--------------------------------------------------- Dragon Ball Z : Hyper Dimension FAQ and Damage List --------------------------------------------------- V1.1 (Fixed major typing errors from V1.0 and added Combos and Character outlooks) (c) Copyright 2002 Leedar(Thomas Hosseini) Contents : I : About DBZ Hyper Dimension II : Story Line III : Basic Gameplay IV : Advanced Gameplay V : Full Character and Attack Rundown VI : Credits and other bits ----------------------------------------------- Information about Dragon Ball Z Hyper Dimension ----------------------------------------------- DBZ Hyper Dimension is the last SNES game based on the hugely popular Dragon Ball Manga/Anime . DBZ HD was released in 1996 and the original cartridge contains a special graphics chip which allowed for more detailed characters and even up to 10,000 polygon per sec 3D graphics engine . DBZ HD is very different from all the other DBZ fighters for SNES ( The Super Butoden Series ) and has eliminated the split screen and 'stop-the-game' super energy attacks . DBZ HD was made by Bandai and released only in Japan . The cartridge is quite rare, so you'll be paying heaps for DBZ HD (Unless you get a ROM which I do not endorse). ------------------------------------------- Story Line of Dragon Ball Z Hyper Dimension ------------------------------------------- Those of you familiar with the Dragon Ball Z series should skip this section ;) Dragon Ball (Z/GT) is a extremely popular Magna (Japanese comic) and Anime (Japanese cartooning style) series based around a person known as Goku (or properly called Son Gokuu) created by Japanese manga legend Akira Toriyama . As listed before there are three different series Dragon Ball, when Goku travels around looking for 'Dragon Balls' (7 balls that when collected grant one wish) as well as fighting in the world martial arts tournament and destorying both the Red-Ribbon army (a robot army created by a evil scientist Dr. Gero) and a evil green guy, best known as Piccolo Sr. Dragon Ball Z happens a little while after Dragon Ball and starts off with Goku's brother arriving on earth and telling him that he is an alien known as a Saiyan (or Saiya-jin), and that he was sent to earth as a kid to destroy the humans so that earth could be sold . Goku manages to kill his brother (who stole his son) with the help of his enemy Piccolo Jr. (Piccolo Sr. 'Son') , but gets himself killed in the process . The Z fighters (the good guys) find out that Goku's brothers pals are coming to steal the Dragon Balls, so everyone starts training (even Goku who trains with one of the Gods) . The Z fighters put up a good fight, but are creamed by Nappa (a saiyan general) . Goku who has been wished back to life with the Dragon Balls arrives and beats up Nappa, who in turn is killed by the saiyan prince Vegita (Goku's rival from then on) . Goku and Vegita fight, Goku using a technique called Kaio-ken (which boosts his strength and speed) beats the crap out of Vegita . Vegita then reveals he can turn into a huge ape at the site of a full moon, he then makes a fake full moon in the sky, and turns Goku into a motionless mess . A friend of Goku's, Yajarobi , cuts off Vegita's tail (the thing that lets him turn into an ape) and reverts to normal . Gohan, Goku's 7 year old son, then turns into an ape and puts the hurt on Vegita . Vegita removes Gohan's tail, but is crushed by Gohan as he reverts to usual while falling from the sky . Krillen (the easiest way to say this guys name), another friend of Goku, then throws a special attack transferred from the beaten Goku, Genki-Dama (to stop confusion of another character with an attack of the name of 'Spirit Bomb') Which misses Vegita, is bounced of Gohan and hits Vegita . Goku allows Vegita to escape in his spacecraft . Gohan, Krillen and Bulma (long time friend of Goku) go to Piccolo's homeworld of Namek to use its Dragon Balls to wish Piccolo back to life (he was killed during the battle with Nappa) as well as Yamcha, Tien and Chaotsu (other friends of Goku and Z Fighters). Goku goes to Namek a few weeks later and everybody fights the henchmen of Freiza, the most powerful evil being in the universe. After a lot of fight the Z fighters wish Piccolo back to life and he fights Frieza (This is where the game starts FINALLY!) . Eventually Goku fights Frieza, and gets to throw a huge spirit bomb (er, Genki-Dama) at him . This amazingly doesn't kill Frieza, and he kills Krillen . This causes Goku to superficially release his anger and sorrow, and he comes into a special saiyan state called 'Super Saiyan' . When in this state the persons hair turns gold, their eyes go blue/green , and a gold aura is shown . Goku fights Frieza again (The 2nd Fight of the game) . Goku kills Frieza, and escapes namek (which has been destablised by Frieza) before it blows up . When Goku returns to earth, he finds that Frieza (who wasn't dead), and his father, who came to destroy the Z fighters were killed by Vegita's son from the future, Trunks . They soon discover Dr. Gero is still alive and he has made ultra powerful androids . The Z fighters, fight these androids