Kendo Rage (aka Makeruna! Makendo) for Super Nintendo FAQ/Walkthrough V1.2 12-29-2001 By DDCecil (James Tompkins) 1. Introduction/Updates 2. Characters 3. Options 4. Items 5. Areas 6. Bosses 7. Spelling Errors/Other/Secrets 8. Credits 1. Introduction --------------- When a girl from the US goes to Japan for the summer, she gets the adventure of her life... She must fight her way to Summer School! She starts at 4:00 and must make it before 9:00. The game plays like Valis but has the feel of Parodius. V1.2 - 3/3/2002 - Fixed an error in the stage select code (Thanks Steve!) I also learned they also made a version of this game (an RPG?) for the NEC PC-FX system in Japan simply titled Makeruna Makendo FX. V1.1 - 12/29/2001 - The FAQ is now completed (Took me a year to update it!). I learned what the Japanese version is called, and believe it or not, there is a Japan-only sequel! (It's a one-on-one fighting game.) I also learned there is a PSX version of the fighting game and even an anime was made! And I thought it was just a quirky little action game... More to come as I find out more info! V1.0 - 12/8/2000 - FAQ is finally finished, boss guide and more to come very soon! Sorry if some of the things don't make sense in this FAQ, I wrote most of this from memory! 2. Characters ------------- Jo (Josephine) - Our heroine, who's parents decided to send her Japan. Watch out Japan! Bob (Osaki) - A great Kendo Master of Japan (and used car salesman), He teaches Jo (Lucky him!) the ways of Kendo and also gives her a mystical statue. He shows up in unexpected places to show her the way to school and see how she is doing. 3. Options ------------ (Press Start to change options whileon the option screen.) Easy- You get 4 lives Normal- You get 2 lives Hard- You get 2 lives and 2 continues, enemies are harder to kill and move faster. Controller - Y - Attack B - Jump A - Dash (This wastes some of your HP, but is very powerful. I rarely use it, myself) Sound - Choose Stereo or Mono Listen to 45 sound and music samples. Monitor Test - Isn't that the Konami opening?!? Also view other samples. Key Pad Test - This lets you make sure all your buttons on your controller work. Pretty handy! 4. Items -------- 1-UP: Adds an extra life. Bowl of Rice: Recovers all HP Shish-KaBob: Recovers 1/3 HP Clock: Stops the Timer of how long you have got to get to school. It doesn't affect the enemies! During the game, you will see some creatures carrying a ball that changes color. Attack them to get the power. Here is what they do: Yellow - protects from 1 enemy hit, collect as many as possible, especially in the later levels! Green - Fencing (the best on bosses!) Red - Fire, also extends your kendo stick, not very good. Blue - Wave, starting weapon, yawn. The balls change color like this: Red - Yellow - Blue - Green 5. Areas -------- Part 1 - Cliff Hanger Items Found: Bowl of Rice x 3 Clock x 1 1-UP x 1 Start by going right, attacking and avoiding the enemies. At the first light green bush, a bear will jump out. Defeat him and go straight until you reach a dead end. Start heading down the incline, and enter the first (and only) hole you see. There will be a clock, a bowl of rice (note: There is never any rice on the hard mode), and a running bear! Attack it once you reach the bottom and defeat it, then grab the items and head right. Jump up the platforms to reach the top of the incline. Go down it, jumping over the hole, and then falling down the shaft. Once at the bottom, jump up the platforms to the top while watching out for the purble blob enemies. Grab the bowl of rice at the top, and drop down the next set of platforms. In the tree leaves, you will find a 1-UP (the leaves make the 1-UP hard to see, it's on the right side). Once at the very bottom, head right, attacking the enemies, watching out for the second light green bush with another bear in it, and grab the bowl of rice and get ready to fight the first boss. (Check section 6 for tips on how to beat the bosses!) Part 2 - Ice Queen Items Found: Bowl of Rice x 1 Clock x 1 1-UP x 2 Start by going right, attacking the enemies. In some areas, a polar bear jumps out of the ground, so be careful! Once you reach the ice cave, continue going right until you reach an ice wall that can be broken with your staff. Attack the top part of the ice wall, and keep going right until you see a hole in the ceiling. Attack the ice under it halfway so you can jump out of the hole. Once out, head left for a bowl of rice, 1-UP, and clock. Go back into the ice wall area and continue right. At the end of the ice wall, break the final top piece of ice to reveal a 1-UP. Next, jump up the ice platforms and head right. Keep going, watching out for the many enemies, and when it starts snowing, it's time for the boss! Part 3 - The Pond Items Found: Bowl of Rice x 3 Clock x 2 1-UP x 1 Once you start the area, swim out of the water and head right for a clock. After that, jump back into the water and head left, fall down, then go right. Kill any enemies in your way and grab the Bowl of Rice. Go up and left, then right until you fall down. Kill the globe circling the clock and grab it. Head right for a miniboss. Hit him in the head repeatedly. If he transorms, stay near his head, swimming repeatedly at the top of the screen while using your fencing power-up to defeat him. Afterwards, go straight ahead for a 1-UP, then go back towards the way you came, thenhead upwards and then right. Staying near the top of the area will let you grab a bowl of rice. Drop down and head right for a bowl of rice and the boss! Part 4 - Technodyne Items Found: Clock x 1 Shish-kabob x 2 Start by heading right, jumping on the diagnal girders on the ground to reach the higher girder platforms. At the top of the steel girders, head left and touch the spring to propel you to the next part of the level. (There is a clock and kabob in the area, but aren't worth grabbing.) After reaching the factory area, jump repeatedly on the fan to reach the higher area. head right and you will find a boss. With the green power-up, just stand in front of him and attack until you defeat