Weggy's FAQ for Front Mission: Gun Hazard (SNES) Version 1.0 =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== I. Version History II. Introduction III. About Front Mission: Gun Hazard IV. HUD V. Controls VI. Panzers VII. Primary Weapons VIII. Secondary Weapons IX. Panzer Equipment X. Human Equipment XI. Items XII. Allies XIII. FAQ XIV. Contact XV. Un-legal =============================================================================== Version History =============================================================================== Version 1.0 - 10/6/03~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQ created. It's mostly completed, save a few prices on allies' Panzers which just suck too much to level up. Maybe in the future, I'll add things if they need to be. If you have any suggestions, contact me. =============================================================================== Introduction =============================================================================== Welcome to a FAQ hardly anyone will read! This is my (Weggy's), Front Mission: Gun Hazard FAQ. I'm probably one of the few people who know what this game actually is, and probably the only person to consider it one of the top 10 games on the SNES. I was thinking about doing a full-fledged FAQ for this game, but honestly, the levels are too bland to do that. How many times do you want to hear me say "Go to exit, kill everything in your way"? It would also probably involve me trying to explain the story, something that would be a very large effort for someone like myself with only little Japanese ability. But don't think you have to understand Japanese to play this game! A lot of the important stuff is in English, and the few menus that are in Japanese are not overly complex at all. And to be quite honest, the story doesn't really influence the game all that much. Keeping all that in mind, this FAQ was written for non-japanese speaking folk, which I assume to be most of you. So sit back, relax, and keep your arms and legs inside the Panzer at all times. =============================================================================== About Front Mission: Gun Hazard =============================================================================== Front Mission: Gun Hazard is the sequel to the RTS, Front Mission, which is also on the SNES. Gun Hazard takes a completely new spin on the series, and turns it into an action RPG along the lines of a side-scrolling shoot-em-up, such as Contra. Gun Hazard was made by Square (yes, the Final Fantasy people), and Omiya Soft. So if you like Contra, and want something with a bit more depth, id highly recommend this game. If you like RTS and/or Gun Hazard, I would recommend you check out the original Front Mission, which is quite an enjoyable game as well. =============================================================================== HUD =============================================================================== __________________________________________ |_____A____|______B_____|_C_|_____D______| |__E__|____F____|_______|_G_|_____H______| I ________________________________ J | | K | M | L |________________________________| A = HP. This is your life meter. When this runs out, you die. Not a good thing. The number is how many thousand HP you have, with the bars each representing 0-999 life. So if you have a 1 there, and lose all your life, it will drop to 0, and start a new set of bars. Think of them as energy tanks, if you're a Metroid fan. B = EXP. This is your EXP meter. When it fills and turns green, that means you have enough XP to level up, and you will do so when you leave the current map. C = Level. This is what level you are. The more you increase your level, the more HP you receive, as well as the ability to use new weapons. D = Enemy Meter. This is the enemy meter, which shows you the HP of the enemy you're shooting. If you are not shooting any enemies, and let it idle for a bit, a new meter will display, showing you the meter of how many enemies are left in a level. When it runs out, there will be no more random enemies. E = Primary Weapon. This shows the current primary weapon your using. Unlike the seconday weapon, this cannot be changed in battle. You'll have to do it from your carrier. F = Ammo. This is the amount of ammo you have for your weapon. When it runs out, you obviously cannot shoot it any more. All ammo for primary weapons regenerate, but for some you'll have to use up your entire stock before you reload. G = Seconday Weapon. Displays what seconday weapon you are using. H = Secondary Weapon ammo. Displays how much ammo you have left on your secondary weapon. This can only be refilled out of battle, or by picking up/using a bullet item. If it says No Limit, you obviously