========================================================================== Dragonball Z Legend of Super Saiyan Faq/walktrough by Mirza Popara (DuncanMix) Version 1.0 Created on: March 5, 2005 Email (mpopara@hotmail.com) ========================================================================== ************************************************************************** 1. Table of Contents ************************************************************************** 1. Table of Contenst 2. Legal Staff 3. Version History 4. Game Menu 5. Battle Menu 6. Walktrough 7. Battle cards 8. Items 9. Characters 10. KI moves 11. End ************************************************************************** 2. Legal Staff ************************************************************************** This is Copyright ©2005 by Mirza Popara (DuncanMix). It my only be used on Gamefaqs.com and Neoseeker.com. You can print out this faq/walktrough for your personal use and nothing else. ************************************************************************** 3. Version History ************************************************************************** March 05, 2005 - Version 1.0 March 10, 2005 - Version 1.1 ************************************************************************** 4. Game Menu ************************************************************************** Press A button and you'll see menu in lower left corner of the screen. TALK - if there is nobody you'll see message: 'Nobody is here!', else you'll talk to that person. LOOK - if there is nothing you'll see message: 'Nothing here!', else you'll find something. FLY - only when you on the ground. Not in houses or dungeons. Press x button for energy. With energy you move faster. Press y to stop energy. LAND - only when you flying. Must be clear land. ITEM - if you dont have items you'll see message 'you have no items!' else you choose items. MENU - this will open another menu. CARDS - cards that you have now STATUS - here you can see status of your characters (Level, HP, KI, BP). If you press A button on one of characters you'll see his KI moves. ORDER - here you can organize your team. TEXT - change speed of massages. SAVE - here you can save game. My advice: use it often. ************************************************************************** 5. Battle Menu ************************************************************************** ATT - press A button and you'll have to choose between PICK and AUTO. In first option you choose characters and cards. In second option computer choose for you. ITEM - if you dont have items you'll see message 'you have no items!' else you choose items. RUN - Escape from battle. You can't escape from boss fight. MENU - This is same as game menu (section 4) but without CARDS and SAVE. If your character is in bad shape press x and he will not attack. This is possible only when you attack in PICK mode. ************************************************************************** 6. Walktrough ************************************************************************** Here we go. First what you'll see is Goku standing on island. There is house next to you. Go in. There is Bulma, Krillin and Kame. Talk to them and you'll recieve radar, turtle and 40 coins. Exit the house. Use fly ability and go up and left until you see ground again. Land on it. There is two houses there. Enter into left house. Here you'll recieve info about Raditz. Now go into the right house. There is Bulma and she will heal your characters whenever you want. Remember shape of this house. Whenever you see it you can heal. This is good time for leveling your character. Right now you have only Goku and Piccolo. Max. level they can reach is 4 so do it. When HP of character is down heal into the house. North of here is house where you can get another information about Raditz. Again go north and you'll see three houses. In one of them you'll find another info about Raditz. There is healing house. House on the right side is shop. Here you can buy or sell your cards. Go all the way left and up around those rocks and you'll find training house. There is two options: fight and rise KI. Right now you can only rise KI because you don't have pass for fight.You'll get it later on game. When you choose fight in training house you'll win some money (depending on round that you've played). Now we can only raise our KI. Just press A button as fast as you can. This is the good way to raise your max KI. After some time you'll lost your current KI. Then go heal and get back. Repeat this until you spend 10 training points. Head back to three houses. Now we have two options. First and easest way is to go