January 12, 2005 Version 1.0 Chrono Trigger (SNES) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Index: Section 1: Introduction/Using this Guide Section 2: Contents Section 3: Walkthrough Section 4: Endings Section 5: Shop Listing Section 6: Closing Thoughts Section 7: Thanks Section 8: Contact Section 9: Legal Section 10: Version History +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 1: Introduction/Using this Guide Hello, and welcome to my walkthrough for Chrono Trigger. I'll save most of my rambling thoughts for the Closing Thoughts section (and even there I'll try to keep it short), but, suffice it to say this is my favorite game ever, and I am extremely happy to have done a walkthrough for it. I would also like to thank you very much for choosing my walkthrough to help you with your way through the game, hope you find it useful, and enjoy your time in the world of Chrono Trigger. As far as notes on using this guide go. Section 3, of course, is the main walkthrough section. The walkthrough is broken down into a number of parts (which are laid out in the Contents section, Section 2). At the start of each new area, it's given a number (for example, 3.01: 1000AD, Guardia). From there, especially for the first time you visit a new area, much of the beginning information is information about the area, such as houses you can stop by to talk to people and whatnot. Often this will be separated into its own specific section, if it works well to put it in its own section. Obviously if you don't feel like going around and talking to people, you can just skip over those parts. The beginning section will also usually be where any information about shops that are in the area, and there's a listing of all the shops in Section 5. This guide is essentially a complete walkthrough to everything you can possibly do in Chrono Trigger, designed to make sure you aren't missing anything. That said, again, obviously you don't necessarily have to do every single thing in the game in order to beat it. This guide, though, as I said, does include everything there is to do, so, it's there if you want it, and what you don't want you can just skip through. Section 4 consists of a list of all the endings, a description (many spoilers, needless to say) of each of them, and how to get them. In the walkthrough at various times it will mention an aside if a possible ending route is coming up shortly, and how to progress if you'd like to do that ending. Section 4 will contain more detailed descriptions of how to accomplish each of the endings, referencing back to the walkthrough. Also, all characters are refereed to by their default names. You can choose different names at the start, and change them later on as well, but, in this walkthrough, the default names are used. So, if you've changed any of the character names, just keep in mind who's who. Most things in this walkthrough should be pretty much self-explanatory, but, figured I'd give some details before heading into things. So, with that all out of the way, get out there, explore, have fun, and enjoy the game. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 2: Contents 3.01: 1000AD, Guardia 3.01a: Exploring the Area 3.01b: The Fair 3.02: 600AD, The Queen Returns/The Queen is Gone 3.02a: Truce Canyon 3.02b: Exploring the Area 3.02c: Guardia Castle 3.02d: Cathedral 3.03: 1000AD, We're Back/The Trial 3.03a: The Trial 3.03b: Escaping from Jail 3.04: 2300AD, Beyond the Ruins/The Factory Ruins 3.04a: Through the Ruins 3.04b: Arris Dome 3.04c: Proto Dome/Factory 3.05: End of Time/1000AD, The End of Time/The Village of Magic 3.05a: End of Time 3.05b: Medina Village 3.05c: Heckran Cave 3.06: 600AD, The Hero Appears/Tata and the Frog 3.06a: Guardia Castle 3.06b: Zenan Bridge 3.06c: Dorino Village/Porre Village 3.06d: Cursed Woods/Denadoro Mts 3.07: 65,000,000BC, The Rare Red Rock/Footsteps! Follow! 3.07a: Ioka Village 3.07b: Forest Maze 3.07c: Reptite Lair 3.08: 1000AD/600AD, The Masamune!/Magus' Castle 3.08a: Getting the Masamune 3.08b: Magus's Lair 3.09: 65,000,000BC: Forward to the Past/Unnatural Selection? 3.09a: Dactyl Nest 3.09b: Tyrano Lair 3.10: 12,000BC: The Magic Kingdom 3.10a: Enhasa 3.10b: Kajar 3.10c: Zeal Palace 3.11: 65,000,000BC/2300AD, Break the Seal 3.11a: To 2300AD 3.11b: The Sewers 3.11c: Keeper's Dome 3.12: 12,000BC: Break the Seal/The Guru on Mt. Woe/What Lies Beyond/Lavos Beckons/The New King 3.12a: Terra Cave/Algetty Village 3.12b: Mt. Woe 3.12c: Kajar/Zeal Palace 3.12d: Ocean Palace 3.12e: Last Village 3.12f: The Blackbird 3.13: End of Time/2300AD/1000AD/2300AD: The Time Egg 3.13a: Finding Out About the Time Egg 3.13b: The Clone 3.13c: Death Peak 3.14: Notes to Read Before Continuing 3.15: 600AD: In the Middle Ages, a Woman's Sheer Determination... 3.15a: Defeating the Desert Monsters 3.15b: Bringing Back the Forest 3.15c: Campfire/Lucca's Mother 3.16: 600AD: A Fugitive In the Middle Ages... 3.16a: Ozzie's Hideout 3.17: 2300AD: There's a Task to be Done in the Future... 3.17a: Geno Dome 3.18: 65,000,000BC/600AD/1000AD/2300AD: And There's a Very Special Stone... 3.18a: Getting/Placing the Moon Stone 3.18b: Finding the Moon Stone/Putting it Back/Using the Sun Stone 3.19: 600AD/1000AD: There's the Ghost of a Lofty Knight... 3.19a: Cyrus's Grave 3.20: 600AD/1000AD: There's an Object in the Middle Ages... 3.20a: Finding the Rainbow Shell 3.20b: The Trial for the Rainbow Shell 3.21: 12,000BC or 600AD or 1000AD or 2300AD: One of you is close to someone who needs help... 3.21a: The Black Omen 3.22: The Final Battle: Lavos 3.22a: The First Form 3.23b: The Second Form 3.23c: The Final Form +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 3: Walkthrough 3.01: 1000AD, The Millennial Fair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.01a: Exploring the Area After beginning your new game, choosing your settings, and naming your character, you'll be greeted by the sound of seagulls crying overhead in the morning and fireworks going off in the distance. A bell will ring, you'll hear your name being called, and then the screen will open up to you in bed with your mother standing next to you and your cat nearby. After your mother has finally woken you, you'll gain control of yourself in your room. Head downstairs and talk to your mother. She'll ask what the name of your friend who you're going to see today is (default name is Lucca). After finishing the conversation, your mother will begin to walk away. Go up to her and talk to her again, and she'll give you your allowance, 200G. Talk to her again if you want, go and play with your cat (he jumps and meows), and once you're done head outside, to your village. You're now in your village, Truce Village. The house on the top right is yours. The house counterclockwise from yours has a person you can talk to. Continuing counterclockwise from there is another house, with two people inside. Next is a market, but it's empty right now. The next house is the Mayor's Manor. This building contains 10 people you can talk to, and a treasure chest. The treasure chest is on the top floor, and contains 100G. If you talk to the man in the middle of the top floor and listen to what he has to tell you, and then talk to him again and he'll give you 300G. Go outside, and the next house is the Truce Inn. Inside, you can rest at the inn for 10G. There are also 4 people inside that you can talk to. Also inside, on the top floor, is a locked black box. Back outside, a bit to the east, on the dock, is the Ticket Office. Inside there are two people you can talk to, and the ticker vendor, who will sell you boat tickets to Porre for 10G. You can take the boat if you want, or just walk later on when you want to go. To the south of the village is a bridge, crossing over to an island. On the island is Lucca's House. Inside, through the door, and up the stairs on the right is Lucca's Mother. Northwest of the village is a path leading to a forest, which you'll be coming back to later. You can go to the forest now if you want, but once you reach the end you'll just have to come back. Southwest of the village is another bridge, Zenan Bridge. If you stand on either of the ends of the bridge, you can enter the bridge to walk across it. You can also walk across it on the world map, which is quicker, but, it's up to you. On the bridge is a stream of people crossing to the other side who you can talk to. On the other side, to the east, and then south is Porre Village. The first building on the right from the entrance is Porre Inn, where you can rest for 20G. Next is the market, Shop01, where you can buy the following items: SteelSaber: 800 Iron Bow: 850 Dart Gun: 800 Karate Gi: 300 BronzeMail: 520 BronzeHelm: 200 Tonic: 10 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Next is a Snail Stop, Shop02. There are four people inside you can talk to, plus the shopkeeper, who's selling Jerky for 9900G. Next is a residence, with two people inside. Then, off to the west, is the Mayor's Manor. Inside are 5 people you can talk to. The mayor will give you 10G if you pretend to be a chicken. Upstairs are two locked black boxes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.01b: The Fair Once you're done exploring, head back up to Truce Village, and north, to Leene Square. In the first area are 8 people you can have conversations with. In the southwest corner is a mallet game where you try to hit the bell and get a silver point. There's also a race going on where you can try to pick the winner with the guy in the tent by the start of the race and win 20 silver points. The man by the fence will try to give you tips on the race. Also, in the northwest corner is Norstein Bekkler's lab. Here, you can pay silver points in amounts of either 10, 40 or 80 to play three different games and win prizes. In the 10 silver point game, three people who look the same walk around and you have to remember who is who. If you win this game, you get a Poyozo Doll for the house of the person leading the group (at the beginning, Crono), which will play music. In the 40 point game, there will be a copy of your character who you will have to mimic his movements. L raises the left arm (left in relation to the screen), R raises the right (again, in relation to the screen), Y laughs and A shows surprise. If you win this game, you get a clone for the house of the person leading the group. In the 80 point game, a hostage will be held over a pot of fire. You'll have to push the three monsters back into the cage with the rocks before the person touches the fire or the monsters get up to where you are. The light on the left side of the screen will raise the person back up a bit. If you win this game, you get a cat for your house. You can only win a limited number of cats, and then it will give you cat food instead. Also, the other games, once you win their prize, will give you cat food as well. On the bottom left of the middle area is a tent with a man who runs a store, Shop03. He sells: Tonic: 10 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 To the north of him is another man in a tent with another shop, Shop04, which sells: Karate Gi: 300 BronzeHelm: 200 In the middle on the north is a man with a hat, named Melchior. He runs a store, Shop05, where you can buy: Iron Blade: 350 Lode Sword: 4000 Now, continue north, up the stairs, to the next area. As you walk to the bell in the middle you'll see a girl running around. Walk over to her and you'll bump into her, and you'll both fall and her pendant will go flying. Go talk to her to see if she's alright, and then go pick up the pendant. Bring it back to her and give it to her, and she'll thank you. She'll then ask if she can walk around with you. Say yes, and you'll get to name her (the default name is Marle). In the middle area to the north is a tent with a man who will exchange and give you 50G for 10 Silver Points. To the right is a man by a table, who will challenge you to a drinking game. Press A to drink as fast as you can, and if you beat him you'll win 5 silver points. There is also a little girl in the back who lost her cat (you'll bring it back to her in a moment). If you continue to the right, you'll come to another area with four people playing music and four people dancing, all of whom you can talk to. If you want to dance, go talk to the small boy in the bottom corner. He'll tell you the controls for dancing, X, Y, L and R. X makes you pump your arms up and down, Y has you slap your hip, L has you laugh, and R has you look surprised. Press B when you're done dancing to exit those controls. Once you're done here, go back out to the main area. Across on the other side of the middle area is a man you can talk to, who says he's just about to eat his lunch (which is on the table next to him. Don't take it). Also on a table is a cat. Press A once to get it to follow you (if you press A again it will run off. Leave the screen and come back to have it come back). Then, walk (don't run) back over to the right, to where the little girl is. Talk to her to give her back her cat, and she'll thank you (if you ran too far away from the cat she won't see it). Back on the left is another path leading off to the side, to Gato. If you talk to him, he'll challenge you to a battle. If you win the battle, you get 15 silver points (and 10 experience points). Once you're done, go back to the middle area. If you try to go north, you'll find the path blocked by two people telling you the show isn't ready yet. So, go south, back to the previous area. Talk to the person sitting on the fountain in the middle, who will say the show should be ready by now. Note, if you talk to Melchior here with Marle in your party, don't listen to him and try to get Marle to sell her pendant, say no to that. Once you're done here, go back north to the other area, and then continue north, up the stairs. As you try to go up the stairs, Marle will ask you to wait so she can look at something. Stand still until she tells you she's done. When she's done, go up the stairs, to the show. Here will be Lucca, her father Taban, and three people watching. Taban will give an explanation of what the setup in front of you is, and then ask for volunteers. You can go around and talk to the other people if you want. If you're playing on a New Game+, there's something in the right pod for you (see the Endings section for more information on that). If this is your first time through it isn't there anyway, so, don't worry about anything. Go over and talk to Lucca, and Marle will say she thinks you should try. Go over to the left telepod and stand there, and Lucca and Taban will get it running, and send you over to the right one. Now, go over and talk to Marle, and she'll say she wants to try. Stand back and watch, and just when she's about to be sent over, she'll go into a portal and disappear. Oh no! Once everyone's done talking, go over to the left telepod and pick up the pendant. They'll start the machine, you'll go into the portal, and off to rescue Marle. =============================================================================== 3.02: 600AD, The Queen Returns/The Queen is Gone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.02a: Truce Canyon When you come out of the portal, you'll be in a forest, and immediately be attacked by three Imps. After you fight them off, exit the area to the left. Go up the ladder, and try to cross the bridge to the west. At the end, you'll be attacked by two Blue Imps. After the battle, on your left is a treasure chest with a Tonic inside. Go south, to another treasure chest, with a PowerGlove inside. Continue south, down the ladder, to two imps kicking around a ball. You can sneak around them if you want, or go up to one of them to enter a battle against two Blue Imps and a Roly. Continue south, to exit the area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.02b: Exploring the Area When you exit, you find yourself at the entrance to Truce Canyon. Head south to come to a town. The house on the top left is a residence, with two people inside. Counterclockwise from there is a market, with one person inside you can talk to, and the shopkeeper of Shop06, who sells: Iron Blade: 350 Dart Gun: 800 Karate Gi: 300 BronzeHelm: 200 Tonic: 10 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Back outside, the next house, on the bottom, is another residence, with two more people to talk to. The next house is the Truce Inn, with 5 people inside you can talk to, and where you can rest for 10G. Also, upstairs is a locked black box. Back outside, if you go to the west you'll find a cathedral. Don't worry about that for now, you'll be coming back to it later. Going south you'll come to a broken bridge, Zenan Bridge. You can go inside the bridge and talk to the person there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.02c: Guardia Castle Once you're done exploring, go to the woods leading to the castle, Guardia Forest. Inside, forward and to the right you'll run into a Green Imp and two Rolys. Continue south from there and you'll come to an open glade. By a rock in the upper-left corner is a blue glint. Walk over to it and press A to get a Power Tab. There's also a blue glint in the bottom-right corner. Pressing A in front of this will cause two Roly Riders to attack. Now, go back to the left and up. At the bend, you'll be attacked by three Rolys. Go west, and midway down the path you'll see a moving bush. Go over to it and press A, and a creature will pop out, run away, and drop a shelter. (Note: You can leave the area and come back and he'll be there again if you want to get some extra shelters). Continue to the west to come to where you rejoin the path going west from the entrance (note if you had taken that path, or if you go back over it, you'll run into three Blue Eaglets). Here, you'll notice a bush that's moving. If you press A in front of it, two Roly Riders will come out. Continue north, and you'll come to three Roly Riders. Continue north to come to the entrance to the castle (note if you continue east, you'll come to a dead end with a black box there). Now, go north and exit the forest, and north and inside of Guardia Castle. At the door, you'll be ordered to stop by the soldiers, but then a woman in a dress (Queen Leene, who looks suspiciously like Marle) will approach you. After she's done talking, she'll walk away, and you'll be able to wander on your own, and talk to the two soldiers if you want. If you go east from the entrance, north, past two guards and down the stairs you'll come to the kitchen. If you sit down at the chair on the top left of the table by the entrance and press A, a person will come up and ask if you want any food. There are three choices, Refresh Salad, Power Stew and Hyper Kabob. The Refresh Salad will recover your MP, the Power Stew will recover your HP, and the Hyper Kabob will recover both (you can come here and eat as often as you want). In the kitchen area, there are 8 people you can talk to. There's also a treasure chest in the back by the cooking area, which has an Ether in it. From the entrance, if you go west, north, past two guards and down the stairs you'll come to a rest area. Here, there are 8 people you can talk to. You can also talk to the woman by the stairs to rest in one of the beds to recover. From the entrance, head north, up the stairs, past two more guards and through the doors to come to the throne room. Here you'll find two guards, the chancellor, and the king. If you talk to the chancellor, he'll walk away. From the king, if you head to the west and north, you'll come to some stairs. Go up the first two stairways, and then in the room off to the side you'll find a treasure chest with 100G in it. Up the next set of stairs will be a room with a black box. Continue up the stairs to the top. Here, if you'd talked to the chancellor in the throne room, you'll find him standing next to a wall at the top of the stairs, and you can talk to him. South and east you'll find two guards, and a door leading to the entrance to the king's bedroom. Inside is a maid you can talk to, and a treasure chest containing a BronzeMail. Then, head back down the stairs, to the throne room. From the king, head east and north to come to some stairs. Up two flights, you'll find a treasure chest with a Tonic inside. Continue up the stairs to the top. To the south you'll come to a guard blocking the doorway. Talk to him and he'll let you pass. Go west and then north through the door to find the woman in the dress again, along with two servants. Talk to the woman, she'll send the servants away, and then reveal that she is Marle. After she finishes talking, she'll disappear (Oh no!). Before you leave the room, there's a treasure chest in the corner with an Ether in it. On the way out, the two servants are now talking with the guard, and you can talk with them again. Then, go back down the stairs, and as you start to leave, Lucca will come up and talk to you, and explain some of what's going on. Once she's done, go south and exit the castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.02d: Cathedral Go south, and back through Guardia Forest. Go west, through the hole in the trees, to the Cathedral. Inside are 4 people you can talk to. After talking to the woman by the organ, you'll see a small glint on the ground. Go over to it and press A, and after discussing it, you'll be attacked by 4 Naga-ettes. After defeating them, you'll start to relax, and another enemy will catch you off- guard. Out of nowhere, a frog will appear and kill it. After he takes care of the enemy, he'll talk to you, and he (aptly named "Frog") will join your party. After talking to him, walk over to the organ and press A to play it and open a secret door on the back wall. Go through it, to the next room. Heading to the west, you'll run into three Diablos. Continue west and you'll encounter two more Diablos. After defeating them, you can get two treasure chests there, containing a Tonic and a Revive. Go west and then north through the door, up the stairs, and through a door into another room. Here, you'll find three treasure chests, containing a MaidenSuit, a Tonic and an Ether. If you go over to the shelf on the left and press A, it will tell you that you've found the Naga-ette Bromide. After doing that, you'll be attacked by three Henchs. Leave the room and head north, where you'll find a treasure chest with a SteelSaber inside. Go west, walk around the bottom of the spikes and go over to the skull on the wall. Press A in front of it to make the spikes go down, and then go through the door. Inside are two guards you can talk to. Also, in a bucket near the wall of the room is a glint, go over to it and press A to get a Power Tab. Then, leave the room and go back south, down the stairs to the main floor. Go east, past the path north, to the stairs on the east. Go up the stairs and fight two Gnashers. Go through the door, to a room with three monsters sitting at a table talking. They'll talk when you enter, and then you can go around the room talking to them. As you start to leave, one of them will get up and leave through the door. Outside, follow him north along the path, east and through a door. In this room are what looks like King Guardia, Princess Leene and a guard, who you can talk to. In this room also are two treasure chests, containing 100G and an Ether. On the right wall is a small hole, walk over to it and go through to enter another room. In this room, monsters will be singing when you enter. You can then go around and talk to all of them. At the back of the room is a statue of the person they're talking about, Magus. Also at the back of the room are two treasure chests, containing a Speed Belt and a Defender. Once you're done, leave the room. When you try to leave the next room, the king, princess and soldier will turn into three Gnashers and attack you. After defeating them, leave the room, go south, down the stairs, and west to the path in the center of the room. At the start of the path are two Diablos. Go north and you'll be attacked by two Gnashers and two Diablos. Further north, you'll come to two Gnashers and two Naga-ettes. Then, go north and through the door to the next room. When you enter the room, on the left will be a save point. Go west to find a treasure chest with a Shelter. Go down the stairs, and they will collapse into a slide (note, if you'd chosen to go down the right stairway first they would've turned into a slide. Whichever one you go down first becomes a slide, the other one stays normal). At the bottom of the stairs is a sleeping enemy. If you talk to him he'll wake up, and you'll be attacked by a Hench. After defeating him, go north through the door and you'll come to two Mad Bats. After defeating them, go over to the wall and press A in front of the skull. Two more Mad Bats will appear after you do that. Then, go north through the door and east. As you walk east, you'll be attacked by three Henchs and a Mad Bat. To the east are two treasure chests with a Tonic and a Heal inside. On the wall to the north is a note posted that you can read. Continue east and you'll run into two Henchs and two Mad Bats. Then, go south, through the door to a room with two Diablos and a Mad Bat. After defeating them, go over to the skull on the wall and press A, and you'll hear a noise in the distance. Go south and through the door where you'll be attacked by a Hench and a Mad Bat. Then, go up the stairs and east (and you can go save here if you want too), and then north through the door. Here, you'll be in a room with lowered spikes on the ground. Walk forward to fight three Henchs and two Diablos. After defeating them, by the east wall is a treasure chest with an Iron Sword in it. Then, go to the west wall, over to the organ, and press A to play it. You'll hear a noise off in the distance. Now, go south, out of the room, east and down the stairs, through the door and north along the path, and west at the end. In the middle of the