-------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | --- | | | | | | | | | | /\ ---- ---- ---- -- --- | | | | | / \ / / \ / \ |\ | | | | | | |----| | --- | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | \ / \ / \ / | \| | | | | -------- - - ---- ---- ---- --- -- | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- F O R T H E S U P E R N I N T E N D O V e r s i o n 4 . 0 M a d e B y S t a r F i g h t e r s 7 6 Welcome all to my walkthrough on a game that has been known as a classic for it's time. That game is called Lagoon. I hope this walkthrough helps out as much as possible. Below is nothing but spoilers on the game, so if you don't want to be spoiled, please take a detour and hit the Back button now. However if you want to be spoiled or need some help, please scroll down as far as you need to. Consider this as your Spoiler Warning! ----------------- |TABLE OF CONTENTS| ----------------- SECTION 1: Intro A: Version Guide B: The Story Of Lagoon C: About This Walkthrough D: Control Configuration E: Status Screen F: Tips & Codes SECTION 2: Walkthrough A: Before The Walkthrough B: Area 1-1: The Journey Begins Area 1-2: Gold Cave/Saving Giles Area 1-3: Saving Atland/The First Boss Samson C: Area 2-1: Voloh/The Three Tablets Area 2-2: Breaking The Spell/Phillip's Castle Area 2-3: Freeing The Prisoners/Natela D: Area 3-1: Legend Of The Stone/Thor's Pendant Area 3-2: Finding The Moon Stone Area 3-3: The Plot Thickens/Eardon The Giant Rock Creature E: Area 4-1: The Sick People Of Poper Area 4-2: Saving The Sick/Destiny's Legend Area 4-3: The Strong Solider Duma F: Area 5-1: Braving The Cold/Gnome Plains Area 5-2: Phantom Hill/The Evil Witch Ella Area 5-3: A Trip Through Cloud G: Area 6-1: Storming Lagoon Castle/First Half Area 6-2: Reclaiming The Castle/Last Half Area 6-3: The Secret Passage/Final Showdown H: Gold Instead Of Items Challenge SECTION 3: The Goodies A: Swords B: Sheilds C: Armors D: Rings E: Magic Spells F: Items G: Level-Ups SECTION 4: The Baddies A: Enemies B: Bosses SECTION 5: In Conclusion A: What's To Come B: Special Thanks C: The Disclaimer D: Final Words ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SECTION 1: |INTRO| ----- ------------- A: |Version Guide| ------------- Version 1.0: I just finished making the walkthrough for the game, and submitted it to GameFAQS (02/15/03) Version 2.0: Decided to update all my FAQs with a new Disclaimer section as well as change the style a bit. No new information to report. (08/02/03) Version 3.0: Updating yet again on my FAQ, including a huge tip my cousin gave me about how can collect money, instead of items, from chests. Also to MasterNasir for discovering the same thing. (12/07/04) Version 4.0: After getting a pocket strategy guide, I found that there are a couple OTHER things that I overlooked, which are the second Healing Pot in Gold Cave, and the 350 Gold in a chest on a small island in Dwarf's Cave. How I missed these is beyond me. (01/15/05) ------------------- B: |The Story Of Lagoon| ------------------- Welcome to Lakeland, a prosperous country full of many people and their families. All was great, until something bad happend. It seems that Lakeland is having a bit of a water problem. An evil being known as Zerah, has polluted all of Lakelands rivers and lakes, making people very sick, and some dying. He does this, in hopes to release the Evil Spirit, which is hiding underneath Lagoon Castle, so Zerah lifts Lagoon Castle into the clouds to where no one can reach it. With all this, Lakeland needs a hero. And that hero is name Nasir, the Champion Of The Light! Nasir must go through many lands, challenge many monsters, and meet many people who will help him on his quest. But with all this, will Nasir be able to defeat Zerah and bring peace to the land? Only you hold that answer! ---------------------- C: |About This Walkthrough| ---------------------- Several times throughout the walkthrough I will probably repeat myself. A few times would possibly be necessary, such as a Boss guide, as well as a few other things. Sometimes I do this without even realizing it, and sometimes I do it to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for on this walkthrough. This guide, like others, is described on how I played/beat the game. You have your methods as do I. This is just my way of doing it. I hope this helps out in anyways possible. --------------------- D: |Control Configuration| --------------------- (My version of the SNES controller!) L R /-----\ /-----\ ------------------------------------- | - - | | | | |X| | | - - ------ ----- - - - | | | | |SELECT| |START| |Y| |A| | | - - ------ ----- - - - | | | | |B| | | - - | ------------------------------------- D-PAD: You can move up, down, right or left. START BUTTON: Pauses/Shows Stats Screen. SELECT BUTTON: Pauses/Shows Stats Screen. 'A' BUTTON: Allows you to jump/Access subscreens 'B' BUTTON: Attacks 'X' BUTTON: None 'Y' BUTTON: None 'L' BUTTON: Uses Items 'R' BUTTON: Uses Magic ------------- E: |Status Screen| ------------- This is what the status screen looks like. This shows what it'll look like a max level (swords, armors, sheilds and rings not equipped), although I'm not sure about the Gold. OPTIONS STATUS ------- ---------------------- | ITEM | | LV 35 GOLD 65535 | | MAGIC | | EXP 65535/65535 | | EQUIP | | HP 255/255 STR 255 | | SAVE | | MP 255/255 DEF 255 | ------- ---------------------- OPTIONS: ITEM: Use this screen to select the item you want. MAGIC: Use this to choose the spell you wish to use. EQUIP: Use this to equip a sword, armor, sheild or ring. SAVE: Use this to save your game. STATUS: (Note all stats are at it's max point) LV (Level): Shows you what your current level is. GOLD (Currency): Shows how much money you have. EXP (Experience Points): Shows whats needed to gain a level. HP (Hit Points): Shows how much life you have. MP (Magic Points): Shows how much magic you have. STR (Stregnth): Shows how well you can attack. DEF (Defense): Shows how much damage you can withstand. ------------ F: |Tips & Codes| ------------ These are some personal tips I could think of to help you out. 1. Save often! I don't care if you save a million times, just do it! This will come in major handy because some areas of this game can be tough. 2. You will notice you take damage, but if you stand still, you will slowly recover HP. This also applies when using magic. This will not work in boss fights though. Use this to your advantage. These are the Game Genie codes for this game. 1. 02D9-D905 Begin the game at level 5 2. 02D9-D923 Begin the game at Level 35 3. 02DA-0256 Begin the game with 22,116 gold ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 2: |WALKTHROUGH| ----------- ---------------------- A: |Before The Walkthrough| ---------------------- This is going to be huge, so paying attention is a very good idea. I will try to describe this walkthrough the best I can. There are a few things I will need to point out. 1. When I say follow a path to the end, I mean it. Basically follow whatever path, turning every single corner along the way, until you can't go any further. 2. Jumping is very important, and can come in handy. Try jumping alot, especially in Dwarf's Cave to uncover new things. 3. SAVE OFTEN! I don't care if you save a million times, DO IT! This game can be tough as you progress through it, so saving is and will be a must. This will come in handy throughout the game. 4. There's an extra tip that I found out, but I will discuss that after the initial walkthrough. So with this out of the way, let our adventure begin! ---------------------------- B: |Area 1-1: The Journey Begins| ---------------------------- T O W N O F A T L A N D ENEMIES: None ITEMS: 300 Gold, Short Sword, Bandit Sheild You start your journey in Atland. From the starting point, head south around the church and to the fountain. From the fountain head southwest of there to the first house you see. Walk around it and enter it, and you will be in the Mayor's House. However his wife will tell you he is not there, that he is at the church. After the conversation, head to the church and enter it. Once you enter head all the way up until you see the Mayor (left) and the Cleric (top). Talk to the Mayor, and he will tell you how he and the Cleric were talking about the muddy water in Atland, but they are unsure how it happend. During the conversation, a person comes in and interrupts them upset how there is a very injured person who came out of the cave. At that moment, you will automatically teleport yourself to the scene. Talk to the person laying on the ground, and while trying to catch his breath, he will mention how there are demon's in the cave. He goes on saying how a person named Giles is in there. Now talk to the Mayor again, and he will have you talk to the Cleric about these happenings, and that how he (the Mayor) will handle the situation with the injured person. Now head back to the church in Atland, and talk to the Cleric. He will be shocked about what's going on, and says for you to go to the Mayor's house for a meeting. He finally tells you to save Giles quickly. After this, head back to the Mayor's house. Once there, he will mention that as the Champion Of Light, you are the only one who can enter the cave and save Giles. He gives you 300 Gold, but yet says for you to put it on (okie dokie??). He will tell you the way will be opened, but to prepare yourself first. With 400 Gold total (300 plus the 100 you started off with), you can buy some stuff. Head up to the Armor Shop, which is two house directly north of the Mayor's house. Buy the Short Sword (150 Gold) and Bandit Armor (100 Gold), and equip them. Now head out of Atland to that area where the injured man was (now he's gone!), and go north to where the guards are guarding a door. Go up the stairs and enter the door, and you will be in the Gold Cave. But first, save! -------------------------------- |Area 1-2: Gold Cave/Saving Giles| -------------------------------- G O L D C A V E ITEMS: 10 Gold, Healing Pot, 20 Gold, 30 Gold (or Healing Pot) ENEMIES: Skeleton Knights, Blue Slimeballs, Gargoyles Welcome to Gold Cave. Once you enter the cave, head left and around the corner to the 3-way intersection. From there head east, killing everything in your way. Head around the corner, and then north to the next 3-way intersection. From that one, head west, past the first 3-way you come across (hug the north wall to see it), then head to the second one. From the second one, head north and around the corner, past the 3-way, and head to the chest at the end of the path. Inside there will be 20 Gold, which after getting that, turn around, head back past the 3-way intersection, then around the corner and south to the next one. Once here, head east to the next 3-way, then go north. Go north until you see another intersection, which you will go west. Follow the long path around a few corners and such, until you reach another chest. Inside will be the Healing Pot, but don't use it yet, no matter what. THIS JUST IN!! (courtesy of Demon_Slayer86) Instead of getting the Healing Pot inside Gold Cave, go back to Atland and buy one. Here's why, by doing that, go back into Gold Cave to where the Healing Pot would of been, and instead of that, you will get 350 Gold. See "Gold Instead Of Items" Challenge below for more info on what I'm talking about. After getting that, head back to the previous 3-way, then head north from it, then around the corner. Keep following the path until you see a doorway on the northside. Go in it, and you will be in a short room. Once there, follow the path east, until you see a doorway on the south side, which you will enter. Once in the new area, head south until you reach a 4-way type spot, then head east to the next 4-way. From that 4-way, head south, until you reach a chest. Inside will be 10 Gold for you, so take it and head north, past the 4-way, until you reach a 3-way. Once at the 3-way, head west past the next 3-way (ignore anything north of that 3- way), and then you will see another chest. Inside this one will be 30 Gold or a Healing Pot. After getting this, head back east, past two 3-ways, until you come to a third 3-way. Go north from it, and follow the path, for you will be in a bigger area. Once here, go to the upper right corner of the area, and there should be a doorway there. Enter it and you will be in another short room. Once in there, head east and you will see another doorway towards the south. Enter it, and you will be on the ouside area of Gold Cave. Once outside, head to the staircase towards the east, then climb it. Find the next staircase, and repeat all this until you come across a person at the top of the mountain. This person is Giles, who says the demons are afraid of the light, but how badly injured he is for outrunning the demons, and ask for the Healing Pot. You give him the Healing Pot, which will cure his wounds. After that he will ask to take him back to Atland safely, and by doing so he will follow you there. A bit of warning from here on out. Anytime a character you meet follows you (unless it's an enemy), you must go slow so they can catch up. Sometimes they will get stuck in a tree or what have you, and will need you to get them out. Sounds lame I know, but remember I didn't make this game ^_^. I wanna point something out however. You know the chest where you get 30 Gold, well sometimes instead of that, it will have another Healing Pot in it (or 350 Gold if you already have a Healing Pot). Now I think this really varies on the game itself, but I don't know why. --------------------------------------------- |Area 1-3: Saving Atland/The First Boss Samson| --------------------------------------------- T O W N O F A T L A N D (REVISITED)/G O L D C A V E (REVISITED) ITEMS: Samson's Key, Healing Pot ENEMIES: Skeleton Knights, Blue Slimeballs, Gargoyles Make sure you kill off any enemies along the way to build up experience. Once back at Atland, Giles will thank you for getting him home safely, and tells you that the Faith Healer will explain about the locked door