right until u see water and then go little up. You'll see house. Enter and fight with four enemy. After you defeat them Mr.Popo will give you Gohan card. Leave house and Raditz will fight you right now. Other way is cave. You can find it up from 3 houses. In cave go straight and you'll see little hole. Go and press look to find Kame card. Now go left until the path split. Go down and examine capsule for Enma card. There is hole but it's empty. Go up and path splits again. There is hole to the right but it will just take 30 HP from your character. Go up and you'll find Oolong card. Again go up to find escape. Go little back and to the right for your first boss fight. ----------------------------- Fake Raditz ----------------------------- HP: 80 KI: ?? BP: ?? Difficulty: Medium ----------------------------- You'll get G.Gohan card.This isn't Raditz. This is just copy of him. Real Raditz is up from here. But wait. You can fight Raditz right now, or you can get out from cave and go into the Mr.Popo house and get Gohan and Oolong card after defeating four enemy. Mr.Popo house is right from three houses. When you get out from house Raditz will fight you. This isn't clasic boss fight. First use Gohan card, then Special Power (SP.) from Goku. Wait for blue card or maybe you have it already. Use Demon Ray from Piccolo and that's it. There is harder way to kill Raditz. You can attack Raditz with Goku and Piccolo, but it's pointless. ----------------------------- Raditz ----------------------------- HP: 200 KI: 32 BP: 1500 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- After you finish Raditz you'll watch some videos. Everybody is training to avenge Goku and to be ready for Vegeta and Nappa. Now you play with Gohan. Train with Piccolo. If he kill you go and heal down. And fight him again. ----------------------------- Piccolo ----------------------------- HP: 200 (not sure) KI: ?? BP: 846 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- It's easy fight because you can't die. But if you want to recieve Piccolo card you must defeat Piccolo in first attempt. When you finish this you play little with Goku. First you have to beat gravitacion of planet. You have 10 cards. Second you have to learn kaio's move. You have 6 cards. Then again you are learning tehnique but have three cards. Succession depend on your cards. Better card better success. If you beat all three challenge in your first attempt you'll get 3x750 exp for Goku. Now you fight with Kaio. ----------------------------- Kaio ----------------------------- HP: 120 KI: ?? BP: 4000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- After you defeat him you'll get 1200 exp and Kaio card. Talk to him and your friend will revive you with dragonballs. Watch some video and you now play with Piccolo and Gohan. You have to find your friend to join on your quest. You must be fast because they will be gone if you're not. Go little to your left and then down to find Krillin. Then go down to find Puar in house. He'll give you Puar card. Go little right and you'll find Yamcha. He'll give you Puar card and join you. Then go down from here all the way to the rocks. Then go right. Here you'll find Tien and Chaozu. They will give you G.Gohan and Escape card.There is training house and shop north from here so you can sell some cards and buy some. I recommend chi chi card. It turn your normal card into magic. Go little north and you'll find house with Yachirobe. You don't have to enter in here because there is nothing there.Go north and you'll see healing house. This is good place for leveling. When all of your character reach to level 9 and Tien level 11 enemy will stop attack you. There is one shop left from you if you want Shenron but it's expensive (60 coins). Now you can fight Vegeta an Nappa. They are left to you. Save!!! First you fight with one saiman. Then with five saiman. They are not so strong. After you beat them Goku will join. Fight with Nappa start. ----------------------------- Nappa ----------------------------- HP: 220 KI: 68 BP: 4000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- Here some of your character may die. But for sure Piccolo will die after battle. There is nothing that you can do about that. Rest of party you can save. Do that. You'll need them. I know that in dbz only Krillin, Gohan and Goku survive but you can change that in game. You'll recieve Moon card. Now you'll fight against Vegeta. You play only with Goku. After some time you get control with rest of your party. Your objective is to find Goku with them so you can help him. But if somebody attack you again you'll have to fight with Vegeta and he is ultra strong. You kill