappeared. Lucca will then explain the situation in more detail, and how the real Queen Leene must be rescued, or else Marle will disappear totally. Lucca will then join you, so head down and left into the throne room. This time, go left and up the hall, then up the stairs at the end. Go up 2 floors and open the chest to get 100G, then continue all the way to the top floor. There, go down and right through the hallway, then up through the door into the King's room. Open the chest to get a BronzeMail, then equip it on Crono and leave this room. Now, go all the way downstairs to the throne room again, then continue south through the next couple rooms. Back in the first room where you were stopped earlier, go all the way down toward the exit, but you can head either to the left (Knight's quarters) or to the right (the kitchen). Visit the kitchen if you want to recover your status, or the Knight's quarters if you want to rest/recover. After you're done, go down and exit the castle. In the overworld again, go south and into the Guardia Forest again. Guardia Forest (600 A.D.) ------------------------- Back in this forest area, head all the way south through here while defeating the enemies along the way for some quick experience/gold. You may want to leave/reenter this area if you're looking to gain a level or so, or learn new Techs. Whenever you get done here, take the south exit to the overworld. Out in the overworld, go east to the Truce Inn and rest if you need to, at the low price of 10G. Then, visit the Market to the west of it, and buy the Dart Gun and a BronzeHelm for Lucca, making sure to sell the old equipment. After that, head all the way west and north to the Cathedral. Cathedral (600 A.D.) -------------------- When you enter this place, go up and talk to the nuns kneeling behind the pews. Then, go and talk to the nun standing by the organ. After that, you'll see a sparkling light on the floor nearby. Check it out and Lucca will examine it, revealing that it is a pin of Guardia's royal crest. Suddenly, the 4 nuns will surround you and turn into monsters, which you must fight. Defeat the 4 Naga-ettes with your Techs (or the Flame Whirl Dual Tech, if you learned it). After you win this fight, Lucca will be relieved for a moment before another Naga-ette appears and tries to grab her. Then, a frog creature jumps out and kills it with its sword. After some words are exchanged, choose to go with the frog, and your new ally (whose name is Frog) will join you. Now, go to the organ and play it (press A) to reveal a hidden room to the right. So, go and enter that room. In this room, go left through the hallway and defeat the Diablos along the way. Open the 2 chests you pass to get a Tonic and a Revive. Continue left and go up through the door at the end, then continue straight up the steps to the upper level. Enter the room in front of you and open the 3 chests to get a MaidenSuit, an Ether, and a Tonic. Equip Lucca with the MaidenSuit. Leave the room and go right and up along the balcony, then open the chest at the end to get the SteelSaber, which you should equip Crono with as his new weapon. You'll see spikes to the left, which seem to be blocking access to the room there. Go left and around the spikes, and hit the switch on the wall to lower the spikes. Enter that room and talk to the 2 soldiers to find out some information about this place. Check out the sparkling light in the pot to find a Power Tab. Now, leave this room and go back down to the lower level. Head right across the room, defeating the Diablos along the way. At the end, defeat the Gnashers and go up the steps, then continue straight through the door into another room. Talk to the 3 creatures here, making sure to talk to the one at the south end of the table twice so it leaves the room. Follow it out of the room and up along the balcony into another room. Here, talk to the creatures disguised as the Queen, the King, and a soldier. Try to leave the room and they'll reveal themselves as monsters and fight you. Beat them and open the 2 chests to get an Ether and 100G. Now, leave the room and go all the way south to the lower level again. Go left and defeat the enemies again, then go straight up through the middle of this room, defeating several Gnashers along the way. Then, continue into the following room. Here, go left and step into the sparkling circle, which is a save point (remember this for when you encounter these throughout the game). Use a Shelter, and save your game at this point, then head up the stairs and go left. Open the chest at the end to get a Shelter, then go down the stairs that lead to the lower area. They'll collapse, making you slide to the bottom. Go left and talk to the rolled up creature, which turns out to be a Hench that will attack you. Defeat it and go up through the door and defeat the Mad Bats here. Hit the switch on the north wall to make more Mad Bats appear. Beat them as well, then continue north into the next room. Go right through here and defeat the enemies that appear, then open the chests to get a Tonic and a Heal. Continue right and beat some more enemies, then at the end, go down into another room. Hit the switch on the wall to lower the spikes in the middle room you haven't yet entered. Beat the enemies in this room, then continue down into the following room and fight a couple more. When you're done, go up the steps and into the middle room. You'll be surrounded by enemies here, so be ready to fight! Defeat them all with your attacks/Techs, then after the battle, open the chest in the right corner to get the Iron Sword, which you should equip Frog with right away! Also in this room, there is an organ. Play it to reveal a hidden room that you would otherwise have missed. So, leave this room and go left, then slide down the trap stairs. There, go up through the next couple rooms and head right toward the middle of this long hall. You'll notice that there's now a door in the north wall, so go up and into that new room. Defeat the 2 Henches, then continue up the hall and defeat 2 Naga-ettes. After that, you'll face 2 more Henches at the end of the hall. Beat them, then recover/save at the save point, then continue up into the next room. When you enter this room, you'll hear a voice telling the captive Queen Leene to say goodbye. Move up into this room and you'll see the Chancellor from Guardia Castle. The Queen will leave for now, then the Chancellor will change into Yakra, sending you into a boss battle. Read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After you win, Queen Leene will come and thank you and tell you to come to the castle. Before you go, open the chests to free the real Chancellor, and to find a Mid Ether. After the Chancellor finishes talking and leaves, follow him to the exit of this room. Talk to Leene and you'll automatically be taken to the throne room of Guardia Castle. Guardia Castle (600 A.D.) ------------------------- When you arrive here, the Chancellor will talk for a moment, then Frog will feel bad for not protecting the Queen, so he leaves. Now, talk to the King and Queen, and Lucca will remind you about where Marle (aka Princess Nadia) disappeared, and how she might be there again. So, go right and up the hall, then up several sets of stairs to the top, then go down and left along the hallway and into the Queen's room. Go up and Marle will reappear, and reveal her true identity as Princess Nadia. She'll ask you if you would've walked with her at the fair if you knew her identity. Pick either answer, as it won't affect anything, but say "Wrong!" if you want to make her happy. After Marle joins you, leave this room and get back down to the throne room. Talk to Leene and the King, then go down and out of this room. Talk to Frog in the next room, but he'll leave ashamed from earlier. So, continue out of the castle to the overworld. Back in the overworld, head south and into Guardia Forest. Guardia Forest (600 A.D.) ------------------------- When you enter this area once again, head southwest and defeat the Roly Riders that come out. Continue southeast and follow the path as it goes south and southwest. Defeat the Blue Eaglets, then go around the bend and continue making your way south to get out of this area completely. In the overworld screen, head south to the path and follow it to the east. Stop at the Market if you want to buy Marle better armor, otherwise continue northeast all the way into Truce Canyon. Truce Canyon (600 A.D.) ----------------------- In this area, go north and west and defeat the enemies you encounter. Climb up the ladder and continue north, defeating the next set of creatures in your way. Go east across the bridge, then climb down the ladder at the other side. From there, head east into the next area. Here, you'll see a blue and black circle in the middle of the area. Lucca will explain that it's a "Gate" that can take you to the same place in a different time era when used. After she explains it some more, Lucca will open the portal and your group will step in, warping back to Leene Square in 1000 A.D. Leene Square (1000 A.D.) ------------------------ When you arrive back in the present-day era, Marle will invite Crono and Lucca to dinner at the castle. Lucca will run off saying she has something to do, so you get to take Marle to the castle by yourself. Anyway, head south to the next area of this place. The Millennial Fair is still going on and you can also play the mini-games from before to win Silver Points, which you can exchange for money. However, the vendors have packed up and left since you left, so they won't be here to sell you goods. Now, continue south through the next couple areas to exit Leene Square. In the overworld, head south and stop at the Market to the west of the path to buy some goods (particularly the Iron Bow and MaidenSuit for Marle). Then, continue southwest and north into Guardia Forest. Guardia Forest (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- When you enter this area, head north and when the path splits, go east and southeast into a larger area. Defeat the 3 Hetakes there, and check out the sparkling object in the upper-right corner of that area to get a Power Tab. Now, go west and all the way north, then to the east. Approach the creature running around and it'll cause a couple Beetles to come out, so defeat them quickly and continue heading north and west through this forest. Pass by the floating enemy, known as the Avian Chaos, and it'll summon a couple of Beetles to accompany it into battle against you. Beat them and go northwest, then defeat the 3 Hetakes that you run into further ahead. Continue north and east to see the exit of this place. You can go all the way east to another area, where you'll find a chest that is sealed by a mysterious energy. Go back to the previous area and head north to exit the Guardia Forest. Back in the overworld, take this time to save your game and recover if needed, then go up into Guardia Castle. Guardia Castle (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- Upon entering the castle, the Chancellor will appear and be happy that Marle (Princess Nadia) is back. However, he accuses Crono of abducting her, and the soldiers will come and take you away. The next scene is that of a courtroom, where Crono is on trial for supposedly abducting the princess. Remember how earlier at the Millennial Fair, I mentioned several events that may affect a later point in the game. Well, this is that later point, so depending on your actions at the fair, you will be deemed either innocent or guilty. Here's a quick list of the events that may/may not determine your innocence: 1. When you ran into Marle and her pendant fell, talk to Marle BEFORE getting the pendant. 2. The pink bag on the ledge next to where the man was walking in the west area. If you took the bag, the man will testify against you, and vice versa. 3. The little girl in the east area that lost her cat. Find the cat in the west area by the man and the pink bag, talk to it, then bring it back to the girl. She'll testify in your defense at the trial. 4. After you have Marle with you, talk to Melchior. Decline when he asks to try and get Marle to sell the pendant. 5. When Marle wants to look at the candy, stand still and wait for her. Do not move at all; just be patient and wait. 6. When asked at the trial who started this whole mess, say it was your fault. 7. When asked at the trial if Marle's fortune tempted you, say no both times. If you did all I listed here, you'll have no problem with being deemed as innocent by the jury. After the verdict, the Chancellor will sentence you to 3 days of solitary confinement (an execution will be added onto that sentence if you were found guilty). Marle will come and argue it, but the king will come and the soldiers will take you away. They'll bring you to the Supervisor, who will give you the sentence of being executed in 3 days (even if you're proven innocent). When you awaken in a jail cell, you will find a pink bag nearby which is filled with Ether (only appears if you were innocent). Drink the cup in the upper-right corner of the room to recover your HP/MP, and save your game at the save point as well. Now, you can either wait 3 days in your cell until the execution, or you can break out right now. If you wish to break out, go down to the bars 3 times to annoy the guard enough to make him come in and stop you. When he does so, after you get up from being knocked down, get behind him and press A several times to kill the guard, then run out and fight the other guard to be free. However, escaping now will leave you by yourself to run around in the dungeon, and you won't meet up with Lucca until the end. However, if you wait the 3 days out, you'll be taken to the execution chamber. Lucca will come in and kill the Supervisor and the Soldiers, then you'll be free and she will join you. After Lucca joins you, open the chest in this room to get a BronzeMail. Now, leave the room and open another chest to get a Mid Tonic. You'll see another guy in a guillotine here; release him and he'll introduce himself as Fritz, then tell you to visit the Market sometime. After he leaves, go down into the next room and check out the fallen guard to get a Mid Tonic. Continue west through the hallway and defeat the Guard along the way. Keep going west and down the stairs to the next area. Run across the bridge and defeat the Guards that come to stop you, then continue to the next room. Go down the steps and defeat the 2 Blue Shields, then go directly west and up the steps to another room. In this room, pull the first switch on the wall and enter the right cell. The Decedent will come to life and attack, so defeat it and then leave the cell and go back downstairs to the previous room. Now, go down and take the southeast stairs to the next area. Go right across the bridge and into the next room. There, go right and you'll see a Guard standing there. Press A and you'll knock it down, giving you access to the switch behind it. Pull the switch and enter the next room. In this room, there are 4 chests. Open them to get 2 Ethers and 2 Mid Tonics. Leave the room and go down the hall, and an Omnicrone will come to fight you. Defeat it and continue to the next room, then cross the bridge to reach the room with 4 paths. Go up the northeast steps and cross the bridge again, then in the next room, head east and defeat the Guard in your way. Go north when the path splits and head west to fight another Guard. Then, go up the stairs and cross the bridge to reach another room. In the room you end up in, defeat the 2 Blue Shields here and take the southwest steps to another room with jail cells. Open both cells by pulling the switches on the walls, and open the chest in the right one to get a Shelter. Now, go back to the previous room and head up the northwest steps to the next room. Here, go west and into the left cell, then through the hole in the wall to reach another area. Outside, go right and climb down the wall to the very bottom, then enter the hole in the wall. In the cell you turn up in, open the chest to get a Shelter. There's a hole in the floor of this cell, so check it out and climb down to the cell below. Open the 2 chests there to get 1500G and a Lode Sword (equip to Crono right away). Now, press A in front of the wall you climbed down from to get back to the above room. From there, go through the hole in the wall and climb all the way up to the top again. Continue through that room to the following area with the 4 paths. Back in that room, go up the northeast stairs to the next room. There, go up another set of stairs to the following room. Go left and through the door into the next room. Check out the man on the floor to get 5 Mid Tonics! Also, check out the document on the floor, which will give you information about the Dragon Tank. Now, go to the save point and recover/save at this point. After you're done here, continue up into the next room. Go left across the bridge and you'll feel the ground shake. Continue to the left and the Dragon Tank will roll in, so you'll have to fight it to proceed. Read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. After this, Crono will destroy the Dragon Tank, just as the Chancellor and 2 soldiers appear to try and fix it. Instead, the tank will explode and destroy part of the bridge, but the Chancellor and soldiers are forming the "temporary fix" to the bridge, so walk across them and into the next room. There, open the chest to get a Shelter. Continue downstairs and you'll see 2 soldiers standing guard. Try to walk past them and they'll start to come after you. Run down the hall and towards the exit of the castle, and Marle will come and yell to the soldiers to stop. The king and Chancellor will come and stop her, but she'll come with you and Lucca to escape. The soldiers will then chase you out to Guardia Forest. Guardia Forest (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- In the forest, the soldiers trap your party from escaping, so run to the right into another area. Here, you'll find a Gate to escape through. The Chancellor and the soldiers will come, so activate the Gate and you'll warp to the Future, which is 2300 A.D. Bangor Dome (2300 A.D.) ----------------------- When you arrive in the future world inside Bangor Dome, your group will have no clue where they are. So, go south and exit this place. In the overworld screen, head south to the next large building, which is the Trann Dome. Trann Dome (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- When you enter this building, go up and left and talk to the first person you come across. Answer yes when he asks if you have cash, and he'll offer to sell you some goods. Buy the Auto Gun for Lucca, as well as the Iron Helm/Suits for your party. After that, talk to the other people here and rest in the Enertron (machine to the far right) to recover HP/MP, then leave the Trann Dome. Back in the overworld, head north towards Bangor Dome again, but don't enter that place. Instead, continue northeast of it and enter Lab 16. Lab 16 (2300 A.D.) ------------------ When you enter this area, head to the right as far as you can. You'll notice that there are rats running around here, and they'll steal an item from you if you make contact, so avoid running into them. Go north and open the chest past the rat running back and forth to get the Berserker accessory. Now, go back towards the entrance of this place, and head north from there. Defeat the Octopods and Meat Eater you come across, and go northwest along a path through this area. Defeat the Craters and another Meat Eater, then head east and avoid the rat running about. Continue and you'll see a chest; try to open it and you'll find out it's a trap. Defeat the enemies that show up, then try to open the chest again to get a Lode Sword. Now, follow the path east and north while trying your best to avoid the rats again (all they'll really do is steal Tonics from you, which you should have plenty of by now anyway). Continue to the end, then head west and north into a small alcove with a chest. Take the Lode Bow inside, equip Marle with it right away, then go south and west to encounter more enemies. Defeat them and continue by going west and north, where you'll find several Craters to fight. Beat the Craters, and then go all the way east past another rat, until you reach the next area of Lab 16. In this new area, head east and 3 Shadows will come off the junk car to fight you. These enemies are unique in the way that normal attacks will always miss them. Use techs to defeat them quickly and easily. After the fight, continue south and east along the first path you come across, and defeat the Mutant. After beating the Mutant, head south and fight some more Shadows if you want. Otherwise, continue northeast and into another fight with a Mutant. Beat it, then continue north to exit this lab. Outside again, head southeast and enter the large building, which is called the Arris Dome. Arris Dome (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- When you enter this place, follow the path through this maze until you reach the area where all the people are hanging out. An old man will be amazed that your party got through the ruins and could defeat the Mutants. After that, go left and talk to the old man again. He'll introduce himself and explain that there's a computer and food in the basement, but robot guards block the entrance there. Talk to all the people in this room as you make your way to the left, then use the Enertron to rest. Now, go around the path to the save point. Before you save, talk to the lady behind the counter and buy goods if you want to stock up. Then, save your game and head back around to the area with the people. Go south to the middle of the room and you'll come to a ladder. Doan (the old man) will question you, but your group will push on. So, go down the ladder into the next room. In this room, go left and up to reach 2 consoles, which you need a password in order to activate. For now, just go left and up the ladder into the next room. Here, go right along the first path to get to the next beam. From there, go north and east through this room. You'll come across a statue of a rat with a note attached to it. Read the note to hear its warning, then continue west to the far left beam. There, go north to the end, then head to the east. Go north on the first beam you pass and you'll end up in the next area. Go north toward the door and a giant robot will fall from the ceiling, blocking your group. After your party gets up, you'll have to do battle against the Guardian and 2 Bits, so read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After you win, continue up into the next room. There, Lucca will examine the food and realize that it's all rotten. Marle will check out the dead man against the wall and find a note on him. The group comes to look, and takes the Seed that was on the note. Check out the man again and you'll read the note saying that the rat in the other room is really not a statue. Now, open the chest to get a Mid Ether, then leave this room. When you arrive in this room, you'll spot the rat standing nearby. You'll be prompted to catch it (B to dash, A to catch), so give chase and try to catch it. If it runs into another room, exit/reenter the room to try again. When you finally catch it, it'll tell you how to access the secret passage (hold L and R, and press A). After it leaves, head all the way to the south exit of this room. In this room, you'll see the 2 consoles again. Go to the right one (the one with the sparkling light on it) and hold L and R, then press A to open the passage to the door to the right. Now, go right and into the next room. Here, go up and defeat the Bugger and 2 Rats, then continue north to a chest at the end. Open it to get a Mid Ether, then go back to the entrance of this room. Go left and up the stairs to the upper level, then go north along the high path. At the end, go down the stairs and defeat the various enemies moving around here. Continue south to the next set of stairs, then go up the stairs and follow the path north all the way into the following room. In this room, go straight ahead and defeat the Proto 2. Then, go up the stairs to the upper level and follow it around the wall and to the next part of this room. Go down the stairs and fight another Proto 2 nearby. Now, before taking the stairs against the west wall, continue north and defeat another Proto 2. From there, head east and beat that Proto 2 as well, then go north to the control panel. Go up to the console and hold L and R while pressing A (it's the password from earlier) to make a platform appear. However, the door you're now able to access is sealed for now, but at least the platform's in place for later. Anyway, go back west and down the stairs, then go south a little. When you reach the stairs to the west, go up them and follow that path all the way into the next room. This next room is the info center, which Lucca points out. She'll play around with the computer and find out that your next stop is the Proto Dome to the east. Marle will become curious and push a button, which shows a visual record of the "Day of Lavos, 1999". She'll then become upset seeing the destruction being the end of the world, and then ask that they go and prevent that from happening. Now, leave this room and head west along the path through this room. Go south and down the stairs at the other end, then defeat the Proto 2 and continue south to the next set of stairs. Go up them and follow the path around, and then south again to the following room. Here, make your way towards the south end of this room while defeating the enemies along the way. When you get there, go south and into the next room. In this room, go left and down, then climb up the ladder to get back into the safe room with all the people. When you enter this room, the old man Doan will be surprised and everyone will gather around to find out what happened. Marle will explain to them how it's their future, and she gives them the seeds you found down below. Doan will then give you the Bike Key and tell you to go to Lab 32. After that, recover at the Enertron and save your game, then go east and around the path to exit Arris Dome. Back in the overworld, head north to the large group of wrecked buildings known as Lab 32. Save your game out here, then enter the lab. Lab 32 (2300 A.D.) ------------------ When you enter this place, go east and open the chest there to get a Mid Tonic. Then, go west and north through this room and you'll come to the Jet Bike that Doan was talking about. Check it out and several robots will come out and surround you. Before you end up fighting them, someone else shows up, who calls himself Johnny. He challenges you to a race against the Jet Bike, so tell him you know how to ride. Then, go up and press A by the bike to start the race. The object is to get to the end before Johnny (consult the small map along the bottom of the screen to see how far you are until the end). You also have 3 boosts you can use by pressing B. However, once you use them, they're gone, so I advise you to save them until the end. After you win, go south to exit Lab 32. In the overworld screen again, head east and you'll see the Factory. Pass it by for now and head south into the Proto Dome. Proto Dome (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- Upon entering the Proto Dome, head west and defeat the 3 Buggers that appear. Then, go north and defeat 4 more Buggers you run into. After that, recover at the Enertron, then go southeast and down the stairs to the lower level. Go north along that path and you'll come across a deactivated robot. Check it out and Lucca will tell you she can repair it. After a few moments, she'll have the robot up and running again. You'll then have to give it a name, so call it Robo. Since the door up ahead is locked, Robo says it can get through the Factory to the north and turn on power to open the door, but someone has to stay behind to open the door when the power is on. You'll have to choose to leave either Marle or Lucca behind (I chose to leave Marle and take Lucca, so the walkthrough will go along as if you took Lucca with you). After you decide, head back south and exit this dome. Now that you're in the overworld again, and with Robo, we're going to backtrack a little. This next area (Sewer Access) is optional, but I'm choosing to bring you through here because it's good experience, plus there are a couple of items you should get here. Anyway, head northwest to Lab 32. Lab 32 (2300 A.D.) ------------------ In this place, go up and check out the Jet Bike to race Johnny again to the other side of the lab (alternatively, you can just walk all the way down the path, but you'll have to fight enemies along the way). After you win and get to the other side, continue south and out of this place. Back in the overworld, head south and east into the Sewer Access. Sewer Access (2300 A.D.) ------------------------ Upon entering this area, some creature will call your group thieves, then run off to tell Sir Krawlie about it. Anyway, climb down the ladder and go east. Defeat the 2 Edgers and a Nereid, then open the chest to get 600G. Now, head back west and continue west to fight 2 more Nereids. After that, continue across the bridge and you'll see two frogs talking. They'll run off after noticing you're coming, so head across that bridge and go south. As you go towards the path leading to the next room, Lucca will stop and say this isn't really a good place to be. Then, continue south into the next room. Here, climb down the ladder and head west to find a page from an old diary. Read it, then head back around the path and to the east, where you'll find a cat. Try talking to it and it'll run away, leaving you to fight 3 Nereids. Use Crono and Robo's Dual Tech Rocket Roll (if you have it) to make quick work of them. After that, continue along the path and you'll see a bucket and a can. Press A to kick the bucket in the can, causing 4 Nereids to appear. Use the Rocket Roll Dual Tech if you have it to beat them, too. Now, keep going along the path and you'll see a piece of pie on the floor. Check that it and you'll be attacked again. Beat the Rat and 2 Nereids, then continue around a bit further. This time, you'll see what appears to be a save point. Check that one out and you'll enter yet another battle with a couple of Nereids. Defeat them just like you did before, then continue east and up a ladder into the next room. Here, go north and fight the 2 Edgers you see. Then, follow the path north while holding Right so you walk against the right wall. You'll end up walking into a hidden room. Follow the path right and hit the switch on the wall at the end to open the door on the other side. Now, go back west to the main path and continue north to the end. Then, go east into another hidden room and follow the path east and south through the now open door. When you get through the door, the 2 frogs from before will be hinting at a bridge that opens when the switch is on. They can't turn it on, so they split since you're coming. Head east and north along the path, then across the bridge to reach a chest. Open it to get a Rage Band, which I recommend you give to either Crono or Robo (I gave it to Crono). Now, heal your group and go right across the bridge, where you'll hear a conversation between a Guard and Sir Krawlie. After the guard flies off, you'll surround Krawlie and fight it. Read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After you win, heal and continue south along the path. Defeat the Nereids and Edgers you encounter, then continue south and all the way west, ignoring the first path going north for right now. At the end, go north and open the chest to get a Bolt Sword, which you should equip Crono with immediately! Now, go back south and east, then across the north bridge you passed