path you'll now find a door by the note (and the note says something different as well). Go through the door, into the next room. Here, you'll find two Henchs. Go north along the path and you'll run into two Naga-ettes. Further north, you'll come to two Henchs. After defeating them, there's a save point to the west. Then, go through the door to the north. As you enter the room, the music will change. Walk forward and you'll hear talking. Continue north and you'll see the chancellor and Queen Leene. When you approach, the chancellor will talk to you, the queen will run off to safety, and once he's done talking you'll be attacked by Yakra. After defeating him, the queen will appear again and thank you. Once she leaves, go get the chests in the back of the room. One will contain a Mid Ether, and the other will contain the real chancellor (who will come out of his chest himself if you don't open it). Go to the back of the room and talk to Queen Leene, and you'll leave. After leaving, you'll find yourself back in the castle talking to the king and queen. During the conversation, Frog will leave your party. After you're done talking, go to the east and north, and up the stairs to the top floor. Go south, west, and north through the door. As you approach the back of the room, Marle will reappear (Yay!). In the conversation, Lucca will reveal that you know she is really Princess Nadia, the daughter of the king in your time. After the conversation is over, go back down the stairs. You can talk to the king and queen again if you want. Then, go to leave the castle. By the exit, you'll come across Frog again. After talking to him, leave the castle. Go south, and through Guardia Forest. Go east, north through the town and to Truce Canyon. Retrace the steps you took to get here, back to the glade where you entered. Here, you'll walk forward, and Lucca will explain some of what's been going on. After she's done, you'll go through the portal, back to 1000AD. =============================================================================== 3.03: 1000AD, We're Back/The Trial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.03a: The Trial When you arrive back in 1000AD, you'll have a conversation, and Lucca will leave, asking you to escort Marle back to the castle. Go south and leave the fair to go back outside. Go west and north to Guardia Forest, and walk through it. Once you're through, go north and enter Guardia Castle. Once inside, you'll be surrounded by guards, and are accused of kidnapping Marle. After everyone is done talking, you'll find yourself in a courtroom, on trial. At the trial, you'll be held accountable for a number of things you did or didn't do at the fair when you met Marle, which will decide the votes against you. Things that will affect it: If you talked to Marle first after bumping into her (good) or went after her pendant (bad). If you tried to sell her pendant to Melchior (bad). If you ran away while she was looking at candy (bad). If you took the old man's lunch (bad). If you brought the cat back to the little girl (good). In answer to the chancellor's questions, say that you started it. Then, that her fortune didn't tempt you, not at all. There are seven votes that will be cast, either guilty or innocent. Regardless of the vote, the end result is that you're going to be tossed into jail for 3 days (well, if you're guilty they say in court you're being held three days and then will be executed. If you're innocent, they say you're just being held for three days and then released, but when the chancellor takes you to jail he'll say you're waiting three days to be executed regardless). So, after the trial, it's off to jail you go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.03b: Escaping from Jail You now find yourself inside of a jail cell. Note that you can actually skip the next few paragraphs and wait for your execution (and which point you'll escape), but, there's stuff you can do in here as well, so, escaping is a good idea. Inside of your cell is a bag containing an Ether, and a cup which will recover your HP and MP. Then, go over to the bars of the cell, you'll hit your cup against it and the guards will tell you to stop. Do it twice more, and one of the guards will open up the gate so the other one can go in and make you stop. After he hits you and starts to walk away, go up behind him and press A to hit him. Then when you try to exit the cell, the other guard will stop you, and you'll enter a battle with a Guard. The lever to the side of your cell will open and close the door. The lever by the cell on the west tries to open that door, but the door only opens half way. Then, go up the stairs to the east and exit that area. Walk east and down the other stairway. Go across the bridge and through the door at the end. Go east to come to a guard. If you go behind him and press A, you'll kill him without having to fight. If you walk in front of him, you'll enter a battle with a Guard. After taking care of him, raise the gate and go through into the next room. Inside are four treasure chests, with an Ether, a Mid Tonic, another Mid Tonic, and another Ether. Once you're done, go back out of this room, and go west. When you try to leave, you'll be attacked by an Omnicrone. After defeating him, he'll leave, and you can go up the stairs. Cross the bridge and go through the door. Go north and you'll fight two Blue Shields. If you wait for them to turn their shield aside before attacking, their defense will be weaker. After taking care of them, go up the stairs on the left. Inside of the first cell, you'll be attacked by a Decedent. The cell on the west, the door will only open half way. So, go back down the stairs, and up the stairs on the right. Cross the bridge, and in the middle you'll be attacked by two Guards. After defeating them, continue across the bridge, and through the door at the end. Go east, and you'll be attacked by a Guard. Continue east, and at the split continue east. You can either attack the guard from behind, or enter into a battle with a Guard. Then, raise the gate and go through, where you'll find someone being held for execution. Go over to him and talk to him to free him. He'll thank you, and tell you to stop by his father's store in Truce Village. After he leaves, get the chest in the back with a Mid Tonic. Raise the bars at the back and go through into another room. Inside, you'll be attacked by two Decedents. Then, get the chest, which contains a BronzeMail. Now, leave the room, go south and west along the path to a split. Go north at the split and then west along the path, past a guard (again, either stab in the back or fight a Guard), and up the stairs. Walk across the bridge, and through the door on the other side. Go down the stairs on the west. Inside of the first cell is a chest with a Shelter. Inside of the other cell is a prisoner who will crumble into bones when you go over to him. Go back up the stairs, and north to fight two Blue Shields. Go up the stairs on the west. Inside of the second cell is a hole in the wall leading outside. Walk to the edge of the platform and press Down to climb down the wall. Continue to the bottom, through another hole. Inside of the cell is a chest with a Shelter, and a hole in the ground. Go over to the hole and press A to climb down, into the cell next to the one you were put in when you were captured. Inside are two chests, with a Lode Sword and 1500G. Go over to the left side of the wall and press A to climb back up. Go out the hole and climb back up the wall to the other hole. Then, go south, east, and down the stairs. Walk east to the other stairs, and up. Continue up the next set of stairs, into the entrance room. Here, when you try to exit you'll be attacked by two Guards. Go north, through the door, and the Supervisor will come over and talk to you. He'll try to run out the door to the north, but will be stopped by Lucca coming through (just in time to help you of course. She would've saved you before your execution if you'd stayed in your cell waiting to be executed). Behind the desk a save point will appear. You can read the paper that fell on the ground to give you some hints about the battle you'll be facing soon. Once you're done, go north and through the door. Go west across the bridge, and when you come to the end you'll be stopped by the chancellor, with a big mechanical dragon. You'll then enter into battle with it. It's broken up into three parts, a Dragon Tank, Tank Head, and Grinder. Kill the Tank Head and Grinder to finish the battle, and then Crono will jump on top of the tank and stab it. The chancellor and two guards will come up to try to fix the tank, but it will fall through the bridge. They'll be holding onto the edge of the bridge, forming a perfect path for you to walk across, and down the stairs. In the room to the south is a chest with a Shelter. Continue down the stairs, to the main floor, and walk out the door. Guards will start chasing you. Go south and east, and Marle will tell the guards to stop. The king and chancellor will come up and tell the guards not to listen to her, but she'll tell the king she's leaving, and join your group. You'll run outside, with the guards following you. Go down the path to the east, and you'll come to a clearing. When you enter, Lucca will find a portal, and you'll travel through it (to the shock of everyone watching), to 2300AD. =============================================================================== 3.04: 2300AD, Beyond the Ruins/The Factory Ruins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.04a: Through the Ruins When you come out of the portal, you'll find yourself inside of a metal dome. To the north is a locked door (that you won't be able to open for quite a while, don't worry about it for now). Walk south and out the door to go outside. Outside, you'll find out the name of the building that you were in is Bangor Dome. From there you can go south to Trann Dome. Inside is a store, Shop07, which sells: Auto Gun: 1200 Iron Suit: 800 Iron Helm: 500 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 There are five people inside who you can talk to. On the left is another locked door. Also on the left is the Enertron, which will recover your HP and MP. From there, go north, to Lab 16, and enter. Inside of here, watch out for the rats running around. You can't fight them, but, they'll steal tonics from you. Go east and north to get a chest with a Berserker. Go north, and you'll come to three Craters and a Meat Eater. From there, go east, and you'll run into two Octopods and a Meat Eater. After taking care of them, there's a chest hidden along the wall on the north, which has a Lode Sword in it. Go north and then west, and you'll come to another chest, with a Lode Bow inside. Then, go south and west to two Octopods and two Meat Eaters. Then go north, to five Craters. From there, go east, and out the opening to head to the next area. Go east and you'll run into three Shadows. Head south along the west wall, and at the bottom is a chest with an Ether. To the east is a Mutant. Go east and north, to another Mutant. Continue north and through the opening to head back outside, on the other side of Lab 16. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.04b: Arris Dome Now, go east and south, to the Arris Dome. Inside, follow the path north, west, down the stairs, west, north, up the stairs, north, east, up the stairs, east, down the stairs, and north to an area with people in it. When you go west, one of the people will approach and talk to you. After he's done, you can go around talking to everyone. Over to the west is an Enertron, where you can rest. Further west is a save point. Next to that is a person running a store, Shop08, selling: Auto Gun: 1200 Iron Suit: 800 Iron Helm: 500 Tonic: 10 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Once you're done up there, go down from the center of the room to find a ladder going down a hole. When you approach it, one of the people will come over and talk to you. Once he's done, continue down the ladder. Then, walk north and up the ladder on the west. You'll come out in a room where you're walking along a series of beams. At the first split, take a right. At the next one, go up. At the next one go right, and then at the next one up. At the next one left, continue left past the next one, and then at the one after go up. At the next split go right, and then up, to come to the next room. When you enter the room, you'll hear an alarm going off. When you walk forward, you'll be attacked by a Guardian and two Bits. After the battle, go north through the door. When you enter the next room, Marle and Lucca will look around and talk. Marle will find a seed being held by the person in the back of the room. Once she's done, if you press A in front of the person you'll find a note with a hint written on it. Get the chest on the left, containing a Mid Ether. When you're done, go back out of the room and south out of the next room. When you enter the room with the beams again, a rat will be in front of you and run away. Chase after the rat and catch it by pressing A next to it, and it will reveal a secret. After you catch him, follow the beams back to the exit of the room. In this room are two objects with a blue glint on top of them. Go over to one of them, and hold L and R on the controller and press A to open up a passage to the door on the right, and go through it. You're enter a room where, when you walk forward, you'll be attacked by a Bugger and two Rats. Walk forward, and at the end of the path is a chest with a Mid Ether. Walk back and take the stairs on the west, and follow the path north. At the end take the stairs down, and fight two Bugs. Go south on the path to fight two more bugs. After that, take the stairs on the east, and follow the path north, down the stairs on the west, to a door, and through. In the next room, you'll be attacked by a Proto 2. After that, take the path on the east, up the stairs, and north to a Bugger and two Rats. Then, follow the path west, down the stairs, north and west to a Proto 2. Then, go west, up the stairs, and follow the path north and east, down the stairs, to a door. Go in the door, and walk forward to the large computer in the room. As you approach, Lucca will take control and begin to operate it. She'll find the next gate you need to go to, in Proto Dome. Once she's done, Marle will press a button, and the computer will replay a video of "The Day of Lavos" from 1999AD. Not a pretty sight, certainly. After it's done, they'll discuss it and decide that you must try to do something to stop that from happening. Once they're done, leave the room and follow the path back to the entrance to the area. When you come back up the ladder and walk forward, everyone will get up and gather around you, asking you questions. You'll tell them that, unfortunately, all the food was spoiled. You give them the seed that you found, and they promise to take care of it. One of them will then give you a Bike Key to use later. Once they're done talking, push the guy to the north out of the way (isn't that nice), and leave the area. From Arris Dome, walk north to come to Lab 32, and enter. On the east when you enter is a chest with a Mid Tonic. Walk forward, and you'll find a bike. Walk over to it and press A, and then some robots will come up begin to start a battle. Before they can, another one will come over and tell them to stop, and talk to you. He'll challenge you to a bike race. When you race him, if you lose you'll go back to the side of the course that you started on. If you win, however, you'll go to the other side (which is certainly easier than walking across). If you do want to walk, however, here are directions, starting from the west side. Walk east to exit the bike area. As you walk east, you'll be attacked by three Mutants. Continue east, and you'll be attacked by two Mutants. If you continue on the south path leading east (where there's a treasure chest), you'll be attacked by five Shadows. The treasure chest contains a Race Log. Go north and east, and you'll be attacked by three Mutants. Continue east to leave the area, to the other side of the bike race. Go up and talk to Johnny and he'll comment on the Race Log you found. Another robot will come over and take it, and he'll use it to keep track of your top scores in the bike race. Once you're done, go south out of the area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.04c: Proto Dome/Factory Walk east and south to come to Proto Dome. Inside, walk west and you'll be attacked by three Buggers. Then, go north and you'll be attacked by four Buggers. To the north is an Enertron. Then, go down the stairs to the east, and north on the path. At the end go down the stairs on the west and you'll come to a robot sitting on the ground. Press A in front of it and you'll examine it. Lucca will say she thinks she can fix it, and you'll wait while she does (and discover you can't open the door to the north). Once she's finished fixing it, she'll turn it on and it'll come to life. It will talk to you, and tell you that its serial number is R66-Y. While Lucca likes it, Marle doesn't think that makes a very good name, and you'll get to name it (default name is "Robo"). After you're done talking, Robo will join your party and you'll have to leave either Marle or Lucca behind to watch the door. If you want to switch who is staying, just walk over and talk to them. After you're done, leave the area. Once outside, go north, to the Factory. Inside of the Factory, go forward and press A in front of the computer. Robo will go over and deactivate it, removing the block on the right conveyor belt. When he does that, you'll be attacked by an Acid. After fighting it, go over to the belt on the right and cross over. At the top on the left are three Debuggers. Behind them is a note telling you that the Lab area is on the left, and the Factory area on the right. Walk over to the area on the right and press A to take the elevator down to the Factory area. Walk south and down the ladder. Walk west and north, through the door. While you're behind the wall, walk north and east and press A to find a chest with a Mid Ether in it. Then, go back out of the door and walk south, and follow the path west to the end to find a chest with a Robin Bow. Then, go back to the east, up the ladder, east, and down the other ladder. Go west and north through the door. When you go through the door, you'll be picked up by a crane and dropped onto the conveyor belt to the north. You'll then move along the belt, through a series of rooms with enemies. In the first room is a Proto 3. In the second room is a Proto 3 and two Debuggers. In the third room is a Proto 3 and four Debuggers. You'll then move down to the next conveyor belt, and off onto a ladder. Walk south, through the door, to the next room. Here, you'll run into four Bugs. Go east and then north up the ladder and through the door. Go up the path north, and then east. You'll find a chest with a Mid Tonic. Then go through the door to the next room. Inside, on the right are two treasure chests containing 400G and a Mid Ether. Then, go over to the computer and press A. It will tell you the two crane controls, X A and B B. After it finishes, you'll be attacked by two Proto 3s. Then, leave the room. Go west on the path, to another door and in. Inside, fight two Proto 3s. Then, once you defeat them, fight two Debuggers. After that, get the two chests, containing a Shelter and an Ether. Then, go out of the room through the entrance on the west. You'll find yourself in the crane control area. Walk forward to take control of the crane, and then press X and then A to move the first barrel. Then, walk forward again and press B and then B to move the other barrel. Now, walk north out of the crane control, back to the other room. Go out the door on the east. Then, go back down the path to the south, and out of the area. Go down the ladder, past the four Bugs, and through the door. Wait for one of the robots on the conveyor belt to pass, and then walk onto it (if you touch one of the robots, a crane will pick you up and bring you back to the beginning of the top belt, where you'll have to go through the series of enemies again). Go down the first ladder to the south to find a chest with an Ether. Then, get back on the conveyor belt, and exit through the door on the south. Go north, up the ladder, and then north and west down the ladder. Follow the path to the west (where the barrels were blocking before), and through the door to the north at the end of the path. Here, get the chest containing a Bolt Sword. Then, go over and press A in front of the computer. It will tell you the defense lock code, ZABIE, that is, X A B Y. Now, walk out of the room, south, back along the path to the east, up the ladder, east, south, east and north up the ladder, to the elevator and back up. Go west, and down the other elevator. At the bottom is a save point. Then, go west and north, through the door, into a room with an Acid and two Alkalines. Then, get the chest, containing a Shelter. Go over to the computer and press A, and the hatch will open. Go to the southeast corner of the room, and down the hatch. Here, walk west and you'll fight an Alkaline. Continue west, to another Alkaline. At the end, go south through the door, and you'll fight an Acid. Continue south through the next door, and then east where you'll fight an Alkaline and two Acids. Go east, and then north through the door. On the west is a chest containing a Titan Vest. On the east is a chest containing a Hammer Arm. Then, go north, to the computer, and press A. Robo will go over and turn off the system. You'll then be attacked by an Acid and four Alkalines. Go south, out the door, east and north, and down the elevator. If you take the elevator up, you'll come back to the area where you went down the hatch, and the save point. Then, go down the elevator to the bottom. Go east, and then north up the large path. At the end is a chest with a Plasma Gun. Go to the computer and press A. It will ask you to enter the code for the ZABIE system. So, press A to make the text to away, and then press X A B and Y. The door on the right will open. Go east and north through the door. Go north to the wall and press A. Robo will walk forward and tell you that the security system is malfunctioning and you have to get out immediately. Run south, and as you go south the doors will start to close. Robo will hold open the last one for you, and you'll make it through. The elevator isn't working now, so go to the west and up the ladder. Go south and through the door. Follow the past west, through the doors and north, and then east. When you go east, some robots will approach, and Robo will talk to them. They'll start to beat up on him, but you can't do anything to stop them. Wait for them to finish and toss Robo aside, and then you'll enter into a battle with the six R Series robots. After the battle, Marle (or Lucca, whichever one you took) will go pull Robo out, and you'll drag him back to Proto Dome. Once you're back there, Lucca will fix him up. Robo and Lucca will have a conversation about what your group is trying to do. Once he's fixed, Robo will say he wants to go with you. Your group will walk forward, through the door, and into the gate. =============================================================================== 3.05: End of Time/1000AD, The End of Time/The Village of Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.05a: End of Time When you come out of the gate, you'll find yourself in a small room. Walk forward and talk to the man by the lamp post. He'll tell you that you're at the End of Time. This is where people end up who try to go through time in groups of more than three. One of you will have to stay behind here (don't worry, you can switch members easily by pressing Y at any time). This is now the meeting point for all the portals, any time you go through one you'll end up here. The blue pillars you saw when you entered are the entrances to all the gates you've found. On the west corner is a save point, and a bucket that will refill your HP and MP. On the east corner is a bucket that says it goes to the Day of Lavos. You won't be using that until you want to try to beat the game (there are other ways to beat the game as well, but, that bucket takes you straight to the end). Now, go through the door on the east wall. Talk to the creature you find inside. He'll greet you, tell you who he is (Spekkio), and tell you that he can give you magic. He'll tell you to walk clockwise around the room three times. Make sure you walk (that is, don't run), and go around the room three times. After you're done, go up and talk to him. He'll give you all your own magic powers. Crono gets Lightning, Marle gets Ice, and Lucca gets Fire (nothing for Robo). He'll ask you if you want to try out your new magic powers. If you say yes, you'll battle Spekkio. Any time you win you'll get prizes from him. The prizes are: Special Refresher Set: 1 Magic Tab, 5 Elixers Choice Set: 1 Magic Tab, 5 Mid Ethers Healthy Choice Set: 1 Magic Tab, 5 Full Ethers Graceful Set: 1 Magic Tab, 1 Speed Tab, 1 Power Tab, 10 Elixers Once you're done, go back to the west, to the area with the pillars of light. Go through the top right pillar, to Medina Village, 1000AD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.05b: Medina Village When you come out of the gate, you'll find yourself coming out of someone's kitchen cabinet. You can go back through the cabinet to go back to the End of Time. Talk to the people in the house, and then try to leave. One of them will talk to you when you try to leave. After that, go outside, to Medina Village. The house above you is the Elder's House. Inside on the first floor are three people you can talk to, including Ozzie VIII. Up the stairs is another person you can talk to. Back outside, the