inside Gold Cave. To get to her house, go all the way to the south wall. Once there, head east to the last house you'll see on the south side of town. Enter the house and the Faith Healer will talk about a demon named Samson who has been sealed in the locked door. She goes on about how her and Mathias locked him in there with a key. She concludes by saying how powerful Samson is, and to be careful. She then presents you with the Samson's Key. After getting the Samson's Key, head to the Item Shop, (behind the Faith Healers house) and buy the Healing Pot for 10 Gold. Trust me you will need it. This is assuming you don't have the Healing Pot from beforehand, if so, just skip this part. Now get back to Gold Cave. Once there save your game. From the entrance of Gold Cave, head west and around the corner and follow the path to the 3-way intersection. From there, head east, then north until you reach the second 3-way intersection. Go west from that spot, and then north at the next 3-way. Make sure you have fought until Level 6, because up ahead will be the first boss fight. Once you continued north, you should be in a big room. If you have gotten to Level 6, equip the Samson's Key and use it on the locked door, then enter it. B O S S # 0 1 : S A M S O N REQUIRED LEVEL: 6 ITEM REWARDED: Fire Crystal Welcome to your first boss, which is Samson. Samson is a big red solider which is holding a huge axe. His two main offenses is that he jumps around very quickly (landing next to you), which causes the ground to shake. His other offense is that he tries to slash at you with his giant axe. These are the two things to avoid. Nothing too hard about what to do, just keep hitting him with your sword, and use your Healing Pot if you are close to death. It's best to stand in the bottom right corner, because I was able to defeat him myself here. Keep in mind, his helmet will come off and reveal an eyeball for a head. Once this happens, he will be close to death, so keep it up. Once you kill Samson, you will be rewarded with the Fire Crystal. Not only that, the north door will be unlocked. Save if you like, then continue into the north door. --------------------------------- C: |Area 2-1: Voloh/The Three Tablets| --------------------------------- E L F F I E L D: ENEMIES: One-Eye Flies, Spiders ITEMS: None Once you are outside, an earthquake will take place, causing the entrance back into Gold Cave to be buried. At this point you should know that you will not be going back to Atland anymore, so keep that in mind throughout the game. However you are in a new area which is called Elf Field. From where you ended up at, go north, avoiding everything in your path. Keep going until you reach a long row of trees. Once there you should see an entrance between two campfires, if not head east a bit and you will. Enter through there and you will be in the Town Of Voloh. T O W N O F V O L O H ENEMIES: None ITEMS: Movable Mantle, Earth Staff, Tablet Of Faith Once entered, talk to the old man standing at the entrance. Talk to him and he will begin talking about Phillip's Castle, and where it's located. He will go on about a legend, which is every 1,000 years when the sunlight hits the castle, it's put to sleep for one year. He continues saying how there are three tablets scattered throughout the village, and if you find them, the spell will be broken. Also some of the villagers were trapped inside the castle, during the sleep. He can read the spell, he says, but all the tablets must be in his posession. He gives hints, saying how one tablet is hidden on the plain, another tablet is in the castle site, and the final tablet is with a man in blue. After talking to the old man, go slightly northwest of him, and you will see a man in blue. He will tell you that that he is travels alone and has many things. Nothing too important about that. You will probably notice an Armor shop, but don't buy anything, because a thief stole everything. Now get on the cement path. Go north to the 3-way, then head east, following the path around all the corners until you reach the end of the path. Doing so, will take you to the Mayor's (of Voloh) House. Talk to him and he will ask of a favor, which is to free the trapped villagers in Phillip's Castle. Do so, and he will give you the Movable Mantle, which will help free the villagers, and return them back safely. For agreeing to help, the mayor will give you the Earth Staff to use. He concludes by saying, be careful! Now with that, head back to Thor, who will tell you that he has one of the tablets, and that he will help you find the other two. He will introduce himself as Thor, and will give you the Tablet Of Faith. Now with Thor, head outside of Voloh. E L F F I E L D (REVISITED) ENEMIES: One-Eye Flies, Spiders ITEMS: Tablet Of Wish, Tablet Of Hope From the entrance, Thor will suggest you split up to look for the other 2 tablets. However, if you follow him, he will lead you straight to the other tablet. Once Thor stops, talk to him, and he will say he has found the second tablet, which is the Tablet Of Wish, and gives it to you. He will say to find another, so have him follow you all the way east. Once at the eastside, head north until you see a pathway in the northeast corner, leading north. Make sure to go slow, so Thor can catch up with you. Also fight as many monsters as you can until you reach Level 8. Once you see the path in sight, head through it. Once you do, you will be on the grounds of Phillip's Castle. From the entrance, head north, across the bridge, then east. At the end of that path, head north, then jump across the bridge. Don't worry about Thor, he'll be okay until you get back. Once at the other side, head to the land, then west until you see a gap (not to be confused with the hole in the ground, but keep that spot in mind as well). Jump over the gap, and you will see a chest. Inside is the final tablet, which is the Tablet Of Hope. Get it, then head back to Thor. He will say to get back to the old man, so now head back to Voloh. T O W N O F V O L O H (REVISITED) ENEMIES: None ITEMS: None Once there, the old man will be excited that you got the 3 tablets for him. He will then tell you the spell which will allow you to get into Phillip's Castle. Thor will say he has something to take care of, and that he will meet up with you later. Talk to old man again, who says that you can enter the castle with the spell he tells you. Remember that spot I told you about on the grounds of Phillip's Castle? Well get there again, but go north from the hole. Jump over the gap, and get to the door. The spell will start to take place, and you will be able to get inside the castle now! --------------------------------------------- |Area 2-2: Breaking The Spell/Phillip's Castle| --------------------------------------------- P H I L L I P ' S C A S T L E : 1 S T F L O O R ENEMIES: Small Knights, Big Yellow Knight ITEMS: Key Of Prison, Gold Armor, 200 Gold The castle's here on out will be a bit confusing, so please follow my walkthrough accordingly. Once in the castle, from the entrance, head north to the 3-way intersection, then head east to the doorway on the northside. Go through it, then west until you reach another doorway on the northside. Continue through each room until you reach a chest. Inside is the Key Of Prison. Get it and head back to the entrance of the castle. When you get back to the entrance, head back to the 3-way to the north. But once you go there, go west instead, and head to the doorway on the northside. Go through the door, and follow the path north, then around the corner and then east. Go along the southwall, and you will see a dip in the wall. This dip, is actually a doorway leading to a secret room. Go through it, and continue until you are in the secret room. There may be an enemy lurking about so be careful. Once inside the secret room however, look for a chest. Inside it, is the Gold Armor. Get it, and equip it, then head back to the entrance of the castle once again. Once you are back here, head east from the entrance, to the first doorway on the northwall. Once there, go through the doorway, and follow the path to the end (going through any other doorway). Once you get to the end, there should be a chest there, which has 200 Gold inside it. After getting the money, head back to the entrance again! This time follow the path east of the entrance, to the last door on the northwall. Go through that doorway and follow the path north until you see another doorway. Go in it, and it will take you to the basement portion of Phillip's Castle. P H I L L I P ' S C A S T L E : B A S E M E N T ENEMIES: Blue Necromancer, Ghost Crawler ITEMS: Shiny Stone (or 350 Gold), 100 Gold, 200 Gold Once in the basement, from the entrance, head south to the first 3-way then go west a bit. Make sure you are hugging the northwall, and as you are traveling. You should be in a somewhat big area. Continue hugging the same wall, and go north until you see an opening towards the north. Go through this opening and head to the 3-way at the other side of the path. Once there, head west to next 3-way. Go north, then west, and north again and you will be in another big room. Once in the room, head to the northwest section of it, then follow the path, past all intersections, until you reach the end. There should be a chest waiting for you, with a Shiny Stone inside it. Remember seeing a 4-way intersection while traveling the path? Well after getting the Shiny Stone, head back to that 4-way. Once you get there, head north. Follow the path until you reach a 3-way (ignoring the 3-way dip at the start). Once at the 3-way, head south to the next 3-way. From there, head west, and around the corner, then south until you reach the second 4-way. Once there, get to the south wall, and go east, past the 3-way, until you reach the end. You'll see a chest, with 100 Gold in it. Get the money and head back to the 3-way you just passed up. Once there, head south and stay along the eastside wall, and travel along the long until you get the to southeast corner of this big room. Once you get there, there should be a chest in that area. Go to it, and you will get 200 Gold out of it. After doing this, head west along the southwall to the other side of this big room. Once there, you will see a pathway heading west, which you will go through. Follow that path to the end, killing any enemies along the way. Once at the end, you should see a locked gate towards the northwall. Equip the Key Of Prison and use it on the locked gate, then enter through it. -------------------------------------- |Area 2-3: Freeing The Prisoners/Natela| -------------------------------------- P H I L L I P ' S C A S T L E : B A S E M E N T (CONTINUED) ENEMIES: Blue Necromancer, Ghost Crawler, Small Knights, Big Yellow Knight ITEMS: Key Of Phillip's After unlocking the gate, go through it and you will be in a prison. This prison is where the captured townspeople of Voloh were taken to. Talk to the elf on the left, and he will mention Princess Felicia, whom was taken by some strange woman. The middle one will be excited about being saved, but wonders if you brought the Movable Mantle. Talk to the one on the right, and he will wonder if the people from Voloh is worried about them. Now equip the Movable Mantle and talk to the middle elf again, and he will be greatful that they have been freed, and thanks for having the Movable Mantle which will get them home. He will also mention about a key which will go to the second floor of the castle. They will give you the Key Of Phillip's, then will disappear and head back to Voloh. Once you get the Key Of Phillip's, head back to the entrance of Phillip's Castle (1st Floor). Soon as you get there, head north to the 3-way intersection. Soon as you get there, head west to the last doorway pointing north. Go through that doorway, and follow the path around all corners, to the end. There is a doorway on the north side of the last wall. Equip the Key Of Phillip's and use it on the door. Doing so, will unlock the door, and give you access to the upper portion of Phillip's Castle. Go through the door. P H I L L I P ' S C A S T L E : 2 N D F L O O R ENEMIES: Floating Gargoyles, Electric Cloud ITEMS: Large Sheild, 100 Gold Now that you are on the second floor, head south from the entrance, past the 3-way intersection. Head to the south wall, then go west to the next 3-way. From that 3-way, go south and around the corner, to the next 3-way. From there, head south to the southwall. Go west a bit and you will see a doorway of some type in the wall. Go through it to the other side of the wall. Once on the other side, go east hugging the north wall, until you reach the second doorway towards the northwall. Head through the doorway (remember this), and follow the path to the end, until you see a chest. Inside is the Large Sheild. Equip it, then head back to where I told you to remember. Once back there, continue going east, then around the corner and north, past all 3-ways to the end. There should be another chest. Inside this one will be 100 Gold. Get it and head back to the last 3-way intersection you came across. From there, head west to the west wall, then south to the south wall. Once there, head west, then around the corner to a big room, where there is a door. Now make sure you have made it to atleast Level 12, if not go around fighting until that point. If you have made it, save now, then enter the door. Get ready because it's time for another boss fight! B O S S # 0 2 : N A T E L A REQUIRED LEVEL: 12 ITEM REWARDED: Silver Sword Okay, here is the second boss fight, which is a two headed beast called Natela. Now when I fought this creature, well it was odd. How I beat it, was that I stood in place once entering the room, and it swooped down at me. I just stood there and kept stabbing at it, as it kept swooping down at me. Sure I took some hits, lots, but so did Natela, infact more hits than me, so much it was able to be defeated easily. This is how I beat it, but I am sure you'd have your methods. Try mine or yours, but