and Goku falls victim to a heart disease, bedding him for quite a while . Vegeta who arrives and shows off his new super-saiyan ability kills android #20 . The other android, who is Dr. Gero, activates other more powerful androids who beat the Z team single handedly . Eventually another android turns up in a time machine, 'Cell', a biological android . He eventually absorbs both of the new androids, changing into Perfect Cell . He then fights Vegeta (3rd Battle) . After he beats Vegeta he fights Trunks . Trunks loses and Cell anounces that there will be another martial art tournament, The Cell Games . He first fights Mr.Satan (Hercule) then he fights Goku (4th battle). Goku supposed to lose, but in this game he wins . Cell then self-destructs, but Goku teleports him to one of the Gods' planets . In this game Cell doesn't regenerate . I'll get around to the next 'Saga' soon ( Buu Saga )... -------------- Basic Gameplay -------------- A - Your character fires a standard small Ki blast (Ki is energy from your mind and body) B - Your character kicks . That's all Y - Your character punches . That's all X - Your character either; attempts to swipe away a incoming small Ki blast or (if close enough and pressing forward) performs a grab on their opponent L or R - Your character dashes when your hold one of these buttons and you choose a direction on your d-pad (either left or right) Up - Your character jumps . That's all Down - Your character crouches . That's all Right - Your character walks right . That's all Left - Your character walks left . That's all - = Join action with previous last button (eg Down-Toward . You would hold Down then press Toward, then release Down, then Toward) , = Short pause (1/4 second) EG : To do a Kamehame-ha the instructions are ; Down-Away, Toward + A . NOTE : Special attacks have to be performed quite quickly . In any 'charge attack' (when it says "Hold away for X seconds"), you can start holding in the air as well . Away from your enemy - Your character will block any mid-height incoming attack Away from your enemy and down - Your character will block any mid or low height incoming attack Y+B - Your character charges their Life/Ki bar . Left or Right x2 - Your character performs a mini-jump, dodging any incoming small Ki blast Down, Towards + X - Your character perform an attack that kn ocks their opponent to another fighting stage above them (usually an air stage) . This only occurs if an above stage exists . Down, Away + X - Same as above except it knocks your opponent down ONLY from air stages . This only occurs if a below stage exists . Towards, Away, Towards + X - Same as above except it knocks your opponent horizontally the way your character is facing . THIS is how you get out of Kami's lookout . Note on Desperation Attacks : These attacks can only be performed when your characters health bar is 80 or less, in other words flashing . Air Stage notes : * All attacks are dashes * Ki can be thrown diagonally (Up + A = diagonal up, Down + A = diagonal down) * Standard grabs can't be used * All attacks that require your character to jump can be performed at any time * Your character can now move using Up and Down . He can't jump or hop . * Down + B - Your character performs a dashing downwards kick * Up + Y - Your character performs a dashing upwards punch * 3D Attacks aren't useable (3D attacks listed with character) * Your Character can't perform desperation attacks (Desperation attacks listed with character) * Your character does something different after winning * No character can never fallover after being hit a lot, although they can still be made tired/dizzy ----------------- Advanced Gameplay ----------------- Mini-battles : When your character and the enemys limbs hit each other other, they will perform a mini-battle . After the have stopped fighting, the person who presses either A,B,Y or X first shoots a small Ki blast, then performs their Super Ki blast . NOTE : Make sure you hold the button so, if you beat the other person you will do a full power Super Ki blast instead of a weak one . Air Mini-battles : When the same thing happens as above, one character moves into the background, while one stays in the foreground . The one in the foreground is the attacker and has the choice of firing either ; A = 3 small Ki blasts or B = Super Ki blast . The defender in the background has a choice of either ; X = defend against 3 small Ki blasts or Y = defend against Super Ki blast . The first person to hit the enemy with a Super Ki blast wins . If the attacker doesn't hit with a Super Ki blast in 2 turns, they change over . Counter Attacks : Notice how when your character blocks you see a small blue 'spark' . As long as this spark is present your character can perform a counter attack . A counter is any attack except for standard attacks e.g. Punch, Kick, small Ki blast . It is good to make it a quick attack or combo . --------------------------------- Full Character and Attack rundown --------------------------------- NOTE : Damage is listed with attacks . This is unblocked damage in a non-handicap situation . This is BASE DAMAGE . Subtract 4 damage per hit (not including unblockable combos, where you can't block each hit[e.g. Goku's Desperation], count these as one hit) for Vegitto and Fat Buu . Subtract 2 damage per hit (not including unblockable combos , where you can't block each hit[e.g. Goku's Desperation], count these as one hit) for Vegita, Gotenks and Kid Buu . All other characters receive BASE DAMAGE . I have tried to keep anybody elses made up move names from this FAQ for legal reasons . Please E-Mail any complaints A.S.A.P Characters are listed by strength (Based on how much damage they dish out [using their standard attacks] and how much they take), not skill : +++++++ Fat Buu +++++++ The first form the Z fighters face Buu as . Buu is an extremely powerful, evil being that was created by an evil magician, Bibadi . He becomes good later on, and you Vs Kid Buu with him . He is (oddly enough) the most powerful person in Hyper Dimension . L or R + B - Butt-Smack . Fat Buu jumps into the background and reverses, rear-first, into his enemy . Has bad range . Damage : 26 (While in the air) Down + B - Bouncy-Butt . Fat Buu lands on his butt, which he bounces back on kicking the enemy with his short legs . You can also just hit the enemy while he is landing with this attack for the same damage . Damage : 26 Hold Away for 2 seconds-Toward + Y - Buu Rocket . Fat Buu flies towards his enemy head first, then does a forward roll . Damage : 24 (Do the attack above)(After Buu hits his enemy) Toward-Down-Away + Y - Buu Rocket to Body slam . Buu does the attack above but after the forward roll he does a body slam . Damage (Including base attack): 48 Hold Down for 1 second-Up + Y - Double-handed uppercut . Fat Buu puts his hands together and swings the upward, like an uppercut . Damage : 30 Hold Away for 2 seconds-Toward + B - Ballerina Spin . Fat Buu spins (and hits) three times toward his opponent . Damage (If all hit): 66 Hold Down for 1 second-Up + B - Chocolate Munch Beam . Fat Buu flops his tassle in front and shoots a shocking beam, his opponent then is turned into chocolate which Fat Buu chews . He then spits his opponent out, returning them to normal . Damage : 47 Down-Away + A - 3 Way small Ki blast . Fat Buu looks like he is going to do a ballerina attack then put his hands in-front quickly and shoots 3 small Ki blasts, one going diagonal up, one going straight forward and one going diagonal down . Damage (If all hit): 30 Away-Down-Toward + A - Buu Bomb . Fat Buu, instead of firing a diagonal blast, creates a temporary field which makes him invunerable (and does damage if touched) . NOTE : He is NOT invunerable to 3D attacks and has a long wait before and after opening him to any attack if it misses . Damage (1 Hit): 42 (2 Hits (Maximum)): 84 Down-Away, Toward + A - Mightiness Bomber . Fat Buu forms a energy ball in-front of himself in his hands, then launches it at his enemy . Has 3 levels of intensity, depending on how long you hold A . Damage (At 3rd intensity): 72 Down-Toward + Y + B - Exploding Breath . Fat Buu shock the enemy with his tassle making them tired . He the floats up and blows out exploding breath . Damage : 122 DESPERATION +++++++ Vegitto +++++++ Vegitto is the person formed when Goku and Vegita are fused using the Gods fussion earings . He is the strongest character in Dragon Ball Z although not in Hyper Dimension (He is 2 equal with Vegita, but I put him first because he is actually stronger in 'real-life') . He is at the Super Saiyan 2 state in Hyper Dimension (I think ?) . You cannot fight as Vegitto in story mode . L or R + B - Hopping kick . Vegitto hops sideways into the background on his hands, then pops back and kicks with both his feet . Does usual damage, but has bad range and will often miss more vertical characters . Can be used to dodge any attack . Damage : 18 (While in the air) Towards-Down + B - Double diving kick . Vegitto flys down with a powerful kick, then backs up and kicks again . He only kicks once if your opponent is in the air . Damage (For one kick): 20 Toward-Down-Away + B - Mini-Combo . Vegitto quickly kicks, then elbows his opponent twice before performing a backflip kick to finish them off . Damage : 34 Down-Toward + Y - Rushing elbow . Vegitto slides towards his opponent and elbows his opponent twice . Countering the first elbow is stupid as his second elbow is VERY fast . Damage (For both elbows): 36 Down-Away + A - Triple Ki throw . Vegitto swings his arm and lets out three small Ki blasts . Damage (If all three hit): 30 Down + Away, Toward + Up + B - Rising kicks . Vegitto kicks and kicks while rising himself and his opponent into the air . Damage (If all kicks hit): 54 Away-Down-Toward + A - Flash Sword blast . Vegitto pulls off his own trademark energy ball/beam . He raises his hand and cause energy to radiate around it, then fires this energy as a ball diagonally . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Final Kamehame-ha . Vegitto does a combination of Goku's Kamehame-ha and Vegita's Final Flash . Has 3 levels of intensity, depending on how long you hold A . Damage (At 3rd intensity): 72 Down-Away-Down, Toward + Y - Flash Sword Juggle . Vegitto stands and glows, waiting to be touched . When touched he elbows his opponent twice, backflip kicks them into the air and juggles them there with his trademark full handed energy beam, the Flash Sword . He then flys up to his opponent a slams them down to the ground . Damage : 119 DESPERATION ++++++ Vegita ++++++ Goku's main rival in Dragon Ball Z/GT, Vegita is (or was) the prince of all Saiyans . He is usually the second strongest Z fighter . Vegita in Hyper Dimension is possesed by Babadi (son of the creater of Buu) and is known as Majin Vegita . Vegita is in SSJ2 and is under the control of Babidi (a magician) also making him 'Majin' when he is in Hyper Dimension . Vegita's battles (in which you control him) are Vs Cell ; Vs Fat Buu ; Vs Kid Buu . L or R + Y - Side Elbow . Vegita hops into the background, coming back with a powerful elbow . NOTE : If far away enough he will go behind the enemy after hitting . Damage : 16 Down-Toward + B - Sliding Kick . Vegita slides sideways along the ground, leading with a kick . NOTE : May slide right past some opponents after hitting them . Damage : 17 Down-Toward + B x2 - Sliding Kick to Knee . Vegita performs the attack above, then knees his opponent . Damage : 35 Down-Toward + B x3 - Sliding Kick to Knee to Punch to Flying Kick . Vegita performs the attack above, then punches and does a flying kick at them . Maximum of this combo . Damage : 73 Toward-Down-Toward + B - Vegita's Rising knee . Vegita's version of a rising knee . He knees the enemy three times while rising into the air . NOTE : Will only hit once if blocked . Damage : 50 Away + Down, Toward + Up + Y - Jumping Palm blast . Vegita hops into the air toward his enemy, then releases a small burst of Ki from his hands . Damage : 36 Away-Down-Toward + Y - Rushing Palm blast . Vegita powers-up briefly, dashes toward his opponent, then releases a small burst of Ki from his hands . Damage : 36 (While in the air) Down-Away + Y - Small Ki field . Vegita stops in the air and creates a small Ki field around himself for a second, hurting nearby enemies . NOTE : This disapates any small Ki blast . Damage : 42 Down-Up + Y - Bakuhatsu-ha . Vegita stands for a moment looking at his enemy, then commands a energy gyser to erupt from the ground before him, causes up to three hits of damage . NOTE : This disapates any small Ki blast . Damage (If it hits 2 times): 24 Down-Toward + A - Renzoku Energy Dan . On of Vegita's most often used attacks . Vegita shoots 3 small Ki blast quickly, alternating hands . Damage (If all three hit): 30 (While in the air) Down-Away + A - ATG Renzoku Energy Dan . Vegita stops in the air and shoots down 2 small Ki blasts to the ground . NOTE : Only one can hit (except in air stages) . Damage : 10 Away-Down-Toward + A - Big Bang . Vegita's most often used trademark attack. Vegita stands for a moment looking at his enemy, then raises his hand and fires of a large energy ball diagonally upward . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Final Flash . Vegita's own Mega Energy blast, invented after becoming a SSJ and when fighting Cell . Vegita puts arms either side of him straight out, then brings his arms together in-front of him while cupping his hands . He then releases a REALLY large energy wave that decimates most things in a wide area, although in Hyper Dimension it is smaller than Chou Kamehame-ha . Has 3 levels of intensity, depending on how long you hold A . Damage (At 3rd intensity): 72 Up when you are about to hit the ground-Down + Y - Galactic Gunfire . Vegita grabs opponent and throws them onto the ground, while rising into the air . He then fires a crazy, 30 small Ki blasts at his enemy . After this he makes a big energy ball above his head and throws it at his enemy . Damage : 142 DESPERATION ; UNBLOCKABLE ++++ Cell ++++ Cell is the creation of Dr. Gero . Cell is a biological android who contains the DNA of Goku, Vegita, Frieza, King Cold, Piccolo, Krillen, Tien and possibly Yamcha . He is in his Perfect form in Hyper Dimension . You cannot play as Cell in Story Mode . L or R + Y - Mega-Shoulder . Cell jumps into the background and flies back with a powerful shoulder . NOTE : Has bad range . Damage : 32 Away-Down-Toward + Y - Cell's Flame . Cell swings his arm, releasing a diagonal row of flames . NOTE : His arm swing can also hit his enemy . Damage : 26 Toward-Down-Away + B - Ki Burst . Cell creates a burst of energy coming from all over his body . Damage : 34 Toward-Down-Away + Y - Psychokinesis . Cell levitates his opponent, then causes his opponent to be hurt psychokinetically twice . NOTE : Cell can hit is opponent from anywhere as long as they are not jumping . Damage : 35 Toward-Away-Toward + B - Cell Jr. . Cell ejects a small version of himself that explodes on contact . Damage : 42 (While in the air) Toward-Down + Y - Frieza Arrow . Cell peforms one of Frieza's trademark finishing attacks . Cell stops in the air and shoots a small arrow of Ki from two of his fingers . Damage : 26 Toward-Away-Toward + A - Large Ki blast . Cell fires a more powerful version of a small Ki blast that overpowers them . Damage : 24 Down-Toward + Y - 4 Punch rush . Cell rushes at his opponent punching quickly 4 times . Damage (If all punches hit): 95 Away-Down-Toward + A - Diagonal Kamehame-ha . To intimidate the Z fighters (especially Goku) Cell uses Goku's favourite attack . See Goku's description for more info . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Chou/Super Kamehame-ha . Cell, once again, uses Goku's favourite attack . Has 3 levels of intensity, depending on how long you hold A . NOTE : Faster charging than Goku and Gohan's Chou Kamehame-has, and higher due to Cell's height . Toward-Away-Toward-Away-Toward + Y - Mad Punch Rush . Cell shouts in anger and pumps up his muscles, he then punches like mad toward his enemy and finishes of with a Chou Bakuhatsu-ha by punching the ground . Damage (If all hits make unblocked contact): 156 Toward-Down-Away-Down-Toward + Y - Triple Chou Bakuhatsu-ha . Cell shouts in anger and pumps up his muscles, he then punches the ground causing 3 powerful Bakuhatsu-ha to erupt from the ground . NOTE : Will disapate all Ki blasts . Damage : ??? (Oh no ! I haven't managed to pull this attack off, sorry) +++++++ Gotenks +++++++ The product of the fusion dance with Goten and Trunks (the sons of Goku and Vegita respectively) , he is quite powerful for a kid . He is in SSJ3 state in Hyper Dimension and you face him once with Gohan in the Bonus Battles . L or R + Y - Mega Headbutt . Gotenks flies into the background, then hops back with a headbutt . Damage : 18 (While in the air) Toward-Down + Y - Dashing Skull . Gotenks flys down, headfirst, at his enemy . Damage : 26 Down + Toward + Y - Sliding head . Gotenks slides toward his enemy with his head. Damage : 18 Away-Down-Toward + Y - Wind-up uppercut . Gotenks holds one of his arms on while he spins it, before dashing toward his enemy a performing a powerful uppercut (A move from the Goten side of him) . Damage (If spin hits as well): 50 Down-Toward + Y - Wild boar . Gotenks runs at his opponent, jumps, and does a powerful sliding head at them . Damage : 28 (While in the air) Toward-Away-Toward + A - Large Ki blast . Gotenks fires a more powerful version of a small Ki blast that overpowers them, in mid-air . Damage : 32 Down-Toward + A - Renzoku Energy Dan . Gotenks quickly performs Vegita's 3 Ki attack . Damage : 30 Down-Toward x2 + A - Renzoku Shine! Shine! Missile . Gotenks quickly performs Vegita's 3 Ki, three times and adds two more small Ki blast for good measure (11 small Ki blasts) . Damage (If all hit): 110 Away-Down-Toward + A - Trunks Blast/Kiko-ha (Don't know its name) . Gotenks performs the blast Trunks uses against Goten in the World Martial Arts tournament . Gotenks powers-up his hands behind his back, then flings them together at the front, forming a powerful blast . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Gotenks Kamikaze Spirits . Gotenks blows out of his mouth 1-3 kamikaze, enemy seeking , spirits which each do the same damage as a Trunks Blast . Overpowered by superblasts and equal to any other blast . Depending on how long you hold A, 1-3 ghosts are blown out . Damage : 126 Toward-Away-Down-Toward + Y - Donut Volleyball Crash . Gotenks puts his hands in a triangle shape and fires 3 'donut' energy rings . If they hit his enemy, they shrink around his opponent crushing him . Gotenks then bashes the ball, making it bounce around the sides of the screen before finally breaking . NOTE : Over-powers some Ki blasts . Damage : 112 DESPERATION +++++++++++ Piccolo Jr. +++++++++++ Beginning life on earth as an egg spit from his father (Piccolo Daimao/Sr.) . He starts off as an enemy of Goku, but soon becomes good after training Gohan . He is most likely the Piccolo after he fused with his other half, Kami, due to his strength . He is a green alien called a Namek, after their home planet . He only faces Frieza in Hyper Dimension . He is the strongest non-saiyan Z fighter . L or R + B - Side Kick . Piccolo does Goku's side kick attack, but seemingly slower . Damage : 18 Toward-Down-Toward + Y - High Mystic hit . Piccolo using Namekian abilities stretches his arm for a long range hit . Damage : 24 Toward-Down-Toward + B - Low Mystic hit . Piccolo does the same as above, except he is crouching so he hits low . Damage : 24 Away-Down-Toward + Y - Regenerating Counter Attack . Piccolo puts his arm up to take the enemies attack, and if hit, it falls off and regenerates, then punches back . Damage : 30 (While in the air) Toward-Down + B - Diving Multikicks . Piccolo zips down to his opponent and kicks the hell out of them . Damage : 32 Away-Down + A - Mental Shocker/Attack . Piccolo stops the enemy in their tracks with a shocking beam from his head . Damage : 12 Toward-Down-Toward + A - Homing small Ki blast . Piccolo shoots out a round enemy seeking Ki blast . Damage : 26 Away-Down-Toward + A - Gekiretsukoudan . Piccolo charges and then fires one of his trademark attacks diagonally upwards . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Makankosappo . Piccolo's most powerful (supposedly) attack . Piccolo charges his fingers and then fires a beam which goes through almost anything . Has 3 levels of intensity, depending on how long you hold A . Damage (If it hits twice): 64 Toward-Away-Down-Up + Y - Chou Bakuretsuken Meteo Smash . Piccolo grabs his enemy and bashes them for a while, then fires 5 controllable Ki balls around his enemy . He then guides them to his unlucky opponent . Damage : 122 DESPERATION +++++++ Kid Buu +++++++ Kid Buu is the common name of the evil Buus last form . He is the second (some think 3rd) most powerful person seen in Dragon Ball Z . You cannot fight as him in Hyper Dimension, but you face him many times . L or R + Y - Buu Ball . Kid Buu turns into a ball and bounces in and out of the background to hit his enemy . Does really low damage and has bad range . Damage : 8 Toward + Y - Big Hand punch . Kid Buu slides forward while punching his opponent with a bigger and longer than usual hand . Damage : 22 (While in the air) Toward-Down + Y - Horizontal Triple Ki breath . Kid Buu opens his mouth and lets out 3 Ki blasts in one shot . Damage (If all 3 hit): 30 (While in the air) Toward-Down + B - Diagonal down Triple Ki breath . Kid Buu does the same as above but diagonally down . Damage (If all 3 hit): 30 Down-Toward + Y - Tassle Whip . Kid Buu flings his extra stretchy tassle at the enemy . Damage : 22 Away-Down-Toward + Y - Buu Disc . Kid Buu bends himself into a disc/ball, and flies at the enemy . Damage : 32 Toward-Down-Away + Y - Buu Floater . Kid Buu stetches out like a parachute and is suspended in the air until he is hit or you press a button . This doesn't work on air stages . Down-Away + Y or B or A - Underground kick . Kid Buu kicks into the ground and his foot turn up somewhere near . Y is a close underground kick, B is mid-range, and A is far . Damage : 26 Toward-Away-Toward + A - Large Ki blast . Kid Buu fires a more powerful version of a small Ki blast that overpowers them . Damage : 22 Away-Down-Toward + A - Buu Blast . Kid Buu fires a diagonal energy blast similar to Big Bang . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Buu Energy Ball . Kid Buu creates a massive energy ball above his head , and effortlessly throws it with one hand . Has 3 levels of intensity, depending on how long you hold A . Special Note : Ineffect this is three attacks (At each different intensity) so can hit up to three times if the opponent is above Kid Buu in air stages, as well as being able to juggle with this ball . Damage (At 3rd intensity): 72 Away-Toward-Down-Up + Y - Flaming uppercut . Kid Buu grabs his enemy with his tassle, and spins his arm until it goes on fire, then it flies off and hits his enemy before reattaching . Damage : 92 DESPERATION +++++ Gohan +++++ The son of Goku, and named after Goku's first master and adoptive father, Gohan possess amazing strength due to being half-saiyan, half-human . This strength only shows when he is angry and can result in huge attacks or new transformations. Gohan is in a special state in Hyper Dimension commonly known as 'Mystic' (attained when he breaks a special sword, which contains Elder Kai, who 'powers-up' Gohan) which allows him to express his full power without having to be angry . Gohan is only in the bonus battles first Vs Gotenks, then you face him with Goku, and finally Vs Vegitto . L or R + B - Quick knee . Gohan quickly hops into the background and rushes back off his back foot with a knee . Has bad range . Damage : 18 Toward + Y - Rushing Upper(cut) . Gohan slides toward his opponent a uppercuts them into the air . Damage : 21 Hold Away for 2 seconds-Toward + B - Sliding double kick . Gohan rushes at his enemy until contacting with his leg, then spins and kick them again . Damage : 34 Hold Down for 1 second-Up + B - Uppercut Kick . Gohan jumps upward which a powerful uppercut kick . Damage : 30 Hold Away for 2 seconds-Toward + Y - Rushing punches . Gohan dashes at his opponent with four quick punches . Damage : 68 (While in the air) Toward-Down + B - Diving Multikicks . Gohan zips down to his opponent and kicks the hell out of them . Damage : 24 Down-Toward + A - Renzoku Energy Dan . Gohan shoots 3 small Ki blast quickly, with one hand . Damage (If all three hit): 30 Away-Down-Toward + A - Masenko . One of Gohan's only trademark attacks . Gohan places both his hands on his forehead, charges, then fire a powerful ball or wide beam diagonally . Sometimes he stretches his hands infront of him before firing . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Chou/Super Kamehame-ha . Gohan copies the technique created by Goku, modifying the usual Kamehame-ha . Goku powers up and releases a more powerful Kamehame-ha wave with a bigger head (only the head does damage in Hyper Dimension) . Has 3 levels of intensity, depending on how long you hold A . Damage : 68-72 Toward-Down-Away-Toward + B - Violent Punch and kick combo . Gohan powers-up, so he flashes for a second . He then quickly rushes at his enemy, punching 6 times, uppercuts once, swings around and kicks, then finishes with a super-charged uppercut kick . Damage : 186 DESPERATION ++++ Goku ++++ The star of the entire Dragonball phenomenon . He is an alien called a saiyan and 'Earth's greatest hero' . He becomes the strongest person in Dragon Ball GT . He is in Super-Saiyan 2 (SSJ2) state in Hyper Dimension . Goku is the key to winning Hyper Dimension, you must win all his battles except when he faces Vegita . The battles he is in are ; Vs Freiza ; Vs Cell ; Vs Vegita ; Vs Fat Buu ; Vs Kid Buu ; Vs Kid Buu (Again) ; Vs Gohan (Bonus battle) . L or R + B - Side kick . Goku jumps into the background and hops back with a kick . Damage : 17 Away-Down-Away + Y or B - Instant movement . Goku places his fingers on his head, then teleports toward or away from his opponent . Y is toward, B is away . Toward + B - Double kick . Goku kicks the enemy then hops onto his other foot and kicks again . Damage (If both hit): 43 Down-Toward + Y - Rushing punch to uppercut . Goku slides toward his opponent with a punch then uppercuts them . Damage (If both hit): 40 Toward-Down-Toward + B - Rising Knee . Goku jumps up with his knee leading, hitting 3 times . Damage (If all 3 hit): 61 Away-Down-Toward + B - Quad Kick Combo . Goku kicks at the enemy 4 times while dashing a them . Damage (If all 3 hit): 70 Down-Away + B - Gazelle jump . Goku leaps really high, enough to dodge any small Ki blast, and kicks the enemy twice while landing if near . Damage (If both hit): 32 Toward-Away-Toward + A - Large Ki blast . Goku fires a more powerful version of a small Ki blast that overpowers them . Damage : 24 (While in the air) Toward-Down + B - Goku delayed kick . Goku stops in the air for a moment then dashes down at the enemy with a powerful kick . Damage : 24 Away-Down-Toward + A - Diagonal Kamehame-ha . Goku pulls off his standard superblast, Kamesenin's (Muten/Master Roshi) trademark Kamehame-ha . Energy is formed in his hands as a ball, then shot diagonally into the air . NOTE : This will also hit any enemy STANDING near Goku . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Chou/Super Kamehame-ha . A technique created by Goku, modifying the usual Kamehame-ha . Goku powers up and releases a more powerful Kamehame-ha wave with a bigger head (only the head does damage in Hyper Dimension) . Has 3 levels of intensity, depending on how long you hold A . Damage : 72 Away-Down-Toward-Up + Y - Genki Dama Meteo Smash . Goku uses a barage of techniques to pound his opponent . Goku first powers-up briefly, then teleports in-front of his enemy and hits them with almost every punch and kick he knows, he then turns into SSJ3 and does a powerful uppercut, THEN he comes out of SSJ to do a Genki-Dama (Spirit Bomb) which he throws at the enemy and he adds a little of his own energy for good measure . NOTE : There is a brief period after after Goku teleports that a instant move (such as a standard grab) can be performed on him . Extra special note (unrealated to HD) : Goku CANNOT perform a Genki-Dama in SSJ, he tried to do it on Fat Buu but lost all the gathered energy . Damage : 110 DESPERATION ; UNBLOCKABLE ++++++ Frieza ++++++ The first major scourge of the universe seen in Dragon Ball Z, Frieza (at the time) is the most powerful , evil being alive . Frieza has 5 'forms', and one extra power-up boosting him from 50% to 100% of his power . He is in his 5th 'form' in Hyper Dimension . He is fought on Namek by Piccolo and then Goku . His fighting style is comprised of a near endless list of Ki techniques . L or R + B - Frieza tail hop kick . Frieza hops into the background on his tail, then flies back with his arms folded and two feet . NOTE : Works better at long range . Damage : 18 Toward-Down-Toward + A - Kiezan disc . Frieza's own 'Destructo disc' . This disc is controllable and seeks the enemy . Damage : 30 (While in the air) Down-Away + B - Dark energy deathball . One of Frieza's many deathballs . Frieza forms dark energy at the tip of his finger and throws it to the ground . If it misses the enemy it goes into the ground and lets off a bolt which can hurt as well . Damage : 24 Down-Away + Y - Frieza swipe . Frieza swipes his hand, causing damage with his fingernails . Damage : 32 Toward-Down-Away + Y - Flame grab . Frieza grabs his enemy and fire flames out of his hands, blasting them away . Damage : 32 (While in the air) Towards-Down + B - Double diving kick . Frieza flys down with a powerful kick, then backs up and kicks again . He only kicks once if your opponent is in the air . Damage (For one kick): 18 Toward-Down-Toward + Y - Hand flare . Frieza swings one of his hands infront and fires a long flare blast . Damage : 24 Away-Down + A - Slicing beam . Frieza swings an arm downward, and releases a beam which cuts through anything along the ground . Damage : 20 Away-Down-Toward + A - Frieza's most used Ki attack . Frieza holds his hands above his head, forming a ball . He then throws the Ki ball diagonally . Damage : 42 Down-Away, Toward + A - Frieza Buster/Suspension ball . Frieza places his hands infront of each other and makes a small, slow travelling Ki ball . When the ball hits his opponent, it encases them for a few seconds, then explodes . Damage : 72 ; UNBLOCKABLE Down-Away + Y + B - Frieza Charge . Frieza creates a energy field around himself and charges at