him with Goku alone or with party. But it's better for your party to get exp. ----------------------------- Vegeta ----------------------------- HP: 240 KI: 100 BP: 18000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- You should Gohan turn into Ozaru. That will help. Here is strategy with Goku only. When you get magic card use Kaioken. This will raise your BP. Then use Genki Dama. It will cost much KI just to be in Kaioken state. You may need some Puar card. Just blow him with your Genki Dama. You'll recieve Vegeta card. Now you're going on Namek for dragonballs. When you arrive use your Radar. There are three point on the radar. Go down and you'll see destroyed willage. Enter the bigest house and exame the cup. You'll find Namekian Emi. He will join you but he's useless. Now go north to the second point.Watch some movies and then run from Dododria's balls. If you run from all balls than you'll get Saichor card witch is by my opinion best card in game. Dende will join you. He can heal one of your character every turn. Very usefull. Now again go to the radar. You'll see two points. Go to the north point. There are two Namekian Tsun and Mai. If you have Dende and Emi they will join else you'll fight them. They'll give you dragonball. Now go to the only one point left on the radar. Enter the cave. Go down where path split. Go down for Karin card. Go back and left until another split part. Go down and pass two capsule (first is empty, second will use 10 HP from your characters). Go down and pass this capsule because it will take 10 HP from your characters. Path splits again. Go down for Goku card. Go back and to the right. Open capsule for G.Gohan. Continue to another split part. Dont open capsule. It will deal 40 damage to your characters. Go right and open capsule for chi chi card. Then go north and open hole for shenron card. Go back to the path that splits and go down. Path again splits. Go left for 40 coins. Then go back and down for Kaio card. Go back again and go right. Do not open that hole. Go up. There are some stones that role from north. Avoid them because every time it hits you your characters lose 50 HP. You'll find dragonball with 6 stars. That's your second dragon ball if you had played like me. So you have dragonball with two and six stars. Now exit cave and fight with Kiyui. You can call Vegeta card here but it's better to save it for Dodoria. ----------------------------- Kiyui ----------------------------- HP: 220 KI: 100 BP: 18000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- After you defeat him you'll recieve Piccolo card. He is pretty easy. He has stats like Vegeta in first battle so just destroy him. Remember the training houses. Now you can choose fight in here. This is ease way for earning money. If you defeat 10 times monster you'll get 180 coins. Easy money. There is couple house available right now, so if you want to raise your KI or become rich examine them. First is just a little left from you. There is more of them to the right side. Use fly and find them. If you don't want, go to the Bulma. She is north from cave. Here you'll fight with Dodoria. Be sure that your characters are at full condition. ----------------------------- Dodoria ----------------------------- HP: 288 KI: 120 BP: 22000 Difficulty: Medium ----------------------------- Easy way to kill Dodoria is to use Vegeta card. Vegeta will atack him and with your party Dodoria will die very soon. If somebody die from your party restart and try again. You'll recieve Shenron card after battle. Now you play with Goku. He is in the Capsule that is made by Dr.Brief. There is two flor in capsule. First where you can heal and second where you train. You can chose difficulty of training from 10 to 100. Higher gravity equal more exp. When five day pass you'll play with Piccolo. He is with Kaio. Train three time on gravity 10 and then you'll fight with Raditz and Nappa together. ----------------------------- Raditz/Nappa ----------------------------- HP: 200/220 KI: 32/68 BP: 1500/4000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- This is peace of cake. Raditz and Nappa are same as before, and Piccolo has worked really hard. After this watch some scenes with Vegeta. Mai and Tsum will leave you. Bulma will wait for you here. She also heal your characters. Now open radar and you'll see two points. First go to the right. You'll find dragonball with four stars. Now go to the second point. Right from the cave is healing house. This is god time for leveling up. You should be around 30-35 level with your character before enter into the cave. There is 58 coins in south part of this island. There are three houses. Enter