him. Head right, killing the cranes, then enter the teleporter machine. It will take you to the final area of the level. Once out, go left and drop down and grab the kabob if needed. Iron pillars come out of the ground and chase you. Jump over them while going right. At the end you'll reach the boss. Part 5 - Commute Items Found: Clock x 1 Shish-Kabob x 2 1-UP x 2 You'll start on a ski-lift elevator. Stay near the left, attacking upwards to fend off the monkeys. Once off the lift, head right for a shish-kabob. Go left and down and start running down the hill, taking gigantic leaps over the bamboo poles. You can get a kabob and 1-UP if you are careful. At the bottom of the hill, kill the monkeys and grab the clock and head right to the next area. Once the train level begins, there will be a 1-UP above you. If not, head right a little bit, then backtrack and the 1-UP will appear. Go right until you reach the end of the train to fight your boss! Part 6 - Triathalon Items Found: Bowl of Rice x 1 Clock x 1 Start by heading right (as usual), and you will meet a soccer mini-boss. Just attack him frequently while jumping over the soccer balls he kicks your way. After he is about dead, he'll start throwing 2 balls at once, so be on your guard! After that, head right and up the stairs for a clock, then head left and straight until you find more stairs and a Bowl of Rice at the end of an alleyway. Go up and right and soon you'll reach 3 women's volleyball players! Attack them while avoiding their balls, and don't get spiked! After that, head right and you'll reach the boss! Part 7 - School Daze Items Found: None Fight all the bosses again and defeat the final boss before 9:00! Between each boss you get 2 creatures with item balls, so stock up on the yellow balls, and make sure you have the fencing weapon. Good luck! 6. Bosses --------- Part 1: Super Deformed Jo She has 3 attacks and uses them in this order: 1. A spiked ball that bounces towards the left 2. A missile (Jump this) 3. She jumps in the air and throws a laser (Duck this) After the laser, hit her all you can and then get away! Once in awhile she'll float across the screen to the other side and begin her attack pattern again! Part 2: Ice Diva She'll float around the screen randomly and can either shoot out freeze rays that go straight ahead, and homing candle-type things, that home in on you. It's best just to keep attacking her while ducking and avoiding the homing candles. Part 3: The 3 Stooge Fish The Orange one will come out first, and will stay on the right side of the screen, occasionaly dropping a worm that crawls at you, or it will charge at you and then go back to the right side of the screen. Attack it, and next the green and blue fishes come out. The green one will stay at the left side of the screen, occasionaly charging at you. The blue one will charge from left to right, or right to left, occasionaly swooping downward while continuing to go the opposite way it came. Just keep attacking the fish, and they will usually go through you and not hurt you if they are blinking when they touch you. Part 4: Transforming Robot It has 4 forms: Normal Form: He'll go into the middle of the screen and will throw an arm cannon at you or he'll try and dash into you. Tank Form: He'll stay at the edge of the screen and shoot out 3 Spiked balls that curve, and will try to ram into you and then back out of the screen to transform into something else. Plane Form: He'll fly diagonally from left to right or right to left and throw 2 missiles at you. Either jump or duck them. Missile Form: He'll go back and forth in and out of the screen trying to ram you, or drop bombs on you if he is near the top of the screen. Keep attacking him the entire time, and you'll make short work of him. Part 5: Dr. Who He follows a long, but very predictable pattern. First he'll fly to the middle right of the screen, and drop feathers, then he'll go to the opposite side of the screen and do the same thing. Next he'll go the bottom left of the screen and shoot his head at you. Hit it all you can and jump over it. He'll then throw his head diagonally up-right. Attack it all you can. He'll go to the opposite sid eof the screen and repeat it (Letting out some baby chicks before he throws his head diagonal). Next his body moves right to left, tossing its head into the air, then it goes left to right tossing his head into the air again. After that, he goes into the middle of the screen, dropping baby chicks out of his hat. Afterwards, he repeats the pattern and starts drops feathers again. Part 6: Rose Lady You can't hurt this boss with your weapon, so you'll have to hit the projectiles she throws at you. Wait until she spins like a tornado then attack her projectiles all you can. If you hit one of them while she isn't spinning, you'll have to keep hitting the projectile back and forth until it hits one of you (which will be very likely, you.) Also, she fake you out by dropping one of the projectiles, turning it into a small creature who walks at you. Part 7: The Principal Form 1: Get close, hit him, and jump over the projectiles he throws. Time your jumps, and you should have no problem on him. Form 2: All I can say is to stay close and hit him over and over, and hope you don't lose all of your turns. Form 3: This guy is cheap. VERY CHEAP. He dashes back and forth VERY fast, and his wings become its own monster! The only good thing is that you can hit him and/or his wings. Good Luck! 7. Spelling Errors/Other/Secrets -------------------------------- -Martial spelled Matrtial during the demo intro. -Destroying spelled Destroyng during the opening story. - Actually, you have 5 hours to make it (4:00-9:00), not 6 like stated in the opening. - If you want to know the stage select code, check the very bottom of this FAQ. 8. Credits ---------- Thanks to everyone at GameFAQs and especially Seta for making this and the Super Real Mahjong Series! Also, a big thanks to for letting me know that I screwed up on the Stage Select code (listed below). This has now been fixed. * Stage Select: XYABXYAB then start at the title screen!