up a moment ago, Climb up the ladder and you'll exit the sewers. Back in the overworld, head south and enter Keeper's Dome if you want to talk to the old man inside. Otherwise, go northeast and visit Death Peak. Death Peak (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- As soon as you enter this area, run north and get to the east wall. Continue north and you'll see a type of indent in the wall; check it out to find a Power Tab. You must do this all quickly before the wind blows you off the mountain entirely. If you can't do this the first time, keep trying until you get it. After you get it, give it to whoever you want, then go back out of here. In the overworld again, go west and back into the Sewer Access area. Sewer Access (2300 A.D.) ------------------------ Back in the sewer area, climb down the ladder and follow the path going west and north. Hit the switch on the wall to make the rest of the bridge appear, then cross the bridge and defeat the enemies there. After that, go south and into the next room. There, follow the path all the way through this room, while avoiding all the traps along the way (unless of course you want to fight those creatures a second time). When you get to the end, climb the ladder and you'll be in the next room. In this room, go all the way north, then east across a bridge. From there, go north and up the ladder to exit the Sewer Access. Now that you're in the overworld again, it's time to get back to the Proto Dome and the Factory like we're supposed to be going to. Get through Lab 32 and race Johnny or walk, whichever you prefer, then when you get out at the other side, go east. Use a Shelter and save your game, then enter the Factory. Factory (2300 A.D.) ------------------- When you enter this factory, go up to the computer screen and press A. Robo will disable the security here, so you can get through. Defeat the Acid enemy that pops out, then go right and up the conveyor belt. Then, go west and defeat the 3 Debuggers that come off the wall. Read the note posted on the wall the Debuggers came from and it'll tell you which elevator will take you where. To save yourself some time instead of having to go back and forth later, go down the east elevator into the Factory area. There, go south and down a ladder, then go west and north. Go up the ladder and into the dark room. Go all the way north in it, then all the way east. Press A to get a Mid Ether, then go back out of that hidden room. Then, go back south and climb down the ladder to the left. Follow the path all the way west and open the chest at the end to get a Robin Bow (equip this on Marle later). Now, go back east and up the ladder, then go east and climb down the other ladder. Follow the path south and west to the end, then go up and into another little room. A giant claw will come down and pick up your group, then drop them on a conveyor belt in the middle of the room, which moves them into another room. There, you'll have to fight a Proto 3. Defeat it and you'll be sent to the next room, where you'll fight a Proto 3 along with 2 Debuggers. Beat them and you'll be sent into a third room, where you'll fight a Proto 3 and 4 Debuggers! Keep your party in good shape and defeat these enemies, then you'll finally go around to another conveyor where you can get off at this point. Wait until the robots on the conveyor pass, then get back on it and walk right. Get off at the next stop and open the chest there to get an Ether. Get back onto the conveyor and try to run to the left, but you'll eventually get pulled off by the giant claw and be forced to go through those 3 battles again. Get through it, then when you reach the first stop, go south into the next room. In this room, defeat the 4 Bugs, then climb up the ladder to the east and go through the door at the top to enter the following room. Here, go north, then east when the path splits. Follow that path east and north, then open the chest nearby to get a Mid Tonic. Now, go through the door into the next room. Here, check out the computer screen in the center of the room to find out how to control the crane (Code 0: X A; Code 1: B B). Then, a couple of Proto 3's will start flying around. Defeat them, then open the 2 chests to get 400G and a Mid Ether. Now, leave this room and follow the path south and west, then go north and through the door into another room. There, defeat the 2 Proto 3 robots, then the 2 Debuggers that fall from the ceiling. After that, open the chests to get an Ether and a Shelter, then take the southwest exit to the crane control room. After the beep, input one of the codes listed above to make the crane move one of the metal barrels onto the conveyor belt and out of your way. Then, input the other code to move the second barrel. Now, go back to the previous room and defeat the enemies if you can't get around them safely, then go through the opposite door into the next room. Here, go west and climb down the ladder, then head west along the now clear path. At the end, go north and through the door into the next room. Here, open the chest to get a Bolt Sword, then check out the computer screen. It'll give you another code (XABY), which you'll need for the next area of this place. Leave this room and head south, then all the way east to the very end. Then, climb up the ladder and continue east and south along the path. Go east and climb up another ladder, then go north and up the elevator into the next room. Here, get to the west side of the room by defeating the 3 Debuggers in your way. Then, go down the west elevator into the Lab area of the Factory. In this room, go south to the save point, where you should recover/save before going any further. After you're done here, go west and north through the door, then defeat the Acid and Alkaline enemies here. Next, check out the computer screen to open the hatch leading to the next room. Open the chest to get a Shelter, then go down the ladder in the southeast corner to reach the next room. In this next room, head all the way west while defeating the Alkalines that appear along the way. At the far end of the room, head south through the door and defeat the Acid, then continue south through the next door. Head east and defeat the next couple of enemies, then go through the north door into another room. Go east and open the chest to get a Hammer Arm (equip on Robo), then go north and west to another chest with a Titan Vest inside (give this to Lucca). Now, check out the computer screen in the northeast area of the room to disable the security lasers here. Several Acids and Alkalines will fall from the ceiling, so defeat them. Then, go down the ladder in the southwest corner of the room to reach the following room. Here, go east and all the way north through this hallway. At the end, go west and open the chest to get a Plasma Gun, which you should equip Lucca with right away! Check out the computer screen and it'll ask for you to input the password, so press the following buttons after the beep: X A B Y. Doing that will open the nearby door. Now, go through that door into the next room. Here, turn on the power generator in the center of the room, and the security will be set off in this place. Robo tells you to hurry out of here, so leave this room and continue south through here as the metal doors close behind you. At the end, go west and up the ladder to the next room. Here, go east and south through the door, then continue west and north through 2 more doors to the end. In there, 6 robots will come out to block your path. Robo considers them to be his friends, but they attack and send him away, leaving you and Lucca to fight them off. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating the R Series. After you beat them all, Lucca will pull Robo out of the room he was thrown into, then Crono and Lucca will bring him back to the Proto Dome. Proto Dome (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- You'll automatically come back here with a badly damaged Robo. Lucca will repair him, then he'll decide to come with your group. Your group will then go to the now open room, then warp through the Gate to another area known as the End of Time. End of Time ----------- When you arrive here, head southeast and through the door into the next room. Here, check out the sparkling pillar to the south to recover your HP/MP, then save at the save point. Now, talk to the sleeping old man and he'll wake up. He'll explain to you where you are and what's going on, then he'll tell you that you can only have 3 members in your party at once, which means you'll have to leave someone behind for now. I chose for my party: Crono, Lucca, and Marle. After the old man is done talking, go up and into the next room. Talk to the round white guy here, who introduces himself as Spekkio, the Master of War. Answer either choice when he asks if you think he's strong or weak, then he'll tell you about magic. He'll then ask you to walk clockwise around his room 3 times, starting from the door. So, walk along the walls, touching each corner, as you make your way around the room 3 times. After you do that, talk to Spekkio again and he'll give your current party the ability to use magic (this is why I didn't have you put Robo in your party; he can't use magic). You'll also be given the chance to test your magic against him in battle. Use your new magic to attack, but don't worry about what he does to your group, since it's just practice and you won't get a Game Over if your party dies. After you win, he'll give you a bunch of prizes depending on your party's level (I got a Magic Tab and 5 Ethers). Now, leave Spekkio's room and talk to the old man again. He'll tell you to return to your own era, which is 1000 A.D., so save again and go north through the hallway into the next room. In the room with the pillars of light (Gates), check out the rightmost one and use it to warp to Medina Village in 1000 A.D. Medina Village (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- When you arrive in this era, you'll fall out of a closet inside a villager's home! They'll freak out, and as you leave the house, they'll tell you that other villagers don't take too kindly to humans. After that, leave the house. Outside in the Medina vicinity, visit the Market or the Inn if you like. However, you must fight some pretty easy monsters before you can buy anything or rest at the Inn. I don't recommend buying anything at the Market, because of the VERY steep prices. Go visit Medina Square (the sparkling point) if you want to learn about Magus and Lavos and how humans will be supposedly "doomed". After you're done here, head north and enter the Forest Ruins (the blue object on the map). Forest Ruins (1000 A.D.) ------------------------ When you enter this area, go north and west along the first path you pass, then open the chest to get a Mid Ether. You'll notice a large blue platform that you cannot access yet, so you might as well leave the forest since there's nothing else of interest for you here. Back in the overworld screen, head south to the village area, then visit the Elder's House if you haven't already done so. There, talk to the people, and check out the counter to the left of Ozzie VIII to find a Speed Tab. Go upstairs and check out the sparkling item on the counter to get a Magic Tab. After you're done here, leave the house and continue southwest along the path. You'll come to a lone house south of a mountain. That's Melchior's Hut, and that's where you should go now. Melchior's Hut (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- In this house, talk to the old man who is Melchior, and check out what he has for sale. Buy some new weapons/armor for whoever needs it, as well as a bunch of Mid Tonics. After you're done here, head towards the door and Melchior will tell you to go through the cave in the northern mountains to return to Truce Village. After that, leave the hut. In the overworld again, save your game and recover your HP/MP if you need to. Then, go north to the mountains and enter the Heckran Cave. Heckran Cave (1000 A.D.) ------------------------ As soon as you enter this cave, you'll be attacked by two Hench enemies. Beat them quickly, then follow the path north and west to the ladder, then climb down to the ledge below. Open the nearby chest to get an Ether, then climb down the next ladder to the area below. From there, head west to the end where you'll have to fight a Jinn Bottle and 3 Octoblushes. Beat them, then head south into the next room. Here, head all the way south to the bottom area of the room, then defeat the 2 Tempurites that come out of the ground to attack. Then, head south and into the following room. Here, go west and defeat the Rolypolys and Cave Bats, then open the chest to get a MagicScarf. Now, go back out to the previous room. There, go north and west and open the chest to get a Mid Ether. Then, continue north and west, and defeat the 4 Tempurites that come out. After that, head north and open the chest to get an Ether. Now, head all the way south and into the next room. In this room, go south and defeat the group of Rolypoly enemies that roll in. Then, go west and defeat several Cave Bats, too. After you beat them, continue west and north into the following room. Here, go north and defeat a Jinn Bottle and the Octoblushes it shoots out to fight with it. Next, continue up the path and you'll see a chest you cannot open since it's sealed with a mysterious energy. Ignore it for now and keep going into the next room. Here, go down the ladder and into the water, then follow the watery path east and north to the end. Climb up onto the dry land at the end, then recover and rest at the save point. After that, head north into the next room. In here, go forward and a giant monster known as Heckran will come and fight you. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating it. After you win this battle, continue north and up the steps to a small pool. Jump in and you'll be sent through a water vortex, which drops you off out in the overworld near Lucca's House. So, go inside the house since you're here. Lucca's House (1000 A.D.) ------------------------- Inside Lucca's home, go north and through the door, then go up the east stairs. In this room, talk to Lara, the woman in the wheelchair. Taban, Lucca's father will come in and give Lara the day's earnings, then he goes back downstairs. After he leaves, follow him downstairs and into the first room. Talk to Taban and he'll give you a Taban Vest, which Lucca can equip. After that, leave the house. Back in the overworld, head north across the bridge and visit the Truce Market. Truce Market (1000 A.D.) ------------------------ When you enter, go up and talk to Fritz, who runs this shop. He'll thank you again from earlier and give you 10 Mid Ethers as a reward for your kindness. His father will come out and thank you, too. Anyway, buy some Mid Tonics or Shelters if you need them, and sell any old equipment in your inventory. Then, leave this market. Outside again, go north and stop by Crono's house if you want to rest or talk to Crono's mom. Otherwise, continue north to Leene Square. Leene Square (1000 A.D.) ------------------------ When you enter this area, you'll still notice the Millennial Fair is going on. Head north all the way through Leene Square to the area where Lucca's invention is set up. Use the Gate there to warp to the End of Time. From there, check out the new warp pillar and head to Truce Canyon, 600 A.D. Truce Canyon (600 A.D.) ----------------------- When you arrive here, head west into the next area. Climb up the ladder and follow the path north and west, then defeat the Imp Aces that fly in. Then, continue south and down another ladder. Defeat a couple more easy enemies and head southeast to exit this place. In the overworld, head south and west along the path, then continue south to the Zenan Bridge. Zenan Bridge (600 A.D.) ----------------------- Here, talk to all the knights standing around, especially the gold-clad Knight Captain. They'll explain that the food rations have run out, and that Guardia Castle hasn't sent supplies yet. So, your next stop will be the castle, so leave the bridge area and head north into the Guardia Forest. Guardia Forest (600 A.D.) ------------------------- When you enter this area, head north and west when the path splits. Follow it west and north, then northwest some more. Continue north and east, then north again to exit this forest. Now, continue north into Guardia Castle. Guardia Castle (600 A.D.) ------------------------- When you enter the castle, the guards will stop you, but realize who you are and let you go ahead. Go up to the throne room and talk to the Chancellor if you want. Then, go back to the entrance of the castle and head east and north into the kitchen. Go down and talk to the chef, who's rushing around there. He'll argue with the maids about his brother, who is the Knight Captain. Open the chest nearby to get an Ether. Now, leave here and head back upstairs, then toward the exit. The chef will tell you to wait, then he'll run up and give you a Jerky, as well as a Power Tab. After he leaves, continue out of the castle. Outside, head south through the forest to the other end, then continue south to the Zenan Bridge. Zenan Bridge (600 A.D.) ----------------------- Back on the bridge, you'll see that the troops are being beaten badly. Talk to the Knight Captain and give him the Jerky, then you'll hear more about the battle taking place, and how the "Hero" made it through alive. Talk to the captain again and agree to help, and he'll give you a Gold Helm (equip on Crono). After you're done talking, go west across the bridge and you'll see a couple skeleton enemies defeat a few knights. A creature named Ozzie will show up and fight you, along with the 2 Deceased enemies. Use magic to defeat the Deceased enemies, then attack Ozzie to make him run away. Chase him down and defeat the next set of Deceased, then attack Ozzie again to make him run. Continue following him to the end, then a bunch of skeletons will come together to form Zombor, which you must fight. Read the Bosses section for help on beating this creature. After you win, continue west to get out of this area. Back in the overworld, head south and east into the Dorino village vicinity. Visit the Market if you need items, then visit the Elder's House to hear a conversation between the Elder and a guy named Toma. After Toma leaves, talk to the Elder. Then, head to the Dorino Inn and talk to Toma by the bar (he's the one in the middle). Pay his tab and he'll give you information about the southern woods. After that, talk to the other people around and they'll talk about the Masamune and Denadoro Mountains. Now, leave the bar and head southeast to a lone house, which is Fiona's House. Open the 2 chests in her house to get 2 Mid Ethers, then talk to Fiona if you want before leaving. After that, head north and into the Denadoro Mts. Denadoro Mts. (600 A.D.) ------------------------ When you enter this area, head straight ahead and defeat the enemies, then open the chest nearby to get 300G. Continue north all the way to a ladder, and you'll see a boy being chased down by a Goblin. Defeat the Goblin and the boy will be on a high ledge nearby, telling you to get away quickly. You'll then have to fight an Ogan; defeat it by burning its weapon, then attacking. Next, climb the ladder to reach the next area. When you enter this area, go southwest and back down to the previous area on the ledge. Open the chest there to get a Revive, then go back up to the next area. Here, go up and you'll see an Ogan that doesn't respond to you. Try to continue north and a Free Lancer will awaken it, then they'll both attack. Beat them, and head west on a path under the cliff, then open the chest to get an Ether. Now, keep going north and across a bridge, then climb up the ladder. Defeat the Ogan and Goblin further ahead, then open the chest behind them to get 500G. Now, head east across a bridge and follow the path south, where an Ogan will charge at you. Defeat it, then climb up the ladder and continue all the way north into the next area. In this next area, go east and defeat the Free Lancer that drops down. Then, take the narrow path to the north and open the chest to get a Mid Ether. Now, go back south to the main path and continue heading northeast. Defeat 2 Free Lancers and open another chest to get a Revive. Then, climb up the nearby ladder and open the chest to the north to get a Gold Helm, which you should equip on Robo. Now, climb up the ladder and defeat the Ogan sitting there. After that, go west and beat the Free Lancer and Ogan. Head south and west and down the ladder, then open the chest to get a Mid Tonic. Get back up, then go north and west to the next area. Here, go north and up the ladder, while avoiding the rocks being thrown at you (you take damage each time you're hit). Open the chest to get a Mid Tonic, then climb up another ladder to the north and head east to the next area. Go east and defeat the enemies, then climb up the ladder and head north. Defeat the Free Lancers that surround you, and then open the chest off in the corner up ahead. Next, follow the path northwest to the next area. At the summit of this mountain, defeat the several groups of enemies that come to fight you as you move along. After you get through them all, go west into the next area. Here, open the chest in front of you to get 300G. Then, head north and west and defeat some more enemies. Go north and east into the water and around the bend, then open the chest to get a Mid Tonic. Now, go back west and south towards the top of the waterfalls. Go west and drop down the left waterfall to the ledge below. Open the chest to get a SilverStud, then drop down to the next ledge. Head east and south, then open the chest below the ledge to get a SilverErng. Now, continue north to the next area. Continue north and west through the next couple areas to get back to where you were just moments earlier (in the watery area before dropping off the falls). When you get back there again, go northwest onto the ledge at the other side. Open the chest on the west ledge to get a Mid Ether, then climb down the ladder and you'll be attacked by 2 Free Lancers. Beat them and continue to the next area. Here, go west and defeat the 3 Bellbirds, then cross the bridge. Talk to the white creature several times and it'll give you a Magic Tab. Then, go south to the next area. In this area, go forward and rest/save at the save point. Now, go west and climb down the ladder, then go east to a chest containing a Mid Ether. Continue south and down a ladder, then go to the east into the next area. Here, open the somewhat hidden chest to the north to get a Gold Suit (I recommend equipping this on Lucca). Then, go south and avoid the rocks being thrown at you, then climb down the ladder and open the chest nearby to get a Shelter. Go east and defeat the Goblins, then climb up the ladder and a Free Lancer will knock you down. Defeat the Free Lancers and Ogans that appear, then climb up that ladder again and continue north into the cave. There, talk to the kid wandering around, then restore your party's HP/MP. I recommend your party at this point be Crono, Lucca, and Robo. Now, go up towards the Masamune sword, and the kid will stop you. Say that you wanted the sword and the other kid will come out from behind the sword. They are the brothers Masa and Mune, and you'll have to fight them, so read the Bosses section for help on winning. After this first fight, Masa and Mune will combine and you'll have to fight their tougher combined form. Read the Bosses section to beat that form as well. After you win this battle, the brothers will separate and leave, so go up and claim the sword. You'll get the broken Bent Sword, then Masa and Mune will send you out to the base of the mountain. Out in the overworld again, head south to the Porre area. Visit the Market and buy some new equipment for your crew, selling off the old stuff. Also, check out the sparkling object on the floor to the left to get a Power Tab. Next, go visit the Cafe and talk to Toma at the far left end of the bar. Buy him another drink and hear what he has to say. Talk to everyone else here if you like, then leave and visit Tata (the supposed "Hero") at his house to the south. Talk to Tata and he'll apologize and give you the Hero Medal. Talk to his father if you want, then leave the house. Now, head northwest and into the Cursed Woods. Cursed Woods (600 A.D.) ----------------------- When you enter this area, head north and defeat the T'poles and Gnawers you encounter. Open the chest to the east to get a Mid Tonic, then continue north and defeat the next bunch of enemies. After that, open another chest to find a Shelter, then continue all the way to the end, while defeating the enemies along the way. You'll see a bush shake in the end area, so check behind it to enter a hidden room. Climb down the ladder and Frog will come out to see you. When he walks away, follow him and talk to him again. After he walks across the room, check out the sparkling object and it'll end up being a broken piece of the Masamune. Robo will read what's on the sword, and it says "Melchior", which means it's a good idea to go visit him in Medina Village next. So, talk to Frog again if you want, then leave this little hideout. Head south through here and defeat the enemies, then you'll be outside again. In the overworld, head east and north all the way towards the Dorino area. Rest at the inn if you want, otherwise continue northwest and walk across the Zenan Bridge. At the other side, continue northeast to the Truce Canyon. There, get through the area to reach the Gate, then warp to the End of Time. End of Time ----------- When you arrive here, recover and save in the middle room if you like, then use the warp leading to Medina Village, 1000 A.D. Medina Village (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- When you arrive in a closet in a villager's house, step out and exit the house. Outside, head southwest to Melchior's Hut. Melchior's Hut (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- Inside this hut, talk to Melchior and he'll be surprised that you have the broken Masamune. He'll then tell you that you need some Dreamstone in order to fix it. After he's done, leave the hut. Now, head back to the house you came out of and enter the closet to warp back to the End of Time. There, use the warp pillar you haven't yet used, and warp to Mystic Mountain in the year 65,000,000 B.C. Mystic Mountain (65,000,000 B.C.) --------------------------------- When you arrive here, you'll drop down to a lower area where a bunch of Reptites are running around. Several of them will fight you, so defeat them and more will show up. It seems like you're greatly outnumbered, but some girl comes and defeats a few of them, leaving you to fight the rest. After you win that battle, the girl will check out your group and introduce herself as Ayla. She will then invite you to Ioka Village, so follow her southeast to the next area. Here, she'll run off on a higher ledge, so head south and open the chest to get a Berserker accessory. Defeat the 4 Runners up ahead, then continue south and defeat the 2 spinning Kilwalas further down the path. Keep going southward and defeat the enemies you run into, then at the end Ayla will lead you out of here. Follow her south to exit this place. Out in the overworld of this prehistoric place, head east and north to the small huts set up, which is Ioka Village. Enter the huts and talk to the people (a guy in the east hut will offer sweet water, which recovers your HP and MP). You'll find out that the chief has stones, and his hut is north of the village. So, head north and across the bridge, then visit the east hut before going to the Chief's Hut. Talk to the people here and buy a couple Mid Tonics from the trader if you want. You'll also find out that thunder is good against dinosaur enemies. Now, leave this hut and go west to the Chief's Hut. Inside, talk to Ayla and she'll take you to the party at the Meeting Place. Meeting Place (65,000,000 B.C.) ------------------------------- Here, there's a party going on, complete with music playing and people dancing. Talk to Ayla, your other party members standing around, and the other people. Then, go and talk to Ayla again and she'll tell you about Azala and how they want to destroy the villages here. Wander around, then come talk to Ayla again. She'll show you a red stone, then she offers to give it up if you beat her. When she challenges you, accept the challenge and it'll be a soup-drinking contest. Press A quickly many times and drink the most bowls of soup. If you win, the contest will be over and Ayla will give you the stone. You'll then drink one last bowl, and then the party's over. When you wake up at the site of the party the next day, you'll find out that the Gate Key was stolen. You automatically go to the Chief's Hut to find Ayla. She's sleeping, so go up and talk to her and she will wake up. She'll say that it was Reptites that stole the Gate Key, and she wants to come with you to beat them. You now have to choose who the third party member for this adventure is. I recommend either Robo or Lucca at this point (I took Robo). Now, leave the hut and you'll be outside again. Out here, head east to the nearby hut. Talk to the people and you'll find out that you can trade items (Petals, Fangs, Horns, and Feathers) for weapons and items. The list of what you can get for what is in the Shops section. Leave here and go south across the bridge, then visit the other 2 huts. One guy in the east hut will give you a Tonic when you talk to him now. You'll also find out that the Reptites went to the Forest Maze to the south. So leave the huts and continue south to the Forest Maze. Forest Maze (65,000,000 B.C.) ----------------------------- When you enter this area, go and talk to Kino, who is the boy to the east. He'll confess that he stole your items because he felt Ayla doesn't like him. After a brief conversation, Kino and Ayla will make up and Kino will say that the Reptites took the items and ran. After Kino leaves, head east and open the first chest to get a Mid Tonic. Then, climb down the vine nearby to reach the lower area, and head south. Defeat the enemies, then open another chest to get a Revive. Now, go north and east and climb down another vine. Then, go around the tree and walk across the log bridge to the east. Take the path south and open the chest you come across to get a Mid Tonic. From here, head back to the north and when the path splits again, go west to yet another chest. Open that one to get a Mid Ether. Now, go east and follow the footsteps all the way to the east. At the end, go south and defeat the Winged Ape that comes out. Now, continue south and to the west, then open the chest to get a Revive. Then, go back east and continue southward along the path, defeating the group of enemies that come to attack you. After that fight, open the chest to the far south and get a Shelter, then head east and north along the upper path. Follow that path north and west, then south and west until the path splits again. Here, take the southmost path to the west and open the chest you find to get a Mid Tonic. Go back and head north on the first path you pass. Go west and defeat the enemies, then open the chest in the southwest corner to get a Heal. Then, go back southeast to the path you came from and continue east to the green area. Head northwest and defeat the Gold Eaglets you encounter there. After you beat them, continue northwest along the path, then to the south where a couple of Runners will attack. Beat them, then head all the way east and south to a chest containing a Mid Ether. After that, take the path all the way west and south to exit this area completely. Back in the overworld, use a Shelter to rest. Also, now would be a good time to save your game. After that, head south and enter the Reptite Lair. Reptite Lair (65,000,000 B.C.) ------------------------------ When you enter this cave, go right into the following room. Here, go east and defeat the 4 Evilweevil enemies that you come across. Then, check out the hole in the ground to drop down into the next room. In that room, defeat a couple more Evilweevils and go down another hole to the room below. There, defeat the Megasaur (use Crono's *Lightning as advised by the people in Ioka). After you beat it, drop down the hole into another room. Here, defeat the Reptites and Megasaurs, then open the chest in the southwest corner to get a Rock Helm, which you should equip on Crono for now. Also, open the chest in the northeast area of the room to get a Full Ether. Now, go east and into the next room. Here, defeat the enemies in this room roaming around, then continue north and defeat the enemies guarding the door to the next room. After that, recover your HP/MP with a Shelter at the save point, then save your game before continuing. When you're ready with your group (the group I'm taking here is Crono, Ayla, and Robo), continue north to the following room. Here, go north and your group will notice Azala standing there. Azala will ask you what the Gate Key is for; pick either answer since it doesn't really matter. Azala will call out Nizbel to fight you. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating this giant dinosaur. When you win, Azala will be amazed that the "apes" beat Nizbel. You'll regain the Gate Key, and then you'll automatically be taken to the Chief Hut in Ioka Village. Ayla and Kino will say their goodbyes, as will your party. After that, leave the hut and visit the trading hut to the east. Trade in some of the Fangs, Horns, Feathers, and Petals you've found from defeating enemies to get new weapons for everyone in your party, as well as some Ruby Vests and Stone Helms if you have enough items to do so. If you don't, go out and fight enemies until you have what you need. After you're done trading here, continue south and west to Mystic Mountain. Mystic Mountain (65,000,000 B.C.) --------------------------------- When you arrive here, head all the way north while defeating the enemies along the way. Continue all the way to the next area. There, go northwest to reach the following area. Here, go north to the top of the cliff and jump off above the Gate to warp back to the End of Time. When you get there, take the warp to Medina Village in 1000 A.D. Medina Village (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- When you arrive out of the closet here, leave the house and head southwest towards Melchior's Hut. Melchior's Hut (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- Enter the hut and talk to Melchior, and he'll be surprised you have the Dreamstone and Masamune. He will then go and fix the sword, so go downstairs and wait. After Melchior is finished, you'll all go upstairs again and receive the fixed Masamune. Now it's time to bring it to Frog, so let's leave the hut. Head northeast to the home in Medina Village you warped into, and go into the closet to warp again to the End of Time. From there, warp to Truce Canyon in 600 A.D. When you get there, get through the simple enemies of the area until you're in the overworld area. Outside, head southwest and along the path. Go across the Zenan Bridge to the south, then go southeast through Dorino and past Fiona's House. Continue south and west, then north to the Cursed Woods. Cursed Woods (600 A.D.) ----------------------- When you enter this area, head all the way north while defeating the enemies along the way. At the northmost point of this area, go behind the bush and climb into Frog's hideout. Talk to Frog and give him the Masamune, and he'll consider joining your group. Stay the night and you'll see a flashback of what happened with Glenn and Cyrus when they encountered Magus a while back. Anyway, when your group wakes up, Frog decides that they should all go to fight Magus. Crono and Frog must be in your group, so you can pick one more person to come with you. Pick either Lucca or Robo to come with you here (I chose Lucca this time around). When you're ready, leave the hideout and fight your way out of the woods again. Back in the overworld, head east to the Porre Market and buy Frog a Gold Suit to enhance his defense for now. Then, continue all the way north to Truce Canyon again. When you get there, continue to the Gate and warp to the End of Time. End of Time ----------- When you get here, go down the hall to the middle room. Go through the north door into Spekkio's room, then talk to Spekkio inside to introduce Frog to him. Spekkio will teach Frog the *Water magic and allow your group to face Spekkio to try out the magic. Use magic spells to hurt Spekkio (doesn't matter if you win or not here). After you're done, leave the room and rest/save your game here. Then, go up the hallway to the north and take the warp to Truce Canyon in 600 A.D. again. When you arrive there, head through the area to the overworld, then continue southwest and across Zenan Bridge. From there, head all the way east past Fiona's House and you'll come across another smaller mountain, which is the Magic Cave. So, save your game and recover, then enter the Magic Cave. Magic Cave (600 A.D.) --------------------- When you enter this area, Frog will have another flashback similar to the one from before. After the flashback, Frog will take the Masamune and break a hole in the wall, opening the Magic Cave. Your group will automatically run inside. There, defeat the Vamp and Gremlin enemies nearby. After that, continue east and north along the path through the cave. Defeat some more enemies and you'll see a pack of Gremlins run away. Run after them to the end, then defeat them and the other enemies that appear. Then, go north and up the steps to find a fallen soldier at the top. Check him out to find a note, regarding a creature in Magus's Lair known as the Juggler, and how it raises its guard when attacked. Anyway, continue north to exit this cave. Out in the overworld again, rest with a Shelter and save your game here. When you're ready, go north and enter Magus's Lair. Magus's Lair (600 A.D.) ----------------------- When you enter this area, go straight ahead and Frog will point out the obvious. After that, continue ahead into the actual castle. Here, go straight up the stairs and take the left path into the next room. There, go north and talk to the people, then open the chest the boy is standing in front of to get a Mid Ether. Continue up the stairs and talk to the people there, then head into the next room. In this room, go straight ahead and open the 2 chests in the corners to get another Mid Ether and a Shelter. Now, go back through the past couple of rooms to the main room you entered the castle in. Now, go east and enter the right room. Here, talk to the 4 kids surrounding a treasure chest, then continue to the following room. In this room, go north and you'll recognize some familiar faces. Open the chest along the way to get a Mid Ether, then continue to the next room. There's nothing here for you to take, so head back south to the first room of the castle. You'll now notice that there is a save point in the middle of the room. Go towards it and Ozzie will appear. He'll taunt Frog, then send a bunch of monsters to fight you before leaving. Defeat these creatures, then head into the west room again. In this room, there will now be monsters for you to fight. Talk to the largest one straight ahead and defeat it, along with the skeletons nearby. Then, continue north and defeat some more enemies before heading into the next room. In the next room, talk to the people standing there and you'll find that none of them except the one in the middle will talk. Talk to the one in the middle and they'll all turn into Decedents for you to fight. Beat them and Slash will appear. Take a moment to recover your HP, then talk to him. You'll then enter battle, so read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After you win, take the Slasher sword that he leaves behind and equip it on Crono. Then, rest with a Shelter and save at the save point that appears. When you're ready, leave this room and head south while defeating the enemies along the way. Continue into the following room, and head east to the other side of the room. Then, enter the east room. In the east room, go up and talk to the kids surrounding the treasure again. Tell them you want the treasure, and they'll turn into Shadows for you to fight. Use magic to defeat them, then open the chest to get a Barrier item. Now, continue ahead into the following room. Here, go up and talk to Taban (if Lucca is in your party; otherwise someone else will be there for the corresponding third party member) in front of you. He'll turn into a monster, and several others will join in to fight. Defeat them, then continue up to see Queen Leene, who will also turn into a group of enemies to fight. Beat them and keep going north to meet Crono's mom, who turns into monsters as well. Defeat them all, then continue into the next room. Here, recover before talking to Flea up ahead. When you're ready, go up and talk to Flea to start the battle. Read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After the fight, check out the sparkling object on the floor to get a Magic Tab. Now, go south to leave this room. Head all the way south through here, defeating the people that turn into monsters along the way. Continue through to the next room, then walk around the chest there and keep going into the next room. In this large room, go west to the save point and you'll be warped to another room. Here, go north and defeat the enemies along the way. At the end, you'll meet Ozzie again. He'll call for help, but since you defeated Flea and Slash, he'll run away. Open the chest to the right to get a Mist Robe (equip on Lucca or Marle, whoever's in your party). Then, continue to the next room. Here, you'll notice several conveyors belts with giant blades moving up and down on each belt. Go up the first belt when the blade is going up so you don't get hit (each time you're hit, you lose HP), then go down the next one. Open the chest to get a Dark Mail, which you should give to Frog. Then, continue up and down the conveyor belts, but be careful since Ozzie will increase the speed of which the blade goes up and down. When you get to the end, Ozzie will run away, so go west to where he was standing and open the chest to get a DoomFinger (weapon to equip on Robo). Next, go east and north into the next room. There, go west through the side-view area while defeating the enemies along the way. Head all the way up the stairs and through this large side-view room, while continuing to defeat the enemies you encounter. Keep going all the way to the next room at the top. In this next room, go south and Ozzie will drop you into a room below, where you'll fight 6 Decadents. Kill them quickly with a *Lightning2 spell from Crono. After that, open the 4 chests in the upper-left and upper-right sides of the room to get a Mid Ether, a Lapis, a Barrier, and a Shelter. Also, get to the lower-right corner of the room and check out the sparkling object on the floor to get a Magic Tab. You'll notice there are 4 save points here, one on each side of the room. Two of them will attack you when you touch them, one of them is a real save point, and the last one is the one that'll warp you to the next area. The two that will attack are directly across from each other, so keep that in mind. Beat them and find the real save point, then rest/save before warping to the next room. When you get back to Ozzie's trap room, walk around the hole in the floor and continue through the room. Continue and you'll be dropped into another trap room, which is the same exact room you were just in. Get to the warp to be brought back up, then continue through towards Ozzie. After going through several traps, you'll end up getting to Ozzie. He'll run away again, so follow him through the door into the next room. Make your way to the top of this side-view room while defeating the enemies along the way. In the following area, continue north and defeat the enemies that are raised up into the room along the way. When you get to the very end where Ozzie is standing, he'll run away once again. Open the chest to get a Speed Belt, then continue to the next room. Go up this hallway and defeat several more enemies, then open the chest at the end to get a Revive, and continue to the next room. Here, you'll finally meet Ozzie face to face. Open the 2 chests in both corners to get a Mist Robe and a MagicScarf, then talk to Ozzie. He will then challenge you to battle, and you'll fight. Ozzie will be protected by a giant ice barrier, and when you hit him, your group will be hit by a counterattack, so be careful. Anyway, target one of the cranks on the side to make it turn. After each round, target the next one until Ozzie drops into a pit, ending the battle. When the save points appear, rest/save at the real one (the one to the right), then step into the warp to reach the next area. Head west and down the stairs, then defeat all the Vamps that follow you at the end. Then, just go into the next room. You'll hear a voice here, so continue north and you'll keep hearing the voice. Before you get to the end, I recommend you get Robo as your third party member to fight with Crono and Frog. When you get to the end, you'll meet Magus. After some words, you'll fight, so read the Bosses section for help on winning this fight. After the fight, a rumbling will occur and a giant Gate will suck everyone in. Your group will then awaken in Ayla's hut in 65,000,000 B.C. Chief Hut (65,000,000 B.C.) --------------------------- Upon arriving here, Ayla will explain that she found you all hurt by Mystic Mountains. After your group rests, she'll tell you to go to the Laruba area. Then, she'll call Kino and they'll both leave. Now, your group should go too. Outside, go east to the hut, where the trader inside has different items to trade this time. You might not have enough Fangs, Feathers, Horns, or Petals left to get anything now, so just remember this place for later. Now, continue north and west to the Laruba's Ruins. Laruba's Ruins (65,000,000 B.C.) -------------------------------- When you enter this area, go up and the people will tell you that the Reptites took Kino and the village was ruined by them. Continue up and you'll hear Ayla talking to the old man about getting the Dactyl and beating the Reptites. After she leaves, follow her and leave this place. Go back south and east, then take the path directly north to the Dactyl Nest. Dactyl Nest (65,000,000 B.C.) ----------------------------- In this area, go north and defeat the Cave Ape and Shist enemies. Then, head north all the way to the end, where you'll have to defeat 2 Avian Rex enemies. Beat them, then climb up the wall to the upper ledge and open the nearby chest to get a Mid Ether. Now, follow the path west and south all the way to the end, then defeat the 3 Shists you come across. Open the chest in the southeast corner to get a Mid Tonic, then continue north along the east side of the area. Climb up the wall, then head east to the next area. Here, defeat the enemies and head north. Climb up the wall at the end, then head south. Defeat the enemies here, then open the chest to get a Meso Mail, which you should equip on someone with lower defense. Then, climb up the next wall and continue north to the wall at the end. Head towards it and enemies will come out; beat them and climb up to continue on to the next area. Here, you'll see Ayla call the Dactyl, so head up to where she is. After a quick talk, she'll join your group and you'll have to choose who the third party member is. I recommend getting either Frog or Robo due to their strong attack power/healing abilities (I took Frog at this point). When you're ready, your group will leave on the backs of 3 dactyls. Outside again, fly south and east to find a castle atop a high peak. Land there and save/rest, then enter the Tyrano Lair. Tyrano Lair (65,000,000 B.C.) ----------------------------- When you enter this area, go straight ahead and defeat the Cave Apes and Reptite. Then, go north and into the right skull through the room. Go up the stairs at the end to reach the next room. Here, go south and defeat the Reptites, then go right and press the switch next to the closed gate to free the group of prisoners there. Continue east and defeat the Reptites, then go down the stairs to the next room. Here, go south and west to find a bunch of Reptites bothering the prisoner. They'll spot you, so defeat them and head to the gate the Reptites were in front of a moment ago. Talk to Kino, who was trapped, and he'll explain what happened. Ayla will get in and break the gate, then Kino will run off wanting to show you something. Check inside the jail and open the chest to get a Mid Ether, then head back upstairs. Go around this room and follow Kino through the next couple rooms. When he stops in the first room of the lair, he'll open the left skull so you can go through. So, go up through that skull and head upstairs to the next area. In this room, there are enemies on both sides of the room, with a floor switch on each side as well. If you want to fight, go up to the monsters and fight. But if not, just step on the floor switches and they'll drop into the pit so you don't have to fight. Head east and south through the right door to the next room. Here, defeat the groups of enemies and head into the next room. There are two chests here; open ONLY the first one to get a Full Tonic. The other one is a trap, so you don't want to bother with it. Now, go back to the room with the enemies and floor switches. Here, go all the way west and through the west door into the next area. This room is dark, and there are hidden warp tiles that take you to different parts of the room. It can be quite annoying, since you also have to fight enemies after warping to certain spots as well. Please consult my map for this room, posted at GameFAQs, for help getting through here and collecting the 4 treasures (Meso Mail, CeraTopper, Tonic, and Revive). Get to the upper-left area of the room, then continue up to the next room. Here, just head south to the following room. Here, go east and defeat the enemies along the way. When you get to the other side of this area, go north into the open room. In this room, you'll see 2 switches on the floor. Step on the right one to open the skull head in front of you. If you step on the left one, the head will open, but enemies will also come out. Go through the head to another room and hit the switch on the wall there, then go back south to the previous room. Go west and defeat the Avian Rex and Terrasaur, then head to the middle room that is now open. Defeat the Volcanoes and the Reptite that come out, and then go into that room. Here, talk to the giant creature known as Nizbel. Go around him and rest/save at the save point, then continue onward towards the steps leading to the next room. The giant creature by the entrance will stop and fight you, so read the Bosses section for help on beating Nizbel II. After the battle, rest and save again before continuing up the stairs into the next room. There, head south to the outside area again. In this area, go south and all the way to the east side while defeating the enemies along the way. When you get to the east end, go north into the next room. Here, there are 3 floor switches; press the one on the left first to make 2 pits appear, hit the right one to make 2 Terrasaurs fall down, and hit the middle one to make a save point appear. You can only reach that save point if you didn't make the pits appear. Your best bet here is to ignore the left and right switches and hit the middle one for the save point. Go up to the skull head and press A to open it, then continue into the small room inside. Hit the switch on the wall to open the middle room outside, then open the chest to get a Full Ether. Save your game if you want in this room, otherwise continue out to the previous area. Go west and north in the middle, then defeat the Terrasaurs that come down to fight. After that, continue into the next room. Here, go up and you'll meet Azala again. You'll hear a roaring sound in the next room, and Azala will run off. Open the 2 chests here to get a Mid Ether and a CeraTopper. Now, go back to the room with the save point and recover/save there. When you're ready, come back here and go up to the next room. Go north and you'll meet a giant Black Tyrano. You'll have to fight, so read the Bosses section for help on winning. After you beat them, Azala will crawl away and speak for a moment. Kino and the dactyls will come, and your group will fly out as Lavos crashes into the earth. After the scene at the ruins, your group will leave the area. In the overworld, save your game before going back into the Lair Ruins. There, check out the Gate and you'll be warped ahead to 12,000 B.C. Cave (12,000 B.C.) ------------------ When you arrive here, head south to exit the cave and walk outside in this icy world. Out here, head southeast to a lit up futuristic building, which is the Skyway. Skyway (12,000 B.C.) -------------------- The Skyway is the means of transportation to and from the floating world. Walk onto the purple circle to warp up there. When you arrive, exit the building. Outside, go east and enter Enhasa, which is the nearby building on this floating area. Enhasa (12,000 B.C.) -------------------- In this magical place, talk to everyone standing around to learn information about this area. Get to the upper-left section of this place and a boy will deliver a haunting message. There is a blue circle on the floor which heals you and recovers your HP/MP when you walk over it. Also, check out the shop in the southwest area and buy some items. When you're done here, head back towards the entrance and leave here. Back outside, go north to the Land Bridge and use it to warp back down to the icy continent. Continue northwest to another Skyway and use it to warp up to the floating continent again. There, head west across the bridge and visit the town of Kajar. Kajar (12,000 B.C.) ------------------- When you enter this "city", go around and talk to all the people here. Enter the upper-right room and check out the lower-right section of the room to find a Speed Tab. Talk to everyone here, especially the Nu in the upper-left corner. It'll give you a hint regarding water, wind, and fire. You'll notice in the previous room that there are 3 books scattered around, and when you open one, its element comes out. Back in that room, check the book in the upper-left area to open the water element. Go to the book in the lower-right area to open the wind book. Then, go to the middle area by the Nu behind the counter and check out the book there to open the fire one. Doing this will cause a hidden room to open up nearby. Enter it and check out the white creature in the middle of the room to get a Black Rock (you'll need this later). Leave here, buy some items if you want, then head out of this place completely. Back outside, continue west to the giant airship known as the Blackbird. Blackbird (12,000 B.C.) ----------------------- In this area, head north and you'll see 2 guards blocking your path. Talk to them and a soldier will come to check up on things. He's known as Dalton and he apparently has something against you. After he leaves, it's best that you leave as well since there's nothing here for you to explore yet. In the overworld again, head all the way east and across the bridge, then use the Land Bridge to return to the earth. Back there, head southeast to the other Skyway and take it back up. Then, head south and into Enhasa. Enhasa (12,000 B.C.) -------------------- In this place again, there are elemental books just like in Kajar. They also activate a hidden room if you open the books in the correct order (water, wind, fire). Check out the book in the upper-right area, and open its water power. The wind book is in the upper-left area, so open that one next. Finally, head to the entrance of Enhasa and open the book on the counter there to open the fire element. After you open the hidden room, enter it and talk to the Nu inside. Choose to fight it if you want and it'll split into 6 Nus to fight. Use strong Dual Techs (Crono and Ayla's Falcon Hit works great against each row) to defeat them. After you win, you'll get a Speed Tab and a Magic Tab (this is optional; you don't have to fight unless you want those items). Now, leave this room and recover at the blue circle known as the Fountain of Recovery in the upper-left area of this place. Then, head to the exit of this place and leave. Back in the overworld, head north and through the Land Bridge to get to the icy earth. There, go north and west to the next Skyway to warp back to the floating continent. Back here again, go west and across the bridge, but this time head north and into a Cave. Warp through the series of caves to reach the peak of the mountain, then enter Zeal Palace. Zeal Palace (12,000 B.C.) ------------------------- When you enter this palace, go and talk to the people wandering around. Head to the upper-right area of this large room and go north into that room, which the Nu tells you is the bedroom. Here, enter the east room and you'll hear a conversation between Schala and Janus. An assistant will come and tell Schala to come with her, so after they leave, talk to Janus if you want before leaving this room. Then, check out the west room and talk to the guy there. When you're done here, head back to the large main room. Go west and down the steps to the center area, then go north into the next room. Here, you'll see Schala use her pendant to open the mysterious door in front of them. After they go through, talk to the 2 people standing there. They'll notice Marle's pendant that you have, so leave this room and go west. Talk to the Nu in front of the door leading to the Mammon Machine. Enter that room and go up the hall to the following room. Here, go up to the red stone and press A to power up the pendant. Now, head back to the center room where Schala opened that door. Check out the door and the pendant will activate, opening it for you. Enter that room and go forward, and the Queen will not be happy you're there. Dalton will summon Golem to attack you, so try to fight it. Don't worry about winning this fight; let it beat you and your group will be taken to a holding room. There, Schala and Janus will be standing there, and Schala will free you. The Prophet will come and ask how you came there, so you'll end up going to the Cave with the Gate inside. Your group will warp back in time and the Gate will be sealed against Schala's will. Lair Ruins (65,000,000 B.C.) ---------------------------- When you arrive here again, your party will realize that the pendant can open those mysterious doors in other areas, particularly the ones in the domes in 2300 A.D. Now, head south to exit this area. Back in the overworld, go southeast to the dactyls and get on them to fly. Now, head west to Mystic Mountain and land, then enter the mountain. Mystic Mts. (65,000,000 B.C.) ----------------------------- In this area, head all the way north while defeating the enemies along the way. Continue into the next area, then keep going west and north to the following area. Here, go to the top of the cliff and jump into the Gate to warp to the End of Time. End of Time ----------- When you arrive here, go down the hall and into the middle room. Talk to the old man to get information on a device to travel through time in. Save/rest here, then go back to the room with the warp pillars, and head to the Proto Dome in 2300 A.D. Proto Dome (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- When you get here, go south to the next room. Here, head all the way south and out of this place. Outside, go northwest to Lab 32. Race against Johnny, or just walk west to the other end, then go outside at the end. Go south and west from there and enter the Arris Dome. Arris Dome (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- In this area, follow the path to the area where the people are hanging around. From there, go around to the ladder in the middle of the area and climb down into the next room. Here, go around and through the east door to the following room. In this room, go west and north along the upper ledge to get to the north half of the room. From there, follow the path around to the next room. Now, get to the northeast corner of this room by the control panel and the sealed door. Open the sealed door by pressing A, then enter that room. Here, check out the sparkling object on the floor to get a Power Tab. Open the 4 chests to get a Lumin Robe, an Elixir, a Hit Ring, and a Gold Erng. After you're done here, backtrack through the past several rooms until you're back outside of Arris Dome. In the overworld again, head north and west into Lab 16. Lab 16 (2300 A.D.) ------------------ Here, head south and west, then north and west while defeating the enemies along the way, then continue west to the next area. In this area, go west and defeat the Craters at the end, then continue south and follow the path all the way around to the end. When you get to the end, go southwest to exit this place. Outside once again, go south and west into Bangor Dome, which is your first stop over here. Bangor Dome (2300 A.D.) ----------------------- In this dome, ignore the Gate and open the sealed door with the pendant. Enter that room and open the 3 chests you find to get a Charm Top, a Full Ether, and a Wallet. Now, go back to the previous room and continue out of this place, then continue south to the Trann Dome. Trann Dome (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- Here, follow the path through here to the sealed door at the end. Open it and enter the next room. Check out the sparkling object on the floor to get a Magic Tab, then open the chests to get a Gold Stud and a Full Ether. Now, leave this room and continue all the way out of here. At this point, go north and head through Lab 16 again. After you get through it, continue east and southeast to the Sewer Access. Sewer Access (2300 A.D.) ------------------------ When you enter this area, go west and across the bridge, then head south into the next room. Follow the path east while avoiding the traps along the way (unless you want to fight), then climb up the ladder at the end to reach the next area. Here, go forward and defeat the 2 Edgers, then go east across the bridge. Follow the path south and east, then north and up the ladder to exit the sewers. Back outside, go south to the Keeper's Dome. Keeper's Dome (2300 A.D.) ------------------------- When you enter this dome, go and talk to the sleeping Nu nearby. It forgets what to say, so go down the steps and head north through this room. Open the sealed door and enter that room. You'll see several sparkling stars appear on the floor throughout this room. Follow the path around here and talk to each one to learn information about Lavos. At the end, open the last sealed door and enter that room. Here, go straight ahead and walk around the giant object to the north wall. Your party will be surprised and confused of it, so head back around and south towards the exit of this room. Then, the Nu will walk in and introduce itself as Belthasar using the Nu's body. It'll explain how to use this vehicle, then when it falls asleep, talk to it again to be given the choice to name the machine (Epoch). When you're ready, go to the platform behind the Nu and press A to enter the Epoch. At this point, choose to go back to 12,000 B.C. When you arrive there, go west and north to the Terra Cave. Be sure to use a Shelter outside, and save before entering here. Also, I