building in the lower right is Medina Inn. Inside, if you talk to the person behind the counter, he'll tell you that you can't stay, and your two options are "Give up and walk away" and "Plead with them." If you give up and walk away nothing will happen, and you can talk to the other people in the inn. If you plead with them, you'll enter into a battle with a Hench and two Diablos. After you win, he'll now let you stay at the inn for 200G. If you leave and then go back inside, the two Diablos you defeated will be back so you can talk to them. Back outside, the building to the south is a Market. Inside, if you talk to the person behind the counter, he'll say he won't sell to you, and your options are "Give Up" and "Plead." If you give up he'll leave you alone, and you can talk to the other person in the room. If you plead, you'll enter into a battle with a Hench and an Omnicrone. After you win, he'll agree to sell to you. He is Shop09, and sells: Iron Blade: 33600 SteelSaber: 65000 Demon Edge: 65000 Lumin Robe: 65000 Flash Mail: 65000 Glow Helm: 65000 Tonic: 960 Mid Tonic: 9600 Full Tonic: 65000 Heal: 960 Revive: 19200 Shelter: 14400 Ether: 65000 Not the most inviting prices, to say the least. Once you're done, head back outside. The area in the middle is Medina Square. Inside, when you enter you'll stop and talk, and look forward to see what's going on. After that you can walk forward, where there are three creatures standing and five walking around a statue of Magus. You can talk to them all, although the three in the front all say the same thing. The ones circling around say a few different things, but it doesn't matter which you talk to since, even if you talk to the same one each time, it will cycle through all the different things they have to say. Once you've finished talking, head back outside. To the north of the town are the Forest Ruins. Inside is a chest with a Mid Ether. Further north is an odd blue glowing thing, which you can't do anything about now, so just leave. To the west of town, you'll find Melchior's Hut. Inside is Melchior, who you met at the fair. He runs a store, Shop10, selling: Red Katana: 4500 Robin Bow: 2850 Plasma Gun: 3200 Hammer Arm: 3500 Titan Vest: 1200 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Shelter: 150 He also has a basement, but, there's nothing of note in it at the moment. Once you're finished, you can leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.05c: Heckran Cave From Melchior's Hut, go north to find the Heckran Cave. When you enter, you'll immediately be attacked by two Henchs. Then, go north, west, and south down the ladder. Here, you'll find a chest with an Ether. Continue down the next ladder, and then west. At the end you'll find a Jinn Bottle and three Octoblushs. After defeating them, go south up the stairs to the next room. Go south down the ladder, and down the next ladder. At the bottom, you'll be attacked by two Tempurites. Then, go south, and through the door on the south wall. Go down the ladder and west, where you'll be attacked by three Rolypolys. Go west after defeating them and you'll be attacked by three Cave Bats. After that, go west and north up the ladder to a chest with a MagicScarf. Then, go back to the east and out the door to the other room. Go north and west to find a chest with a Mid Ether. Then, go north and west, where you'll be attacked by four Tempurites. Go north to find a chest with an Ether. Then, go south, through the door, to the next room. Go south, and you'll be attacked by four Rolypolys. After that, go west, north up the ladder, and west, where you'll be attacked by three Cave Bats. Then, go north through the door to the next room. Here, go north and you'll be attacked by a Jinn Bottle and three Octoblushs. Then, go north where you'll find a locked box. Continue north and through the passage on the east to the next room. Here, go south into the water. Go east under the paths, and then north under the paths. At the end you'll find stairs up to the ground, and a save point. Save, and then go through the door to the north. Walk forward, and you'll be attacked by Heckran. After defeating him, he'll reveal some information and Lucca will discuss it. Then, go north and jump in the pool of water. You'll come out of a whirlpool and land next to Lucca's house. You can enter the cave again by standing on the spot where you came out and entering the Vortex Pt. Enter Lucca's House and go upstairs and talk to her mother. After you do, her father will walk in and then walk back out. Go downstairs and talk to her father, and he'll give you a Taban Vest. Then, go north and enter the Market. In here will be the boy you saved from being executed earlier, who will give you 10 Mid Ethers. His father will then walk in talk, and then Fritz will open up the store, Shop11, selling: Red Katana: 4500 Robin Bow: 2850 Plasma Gun: 3200 Hammer Arm: 3500 Titan Vest: 1200 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Shelter: 150 After you're done, go north to Leene Square. Go all the way north to where Lucca's machine is set up, and enter the gate to go to the End of Time. =============================================================================== 3.06: 600AD, The Hero Appears/Tata and the Frog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.06a: Guardia Castle From the End of Time, go through the gate on the top right, to Truce Canyon, 600AD. On this trip through the canyon, you'll run into different enemies than you did the first time. Go west to exit the area. Then, go north up the ladder and west where you'll encounter two Imp Aces. Continue west, and then south and down the ladder. East you'll come to a Green Imp and a Roly Rider. Go south to exit the canyon. Explore the town if you want, the people will have different things to say this time. Then, go west and to Guardia Forest. Make your way through the forest and out, and then in to Guardia Castle. Inside, you'll be stopped when you enter, but then they'll recognize you and let you pass. Go north and through the doors to the throne room. There will be the chancellor (a real one, don't worry), who will tell you that the hero has appeared and is speaking to the king. Go up the stairs on the northwest, and then south, east and north past the guards to the king's room. Inside you'll find the king, Queen Leene, and a servant. The king will explain to you about the hero. Then, leave the room and go back down the stairs. Leave the castle and go back through Guardia Forest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.06b: Zenan Bridge After passing through the forest, go south and enter Zenan Bridge. Go around talking to everyone. Once you're done, exit the bridge, go north, back through Guardia Forest, back to Guardia Castle. Go east and north, and down the stairs to the kitchen. Go south and talk to the chef. Then, go north and back up the stairs. As you go south to leave, the chef will stop you and give you a Jerky and a Power Tab. Go south, back through Guardia Forest, and back to Zenan Bridge. When you get to the bridge, the battle won't be going so well. Go over and talk to the captain to give him the Jerky. After doing that, a soldier will come running up telling him that Magus's troops are breaking through. Talk to the captain again and offer to help, and he'll give you a Gold Helm. Then, walk west across the bridge. Your first battle will be against Ozzie and two Deceased. Defeat the Deceased and then hit Ozzie and he will run away. Go west, and your next battle is against Ozzie and three Deceased. Again, defeat the Deceased and then hit Ozzie and he will run away. Continue west, to find Ozzie at the end of the bridge. You'll now enter into a battle with Zombor (who is broken up into two halves, the top and bottom). After you win, continue west, off the end of the bridge. Now you can walk across the bridge normally again. Go enter the north part of the bridge and talk to the captain, who will thank you for your help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.06c: Dorino Village/Porre Village Go south and then east from the bridge to reach Dorino Village. The first building above where you enter the village is the Market, Shop12, selling: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 There's also a person inside the market who you can talk to. North of the market is a residence, with four people inside to talk to. At the top is a drawer with a blue glint coming from it. Walk over to it and press A to find out that it's locked. After doing that, go over to the old man and talk to him, and he'll offer to trade you something good for your Naga-ette Bromide (remember that odd thing?). Your two choices will be "Let's Trade!" and "I don't want the geezer's loot." Say that you'll trade, and he'll run over to the drawer and unlock it. You can now go over to it and open it, getting a Magic Tab. East from there is the Dorino Inn. Here, you can rest for 50G. There are also nine people inside that you can talk to. South from the Inn is the Elder's House. When you walk inside, you'll hear the elder talking to a person named Toma. Once they're done, Toma will walk outside. Inside are six people that you can talk to. Once you're done, leave and go back to the Inn. Inside you'll find Toma. Talk to him and say that you'll pay his tab, and he'll give you some information. Next, go southeast from the town to find Fiona's Villa. Inside is Fiona who you can talk to. Also inside are two chests, containing a Mid Ether and another Mid Ether. After you're done there, go south to find Porre Village. The first building you come to is Porre Inn. Here you can rest for 20G. The next building is a Market, Shop13, selling: Gold Suit: 1300 Beret: 700 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Inside there's also two people you can talk to. Also over on the west corner is a blue glint, that's a Power Tab. Back outside, to the south is the Cafe. Inside are six people you can talk to, including Toma again. Talk to him and tell him you'll pay for him again. Back outside, the next building is Tata's House, with two people inside you can talk to. To the west is another building, the Elder's House. Inside are five people you can talk to, including a woman who wants some Jerky (you'll be coming back to that later). There are also two locked black boxes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.06d: Cursed Woods/Denadoro Mts From Porre, walk north and then west to the forest. Go over to the entrance and go into the Cursed Woods. As you walk forward, you'll be attacked by two T'poles and two Gnawers. After that, get the chest, which has a Mid Tonic. Continue north, to two T'poles and a Gnawer. After beating them, get the chest, with a Shelter. Further north you'll come to a T'pole. At the end of the path are two T'poles and a Gnawer. There, you'll see a bush in the middle of the path. Walk behind it and under it to go down below. When you climb down the ladder and start to walk in, you'll be stopped. Frog will then jump down and talk with you. Walk over to him and talk to him again, and he'll walk over to a corner. You can talk to him again, but he won't move from there. In the east corner of the room is a bucket with a MagicScarf. Then, climb up the ladder, and go south and out of the woods. Now, walk north and to the east of Dorino village is a mountain you can enter, the Denadoro Mts. Inside is a chest with 300G. Walk north to fight two Goblins and two Bellbirds. Continue north, to a ladder. Just as you approach the ladder, you'll hear a yell and a boy will come running through, being chased by a monster. The boy will run off, and you'll battle a Goblin. After the battle, you'll see the boy up on the mountain, and he'll warn you that this is a dangerous place. He'll run off, and you'll be attacked by an Ogan. After that, go north and up the ladder. In the next area, there's a monster on the right, who won't do anything even if you go up to him. As you start to walk past, a bird will walk up and throw a rock at it, and you'll enter into a battle with an Ogan and a Free Lancer. After that, go to the west and south through a small passage back to the previous room. Here, there's a chest with a Revive inside. Then, go back to the north, and around the north side of the cliff to another chest with an Ether inside. Continue north across a bridge and up a ladder, where you'll encounter a battle with an Ogan and a Goblin. Then, go north to a chest with 500G inside. Then, go east over the bridge, and then south where you'll run into an Ogan. Then, go north up the ladder, continue north up another ladder, north and east at the end to the next area. Go east and you'll be attacked by a Free Lancer. Continue east, and then north at the first path to get a chest with a Mid Ether. Go back south, and then east where you'll run into two Free Lancers. Then, get the chest which has a Revive. Go north up the ladder, to a chest containing a Gold Helm. Go north up the next ladder, where you'll encounter an Ogan. Go west, where you'll run into an Ogan and a Free Lancer. Go south and down the ladder to a chest containing a Mid Tonic. Then, go north, back up the ladder, and west to the next area. Go north and up the ladder to a chest with a Mid Ether. Avoid being hit by the rocks getting tossed at you or you'll lose 5 HP per hit. Continue north up another ladder and east to the next area. Go east and you'll be attacked by an Ogan and a Free Lancer. Continue east and north up the ladder, and you'll be attacked by two Free Lancers. Go north to a chest with 600G. Then, continue north to the next area. Here, you'll be attacked by a series of enemies with no breaks in between. The first group is an Ogan and a Goblin. The second group is an Ogan and a Free Lancer. The third group is an Ogan and a Goblin. The fourth group is two Free Lancers and an Ogan. After that, go west to the next area. To the south is a chest with 300G. Then, go north and west to fight two Free Lancers and a Bellbird. Go to the west side of the screen and fall down the waterfall to find a chest containing a SilverStud. Then, walk off the south edge of the platform to fall down, and go south to a chest with a SilverErng. Go east and north through the trees to the next area. Go north and east to come back to the top of the waterfall. Go north, and on the east is a chest with a Mid Tonic. Go west and onto the cliff, and you'll find an enemy who won't attack you. Go west to get a chest with a Mid Ether. Then, go south down the ladder, and west to the next area (note if you re-enter the previous area, you'll be attacked by two Free Lancers). Go west, across the bridge, where there's an enemy looking at the mountains that you can talk to. Talk to him a couple of times and he'll give you a Magic Tab. Continue west and south to the next area. To the south is a save point. Go south and down the ladder. On the west is a blue glint on the ground, which is a Speed Tab. Go east to a chest with a Mid Ether inside. Continue south, down another ladder, and east to the next area. Go east, avoid the rocks being tossed at you, go south and fall down the broken ladder. Get the chest containing a Shelter. Go south, where you'll fight three Goblins. Then go north, and try to go up the ladder. The enemy will knock you back down and then jump down. Fight the two Free Lancers and two Ogans. Then, go up the ladder, and north inside of a cave. Inside of the cave, walk north and there's a boy walking around that you can talk to. Continue north to find a sword in the ground. Walk up to it and you'll be told to stop. The boy will ask you if you're here for the Masamune, and if you say Yes will call out his brother from behind the sword. After they finish talking, you'll enter into a battle against Masa and Mune. After you defeat them, they'll combine and you'll have to fight Masa & Mune. After the battle, they'll talk again and then go north. Follow them north and walk up to the sword. You'll get the Bent Sword. You'll then be transported back outside of the mountain. Go south, to Tata's House. Talk to him, and he'll admit he's not the real hero, and give you the Hero Medal. Then, go north and west to the Cursed Woods. Go north to the back of the woods, and walk under the bush at the back. Talk to Frog, and after you're done he'll walk over to the other side of the room. You'll see a blue glint from the jar he was standing in front of before. Go over to it and press A to get the Bent Hilt. Go back up the stairs and out of the woods. Now, go north, back to Truce Canyon. Make your way through the canyon, back to the gate, and to the End of Time. Go through the top middle gate to Medina Village, 1000AD. Walk out of the house, and then go south and west to Melchior's Hut. Inside, talk to Melchior. You'll talk to him about the Masamune, and he'll say that he needs some Dreamstone to reforge it. He'll say that Dreamstone hasn't been available for quite some time. So, once you're done talking, go back to the east, into the house and through the gate back to the End of Time. Go through the bottom middle portal, to Mystic Mountain, 65,000,000BC. =============================================================================== 3.07: 65,000,000BC, The Rare Red Rock/Footsteps! Follow! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.07a: Ioka Village When you come out of the portal, you'll find yourself in midair at the side of a cliff. You'll fall to the ground, and be attacked by five Reptites. After defeating them, more will run up. A person will then run up and knock some of them away. After that, you'll have to fight four Reptites. Once you're done, the person will come back. She'll then introduce herself, you'll be able to name her (default name is Ayla). After she's done talking, she'll run off to the east. (Note at this point: When you want to re-enter the gate to go back to the End of Time, go west from here, north up the mountain, and jump down from the cliff top. You don't need to go back now, but worth mentioning at least). Follow her east and south to the next area. Here, there's a chest with a Berserker. South, you'll fight four Runners. Further south you'll fight two Kilwalas. Next are two Runners. After that are four Kilwalas. Now Ayla will come back and then go south. Follow her south to go outside. Go north and east to come to Ioka Village. The first hut you come to on the bottom right has two people you can talk to, and one person who will recover your HP and MP for free. The hut on the west has three people you can talk to. Across the bridge to the north, the hut on the east has four people you can talk to (one who you can trade with later), and a person running a store, Shop014, selling: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 To the north is the Meeting Site, which you'll be going to in a moment. Go to the hut on the west and inside talk to Ayla. She'll invite you to a party, and you'll find yourself inside the Meeting Place at a party. There are six people dancing around the fire, who will say three different things (no matter who you talk to it will cycle through the three things they say), as well as a person on the west and another on the east playing music. On the east is a person standing by himself who you can talk to. If you talk to Lucca, she'll get up and get something to eat. If you talk to Marle she'll go and talk to Ayla, and then go over to dance. If you go over and talk to her again you can dance with her (press A to stop). If you go and talk to Lucca, she'll tell you to try some Poi. Once you're done, go over to Ayla and she'll talk to you and give you some information. Once she's done, talk to her again and she'll challenge you to a soup-drinking contest. Challenge her and when you win she'll agree to give you the red rock. You'll then go to sleep for the night. You'll wake up with just your group alone in the Meeting Site and walk over and talk to the other members of your group. You'll then discover the ground is covered with footprints, and your Gate Key is gone. You'll walk outside and enter Ayla's Hut. Go over and talk to her to wake her. You'll tell her what happened, and she'll join your group (so you'll have to leave one of the others behind). Note, if you enter the hut on the right now, the person in the middle will trade items with you, and the person on the left will tell you what items you can get. For the sake of convenience, let's call this a "shop", Shop15. The items will change when you come back later, but, for now it's selling: Ruby Gun: Petal, Fang Sage Bow: Petal, Horn Stone Arm: Petal, Feather Flint Edge: Fang, Horn Ruby Vest: Fang, Feather Rock Helm: Horn, Feather You can go around to the other huts to get some information from the people there. When you're done, go south to the Forest Maze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.07b: Forest Maze When you enter the Forest Maze, go south and east and talk to the person standing there. It's Kino, and he'll say he took your stuff. He'll then say that your stuff was taken from him by the Reptites. Go east, and to the south is a chest with a Mid Tonic. Go east and down the vine, and south where you'll be attacked by two Gold Eaglets. Get the chest to the south containing a Revive. Go east and down the vine, and east and across the branch. Go north and get the chest containing a Mid Ether, then go south and get the chest containing a Mid Tonic. Go back north and then east and south where you'll be attacked by a Winged Ape. Go south and west to find a chest containing a Revive. Go east and south and you'll be attacked by two Kilwalas and a Winged Ape. Go to the bottom of the area to get a chest with a Shelter. Go east to a path along the edge, and follow it north and west where you'll be attacked by two Runners. Continue south and west to a chest containing a Mid Tonic. Continue west to fight a Kilwala and a Winged Ape. Continue west to a chest containing a Heal. Then, go east and south down the vine, and then east and south to a chest with a Mid Ether. Go west and south, out the opening, to come back outside. Go south and in the entrance, to the Reptite Lair. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.07c: Reptite Lair Inside, go south and east through the opening. Go south down the stairs and east where there's a hole in the ground and four Evilweevils. Instead of going up to them and fighting them, wait for them to dig holes in the ground. Once they're finished, there'll now be five holes in the ground. Where they dig the holes and where they lead is fairly random, so it's hard to really describe what to do in this guide. The treasures you can get in this section, through the various paths leading to the bottom, are: Full Tonic Full Tonic Rock Helm Mid Ether Ruby Vest There are also an assortment of enemies along the way. In any event, it would be more trouble to write down all of this than it would take time to just try holes randomly if you're interested, so, just go down the holes and make your way to the bottom. At the bottom, you'll be in a room with some enemies running around and others guarding chests. Approach one of the enemies in the middle to fight four Reptites. Then, go approach the enemy in the southwest and you'll fight a Reptite and a Megasaur. After fighting them, get the chest containing a Rock Helm. Then, go to the chest in the northeast where you'll again fight a Reptite and a Megasaur. Then, get the chest which has a Full Ether. Now, go through the opening on the east wall to the next room. To the south is a Winged Ape and a Shitake. Go north, to a Winged Ape and two Shitakes. Go north to fight a Megasaur and two Reptites. After beating them, a save point will appear. (Note at this point: If you want to head back up to the cave entrance, go south and through the door on the west. Go up the ladders and through the door, fight a Winged Ape and then go down the hole and you'll be back near the entrance). After the save point, go north and through the door to the next room. Note briefly, if you have anything on Ayla that you want to keep after this battle you'll have to take it off her now, since you won't get a chance afterwards and she'll be leaving your group for a while (although you will get her back later). Then, walk north, up the stairs, and someone will talk to you. You'll move forward and find Azala. Ayla will go forward and talk. It will ask you if you want to tell Azala about the key, but it doesn't really matter if you do or not. After talking, Nizbel will come forward and you'll enter into a battle against Nizbel. After the battle, Azala will be behind you, and will give you the key and run off. After the battle, you'll find yourself back in Ayla's hut. Note before you leave this area, to the north is the Hunting Range. While there's nothing you need there, if you want to stock up on any of the four pieces to make items here before you leave, that's a good place to do it. Once you're done, that's all there is to do here for now (although you will be back later). So, go back south and west to the Mystic Mts. Make your way back up to the top of the cliff and jump down into the gate, to the End of Time. Take the top middle gate, to Medina Village, 1000AD =============================================================================== 3.08: 1000AD/600AD, The Masamune!