his enemy, going through ANY Ki blast, to hit his enemy . Damage : 106 ------------------------------------------------- *** The Best of the Best Character 'outlooks' *** ------------------------------------------------- (In order of selection in-game) ~~~~ Goku ~~~~ Type : Conventional Strength : Weak-Normal Speed : Normal Usual fighting approach : Defensive ~~~~~~ Vegita ~~~~~~ Type : Irregular / Power Strength : Normal-Strong Speed : Normal-Fast Usual fighting approach : Strength ~~~~~~~ Gotenks ~~~~~~~ Type : Semi-Conventional Strength : Normal Speed : Normal-Fast Usual fighting approach : Hit and run / Combo onslaught ~~~~~ Gohan ~~~~~ Type : Semi-Conventional Strength : Normal Speed : Normal-Fast Usual fighting approach : Combo onslaught ~~~~~~~ Vegitto ~~~~~~~ Type : Semi-Conventional Strength : Normal Speed : Fast Usual fighting approach : Offensive ~~~~~~~ Piccolo ~~~~~~~ Type : Conventional Strength : Weak-Normal Speed : Normal Usual fighting approach : Technical / All-round ~~~~~~~ Fat Buu ~~~~~~~ Type : Irregular / Power Strength : Strongest Speed : Slow Usual fighting approach : Combo onslaught ~~~~~~~ Kid Buu ~~~~~~~ Type : Irregular / Speed Strength : Weak Speed : Fastest Usual fighting approach : Offensive ~~~~~~ Frieza ~~~~~~ Type : Irregular Strength : Weak-Normal Speed : Slow-Normal Usual fighting approach : ??? ~~~~ Cell ~~~~ Type : Semi-Conventional Strength : Normal-Strong Speed : Varies from Slow to Fast Usual fighting approach : Stength / All-round ------------------ *** Combo List *** ------------------ (Note : Under construction) ***Most characters*** All start close to opponent unless stated otherwise (Note ~ = extremely fast between these two actions) Simple - Punch, Launch, Energy combo - Y, Y + B, Away-Down-Toward + A (Works with most characters) Simple - Super Burn - B, Y + B, Down-Away-Toward + A (Works with most characters) Simple - Rocket launcher - (Jump above enemy) (While falling close to enemy) Y, Down-Toward + X ***Goku Combos*** Simple - Gazelle to Rising Knee - Down-Away + B, Toward-Down-Toward + B Adv. - Ultimate Puncher - Toward + Y, Y, Down-Toward + Y, (short delay), Away + B ***Vegita Combos*** Simple - Headbutt to Rising Knee - Y, Toward-Down-Toward + B Simple - Ultimate Knee-er - B, Y + B, Toward-Down-Toward + B Simple - Headin up - Y, Toward-Down-Toward + B Simple - Knee to Ki - B, Y + B, Down-Toward + A Adv. - 5 kicker - B, Y + B, Toward, Toward (hold), B, (release and wait), Toward-Down-Toward + B ***Gotenks Combos*** Simple - Windup Headsmash - Away-Down-Toward + Y, (wait 'till uppercut), Toward-Down + Y Simple - Goin' down - Y, Down + Y, Down + B ***Gohan Combos*** Adv. - *Gohan* Triple punch to frontspin kick - Y, Y + B, Toward + Y, Away + B ***Vegitto Combos*** Simple - Ultimate Kicker - B, Y + B, Down + Away, Toward + Up + B Simple - Five arms - (Start very close) Y, Y, Y, Down-Toward + Y Simple - Four arms - Y, Y, Down-Toward + Y Simple - Double kick to Mini-Combo - B, Y + B, Toward-Down-Away + B Simple - Triple kick to Flashsword blast - B, Y + B, B, Away-Down-Toward + A Simple - Triple kick to Elbow - B, Y + B, B, Down-Toward + Y Simple - Double up - B, B, Y, Y Simple - Triple kick to Ki blast - B, Y + B, B, A Simple - Seven kick Ultimate kicker - B, Y + B, B, Down + Away, Toward + Up + B ***Piccolo Combos*** Adv. - Green air assault - Y, Y + B, Toward + Up (Jump toward enemy) ~ Toward-Down + B Simple - Blunt knife - Toward + Y, Y, Down (hold) + Y, Y, B ***Fat Buu Combos*** Simple - Buu Desvastation (must have under 80 health) - Y, Y + B, Y, Down-Toward + Y + B ***Kid Buu Combos*** Simple - Wakeup Ball - Y, Y + B, (short delay), Away-Down-Toward + Y Simple - Hammerin' time - Down (hold) + Y, Y, Y, B Adv. - Whip you into shape - Y, Y + B, Down-Toward + Y, Down-Toward + Y, Down-Toward + Y Simple - Roundhouse - B, Down + B, Down-Away + B Simple - Punch Roundhouse - Y, Down + B, Down-Away + B ***Frieza Combos*** Adv. - Frieza tail spinner - Y, Y + B, Toward (hold) + Y, Y, Y Simple - Tail, Pressure, Swipe - Y, Down + Y, Down-Away + Y ***Cell Combos*** Adv. - Speed combo - Down + Y, B ~ Down-Toward + Y Simple - Double knee, Fire! - B, Y + B, Away-Down-Toward + Y ---------------------- Credits and other bits ---------------------- Well, thanks to : All the FAQ makers everywhere (esp. At GameFAQs), for enspiring me Bandai, for making Hyper Dimension Akira Toriyama, for making Dragon Ball (Z) Toei Animation, for producing DB/DBZ Funimation, for introducing DBZ to tonnes of people And me, well for being determined to make a damage list --------------- Some other bits --------------- My current website : leedar.cjb.net Yahoo Messenger ID : agbfreak MSN : thosseini@hotmail.com ICQ : 171099992 ----- Legal ----- This document is not to be distruibuted or reproduced in any form, without credit being given to the author (Leedar / AGBFreak / Thomas Hosseini) and the 'My current website' information displayed . All trademarks are property of their respective owners, All rights reserved . Please E-mail me to inform me if you are putting this FAQ on your site, so that I may give you updates . E-mail at leedar@leedar.cjb.net