recommend a party of Crono, Ayla, and either Marle or Lucca for this area (I took Lucca). Then, go ahead and enter this cave. Terra Cave (12,000 B.C.) ------------------------ In this place, climb up the ladder in front of you and head west to the next area. Talk to the people here and enter the room on the top level. Buy some new weapons/armor for your group, then climb down the ladders to get through this place. Feel free to enter the rooms along the way down and talk to the people inside. You can also rest in one of the rooms to recover your HP/MP. When you get to the bottom, save at the save point and head east into the next area. Here, check out the sparkling object in the corner to get a Power Tab. Then, head north through here and defeat the Beasts along the way. You may want to have Ayla use her Charm Tech to steal R'Bow Helms from them, which are very good for your party at this point. I also recommend you put Frog and Lucca in your group (if you haven't already). After beating the 2 groups of Beasts, heal your group and continue north to reach the bosses of this area: the Mud Imp, Blue Beast, and Red Beast. Read the Bosses section for help on beating them. After you win, continue north and go up the green chain to reach the next area, which is Mt. Woe. Mt. Woe (12,000 B.C.) --------------------- When you enter this area, touch the nearby rock to fight the Rubble. It'll most likely run away, so when it does, continue north and defeat the Bantam Imps and Stone Imps you encounter. Go north and west and fight the Rubble, then head south and west and open the chest to get a Lode Helm. Now, go back to the start of this area, and head west across the chain this time. Head north and defeat the enemies, then continue into the next area. In this area, go west and fight the Rubble. Next, head east and north and defeat the Gargoyles you meet. Then, continue north and rest/save at the save point. After that, head north and east towards the chain and you'll be attacked. Defeat the enemies, then go across and defeat the Rubble there. Open the 2 chests to get a Lode Vest and a Shield. Now, go back across and head west to the end where you'll find a chest in the northwest corner. Approach it and enemies will attack; beat them and open the chest to get a Barrier. Now, go back east a tiny bit and take the path going south that you passed just a moment ago. Follow that path west and south, then go east and north to the upper ledge where the chest is. Defeat the enemies that appear, then open the chest to get a Lapis. Now, head east and across the chain, where you'll be attacked by Stone Imps and Gargoyles at the other side. Continue east and south, then west again. Fight and defeat the enemies you encounter, then continue south and across the chain to the next section. Head to the southwest corner and defeat the Rubble for good experience/Tech Points, then go north and east to be attacked again. Beat the 4 Gargoyles, then go northeast and open the chest to get a Barrier. After that, continue eastward across the chain to the next area. In this area, go north and open the chest to get a Lapis. Then, head east and defeat the 4 Man Eaters that surround you (have Ayla Charm a Pearl Edge from one of them; it's a good weapon for Frog to use). Next, go southeast and across the chain to the next platform. Go south and defeat the enemies that surround you, then open the chest to get a Full Ether. Then, head north and open the other chest to get a Barrier. Now, go back across the chain and go north. Climb up that chain and continue going northward. Continue heading north, then west at the end. Defeat the Rubble and go south, then east and south. Go and defeat the Man Eaters and Gargoyles, then open the 2 chests to get a Shelter and a Shield. Now, head all the way north and east across the chain, then head southeast and defeat the enemies there. Then, go north and rest/save at the save point, then continue up the chain to the next area. Here, go north and west around the bend, then open the chest to get a Time Hat. Continue east and across the chain, and then head south and west around the bend again to another chest. Open it to get a Full Ether, then go back east and all the way north. Before you climb the final chain, heal your party members and put Frog and Lucca in your party if you haven't already. After that, climb up to the next area. Here, go up to the giant crystal and it'll disappear, and the Giga Gaia will appear to fight. As usual, read the Bosses section for help on winning this fight. After you win, the giant crystal will reappear and the Guru of Life trapped inside will be freed, who ends up being Melchior in this time era. The mountain will then collapse, so your group will then retreat to the Terra Cave. Terra Cave (12,000 B.C.) ------------------------ In a room within this place, Melchior will realize there's trouble going on here. Schala will come in with Janus, and she'll talk to Melchior about the current plans with the Ocean Palace. Dalton will then appear and force Schala to come with her, shooting at Melchior to push him aside. After they all leave, talk to Melchior again and he'll give you the Ruby Knife, which is used to stop the Mammon Machine later on. Now, leave this room and climb up the ladder to the top of this place, then go east to the next area. Climb down the ladder and continue south to exit this cave completely. Outside, head south and all the way east past the Epoch, to the Skyway. Enter the Skyway and warp up to the floating land of Zeal. There, go northeast and use the Land Bridge to reach another area of the icy place below. From there, go north and west to the next Skyway, and take that to the mainland of Zeal. Then, head all the way west across the bridge, then north and through the caves to the very top of the mountain. When you get there, use a Shelter and save your game, then make sure Frog and Lucca are still in your group. Then, head into the Zeal Palace. Zeal Palace (12,000 B.C.) ------------------------- When you enter this palace, head all the way north through the middle of this room into the following room. Save at the save point, then continue all the way to the next room. Here, go up and you'll meet Dalton again. He'll fight you, so read the Bosses section of this guide for help here. After the battle is over, Dalton will open a Gate and warp away into it. Go back to the previous room and rest/save, then go back to that room and warp down to the Ocean Palace. Ocean Palace (12,000 B.C.) -------------------------- When you arrive in this underwater palace, go south and save at the save point. Then, talk to Mune who is standing guard and he'll disappear. You'll then see a quick scene with Schala and the Queen. After that, continue into the next room. Here, go south and take the first path to the east and into the northeast room. Walk on the floor switch to activate it, then defeat the Jinn and Barghest enemies. Leave this room, then go southwest and defeat the Scouters, then open the chest to the east to get a Rune Blade for Frog. Then, continue south and east and defeat the Scouters there. Open the chest to get an Aeon Suit. Now, head southwest along that path, then go all the way north and defeat the enemies along the way. Continue into the room all the way north, then step on the switch and beat those enemies as well. Then, continue into the following room and defeat the Blue Scouts and Mage there. Open the chest to get a Star Sword, then head directly east to the large room again. Back in this large room, head southeast, then southwest into another room. Defeat the Red Scouts inside and open the chest to get a Shock Wave for Lucca. Then, continue south into the connected room and defeat all the enemies here. Open the chest in the bottom corner of the room to get a SonicArrow for Marle, then head east and hit the next floor switch. At the other end, go north and defeat the enemies, then open the chest to get a Kaiser Arm for Robo. Go north into the next room, then follow the path north and east into the following room. Here, defeat the enemies and open the chest to get an Aeon Helm. Then, go back west to the previous room and head southwest, then south across the newly formed bridge into the next room. Here, defeat the enemies and head west down the stairs to the following room. In this room, go down the stairs and head south through here. Defeat the enemies that appear (Crono's *Luminaire works well here), then continue south and down some more stairs. At the bottom, beat the 4 Thrashers in that room, then continue down more stairs to the room below. Beat the enemies there and go down another set of stairs, then beat this last set of enemies. Talk to Masa at the top of the last set of stairs, then you'll see another scene with Schala and the Queen. After that, continue down to the next room. There, defeat the Jinn and Barghest, then rest/save at the nearby save point. I also recommend that you still have Frog and Lucca in your group. When you're ready, go south to the next room. Go south and beat all the enemies here, then check out the sparkling orb to the left to activate the elevator you're on. Along the way down, you'll have to fight several groups of enemies, so be prepared to fight/heal through here. At the very bottom when the elevator stops, go north into the next room. Here, go along the west side of this room into another room. Defeat the Scouter, Red Scout, and Blue Scout inside. Then, hit the switch on the wall and leave this room. Go south and east, then along the east side of the room into the room at the other end. Beat the same 3 enemies in there and hit that wall switch, then go back to the previous room. Step on the blue switch in the middle of the room to make a lower path appear. You'll then be lowered onto that path, so head north into the next room. Go forward and open the chest to get an Elixir, then save/rest at the save point. At this point, make sure you have Frog in your group, as well as Lucca. Then, continue into the next room. Go north and you'll meet Dalton again, and he'll send the GolemTwins after you, so read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. After you win this rather simple battle, Dalton will prepare to send another Golem at you, but Lavos' energy shakes the room. When he leaves, continue into the following room. Talk to the Nu in your way and it'll move, then continue forward to see Schala and the Queen activating the Mammon Machine. Crono will use the Ruby Knife that Melchior gave him to try and stop the machine, but Lavos will emerge and fight you. Your group will quickly die off, and the Prophet will reveal himself as Magus to fight off Lavos. He'll quickly lose as well, and the Queen will use Lavos to try and destroy you. Have Crono go up and talk to Schala, and then Crono will be destroyed to stop Lavos. Another scene opens where Lavos emerges from the ground and the floating kingdom of Zeal comes crashing down, leaving your group stranded in a cave on some island known as the Last Village. Last Village (12,000 B.C.) -------------------------- When you wake up there, the Elder will give you the pendant and he'll tell you to find him at the commons afterward. So, reassemble your party (I had Frog, Ayla, and Robo in mine) and save, then leave the cave. Outside, visit the other 2 caves and buy supplies from the Nu (you can get a Magic Tab from behind the Nu when it leaves the room). After that, head northwest to the Commons. Commons (12,000 B.C.) --------------------- In this area, go north and talk to all the people along the way. At the end, talk to the Elder and you'll be interrupted. Dalton and his soldiers will come in and attack, then Dalton will send your group away into a jail inside the Blackbird. Blackbird (12,000 B.C.) ----------------------- When your party awakens, you'll find that all your items, weapons, and money were taken. Save at the save point here, then climb up the ladder to exit this room. Your group will realize you're in the air aboard the Blackbird, so head back inside. Your party will discover an air duct in the room, then you'll be given a couple of options on what to do next. If you have Ayla in your group (which you should; I even mentioned putting her in your group earlier), choose to pretend being sick. If she's not in your group, you'll have to go through the air ducts to get through this place. But since you have Ayla, you can just walk out the door. When the guard comes to see what the problem is (after you pretend being sick), you'll defeat the guard and be able to exit the room. Go south and out of here, then defeat the nearby Byte and head west. Enter the next room you come across and defeat the 3 Bashers inside. Open the chest they were guarding and you'll get your money back. Leave the room and go east to the conveyor belt to the south. Press A at the controls to make it move southward, then get on it and head south and west at the end. Defeat the Byte and enter the room, then defeat the Bashers and open the chest inside to get all the equipment from your third party member returned! Now, leave this room and defeat the Byte in the hallway again. Visit the room all the way to the east and defeat the Bashers inside if you want the extra experience. Then, check out the conveyor belt's controls to make it move in the other direction. Ride it to the north, and at the end, head east and north through the halls. When you come to the door with the 2 Bashers guarding, defeat them and enter that room. Defeat the Byte and open the chest to get your second party member's stuff back. Leave this room and head west, then ride the conveyor north and continue to the next room. Defeat the Bashers standing guard, then head west and enter that room. Defeat the enemies here, and open the chest to get all your items back. Then, leave here the same way you came in and go up one of the conveyors. Continue north to get to the northwest area of the room by a ladder. Climb that ladder to get into the ducts, then go east and south the first chance you get. Head west at the first turn and go down the ladder at the end into another room you couldn't access otherwise. Defeat the sleeping Basher and open the chest to get your first party member's stuff. Now that you have everything, go back up the ladder and head east, north, and west to the previous ladder. Back in the northwest area of the large room, go south and change the controls so the conveyor moves southward. Defeat the Byte on the conveyor, then ride it south and enter the southwest room. Defeat any enemies in here and go through the next door. Continue straight and up the ladder and you'll be in a new area. You'll be given one last chance to turn back if you missed anything, but you shouldn't have to, so choose "Don't care" and move on. Out here on the wing, hold B to run against the wind currents and defeat each of the Turrets for some really good experience/Tech points. After you clear the place out, heal your group and head to the southwest end of the wing. A giant creature known as the Golem Boss will appear to fight, so read the Bosses section for help on beating it. After the fight, you'll see a scene where Dalton has added wings to the Epoch, then flies away with it. He'll attack you, then you'll jump onto the Epoch to do battle, so read the Bosses section for help there as well. After both those fights are complete, Dalton will get sucked into his own warp and you'll get the Epoch back. You'll then be told what buttons to push, so press each button as prompted and the Blackbird will end up being shot down. Your group will then fly away on the Epoch and land near the Last Village. Visit the Commons and talk to the people there to find out someone was looking for you. Leave and head northwest around the mountain to the North Cape. North Cape (12,000 B.C.) ------------------------ In this area, head north and check out the sparkling object. Magus will then appear and tell you a story. After that, he'll ask if you want to fight or not. This guide goes on assuming you did NOT fight him. Anyway, say no and walk back to the south. He'll catch up and decide to join your group! Now, leave this area completely and head back to the Last Village. Enter the middle hut and talk to the Nu; it has a new supply this time. Buy new weapons and armor for your group to the Epoch. When you take off, your group will witness the Ocean Palace (now dubbed the Black Omen) rising from the sea. After that, press Y and warp to the End of Time. End of Time ----------- When you arrive here, go and talk to the old man in the center room. After his speech, head back toward the Epoch's dock and the man will call to you again. Go back and talk to him and he'll give you the Chrono Trigger. Your group will also realize that he's Gaspar, the Guru of Time. Now, get back on the Epoch and warp to 1000 A.D. When you arrive in the year 1000, fly to the north and land, then enter Crono's house. Go upstairs and talk to his mother, and your group will act like everything's alright. (If you won the Crono Clone from Leene Square early in the game, take it now; if not, go to Leene Square and play the 40- Point Game to win it.) After you have the Crono Clone, leave here and head south and across the bridge. Place Lucca in your party, then enter her house. Talk to Taban twice to get the Taban Suit and Taban Helm for Lucca. Now, leave here and head back to the Epoch. At this point, since you can now fly anywhere with the Epoch, it's time to seek out and unlock those mysteriously sealed chests you've seen throughout the game. Read the Secrets section of this guide for the locations/contents of those chests. Also, be sure to go back to 65,000,000 B.C. and head to the Laruba Ruins. Talk to the Nu there that offers to change your name, and get the SilverRock which is vital to performing a Triple Tech with Frog, Robo, and Ayla. After you're done seeking out and taking the treasures from those mysterious boxes, board the Epoch and warp to 2300 A.D. There, fly to the island where the Black Omen is flying above and land, then enter the Keeper's Dome. Keeper's Dome (2300 A.D.) ------------------------- Here, go north and through the sealed door to the next room. Follow the path around this room, making sure to check out the sparkling object on the floor to get a Magic Tab. Talk to the Nu at the end and it'll explain how to restore life on Death Peak. Since you have the Clone, it'll carry out the plan. Three Poyozo Dolls will appear as this occurs. After the Nu steps back out and explains that those dolls will help you, it'll ask for you to shut it off. Go up to the Nu and press A to switch it off. Now, go back through the previous rooms to exit this place. Outside, go northeast towards Death Peak, but before you enter, be sure to rest and save. Also, you may want to set up your party so it has Magus, Robo, and either Marle or Frog in it (I recommend taking Frog instead of Marle). When you're ready, save again and head into Death Peak. Death Peak (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- As soon as you enter this area, run north and talk to the first Poyozo Doll you meet. It'll tell you to walk behind a tree when the wind starts up. This can be VERY tricky if you're not precise with the controls. You must walk in a straight line northward towards the tree, and continue holding Up so you're walking in place behind the tree. After the wind dies down, run further north and do that behind the next tree. Then, continue to the next area. Here, the wind is not a real problem anymore, go go west and defeat the 3 Krakkers. Continue west and open the chest to get a Magic Ring. Now, go back east and climb up the wall with the small notches on it. At the top, go southeast and defeat more Krakkers. Climb up the wall to the north and head east to the next area. In this area, defeat the Krakker and Macabre enemies, then head north and east. Go across the frozen stream and open the chest to the east to get a Wall Ring. Head south and rest/save at the save point, then go northwest and up the path. Continue all the way north to a cave. Defeat the Macabres outside, then enter the cave. Here, go north and you'll have to fight a Lavos Spawn, so read the Bosses section for help on getting through this battle. After you win, open the nearby chest to get Robo's Giga Arm. Then, continue north out of this cave. Go north and east and defeat the Macabres along the way. Follow the path east and south into another cave. Go south and defeat the 3 Krakkers, then open the chest to get a BraveSword for Frog. Now, continue south to the following area. Here, go northwest and check out the sparkling object to make a cave open up below. Now, go back through the previous areas to the large area with the save point. Save again, then go north and enter that newly opened cave. Here, go north and defeat the Krakker you come across, then open the chest to get a StarScythe for Magus. Equip it, then continue to the next area. Here, you'll have to fight another Lavos Spawn, so read the Bosses section if you need help on taking this one down as well. After you win, go west to the next area. There, go north and talk to the Poyozo Doll; it'll warn you of the slippery path up ahead. Go west and hold B so you can run, then run along the path as best as you can. Be careful not to fall off the south end, because you'll be dropped off by the save point below and you'll have to do this again! When you get to the end, continue to the next area. Here, defeat the Krakkers as they fall down to this area, and open the chest to the west to get a VedicBlade, which you can equip Crono with later on. Now, head all the way south and to the next area. There, keep going south and west to the following area. Now, in this new area, go north and talk to the Poyozo Doll there. It'll give you a hint on what to do up ahead (push and climb the shell). Continue west and down the wall, then follow the path west and north to another Lavos Spawn. You could have also gone south to a save point and a chest containing the Dark Helm. Anyway, when you get to the spawn, defeat it like before and you'll notice that the giant shell is left behind this time. Push it east and north against the wall, then press A and climb onto it. From there, climb up the wall to reach the higher ledge. Go east and open the chest to get a Memory Cap. Then, continue northwest to the next area. Here, go all the way north to the summit. Here, the pendant will react and the Chrono Trigger will shatter in the air. A gate will then open up and your group will end up in a frozen state of time where you fought Lavos earlier. Go up to Crono and replace the Clone for him, then your group will return to Death Peak with Crono. After the return, you'll end up at the End of Time. End of Time ----------- In this place, go and talk to the old man and he'll explain how and when you can fight Lavos. He'll also list off a bunch of side quests you can fulfill right now. So, assemble whoever you want in your party, then you can either go and fight Lavos now, or you can go and fulfill some side quests (see the Side Quests section for details on each one). Whenever you feel you're ready, rest up and save, then check out the bucket in the upper-right corner to warp to 1999, where you'll fight Lavos for the last time. Day of Lavos (1999 A.D.) ------------------------ When you arrive here, head north and you'll witness a scene with Lavos coming out of the ground to attack. You'll then be given the choice whether to go on and fight, or back out for now. If you choose to fight, read the Bosses section for what you should do for each part of this multi-part battle. When you're done, congratulations on beating Chrono Trigger! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Enemies -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================== Prehistoric Ages (65,000,000 B.C.) Enemies ========================================== Amphibite HP: 100 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Horn (x2) Item Dropped: N/A Anion HP: 152 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Petal (x2) Item Dropped: N/A Avian Rex HP: 327 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Feather Cave Ape HP: 436 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Fang Item Dropped: N/A Croaker HP: 100 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Fang (x2) Item Dropped: N/A Evilweevil HP: 158 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: Dream Gun Item Dropped: Feather Fly Trap HP: 316 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Dream Bow Item Dropped: Petal Gold Eaglet HP: 400 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Ether Item Dropped: Feather Note: After you attack it enough, it'll become a Red Eaglet and shoot fire at you as a counterattack each time you hit it. Ion HP: 152 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Feather (x2) Item Dropped: N/A Kilwala HP: 160 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Petal Item Dropped: Petal Megasaur HP: 830 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Aeon Blade Item Dropped: Fang Note: Use lightning spells to shock it, lowering its defense so you can hit it better with regular attacks. Nu HP: 1234 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Mop Item Dropped: Third Eye (First time you fight it only) Fang (x3), Horn (x3), Feather (x3), Petal (x3) Note: This creature is rare in this time era. It is only found in the Hunting Range, and it comes out when it rains, so you better be fast to find it. Rain Frog HP: 100 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Feather (x2) Item Dropped: N/A Red Eaglet HP: 400 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Feather Reptite HP: 92 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Magma Hand Item Dropped: Petal Note: Use lightning spells to shock it, lowering its defense so you can hit it better with regular attacks. Reptite (Inside Tyrano Lair) HP: 336 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Mid Tonic Note: Use lightning spells to shock it, lowering its defense so you can hit it better with regular attacks. Runner HP: 196 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Horn Item Dropped: Horn Note: Use lightning spells to shock it, lowering its defense so you can hit it better with regular attacks. Shist HP: 250 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Petal Item Dropped: Petal Shitake HP: 158 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: Petal Item Dropped: Fang Terrasaur HP: 1090 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Lapis Item Dropped: N/A Note: Use lightning spells to shock it, lowering its defense so you can hit it better with regular attacks. Volcano HP: 257 Weaknesses: Water Item Charmed: Lapis Item Dropped: N/A Winged Ape HP: 450 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: Fang Item Dropped: Fang =============================== Dark Ages (12,000 B.C.) Enemies =============================== Bantam Imp HP: 250 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: AlloyBlade Item Dropped: N/A Note: After you deplete the HP from this creature, the bird will die and the imp will fall, becoming a Stone Imp. Barghest HP: 450 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Shield Item Dropped: N/A Note: You fight this creature along with a Jinn, and it protects the Jinn with a shield. You should defeat this one first to destroy the shield protecting the Jinn. Basher HP: 150 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Beast HP: 830 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: R'Bow Helm Item Dropped: N/A Note: Each time you hit it with magic/regular attacks, its attack power goes up, so be careful. Blue Scout HP: 300 Weaknesses: Water Item Charmed: Shield Item Dropped: N/A Byte HP: 192 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Gargoyle HP: 260 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Big Hand Item Dropped: N/A Jinn HP: 450 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Lapis Note: You fight this creature along with a Barghest, which protects it with a shield. Defeat the Barghest to destroy the shield, so you can attack Jinn normally. Lasher HP: 666 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Mage HP: 480 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Barrier Item Dropped: Lapis Man Eater HP: 250 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Pearl Edge Item Dropped: N/A Nu HP: 1234 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Mop Item Dropped: Magic Tab, Speed Tab Red Scout HP: 300 Weaknesses: Fire, Shadow Item Charmed: Barrier Item Dropped: N/A Rubble HP: 515 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Mid Ether Note: At the beginning of the battle, it'll use a move preventing your entire group from using Techs/magic. However, if you defeat it, you will be greatly rewarded, although your attacks mostly miss. Scouter HP: 300 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Lapis Item Dropped: N/A Stone Imp HP: 300 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Thrasher HP: 666 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Turret HP: 700 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Mid Ether Note: At the beginning of the battle, it'll use a move preventing your entire group from using Techs/magic. However, if you defeat it, you will be greatly rewarded, although your attacks mostly miss. ============================== Middle Ages (600 A.D.) Enemies ============================== Base HP: 88 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: Normal attacks don't affect this creature, so use magic to fight it. Bellbird HP: 94 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Heal Item Dropped: Heal Blue Eaglet HP: 16 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Blue Imp HP: 13 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Deceased HP: 110 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: Normal attacks don't affect this creature too much, so use magic to finish it off quickly. Decedent HP: 67 Weaknesses: Lightning, Fire Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Defunct HP: 1450 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: Lapis Item Dropped: Lapis Diablos HP: 50 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Flunky HP: 390 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Fossil Ape HP: 1800 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: MegaElixir Item Dropped: Lapis Free Lancer HP: 110 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Barrier Item Dropped: N/A Gigasaur HP: 2250 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Ruby Armor Item Dropped: Barrier Note: Use lightning spells to shock it, lowering its defense so you can hit it better with regular attacks. Gnasher HP: 90 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Revive Gnawer HP: 210 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Goblin HP: 146 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Green Imp HP: 32 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Tonic Item Dropped: N/A Gremlin HP: 110 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: This creature has strong defense, so use magic to defeat it quickly. Grimalkin HP: 120 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Groupie HP: 390 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Hench HP: 49 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Hench (inside Magus's Lair) HP: 180 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Hexapod HP: 1000 Weaknesses: Water, Shadow Item Charmed: Lapis Item Dropped: Lapis Note: When you use water on this creature, its defense will greatly drop, so you'll have an easier time defeating it with normal attacks. Imp Ace HP: 54 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Juggler HP: 450 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: This creature is quite different than any others you've seen. When you hit