/Magus' Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.08a: Getting the Masamune Leave the house, and go south and west to Melchior's Hut. Go inside and talk to him. He'll take the Masamune and the Dreamstone and go downstairs to fix it, and Lucca will go with him to help. Go downstairs and wait around for a while for them to fix it, and once they're done you'll get the Masamune. Now, go back through the gate to the End of Time, and through the top left gate to Truce Canyon, 600AD. Make your way through the canyon, back outside. Go south, west, south across the bridge, east, south, west and north to the Cursed Woods. Go north to the end of the woods and go under the bush at the back to enter Frog's house. Go over and talk to him and you'll present him with the Masamune. When you do, Frog will ask you to spend the night so he can think about things. While asleep, Frog will have a flashback. When he wakes up, Frog will join your party, so you'll have to switch someone else out. Go north, up the ladder back to the woods. Go south and exit the woods to come back outside. Go east, north and east to come to the Magic Cave, and go inside. Once inside, Frog will have another flashback. After it's finished, Frog will take the Masamune, and cut aside the rock revealing a passageway through, and you'll go inside. Note if you want, you can take Frog back to the End of Time and talk to Spekkio to get some magic for Frog as well. Once inside, you'll have a bat that starts following you, although it flies away when you enter battles. Don't pay it much mind, it won't hurt you and you can't do anything about it at the moment. Go east, to fight a Vamp and two Gremlins. Go east to find a locked box. Go north to fight a Gremlin and two Vamps. After the battle some enemies will come out and run away. Go north, east, south and east where you'll come to the enemies you saw. You'll enter a battle with five Gremlins. After that, some more enemies will come out, and you'll fight two Vamps and two Gremlins. After the battle, go north, up the stairs. At the end you'll find a dead soldier with a note. Go through the door to come back outside. Go west and north, and enter Magus's Lair. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.08b: Magus's Lair When you enter, walk forward and you'll look up at Magus's Lair. After that, walk through the gate to enter. Walk north and up the stairs, to find two doors. Make sure to talk to everyone you meet inside here. Go through the door on the left. In the first room are five people to talk to, and a chest containing a Mid Ether. Walk north to the next room, where there's a Mid Ether and a Shelter. Then, go back south to the entrance room, and through the door on the right. In the first room are four people to talk to. Go north to the next room, you'll find three people to talk to (who look rather familiar), and a chest with a Mid Ether. Go north to the next room. Now, go south, back through the previous rooms, to the entrance room. In the entrance room, you'll now notice a spot that looks like a save point in the middle of the room. Go over and step on it, and the room will go dark, and then when the light comes back Ozzie will be floating there. He'll tell you that you'll have to defeat 100 monsters inside of the castle (although it's not really 100, but, close enough). You'll then enter into a battle with four Henchs and two Vamps. After that, go west and through the left door. Here, you'll fight an Omnicrone and four Decedents. Continue north and you'll again fight an Omnicrone and four Decedents. Continue north, through the doors and up the stairs. In the next room talk to the person at the back and you'll be attacked by five Decedents. After the battle, the room will darken, and when the light comes back a person will be there. Walk forward and talk to him, and you'll enter a battle with Slash. After defeating him once, you'll have to fight him again. After the battle walk forward to the sword to get a Slasher. There's also now a save point to the north. After that, go back south, where you'll run into the same enemies on the way there. Now, go across the landing and into the door on the right. In the first room, talk to any of the people standing around the chest, and they'll ask if you want their treasure. Say yes, and you'll enter into a battle with four Shadows. After that, get the chest they were guarding, which has a Barrier. Go north through the door to the next room. Here, talk to the king, and you'll fight a Sorcerer, two Vamps and two Henchs. Then, go north and talk to the queen and you'll again fight a Sorcerer, two Vamps and two Henchs. Then, continue north and talk to your mother and you'll fight a Sorcerer, two Vamps and two Henchs again. Go north and through the door to the next room. Here, there will be a monster at the back of the room. Go over and talk to it, and you'll fight "Flea?" After that, the bat that had been following you will land and change, and once you're done talking you'll fight Flea. After the battle you'll see a blue glint on the ground. Go over to it and press A to get a Magic Tab. Then, go back to the south, fighting the same enemies on the way back. When you come back to the entrance, the save point will be there again. Step on it and you'll be transported to a new room. Walk north and you'll fight two Henchs. Continue north to fight two Henchs and two Grimalkins. Further north you'll come to two Henchs and two Sorcerers. Next are two Henchs, two Grimalkins and two Sorcerers. At the end is a chest with a Mist Robe, and Ozzie. Talk to Ozzie and he'll call for Slash and Flea (to no response, for obvious reasons). He'll then run away. Follow him north up the stairs. In the next room, watch out for the blades being lowered on the moving platforms, and run under while the blades are up. Midway through, Ozzie will speed up the blades. Along the way is a chest with a Dark Mail. When you reach the end, Ozzie will run through the door. Get the chest with a DoomFinger, then follow Ozzie through the door. As you walk up the stairs, there will be enemies floating in the air along the way. They won't attack you on their own however, you'll only enter a battle if you run into one of the green balls running down the path. If you want to avoid battles, climb down one of the ladders when a ball is coming. If you do enter a battle, the enemies in the room are Rolys, Vamps and Jugglers. How many is in a battle depends on where you are on the screen when you enter a battle. At the end, go up through the door to the next room. In the next room, you'll be on one side and Ozzie will be on the other. There are holes hidden on the floor, which if you step on one of them you'll fall to a room below where you'll be attacked by six Decedents. You'll then have to look around the room for a save spot that will transport you out of there. Only one of the spots is real however (well, and another that's an actual save point), the rest are enemies (which don't have a name, they just look like save spots) which will attack you. Also in the room are four chests, containing a Mid Ether, a Lapis, a Barrier, and a Shelter. Also in the southeast corner of the room is a small glint, which is a Magic Tab. While you might want to fall down one of the holes to get the treasures, to avoid the holes, go to the west wall of the room, walk south until you're level with the bottom of the wall in the middle. Then, walk east until you're below the wall in the middle. From there, walk south to the south wall, and then east to the east wall. Then, north until you're even with the wall in the middle, and then walk west until you're about halfway between the two walls. Then, walk north until you're about midway up the passage, and then walk east to the wall. Walk north to the wall, and then west to Ozzie and he'll run away. (There are six total holes in the room, so, if those directions are a bit confusing, you can just keep trying until you make it, not too big a deal). Then, follow Ozzie north through the door. In the next room, there are again balls rolling down the stairs. The enemies in the room are four Outlaws, a Juggler, and the Roly Bombers that are coming down the stairs. At the top, go through the door to the next room. Here, walk north and you'll be attacked by two Outlaws and two Groupies. Continue north, to two Outlaws and two Jugglers. Further north are four Groupies. After that, Ozzie will run north up the stairs. Get the chest which has a Speed Belt, and then follow him north up the stairs. In the next room, walk north and you'll be attacked by two Outlaws. Continue north and you'll be attacked by a Juggler and two Outlaws. Further north you'll be attacked by a Juggler, two Outlaws and two Flunkys. At the end of the path get the chest which has a Revive, and then go north up the stairs. In the next room, walk forward and you'll find Ozzie. Before talking to him, get the two chests in the room, which have a Mist Robe and a MagicScarf. Then, go over and talk to Ozzie. After you talk to him, he'll cover himself in a shield and the battle will begin. Instead of attacking Ozzie, aim your attack at the first lever on the left. When you hit it, a hole will open in the floor. Do this with the other three levers as well. When you hit the last one, a hole will open beneath Ozzie and he'll fall through. After getting rid of him, two save point things will appear. The one on the right is a real save point, and the one on the left will transport you out to the next room. Walk down the stairs, and as you do bats will follow you. At the end you'll be attacked by six Vamps. After defeating them, go through the door at the bottom of the stairs. In the next room, when you enter it will be completely dark and you'll hear some strange noises. Walk forward, and as you do lights will appear on the sides of the path. At the end a circle of lights will appear, the room will light up, and you'll see Magus. Walk forward and talk to him, and you'll enter the battle against Magus. After you defeat Magus, a gate will appear and you'll all be sucked inside. =============================================================================== 3.09: 65,000,000BC: Forward to the Past/Unnatural Selection? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.09a: Dactyl Nest After you get pulled into the portal, you'll have a brief dream where you're married to Marle (Chrono's dream come true, I'm sure). You'll then wake up in 65,000,000BC in Ayla's hut. Ayla will talk to you, and later Kino will talk to you. While Kino is talking to you, a person will run in and tell him that the North Wood is burning, and they'll run out. Follow them outside. Now, you can stop by Shop15 to the east again, and it will offer different items. They are: Dream Gun: Petal, Fang Dream Bow: Petal, Horn Magma Hand: Petal, Feather Aeon Blade: Fang, Horn Ruby Vest: Fang, Feather Rock Helm: Horn, Feather Go north and through the woods to Laruba Ruins and inside. Walk north and a person will come forward and talk to you. After that, go north and talk to the people along the way. At the end you'll walk up to Ayla and the chief of the village talking. After they finish, Ayla will run south. Follow her south and out of the village. Then, go east and north to the Dactyl Nest. Go north and you'll fight a Cave Ape and two Shists. Continue north, to the end of the path, where you'll fight two Avian Rexs. Climb up the ladder, and go east to get a chest with a Mid Ether. Then, go west and south to three Shists. On the southeast corner of the ledge is a chest with a Mid Tonic. Then, continue along the path north, up the rocks and east to the next area. Here, you'll fight two Cave Apes and a Shist. After that, go north and up the rocks, and then north and up some more rocks. Go west and south, to two Shists and a Cave Ape. Then, go east to get a chest with a Meso Mail. Go up the rocks and north, to two Avian Rexs. Then, go up the rocks and north to the next area. Here, you'll see Ayla at the top with a Dactyl. Go north and when you approach her she'll talk to you and join your group. Then, you'll all ride off on Dactyls. You'll appear outside, and can now fly around on the Dactyls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.09b: Tyrano Lair From the Dactyl Nest, fly south to the village and then east to an area covered with lava, and in the middle is a raised hill with a building on it. Land there and enter the Tyrano Lair. Go north, and you'll fight two Cave Apes and a Reptite. Then, go through the open skull on the east, and down the stairs. Go south and fight two Reptites. Then, go south and east and press A in front of the button by the door to open it and free the villagers inside. Then, continue east and north and fight two Reptites. After that, go down the stairs. Go south and east to find three enemies standing by a door talking, and then you'll enter a battle against three Reptites. After defeating them, go south and west to the door and talk to Kino through the door. Ayla will climb over and talk to Kino, then open the door. After freeing him, go back into the cell to the ball (which is essentially a chest) at the back to get a Mid Ether. Then, follow Kino up the stairs. Go south, west and north up the stairs. Go south and west, and Kino will open the skull on the west. Go through and up the stairs to the next room. Here, there are enemies in the east and west corners, but buttons right in front of them. If you walk on top of the button before getting too close to them, a hole will open up below them and they'll fall. Otherwise, on the west is a Terrasaur and a Reptite, and on the east is a Cave Ape and a Reptite. Go through the door on the east, and walk east where you'll be attacked by two Volcanos and an Avian Rex. After that, you'll be attacked by two Reptites and an Avian Rex. Then, continue east and through the other door on the north. The ball on the right is a trap which will send you to the room Kino was held captive in. Press A in front of the ball on the left to get a Full Tonic. Then, go back out, west and through the other door. Go west and south through the door. Walk forward and you'll be attacked by three Reptites. Go west and you'll be attacked by an Avian Rex. Then, go north through the door. Walk north and you'll be attacked by a Reptite, a Volcano, and a Terrasaur. Continue north and walk east and you'll be transported to another part of the room. Walk north and get the chest containing a Revive. Then, walk east to be transported next to the door. Walk south and you'll be attacked by an Avian Rex, a Reptite and a Volcano. Walk east across the top of the room to a chest containing a Tonic. Continue east and you'll be transported again. Walk south, east and north around the hole until you're even with the past on the east. Then, walk east to be transported again. Go east to be transported again. Walk north and get the chest, containing a Meso Mail. Then, walk south to be transported again. Walk south west and south to get a chest containing a Cerra Topper. Now, walk north to the edge of the hole, then west until you're even with the stairs, then north to the stairs and up to the next room. Now, walk south and out the door. Walk east and you'll run into a Reptite and a Volcano. Continue east to an Avian Rex and a Terrasaur. Then, go north and through the door. Here, step on the switch on the right to open the skull (the left switch drops a Volcano and a Terrasaur), and go through the skull. Press the button, and then go back south out of the door. Walk west and you'll run into two Reptites and two Volcanos. Then, go north to the middle door, where you'll be attacked by two Volcanos and a Reptite. After defeating them, go north through the door. When you enter the room, there's a large enemy standing in front of you. However, you can talk to it and it won't do anything. Walk around it, and north to the save point. Continue north and then it will run up and attack you, and you'll enter a battle with Nizbel II. After the battle, head north up the stairs. Go south and out the door. Go east and fight two Avian Rexs. Continue all the way east and then north through the door. Step on the switch in the center to activate a save point. Then, the switch on the left opens holes in the floor, and the switch on the right drops down two Terrasaurs (needless to say, stepping on the switch to the left first makes things easier). If for whatever reason you walk into the pits, you'll fall down and have to walk back a bit (so, don't fall down yourself). Then walk north and press A in front of the skull to open it, and go through. Get the chest on the right containing a Full Ether. Then, press the button in the middle. Go back south and out of the room. Go west and north, where you'll be attacked by a Terrasaur. After the battle, you'll be attacked by two Terrasaurs. Then, go north through the door. Walk north, and you'll see Azala, who will talk to you, and Ayla will respond. After that, he'll go through a door in the back of the room. Get the two chests in the back of the room, containing a CerraTopper and a Mid Ether, then go through the door. Walk north on the pathway, and at the end you'll come to Azala on a big enemy. After talking, you'll enter into a battle with Azala and a Black Tyrano. After the battle, Azala will reappear and talk to you. Ayla will talk, and then you'll see Lavos descending to earth. Kino will come up on some Dactyls and you'll fly away, and Lavos will crash into the earth. After that, you'll see your party far away on the ground discussing Lavos. After they finish, you'll be back outside with the Dactyls nearby. Walk north to the Lair Ruins and go inside. Here, Marle will run forward and her and Ayla will talk about it. After they're done, walk forward and go inside the gate. =============================================================================== 3.10: 12,000BC: The Magic Kingdom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.10a: Enhasa When you come out of the gate, walk south to go outside. You'll find yourself in a snowy, windy place. Go southeast to the Skyway and enter. Walk into the middle and you'll be transported up. Walk south back outside and you'll find yourself on a floating island in the sky. Go east, and enter the city of Enhasa. Here, go around talking to all of the people to gather information on where you are, what's going on here, and many other interesting topics. In the southwest is a man who will show you a area outside that you can't get to. Also in the southwest corner is a store, Shop16, selling: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 In the northwest corner, when you walk up the stairs a boy and his cat will walk past you (and say some stuff to you as well). Also in the northwest corner is a spot where, if you walk onto it, your HP and MP will be restored. The other thing to do here, is to open a secret room by reading three books in a particular order. First, go to the northeast section of the room to find a book lying on a table. Press A in front of it to open it, and water will come out. Then, go west to the northwest section of the room and open another book, and gusts of wind will come out. Then, go southeast back to the entrance and open a book there, and fire will come out. A shelf behind the desk will slide away, revealing a door. Walk inside and an enemy will be standing there. Talk to him and he'll ask you if you want to challenge him. Say yes and you'll enter into a battle with six Nus. When you win, he'll give you a Magic Tab and a Speed Tab. You can also go over and read the book on the desk in the corner. Once you're done, you can leave the room and go south back outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.10b: Kajar Go north, and enter the Land Bridge. Walk north and you'll be teleported down to the ground. Walk south back outside, then go north and west to a Skyway. Walk north and you'll be teleported up again. Walk south out of the area. Then, go west and across the bridge. On the far west is the Blackbird, but there's nothing you can do there now. If you want though, you can go inside and talk to the guards, and after you do you'll see Dalton. Then, enter Kajar. To the east is a spot that will recover your HP and MP. A person to the north of there will show you a spot outside that you can't get to. In the middle of the room is a Nu running a store, Shop17, selling: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 This shop will change what it's selling later, but, for now that's all. Now, go to the northwest corner and open a book and water will come out. Then, go to the southeast and open a book and wind will come out. Then, go to the middle where the shop was and open a book and fire will come out, and a shelf will move aside. Inside, an object is sitting in the middle of the room. Walk up to it and press A, and it will say you have found "something strange." It will then say that you found a Black Rock inside, and you'll get it. You can also read the book on the shelf. Then, leave the room. Go to the northeast corner of the room, and through a door there. Inside are people you can talk to, and also a Nu standing by a bookshelf who won't do anything, who you'll be coming back to later. Then, leave the room. Now, go west and through the other door to the north. Inside are more people you can talk to. Once you're done, leave the room, and go south and back outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.10c: Zeal Palace Go east and north, and enter the Cave. Walk into the center and you'll be brought up. Go south and out of the room. Go east, and into another cave. Again walk into the center to be brought up. Walk south and back outside. Go east and north, and enter Zeal Palace. Inside, go north, up the stairs on the east, and over to the Nu on the passage. Talk to him and he'll ask you to scratch his back. Say sure and you will, and learn the "Nu's scratch-point." You don't have to do this now, but it's as good a time as any. Leave the palace and go back down to Kajar. Go to the northeast corner and through the door. Here, go over to the Nu standing by the bookcase. Press A and you'll scratch his back, and he'll drop a Magic Tab, which you'll get. Once you're done, leave and head back up to Zeal Palace. Go around talking to everyone in the room to gather information. In the southwest corner is a spot which will recover your HP and MP. Next to there is a woman with a plant. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. DO THIS OR YOU'LL MISS OUT ON A BUNCH OF STUFF LATER (there, that should make this stand out enough). Talk to her and she'll ask you if you like plants. Say yes. She'll then ask you if she should burn it or secretly plant it. Say that she should plant it. (You will get another chance to say this later if you don't talk to her, but, you should do it now anyway. Definitely don't tell her to burn it though. You don't need to know why now, it won't affect you for a while. Just do it). Once you're done talking to everyone here, go to the northeast corner and through a door there. Through the door on the left is a person you can talk to. Then, go through the door on the right and you'll come across two people talking, Schala and Janus. You'll listen to their conversation. Partway through, an attendant will come in and tell Schala that she's needed. As they walk away, Schala will notice you and say something, and then leave. After she's gone, you can go up and talk to Janus if you want (as well as trying to talk to his cat, Alfador). After you're done, go back to the south, through the doors, back to the main room. You might want to take this opportunity to go outside and save, since you won't get a chance to save again for a bit. Then, go to the north part of the room and through the door there. You'll see Schala walking forward, and will follow her. At the end you'll see one of those black locked doors you've come across many times before. Schala will hold up her pendant and the door will open, she'll pass through and it will lock behind her. If you go up to the door, you'll try to hold your pendant up to unlock it, but it won't work. You can talk to the two attendants here, and then go back south to the main room. Go to the northwest part of the room, and talk to the Nu in front of the door. He'll move out of the way, and you can go through the door. Go north down the hallway, talking to the people along the way, and through the door on the north. You'll enter a room with a large device in the center, and people standing around it. You can go around talking to all the people in the room. Then, walk up to the front of the device and press A, and you'll hold your pendant up to it. After that, walk back south out of the room, down the hall back to the main room. Note that you can't leave the palace now, the exit is being blocked. Now, go through the door in the center of the north wall. Walk north and up to the door, and when you approach it, you'll hold up your pendant, it will glow, and the door will open. Go north, through the door. Walk north, and you'll find Schala, the prophet and Dalton talking to the queen. After they talk, they'll all disappear, and you'll enter into battle with a Golem. After the battle, they'll all reappear and talk to you, and you'll be locked away inside the Mammon Machine. As you're locked in the Mammon Machine, Schala and Janus will come up and talk to you. Schala will rescue you from the machine, but after she does the prophet will come up and stop you before you can escape. He'll ask you to show him how you came here, and you'll bring him to the gate you entered the area through. You'll go through the gate, and he'll make Schala lock the gate behind you. =============================================================================== 3.11: 65,000,000BC/2300AD, Break the Seal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11a: To 2300AD When you come out, you'll be back in 65,000,000BC. You'll stand there for a bit discussing what to do next, and Lucca will say she's seen those types of doors elsewhere. You'll see an image of a dome in 2300AD, with a locked door. As you may have figured, you can now open the locked doors, as well as the locked black chests (see Section 7 for more information on those). Then, go south to come back outside. Go south and get on the Dactyls. Then, go west to the Mystic Mts. Go north, past the enemies, to the top of the cliff and jump into the gate, to go to the End of Time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11b: The Sewers Take the middle gate, to Proto Dome, 