have unlimited ammo with the weapon. I = This you. Hi you. The following menu only appears when pressing start. J = ARM. Shows what secondary weapons you have equipped. Not very useful. K = Item. Probably what you opened the menu for. This allows you to use items like REP and AID to heal yourself, as well as useful items like BULLET. L = An interesting menu, this allows you to give orders to your allies. There's too many to explain in depth here, so check the allies section for information. M = A minimap of the area your in. Red dots are enemies, blue dots are items. =============================================================================== Controls =============================================================================== You've probably seen FAQs with fancy ASCII SNES controllers and elaborate diagrams... bah. You came here for information, right? Thats what im going to give you! Left and Right: Move (double tap to dash, if you have a dash unit) Up and Down : Aim Gun Start : Bring up menu Select : Leave Panzer A : Fire Secondary Weapon B : Jump (Hold to use Vernier Unit) Y : Fire Primary Weapon X : Switch Secondary Weapon L : Holds gun position (so you can walk while aiming upwards, etc) R : Deploys Shield =============================================================================== Panzers =============================================================================== Your lifeline. Without one of these, the levels will be ungodly hard for you and your tiny little pistol. Luckilly, you have no reason NOT to have one. FN-8G__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $5000 Purchased at : Middle East Eurpope Northwestern Asia North America Secondary Weapon Slots: 1 Defense : 0 Description : Small Panzer with open cockpit. Comments : The Panzer you start out with. It has low HP, but a small profile. SW-46S_________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $12000 Purchased at : Middle East Northern Europe Northwestern Asia Africa Northeastern Asia North America Secondary Weapon Slots: 2 Defense : 4 Description : Small, mouse-like Panzer with large backpack. Comments : A large improvement over the FN-8G. You'll have this Panzer a pretty good amount of time, so get used to it. It looks pretty cool, and has significantly more HP. SW-54S_________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $40000 Purchased at : Northeastern Asia Africa Western South America Eastern South America North America Secondary Weapon Slots: 3 Defense : 8 Description : Much taller, rabbit-like Panzer. Comments : Another very large improvement over the previous model. It has a much larger profile, and doesn't look as cool, but has significantly more HP. You'll use it an average amount of time. SW-82K_________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $100000 Purchased at : North America Western South America Eastern South America North America Secondary Weapon Slots: 4 Defense : 11 Description : Bulky, tall Panzer with large backpack. Comments : Not a huge improvement over the 54S. It has a little more HP, and has pretty much the same profile. You won't use it very long. X-D____________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $300000 Purchased at : Eastern South America Secondary Weapon Slots: 6 Defense : 21 Description : Very tall, beastly looking Panzer with backpack. Comments : The largest and best model. It looks damn cool, gains HP REALLY fast, and has a whopping 6 slots for secondary weapons. You may have to do a little extra leveling up to be able to get it, but its worth it. =============================================================================== Primary Weapons =============================================================================== VG Series (Vulcan Gun)_________________________________________________________ Cost : VG-01 - $1000 VG-02 - $5500 VG-03 - $14000 VG-04 - $28000 VG-05 - $56000 Description: A rapid-fire machine gun that fires 25mm shells. The gun you begin with. Comments : Eh, an average gun in my opinion. It has a large magazine, which is good, but it is somewhat weak. It makes up for this by firing faster, but there are often times where you run out of ammo in the thick of battle. Though the Vulcan Gun constantly reloads, it is usually too slow. If you use a Vulcan, be sure to have a HNP class weapon equipped for backup, when enemies are close and you need to give the gun time to reload. SG Series (Shotgun)____________________________________________________________ Cost : SG-01 - $3000 SG-02 - $6800 SG-03 - $17000 SG-04 - $34000 SG-05 - $68000 Description: Fires a 35mm shell which splits into multiple shots. Comments : My personal favorite. At close range, this thing is absolutely devastating. Even at long range, its only slightly less