into the one that is not destroyed. Go to the first cup for the 58 coins. There are couple of training houses so if you want go and train. Now enter into the cave. By now Dende should be level 3 and get abillity to heal. Go up and you'll see hole. Find out that it is a switch and go left. When you reach path that splits go up, because there's nothing down. Soon you'll see hole. Open it and find Yajirobe card. Now go all the way left for scouter-b card. Go down and talk to fairie (LOOK at the pool) and you'll find out for Elder. You must go into the south cave to open all switches but not for now. There is couple of thing left in this cave. Go back and path splits again. There's no reason for you to go up. There is just a hole that will take you the most expensive card from your items. So go right. Path splits again. Go all the way up and then to the right. Open capsule for Karin card. Go down and to the right. You'll see capsule but don't open it. It deal 10 damage to your party. Go down and you'll see another pool. This fairie heal your characters. Now if you have Escape card use it or if you don't have one you'll have to walk out of cave. Now go all the way south and then left. You'll se one island and cave on it. Enter cave and go up. Don't open this hole (10 HP damage). Go right until path splits. There is nothing down, go to the left. Enter into the room. This hole is switch. Open it. Exit the room and go left. Enter into another room and press switch. Exit room. Go down for Escape card. Now go up and enter another room. Press switch and exit. Go all the way north enter the room and press the switch. Exit the room. Go to the right, open hole for Shenron card. There are two room to the right side. Enter both room and press switches. Now go to your left side and there is another room. Enter and press the switch. Exit rhe room. Go all the way down and right to find exit from cave. Go back to the first fairie. She will open the new path for you. Go right and you're in another part of cave. Go down and enter the room to the left. Nail train here with himself. You'll fight against the right one. After battle ends Nail will join your party. Go down and you'll fight with Bobo. I've killed him in one shoot. Proceed. Don't open capsule (50 HP damage). Go down and to the right. Path slits. Go to the right for G.Gohan card and down for healing pool. Go back to the main path, and go up. Open capsule for Piccolo card. Go up for Saichor card. Back down and to the right. Now exit the cave. There is only one house here. It's Elder's house. When you enter it you'll see 6 cups. Enter into the middle of them. Elder will speak with you and give you dragonball with one star. Emi and Dende will leave your party. And when you go out of house Nail will leave too. But before you enter into the Elder's house you can build your characters levels to 45. I know it's much but that's best time for that. After that speak with Elder and he wil raise your level to 48 which is maximum. This is best way to max out your characters level. Elder will change base card to your characters too (see section 7). Now go back into the cave. Go to the other exit and you'll see Vegeta. After some scenes you'll fight Zarbon. Vegeta is in your team now but he sometimes decide not to attack. If your characters are level 48 like mine there is no trouble. ----------------------------- Zarbon ----------------------------- HP: 232 KI: 160 BP: 23000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- After you kill him he transform into Zarbon 2. Piece of cake. ----------------------------- Zarbon 2 ----------------------------- HP: 300 (not sure) KI: ?? BP: 30000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- After this battle Vegeta join you for good. Party goes to Bulma. You gain control over Goku. Again train with him same as before. After five days you'll play again with Gohan and rest of party. Ginyu force are here and Ginyu take your dragonballs. Now you'll fight with Guldo and Reecom. ----------------------------- Guldo/Reecom ----------------------------- HP: 296/364 KI: 270/200 BP: 13500/65000 Difficulty: Easy or Medium depending on your level ----------------------------- After fight you'll get Chi Chi and Lunch card. Now you can fight with Baata an Jiisu or build up Vegeta. It's up to you. Notice that you can't go too far cause Baata and Jiisu will stop you and fight. ----------------------------- Baata/Jiisu ----------------------------- HP: 305/322 KI: 200/230 BP: 62500/64000 Difficulty: Easy or Medium depending on your level ----------------------------- When you kill one of them other one will escape. Open Radar and go to the only point on it. There is Ginyu with Baata or Jiisu depending on which you killed. NOTE: From Ginyu go little down and to the right to find item shop. Here you can buy Saichor card. It's best card in the game. In my final battle I have 10 of Saichor cards. Goku is here and he fight with Ginyu. ----------------------------- Ginyu ----------------------------- HP: 396 KI: 300 BP: 120000 Difficulty: Medium ----------------------------- Ginyu take body of Goku even if you kill him first. If you have magic card use Kaioken and that's it. Now you'll fight against Goku and Baata/Jiisu. ----------------------------- Goku/Baata (Jiisu) ----------------------------- HP: 320/305 (322) KI: ??