2300AD. Go south and exit the room. Then, follow the path south and through the door to go outside. Go north and west, to Lab 32. Make your way through the lab (either by walking or racing), to the other side and south to go out. You don't have to do this, but, it's helpful. Go west to Lab 16 and make your way through. Go south the Bangor Dome and go inside. Go through the gate here to come to the End of Time, and open the gate from the End of Time to Bangor Dome, 2300AD. You can also now go through the locked door here and north to the next room, to find three chests, containing a Charm Top, a Full Ether, and a Wallet. Then, go through the gate to the End of Time, and go through the middle gate back to Proto Dome, 2300AD. Go back outside, north and west and through Lab 32 to rejoin the path. Go south and east, to the Sewer Access, and go inside. When you enter, an enemy will fly up and spot you, and then run away to report your having entered. Then, continue down the ladder, and go east, where you'll run into two Egders and a Nereid. Continue east and get the chest, containing 600G. Then, go back to the west, to the bridge where you'll run into two Nereids. Go across the bridge and you'll see two enemies to the south talking about a bridge that isn't connected. They'll hear you and run away. Then, go south and to the door. Before going in, you'll stop and talk for a moment. Then, continue through the door, to the next room. Climb down the ladder and go west. Go across the bridge and north, and you'll find a piece of paper on the ground. Go up to it and press A to read it. After that, go back south and east across the bridge. Continue east along the path, and you'll come to a cat. If you talk to the cat, it will meow and you'll be attacked by three Nereids. After that, go north, east, south and west along the path. Here, you'll find a can in front of a trash basket. If you kick the can into the basket, you'll be attacked by four Nereids. Then, continue west, south west and north to a piece of cheese. Picking it up will cause two Nereids and a Rat to attack. After that, continue south and east to a save point. Stepping on the save point will cause three Nereids to attack. After that, go east across the bridge, continue east, and go north up the ladder. Here, go north and you'll be attacked by two Egders. Then, go north. Along the east wall will be an opening you can go through. Inside will be a switch. Press A in front of it and a door will open. Go back west, north to the top of the wall, and east. Go south through the door, and you'll see the two enemies talking about a switch. After they see you, they'll run away again. Go east, north and across the bridge to a chest with a Rage Band. Then, go east and across the bridge, where you'll run into a big enemy talking to another enemy. After they finish talking, you'll be attacked by Krawlie. After the battle, go south, west across the bridge, and south where you'll be attacked by two Nereids and two Egders. After that, continue south, across the bridge, south, all the way west, and north to a chest containing a Bolt Sword. To the west is a switch. Press it to make a shortcut bridge back across to the other side. Then, go back east, south, east to the bridge, and then north and up the ladder to come back outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11c: Keeper's Dome Inside the Keeper's Dome, go east, down some stairs. Then, go north up some stairs to where there's a sleeping Nu. Go over and talk to him, and he'll ask you not to disturb him. The computer behind him won't do anything either. Go east and north around the computer, west and down the stairs, and then go north. Here, you'll come to a locked door. Walk north to it and press A, your pendant will react, and the door will open. Go north, and through the door to the next room. Here, go east and up the stairs. You'll stop, and you'll see some blue dots on the ground. Now as you walk along, as you come to the dots press A, and you'll get parts of a message. As you go along, the messages will explain a great deal about where you are, what's here, what happened, and information on many other subjects. When you reach the end, you'll come to another locked door. Press A and your pendant will react again, and the door will open. Go north through the door, to the next room. Now, walk north and you'll come to a large ship in the center of the room. Walk to the back of it and you'll stop and discuss it. After that, go back to the south to the entrance of the room, and a Nu will come forward with a seat. He'll come over and talk to you. He'll explain some more about what's going on, what you've found, and what you need to do. He'll also explain the controls for the device that you've found. After he finishes, go over and talk to him again and you'll be able to name the machine (default name is Epoch). If you talk to him again, he'll give you the controls instructions again. Once you're ready, walk over to the seat and press A to get on. Once it brings you up, it will ask if you want to Take Off or Get Off. Choose Take Off, and the time selection gauge will come up. You can now choose to go to any time period you'd like. The place you want to go now is 12000BC, Dark Ages. So, select that and away you go. As you're taking off for the first time, you'll see a little scene of your group inside of the Epoch taking off. Once it finishes, you'll come to your destination. (Note: The next time you go to The End of Time, the man there will talk to you briefly about the Epoch as well). =============================================================================== 3.12: 12,000BC: Break the Seal/The Guru on Mt. Woe/What Lies Beyond/Lavos Beckons/The New King ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12a: Terra Cave/Algetty Village When your Epoch lands, it will be in the middle of the snow. Go west and north, to the Terra Cave, and go inside. Go north, walk up the ladder, and then go west to the next room, to Algetty Village. Here, you'll find people walking around that you can talk to. Go through the door on the north, to find a person to talk to, and a person running a store, Shop18, selling: Demon Edge: 17000 CometArrow: 7800 Megablast: 9800 MegatonArm: 15000 FlashBlade: 18000 Lumin Robe: 6500 Flash Mail: 8500 Glow Helm: 2300 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 After you're done, go back south to the main room. Then, go south down the ladder and through the door on the east, where there's two more people to talk with. Then, go back outside, south down the ladder, west and south down another ladder. Here, there's a person to talk to. Then, go through the door on the east where there's two more people to talk with. Then, go back outside, south down the ladder, and two more people to talk with. There's also a save point here. Once you're done, go east and through the door. When you enter, go east to the other side of the room, where there's a glint on the ground. Go over to it and press A to get a Power Tab. Then, go north where you'll be attacked by two Beasts. After defeating them, go north and along the west path. At the end, you'll come to two more Beasts. After taking care of them, go north and up the stairs. At the end, you'll come to a battle with a Blue Beast, a Red Beast and a Mud Imp. After defeating them, go north to the chain and then walk east up the chain to climb up to Mt. Woe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12b: Mt. Woe On Mt. Woe, walk north and fight a Rubble. Continue north and you'll be attacked by two Bantam Imps. Go north and then west across the chain, to fight a Rubble. Go south, and then west under the overpass to a chest containing a Lode Helm. Then, go back east, north, and east across the chain. Then, go south, west across a chain and north where you'll be attacked by two Bantam Imps. Continue north and up a chain to come to the next area. On the west is a Rubble you can fight if you want. Then, go east and north, and you'll be attacked by two Gargoyles. Then, continue north to a save point. Continue north, and then go east where you'll be attacked by two Bantam Imps and a Gargoyle. Then, go east across the chain, to a Rubble. After that, get the two chests containing a Shield and a Lode Vest. Then, go back to the west and across the chain. Continue all the way west, to a chest. When you go up to it, you'll be attacked by four Gargoyles. Then, get the chest which contains a Barrier. Go back to the east, and south at a small hill. Go west and south to the end of the path. Then, go east and north through an opening. Continue north and you'll be attacked by two Bantam Imps. Go north to a chest with a Lapis. Then, go south and east, across a chain, and you'll be attacked by two Gargoyles and two Stone Imps. Then, go east, south and west where you'll be attacked by two Bantam Imps and two Gargoyles. Then, go south down the chain and east where you'll be attacked by four Gargoyles. If you want, go south where there's a Rubble you can fight. Then, go east, and get a chest containing a Barrier. Go south and east, across a chain, to the next area. Go north, to a chest containing a Lapis. Then, go east where you'll be attacked by four Man Eaters. Then, go south, across a chain, and south where you'll be attacked by three Gargoyles. Get the chest, containing a Full Ether. Then, go north to a chest containing a Barrier. After that, go back south and west across the chain, and north and up a chain. Continue north and then west where there's a Rubble you can fight. Go south and along the east path, and at the end you'll be attacked by two Man Eaters and three Gargoyles. Then, get the two chests, containing a Shelter and a Shield. After that, go north and east, and east across a chain. Continue east and you'll be attacked by three Gargoyles. Continue north, to a save point. Then, go north and up the chain. Go north and east to a chest containing a Time Hat. Then, go east and across a chain, and south and west to a chest with a Full Ether. Then, go east and north. Here, climb north up the long chain. As you climb up, the sky will become dark. At the end, you'll enter the next room. Here, you'll see a block of ice in front of you. Go up to it and it will disappear, and you'll be attacked by Giga Gaia. After the battle, Giga Gaia will disappear and the block of ice will reappear. Then, the guru (who looks rather familiar) will come out from inside of the ice. He'll talk to you, and at the end the mountain will begin to collapse. After that, you'll be back in Algetty Village, talking to Melchior. He'll discuss Lavos, and what to do about it. Then, Schala (and Janus) will walk in. After she finishes talking, Dalton will come in and stop you. After he leaves, you'll be left in the cave with Melchior. Go over and talk to him, and you'll discuss what to do next. At the end, he'll give you a Ruby Knife to use on the Mammon Machine. After that, go south and leave. Go north up the ladder, and east out the passage. Go south down the ladder, and back outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12c: Kajar/Zeal Palace Once you're back outside, go east. Note, not that you need it now that you have the Epoch, but, if you go in the Cave to the north, the gate is unlocked again. You can go through it to open up the gate to Earthbound Island, 12,000BC at the End of Time again (and you'll now have all nine gates open). Then, continue east to the Skyway. Go inside and walk to the center to be brought up, then walk south to go back outside. Go north, to the Land Bridge, and enter. Walk into the center to be brought down. Go outside and walk north and west to the Skyway, and in. Go into the center to be brought back up again, and go outside. Go west, and enter the city of Kajar. Go east, north and west to the Nu's shop (which you were at earlier, as Shop17), and he'll ask if that's Schala's pendant. Say no (if you say yes he won't sell to you. If you do, go back outside and come back in), and it's now selling different items. What is has now, is: AlloyBlade: 21000 BigHand: 18000 Pearl Edge: 22000 Lode Vest: 8500 Lode Helm: 6500 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 Not to spoil anything too much, but, if there's anything you want to do anywhere in the Kingdom of Zeal, now would be the time to do it. If you're thinking of coming back later for something, well.. you probably shouldn't count on it.. Yeah. After you're done here, go back outside. Go east to the cave, and in. Walk forward and you'll be brought up. Go south out of the cave, and then east to another cave. Walk forward and you'll be brought up again, and go outside. Go east and north, and enter Zeal Palace. Walk north down the path, through the door. Here there's a save point, and then continue north through the next door. Walk north and Dalton will talk to you. After he finishes, you'll enter into a battle with Dalton. After you beat him, he'll go through a gate. Walk north and go through the gate to follow him down, into the Ocean Palace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12d: Ocean Palace When you're brought down, you'll now find yourself inside of the Ocean Palace. Walk south and you'll come to a save point. Further south, you'll run into Mune, who will stop you to talk. After he's finished, he'll disappear and you'll see a scene from inside of the ocean palace with the queen, Schala and the Mammon Machine. After they finish, it will come back to you. You can now go south, through the door to the next room. Go south, to the center where you'll be attacked by two Scouters. After the battle, get the chest containing a Rune Blade. Then, go back north and then east on the path, to a door, and inside. Walk onto the switch in the center of the room and it will be pressed down, and you'll be attacked by a Jinn and a Barghest. After the battle, exit the room through the southeast door. When you walk forward, you'll be attacked by a Mage and two Red Scouts. After the battle, get the chest in the northeast corner containing an Aeon Helm, and then exit the room through the opening on the west wall. Walk northwest, and you'll be attacked by three Red Scouts. After that, go south and you'll be attacked by two Scouters. After that, get the chest to the east, which has an Aeon Suit. Then, go southwest, north, and follow the path all the way north to a door at the northwest of the room, and go inside. Here, walk on the switch in the center of the room to press it, and you'll be attacked by a Jinn and a Barghest. After that, exit the room through the southwest corner. In the next room, you'll be attacked by a Mage and two Blue Scouts. After that, get the chest which has a Star Sword. Then, exit the room through the opening in the east wall. Go east and south along the wall, and you'll be attacked by a Mage and two Scouters. After the battle, go through the door in the southwest corner of the room. Walk forward and you'll be attacked by two Red Scouts. After the battle, get the treasure chest which contains a Shock Wave. Then, go through the door to the south to the next room. Continue south and you'll be attacked by a Mage, a Blue Scout and a Red Scout. After the battle, go south where you'll again be attacked by a Mage, a Blue Scout and a Red Scout. After that, get the treasure chest to the south, which has a SonicArrow. Go back to the north and then east across the path, and step on the switch in the middle. Continue east along the path, and at the end you'll run into a Mage, a Blue Scout and a Red Scout. After the battle, go north where you'll again fight a Mage, a Blue Scout and a Red Scout. After that, go north and get the chest on the west containing a Kaiser Arm. Go north and through the door, and you'll be attacked by two Blue Scouts. After the battle, go northwest through the door. Then, go northwest, southwest and south through the door in the center of the south part of the room, to the next room. Walk forward, and you'll fight a Blue Scout, a Red Scout and a Thrasher. After defeating them, go down the long stairway on the west, to the next room. When you enter the room, walk forward and you'll fight two Mages and two Thrashers. After that, go south, and then east down another stairway. Along the way, you'll pass under some enemies that are jumping up and down. Any that you run into on the way down will go to the end of the stairway, and you'll have to fight them at the bottom. When you get to the bottom, walk forward and fight between one and four Thrashers (depending on how many you ran into going down the stairs). After that, continue south and then west down some more stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, watch out for the statue shooting fire, they'll take away your HP. Walk forward, and fight two Thrashers and two Lashers. After that, go south and east down more stairs. At the bottom, you'll again fight two Thrashers and two Lashers. Go south, and then west to the stairs. Here, you'll come across Masa who will talk to you. After he's done, you'll see another scene of the queen, Schala and others around the Mammon Machine talking. After it finishes, continue west down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, you'll fight a Jinn and a Barghest. Then, on the west part of the room is a save point. Go south through the door, and then walk south onto an elevator. When you get on the elevator, you'll fight a Mage, two Blue Scouts and two Scouters. After that, prepare for a long journey of fights down the elevator. When you're ready, go over to the blue flash on the west and press A to start the elevator down. The first battle is against a Jinn, a Barghest and three Thrashers. The second battle is against a Scouter, two Mages and two Lashers. The third battle is against two Scouters, two Blue Scouts and two Red Scouts. After that, the elevator will reach the bottom. Go north through the door to the next room. Here, walk east and follow along that path to the end, and through a door. Go forward to the enemy and you'll fight a Scouter, a Blue Scout and a Red Scout. After the battle, go forward to the wall and press A to flip a switch. Then, go south back out of the room and down the path, and then west along the other path. Follow that path up to a door and through to another room. Here, go forward to the enemy and press A, and you'll again fight a Scouter, a Blue Scout and a Red Scout. After that, go forward to the wall and press A to flip another switch. Then, go south out of the room and back down the path to the middle. Step on the switch and a path will form and you'll be lowered down. Walk north along the path and through the door to the next room. Go north and you'll find a save point. On the east is a chest containing an Elixer. Then, go through the door. Walk forward and as you approach, Dalton will talk to you. He'll then leave, and you'll enter into a battle with two Golems. After the battle Dalton will reappear and talk, some things will happen, and then he'll leave again. You can go back and save if you want, and then go north and through the door to the next room. Here, walk north and there will be a Nu you can talk to. Note, if Crono has any items on him that you'll be wanting to use later, take them off him now, because, well.. you won't have access to them shortly.. Continue north, and you'll approach the Mammon Machine. When you do, you'll talk to Schala, the machine will start to react, and you'll stick the knife into the machine. After everything finishes, Lavos will appear and you'll enter into a battle. While it is "possible" to defeat Lavos at this point (if you're at a very high level or something. See Section 4 for more information on what will happen), it isn't overly likely and the game will continue on even if you lose. So, don't worry too much about the battle, you're probably lose. So, just fight and die. After you lose, a number of things will happen (just watch, there's nothing too critical you have to do here. You'll figure it out, and don't want to spoil things by writing exactly what's going to happen). At the end of everything that's happening, Lavos will come out of the ground and destroy the floating Kingdom of Zeal, sending it crashing to the ground. Hope you enjoyed Zeal, because it's gone now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12e: Last Village When you wake up, your party will be short one rather important member (namely, Crono). When you wake up, a person will come up to you and talk to you some about what happened. After he leaves, you'll have to put a third person into your party to replace Crono. IMORTANT NOTE: RIGHT NOW, PUT AYLA IN YOUR PARTY. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOUR OTHER MEMBERS ARE, JUST MAKE SURE AYLA IS ONE OF THEM. IT WILL MAKE THINGS MUCH MORE DIFFICULT FOR YOU SHORTLY IF YOU DON'T. (There, that should stand out well enough). There's also a save point inside the hut. Once you're set, head outside. You'll now find yourself outside with three huts around, which make up Last Village. In the east hut are two people to talk with. In the middle hut is a person to talk to, and a Nu running a store, Shop19, selling: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 After you've finished here, go to the northwest of the village, and enter the Commons. Inside are eight people you can talk with. Talk to the man at the back of the area, and after you do, Dalton will come up with some enemies, toss the people aside, steal your Epoch, and take you captive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12f: The Blackbird When you wake up, you'll find yourself inside a locked room with a save point. If you climb up the ladder on the east, you'll see that you're onboard the Blackbird. You'll notice that all of your weapons and items have been taken. Fortunately, if you'd listed earlier you'll have Ayla with you who can fight without weapons. If you don't have Ayla, read the next paragraph first. If you do have Ayla, skip over the next paragraph and go to the one after that. Bah, why didn't you bring Ayla? Bet you regret that now. Well, in any event, since you don't have anyone who can attack people without their weapons, so anytime a guard spots you, you'll be sent back to your room. To get some weapons, go to the northwest corner of the room and, facing the back wall, press A to climb into the air ducts. Go east to the air vent at the end of the path. Then, go north to the next air vent at the end of the path. Then, go west, past one air vent, to the second air vent you come to where the path splits. Here, go north past one air vent, to the second air vent you come to. Here, go west to an air vent at the end of the path. Then, go north and down the ladder. Here, you can get one of your people's equipment back. Yay. In this room is also a sleeping enemy, who if you go up to him and touch him you'll fight a Basher. Now, go back up into the air duct and retrace your steps back to the room you were initially put in to rejoin the path. Walk up to your door and you'll hear the guards talking. It will ask what you want to try doing, and say that you'll try to Act Sick. A guard will come in to check on you, and you'll knock him out. You can now leave the room. Outside, there are enemies wandering around, who will only attack you if you catch their site. They won't be mentioned (unless they're guarding something you need) since you don't have to fight them if you can avoid them, but, they're there, so keep them in mind. Now, go west to a conveyor belt. Press A in front of the arrow next to it to change the direction, and go south. At the end, go west to a door and go inside of the room. Inside, you'll be attacked by two Bashers. After defeating them, go up the ladder and open the chest, which has some of your stuff in it. Then, leave the room and go back outside. Go east, over to the conveyor belt. Press the arrow to change the direction, and then go north over the belt. Go west and in the door there. Inside there are three enemies around a chest. Go over to them and you'll be attacked by three Bashers. After beating them, get the chest, which has some more of your stuff. Then, go back outside again. Go west and north around the wall to the end of that path. Then, go east past the first door and past a conveyor belt, to come to another door. You'll have to fight two Bashers in order to get through the door. Once you defeat them, go through the door into the room. Inside, go up the ladder and you'll fight a Byte. Then, continue up the ladder to the chest and open it to get more of your stuff. Then, go back out of the room. Now, go west to the conveyor belt. Go across it and you'll have to fight two Bashers. Then, go through the door to the next area. Here, go west and through the door there. Inside, you'll have to fight a Byte and two Bashers. After beating them, go east and up the ladder to the chest, which contains the rest of your stuff, you have everything back now. Now, go north and through the door. Climb up the ladder, and you'll find yourself out on the wing of the Blackbird (don't worry, you can't fall off). Make your way across, past the Turrets, to the edge of the wing. At the west edge, go to the south part of the wing so that you're in the very southwest corner. Here, you'll stop and talk, and you'll be attacked by a GolemBoss. After you defeat the GolemBoss, you'll go to another screen where you'll hear talking. You'll then see Dalton with your Epoch, and he's added wings to it (and apparently wants to call it the "Aero-Dalton Imperial." Epoch sounds much better). He'll fly it outside, and start firing at you (and the wing of the Blackbird.. good job). You'll jump off the wing, and land on top of the Epoch. You'll then enter into a battle with Dalton Plus. During the battle, he'll try to call the GolemBoss (who doesn't come, for obvious reasons). Dalton will get pulled into the portal and disappear, and you'll have control of the Epoch. You'll try out the controls, and