effective than comparable guns, because at least half of the shots will usually hit. This gun does not constantly reload, unlike the Vulcan, but the reload times are very fast, and you get a full magazine. It's very rare you run out of ammo in the thick of battle, since you can fire off your remaining few shots to initiate a reload when your low. This should probably be your weapon of choice. LG Series (Laser Gun)___________________________________________________________ Cost : LG-01 - $4000 LG-02 - $8000 LG-03 - $20000 LG-04 - $50000 LG-05 - $100000 Description: Fires a large, constant laser beam at your enemies. Comments : My least favorite weapon. Though powerful even at a distance, this gun sucks through ammo fast. Very fast. It does not constantly reload, but it sucks through ammo so fast, you'll find almost all your time is spent waiting for the gun to reload. I don't really recommend this gun at all. NG Series (Napalm Gun)__________________________________________________________ Cost : N/A Description: Fires off an explosive round in an arc. Comments : Wow wow wow! The best gun in the game, hands down. But then again, you can't buy these anywhere. You have to find them, and so far, I've only found the NG-01 and NG-04. No upgrades are sold for them either. The arc the rounds fire at are pretty small, and it won't take long to get adjusted to. This gun constantly reloads, which is good because of its slow fire rate and small magazine capacity. It makes up for all of that though by doing extreme damage. Use this weapon unless you can buy another one of a higher grade. =============================================================================== Secondary Weapons =============================================================================== EAP (Enhanced Armor Protection)________________________________________________ Cost : EAP-01 - $10000 EAP-02 - $40000 EAP-03 - $80000 EAP-04 - $160000 EAP-05 - N/A Most up-to-date location: Eastern South America Description : Increases your HP. Comments : A pretty good thing to have. I would always recommend having at least 1 of these, if not more. The level 5 EAP must be found. UVG (Upwards Vulcan Gun)_______________________________________________________ Cost : UVG-01 - $3500 UVG-02 - $7800 UVG-03 - $18700 UVG-04 - $37600 UVG-05 - $75200 Most up-to-date location: North America, Eastern South America Description : Fires shots straight up. Comments : A pretty good secondary weapon, in that it is extremely powerful. It's pretty hard to train though, seeing as it can only hit things that are above you. GRL (Grenade Launcher)_________________________________________________________ Cost : GRL-01 - $3000 GRL-02 - $7500 GRL-03 - $18800 GRL-04 - $39000 GRL-05 - $78000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Eastern South America Description : Fires out an explosive shot in an arc like fashion. Comments : Eh, its not too powerful really. It might be good to spam at a boss early on, but there are much better weapons. MSP (Multi-Spread Projectile)__________________________________________________ Cost : MSP-01 - $4000 MSP-02 - $10000 MSP-03 - $25000 MSP-04 - $50000 MSP-05 - $100000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Eastern South America Description : Fires out 4 missiles in a spread shot. Comments : Not a bad choice. Think of it as a more powerful spread gun. HMS (Homing Missile)___________________________________________________________ Cost : HMS-01 - $3000 HMS-02 - $9500 HMS-03 - $28000 HMS-04 - $56000 HMS-05 - $112000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Eastern South America Description : Fires out a missile that homes in on enemies to destroy them. Comments : Alright, this thing just plain sucks. The tracking system on it is crap, it'll miss the enemies if they're moving at a decent speed. It also does very little damage. Skip it. BZS (Bazooka System)___________________________________________________________ Cost : BZS-01 - $8000 BZS-02 - $23000 BZS-03 - $57500 BZS-04 - $115000 BZS-05 - $230000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Eastern South America Description : Fires a powerful missile forward. Comments : A pretty good weapon. Though the ammunition capacity is low, it does a large amount of damage in a short amount of time - which is sort of what you want when going up against a boss. HNP (Hand Punch)_______________________________________________________________ Cost : HNP-01 - $4000 HNP-02 - $12000 HNP-03 - $28000 HNP-04 - $70000 HNP-05 - $120000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Eastern South America Description : Lets your Panzer punch. Comments : One of the best secondary weapons. It's powerful, can be leveled pretty quickly, penetrates shields, and sends the enemy back a bit. The