/200 (230) BP: 33000/62500 (64000) Difficulty: Easy or Medium depending on your level ----------------------------- After battle Goku goes to heal himself in Freeza's ship. You now have one dragonball. Go little north and enter into the cave. Go all the way south and fight with fake Freeza. ----------------------------- Fake Freeza ----------------------------- HP: 250 KI: 150 BP: 58000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- Kill him and get all seven dragonballs. After this battle you may get some item but its random. Go out of cave. Party don't know how to use balls. Now you'll play with Nail again, and fight Freeza. ----------------------------- Freeza 1 ----------------------------- HP: 500 KI: 360 BP: 530000 Difficulty: Can't win ----------------------------- After Freeza defeat Nail, Gohan will find Dende and use dragonballs. They wish that all people from the Earth that was killed by Vegeta and Nappa resurrect. Then Elder die and with him dragonballs. Now you again play with your party. Go up and you'll see Nail on the ground. Nothing you can do for now. Go up and fight Freeza. ----------------------------- Freeza 1 ----------------------------- HP: 500 KI: 360 BP: 530000 Difficulty: Easy ----------------------------- After you take little of Freeza's HP you will play with Piccolo. Go left where you've seen Nail. You can fuse with him now. But best time to fuse with him is when Piccolo goes to level 41. Piccolo get 6 level after this. And that's 47 level Picoolo maximum. Now you fight for the last time Freeza 1. He'll change his form and after that Piccolo will come. ----------------------------- Freeza 2 ----------------------------- HP: 520 KI: 360 BP: 1000000 Difficulty: Medium ----------------------------- He'll run again. Go north and do NOT fight Freeza for now. Go north and you'll see Tsum and Mai. You can fuse them with Piccolo, but Dende will leave. It's up to you. If you decide to fuse them with Piccolo which is better option if you ask me, his level will jump to 48. And his BP now is 1900000. Any way go down and kill Freeza's boys. Now you'll fight Freeza in form three. ----------------------------- Freeza 3 ----------------------------- HP: 500 KI: 400 BP: 1550000 Difficulty: Medium ----------------------------- He'll attack you couple of time. Then you'll fight him on island on the button-right side of map. When his HP goes low he'll transform into the Freeza 4. Now this is heavy fight. Attack him for some time and then you'll play with Goku. Go down and join the party. Show him who is boss. ----------------------------- Freeza 4 ----------------------------- HP: 1700 (not sure) KI: ?? BP: 3000000 Difficulty: Medium ----------------------------- You can kill him without Goku's help. But don't do that. Make somebody die from your team (Best Krillin) and Goku will turn into SSJ. Now Freeza is peace of cake. Make sure that Vegeta survive. If he has and Goku turn into SSJ at the end of game you'll fight believe it or not Vegeta SSJ. ----------------------------- Vegeta SSJ ----------------------------- HP: 1600 (not sure) KI: ?? BP: 6000000 Difficulty: Medium ----------------------------- This is final battle. Kill him with Goku. Use Saichor card. Watch ending movie. NOTE: Piccolo and Gohan must be alive for most time in game. ************************************************************************** 7. Battle Cards ************************************************************************** When you're in battle mode you can choose battle cards. On the upper left side is attack field. Attack field is the strongest when it is Z. On the button right side is defense field. Same as attack field, defense field is strongest when it is Z. Picture in the middle of card will decide how character will perform the attack. Every character has his favor card. It can change in game. If character attack with his favorite card, he will hit all enemy in one turn. There is one type of cards left to explaine. It's magic card. You