hit the wing of the Blackbird. Once you're finished, the Epoch will land outside of Last Village. If you head into the middle hut, the Nu running Shop19 is now selling more items than he was before. He now has: Star Sword: 25000 Sonic Arrow: 10000 Shock Wave: 11000 Kaiser Arm: 21000 Rune Blade: 24000 Hurricane: 35000 Aeon Suit: 9000 Aeon Helm: 7800 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 Mid Ether: 2000 Once you're done in the village, go north and west, where you'll find the North Cape. Go inside and walk north, and at the end of the cliff you'll find a blue flash. Go up to it and press A, and Magus will appear and talk to you. As he talks, a scene will play of things that had happened earlier, explaining things about Magus and many other things that have gone on. When he's done, he'll ask if you want to fight him. If you answer Yes, you'll enter into a battle with Magus. If you fight him and win, you'll get an Amulet. Of course, then Magus will be gone for good. The other choice is, if you say No, the conversation will end. Turn around and go south to leave, and as you do Magus will stop you. He'll come forward, and say that he is coming with you. You'll then be able to name him (just in case you don't like the name Magus I guess), and then he'll be able to join your party. (Magus will also have on as one of his items the Amulet you would've got from defeating him, so, nothing lost). Whether you choose to fight Magus or not is up to you. Once you're done, go south and leave the Cape. Once you're done with Magus one way or the other, he'll tell you to talk with Gaspar at the End of Time. So, go back south and west and get in your Epoch. When you first get inside, you'll see your group inside of it talking. You'll then see a palace rise from the ocean. This is the Black Omen. It will now appear in every time period from 12,000BC through 2300AD. You can enter it anytime you want, but it won't be mentioned until the end of this guide. Now, take off in your Epoch, and head to the End of Time. =============================================================================== 3.13: End of Time/2300AD/1000AD/2300AD: The Time Egg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.13a: Finding Out About the Time Egg Upon arriving at the End of Time and Disembarking, go over and talk to Gaspar. He'll ask about Crono, and you'll talk about what happened. After you finish talking to him, go over to leave, and he'll stop you. Go back and talk to him, and he'll give you the Chrono Trigger (hey, sounds like a good name for a game). In your inventory, it's actually just called "C. Trigger". When you're done here, go back to the east and board your Epoch. Now, depart for 2300AD. Fly to the island kind of in the middle of the map, with the Black Omen floating over it. (You can get here through the Sewer Access, but seeing as you can fly now, that would be a bit silly). Land here and go inside the building to the south, the Keeper's Dome. Go north and east down the stairs, and then north up the stairs. Go all the way north, to the black door at the end, and go through it to the next room. Inside, follow the path east, north and west. Near the end of the path you'll see a glint on the ground, pick it up to get a Magic Tab. Then, continue west to the end of the path, and talk to the Nu in front of the door. He'll tell you that you need to go to Death Peak, but that first you need a clone identical to the person who you're trying to save. So, now go back down the path, out of the room, and then south back out of the dome. Board your Epoch, and head to 1000AD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.13b: The Clone Back in 1000AD, fly north and west to come back to your home area and land. If you already won a clone, you can go into your house and get it. If not, enter Leene Square. If you don't have any, you'll need to get some Silver Points. The easiest way to do that at this point is to fight Gato. To find him, go north and up the stairs to the next area. Then, go north, west, south down the stairs, west, north and west to come to the area where Gato is. Go up to him and talk, and you'll enter into a battle with Gato. Every time you beat him, you'll win 15 Silver Points. To fight him again, leave the area and come back in and talk to him again. Do this a few times to build up some Silver Points, and then go south to exit the area. Now, go east, south, east, north up the stairs, east to the middle and south down the stairs to the next area. Here, go south to the middle, and then east and north to Norstein Bekkler's Lab. Talk to the face inside, and he'll find out that you want a Crono Clone. He'll say he'll challenge you, and the longer you last the lower the price will be. The price will be in GP (although you still need 40 Silver Points to play). The price starts out as being all your GP, and if you make it to the end he'll give it to you for free. He'll then ask if you want to take the challenge or not. Take it, and then you'll have to mimic a Crono Clone. After you finish, the clone will be back at Crono's House. Now, go west and south and exit the Square. Go south and east to Crono's House. Inside, go north and up the stairs. Here, you'll see the clone on a chair, and Crono's mother by the bed. Go over and talk to her, and she'll ask if Crono's alright. (That's depressing. You know, considering her son is dead at the moment...) You'll then ask if you can borrow the clone. Then, go over to the clone and press A to pick it up, and you'll get the Clone. Once you're done, go back down the stairs and south through the door back outside. Get in your Epoch, and head back to 2300AD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.13c: Death Peak Back at 2300AD, go south and east to the island in the middle again. Then, go inside the Keeper's Dome. Go north, east, north and to the back of the room and through the door to the next area. Again, go east, north, west and north and talk to the Nu. After you talk to him, the Nu will open the door and walk through, and three dolls will appear and fly off. The Nu will then come back out and talk to you again. At the end, it will ask you to switch him off. Go over to him and press A and it will ask if you want to switch the creature off. Choose Yes and the Nu will go to sleep. Now, walk back along the path and through the door, and then south and out of the room to go back outside. Outside, go east and north to Death Peak and enter. If the wind blows you off, you'll go back outside. Run north and stand behind the first doll while the wind blows. After it stops, run north again and walk in place behind the tree while the wind blows again. Then, continue running north, up the hill, to the next area. Here, go west and you'll fight three Krakkers. Continue west to a chest containing a Magic Ring. Then, go back east and climb north up the rocks. Go east, south down the slope, and then east to fight two Krakkers. Then, go north and climb up the rocks. Go east, to the next area. Go east, and fight three Krakkers and a Macabre. Then, go north, east, and north where you'll fight two Macabres. Then go north, into the cave. Go north, and you'll fight a Lavos Spawn. After the battle, go east and get the chest containing a Giga Arm. Then, go north and through the cave entrance to come back outside. Here, you'll find yourself on a ledge. Go north and east and you'll fight three Macabres. Continue east and south, back into the cave. Go south and get the chest containing a BraveSword. Continue south and you'll fight three Krakkers. Then, go south and through the door to come back outside. Here, go north around the edge of the cave to a blue shining spot. Press A in front of it and a cave entrance will open below. Now, go back into the cave and retrace your steps. Go north back into the cave, north and fight three Krakkers. Continue north out of the cave to the ledge. Go north and west and fight three Macabres. Continue west and go south back into the cave. Go south through the cave and through the door to come back outside. Now, go south and fight two Macabres. Continue south and down the slope to go off the ledge. Go east and south and you'll find a save point at the bottom of the area. Go north and on the east is a chest containing a Wall Ring. Then, continue north to the cave entrance you opened before and go inside. Walk north and up the stairs and fight a Krakker. Then, get the chest containing a StarScythe. Continue north up the stairs, and out of the cave. Go north, and you'll fight a Lavos Spawn. After that, go east to the next area. Here, to the north is a doll. Go talk to it, and it will tell you to be careful not to fall off the slope. If you do, you'll go back to the save point that you came across shortly before and have to retrace your steps back (you'll have to fight the Krakker again, but the Lavos Spawn is gone). Once you've made it across, go west to enter the next area. Here, there are Krakkers falling from above. If you hit any of them, you'll have to fight however many of them were on the screen when you encountered one. Go west, and get a chest containing a VerdicBlade. Then, go south avoiding the Krakkers, and exit the area to the south. Here, go south and west to the next area. Walk north and you'll find another doll, who will give you a hint about using a Lavos Spawn shell to climb on. Go west and south down the rocks. Then, go south, west and north, and you'll enter into battle with a Lavos Spawn. After you defeat it, its shell will be left behind. Push it north and east so that it's below the spot on the rocks you can climb. Before climbing it, go west and south, and climb down the rocks. Here, you'll come to a chest with a Dark Helm, and a save point. Now, go back north to the shell. Go below it and press A to climb it, and you'll climb onto the rocks. Climb up to the platform and go north to the next area. Here, go north up the mountain to the edge. When you reach the edge, you'll stop and Marle will run forward. She'll hold the Chrono Trigger and lift it into the air. The pendant will start to react with the Chrono Trigger. The Chrono Trigger will shatter, and the sun will be covered over. You'll then come out in a frozen scene from the battle against Lavos. Walk forward to Crono and press A. You'll put the clone up and take Crono back. You'll then find yourself back on the top of the mountain. Marle will throw her arms around Crono, and attempt to tell him everything that's happened. You'll then find yourself back at the End of Time with Gaspar. Go up to him and talk with him to get a number of pieces of information. When you're ready, go east and hop back on your Epoch. =============================================================================== 3.14: Notes to Read Before Continuing I figure sticking these notes right in the middle of the walkthrough when it becomes applicable is probably the easiest way to go. Now that you can now fly around in your Epoch. This opens up a great deal of possibilities, being able to reach many places that you couldn't before. These things will be mentioned as you come across them later in this guide, but, you can do some exploring now if you want. One point to note, if you forgot, is that your pendant can now be used to open the locked black doors and chests. Those will be mentioned in Section 7, they'll actually not be mentioned in the steps in the walkthrough itself. That's just to make things easier and more organized, as opposed to sending you off to find all of them now. You can now enter the Black Omen any time you want, and going through that will lead to the end of the game (of course, you could've gone to the end of the game through the bucket at the End of Time anyway). Other than that though, you're pretty much free to do what you want, when you want, in the order that you want. While the rest of the guide will have a sort of "suggested" order to things, you can pretty much do any of them in any order (again, aside from the Black Omen). So, what you decide to do from here is more or less up to you. Now that you have the Epoch and it's fully operational, that gives you unlimited freedom to everything. When you go to the End of Time and talk to Gaspar, he'll give you a list of things that need fixing. The beginning of these phrases will be used as the section headings for each of those areas of the walkthrough, with the full text in the first line (just to make things orderly). It's recommended that you do the "And there's a very special stone..." one before the "There's an object in the middle ages..." one so that you can get some extra stuff out of that quest. It's not required however. Again, you don't have to do them in any order, they're just listed in the order he says them. The phrases, just to put them in a nice ordered fashion, are: "In the Middle Ages, a woman's sheer determination brings a forest back to life" "A fugitive in the Middle Ages, Ozzie, maintains an evil hideout" "There's a task to be done in the Future, where machinery originated" "And there's a very special stone that can shine its light on each generation, from the distant past to the far future" "There's the ghost of a lofty knight, slain by Magus in the Middle Ages, who haunts the present" "There's an object in the Middle Ages that sparkles like a rainbow" "One of you is close to someone who needs help... Find this person... fast" If you talk to some of your group members when they're standing at the End of Time not in your group, they'll give you hints about where to go for some of the tasks. As you complete the tasks, Gaspar will no longer say that one that you've finished. So, again, the rest of the walkthrough has an order to it, but, it's up to you whether to follow that or take your own path. If you decide to head off on your own, you can just skip around to the points in the walkthrough that you need at that time as you come to them. Now, back to the walkthrough. =============================================================================== 3.15: 600AD: In the Middle Ages, a Woman's Sheer Determination... "In the Middle Ages, a woman's sheer determination brings a forest back to life" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.15a: Defeating the Desert Monsters Well, hopefully you listened back in Zeal and told that woman to plant the tree. If you didn't, you can still find her at the Commons. If you told her to burn it, well, you're just out of luck, you can't do this section. That's what you get for being mean to the poor tree. Seriously though, if you didn't talk to her before go to 12000BC and stop by the commons and tell her to plant the tree. If you did already, you're all set, don't worry about it. Once you're ready, head off to 600AD. Here, go the land mass in the southwest corner, where there's a desert with a hole in the middle, and a house nearby. Land, and enter Fiona's Villa. Go inside and talk to Fiona and her husband Marco. They'll tell you about their problem with the desert, and how they can't plant anything to try to bring the forest back to life until the monsters are gone. So, now exit the house and go to the hole in the sand, and enter the Sunken Desert. Walk forward into the dark area in the center, and you'll fall below the desert. Here, go west and get the chest, containing a Lapis. Go west, and you'll run into three Mohavors and a Hexapod. Continue west, past the door, and you'll fight two Hexapods. Then, continue west to the chest, which has a Full Ether. Then, go south and you'll fight three Hexapods. Continue south and you'll again fight three Hexapods. Then, get the chest containing an Elixer. Now, go east, past the stairs, and you'll fight three more Hexapods. Get the chest, which has an Aeon Suit. Go west and you'll fight three Mohavors. Then, go south to the stairs and down them to the next room. Go south down the stairs and east to a chest containing a Full Tonic. Go east and a monster will come up out of the sand and then go back under. As you walk around the room he'll come up randomly, and if you touch him you'll enter into a battle with a Retinate. Continue east to a chest which has 5000G. Go south, to a chest with a HyperEther. Continue south, to a chest with an Aeon Helm. Go west, to a chest containing a Memory Cap. Then, go north to a chest with a Full Ether. From there, go east to the middle and up the stairs, to a chest containing a MuscleRing. Then, go back down and find the enemy coming out of the sand. When you do, you'll fight Retinite. After you beat him, you can now go back north and up the stairs. Continue north, and in the middle of the room you'll see a blue flash. Go over to it and get it to find a Power Tab. Continue north and up the stairs to come back to the top of the desert. Go east, and enter Fiona's Villa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.15b: Bringing Back the Forest Inside of Fiona's Villa, go over and talk to Fiona. She'll thank you for getting rid of the monsters, but say that regrowing the forest will take hundreds of years. Now, switch Robo into your group, and talk to Fiona again. Robo will offer to stay and help Fiona replant the forest, and ask if it's alright. Say that he can (you'll get him back soon, don't worry), and he'll go outside and start working. Now, while Robo is going to be at his work for quite a while, all you need to do is hop into your Epoch. Once inside, head off to 1000AD. Here, there will now be a lush forest. Land, and enter Fiona's Shrine. Inside are three people you can talk with, one of whom runs a store, Shop20, selling: Sight Cap: 20000 Memory Cap: 20000 Time Hat: 30000 Vigil Hat: 50000 Note that you might want go outside and save now, just in case you mess something up in the next section and want to go back. Once you're done talking, go north where you'll find Robo. Go up to him and talk to him and he'll reactivate and talk to you. Once he's finished, he'll say you should all have a celebration in honor of your group coming back together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.15c: Campfire/Lucca's Mother Your group will all be sitting around a campfire talking. Robo will discuss some of the thoughts that he's had over the 400 years he's spent working. You'll discuss Lavos and the Gates in detail. Marle will ask Lucca if there's some point in time she'd like to return to if she could. This question obviously bothers Lucca a great deal. After the discussion, you'll go to sleep for the night. At night, Lucca will get up. You're now in control of Lucca, everyone else is asleep. Go through the opening on the east, into a clearing. Here, you'll find a gate. Go up to it and enter. You'll hear strange noises as you pass through. When you come out, you'll be inside of Lucca's House. On the ground is a notepage of Lucca's. Go over and read it to read some of her thoughts, and you'll find out that you're in 990AD. Then, go down the stairs. Go east and through the door on the north. On the table is another page of notes with instructions on a machine, telling you the password in case of an emergency (L A R A). Walk south and out of the door, then south and through the next door. Here, you'll see Lucca's Mother. She'll go over to dust the machine on the ground, but then it will start up and her dress will get caught. Quickly, go down to the blue flashing spot on the front of the machine and press A. It will ask you for the password. Press A to make the box go away. Then, press L A R and A to make the machine stop. (If you mess up, you can just go back to your last save point and try again). You'll now be back in Lucca's room, and there will be another page of notes on the west. Go over and read it. It will be Lucca's thoughts from a few days later. When you're done, go north and through the portal. You'll come out back at the clearing, and Robo will be waiting for you. Go over and talk to him, and then give you a GreenDream. When you're done, your group will be back outside of Fiona's Shrine. Note now, that if you go back and talk to Lucca's mother, her legs will now be alright, and she'll be up and walking around. Yay! While you're back at Lucca's house, talk to Taban and he'll give you a Taban Suit. Talk to him again and he'll give you a Taban Helm. This now completes the "In the Middle Ages, a woman's sheer determination brings a forest back to life" quest. If you go back to the End of Time and talk to Gaspar, he'll no longer have that message for you. =============================================================================== 3.16: 600AD: A Fugitive In the Middle Ages... "A fugitive in the Middle Ages, Ozzie, maintains an evil hideout" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.16a: Ozzie's Hideout Head off to 600AD. Once here, go to the island to the northeast of the one in the center. Land at the bottom of the area in the center of the island, and walk north to come to the entrance to Ozzie's Fort, and go inside. When you enter, you'll see Ozzie at the top of the stairs. He'll stop you and talk to you, and once he finishes he'll leave. Go north up the stairs and through the door to the next room. Here, walk north and you'll find Ozzie again. He'll then call for Flea, who you'll have to fight. After the battle, Flea will run away. Go north and up the steps to the next room. Here, walk north and Ozzie will stop you again. He'll summon two enemies, who will land on conveyor belts and fall down the holes. After that, he'll run away again. Go north and through the door to the next room. Here, walk north and Ozzie will stop you again to talk. He'll then call Slash, and you'll have to battle him. After defeating him, he'll run away. Then, go north and through the door. Go north and Ozzie will stop you. He'll be moving a blade up and down very fast in front of a chest. If you want the chest, you'll have to get hit by the blade, which will bring everyone down to 1HP. Inside of the chest is a Full Ether. (Obviously you don't have to get the chest if you don't want it). Then, go east and north and through the door to the next room. When you enter, Ozzie, Slash and Flea will be standing there, and Ozzie will talk to you. After they finish, you'll enter into a battle with Great Ozzie, Super Slash and Flea Plus. After you defeat them, Slash and Flea will be gone, and Ozzie will run away. Then, get the two chests on the east, containing a Dash Ring and a Sight Cap. Then, go north and through the door to the next room. Here, walk north and you'll find Ozzie. You'll stop and talk, and then Ozzie will cover himself in ice and you'll enter into a battle with Ozzie. Instead of attacking Ozzie, aim your attack at the first switch on the wall behind him. This will cause a hole to open up below you, and you'll fall down. Now, go back north through the door. Walk back up to Ozzie and you'll be about to enter into battle with him again. Before you can though, a cat will run up and press the third switch. This will cause a hole to open up below Ozzie and he'll fall through. That's all, Ozzie's gone now. You can now retrace your steps back through the hideout, and go back outside. After leaving, note that now if you go to Medina Village in 1000AD, there's now no statue in Medina Square, and the people there will be talking about different things. The people around town will also now talk to you normally, and not charge you ridiculous prices for things. The market to the south which you were at before, Shop09, now sells: Iron Blade: 262 SteelSaber: 597 Demon Edge: 12684 Lumin Robe: 4850 Flash Mail: 6342 Glow Helm: 1717 Tonic: 8 Mid Tonic: 75 Full Tonic: 523 Heal: 8 Revive: 150 Shelter: 112 Ether: 597 Once you're done here, you can leave. At the End of Time, Gaspar is no longer saying the message for this quest. =============================================================================== 3.17: 2300AD: There's a Task to be Done in the Future... "There's a task to be done in the Future, where machinery originated" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.17a: Geno Dome At 2300AD, fly to the island in the southeast corner of the map. Here, land and enter Geno Dome. You're going to need to switch Robo into the front of your party now, you need him for this section. Walk up to the computer at the back of the room and press A. Robo will activate it, and the door at the back of the room will open (but the door you entered through will lock. You're stuck here now. Robo's also now locked into the first place in your group). Go north, through the door, to the next room. When you enter the room, a voice will talk to you. Then, walk north and onto the conveyor belt. As you're brought along, you'll face a series of enemies. The first group is two Debuggests. After that, the second group is two Proto 4s. Then, the third group is four Debuggests. Next, the fourth group is two Proto 4s and two Debuggests. Then, the fifth group is four Debuggests and two Proto 4s. After that battle, you'll reach the end of the conveyor belt, and the voice will talk to you again. Walk forward and through the door, to the next room. Here, if you want to leave the dome, go east to the end of the path where there's a dust chute. Go through it and you'll be brought back to the entrance and the door will be open again. Doing this will mean you'll have to go through the conveyor belt again though, so only take it if you really need to. Now, walk forward and press A in front of the green light on the wall to turn it red and open the space on the wall. Then, go west and north at the split, and then east to fight three Proto 4s. After the battle, the voice will talk to you some about the current situation. After that, get the chest, containing a Full Tonic. go north to the computer and press A. From this computer, you can get information on Door, Conveyor Belt, Guard Machine or Doll. Read all the information you want, and then leave the computer. Go over to the space to the west of the computer where there's an opening in the wall and a