it with a physical attack, it'll raise its physical defense, while lowering its magic defense. Hit it with a magic attack and the opposite will occur, so it's recommended your party alternates between magic and regular attacks each round. Leaper HP: 800 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Elixir Item Dropped: Shield Lizardactyl HP: 950 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: HyperEther Item Dropped: N/A Mad Bat HP: 18 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Mohavor HP: 400 Weaknesses: Water, Shadow Item Charmed: Shield Item Dropped: N/A Naga-ette HP: 60 Weaknesses: Magic, Fire Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Ogan HP: 146 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: Shield Item Dropped: N/A Note: All attacks don't affect this creature much as long as it's carrying a weapon. Use a fire spell to burn the weapon, then it'll become a Goblin, which is affected by regular attacks. Omnicrone HP: 218 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Ether Outlaw HP: 182 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Poly HP: 99 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Ether Item Dropped: Tonic Reaper HP: 1450 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: Elixir Item Dropped: N/A Roly HP: 24 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Roly Bomber HP: 99 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: Be careful because when you take all its HP, it'll explode causing damage to your whole party. Roly Rider HP: 30 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Rubble HP: 515 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Mid Ether Note: At the beginning of the battle, it'll use a move preventing your entire group from using Techs/magic. However, if you defeat it, you will be greatly rewarded, although your attacks mostly miss. Save Point HP: 10 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Sentry HP: 1280 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: HyperEther Item Dropped: Full Ether Shadow HP: 1 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: You cannot hurt this creature with normal attacks; use magic-based techs to defeat it. Sorcerer HP: 220 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Mid Ether T'pole HP: 150 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Mid Tonic Item Dropped: N/A Vamp HP: 120 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: Normal attacks don't affect this creature too much, so use magic to finish it off quickly. =========================== Present (1000 A.D.) Enemies =========================== Avian Chaos HP: 45 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Beetle HP: 12 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Blue Shield HP: 24 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Tonic Note: This creature protects itself with a large shield, but when it moves the shield aside, revealing itself as Yodu De, that's when you should attack. Cave Bat HP: 108 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: Revive Item Dropped: N/A Note: Normal attacks don't affect this creature too much, so use magic to finish it off quickly. Decedent HP: 67 Weaknesses: Lightning, Fire Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Gato (In the Millennial Fair) HP: 76 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Power Meal Item Dropped: N/A Gnasher HP: 90 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: Revive Item Dropped: Revive Guard HP: 60 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Tonic Hetake HP: 14 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Tonic Jinn Bottle HP: 97 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: Shield Item Dropped: N/A Note: Normal attacks don't affect this creature too much, so use magic to finish it off quickly. Naga-ette HP: 60 Weaknesses: Magic, Fire Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Octoblush HP: 80 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Omnicrone HP: 218 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: Ether Rolypoly HP: 50 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Tempurite HP: 88 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: Normal attacks don't affect this creature too much, so use magic to finish it off quickly. Yodu De HP: 1 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A ========================== Future (2300 A.D.) Enemies ========================== Acid HP: 10 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Barrier Item Dropped: N/A Alkaline HP: 9 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Bug HP: 89 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Heal Item Dropped: Heal Bugger HP: 100 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Crater HP: 80 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Debugger HP: 120 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Debuggest HP: 1024 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Shield Item Dropped: Shield Edger HP: 160 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Krakker HP: 500 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Laser Guard HP: 400 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Full Tonic Item Dropped: N/A Macabre HP: 582 Weaknesses: Shadow Item Charmed: Full Ether Item Dropped: Ether Meat Eater HP: 75 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: Ether Item Dropped: Ether Mutant HP: 300 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Full Tonic Item Dropped: N/A Nereid HP: 138 Weaknesses: Lightning, Shadow Item Charmed: Ether Item Dropped: N/A Octopod HP: 130 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Mid Ether Item Dropped: N/A Proto 2 HP: 128 Weaknesses: Shadow Item Charmed: Tonic Item Dropped: N/A Proto 3 HP: 256 Weaknesses: Shadow Item Charmed: Full Tonic Item Dropped: N/A Proto 4 HP: 1024 Weaknesses: Lightning Item Charmed: Barrier Item Dropped: Barrier Rat HP: 45 Weaknesses: Shadow Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Shadow HP: 1 Weaknesses: Magic Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: You cannot hurt this creature with normal attacks; use magic-based techs to defeat it. ================== Black Omen Enemies ================== Alien HP: 1350 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Magic Tab Item Dropped: Shield Blob HP: 1050 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Magic Ring Item Dropped: Barrier Boss Orb HP: 850 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Cybot HP: 1800 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Power Meal Item Dropped: HyperEther Flyclops HP: 900 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Gold Stud Item Dropped: N/A Goon HP: 2800 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Nova Armor Item Dropped: Elixir Incognito HP: 110 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: MuscleRing Item Dropped: N/A Note: This creature protects itself with a large shield, but when it moves the shield aside, revealing itself as PeepingDoom, that's when you should attack. Laser Guard HP: 400 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Full Tonic Item Dropped: N/A Martello HP: 1245 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: HyperEther Item Dropped: N/A Metal Mute HP: 1980 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: HyperEther Item Dropped: N/A Panel HP: 1875 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Speed Tab Item Dropped: N/A PeepingDoom HP: 1 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Ruminator HP: 1500 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: MegaElixir Item Dropped: N/A Sidekick HP: 1250 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Item Dropped: N/A Note: At the beginning of the battle, it'll use a move preventing your entire group from using Techs/magic. However, if you defeat it, you will be greatly rewarded, although your attacks mostly miss. Synchrite HP: 2250 Weaknesses: N/A Item Charmed: Gold Erng Item Dropped: HyperEther Tubster HP: 2150 Weaknesses: Fire Item Charmed: Power Tab Item Dropped: Elixir ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Bosses -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Yakra Found: Cathedral (600 A.D.) HP: 920 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This is the very first boss creature you'll fight in this game, and it really isn't too tough. Every time you attack it, it'll bounce around the room and hit your entire party to cause some damage. I recommend you use Crono and Frog's X-Strike Dual Tech (provided you learned it by now) to attack this creature. If you don't, just have your group use regular attacks, and heal when and if necessary. Keep on attacking and healing until you win. Dragon Tank/Grinder/Tank Head Found: Guardia Castle (1000 A.D.) HP: (Dragon Tank) 600, (Grinder) 208, (Tank Head) 266 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This battle is going to be a bit longer and tougher for you to beat here. The Tank Head cures the rest of the tank, so your first target here is the Tank Head. Have Crono and Lucca attack the head, curing when necessary since the Dragon Tank's attacks can be a bit overwhelming after a while. After the head is defeated, you should try to beat the Grinder. A message displays saying that energy is stored in the wheels, which in this case is the Grinder. Use the same strategy as for the Tank Head to destroy the Grinder. After you beat that, your final target should be the Dragon Tank itself. This part of the battle will also be the longest part. The Dragon Tank will either shoot a beam at one of your allies, or drop a few missiles on them. Keep your HP high and continue the attacking until you win. Guardian/Bit (x2) Found: Arris Dome (2300 A.D.) HP: (Guardian) 1200, (Bit) 200 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This battle is going to be a bit tough, especially if you don't keep your group in good shape. Anyway, if you attack the main Guardian boss, it along with the 2 Bits, will retaliate with a strong attack aimed at your whole group. The first course of action here is to eliminate both Bits. Concentrate on one at a time, then take care of the other after the first Bit is defeated. After both Bits are beat, now is the time to quickly attack the Guardian. It'll start to count down from 5 to 0, then revive both Bits. Until then, continue the attack on the Guardian. When the Bits are revived, repeat the same strategy as before to eliminate them, then concentrate on the main boss again. Keep your group in good shape, and continue the attacking until you win this fight. Sir Krawlie Found: Sewer Access (2300 A.D.) HP: 500 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This fight shouldn't be too hard for you to get through. Krawlie will take one of your party members and slam them around a bunch of times, reducing their HP to 1, so make sure you have some Tonics and Mid Tonics ready to quickly recover from such an attack. Use Crono and Robo's Rocket Roll Dual Tech (if it's available), while Lucca attacks or heals your group. Repeat the strategy above until you defeat this rather simple creature. R Series (x6) Found: Factory (2300 A.D.) HP: 180 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This battle is against 6 robots known as the R Series, but it really isn't too bad of a fight, despite the 6 to 2 ratio. Use Crono and Lucca's Fire Whirl Dual Tech on an entire line of the robots once or twice to defeat that row. If you need it, take a turn or so to heal your group before continuing the attack. Then, repeat the process on the remaining row until they're all defeated too. Heckran Found: Heckran Cave (1000 A.D.) HP: 2100 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: Despite the large amount of HP this creature has, it won't take too long for you to beat this boss, provided you follow this strategy. Like other creatures in the cave, this boss is only affected by magic attacks, which means you should have Crono, Lucca, and Marle attack with their appropriate magic spells. You should have Marle and Lucca perform their Dual Tech Antipode to cause a good amount of damage. There is one part of this battle in which you should be extremely careful not to attack Heckran during that part. Sometime during the battle, Heckran will curl up and try to verbally provoke you into attacking it. By all means, do NOT attack it or your party will be hit by a strong water wave attack! You should heal at this point if you need to. When Heckran uncurls, resume the magic attacks once again, then continue this strategy until you beat it. Zombor Found: Zenan Bridge (600 A.D.) HP: (Top) 960, (Bottom) 800 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: In this battle, there are two parts of Zombor for you to fight. Both parts have different weaknesses as well (use Ice on the top, and Fire or Lightning on the bottom), which means it's best if you have Lucca and Marle in your party here. Anyway, start by attacking the top part with Marle's Ice spell, and have Crono and Lucca attack it. Every couple of rounds, Zombor will hit you with a fire attack, which won't cause too much damage to whoever it hits. Continue the attack on the top until you defeat it, then concentrate on the bottom half. Use Crono and Lucca's Lightning and Fire spells, while Marle attacks or heals. Keep doing that until you win this rather simple fight. Masa/Mune Found: Denadoro Mts. (600 A.D.) HP: (Masa) 1000, (Mune) 1000 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This fight is pretty simple, since you only have to defeat one of the two brothers here. I recommend going against the left brother, since each time you attack the right one, you'll be hit by a counterattack. Just keep pounding the left brother with your techs and regular attacks, healing if necessary, until you defeat him. At this point, the battle will be over. Masa & Mune Found: Denadoro Mts. (600 A.D.) HP: 3600 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This battle will be a bit tougher than the first round when the brothers were separated. Use lots of strong regular attacks and Techs, as well as Crono and Robo's Dual Tech Max Cyclone (if already learned). When this creature starts storing energy (the dialogue box tells you when it's doing that), have Crono use the Slash Tech to release that energy, preventing it from using a strong tornado attack (a person in the Dorino Inn gave you this useful hint). Keep using Mid Tonics when needed, and continue with the strong attacks. Use Crono's Slash when energy is being stored anytime throughout this battle. Repeat the above strategy until you win this fight. Nizbel Found: Reptite Lair (65,000,000 B.C.) HP: 4200 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This giant dinosaur isn't really as tough as it seems. Like the other dinosaur enemies, this one is susceptible to lightning, so have Crono use *Lightning (the Dual Tech Volt Bite with Ayla works too) on this boss. Doing so will lower its defense so you can attack it for a few rounds, so get as many strong attacks in as you can. Then, Nizbel will discharge electrical energy on the whole party, causing a couple hundred HP of damage, so be prepared to use some Mid Tonics after that attack. After you're healed, repeat the same battle pattern as above until you win this battle. Slash Found: Magus's Lair (600 A.D.) HP: 5200 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This battle is split into two parts, with the first part being the easier one. For the first half, just use lots of regular attacks against Slash. Have Lucca (or whoever your third party member is) heal using Tonics or Mid Tonics when needed. Slash's attacks aren't too tough at this point, so you won't have a hard time winning the first round. After you win the first one, Slash will take the sword off the wall and fight you for round 2. This time, his attacks are much worse, as well as quick and powerful. Use lots of strong attacks, as well as Frog and Crono's Dual Tech, X-Strike. Slash will shoot a dark light straight through a couple of your party members, but that isn't too bad compared to some of his other moves later in the fight. After you take away enough damage, Slash will start to jump and slice one of your party members, causing over 100 HP of damage in one shot, so be prepared to use lots of Mid Tonics for this last part of the battle. When Slash starts saying "Yes indeed!", that's when his attacks come much faster and more powerful, so be ready to keep everyone alive. Continue the attacking, while healing every other round until you win this fight. Flea Found: Magus's Lair (600 A.D.) HP: 4120 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: When you enter battle against this boss, there is a question mark next to its name. Use regular attacks here to quickly kill off this fake, but be careful since it'll drain all of the MP from whoever delivers the final blow to it. After that, the real Flea will appear and you'll have to fight him. Continue using strong regular attacks and Dual Techs when you can. Flea uses many magic spells that cause status effects to your group, so be careful! About halfway through, each time you hit Flea, he'll counterattack with an attack, so make sure you keep everyone's HP high for the duration of this fight. Keep on attacking and healing after every round until the battle ends and you win. Magus Found: Magus's Lair (600 A.D.) HP: 6666 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: The fight against Magus here is the toughest fight you've been in thus far. Each time you attack, he'll counterattack, hitting your entire party. Magus has a barrier up, and only one type of magic spell can get through it each time. You can get Magus to change the barrier to another spell type by attacking him. Also, whenever Frog attacks (Masamune equipped), Magus's magic defense lowers so your magic will cause more damage. Anyway, attack with whatever type of magic the barrier says can get through at the time, making sure to heal your whole group (that's why Robo is good here, for his Heal Beam Tech) every couple rounds or so. After a while, a message will appear saying Magus risks casting a spell. Also, he'll start using Dark Matter, which is a VERY powerful Tech that can take 200+ HP from your whole group in one shot. For this part of the fight, use your strongest attacks (if Crono, Frog, and Robo have their Triple Tech "Triple Raid", that'll really help here). Continue the attack while healing every couple rounds until you win. Nizbel II Found: Tyrano Lair (65,000,000 B.C.) HP: 4200 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This fight against the descendant of the original Nizbel isn't very hard to beat. Each time you use a regular attack, its defense will rise, so stick to using Lightning magic (Crono and Ayla's Dual Tech Volt Bite works here) to attack. Each time you hit it with Lightning, it'll become shocked. After a while, it'll release the electrical energy to cause lots of damage to your group, so you should be ready to have Frog and Ayla heal when necessary. Keep your group in good shape and continue using the Volt Bite Dual Tech until you win. BlackTyrano Found: Tyrano Lair (65,000,000 B.C.) HP: (BlackTyrano) 10500, (Azala) 2700 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This battle can be a bit difficult, especially with the large amount of HP that the BlackTyrano has. For the first part of the fight, concentrate on beating Azala. Have Crono use *Lightning, and have the others heal or use Dual Techs to cause added damage. Watch out when BlackTyrano eats one of your characters, taking away a couple hundred HP in one shot. After a while, BlackTyrano will start to count down, which means you can now attack it. Finish off Azala, and be careful of its HP Break attack. Your target is now BlackTyrano, so use lots of strong attacks/Dual Techs to cause lots of damage here. As this boss counts down, it'll roar, gradually causing your group to lose HP. When it hits 0, BlackTyrano will use a strong fire attack on your whole group, so be prepared to heal after that. At this point, BlackTyrano's defense goes back up, so now's your chance to heal or use regular attacks to chip away at its HP. When the defense is lowered again (a message box will tell you when this happens), continue the all-out attack from before. Use lots of strong Dual Techs and heal when needed, especially after the fire attack. Repeat the above pattern until you defeat this boss. Mud Imp/Blue Beast/Red Beast Found: Terra Cave (12,000 B.C.) HP: (Mud Imp) 1200, (Blue Beast) 5000, (Red Beast) 5000 Item Charmed: (Mud Imp) Speed Tab, (Blue Beast) Mermaid Cap (Red Beast) Elixir Strategy: This battle can be a bit tough, so I recommend you have Frog in your group since he can heal your entire party at once. Also, each time you attack one of the colored beasts, whichever one you hit will charge at you to counterattack. The Mud Imp's defense is high, so I recommend you take out the two beasts, one at a time. The Blue Beast is weak against Fire, and the red one is weak against Water. Let's start by killing off the Blue Beast here. Have Lucca use *Fire, Frog attack/heal, and Crono use *Lightning2 to hit the entire group at once for a good amount of damage. Continue that attack until you beat the Blue Beast. Now, repeat the same battle pattern for the Red Beast, but have Frog use *Water 2 and Lucca can heal with items. After you beat the Red Beast, start to attack the Mud Imp. Each time you hit it, it heals itself, so use strong Dual Techs to finish it off quickly. Giga Gaia Found: Mt. Woe (12,000 B.C.) HP: 9500 Item Charmed: Speed Tab Strategy: As soon as the battle starts, Giga Gaia will hit your party with 2 attacks to weaken you a little bit. Have Frog use *Heal right away to recover from those attacks. Anyway, there are 3 parts of this boss you can attack; the head, the left hand, and the right hand. I recommend targeting the left hand since it's the main attacking one, and if both hands are alive, they'll perform their double attack like before. Use lots of strong Dual Techs on the head, as well as any Triple Techs if you learned any. Have Frog use *Heal every couple rounds to keep your group in good shape, then continue the attacking on the main head until you win. Dalton Found: Zeal Palace (12,000 B.C.) HP: 3500 Item Charmed: Power Meal Strategy: This battle can be a bit tough, especially since each time you attack, Dalton will counterattack by halving that character's HP. Have Frog use *Heal every round while Crono and Lucca use their strongest Single/Dual Techs. If Crono has already learned *Luminaire, it'll really help if you use that. Just keep up the attacks and have Frog continue to heal until the end. Dalton will then hit your group with an attack before leaving, but that isn't much to worry about either. Golem (x2) Found: Ocean Palace (12,000 B.C.) HP: 7000 each Item Charmed: Magic Tab Strategy: This can be such a quick battle, especially if Crono, Frog, and Lucca know all their Single Techs. The Golems will halve your party's HP, so be prepared to have Frog use *Heal right after that. Have Crono use *Luminaire, Frog use Frog Squash or *Heal when needed, and Lucca use *Flare. Repeat this a few times and you'll win this battle quite easily! Golem Boss Found: Blackbird (12,000 B.C.) HP: 15000 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This creature shouldn't even be considered as a boss because of how insanely easy it is! This creature doesn't even attack, as it's afraid of heights. So all you have to do is pummel it with attacks over and over until you deplete all its HP and it runs away. You won't get experience/Tech Points if you're too slow, so you may want to use strong Single/Dual Techs to quickly kill it off. Dalton Plus Found: Aboard the Epoch (12,000 B.C.) HP: 3500 Item Charmed: Power Meal Strategy: This battle is another easy one against Dalton for the last time aboard the stolen Epoch. Each time you hit him, he'll counter by halving your HP with Iron Orb. Just use lots of strong Dual Techs while Frog or Robo heals the entire party until you win. Lavos Spawn Found: Death Peak (2300 A.D.) HP: 4000 Item Charmed: Elixir Strategy: Now, the battle against this creature can be either easy or hard. There are two spots you can target; its head or its shell. If you attack the shell, it'll counterattack by hitting your party with a strong attack. Target its head and use lots of Single or Dual Techs while healing when needed until you win this fight. Retinite Found: Sunken Desert (600 A.D.) HP: (Core) 1000, (Upper Body) 5000, (Lower Body) 4800 Item Charmed: (Core) Speed Tab Strategy: This battle will be a bit tough, so it's a must that you have Frog heal your party every other round or so. There are three targets for you to hit; the Core, the Upper Body, and the Lower Body. Target and destroy the Core first with a couple regular attacks. After that, have Frog use *Water 2 (Marle and Magus using *Ice 2 also helps) to lower the body's defense so you can attack it. Now, attack the top half first with all your strong Single and Dual Techs until its defense is built up again. Then, cast another Water or Ice spell to weaken it, and continue the attacking. After you beat the top half, repeat the pattern for the bottom half while healing every round or so until you defeat it. Flea Plus Found: Ozzie's Fort (600 A.D.) HP: 2500 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This fight against Flea won't last very long, since you're much stronger at this point and Flea doesn't have as much HP as before. Use regular attacks to fight here, and don't worry about Flea's attacks since they cause little harm. Continue attacking until Flea runs away defeated. Super Slash Found: Ozzie's Fort (600 A.D.) HP: 2500 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: As in the previous fight with Flea, just use regular attacks to get through this rather simple battle. Slash's attacks cause very little harm, so there's no need to heal throughout this battle either. Great Ozzie/Flea Plus/Super Slash Found: Ozzie's Fort (600 A.D.) HP: (Ozzie) 6000, (Flea) 4000, (Slash) 4000 Item Charmed: (Ozzie) OzziePants, (Flea) Flea Vest, (Slash) Slasher 2 Strategy: Now this can be a pretty tough battle to get through, especially since each time you attack Ozzie or Flea, they counter with a delta attack of sorts. Also, if you have Ayla in your group, you can use her to Charm items from each of these guys (make sure to Charm the Slasher 2 from Super Slash; it's a great weapon for Crono). I recommend going after Slash first, so use your groups strongest Single/Dual Techs to attack, or just use regular attacks. Have Frog use *Heal to keep your group in shape if he's around. After you beat Slash, the delta attack will no longer take place when you attack the other two. Target either of the remaining bosses left in the same fashion that you fought with Slash. Continue the attacking/healing until you get through this entire battle. Atropos XR Found: Geno Dome (2300 A.D.) HP: 6000 Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: This 1-on-1 battle isn't really too tough, since Atropos' attacks don't cause much damage. However, Atropos will heal herself every couple rounds, so you're going to have to attack quickly and powerfully. Have Robo use his strongest Single Techs to do the most damage here. Be sure to heal with Heal Beam every so often, that way you don't die off in the middle of the fight. Continue attacking with strong Single Techs and you'll win this battle after a short while. Mother Brain/Display (x3) Found: Geno Dome (2300 A.D.) HP: (Mother Brain) 5000, (Display) 1 each Item Charmed: (Mother Brain) Blue Mail, (Display) Elixir Strategy: This battle is a pretty tough one if you're not quick enough to defeat Mother Brain. There are three Displays, each one heals the boss for about 1000 HP each, so you'll want to hit each one with a regular attack to destroy them all. After that, Mother Brain will start to hit your group with increasingly tough attacks, and its defense rises as well. Use your group's best Single or Dual Techs (if you have Crono, *Luminaire helps alot here) to attack quickly. Heal with Robo's Heal Beam if necessary and continue the strong attacks until you win this fight. Sun of Sun Found: Sun Palace (2300 A.D.) HP: 2100 Item Charmed: (Son of Sun) Black Mail, (Fire Orb) Elixir Strategy: This battle is quite simple, really, once you get the hang of how to attack it. There are 5 fire orbs surrounding the main boss, and one of those is the target. Attack one at a time; if you hit the wrong one, you'll be hit by a pretty weak fire attack. Keep hitting each orb until you find the one that hurts the middle boss as well, then pound on that one with your best attacks. If needed, have someone heal in case the fire attacks get to be too much for you. When the Son of Sun shuffles the orbs, you'll have to find which one is the target again, so follow the previous procedure to find it. Continue that attacking pattern until you win. Rust Tyrano Found: Giant's Claw (600 A.D.) HP: 25000 Item Charmed: Red Mail Strategy: This battle is actually a pretty easy one, especially if your entire party has fire-resistant armor equipped (Ruby Armor, for example). Use all your strongest Single/Dual Techs to cause lots of damage here. Rust Tyrano will count down from 5 to 0, then when it hits zero, it'll hit your whole group with a fire attack. Heal your group at that point if the fire attack took too much damage, then continue the attacking until you win. Yakra XIII Found: Guardia Castle (1000 A.D.) HP: 18000 Item Charmed: White Mail Strategy: This battle against the descendant of Yakra is a bit tough if you aren't careful. If you have Frog or Robo in your group, they can really help by healing your entire party at once. Anyway, attack with your strongest Single/Dual Techs while healing every couple rounds or so. Yakra XIII will hit members of your group with a needle attack that can cause a couple hundred HP damage if you're not careful. Just keep your group's HP high and use strong attacks/Techs until you defeat this guy. Be careful since he'll use a final needle attack on your entire party to cause lots of damage, so make sure your group is in good shape for the entire battle. Mega Mutant Found: Black Omen HP: (Top) 4600, (Bottom) 3850 Item Charmed: (Top) Elixir, (Bottom) Vigil Hat Strategy: Well, this is a pretty quick and simple battle, so there's really no need to use any magic here. Focus on defeating the top half first, so have your group attack normally or use strong Single Techs to attack. This boss will cast status effects on your group at times, so be ready to heal after such attacks. After you beat the top half, repeat the same attacks on the bottom half until you win. Giga Mutant Found: Black Omen HP: (Top) 5800, (Bottom) 4950 Item Charmed: (Top) Wall Ring, (Bottom) Hit Ring Strategy: This second boss battle in the Black Omen isn't that really hard to beat, either. It's strong against regular attacks, that's why you should have a good line of magic-users in your group (Crono, Frog, Magus). Attack using your party's strongest Single Techs; Crono should use *Luminaire and Magus should use *Dark Matter, while Frog concentrates on healing. When your MP runs low, be sure to use Mid Ethers to keep the fight going if needed, since this boss drains some MP with each attack. Just keep using magic-based attacks and healing until you win. TerraMutant Found: Black Omen HP: (Top) 7800, (Bottom) 20000 Item Charmed: (Top) MuscleRing, (Bottom) Power Seal Strategy: The fight against the TerraMutant is basically the same as the Giga Mutant fight, but this one will last quite a bit longer. Regular attacks do very little damage, so your group should use their strongest Single Techs to attack the top half (or the entire creature if it's a multi-target Tech). The bottom half keeps healing the top half, but each time it heals the top half, that subtracts from