------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 years later - thank you, readers (5/13/2015) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's hard to believe that I started this guide over a decade ago. I'm glad that I have been able to help so many of you play through my favorite game of all time. I hope that this guide will continue to help you all for many years to come. THANK YOU FOR READING! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ _ _ _ _ | ____| | | | | | | | | | |__ __ _ _ __| |_| |__ | |__ ___ _ _ _ __ __| | | __| / _` | '__| __| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` | | |___| (_| | | | |_| | | | |_) | (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | |______\__,_|_| \__|_| |_|_.__/ \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FAQ Information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game - Earthbound FAQ - Complete Guide Genre - Role-Playing / General Platform - Super Nintendo [SNES] Release Date - North America [August | 26 | 1994] Japan [August | 27 | 1994] Designer - Ape Studios Creation Date - Monday, July | 26 | 2004 Completion Date - Saturday, February | 2 | 2008 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Copyright =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This guide was written by awutow15. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly at all, no exceptions. The only website allowed to publicly display this guide is www.GameFAQs.com. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display such as another website or in a magazine is strictly prohibited, and is a violation of copyright laws. Please, if you see this guide on public display on any other website, please contact me at awutow15_gamefaqs[at]hotmail[dot]com. I haven't realized until this point just how painstaking of a process FAQ writing is, and you should too. Even for this shorter RPG, it takes a *LONG* time to tweak this guide and get it just right. Then you have to worry about people not liking the FAQ. But I digress. Moral of the story: Don't plagiarize or steal anything whatsoever from any FAQs you read, because it takes people many hours of hard work to put them together, and it just proves how terrible of a person you are. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spoiler Warning =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From this point onward (.) throughout the guide, there are spoilers littered everywhere. This is going to be a complete Walkthrough and I do not plan to "censor" out any plot twists, etc. I strongly advise those of you that have not started playing "Earthbound" to stop here. Obviously, it's all right for me to make this guide because I have completely rocked it numerous times, and I know everything about the game (well, not *every* thing ^_^), and isn't that the whole purpose of playing games anyways, specifically the "Role-Playing" kind? To figure out the story for yourself? Anyways, this guide is meant solely for the purpose of helping those who are stuck, because I think we all have those moments where we have to just stop playing the game out of sheer frustration, in this case, particularly when going for the 1/128 items. I highly recommend that you play through this game yourself and only use this guide whenever you are stuck. It's your choice though. As for the spoilers throughout this guide, don't complain if you are a beginner and some game defining moment is ruined because of your own curiosity: ...You have been warned. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Revision History =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Very excited to get to start on this new project. Before I submit this guide to CJayC, I plan on finishing, hopefully, all of it. Immediately after it is submitted, I hope to rewrite the guide to improve upon it in as many ways as I can. I'm not sure how important it is, but below is a list of what I finished and in what order on this guide: [1] Started off with "FAQ Information", "Copyright" section, "How To Contact Me", etc. [2] Started with the beginning of the actual Walkthrough, but got side tracked with the task of finishing every thing else first, then starting on the Walkthrough. [3] Finished all of the Walkthrough Sub-Section headers and started on the complete enemy "Bestiary". [4] Started on a "Miscellaneous Earthbound Tidbits" section, and finished the "Earthbound Basics" section. Up to ~180k. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FAQ Outline =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.0.0 - Introduction 2.0.0 - Story 3.0.0 - Main Characters 4.0.0 - Earthbound Basics 4.0.1 - Controls 4.0.2 - Stats Explained 4.0.3 - Command Window 4.0.4 - Fighting Explained 5.0.0 - Complete Walkthrough 5.0.1 - Onett (Meteorite) 5.0.2 - Downtown Onett 5.0.3 - Giant Step 5.0.4 - Twoson 5.0.5 - Peaceful Rest Valley 5.0.6 - Happy Happy Village 5.0.7 - Lilliput Steps 5.0.8 - Twoson (Revisited) 5.0.9 - Threed 5.1.0 - Winters 5.1.1 - Threed (Revisited) 5.1.2 - Grapefruit Falls 5.1.3 - Saturn Valley 5.1.4 - Belch Base 5.1.5 - Saturn Valley (Revisited) 5.1.6 - Milky Well 5.1.7 - Saturn Valley (Revisited) 5.1.8 - Grapefruit Falls (Revisited) 5.1.9 - Threed (Revisited) 5.2.0 - Dusty Dunes Desert 5.2.1 - Fourside 5.2.2 - Dusty Dunes Desert (Revisited) 5.2.3 - Gold Mine 5.2.4 - Fourside (Revisited) 5.2.5 - Moonside 5.2.6 - Dusty Dunes Desert (Revisited) 5.2.7 - Fourside (Revisited) 5.2.8 - Threed (Revisited) 5.2.9 - Summers 5.3.0 - Dalaam 5.3.1 - Summers (Revisited) 5.3.2 - Fourside (Revisited) 5.3.3 - Dalaam (Revisited) 5.3.4 - Summers (Revisited) 5.3.5 - Scaraba 5.3.6 - Deep Darkness 5.3.7 - Tenda Village 5.3.8 - Winters (Revisited) 5.3.9 - Stonehenge Base 5.4.0 - Onett (Reviisted) 5.4.1 - Tenda Village (Revisited) 5.4.2 - Lumine Hall 5.4.3 - Lost Underworld 5.4.4 - Fire Spring 5.4.5 - Magicant 5.4.6 - Sea of Eden 5.4.7 - Saturn Valley (Revisited) 5.4.8 - Onett (Revisited) 5.4.9 - Saturn Valley (Revisited) 5.5.0 - Cave of the Past 5.5.1 - Giygas 6.0.0 - Bestiary [Future Version] 7.0.0 - Bosses 8.0.0 - Miscellaneous Earthbound Tidbits 9.0.0 - My "Earthbound" Review 9.0.0 - Codes and Glitches 9.0.1 - Codes 9.0.2 - Glitches 10.0.0 - Credits 11.0.0 - Other 12.0.0 - Copyright 13.0.0 - How To Contact Me 14.0.0 - Final Thoughts (NOTE : If you want to skip ahead over all of these sections and get to a specific section , just press Ctrl + "F" and a search window will come up. Type in the number of the section you want to go to and you should get there pretty fast. Yes, I know I have my sections marked as 1.0.0, 2.0.0 etc. instead of 1.0, 2.0 etc. That's so no one will get messed up, just in case I have 1.0 or 2.0 anywhere in the FAQ.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.0.0 - Introduction =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Funnily enough, I was inspired to write a complete FAQ/Walkthrough for my favorite game of all time, "Earthbound," surprisingly while I was in the middle of the game "Chrono Trigger" and I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be awesome to have a totally complete guide for 'Chrono Trigger'?" I had asked a friend if he wanted to co-author a guide for "Chrono Trigger" with me. Then I thought to myself, "Wait a minute, "Earthbound" beats any other game, why not do one for it?", and that is how this guide got started. Slowly but surely, I started thinking about all of the things I could compile into one FAQ: [1] A step-by-step guide that shows you how to finish the game from point A to point B, leaving no rock unturned and no gift box unwrapped. [2] A complete set of *every* item in the game, including everything from a Bread Roll to all of the 1/128 items. [3] A comprehensive section which includes stats and strategies for *every* enemy and boss, going from the Spiteful Crow all the way to Gigyas. [4] A "Secrets" section containing information on how leveling can be easy using the Criminal Caterpillar, and information on things such as the "Insignificant Item." I could go on forever with this list, but I think I only need to point out one major reason I decided to start on this FAQ: I just want to make sure that everyone can fully enjoy this gem as much as I do. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.0.0 - Storyline =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The originality of Earthbound is overwhelming and its transitions are very smooth. In a typical RPG, you think of the old "Final Fantasy" days. A typical RPG usually has sword-wielding knights, magical wizards, and powerful fire- breathing dragons. Well, Earthbound isn't your typical RPG. Replace the knight's armor and swords with a baseball cap and a baseball bat, and you get the main character: Ness. Take away the wizard's robe and wand, and give him, er... her, a dress and a frying pan, and you get one of Ness's allies, Paula. You can probably see where I'm going with these analogies. Even better, however, is how well the designers blended the quirkiness of Earthbound with the engrossing storyline, and it actually worked! You start out as a young boy named Ness who has the ability to change cosmic events. Since friendship is the key, along his journey he meets up with three new friends and they set out on a journey with the ultimate goal of defeating Giygas. The story goes far deeper than this, but those are the basics of it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.0.0 - Main Characters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0==========================0 |-Ness: Unlikely Protector-| 0==========================0 The main character that lives in a little town in Eagleland called Onett. He is thrown into chaos, however, the night the meteorite lands behind his house. An unlikely friend from the future arrives and tells him that he is the chosen boy. He has the ability to change the events of time. Ness is the all around average character. He has an equal balance of most stats, but excels in HP, Guts, and Offense. Because he is the chosen boy, Ness can use Psychic Power, known in the game as PSI. Ness's weapon of choice is the baseball bat. 0=====================0 |-Paula: Psychic Hero-| 0=====================0 Paula contacts Ness telepathically one night in his sleep, and he soon afterwards meets her in the town of Twoson. She also has a fair balance of stats, and what she slightly lacks in HP, she more than compensates for with PP. She is one of the first characters to learn an offensive PSI attack. Paula's weapon of choice is the Frying Pan. 0=========================0 |-Jeff: Mechanical Genius-| 0=========================0 The second companion to accompany Ness on his adventure, Jeff lives in Winters, and is the son of famous scientist, Dr. Andonuts. There are two major differences between Jeff and the rest of the group. For one, he can't use PSI attacks. Since his weapon of choice is the Gun. Jeff highly excels in IQ. Because of his disturbing amount of mechanical knowledge, Jeff can fix broken items overnight. Weapons repaired by Jeff can only be used by him. He is also the only person that can use Bottle Rockets. 0=======================0 |-Poo: Prince of Dalaam-| 0=======================0 Poo is slightly older than Ness, and he is very popular in his hometown as well. He has to go through a torturous ritual to become who he is. He strongly excels in Offense and Psychic Power. He has his own special PSI ability as well: PSI Starstorm. Poo's weapon of choice is the Sword. Poo can equip some weapons, but they all lower his Offense stat. The only Sword in the game is the Sword of Kings. It is the only one of the 1/128 items I recommend you get. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.0.0 - Earthbound Basics =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I'm sure there aren't that many new players out there, but I know that there are some. Most people that decide to pick up "Earthbound" have played RPGs before, such as those in the "Final Fantasy," "Breath of Fire," or "Dragon Warrior" series. There are, however, some aspects of "Earthbound" that are quite unique. Here, you will find a mini-table of contents devoted to this section, in particular: 4.0.1 - Controls 4.0.2 - Stats Explained 4.0.3 - Command Window 4.0.4 - Fighting Explained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0.1 - Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the controller setup of Earthbound, every button has some kind of function except the Y button. The L Button acts as the A Button, and the SELECT Button acts as the B Button, which explains how the entire game can be played with the left hand. Below are the controls for Earthbound. 0=============0 |-Control Pad-| 0=============0 The Control Pad moves the cursor on the screens before you start the actual game. During the game, it serves the purpose of moving all of your characters around the world of Eagleland. You also use the Control Pad also scrolls through in-game lists. 0==============0 |-START Button-| 0==============0 The only use for the Start Button is to advance into the game from the title screen. Other than that, you will never use it. 0===============0 |-SELECT Button-| 0===============0 Acts as the B Button, which explains how the entire game can be played with the left hand. 0==========0 |-A Button-| 0==========0 The A Button is one of the most important buttons, because it brings up the command window. It is also the button you press when you want to advance through the "selection" screens. You can substitute the L Button for the A Button. 0==========0 |-B Button-| 0==========0 While moving around Eagleland, pressing the B Button brings up the Status Window, which shows the characters' HP, PP, and any Status Ailments. You also use the B Button to cancel out in the "selection" screens. 0==========0 |-X Button-| 0==========0 Once you acquire the Town Map in Downtown Onett, pressing the X Button will bring it up. Pressing the X Button again closes the map. 0==========0 |-Y Button-| 0==========0 The only button that has no function whatsoever in the game. 0==========0 |-L Button-| 0==========0 You can substitute the L Button for the A Button. The L Button is used to talk to the people around you, and to check your surroundings. This also explains how the entire game can be played using only the left hand. 0==========0 |-R Button-| 0==========0 The R Button also only has one function in the entire game. Once you acquire the Bike in Twoson, pressing the R Button while riding the bike will ring its bell. Give it a try! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0.2 - Stats Explained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At first, I was planning on including a Legend at the top of this section due to formatting issues, but I solved the problem, so a Legend would be obsolete. Fortunately for you, you will never see the formatting problems that were caused because they were fixed before the guide was even submitted. In this section, obviously, I will be explaining the different stats you have and what they are. 0================0 |-[H]it [P]oints-| 0================0 Most people know what HP stands for, but for those of you new to the RPG genre, HP represents the amount of damage you can take. If your HP reaches 0, you will be knocked unconscious. To replenish HP, use items that recover it on the character who is in need, or stop some where to rest, like Ness's house or at an inn. 0====================0 |-[P]sychic [P]oints-| 0====================0 Original to the RPG genre, but meaning almost the same thing (MP, Mana), PP is the "unit" it costs to perform special PSI attacks. Every time you use a PSI attack, the amount of PP required for that particular attack is subtracted from the total amount you have remaining. When your PP amount reaches 0, your supply is exhausted and for the moment, you will not be able to perform PSI attacks. To replenish PP, use an item that recovers it, or stop some where to rest, like Ness's house or at an inn. Another method is to find the elusive "Magic Butterfly." You will learn more about these Butterflies later. 0=======================0 |-[EXP]erience [P]oints-| 0=======================0 Basically, to increase your Experience Points, fight more monsters. When the amount of Experience Points you currently have meets that required for the "Next Level," you will Level-Up, and some of your stats will increase. 0=========0 |-Offense-| 0=========0 Corresponds with the amount of damage you can inflict. Obviously, the higher your Offense stat is, you can cause more damage on your opponents. Vice-versa, the lower your Offense stat is, the amount of damage you inflict is lowered. 0=========0 |-Defense-| 0=========0 Corresponds with the amount of damage you can withstand. Just as with Offense, the higher your defense stat is, the more attacks you can take from enemies without becoming unconscious. The lower your Defense stat is, however, the less damage it takes for you to be eliminated. 0=======0 |-Speed-| 0=======0 Increases your chance of going first in an encounter with an enemy. Whoever has the highest Speed stat goes first in a battle, even if it is the enemy's. It also possibly raises the probability of you dodging attacks. If anyone knows this for sure, please notify me. You will be given full credit. 0======0 |-Guts-| 0======0 The first purpose of the Guts stat are that it increases the probability of connecting with a SMAAAAAASHHH!! attack whenever using a "BASH" weapon. Obviously, Jeff can never get a SMAAAAAASHHH!! attack. The other purpose of the Guts stat is that it increases the probability of your characters surviving a mortal blow that drops your HP to 1. 0==========0 |-Vitality-| 0==========0 Simply increases your total HP amount at the next Level-Up. 0====0 |-IQ-| 0====0 Simply increases your total PP amount at the next Level-Up (excluding Jeff, for obvious reasons.) In Jeff's case, the higher the IQ stat is, the more broken items he can fix over the night. 0======0 |-Luck-| 0======0 Increases the chance of you dodging attacks from your enemies. *NOTE* If I missed anything in the above section, please notify me. You will be given credit for any and all corrections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0.3 - Command Window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the game, pressing the A Button brings up the Command Window. In this window, any possible commands that you can perform are listed. The possible commands are: 0=========0 |-Talk To-| 0=========0 When you are next to a person in the world of Earthbound, selecting "Talk To" enables you to interact with them. As in almost any other RPGs, it is a good idea to talk to everybody. Talk to them again after major events as well. Selecting the "Talk To" option when you are next to a phone makes you pick up the receiver. 0=====0 |-PSI-| 0=====0 The "PSI" option allows you to use any PSI powers you have acquired so far. This is the only option in the Command Window that will not always appear. It won't appear if you haven't discovered any PSI powers or if nobody in your current group uses PSI. 0=======0 |-Check-| 0=======0 Controlled by the L Button as well, the "Check" command allows you to check your surroundings. Use it whenever you are next to trash cans, presents, and coffins etc., to open them and take whatever is inside. The "Check" command also allows you to use your ATM Card on an ATM Machine when you are next to one and when you have the Card with you. 0=======0 |-Goods-| 0=======0 This option displays the items that you have collected so far, and is organized by who is holding what. Starting with Ness, and going to the right with Paula, Jeff, and Poo, pressing left and right cycles through the available characters so you can see who is holding what. After selecting items, you can Use them, Give them to somebody else in your party, Drop items you don't need, and you can get more information about them by selecting Help! 0=======0 |-Equip-| 0=======0 Use this option to to change what your characters are using in battle. You can change what weapon they are using, what they have on their body, what they are using on their arms, and what accessory (other) they are currently using. When you walk into a store and prepare to buy new equipment, notice the status boxes at the bottom of the screen. When cycling through the lists of available equipment for sale, if one of the status boxes starts to flash, it indicates that the highlighted item increases a particular stat. If nothing happens, it means the item isn't as powerful as the one you are currently using. If the status box goes black, you know that whatever item is highlighted can't be used by that particular character. 0========0 |-Status-| 0========0 This option allows you to view all of the statistics of your character(s). Pressing the left and right buttons on the Control Pad cycles through the list of characters. This option displays: ----- Level ----- Shows the particular level your character is at. Levels increase with more experience points. ----------------------- Status Ailment (if any) ----------------------- Shows what status ailment your character is suffering. If no ailment is present, this stat does not appear. ----- Other ----- For more information on the other statistics presented here (Hit Points, Psychic Points, Experience Points, Offense, Defense, Speed, Guts, Vitality, IQ, and Luck) press the Ctrl key and the "F" key at the same time to activate the search function. Type 4.0.2 into the box and hit enter until the appropriate section appears. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0.4 - Fighting Explained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fighting portion of Earthbound is pretty much like that of any other RPG of it's kind. However, there are a few noticeable differences. This section is dedicated to completely explaining how to fight. There are different actions you can take during a fight, depending on who is in your party. Here is a list of these actions, organized by who can use them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everybody ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- BASH ---- Inflicts a physical blow upon an enemy. The higher your character's offense stat is, the more damage you cause. Because of your Guts stat, you might inflict SMAAASH!! attacks. Jeff is excluded from this option, because his "BASH" is substituted by the "Shoot" command, because his weapon of choice is the gun, and he can't perform SMAAASH!! attacks. --- PSI --- Allows you to use the PSI powers that you have realized. Once again, Jeff is excluded from this option as well. His "PSI" command is substituted with the "Spy" command. ----- Goods ----- Allows you to look through that particular character's inventory and select an item for use in the battle. Some items can be used on allies to recover HP and/or PP for them, and some items can be used on the enemies to inflict damage, such as Bombs and Bottle Rockets. ------ Defend ------ When used at the right time, the "Defend" option can be very helpful and can get you out of sticky situations. This option puts your character in a defensive position and reduces damage dealt from physical attacks. ---------- Auto Fight ---------- This option lets the computer fight the battle for you and heal whenever necessary. Cancel "Auto Fight" by pressing the B Button. I highly recommend that you never use this option, whatsoever. -------- Run Away -------- As in other RPGs, this should be self explanatory. This option gives your characters the chance to run away from battle. This options sometimes fails though, and you can never run from Boss Fights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paula ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Pray ---- This option, specific to Paula, lets her pray for the party in battle. This option isn't always a good thing, however, and should not be used until the Final Battle with Giygas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Shoot ----- Jeff's equivalent of the "BASH" command. With this, you can never perform SMAAASH!! attacks though. --- Spy --- A handy ability that lets Jeff analyze the enemy, showing you their Offense, Defense, and weakness. It also shows you if the particular enemy has a droppable item with them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Mirror ------ Poo's special ability allows him to shape-shift into the form of a selected enemy. Unfortunately, it wears off after a few turns, and sometimes it doesn't work at all. Not recommended at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will be able to tell that an enemy is nearby if you see an animal acting weird or if you see a person with blue skin, etc. You also know that in order for you to engage in a battle, you have to touch an enemy. You might not have known, however, that you can get an advantage or a disadvantage in battle. Notice that when you touch an enemy, a black swirl fills the screen, and then the battle starts. Sometimes this black swirl can be red or green, depending on how you are standing when the enemy touches you. 0=============0 |-Black Swirl-| 0=============0 This swirl appears when you touch the front or side of an enemy with your character's front or side. Most battles will happen this way, and no advantage or disadvantage for either side occurs. 0=============0 |-Green Swirl-| 0=============0 If you are sneaky and have a little bit of luck, you can approach an enemy from behind, touching their back with your front. In this case, before the actual battle begins, your entire team gets a free shot at the enemy. This is especially helpful in Dusty Dunes Desert and Scaraba with the Criminal Caterpillar and the Master Criminal Worm. You will learn more about these two later. 0===========0 |-Red Swirl-| 0===========0 Sometimes an enemy will touch your back with their front though. When this happens, the enemy gets a free attack on your party. You really want to avoid this kind of battle. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to avoid, so don't worry about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A great thing of the Earthbound fighting system is a feature known as the "Rolling Hit Point Meter," or something like that. With this, sometimes the enemy will deal a mortal blow upon a party member, and you will notice that instead of your HP being immediately dropped, it will begin to roll down to 0. If you can defeat the enemy before your HP drops all the way, you will avoid losing consciousness. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.0 - Complete Walkthrough =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *NOTE* When you first start a new game, you will be able to customize the appearance of your displays and change your sound settings. Don't worry if you make a mistake though, because you can change these settings again in the game. These settings obviously have no effect whatsoever on the gameplay. The selections are: [1] "Please select text speed." FAST MEDIUM SLOW [2] "Please select sound setting." STEREO MONO [3] "Which style of windows do you prefer?" PLAIN MINT STRAWBERRY BANANA PEANUT I personally use [1] FAST, [2] STEREO, and [3] PLAIN. You then have to name a lot of things, including the four main characters, your dog, favorite food, etc. For the purposes of this guide, I will use the default names for *everything*, in other words, the first one in the list. It will be a lot easier to follow along with this guide if you name everything the default name, however, it's fine if you name them whatever you want to if you will be able to keep up with the differences. Here are lists of all the "Don't Care" names: NESS: Ness PAULA: Paula JEFF: Jeff POO: Poo KING(pet): King Alec Nancy Dan Kato Peach Roger Skye Henry Kai Sparky Will Paige Isaac Omar Rex Brian Marie Ralph Ramin Baby Tyler Holly Sean Aziz Rover Lane Jane Rob Lado Misty FOOD: Steak THING: Rockin Pie Hammer Pasta Love Cake Gifts Eggs Slime Bread Gaming Salmon Boxing A box will pop up at the bottom asking you to confirm your choice. Select "Yep" to start the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.1 - Onett (Meteorite) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED: NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1] Cracked Bat Spiteful Crow Starman Junior [1] Bread Roll Runaway Dog [1] Cookie Coil Snake [1] ATM Card [1] Sound Stone When "Earthbound" starts out, the camera will pan across Ness's hometown, Onett, a small town in Eagleland. The year is 199X (go figure). The camera stops at a small white house. This is Ness's house. See the kid in bed with the "Z's" above his head? That's Ness. His slumber his suddenly disrupted by a loud crashing noise. At this point, you gain control of Ness. Walk out the door on your left, and go into the door in the middle of the hall. This is Ness's sister, Tracy's, room. Talk to her. You find out that she heard the loud crashing sound as well. Open the present box on the left side of the room to get a Cracked Bat. Equip it, it increases your Offense by 4. Leave Tracy's room and go down the stairs to the left. Go to the right and talk to your Mom. She asks you about the crashing noise and knows that you'll sneak out of your room anyways, so she asks you to at least change out of your jammies. You reappear in your room. Return the living room and talk to your Mom again. There's no point in picking up the phone at this point, because apparently, it isn't working. Notice your dog, King, before you walk over to the door. Walk outside and talk to some of the people walking around to learn that a meteorite landed in Onett, and that the police have closed off the road. You'll also learn that the "Sharks" are running wild in the town. You'll learn more about them later. Keep following that path that runs down below your house, you will eventually come to a little hill. Before going up the hill, open the present to the right to get a Bread Roll. Turn around and go up the hill and talk to the man standing outside his home. He tells you to read his billboard, he wrote the message himself. You learn that his name is Lier X. Agerate (Liar Exaggerate), Treasure Hunter. Keep following the path around the hill, where you can see a lot of people standing around the meteorite. Keep going until you see a group of cops and a fat kid with one eye running around: this is your neighbor, Pokey. Talk to him, and he tells you that you're getting in the cops'...um, officers' way, and he'll tell you about everything in the morning. Do as he says and make your way back home. Talk to your mom, and agree to scoot off to bed. Later that night, you are once again awakened by a terrible banging noise. My first time through the game, I thought this was the Background Music ^_^. Talk to Tracy in the hall to learn that someone is knocking at the door. Continue on into the living room, and talk to your mom again. She asks you to open the door. Go over and try to open it, but before you can, Pokey busts through. He tells you that he took Pickey (his younger brother) to go see the meteorite, and the police officers left to go deal with the "Sharks". He looked over and noticed that Pickey was gone, but of COURSE it wasn't his fault, it was all because of the cops. Agree to help him find his brother so he can avoid getting it from his dad. Tell your mom good-bye, and she advises you to take King along and to get the Cracked bat. She also makes you change out of your jammies again. Leave your room and return to the living room. Talk to Tracy to get a Cookie. She also tells you that you can leave any unwanted items with her. You don't need to do that at this point, so go "talk" to King. Agree to let him join you and talk to Pokey. Make sure you have the Cracked bat equipped, and leave. Just as you get to the door the phone rings. Go pick it up and talk to your Dad to learn that you save your game by calling him. As a bonus, he deposits $30 into your bank account. After he hangs up press Select and you'll notice that you already have $20. Call your Dad again, and save your game. Be sure you select "Continue" at the end of the conversation so you can keep playing. Walk outside, but before you go barging out of your yard, keep in mind that now there are enemies everywhere. This would be an opportune time to level up a bit, so do so now. Keep in mind that occasionally, the Spiteful Crow will leave a cookie behind after the battle. Try to fill up your entire inventory with cookies. This may not seem like a good idea now, but you will see why this is a good idea in just a minute. Only throw out cookies so you can take what is inside a present. During an encounter with an enemy, read the box at the top at some of the things Pokey does. If you haven't noticed, he is a terrible ally. King however, is a great ally. At this point, he can deal more damage than you can. At least gain one level though, so you will learn Lifeup Alpha (Lifeup A). If you ever get low on HP, go back inside your house and talk to your mom. She will give you some Steak, which will completely restore your HP. Follow the path around the hill and make your way back to the place that Pokey dismissed you earlier that night. It is possible to avoid some encounters here, but some of them are unavoidable, so don't spend too much time hiding. A sure fire way to reset the locations of the enemies is to walk inside your house and walk back out. Anyway, on your way back to that spot, talk to Lier X. Agerate and we will tell you that he heard a child's voice on the hilltop. On your way, you would have to be blind not to see Pickey beside the meteorite. Make your way to the top of the hill. When you get up there, King freaks out and runs away. Go to the left side of the hill and talk to the little boy. You learn that Pokey actually ran away and left Pickey behind (big surprise), and Pickey joins you. On your way back down the hill, Pokey stops you beside the meteorite and asks you if your hear a buzzing noise. Answer what you want, because it doesn't matter. A light surrounds the meteorite and what appears to be a bee flies out of it. In actuality, he is from 10 years in the future. A future full of devastation because of the universal cosmic destroyer, Giygas, sent all to the horror of eternal darkness. Fortunately, a legend from his time states that "When the chosen boy reaches the point, he will find the light. The passing of time shall shatter the nightmare rock and will reveal the path of light." He thinks that Ness is the chosen boy, and if you act now, you can counter Giygas's evil intentions. He says that three things are of utmost importance: wisdom, courage, and friendship. The legend from the ancient times tells of three boys and a girl who defeat Giygas. When he is finished, be sure to tell him that you listened to what he said, because if you don't he repeats the ENTIRE story. Afterwards, the bee, Buzz Buzz, joins you. Now you are invincible. Listen to what Pokey says, he is such a wuss. Make your way back home. Just before you get there, you are stopped and yet another light appears, but this time, what appears to be a gray doll blocks your path. Apparently, he knows Buzz Buzz, and after a little conversation, a battle ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |---BOSS FIGHT---| |----------------| |-Starman Junior-| 0================0 Recommended Level: 2 Fortunately for you, this Boss Fight is the first of in the game, and is disturbingly easy, since there is no strategy to it. Just have Ness BASH the Starman, and Buzz Buzz will cast PSI Shield E. This protective aura dissipates any PSI attack, and since the only attack Starman Junior uses is PSI Fire Beta (PSI Fire B), you have nothing to worry about, but don't get too comfortable. Under the right circumstances, the next Boss Fight can be a pain. This is one of the only Boss Battles in the game in which you are "Invincible". Just keep BASHing Starman Junior until he is destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you continue on, go home and save your game. Back outside, walk over to the house left of yours. BEFORE YOU GO IN, fill your entire inventory with cookies. Now, this is Pokey's house. Go inside and to the left, talk to the man sitting on the couch. He apologizes for the boys and threatens them, so he chases them off upstairs. When he comes back he expresses his dislike for your family. Then the woman talks to you, and proceeds to smash the guts out of the "dung beetle." Oops. Go over and talk to Buzz Buzz. *STORY* This is where your adventure begins. Buzz Buzz has some final words before he passes on. "To defeat Giygas, your own powers must unite with the Earth's. The Earth will then channel your power and multiply it. There are eight points that you must visit. Make these places your own. Each of these places is 'Your Sanctuary.' One of them is near Onett. It is called 'Giant Step.' Go there first." Tell Buzz Buzz you understand, or suffer having to listen to all of that again. Before he croaks, he gives you the Sound Stone. If you filled your inventory with cookies, he will give the Sound Stone to your sister. This is a good thing for newer players, but as for myself and a lot of Earthbound players, this is obsolete. I personally never do it, but that's just me. Anyway, the purpose of the Sound Stone is to record the melodies at each of the "Your Sanctuary" locations. Definitely tell him you don't want to hear his story again. Leave their house and go home. Just as you walk out, the sun rises. Just as you get to your house, you suddenly stop and weird music starts playing. The camera man that constantly stalks you for the rest of your adventure makes his first appearance. You'll learn his purpose later on, for now just smile, and let it be. Walk inside and talk to your mom to be fully refreshed. In the living room, save your game, and go outside. Now, this is where the *real* adventure begins. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.2 - Downtown Onett =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED: NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1] Town Map Skate Punk Frank [1] Hamburger Pogo Punk Frankystein Mark II [1] Mr. Baseball Cap Yes Man Junior [1] Can of Fruit Juice [1] Key to the Shack Leave Ness's house, and this time, instead of following the curving path to the left, follow the path to the right and down into Downtown Onett. In just a second it will be time to level up a bit, but not just yet. Continue down the path, fighting any monsters you come across, and read the first sign you pass. Above it is the Onett Public Library. Go inside and talk to the blond haired woman behind the desk to receive the Town Map. From now on, press the X button to see a map of whatever town you're in. Continue the path, going south-west, and if you're lucky, you might see a butterfly flying around. Remember what it looks like. You should see a trash can beside the hamburger joint. Open it to get a Hamburger. Go to the right a little ways and follow the road down to get to the Hotel. Rest here to regain your HP and PP. There's no point in opening the trash can to the right, because it's empty. Now, before we do the next part, it's time to beef up Ness a little. Return to the library, and go a little up and left from it, and talk to the kid with the frizzy hair. He tells you that he is doing watch-out duty for the hideout. Search the trees to the right a little to find a secret path. Follow it up and you will arrive in a tree house. Talk to the boy on the bottom, and he gives you the Mr. Baseball Cap. Equip it, as it raises your defense by 6. Return to the area near the Hotel, and go down and left a little bit, and you should come to a fence. Near the fence is an arcade, and around this place there are weird looking guys in black walking around. These guys are members of the local gang, the "Sharks." Fight them for a while to gain a massive amount of experience points. Run home and heal when you are low on Health. Be sure to search through the trash can behind the Shark to the left of the Arcade to get a Can of Fruit Juice. By fighting these Sharks, you will load up on Hamburgers. When the time comes, make room for the hamburgers by throwing away your cookies. At this point, try to avoid fighting two sharks or more at a time, but don't worry about dying. If you happen to die, you will return home, but half of the money you *have with you* is taken. If you die and return home, be sure to talk to your mother to regain all your PP. Before going to the next section, try to level up to at least level 8, because if you don't, surprisingly, the next section is pretty hard. After you have reached level 8 and learned PSI Rockin Alpha (PSI Rockin A), save your game, and go back to the arcade. Go inside and defeat *all* of the Sharks that will actually fight you *except for the one blocking the door in the first room. Heal when you have to. When that's done, initiate a fight with the Shark blocking the door by telling him you don't want to become a member. Once you've beaten him, it might be best to go save your game, but none the less, go through the door. Talk to the man with the cool hair-do. This is Frank. When you don't tell him your name, a boss fight ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |---BOSS FIGHT---| |----------------| |- Frank -| 0================0 Recommended Level: 8 If you did the right thing, and leveled up to level 8, this fight shouldn't be nearly as hard. However, if you have not leveled up like I recommended you do, this can possibly be one of the most challenging boss fights you will encounter in the entire game (seriously). I'll just assume that you leveled all the way up to level 8. In fact, if you are at level 8 and you die in this fight, you don't deserve to play Earthbound, unless you have a justifiable reason... Simply use PSI Rockin A on Frank to immediately kill him. If you didn't level up that far or you don't have enough PP, just BASH him until he's gone, and heal whenever necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you've whooped Frank, he whines and immediately throws his machine, Frankystein Mark II, at you, and another boss fight ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=====================0 |------BOSS FIGHT-----| |---------------------| |-Frankystein Mark II-| 0=====================0 Recommended Level: 8 (or 9 if you just leveled up) The same strategy applies here. If you don't have enough PP or didn't get to level 8, just BASH Frankystein Mark II until he's gone, and be sure to heal when your HP drops below 40, because this machine has a nasty attack where he "tears inside of you" and it takes a good bit of HP off. If you do have PSI Rockin A and have enough PP though, just use it once to destroy this machine instantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating Frankystein Mark II, Frank gives in and tells you about Giant Step, (which happens to be the first 'Your Sanctuary' location). Unfortunately, to get to Giant Step, you have to go through a cabin, which is locked. The mayor of Onett holds the key. Leave the arcade, and don't worry about the Sharks anymore. You probably want to go rest up and save your game. When that's done, head up to Town Hall, which is just above the Arcade. Go inside. Inside Town Hall, go through the double doors to the far left. Talk to the woman behind the desk to learn that Mayor Pirkle is waiting for you. Go through the next set of doors as well. Behind this desk is Mayor Pirkle. Talk to him, and he asks you if you would like to have the key to the shack. Be sure to tell him that if anything goes wrong, he won't be liable for responsibility. You then receive the Key to the Shack. Technically, the next section should start right here, as your next goal is to tackle the first 'Your Sanctuary' location. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.3 - Giant Step =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1] Travel Charm Attack Slug Titanic Ant [1] Skip Sandwich Black Antoid [1] Hamburger Rowdy Mouse Before you do anything, head to the drugstore near the top of Downtown Onett. Once inside, go to the ATM Machine beside the white dog. Use the ATM Machine, and withdraw $150 dollars from it. If you talk to the two men behind the counter, you can buy items. Altogether, you can buy: Cold Remedy - $22 Cracked Bat - $18 Tee Ball Bat - $48 Yo-Yo - $29 Baseball Cap - $19 Cheap Bracelet - $98 For now, buy the Tee Ball Bat and the Cheap Bracelet and equip them both. Be sure to sell your Cracked Bat for $9. Never ever buy a Yo-Yo of any kind until much later in the game, because at this point, they're terrible weapons. 0=======================0 |-Note: Possible Glitch-| 0=======================0 If you don't care to read about a possible glitch at this point, just scroll down to where the Walkthrough continues. This was contributed by MasterLink7, and is taken straight from the boards (edited a little bit for spelling ^_^): "Hmm... well, it might just be my game but I'll do a recreation thingy.. I started my game, went through the usual meteor thingy, I got the Cracked Bat and equipped it right away, on my way to the meteor I got the Bread Roll. Went back home and back to bed. Woke up answered to the door, Pokey comes in goes through the dialogue talked to my mom and got changed, went downstairs and got Pokey, went outside, remember that a long time ago I had the dog, so I went back inside talked to the mom thinking she told you to take the dog (I thought she did...) got the food, so I talked to the dog, took him with me. Went to the meteor and the dog ran away, got Pickey or whoever said that I could hear a bee... fought Starman Jr. got the kids back home Buzz Buzz died. Got the Sound Stone. Went to town and got the map, got the Mr. Baseball Cap and fought a Yes-Man Jr. and died, continued, started back at the house, saved because I had to go do something, came back and went to town (the drugstore) and talked to the dog... now I'm stuck on a bed... it might just be my game though, because I swear I remember the mom telling me to take the dog with me... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know how this happened, and I think it's only my game but when I talk to the white dog in Onett's drugstore it warps me onto Ness's bed, I just put up the pictures and you can view them with the following links: www.geocities.com/mcg217/earthbound_glitch1.jpeg www.geocities.com/mcg217/earthbound_glitch2.jpeg The first one is a full sized pic with the black borders to show that Ness was center-screened. The second is just a smaller one for people with slower connections, but it shouldn't take very long to load either of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a ROM yes but it hasn't been hacked and I highly doubt that it is a bad dump because everything else runs perfectly fine, in fact, when I talk to the dog, it warps to the bed in a smooth motion, almost like it was intended, but I don't think it was. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0============================0 |-Continuing the Walkthrough-| 0============================0 Once you have equipped these items, we're on our way. Return to the area around the secret hideout where you we're given the Mr. Baseball Cap by the little boy, but keep following the path northwest and you will walk by what appears to be a mole holding a shovel sticking its head up and down out of the ground. Keep going on past it until you come to a shack connected to a fence near a sign saying "NO NOT ENTER." This is the Traveling Entertainer's Shack. Use the Key to the Shack on the door, and then talk to the two men in red walking around outside it to receive the Travel Charm. Don't equip it, because it doesn't do anything. You can sell it later or just dump it, it doesn't matter. Head inside the shack. Inside, walk through the shack and exit through the huge hole in the wall on the left, and enter the cave. This is the cave leading to Giant Step. You will really want to level up here too, because the monsters here are a good bit tougher than the ones you've been facing. Look out for the Rowdy Mouse, as it constantly connects with SMAAASH!!!! attacks. The Antoids constantly call for help, and the Attack Slugs always come in groups. Just use PSI Rockin A on them to destroy them all. Get to about level 11 or 12 before you continue on. If there is an emergency and you have to heal yourself, leave the cave and go talk to your mom at home. Once you've reached level 11 or 12, heal up, save your game, and return to the cave. In the cave, if you come across a Magic Butterfly, cast Lifeup A on yourself and then capture the Butterfly to regain all your PP. From the entrance of the cave, go to the left just a little and into the first hole in the wall you see at the top. Open the present to get a Skip Sandwich. Return to the main part of the cave and go up the rope on the wall. Go all the way to the right and enter another hole in the cave. Defeat whatever enemies might be inside and open the present to get a Cold Remedy. Go back outside and climb up the second rope to get to the third level of the cave. Go all the way to the left and enter the third hole. You end up outside. Look around for Magic Butterflies, and when you find one, cast PSI Lifeup A on yourself, then capture the butterfly. When that's done, head to the left. On the way, notice the gigantic foot print above you. That is Giant Step. Enter the other cave to the left. Once inside, open the present to the far right to get a Hamburger. Walk up and enter the big hole at the top. Defeat any enemies in here and continue on, going through the other hole. In the next room, go up the two rope ladders and you will get to the top. See that shining spot? That's what a "Your Sanctuary" location looks like. Before you talk to it, eat the Hamburger you should have just picked up and regain all of your HP. Don't worry if you left the Hamburger there, I'm sure you have Hamburgers in your inventory. Talk to the shining spot to initiate a Boss Fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=============0 |- BOSS FIGHT-| |-------------| |-Titanic Ant-| 0=============0 Recommended Level: At least 11 Note that the Titanic Ant is accompanied by two Black Antoids. These are very easy to wipe out, and that is the first thing you should do. The Black Antoids can heal each other and the Titanic Ant. Compared to all the previous bosses, the Titanic Ant is a reality check. Begin the battle by casting PSI Rockin A to eliminate the Antoids and to do a bit of damage on the Titanic Ant. After that, you have a few options: Keep casting PSI Rockin A, BASH away, or cast PSI Hypnosis A, which works on the Ant, but isn't reliable at all. I suggest continually casting PSI Rockin A until you run out of PP, and then BASHing away. Beware of PSI Magnet, because if he uses it on you, you will be forced to BASH away at him for the rest of the battle. If you need to heal yourself, use Hamburgers. The Titanic Ant won't stand it's ground very long, and the battle will be over, and you will gain a ton of Experience Points. On a personal side note: Don't you just love that Boss Music? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When that's over with, walk through the hole that the Titanic Ant was previously blocking to arrive at Giant Step. Approach it and let the Sound Stone record it's beautiful melody. While listening to it, Ness will catch a glimpse of a small, cute puppy. Could this be Ness looking at his dog King in he past? The Sound Stone records the melody of the Giant Step. Walk back inside the cave and back track all the way back to the Traveling Entertainer's Shack. On your way, you can laugh how all of the monsters inside the cave now run away from you. When you get to the place where you walk outside for a second, you will see a Police Officer at the entrance to the cave. Uh-oh. Back at the shack, the officer approaches you and asks you if you could read the "DO NOT ENTER" sign. It doesn't matter what you say, because he tells you to come by the Onett Police Station later. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Onett Police Station =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS Cop [5] Captain Strong Before you actually go to the Onett Police Station, run home and talk to your Mom, and she will tell you to go to bed and rest. During your nap, a friend you have never met before named Paula telepathically contacts you in your sleep. Not much else is said here, so when you wake up, call your Dad and save your game. Outside, go to the Arcade in Downtown Onett. Across the street to the right is the Bakery, and to the right of that is the Onett Police Station. Before you go in, make sure you have a few Hamburgers in your inventory. At the time of this writing, I have 5 in mine. It is also a good idea to be at level 12 before you go in. Meeting these requirements, go into the Station, but if not, go to the Burger Shop beside the Drug Store and buy some. If you aren't at level 12 yet, don't trip out, you'll just have a slightly harder time ahead. With that said, enter the Onett Police Station. Inside, you will see two different looking cops standing in the middle of the hall staring at each other. Talk to the one on the left. He asks you if you are sure you want to go to Twoson. Say yes, and he'll stifle a laugh and tell you to follow him. In order to have permission to go to Twoson, you have to get by 5 of his best men. Shortly afterwards, the five cops spread out and the first one comes to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=============0 |- BOSS FIGHT-| |-------------| |- Cop -| 0=============0 Recommended Level: 12 There isn't much to be said about these fights. Constantly BASH these Cops until they're gone, and be sure to heal yourself with a Hamburger. Their regular attack isn't that bad, but watch out for the Crushing Chop, which still isn't that bad, but eh. Do keep in mind, however, that you can't heal in between battles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luckily for you, the last Cop chickens out and runs away. Unfortunately, Captain Strong approaches and wants to fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------| |-Captain Strong-| 0================0 Recommended Level: 12 This fight isn't really any harder than the previous four. Just use PSI Rockin three times until he's dead. If you're low on PP, just BASH him away. Be sure to heal if you have to. This fight won't last but a few seconds, don't worry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that's over with, find somewhere to rest up, and save your game, then return to the Onett Police Station. A little down and to the left is a sign reading: "ONETT TOWN". Follow the path beside the sign and talk to the two officers. They tell you that they got the okay from Captain Strong to let you through, so be on your way. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.4 - Twoson =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1] Hamburger Annoying Old Party Man Everdred [1] Broken Machine Cranky Lady [1] Receiver Phone New Age Retro Hippie Ramblin' Evil Mushroom Unassuming Local Guy Follow the path down and enter the little house on the left. Inside, talk to the boy with the shaggy looking hair and the mother mouse in the middle to learn about "Exit Mice." If you are ever lost in any kind of maze, you can use these exit mice to help you find the exit. Agree to take one along with you, and exit the house. Continue following the path, fighting any enemies on the way, and opening the present on the right side of the path to get a Hamburger. In a battle with a Ramblin' Evil Mushroom, your enemy might spread spores around and Ness will begin to "feel strange." Just keep walking, following the path's curve to the left and back down. You'll probably notice that Ness will suddenly start to walk in a different direction. Because he "feels strange" with the spore on his head, he gets disoriented until you get the mushroom taken off, which should be our first priority after coming into Twoson. Ever so tediously follow the dirt path until you get to the road. Follow this road until you get to an intersection that goes up, right beside the Chaos Theater. At the fork at the top of this section, go to the right and into the hospital. Inside, make your way to the left and find a little man with blue hair. Talk to him to find out that he is a healer. After initiating a little conversation, he notices the mushroom on top of your head and offers to buy it. Of course you want to sell it to him. You get $50 in cash and now you can walk straight again! Exit the hospital, and go to the left a little and down the side road back to the main road. Now, I highly recommend that you follow the main road back to the left and go into the hotel if you need to. Save your game, visit the ATM Machine, whatever you need to. Now for a little surprise. Go up to the main behind the counter and pay him $50 dollars to spend the night at the hotel. After ness wakes up, exit the room and notice the little man in black at the table. Go down to him and repeatedly talk to him until you aggravate him so much that he gives you $50 to leave him alone! You just got your Hotel bill refunded. Don't get too happy, it only works one time. Leave to the right and exit the Hotel altogether. Next door to the Hotel, you will see the Cycle Shop. Go inside and talk to the punk behind the counter to learn that the name of the shop is "Punk-Sure." Keep talking to him and he will tell you how much easier it is to ride a bike than to walk and how popular you will be with the biking crowd. Surprisingly, he offers you a bike. Say yes. Unfortunately, they don't have any bikes for sale, but he offers to rent you one. Little does he know that he'll never see the bike again. He even tells you the three disadvantages of using the bike: -You can't ride it with more than one peerson. -You can't ride it with anything followiing you (A teddy bear, for example...) -You can't ride it into caves (or buildiings, for that matter) Exit the Cycle Shop. You can make a trip to the Department Store to the right, but it really isn't necessary for now. Although make sure you have a few healing items in your inventory, such as Hamburgers. Follow the main road all the way to the right and follow the curve down until you pass a blue man standing in front of a tree near a sign that says "Burglin Park." Enter here. Follow the little path all the way to the left until you get to a little house with a man with a wild looking beard and a crazy orange shirt to match it standing on top of a house. Approach him, and he leaps off the house. He rambles for a second and a boss battle ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------| |- Everdred -| 0================0 Recommended Level: Around 12 or 13 This battle can sometimes be a pain if you aren't leveled up very well. Everdred can attack for close to 40 damage! He might also occasionally try to steal something from you. Constantly use PSI Rockin A on him, and be sure to have Ness eat a Hamburger when his health falls below 70. Now, if for some stupid reason you don't have PSI Rockin A yet, I don't even know why you're here. After a little fighting, the battle should end. You get close to 1000 experience points, and you'll probably level up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle is over, he tells you his title is Everdred, boss of Burglin Park. He blames his loss on twisting his ankle from leaping off the house. He tells you that a chubby boy and a weird guy in a blue outfit kidnapped Paula through Peaceful Rest Valley, and plan using her as some sort of human sacrifice. After he leaves and goes inside his house, make your way out of Burglin Park. On the way though, talk to the kid with shaggy hair who has a "For Sale" sign. You can talk to him and he'll offer to sell you the sign for $98 dollars. You can buy the sign if you want to, but it's a complete waste of money. In using the sign and waiting a few moments, someone will come running to you and offer to buy your stuff. Useless. Make your way out of Burglin Park, and continue following the path down, and the curve to the right. Go past the little intersection to the building that says "Pizza" on the front of it. This is Mach Pizza: they don't serve, only deliver. Get the number, and exit the place. Follow the intersection down just a little bit until you see two houses with signs in front of them that say "Apple Kid" and "Orange Kid". Don't go into the Orange Kid's place, but rather the Apple Kid's. Dig through the trash can to the left to get the Broken Machine. Talk to Apple Kid (the kid with red hair walking around with the mouse.) He tells you he hasn't had a bath in a while and asks for some food. Give him some kind of food item, such as a Hamburger. He also asks if you would like to invest $200 in some of his inventions. Say yes again, and give him the money. As you try to leave the building, the little mouse blocks your path. Since you "aided his master", he gives you the Receiver Phone. Leave the Apple Kid's home. Follow the little road back up and at the intersection, go to the right, past Mach Pizza until you get to the end of the road and a little dirt path takes over. Follow the path until you get to a cave. Enter the cave, which leads to Peaceful Rest Valley. When you come out of the cave, see the little girl walking around the field of mushrooms? She can really help you out when you need it. If you are ever fighting an Evil Ramblin' Mushroom and Ness begins to "feel strange," come to this girl, and she will take the mushroom from you. Follow the open path to the right and follow the curve upward, past the little mole holding a spear. On the way up, notice the little broken bridge with a man in blue on the other side. Make your way up until you see what appears to be a gigantic pencil-shaped iron statue stuck in the ground. Oh no, whatever shall we do? Go up to the statue, and be sure to examine it. Just as you try to leave the area, walking past the broken bridge and the little girl in the field of mushrooms. Go through the cave, and just as you are about to exit, you'll notice Ness stops moving and an annoying ringing sound comes from now where. Press the A button to automatically pick up the Receiver Phone. It's the Apple Kid, and he's just finished a great new invention! Make your way back to Apple Kid's house. As you get there, you'll notice that Orange Kid is standing outside his door. One of the reasons I told you to avoid this guy earlier is that he can be a real snob when he wants to be. Fortunately, he helps you out this time. He informs you that Apple Kid is in Burglin Park looking for you. Make your way back to Burglin Park. Just a little below Everdred's house and a weird looking kid in what appears to be a Jason mask will be Apple Kid and his faithful mouse resting under a tree. Talk to Apple Kid to find out what his new invention was. Ironically, he was up all night working on the Pencil Eraser, a machine that will eradicate all pencil-shaped figures in just one second. He gives it to you (What luck!) This is probably a good time to save your game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.5 - PEACEFUL REST VALLEY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: [1]Travel Charm Lil' UFO [1]Luck Capsule Mobile Sprout [1]Croissant Spinning Robo [1]Bomb Territorial Oak Make your way back through the cave, past the little girl in the mushroom field, and past the broken bridge back to the gigantic pencil-shaped iron statue stuck in the ground. Get really close to is and use the Pencil Eraser. Voila, the statue is gone! From here on out, you'll notice enemies all throughout Peaceful Rest Valley. Now, many people would say that getting through Peaceful Rest Valley is a challenge at this point in the game, and they recommend your level be in the 20+ area, but I would have to disagree. There are certain spots throughout the Valley where Magic Butterflies like to constantly respawn. Keep in mind though, these Butterflies only restore PP, so it is a good idea to completely heal yourself with Lifeup A before you get them. Throughout this part of the walkthrough, I'll keep track of where you see these Magic Butterflies. After you erase the eraser statue, continue up. Cross the bridge you come to on the right. See this little tree sitting there by itself? There is probably a Magic Butterfly floating around it. This is one of the spots where Magic Butterflies like to respawn. Continue past the tree and the present on the hill and walk down until you see a little slope. Go up the slope and take the top path to get to the present. Open it to get a Travel Charm. Equip the charm now, because it protects you from paralysis attacks. Continue down the path after the present and hang to the right a little bit past a very large tree. You'll see a present box down to the left. Open it for a Luck Capsule. Use it, as it permanently increases your luck by 1. Go back up, past the large tree and hang to the left this time, back the way you came. On the way there you'll see a slope going down to the left. Go down the slope and take the curve down. Talk to the man in blue standing by the broken bridge. Around him is another area where Magic Butterflies like to respawn. Go down after you talk to the man and go to the left a little. Open the present to get a Croissant. Go to the right, behind the huge slope to get to another present box. Open it to get a Bomb. Keep this bomb, you'll need it (but not for a long while). Turn and go around the slope, and follow the little path that leads between it and the cliff. Cross the little bridge and go up until you get to the slope of the hill to your right. See this little weird shaped rock? Magic Butterflies respawn here. Don't forget to use PSI Lifeup A before you grab it though. Follow the only path up and all the way to the left to get to another present box. Unless you plan on keeping everything you get in the entire game, go into your inventory, select the "Mr. Baseball Cap" and "Drop" it. Open the present box to get the Hard Hat. Equip it now. Go back to the weird shaped rock where Magic Butterflies respawn, and follow the large slope down. Take the path down and to the left all the way and open the present to get a Cup of Lifenoodles. Sometimes a lot of enemies spawn in this little area, so watch out. Get out of this place, and follow the path down and to the right. Go into the cave. Follow through these two paths, and attempt to avoid the weak enemies throughout it. On the other side is Happy Happy Village! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.6 - HAPPY HAPPY VILLAGE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1]Franklin Badge Insane Cultist Mr. Carpenter [1]Croissant [1]Skip Sandwich [1]Key to the Cabin First order of business is to save your game. It can sometimes be hard to find the place to save it, but it's all right since I'm here. Go to the upper right corner of the town, right beside a cave entrance to the building in the far corner. Use the pay phone in here and save your game. Go to the ATM Machine and get $500. Go to the two guys behind the counter and talk to the one on the right. Sell your Tee Ball Bat and your Cheap Bracelet. Buy and equip the Sandlot Bat and the Copper Bracelet to see a dramatic increase in Ness's stats. Exit the drug store and enter the cave up and to the left. Follow through the cave all the way to the left and exit it on the other side. Outside, go down and enter the little house. Be sure you have one empty slot in your inventory. Once inside, see the girl in the pink dress running around frantically? That's Paula! Talk to her, and she will tell you something or another about Ness. She tells you that "Mr. Franklin" has the key to her cell, and that he can control lightning. She gives you the Franklin Badge for protection. You'll learn more about this later. On your way out of the area, Pokey - er... "Master Pokey" approaches you. Apparently he's a bad guy now. He insults you a little bet, and soon sends two Insane Cultists and a Spiteful Crow at you. Just use PSI Rockin A to get rid of these guys. Afterwards, head back into the cave and back into Happy Happy Village. Go a little down and far to the left of the Drug Store. Look for a large blue building with a high-class looking women just outside. You'll know this is the building I'm talking about because when you walk into it, you'll see tons of Insane Cultists blocking your path, but it's all right. The key here is to talk to the Cultists that are moving the fastest. But, if you talk to the wrong one, a battle ensues. First of all, talk to the one just below you, on your way to the present box. Open it to get a Croissant. Look closely at the Insane Cultist you just talked to. See where he walked to? Just to the left of him should be three more Insane Cultists to form a little line. Talk to the one and the left, and he moves. Go down into this little area and move "4 Cultists to the left". There should be a Cultist moving very fast right in front of you. Talk to him to get him to move. Also, talk to the one right behind him to get him to move as well. Open the present box to get a Skip Sandwich. Go as far down and to the left as you can from the present box. Talk to the guy to get him to move out of the way. Unfortunately, you won't get out of this as easy as you may have thought you would. Talk to the Cultist right below him and fight the unavoidable battle. After that's over with, make your way to the left side of the room, and continue on through the door. Go up the set of stairs to the left. In the next room, you'll see Mr. Franklins standing in front of something called the "Mani-Mani Statue," but I won't get into that yet. Mr. Franklin asks if you would like to help him paint the world blue. Tell him "No," and another boss battle ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------| |- Mr. Franklin -| 0================0 If you don't have the Franklin Badge in your inventory, you're pretty much screwed, because Mr. Franklin has a very powerful lighting attack. If you do have the Badge in your inventory, however, then this battle is a breeze, because you'll notice that before the battle even starts, Mr. Franklin will attempt to hit you with a lightning attack and the game tells you that the Franklin Badge deflected it. You still need to watch out for his physical attack as well though, but it doesn't pose as much of a threat. Just BASH away, as the Franklin Badge will turn your opponents lightning attacks onto himself, and the battle should be over that quick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, Mr. Franklin apologizes and gives you the key to open the jail in the mountain cabin where Paula is being held. Exit all the way through the large blue building, through Happy Happy Village, and back to Paula's jail cell. Notice that on the way through the building that most of the Insane Cultists are gone, and any present boxes you didn't open earlier are very accessible now. Just as you exit the house, Pickey once again proves how much he sucks. In the mountain cabin, get close to the jail cell, go into your inventory, and "Use" the Key to the Cabin to unlock Paula from her cell! Paula tells you that it's time to head back to Twoson, but, we have a little business to finish in Happy Happy Village first. One of the best things about adding Paula to your party is that now you have another whole inventory to put items in. Head out of the cabin, through the cave, and into the drug store. Take about $700 out of the ATM Machine and buy Paula a Fry Pan, a Copper Bracelet, a Holmes Hat, and a Ribbon. Now is a good time to save your game. After that's done, leave the drug store. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.7 - LILLIPUT STEPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1]Great Charm Mighty Bear Mondo Mole [1]Croissant Mole Playing Rough Mr. Batty You'll need to level Paula up a good bit before the next part. Outside of the drug store, go down just a little bit and into the cave to the right. The entrance to the cave is right beside a shaggy haired boy. Go inside and constantly fight monsters until Paula is at about level 12, at which point she gets an HP boost of 21! This shouldn't take long, because if you fight one of the moles you see when you first enter the cave, Paula should instantly gain 5 levels. If you ever get in trouble and need to heal yourself, leave the cave and go to the bottom-left corner of the village. Go into the farm house right beside the cow and talk to the man. Because you got rid of Mr. Franklin, he now let's you rest up at his house for free! Once you've leveled Paula up to about level 12, enter the cave after healing up and saving your game. Follow the little curve up and to the right. Take the slope down and follow the path around the skeletons and water area. Open the present to get a Great Charm. Equip Paula with it. Go back around the water and skeletons and back up the slope. Go to the right this time, and go as far right as you can without going down another slope. Open the present to get a Croissant. Go back a little, and continue down the slope. Go all the way to the right and past the watery area. Go straight up and follow the curves to the left, down, and to the left again. You can generally only go in one direction, so getting around shouldn't be too tough. There is a little cove in this section where Magic Butterflies like to appear. Don't forget to completely heal Ness and Paula using PSI Lifeup A before you grab it. Continue down and to the left and follow the curve up and around back to the right. Follow the little inside path and you'll come up on a present box. Open it to get a PSI Caramel. Be sure everyone is healed up. When that's down, head on over to the right and talk to the shining spot to initiate another Boss Fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0==============0 |- BOSS FIGHT-| |--------------| |- Mondo Mole -| 0==============0 Recommended level: Ness - At least 21 / Paula - At least 14 It seems that Mondo Mole is quite vunerable to paralysis. For a much easier fight, use Ness's PSI Paralysis and then just bash away at him. This is especially helpful if you have not yet rescued Paula. For a more traditional fight, use your strongest PSI abilities to wear the boss down. Once he runs out of PP, continue to bash him and of course be sure to keep an eye on your HP. If you are still having trouble against Mondo Mole, go level up a little bit and then try again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When that's over with, walk through the hole in the cave that Mondo Mole was previously blocking to arrive at Lilliput Steps. Approach it and let the Sound Stone record it's beautiful melody. While listening to it, Ness will have a vision of a baby in a red cap. Could this be Ness looking at himself in the past? The Sound Stone records the melody of the Lilliput Steps. Go back into the cave. Make your way all the way back to Happy Happy Village. There really isn't anything to do here now, so go to the farm and rest for free, go to the Drug Store to save your game, and then head back into the upper left corner of the Village and enter the cave. Trek back through here and all the way back through Peaceful Rest Valley to arrive in Twoson again. On your way through the Valley, you'll notice that the bridge that was once destroyed is now repaired. Apparently, Orange Kid repaired it as a sign of apology. (Which is exactly why I told you not to even talk to him to begin with - he was a snob.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.8 - TWOSON (REVISITED) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED [1]Teddy Bear [1]Wad of Bills [1]Backstage Pass Back in Twoson, go to where Mach Pizza was. Enter the long building with the car asleep on top of it just to the left of the Pizza Place. Walk to the left and talk to the women to receive the Hand-Aid. Continue on through the door to the left and as you enter the next room, you are welcome with a sudden surprise. Paula's father makes an appearance. He thanks you for saving her, and you'll notice Paula say that in the next town, Threed, you'll meet another friend. Continue through the stairs to the left and the door in the next room. Open the present box to get a Teddy Bear. Exit the long building, Just as you do, a tough looking guy tells you that Everdred is looking for you in Burglin Park. Head over to the park and enter Everdred's little house. He rambles on for a second and finally gives you a Wad of Bills ($10,000.) Follow the road up to the right and stop at the Chaos Theater. Talk to the two men standing near the black van to get a Backstage Pass. Just in case you didn't know, these two men are part of a band called "The Runaway Five." (Which ironically is made up of 6 members). Enter the Chaos Theater. Talk to the women standing between the two counters. Go into your inventory and select the Backstage Pass. She lets you pass into the next room. Here, go to the left side of the room, and talk to the blonde haired girl close to the door. She begs you to take her backstage while she poses as your sister. Go back there and talk to everyone in the room. You'll learn that The Runaway Five are in serious debt and they need $10,000. Hmmm... When that's done, go back through the door to your right. The Runaway Five show starts as soon as you enter the room. Wait a few minutes until this is over, and go back through the blue double doors at the bottom of the room. Get past the women and go through the door to the far left. Talk to the man behind the counter to learn slightly more about The Runaway Five's debt. Get close to the man, go into your inventory, and use the Wad of Bills. He gets excited and says that the men are free. They all come into the run and individually greet you. Exit the Chaos Theater. Talk to the happy-looking man standing to the right of the black van, and he offers you a ride to the next town, Threed. Accept his offer and get into the van. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0.9 - THREED =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1]Insecticide Spray Handsome Tom Boogey Tent No Good Fly Mini Barf Putrid Moldyman Smelly Ghost Smilin' Sam Trick or Treat Kid Urban Zombie Zombie Dog Zombie Possessor From your starting point in Threed, walk up onto the road and walk to the left a little bit. Go into the Drug Store and save your game. Go to the ATM Machine and take out about $600, and talk to the man behind the counter on the right. Buy a Minor League Bat for Ness and a Thick Fry Pan for Paula. Sell your old weapons and equip the new ones now. Leave the Drug Store. Rummage through the nearby garbage can to get... nothing. Go to the right and get close to the Pizza Place. See the man standing behind it? Go around to the left and talk to him to find out he's a weapon dealer. He doesn't have anything you need at this point, but don't forget where he's at. Go up and to the right from the man and enter the large tent. Talk to everyone to learn about the Zombie problem in Threed. Leave the tent. Go to the Hotel right above you and talk to the kid with the shaggy hair. He tells you that he's seen a suspicious looking women talking to ghosts lately. Hmmm... Go to the upper-left section of Threed, and enter the graveyard to the left. Walk around the cemetary, and try to avoid the ghosts and fake garbage cans. On the left side of the cemetary, open the real can to get a can of Insecticide spray. Follow the curve up and to the right. Go all the way to the far end and interact with the two zombies. Keep in mind the ladder on the other side. It would probably be a good idea to make your way around the town and talk to as many people as you can so you can familiarize yourself with Threed. When that's done, head back to the entrance to the graveyard. Go down just a little bit, and talk to the man in the black suit and hat. He tells you to take a look at "that chick in front of the Hotel." Make your way over to the right, and you'll see a suspicious looking women walk into the Hotel. Follow her. In the first room of the Hotel, it is a very good idea to save your game right now. When that's done, follow the women to the left one more room. Finally, follow the woman into the door on the left. Just as you walk in, you get ambushed and knocked unconscious by a group of Zombies and Ghosts. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.0 - WINTERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: [7]Cookies Cave Boy [1]Bad Key Machine Gruff Goat [1]Holmes Hat Mad Duck [1]Pop Gun Worthless Protoplasm [1]Broken Air Gun [1]Pak of Bubble Gum [1]Bread Roll [1]Insecticide Spray [1]Broken Iron [1]Croissant [1]Hamburger [1]Cheap Bracelet [1]Bottle Rocket You wake up in a blue tinted room with a door in the upper right corner. Examine the door to find out that it's locked. Paula uses her psychic abilities and calls out to another friend that you don't know, Jeff. The camera focuses on a snowy area with caves and trees everywhere. This is Winters. It eventually stops at the Snow Wood Boarding House. Inside, we see two young buys asleep in a room with a pile of tools to the side. Paula constantly calls out to Jeff for help. She tells him to head south, and that only he can save them. Move around the directional buttons and the kid further toward the top of the room wakes up and gets out of bed. This is Jeff. As you start to leave the room, the other kid jumps up and asks him where he's going in the middle of the night. This is Tony. He finally just tells you to go to the locker room and get some things you need before you leave. He joins you. Leave the room, and talk to the congregation of boys to the right. They tell you the rumors about Tessie and the Cave Boys at Stonehenge. Go into the door in the upper left corner, and open all of the present boxes to get 7 cookies! Talk to the two boys and leave the room. Go down the stairs to the left. Go into the room and talk to the boy, Maxwell, to learn about Jeff's father, Dr. Andonuts, and to receive the Key to the locker. Leave the room and go into the door in the upper right corner. When you try to open some of the lockers, you learn that the key is so bent that it wont even fit into the key hole. Let's give Maxwell another visit. He tells you that he invented another device already. He calls it the "Machine that Opens Doors especially when you have a slighty bad key," otherwise known as the Bad key machine. Go back into the locker room and open the locker all the way to the left on the first row to get a Holmes hat. Go into your inventory and drop a few cookies, because you seriously don't need that many, if any at all. Open the locker all the way to the right on the back row to get a Pop gun, and the locker in the middle of the back row to get a Broken air gun. Leave the locker room and go through the big double doors to the right. Approach the gates outside, and Tony will kneel over in frony of them. Talk to him and use him as a stepping stone to heave yourself over the gates. It just so happens that there's a conveniently placed shop just to the right. Go there. Talk to the women in the back, and agree to take the monkey. She gives you a Pak of bubble gum. Talk to the Monkey, and he will take a piece of gum from Jeff and blow a bubble with it. He joins you. Use the phone to call Maxwell and save your game. Exit the Shop and head straight down, to the right, and down again into the large open area. Go straight down and pass the tree on the right side. Try to avoid as many enemies as you can for now. Take the little sectioned off path until the end, and head down and to the right until you see a tent. It is very important for you to go into this tent. Talk to the blonde haired kid in the blue shirt to have all of your HP recovered. Go outside and fight enemies that appear very close to the tent. Any time your HP starts to get low, go back in and have it restored. Level up to about level 5, go into the tent and heal yourself, and go back outside. Go to the left, and follow the path up top. Go around the curve and through the trees. Go to the right into the large open area, and go to the bottom right corner. You should see another tent. Continue past it and you will come to a campsite full of men walking around with binoculars. Walk into the tent on the far left and talk to the man walking around. He gives you some stew and rest. In the middle of the night, Paula will call you again and tell you to head south. When you wake up, go outside and you'll notice that the wind has picked up. Go to the right and follow along the coast until you see a little swirl in the water. Go out onto the little peninsula and stand on the dirt circle. The Monkey takes some gum, blows a bubble, and floats out to the water. Tessie appears where the swirl was! She comes over to your right side, and Jeff automatically gets on her back. Enjoy the little ride south. After Tessie drops you off, follow the only path you can to the south. Notice the iron pencil-shaped statue. Enter the nearby cave, keeping notice to the sign to the left that says "Brick Road." This is a pretty neat little maze that has a few items throughout it. Go straight to the left and open the present box to get a Bread Roll. Exit this path and enter the one right below it. Follow this path to end and open the present box to get a can of Insecticide Spray. Go to the beginning of this path and enter the third path. Go through it, fight the fake present box, and follow the path to the right. Open the present box to get a Broken Iron. Get out of this little area, but stay in this path. Go to the left and follow the path up and turn back to the lef and down. Follow the only path that doesn't lead to a dead end. Go down and open the present box to get a Croissant. Follow the path to the end, and open the last box to get a Stun Gun. Exit the maze, and use the phone to call Maxwell and save your game. Exit the cave. Talk to the man waiting outside. His name is Brick Road. He tells you that he knows Dr. Andonuts and about the "Dungeon Man" experiment. He lets you rest and recover all of your HP. Follow the path down and to the right. Curve back to the left and enter the second cave. Follow the path down and all the way to the left. Open the present box at the end to get a Hamburger. Go through the little "door" to the left to enter the next section of the cave. Walk to the extreme left of this section and go through this "door" as well. In the next section, go up the two rope ladders and open the present box at the top to get a Cheap Bracelet. Equip it and head back down the two rope ladders. Walk to the far left and open the present box to get a Bottle Rocket. Go a little to the right and stand under the curled up rope ladder. Go into your inventory and "Use" the Pak of bubble gum. The Monkey blows a bubble with a piece, floats up to the next platform and releases the rope. When he comes back, go up the two rope ladders and talk to the shining spot. It says that only Ness can absorb the power of this place. Go to the left and exit the cave. Outside, the Monkey notices a female Monkey standing there, and you see the two of them run off. Now, go through this little "Stonehenge" and try your best to avoid as many of these Cave Boys as you can. Go all the way down and enter the building with the word "LAB" printed in big letters on the front. Talk to the man walking around with white hair. This is Dr. Andonuts - Jeff's father. For a few seconds they have their moment, and he tells you about the Phase Distorter and the Sky Runner. The Phase Distorter is incomplete, so he lets you use the Sky Runner. Use the little machine right above you to restore your health, and then head up the stairs to the left. Walk to the right side and open the present box to get a Broken Pipe. Go back down the stairs and go to the left side of the room. Enter the Sky Runner. After a little scene where you fly over a town and a desert, you end up in Threed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.1 - THREED (REVISITED) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED [1]Jar of Fly Honey [1]Zombie Paper [1]Skip Sandwich DX [1]Bomb [1]Protein Drink [1]Bottle Rocket The Sky Runner crash lands in the middle of a little graveyard, and ends up in the room that Ness and Paula were locked in! Let him join your group, and go up to the locked door in the upper right corner. Have Jeff use the Bad Key Machine on it, and it opens. You wind up in a wierd colored room. Go up the stairs and up the ladder. You end up in the middle of the little graveyard that the Sky Runner crash landed in. Now is a good time to go back to the Drug Store and save your game. Get about $600 out of the ATM Machine, and buy Jeff a Holmes hat and a Copper Bracelet. Sell the man his old equipment, and equip the new. Go ahead and sell them Jeff's Stun Gun as well, because you're about to get an even better gun. Go to the weapons dealer behind the drug store and buy Jeff a Toy Air Gun. You're going to have to level up a little bit before you do the next part, so get Jeff to about level 15. When that's done, head to the large circus tent in the middle of the town. As you approach it, you'll see some people hurry inside. Follow them. Inside the tent, talk to all the people walking around to learn more about the Zombie problem. After that, leave the tent and go to the bottom part of the town. Over to the right should be a shaggy-haired kid walking around in front of a "Threed" sign. Talk to him, and he tells you that the zombies' leader likes Fly Honey. He tells you that he has a large supply of Fly Honey in the tent to the south. Hmmm... see the big tent right below the kid? Approach it from the front to initiate a boss battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0===============0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |---------------| |- Boogey Tent -| 0===============0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 24 / Paula - Around 19 / Jeff - 15 The whole point of levelling Jeff up early wasn't so much based on him participating in the battle, but to keep him alive so he can share the experience points after the battle. If you are following the recommended levels, then this battle shouldn't be too tough. Have Ness use his highest level PSI Rockin attack and have Paula and Jeff BASH continuously. When Jeff's HP gets below 60 (pretty much every time he gets hit) have someone heal him. It shouldn't ake long for this battle to end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the battle ends, a garbage can appears where the tent used to stand. Rummage through it to get a Jar of Fly Honey. For something kind of humorous, talk to the shaggy-haired kid again. He tells you what he told you before, but notice how he mentions nothing about his tent. Walk around Threed for awhile, and Ness will stop walking and the Reciever Phone will begin to ring. Press A to automatically answer it. It's Apple Kid, and he tells you about his new invention: Zombie Paper. He tells you all you need to do is put it in a tent and the zombies will be attracted to it and get stuck in it. What luck! There just so happens to be a large circus tent smack in the middle of town. He tells you that he just told the Mach Pizza delivery man to send you the paper. Walk around for a few seconds and the Pizza man will arrive and give you the Zombie Paper. Go to the tent in the middle of Threed and talk to the people walking around. They think that the Zombie Paper is a good idea. Get anywhere in the tent and go into your inventory. "Use" the Zombie Paper and it will be placed on the floor. Leave the tent and go up into the Hotel. Spend the night. Watch the little animation of the zombies flocking to the tent. Keep in mind that the two zombies that were blocking your way to the ladder in the upper part of Threed leave their post. The next day, go back to the circus tent. You'll notice the people are now standing outside the tent. Go inside and you'll see all the zombies laying around. Leave and go to the upper left portion of Threed through the graveyard. Go to the place where the two zombies were blocking your path to the ladder. Now that they're not there, you're free to go down the ladder. Down the ladder, just follow the path. Go down the stairs and into the next room. Open the casket to get a Skip Sandwich DX. Continue into the next section. Go down the steps and through the door. Open this casket to get a Silver Bracelet. Equip it to Paula and continue on through the door. Continue up the steps until you get to the last room. Talk to the little pile of puke on the ground to initiate another boss battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0===============0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |---------------| |- Mini Barf -| 0===============0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 25 / Paula - Around 19 / Jeff - Around 16 This battle is horribly easy. Just have Ness and Paula use their best PSI attacks and have Jeff constantly use BASH. It shouldn't take long at all for this battle to end. A good idea is to use one of Jeff's Bottle Rockets to just end the fight. It's up to you. After a few hits, this battle should end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.2 - GRAPEFRUIT FALLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Go up the ladder, and you'll come out of a cave into a place that looks like Peaceful Rest Valley. Talk to the man standing there and buy whatever items you need from him. He tells you that you should visit a place up ahead called Saturn Valley. When you're done talking to him, follow the path up and to the right. Open the present boxes on your way to get a Bomb and a Protein Drink. After the Protein Drink, go into the cave to the right. In this cave, go into the little side path and open present box to get a Bottle Rocket. Exit this side path and continue going through all the way to the right until you are out of the cave. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.3 - SATURN VALLEY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED: [1]Rust Promoter [1]Protactor [1]Sudden Guts Pill [1]Broken Spray Can You'll come out in a little yellow area with some really wierd sounding music. Go to the right and follow the curve back around. Talk to the little wierd creature with whiskers and a bow in its head. Thats a Mr. Saturn (hence the name: Saturn Valley). At first what he says is sort of hard to read, but you get used to it after a while. Go into the little building just to the left and talk to the Mr. Saturn to rest up and recover your health. Go up the ladder and use the phone to call your dad and save your game. Exit this building, and walk to the right. If there are any status ailments upon your characters, go into the building just to the right and talk to the Mr. Saturn in there. He'll heal you for free. After that's done, exit the building and walk up and to the right: going around the little spring. You'll see a present box on top of a ladder. Open it to get a Rust Promoter. Walk down the ladder and go to the left. Go into the first cave you see. Rummage through the three garbage cans to get a Protactor, a Sudden Guts Pill, and a Broken Spray Can. Leave that cave, and go into the cave at the top of the ladder to the far left. Go up the next ladder and you'll end up outside. Finally, go up a final ladder and into the building. In here, sell any un-needed items, and get about $2200 out of the ATM Machine. Talk to the Mr. Saturn closest to the bottom and buy 2 Great Charms and 2 Silver Bracelets for Ness and Jeff, and a Red Ribbon for Paula. Sell your old equipment and equip the new. Deposit all your money, but keep $400 or so just in case. Use the phone to call your dad and save your game if you want to, then exit the building. Go down the ladder and into the cave. In this section, talk to the Mr. Saturn in the middle. He says (roughly): -Base... secret -Base behind Grapefruit Falls -Password? I tell. -Belch man say "Say Password." -Then stand still, wait for three minutees (A very creepy chime plays) We're going to be leaving Saturn Valley for a while, so be sure that you are healed up. Now, go to the bottom part of Saturn Valley and enter the cave. Make your way through here to the left. Be absolutely sure that someone in your party has the Jar of Fly Honey... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.4 - BELCH BASE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1]Bomb Foppy Master Belch [1]IQ Capsule Mostly Bad Fly [1]Broken Capsule Slimy Little Pile [1]Vital Capsule [1]HP-Sucker Once outside, follow the open path up. Go all the up until you get to the water fall. Enter it from the right side and walk all the way to the left. Walk up and a message box comes up and says "Say the password!" Press a button to get the message to go away, and follow the Mr. Saturn's directions very carefully. You have to stand still for three minutes, and you cannot move at all. It's best to lay your controller down and go get a snack or something, because it seems as if these next few minutes will take forever. When that's done, a message box will pop up saying "Okay... you may enter." Walk up and you will end up in some kind of factory. Head down and to the right and you will encounter a little pile of puke. He asks you if you brough Master Belch's favorite, Fly Honey. Say "yes", and he will let you pass through. Continue to the far right and go into the little room. On the far right side, rummage through the garbage can to get a bomb. Exit the room and go down the nearby ladder. On a side note, you will probably encounter Foppies throughout the base. You'll know it's a Foppy because it looks like a little red ball running around. Fight these things as often as you can, because they are incredibly easy and offer tons of experience. Anyways, at the bottom of the ladder, walk to the left, and go down the little ladder. Go into the room on the right and go through the trash cans to get an IQ Capsule and a Broken Laser. Exit the room and go back up the little ladder. Walk to the left, past the little belt and past another ladder. Go into the first door you come to on the left and you will be in another little room. Magic Butterflies respawn in this room, so heal your team with Ness's PSI powers then grab the butterfly. Enter and exit the room to get as many of the butterflies as you need to. Exit the room and go the right and up the ladder. Up here, go into the little room on the right and go through all of the garbage cans to get a Vital Capsule, a Calorie Stick, and an HP-sucker. Exit this room and go down the ladder. Continue down the path to the left until you get to a little section with toxic waste laying around everywhere. Talk to the pile of puke, and after you defeat it, go through the big hole in the wall. In the next room, make your way past all of the toxic waste to the left side of the room. Talk to the humongous pile of puke. This is Master Belch. He talks some crap and laughs at you, and a boss battle begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------| |- Master Belch -| 0================0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 28 / Paula - Around 25 / Jeff - Around 24 This is another horribly easy battle - but, only if you know what to do. You've heard multiple times that Master Belch absolutely loves Fly Honey, right? Why not use it on him then. Have the person that has the Jar of Fly Honey to use it on Master Belch, and have everybody else use their strongest PSI Powers or BASH away. Master Belch will become pre-occupied with the Fly Honey, so you don't have anything to worry about. Keep attacking him, and this battle should be over very soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.5 - SATURN VALLEY (REVISITED) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED After the battle, you learn that Giygas has managed to get the Mani-Mani statue into Fourside. Master Belch dissapears and now you have access to the hole behind him. Go through this hole and you will end up in a cave. Continue through this cave, past the two Mr. Saturns, and exit at the far right side. You end up in an area of Saturn Valley that was previously not available, but now the ladder is fixed that connected the two, so it's all good. Walk into the red hot spring with the other Mr. Saturn and your team's status is recovered. Go down the nearby ladder and walk all the way to the left. Go into the hole on the far left, and down the ladder on the inside. Exit through the hole to the left and you will be at the bottom part of Saturn Valley. Go into the house in the lower left corner to rest and save your game. When that's done, go back through the cave you just came out of, up the ladder, and walk to the right and up the other ladder back at the red hot spring. Go into the cave up and to the right. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.6 - MILKY WELL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIREDNEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1]Coin of Slumber Ranboob Trillionage Sprout Struttin' Evil Mushroom Tough Mobile Sprout Continue on through the cave to the right until you end up in a new area. Walk down. Follow the big curve to the right, and enter the big cave on the far right side. Open the present box when you first enter to get a Coin of Slumber. Equip it to whoever gets it, and follow the path down and to the right. Talk to the large shining spot. This is the third "Your Sanctuary" location. A boss battle ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| |- Trillionage Sprout -| 0======================0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 28 / Paula - Around 25 / Jeff - Around 24 This battle shouldn't be too tough. Have Ness use his highest level of PSI Rockin to elimate the little sprouts that accompany the boss. Have Paula use her highest level PSI Freeze directly on Trillionage Sprout. If Jeff has any kind of Bottle Rockets in his inventory, use them on the boss. Otherwise, have him constantly BASH. If anybody in your party has any Bombs, now is a very good time to use them. Only heal your characters if their HP goes below 70 or so. It shouldn't take for this battle to come to and end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When that's done, the formerly blocked path is now open. On the other side, approach the Milky Well. Ness thought he heard his mother from far away... she said "Be a thoughtful, strong boy...". The Sound Stone records the melody of the Milky Well! Everybody is fully recovered. Once thats done, go back into the cave. Exit the path in the upper left corner. In this area, back track to the other cave in the upper left corner. Continue out of here until you are back in Saturn Valley. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.7 - SATURN VALLEY (REVISITED) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This time through, you only going through Saturn Valley for a short while. Make your way back to the building where you can heal yourself and save your game. Once that's done, exit the building, and follow the path at the bottom of the valley until you get to the cave. Leave Saturn Valley, and make your way back trough the cave to Grapdefruit Falls. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.8 - GRAPEFRUIT FALLS (REVISITED) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is also just a short journey. Simply follow the long open path all the way to the bottom of the falls. Enter the large cave at the very bottom. In this area, go down the ladder and the stairs and into the next room. Go down some more stairs and into the next room. Move across the room, passing the coffin, and continue on. Go up these stairs and into the next area. Go through this room, and in the next area go up the two sets of stairs and up the ladder to end up in Threed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1.9 - THREED (REVISITED) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once in Threed, talk to as many people as you can. They thank you and tell you how much better Threed is now that all of the zombies are gone. When you're done gloating, head back to the Hotel. Look for the two "Bus Stop" signs across the road from each other. Get behind one of them and examine it. It says that a bus should be here pretty soon. Wait a few seconds and a bus appears. Approach it on the lower side and a man pops out. He tells you that you have to pay $6 to ride the bus to Fourside. Enjoy the cool music during the bus ride. Watch as the bus passes through the two tunnels and comes out in a desert. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.0 - DUSTY DUNES DESERT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: [1]Double Burger Bad Buffalo Crested Booka Criminal Caterpillar Cute Lil' UFO Desert Wolf Skelpion Smilin' Sphere The bus makes its way across the long road, past a Drug Store. Unfortunately for you, before it can make it to the end, the bus gets caught in horribly backed-up traffic. The bus driver drops you off and drives away, leaving you stranded in the middle of Dusty Dunes Desert. The difficulty level of the game really takes a step up right here. From here on out, the battles won't be so easy. Follow the road to the left and make your way back to the drug store that you pased on the bus ride. Enter it and go to the ATM Machine. Take out about $4000. Talk to the man behind the counter and buy a Mr. Baseball Bat for Ness, a Deluxe Fry Pan for Paula, and two Slumber coins for Paula and Jeff to equip. Talk to the man in the far lower left corner and spend the night. Another thing about Dusty Dunes Desert is, obviously, its going to be very hot. Unfortunately, in this area of the game your characters can suffer from Sunstroke. Its not that bad though. Talk to the old man beside the phone that looks like he's wearing a hair net. Buy as many Wet Towels as you can from him and fill up your inventory, except for one slot in everyone's inventory. After that's done, use the phone to call your dad and save your game, then exit the Drug Store. Once outside, head behind the store. Notice the man standing there, he looks a lot like the guy from Threed. Talk to him to find out he's an arms dealer. You don't need to buy anything from him yet, but don't forget where he is. Head up between the two large rocks and hug the left wall. Continue on past the monkey standing over the ladder. Continue until you get to a present box. Open it to get a Double Burger. Head back down and make your way back to the monkey standing near the ladder right above the Drug Store. From here, hug the bottom wall and make your way a long way to the right. You'll eventually pass a present box. Open it to get a Big Bottle Rocket. Go through your inventory and give this to Jeff. Go back to the wall and make your way to the right some more. A little ways to the right you'll come to a little cabin with a grumpy-looking man standing outside. Talk to him to learn that about his job of digging of gold. He tells you he's hungry and asks if you have any food to spare. Say "yes" and give him the Double Burger you just picked up a minute ago. Afterwards, he says he'll give you the gold if he finds it. Walk into the cabin right above him and talk to the man to rest for the night and regain your health. In the morning, use the phone to call your dad and save your game. Exit the cabin. Outside, you'll notice that the man you gave food to is nowhere to be found. Go down the the rocks and walk to the right. At the end when the rocks end, head down and enter the tunnel to the right. Walk through it and go across the long bridge. Walk through the next tunnel. On the other side, you end up in the town of Fourside. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.1 - FOURSIDE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NEW ENEMIES: Annoying Reveler Crazed Sign Extra Cranky Lady Mad Taxi When you exit the tunnel, follow the road to the right and stay on the main road after it curves up. Continue on, and after a short walk you'll come to the Topolla Theater. Enter it and talk to the man on the right to buy a Show Ticket for $30. Get in front of the man on the left and "use" the Show Ticket from your inventory and he'll let you pass. In the main lobby head through the door on the far left. Talk to the woman behind the desk. Apparently the Runaway Five are in debt again, and they owe this woman one million dollars. She jokingly asks you if you would want to pay the million or something. According to her, you'd have to find buried gold or something... Hmmm... Leave the room and head in the door at the top of the lobby. Head straight to the left and talk to the boy standing in front of the door. The Runaway Five let you in. Talk to them for a while to learn more about their money toubles. Head back into the theater to the right and the show starts. The Runaway Five play another little show for you. When that's done, leave the Topolla Theater altogether. It seems as if there isn't anything else you can do for now. Go back to the lower left corner of Fourside. Go trough the tunnel, across the long bridge, and through the other tunnel and make your way back to Dusty Dunes Desert. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.2 - DUSTY DUNES DESERT (REVISITED) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once back in the desert, notice that the traffic jam is now gone. Make your way back to the lodge where you gave the grumpy-looking man some food. It seems like he's done quite a bit since you left for Fourside. Go into the building and talk to the man to have yourself healed and use the phone to call your dad to save your game. When that's done, head outside and go into the newly dug tunnel. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.3 - GOLD MINE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS ACQUIRED NEW ENEMIES: BOSS: [1]IQ Capsule Gigantic Ant [5] Guardian Digger [1]Big Bottle Rocket Noose Man [1]Calorie Stick Thirsty Coil Snake [1]Teddy Bear [1]Croissant [1]Picnic Lunch You'll see the man pacing back and forth inside the entrance to the tunnel. Talk to him to find out that he's found a maze inside the mine. Lots of monsters appeared, so he couldn't proceed. He also tells you that there are 5 big moles! He says that if he can get rid of all the monsters then he can continue on. Guess who's job it is to get rid of all the monsters? Yep. This is the first real challenge you'll probably have in the game. The 5 large moles (Guardian Diggers) are pretty hard at this point in the game. It is highly recommended that once you defeat one mole, you leave the mine and go into the cabin to heal yourself and call your dad. To make this section a little easier, level Paula and Jeff up to level 30 or higher. You might think that this section gets a little repetitive, but I just want to make sure you know what to do. Addiotnally, be very careful around the Gigantic Ants and Thirsty Coil Snakes in the mine - their poisons can be a pain. Ness's PSI Healing B can be a lifesaver during this part. From the miner, head straight up, walking past the shovel and wagon. Continue upward, staying on the right wall. At the very top, go down the ladder. In the next section, walk to the left. You'll see a gigantic blue mole in a little sub-section. This is the first of the five Guardian Diggers. Approach it and examine it. He says that he is the third strongest of them all (they all say that). A boss battle ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| |- Guardian Digger -| 0======================0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 33 / Paula - Around 30 / Jeff - Around 30 This battle can be pretty tough if you haven't levelled up very much. Whatever you do though, DONT use BASH attacks, because the mole has a shield that deflects any physical attacks back at you. Have Ness use his highest level of PSI Rockin' on the Guardian Digger. Have Paula use her highest level of PSI Freeze on the boss, which can possibly solidify him. Have Jeff use any weapons in his inventory such as Bombs or Bottle Rockets. If he has nothing in his inventory like that, just have him constantly defend. Good luck! At this point, you can't really worry about someone's HP going really low, because they usually die with one big hit. Just constantly attack the Guardian Digger until he goes down. If this battle is too hard for you then it might be a good idea to level everybody up 3 levels or so. If any of your characters are killed in this battle, which they probably will be, after you defeat the mole, leave the mine and go to Fourside. Go to the hospital at the top of Fourside and talk to the Nurse to have anybody revived. Hopefully, this battle will end before all of your characters die. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the battle is over, open the nearby present box to get an IQ Capsule. Leave the Gold Mine and go back into the nearby cabin to have everyone healed and use the phone to call your dad and save your game. Now, this may not be necessary for some of you, however, if you are on your first play through of the game, you may not know what to expect, and as such, may have to leave the mine after each boss battle to heal up. More advanced players will not leave until the end. Additionally, if anybody was killed, go to the Hospital in Fourside to have them healed. This part of the walkthrough is written under the assumption that you will have to leave the mine after each Guardian Digger - if this does not apply to you, please keep in mind the manner under which this section has been written. Regardless, when you are ready to continue, return to the mine and head up past the worker. After the shovel and wagon, take the first turn to the left, up a little hill. Continue on to the left and at the intersection, follow the path down. Follow this path all the way down and turn with curve back up and to the left. Continue on and open the present box to get a Big Bottle Rocket. Give it to Jeff. Go up the path, the only way you can go, and when you get to the big intersection. Take the upper right path. Continue until you get to a large section with a ladder. Go down the ladder. Walk around the curve and into the sub-section to the right. You see another Guardian Digger. Walk up to him and examine him, and the second boss battle ensues. Use the same strategy as with the first one. When the battle is over, open the nearby present box to get a Coin of Defense. Equip it to whoever needs it the most. If necessary, leave and heal/revive anyone you need to. When that's done, return to the mine, and head up past the worker. After the shovel and wagon, take the first turn to the left, up a little hill. Continue on to the left and at the intersection, follow the path down. Follow this path all the way down and turn with curve back up and to the left. Go up the path, the only way you can go, and when you get to the big intersection. Take the upper right path. Continue until you get to a large section with a ladder. Go down the ladder. From the sub-section where you just defeated the second Guardian Digger, follow the path up and to the left. Open the nearby present box to get a Calorie Stick. Continue to the left, and go up the ladder at the far end of the path. From here, head down and go right at the first intersection. Open the present box to get a Teddy Bear. This becomes very helpful at this point. Head back to the left and at the intersection, go down. At the next intersection, go to the right, and talk to the mouse not holding a sign. Remember the Exit Mouse you got on the path to Twoson? You get another one here. Open the two present boxes to get a Croissant and a Picnic Lunch. Consider yourself very lucky now. If you ever get into an emergency, you can just use the Exit Mouse to get outside and back into Dusty Dunes Desert in a snap. From here, walk straight up and don't stray from this path. You'll eventually end up in another sub-section with the another Guardian Digger. Approach him to start the third boss battle. Again, use the same strategy as with the first two. Remember, Ness's PSI Rockin and Paula's PSI Freeze are the most effective. Make Jeff defend. When the battle is over, open the nearby present box to get a Guts Capsule. If the battles with the Guardian Diggers are starting to get very easy, you shouldn't leave the mine unless you have to. If you're characters are almost dead after the battle, leave the Gold Mine and go back into the nearby cabin to have everyone healed and use the phone to call your dad and save your game. If anyone was killed, again, have them revived at the Fourside hospital. When you have finished, return to the mine. Head back to the Exit mouse and its mother. Head south, grabbing the Bomb in the present box. Follow the curve to the left and go all the way to the end to find the fourth Guardian Digger. Defeat him as you have the others. Afterwards, open the two present boxes to get a Platinum Band and a Luck capsule. If you need to leave the mine to recover, do what you need to do. When you're ready, head back to Dusty Dunes and once again into the mine. Head back to the area with the Exit mice. Take the left path and then follow it down. Go left past the ladder and all the way to the far wall to fight the fifth and final Guardian Digger. When he's gone, take the PSI Caramel from the present box. Now, walk out of the mine, or use an Exit mouse. Once outside, go over to the left and talk to the miner standing by the machinery. He tells you that he can now begin his search for gold. Go into the nearby "Dusty Dunes Headquarters for finding buried gold" and rest. Leave, and go back onto the road heading towards Fourside. Go east through the tunnels and on the bridge, you will be stopped by someone from the mining company. As a reward for your help, he will give you a diamond because no one could find any gold. If by chance you don't have any extra inventory space when he arrives, your diamond will be waiting back at the headquarters in Dusty Dunes. For now, make your way to Fourside. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.4 - Fourside (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now it's time to go bail the Runaway Five out... again. Once in Fourside, head northeast again and into the Topolla theater. Buy another ticket from the man on the right and present it to the man on the left to get past the barrier. Head into the door on the right and offer the Diamond to the lady behind the desk. She will rip up the contract with the Runaway Five, and they are once again free. Leave the office and go into the theater through the top door to watch the band again. Your business in the Topolla Theater is done. Continue a little bit northeast again and into the Department Store. Browse around all of the shops in the mall, and re-equip your characters as you deem necessary. Once you've shopped around a bit, head back down to the bottom floor of the place. As you begin to leave, the lights in the shopping center go out. A monster runs across the room, and Paula gets kidnapped. A message calls for Ness to report to an office on the fourth floor. Do as the message says, and head to the fourth floor. Be very careful, as for some reason, the difficulty of the monsters really spikes during this part. It may be in your best interest to try and run from every battle as you traverse the escalator. Once at the top, go into the office through the door on the left side. In this office, you'll see the monster that kidnapped Paula. Make sure that Ness and Jeff have full HP meters. When you're ready, talk to the monster to initiate a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Department Store | | Spook | 0======================0 This should not be a difficult fight in the slightest. Simply use Ness's best level of PSI Rockin, and have Jeff attack the monster, and the fight should not take more than two rounds of fighting. If for some reason he gets a decent hit in before you can drop him, use Ness's PSI lifeup to keep your party of two alive until the battle is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you've defeated the Department Store Spook, he mentions something about Paula being with Monotoli. Exit the office back through the door on the right. Leave the mall and go into the Monotoli building just to the northwest of the Department Store. Go into the elevator on the left side of the room and talk to the woman inside. She will take you straight to the 47th floor. When you get off, go through the door to the north, and through the door on the right in the next room. You'll find "Master Pokey" sitting in a chair flanked by bodyguards. Talking to him, you discover that he is now working for Monotoli. His bodyguards will escort you outside of the office. Leave the Monotoli building for now. Once outside, look at your map. Notice that Fourside is divided into five squares in the shape of an X. Head to the upper left part of the X and into the café. Talk to everyone inside, and then leave. Everdred is lying in the alley surrounded by a group of people. Talk to the guy on the far right and give him something. He will let you pass. Go up and talk to Everdred. He mentions stealing something called a "Mani Mani" from the carpenter from Happy Happy Village. He then explains that Monotoli stole the statue from him. Follow his instructions and go back into the café and check behind the counter. Mess with the panel on the far right to get a message of "???" You will be transported to the next area of the game, Moonside, possibly my favorite part of the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.5 - Moonside =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Moonside is a defining moment for the game Earthbound. This area contains some of the strangest monsters in the game. Something to keep in mind during this part of the game - when asked questions by people in the town, "No" means "Yes," and "Yes" means "No." Leave the café, and talk to a man wearing sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt with a blonde crewcut. He will transport you to another part of the city. Open the present box to the southeast for a protein drink. Talk to the man again to be transported back to the first place. Follow the road southeast that curves back northeast and go into the Hotel. Talk to the man on the right, and tell him that you don't want to rest. Once you've rested, leave the Hotel. Talk to the man near the hospital with the Haiwwian shirt to be transported beside a present box. Open it to get a Night pendant. Talk to the man again to be transported by another present box (containing a Handbag strap). Talk to the man yet again to be transported beside the Monotoli building. Open the present box to the north to get a Secret herb. Talk to the man in the suit below the present box, and answer "No" to him to be sent to a room with a shadow and a Mr. T look-alike. Talk to the shadow and answer "No" to him, then talk to the Mr. T look-alike to be transported back to the Hotel. On your way out of the Hotel, you'll notice that the shadow has decided to follow you in the form of an invisible man. Head southwest to find three more of these men. Talk to the one in the middle to be transported on the other side of the Monotoli building near a man that looks like a sailor. Talk to him, and he will let you by. Continue down to the front of the Monotoli building, and talk to the Evil Mani Mani statue to initiate a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Evil Mani Mani | 0======================0 Another pretty straightforward boss fight. Have Ness use his highest level of PSI Rockin, and have Jeff use any items he has in his inventory. The Evil Mani Mani can physically attack you, and it can also use its own share of PSI attacks. Simply hit it with your biggest attacks, again using Ness to heal the party if the need arises. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the fight is over, Ness and Jeff end up in a warehouse, the evil statue laying decimated at their feet. Leave the warehouse through the door on the right and you will find yourself back in the café in Fourside. As you walk out of the wall, you get a call from Apple Kid. He tells you he's got a new invention, this one called the "Gourmet Yogurt Machine." As you leave the café, talk to the burned monkey. He tells you that Talah Rama at the west end of Dusty Dunes desert is ready to meet you now. (If you didn't happen to go in there the first time, the man was meditating. The monkey beside him asked for you not to disturb him). At any rate, wait for a few moments, and a man arrives from the Escargo Express saying that he left the yogurt machine in the desert. Behind him comes Monotoli's maid saying that she could use your services in the form of the aforementioned yogurt-machine. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.6 - Dusty Dunes Desert (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Head back into Dusty Dunes Desert, and follow the road all the way to the west of the area, and enter the Drug Store near the entrance of the desert. Buy a Skip Sandwich and a Picnic Lunch from the older gentleman. Also, make sure that you have the Pencil Eraser in your inventory as well. If you've sent it off with the Escargo Express, give them a call and get it back. Once you've got those three items in your inventory, exit the Drug Store and head north through the desert. Just north of the weapons dealer near the store is a monkey standing beside a ladder going into the ground. Descend the ladder. Follow the path to the left and you'll come into a room with two monkeys guarding either two paths. Talah Rama's cave is a big maze, with monkeys guarding paths all throughout it. The entire point of this puzzle is to trade items with all of the monkeys until you can get to the end of the maze. The reason behind buying the Skip Sandwhich and the Picnic Lunch at the Drug Store is that they are the only two outside items you need to bring into this cave in order to complete the maze. All of the other items you will find with the monkeys in the cave. Now, in the first room, give the Picnic Lunch to the monkey on the left, and continue on. Grab the Pizza in the chest and keep walking to the left through the next area. Give the female monkey on the left the Pizza that you just picked up, and go through the tunnel. Open the chest to get another pizza, and continue on to the left. Talk to the monkey in here to get a Fresh Egg. Now, go all the way back to the first room with two monkeys. Give the monkey on the right the Skip Sandwhich to get through. Grab the Wet Towel in the chest. Again, go back to the first room and through the door on the left. Go through the passage and into the next room. Give the monkey on the right the Wet Towel. Go through the door and grab the Hamburger and the Ruler from the chests. For the third time, go all the way back to the first room. Go through the door on the right and through the path into the next room. Go through, and grab the protein drink from the chest. Go back into the the room from which you just came, and give the monkey on the right the Protein Drink you just got. Go through and grab the Hamburger from the chest. Go into the next room, and give a Ruler to the female monkey on the left. Go into the next room and talk to the monkey in here to get a King Banana. Continue back to the right through three doors. You should emerge into a room from the right with two uncovered doors. Now, go into the door on the left, and down the path into the final room. Give the monkey on the right the King Banana, and go through his path, grabbing the Hamburger and the Picnic Lunch. Use the Pencil Eraser on the big pencil blocking your path. In the next and final room, grab the Brain Food Lunch and the Cup of Lifenoodles and talk to the Talah Rama. He tells you about destiny and whatnot, and gives you the Yogurt Dispenser. Talk to the monkey in the room with him, and he tells you to meet him outside of the cave. Traverse your way outside, and talk to the monkey to your left. Follow him to the road, and he teaches you PSI Teleport A. This form of teleportation allows you to go to any places you've already visited. You have to have room in a straight line in front of you for it to work though. The monkey says that you can manually turn yourselves during the run if you have room, but I have never needed to do that. Later in the game, you will get a much better form of teleportation, but I won't get into that now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.7 - Fourside (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= With the Yogurt Dispenser in hand, return to Fourside. Return to the Department Store, and give the Yogurt Dispenser to the maid standing nearby. Follow her into the Monotoli building as she leaves. Go up to the 47th floor, and then take the second elevator on the right side of the hallway up to the 48th floor. Once off, go through the door on the left. Follow the hall all the way to the left, and go through the far left door. Continue through the up and left doors to find a room with a Vital Capsule. Grab it, and then exit through the door on the left. In this room, take the upper right door, and then the left door in the following room. A boss battle begins in this room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Clumsy Robot | 0======================0 This is an odd boss fight, to say the least. Ness's PSI attacks don't work, as the robot as a psychic shield surrounding him that deflects all such attacks. Simply Bash the boss with your party, using Ness's lifeup abilities if the need arises. Throughout the fight, the robot will consume sandwhiches to recover all of his Hit Points. Most of the time, the Clumsy Robot will do nothing during his turns, and most of his attacks will miss. However, every now and then he gets in extremely cheap shots. Continue Bashing and using Lifeup as needed, and finally the Runaway Five will run into the room. One of the guys runs behind the boss and flips a switch off, ending the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, continue through the double doors on the left to find Paula in Monotoli's office. After chasing Monotoli a little bit, talk to Paula to have her rejoin your party. Then talk to Monotoli to learn a little more about the Evil Mani Mani statue. Apparently, great forces of evil don't want for Ness and the gang to go to Summers. Accordingly, Monotoli lends you his helicopter to go there. Go through the door that he opens, and continue through the next hall to the left. You make it to the helipad just in time to see Pokey steal the helicopter. Heading back through Monotoli's office, Paula has a revelation - to get to Summers, the party must return to Threed. As you are going back down to the city, you get a call from Apple Kid. He says that in order to face the forces of evil, he needs to invent something that he calls the "Phase Distorter." He mentions needing to find Jeff's father, but the call ends. In the lobby, you receive yet another call. This time, it's from Orange Kid, but the call is meaningless. Head outside and hop on the Runaway Five tour bus to head back to Threed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.8 - THREED (REVISITED) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Back in Threed, head back up north where Jeff crashed the Sky Runner during his first journey. Go down the ladder in the cemetary and into the catacombs. Approach the Sky Runner, and Jeff will fix it, taking your party back to Winters to Dr. Andonuts's lab. Talk to Dr. Andonuts, and he tells you to go check out the are around Stonehenge. While you're gone, he will work on the Sky Runner. Do you remember wen you first took control of Jeff, on the way from his school to Dr. Andonuts's lab, that you passed through a cave that had the shining symbol of a "Your Sanctuary" location? Now is the time to take care of that. Head north and into the cave above Stonehenge. Approach the shining spot to initiate another boss battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Shrooom! | 0======================0 Not a difficult fight at all. Have Ness continually use PSI Rockin, have Paula use her strongest level of PSI Fire, and have Jeff use whatever items he has in his inventory. If he has nothing, have him Shoot Shrooom!, but don't expect him to do any substantial damage. This boss has several annoying abilities, including poison, mushroom spores, and lifeup. This fight should go as smoothly as all of the others have. If need be, use Ness's lifeup abilities to keep the party up. It shouldn't be long before the giant mushroom goes down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue through to the Rainy Circle, letting the Sound Stone records its melody. Once that's done, head back through the cave and back to Dr. Andonuts's lab. He tells you that he has finished remodelling the Sky Runner. Approach the machine, and hop along for the ride to Summers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2.9 - Summers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After crash landing in Summers, head north to get onto the road. From here you can check out the Shop and Restaurant at your own leisure. When you're ready, head to the east to enter the port town of Toto. Go in all of the houses near the water until you find a guy with dreadlocks and orange and yellow beads in his hair. Talk to him to get the phone number of the Stoic Club. Upon leaving his house, you get a call from Jeff's friend Tony (how he acquired your number, I have no clue). He asks you to input your own name. Afterwards, head back into Summers and go into a building with a telephone. Use it to call the Stoic Club. After making a reservation there, head over to the club. Keep talking to the woman in the lower right corner until she offers some of her magic cake to you. She tells you to meet her at her stand. Leave the Stoic Club and follow the bottom of the road to the west until you see her. Take some of the cake, and you will assume the role of the final member of your party. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.0 - Dalaam =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You take control of Poo. The man to your left tells you it's time to complete your final training. He instructs you to go to the "Place of Emptiness" to finish it. Grab the Brain Stone, Cup of Lifenoodles, and the Brain Food Lunch from the nearby chests, and exit the building by following the hallway to the right. Descend the dirt path down the mountain, and go into the cottage directly underneath the building where you got Poo. Grab the Bottle of Water from the chest and leave the building. In the third cottage down the path, grab the Jar of Delisauce from inside. Head down to the far right part of this area, and talk to the man standing by the rope ladder. When he dissapears, climb to the top of the "pillar." Poo will sit down and begin to meditate. He will be interrupted and informed to go back to his master. Do NOT move. Instead, ignore the messenger and remain still. You will enter a battle-like sequence where you will be asked a series of questions. Answer yes to all of the questions, and when you come out of the sequence, another messenger will tell you that you have completed your training. Do as he instructs you and return to the palace in the upper left part of the area. Talk to the man on the left. Poo will level up a few times, learn some new abilities, and will teleport himself to Summers to meet his companions. Now, your true party is finally assembled. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.1 - Summers (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now that you have everyone, head north into the Museum. Continue through the stairs until you are at the upper level. Talk to the man guarding the door. Regardless of how you answer his question, he will move for you. In the next room, take down the two Shattered Men with your hardest hitting PSI Rockin and PSI Freeze attacks. After the two battles, read the tablet on the exhibit. The most important part of this text is the end: 1/6 4 3 2 5 "Dance in front of the Sphinx!" Paula tells Ness it's time to go to Scaraba. Upon exiting the Museum, answer the telephone that is ringing off the hook in the lobby. It is Mr. Spoon from the Fourside Museum of Natural History, exclaiming that he has found something extraordinary. After hanging up, head outside and teleport to Fourside. Notice that you have already gotten PSI Teleport B (yes, I realize the symbol is "ß," or the double s in German. I don't feel like typing alt+0223 all the time). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.2 - Fourside (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Head to the Museum near the middle of the city. Pay the entrance fee, and head to the far side of the room on the left. The guy guarding the door says he'll tell you something extraordinary if you can get the autograph of the new singer of the Topolla Theater, Venus. Before going to the Theater, however, I recommend that you run to the top floor of the Department Store and grab a Super Plush Bear or two. They will come in very handy for some fights you are about to face. Head just a little southwest to the Theater, and fork over another $30 for a Show Ticket. Go check out the show, and afterwards, head through the left door to find Venus. Talk to her, and she'll autograph a banana for you. Head back to the Museum and give the Signed Banana to the man standing in front of the door. He tells you of a light shining down in the sewers past this door, where he saw a huge monster rat. Once he steps aside, head through the door and down through the manhole. In the sewers, head to the far left to find a Croissant in a trash can. Go back to the right and take the ladder down into the actual water. Go to the far right and back out of the water to advance right one screen. Go back into the water and continue to the right. Do the same thing in the next screen until you come upon the shining spot. The fifth "Your Sanctuary" battle ensues upon talking to the spot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Plague Rat | | of Doom | 0======================0 This is an especially nasty fight. None of the boss fights have really been a challenge up to this point. I remember during my first playthrough of this game, more than ten years ago, this was one of the hardest areas of the game. Actually getting to the Plague Rat of Doom is a challenge in itself. The Super Plush Bear(s) you bought will really be a help up to and even during this fight. The Plague Rat not only has some nasty poison abilities, but he can land several SMASH attacks in a row. Have Ness Bash or use highest level of PSI Rockin, have Paula and Poo use their highest levels of PSI Freeze, and have Jeff use any items he has in his inventory before reverting to shooting at the monster. As always, keep your party up with Lifeup, which thankfully, Poo also has. If you are having a lot of trouble at this point, you should go level your characters up, especially Poo (he starts out at level 15 when you get him in Dalaam). Soon enough, the fight should end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go up the ladder and absorb the melody of Magnet Hill. Also, BE SURE to grab the Carrot Key from the nearby chest. When you're done, leave the sewers and return to the city above. It's already time to go to the sixth "Your Sanctuary" location. Teleport to Dalaam. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.3 - Dalaam (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enter the temple, and talk to Poo's master at the far left to rest all of your characters. Use the man to the right with the phone on his head to call Ness's dad and save the game. Make sure that someone in your party has the Franklin Badge. Call Escargo Express if you need to. Afterwards, leave the temple and go to the bottom left part of the floating land. Use the Carrot Key that you just picked up, and the rabbits and keys themselves dissappear. Enter the cave. Continue straight to the far left and enter the tunnel. Go down the long rope ladder. At the bottom, go to the far left and get the Bracer of Kings. Equip it on Poo for a nice 30 Defense boost. Go back to the beginning of the cave and climb the rope ladder near the entrance. Continue up the next rope ladder and follow the path to the right. Drop down the hole, and in the next room, take the Sudden Guts Pill from the present box. Continue to the left, but avoid the first hole you come to, it simply drops you down near the Bracer of Kings again. Instead, drop down the hole near the far left wall. Take the Rock Candy from the present box, and drop down the next hole. Continue to the left to the shining spot. Before talking to the spot, give the Franklin Badge to your party member who dies the most. When you're ready, talk to the spot to initiate the boss battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Thunder and Storm | 0======================0 Another straightforward boss fight. Again, have Ness use his PSI Rockin, while Paula and Poo use their highest level of PSI Freeze, and have Jeff use any damaging items from his inventory until reverting to shoot. This battle isn't too tough, the Franklin Badge will be especially helpful whenever Thunder and Storm use their lightning based attacks. As your characters take hits, keep them up with Ness and Poo's PSI Lifeup. As all other boss fights, after some time, Thunder and Storm should fall without a whole world of trouble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step through the tunnel and record the melody of the Pink Cloud. Exit the cave, and head back up to the temple in the upper-left side to rest for free. Save your game, then teleport back to Summers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.4 - Summers (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once back in Summers, head back to the east to the port town Toto. Near the water's edge, talk to the sailor that is looking out onto the ocean. He offers to give you a ride over to Scaraba for $20 a head. He tells you that you'll probably run into the Kraken. Accept his offer. Shortly afterwards, you do indeed run into the Kraken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Kraken | 0======================0 This battle should not be nearly as difficult as the recent fight with Thunder and Storm was. Simply follow the same strategy - PSI Rockin, PSI Freeze, Jeff using items and shooting, then PSI Lifeup as needed. As a matter of fact, if you want to save a little PP, just have Ness Bash while everyone else does what they're best at. Either way, the Kraken should drop quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.5 - Scaraba =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After defeating the Kraken, listen to the rest of the sailor's humorous dialog. Your journey eventually ends in Scaraba. Check out the various shops around the place, and buy whatever you deem necessary. You'll find another Weapons Dealer in the Hotel. When you've gotten your group ready, head back outside and go as far southeast as you can to find the Sphinx guarding the pyramid. Do as the heiroglyph instructed, and step on the tiles in front of the Sphinx in the appropriate order: 1/6 4 3 2 5 In other words, step on the upper tile first, then the bottom-left tile, then the upper right-tile, then the upper-left tile, then the bottom-right tile, and finally, step on the top tile again to unlock the pyramid above the Sphinx. Enter the pyramid. There are enemies here that can cause poison as well as give you the cold, so keep some PP saved for PSI Healing B for that. Once inside, simply head to the right. Go up all the stairs you come too, and continue right through each room. Go past the room with altar, all the way to the far right side, grabbing the Viper, Speed Capsule, and Cup of Lifenoodles from the various caskets along the way. When you reach the enemy guarding the door, another boss battle ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Guardian General | 0======================0 This boss has a very high defense count, but low HP, so it evens out. Have Ness Bash or use his highlest level of PSI Rockin, while Paula and Poo rely on PSI Freeze, and have Jeff simply shoot the boss. The Guardian has attacks the range from a moderate bit of damage against your guys, or a fairly heavy amount of damage. Have Ness or Poo use PSI Lifeup when necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the boss is taken care of, head through the door on the right. In this final room, step on the weird tile. Grab the Rain Pendant in the nearby casket, and go back to the room with the altar. You'll see that the coffin has moved. Drop down the newly uncovered hole. Grab the Hawk Eye from the pedestal, and exit the room through the door on the right. Again, continue to the right all the way to the room with another hole in the floor. Grab the Diamond Band from the casket, and drop down the hall. From here, head to the left, traversing the staircase and out of the final door back into the desert. Upon exiting the pyramid, Poo meets an old friend from Dalaam who must take him away to show him the ways of "Starstorm" (you'll learn what this is later). Once Poo is gone, talk to the gentleman just to the left to get the Key to the Tower. Follow his instructions and head to the northwest, where you'll eventually come upon The Dungeon Man (remember him when you were playing as Jeff?). Use the Key to the Tower that you just got to enter. Inside, the nearby sign states: Welcome. You are inside my body. (signed)...Brick Road Follow the path up until you reach the next sign. To the left is a hospital, an ATM machine, a phone, and the equivalent of a free hotel (the bench). Prepare yourself, then head right past the second sign. Continue reading the signs as you make your way through this area for clues. Once the path splits, take the right side and open the present box to find some Molokheiya Soup. Return to the split and take the middle road. Follow it past the next "Good Night Bench" and take the Cup of Lifenoodles from the far present box. Return to the split again and take the left path. Follow the path, taking the $5 from the present box. Take the path immediately behind the sign. Work your way through here to get a Snake and a Super Plush Bear. From there, work back down to the sign and follow the path that hooks to the left and up to find four rope ladders against a wall. The third rope is the only one that doesn't lead to a dead end, so take it. This area is very easy to traverse. Go through all of the nooks and crannies and open all of the present boxes to find $10, a Pizza, a Sudden Guts Pill, and a PSI Caramel. Once you're finished plundering, head to the west side of the room, and take the next rope ladder up to the third floor of the Dungeon Man's body. In this room, follow the curves while examing the "exhibits" and climb the fourth rope ladder. Talk to the face sticking out of the wall, this man is Brick Road. He instructs you to jump down the return hole. Do as he says. Continue jumping down the holes, grabbing the IQ capsule along the way. At the end, take a rest on the bench, and call your dad to save your game. Exit the dungeon. Outside, the Dungeon Man will follow you. Head south. In battles, he will help you by occasionally constricting enemies. Head south through the small group of palm trees. Your new friend will get stuck in the trees and will be unable to continue. Head to the east and talk to the native. He offers to take you across the river to a place called Deep Darkness. He infers that you need a submarine to make the journey. Head back to Dungeon Man and talk to him. He tells you that he has an old submarine inside of him that you can use. Enter him again, and retrace your steps all the way back to the fourth floor. Talk to Brick Road and he'll open the Goodbye Exit for you. Continue falling down the holes. Grab the Talisman Ribbon from the present box. At the end, follow the path to find a lot of old junk. Approach the Submarine, and Jeff will fix it. The party carries it outside and travels to the next area. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.6 - Deep Darkness =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upon arriving, you can use the nearby phone to call your dad and you can talk to the monkey below it to rest. Head to the right and go north past the Weapons Dealer to get onto the grass. Talk to the monkey on the right to teach him PSI Teleport and he'll give you an item called "Monkey's Love." Buy whatever items you need to buy. For an upcoming boss battle, I recommend that you buy a Multi Bottle Rocket from the Weapons Dealer if you have the money on you. Afterwards, head south. Go into your inventory and use the Hawk Eye. The entire place becomes clear. As you traverse through the darker areas of water, as you may have noticed, your HP is slowly drained. The man using the straw to breathe through the water can be used as an ATM machine, however, any money that you withdraw he keeps. Continue past him, and stay south until the path splits - go to the left, and continue on. The various giftboxes here contain Beef Jerky, and an IQ Capsule. Continue west and back on land. The destroyed helicopter is the one that Pokey stole from Monotoli. Inspect it, and Jeff notices that the engine is missing. Take the Cup of Lifenoodles from the nearby present box. Go down and to the left, back into the water. Continue until you get back on dry land. There is a Souvenir Coin in a nearby present box. Head up and to the right, and continue up to find a piece of Rock Candy in another present box. Drop back down, and head east through the thick trees. Follow the path to find Master Barf. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Master Barf | 0======================0 This time, the Jar of Fly honey does nothing to the boss. He can poison someone in your party, and he can make everyone begin to cry. If you bought a Multi Bottle Rocket for Jeff earlier, this fight will be a breeze. Use it, and you will rip a huge hole in Master Barf's HP - you may even get an instant kill. Otherwise, have Ness Bash or use PSI Rockin, have Paula stick to PSI Freeze, and have Jeff use his own weapon. Ness can heal when necessary. When Master Barf's HP drops down low enough, Poo rejoins the party and uses his newly learned PSI Starstorm to end the fight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, continue north and follow the path to the left. Enter the big cave in the upper left corner. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.7 - Tenda Village =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Let me welcome to Tenda Village. Unfortunately, the local Tendites are too shy to do the same. Upon first entering the cave, use the nearby phone to call your dad and save your game and take the Death Ray from the trash can. Almost all of the Tendites in the cave are too shy to speak to you, and you are not yet able to buy anything from them. However, you will find one villager who chooses to break custom. Head to the center of the cave and walk down to find the Chief. Talk to him to learn of a book called "Overcoming Shyness" which, considering the situation, would prove invaluable. Alas, no one knows where to find the text. Leave the cave and you will get a call from Apple Kid. He is working on the Eraser Eraser Machine at Dr. Andonut's Lab in Winters. The call with him is interrupted by someone else... Shortly afterwards, you get another call from Orange Kid telling you that Apple Kid has the "Overcoming Shyness" book that you need. Teleport to Winters. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.8 - Winters (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You arrive outside of Jeff's boarding school. Head south through the various paths to the area with all of the tents. Speak again with the Bubble Monkey to summon Tessie who will take to the island to the south. Head down and if you have the Pencil Eraser with you, use it on the nearby statue. If not, head into the cave and traverse the small maze to come out of the other side. Continue on and enter the cave to which your current path leads. Inside, follow the path to the left through all of the "doors." In the far left room, take the rope to the upper level and exit the cave through the left. Outside, head through the usual route past Stonehenge and into Dr. Andonut's laboratory. Talk to the mouse to the right of the table to get the Eraser Eraser Machine that Apple Kid told you about. Leave the lab and head north to Stonehenge. Approach the hole in the center to go down into the labrynth. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3.9 - Stonehenge Base =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are many dangers waiting for you in Stonehenge Base. Be very cautious of the Starman enemies that teleport directly into the middle of your party. If you are not careful, you will be seeing many red screens throughout this area. There are three different Starman variations here: Starman, Starman Super, and a final variation that you will meet in due time. Regular Starmen are not so tough, and you should be able to take them out in just a few rounds. Starmen Supers are a bit more difficult. They are protected by a PSI shield, so any attacks that you throw at them are simply reflected back to you. There is another enemy here around which you should be very careful - the Atomic Power Robot. They can replenish their HP without using any PP (they have none). If you find these Robots in a group of enemies, always kill them last so that all of your party members can gang up on them. Since I have introduced the Starmen, I will also introduce something unique about the Starmen Supers. (I'm going to box this so it will stand out to anyone shuffling through the guide). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0====================0 |-The Sword of Kings-| 0====================0 Stonehenge Base is the only place in the game where you can find a weapon that Poo can use that does not hinder him. This weapon is called "The Sword of Kings." The golden Starmen Supers that you find in the base have a 1/128 chance of dropping one of these swords after battle. There is nothing you can do to increase these odds - you may find one of the Swords on your third battle, or you can fight hundreds of Starmen Supers and never see the weapon. There are many concerns that I must address in regards to The Sword of Kings. For one, if you are deadset on finding one, probability tells you that you will fight many Starmen, thus, you may be overlevelled from here on out. The first time that I actually stayed to look for one of the Swords, all of my characters were over level 80 when I finished and there was no challenge in the rest of the game. Another concern has two parts - you can actually get more than one Sword, and they cannot be abandoned in your inventory. So if you get lucky and get two or more swords, they must stay in your inventory until you can leave and call to have them stored away. The choice is yours; The Sword of Kings is a valuable asset to Poo, but in no way is it necessary for you to finish the game. Note that once you defeat the boss at the end of this area, all of the enemies in Stonehenge Base disappear. Your only chance to get the Sword is before that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At any rate, let's move onward. After erasing the eraser, follow the rooms and corridors in the only direction that you can, taking the door down the hall that leads left. Continue until you get to the room with paths leading down and to the right. Take the path on the right down to the door. In the next room, head down and take the Spicy Jerky from the nearby present box. Head down and to the right through the twisting corridor through the door. You get to a room with another "fork." Take the path to the right that leads up for a bit to find a Cup of Lifenoodles in a present box. Take it and head back down the same path back to the room with the fork. Continue down and head again in the only direction that you can, taking the door to the left. Follow the path around to the right to get to another room with a "fork." Follow the path at the top to get to a Guts Capsule in a present box. Return to the room and take the path to the right to get to another door. You finally get out of the underground maze. Here, head along the upper walkway to the far right to find a Broken Harmonica. Go back to the left and head down the ladder. Go to the right to find a PSI Caramel and continue to the right, taking the long ladder all the way to the bottom. Head through the door on the right to find a room with Exit Mice. Take one, and continue to the right through the door. This next room is hard to navigate because of the light. Stick to the bottom and go to the right, following the curve upward to find a Broken Trumpet. Turn around and follow the path back to the left, taking the upward branch. After following its "C" shape, head down and left to find a Pixie's Bracelet, then to the far upper-right corner to find a Speed Capsule. From this present box, head down then take the immediate right through the door. Walk past all of the test tubes and through the door to the final room to find the boss for this area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Starman Deluxe | 0======================0 I highly recommend that you use any form of PSI shield that you have at the beginning of this fight. Starman Deluxe can be a pain, be he is really not that big of a problem. Have Jeff use Shield Killer or Neutralizer to remove the PSI shield around this boss. Afterwards, if Jeff has any Bottle Rockets on him, feel free to use them. Have everyone else beat on the boss with their strongest PSI attacks and heal whenever it is necessary. If for some reason you do not have the necessary items to get rid of the boss's shield, have everyone bash away at the monster. Occasionally, Starman Deluxe calls upon other Starmen to aid him in this battle. If this is the case, ignore them and focus solely on the boss. Once he's down, they are all down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the fight is over, head back through the door on the left into the previous room. Speak with the Mr. Saturn on the bottom right corner to get a Saturn Ribbon. Speak with Apple Kid to learn that he has returned the book "Overcoming Shyness" to the library. Finally, speak with Dr. Andonuts to learn that he has begun working on the Phase Distorter. After all of the conversations, leave the base or use an exit mouse. Once outside, teleport to Onett. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.0 - Onett (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In Onett, go to the town library where you first got the map at the beginning of the game. In the lobby, the boy wearing the masks tells you that you should be able to find the book on the bookcase. Head into the room and notice that the bookcase is divided into three sections. Head to the far left section and search the right side of it to find the book that you need. Head outside again and teleport back to Tenda Village. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.1 - Tenda Village (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the cave, go back to the Tendite that talked to you earlier. While facing him, go into your inventory and use the book that you just picked up from Onett. The leader reads the book to everyone, and all of the Tendites overcome their shyness. To show the gratitude of the village, the leader gives you a piece of Tendakraut, and all of the services within the village open up to you. Head to the bottom-left corner of the cave and speak with the Tendite standing near the rock. He will move it for you, revealing a rope ladder. Head down it and through the door on the left. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.2 - Lumine Hall =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Head to the left and down around the curve and go down the ladder. Down here, head to the upper left and open the present box near the rock to get a Super Bomb. Go back to the bottom right and back up the ladder. Continue up and to the left, walking past the hole in the ground to reach another ladder. Head down it to reach another lower level. Walk to the bottom and take the IQ Capsle from the present box. Go up the ladder just above the present box to get back to the upper level. head to the right and take the Diadem of Kings from the present box (this is a must, it is one of the best pieces of armor for Poo in the game). Go back to the left and down the ladder to get back to the lower level. Take the ladder at the top of this area to get back to the main area. Head to the right and when you reach the hole in the ground, take the fork up and follow the entire curve to reach a present box with a Luck Capsule. Head down the nearby ladder to get back to the lower level. Head down and follow the curve back up and to the left, taking the Rock Candy from the present box on the way. There is a ladder to the left. Before taking it, head to the right a bit and take the bottle of DX Water from the present box. Backtrack and head up the ladder to get back to the upper level. Head up and to the left to find a Cup of Lifenoodles in a present box. Drop down the nearby hole to get back to the lower level. Head up and to the right to find some Spicy Jerky, then climb the ladder at the far right. Head down and to the left to find the shining spot. Before talking to it, grab the Rabbit's Foot from the present box to the left. Before anything else, if you still have the Franklin Badge in your inventory, equip it now to make the next fight a breeze. Speak with the shining spot to initiate the seventh "Your Sanctuary" battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Electro Specter | 0======================0 Start the battle off with PSI Shield to help defend against his attacks. If you have repaired the Broken Machine you found in Apple Kid's house in Twoson into the Counter-PSI Unit and you have it with you, use it now. If it succeeds, you can disable Electro Specter's PSI powers for four turns. At any rate, break the boss's shield with Jeff's Shield Killer or Neutralizer. This is another standard boss fight with nothing special. Have everyone use their strongest attacks and heal when necessary and the boss should fall without much of a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating Electro Specter, head to the upper left corner of the cavern around the shining spot and fall into the hole to reach the true Lumine Hall. Walk down the hall to the left and the sound stone will absorb the sound of Lumine Hall. Continue walking to the left and fall down the hole on the far side to reach the next area of the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.3 - Lost Underworld =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Lost Underworld is yet another unique area of the game. Your characters are now the size of only a few pixels. In a prehistoric setting, that is not a good thing. The monsters roaming this area are huge compared to your party, and they are very difficult to escape from. Additionally, these monsters are some of the strongest you have faced so far in the game, so unless you just want to grind for a bit you may want to try and avoid them. The trees are very helpful in that the monsters chasing you can get caught in them. Another important thing to bring to your attention is the geysers that are located throughout the map: two blue ones and a red one. Walking into the waters of the blue geysers completely heals the party's HP and PP, while walking into the water of the red geyser will heal any status ailments that the party may have. Coming from Lumine Hall, your party is in the lower right corner of this area. The first blue geyser is to your immediate northwest (I will point the others out as you come across them). From the geyser, head all the way top the left until the rocks stop you. Travel straight up to find a present box with a Brain Food Lunch. Head down and walk around the rocks to the right to reach an enclosed bird that you can use a telephone. Call your dad and save your game. Get out of the enclosed area with the phone and head to the right as far as you can go until the rock wall stops you. Head straight down to find another present box with a Horn of Life. Now follow the rock wall on the right straight up and open the present box at the top to find the Sea Pendant. Naturally, all of these items are optional, but the Sea Pendant is especially helpful to have. It protects the wearer from PSI Fire, PSI Freeze, and PSI Flash. From this present box, walk around the rocks to the left and head back up to find yet another present box with a Guts Capsule. From here, walk straight down to find two rocks sitting in the middle of the area. Head from them to the left to find another village of Tendites. Head to the gate at the bottom of the enclosed area. Two nearby Tendites will open up the gate and take the Tendakraut from your party. Talk to the big rock to the right and he will talk to you about your journey, telling you that the final "Your Sanctuary" location is located to the southwest. Finally, he will heal you. It's time to prepare yourself. Speak with the Tendite in the upper left corner of the enclosed area to have access to your money. He will give you whatever you withdraw, but charges a processing fee of the same amount. You can teleport somewhere else and get your money and return, but you may have so much money that it doesn't matter. Regardless, get some money and then re-equip as best as you can from the store in the village. Buy all of the necessities (if you teleported somewhere else to get money, it would not be a bad idea at all to get some Bottle Rockets for Jeff. When you are prepared, leave the village. Note that the red geyser that heals status ailments is immediately north of the village. From the village, head west until you hit the edge on the left side of the map. Take note of the cave to the north. You can go inside of it if you want to, but this cave doesn't mean much right now. Head south and then to the right. From here, head north to find the Cloak of Kings in a present box (another item that I highly recommend that you not miss). Head south to find the second blue geyser nearby another telephone. Heal up then call your dad to save your game. Equip the Sea Pendant that you just found on one of your characters. From the phone, head west and enter the cave. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.4 - Fire Spring =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to the location of the final melody. The appropriately named Fire Spring is mostly crawling with enemies that rely on fire and are weak to ice. Be sure to use their weaknesses to your advantage. From the entrance, head to the right past the first cave and climb up the first rope. Climb up the second rope and enter the nearby cave. When you walk in, if there are a lot of enemies that you do not want to fight, you can back out of the cave and re-enter it to reset the enemies that are in the cave. Do this as much as you want to keep your party in their best shape. You can pretty much get to the boss without fighting a single regular enemy. At any rate, enter the cave and exit through the right. Climb down the nearby rope and open the present box to get a Bag of Dragonite. Backtrack to the very first rope that you climbed. Continue to the right and enter the second cave. Inside, head through and out of the hallway back out to the main area. If you want, you can head to the far right of the cave from here to find a present box with a Cherub's Band for Paula, but it is not necessary. From the door that you came out of, climb the nearby rope, and climb the second rope to the left of the lava. Enter the cave to the left to find a present box with a Horn of Life. Exit the cave and head back down the rope. Head into the cave to the right of the lava and exit through the right. Outside again, climb the rope and climb the second rope to the left. Enter the nearby cave. There are two exits in this area. Take the one in the middle of the screen. Climb the rope to the left and walk to the right. Climb down this rope and open the present box to get the Moon Beam Gun. Head back into the cave that had two exits and take the one on the far left. Climb the series of two ropes to get to the shining spot and the final "Your Sanctuary" battle. Before speaking to the spot, make sure that the Sea Pendant is equipped on someone. Additionally, if you have any Night Pendants or other items that protect against PSI Flash, equip on whoever you can. Finally, initiate the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Carbon Dog | | ----- | | Diamond Dog | 0======================0 This battle is unique in the fact that it is a two-part battle. I will list the strategies according to the particular battle. ========== Carbon Dog ========== As is custom in Fire Spring, Carbon Dog likes to focus on fire-based attacks. Equipping the Sea Pendant on someone will come in handy here. The first part of this battle is not too tough. However, do NOT use any kind of Bottle Rockets on Carbon Dog. When he is defeated, he transforms and gains a physical shield. If the attack that kills him is physical, some of the damage will be reflected back to the party - if a Bottle Rocket is what kills him, this could be devastating. Play it safe and don't use them in this fight. Obviously, the boss is weak against PSI Freeze, so have Paula and Poo attack him with their strongest attacks. He is also weak against PSI Flash, so have Ness use that. This monster does not fall, he simply transforms into a more powerful variant. =========== Diamond Dog =========== The Sea Pendant and Night Pendants (if you had any) come in very handy during this fight. Diamond Dog has an attack called "Glorious Light" that can instantly kill or paralyze anyone in the party that is not protected. He also has a bite that can diamondize one of your characters. From the beginning of the fight, Diamond Dog gains a power shield (the one that I mentioned at the end of the Carbon Dog strategy), so use Jeff's Neutralizer to get rid of it. Once the shield is down, give this boss everything that you have, including Jeff's Bottle Rockets. Eventually, he will fall. If this fight takes a couple of tries, do not be discouraged, it is not an easy fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT immediately go through the newly- opened cave. Back off for a second and open up your inevntory. Make sure that Ness is equipped with strong items. Also, make sure that he has the Sea Pendant from the Lost Underworld. If you have the Franklin Badge, give it to him. Fill up the rest of his inventory with healing items and perhaps the Bag of Dragonite from Fire Spring. When you are ready, head through the cave and approach the Fire Spring to record the eighth and final melody with your sound stone. You see another vision of Ness's childhood then are transported to the next area. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.5 - Magicant =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You find yourself within the intricacies of Ness's mind. Head to the right to find a place where you can rest or fiddle with the items you have stored with your siser. To the south are two buildings - the one on the left has an ATM and a phone you can use to save your game, while the one on the right is a shop. Get some money and buy a few Magic Puddings from the shop, you will need them shortly. From the buildings, head to the left over the water to the next island. On the far left side is a present box with a PSI Caramel. In the center is another building, this time a hotel. Head up from here and into the lonely building surrounded by graves. This place is the home of the flying men. You can enlist their help throughout Magicant. I highly recommend that you use their help, but do not rely solely on them. They will not make it to the end of this area. From the home of the Flying Men, head to the right and the ground turns a strange pink/purple. Note that there are several different kinds of enemies in this area, but the one that you should worry about the most is called the "Care Free Bomb." Each turn they throw Bombs and Super Bombs, so it is in your best interest to take them out as quickly as possible. If you come against more than one at a time, I suggest you tun for it. Also, the Uncontrollable Spheres self- destruct once you kill them, so take them out last. At any rate, take the right path at the fork and follow it around to find a Bag of Dragonite in a present box. You can talk to the Ness standing by it to get a Baseball Cap, but it is not significant. Go back down and take the fork straight up and continue up past another fork to find the Goddess Band. Go back down and take the fork to the right and follow the path in the only direction that you can from here on out. Make absolutely sure that you get the Magicant Bat from the present box at the top, and take the Magic Tart from the last present box. Once you reach the end of the path, check the tentacle to be transported to the next area. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.6 - Sea of Eden =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The only enemies you will find in the Sea of Eden are Krakens like the one you fought on the way to Scaraba earlier in the game. You can only head in one direction in this entire area and there are no present boxes or anything of the like. All throughout the Sea you will pass stalagmite-shaped objects and two circle-shaped objects on the right. You can use these to avoid the Krakens as they can easily get stuck on them. Regadless, make your way around the big curve to the upper-left portion of the area to find the Evil Mani Mani statue. Replenish your health and PP and when you're ready, step onto the golden platform and talk to the statue to initiate the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Ness's Nightmare | 0======================0 Ness's Nightmare is the physical incarnation of all of Ness's negative emotions. In order to find the strength to defeat Giygas, this Nightmare must be destroyed. There are two good methods for defeating this boss, with one being better than the other. The first strategy is to use any Bags of Dragonite that you may have then to follow up with the biggest PSI powers that you have. The alternative is to let Ness's Nightmare drain all of its PP while you keep your HP up and keep yourself healed of any status ailments. Either method is fine, although the first is truly a better one. Regardless of whichever one you choose, heal when necessary and the fight should end before too long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, Ness hears his own voice telling him to go to Saturn Valley. Following that, Ness's psychic powers radically expand. You get huge stat, HP, and PP boosts and realize some psychic powers. Ness wakes up in Fire Spring and the Sound Stone is missing. The party regroups and teleports to Saturn Valley. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.7 - Saturn Valley (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In Saturn Valley, Dr. Andonuts and Apple Kid show off their latest creation: the Phase Distorter II. With it, one can travel through space. After giving it a test run, Dr. Andonuts informs you that one crucial piece is missing: Zexonyte. This element is found in meteorites. Have you seen a meteorite anywhere recently? I thought so too. Teleport to Onett. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.8 - Onett (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Onett is now cloaked in darkness, and enemies much stronger than Spiteful Crows, Runaway Dogs, and Coil Snakes are present. Make your way back to Ness's house and talk to your mom to get some rest then call your dad to save your game. The enemies here can be an extreme pain. You will find Evil Eyes that can diamondize you, Ghost of Starmen with PSI Starstorm powers, and Mechanical Octobots that can steal from you. Head outside and take the road below Ness's house down. Follow the familiar path to the top of the mountain. Here, check the meteor in the ground to get the piece of meteorite for which you are searching. Step up a little, and teleport back to Saturn Valley. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4.9 - Saturn Valley (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Give the piece of meteorite to Dr. Andonuts and head over to the hotel to rest for a bit. When you wake up, the Phase Distorter II is ready. You are approaching the final point of no return in the game, so make absolutely sure that you are prepared. Be sure to teleport around the world and stock up on Multi Bottle Rockets, Horns of Life, Brain Food Lunches, and anything else that you can think of. Also check out the new items in the store in Saturn Valley - Flame Pendants, Rain Pendants, and Night Pendants. Again, I stress the point, when you get on the Phase Distorter II, you can NOT turn around, so make sure that you are ready. When I first played this game many years ago, I didn't realize this and I travelled on severely underprepared. Guess what happened? I could not finish that file. But alas, when you are ready, talk to Dr. Andonuts and step into the Phase Distorter. You will end up in the cave that you may have gone into in the Lost Underworld. Head East, and the Star Master appears one last time. He teaches Poo the strongest level of PSI Starstorm. Afterwards, continue to the right and check the rubble from the first Phase Distorter to get a Horn of Life. Wait around for a bit, and a new Phase Distorter (III) appears. You learn that this machine can travel through space and time, but all livings things are destroyed in the process. Ness and the rest of the group must be turned into robots to finish this epic journey. Once the operation is complete, the group boards the Phase Distorter III and travels to the final area of the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.5.0 - Cave of the Past =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In the Cave of the Past, you can use the Phase Distorter III to heal (Repair) and save (Communicate) your game. There are some nasty monsters in this area, including the Ghost of Starmen that you just fought in Onett. Additionally, you may face the Squatter Demon that can poison and diamondize you, the Nuclear Reactor Robot that can heal itself completely and self-destructs once you kill him (always take him out last), Final Starmen that use destructive PSI attacks and can revive fallen enemies, and the Bionic Kraken which has a 1/128 chance of dropping Ness's ultimate weapon, the Gutsy Bat (it's a bummer that his best weapon is in the final area). From the Phase Distorter, head west and follow the path in the only direction that you can. Grab the Legendary Bat from the present box and immediately equip it. Continue north and into the sphere to transport to the next area. Follow the curve up to the next sphere to transport to the next area. Follow this final curve and enter the slit in the cave to truly enter the final area of the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.5.1 - Giygas =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Replenish everyone's HP and PP. Follow the pulsating path north to the very end. Approach the giant mechanism at the top. After some dialogue, the final battle begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Giygas | 0======================0 This is yet another unique battle in the sense that it occurs in multiple parts. This time, you face a three part battle. ====== Part I ====== In the beginning, you face an invincible Giygas and Heavily Armored Pokey. If you can, begin the battle by putting up a psychic shield to protect against Giygas's attacks. Heve Jeff fire Multi Bottle Rockets at Pokey, while the rest of the group focuses on single-target PSI abilities. Additionally, any Bags of Dragonite that you may still have are very helpful here. Don't attack Giygas, as any attacks that reach him are reflected back to your party. Keep your health up as necessary and Pokey should fall without too much of a struggle. ====== Part 2 ====== Pokey is gone and you now face Giygas alone. Have Jeff use his strongest attack (Multi Bottle Rockets are useless now). Ness, Paula, and Poo should focus on their strongest PSI attacks. Be sure to keep everyone alive and in good HP standing. Soon, this part of the fight will be over and you move onto Giygas's final form. ====== Part 3 ====== This is the most interesting part of the game. Realizing that they cannot defeat Giygas by themselves, the party needs the help of all of their friends. In this stage, Ness, Jeff, and Poo should defend and heal as necessary. Paula is your most important person now. To defeat Giygas, Paula must pray each turn. Every time that she does so, her prayers go to a different person back on Earth. In turn, they pray for the safety of Ness and his friends. These earthly prayers reach the battle and inflict massive damage upon Giygas. Giygas to defend, pray, and heal as necessary and the battle will come to an end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations, you have finally beaten "Earthbound." Now you can have some endgame fun. The spirits of the party return to their earthly bodies. Jeff and Poo say goodbye to everyone, and Paula asks you to take her home. You can travel the world here and see how things have changed. However, to truly finish the game and see the credits, return Paula to her home in Twoson, then teleport back to Onett and return home and speak with your mother. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.0.0 - Bestiary [Future Version] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I will have a complete listing of all the enemies in the game, under the section where you first find them. It may take a second to figure it out, but I think my layout is very informative. I will also include the bosses in this section, but for strategies on how to beat them, go to the appropriate section. Bosses are denoted with a "*[Name Of Monster]*". 0========0 |-LEGEND-| 0========0 ---- Name (Level: X) ---- [H]it [P]oints: [P]sychic [P]oints: [OFF]ense: [DEF]ense: Speed: Guts: IQ: $$ (Money earned): [Exp]erience Points: Item Dropped - (Simplified Ratio) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Onett (Meteorite) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------- Coil Snake (Level: 1) --------------------- HP: 18 Off: 3 Speed: 2 IQ: 6 PP: 0 Def: 4 Guts: 0 $$: 4 Exp: 1 Item: Cookie - (1/32) ---------------------- Runaway Dog (Level: 2) ---------------------- HP: 21 Off: 4 Speed: 26 IQ: 1 PP: 0 Def: 5 Guts: 0 $$: 3 Exp: 4 Item: Bread Roll - (1/32) ------------------------- Spiteful Crow (Level: 27) ------------------------- HP: 24 Off: 5 Speed: 77 IQ: 1 PP: 0 Def: 3 Guts: 0 $$: 5 Exp: 3 Item: Cookie - (1/1) --------------------------- *Starman Junior* (Level: 6) --------------------------- HP: 200 Off: 11 Speed: 1 IQ: 80 PP: 999 Def: 10 Guts: 0 $$: 20 Exp: 16 Item: Nothing --------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Downtown Onett =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------------- Pogo Punk (Level: 4) -------------------- HP: 35 Off: 8 Speed: 3 IQ: 15 PP: 0 Def: 10 Guts: 0 $$: 18 Exp: 15 Item: Hamburger - (1/1) --------------------- Skate Punk (Level: 3) --------------------- HP: 31 Off: 7 Speed: 5 IQ: 13 PP: 0 Def: 8 Guts: 0 $$: 17 Exp: 12 Item: Pizza - (1/128) ------------------------- Yes Man Junior (Level: 4) ------------------------- HP: 33 Off: 8 Speed: 4 IQ: 14 PP: 0 Def: 9 Guts: 0 $$: 18 Exp: 13 Item: Bag of Fries - (1/32) ------------------ *Frank* (Level: 6) ------------------ HP: 63 Off: 12 Speed: 7 IQ: 32 PP: 0 Def: 17 Guts: 5 $$: 48 Exp: 50 Item: Nothing -------------------------------- *Frankystein Mark II* (Level: 7) -------------------------------- HP: 91 Off: 15 Speed: 4 IQ: 40 PP: 0 Def: 18 Guts: 0 $$: 31 Exp: 76 Item: Nothing ------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Giant Step =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------- Attack Slug (Level: 5) ---------------------- HP: 30 Off: 9 Speed: 1 IQ: 3 PP: 6 Def: 2 Guts: 0 $$: 6 Exp: 27 Item: Bomb - (1/128) ----------------------- Black Antoid (Level: 7) ----------------------- HP: 34 Off: 14 Speed: 4 IQ: 0 PP: 25 Def: 13 Guts: 3 $$: 7 Exp: 37 Item: Cookie - (1/4) ---------------------- Rowdy Mouse (Level: 6) ---------------------- HP: 36 Off: 7 Speed: 5 IQ: 2 PP: 0 Def: 20 Guts: 225 $$: 9 Exp: 34 Item: Bread Roll - (1/32) ------------------------- *Titanic Ant* (Level: 13) ------------------------- HP: 235 Off: 19 Speed: 6 IQ: 72 PP: 102 Def: 23 Guts: 9 $$: 150 Exp: 685 Item: Nothing ----------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Downtown Onett =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------- *Cop* (Level: 7) ---------------- HP: 75 Off: 15 Speed: 5 IQ: 16 PP: 0 Def: 18 Guts: 7 $$: 18 Exp: 86 Item: Hamburger - (1/8) ---------------------------- *Captain Strong* (Level: 13) ---------------------------- HP: 140 Off: 20 Speed: 15 IQ: 18 PP: 0 Def: 24 Guts: 8 $$: 159 Exp: 492 Item: Boiled Egg - (1/32) ----------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Twoson =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------------------- Annoying Old Party Man (Level: 13) ---------------------------------- HP: 99 Off: 20 Speed: 6 IQ: 15 PP: 0 Def: 25 Guts: 50 $$: 32 Exp: 130 Item: Protein Drink - (1/64) ---------------------- Cranky Lady (Level: 8) ---------------------- HP: 95 Off: 16 Speed: 6 IQ: 32 PP: 9 Def: 18 Guts: 3 $$: 17 Exp: 200 Item: Handbag Strap - (1/64) -------------------------------- New Age Retro Hippie (Level: 11) -------------------------------- HP: 87 Off: 19 Speed: 5 IQ: 16 PP: 0 Def: 14 Guts: 10 $$: 23 Exp: 160 Item: Ruler - (1/16) --------------------------------- Ramblin' Evil Mushroom (Level: 7) --------------------------------- HP: 60 Off: 15 Speed: 5 IQ: 1 PP: 0 Def: 10 Guts: 5 $$: 15 Exp: 95 Item: Ketchup Packet - (1/16) ------------------------------- Unassuming Local Guy (Level: 9) ------------------------------- HP: 73 Off: 18 Speed: 5 IQ: 14 PP: 0 Def: 13 Guts: 1 $$: 19 Exp: 146 Item: Toothbrush - (1/8) ---------------------- *Everdred* (Level: 15) ---------------------- HP: 182 Off: 25 Speed: 6 IQ: 40 PP: 0 Def: 35 Guts: 10 $$: 171 Exp: 986 Item: Nothing ------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Peaceful Rest Valley =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------------- Lil' UFO (Level: 12) -------------------- HP: 82 Off: 18 Speed: 53 IQ: 8 PP: 0 Def: 17 Guts: 13 $$: 14 Exp: 223 Item: Skip Sandwich - (1/32) ------------------------- Mobile Sprout (Level: 10) ------------------------- HP: 79 Off: 17 Speed: 6 IQ: 1 PP: 9 Def: 12 Guts: 5 $$: 13 Exp: 133 Item: Croissant - (1/32) ------------------------- Spinning Robo (Level: 14) ------------------------- HP: 113 Off: 21 Speed: 7 IQ: 12 PP: 17 Def: 22 Guts: 5 $$: 21 Exp: 297 Item: Meteronium - (1/64) --------------------------- Territorial Oak (Level: 15) --------------------------- HP: 145 Off: 26 Speed: 5 IQ: 4 PP: 41 Def: 30 Guts: 9 $$: 29 Exp: 356 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/128) ---------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Happy Happy Village =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------------------- Insane Cultist (Level: 13) -------------------------- HP: 94 Off: 19 Speed: 8 IQ: 64 PP: 0 Def: 25 Guts: 20 $$: 33 Exp: 353 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/128) --------------------------- *Mr. Carpainter* (Level 21) --------------------------- HP: 262 Off: 33 Speed: 8 IQ: 72 PP: 70 Def: 45 Guts: 13 $$: 195 Exp: 1412 Item: Nothing ------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lilliput Steps =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------- Mighty Bear (Level: 16) ----------------------- HP: 167 Off: 29 Speed: 7 IQ: 5 PP: 0 Def: 31 Guts: 1 $$: 49 Exp: 609 Item: Teddy Bear - (1/64) ----------------------------- Mole Playing Rough (Level:14) ----------------------------- HP: 103 Off: 22 Speed: 9 IQ: 8 PP: 0 Def: 28 Guts: 2 $$: 36 Exp: 456 Item: Croissant - (1/32) --------------------- Mr. Batty (Level: 15) --------------------- HP: 86 Off: 25 Speed: 29 IQ: 3 PP: 0 Def: 5 Guts: 4 $$: 30 Exp: 304 Item: Jar of Hot Sauce - (1/64) ------------------------ *Mondo Mole* (Level: 23) ------------------------ HP: 498 Off: 37 Speed: 9 IQ: 36 PP: 161 Def: 50 Guts: 15 $$: 400 Exp: 5791 Item: Nothing ------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Threed =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------ Handsome Tom (Level: 16) ------------------------ HP: 133 Off: 27 Speed: 11 IQ: 8 PP: 16 Def: 25 Guts: 5 $$: 45 Exp: 520 Item: Tin of Cocoa - (1/16) ----------------------- No Good Fly (Level: 15) ----------------------- HP: 100 Off: 23 Speed: 10 IQ: 0 PP: 0 Def: 13 Guts: 3 $$: 26 Exp: 415 Item: Boiled Egg - (1/32) --------------------------- Putrid Moldyman (Level: 21) --------------------------- HP: 203 Off: 36 Speed: 9 IQ: 17 PP: 0 Def: 41 Guts: 5 $$: 53 Exp: 830 Item: Croissant - (1/32) ------------------------ Smelly Ghost (Level: 21) ------------------------ HP: 194 Off: 35 Speed: 10 IQ: 9 PP: 50 Def: 89 Guts: 2 $$: 71 Exp: 606 Item: Broken Iron - (1/16) ----------------------- Smilin' Sam (Level: 20) ----------------------- HP: 161 Off: 34 Speed: 17 IQ: 16 PP: 55 Def: 44 Guts: 16 $$: 48 Exp: 712 Item: Refreshing Herb - (1/32) ------------------------------ Trick or Trick Kid (Level: 18) ------------------------------ HP: 142 Off: 30 Speed: 7 IQ: 12 PP: 0 Def: 37 Guts: 12 $$: 47 Exp: 570 Item: Bomb - (1/32) ------------------------- Urban Zombie (Level: 19) ------------------------- HP: 171 Off: 31 Speed: 10 IQ: 24 PP: 0 Def: 24 Guts: 15 $$: 58 Exp: 700 Item: Hamburger - (1/32) ---------------------- Zombie Dog (Level: 22) ---------------------- HP: 210 Off: 39 Speed: 30 IQ: 11 PP: 0 Def: 51 Guts: 10 $$: 54 Exp: 1354 Item: Bottle Rocket - (1/32) ---------------------------- Zombie Possessor (Level: 17) ---------------------------- HP: 176 Off: 28 Speed: 30 IQ: 6 PP: 0 Def: 19 Guts: 9 $$: 81 Exp: 950 Item: Secret Herb - (1/64) ------------------------- *Boogey Tent* (Level: 25) ------------------------- HP: 579 Off: 43 Speed: 10 IQ: 32 PP: 56 Def: 69 Guts: 16 $$: 407 Exp: 5500 Item: Nothing ----------------------- *Mini Barf* (Level: 26) ----------------------- HP: 616 Off: 45 Speed: 10 IQ: 30 PP: 0 Def: 71 Guts: 19 $$: 460 Exp: 7521 Item: Nothing ------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Winters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------------- Cave Boy (Level: 11) -------------------- HP: 314 Off: 21 Speed: 5 IQ: 80 PP: 0 Def: 33 Guts: 0 $$: 17 Exp: 618 Item: Picnic Lunch - (1/1) --------------------- Gruff Goat (Level: 7) --------------------- HP: 45 Off: 8 Speed: 12 IQ: 16 PP: 0 Def: 23 Guts: 0 $$: 9 Exp: 20 Item: Salt Packet - (1/8) ------------------- Mad Duck (Level: 8) ------------------- HP: 51 Off: 12 Speed: 30 IQ: 1 PP: 0 Def: 24 Guts: 5 $$: 12 Exp: 41 Item: Fresh Egg - (1/16) ------------------------------- Worthless Protoplasm (Level: 7) ------------------------------- HP: 38 Off: 11 Speed: 27 IQ: 1 PP: 0 Def: 21 Guts: 0 $$: 11 Exp: 17 Item: Cookie - (1/4) ---------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grapefruit Falls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------ Armored Frog (Level: 22) ------------------------ HP: 202 Off: 37 Speed: 7 IQ: 8 PP: 0 Def: 108 Guts: 5 $$: 77 Exp: 1566 Item: Broken Spray Can - (1/8) ----------------------- Farm Zombie (Level: 19) ----------------------- HP: 171 Off: 31 Speed: 10 IQ: 24 PP: 0 Def: 24 Guts: 15 $$: 58 Exp: 700 Item: Skip Sandwich - (1/16) --------------------------- Plain Crocodile (Level: 24) --------------------------- HP: 234 Off: 40 Speed: 10 IQ: 5 PP: 0 Def: 55 Guts: 1 $$: 62 Exp: 1928 Item: Meteronium - (1/128) --------------------- Red Antoid (Level:20) --------------------- HP: 112 Off: 29 Speed: 10 IQ: 0 PP: 30 Def: 27 Guts: 4 $$: 35 Exp: 1175 Item: Sugar Packet - (1/8) ------------------------ Violent Roach (Level:18) ------------------------ HP: 209 Off: 30 Speed: 35 IQ: 24 PP: 0 Def: 26 Guts: 9 $$: 80 Exp: 1757 Item: Secret Herb - (1/128) ------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Belch Base =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------- Foppy (Level: 16) ----------------- HP: 120 Off: 29 Speed: 1 IQ: 3 PP: 10 Def: 9 Guts: 5 $$: 93 Exp: 1311 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/64) -------------------------- Mostly Bad Fly (Level: 19) -------------------------- HP: 141 Off: 32 Speed: 15 IQ: 0 PP: 0 Def: 16 Guts: 4 $$: 84 Exp: 1116 Item: Pizza - (1/32) ----------------------------- Slimy Little Pile (Level: 24) ----------------------------- HP: 224 Off: 42 Speed: 15 IQ: 38 PP: 0 Def: 61 Guts: 7 $$: 124 Exp: 1978 Item: Bomb - (1/32) -------------------------- *Master Belch* (Level: 27) -------------------------- HP: 650 Off: 50 Speed: 16 IQ: 61 PP: 0 Def: 88 Guts: 20 $$: 664 Exp: 12509 Item: Nothing 0============0 |-Milky Well-| 0============0 ------------------- Ranboob (Level: 24) ------------------- HP: 232 Off: 41 Speed: 20 IQ: 9 PP: 42 Def: 63 Guts: 1 $$: 158 Exp: 2486 Item: Picnic lunch - (1/64) ----------------------------------- Struttin' Evil Mushroom (Level: 17) ----------------------------------- HP: 157 Off: 29 Speed: 28 IQ: 1 PP: 0 Def: 22 Guts: 7 $$: 95 Exp: 1492 Item: Rust Promoter - (1/16) ------------------------------- Tough Mobile Sprout (Level: 21) ------------------------------- HP: 179 Off: 33 Speed: 18 IQ: 1 PP: 13 Def: 27 Guts: 6 $$: 119 Exp: 1865 Item: Sprig of Parsley - (1/16) -------------------------------- *Trillionage Sprout* (Level: 29) -------------------------------- HP: 1048 Off: 54 Speed: 16 IQ: 71 PP: 240 Def: 88 Guts: 21 $$: 1358 Exp: 30303 Item: Nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dusty Dunes Desert =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------- Bad Buffalo (Level: 34) ----------------------- HP: 341 Off: 64 Speed: 11 IQ: 5 PP: 0 Def: 104 Guts: 5 $$: 172 Exp: 4108 Item: Wet Towel - (1/32) ------------------------- Crested Booka (Level: 28) ------------------------- HP: 265 Off: 53 Speed: 17 IQ: 37 PP: 0 Def: 73 Guts: 24 $$: 130 Exp: 3011 Item: Picnic Lunch - (1/32) -------------------------------- Criminal Caterpillar (Level: 23) -------------------------------- HP: 250 Off: 37 Speed: 134 IQ: 0 PP: 168 Def: 16 Guts: 0 $$: 0 Exp: 30384 Item: Nothing ------------------------- Cute Lil' UFO (Level: 27) ------------------------- HP: 162 Off: 49 Speed: 58 IQ: 70 PP: 25 Def: 32 Guts: 1 $$: 110 Exp: 1519 Item: Nothing ----------------------- Desert Wolf (Level: 30) ----------------------- HP: 247 Off: 57 Speed: 33 IQ: 11 PP: 0 Def: 67 Guts: 2 $$: 114 Exp: 3740 Item: Sudden Guts Pill - (1/64) -------------------- Skelpion (Level: 24) -------------------- HP: 137 Off: 41 Speed: 37 IQ: 7 PP: 21 Def: 23 Guts: 80 $$: 140 Exp: 1823 Item: Vial of Serum - (1/32) -------------------------- Smilin' Sphere (Level: 27) -------------------------- HP: 233 Off: 50 Speed: 17 IQ: 13 PP: 60 Def: 65 Guts: 5 $$: 191 Exp: 2218 Item: Meteronium - (1/128) ------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Fourside =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------------- Annoying Reveler (Level: 31) ---------------------------- HP: 288 Off: 58 Speed: 17 IQ: 15 PP: 0 Def: 77 Guts: 50 $$: 268 Exp: 2373 Item: Protein Drink - (1/16) ----------------------- Crazed Sign (Level: 34) ----------------------- HP: 295 Off: 64 Speed: 17 IQ: 11 PP: 98 Def: 96 Guts: 5 $$: 244 Exp: 3618 Item: Big Bottle Rocket - (1/64) ----------------------------- Extra Cranky Lady (Level: 27) ----------------------------- HP: 277 Off: 48 Speed: 17 IQ: 32 PP: 0 Def: 70 Guts: 5 $$: 134 Exp: 3651 Item: Handbag Strap - (1/8) -------------------- Mad Taxi (Level: 28) -------------------- HP: 253 Off: 53 Speed: 38 IQ: 8 PP: 0 Def: 68 Guts: 5 $$: 216 Exp: 2336 Item: Xterminator Spray - (1/128) ------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold Mine =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------ Gigantic Ant (Level: 30) ------------------------ HP: 308 Off: 54 Speed: 17 IQ: 6 PP: 81 Def: 112 Guts: 5 $$: 304 Exp: 3980 Item: Double Burger - (1/32) --------------------- Noose Man (Level: 26) --------------------- HP: 231 Off: 47 Speed: 18 IQ: 4 PP: 0 Def: 52 Guts: 5 $$: 220 Exp: 1990 Item: Carton of Cream - (1/8) ------------------------------ Thirsty Coil Snake (Level: 28) ------------------------------ HP: 270 Off: 52 Speed: 18 IQ: 7 PP: 0 Def: 80 Guts: 5 $$: 276 Exp: 2786 Item: Chick - (1/16) ----------------------------- *Guardian Digger* (Level: 32) ----------------------------- HP: 386 Off: 59 Speed: 17 IQ: 55 PP: 110 Def: 129 Guts: 21 $$: 1467 Exp: 17301 Item: Nothing ---------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Department Store =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------ Musica (Level: 35) ------------------ HP: 292 Off: 69 Speed: 21 IQ: 8 PP: 0 Def: 85 Guts: 20 $$: 341 Exp: 3748 Item: Sudden Guts Pill - (1/128) --------------------------- Mystical Record (Level: 33) --------------------------- HP: 263 Off: 63 Speed: 20 IQ: 7 PP: 35 Def: 78 Guts: 12 $$: 310 Exp: 2736 Item: Pizza - (1/64) ------------------------------- Sclading Coffee Cup (Level: 30) ------------------------------- HP: 190 Off: 55 Speed: 23 IQ: 1 PP: 0 Def: 20 Guts: 5 $$: 280 Exp: 2462 Item: Cup of Coffee - (1/2) ------------------------------------ *Department Store Spook* (Level: 42) ------------------------------------ HP: 610 Off: 82 Speed: 19 IQ: 62 PP: 290 Def: 135 Guts: 24 $$: 1648 Exp: 24291 Item: Nothing ---------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Moonside =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------ Abstract Art (Level: 35) ------------------------ HP: 301 Off: 67 Speed: 19 IQ: 7 PP: 60 Def: 79 Guts: 7 $$: 255 Exp: 4361 Item: Refreshing Herb - (1/32) ------------------------ Dali's Clock (Level: 34) ------------------------ HP: 296 Off: 65 Speed: 4 IQ: 4 PP: 0 Def: 66 Guts: 5 $$: 314 Exp: 2503 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/128) ----------------------------- Enraged Fire Plug (Level: 32) ----------------------------- HP: 309 Off: 60 Speed: 14 IQ: 4 PP: 0 Def: 81 Guts: 5 $$: 346 Exp: 4321 Item: Sudden Guts Pill - (1/128) --------------------- Robo Pump (Level: 36) --------------------- HP: 431 Off: 70 Speed: 19 IQ: 4 PP: 0 Def: 113 Guts: 5 $$: 349 Exp: 4797 Item: Super Bomb - (1/64) ---------------------------- *Evil Mani-Mani* (Level: 45) ---------------------------- HP: 860 Off: 86 Speed: 15 IQ: 80 PP: 88 Def: 145 Guts: 1 $$: 1852 Exp: 28139 Item: Nothing ---------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Monotoli Building =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------ Sentry Robot (Level: 39) ------------------------ HP: 372 Off: 77 Speed: 17 IQ: 4 PP: 0 Def: 105 Guts: 10 $$: 392 Exp: 5034 Item: Big Bottle Rocket - (1/64) -------------------------- *Clumsy Robot* (Level: 46) -------------------------- HP: 962 Off: 88 Speed: 83 IQ: 49 PP: 0 Def: 137 Guts: 30 $$: 2081 Exp: 32378 Item: Nothing ---------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Winters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------- Lesser Mook (Level: 39) ----------------------- HP: 401 Off: 76 Speed: 17 IQ: 16 PP: 190 Def: 102 Guts: 7 $$: 467 Exp: 7640 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/64) ----------------------------- Mighty Bear Seven (Level: 42) ----------------------------- HP: 367 Off: 85 Speed: 11 IQ: 4 PP: 0 Def: 76 Guts: 1 $$: 440 Exp: 8884 Item: Super Plush Bear ------------------------- Whirling Robo (Level: 39) ------------------------- HP: 374 Off: 78 Speed: 18 IQ: 12 PP: 36 Def: 90 Guts: 5 $$: 256 Exp: 5782 Item: Meteotite - (1/128) --------------------------- Whooly Shambler (Level: 40) --------------------------- HP: 391 Off: 81 Speed: 18 IQ: 63 PP: 140 Def: 91 Guts: 5 $$: 458 Exp: 5397 Item: Multibottle Rocket - (1/64) ------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rainy Circle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------- Arachnid! (Level: 45) ----------------------- HP: 216 Off: 61 Speed: 23 IQ: 0 PP: 0 Def: 30 Guts: 3 $$: 296 Exp: 4933 Item: Jar of Hot Sauce - (1/8) --------------------- Elder Bat (Level: 35) --------------------- HP: 294 Off: 66 Speed: 33 IQ: 4 PP: 0 Def: 72 Guts: 8 $$: 371 Exp: 4177 Item: Double Burger - (1/32) ---------------------------- Strong Crocodile (Level: 43) ---------------------------- HP: 417 Off: 85 Speed: 17 IQ: 6 PP: 0 Def: 131 Guts: 5 $$: 495 Exp: 10122 Item: Super Bomb - (1/64) --------------------- *Shroom!