green light next to it. Go to the green light and press A to open the space on the wall. Walk in and Robo will start flashing with energy. Quickly, run south, west, south and east and into the space on the wall. Doing this before the flashing goes away will open the door to the west of the opening. Go over to the door and walk inside. In here, get the two chests, containing a Full Tonic and 50000GP. Then, go south out of the room. Now, go west to the split and then north. Here, go through the door on the west. Continue north and you'll have to fight four Laser Guards. Go north, and you'll find three switches against the back wall. Press A in front of the switches on the left and on the right and the space on the wall to the south will open. Now, go back south and through the door, and east to the charging device. Go inside and charge, and then run back up to where you were before and inside of the space on the wall. Doing this in time will open the door to the west. Go through it and north to the doll at the end, and press A to get it. Now, go south and out the door, continue south through the next door, and go south to the end of the path. Go east, to the door at the end of the path (before the chute), and go inside. Here, walk forward onto the elevator to be brought up. When you come up from the elevator, there will be a save point nearby. Then, go west and through the far door to the north. Inside, walk north down the hallway, and partway down the voice will talk to you again. Continue north to the end of the path, and through to the next room. Here, walk north and you'll be attacked by two Proto 4s and two Laser Guards. After defeating them, go north through the door to the next room. Walk forward onto the elevator to be brought down. Here, go west through the wall where the arrows are, to come out on the other side. Then, go south and east, to a green light on the wall. Press A in front of it and you'll reverse the path of the conveyor belt. Then, go back west, north and east. Go south and you'll fight two Laser Guards. After that, continue south and west to a red light on the wall. Press A while facing it and the laser blocking the path to the west will disappear. Now, go across to the west to the other side, to a locked door with a space in the wall next to it. Press A in front of the green light to open the space. You'll be coming back here in a moment. Go east and down the conveyor belt to the end. Then, go east, south, west, and north to the charging space. Walk in to get charged, and then quickly retrace your steps south, east, north, west, up the conveyor belt and west to the space you were at before, and walk into it to unlock the door to the west. When you walk through the door, a robot will start following you. Go east and get the two chests, containing a Full Ether and a HyperEther. Now, go south back out the door, and go east to the conveyor belt. Walk south along the belt, and east when you reach the end. Go south, and then all the way west to the end of the path. Note if you get into any battles along the way the robot will go away and you'll have to go back and get him. So, if you hadn't cleared all of the enemies, just go along the path and beat them, and then go back and get him and come back. At the end of the path, go north to the robot at the end. When you stand in front of him, the robot that was following you will go in front of him, and they'll both sit there looking at each other. You can now walk past him and get the doll. Also get the chest, containing a Vigil Hat. Now, go back south and east to the end of the path before the chute. Go through the door to the north, and inside step on the elevator to be brought up. Go south and out of the room, to the area with the save point. Then, go south where you'll fight two Laser Guards. After defeating them, go south to get a chest containing a Lapis. Go west and, and you'll be stopped by another robot. Her and Robo will talk, and when they finish, Robo alone will enter into a battle with Atropos XR. After you defeat her, your group will come back, and her and Robo will talk again. She'll go away, but, she'll increase Robo's Speed by 3 and his Defense by 10. After you're done, go west and then north. The voice will stop you to talk again. When it finishes, go west and south down the ladder. Go west to get a chest containing 15000GP. Then, go north and through the door into the next room. Here, you'll see a rather disturbing sight, as people are brought through a machine and destroyed. Go east and south to the door back outside. Go east, to get a chest containing a Full Ether. Then, go back west and north into the room. Go west and south back out of the room. Go south and east, and north up the ladder. Go north, and you'll be attacked by six Laser Guards. Continue north and you'll fight six more Laser Guards. North, you'll see two green spots on the ground. Go over to one of them and press A and you'll put one of the dolls on the space. Then, go over to the other spot and press A and you'll put the other doll down, and the door will open. Go north, through the door. In this room, the Mother Brain will appear. She'll talk to you, and her and Robo will have a discussion. When they're done, you'll enter into battle with Mother Brain and three Displays. After you defeat her, you'll get a Terra Arm and a Crisis Arm. Then, Robo will go forward and turn all of the machines off. You'll then exit outside of the Geno Dome. You're now done with this section, Gaspar's message about it will be gone. =============================================================================== 3.18: 65,000,000BC/600AD/1000AD/2300AD: And There's a Very Special Stone... "And there's a very special stone that can shine its light on each generation, from the distant past to the far future" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.18a: Getting/Placing the Moon Stone Hop in your Epoch, and go to 2300AD. Fly to the southwest island and land, and enter the Sun Palace. Inside, walk north to the blue flash on the ground and press A, and you'll fight the Son of Sun. To defeat him, aim your attack at one of the five fires around him. Four of them are fake, but one of them is real and when you hit the real one it will damage him. Keep doing this until he's defeated. After you defeat it, it will go north. Follow it north, around the platform and up the stairs and at the end you'll find it again. Go up to it, and it will turn into a Moon Stone. Press A to get the Moon Stone. Now, go back outside and back in your Epoch, and go back to 65,000,000BC. Go to the northeast island and land, and enter the Sun Keep. Walk north and up the stairs, to the flashing spot under a ray of sun. Press A and choose to leave the Moon Stone, and you'll place the Moon Stone on the ground. Now, go back south and outside, and back in your Epoch. Go forward to 1000AD, and land and enter the Sun Keep again. Walk forward and you'll find out that the Moon Stone is gone. Go south and leave, and hop back in your Epoch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.18b: Finding the Moon Stone/Putting it Back/Using the Sun Stone Now, fly your Epoch to the southwest land mass. Here, in the town of Porre, you'll find a house with sparkles of light coming out of it. Go inside the Mayor's Manor and talk to mayor and he'll say he doesn't know anything about a Moon Stone. Now, go back outside, and go east to the Snail Shop and go inside. Here, at Shop03, talk to the man behind the counter and buy his Jerky for 9900GP. Now, go back outside and into your Epoch, and go back to 600AD. Land, and go in the Elder's House. Inside, talk to the woman and she'll notice your Jerky. She'll offer to buy it from you for 10,000GP. Tell her that you'll give it to her for free. Now, go south and out of the house, back in your Epoch, and back to 1000AD. Land, and go back inside the Mayor's Manor. Now when you talk to everyone inside, they'll all be happy and generous. Talk to the mayor, and he'll give you the Moon Stone back. Now, go outside and into your Epoch, and fly to the northeast island, land and go inside the Sun Keep. Go north to the light and choose to leave the Moon Stone again. Now, go outside and back in your Epoch, and go to 2300AD. Land and go inside the Sun Keep. Walk north to the stone, and pick it up. After you do, you'll go back to Lucca's House in 1000AD. Out of the Sun Stone, Lucca will make a WonderShot, and her father will make a Sun Shades. You're now done with the Sun Stone, Gaspar will no longer mention it. =============================================================================== 3.19: 600AD/1000AD: There's the Ghost of a Lofty Knight... "There's the ghost of a lofty knight, slain by Magus in the Middle Ages, who haunts the present" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.19a: Cyrus's Grave Put Frog in your party, and fly back to 600AD. Go to the southeastern land mass, land, and enter the Northern Ruins. Inside, walk north and west and down the stairs. Then, walk south and you'll be attacked by two Sentrys. Then, go east and fight two more Sentrys. After defeating them, go north and up the stairs to get a chest containing a HyperEther. Then, go back south and west, and you'll be attacked by four Sentrys. Then, go west and north and up the stairs. Go south, east, and south through the door, back outside. Go south and west to Choras Village. Since this is the first time you've been here, you can explore a bit. The building to the north from where you enter the town is Choras Inn. Here, you can rest for 10G. North of that is a residence, with two people inside. West from there is the market. Inside is a man running the store, Shop21, which sells: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Ether: 800 Mid Ether: 2000 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 South from there is another residence. Right now there's no one inside on the first floor. Up the stairs are four people standing around that you can talk to. Back outside, to the east is the Cafe. Inside are five people you can talk with. One of them is Toma, who you can talk to now if you want and he'll give you something, but that's for another section, so you'll be getting back to that later. The person you need to talk with now is the man sitting at the table drinking. Go over and talk to him, and he'll say that he can't do any work without his tools. Now, leave the inn, get in your Epoch, and go to 1000AD. You haven't been here yet either, so explore a bit here too if you want. The building to the north is the Mayor's Manor. Inside there are six people you can talk with, four on the first floor and two on the second. The building to the east of that is the Choras Inn. Inside, you can rest for 10G, and there are six people you can talk with. You'll be coming back here in a moment. West from there is a residence, with two people you can talk with. Again, you'll be coming back here in a moment. Now, go inside the Choras Inn. The man on the west is running a store, Shop22, which sells: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Ether: 800 Mid Ether: 2000 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Now, go over and talk to the man drinking. He'll ask if you want to borrow his tools, and say that you can get them from his wife. Now, go back outside, and west and in the residence. Talk to the woman, and she'll give you Tools. Now, go back outside and into your Epoch, and back to 600AD. Land, and go into the Cafe. Go talk to the man drinking. He'll ask if you'll lend him the tools. Say yes, and he'll run off. Exit the Inn, and go to the Residence to the west. Talk to the man, and he'll go off to fix the Ruins. Exit the house and go north, into the Northern Ruins. Here, the man will tell you that he's fixed what he can, and to come back when more of the monsters are gone. Now, go east and up the stairs. Then, go east and through the door. Here, go north and you'll fight two Reapers and two Defuncts. Then, go east and fight two Reapers and a Defunct. After that, go east and fight two Reapers and a Defunct. Once you're done, go south and through the door, and west and down the stairs. Now, go west and south and out the exit back outside. Then, go south and back to the Residence. Here, talk to the man again, and he'll say he'll fix more of the ruins for 2000G. Pay him, and he'll go back to work. Then, leave the house and go north, back to the Northern Ruins, and inside. Here, the man will again tell you they've done all they can for now, and that they can do more once you've cleared out the monsters, and they'll leave. Now, go west and down the stairs. Then, go south, east, north, up the stairs and through the door. Go north, through the door, up the stairs, and you'll come to a gravestone. Walk up to it and press A, and you'll read it. Frog will then go forward and talk. He'll hold up the Masamune, and Cyrus will appear. They'll talk, and when they're done Cyrus will leave. When he's done, the Masamune will go up in the air, and Masa and Mune will come out and talk. After that, the Masamune will become more powerful. Now, go south and through the door, out of the area. Go back south, west and north, and up the stairs. Go east and south through the door, back outside. Now, the area you were in, which was called the Northern Ruins before, is now called the Hero's Grave. Go back south to the residence and talk with the man again. He'll offer to do more repairs for 2000G. Say yes, and he'll go off to work again. Now, go south and out of the house, and north to the Hero's Grave. Inside, he'll tell you that they're all done, and they'll leave. Now, go east and up the stairs. Go east and through the door. Go east and through the east door, and inside you'll find a black box (you can open it now if you want of course). Then, go west and through the west door, and inside you'll find a chest with an Elixer. Now, go back east, and through the door in the middle. Go north, and you'll be attacked by two Reapers. Then, go north through the door, up the stairs, and through another door. Walk north, and you'll fight two Defuncts and two Bases. After that, go north and up the stairs to again fight two Defuncts and two Bases. To the north are two more boxes (again, you can open them now if you want). When you're done, go south back down the stairs and out the door. Continue south, through the doors, and then west and down the stairs, and south and back outside. If you talk to the man in the Residence again, he'll say he's all done. Also, the people now, both in 600AD and 1000AD will now talk about good things to do with the grave (as opposed to the bad stuff about the ruins they said before). You can also explore the Hero's Grave in 1000AD. The one thing to do there is, go west and down the stairs, and then south, east and north through the door to Cyrus's Grave. It will now have a different message on it than it did before. Also, on the west is a blue glint on the ground. Go over to it and press A to get a Magic Tab. You can now leave the Grave and go back to your Epoch, you're now done with this section, and Gaspar no longer has this message for you. =============================================================================== 3.20: 600AD/1000AD: There's an Object in the Middle Ages... "There's an object in the Middle Ages that sparkles like a rainbow" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.20a: Finding the Rainbow Shell In 600AD, go to the southeast island, where the town of Choras is. Land, and go inside the Cafe. Go north and talk to Toma. He'll tell you that he has a lead on the Rainbow Shell, and then give you a Toma's Pop. He says to pour that Pop on his gravestone if he doesn't return (how pleasant). Now, go south and out of the inn, into your Epoch, and to 1000AD. Go northwest and land at the gravestone, and enter the West Cape. Inside, go north to the gravestone and press A. You'll read it, and then pour the Pop on the grave. When you do, Toma will appear. He'll talk to you, and tell you about the Rainbow Shell, and show you where you can find it. Once he's done, he'll leave. Now, go south back outside. Get in your Epoch, go back to 600AD, and go northwest to the place that Toma showed you (the island near the middle of the map). Land, and enter the Giant's Claw. Inside, go north, east, south and down the ladder, and east where you'll find a piece of paper on the ground. Go over and read it, and find a note from Toma. Then, go south and through the door to the next room. Here, you'll find a throne room from the Tyrano Lair. If you go to the throne and press A, Crono will sit on it and laugh. Then, go south and your group will stop and talk. After they finish, continue south and through the door to the next room. Here, go south and west and you'll fight a Gigasaur and two Leapers. After defeating them, get the chest, which contains a Sight Cap. Then, go east, down the ladder, and east, to fight three Lizardactyls. Then, go north and through the door to the next room. Here, step on the switch in the middle to activate a save point. You can step on the switch to the left to open holes in the floor, and then the switch on the right to drop two enemies through the holes (if you step on the switch to the right first, you'll have to fight two Fossil Apes). You can go through the skull if you want, but there's nothing in there (unless you didn't get the thing in there when you were in the Tyrano Lair before. The switch won't do anything now). In the room with the save point, step on the left switch to open the holes, and then walk up to them and fall through. Here, you'll fight two Fossil Apes. After that, you can step on the left switch to open the skull. (Stepping on the right switch will cause you to be attacked by three Leapers). Then, exit through the door to the south. Here, go east and down the ladder. Go west and get a chest containing a Full Ether. Then, go east to the end of the path where there's a flashing blue spot. Press A to get a Power Tab. Then, go west and climb back up the ladder. Go west and south around the hole, and go east where you'll be attacked by two Fossil Apes. Continue east and you'll be attacked by a Fossil Ape and two Leapers. Then, go south through the door, to the next room. Here, go east to come to two ladders. The ladder north leads back to the entrance, so you don't want to go that way unless you really want to leave. Go south and down the ladder, and then west and south down a hill. Go east past the ladder to come to a chest containing a Lapis. Then, go west and south down the ladder, and west and north through a door to the next room. Then, go north and fight a Gigasaur and two Leapers. After that, continue north to two skulls. Go through the skull on the west, and up the stairs. Here, there are two switches on the east and west. Stepping on the switches opens up holes in the ground. If you step on them before the enemies attack, they'll drop through the holes. Otherwise, on the west you'll fight a Fossil Ape and two Lizardactyls, and on the east you'll fight a Fossil Ape and two Leapers. Go through the door on the west and go west to come to a chest containing a FrenzyBand. Then, go back east and up the stairs, and east and south through the other door. Here, go east and there are two Rubbles you can fight. Continue east, and north through the door. Here, walk north to the ball on the ground and press A to activate a switch, and you'll fall through a hole in the ground. Now, go west and south out of the cell, and west and north up the stairs. Here, you'll see a blue glint on the ground. Press A to pick up a Power Tab. Then, go back north and up the stairs. Now, go south, across the room east, and north and down the stairs. Go south, to a save point. Go west and press A in front of the switch to open the bars. Go through the door north, and continue north through another door into the next room. Here, go north and a huge enemy will be blocking your path. Try to go around him, and he'll stop you and attack, and you'll enter into battle with a Rust Tyrano. After the battle, he'll disappear. Now, go north and at the end of the path you'll find the Rainbow Shell. Walk up to it and press A, and you'll stand around talking about it, and discussing what to do. It's too heavy for you to lift, so you decide to get help at Guardia Castle. Begin walking south, and as you do you'll be brought out, and appear in Guardia Castle. You'll talk to the king and queen, and tell them about your situation, and ask for them to give help bringing the shell up, and to guard it in the castle. The king will send his knights to get the shell. Now, go south, back outside of the castle, to your Epoch, and to 1000AD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.20b: The Trial for the Rainbow Shell Back in 1000AD, land and go inside of Guardia Castle. When you enter, the Chancellor will come up, and tell you a story about Marle's mother and the king. After he's done, he'll go away. Go north, and there will be guards blocking the door, saying they're there until the trial is over. Now, go south, east and north. (Hmm, this looks new). Go to the stairs on the left, and go up the stairs. To the south is a chest, containing a HyperEther. Go up the stairs again, and to the south is a locked chest. Continue up the stairs twice more to come to the top. Go south and east, and talk to the guards in front of the door. They'll say that no one is allowed inside, and Marle will yell at them and break through. Inside, the King will be on trial, accused of stealing the Rainbow Shell. Marle will run up and talk to him, and then be removed. Despite her yelling, the guards won't let her in. Your group will talk, and discuss that your placing the Rainbow Shell in the castle in 600AD must be what they're talking about, but that the King has no idea what is going on. Now, go south to the stairs and go down to the main floor. Now, go south, east and north, and down the other stairway. Go south and you'll find a guard lying on the ground. Then, go east and north and you'll hear the enemies talking. After they're done talking, you'll fight two Gnashers. After that, Marle will figure out what is going on. After that, you'll automatically go north and through the door. You'll see a scene from the trial above, and then it will go back to your group, and you'll fight a Naga-ette and a Gnasher. After defeating them, get the chest on the west containing a Lapis, and the two other chests to the south containing a HyperEther and an Elixer. Then, go north through the door, and you'll fight a Naga-ette. Continue north and through the door to the next room. Go north, and you'll fight two Naga-ettes and a Gnasher. Continue north and through the door and you'll again fight two Naga-ettes and a Gnasher. Go north, up the stairs, and through the door. Here, on the east are three chests, containing an Elixer, a HyperEther, and an empty chest. To the north is the Rainbow Shell. Go up to it, and you'll find a letter next to it from Queen Leene. After that, Marle will take a piece of the shell, and you'll get a PrismShard. Then, you'll see a scene back in the courtroom where the verdict is being read. When it comes back to you, go south and out the door. Continue south back down the path, and past the enemies again, to the end. Go west and north and up the stairs. Now, go west and up the other stairway to the top. Then, go east and talk to the guards in front of the door. They tell you that they won't let you in, and Marle says you'll just have to find another way in. You'll then see back inside the courtroom, where the King has just been found guilty. Then, you'll see Marle climbing up behind the glass at the back of the room, and she'll just through into the room. The chancellor will get mad at you for ruining his plans, and then change into Yakra XIII, and you'll have to fight him. After you defeat him, the King will come back in and he and Marle will talk and make up. After you're done in the courtroom, you'll go back to the throne room. After the king finishes talking to you, Melchior will come in and say he's going to make some weapons from the Rainbow Shell. Now, go south and down the stairs, east and north, and go up the stairway on the west, to the top. Go east and north through the door to enter the courtroom. Inside, you'll see a blue spot on the ground. Go over to it and press A to get a Yakra Key. Now, go south out of the courtroom, and west and down two flights of stairs. Here, go south to the chest that was locked before, and press A to open it. When you do, the Chancellor will come out (what is it with chancellors and being locked in chests?), and after talking to you he'll go down the stairs. Now, go down the stairs to the main floor, and east and down the other flight of stairs. Now, walk east and then north up to the end of the path (the enemies are gone now), where the Rainbow Shell is. Here, you'll find Melchior. Talk to him, and he'll say he can make you either 1 Prism Dress or 3 Prism Helms (which you pick is up to you). Talk to him again, and if you've already completed the quest for the Sun Stone, he'll give you a PrismSpecs, and then a Rainbow (a sword for Crono). After that, he'll leave. Now, go south back down the path, west and north and up the stairs. Then, go south, west and south out of the castle. You're now done with this quest, and Gaspar no longer has this message for you. =============================================================================== 3.21: 12,000BC or 600AD or 1000AD or 2300AD: One of you is close to someone who needs help... "One of you is close to someone who needs help... Find this person... fast" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.21a: The Black Omen Quickly, one thing that may need addressing here is this particular phrase from Gaspar. For whatever reason, there seems to be a misconception that this phrase has something to do with Lucca's mother, and it's a