its 20000 HP count. Which means that it can keep healing the top half until it runs out completely and dies off. Just use your strongest Single Techs to attack the top half as much as you can, so the healing from the bottom half doesn't interfere too much. After you defeat the top half, the bottom half is automatically destroyed, so the battle will be over at that point. Lavos Spawn Found: Black Omen HP: 10000 Item Charmed: (Head) Haste Helm, (Shell) Safe Helm Strategy: This fight against the Lavos Spawn is just like the battles against the weaker spawns on Death Peak. Do not attack the shell at all, or else you'll be hit by counterattacks. Focus all your attacks on the head of this creature, using single target Single and Dual Techs or regular attacks to cause lots of damage. If Ayla is in your party, you may want to have her Charm the Safe Helm from the shell since it's good for defense. Have Frog use *Heal (he should be in your party) to keep your group in good shape when needed, and continue the attacks to the head until you defeat it. Zeal (1st Fight) Found: Black Omen HP: 12000 Item Charmed: MegaElixir Strategy: This first fight against Queen Zeal isn't too tough to get through. She'll start off by reducing your party's HP to 1. She doesn't attack too much, but you should have Frog heal your group so they have at least 500 HP to survive on. Zeal will take some MP from members of your group at times, but that isn't too much to worry about. Anyway, use only regular attacks to fight this boss. She'll reduce your group to 1 HP again, so heal at that point. Continue attacking until you beat Zeal for this round. M. Machine Found: Black Omen HP: 18000 Item Charmed: MegaElixir Strategy: The fight against the powerful Mammon Machine is tough, but it's truly simple if you're well prepared for it. The first thing you should do is have Frog use *Heal to bring your group back in decent shape. When you use a regular attack, it raises the machine's defense power; when magic and Techs are used, attack power is raised. So, use regular attacks until the defense is too strong, then switch to strong Techs such as Crono's *Luminaire to cause lots of damage. After a while, this boss will release the stored energy from all your attacks to cause a considerable amount of damage to your party. Have Frog heal or use some Lapis items to get your group back into shape. Now, attack Mammon Machine again and a message will appear saying that it's standing still. That's when you should use all your strongest attacks since that's when you won't have to worry about its attack or defense power being boosted. When it starts modifying energy again, repeat the same battle plan as before. Just keep your group in good shape and follow the attack pattern from before, and you'll eventually win. Zeal (Second Fight) Found: Black Omen HP: (Head) 20000, (Left Arm) 28000, (Right Arm) 28000 Item Charmed: (Head) MegaElixir, (L. Arm) PrismDress, (R. Arm) Prism Helm Strategy: This last battle against Queen Zeal is much tougher than your previous fight with her. There are 3 targets; the head and two arms. Whatever you do, do NOT attack the arms or you will be sorry! Direct all attacks to the head, so use lots of regular attacks or Techs that only hit one target. You should also keep your group's HP very high throughout the entire battle, so use a MegaElixir when needed to quickly heal your whole group's HP/MP. Both arms will use elemental magic to attack your party, so be prepared to heal if your HP goes too low. Also, Zeal will reduce your party's HP to 1 at some point, so be ready to use a MegaElixir to bounce back from that hit. Anyway, keep attacking the head with your strongest Techs and regular attacks while healing every few rounds or so, and you'll be able to defeat Zeal once and for all. Lavos Found: Day of Lavos (1999 A.D.) HP: N/A Item Charmed: N/A Strategy: The battle against Lavos, the final boss of the game, is a long and hard one to pull through. At the start of the fight, Lavos goes into "attack mode" and you'll catch a glimpse of what past boss it's going to imitate. Here's a list of each form it takes, and the strategy/party to use for each one (you can heal or change your party between forms): Dragon Tank: For this first form, a strong line of attackers would help beat it quickly. Just attack and defeat the two creatures on either side, then attack Lavos' head until you beat it. Guardian/Bits: Here, a group with Crono and/or Magus would help kill this form easily. Have Crono use *Luminaire, or Magus use *Dark Matter to cause lots of damage to all 3 parts, defeating them all quickly. Heckran: A strong group of magic-users really helps here, since regular attacks do not affect this form. Have your party use strong magic spells to quickly defeat this form. Zombor: For this particular form, you should have a group with strong attacking power as always. Defeat the creature in front of Lavos first, then attack Lavos' head with strong attacks to beat it. Masa & Mune: You should definitely have Crono in your party for this part of the battle. Use regular attacks to cause damage, then when a message shows up saying that it's storing energy, have Crono use his Slash Tech to release the energy, preventing the attack on your group. Then, continue attacking like before until you beat it. Nizbel: Again, you should have Crono and/or Magus in your party for this round. Have them use *Lightning to lower its defense, then use regular attacks to cause more damage. If its defense goes back up before you beat it, use *Lightning again to lower the defense, then continue the attacking to defeat it. Magus: For this part of the fight, make sure Frog is in your group and has the Masamune sword equipped. Have Frog attack with the Masamune, which lowers this form's defense, making your attacks hit harder. Whenever you attack, it'll change its barrier and hit you with an elemental attack. The type of magic it uses to hit you is the one it's vulnerable to, so use the same type of magic to cause more damage. When the barrier is changed, repeat with the new type of magic. Have Frog heal when needed, and keep him attacking to weaken this form's defense. When a message shows up saying Lavos casts a spell, use any type of attacks to quickly defeat it. BlackTyrano/Azala: Before fighting this form, you may want to equip fire- resistant armor so you don't get too hurt from the fiery attacks. Direct all your attacks to the small creature to the left first, since you can't really hurt Lavos' head until you beat the small enemy. Use magic to fight and defeat the small creature, then it's time for attacking the main part of this form. Your attacks still won't affect Lavos too much, so wait until the defense is lowered, then use your strongest attacks to fight it. It'll then start counting down to 0; when it reaches zero, it'll use a fire attack on your entire group, so be ready for that. Keep using your strongest moves and maybe you can beat it before it counts all the way down. Giga Gaia: Just like the original Giga Gaia battle, attack the left creature and beat it; doing so prevents both creatures (arms) from performing a double attack on your group. After you beat the left side, concentrate on attacking the head in the middle with your strongest attacks/Techs. The right side will try to heal the head, but it's not too much to worry about, so keep on attacking the head and you'll eventually beat it. Lavos (Normal): Make sure you have Crono or Magus, Frog, and Ayla in your party here. Use your strongest attacks/Techs, especially Crono's *Luminaire, to cause lots of damage. Lavos will use strong attacks to hit your entire party, so have Frog heal if your party's HP gets too low. Continue the attacking until you beat the head of Lavos. Your group will then enter the giant shell of Lavos. Rest/save at the save point (there may also be a Gate nearby leading to the End of Time if you got here by playing through the Black Omen). If you need more supplies, use the Gate and head to another area with the Epoch to buy some healing items. If you take the Gate, use the bucket at the End of Time to return to the inside of the shell. Inside, go north through this area. Before the end, make sure you have the party you want to use for the final battle (mine was Crono, Frog, and Magus). Then, continue into the next area and you'll enter battle against Lavos' next form. Lavos (Inside Shell): This is the second to last form of Lavos to fight, and it's pretty tough too. You can't really hurt the head from the start, so concentrate on beating both arms first. Use your group's strongest multi target Techs, such as *Luminaire and *DarkMatter. After you defeat the arms, you can then cause more damage by hitting the head with attacks. It'll try to inflict status effects on your party, so be ready to heal if that happens. Use lots of strong attacks/Techs to hit the head, and use a MegaElixir if your party's HP and MP gets too low. Be careful when Lavos uses a blazing attack to cause lots of damage, and be ready to quickly heal and continue the fighting. Just keep on using the strongest Techs your party has and keep your HP/MP up, and you'll defeat this creature in no time. After you beat Lavos again, you'll view its true form and find out the true purpose of people on the planet. You'll then enter the final battle against the Lavos Core. Lavos Core: This is the absolute final battle against Lavos in this game. There are 3 parts here: the left Bit, the middle Bit, and the right Bit. You cannot hurt the right side until the middle Bit is defeated, since the right Bit is seemingly the core of Lavos. Anyway, use your party's strongest Single Techs to cause lots of damage to the middle Bit. The left Bit absorbs magic-based Techs, so use physical attacks/Techs to hurt it. After you defeat either the left or middle Bits, the right Bit will lower its defense and try to revive the destroyed Bit(s). That's your chance to pummel the right Bit with all your strong attacks/Techs. When all 3 Bits are back again, they'll perform the ultimate attack, causing massive damage to your party, so be ready to use Revives and a MegaElixir to get back in shape. After that, go back to the same attack pattern as before, where you must defeat the left/middle Bits. Be careful if you defeat the middle Bit and the two others are still there, since they'll retaliate with a cross hit each time you attack them. When the right Bit's defense is lowered again, attack it with strong hits like before. Keep your party in great shape and continue the above strategies until you defeat the right Bit and Lavos altogether, thus beating the game! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Weapons -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =============== Crono's Weapons =============== Aeon Blade Attack: +70 AlloyBlade Attack: +110 Bolt Sword Attack: +25 Demon Edge Attack: +90 Note: 1.5x damage caused on magic enemies Flint Edge Attack: +40 Iron Blade Attack: +7 Kali Blade Attack: +150 Lode Sword Attack: +20 Mop Attack: +1 Rainbow Attack: +220 Note: 70% chance of causing a critical hit with this weapon Red Katana Attack: +30 Note: Magic +2 Shiva Edge Attack: +170 Note: Causes 4x damage if a critical hit is made Slasher Attack: +43 Note: Speed +2 Slasher 2 Attack: +155 Star Sword Attack: +125 SteelSaber Attack: +15 Swallow Attack: +145 Note: Speed +3 VedicBlade Attack: +135 Wood Sword Attack: +3 =============== Marle's Weapons =============== Bronze Bow Attack: +3 CometArrow Attack: +80 Dream Bow Attack: +60 Iron Bow Attack: +15 Lode Bow Attack: +20 Robin Bow Attack: +25 Sage Bow Attack: +40 Siren Attack: +140 Note: Can randomly cause Stop status on an enemy SonicArrow Attack: +100 Note: Can randomly cause Slow status on an enemy Valkerye Attack: +180 =============== Lucca's Weapons =============== Auto Gun Attack: +15 Dart Gun Attack: +7 Dream Gun Attack: +60 Megablast Attack: +80 Plasma Gun Attack: +25 Ruby Gun Attack: +40 Shock Wave Attack: +110 Note: Can randomly cause Chaos status on an enemy WonderShot Attack: +250 Note: The amount of damage caused can vary ============== Frog's Weapons ============== BraveSword Attack: +135 BronzeEdge Attack: +6 FlashBlade Attack: +90 Iron Sword Attack: +10 Masamune Attack: +75 Masamune (After upgrade) Attack: +200 Note: 2x damage caused on magic enemies Pearl Edge Attack: +105 Note: 1.5x damage caused on magic enemies Rune Blade Attack: +120 Note: Magic +4 ============== Robo's Weapons ============== Big Hand Attack: +105 Crisis Arm Attack: +1 Note: The attack changes when Robo has less than 10 HP remaining DoomFinger Attack: +50 Giga Arm Attack: +135 Hammer Arm Attack: +25 Kaiser Arm Attack: +120 Magma Hand Attack: +70 MegatonArm Attack: +90 Stone Arm Attack: +40 Terra Arm Attack: +150 Tin Arm Attack: +20 =============== Magus's Weapons =============== DarkScythe Attack: +120 DoomSickle Attack: +160 Note: Attack power rises when an ally falls Hurricane Attack: +135 StarScythe Attack: +150 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Armor -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aeon Suit Can Equip: All Defense: +75 Black Mail Can Equip: All Defense: +70 Note: Absorbs Shadow attacks Black Vest Can Equip: All Defense: +45 Note: Absorbs 50% of Shadow attacks Blue Mail Can Equip: All Defense: +70 Note: Absorbs Water attacks Blue Vest Can Equip: All Defense: +45 Note: Absorbs 50% of Water attacks BronzeMail Can Equip: Crono, Frog, Robo, Magus Defense: +16 Dark Mail Can Equip: Crono, Frog, Robo, Magus Defense: +45 Note: Magic Defense +5 Flash Mail Can Equip: Crono, Frog, Robo, Magus Defense: +64 Gloom Cape Can Equip: Magus Defense: +84 Gold Suit Can Equip: All Defense: +39 Hide Tunic Can Equip: All Defense: +5 Iron Suit Can Equip: All Defense: +25 Karate Gi Can Equip: All Defense: +10 Lode Vest Can Equip: All Defense: +71 Lumin Robe Can Equip: Marle, Lucca, Ayla Defense: +63 Note: Magic Defense +5 MaidenSuit Can Equip: Marle, Lucca, Ayla Defense: +18 Meso Mail Can Equip: All Defense: +52 Mist Robe Can Equip: Marle, Lucca, Ayla Defense: +54 Moon Armor Can Equip: Crono, Frog, Robo, Magus Defense: +85 Note: Magic Defense +10 Nova Armor Can Equip: Crono, Frog, Robo, Magus Defense: +82 Note: Protects wearer from any status effects PrismDress Can Equip: Marle, Lucca, Ayla Defense: +99 Note: Cuts magic attacks by 1/3 RavenArmor Can Equip: Magus Defense: +76 Red Mail Can Equip: All Defense: +70 Note: Absorbs Fire attacks Red Vest Can Equip: All Defense: +45 Note: Absorbs 50% of Fire attacks Ruby Armor Can Equip: All Defense: +78 Note: Cuts damage from Fire attacks by 80% Ruby Vest Can Equip: All Defense: +45 Note: Cuts damage from Fire attacks by 50% Taban Suit Can Equip: Lucca Defense: +79 Note: Speed +3, protection against Fire attacks increases Taban Vest Can Equip: Lucca Defense: +33 Note: Speed +2, protection against Fire attacks increases Titan Vest Can Equip: All Defense: +32 White Mail Can Equip: All Defense: +70 Note: Absorbs Lightning attacks White Vest Can Equip: All Defense: +45 Note: Absorbs 50% of Lightning attacks ZodiacCape Can Equip: Marle, Lucca, Ayla Defense: +80 Note: Magic Defense +10 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Headgear -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aeon Helm Can Equip: All Defense: +33 Beret Can Equip: Marle, Lucca, Ayla Defense: +17 BronzeHelm Can Equip: All Defense: +8 CeraTopper Can Equip: All Defense: +23 Dark Helm Can Equip: Magus Defense: +35 Note: Cuts damage from Shadow attacks by 50% Doom Helm Can Equip: Magus Defense: +29 Gloom Helm Can Equip: Magus Defense: +42 Note: Protects wearer from any status effects Glow Helm Can Equip: Crono, Frog, Robo, Magus Defense: +25 Gold Helm Can Equip: Crono, Frog, Robo, Magus Defense: +18 Haste Helm Can Equip: All Defense: +35 Note: 50% less wait between wearer's turns in battle Hide Cap Can Equip: All Defense: +3 Iron Helm Can Equip: All Defense: +14 Lode Helm Can Equip: All Defense: +29 Memory Cap Can Equip: All Defense: +30 Note: Prevents the wearer from being hit by the Lock status effect Mermaid Cap Can Equip: All Defense: +35 Note: Cuts damage from Water attacks by 50% OzziePants Can Equip: All Defense: +45 Note: This headgear is cursed, so whoever equips it will become confused in battle Prism Helm Can Equip: All Defense: +40 Note: Defense +9, locks status R'Bow Helm Can Equip: All Defense: +35 Note: Cuts damage from Lightning attacks by 50% Rock Helm Can Equip: All Defense: +20 Safe Helm Can Equip: All Defense: +38 Note: Cuts damage from physical attacks by 1/3 Sight Cap Can Equip: All Defense: +30 Note: Prevents the wearer from being hit by the Chaos status effect Taban Helm Can Equip: Lucca Defense: +24 Note: Magic Defense +10 Time Hat Can Equip: All Defense: +30 Note: Prevents the wearer from being hit by Stop and Slow status effects Vigil Hat Can Equip: All Defense: +36 Note: Prevents the wearer from any status effects ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 12. Accessories -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Amulet Can Equip: All Effects: Protects wearer from any status effects Bandana Can Equip: All Effects: Speed +1 Berserker Can Equip: All Effects: Causes wearer to automatically attack in battle, which you cannot control. Hit and Defense stats rise as well. Black Rock Can Equip: Marle, Lucca, Magus Effects: Allows the "DarkEternal" Triple Tech to be cast if Marle, Lucca, and Magus are in your party and this accessory is equipped on one of those characters. Also, they must know the necessary Single Techs in order to perform the Triple Tech. Blue Rock Can Equip: Lucca, Robo, Magus Effects: Allows the "OmegaFlare" Triple Tech to be cast if Lucca, Robo, and Magus are in your party and this accessory is equipped on one of those characters. Also, they must know the necessary Single Techs in order to perform the Triple Tech. Charm Top Can Equip: Ayla Effects: Increases the effectiveness of Ayla's Charm Tech. Dash Ring Can Equip: All Effects: Speed +3 Defender Can Equip: All Effects: Vigor +2 Flea Vest Can Equip: All Effects: Magic Defense +12 FrenzyBand Can Equip: All Effects: 80% chance of counterattacking when attacked by an enemy Gold Erng Can Equip: All Effects: Maximum HP increases by 50% Gold Rock Can Equip: Frog Effects: Allows the "Grand Dream" Triple Tech to be cast if Frog, Marle, and Robo are in your party and this accessory is equipped on Frog. Also, they must know the necessary Single Techs in order to perform the Triple Tech. Gold Stud Can Equip: All Effects: Cuts down the amount of MP needed for techs/spells by 75% Hero Medal Can Equip: Frog Effects: Increases the chances of a critical hit with the Masamune. Hit Ring Can Equip: All Effects: Strike +10 Magic Ring Can Equip: All Effects: Magic +6 Magic Seal Can Equip: All Effects: Magic Defense +5 MagicScarf Can Equip: All Effects: Magic +2 MuscleRing Can Equip: All Effects: Vigor +6 PowerGlove Can Equip: All Effects: Power +2 Power Ring Can Equip: All Effects: Power +6 PowerScarf Can Equip: All Effects: Power +4 PrismSpecs Can Equip: All Effects: Raises wearer's attack power to the maximum Rage Band Can Equip: All Effects: 50% chance of counterattacking when attacked by an enemy Ribbon Can Equip: All Effects: Strike +2 SightScope Can Equip: All Effects: Can view enemy HP in battle (doesn't work on bosses) SilverErng Can Equip: All Effects: Maximum HP increases by 25% SilverRock Can Equip: Frog, Robo, Ayla Effects: Allows the "Spin Strike" Triple Tech to be cast if Frog, Robo, and Ayla are in your party and this accessory is equipped on one of those characters. Also, they must know the necessary Single Techs in order to perform the Triple Tech. SilverStud Can Equip: All Effects: Cuts down the amount of MP needed for techs/spells by 50% Speed Belt Can Equip: All Effects: Speed +2 Sun Shades Can Equip: All Effects: Raises the wearer's attack power Third Eye Can Equip: All Effects: 2x Evade Wall Ring Can Equip: All Effects: Magic Defense +10 Wallet Can Equip: All Effects: Turns any experience points gained into gold (money) White Rock Can Equip: Marle, Lucca, Ayla Effects: Allows the "Poyozo Dance" Triple Tech to be cast if Marle, Lucca, and Ayla are in your party and this accessory is equipped on one of those characters. Also, they must know the necessary Single Techs in order to perform the Triple Tech. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 13. Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Barrier: Cuts the amount of damage taken by magic attacks by 1/3. Ether: Restores 10 MP. Elixir: Restores all HP and MP. Full Ether: Restores 60 MP. Full Tonic: Restores 500 HP. Heal: Recovers a character's bad status. HyperEther: Restores all MP. Lapis: Recovers 200 HP for all allies in your current party. Magic Tab: Permanently increases a character's Magic by 1. MegaElixir: Restores all allies' HP and MP. Mid Ether: Restores 30 MP. Mid Tonic: Restores 200 HP. Power Meal: Recovers Lock status on a character. Power Tab: Permanently increases a character's Power by 1. Race Log: Use this to record your top times in the Jet Bike Racing mini-game. Revive: Revives a fallen character. Shelter: Restores party's HP/MP. Can only use at save points, though. Shield: Cuts the amount of damage taken by physical attacks by 1/3. Speed Tab: Permanently increases a character's Speed by 1. Tonic: Restores 50 HP. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 14. Techniques -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============ Single Techs ============ Crono ----- Cyclone MP: 2 Description: Crono spins his sword around, hitting the targeted enemy and anything nearby. Slash MP: 2 Description: Crono slashes at the targeted enemy with his sword. *Lightning MP: 2 Description: Hit an enemy with a lightning attack. Spincut MP: 4 Description: Crono spins and jumps, then comes down on the enemy with a strong sword slice. *Lightning2 MP: 8 Description: Crono hits all the enemies with a lightning attack. *Life MP: 10 Description: Revives a fallen ally. Confuse MP: 12 Description: Crono will spin around the enemy and attack them 4 times, while trying to confuse them. The confusion effect doesn't always work, however. *Luminaire MP: 20 Description: Crono performs an extremely powerful supernova attack on the enemies as his ultimate Tech. Lucca ----- Flame Toss MP: 1 Description: Lucca shoots a line of fire at a line of enemies in the way. Hypno Wave MP: 1 Description: Lucca will try to make the nearby enemies fall asleep. This doesn't always work on the enemies, though. *Fire MP: 2 Description: Hit an enemy with a fire attack. Napalm MP: 4 Description: Lucca throws a napalm, damaging any enemies surrounding the blast. *Protect MP: 6 Description: Increases the defense power of an ally in battle. *Fire 2 MP: 8 Description: Lucca hits all the enemies with a fire attack. Mega Bomb MP: 15 Description: Lucca throws a bomb at the enemy, and the blast damages any surrounding enemies with a strong fiery attack. *Flare MP: 20 Description: Lucca hits all the enemies with her strongest fire attack. Frog ---- Slurp MP: 1 Description: Recovers some of an ally's HP. Can be used outside of battle. Slurp Cut MP: 2 Description: Frog uses its tongue to pull an enemy towards it, then it'll stab it with its sword. *Water MP: 2 Description: Hit the enemy with a water attack. *Heal MP: 2 Description: Recovers a larger amount of all allies' HP. Can be used outside of battle. Leap Slash MP: 4 Description: Frog jumps and slashes the targeted enemy for a strong hit. *Water 2 MP: 8 Description: Frog hits all the enemies with a water attack. *Cure 2 MP: 5 Description: Recovers all of an ally's HP. Can be used outside of battle. Frog Squash MP: 15 Description: A giant frog is summoned to crush all the enemies. The less HP Frog has, the more damage this attack causes. Marle ----- Aura MP: 1 Description: Recovers some of an ally's HP. Can be used outside of battle. Provoke MP: 1 Description: Marle attempts to confuse the enemy (doesn't work in confusing the enemy every time, though). *Ice MP: 2 Description: Marle hits a single enemy with an ice attack. *Cure MP: 2 Description: Recovers a larger amount of an ally's HP. Can be used outside of battle. *Haste MP: 6 Description: Cuts the amount of time a character has to wait between turns by 1/2. *Ice 2 MP: 8 Description: Marle hits all the enemies with a strong ice attack. *Cure 2 MP: 5 Description: Recovers all of an ally's HP. Can be used outside of battle. *Life 2 MP: 15 Description: Revives a fallen ally in battle, and fully recovers their HP. Robo ---- RocketPunch MP: 1 Description: Robo hits the enemy with a powerful punch. Cure Beam MP: 2 Description: Recovers some of an ally's HP. Can be used outside of battle. Laser Spin MP: 3 Description: Robo hits all the enemies with a strong laser spin attack. Robo Tackle MP: 4 Description: Robo tackles the enemy, causing a good amount of damage. Heal Beam MP: 3 Description: Recovers some of all allies' HP. Can be used outside of battle. Uzzi Punch MP: 12 Description: Robo hits the enemy with a barrage of punches, causing lots of damage. Area Bomb MP: 14 Description: Robo causes an explosion, damaging any enemies closeby. Shock MP: 17 Description: Robo electrically shocks all the enemies onscreen, causing a large amount of damage to all. Ayla ---- Kiss MP: 1 Description: Recovers some of an ally's HP, along with any status ailments. Can be used outside of battle. Rollo Kick MP: 2 Description: Ayla jump kicks the enemy and hits them several times in a row, causing a good amount of damage. Cat Attack MP: 3 Description: Ayla scratches at the enemy savagely, causing lots of damage. Rock Throw MP: 4 Description: Ayla runs and picks up an enemy, then tosses them in the air really high. The enemy then falls, causing lots of damage. Charm MP: 4 Description: Ayla tries to charm the enemy into giving up an item you wouldn't get from it otherwise. It also works against bosses. Tail Spin MP: 10 Description: Ayla spins around really fast, hitting all enemies in a circle with her attack. Triple Kick MP: 20 Description: Ayla hits the enemy with a powerful kick three times in a row, causing a good amount of damage. Magus ----- *Lightning 2 MP: 8 Description: Magus hits all the enemies with a strong lightning attack. *Ice 2 MP: 8 Description: Magus hits all the enemies with a strong ice attack. *Fire 2 MP: 8 Description: Magus hits all the enemies with a strong fire attack. *Dark Bomb MP: 8 Description: Magus hits any surrounding enemies with a shadow bomb attack. *Magic Wall MP: 8 Description: Increases the magic defense of an ally in battle. *Dark Mist MP: 10 Description: Magus hits all enemies with a giant mist cloud, causing lots of Shadow damage. *Black Hole MP: 15 Description: A black hole sucks in the targeted enemies, killing them instantly. *DarkMatter MP: 20 Description: All the enemies are hit by a strong dark magic attack. ========== Dual Techs ========== Crono + Lucca ------------- Flame Whirl Techs Required: (Crono) Cyclone, (Lucca) Flame Toss MP: (Crono) 2, (Lucca), 1 Description: A combination of Crono's spinning sword attack with a little bit of fire mixed in for a strong combo. Fire Sword Techs Required: (Crono) Spincut, (Lucca) *Fire MP: (Crono) 4, (Lucca) 2 Description: Lucca powers up Crono's sword with fire, then Crono comes down on the enemy for a powerful attack. FireSword 2 Techs Required: (Crono) Confuse, (Lucca) *Fire2 MP: (Crono) 12, (Lucca) 8 Description: This is a much stronger version than the regular Fire Sword Dual Tech. Crono + Frog ------------ X-Strike Techs Required: (Crono) Cyclone, (Frog) Slurp Cut MP: (Crono) 2, (Frog) 2 Description: Crono and Frog dash towards an enemy and cut through them in an X formation. SwordStream Techs Required: (Crono) Spincut, (Frog) *Water MP: (Crono) 4, (Frog) 2 Description: Frog will make a water pillar, and Crono will jump through to hit the enemy with a strong water sword attack. Spire Techs Required: (Crono) *Lightning2, (Frog) Leap Slash MP: (Crono) 8, (Frog) 4 Description: Crono uses lightning to attack while Frog jumps in and stabs the enemy with his sword. Crono + Marle ------------- Aura Whirl Techs Required: (Crono) Cyclone, (Marle) Aura MP: (Crono) 2, (Marle) 1 Description: Recovers all allies' HP by a little bit. Can not be used outside of battle, however. Ice Sword Techs Required: (Crono) Spincut, (Marle) *Ice MP: (Crono) 4, (Marle) 2 Description: Marle powers up Crono's sword with ice, then Crono comes down on the enemy for a powerful attack. Ice Sword 2 Techs Required: (Crono) Confuse, (Marle) *Ice 2 MP: (Crono) 12, (Marle) 8 Description: This is a much stronger version than the regular Ice Sword Dual Tech. Crono + Robo ------------ Rocket Roll Techs Required: (Crono) Slash, (Robo) Laser Spin MP: (Crono) 3, (Robo) 4 Description: Robo and Crono go to the center of the targeted group and Robo uses a large laser attack while Crono spins aruond in the middle with his sword. Max Cyclone Techs Required: (Crono) Spincut, (Robo) Laser Spin MP: (Crono) 4, (Robo) 3 Description: Robo spins Crono around, hitting any surrounding enemies with a strong spinning sword attack. Super Volt Techs Required: (Crono) *Lightning 2, (Robo) Shock MP: (Crono) 8, (Robo) 17 Description: Crono and Robo perform a powerful lightning attack to hit all the enemies. Crono + Ayla ------------ Drill Kick Techs Required: (Crono) Cyclone, (Ayla) Rollo Kick MP: (Crono) 2, (Ayla) 2 Description: Crono spins Ayla around, then she spins like a drill and kicks the targeted enemy. Volt Bite Techs Required: (Crono) *Lightning, (Ayla) Cat Attack MP: (Crono) 2, (Ayla) 3 Description: Crono will charge Ayla up with lightning, and she'll bite the enemy with an electrical charge. Falcon Hit Techs Required: (Crono) Spincut, (Ayla) Rock Throw MP: (Crono) 4, (Ayla) 4 Description: Ayla will throw Crono in the air, and he'll come flying in, hitting all the enemies in the row with a strong attack. Marle + Lucca ------------- Antipode Techs Required: (Marle) *Ice, (Lucca) *Fire MP: (Marle) 2, (Lucca) 2 Description: Marle and Lucca hit the enemies with a strong combination of an ice and fire attack. Antipode 2 Techs Required: (Marle) *Ice 2, (Lucca) *Fire 2 MP: (Marle) 8, (Lucca) 8 Description: This is a stronger version of the regular Antipode Dual Tech. Antipode 3 Techs Required: (Marle) *Ice 2, (Lucca) *Flare MP: (Marle) 8, (Lucca) 20 Description: This is the final and strongest of the Antipode Dual Techs, with a strong ice/fire combination attacking all the enemies. Marle + Robo ------------ Aura Beam Techs Required: (Marle) Aura, (Robo) Cure Beam MP: (Marle) 1, (Robo) 2 Description: Marle and Robo recover all allies' HP by about 100 HP. Cannot be used outside of battle. Ice Tackle Techs Required: (Marle) *Ice, (Robo) Robo Tackle MP: (Marle) 4, (Robo) 2 Description: Marle will shoot ice at Robo, and he'll tackle the enemies with a strong icy edge. Cure Touch Techs Required: (Marle) *Cure 2, (Robo) Heal Beam MP: (Marle) 5, (Robo) 3 Description: Marle and Robo fully recover all allies' HP. Cannot be used outside of battle. Marle + Frog ------------ Ice Water Techs Required: (Marle) *Ice, (Frog) *Water MP: (Marle) 2, (Frog) 2 Description: Marle and Frog will combine their ice and water powers to hit all the enemies with a strong attack. Glacier Techs Required: (Marle) *Ice 2, (Frog) *Water MP: (Marle) 8, (Frog) 8 Description: Marle and Frog power up their abilities to make 3 giant ice blocks fall on the enemy. Double Cure Techs Required: (Marle) *Cure 2, (Frog) *Cure 2 MP: (Marle) 5, (Frog) 5 Description: Marle and Frog combine their curing powers and recover a large amount of all allies' HP, as well as any status effects. Marle + Ayla ------------ Twin Charm Techs Required: (Marle) Provoke, (Ayla) Charm MP: (Marle) 1, (Ayla) 4 Description: Marle and Ayla attempt to charm the enemy to steal an item from it that you wouldn't get otherwise. It increases the chances that you get something when you use this Dual Tech. Ice Toss Techs