* (Level: 48) --------------------- HP: 1700 Off: 95 Speed: 18 IQ: 72 PP: 112 Def: 154 Guts: 32 $$: 4086 Exp: 96323 Item: Nothing ---------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Summers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------------- Over Zealous Cop (Level: 36) ---------------------------- HP: 325 Off: 69 Speed: 18 IQ: 16 PP: 0 Def: 75 Guts: 7 $$: 420 Exp: 7448 Item: Double Burger - (1/32) ------------------------- Shattered Man (Level: 51) ------------------------- HP: 694 Off: 104 Speed: 18 IQ: 38 PP: 0 Def: 138 Guts: 25 $$: 2630 Exp: 20846 Item: Mummy Wrap - (1/2) --------------------- Tough Guy (Level: 37) --------------------- HP: 342 Off: 72 Speed: 18 IQ: 16 PP: 0 Def: 92 Guts: 20 $$: 525 Exp: 9310 Item: Chick - (1/4) -------------------- *Kraken* (Level: 54) -------------------- HP: 1097 Off: 105 Speed: 21 IQ: 32 PP: 176 Def: 166 Guts: 1 $$: 3049 Exp: 79267 Item: Nothing ---------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Magnet Hill =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------ Deadly Mouse (Level: 38) ------------------------ HP: 416 Off: 63 Speed: 18 IQ: 13 PP: 0 Def: 98 Guts: 225 $$: 406 Exp: 9225 Item: Rust Promoter DX - (1/64) ------------------------------- Filthy Attack Roach (Level: 42) ------------------------------- HP: 399 Off: 84 Speed: 77 IQ: 24 PP: 0 Def: 33 Guts: 9 $$: 432 Exp: 10543 Item: Secret Herb - (1/16) ------------------------ Stinky Ghost (Level: 46) ------------------------ HP: 444 Off: 90 Speed: 18 IQ: 7 PP: 0 Def: 179 Guts: 4 $$: 541 Exp: 13179 Item: Large Pizza - (1/64) ------------------------------- *Plague Rat of Doom* (Level: 47) ------------------------------- HP: 1827 Off: 71 Speed: 19 IQ: 45 PP: 60 Def: 180 Guts: 250 $$: 4464 Exp: 115272 Item: Nothing ------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pink Cloud =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------------- Conducting Menace (Level: 52) ----------------------------- HP: 445 Off: 107 Speed: 20 IQ: 8 PP: 238 Def: 107 Guts: 5 $$: 574 Exp: 14792 Item: Bottle of Water - (1/32) ------------------------- Kiss of Death (Level: 40) ------------------------- HP: 333 Off: 91 Speed: 19 IQ: 16 PP: 0 Def: 100 Guts: 7 $$: 528 Exp: 10354 Item: Jar of Delisauce - (1/64) ------------------ Tangoo (Level: 48) ------------------ HP: 371 Off: 96 Speed: 19 IQ: 16 PP: 5 Def: 99 Guts: 20 $$: 572 Exp: 14718 Item: Snake - (1/8) ------------------------ Thunder Mite (Level: 43) ------------------------ HP: 293 Off: 85 Speed: 20 IQ: 8 PP: 200 Def: 83 Guts: 13 $$: 430 Exp: 10798 Item: Bottle of Water - (1/32) ------------------------------- *Thunder and Storm* (Level: 56) ------------------------------- HP: 2065 Off: 111 Speed: 21 IQ: 55 PP: 70 Def: 178 Guts: 35 $$: 4735 Exp: 129026 Item: Nothing ----------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Scaraba =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------- Beautiful UFO (Level: 44) ------------------------- HP: 339 Off: 86 Speed: 59 IQ: 71 PP: 15 Def: 87 Guts: 1 $$: 426 Exp: 8257 Item: Nothing -------------------------- Dread Skelpion (Level: 41) -------------------------- HP: 214 Off: 82 Speed: 40 IQ: 8 PP: 125 Def: 57 Guts: 88 $$: 609 Exp: 9908 Item: Ketchup Packet - (1/8) ------------------------------- Great Crested Booka (Level: 49) ------------------------------- HP: 452 Off: 100 Speed: 20 IQ: 40 PP: 0 Def: 110 Guts: 28 $$: 604 Exp: 16365 Item: Beef Jerky - (1/64) -------------------------- High-Class UFO (Level: 47) -------------------------- HP: 433 Off: 93 Speed: 60 IQ: 24 PP: 72 Def: 103 Guts: 15 $$: 456 Exp: 12385 Item: Skip Sandwich DX - (1/32) ---------------------------- Marauder Octobot (Level: 49) ---------------------------- HP: 482 Off: 99 Speed: 23 IQ: 24 PP: 0 Def: 121 Guts: 8 $$: 499 Exp: 14475 Item: Nothing -------------------------------- Master Criminal Worm (Level: 37) -------------------------------- HP: 377 Off: 73 Speed: 136 IQ: 0 PP: 300 Def: 40 Guts: 0 $$: 0 Exp: 82570 Item: Nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pyramid =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------- Arachnid!!! (Level: 45) ----------------------- HP: 344 Off: 87 Speed: 20 IQ: 0 PP: 0 Def: 86 Guts: 4 $$: 412 Exp: 10449 Item: Beef Jerky - (1/32) -------------------------------- Fierce Shattered Man (Level: 50) -------------------------------- HP: 516 Off: 101 Speed: 12 IQ: 4 PP: 0 Def: 116 Guts: 5 $$: 577 Exp: 17423 Item: Mummy Wrap - (1/2) ------------------------------- Guardian Hieroglyph (Level: 48) ------------------------------- HP: 470 Off: 94 Speed: 20 IQ: 38 PP: 126 Def: 106 Guts: 20 $$: 470 Exp: 13064 Item: Pharaoh's Curse - (1/16) --------------------------------- Lethal Asp Hieroglyph (Level: 46) --------------------------------- HP: 458 Off: 89 Speed: 21 IQ: 36 PP: 0 Def: 94 Guts: 5 $$: 625 Exp: 11321 Item: Pharaoh's Curse - (1/32) --------------------------------- Petrified Royal Guard (Level: 53) --------------------------------- HP: 573 Off: 106 Speed: 12 IQ: 5 PP: 0 Def: 173 Guts: 5 $$: 628 Exp: 19163 Item: Sudden Guts Pill - (1/32) ------------------------------ *Guardian General* (Level: 55) ------------------------------ HP: 831 Off: 109 Speed: 21 IQ: 7 PP: 6 Def: 214 Guts: 1 $$: 3235 Exp: 95390 Item: Nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Deep Darkness =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------------- Big Pile of Puke (Level: 57) ---------------------------- HP: 631 Off: 120 Speed: 16 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 158 Guts: 26 $$: 728 Exp: 19659 Item: Meteotite - (1/64) --------------------------- Demonic Petunia (Level: 50) --------------------------- HP: 478 Off: 102 Speed: 26 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 111 Guts: 5 $$: 724 Exp: 15171 Item: Spicy Jerky - (1/64) ----------------------------------- Even Slimier Little Pile (Level 49) ----------------------------------- HP: 326 Off: 103 Speed: 22 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 101 Guts: 9 $$: 579 Exp: 15075 Item: Multi Bottle Rocket - (1/32) ------------------------- Hard Crocodile (Level 55) ------------------------- HP: 522 Off: 110 Speed: 23 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 128 Guts: 10 $$: 692 Exp: 19484 Item: Super Plush Bear - (1/64) ---------------------------- Hostile Elder Oak (Level 59) ---------------------------- HP: 609 Off: 134 Speed: 14 IQ: PP: 76 Def: 146 Guts: 11 $$: 690 Exp: 17567 Item: Viper - (1/8) --------------------- Manly Fish (Level 42) --------------------- HP: 500 Off: 83 Speed: 22 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 114 Guts: 9 $$: 624 Exp: 15826 Item: Beef Jerky (1/32) ------------------------------- Manly Fish's Brother (Level 56) ------------------------------- HP: 526 Off: 114 Speed: 24 IQ: PP: 210 Def: 123 Guts: 11 $$: 686 Exp: 15970 Item: Horn of Life - (1/128) ------------------------ Pit Bull Slug (Level 39) ------------------------ HP: 217 Off: 79 Speed: 2 IQ: PP: 11 Def: 77 Guts: 5 $$: 543 Exp: 9994 Item: Salt Packet - (1/4) ------------------ Zap Eel (Level 48) ------------------ HP: 370 Off: 97 Speed: 29 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 93 Guts: 5 $$: 611 Exp: 12170 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/64) ------------------------ *Master Barf* (Level 60) ------------------------ HP: 1319 Off: 136 Speed: 24 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 177 Guts: 39 $$: 3536 Exp: 125056 Item: Casey Bat - (1/1) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lumine Hall =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------- Fobby (Level 48) ---------------- HP: 240 Off: 98 Speed: 5 IQ: PP: 19 Def: 84 Guts: 5 $$: 620 Exp: 18348 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/32) ---------------------------- Conducting Spirit (Level 59) ---------------------------- HP: 587 Off: 130 Speed: 26 IQ: PP: 329 Def: 139 Guts: 5 $$: 804 Exp: 30390 Item: Brain Food Lunch - (1/128) ------------------------------ Hyper Spinning Robo (Level 56) ------------------------------ HP: 553 Off: 122 Speed: 28 IQ: PP: 83 Def: 130 Guts: 5 $$: 756 Exp: 28866 Item: Meteotite - (1/128) -------------------------------- Uncontrollable Sphere (Level 56) -------------------------------- HP: 577 Off: 116 Speed: 27 IQ: PP: 180 Def: 134 Guts: 5 $$: 796 Exp: 20389 Item: Broken Antenna - (1/128) ---------------------------- *Electro Specter* (Level 67) ---------------------------- HP: 3092 Off: 148 Speed: 29 IQ: PP: 80 Def: 203 Guts: 47 $$: 6564 Exp: 261637 Item: Nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lost Underworld =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------- Chomposaur (Level 62) --------------------- HP: 1288 Off: 139 Speed: 17 IQ: PP: 320 Def: 183 Guts: 3 $$: 896 Exp: 44378 Item: Magic Fry Pan - (1/128) ------------------ Ego Orb (Level 58) ------------------ HP: 592 Off: 125 Speed: 17 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 140 Guts: 1 $$: 836 Exp: 24180 Item: Skip Sandwich DX - (1/16) -------------------- Wetnosaur (Level 59) -------------------- HP: 1030 Off: 126 Speed: 17 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 172 Guts: 2 $$: 745 Exp: 33098 Item: Luxury Jerky - (1/64) ------------------------- Evil Elemental (Level 57) ------------------------- HP: 564 Off: 121 Speed: 30 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 136 Guts: 7 $$: 853 Exp: 35737 Item: Luxury Jewelry - (1/64) ------------------------- Psychic Psycho (Level 58) ------------------------- HP: 591 Off: 124 Speed: 30 IQ: PP: 252 Def: 144 Guts: 1 $$: 682 Exp: 30094 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/32) ------------------------------- Major Psychic Psycho (Level 65) ------------------------------- HP: 618 Off: 145 Speed: 31 IQ: PP: 574 Def: 152 Guts: 1 $$: 862 Exp: 39247 Item: Star Pendant - (1/128) ------------------------------- Soul Consuming Flame (Level 59) ------------------------------- HP: 602 Off: 131 Speed: 30 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 6 Guts: 14 $$: 768 Exp: 37618 Item: Meteotite - (1/64) ----------------------- *Carbon Dog* (Level 70) ----------------------- HP: 1672 Off: 159 Speed: 31 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 174 Guts: 52 $$: 0 Exp: 0 Item: Nothing ------------------------ *Diamond Dog* (Level 70) ------------------------ HP: 3344 Off: 167 Speed: 31 IQ: PP: 154 Def: 230 Guts: 10 $$: 6968 Exp: 337738 Item: Nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Magicant =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------- Loaded Dice (Level 59) ---------------------- HP: 307 Off: 146 Speed: 77 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 113 Guts: 75 $$: 703 Exp: 10672 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/32) ------------------------- Care Free Bomb (Level 60) ------------------------- HP: 504 Off: 135 Speed: 31 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 215 Guts: 15 $$: 641 Exp: 14941 Item: Super Bomb - (1/32) ------------------------- Electro Swoosh (Level 62) ------------------------- HP: 543 Off: 140 Speed: 40 IQ: PP: 338 Def: 156 Guts: 5 $$: 791 Exp: 17075 Item: Sudden Guts Pill - (1/32) ----------------------- Mr. Molecule (Level 56) ----------------------- HP: 280 Off: 118 Speed: 18 IQ: PP: 21 Def: 97 Guts: 5 $$: 659 Exp: 8707 Item: Magic Tart - (1/64) ----------------------------- *Ness's Nightmare* (Level 71) ----------------------------- HP: 1654 Off: 172 Speed: 31 IQ: PP: 882 Def: 253 Guts: 1 $$: 4442 Exp: 89004 Item: Nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Onett (Revisited) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------- Evil Eye (Level 63) ------------------- HP: 720 Off: 141 Speed: 38 IQ: PP: 400 Def: 162 Guts: 25 $$: 896 Exp: 46376 Item: Meteotite - (1/16) --------------------- Ghost of Starman (68) --------------------- HP: 750 Off: 152 Speed: 46 IQ: PP: 462 Def: 170 Guts: 43 $$: 807 Exp: 48695 Item: Goddess Ribbon - (1/128) --------------------------------- Wild 'N Wooly Shambler (Level 65) --------------------------------- HP: 722 Off: 144 Speed: 38 IQ: PP: 212 Def: 171 Guts: 5 $$: 906 Exp: 33818 Item: Multi Bottle Rocket - (1/16) ----------------------------- Mechanical Octobot (Level 66) ----------------------------- HP: 768 Off: 147 Speed: 43 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 176 Guts: 8 $$: 744 Exp: 41738 Item: Meteotite - (1/128) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cave of the Past =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------ Bionic Kraken (Level 70) ------------------------ HP: 900 Off: 155 Speed: 42 IQ: PP: 60 Def: 195 Guts: 1 $$: 960 Exp: 50308 Item: Gutsy Bat - (1/128) -------------------------------- Nuclear Reactor Robot (Level 64) -------------------------------- HP: 798 Off: 142 Speed: 46 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 185 Guts: 8 $$: 820 Exp: 53142 Item: Super Bomb - (1/8) --------------------------- Ultimate Octobot (Level 70) --------------------------- HP: 792 Off: 163 Speed: 44 IQ: PP: 0 Def: 181 Guts: 8 $$: 815 Exp: 47876 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/8) ------------------------- Squatter Demon (Level 69) ------------------------- HP: 774 Off: 158 Speed: 45 IQ: PP: 60 Def: 192 Guts: 25 $$: 897 Exp: 48311 Item: Horn of Life - (1/64) ------------------------ Final Starman (Level 71) ------------------------ HP: 840 Off: 178 Speed: 47 IQ: PP: 860 Def: 187 Guts: 25 $$: 915 Exp: 61929 Item: PSI Caramel - (1/32) -------------------------------- *Heavily Armed Pokey* (Level 72) -------------------------------- HP: 1746 Off: 150 Speed: 51 IQ: PP: 999 Def: 18 Guts: 45 $$: 0 Exp: 0 Item: Nothing ----------------- Giygas (Level 80) ----------------- HP: Off: 255 Speed: 80 IQ: PP: Def: 255 Guts: 5 $$: 0 Exp: 0 Item: Nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7.0.0 - Bosses =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The boss strategies in this section are taken straight from the actual Walkthrough for easy reference, so if you begin to notice that the strategies in this section look an awful lot like the strategies in the main Walkthrough, that's why. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |-Starman Junior-| 0================0 Recommended Level: 2 Fortunately for you, this Boss Fight is the first of in the game, and is disturbingly easy, since there is no strategy to it. Just have Ness BASH the Starman, and Buzz Buzz will cast PSI Shield E. This protective aura dissipates any PSI attack, and since the only attack Starman Junior uses is PSI Fire Beta (PSI Fire B), you have nothing to worry about, but don't get too comfortable. Under the right circumstances, the next Boss Fight can be a pain. This is one of the only Boss Battles in the game in which you are "Invincible". Just keep BASHing Starman Junior until he is destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=======0 |-Frank-| 0=======0 Recommended Level: 8 If you did the right thing, and leveled up to level 8, this fight shouldn't be nearly as hard. However, if you have not leveled up like I recommended you do, this can possibly be one of the most challenging boss fights you will encounter in the entire game (seriously). I'll just assume that you leveled all the way up to level 8. In fact, if you are at level 8 and you die in this fight, you don't deserve to play Earthbound, unless you have a justifiable reason... Simply use PSI Rockin A on Frank to immediately kill him. If you didn't level up that far or you don't have enough PP, just BASH him until he's gone, and heal whenever necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=====================0 |-Frankystein Mark II-| 0=====================0 Recommended Level: 8 (or 9 if you just leveled up) The same strategy applies here. If you don't have enough PP or didn't get to level 8, just BASH Frankystein Mark II until he's gone, and be sure to heal when your HP drops below 40, because this machine has a nasty attack where he "tears inside of you" and it takes a good bit of HP off. If you do have PSI Rockin A and have enough PP though, just use it once to destroy this machine instantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=============0 |-Titanic Ant-| 0=============0 Recommended Level: At least 11 Note that the Titanic Ant is accompanied by two Black Antoids. These are very easy to wipe out, and that is the first thing you should do. The Black Antoids can heal each other and the Titanic Ant. Compared to all the previous bosses, the Titanic Ant is a reality check. Begin the battle by casting PSI Rockin A to eliminate the Antoids and to do a bit of damage on the Titanic Ant. After that, you have a few options: Keep casting PSI Rockin A, BASH away, or cast PSI Hypnosis A, which works on the Ant, but isn't reliable at all. I suggest continually casting PSI Rockin A until you run out of PP, and then BASHing away. Beware of PSI Magnet, because if he uses it on you, you will be forced to BASH away at him for the rest of the battle. If you need to heal yourself, use Hamburgers. The Titanic Ant won't stand it's ground very long, and the battle will be over, and you will gain a ton of Experience Points. On a personal side note: Don't you just love that Boss Music? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=====0 |-Cop-| 0=====0 Recommended Level: 12 There isn't much to be said about these fights. Constantly BASH these Cops until they're gone, and be sure to heal yourself with a Hamburger. Their regular attack isn't that bad, but watch out for the Crushing Chop, which still isn't that bad, but eh. Do keep in mind, however, that you can't heal in between battles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |-Captain Strong-| 0================0 Recommended Level: 12 This fight isn't really any harder than the previous four. Just use PSI Rockin three times until he's dead. If you're low on PP, just BASH him away. Be sure to heal if you have to. This fight won't last but a few seconds, don't worry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |- Everdred -| 0================0 Recommended Level: Around 12 or 13 This battle can sometimes be a pain if you aren't leveled up very well. Everdred can attack for close to 40 damage! He might also occasionally try to steal something from you. Constantly use PSI Rockin A on him, and be sure to have Ness eat a Hamburger when his health falls below 70. Now, if for some stupid reason you don't have PSI Rockin A yet, I don't even know why you're here. After a little fighting, the battle should end. You get close to 1000 experience points, and you'll probably level up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |- Mr. Franklin -| 0================0 If you don't have the Franklin Badge in your inventory, you're pretty much screwed, because Mr. Franklin has a very powerful lighting attack. If you do have the Badge in your inventory, however, then this battle is a breeze, because you'll notice that before the battle even starts, Mr. Franklin will attempt to hit you with a lightning attack and the game tells you that the Franklin Badge deflected it. You still need to watch out for his physical attack as well though, but it doesn't pose as much of a threat. Just BASH away, as the Franklin Badge will turn your opponents lightning attacks onto himself, and the battle should be over that quick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0==============0 |- Mondo Mole -| 0==============0 Recommended level: Ness - At least 21 / Paula - At least 14 It seems that Mondo Mole is quite vunerable to paralysis. For a much easier fight, use Ness's PSI Paralysis and then just bash away at him. This is especially helpful if you have not yet rescued Paula. For a more traditional fight, use your strongest PSI abilities to wear the boss down. Once he runs out of PP, continue to bash him and of course be sure to keep an eye on your HP. If you are still having trouble against Mondo Mole, go level up a little bit and then try again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0===============0 |- Boogey Tent -| 0===============0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 24 / Paula - Around 20 / Jeff - 15 The whole point of levelling Jeff up early wasn't so much based on him participating in the battle, but to keep him alive so he can share the experience points after the battle. If you are following the recommended levels, then this battle shouldn't be too tough. Have Ness use his highest level PSI Rockin attack and have Paula and Jeff BASH continuously. When Jeff's HP gets below 60 (pretty much every time he gets hit) have someone heal him. It shouldn't ake long for this battle to end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0===============0 |- Mini Barf -| 0===============0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 25 / Paula - Around 19 / Jeff - Around 16 This battle is horribly easy. Just have Ness and Paula use their best PSI attacks and have Jeff constantly use BASH. It shouldn't take long at all for this battle to end. A good idea is to use one of Jeff's Bottle Rockets to just end the fight. It's up to you. After a few hits, this battle should end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0================0 |- Master Belch -| 0================0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 28 / Paula - Around 25 / Jeff - Around 24 This is another horribly easy battle - but, only if you know what to do. You've heard multiple times that Master Belch absolutely loves Fly Honey, right? Why not use it on him then. Have the person that has the Jar of Fly Honey to use it on Master Belch, and have everybody else use their strongest PSI Powers or BASH away. Master Belch will become pre-occupied with the Fly Honey, so you don't have anything to worry about. Keep attacking him, and this battle should be over very soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Trillionage Sprout -| 0======================0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 29 / Paula - Around 28 / Jeff - Around 26 This battle shouldn't be too tough. Have Ness use his highest level of PSI Rockin to elimate the little sprouts that accompany the boss. Have Paula use her highest level PSI Freeze directly on Trillionage Sprout. If Jeff has any kind of Bottle Rockets in his inventory, use them on the boss. Otherwise, have him constantly BASH. If anybody in your party has any Bombs, now is a very good time to use them. Only heal your characters if their HP goes below 70 or so. It shouldn't take for this battle to come to and end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Guardian Digger -| 0======================0 Recommended level: Ness - Around 33 / Paula - Around 30 / Jeff - Around 30 This battle can be pretty tough if you haven't levelled up very much. Whatever you do though, DONT use BASH attacks, because the mole has a shield that deflects any physical attacks back at you. Have Ness use his highest level of PSI Rockin' on the Guardian Digger. Have Paula use her highest level of PSI Freeze on the boss, which can possibly solidify him. Have Jeff use any weapons in his inventory such as Bombs or Bottle Rockets. If he has nothing in his inventory like that, just have him constantly defend. Good luck! At this point, you can't really worry about someone's HP going really low, because they usually die with one big hit. Just constantly attack the Guardian Digger until he goes down. If this battle is too hard for you then it might be a good idea to level everybody up 3 levels or so. If any of your characters are killed in this battle, which they probably will be, after you defeat the mole, leave the mine and go to Fourside. Go to the hospital at the top of Fourside and talk to the Nurse to have anybody revived. Hopefully, this battle will end before all of your characters die. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Department Store -| | Spook | 0======================0 This should not be a difficult fight in the slightest. Simply use Ness's best level of PSI Rockin, and have Jeff attack the monster, and the fight should not take more than two rounds of fighting. If for some reason he gets a decent hit in before you can drop him, use Ness's PSI lifeup to keep your party of two alive until the battle is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Evil Mani Mani -| 0======================0 Another pretty straightforward boss fight. Have Ness use his highest level of PSI Rockin, and have Jeff use any items he has in his inventory. The Evil Mani Mani can physically attack you, and it can also use its own share of PSI attacks. Simply hit it with your biggest attacks, again using Ness to heal the party if the need arises. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Clumsy Robot -| 0======================0 This is an odd boss fight, to say the least. Ness's PSI attacks don't work, as the robot as a psychic shield surrounding him that deflects all such attacks. Simply Bash the boss with your party, using Ness's lifeup abilities if the need arises. Throughout the fight, the robot will consume sandwhiches to recover all of his Hit Points. Most of the time, the Clumsy Robot will do nothing during his turns, and most of his attacks will miss. However, every now and then he gets in extremely cheap shots. Continue Bashing and using Lifeup as needed, and finally the Runaway Five will run into the room. One of the guys runs behind the boss and flips a switch off, ending the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Shrooom! -| 0======================0 Not a difficult fight at all. Have Ness continually use PSI Rockin, have Paula use her strongest level of PSI Fire, and have Jeff use whatever items he has in his inventory. If he has nothing, have him Shoot Shrooom!, but don't expect him to do any substantial damage. This boss has several annoying abilities, including poison, mushroom spores, and lifeup. This fight should go as smoothly as all of the others have. If need be, use Ness's lifeup abilities to keep the party up. It shouldn't be long before the giant mushroom goes down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Plague Rat -| | of Doom | 0======================0 This is an especially nasty fight. None of the boss fights have really been a challenge up to this point. I remember during my first playthrough of this game, more than ten years ago, this was one of the hardest areas of the game. Actually getting to the Plague Rat of Doom is a challenge in itself. The Super Plush Bear(s) you bought will really be a help up to and even during this fight. The Plague Rat not only has some nasty poison abilities, but he can land several SMASH attacks in a row. Have Ness Bash or use highest level of PSI Rockin, have Paula and Poo use their highest levels of PSI Freeze, and have Jeff use any items he has in his inventory before reverting to shooting at the monster. As always, keep your party up with Lifeup, which thankfully, Poo also has. If you are having a lot of trouble at this point, you should go level your characters up, especially Poo (he starts out at level 15 when you get him in Dalaam). Soon enough, the fight should end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Thunder and Storm -| 0======================0 Another straightforward boss fight. Again, have Ness use his PSI Rockin, while Paula and Poo use their highest level of PSI Freeze, and have Jeff use any damaging items from his inventory until reverting to shoot. This battle isn't too tough, the Franklin Badge will be especially helpful whenever Thunder and Storm use their lightning based attacks. As your characters take hits, keep them up with Ness and Poo's PSI Lifeup. As all other boss fights, after some time, Thunder and Storm should fall without a whole world of trouble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Kraken -| 0======================0 This battle should not be nearly as difficult as the recent fight with Thunder and Storm was. Simply follow the same strategy - PSI Rockin, PSI Freeze, Jeff using items and shooting, then PSI Lifeup as needed. As a matter of fact, if you want to save a little PP, just have Ness Bash while everyone else does what they're best at. Either way, the Kraken should drop quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Guardian General -| 0======================0 This boss has a very high defense count, but low HP, so it evens out. Have Ness Bash or use his highlest level of PSI Rockin, while Paula and Poo rely on PSI Freeze, and have Jeff simply shoot the boss. The Guardian has attacks the range from a moderate bit of damage against your guys, or a fairly heavy amount of damage. Have Ness or Poo use PSI Lifeup when necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Master Barf -| 0======================0 This time, the Jar of Fly honey does nothing to the boss. He can poison someone in your party, and he can make everyone begin to cry. If you bought a Multi Bottle Rocket for Jeff earlier, this fight will be a breeze. Use it, and you will rip a huge hole in Master Barf's HP - you may even get an instant kill. Otherwise, have Ness Bash or use PSI Rockin, have Paula stick to PSI Freeze, and have Jeff use his own weapon. Ness can heal when necessary. When Master Barf's HP drops down low enough, Poo rejoins the party and uses his newly learned PSI Starstorm to end the fight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Starman Deluxe -| 0======================0 I highly recommend that you use any form of PSI shield that you have at the beginning of this fight. Starman Deluxe can be a pain, be he is really not that big of a problem. Have Jeff use Shield Killer or Neutralizer to remove the PSI shield around this boss. Afterwards, if Jeff has any Bottle Rockets on him, feel free to use them. Have everyone else beat on the boss with their strongest PSI attacks and heal whenever it is necessary. If for some reason you do not have the necessary items to get rid of the boss's shield, have everyone bash away at the monster. Occasionally, Starman Deluxe calls upon other Starmen to aid him in this battle. If this is the case, ignore them and focus solely on the boss. Once he's down, they are all down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- Electro Specter -| 0======================0 Start the battle off with PSI Shield to help defend against his attacks. If you have repaired the Broken Machine you found in Apple Kid's house in Twoson into the Counter-PSI Unit and you have it with you, use it now. If it succeeds, you can disable Electro Specter's PSI powers for four turns. At any rate, break the boss's shield with Jeff's Shield Killer or Neutralizer. This is another standard boss fight with nothing special. Have everyone use their strongest attacks and heal when necessary and the boss should fall without much of a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Carbon Dog | | ----- | | Diamond Dog | 0======================0 This battle is unique in the fact that it is a two-part battle. I will list the strategies according to the particular battle. ========== Carbon Dog ========== As is custom in Fire Spring, Carbon Dog likes to focus on fire-based attacks. Equipping the Sea Pendant on someone will come in handy here. The first part of this battle is not too tough. However, do NOT use any kind of Bottle Rockets on Carbon Dog. When he is defeated, he transforms and gains a physical shield. If the attack that kills him is physical, some of the damage will be reflected back to the party - if a Bottle Rocket is what kills him, this could be devastating. Play it safe and don't use them in this fight. Obviously, the boss is weak against PSI Freeze, so have Paula and Poo attack him with their strongest attacks. He is also weak against PSI Flash, so have Ness use that. This monster does not fall, he simply transforms into a more powerful variant. =========== Diamond Dog =========== The Sea Pendant and Night Pendants (if you had any) come in very handy during this fight. Diamond Dog has an attack called "Glorious Light" that can instantly kill or paralyze anyone in the party that is not protected. He also has a bite that can diamondize one of your characters. From the beginning of the fight, Diamond Dog gains a power shield (the one that I mentioned at the end of the Carbon Dog strategy), so use Jeff's Neutralizer to get rid of it. Once the shield is down, give this boss everything that you have, including Jeff's Bottle Rockets. Eventually, he will fall. If this fight takes a couple of tries, do not be discouraged, it is not an easy fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Ness's Nightmare | 0======================0 Ness's Nightmare is the physical incarnation of all of Ness's negative emotions. In order to find the strength to defeat Giygas, this Nightmare must be destroyed. There are two good methods for defeating this boss, with one being better than the other. The first strategy is to use any Bags of Dragonite that you may have then to follow up with the biggest PSI powers that you have. The alternative is to let Ness's Nightmare drain all of its PP while you keep your HP up and keep yourself healed of any status ailments. Either method is fine, although the first is truly a better one. Regardless of whichever one you choose, heal when necessary and the fight should end before too long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0======================0 |- BOSS FIGHT -| |----------------------| | Giygas | 0======================0 This is yet another unique battle in the sense that it occurs in multiple parts. This time, you face a three part battle. ====== Part I ====== In the beginning, you face an invincible Giygas and Heavily Armored Pokey. If you can, begin the battle by putting up a psychic shield to protect against Giygas's attacks. Heve Jeff fire Multi Bottle Rockets at Pokey, while the rest of the group focuses on single-target PSI abilities. Additionally, any Bags of Dragonite that you may still have are very helpful here. Don't attack Giygas, as any attacks that reach him are reflected back to your party. Keep your health up as necessary and Pokey should fall without too much of a struggle. ====== Part 2 ====== Pokey is gone and you now face Giygas alone. Have Jeff use his strongest attack (Multi Bottle Rockets are useless now). Ness, Paula, and Poo should focus on their strongest PSI attacks. Be sure to keep everyone alive and in good HP standing. Soon, this part of the fight will be over and you move onto Giygas's final form. ====== Part 3 ====== This is the most interesting part of the game. Realizing that they cannot defeat Giygas by themselves, the party needs the help of all of their friends. In this stage, Ness, Jeff, and Poo should defend and heal as necessary. Paula is your most important person now. To defeat Giygas, Paula must pray each turn. Every time that she does so, her prayers go to a different person back on Earth. In turn, they pray for the safety of Ness and his friends. These earthly prayers reach the battle and inflict massive damage upon Giygas. Giygas to defend, pray, and heal as necessary and the battle will come to an end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8.0.0 - Miscellaneous Earthbound Tidbits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Although not all of these things are actually secret, in this section I'm going to include things that may seem absolutely random. But keep in mind, this guide is intended to be the most complete Earthbound guide available anywhere. For now I am just going to list little things that I have so far, but when I get more of them, I might organize them into sections in the order that they appear in the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sound Stone Trick =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I haven't actually had a chance to comfirm this yet, but I have heard a lot online that you can get your sister Tracy to hold the Sound Stone for you so you'll have an extra space in your inventory. When you first take control of Ness and are able to go outside, fight as many Spiteful Crows as you can. Each time you defeat one of them, you get a cookie. Fill your entire inventory with cookies. Now, when Buzz Buzz is killed in Pokey's house and he tries to give you the Sound Stone, you won't have any room in your inventory so he gives it to Tracy. I plan on confirming this tip after completing the walkthrough. If anybody can vouch for this tip, could you e-mail me? Thanks! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sanchez Brothers and Thomas Jefferson =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Sanchez Brothers, also known as big brother Pancho, and kid brother Pincho, stand on the side of the road in Dusty Dunes Desert with their good friend Thomas Jefferson. Very close to them is a broken slot machine. Talk to it to find out that the Sanzhez Brothers and their friend Thomas are a very cheerful trio, and they will make you happy. You see, since this machine is "broken", the Sanchez Brothers and Thomas act as a slot machine for you. Insert a dollar into the broken slot machine, and it sets off the trio. Depending on what they land on, you can win various prizes. Three Lemons - A Chick Three Limes - A Can of Fruit Juice Three ='s - A Skip Sandwich Three 7's - A PSI Caramel Unfortunately this game is extremely time consuming, and in my opinion isn't worth it, but it's still a nifty little thing to do every once in a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Earthbound 2" Sign in Fourside =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I even get into this, keep in mind: there will probably never be an Earthbound sequel. The heading isn't meant to get your hopes up (but we can still ask ourselves, "What if...") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you first come into Fourside, after leaving the Dusty Dunes Desert, follow the path through the town, going past the Bus Stop. At the first fork in the road, take the upper-left path. Follow the corner around the blue building and you should notice a pink building with a little sign in front of it just ahead. Take a gander at it. It says: -Planning Meeting for Earthbound 2. -Only those who are related to this projject are allowed to enter. -APE Software Development Team If you're like me, you absolutely -love- little Easter Eggs like this thrown into games by the programmers. Even better! I've played this game for many years, and the only reason I even found out this sign existed was through the Earthbound boards on GameFAQs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Runaway Five Trick =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You get to see the Runaway Five perform at the Chaos Theater fairly early in the game. A little later, after you pass through Dusty Dunes Desert and enter Fourside, you get to see them perform at the Topolla Theater. After you walk into the theater, buy your ticket and go into the lobby. After talking to the woman in the room to the left, go back into the lobby then head into the theater through the door at the top. Go all the way to the left and talk to the boy. The Runaway Five let you in their room. Talk to all of them to learn more about their financial problems. When that's done, you exit the room and the Runaway Five appear on stage to perform. When they're finished performing, you can do a neat little trick. Before you do anything, enter the room to the left again and the Runaway Five will be back there. You can talk to them some more and they will tell you about their problems with money. When you exit the room this time, they perform again! I'm sure that the programmers didn't want this to happen, but it's not really bothersome. Just another random Earthbound fact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.0.0 - My "Earthbound" Review =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many years ago while talking through the electronics section of a local department store, I happened to look up and notice a large package. After receiving the assistance of a nearby stepping stool, I had a bulky looking cardboard box in my hands. Upon investigation of the package, I noticed the name of the game was "Earthbound." The box I held included the game and the official strategy guide. At the time, the game only cost me $15. After purchasing the game, I waited patiently during the short ride home, rapidly flipping through the included strategy guide and gazing in marvel at all of the pictures. I had never heard anything about this game, but because the front cover looked so cool, I decided to pick it up. At the time, I couldn't have been older than 9 or 10 years of age, and the kiddy looking packaging that accompanied the game, which was obviously aimed at younger gamers, appealed to me very much. After getting home and popping the cartridge into my Super Nintendo, I was immediately hooked. I played "Earthbound" for hours upon hours a few years ago, and I still manage to do it today. Before I even start this review, I just want to go ahead and say one thing: in my opinion, "Earthbound" is the single greatest video game of all time. I honestly don't think that it will ever be topped. Everything about this game is just perfect. Unfortunately, many people try to compare "Earthbound" to games such as those of the "Final Fantasy" series. "Earthbound" is nothing like "Final Fantasy." In fact, "Earthbound" is on a much higher level than any "Final Fantasy" game ever created, and will probably always remain the standard that cannot be beaten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY - 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gameplay of "Earthbound" is phenomenal. At first glance, "Earthbound" may seem like any other game you've seen on the market hundreds of times. But you have to look deeper than that. The gameplay of "Earthbound" is what makes it so original. How many times can you say you've played a game where the selection of main characters consisted of a baseball bat-wielding kid who is accompanied by a psychicly-gifted girl, an adolescent rocket scientist, and a prince from a far off country who has an extreme dislike of foreign foods? How many times have you gone through a game and fought off a New Age Retro Hippie, a giant sea snake, and an oversized mole with a toothbrush and a ruler? Once, if you've ever played "Earthbound." There are also many nifty new features thrown in the game that are previously unseen in most RPGs of this time. Instead of randomly being attacked by monsters that you can't see, your enemies are now visible in the overworld. This is especially helpful if you are low on health and just got past a difficult part of the game. Now you can choose which fights to take head on and which fights to try and avoid. Another little feature is when you are powerful enough that you can defeat a particular enemy without any trouble at all, not only will they run from you in the overworld, but when you approach them from behind, the game grants you an instant win. This also comes in very helpful at some parts of the game, but I probably shouldn't get into that here. Don't want to give anything away... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORY - 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One night, the main character - Ness - is sleeping soundly in his bedroom in the town of Onett. Out of nowhere, a meteor crashes on a nearby hill. Upon investigation of the hill, Ness meets up with a bee named Buzz Buzz who comes from the future to tell him of Giygas, the cosmic destroyer. He tells Ness it is his job to journey across the world with his friends Paula, Jeff, and Poo and use the power of the Sound Stone to record the melodies of the 8 "Your Sanctuary" locations. Ness's journey is a long one, but is one with the help of his friends. The story of the game goes into much greater detail than this, with little side-quests that temporarily take you away from the main focus of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAPHICS - 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lot of people complain about the cartoon oriented graphics in "Earthbound." Once again, this is one of the many things that make this such an original game. If you've ever played any of the older "Final Fantasy" games or games like "Chrono Trigger," then you've already seen what I'm talking about. Unfortunately, the graphics in "Earthbound" are considered "bad" by today's standards, especially for people that consider graphics a major part of the game. I'm not trying to sound pessimistic, because I won't play a game if its graphics are literally painful to look at (of which I have yet to come across), but "Earthbound" is nothing like that. The visuals add to the atmosphere of the game, be it at a happy moment, or at a sad, dramatic one. It also throws a fun little spin into the game as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUND - 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another contributing factor to "Earthbound"'s originality. You have everything you could possibly imagine here: all of the basic bloops and bleeps from robots, really awesome background music in many of the towns you come across, and you even get to ring a bell on your bicycle in the game. That should be enough right there. Any game that lets you ring a bell on a bicycle definitely goes on my list. The music you get to hear during boss battles is really cool as well. It really adds a dramatic effect to the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS - 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section won't be very drawn out, but there are still some points to go over. Controls are a major part of a game for me, and if the controls are just too frustrating, they can actually make the game less enjoyable. Some games I have played in the bast were plagued with such horrible controls that I refused to play them. Fortunately for you, the controls in "Earthbound" are top notch. There isn't really any time in which the controls are a hassle, and they're not hard at all to learn. One button brings up the menu, one button examines your surroundings, one button rings the bell on your bicycle, etc. A not so well-known fact is that you can actually play "Earthbound" using only your left hand, which is what many people do - just using their right hand to hold the controller up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIFFICULTY - 3/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep in mind that a score of 3 out of a possible 10 for Difficulty is not a bad thing at all, it just means that unless this is the first game you have ever played in your life, you really shouldn't have too much trouble with it. In fact, the only reason it got that much of a score is because there are occasionally battles that require your characters to be slightly leveled up, and if they aren't, those battles can be a pain. In fact, if you are not at a certain level, then some battles are literally impossible. There is also one section in the game where once you go past a certain point, you can't go back for supplies. I only mention this because it can be very frustrating to get that far only to realize that you won't be able to beat the game you've worked so hard to beat. For a real challenge in "Earthbound," however, try to play through the entire game at low levels, or without using any equipment, or maybe even both. Other than that, this game is fairly easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN FACTOR - 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't think it's physically possible to play through "Earthbound" and not have a good time! The game is so fun that you'll probably end up playing it for hours on end and wondering where all the time went. Pretty much the only reason to stop playing "Earthbound" is to do sleep and/or eat - that's it. It's that awesome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPLAY VALUE - 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reason this got a perfect score will become very apparent while you're playing the game, especially after you complete the game. It's so fun that the second you finish it, chances are you'll turn around and create a brand new save file. There is so much to find in this game, and there are quite a few little Easter Eggs thrown in by the game's programmers just to let you have a little more fun, such as a sign that alludes to an "Earthbound" sequel and a pair of loving sesame seeds that get separated in a desert. Not only that, but you'll just want to have fun all over again, and you'll want to experience the essence that is "Earthbound" as many times as you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROS AND CONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROS: -Amazing gameplay -Great cartoony graphics -Original sounds -High level of replayability -Overall, just a fun game to play! CONS: -Under the right circumstances, can be very frustrating ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERALL - 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think I have thoroughly explained myself as to why this game is my favorite game of all time. It's the one game that can never be topped. It was my favorite game a few years ago, and it will always remain my favorite game now. Hey, it's "Earthbound." 'Nuff said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUY OR RENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This shouldn't be a hard choice at all, but it really is. Since the chances of you finding a copy of "Earthbound" at a local store for rent is extremely low, your only real option is to buy the game. Since it was taken off the shelves of stores years ago, this can be quite a daunting task. Your best bet is to check around eBay until you find a used copy. There are usually a lot of them up there. Whatever you do though, you have to play this game, no matter what. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.0.0 - Codes and Glitches =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I think that this section is pretty self-explanatory, but when the time comes, I'll have a little introduction in here. Until then, here you go. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.0.1 - Codes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= With the aid of a Game Genie, you can manipulate your game to help yourself out quite a bit. Not all of these codes have been tested by me, and if you use any of these codes and your game is wiped out, I cannot be held responsible. Don't flame me if anything happens. Read the "How To Contact Me" section to learn what happens when you flame me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Genie Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB23-77D1 Start with a level 9 character. DE23-77D1 Start with a level 15 character. 7423-77D1 Start with a level 50 character. 1723-77D1 Start with a level 100 character. EE23-77D1 Start with a level 255 character. EE2E-7D01 Start with a super strong character. BB2D-5461 Start with a lot of H.P. BB2F-54A1 Start with a lot of PSI. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Hedstrom's Original Game Genie Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep in mind that these are Tony Hedstrom's original codes. Be sure to check out his website at: http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DE9A-E595 Infinite Bread Rolls DE96-59F5 Infinite Cookies DC92-E095 Makes the Bread Roll stronger. You will recover about 60 HP instead of only 30 HP. You can increase the amount of HP that you recover by modifying the code (changing the first 2 digits). 7F92-E095 Makes the Bread Roll MUCH stronger. You will recover about 300 HP instead of only 30 HP! You can increase the amount of HP that you recover by modifying the code (changing the first 2 digits). D996-51F5 Makes the Cookie stronger. You will recover about 30 HP instead of only 6 HP. DC96-51F5 Makes the Cookie much stronger. You will recover about 60 HP instead of only 6 HP. You can increase the amount of HP that you recover by modifying the code (changing the first 2 digits). 7F96-51F5 Makes the Cookie MUCH stronger. You will recover about 300 HP instead of only 6 HP! You can increase the amount of HP that you recover by modifying the code (changing the first 2 digits). F098-89B0 Makes the Cracked Bat much stronger. It increases your offense 20 points instead of only 4 points. You may have to un-equip and re-equip the Cracked Bat before the code will work. 0098-89B0 Makes the Cracked Bat MUCH stronger. It increases your offense 68 points instead of only 4 points. You may have to un-equip and re-equip the Cracked Bat before the code will work. This code may not work if your level is too high (try the other code above instead). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DE1C-81F9 Infinite Super Bombs D01D-85F9 Infinite Bottle Rockets D017-8029 Infinite Big Bottle Rockets DE99-E1F5 Infinite Brain Food Lunch DE56-80F9 Infinite Cup of Life Noodles DE18-7920 Infinite Kraken Soup DE93-8025 Infinite Large Pizzas DE97-E095 Infinite Magic Truffles DE5A-E0B0 Infinite Peanut Cheesebars DE5B-59B9 Infinite Bottles of DX Water DE58-5599 Infinite Magic Puddings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EE9A-E5F5 Fast money code! This code lets you get lots of money. Here's how: Buy a Bread Roll (for $12) with the code turned off. Then, turn the code on and sell the Bread Roll back for $32,646! DD92-50F5 Hamburgers are free (instead of $14). DD5B-E190 Double Burgers are free (instead of $24). DD57-81B0 Skip Sandwiches are free (instead of $38). DD1B-E1B0 Refreshing Herbs are free (instead of $80). DD17-8099 Big Bottle Rockets are free (instead of $139). DD1C-89B9 + DD1C-8929 Super Bombs are free (instead of $399). DD92-81F0 Tee Ball Bats are free (instead of $48). DD92-7029 + DD92-79F9 Chef's Fry Pans are free (instead of $1198). DD92-51B1 Cheap Bracelets are free (instead of $98). DD90-8521 + DD99-80F1 Gold Bracelets are free (instead of $2799). DD91-71F0 Teddy Bears are free (instead of $178). Once again, a special thanks to Tony Hedstrom for letting me use his codes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.0.2 - Glitches =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game designers always try to get the bugs out of a game by using methods such as testing it. Unfortunately, sometimes these bugs slip under there view. Now, a warning: Some of these glitches I have not seen with my own eyes, and I haven't really tried any of them out. If you try to exploit any of these glitches and your game is wiped out, once again, I cannot be held responsible. Keep in mind that things such as Easter Eggs will NOT be in this section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onett Drugstore Warp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was contributed by MasterLink7, and is taken straight from the boards (edited a little bit for spelling ^_^): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hmmm... well, it might just be my game but I'll do a recreation thingy... I started my game, went through the usual meteor thingy, I got the Cracked Bat and equipped it right away, on my way to the meteor I got the Bread Roll. Went back home and back to bed. Woke up answered to the door, Pokey comes in goes through the dialogue talked to my mom and got changed, went downstairs and got Pokey, went outside, remember that a long time ago I had the dog, so I went back inside talked to the mom thinking she told you to take the dog (I thought she did...) got the food, so I talked to the dog, took him with me. Went to the meteor and the dog ran away, got Pickey or whoever said that I could hear a bee... fought Starman Jr. got the kids back home Buzz Buzz died. Got the Sound Stone. Went to town and got the map, got the Mr. Baseball Cap and fought a Yes-Man Jr. and died, continued, started back at the house, saved because I had to go do something, came back and went to town (the drugstore) and talked to the dog... now I'm stuck on a bed... it might just be my game though, because I swear I remember the mom telling me to take the dog with me... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know how this happened, and I think it's only my game but when I talk to the white dog in Onett's drugstore it warps me onto Ness's bed, I just put up the pictures and you can view them with the following links: www.geocities.com/mcg217/earthbound_glitch1.jpeg www.geocities.com/mcg217/earthbound_glitch2.jpeg The first one is a full sized pic with the black borders to show that Ness was center-screened. The second is just a smaller one for people with slower connections, but it shouldn't take very long to load either of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a ROM yes but it hasn't been hacked and I highly doubt that it is a bad dump because everything else runs perfectly fine, in fact, when I talk to the dog, it warps to the bed in a smooth motion, almost like it was intended, but I don't think it was. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 10.0.0 - Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In order: CjayC - for making the best website ever and for hopefully posting this and any of my other FAQ/Walkthroughs. opal WEAPON - for reminding me to explain the stats, and for supplying me with some examples. Low Rida - for telling me to add a lot of things to the FAQ, including: The Insignificant Item, the 1/128 items, Miscellaneous Items, and the Bestiary PK Hack - for being so awesome. Termoil - for the tip on the Sound Stone in the beginning. scarfo12 - for reminding me to include Recommended Levels. MasterLink7 - for a correction on the Spiteful Crow's item drop rate. www.gamegenie.com - for the game genie codes. Tony Hedstrom - for letting me use his awesome Game Genie Codes. http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ - for their amazing ASCII Generator The Challenger - for helping out a lot with the "Miscellaneous Earthbound Tidbits" section. fatbaldguy0 - for helping out a lot with the "Miscellaneous Earthbound Tidbits" section. BSulpher - for offering very helpful constructive criticism. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.0.0 - Other =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Congratulations - underbird for finally beating the game. Congratulations - sjrlink100 for owning 3 copies of Earthbound, of which one is actually for the Super Nintendo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 12.0.0 - Copyright =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I'm going to reprint the copyright notice here: This guide was written by awutow15. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly at all, no exceptions. The only website allowed to publicly display this guide is www.GameFAQs.com. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display such as another website or in a magazine is strictly prohibited, and is a violation of copyright laws. Please, if you see this guide on public display on any other website, please contact me at awutow15_gamefaqs[at]hotmail[dot]com. I haven't realized until this point just how painstaking of a process FAQ writing is, and you should too. Even for this shorter RPG, it takes a *LONG* time to tweak this guide and get it just right. Then you have to worry about people not liking the FAQ. But I digress. Moral of the story: Don't plagiarize or steal anything whatsoever from any FAQs you read, because it takes people many hours of hard work to put them together, and it just proves how terrible of a person you are. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 13.0.0 - How To Contact Me =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you have any reason you need to talk to me for anything (relating to this Earthbound FAQ), email me at: awutow15_gamefaqs[at]hotmail[dot]com. Below is information on what I will and will not read. Be sure to keep in mind that if you send me anything that is under the "Do *Not* Send Me" list, more than likely you will be blocked, and your message might appear on the GameFAQs message boards. Read below for more information. 0============0 |-DO SEND ME-| 0============0 Questions: I openly accept questions under a few conditions: Be sure to look through the FAQ to make sure that your question hasn't already been answered. If it hasn't been answered, be sure that when you email me, to include the subject of the question along with EB, or "Earthbound" in the subject heading, or it will probably be deleted. It might also help a lot if you include a little bit of the question in the subject. Commendment and Criticism: Obviously, if you think I did a good job with this FAQ, I'd love to hear from you. I've actually commented on some people's FAQs before as well. Also, if there is anything you don't like about the FAQ, please be sure to email me your suggestions as well, and don't forget to include something in the subject or you will probably get deleted. If you send me suggestions on something to change about my FAQ, I can't promise anything will happen - in fact, more than likely nothing will happen. But it can't hurt to try, right? Contributions: It would really be appreciated if you could e-mail me any contributions you have. Like I said before, pretty much anything even remotely relating to Earthbound is needed to make this guide as complete as I want it to be. Send in anything ranging from in-depth strategies on how to beat Carbon Dog/ Diamond Dog to quicker ways of getting the 1/128 items, such as how to get a green swirl on a particular enemy so you don't have to fight them. Another section that will be added in a future update that I am very excited about is an "Earthbound Challenges" section. In this section I hope to include various challenge-games such as a low-level game and a no-healing game. You never know, I may even include tips on how to get through those particular challenges. 0==================0 |-DO *NOT* SEND ME-| 0==================0 Chain Mail, Spam, or Flames, under ANY circumstances. I only accept these things (chain mail) from a few of my very very close friends, and ONLY my closest friends, but otherwise, send me anything like this, and you *WILL* promptly be blocked, no questions asked. Send me flames, and you will probably find a "G" rated version of your message[s] on the Earthbound message boards. I refuse to tolerate anything like this, and I don't think there is much more to be said about it. Questions asking for Earthbound ROMs. Period. You will immediately be blocked by me, and do you really want that to happen? Distributing ROMs is illegal. Period. Anything with terrible grammar, but most of all, don't send me flames with terrible grammar, because they will IMMEDIATELY be posted on GameFAQs. You know what? Just don't send any flames at all, and we can all be happy. As for grammar, please don't send me e-mail relating to spelling or grammatical errors in the guide. I am constantly scoping this entire guide in the hopes of making any corrections I can, and it would be deeply appreciated if we could just leave it at that. You won't get flamed and your message won't get posted on the GameFAQs boards, but I would really appreciate it if I didn't receive any e-mails relating to spelling and grammar. Thank you. 0==========================0 |-Contribution Information-| 0==========================0 I'm not sure if this should go in this section, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to put it. Here, I will simply have a few links that lead you to my contributor page and a few great "Earthbound" resources. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributor Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/40374.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthbound Message Boards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=8968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starmen.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.starmen.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Hedstrom's Original Game Genie Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 14.0.0 - Final Thoughts =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Man, I never thought writing a FAQ would take so long. However, I hope I did a good job, as this is my first major FAQ writing experience. Even though at this point I am not completely finished with the guide, it has still been a fun and exciting challenge to get this far. Thanks to everyone for their support! Earthbound: FAQ/Walkthrough by awutow15 Version 1.0, Last Updated 2008-02-26 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Earthbound (SNES) FAQs & Guides EarthBound: FAQ/Walkthrough by awutow15 Version 1.0, Last Updated 2009-08-11 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to EarthBound (SNES) FAQs & Guides