that's how I did it. Keep in mind though, Natela's offense, besides the swooping down attack, it spits out a 3 way fireball attack that launches in a 90 degree angle. That's about it. Just keep attacking it, and you will win. After defeating Natela, you will be rewarded with the Silver Sword. Equip that, and make your way back outside of Phillip's Castle completely. Once outside the main doors, head east and you will see another door. Well beforehand this door was locked, but after defeating Natela, it has became unlocked. Go inside it, and you will see a huge tile, which if you step on it, it is a warp that will take you to a cave. But where are you now? Well I figure I'd leave you hanging ^_^. -------------------------------------------- D: |Area 3-1: Legend Of The Stone/Thor's Pendant| -------------------------------------------- D W A R F ' S D E S E R T ENEMIES: Fire Spitting Rocks, Wolves ITEMS: None After teleporting, you will be in another similar room as to what you've seen in Phillip's Castle. You should see a doorway at the northside. Go through it and you will be in Dwarf's Desert. From the entrance, go west along the southwall, until you reach the westwall. Once here, go north along the wall, until you reach an area where you see 2 paths going north. Once there, head north up the second pathway until you reach another set of paths to take. Once at that one, take the right pathway again, then north until you reach a doorway. Enter through the doorway and you will be in the Town Of Denegul. T O W N O F D E N E G U L/T O W N O F V O L O H (REVISITED) ENEMIES: None ITEMS: Ancient Book, Sky Staff, Thor's Pendant Once in Denegul, go west to wall, then head north a bit until you see an old man standing. Talk to him and he will reveal to be the elder of Denegul. He will notice who you are and tells you about the Moon Blade, and how you will need it in the near future. He goes on talking about how it is made from the legendary Moon Stone, and will give you the Ancient Book which will talk more about the Moon Blade. He concludes by saying how the Moon Stone is in the Dwarf's Cave, but the entrance is blocked by huge boulders. But if you can get in, use the Ancient Book. He will finally give you the Sky Staff. After that, go northeast a bit and talk to Thor. He will say that he lost his pendant somewheres around in Voloh. If you find it, he will give you something. Don't worry about any armor buying in this town, you'll do that soon enough. However you need to return to Voloh, so get back there right away. Once you get back to Voloh, talk to the villager that is northeast of the old man at the entrance. He will give you Thor's Pendant, thinking it's yours. And with that, you can return to Denegul, so get going back there now. D E N E G U L (REVISITED)/D W A R F ' S D E S E R T (REVISITED) ENEMIES: Wolves, Fire Spitting Rocks ITEMS: Sonic Armor, Great Shield Once you are in Denegul again, go find Thor. Once you do, equip the Thor's Pendant and give it to him. He will be greatful for this and give the Powerful Mirror, which he says is powerful enough to smash giant rocks. He will tell you that he will see you later, and disappears. Now it's time to head back to Dwarf's Dessert, but before you do that, head to the Armor Shop which is northwest of the entrance, but make sure you have atleast 3,000 Gold to spare. If you do, go in and buy the Sonic Armor (1,800 Gold) and the Great Sheild (1,200 gold). Now leave Denegul altogether, and from the entrance, head south to a 3-way like area. Once there, head west then around the corner and south until you reach some 3-way like area. Once you reach there, head east to another 3-way like area, then north hugging the eastwall until you reach the top point. Once at the top point, cross over north to the other rock, then go east and north along the rocks until you reach a cave entrance, which is blocked by giant boulders. Equip the Powerful Mirror, and use it on the boulders, and they will disappear. Enter through the door and you will be in Dawrf's Cave. Make sure you have reached Level 14 atleast before entering. If so, enter it. -------------------------------- |Area 3-2: Finding The Moon Stone| -------------------------------- D W A R F ' S C A V E/S I L E N C E C A V E ENEMIES: Gorgons, Fire Dragons ITEMS: Magic Sword, Wind Crystal, Moon Stone, 350 Gold A word of advice, while inside Dwarf's Cave, SAVE OFTEN! Save a million times if you have to, just do it very often! This is very important, because Dwarf's Cave is very tough to get through (except for the first 2 screens). It'll be this way, probably until you get the Wind Crystal, which will be very helpful. Also take advantage of any places that no enemy will inhabit, so you can regain your lost HP and MP. Plus, it can be very confusing going through here, so pay close attention to what I say in these next couple sections. With that said, let us begin this tough area. From the entrance, follow the path to the other side. Not much to say, except jump over any gaps you may see. This part isn't very tough, just simple trial and error. Once you get through to the opposite end of the cave, go through the giant doorway. In this second room, this is similar to the first room. Just make your way across any gaps to the top of the cave. Once you do, You will see a tile on the ground. Step onto the tile, and it will warp you to another part of Dwarf's Cave. Once in that part, you will be on a piece of land, surrounded by lava. Try to be careful not to touch the lava, and proceed with extreme caution, because the Fire Dragons will catch you and put you into the lava ultimately killing you (unless you're lucky enough to escape). Also watch out for the Gorgons as well. Try not to kill anything, because you will be wasting your time if you did. But from where you end up at, go west and around the corner, then head north to the 3-way intersection towards the north. Once there, go east through the skinny path. Take note while going on the skinny path about the small island just north of it, halfway down the path. Jump over there, and there will be a chest, with the Magic Sword inside. Get it and equip it (no this doesn't cast magic, it's just a sword), then jump back to the skinny path. Continue east along the path until you reach a 4-way intersection. THIS JUST IN!: Go south from the 4-way until you reach the corner. Once there, jump south a few times and you will see a small island with a chest. Inside the chest will be 350 Gold. Now I'm not sure that if you don't have the Healing Pot (or some other item) already, that that's what would be inside, but for now I know it's 350 Gold. After getting that, jump back north, then head to the 4-way and continue onwards through the game. From there go north to the corner, then north again until you see a doorway. Enter through the doorway and you will be in another tough room. Once in here, head west, around the corner, and north until you reach the lava on the north side. Once there, jump across north, then follow the path north again to the some more lava. Jump again north and walk a couple steps, which there will be a chest. Inside it is the Wind Crystal. After getting it, equip it and Earth Staff to have the magic of Wind Cutter, and save. With Wind Cutter, you will be able to kill enemies easier, and from a distance, and since you can refill MP just by standing around, use this all to your advantage! After getting the Wind Crystal, jump back south to the previous land. Follow the path to the other side of the land, and then jump east to the next land. Walk a couple steps, then jump north to the next land. You should also see a path made of lava towards the northside, remember this spot! Anyways once on the land, walk east a bit, then jump east to the next land. Now you should be on a much bigger piece of land, which stretches pretty far. Go north a bit and you will see a chest, which will have the Protective Ring inside it. Get it and head back south, and follow the path all the way, around every corner, until you reach a doorway. Once you see the doorway, enter it, and you will be in the Silence Cave. Rest a bit, let your HP and MP refill. Once they do, go to the north wall, and east a bit. You should see a blue stone, larger than the other ones. Walk up to it and get it, because this is the Moon Stone! Now with that, you need to head back to Denegul. ---------------------------------------------------------- |Area 3-3: The Plot Thickens/Eardon The Giant Rock Creature| ---------------------------------------------------------- D W A R F ' S C A V E (CONTINUED) ENEMIES: Gorgons, Fire Dragons ITEMS: None If you recall, once you got into the depths of Dwarf's Cave, there is no way out, or is there? After getting the Moon Stone, head back into Dwarf's Cave. Once you do, backtrack back to the beginning of this room only. Once you get there, head through the door to get back into the previous room. Once back in the room, head south to where that corner was (if you remember it), and then continue south from there until you reach the 4-way intersection. From there, go south to the end of the path, and then jump east across the lava to the next land. Follow that path to the 3-way intersection, and just south of that is another tile, similiar to the one you saw beforehand. Enter through it, and it will warp you back to Dwarf's Dessert. Once back in Dwarf's Dessert, head back to Denegul. T O W N O F D E N E G U L (REVISITED) ENEMIES: None ITEMS: Freezing Pot Back in Denegul, talk to the old man standing, just northwest of the entrance. It'll be Mathias who will mention that Princess Felicia is being held and kept inside Dwarf's Cave somewheres. And that an evil witch named Ella who captured the princess is working for Zerah, who is trying to receive the evil spirit using the power of darkness, and plans on using Princess Felicia in it. Mathias will conclude by saying to go back to Dwarf's Cave and to save the princess (where have you heard this before ^_^). After that, head north a bit and around the house on the east side. You should see an old man walking about. Equip the Moon Stone, and talk to him. He will notice you having the Moon Stone, and gives you the the Freezing Pot, which will make a path inside Dwarf's Cave. After getting the Freezing Pot from the old man, leave Denegul and head back to Dwarf's Cave. D W A R F ' S C A V E (REVISITED) ENEMIES: Gorgons, Fire Dragons ITEMS: None Remember that lava type pathway I told you to remember, well once you get back to Dwarf's Cave, get back there. And while you're in Dwarf's Cave, fight until you have reached Level 19, maybe Level 20. Once you have acheived that, get to that spot I told you to remember. Once there, equip your Freezing Pot, and use it. Doing so, and a path will be made, leading up to a door. Enter through the door and you will be in another room. Don't worry, no monsters to fight here, but a woman comes out begging for help. CUT SCENE: Her name is Princess Felicia, who was kidnapped then brought to Dwarf's Cave thanks to the witch Ella. The princess goes on saying how the evil people intends on using her power to move Lagoon Castle to an inaccessable place, which would cause the end of the world as we know it. She also says that there is a secret place where the power of magic will be multiplied, and if they use magic to revive the Evil Spirit, that it will be terrible, so it's important to rescue her quickly. Continuing the cut scene, Ella comes out saying how she looked everywheres for Princess Felicia and that she couldn't escape from her. She takes the princess aways and threatens you to stay away or else. END OF CUT SCENE Once the cut scene ends, Ella takes Princess Felicia away. Now once you regain control, head north to the 3-way intersection, then west to the west wall. Once there, head north to a door, and enter it. Inside Ella will speak to you again, saying how your end is near, but praises you for your bravery of making it so far. She presents her cute pet Eardon to kill you. Once Eardon appears, leave the room and save. This cuts down on the chatting everytime you die and reenter here ^_^). B O S S # 0 3 : E A R D O N REQUIRED LEVEL: 19 ITEM REWARDED: None Here's the deal with Eardon, it's a giant pet rock with eyes. Eardon will slowly comes towards you, but whatever you do, don't get cornered. Make sure there is plenty of room, for you to run around while Eardon tries to catch up with you. Since Eardon is so big, it will cover you, but if that happens, carefully go up the screen to get away from it. This thing is very tough, and it's only offense is when it's eyes pop out it'll shoot fireballs at you, however that's the only time to strike. When it's eyes pops out, start stabbing at it. Make sure you equip the Protective Ring, because that will come in handy when beating this thing. If anything, try and use the same technique you did, as when you were fighting Natela. This can be a frustrating fight, but after some practice you'll win. Now after you defeat Eardon, you will not get anything for winning the fight. However the door on the north wall will become unlocked, so enter through it, and you will be in Hobbit Valley. ---------------------------------- E: |Area 4-1: The Sick People Of Poper| ---------------------------------- H O B B I T V A L L E Y ENEMIES: Axe Throwing Pigs, Black Slugs ITEMS: None After defeating Eardon, you should be in the Hobbit Valley. From the entrance, head all the way north, past any ponds or rocks you may encounter. You should see a rock formation in your way however, that will be pointing south. Get to that point, and head west a bit. You should see a skinny path leading northwards, go up it and you will see a doorway. Go in it, and you will be in the Town Of Poper, where all is not well. T O W N O F P O P E R ENEMIES: None ITEMS: None You should now be in Poper. If you talk to everyone, they will talk about a plague that's hit everyone in town. Now from the entrance, go north a couple steps, then head completely west to the westwall. From