Required: (Marle) *Ice, (Ayla) Rock Throw MP: (Marle) 2, (Ayla) 4 Description: Marle powers Ayla up with ice, then Ayla throws some small ice blocks at the enemies, hitting any surrounding enemies. Cube Toss Techs Required: (Marle) *Ice 2, (Ayla) Rock Throw MP: (Marle) 8, (Ayla) 4 Description: Marle powers up Ayla with ice, then Ayla creates and drops a giant ice block on the enemies. Lucca + Robo ------------ Fire Punch Techs Required: (Lucca) *Fire, (Robo) Rocket Punch MP: (Lucca) 2, (Robo) 1 Description: Lucca uses her fire spell and Robo punches the surrounding enemies with a fiery blast. Fire Tackle Techs Required: (Lucca) *Fire 2, (Robo) Robo Tackle MP: (Lucca) 8, (Robo) 4 Description: Lucca powers up Robo with fire, then Robo hits the enemy with a powerful tackle attack. Double Bomb Techs Required: (Lucca) Mega Bomb, (Robo) Area Bomb MP: (Lucca) 15, (Robo) 14 Description: Lucca and Robo and combine their bomb attacks to cause LOTS of damage to an enemy close to Robo. Lucca + Ayla ------------ Flame Kick Techs Required: (Lucca) *Fire, (Ayla) Rollo Kick MP: (Lucca) 2, (Ayla) 2 Description: Lucca powers up Ayla with fire, then Ayla kicks the enemy with a fiery blast. Fire Whirl Techs Required: (Lucca) *Fire 2, (Ayla) Tail Spin MP: (Lucca) 8, (Ayla) 10 Description: Ayla spins around like a tornado, then Lucca shoots fire at her, making the fire hit all the enemies for a strong fire attack. Blaze Kick Techs Required: (Lucca) *Fire 2, (Ayla) Triple Kick MP: (Lucca) 8, (Ayla) 20 Description: Lucca powers up Ayla with fire, then Ayla kicks the enemy with an extremely powerful fiery kick attack. Lucca + Frog ------------ Red Pin Techs Required: (Lucca) *Fire, (Frog) Leap Slash MP: (Lucca) 2, (Frog) 4 Description: Lucca shoots fire at the enemy and Frog jumps and stabs the enemy with his sword. Line Bomb Techs Required: (Lucca) Mega Bomb, (Frog) Leap Slash MP: (Lucca) 15, (Frog) 4 Description: Frog will jump up with his sword drawn, and Lucca will throw a line of bombs down. Frog will cut through the bombs and hit all the enemies in the line. Frog Flare Techs Required: (Lucca) *Flare, (Frog) Frog Squash MP: (Lucca) 20, (Frog) 15 Description: Frog performs his Frog Squash Tech, and Lucca powers it up with fire to make it a strong fiery attack. Robo + Ayla ----------- Spin Kick Techs Required: (Robo) Robo Tackle, (Ayla) Rollo Kick MP: (Robo) 4, (Ayla) 2 Description: Robo picks up Ayla and throws her towards the enemy, and she spin kicks the enemy to cause lots of damage. Boogie Techs Required: (Robo) Robo Tackle, (Ayla) Charm MP: (Robo) 4, (Ayla) 4 Description: Robo and Ayla charm the enemies and hit them with a laser to completely stop them for a few rounds of battle. Beast Toss Techs Required: (Robo) Uzzi Punch, (Ayla) Rock Throw MP: (Robo) 12, (Ayla) 4 Description: Robo and Ayla will throw the enemy back and forth, then straight up into the air. The enemy will then drop, taking lots of damage. Robo + Frog ----------- Blade Toss Techs Required: (Robo) Laser Spin, (Frog) Slurp Cut MP: (Robo) 3, (Frog) 2 Description: Robo spins and tosses Frog in a straight line, slashing all enemies in the way. Bubble Snap Techs Required: (Robo) Robo Tackle, (Frog) *Water MP: (Robo) 4, (Frog) 2 Description: Frog encases Robo within a bubble, which floats up to the enemy. When the bubble bursts, the enemy is slashed for massive damage. Cure Wave Techs Required: (Robo) Heal Beam, (Frog) *Cure 2 MP: (Robo) 3, (Frog) 5 Description: Fully restores all allies' HP in battle. Frog + Ayla ----------- Slurp Kiss Techs Required: (Frog) Slurp, (Ayla) Kiss MP: (Frog) 1, (Ayla) 1 Description: Ayla and Frog combine their healing powers to recover a good amount of all allies' HP, as well as any status effects. This cannot be used outside of battle, though. Bubble Hit Techs Required: (Frog) Water, (Ayla) Rollo Kick MP: (Frog) 2, (Ayla) 2 Description: Frog encases Ayla in a bubble and she floats over the enemy, then she drops onto the enemy, causing lots of damage. Drop Kick Techs Required: (Frog) Leap Slash, (Ayla) Triple Kick MP: (Frog) 4, (Ayla) 20 Description: Ayla and Frog will jump in the air, and Ayla will kick the enemy, while Frog comes down and stabs the enemy, causing lots of damage. ============ Triple Techs ============ Crono + Marle + Lucca --------------------- Delta Force Techs Required: (Crono) *Lightning2, (Marle) *Ice 2, (Lucca) *Fire 2 MP: (Crono) 8, (Marle) 8, (Lucca) 8 Description: Crono, Marle, and Lucca combine their elements to perform a massive attack on all the enemies. Crono + Marle + Frog -------------------- Arc Impulse Techs Required: (Crono) Spincut, (Marle) *Ice 2, (Frog) Leap Slash MP: (Crono) 4, (Marle) 8, (Frog) 4 Description: Marle powers up Crono with ice, and he jumps in the air. Crono and Frog then cross-slash the enemy for massive amounts of damage. Crono + Marle + Robo -------------------- Lifeline Techs Required: (Crono) *Lightning, (Marle) *Life 2, (Robo) Heal Beam MP: (Crono) 15, (Marle) 15, (Robo) 3 Description: Crono, Marle, and Robo combine their healing powers to revive the entire party, as well as restore alot of HP. Crono + Marle + Ayla -------------------- Final Kick Techs Required: (Crono) *Lightning 2, (Marle) *Ice 2, (Ayla) Triple Kick MP: (Crono) 8, (Marle) 8, (Ayla) 20 Description: Crono and Marle combine their ice and lightning powers to make an energy ball, then Ayla kicks through the ball, hitting the enemy multiple times for massive damage. Crono + Lucca + Frog -------------------- Delta Storm Techs Required: (Crono) *Lightning2, (Lucca) *Fire 2, (Frog) *Water 2 MP: (Crono) 8, (Lucca) 8, (Frog) 8 Description: Crono, Lucca, and Frog combine their elements to perform a massive attack on all the enemies. Crono + Lucca + Robo -------------------- Fire Zone Techs Required: (Crono) Spincut, (Lucca) *Fire 2, (Robo) Laser Spin MP: (Crono) 4, (Lucca) 8, (Robo) 3 Description: Robo spins Crono around really fast, then Lucca powers Crono up with fire. Crono then slices the enemy with a fiery attack. Crono + Lucca + Ayla -------------------- GatlingKick Techs Required: (Crono) *Lightning 2, (Lucca) *Fire 2, (Ayla) Triple Kick MP: (Crono) 8, (Lucca) 8, (Ayla) 20 Description: Crono and Lucca combine their powers to create an energy ball, which is thrown at the enemy. Ayla kicks through it and hits the enemy causing lots of damage. Crono + Frog + Robo ------------------- Triple Raid Techs Required: (Crono) Cyclone, (Frog) Slurp Cut, (Robo) Robo Tackle MP: (Crono) 2, (Frog) 2, (Robo) 4 Description: Crono, Frog, and Robo all attack the enemy at once in a delta attack, causing lots of damage. Crono + Frog + Ayla ------------------- 3D Attack Techs Required: (Crono) Cyclone, (Frog) Slurp Cut, (Ayla) Triple Kick MP: (Crono) 2, (Frog) 2, (Ayla) 20 Description: Frog and Crono will cross-slash the enemy, and Ayla will come down hard on the enemy, causing extreme amounts of damage. Crono + Robo + Ayla ------------------- Twister Techs Required: (Crono) Cyclone, (Robo) Laser Spin, (Ayla) Tail Spin MP: (Crono) 2, (Robo) 3, (Ayla) 10 Description: Crono, Robo, and Ayla stand on top of each other and spin around the area, hitting all enemies with a strong attack. Marle + Lucca + Ayla -------------------- Poyozo Dance Techs Required: (Marle) Provoke, (Lucca) Hypno Wave, (Ayla) Triple Kick Item Required: White Rock (must be equipped on one of those characters in order to perform this Triple Tech) MP: (Marle) 1, (Lucca) 1, (Ayla) 10 Description: The three girls dance around the enemies with a Poyozo Doll, causing lots of damage and can cause Chaos status on the enemies as well. Lucca + Robo + Magus -------------------- OmegaFlare Techs Required: (Lucca) *Flare, (Robo) Laser Spin, (Magus) *Dark Bomb Item Required: Blue Rock (must be equipped on one of those characters in order to perform this Triple Tech) MP: (Lucca) 20, (Robo) 3, (Magus) 8 Description: Lucca, Robo, and Magus combine their powers to make a giant laser hit all the enemies, nuking them all for great amounts of damage. Frog + Robo + Marle ------------------- Grand Dream Techs Required: (Frog) Frog Squash, (Robo) Laser Spin, (Marle) *Life 2 Item Required: Gold Rock (must be equipped on one of those characters in order to perform this Triple Tech) MP: (Frog) 15, (Robo) 3, (Marle) 15 Description: Marle and Robo power up Frog's Masamune, then 3 giants are summoned to cause damage to the enemies. Frog + Robo + Ayla ------------------ Spin Strike Techs Required: (Frog) Leap Slash, (Robo) Robo Tackle, (Ayla) Tail Spin Item Required: SilverRock (must be equipped on one of those characters in order to perform this Triple Tech) MP: (Frog) 4, (Robo) 4, (Ayla) 10 Description: Frog jumps in the air while Robo and Ayla spin around the enemy. They both rise and come down on the enemy as Frog stabs it, causing a serious amount of damage. Magus + Marle + Lucca --------------------- DarkEternal Techs Required: (Magus) *Dark Matter, (Marle) *Ice 2, (Lucca) *Fire 2 Item Required: Black Rock (must be equipped on one of those characters in order to perform this Triple Tech) MP: (Magus) 20, (Marle) 8, (Lucca) 8 Description: Marle and Lucca spin around Magus as he performs an extremely powerful shadow bomb attack on all the enemies. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 15. Shops -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================== Leene Square (1000 A.D.) ======================== Item Shop (Guy in purple tent) ------------------------------ Name Price ---- ----- Tonic 10 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 Weapon Shop (Guy standing near upper-right blue tent) ----------------------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Iron Blade 350 Lode Sword 4000 Armor Shop (Upper-left blue tent) --------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Karate Gi 300 BronzeHelm 200 ======================= Truce Market (600 A.D.) ======================= Name Price ---- ----- Iron Blade 350 Dart Gun 800 Karate Gi 300 BronzeHelm 200 Tonic 10 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 ======================== Truce Market (1000 A.D.) ======================== Weapon/Armor/Item Shop (Before the trial) ----------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- SteelSaber 800 Iron Bow 850 BronzeMail 520 MaidenSuit 560 BronzeHelm 200 Tonic 10 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 Weapon/Armor/Item Shop (After the trial) ---------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Red Katana 4500 Robin Bow 2850 Plasma Gun 3200 Hammer Arm 3500 Titan Vest 1200 Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Heal 10 Shelter 150 ======================= Porre Market (600 A.D.) ======================= Name Price ---- ----- Gold Suit 1300 Beret 700 Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 ======================== Porre Market (1000 A.D.) ======================== Name Price ---- ----- SteelSaber 800 Iron Bow 850 Dart Gun 800 Karate Gi 300 BronzeMail 520 BronzeHelm 200 Tonic 10 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 ====================== Trann Dome (2300 A.D.) ====================== Name Price ---- ----- Auto Gun 1200 Iron Suit 800 Iron Helm 500 Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 ====================== Arris Dome (2300 A.D.) ====================== Name Price ---- ----- Auto Gun 1200 Iron Suit 800 Iron Helm 500 Tonic 10 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 ========================= Medina Market (1000 A.D.) ========================= Weapon/Armor/Item Shop (Before clearing Ozzie's Fort) ----------------------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Iron Blade 65000 SteelSaber 65000 Demon Edge 65000 Lumin Robe 65000 Flash Mail 65000 Glow Helm 65000 Tonic 2140 Mid Tonic 21400 Full Tonic 65000 Heal 2140 Revive 42800 Shelter 32100 Ether 65000 Weapon/Armor/Item Shop (After clearing Ozzie's Fort) ---------------------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Iron Blade 262 SteelSaber 597 Demon Edge 12684 Lumin Robe 4850 Flash Mail 6342 Glow Helm 1717 Tonic 8 Mid Tonic 75 Full Tonic 523 Heal 8 Revive 150 Shelter 112 Ether 597 ========================== Melchior's Hut (1000 A.D.) ========================== Name Price ---- ----- Red Katana 4500 Robin Bow 2850 Plasma Gun 3200 Hammer Arm 3500 Titan Vest 1200 Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Heal 10 Shelter 150 ======================== Dorino Market (600 A.D.) ======================== Name Price ---- ----- Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 ======================== Choras Market (600 A.D.) ======================== Name Price ---- ----- Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Full Tonic 700 Ether 800 Mid Ether 2000 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 ====================== Choras Inn (1000 A.D.) ====================== Name Price ---- ----- Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Full Tonic 700 Ether 800 Mid Ether 2000 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 ========================== Fiona's Shrine (1000 A.D.) ========================== Name Price ---- ----- Sight Cap 20000 Memory Cap 20000 Time Hat 30000 Vigil Hat 50000 ========================== Ioka Hut (65,000,000 B.C.) ========================== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Heal 10 Trading Hut (Before defeating Magus) ------------------------------------ Name Items Needed ---- ------------ Ruby Gun Petal (x3) + Fang (x3) Sage Bow Petal (x3) + Horn (x3) Stone Arm Petal (x3) + Feather (x3) Flint Edge Fang (x3) + Horn (x3) Ruby Vest Fang (x3) + Feather (x3) Rock Helm Horn (x3) + Feather (x3) Trading Hut (After defeating Magus) ----------------------------------- Name Items Needed ---- ------------ Dream Gun Petal (x3) + Fang (x3) Dream Bow Petal (x3) + Horn (x3) Magma Hand Petal (x3) + Feather (x3) Aeon Blade Fang (x3) + Horn (x3) Ruby Vest Fang (x3) + Feather (x3) Rock Helm Horn (x3) + Feather (x3) Trading Hut (After getting Chrono Trigger) ------------------------------------------ Name Items Needed ---- ------------ Ruby Armor Petal (x10), Fang (x10), Horn (x10), Feather (x10) ==================== Enhasa (12,000 B.C.) ==================== Name Price ---- ----- Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Full Tonic 700 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 Ether 800 =================== Kajar (12,000 B.C.) =================== Name Price ---- ----- Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Full Tonic 700 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 Ether 800 ======================== Terra Cave (12,000 B.C.) ======================== Name Price ---- ----- Demon Edge 17000 CometArrow 7800 Megablast 9800 MegatonArm 15000 FlashBlade 18000 Lumin Robe 6500 Flash Mail 8500 Glow Helm 2300 Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Full Tonic 700 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 Ether 800 ========================== Last Village (12,000 B.C.) ========================== Item Shop (Before meeting Magus again) -------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Full Tonic 700 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 Ether 800 Weapon/Armor/Item Shop (After meeting Magus again) -------------------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Star Sword 25000 SonicArrow 10000 Shock Wave 11000 Kaiser Arm 21000 Rune Blade 24000 Hurricane 35000 Aeon Suit 9000 Aeon Helm 7800 Tonic 10 Mid Tonic 100 Full Tonic 700 Heal 10 Revive 200 Shelter 150 Ether 800 Mid Ether 2000 ========== Black Omen ========== Name Price ---- ----- Mid Tonic 100 Full Tonic 700 Mid Ether 2000 Full Ether 6000 HyperEther 10000 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 16. Mini-Games -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Millennial Fair --------------- When you visit Leene Square, you'll see that the Millennial Fair is taking place. There are many different mini-games here you can play, for a chance to win some Silver Points. You can exchange Silver Points for regular money by talking to the guy in the purple tent in the second area of the square. Here's a list of the mini-games you can play, and the prizes for each: Betting on the Races Prize: 20 Silver Points Description: In the first area of Leene Square, you'll notice a makeshift path where 4 characters are racing around it. Get to the finish line (by the right side of that path), and talk to the guy in the blue tent to the right. Before the race starts, you can bet on which character will win the upcoming race. For help here, talk to the nearby old man and he'll predict who will win. Usually he's right, so it's recommended you ask him who will win before you bet; that way you can get some easy wins here! Fighting Gato Prize: 15 Silver Points Description: In the second area of the square, take the west path into another area. There, you'll see a giant robot there; talk to it and it'll introduce itself as Gato. Choose to fight Gato, and win to get 15 Silver Points as the prize. It would help if you have Marle in your party, and bought new weapons/armor to make this battle easier. Ring the Bell Prize: 1 Silver Point Description: In the west area of the first area of this place, there is a pole with a bell at the top of it, and a guy standing to the left of it. Go up to the bell and face it, then press A and you'll start backing up. The object here is to hit the bell at the top. Back up as far as you can, then press A again to charge at the bell. If you hit it hard enough (backing up far enough), you'll most likely hit the bell and win. Soda-Guzzling Contest Prize: 5 Silver Points Description: In the east area of the second area of Leene Square, there's a man standing next to a table. Talk to him and he'll challenge you to this contest. The objective is to drink 8 cans of soda within a limited amount of time. Press A rapidly to drink the soda (a turbo controller would greatly help here). If you win, you'll get 10 Silver Points. Tent of Horrors Prize: Varies Description: In the eastmost section of the first area of Leene Square, there is a tent you can enter. Inside, talk to the floating head and hands and you'll be asked how many Silver Points you wish to pay. Depending on how much you put down, you'll play a different game, each with a different prize. The next 3 games in the fair listed below will tell you about what you can play here. 10-Point Game (Tent of Horrors) Prize: Poyozo doll/cat food (you win the doll the first time only) Description: 3 soldiers walk in and tell you their names. They then walk around, switching their original positions. You'll be asked to pick out a particular soldier; if you win, you get a Poyozo doll, which automatically appears in Crono's house. If you play and win additional times, you'll win cat food, which keeps the cats you win in other games at the fair from leaving Crono's house. 40-Point Game (Tent of Horrors) Prize: Crono Clone/cat food (you win the clone the first time only) Description: A clone of Crono comes out, and you have to mimic its every move by pressing buttons on the controller (L to raise left arm; R to raise right arm; Y to laugh; A to act surprised). If you mess up once, you lose, so mimic correctly to win this game. 80-Point Game (Tent of Horrors) Prize: Cat Description: This last game is the toughest of all. One of your party members is slowly lowered into fire, while 3 monsters advance towards you. There are 3 coins in a line, and by pressing A in front of one sends it forward, knocking the monster back a little. Keep the monsters at bay by throwing the coins at them, then when the blue light to the left appears, keep the monsters back and touch the light to raise your partner so they don't get burned. You must continue this until the end to win the prize. Jet Bike Racing --------------- When you visit Lab 32 in 2300 A.D., you'll be challenged to a race against a robot named Johnny. He wants to race you along some old highway that goes through the lab. Use the Control Pad to steer, and the B button to use your boosts. You have only 3 boosts to use for this race, so conserve them for the end part of the race when you'll need them most. Keep an eye on the map at the bottom of the screen, which shows how far down the road you've gone, and where the finish line is. After you win the first time, you can come back and talk to Johnny to race again anytime. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 17. Side Quests -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: All the side quests here are listed in the order that the old man at the End of Time lists them. Complete them in whichever order you want, but keep in mind that some are more difficult/involving than others are. =========================== Fiona and the Sunken Desert =========================== To start this off, head to 12,000 B.C. Visit the Commons near the Last Village, and talk to the lady with a small sapling next to her. Tell her to plant it with hope. Now, use the Epoch and head to 600 A.D., then visit Fiona's Village, which is east of Dorino. Talk to Fiona and her husband, and they'll explain the situation with the desert monsters. So, put Frog and Marle in your group and head south to the Sunken Desert. Sunken Desert (600 A.D.) ------------------------ When you enter this area, run forward and you'll be dropped into the cave below. Here, run against the moving sands and open the chest to get a Lapis. Defeat the enemies and open another chest in the upper-left corner of the area to get a Full Ether. Continue to the southwest and defeat some more enemies, then open that chest to get an Elixir. Get to the southeast corner and open that chest to get an Aeon Suit. Now, head west and south to the next room. Here, you'll feel a tremor and a creature will come out of the sand for a moment before sinking back in. Go down into the sandy area and open all the chests to get the following: Full Tonic, 5000G, Hyper Ether, Full Ether, Memory Cap, MuscleRing, Aeon Helm. After you do that, chase down the monster when it comes out and approach it to do battle. Read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After you win, things will be settled, so head northwest to the previous room. Check the sparkling object that appears to get a Power Tab, then continue out of this place. Now, head north to Fiona's Villa and talk to her again. Put Robo in your current party and talk to her again. Robo will volunteer to stay behind and help revive the forest. So, leave and warp to 1000 A.D. on the Epoch. Land in the new forest where the desert used to be, and go north into Fiona's Shrine. Talk to the nuns here (one will even sell you different hats), then go north and check out Robo's remains. Robo will then come to life and your group will celebrate around a campfire outside. Lucca will repair Robo, and you'll hear a long story, the group will go to sleep. During the night, Lucca will wake up and you'll have control of her, so go southeast to the next area. Check out the Gate and you'll warp back to Lucca's house, 10 years earlier. When Lucca arrives here, read the note on the floor which happens to be an excerpt from Lucca's diary in that time period. Go downstairs and then south into the next room and you'll see Lara, Lucca's mom, get caught in the giant machine. Quickly check out the sparkling object and you'll be asked to enter the password, which is LARA (press L, A, R, A). Enter it correctly and Lara will be saved (she won't be paralyzed in 1000 A.D. anymore)! Now, go back through the Gate to the forest, where Robo will be waiting for Lucca to return. He'll give her the GreenDream accessory, ending this side-quest! ============ Ozzie's Fort ============ In 600 A.D., use the Epoch and fly to the island east of where the Black Omen floats, and north or Choras. You'll see a structure surrounded by a circle of woods, which is Ozzie's Fort. Land at the south end of it, and put strong attackers/healers like Frog and Robo in your group. Magus and Ayla are also great choices for this area. When you're ready, go north into Ozzie's Fort. Ozzie's Fort (600 A.D.) ----------------------- When you enter this place, Ozzie will greet you and be upset that you returned. He'll run off, so head north into the next room. Go north and Ozzie will summon Flea to fight you, so read the Bosses section for quick help on winning if you need it. After Flea leaves, continue to the following room. Here, go forward and Ozzie will annoy you again by sending enemies into the room. Luckily, they'll move on the conveyor belt and fall into the pit at the end, so you won't have to fight. Ozzie will run away again, so head into the next room. Here, go north some more and Ozzie will summon Slash to fight you, so read the Bosses section if you need help here as well. After the fight, keep going to the next room. Here, go north and Ozzie will make a giant blade move up and down right in front of a chest up ahead. Choose not to get the chest right now and walk to the east. Another creature will come and get killed by the blade, deactivating it. Ozzie will then leave again, so take the Full Ether inside the chest and head east. Before going north through the door, head directly south into a secret room. Open the chests to get a DoomSickle, a Gloom Helm, and a Gloom Cape. Also check the sparkling object on the floor to get a Magic Tab. Now, head north to the next room (you may want to put Ayla in your group before continuing). In this room, you'll be trapped by Flea, Slash, and Ozzie. They'll then fight you for real, so read the Bosses section for help on winning. After you win, Ozzie will flee again, so open the 2 chests nearby to get a Dash Ring and a Sight Cap. Now, continue north into the following room. Ozzie will challenge you for a final time, but that isn't a real problem for you. Just target and attack the switch behind him and your group will be dropped into the previous room. Now, go back north to the room where Ozzie is, and he'll taunt you again. This time, a cat will walk in and hit the switch that sends Ozzie into a pit to his doom. Now that it's over, go back through all the previous rooms to exit the fort, since this side quest is over! ==================== Inside the Geno Dome ==================== With the Epoch, travel to 2300 A.D. and fly to the island southeast of the Factory. Land there and put Robo as the leader of your group (make sure you have either Crono or Magus in your party as well), then enter the Geno Dome. Geno Dome (2300 A.D.) --------------------- Inside, go up to the computer screen and press A to activate it. It'll open the nearby door, so go on to the next room. Here, there is a giant conveyor belt, and the computer from the previous room challenges you to go forward. Step on the conveyor and go on to the following area. You'll have to get through a series of increasingly tough battles against Proto 4 and Debuggest enemies. Have Crono or Magus (whoever's in your group) use *Lightning 2 to make quick work of each enemy group. When you get to the end, go through the door into the next room. Here, go straight ahead to the wall and hit the switch to open the charge pod. Head west and defeat the Debuggest enemies, then try to head north in that area. A robot will block you from reaching the chest and the Poyozo Doll, so head south and east, then northeast along the next path. Before you attack the Proto 4 robots wandering around here, wait until one opens the charge pod and becomes electrically charged. Keep this in mind for afterward, so defeat the 3 Proto 4's right here. Then, step into that charge pod to become electrically charged, then run back down the hall and go into the other pod you opened up a few moments ago. It'll open the door to the left, so enter that room and open the chests to get a Full Tonic and 50000G. Leave this room and go back north and east to the area where those Proto 4's were hanging around. Open the chest to get a Full Tonic, then go west and north through the door. Continue north and defeat the Laser Guards along the way. Continue north to the wall where you'll see 3 switches with red or green lights above them. Make the left and right switches turn red, and the middle one stay green. Doing so will open the charge pod to the south and west. Now, go back south and east to the charge pod and charge Robo up. Now, go back to the pod you just unlocked and step in it to open the door next to it. Enter that room and take the Poyozo Doll sitting there, then check out the green circular pad that it was sitting on to get a Speed Tab. Now, go back to the hallway going west to east along the south end of the room. Go all the way east and defeat the Debuggests that appear. From there, go north and through the silver door into another room. Open the 2 chests to the east to get an Elixir and a Lapis, then defeat the Proto 4 enemies that come out of the north wall. Leave this room and go back south and enter the room there, which is an elevator leading to the upper floor. Ride the elevator upstairs, then in that room, rest/save at the nearby save point. Then, go south and defeat the Laser Guards. Go all the way south to the wall, and walk east to get around the barrier surrounding the chest. Open it to get a Lapis, then head back north and enter the room next to the elevator. Check out the sparkling object in the corner directly to your right to get a Power Tab. Continue north through this room and you'll hear another voice warning you. Keep going to the next room, and defeat the enemies you encounter there. Then, go through the door to close the two pods on either side, then go down the elevator. In the next room, go directly to the west into a hidden section of the room. Go south and east and hit the switch to change the direction the conveyor is moving. Now, go back around to the elevator and go south. Defeat the Laser Guards, then go west and hit the switch to shut off the laser blocking your path. Then, run south along the conveyor belt to the end. Go east and south, then west and north to the room with the charge pod. Step into it to charge Robo up, then quickly run back around to the conveyor belt. Run up it and get off in the area to the west. Open the pod and enter it to open the door (if you're too slow, try again until you succeed in opening it). Enter that room and open the chests to get a HyperEther and a Full Ether. Now, allow the broken robot guard here to follow you out of this room, then east and south along the conveyor. Continue east and south, then all the way west through the hall to the end. Then, go north to the other guard that kept blocking you before. When the two guards are in front of each other, they'll stop moving, so now's your chance to take the Poyozo Doll and the Vigil Hat in the chest. After you have both Poyozo Dolls, it's time to advance through this place, so head south and east to the first elevator. Go up to the upper floor and save at the save point nearby. Then, go south and west to meet another robot known as Atropos. After a brief conversation and realization of Robo's original plans, Robo will take on Atropos by himself. Read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. After you win, Atropos will regain her senses and give Robo a Ribbon that permanently increases his Speed and Magic Defense. After she disappears, go back and rest/save your game again. Then, go north and Robo will jump up to hit the switch on the wall, which opens the room behind it. Enter the room and get a MegaElixir from the chest, then head south and west along the path to hear another threat from the voice above. Climb down the ladder and head west and north along the path. Open the chest to get 15000G, then continue into the next room. There, your group will realize that people are being moved on the conveyor belt in front of you and killed. You can't do anything for now, unfortunately. For now, head east and south to the following room. In this room, open the chest to the east to get a Full Ether. Then, leave this room and head west to the following room. Continue south and