downside? You're pretty open to attack when using it, and you can't use it in the air. Still, a pretty good choice. REP (Repair)___________________________________________________________________ Cost : REP-01 - $12000 REP-02 - $25000 REP-03 - $80000 REP-04 - $160000 REP-05 - $400000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Eastern South America Description : Creates a ball which repairs your Panzer. Comments : A must-have item, no questions asked. Using one of these will almost always completely heal your Panzer. If you can position an ally to stand on top of the ball, it will heal him as well. You must have this one equipped. Nuff said. BNC (Bouncing Shot)____________________________________________________________ Cost : BNC-01 - $6000 BNC-02 - $12000 BNC-03 - $30000 BNC-04 - $60000 BNC-05 - $120000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Europe Description : Fires a ball that bounces off the walls, ceilings, and floors. Comments : A great choice. The BNC is quite powerful, has a large ammunition capacity, and will usually bounce around until it hits something - or flys offscreen. PAL (Paralysis Laser)__________________________________________________________ Cost : PAL-01 - $4000 PAL-02 - $13000 PAL-03 - $43000 PAL-04 - $86000 PAL-05 - $172000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Northwestern Asia Description : Fires out a ball that paralyzes enemy Panzers. Comments : Well, it does its job anyway. It works on some of the weaker bosses, but do you really wanna paralyze something your going to kill in 2 seconds? FBG (Fireball Gun?)____________________________________________________________ Cost : FBG-01 - $8000 FBG-02 - $20000 FBG-03 - $45000 FBG-04 - $100000 FBG-05 - $200000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Middle East Description : A flamethrower... need I say more? Comments : Awesome. A great choice. It does an extreme amount of damage in a very short amount of time. Get up in a boss's face to shave off about 1/4 of his HP in no time. MIN (Mine)_____________________________________________________________________ Cost : MIN-01 - $4000 MIN-02 - $12000 MIN-03 - $30000 MIN-04 - $88000 MIN-05 - $150000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Eastern South America Description : Drops a mine. Comments : Crap. Don't mess with it. Enemies don't move all that much in FM:GH, and its stupid to wait around for them to stumble across it. DCY (Decoy)____________________________________________________________________ Cost : DCY-01 - $9000 DCY-02 - $22500 DCY-03 - $45000 DCY-04 - $85000 DCY-05 - $200000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Africa Description : Fires out a flashing ball that hovers in the air, that draws enemy fire towards it. Comments : Not bad! Probably something you'll want to have equipped when you have the X-D, and more weapon slots when you know what to do with. SEK (Sliding Explosive?)_______________________________________________________ Cost : SEK-01 - $5000 SEK-02 - $15000 SEK-03 - $45000 SEK-04 - $120000 SEK-05 - $250000 Most up-to-date location: North America, Northeastern Asia Description : Fires out a mine on a sled that skims along the ground. Comments : Not bad. But the damage isn't all that great, so you're better off using something else. WGP (Weapon Gun Pod?)__________________________________________________________ Cost : WGP-01 - $15000 WGP-02 - $30000 WGP-03 - $70000 WGP-04 - $160000 WGP-05 - $350000 Most up-to-date location: North America Description : Releases an orb that hovers above your Panzer, firing upon any enemies in the area. Comments : Eh, its alright. If you release the maximum amount, 5, they can do some pretty good damage. SPS (To be honest, I have no idea what this stands for)________________________ Cost : N/A Most up-to-date location: N/A Description : Fires out a big lightning bolt to damage the enemy. Comments : Just as the primary weapon has its NG, the secondary weapon has its SPS. A very powerful weapon, but it can't be bought in stores. I have yet to find the SPS-05, but if you do, hold on to it! =============================================================================== Panzer Equipment =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By double-tapping a direction button, your Panzer accelerates very rapidly. There is no limit on its use, so its a good way to get around. If you run into enemies or a solid object, you will bounce back and receive some damage. RD100__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $2000 Purchased at: Europe, Northwest Asia, Middle East, Africa, Northeastern Asia, North America Dash Length : Short Speed : Slow RD200__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $16000 Purchased at: Northern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Northeastern Asia, Western South America, Eastern South America, North America Dash Length : Long Speed : Slow RD300__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $16000 Purchased at: Western South America, Eastern South America, North America Dash Length : Short Speed : Fast RD400__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $100000 Purchased at: Eastern South America, North America Dash Length : Long Speed : Fast ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vernier Unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump Jets, for you Mechwarrior types. These little guys propel you a little higher than your normal jump. They vary in how they do that, but the higher grade is usually the best. VU-01__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $1000 Purchased at: Europe, Northwest Asia, Middle East, North America Flight Time : Very Short Power : Very High Altitude : Low VU-02__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $8000 Purchased at: Northwest Asia, Northern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Northeastern Asia, North America Flight Time : Short Power : Normal Altitude : Normal VU-03__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $16000 Purchased at: Northern Europe, Africa, Northeastern Asia, Western South America, Eastern South America, North America Flight Time : Normal Power : Normal Altitude : Normal VU-04__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $32000 Purchased at: Western South America, Eastern South America, North America Flight Time : High Power : Normal Altitude : High VU-05__________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $64000 Purchased at: Eastern South America, North America Flight Time : Very High Power : High Altitude : High ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shield Unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be quite honest, I haven't noticed any difference between the 01 and 03 units, and the 02 and 04 units. Id imagine they block more things, but what, i'm not sure. If anyone would like to clear this up for me, id be grateful. But by the end of the game, you should be rolling in money, so theres no reason not to have a 04. SHD-01_________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $1000 Purchased at: Europe, North America Coverage : Upper Body SHD-02_________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $20000 Purchased at: Northwest Asia, Northern Europe, Africa, Northeastern Asia, Western South America, Eastern South America, North America Coverage : Whole Body SHD-03_________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $20000 Purchased at: Northern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Northeastern Asia, Western South America, Eastern South America, North America Coverage : Upper Body SHD-04_________________________________________________________________________ Cost : $100000 Purchased at: Eastern South America, North America Coverage : Whole Body =============================================================================== Human Equipment =============================================================================== Human Aviation Suit____________________________________________________________ Cost : HAV-01 - $1000 HAV-02 - $3000 HAV-03 - $5400 HAV-04 - $12000 HAV-05 - $24000 Description: A suit of armor with built in jetpack. Comments : Since all HAVs have the same jetpack, with unlimited fuel, the only reason to upgrade is for the HP boost you get with better models. So upgrade it when you get the money. Human Hand Gun_________________________________________________________________ Cost : HHG-01 - $500 HHG-02 - $3000 HHG-03 - $6000 HHG-04 - $12000 HHG-05 - $24000 Description: A small, handheld pistol. Comments : It's only use really, is opening boxes. Maybe killing other humans, but it will take FOREVER to kill a Panzer with one of these. Not very important to upgrade. Human Hand Grenade_____________________________________________________________ Cost : HGR-01 - $500 HGR-02 - $5000 HGR-03 - $12000 HGR-04 - $24000 HGR-05 - $48000 Description: A hand-thrown grenade. Comments : Your main means of attack as a human. These can actually do decent damage to a Panzer... about as much as the GRL weapon. You have unlimited ammo, but be careful - the explosion from the grenade or shrapnel from other Panzers can kill you very quickly! =============================================================================== Items =============================================================================== These can be accessed via the item menu REP-01_________________________________________________________________________ Cost: $500 Use : Heals 320 HP (Panzer) REP-02_________________________________________________________________________ Cost: $1000 Use : Heals 640 HP (Panzer) REP-03_________________________________________________________________________ Cost: $4000 Use : Heals 1280 HP (Panzer) REP-04_________________________________________________________________________ Cost: $16000 Use : Heals 2560 HP (Panzer) REP-05_________________________________________________________________________ Cost: $64000 Use : Heals 5120 HP (Panzer) AID-01________________________________________________________________________ Cost: $1000 Use : Heals 200 HP (Human) AID-02________________________________________________________________________ Cost: $5000 Use : Heals 800 HP (Human) Bullet________________________________________________________________________ Cost : N/A (Sells for $5000) Use : Completely refills the ammo of the selected sidearm Autoaim_______________________________________________________________________ Cost : N/A (Sells for $5000) Use : Causes your gun to auto-aim at enemies for roughly 1 minute Chaff_________________________________________________________________________ Cost : N/A (Sells for $5000) Use : Causes some enemies' attacks to miss =============================================================================== Allies =============================================================================== Ok, to find the allies, go to your Panzer setup screen, and hit L or R until you get to the screen with "Friend" at the top. Press A to bring up the list. The list is as follows: Nashi - No ally Burenda - Brenda (Woman with blonde Hair) Emiru - Emilly, most likely (Girl with blonde hair and hat) Ruguen? - Translated to Luvin, i've heard (Man with sunglasses) Sakata - As it sounds, Sakata (Older man in goggles). As a little tidbit, the name Sakata also belongs to a major character in Front Mission 1. Ruuku - Rick, perhaps? (Guy wearing hard hat and camo) Akuseru - Ok, I have NO idea what this could translate to (Black man with hat) Anita - Anita, obviously (Another woman with blondr hair) Kuraaku - Again, I have no idea what this could be (Man with blonde hair) Brenda_________________________________________________________________________ Pilots : Your transport Combat Ability: None, directly. See Command Menu. Command Menu : Option 1 - Artillery. A crosshair appears on screen which locks on to enemies. Brenda fires a few shots from the transport at the enemy. Option 2 - Exit Menu Comments : Not bad, since you don't have to worry about damaging your ally. And at least she actually shoots at people consistantly. Only downsides are limited ammo, and she can't always use the ability. Still, one of the better allies. Emilly_________________________________________________________________________ Pilots : EP14-R1 - $7000 Combat Ability: Walks around and rarely shoots. Command Menu : Option 1 - Run away. Causes ally to flee. Option 2 - Exit Menu. Comments : Horrible. She has low HP, and very, very rarely shoots. Avoid her at all costs. Luvin__________________________________________________________________________ Pilots : DF4B2-1 - $4000 DF4B2-2 - $10000 DF4B2-3 - $35000 Combat Ability: Walks around and throws mines Command Menu : Option 1 - Run away. Causes ally to flee. Option 2 - Exit Menu. Comments : One of the best allies! The mines he throws will remain on the ground until an enemy steps over them. He also throws them very often, and they pack a pretty good punch. The only problem is, with all the explosions around, he tends to hurt himself easilly. Sakata_________________________________________________________________________ Pilots : SVK-R1 - $8000 SVK-R2 - $25000 SVK-R3 - $70000 Combat Ability: Walks around and shields you from enemy fire. Command Menu : Option 1 - Run away. Causes ally to flee. Option 2 - Toggles shield on and off. When it is on, all enemy fire is nullified that splashes against it. The number displayed is how much energy remaining. Option 2 - Exit Menu. Comments : Eh, not a very good ally. He runs out of energy on the longer levels, but has a good amount of HP. Still, he usually doesn't do anything. Use him in the 1 level he's required, and thats it. Rick___________________________________________________________________________ Pilots : DC3L-R1 - $6000 DC3L-R2 - $15000 DC3L-R3 - $45000 DC3L-R4 - $100000 DC3L-R5 - $240000 Combat Ability: Walks around and shoots occasionally. Command Menu : Option 1 - Run away. Causes ally to flee. Option 2 - Exit Menu. Comments : One of the best allies, in my opinion. He fires more often than most, and his shots do a ton of damage. Akuseru________________________________________________________________________ Pilots : YN6-R1 - $5000 YN6-R2 - $20000 YN6-R3 - $40000 Combat Ability: Runs around, shoots often, and occasionally shields