A MASSACRED GUIDE TO GEMFIRE (NES) v0.5 By Massacred@aol.com --- SEE BOTTOM OF DOCUMENT --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER All non-official information, strategies and ASCII artwork contained in this guide and all future versions of this guide regarding the game Gemfire and Gemfire characters is copyright 1999 Massacred. The Massacred Guide To Gemfire is intended to be distributed freely to the public only in its entirety. GEMFIRE is liscensed by Nintendo. GEMFIRE is copyright 1991 KOEI corporation. All rights reserved. ============================================================================= = SECTION --- CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION ============================================================================= = ============================================================================= = SECTION --- SELECTING AN ADVISOR ============================================================================= = When you begin a game, you must choose an advisor. Once you have selected an advisor, any time during the game you can consult with the advisor for advise by pressing the Up or Down Directional Buttons. Each advisor has his or her own personalities and attributes, however they all offer the same advise at their roots. The following documents each message that is given by each of the advisors. ----------------------------------------------------------JADE THE ENLIGHTENED 1. If treated properly, monsters will fight well for us 2. A band of mercenaries could be useful in battle 3. We need more gold to maintain our stance 4. We must provide more food for the people 5. We lack supplies of food and gold 6. Province [#] will fall to you with little damage ------------------------------------------------------------JASPER THE RIDDLER 1. Mercenaries fight with skill; hire them or others will 2. Employing monsters for defense is an act of common sense 3. Until we get sufficient gold all our plans cannot unfold 4. At the risk of being rude, I must point to our lack of food 5. Our position isn't funny --- running low on gold and money 6. The thing to do of course is build our fighting force 7. Investing to prevent disaster helps our power to grow faster 8. Bad harvests are at hand unless we improve the land 9. To protect your royalty improve the people's loyalty 10. Province [#] we must attack; it's too weak to push us back 11. You ask for me to help you rule? I'm a joker, not a fool! 12. At last the deed is done: all the lands ruled as one ---------------------------------------------------------------ELDROW THE WISE 1. The time has come to attack province [#] 2. Monsters are dangerous, but can help win wars 3. Hire crusaders to defy your enemies 4. Our security depends on the size of our army 5. Find a means to earn gold 6. Your people will starve before long 7. We are poor in gold and food 8. A wise ruler is generous to the people 9. A wise ruler prepares for sudden disasters 10. The fields require cultivation --------------------------------------------------------------ZORAX THE MIGHTY 1. Hire monsters to fight in the coming wars 2. Recruit more soldiers for our army 3. Seize province [#] before it's too late! 4. Let's add mercenaries to our forces 5. Our soldiers cannot fight on empty bellies 6. We cannot wage war without gold 7. You must earn more gold and harvest more food 8. The people have little faith in you 9. Cultivate the fields or the crops will die out 10. Invest to protect our troops from natural disasters ============================================================================= = SECTION --- THE 7 GEMS ============================================================================= = This section provides information on the properties of the 7 Gems. [Power] displays the hit points and damage of the Gem. [Cost] is not necessary for the Gems, due to the fact that you cannot hire Gems. [Move] displays the maximum unit of distance the Gem can move. [Range] displays the attack range of the Gem. Refer to the following figure to determine details on the attack range of each Gem. KEY: + = Location of Gem O = Unaffeffected area X = Effected area ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OOOOO | OOXOO | XXXXX | XXXXX | | OOXOO | OOOOO | XOOOX | XXXXX | | OX+XO | XO+OX | XO+OX | XX+XX | | OOXOO | OOOOO | XOOOX | XXXXX | | OOOOO | OOXOO | XXXXX | XXXXX | |----------------|--------------------|-------------------|--------------| | Close Range | Long Range | Wide Range | All Range | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLUVIUS XXXXX ZENDOR XXXXX Power: 160 XOOOX Power: 150 XOOOX Cost: N/A XO+OX Cost: N/A XO+OX Move: 2 XOOOX Move: 3 XOOOX The supreme sorcerer XXXXX Master of lightning XXXXX SKULRYK XXXXX CHYLLA OOOOO Power: 110 XOOOX Power: 120 OOXOO Cost: N/A XO+OX Cost: N/A OX+XO Move: 3 XOOOX Move: 3 OOXOO Blows a cloud of poison XXXXX Unleashes a deadly chill OOOOO SCYLLA OOOOO EMPYRON OOOOO Power: 130 OOXOO Power: 140 OOXOO Cost: N/A OX+XO Cost: 2 OX+XO Move: OOXOO Move: 2 OOXOO Sets the winds free OOOOO Shoots jets of blue fire OOOOO DRAGON XXXXX Power: 160 XXXXX Cost: N/A XX+XX Move: 2 XXXXX Protector of the Crown XXXXX ============================================================================= = SECTION --- SCENARIO 1: ERIN & ANDER ============================================================================= = Family choices: Blanche, Lyle, Coryll, Chrysalis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PROVINCE RULER FAMILY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1: Dunmoor Vacant Vacant 2: Carveti Prince Ander Lyle 3: Cobrige Lord Roland Blanche 4: Banshea Lord Karl Blanche 5: Petaria Prince Erin Blanche 6: Hyland Lord Seth Lyle 7: Norwood Lord Wolfen Lyle 8: Lisle Prince Garth Chrysalis 9: Erewood Vacant Vacant 10: Rodale Vacant Vacant 11: Hermet Lord Terian Lankshire 12: Ostlan Lord Regis Lankshire 13: Powice Prince Leander Molbrew 14: Cardyf Lord Fuster Molbrew 15: Eljing Lord Adryl Lankshire 16: Centra King Eselred Lankshire 17: Culver Lord Loryn Lankshire 18: Lindum King Eselred Lankshire 19: Caster Lord Colin Lankshire 20: Anglia King Eselred Lankshire 21: Oldlyn King Eselred Lankshire 22: Londre King Eselred Lankshire 23: Attley Lord Carlyle Lankshire 24: Linden Lord Jerras Flax 25: Ashlan Prince Lars Coryll 26: Penzan Lord Ervan Coryll 27: Belgam Prince Erik Flax 28: Celsea King Eselred Lankshire 29: Cambry Lord Shabard Lankshire 30: Farlan King Eselred Lankshire ============================================================================= = SECTION --- MONSTERS FOR HIRE ============================================================================= = This section provides information on the properties of the Monsters that are available for hire. [Power] displays the hit points and damage of the Monster. [Cost] displays the price that must be paid for a Monster to serve you. [Move] displays the maximum unit of distance the Monster can move. [Range] displays the attack range of the Monster. Refer to the following figure to determine details on the attack range of each Monster. KEY: + = Location of Monster O = Unaffeffected area X = Effected area ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OOOOO | OOXOO | XXXXX | XXXXX | | OOXOO | OOOOO | XOOOX | XXXXX | | OX+XO | XO+OX | XO+OX | XX+XX | | OOXOO | OOOOO | XOOOX | XXXXX | | OOOOO | OOXOO | XXXXX | XXXXX | |----------------|--------------------|-------------------|--------------| | Close Range | Long Range | Wide Range | All Range | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OLAG-HAI OOOOO SKELETON OOOOO Power: 110 OOXOO Power: 100 OOXOO Cost: 30 OX+XO Cost: 20 OX+XO Move: 2 OOXOO Move: 2 OOXOO Sharp-clawed savages OOOOO Sword-bearing skeletons OOOOO OGRE OOOOO SHOOTERS OOXOO Power: 100 OOXOO Power: 150 OOOOO Cost: 50 OX+XO Cost: 35 XO+OX Move: 2 OOXOO Move: 3 OOOOO Club-swinging giant OOOOO Sharpshooting mercenaries OOXOO ORKS OOOOO PIKEMEN OOOOO Power: 100 OOXOO Power: 150 OOXOO Cost: 20 OX+XO Cost: 40 OX+XO Move: 3 OOXOO Move: 3 OOXOO Axe-wielding brutes OOOOO Zealous crusaders OOOOO WYVERN OOOOO WARRIORS OOOOO Power: 150 OOXOO Power: 180 OOXOO Cost: 60 OX+XO Cost: 60 OX+XO Move: 3 OOXOO Move: 3 OOXOO Dragon with deadly wings OOOOO Elite Highlanders OOOOO FACHAN XXXXX BUGBEAR OOOOO Power: 100 XXXXX Power: 100 OOXOO Cost: 40 XX+XX Cost: 30 OX+XO Move: 3 XXXXX Move: 3 OOXOO Rock-heaving cyclops XXXXX Throws enemy into panic OOOOO GARGOYLE OOOOO GUNNERS OOXOO Power: 120 OOXOO Power: 150 OOOOO Cost: 40 OX+XO Cost: 40 XO+OX Move: 3 OOXOO