there go north until you see a second house. Go inside and you will see a sick mother in bed, and her son whom is taking care of her. She tells her son, to leave the village, that she can't something, which was cut off for some reason. The son however tells his mom that she'll get better real soon. Go up to the boy and he will say he wants some medicine for this mother, but don't know where to find some at. Now leave the house, and head east across the bridge, and go into the giant church. Once inside, head up to the preacher who will say how the village survived thanks to the waters of Lagoon Castle, but that's all in the past. Now the water has became muddy (just like explained in Atland), and diseases has swept through the town. The preacher wishes that they had some Mint, which will cure anything. With that, he continues, everyone will be saved. He concludes by saying there is some Mint inside Siegfried Castle, but with the many monsters tehre, they can't even get near the castle. After all that, leave the church altogether, as well as Poper. H O B B I T V A L L E Y (REVISITED) ENEMIES: Axe Throwing Pigs, Black Slugs ITEMS: None Once you are back in Hobbit Valley, head south to the big field, then go west hugging along the north wall. Follow along the wall, to a pathway in the northwest corner, leading west. Go into that pathway, and you will be in another part of Hobbit Valley. Once inside this new area, continue hugging the wall and go east to the big field. Once there head north until you find a castle. Find the entrance, then go in, because this will be Siegfried Castle. S I E G F R I E D C A S T L E : 1 S T F L O O R ENEMIES: Armored Knight, Tripod Rollers ITEMS: None Now you are inside Siegfried Castle. You won't be covering everything in this castle during your first visit, but you will be covering most of the basement section. From the entrance, go east to the last doorway on the northwall. Go through it and follow the path north until you reach a corner. Once at the corner, go through the doorway on the northwall, then through the other doorway on the other side. This will lead you into the basement. S I E G F R I E D C A S T L E : B A S E M E N T ENEMIES: Fourarm Soliders, Rat Soliders ITEMS: Thunder Armor, Maxim Shield, Mint, Power Ring Once in the basement, head west around the corner, and to the next corner. You should see a doorway on the southwall, which you will go through. Once at the other side go east to the chest at the end of the path. Inside is the Thunder Armor, which you will get and equip. After doing that head back west, past the doorway you went through. Now head all the way to the west wall, and from there go south through the doorway, into another pathway. Once at that pathway, head east along the northwall to the next doorway. Go through that, and find the chest that is in that small area. Inside that chest is the Maxim Shield. Equip that and head back into the long pathway outside this small room. Once there, continue going east, and around two corners. Around the second corner, there should be a doorway on the southwall. Go through it, and in there is another chest, which will have the Mint inside it. After getting the Mint, go all the way north through the doorway, until you reach a corner, then go west, past the doorway. At the end is another chest! Inside this chest however is the Power Ring. Get it and head back to the doorway you just passed, and go through it. Then keep going north a bit more, and through the other doorway and it will take you back to the 1st Floor. Hopefully, you'll remember how to get back to the entrance from here, so get back there, and head back to Poper right away to help the sick villagers! ------------------------------------------ |Area 4-2: Saving The Sick/Destiny's Legend| ------------------------------------------ T O W N O F P O P E R (REVISITED) ENEMIES: None ITEMS: Star Staff, Duma's Key Now you should be back in Poper. Once back here, head back to the church again. Equip the Mint, and talk to the preacher again. He will say that he will mix the Mint into a tea and give it to the people whom are sick, to cure their illness. He will also say that there are spritis in the basement, are very happy with you saving the townspeople. So with that, go to the glass stained window on the right side. It will be revealed as a doorway. Enter it and you will be in the basement portion of the church. In the basement, you will come across 8 spirits, which I assume are of the late people who died from the disease that spread throughout the village. Follow the path straight through, and talk to each spirit in order, and they will talk about the difference between the Light and the Darkness. Below, I have decided to quote what each spirit says. Spirit #1 says: "Nasir, the Champion Of Light, we awaited for your arrival. We want to talk to you about something. Please speak to each of us starting with the one nearest the entrance". Spirit #2 says: "Thank you so much for curing all the people of the village". Spirit #3 says: "The power of the Light which can be seen within you, searched out Darkness. Without Darkness, you Light cannot shine". Spirit #4 says: "Darkness gives us rest and relaxation. Light gives us courage and hope". After talking to the 4th spirit, follow the path until you reach a 3-way intersection. Once there, head north and talk to that spirit up there. Spirit #5 says: "Light and Darkness were not originally meant to be seperate". After talking to the 5th spirit, head back to the intersection, then continue west along the path, talking to the remaining spirits. Spirit #6 says: "From here on, you will experience many hardships. But you will become a real hero after having overcome these obsticles. You must not give up. The only road is that which lies straight ahead". Spirit #7 says: "I will give you Star Staff. Please use it well". This spirit will give you the Star Staff. Spirit #8 says: "Siegfried Castle is now controlled by a demon called Duma. On the third floor of the castle, there is a warp point that goes upstream. Duma locked the entrance to the second floor to keep the people of Lakeland from Lagoon Castle. Here is a key to Duma's Room. I'll give it to you". You have received the Duma's Key. This spirit concludes by saying "Please defeat Duma and go to Lagoon castle as soon as possible". Now after talking to all the spirits, head back to Siegfried Castle, for one last go- round with it. --------------------------------- |Area 4-3: The Strong Solider Duma| --------------------------------- S I E G F R I E D C A S T L E : 1 S T F L O O R (REVISITED) ENEMIES: Armored Knight, Tripod Rollers ITEMS: Defensive Ring, Force Sword Now you should be back in Siegfreid Castle. Head east to the last doorway on the northwall, and go through it. Continue the path going north until you reach the corner. Once there go west a bit and go through the doorway on the southwall. Go through the doorway, and follow the path west, until you reach a locked door on the northwall. Don't worry about the locked door yet, but do keep it in mind, because you will need to get back here shortly. Instead, head south from this point and you will see a chest. Inside it is the Defensive Ring, which you will get. Now, after that head back to the locked door, and continue going west along the path until you reach a 3-way intersection. Once there, head south past the other 3-way, and follow the path to the end. You should see a doorway on the northwall. Go through it and to the chest, which has the Force Sword in it. Get the Force Sword and equip it, then head back to the locked door. Make sure you are atleast Level 24, maybe Level 25, because a boss fight is coming up. As soon as you have acheived that, equip the Duma's Key and use it on the locked door. Enter and you will meet Duma, who recognizes you instantly. He will say your end has finally came. B O S S # 0 4 : D U M A REQUIRED LEVEL: 24 ITEMS REWARDED: Water Crystal, Key Of Siegfried Fair warning now, Duma is tough, but don't let his huge Life Meter worry you. He will rise up, as well as his two hands. One can only imagine how big this guy really is ^_^. Your best bet is to equip the Power Ring instantly, and head towards the centerpiece. Watch out for his hands however, because once in sight, they will try to squish you. This makes it difficult, when trying to defeat Duma. Your only chance to attack is when Duma's face appears, but be careful, because he will shoot out 3 fireballs which goes in a 90 degree angle. Using the Power Ring here will be helpful, because you will be able to kill Duma quicker, especially with the odds stacked against you because of his offenses. My advice, run up and start slashing at him, jump to avoid the hands, and keep going at it, and you will have defeated Duma. After defeating Duma, you will get the Water Crystal and the Key Of Siegfried. With that, leave Duma's room. Once outside of the room, head west to the 3-way intersection. Once there, head north through the doorway. Equip the Key Of Siegfried, and use it on the locked door, then go through it. This will take you to a staircase. Once you follow the staircase upwards, it will take you to the second floor. S I E G F R I E D C A S T L E : 2 N D F L O O R ENEMIES: Alien Cyclops, Big Red Knight ITEMS: None You are now on the second floor of Siegfried Castle. From the entrance, follow the path all the way to the end, past any intersection or doorways you may encounter. Be careful of the Alien Cyclops though, they will shoot a beam of energy from their eye, that will do considerable damage. Once you are at the other end. You will see a doorway. Enter it and it'll take you to the third floor of the castle. S I E G F R I E D C A S T L E : 3 R D F L O O R ENEMIES: None ITEMS: None You are now on the third floor of Siegfried Castle. But once entering, you will see Thor, and someone standing next to him. Thor will be excited to see you, but wonder why you are there. The person next to Thor is Battler, and refers to Thor as Lord Thor. Battler will tell Thor not to get too close to you, that he is not to associate with the Champion Of The Light, because you will ruin their plans. Nasir (you), will say that Thor isn't the type of person who does evil deeds. Then an explosion takes place. You being curious, Battler says not to struggle, it's too late to do anything and has you look at the following. CUT SCENE: It's a small one, but it shows Lagoon Castle being lifted into the sky by water. END OF CUT SCENE. Battler says that the secret place of Lagoon Castle now belongs to the evil people. Since the castle is in the air, there's nothing that can be done to save it. Thor tries to take Thor to Lagoon Castle, but he doesn't want to go. Battler however succeeds and both of them teleports out of Siegfried Castle to Lagoon Castle. Once you gain control, find the circular tile that's in the room. Once you do, step on it and it will warp you to the Gnome Tree. --------------------------------------- F: |Area 5-1: Braving The Cold/Gnome Plains| --------------------------------------- G N O M E T R E E/T O W N O F L I L A T Y/G N O M E P L A I N ENEMIES: None ITEMS: Angel's Bell, Truth Fire, Fur Mantle After warping from Siegfried's Castle, you will be in Gnome Tree. From where you end up, go north and you will see a giant tree, where there is a doorway. Enter the doorway, and you'll be in the town of Lilaty. Once in the town, head north to the small pond. Go west a bit and you'll see an Old Man wearing a red cap. Talk to him, and he will talk about the Nymphs in the spring behind the Ice Cave, and that they are hiding because of the demons in there. However the Nymphs might be helpful because of their powers. The old man will give you the Angel's Bell, to use to call on the Nymphs, after defeating the demons. Now from the old man's location, go north to the northwall, then east to a river. Cross the bridge, then go east past the garden. Talk to the lady in the orange dress, who says that there is a liar in town, who has the Fur Mantle. This lady will give you the Truth Fire, to use on the liar, because no one can withstand the Truth Fire's power. Cross back over the same bridge, and head south along the river. You should see a man in a green outfit and red hat. Equip the Truth Fire and talk to him. People think he is a liar, and ask you what you think. Tell him he's not, and he will say that he's the best liar ever. He will also give you the Fur Mantle. After that, head north to the northwall, then climb the staircase. This will take you outside to the Gnome Plain. This will be simple, go north, then west a bit,and you will see a doorway. Equip the Fur Mantle, and keep it equipped throughout the whole next area. It is very important to keep the Fur Mantle equipped, because once you enter into the next area without it, your HP will quickly be drained. So keep it equipped at all times, until I say different. Now enter through the doorway, and you will be in the Ice Cave. I C E C A V E ENEMIES: Eskimos, White Slimeballs ITEMS: Elixer (or 350 Gold), Bright Stone You are now in the Ice Cave. A word of warning, there are several gaps in the ground, so be careful not to fall in them at any costs. With that out of the way, from the entrance, head east to the corner, then go north a bit. You will see 2 pathways leading north, but you need to take the right path. Do so follow the path, past the 3-way intersection to a 4-way intersection, and from there go south. Follow this short path to a big room, and go to the eastwall. Hug this wall and go south along it, then follow the path around the corner, and to a doorway on the northwall. Go through it, and follow the path north to a chest. Inside is an Elixer, which is very important, so get it. After getting the Elixer, head back south through the doorway, then west along the northwall. Go around the corner and north to the small path you came through before coming to this big room. Follow the path to the 4-way, then head west to the 3-way. Once there, head north, and keep going until