himself. Command Menu : Option 1 - Run away. Causes ally to flee. Option 2 - Exit Menu. Comments : A pretty good ally. He shoots a lot, but his shots aren't all that strong. He also has a small profile, which protects from enemy fire. But he jumps around like a crazy jackrabbit, sometimes straight into enemy fire. At least he does something. Anita__________________________________________________________________________ Pilots : HC-2R1 - $12000 HC-2R2 - $23000 HC-2R3 - $45000 Combat Ability: Hovers above your Panzer and fires. When over enemies, she drops a bomb. Command Menu : Option 1 - Run away. Causes ally to flee. Option 2 - Exit Menu. Comments : She has a very small profile, and hovers far above you, if possible - which lets her avoid a lot of damage. The only problem is, her damage is piss poor. Still, shes not bad if you want a no-troubles ally. Kuraaku________________________________________________________________________ Pilots : FN-8GL - $4000 Combat Ability: Walks around and occasionally shoots. Command Menu : Option 1 - Run away. Causes ally to flee. Option 2 - Exit Menu. Comments : Not all that great. He doesn't shoot too often, and doesn't do that much damage. He does pilot pretty much the same Panzer you do though, so that looks kinda cool. =============================================================================== FAQ =============================================================================== Q: Where can I download a ROM of Front Mission: Gun Hazard? A: Wherever you want to. If you like the game, please buy it. Q: What is the best possible config? A: In my opinion, its the X-D with a SG-05... but a NG-05 would be better, if I could find it! For secondary weapons, id use a EAP, UVG, REP, DCY, FBG, and BZS... or SPS, if I could find the 05. Q: Who's the best ally? A: I prefer the Bazooka guy myself, who you get towards the end of the game. All the allies are pretty dumb actually, but at least when that guy decides to fire he can actually do some damage. Q: Help! I've reached a dead end in Northeastern Asia! A: This is by far, the most asked question about FM:GH. The level in question is probably a large tunnel, am I right? Well, you need to bring in a certain ally to battle. In case you dont know how to choose your allies, hit L or R on the mech config screen to get to the ally page. Pick the guy with the sunglasses. (His name is Luven Alhabi if you care... i'd suspect most of you don't). Then play the level. He'll lay mines down along the tunnel. Keep him alive! He's most likely pretty weak, especially if you haven't leveled him. So bring some REP kits along. Q: Help! In Northeastern Asia, theres this boss that keeps killing me with a superlaser! A: Once again, you must call upon an ally to help you. Except you have to go find this one. Go to the Middle East, and go to one of the levels in the upper right corner. Play through it, and you'll find a shield-type Panzer. Bring him into the fight to hide behind when the boss uses the laser. His shield has a finite amount of energy however, so be sure to toggle it on and off in the command menu. Q: Help! I've beat all the levels, but I don't know what to do! A: You need to pick up a new carrier. Go to Western South America to get it, and then go to the flying fortress that sort of zooms around the map. Q: Are there any secrets in FM:GH? A: The only ones I know of are the NG and SPS weapons. They can't be bought anywhere, and are very powerful. Q: Whats a good place to shop at? A: Well, North America almost always has the most-up-to-date stuff, so that should probably be your shop of choice. Except when you want to save a little bit of money - the Middle East shop offers a 10% discount on everything there. =============================================================================== Contact =============================================================================== If you would like contact me for suggestions, questions, or any other reason, you may do so at michael at satcen dot com. Sorry I have to write it out that way, those cursed spambots have no mercy. I'm occasionally on AIM, you can try Cyan3511 on there. =============================================================================== Un-legal =============================================================================== This FAQ was originated on www.gamefaqs.com. You will always find the most up-to-date version there. As with all my FAQs, I believe it to be public domain. Please post this on your website, edit, alter, or do what you will with it. Crediting me is entirely optional. Although it isn't neccessary to Email me, I would like to check out your site if your going to put it there ^_^. I only have 1 condition: You do not sell this FAQ for personal profit. Thanks. -Fin-