east and up the ladder at the end, then head northwest through here. Defeat the Laser Guards along the way and you'll notice two green pods located in either side of the room. Check out each one, placing a Poyozo Doll on each. Doing so will open the door in the middle. So, restore your party's HP/MP and continue into that room, where you'll meet the Mother Brain. After a brief speech, you'll enter battle. Read the Bosses section for help on beating this boss. After you beat it, Robo will gain the Terra Arm and Crisis Arm weapons, and your group will leave the Geno Dome, completing this side quest! ============= The Sun Stone ============= To start this side quest, head to 2300 A.D. and fly to the island southwest of Death Peak. Land there and equip your group with fire-resistant armor, then head into the Sun Palace. Sun Palace (2300 A.D.) ---------------------- Inside this place, go north and you'll meet the Son of Sun, which you'll have to do battle with. Read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After you win, the Son of Sun will retreat, so head north across the bridge. Go around the room and continue north, then approach the Son of Sun and it'll disappear, leaving the Moon Stone behind. Take it, then leave this palace. Now, board the Epoch and head to 65,000,000 B.C. There, fly to the island in the northeast corner of the map and land there, then enter the Sun Keep. Go north and check out the sparkling area in the light, then leave the Moon Stone there. Leave and use the Epoch to warp to 2300 A.D. again, and enter the Sun Keep in that time period. You'll find that the Moon Stone is missing, and it's been gone for about 1300 years, so leave here and warp to 1000 A.D. There, enter the Sun Keep again and your group will realize that the stone has not been gone too long. So, fly southwest towards Porre, where you'll notice a bunch of sparkling lights coming from the Mayor's Manor. Land and enter the manor, and talk to the Mayor; he'll deny ever knowing about the stone! So, leave here and visit the nearby Snail Stop. Buy a Jerky from the guy, then warp back to 600 A.D. and enter the Elder's House. Talk to the lady there and she'll want some Jerky, so give it to her for free and she'll be so happy. Now, warp back to 1000 A.D. and enter the Mayor's Manor again. Talk to the Mayor and he'll gladly give you back the Moon Stone. Now, leave here and fly to the Sun Keep in the northeast. Place the stone back in the light, then warp to 2300 A.D. Enter the Sun Keep with Lucca in your party and she'll decide that the Sun Stone can be used to make a weapon. Your group will automatically end up in Lucca's house, where she'll make the WonderShot weapon for herself. Taban will come and give her the Sun Shades, also made from the Sun Stone. Now, equip the new items if you want, then leave here, completing this side quest. ================== The Ghost of Cyrus ================== For this side quest, start in 1000 A.D. and head to Choras in the southeast. Visit the inn and the a guy will tell you about a ghost haunting the Northern Ruins. Head north to the ruins and you'll come across Cyrus inside, who you cannot attack. So, leave here and warp back to 600 A.D. Head to the Choras Inn and talk to the man there; he'll say something about his missing tools. Go to 1000 A.D. and return to the Choras Inn. Talk to the man sitting down and he'll tell you his tools are with his wife at home. So, head to the Residence to the southwest and talk to his wife inside to get the Tools. Now, board the Epoch and warp back to 600 A.D. Visit the Cafe and talk to the man sitting down here (he looks just like the guy in 1000 A.D.) and give him the Tools so he can go work at the ruins. Then, leave here and go south to the Residence. Talk to the man inside and he'll take his team up to the ruins. Follow him by heading northeast, then enter the Northern Ruins. Northern Ruins (600 A.D.) ------------------------- When you enter this place, the team will tell you they only fixed what they could because of the monsters. After they leave, go west and down the stairs to reach the next room. There, go south and defeat the 2 Sentry enemies. Then, go east and defeat the next couple of Sentries. Go north and open the chest to get a HyperEther (as a quick note regarding all the chests in this place; if you choose not to open the chests in 600, return here in 1000 and open them to gain all their contents, then return to 600 and open the same chests to get the same items again, it's your choice). After that, go back and you'll be surrounded by another group of Sentries. Beat them and continue west and north to the previous room. Now, head east through the hall and go up the stairs at the end into another room. Here, defeat the Defuncts and Reapers throughout the room, then after you clear the room of monsters, go back to the previous room and continue out of this place. Go back south to Choras and enter the southmost Residence. Talk to the guy there and pay him 2000G to repair the Northern Ruins. After they all leave, go back up to the ruins and they'll tell you to get them when you get rid of the monsters. So, go west and down the stairs to the next room. Go around the room and head north through the door at the end into the next room. Here, go north through another door and you'll come to the grave of Cyrus. Put Frog as the leader of your group and check out the grave, and the ghost of Cyrus will appear and talk to Frog. After it disappears, the Masamune will be upgraded and automatically equipped on Frog. Now, head out of this room and continue all the way out of the ruins. Head south to the Residence and pay the guy inside 2000G again to repair the ruins. Now, head back up into the ruins and go east, then upstairs to the next room. This time, the doors in here are no longer blocked by holes in the floor, so enter the left room and take the Elixir from the chest. Enter the right room and check out the sealed box, but do NOT take its contents for now. Then, go north into the middle room. Continue north through the next couple of rooms, defeating all the enemies along the way. At the northmost point, check out the two sealed chests, but do NOT open them yet! Now, go back through the previous rooms and continue all the way out of the ruins. Now, warp to 1000 A.D. and enter the ruins (known as the Hero's Grave in this era). Go back to the rooms with the sealed chests and claim the upgraded items, including a Valkerye, a Shiva Edge, and a Moon Armor. Leave here and go back to 600 A.D., then reenter the ruins and enter those same rooms. Defeat the enemies along the way and open the sealed chests to get a Kali Blade, a Siren, and a Nova Armor. After you're done here, you can leave since the side quest has been completed! ========================= Getting the Rainbow Shell ========================= To start this side quest, head to the Cafe in Choras in 600 A.D. (it's to the southeast). Talk to Toma the adventurer inside (the one standing to the left at the counter) and he'll give you Toma's Pop. He'll then tell you to pour it on his grave if he doesn't return. So, leave here and use the Epoch to warp to 1000 A.D. Visit the West Cape to the northwest of Choras, then check out the grave of Toma. You'll automatically pour Toma's Pop on it, and then the ghost of Toma will appear. He'll tell you to head to the Giant's Claw on an island to the northwest, where the Rainbow Shell is located. After Toma leaves, check behind the tombstone to find a Speed Tab, then exit this area and warp back to 600 A.D. There, fly to the island and land, then form your group and enter the Giant's Claw (I recommend taking Crono, Ayla, and either Frog or Robo). Giant's Claw (600 A.D.) ----------------------- When you enter this area, go northeast and down the steps, then read the note on the ground to the east. After that, go south into the next room. Continue south through here to the following room. Here, head west and defeat the Gigasaur and 2 Leapers that come out, then open the chest to get a Sight Cap. Now, head southeast and down the steps, then continue east and defeat the 3 Lizardactyls that appear. Then, go north into the next room. Here, there are three switches in front of you. Hit the one to the left to make two pits open up. Drop into the pits to the room below, then defeat the Fossil Apes there. Hit the right switch in there and beat the 3 Leapers, then hit the left switch to open the skull head. Enter it and check the sparkling object to get a Power Tab, then go all the way south to the following room. In this room, go west and climb down the ladder about halfway down the path. Go west and open the chest to get a Full Ether, then go east and check the sparkling object to get another Power Tab. Now, go and climb back up the ladder and continue west. Follow the path west and south, then east while defeating the enemies along the way. At the end, open the chest in the upper-right corner to get a Blue Rock, which is crucial to performing a certain Triple Tech. Then, go south to the next room. Here, go east and climb down the south ladder. Follow the path west and south, then to the east. Pass the second ladder and open the chest at the end of the path to get a Lapis, then go back and climb down the next ladder. Then, continue west and into the following room. Here, go north and defeat the Leapers and Gigasaur, then continue north. Go through the open skull to the left and go up the stairs to the next room. In this room, go left and defeat the Fossil Ape and Lizardactyls (you could hit the left switch if you don't want to fight at all). Then, continue into the southwest room. Go west and open the chest to get a FrenzyBand, then go back to the previous room. This time, you'll have to fight the enemies to the left, so beat them and head all the way to the east. Defeat those enemies of hit the switch to drop them into a pit, then enter the southeast room. Here, defeat the two Rubbles and go northeast to the next room. There, check out the egg to the right of the pit and you'll be dropped into another room. In that room, go west and south out of the cell. Then, go west and north and up the stairs to the next room. In here, take the sparkling object on the floor, which happens to be a Power Tab. Then, go back downstairs and head all the way to the east side of the room. From there, go north and down the stairs to the next room. Here, go south and rest, then save at the save point. Also, I recommend getting a good healer like Robo in your group. Then, go west and hit the switch to open the cell. Go north through the cell and into the next room. Continue north and you'll see the giant Rust Tyrano. Try to go around it and it'll stop you. You'll then have to fight, so read the Bosses section for help on winning. After you win, continue north and check out the Rainbow Shell. It's too heavy, and a party member suggests to get the people in the castle (Guardia) to help. Now, go south and out of this room and your group will automatically be in the throne room at Guardia Castle. Your group will ask the king to store the Rainbow Shell in the castle, and the king will accept. After that, go south and exit the castle, then use the Epoch to warp to 1000 A.D. There, enter Guardia Castle again (make sure Marle is in your party). Guardia Castle (1000 A.D.) -------------------------- When you enter the castle, you'll find that you can't enter the throne room and that the king is on trial for selling the royal treasures. So, go east and north and go up the stairs to the left. Open the chest in the next room to get a HyperEther, then continue all the way upstairs to the top. There, go east and talk to the guards. Marle will push through and your group will walk in on the trial as it's taking place. Marle will talk to the king about what happened, and she'll be told to show proof (the Rainbow Shell) to prove the king's innocence. Marle is then kicked out of the trial, and your group decides to head to the basement. Go west and down the stairs to the first floor (the one with the two guards standing on either side of). There, go east and down another set of stairs to the basement. The guard there was attacked, so go around the hall and defeat the Gnashers there. After that, your group will run ahead as the trial carries on. Defeat the next group of enemies you encounter, then open the chests in this room you can reach to get a Lapis, a HyperEther, and an Elixir. Then, continue north to the next room. Keep going north through the next several hallways while defeating the weak enemies along the way. In the last room, open the chests to get another Elixir, HyperEther, and Lapis, then check out the Rainbow Shell. Marle will read a note attached to the shell, then take a piece of the shell as evidence (PrismShard). You'll then see a scene where the jury is reaching their verdict in the court. So, quickly run south through the halls to the end, then go west and up the stairs. In the main floor, go west and up the next set of stairs to the very top. Go down the hall there and talk to the guards blocking access to the court, and they refuse to let you in. Marle suggests another way, and as the king is deemed as guilty, Marle and the group will break into the courtroom and show the Chancellor proof. He'll get mad and the king will leave a free man, then the Chancellor will turn into Yakra XIII and attack, so read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After you beat Yakra's descendant, the King will reenter the room and talk with Marle about past events. After that, your group will be in the throne room and King Guardia will let you leave. Melchior will then come in and offer to make weapons out of the Rainbow Shell, then he'll leave. So, go south out of this room, but before you leave the castle completely, go east and north and upstairs to the courtroom again. Take the sparkling object to get the Yakra Key. Go down the stairs to a room with a locked chest, and unlock it with the key to free the real Chancellor. Now, continue down to the first floor and head east, then go down those stairs to the basement. Go around the corner and up the halls to the room with the Rainbow Shell. Talk to Melchior there and he'll offer to make either 1 Prism Dress, or 3 Prism Helms. Choose what you will, then he'll make whatever you choose. Talk to him again if you have the Sun Stone and he'll make the Prism Specs and Rainbow weapon. He'll then leave, so head all the way south and out of the basement, then continue southwest and out of the castle completely, ending this side quest! ============== The Black Omen ============== Late in the game, the Ocean Palace from 12,000 B.C. will rise out of the ocean and float in the air. It appears in all time eras from 12,000 B.C. onward (not in 65,000,000 B.C. because it didn't exist then). You must use the Epoch to fly up and enter it. You can enter it at any point, except in 2300 A.D., since the Day of Lavos has already passed. To enter, just fly under it and the words "Black Omen" will appear; press A to enter. Also, the inside of the Black Omen is exactly the same in all time era, so you can't beat a boss in the 1000 A.D. era, then go back to 600 A.D. and enter the Black Omen to refight it. The same goes for finding treasures in here. When you're ready, go to any time period other than 65,000,000 B.C. and enter the Black Omen. Black Omen ---------- When you enter this place, go north and defeat the 6 Laser Guards on the wall. Then, go through the door and enter the room (if you want to leave the Black Omen, go back here and check the sparkling area at the southmost section of this area). Here, go north and you'll meet Queen Zeal. She'll taunt you and summon the Mega Mutant to attack before the leaves. So, read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. After you win, continue north and defeat the 2 Incognito/PeepingDoom enemies in the way. Then, head east to the next area. In this area, go east and defeat the 2 Martellos, then head north and defeat the Goons you encounter. Beat them and continue north, and beat the Martello and Synchrites as well. After that, go east and south to a save point, then rest and save there. Then, head back north and continue to the next room. In this room, go north and defeat the 2 groups of Panels along the way. Then, keep going into the next room. There, head all the way north through this room while defeating the Boss Orbs and Sidekicks along the way. At the end, head west into the following room. Here, go west and north and defeat the 2 Metal Mutes you encounter. Then, continue north and defeat 2 more Metal Mutes, along with 2 Flyclops enemies. After that, go north to the next room. In this room, there is a teleportation device in the middle of the room. Step into it and you'll warp to another room; when you get there, go south to the following room. Here, check out the sparkling orb to the left and the elevator will start moving downward. You'll have to defeat 2 groups of enemies along the way: 2 Cybots, then 4 Ruminators. Beat them all and you'll reach the bottom. At that point, go north into the next room. Here, follow the path east and north through this room while defeating the Boss Orbs and Sidekicks along the way. Follow the zigzag path to the end where you can go north, but first you should continue east and open the chest to get a MegaElixir. Then, go back west and head north and defeat the Synchrite and Flyclops enemies you encounter. Beat them, and head west to a chest containing 30000G. Then, go east and north to the next room. In this room, make your way north while defeating the enemies you come across. When the path splits, head east and north to a chest; open it to get a Magic Seal. Then, continue north and defeat the Synchrite and Martello, and head northwest to the next room. Here, open the 2 chests on either side of you to get an Elixir and a Vigil Hat. Continue north and open the next 2 chests to get a Nova Armor and a MegaElixir. Keep going north and around the 2 Nus for right now, then open the last 2 chests to get another MegaElixir and a Haste Helm. Now, there are two Nus as you may know in this room. You can talk to the one to the right and choose to "Wake up" if you want to return to the entrance of Black Omen. If not, you can talk to the left Nu and buy some goods from it. After you're done here, head to the save point in this room and rest/save again. Then, check out the north wall and go through the door into the following room. Here, go west and defeat the Tubster that appears at the end. After that, head north to the next room. In this room, go north and defeat the Cybots and Incognitos further ahead. Continue north through this room and get through the constant line of Ruminators at the north end of the room. They keep reappearing, so it's best you run between two of them when you have a chance. Open the chest in the northwest corner to get a ZodiacCape, then make your way east into the next room. In this room, head all the way east and defeat the groups of enemies that appear along the way. Be sure to open the chest in the middle area to get a MegaElixir. At the end, head south into the next room. Here, go south and open the chest along the way to get a Power Seal. Then, continue south and defeat the 2 Flyclops and Tubster enemies. Next, head south a bit more and defeat the Cybot and Martello there. After that, open the chest in the southeast corner to get a Speed Tab, then go southwest to the next area. Here, make your way all the way west and open the chest at the end to get another Spped Tab. Then, go back east and north through the door into the following room. In this room, go up the steps and you'll be teleported into another room. There, head north to the next room. Here, go north and take the first path to the west. Head southwest and defeat the Aliens and Blobs you encounter. Then, continue west and go south to a chest containing an Elixir. Now, head all the way north and east at the end. Defeat the Boss Orb and Sidekicks there, then continue east and north along the eastmost path. Head west at the northmost point of this path and open the chest near the center to get a Speed Tab. Go north and west and defeat the 2 Aliens, then open the chest at the other side to get a MegaElixir. Then, head west and continue north into the next room. Here, rest and save at the save point. I also recommend having a party that consists of Crono, Frog, and Magus. When you're ready, continue north and the Giga Mutant will appear to fight, so read the Bosses section for help on beating it. After you win this battle, go back and rest/save again if needed, then head north to the following room. Here, step into the teleporter to warp to another room. When you get to your destination, go south to the next room. Here, check out the sparkling orb to the right to make the elevator move upward. You'll have to fight a group of Ruminators along the way, so defeat them. When you get to the top, head north to the next room. In this room, go north and defeat the 2 Synchrites, then follow the path west and north through this area. You'll see 2 small black creatures moving back and forth further ahead. Try to get around them without touching them if you can, but if you can't, just defeat the 2 Goons that come out. Then, continue east and follow the path through the rest of this room while defeating the enemies along the way. At the end, go through the north door into the next room. Here, go forward and defeat the 4 Panels to make a save point appear to the left. Then, go west and north to a chest containing a Speed Tab. Rest and save at the save point if you want, then continue east and north where the TerraMutant will appear and fight you. Read the Bosses section for help on beating this boss. After you beat it, open the 2 chests in the corners to get a MegaElixir and the White Rock, which you'll need to perform a Triple Tech with Marle, Lucca, and Ayla. Now, go back and rest/save, then continue north to the next room. Here, go all the way up the hall and into the following room. In this next room, a Lavos Spawn will appear to fight, so read the Bosses section for help on beating it. After defeating the Lavos Spawn, continue north to the next room. Here, defeat the 5 Panels to make another save point appear, as well as the door leading to the next room. This is your last chance to save before the last bunch of bosses, so use a Shelter and save your game here. I recommend having a party of Crono, Frog, and either Ayla or Magus (I recommend Ayla here for her strong attack power). Also, make sure you have a large supply of MegaElixirs and other healing items since you will need them for the final several battles here. After you're done forming a group, head north and into the next room. Here, head all the way north through this room and you'll meet Queen Zeal at the end. Following her speech, she'll fight you, so read the Bosses section for help on beating her. After that, she'll send the Mammon Machine to attack, so fight that as well with help from the Bosses section of this guide. After you beat that, Zeal will fight you one last time in her ultimate form. As always, read the Bosses section for help on winning. After you defeat Queen Zeal for the last time, Lavos will awaken and you'll immediately enter battle against it for the final battle. Read the Bosses section for help on taking on Lavos. After you're done, congratulations on beating Chrono Trigger! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 18. Endings -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are a grand total of 13 different endings in this game. A different ending occurs depending on the events that occur during the game, and when you decide to go fight Lavos (in New Game+ mode). Here is a list of each ending, along with what must occur to achieve that ending, as well as a brief description of each ending. ============== Meet the Staff ============== How Accessed: Fight Lavos by warping via the warp on the right telepod in Lucca's invention at the fair, before fighting Yakra in the Cathedral. For an alternative method, defeat Lavos when you fight him in the Ocean Palace (prior to Crono dying). Description: You'll be able to meet and talk to the development staff of the game. ============= Nu and Ribbit ============= How Accessed: The first time you get to the End of Time, warp via the bucket to fight Lavos. Defeat Lavos to get this ending. Description: Throughout the credits, a Nu and a Ribbit will be running around, performing their antics (the Nu sleeping while the Ribbit harasses it). =================== Crono the Dark Mage =================== How Accessed: Warp via the bucket and defeat Lavos before getting the Hero Medal from Tata. Description: Crono rules as a "wizard king" and has to face Tata. Also, Robo gets a girlfriend and lives happily in the future. ================== Happily Ever After ================== How Accessed: Warp via the bucket and defeat Lavos after getting the Hero Medal, but before returning to 65,000,000 B.C. for the party. Description: Magus, Ozzie, Slash, and Flea are at the North Cape in 12,000 B.C. Meanwhile, an army gathers at Guardia Castle, and you see Frog leave his home unarmed. Cameo appearances of the rest of your party are in this ending. =========== Fixing Robo =========== How Accessed: Right after you give the repaired Masamune to Frog at his home, warp via the bucket and defeat Lavos. Description: Marle and Frog are trying to fix Robo again, then Frog goes to Magus's Castle and they fight. ============== Frog vs. Magus ============== How Accessed: After giving Frog the repaired Masamune, and before defeating Magus at his castle, warp via the bucket and defeat Lavos. Description: Frog goes to Magus's Castle and defeats him, which allows Frog to revert back to his original form. =========== Dino Shores =========== How Accessed: After beating Magus in his castle, but before defeating the Black Tyrano in 65,000,000 B.C., warp via the bucket and defeat Lavos. Description: The Reptites are the dominant race, which means everyone is a Reptite instead of a human! ============ Magus Ending ============ How Accessed: After you defeat Azala/Black Tyrano, warp via the bucket and defeat Lavos. Description: In the credits, you'll see Frog approaching a statue with 2 chests. Also, there are several scenes with Magus, Schala, and Janus. ========= Slideshow ========= How Accessed: In 12,000 B.C., right after Schala opens the door in Zeal Palace with her pendant, go back to the cave and warp to the End of Time. Do NOT power up the Pendant you have, though. Then, use the bucket to warp to and defeat Lavos. Description: Marle and Lucca will talk about events that never took place. Also, Crono actually "speaks" in this ending. =============== Magus vs. Lavos =============== How Accessed: As soon as you get the Epoch, warp to the End of Time and use the bucket to warp to 1999 and defeat Lavos. Description: Clips showing the lives of Frog and Magus are shown, among others. Magus then goes to the Ocean Palace and fights Lavos by himself. ================== Resurrecting Crono ================== How Accessed: After Crono's death, warp via the bucket and defeat Lavos. Description: The group returns to the End of Time. Everyone has to leave because the Gate's closing. Marle returns to the Millennial Fair and marches in the parade alone. She goes to see the Nadia Bell, then balloons take her away to another area, where she'll see Crono in the distance, and run towards him. ============================== Frog and Glenn (without Crono) ============================== How Accessed: After you kill Magus (if you chose to fight him the second time at North Cape), warp via the bucket and defeat Lavos (without resurrecting Crono). Description: Frog becomes human again when he comes out of the Gate, and Lucca and Marle go to watch the king hang the Nadia Bell. ============== Family Reunion ============== How Accessed: Defeat Lavos after resurrecting Crono. Description: Crono will be awakened by a soldier telling him that he'll be executed. Crono goes to see the king, and is thanked along with other people for saving the past, present, and future. Then, after the parade at the Millennial Fair, the group will leave. Alternate Ending #1: If you did not crash the Epoch into Lavos during the battle, Crono's mom will chase the cats out of the house and into a Gate. The group then uses the Epoch to look for the cats. (This takes place instead of the group leaving in the normal version of this ending.) Alternate Ending #2: If you did crash Epoch into Lavos, everyone will leave at the end of the regular ending, but Crono, Marle, and Lucca stay behind. As they talk to the king, Marle flies away by holding some balloons, and Crono jumps on. They both fly away and the credits roll. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 19. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =================================== Gate to Guardia Forest in 1000 A.D. =================================== To reveal the time pillar at the End of Time leading to Guardia Forest in 1000 A.D., you must first go to 2300 A.D. Visit the Bangor Dome and take the Gate there to the End of Time. The new time pillar will appear, so take it to the forest, where you'll find a mysteriously sealed chest containing a Power Ring. ========================== Mysteriously Sealed Chests ========================== Throughout the course of the game, you'll notice there are several black chests that are sealed by a mysterious force. After you power up the pendant in Zeal Palace, you'll be able to open such chests and gain their contents. Here's a list of where each chest is located, along with what's inside: Note: For the chests found in the same place in two time periods (Truce Inn in 600 and 1000; Mayor's Manor in 1000, Elder's House in 600; Guardia Castle in 600 and 1000; Hero's Grave in 1000, Northern Ruins in 600), visit the place in 600 A.D. first. Check out the chest(s), but choose NOT to take the contents inside. Now, go to the same place in 1000 A.D. and take the upgraded items in the chests. Then, go back to 600 and take the original contents. However, for the chest in Guardia Castle, you must have Marle in your party to get to the one in 1000 A.D. Heckran Cave (1000 A.D.): Wall Ring, Dash Ring Guardia Forest (1000 A.D.): Power Ring (600 A.D.): Speed Tab Forest Ruins (1000 A.D.): Swallow or Safe Helm (can only take one) Magic Cave (600 A.D.): Magic Ring Truce Inn (1000 A.D.): Blue Mail (600 A.D.): Blue Vest Mayor's Manor (Porre; 1000 A.D.): Black Mail, White Mail Elder's House (Porre; 600 A.D.): Black Vest, White Vest Guardia Castle (1000 A.D.): Red Mail (600 A.D.): Red Vest Hero's Grave (1000 A.D.): Moon Armor Northern Ruins (600 A.D.): Nova Armor Hero's Grave (1000 A.D.): Shiva Edge Northern Ruins (600 A.D.): Kali Blade Hero's Grave (1000 A.D.): Valkerye Northern Ruins (600 A.D.): Siren ========== Soft Reset ========== To reset your game without having to get up and push Reset on your SNES, just press Start, Select, L, and R simultaneously. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 20. Credits -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pop (SPop6(at)aol.com): For sending me the list of endings for this game! phoenixfxp(at)hotmail.com: For sending me many spelling corrections and other tidbits for this FAQ! Chris R B (crumbworks(at)sympatico.ca): For letting me know the White Rock is necessary for the Poyozo Dance Triple Tech (mistake on my part for not adding that line sooner). Marc Applefield: For sending me a slight correction in the walkthrough, as well as information on the Dark Helm! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 21. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2001-2006 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. I no longer accept emails regarding this FAQ. Thanks for reading! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=