you reach another big room. Once there, head north to the other side, where you will see another path, but don't go up it yet. Instead go east along the northwall to another pathway. Go north on this one, then continue north, past another big room (watch out for the hole in the ground), around the corner, and to a 3-way. Once you are there, head north to the next 3-way, then head east. Follow the path until you reach the end, where you will see another chest. Inside is the Bright Stone, which is also important when finishing through the Ice Cave. After getting that, head back to the 3-way you came from. Once there, head south to the next one, then east, around the corner, south through the big room, to the other side. Follow the path to the next big room, then go west along the northwall. You will see another pathway, which you will go up now. Continue the path to a 4-way type area, then head west from it. Follow the path until you can't go anymore, which you should end up at some dead-end. Once there, you should notice a path going north, well take it to the 4-way. From the 4-way, head west until you see a doorway on the northwall. Go through it, and head north until you see a shut door. Make sure you are atleast Level 29 when entering, as well as all your HP and MP have been restored, and also save. This will be a tough boss fight up ahead, so be ready to fight. ------------------------------------------ |Area 5-2: Phantom Hill/The Evil Witch Ella| ------------------------------------------ Okay, if you are at Level 29 like I said, you should be ready for a boss fight. So go in the shut door, and you will be in for a tough treat. B O S S # 0 5 : T H I M A L E REQUIRED LEVEL: 29 ITEM REWARDED: Life Ball Now this boss is much tougher than your previous bosses could ever be. This is Thimale, and there are two parts to defeating it. Part one, defeat the 6 small crystals on both sides of the screen. Be careful though, because they will launch out crystal shards at you, and a giant rolling ball will come up and down the middle section, doing massive damage to you. The best tip I can give for you on this, is to try and master defeating all 6 small crystals first (stand in front of each crystal, and attack & jump). It be best to wear the Protective Ring or Defensive Ring for this portion. Once you have succeeded in defeating the small crystals, use the Elixer to refill your HP (that's if you feel you need to), and the Bright Stone to refill your MP. The second part is that the giant rolling ball will change it's form, revealing to be Thimale's true form. It'll still continue to roll up and down, but it'll also stop shooting out ice blasts at you. Get in front of Thimale, and equip the Power Ring, and keep stabbing at it. Just watch out when it starts rolling. Keep this up, and you will be able to defeat Thimale. After you have defeated Thimale, you will receive the Life Ball. Hang on to that as much as possible, because it will come in handy. Now go north through the locked door, which will be unlocked. Do so and you will be in Nymph's Spring. N Y M P H ' S S P R I N G ENEMIES: None ITEMS: Moon Staff You should now be in Nymph's Spring. From the entrance, go north until you can't go anymore. Equip the Angel's Bell, and use it, and 3 Nymph's will appear before you. The main Nymph will say that they have been waiting for you, and that Zerah is heading to Phantom Hill, to go to Lagoon Castle. The Nymph will now give you the Moon Staff, which is the final staff in the game. She conludes by saying that they will send you off to Phantom Hill (that's exactly what it said in the game, I kid you not! ^_^). P H A N T O M H I L L ENEMIES: Fire Bird ITEMS: None Now you are on Phantom Hill. This will get confusing, because of all the staircases and stuff, so just pay attention closely. Also, once getting here, you can not return to any previous areas in the game. To make it easier, I placed numbers in front of each direction to make it a bit easier to get through, hopefully. So now with that out of the way, (1) from the entrance, head east to the staircase, and climb it to the next path. (2) Once there, go east again to the next staircase and climb it to the next path. (3) Go east once more to the next staircase, and climb it to the next path. (4) Once there, go west to the first staircase you come across, then climb it to the next path. (5) Once there, go west again to the first staircase you come across here as well, and climb it to the next path. (6) When at the top of the staircase, continue climbing the staircase north of your current position to the next path. (7) After doing that, go west a bit more, and climb the staircase. (8) You should see another staircase just a bit east from your position, which you will go up. (9) Now go west a bit, and be at Level 30 (if not, fight until then). You should see a hole in the ground. If you are ready, save and jump into the hole for a fairly simple boss fight. B O S S # 0 6 : E L L A REQUIRED LEVEL: 30 ITEM REWARDED: None Remember Eardon back in Dwarf's Cave? Well this is it's keeper, Ella, and she is a bit easier than Eardon. When entering the room, Ella will say it's your end, and begin to start attacking. She will shoot out magic fire blasts at you, which can do some damage to you. Just equip the Power Ring and start attacking her, sounds simple? Well be careful, because the more you attack her, the faster she becomes, which will make her more tougher to fight. Not only that, she disappears and reappears whenever and wherever she wants, and there is no pattern to her appearing, which will make it very difficult to fight her. It shouldn't be too tough, but through persistance you will be able to defeat her easily. You won't get anything for defeating Ella, so just leave the room altogether. Once you do, you will be back on Phantom Hill. It seems however, that a new staircase will appear right when you exit the hole. What's up it, well go up there and you'll see. ------------------------------ |Area 5-3: A Trip Through Cloud| ------------------------------ P H A N T O M H I L L (CONTINUED) ENEMIES: None ITEMS: Thunder Crystal After defeating Ella, you should see a staircase being made. Climb it, then once at the top, jump east over a gap, and you will be a new area. In this new area, you will see Zerah, who will tell you that he won't let you get anywheres near Lagoon Castle, and that if he uses the Evil Spirit's power, he will be unstoppable. He also says that Thor can call on the same power, that he was raised for that purpose, to harness the power for evil. Could Zerah be Thor's father knowing this? Read on to find out! Thor is young, he says, and couldn't hurt at all. But not worried, Zerah says he will kill you off anyways. Right then, Mathias appears telling Zerah that he will defeat him. A conversation then takes place, with Mathias saying he'll stop Zerah, but Zerah won't let anyone in his way, saying he has the power. A really lame fight scene takes place, with the end result of both Mathias and Zerah on the ground, trying to stay alive. Talk to Zerah first, and he will say that he's not defeated yet, that the Evil Spirit will come back to life very soon, then he disappears. Talk to Mathias, who will tell you the truth about everything. He will tell you that you and Thor are the Sons Of The Gods. You are the Son Of Light, and Thor is the Son Of Darkness. Each of which, whom has their own destiny. Now a cut scene takes place. CUT SCENE: We see Mathias, lying on the ground, about to tell you the history of both you and Thor as well as the story of Lagoon Castle, and why Zerah wants it. About 14 years ago, Mathias heard of an oracle which told him to go to Phantom Hill. That once getting there, two babies will come to the earth in a beam of light. Those two babies were you and Thor. However when Mathias tried to get both you and Thor, Zerah came suddenly, and took Thor away. He continues by saying that Zerah is the cause of all the muddy waters throughout the country, as well as made all the demons appear, and he must be stopped no matter what. Do this for all the people throughout the coutry. Mathias concludes by saying that you must go now, that there are many strong demons in Lagoon Castle, and to use this crystal. END CUT SCENE. After the cut scene ends, you will get the final crystal, which is the Thunder Crystal. Mathias will say that with all his strength, he will send you off to the clouds. Side note, I wonder if the programmers know how wrong this all sounds lol ^_^. Once you get to cloud however, you will not be able to go back, so be ready, because the end of the game is very much near. C L O U D ENEMIES: None ITEMS: None After the conversation with Mathias, you will be teleported to Cloud, which is really made up of a bunch of clouds. Save often, wherever you feel comfortable at. Once you start off in Cloud, (1) head north a bit, and jump to the next cloud north. Watch out for gaps between clouds, because that'll mean game over. Once at the cloud however, (2) go north a bit and jump to the next cloud. (3) Do this once more to the next cloud, then (4) go east a bit, then jump north to the next cloud. (5) After that, go west a bit, then jump north to the next cloud. (6) Once there, go north a bit, then jump northwards to the next cloud. (7) Finally go east a bit, then north a bit until you see some land. Now make sure you jump over onto the land, because if you miss it, you will die. Once you jump onto the land, you will be taken to outside of Lagoon Castle. Now once you are at Lagoon Castle, there is no turning back, so be ready. L A G O O N C A S T L E O U T S I D E ENEMIES: None ITEMS: None Once landing onto Lagoon Castle ground, head north until you see a tablet, which you will step on. It will say that when the moonlight comes into the castle's terrace, use the Moon Stone. That the power will be given to the one who is the power of Light, and with that, the Moon Blade will be created. This is very important stuff, so make sure you keep that in mind. After that, continue northward, across the bridge. At the other end you will see a huge doorway. Enter it, and you will be inside Lagoon Castle. ------------------------------------------- G: |Area 6-1: Storming Lagoon Castle/First Half| ------------------------------------------- L A G O O N C A S T L E : 1 S T F L O O R ENEMIES: Evil Jugglers, One-Eye Crawlers, Toad Solider ITEMS: None Welcome to Lagoon Castle, the place that everyone seems to be talking about. Fair warning now, this castle is very huge, and there will be multiple ways to get through it. This portion of the walkthrough is how I got through it, so you can use my methods or use your own, it don't matter to me. Now with that bit of info out of the way, let's get started on this castle. From the entrance of the castle, head north until you reach the second pathway on the west side. Once there, head west and follow the path around the corner, then north until you reach a 3-way intersection. Once at the 3-way, head west and follow the pathway until you reach the second doorway on the nortwall. Enter it, and it will take you to the second floor. L A G O O N C A S T L E : 2 N D F L O O R ENEMIES: Red Necromancer, Big Black Knight ITEMS: Statue You should now be on the second floor of Lagoon Castle. From your current position, head south to the southwall, then east a bit to a doorway, which you will go through. Once on the other side, go east and follow the path to the big room. Once there, head south along the westwall to a 4-way type intersection. From the 4-way, head east a bit and you will see a doorway on a northwall (just look for all the black area over the door). Enter the doorway. Upon entering, you will notice two people standing there (a man and a woman). Talk to them, and the man will speak up first. He will say he is the king of Lagoon Castle, and that his daughter Princess Felicia is trapped in a mirror on the 4th floor of the castle. He goes on saying how Felicia is the only one in the family who can move the castle and open the doorway to the secret passage. The secret passage is important to all of Lakeland. But if the magic is used there, the power would be tripled. If the evil people have the power, it will be very bad for the people of Lakeland. This is why the power was given to the Lakeland family, to protect Lagoon Castle. He concludes by saying for you to free Felicia, but in order to do that, you must find the Statue which is somewhere's on this floor. Once getting that, stand on the crest facing her, and use the statue, for this will free her. After this, the queen (fortune teller perhaps?) steps up and says that she sees suffering in your future. But as long as their is light in your heart, the spirits will help you. After that, leave this room. Once outside of the room, head east to another 4-way type intersection. From there, head east some more. As you are heading down this path, hug the southwall to the second doorway. Enter through it, then find the chest that's in here. Inside it is the Statue, so get that and head back to the pathway. Once doing so, head east some more (and around some corners) until you reach a 3- way intersection. Once there, head north and around the corner. Keep going along the path until you see the second doorway on the northwall. Enter through the doorway, and it'll take you to the third floor. L A G O O N C A S T L E : 3 R D F L O O R ENEMIES: None ITEMS: Bright Stone (or 350 Gold), Moon Blade Now you should be on the third floor. This floor will also cover the Silence Terrace, so keep that in mind. Pretend this is a small town for a moment, because all the pathways are done up like blocks. From your current position, head south to a 3-way intersection. Once there, head west around a couple corners to the next 3-way. Now head north 2 blocks to a 4-way, then head west to the end of the path. You should see a chest there. Inside it is the Bright Stone. Get it and head back to the 4-way. Now head north and follow the path all the way to its end. Once you make the