Move: 3 OOOOO Winged monsters OOOOO Expert cannoneers OOXOO LIZARDS OOOOO LANCERS OOOOO Power: 110 OOXOO Power: 180 OOXOO Cost: 60 OX+XO Cost: 50 OX+XO Move: 3 OOXOO Move: 3 OOXOO Legendary fire beasts OOOOO Fearless footsoldiers OOOOO SPEARMEN OOXOO PASTHA OOOOO Power: 150 OOOOO Power: 160 OOXOO Cost: 20 XO+OX Cost: N/A OX+XO Move: 3 OOOOO Move: 3 OOXOO Spear-heaving mercenaries OOXOO Fights for moral rulers OOOOO ============================================================================= = SECTION --- RANDOM EVENTS ============================================================================= = Occasionally, an event will occur at various points in the game that will have an effect on one of your provinces, or one of your enemy's territories. Many of the events that occur will cause an undesirable effect to your provinces, while some will enhance attributes of your provinces or rulers. This section explains the events, the conditions that cause the events to occur and how the event effects your province or ruler. ---------------------------------------------------------------NEGATIVE EVENTS 1. EVENT: Terrible floods are devastating the southeast CONDITION: ? EFFECT: ? 2. EVENT: Plague is sweeping through the country CONDITION: ? EFFECT: ? 3. EVENT: Heavy snows are damaging the northern regions CONDITION: ? EFFECT: ? 4. EVENT: A violent earthquake is rocking the southwest CONDITION: ? EFFECT: ? 5. EVENT: Fires are ravaging the woodlands CONDITION: ? EFFECT: ? 6. EVENT: A Banshee brought an evil Omen to [#]:[Province] CONDITION: ? EFFECT: ? 7. EVENT: Black Annis frightened the people of [#]:[Province] CONDITION: ? EFFECT: ? 8. EVENT: The Orks went on a rampage, ravaging the land CONDITION: Orks randomly damage the land when hired. EFFECT: ? 9. EVENT: Someone has sabotaged [#]:[Province] CONDITION: An enemy territory has successfully sabotaged indicated Province. EFFECT: ? 10. EVENT: The Gargoyles went on a rampage, ravaging the land CONDITION: Gargoyles randomly damage the land when hired. EFFECT: ? 11. EVENT: Mischevious pixies dug up the fields of [#]:[Province] CONDITION: ? EFFECT: ? 12. EVENT: The Skeletons went on a rampage, ravaging the land CONDITION: Skeletons randomly damage the land when hired. EFFECT: ? ---------------------------------------------------------------POSITIVE EVENTS 1. EVENT: A magical unicorn empowered the ruler of [#]:[Province] EFFECT: ? 2. EVENT: Kind Redcaps cast good spells in [#]:[Province] EFFECT: ? 3. EVENT: An Elvish troubadour sang the praises of [#]:[Province] EFFECT: ? 4. EVENT: A captured Leprechaun left a pot of gold in [#]:[Province] EFFECT: Increases the amount of gold in indicated Province. 5. EVENT: A Pastha offered to fight for [#]:[Province] CONDITION: ? EFFECT: A Pastha is available as a 5th Unit in indicated Province. 6. EVENT: A Gwraig brought a charm to the ruler of [#]:[Province] EFFECT: Raises the indicated ruler's Charm. 7. EVENT: A fairy rounded up troops for [#]:[Province] EFFECT: Increases the troops in indicated Province. 8. EVENT: A Far Gorta gathered food for [#]:[Province] EFFECT: Increases the food stock in indicated Province. ============================================================================= = SECTION --- 5TH UNIT TREASURES ============================================================================= = 1. Sword of Fire (Increases War Ability by 30) 2. Scroll of Knowledge (Increases Political Ability by 30) 3. Dragon Jewel (Ruler's Charm increases by 40) 4. Moonstone (Ruler's Charm increases by 30) 5. Scroll of The Planets (Increases Political Ability by 25) 6. Sword of Victory (Increases War Ability by 40) --- END OF DOCUMENT ============================================================================= = HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! ============================================================================= = I need your help! If you have the Gemfire instruction booklet or information that would benefit this strategy guide, please send it to: Massacred@aol.com You will receive FULL credit for all help that you contribute. Also, if you are a fan of Trap Gunner, check out The Massacred Guide to Trap Gunner, right here on GameFAQs. I think it is a well written and organized guide...tell me what you think!