perform KI attack with this card. It's blue. There's nothing about battle cards to say anymore. ************************************************************************** 8. Items ************************************************************************** Items can be found on several ways: in dungeons, after battle, and you can buy items in shop. Also some items you get from immportant people. Here is list of items in this game. You can carry 24 items at once. Item -- Price -- Explanation ---------------------------------------------------------- Bulma -- 3Pt -- 25 HP restore Kame -- 6Pt -- 50 HP restore Kami -- 10Pt -- All HP restore Puar -- 4Pt -- 10 KI restore Mr.Popo -- 10Pt -- All KI restore Karin -- 20Pt -- All HP and KI restore Shenron -- 60Pt -- All HP and KI restore (all characters) Oolong -- 4Pt -- Change all your cards Baba -- 15Pt -- Defense field become Z Enma -- 13Pt -- Attack field become Z Chi Chi -- 14Pt -- Card become Magic card Lunch -- 15Pt -- Card become favorite card (it can fail) Turtle -- 6Pt -- Equal out the cards between defense and attack Piccolo -- 20Pt -- Change card of enemy Goku -- 40Pt -- Card become favorite with Z defense and attack Scouter -- 10Pt -- Info about enemy Scouter -- 20Pt -- Info about enemy G.Gohan -- 18Pt -- Block enemy in battle Bubbles -- 10Pt -- Avoid battles Escape -- 15Pt -- Back to healing house Kaio -- 15Pt -- Raises BP by 25 percent Saichor -- 30Pt -- Raises BP by 50 percent Vegeta -- 40Pt -- Vegeta help you in battle Yajirob -- 5Pt -- Yajirobe attack an enemy Moon -- 80Pt -- Gohan become Ozaru Gohan -- ---- -- Gohan help you in battle Dballs -- ---- -- give you wish Radar -- ---- -- help you find dragonballs ************************************************************************** 9. Characters ************************************************************************** Here is max. stats for your characters. -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Goku (SSJ) Piccolo Gohan -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- LV: 48 LV: 48 LV: 48 HP: 800 HP: 710 HP: 680 KI: 189 KI: 124 KI: 155 BP: 7499998 BP: 2850000 BP: 1478325 PLA: 12 PLA: 10 PLA: 09 -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Vegeta Krillin Tien -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- LV: 47 LV: 48 LV: 48 HP: 700 HP: 650 HP: 668 KI: 174 KI: 156 KI: 176 BP: 1311460 BP: 1425000 BP: 1399951 PLA: 08 PLA: 08 PLA: 08 -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Yamcha Chaozu Nail -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- LV: 48 LV: 48 LV: 25 HP: 620 HP: 600 HP: 375 KI: 145 KI: 156 KI: 100 BP: 1395000 BP: 1199992 BP: 42000 PLA: 08 PLA: 07 PLA: 04 -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Tsum Mai Dende -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- LV: 15 LV: 15 LV: 03 HP: 187 HP: 190 HP: 55 KI: 44 KI: 40 KI: 10 BP: 3200 BP: 3300 BP: 10 PLA: 03 PLA: 03 PLA: 00 -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Emi -------------------- LV: 00 HP: 50 KI: 10 BP: 00 PLA: 01 -------------------- ************************************************************************** 10. KI moves ************************************************************************** Here is list of KI moves of your characters. -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Goku Piccolo Gohan -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Syougekiha -- 02 Makoho -- 04 Energy Beam -- 04 Energy Beam -- 04 Demon Ray -- 10 Masenko -- 15 Solar Flare -- 06 Kamehameha -- 08 Kaioken -- 10 Genki Dama -- 20 -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Vegeta Krillin Tien -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Syougekiha -- 02 Kakusan Ha -- 08 Energy Beam -- 04 Energy Beam -- 04 Solar Flare -- 06 Solar Flare -- 06 Bakuhatsuha -- 08 Kamehameha -- 08 Kikoho -- 20 Energy Disc -- 12 Energy Disc -- 12 Split Form -- 15 Final Flash -- 20 -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Yamcha Chaozu Dende/Emi -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Kamehameha -- 08 Dodonpa -- 08 Guerir -- 00 Spirit Bomb -- 12 Super Skill -- 06 Psycho Attk -- 16 -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- -------------------- Tsun/Mai -------------------- Energy Beam -- 04 -------------------- ************************************************************************** 11. End ************************************************************************** This is it. If you have any question about this game mail me and I'll try to help you. Here is my mail (mpopara@hotmail.com). If you want this FAQ/Walktrough on your site ask me first. **************************************************************************