long trip there, you will see a doorway on the west side. Enter through it. Now you should be on the Silence Terrace. From the entrance to this area, head west until you see a light blue spot on the ground. This spot is actually the moonlight. With that, stand on the spot, equip the Moon Stone and use it. Mathias will speak to you saying he locked up the evil spirit and send you and Thor to keep it from reviving. He is shocked that someone used Thor's power to create a world of darkness. He continues on saying the dark power is too strong, that you must stop the evil, it's for Thor too. He concludes by saying the Moon Stone turns into the Moon Blade with energy from the moonlight. Now go and stop the dark forces. After talking you will receive the Moon Blade. Equip it now. ----------------------------------------- |Area 6-2: Reclaiming The Castle/Last Half| ----------------------------------------- L A G O O N C A S T L E : 3 R D F L O O R (CONTINUED) ENEMIES: None ITEMS: None After getting the Moon Blade, and equipping it, head back to the 3rd Floor. Once you get back here, follow the path ahead of you until you reach a 4-way intersection. Once you get there, head south one more block to the next 4-way. From there, head west all the way until you reach the 3-way at the end. From there, head north and follow the path all the way to the end on the path. Once there, you should be in a small room, with a doorway in the upper right hand corner. Go into it and it will take you to the fourth floor. L A G O O N C A S T L E : 4 T H F L O O R ENEMIES: One-Eye Crabs, Big Green Knight ITEMS: Elixer (or 350 Gold), Moon Shield, Curing Ring You should now be on the fourth floor. Once entering this floor, go south just a bit to a chest. Inside is an Elixer, get it, because it will be helpful. After getting it, head north through the doorway. Once at the other side, head east, and follow the path all the way to the second 3-way type intersection. Once you get there, head north to a pathway. Continue along the pathway, and follow it all the way until you reach a big room. Once in the big room, head to the south wall and go east along the wall. At the end, you should see some pathway leading south. Go down in it, and you will see another chest. Inside is the Moon Shield. Get it and equip it. After that, head north to the northwall, and follow the path west. Head back to the previous 3-way intersection you came across beforehand. Once you get back there, head east and follow the path around the corner, then north until you come across some type of doorway on the east wall. Enter through it and you will be a in a different room. From the entrance, carefully go east until you see a chest. Inside is the Curing Ring, which will be very helpful. You will also notice a gap, well don't try to jump it at all, you won't make it ^_^. Instead head back to the previous room. Once you make it back here, head north and follow the path until you come across a small room. Once you get here, head north and you will see a doorway on the northwall. Enter it now. Inside you will see someone trapped in the mirror, which is Princess Felicia. Stand on the seal with the two swords on it, then equip the Statue. While facing Princess Felicia (this is a must), use the Statue's power, and it will send an ball of energy, breaking the mirror, freeing the princess. The princess will now talk to you. She says thank you, and that something serious has happend. She then comes closer to you saying that Zerah and Thor are now in the secret place. That Thor is controlled by Zerah, and she was also controlled by him as well. She opened the door to the secret place without realizing it. She goes on saying how Zerah might have brought the evil spirit back to life using Thor's power. She concludes by saying that you can get to the secret place through the mirror behind her. After the talk, head through the mirror behind her, which is a doorway leading to the fifth floor. L A G O O N C A S T L E : 5 T H F L O O R ENEMIES: Big Blue Knight ITEMS: Moon Armor You should now be on the fifth floor. From the entrance, you should notice the pathway heading south. Well go through it to the 3-way intersection. Once there, head east and follow the path to the next 3-way. Once there, head east again to the next 3-way, the follow the path north and around the corner. Keep following the path until you see a chest. Inside this chest is the Moon Armor. Get it and equip that, then head back to the 3-way. Once there, head west to the next 3-way intersection, then head south. Follow the path until you see a doorway on the southwall. But first, make sure you are at Level 33. If not, fight until you reach that level. Once you reach Level 33, head into the doorway, you will be in a new room. Once in this new room, follow the path all the way to the end. There you should see a shut door. Save the game, then enter the doorway. You will see Battler again, who says he will not let you continue any further. The the great evil spirit will rise and that your head will decorate Lord Thor's throne nicely. Get ready, because this boss fight will begin. B O S S # 0 7 : B A T T L E R REQUIRED LEVEL: 33 ITEM REWARDED: None This is a fairly tough battle, so be careful. Battler will have 2 creatures rise up and attack you. It be a good idea to equip the Curing Ring so you can heal will fighting. Not much really to say, Battler will disappear and reappear wherever throwing out powerful attacks at you. The two creatures will be traveling and throwing out attacks as well. There is no pattern to whichever way either Battler or the two creatures will go. Unlike Ella, Battler will not get quicker as you attack him, so this may be helpful. When he does appear, he will stand in that spot for a couple seconds, which will be your chance to strike. With the Curing Ring on your side this should be kinda easy. Just whatever you do, don't use your Elixer or Bright Stone, those will be used much later. After defeating Battler, you will not be rewarded with any items. However the doorway on the northwall will be unlocked, so go through it. Once you do, you will be on a platform, with no sides, so be careful. Go to the north edge and jump northwards, and try to land on the small island. If you land on the water just next to the island, that's okay, but don't land on any other form of water, or you'll die. Once you land on the island, you will be at the final stage of the game! ------------------------------------------- |Area 6-3: The Secret Passage/Final Showdown| ------------------------------------------- O U T S I D E S E C R E T P L A C E ENEMIES: None ITEMS: None This is it, the final stage of the game. Everything you have done up to this point has came down to this final area. Right now, you should be right outside the Secret Place. From where you start off at, head north a bit and you will see a small church. Go inside, and follow it to the back, where you will see a Cleric. Talk to the Cleric, where he will talk about how Zerah has finally revived the evil spirit. That him and Thor will be in the secret place, and to hurry. He concludes by saying that there is a warp leading back to Lagoon Castle. After this, leave the church. This warp the Cleric talks about is in the southwest corner of this small field, so keep this in mind for if and when you want to go back to Lagoon Castle. However you are not heading back to Lagoon Castle. Instead, from the entrance of the church, head west a bit and you will see a staircase on the northside. Enter it, and this will lead you in the secret place. S E C R E T P L A C E ENEMIES: Gray Knight, Black Hyper Flea ITEMS: Time Ring Once inside the secret place, head west to the end of the path, and you will see a doorway on the west wall. Enter through it and head to the other side. Once there head west a bit, then south until you see a skinny pathway heading south. Go through it and follow the path until you reach a 3-way intersection (there should be a doorway on the eastwall as a hint). Once at the 3-way, head west and follow the path past all the intersections along the way until you reach a doorway. Go through it, and at the other side, go through the other doorway. Once at the other side of that doorway, head north and follow the path until you reach the end. At the end you will see a chest. Inside is the Time Ring, which you will get. This is a pretty useful ring (except against bosses), however you won't get this until the end, which really sucks. So it doesn't have much use to it. Anyways after getting it, head back to the previous doorway you came across. Once there, go through it, then head through the next doorway on the otherside. As soon as you get through the doorways, head through the south pathway, and follow it to the big room. Once you're in the big room, head south again, around the corner then east until you reach another 3-way intersection. From there, head west to the next 3-way. Then from that point, head south to the next 3-way. Once there head south and around the corner, to the next 3-way, then west and around the corner to the next 3-way. From there, head north, and follow the path to the very end, where you will see a shut door. Make sure you are at Level 35 (max level stats), and also save, because this is a long chain of boss fights, and you won't be able to save in between each of them, nor leave. As soon as you are ready, enter through the shut door, for the final showdown! B O S S # 0 8 : G R E E N E V I L S P I R I T REQUIRED LEVEL: 35 ITEM REWARDED: None This is the first form of the main boss of the game, Green Evil Spirit, and oddly enough it's easier than it's final form. There's two steps to defeating this thing. Step one is that you see giant creature in some type of glass container. Go up to it, and stand just to the right of the mouthpiece, and start attacking. Keep attacking until all four eyes have been destroyed. Watch out for the fireballs it may shoot out, which goes in different directions. Notice the life bar does not move while you are attacking it. Step two is, after defeat the creature, he will take on another form, which looks like a green gargoyle. It will slowly come after you, with it only attack, it will use it's tail as a whip which will do some massive damage to you. Whatever you do, don't let it corner you! Equip the Curing Ring, get in close and start attacking. Careful though, it will follow you wherever you go so keep that in mind. Pay attention to your life bar, for once it gets pretty low, stand a distance from it and let your HP refill back. Repeat this process and you will have beaten the first form of the Evil Green Spirit. After the fight, you will not be rewarded with anything, however your HP/MP will be restored. You will notice a doorway opening up in the brick wall. De-equip your Curing Ring to save on MP, and go through the dooorway. Once in the new room you will notice Zerah and Thor. Zerah will ask how the fight with the Evil Spirit was, and that it's power is much greater than anything. After that, he will say that Thor's power is what brought it back to life, but it was you that must of woke it up, and that it will rise up again, thanks to Thor's power. Zerah will conclude by saying he will fight you now. With that, Thor will disappear and Zerah will grow. Now contrary to what some may say, this is not a boos fight, mainly because he doesn't have a life bar. Nonetheless this will be very easy to get through. Just run up to Zerah and start attacking him. He will throw out many fireballs in different directions, which will knock you slightly back, but since this fight is easy, don't worry about using the Curing Ring. This battle will be quick, so don't sweat over it that much, the worse is yet to come. After the fight, you will get nothing for winning. However he will say that even if he dies, Thor will make darkness rule over the world, and that he must have brought the real Evil Spirit back to life by now. He will conclude by telling Thor to show his real power to you, then disappear. Thor however will appear, but you try to convince him to stop, but it will be too late. He will appear and begin his attack, so get ready! B O S S # 0 9 : T H O R REQUIRED LEVEL: 35 ITEM REWARDED: Thor's Pendant Here is Thor, and he is very tough to get through. This is a two part fight. Part one is, when Thor appears, he will have several red fireballs circling around him, like a shield. After that he will start attacking. His red fireballs will shoot spin around and expand, knocking you back. This is what makes this part of the fight very tough. Thor will also shoot out other fireballs at you. The main thing is that you won't take much damage in this part. What you do, is by jumping and pushing yourself towards him, get right up to Thor and start attacking as much as you can, because the fireballs will push you back. Use the Power Ring if you must, to make this go quicker. Trust me this is very frustrating, but after much trial and error, you will win. Part two is, that you will be taken to an alternate deminison, where Thor will change into a giant phoenix, holding some crystal. He will be circling around you shooting out energy attacks at you. Stay in front of Thor, and keep the Curing Ring equipped (use the Bright Stone and Elixer if you need to). Try not to run around so much, but when he gets right in front of you, try attacking his crystal, that's the weak spot. Soon as he gets close to death, he will change to a pinkish color. This is also a tough fight, but keep going and he will be defeated. After the fight, you will be taken back to the original room you were in. Your HP/MP will also be refilled. You will also notice that Thor is lying on the ground, go up and talk to him. Now I tried to get as much as I could of the conversation, however the screen was moving faster than I could write, so this is the majority of what I gathered from their conversation. Thor will mention that he didn't mean to cause the trouble he started, that you both were to protect the world, but yet you both