glitch and you can't get Gaspar to stop saying that. Well, that's not the case. It has nothing to do with Lucca's mother, and Gaspar will stop saying it. That will be addressed again at the end of the section in some more detail, but, that's enough for now. In any event, you now want to go to the Black Omen. The Black Omen appears in every time period other than 65,000,000BC (and 1999AD obviously). You can choose to enter it from any time period you like, it doesn't make a difference. So, go to the time period of your choice and fly the Epoch under the Black Omen (it's in the middle of the map). Text will appear saying Black Omen, and you can press A to enter. If you want to go out again, go to the flashing blue light to the south and press A, and it will ask if you want to board the Epoch. Selecting Yes will send you back outside, into the Epoch. When you're ready, walk north. Here, you'll fight six Laser Guards. After that, go north and through the door. Inside, go north and you'll come to Queen Zeal. She'll stop you and talk to you. When she's done, an enemy will come up, she'll disappear, and you'll battle a Mega Mutant. After the battle, go north along the path, and you'll come to two Incognitos. After that, continue north and then east through the door to the next room. Here, go east and you'll fight two Martellos. After that, go north and you'll fight two Goons. Now, go north and you'll fight two Synchrites and a Martello. After that, go east and south, to a save point. After saving, go back north and west, and continue north to the next area. Here, go north and you'll fight two Panels. Then, continue north and fight two more Panels. After that, go north through the door to the next room. Here, go north and you'll fight a Boss Orb and two Side Kicks. Then, continue north and you'll fight a Boss Orb and two Side Kicks again. After that, go north and up the stairs, and north to again fight a Boss Orb and two Side Kicks. Now, go north and up the stairs, and then west to the next area. Here, go west and north to fight two Metal Mutes. Then, go north to fight two Metal Mutes and two Flyclops. Continue north, to the next area. Here, go north into the pillar of light, and you'll be brought to another room. Go south and out the door. Now, go south onto the platform, and press A in front of the blue light on the west to start the elevator going down. As you go, you'll fight a series of enemies. In between the enemies it will give you a chance to heal and whatnot, and when you move again you'll fight the next group of enemies. First, you'll fight two Cybots. Then, you'll fight four Ruminators. After that, you'll fight two Goons. After that, you'll reach the bottom. Go north and through the door to the next room. Here, go north and you'll run into a Boss Orb and two Sidekicks. If you go west you'll fight two Ruminators, but you don't need to. Then, go east and north and you'll fight a Boss Orb and two Sidekicks again. After that, go north, west, north, and east past the stairs to come to a chest which contains a MegaElixer. Then, go back west and north up the stairs, and you'll fight a Synchrite and two Flyclops. After that, go west to a chest with 30000G, and then go east and north through the door to the next room. In this room, you can go either east or west to go around the pillar. If you go east you'll fight two Flyclops, and if you go west you'll fight two Ruminators. After that, go north and up the stairs, and you'll fight a Boss Orb and two Sidekicks. Now, you can take either the east or west path. If you take the east path, you'll come to a chest that contains a Magic Seal, and you'll fight a Synchrite and a Martello. If you take the west path, you won't get a chest, you'll only fight a Synchrite and a Martello. After that, go north and through the door to the next room. Here, on the east is a chest containing a Vigil Hat, and on the west is a chest containing an Elixer. Now, go north and you'll come to two more chests, one on the east containing a MegaElixer, and one on the west containing a Nova Armor. Here, there's also a save point. Now, go north and you'll again come to two chests, one on the east containing a Haste Helm, and one on the west containing a MegaElixer. Here, there's also two Nus. The one on the east will ask you if you want to Wake Up or Stay. If you say Stay he'll do nothing, but if you say Wake Up he'll send you back to the exit of the Black Omen. So, don't do that unless you really want to leave. The Nu on the west is running a store, Shop023, selling: Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Mid Ether: 2000 Full Ether: 6000 HyperEther: 10000 You can also talk with this Nu if you want. Once you're done, go north to the middle of the wall at the end and press A, and a door will open. Go north and through the door to the next room. Here, go west, and at the end of the path you'll fight a Tubster. After that, go north through the door. Head north, and you'll be attacked by two Cybots. After that, go north and, unless you can sneak by, you'll fight three Incognitos. Then, go north, east up the stairs, north and east up the stairs, and north to fight four Ruminators. Go northwest to get a chest containing a ZodiacCape, then go northeast through the door to the next room. Go east, and you'll fight a Boss Orb and two Sidekicks. Then, go east and up the stairs, and continue east to fight two Goons and a Flyclops. Get the chest, containing a MegaElixer. Then, go east and down the stairs and fight two Boss Orbs and four Sidekicks. After that, go south and through the door to the next room. Here, go south, and head along the west path to get a chest containing a Power Seal. Then, go east and south, up either of the stairways, and south to fight a Tubster and two Flyclops. Then, go south and down the stairs, and you'll fight a Cybot and a Martello. To the east is a chest containing a Speed Tab. Then, go through the door in the southwest corner, to the next room. Here, go west, and at the end of the path is a Speed Tab. Then go back east a bit, and through the door to the north. Here, go north and up the stairs into the center of the platform, and you'll be brought to another room. Go north and through the door to the next room. Here, go north and west, and you'll fight two Blobs and two Aliens. After that, continue east to the next path. Here, go south to find a chest containing an Elixer. Then, go north and then east and up the stairs to fight a Boss Orb and four Sidekicks. Then, go east and down the stairs, and north and west. Here, there's a chest containing a Speed Tab. Then, go north and west and you'll fight two Aliens. After that, go south to get a chest containing a MegaElixer. Then, go west and north, through the door to the next room. Here, you'll find a save point. After that, go north and up the stairs, and you'll come to a Giga Mutant. After the battle, go back and save if you want, and then go north through the door to the next room. Here, go north into the light in the middle to be brought to another room, and then go south and out the door. Go south onto a platform, and press A in front of the blue light on the east to start the elevator up, and another series of fights against enemies (with no breaks in between this time). First, you'll face four Ruminators. After that, you'll fight two Goons. Then, you'll fight two Cybots. After that you'll come to the top. Go north, and through the door. Go north, and you'll fight two Synchrites. Then, go west and north and you'll fight two Goons. Then, go east and north up the stairs, and at the end you'll fight two Tubsters. After that, go west, north and east to come to a door, and go north to the next room. Go north, and you'll fight four Panels. After the battle, a save point will appear. After that, go up the stairs to get a chest containing a Speed Tab. Then, go east and north and you'll fight a TerraMutant. After the battle, get the two chests, containing a White Rock and a MegaElixer. Go back south to save if you want, and then go north and through the door to the next room. Here, walk north to the end of the path, and go through the door to the next room. Then, go north and you'll fight a Lavos Spawn. After the battle, go north and through the door to the next room. Go north, and you'll fight five Panels. After the battle, a save point will appear. Once you're ready, go north and through the door to the next room. Here, you'll see floating images of your characters. Go north through the room, and at the end Queen Zeal will appear and talk to you. After she's done talking, you'll enter into a battle with Zeal. After the battle, she'll throw you into the Mammon Machine, and you'll battle Mammon M. After that battle, you'll go outside, and enter into battle against Zeal (which consists of a face and two hands). After the battle, the screen will darken, and then you'll see a scene with the Black Omen. Queen Zeal will talk to you, the screen will darken again, and then you'll see the Black Omen dissolve, and Lavos come up from the ocean. You'll now be on a screen with Lavos. Before the battle you'll have a chance to use any items or whatnot that you want, and then walk forward to Lavos to begin the battle. This battle begins the same as a battle against Lavos most other ways (except for flying the Epoch into him would skip this first part), see 3.22 for more information about the battle against Lavos. After going through the first mode, you'll enter inside Lavos. Inside, there's a save point on one side, and a gate out of Lavos on the other. For what it's worth, you've now completed this particular quest. If you take the gate out of Lavos (I know, you're asking why you'd do that. Well, you wouldn't need to, but if you wanted to), and go to the End of Time, Gaspar will no longer be saying the message for this quest. Instead, he'll have a different message for you. Note that if you leave and come back (unless you fly into him with the Epoch), you'll have to fight Lavos' first form again. If you want to know what the message is without leaving, it is: "That poor woman can finally rest, now that the Black Omen is gone. She's reverted back to a human... Now it is time for you to access the Gate contained within that bucket! You fight not just for yourselves, but for all living things... This is a battle between Lavos and the entire world!" =============================================================================== 3.22: The Final Battle: Lavos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.22a: The First Form You can skip the first mode of the battle against Lavos by, after you get the Epoch and have the wings so you can fly around in it, select 1999AD from within the Epoch, and you'll fly into Lavos and skip this part. Otherwise, any other way you face Lavos this is the first way you'll face him. Lavos will go through a series of "Attack Modes," mimicking the battle strategies of enemies you've faces. Between each mode, you'll be given a break to use any items or anything that you need to use, and then walk forward to Lavos to begin the next battle. The modes Lavos goes through are: 1: Dragon Tank 2: Guardian 3: Heckran 4: Zombor 5: Masa & Mune 6: Nizbel 7: Magus 8: Black Tyrano 9: Giga Gaia 10: Lavos After he goes through all those modes, Lavos will shriek, and his head will disappear. Your group will talk, and you'll go inside the shell. Here, there's a save point, and a gate that will exit you out of Lavos. When you're ready, go north to the end of the path and through the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.22b: The Second Form When you enter, you'll see Lavos in the center of the area. Your group will talk briefly, and then you'll enter into battle against Lavos (which consists of a head and two arms). Destroy the left arm first, then the right arm. After that, the body's defense will go down. Then, concentrate your attacks on the center. Eventually, it will be defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.22c: The Final Form After defeating the Second Form, Lavos will come to his true form, Lavos Core. Your group will have a lengthy discussion about everything that has gone on, and once they're finished, you'll enter into the final battle. Here, Lavos is split into a body in the middle and two pods on the sides. Destroy the body in the middle and the pod on the right (which is what you really need to defeat) will lower its defense. After a while, the body in the middle will be revived. The pod on the left will also heal the body when it's there. When the body comes back, defeat it again and then go back to work on the right pod. Keep at it until the right pod is destroyed, and Lavos will be defeated. Congratulations, you have defeated Lavos, and finished the game! The ending that you have earned will now play. (See Section 4 for more information on the endings). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 4: Endings First, a note. If it wasn't obvious enough, this section contains spoilers. Things are broken down so that you can avoid most of the spoiler if you want, but nonetheless, this section does contain spoilers. For each ending, the listing consists of first a brief description of the ending, and whether or not you need to be playing on a New Game+ in order to do it. Then, there's instructions on how to achieve the ending. After that, there's a bit longer description of the ending (although still not intended to cover all information about the ending, just to give a general idea about it). The ordering of the endings in this guide is fairly random, so don't put too much meaning into that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 1 Pictures and Credits New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, fight Lavos after getting your Gate Key back from Azala, but before getting Frog in your party In this ending, the credits will roll and there will be a still picture on each page of credits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 2 Scenes from the Game New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, defeat Lavos after getting the Hero Medal, but before going to 65,000,000BC. In this ending, you'll see short scenes of the different characters in the game while the credits roll. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 3 The Millennial Fair New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, defeat Lavos after having brought Crono back to life. In this ending, you'll be able to explore at the last day of the Millennial Fair, and watch fireworks go off. Some of the people you met in the past (Ayla, Frog, one of the people from the dome in 2300AD, etc.) will be gathered around and you'll talk to them before seeing them off into the portal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 4 Slideshow New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, fight Lavos after you see Schala open the door with her pendant in 12,000BC but before getting your pendant charged by the Mammon Machine. In this ending, Marle and Lucca will be watching a slideshow of events from your journey. While they're doing that, Crono will come in, and he actually finally says something (he can talk, go figure). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 5 A Nu, a Frog and a Kilwala New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, when you first come to the End of Time, go through the bucket and defeat Lavos In this ending, while the credits are playing, there will be some antics involving a Nu, a Frog and a Kilwala. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 6 Saving Crono New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, after having Crono killed by Lavos and losing to him there, go fight Lavos again. In this ending, you go off to try to save Crono. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 7 Tata Fights Crono New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, fight Lavos after passing Zenan Bridge in 600AD, but before getting the Hero Medal from Tata. In this ending, Crono is the bad guy, and Tata is out to defeat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 8 Frog and Magus New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, defeat Lavos after getting Frog in your party, but before fighting Magus In this ending, Frog hops off by himself to fight Magus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 9 Reptites Rule New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, fight Lavos after fighting Magus, but before fighting Azala. In this ending, Humans have faded and Reptites now rule. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 10 Magus's Ending New Game+ Not Needed To get this ending, defeat Lavos after fighting Azala, but before going to 12,000BC. In this ending, Magus takes center stage as you follow his actions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 11 Marle the Frog? New Game+ Needed To get this ending, after rescuing Marle in 600AD, before returning her to the castle go in the right telepod and fight Lavos. In this ending, Marle will discover that she is descended from Frog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending 12 Programmer's Ending New Game+ Needed To get this ending, go into the right telepod during Lucca's initial demonstration of the transportation device. This is the "best" ending. In this ending, you get to go around talking to people who contain messages from many of the people responsible for making this game. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 5: Shop Listings This is a listing of all the shops in the game. The shops have the same number in the walkthrough that they do in this list, so you can search for it to find more information on how to get there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop01: SteelSaber: 800 Iron Bow: 850 Dart Gun: 800 Karate Gi: 300 BronzeMail: 520 BronzeHelm: 200 Tonic: 10 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop02: Jerky: 9900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop03: Tonic: 10 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop04: Karate Gi: 300 BronzeHelm: 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop05: Iron Blade: 350 Lode Sword: 4000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop06: Iron Blade: 350 Dart Gun: 800 Karate Gi: 300 BronzeHelm: 200 Tonic: 10 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop07: Auto Gun: 1200 Iron Suit: 800 Iron Helm: 500 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop08: Auto Gun: 1200 Iron Suit: 800 Iron Helm: 500 Tonic: 10 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop09: Iron Blade: 33600 SteelSaber: 65000 Demon Edge: 65000 Lumin Robe: 65000 Flash Mail: 65000 Glow Helm: 65000 Tonic: 960 Mid Tonic: 9600 Full Tonic: 65000 Heal: 960 Revive: 19200 Shelter: 14400 Ether: 65000 Later: Iron Blade: 262 SteelSaber: 597 Demon Edge: 12684 Lumin Robe: 4850 Flash Mail: 6342 Glow Helm: 1717 Tonic: 8 Mid Tonic: 75 Full Tonic: 523 Heal: 8 Revive: 150 Shelter: 112 Ether: 597 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop10: Red Katana: 4500 Robin Bow: 2850 Plasma Gun: 3200 Hammer Arm: 3500 Titan Vest: 1200 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop11: Red Katana: 4500 Robin Bow: 2850 Plasma Gun: 3200 Hammer Arm: 3500 Titan Vest: 1200 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop12: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop13: Gold Suit: 1300 Beret: 700 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop14: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Heal: 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop15: Ruby Gun: Petal, Fang Sage Bow: Petal, Horn Stone Arm: Petal, Feather Flint Edge: Fang, Horn Ruby Vest: Fang, Feather Rock Helm: Horn, Feather Later: Dream Gun: Petal, Fang Dream Bow: Petal, Horn Magma Hand: Petal, Feather Aeon Blade: Fang, Horn Ruby Vest: Fang, Feather Rock Helm: Horn, Feather ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop16: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop17: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 Later: AlloyBlade: 21000 BigHand: 18000 Pearl Edge: 22000 Lode Vest: 8500 Lode Helm: 6500 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop18: Demon Edge: 17000 CometArrow: 7800 Megablast: 9800 MegatonArm: 15000 FlashBlade: 18000 Lumin Robe: 6500 Flash Mail: 8500 Glow Helm: 2300 Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop19: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 Ether: 800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop20: Sight Cap: 20000 Memory Cap: 20000 Time Hat: 30000 Vigil Hat: 50000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop21: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Ether: 800 Mid Ether: 2000 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop22: Tonic: 10 Mid Tonic: 100 Full Tonic: 700 Ether: 800 Mid Ether: 2000 Heal: 10 Revive: 200 Shelter: 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 6: Closing Thoughts This guide is complete in the sense the walkthrough itself is complete. That said, there are always a million other things I'd like to add. Inparticular, an Item/Weapon/Armor list, an Enemy list, and detailed information on the locked black boxes. These are mainly matters of writing down lists of stuff you can find easily enough in the game (all the items have descriptions after all), but, it's still something that would be nice to add. Also, I'd like to add a Frequently Asked Questions section, but, hard to do that when I haven't been asked any questions. That said, I'll probably try to come up with a list of things that it seems people might be frequently wondering about, even if they don't ask. As I said though, the actual walkthrough part is complete. Well, I said I'd save my rambling for here. Even now I'll try to keep it short. This isn't some speech I planned out beforehand, it's just as it comes out as I type. Chrono Trigger, for me, is a game filled with many memories. It's not a game that was a significant landmark (that is, it wasn't like it was the first game I played, or the first RPG I played, or the game responsible for getting me into RPGs, or anything like that). What it is, however, is a game that when I played it, I honestly believed it wouldn't get any better than this, and for me it hasn't. For me, Chrono Trigger is the pinnacle of gaming achievement, the best game I have ever played, and I well imagine the best game I ever will play. There are other games I enjoy very much, but nothing even close to Chrono Trigger. There's another thing Chrono Trigger is significant in my life for however. I've been playing video games since around the age of 5 (in 1987), and have always loved them. I have a sister, however, about 2 years younger than me. When she was younger, she was mildly interested in video games, she would play from time to time, but it wasn't that big a deal. Chrono Trigger was the game that really got her into video games. She's easily just as good as me at this game, without question, she's probably played it through as many times as I have. Obviously Chrono Trigger is a 1-player game, but there have been countless times where I would just sit there and watch her play. Since getting into Chrono Trigger, she's also gotten more into video games in general, even having a few of her own systems now (as opposed to just playing on mine). Video games are very important for what they are, something to have fun with. There are things more important than video games however. My family for one thing. Chrono Trigger is something that me and my sister share in common, and leads to other things we share in common in the love of video games in general. For me, that's easily much more important than any single video game could be on its own. Would it still be my favorite video game if she didn't like it? Sure, it was before she got into it and it still would be now. Nonetheless though. Ok, you don't really care about that, I know. You probably think I sound silly, and you're right, I probably do. It's ok though, it's just a few lines tucked away at the bottom here, no one has to pay any mind to them. That said, I hope that, even if it doesn't have any sort of deep life meaning to you, I hope that you've enjoyed your time with Chrono Trigger and that you've found my guide useful. Thank you for choosing it, and if I can help with anything at all, please feel free to email me. Thank you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 7: Thanks Well, no one's sent anything in yet, so I have no one to thank at the moment. That said, if you have anything to contribute, please let me know and I'll certainly thank you. That said, I'd like to thank you for choosing to use my guide, and hope that you've found it useful. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 8: Contact If you'd like to contact me for any reason at all, either with some information, problems you have, or just to say you liked my guide and found it helpful, feel free to write to me, at: terrisus@aol.com and put Chrono Trigger FAQ (or something like that) as the subject. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 9: Legal This FAQ was entirely created by Eric Shotwell. It may not be displayed, distributed, or altered without my agreement. The following websites have permission to host this guide: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://faqs.ign.com That said, if you'd like to display or distribute this guide, I'd probably be more than happy to let you, just please ask me first. See Section 6 for contact information. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 10: Version History Version 1.0: 07/30/04: Initial submission. Everything complete except for a few lists that I want to do at some point. Version 1.1: 01/12/05: Nothing too major here, just clearing up a few typographical errors and whatnot that I'd been meaning to do for quite some time. Oh, and added this Version History section. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++