forgot about each other. You being worried about the final fight, Thor will give you his pendant. Receive Thor's Pendant again, but when you do receive it, it will look different, that's because Thor's spirit is now inside the pendant. He did this, so that he will lend his stregnth to you, in hopes it will be enough power to put an end to the evil spirits and his evilish ways. After that leave the room, and go south to the room you faced the evil spirit before hand. When you get in there however, you will see that the evil spirit is a dark reddish color, whom is lying on the ground. My guess is he'll feel your presence and rise up to begin his attack. Get ready, because this is the final battle. B O S S # 1 0 : R E D E V I L S P I R I T REQUIRED LEVEL: 35 ITEM REWARDED: None This time when fighting the evil spirit, he will jump up at you immediatly, and with you unable to move for that split second, you will lose a chunk of life. Quickly get out of his way, and use the Curing Ring. The tactics for this fight is the same as when you fought the Evil Spirit the first, get in close and start attacking, stand a distance from it and let your HP refill back, if your life bar is getting low. It will slightly look bigger, but don't let that scare you. The only thing you have to worry about is that it will teleport on you, with no particular pattern to it. Keep this up and you will be able to defeat the Evil Spirit for the final time. Okay so I don't have much of a strategy for this boss, but since you pretty much got to use the same tactic, there really isn't much to say ^_^. After the fight, Mathias will speak to you, saying how he was sorry for forcing both you and Thor into this tragic destiny. Also how he is sorry how both of you had to fight against each other knowing you both are brothers. But from now on you will keep the balance between the Light and Darkness, and build a peace in the world. He will say to Thor that he wants Thor to stay with you and help you out. He concludes by saying that both you and Thor, to combine your powers so that evil things won't ever come to country of Lakeland ever again, that it is your duty. FINAL CUT SCENE: You will be shown holding tightly on Thor's Pendant and by using both of your powers, will bring Lagoon Castle back to the land. After which you will see Princess Felicia appear, thanking you both for saving the country. After the cut scene, the chapter on Lagoon is finally over. So just sit back and enjoy the ending, as you have beaten a very classic RPG. Congradulations ^_^ ------------------------------- H: |Gold Instead Of Items Challenge| ------------------------------- (courtesy of demon_slayer86 & MasterNasir) "Gold Instead Of Items" Challenge, what exactly does this mean? Well, I'll tell you. My cousin came up to me and told me he was playing Lagoon (using my maps), until he discovered an interesting detail. Originally he had the Shiny Stone (he bought from Atland) and held on to it until Phillip's Castle. Now, you know where you get the Shiny Stone in Phillip's Castle (in the basement) is, right? Well he went there, and instead of getting another Shiny Stone (which you can't have more than one item of the same kind), he got 350 Gold. So then I tested this theory out by buying a Healing Pot in Atland, went into Gold Cave to fetch the other one, and sure enough, I got 350 Gold too. I got to thinking about this, and realized, this could make for an interesting challenge to the game. So here's how this challenge works. Listed below is a list of where you can get Gold instead of the actual item. With that in mind, go through the entire game, with just the one item (ie, go through the game with just one Healing Pot). Sure it may not seem like much, but go against some of the bosses like this. Now try not to use any of the items (listed below), because if you do, you won't get the cash for it instead. Actually you could, just make sure you buy the item at a shop instead of finding it in a chest. Here is a list of what items can be turned into cash: 1. The Healing Pot in Gold Cave will become 350 Gold. This actually occurs twice in Gold Cave. 2. The Shiny Stone in Phillip's Castle will become 350 Gold. 3. The Elixer in the Ice Cave will become 350 Gold. 4. The Elixer in Lagoon Castle will become 350 Gold. 5. The Bright Stone in Lagoon Castle will become 350 Gold. Also to get cash instead of the Bright Stone (in Lagoon Castle), you must find the Bright Stone in the Ice Cave and not use it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 3: |THE GOODIES| ----------- ------ A: |Swords| ------ These are the 5 swords that can be acquired in the game. Short Sword (STR +10): This sword can be bought for 150 Gold in Atland. Silver Sword (STR +40): This sword can be obtained in Phillip's Castle after fighting Natela. Magic Sword (STR +80): This sword can be found in a chest inside Drawf's Cave. Force Sword (STR +100): This sword can be found in a chest inside Siegfried Castle. Moon Blade (STR +120): This sword can be found by using the Moon Stone inside Lagoon Castle. ------- B: |Sheilds| ------- These are the 5 sheilds that can be acquired in the game. Iron Sheild (DEF +5): This sheild can be bought for 150 Gold in Atland. Large Sheild (DEF +20): This sheild can be found in a chest inside Phillip's Castle. Great Sheild (DEF +50): This sheild can be bought for 1,200 Gold in Denegul. Maxim Sheild (DEF +80): This sheild can be found in a chest inside Siegfried Castle. Moon Sheild (DEF +100): This sheild can be found in a chest inside Lagoon Castle. ------ C: |Armors| ------ These are the 5 types of armor that can be acquired in the game. Bandit Armor (DEF +5): This armor can be bought for 100 Gold in Atland. Gold Armor (DEF +20): This armor can found in a chest inside Phillip's Castle. Sonic Armor (DEF +50): This armor can be bought for 1,800 Gold in Denegul. Thunder Armor (DEF +80): This armor can be found in a chest inside Siegfried Castle. Moon Armor (DEF +100): This armor can be found in a chest inside Lagoon Castle. ----- D: |Rings| ----- These are the 5 rings that can be acquired in the game. Each ring will consume your MP quickly, so choose your ring carefully. Protective Ring (DEF +30): This ring will protect you during battle. It can be found in a chest inside Dwarf's Cave. Power Ring (STR +30): This ring will increase your sword usage, very helpful. It can be found in a chest inside in Siegfried Castle. Defensive Ring (DEF +30): This ring will increase your defense. It can be found in a chest inside Siegfried Castle. Curing Ring: This ring will refill any lost HP, very useful. It can be found in a chest inside Lagoon Castle. Time Ring: This ring will freeze monsters only (no bosses). It can be found in a chest inside the Secret Place. ------------ E: |Magic Spells| ------------ STAFFS: There are 4 staffs in the game. Earth Staff: This staff can be received from the Mayor in Voloh. Sky Staff: This staff can be received from the Old Man in Denegul. Star Staff: This staff can be received from a spirit in Poper. Moon Staff: This staff can be received from a Nymph in Nymph Spring. CRYSTALS: There are 4 crystals in the game. Fire Crystal: This crystal can be obtained by defeating Samson in Gold Cave. Wind Crystal: This crystal can be found in a chest inside Dwarf Cave. Water Crystal: This crystal can be obtained by defeating Duma inside Siegfried Castle. Thunder Crystal: This crystal can be received from Mathais on Phantom Hill. SPELLS: There are a combination of 16 spells in the game. 01. Fireball (3 MP): Launches a small fireball out. 02. 3-Way Fireball (6 MP): Launches a bigger fireball which seperates into 3 smaller fireballs. 03. Fire Fall (20 MP): Launches a huge fireball into the sky, then small fireballs shower down to the ground. 04. Fireball Dragon (50 MP): A huge fire dragon appears wiping out the whole screen. 05. Wind Cutter (7 MP): Shoots out a small whirlwind attack. 06. Wind Blaster (12 MP): A group of wind encircles you hitting anything in its way. 07. Typhoon (35 MP): A huge tornado of some sort appears, hitting everything. 08. Earthquake (55 MP): Wind particles spreads throughout the screen causing trouble for the enemies. 09. Water Hammer (15 MP): Launches a 3-way water cutter towards enemies. 10. 8-Way Hammer (30 MP): Launches an 8-way water cutter towards enemies. 11. Water Rush (45 MP): A gieser comes shooting up from the ground into enemies. Will work only if enemies are on the screen. 12. Water Dragon (60 MP): A water dragon will come out traveling along the screen, hitting everything in its way. 13. Thunder Ball (20 MP): Launches a lightning charged orb out. 14. Homing Thunder (35 MP): Launches 3 lightning charged orbs out, tracks down the nearest enemy and hits it. 15. Thunderbolt (50 MP): A bolt of lightning hits the the ground, electricuting all enemies. 16. Explosive Thunder (80 MP): A lightning beam hits the ground, then explodes, and hitting everything. ----- F: |Items| ----- There are 25 different items that can be acquired in the game. 01. Healing Pot - Use this to recover some HP. You can buy this in Atland for 10 Gold and in Voloh for 50 Gold. 02. Shiny Ball - Use this to recover some MP. You can buy this in Voloh for 10,000 Gold. 03. Shiny Stone - Use this to recover some HP. You can buy this in Atland for 20 Gold. 04. Elixer - Use this to recover all HP. You can buy this in Voloh for 700 Gold. 05. Bright Stone - Use this to recover all MP. 06. Life Ball - Use this to recover all HP and MP. 07. Samon's Key - Use this to get to Samson's Lair in Gold Cave. 08. Key Of Phillip's - Use this to get to the second floor of Phillip's Castle. 09. Key Of Prison - Use this to free the captured elves inside Phillip's Castle. 10. Mint - Use this to cure the sick people of Poper. 11. Duma's Key - Use this to get to Duma's Lair in Siegfried Castle. 12. Key Of Siegfried - Use this to get to the second floor of Siegfried Castle. 13. Movable Mantle - Give this to the elves to return to Voloh. 14. Ancient Book - This will talk about the Moon Stone and Moon Blade. 15. Freezing Pot - Use this to create a bridge in Dwarf's Cave. 16. Thor's Pendant - Give this to Thor in exchange for the Powerful Mirror. Also received at the end of the game. 17. Powerful Mirror - Use this to destroy the giant boulders blocking Dwarf's Cave. 18. Moonstone - Use this to form the Moon Blade in Lagoon Castle. 19. Angel's Bell - Use this to call on the nymphs from Nyphm Spring. 20. Truth Fire - Use this to find the lying gnome in Lilaty. 21. Fur Mantle - Use this to enter the Ice Cave without losing HP. 22. Statue - Use this to save Princess Felicia inside Lagoon Castle. 23. Tablet Of Faith - One of three tablets that are used to get inside Phillip's Castle. 24. Tablet Of Wish - One of three tablets that are used to get inside Phillip's Castle. 25. Tablet Of Hope - One of three tablets that are used to get inside Phillip's Castle. --------- G: |Level-Ups| --------- -- ------ ---- ---- --- --- -- ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- |LV| EXP | HP | MP |STR|DEF| |LV| EXP | HP | MP | STR| DEF| -- ------ ---- ---- --- --- -- ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- |01| 10| 10| 3| 10| 5| |19| 7,180| 169| 138| 96| 90| |02| 40| 17| 8| 13| 10| |20| 8,590| 174| 145| 117| 101| |03| 90| 23| 10| 17| 16| |21| 10,280| 180| 151| 124| 110| |04| 170| 28| 12| 22| 19| |22| 12,250| 184| 157| 135| 124| |05| 280| 36| 19| 26| 23| |23| 14,460| 187| 162| 142| 137| |06| 400| 43| 22| 30| 26| |24| 17,240| 192| 171| 148| 142| |07| 560| 54| 27| 34| 31| |25| 20,470| 201| 179| 157| 150| |08| 750| 63| 30| 38| 36| |26| 24,200| 208| 185| 163| 161| |09| 970| 68| 34| 41| 40| |27| 28,370| 210| 192| 176| 172| |10| 1,230| 75| 38| 47| 43| |28| 33,060| 213| 199| 183| 184| |11| 1,530| 89| 46| 53| 49| |29| 38,040| 219| 213| 189| 193| |12| 1,880| 96| 57| 58| 53| |30| 43,240| 221| 219| 211| 203| |13| 2,290| 119| 63| 61| 57| |31| 48,800| 228| 227| 224| 212| |14| 2,810| 126| 76| 65| 62| |32| 54,710| 231| 236| 237| 223| |15| 3,350| 142| 81| 69| 68| |33| 60,830| 239| 240| 243| 231| |16| 4,180| 148| 93| 76| 75| |34| 65,535| 248| 245| 247| 243| |17| 5,050| 153| 114| 83| 79| |35| MAXED | 255| 255| 255| 255| |18| 6,000| 160| 123| 89| 83| -- ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ---- ---- --- --- PLAYER'S NOTE: 1. The STR rating does not include any sword you may be using to fight with. 2. The DEF rating does not include any sheilds or armor you may be wearing. 3. The EXP shown tells you what you need to get to excel to the next level of stats. 4. Both STR and DEF does not include any rings you may be using. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 4: |THE BADDIES| ----------- ------- A: |Enemies| ------- This is a list of the enemies in the game. --------------------- ---- ----- ------------------ ---- ----- | NAME | EXP| GOLD| | NAME | EXP| GOLD| --------------------- ---- ----- ----------------- ---- ----- | Alien Cyclops | 60| 8 | | Gargoyles | 2| 3 | | Armored Knight | 30| 1 | | Ghost Crawler | 6| 3 | | Axe Throwing Pigs | 30| 6 | | Gorgons | 20| 10 | --------------------- ---- ----- | Gray Knight | 400| 10 | | Big Green Knight | 250| 8 | ------------------ ---- ----- | Big Black Knight | 200| 7 | | One-Eye Crabs | 300| 7 | | Big Blue Knight | 350| 8 | | One-Eye Crawlers | 130| 7 | | Big Red Knight | 80| 9 | | One-Eye Flies | 5| 3 | | Big Yellow Knight | 6| 5 | ------------------ ---- ----- | Black Hyper Flea | 350| 5 | | Rat Soliders | 40| 7 | | Black Slugs | 22| 5 | | Red Necromancer | 160| 7 | | Blue Necromancer | 4| 5 | ------------------ ---- ----- | Blue Slimeballs | 1| 2 | | Skeleton Knights | 3| 4 | --------------------- ---- ----- | Small Knights | 5| 5 | | Electric Cloud | 6| 5 | | Spiders | 4| 3 | | Eskimos | 80| 10 | ------------------ ---- ----- | Evil Jugglers | 150| 7 | | Toad Soliders | 140| 5 | --------------------- ---- ----- | Tripod Rollers | 35| 1 | | Fire Bird | 90| 5 | ------------------ ---- ----- | Fire Dragon | 32| 10 | | White Slimeballs | 120| 2 | | Fire Spitting Rocks | 10| 10 | | Wolves | 9| 5 | | Floating Gargoyles | 7| 6 | ------------------ ---- ----- | Fourarm Soliders | 52| 8 | --------------------- ---- ----- ------ B: |Bosses| ------ PLAYER'S NOTE: None of your magic spells, or the Time Ring will work on any of the bosses. I know it's unfair, but remember I didn't make this game. ^_^ BOSS #01: SAMSON ----- ------ ------- ------------------ --------------- | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ --------------- | 64 | 100 | 6 | Fire Crystal | Gold Cave | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ --------------- Welcome to your first boss, which is Samson. Samson is a big red solider which is holding a huge axe. His two main offenses is that he jumps around very quickly (landing next to you), which causes the ground to shake. His other offense is that he tries to slash at you with his giant axe. These are the two things to avoid. Nothing too hard about what to do, just keep hitting him with your sword, and use your Healing Pot if you are close to death. It's best to stand in the bottom right corner, because I was able to defeat him myself here. Keep in mind, his helmet will come off and reveal an eyeball for a head. Once this happens, he will be close to death, so keep it up. BOSS #02: NATELA ----- ------ ------- ------------------ ------------------ | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ ------------------ | 250 | 500 | 12 | Silver Sword | Phillip's Castle | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ ------------------ Okay, here is the second boss fight, which is a two headed beast called Natela. Now when I fought this creature, well it was odd. How I beat it, was that I stood in place once entering the room, and it swooped down at me. I just stood there and kept stabbing at it, as it kept swooping down at me. Sure I took some hits, lots, but so did Natela. Infact more hits than me, so much it was able to be defeated easily. This is how I beat it, but I am sure you'd have your methods. Try mine or yours, but that's how I did it. Keep in mind though, Natela's offense, besides the swooping down attack, it spits out a 3 way fireball attack that launches in a 90 degree angle. That's about it. Just keep attacking it, and you will win. BOSS #03: EARDON ----- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- | 500 | 2,800 | 19 | None | Dwarf's Cave | ----- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- Here's the deal with Eardon, it's a giant pet rock with eyes. Eardon will slowly comes towards you, but whatever you do, don't get cornered. Make sure there is plenty of room, for you to run around while Eardon tries to catch up with you. Since Eardon is so big, it will cover you, but if that happens, carefully go up the screen to get away from it. This thing is very tough, and it's only offense is when it's eyes pop out it'll shoot fireballs at you, however that's the only time to strike. When it's eyes pops out, start stabbing at it. Make sure you equip the Protective Ring, because that will come in handy when beating this thing. If anything, try and use the same technique you did, as when you were fighting Natela. This can be a frustrating fight, but after some practice you'll win. BOSS #04: DUMA ----- ------ ------- ------------------ ------------------ | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ ------------------ | 800 | 300 | 24 | Water Crystal & | Siegfried Castle | | | | | Key Of Siegfried | | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ ------------------ Fair warning now, Duma is tough, but don't let his huge Life Meter worry you. He will rise up, as well as his two hands. One can only imagine how big this guy really is ^_^. Your best bet is to equip the Power Ring instantly, and head towards the centerpiece. Watch out for his hands however, because once in sight, they will try to squish you. This makes it difficult, when trying to defeat Duma. Your only chance to attack is when Duma's face appears, but be careful, because he will shoot out 3 fireballs which goes in a 90 degree angle. Using the Power Ring here will be helpful, because you will be able to kill Duma quicker, especially with the odds stacked against you because of his offenses. My advice, run up and start slashing at him, jump to avoid the hands, and keep going at it, and you will have defeated Duma. BOSS #05: THIMALE ------- ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------- ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | 1,500 | 1,000 | 29 | Life Ball | Ice Cave | ------- ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- Now this boss is much tougher than your previous bosses could ever be. This is Thimale, and there are two parts to defeating it. Part one, defeat the 6 small crystals on both sides of the screen. Be careful though, because they will launch out crystal shards at you, and a giant rolling ball will come up and down the middle section, doing massive damage to you. The best tip I can give for you on this, is to try and master defeating all 6 small crystals first (stand in front of each crystal, and attack & jump). It be best to wear the Protective Ring or Defensive Ring for this portion. Once you have succeeded in defeating the small crystals, use the Elixer to refill your HP (that's if you feel you need to), and the Bright Stone to refill your MP. The second part is that the giant rolling ball will change it's form, revealing to be Thimale's true form. It'll still continue to roll up and down, but it'll also stop shooting out ice blasts at you. Get in front of Thimale, and equip the Power Ring, and keep stabbing at it. Just watch out when it starts rolling. Keep this up, and you will be able to defeat Thimale. BOSS #06: ELLA ------- ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------- ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | 2,000 | 1,000 | 30 | None | Phantom Hill | ------- ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- Remember Eardon back in Dwarf's Cave? Well this is it's keeper, Ella, and she is a bit easier than Eardon. When entering the room, Ella will say it's your end, and begin to start attacking. She will shoot out magic fire blasts at you, which can do some damage to you. Just equip the Power Ring and start attacking her, sounds simple? Well be careful, because the more you attack her, the faster she becomes, which will make her more tougher to fight. Not only that, she disappears and reappears whenever and wherever she wants, and there is no pattern to her appearing, which will make it very difficult to fight her. It shouldn't be too tough, but through persistance you will be able to defeat her easily. BOSS #07: BATTLER ------- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- | 3,000 | 1,000 | 33 | None | Lagoon Castle | ------- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- This is a fairly tough battle, so be careful. Battler will have 2 creatures rise up and attack you. It be a good idea to equip the Curing Ring so you can heal will fighting. Not much really to say, Battler will disappear and reappear wherever throwing out powerful attacks at you. The two creatures will be traveling and throwing out attacks as well. There is no pattern to whichever way either Battler or the two creatures will go. Unlike Ella, Battler will not get quicker as you attack him, so this may be helpful. When he does appear, he will stand in that spot for a couple seconds, which will be your chance to strike. With the Curing Ring on your side this should be kinda easy. Just whatever you do, don't use your Elixer or Bright Stone, those will be used much later. BOSS #08: GREEN EVIL SPIRIT ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- | 0 | 0 | 35 | None | Secret Place | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- This is the first form of the main boss of the game, Green Evil Spirit, and oddly enough it's easier than it's final form. There's two steps to defeating this thing. Step one is that you see giant creature in some type of glass container. Go up to it, and stand just to the right of the mouthpiece, and start attacking. Keep attacking until all four eyes have been destroyed. Watch out for the fireballs it may shoot out, which goes in different directions. Notice the life bar does not move while you are attacking it. Step two is, after defeat the creature, he will take on another form, which looks like a green gargoyle. It will slowly come after you, with it only attack, it will use it's tail as a whip which will do some massive damage to you. Whatever you do, don't let it corner you! Equip the Curing Ring, get in close and start attacking. Careful though, it will follow you wherever you go so keep that in mind. Pay attention to your life bar, for once it gets pretty low, stand a distance from it and let your HP refill back. Repeat this process and you will have beaten the first form of the Evil Green Spirit. BOSS #09: THOR ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- | 0 | 0 | 35 | Thor's Pendant | Secret Place | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- Here is Thor, and he is very tough to get through. This is a two part fight. Part one is, when Thor appears, he will have several red fireballs circling around him, like a shield. After that he will start attacking. His red fireballs will shoot spin around and expand, knocking you back. This is what makes this part of the fight very tough. Thor will also shoot out other fireballs at you. The main thing is that you won't take much damage in this part. What you do, is by jumping and pushing yourself towards him, get right up to Thor and start attacking as much as you can, because the fireballs will push you back. Use the Power Ring if you must, to make this go quicker. Trust me this is very frustrating, but after much trial and error, you will win. Part two is, that you will be taken to an alternate deminison, where Thor will change into a giant pheonix, holding some crystal. He will be circling around you shooting out energy attacks at you. Stay in front of Thor, and keep the Curing Ring equipped (use the Bright Stone and Elixer if you need to). Try not to run around so much, but when he gets right in front of you, his try attacking his crystal, that's the weak spot. Soon as he gets close to death, he will change to a pinkish color. This is also a tough fight, but keep going and he will be defeated. BOSS #10: RED EVIL SPIRIT ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | GOLD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- | 0 | 0 | 35 | None | Secret Place | ----- ------ ------- ------------------ -------------- This time when fighting the evil spirit, he will jump up at you immediatly, and with you unable to move for that split second, you will lose a chunk of life. Quickly get out of his way, and use the Curing Ring. The tactics for this fight is the same as when you fought the Evil Spirit the first, get in close and start attacking, stand a distance from it and let your HP refill back, if your life bar is getting low. It will slightly look bigger, but don't let that scare you. The only thing you have to worry about is that it will teleport on you, with no particular pattern to it. Keep this up and you will be able to defeat the Evil Spirit for the final time. Okay so I don't have much of a strategy for this boss, but since you pretty much got to use the same tactic, there really isn't much to say ^_^. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SECTION 5: |IN CONCLUSION| ------------- -------------- A: |What's To Come| -------------- I honestly think that I covered all that needs to be covered in this game. But I will keep this open if anything new develops. -------------- B: |Special Thanks| -------------- Personal Thanks To: ExoSquad18: Simply because of his confidence and belief that I will be very successful at this stuff, as well as taking me to a gaming store, where I found the strategy guide which gave the extra info about the second Healing Pot (in Gold Cave) and 350 Gold (in Dwarf's Cave) ^_^. My cousin Demon_Slayer_86 (no relation to the DemonSlayer that's on GameFAQs): For allowing me to borrow this game and make an FAQ for it, as well as the huge tip about the 350 Gold in certain chests. ^_^ On-line Thanks To: To GameFAQS for hosting my walkthroughs, as well as many more. ^_^ The Admiral: For the tip on max Gold. ^_^ MasterNasir: Who also pointed out the "Gold instead of Items" trick as well. To the other walkthrough writers for this game, you guys did a great job. I hope I didn't take anything from you, but if I did, let me know and I will give you 110% credit for it, just because I'm a nice guy ^_^ To anyone who help made this game possible. Thanks! ^_^ -------------- C: |The Disclaimer| -------------- After three attempts to actually get this FAQ done and ready to be posted (deletion of file), it's finally online, and it was a major pain recreating this FAQ. I may not be able to answer all your questions, and if not PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! I made this walkthrough the best way I can and I hope it helps out in every way possible. Now here comes the important stuff you need to read. Ok, I'll make this quick and simple. This walkthrough is my work. This FAQ can only be hosted by GameFAQs.com, GameSpot.com, IGN.com and Neoseeker.com. Anyone else, well guess it will have to depend on my mood. You can use whatever info you want, so long as you give me credit and don't alter anything. I perfer you to email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com if you're gonna do anything with this walkthrough. Failure to comply with this, and I will be mad, among other things. ;-). If you have questions, comments, or see something I may of missed, email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com and tell me what it is. I will give you full credit for doing so. Not much left to say, except, thanks for using my walkthrough! ^_^ Email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com Copyright (C) January 15th, 2005 Mike Leatherwood AKA StarFighters76 Lagoon copyright (C) 1991 Nintendo