Date Started: Thursday September 28, 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals - SNES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ANCIENT DUNGEON WALKTHROUGH AND FAQ ============================================================================= by Beastman, No homepage as of yet. (c)2000 Beastman The newest version of this walkthrough can always be found on Version 2.3 ============================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENT ============================================================================= A. Revision History B. Party Selection C. Capsule Monster Selection D. Magic Use in the Ancient Dungeon E. General Knowledge and FAQ F. Feedback and Other Gamer Tips G. Monster List Floor by Floor 1. List Legend 2. The List Itself H. Master of the Jellies I. Iris Treasure List J. Iris Treasure Rumors K. Blue Chest Items L. Pro Action Replay/Game Genie Codes M. Thnx N. Future Additions O. Note from Author ============================================================================= A. REVISION HISTORY ============================================================================= Version 2.3 (November 2, 2000) - Added Pro Action Replay/Game Genie Codes Section -My Codes -Cloud S Codes - Added to Thnx Section -Hornet888 -Cloud S - Completed Blue Chest Section -Added Flame Shield -Put all items in order - Added to Iris Rumors Section -Update III Version 2.2 (October 31, 2000) - Revised Monster List Max/Min - Added to Feedback Section -Hornet888 - Added to Iris Rumors Section -Update II -Ripthor's new rumor - Added to Iris Treasures Section -Future Research -Interesting Side Note About Iris - Added to Blue Chest Items -Gloom Jewel - Revised/Added to Notes from Author - Revised Party Selection Section -Suggestions from Hornet888 Version 2.1 (October 22, 2000) - Added Maximum/Minimum Characters on Monster List - Added to Feedback Section -Beedrill51 -Rubyheart - Revised Iris Rumors Section - Revised Capsule Monster Selection Section (Darbi's attacks) - Revised Future Additions - Revised Party Selection Section (Better things to say about Lexis) - Added to Blue Chest Items -Water Gaunt, Cryst Shield, Dark Mirror (Cursed and Uncursed) Aqua Helm, Spido Jewel - Added Thnx Section Version 2.0 (October 16, 2000) - Added The Party Selection Section - Added The Capsule Monster Selection Section - Added The Iris Treasure Rumors Section - Added The Magic Use in the Ancient Dungeon Section - Revised Future Additions - Revised Iris Treasure List - Revised Note from Author - Added the General Knowledge and FAQ Section - Added a Feedback Section -Ripthor Version 1.5 (October 6, 2000) - Added the Iris Treasure List - Added Some of the Blue Chest Items - Revised Future Additions - Monster List Updated -Floor 1(big time), Floors 64, 66, 69, 72, and 86 - Added Master of the Jellies Strategy Section Version 1.0 (September 28, 2000) - Created Floor by Floor Monster List - New Future Additions List - New Notes from Author ============================================================================= B. PARTY SELECTION ============================================================================= I guess now would be as good a time as any to go into what party to choose to go into the Ancient Dungeon. If you actually want to get the 10 Iris Treasures and see what they do (see Iris Rumors Section), you should either try this in the "Start" or "Retry" modes. This is because even if you get all ten Iris Treasures in the "Gift" mode, it doesn't mean diddlysquat because you can't do anything with them. (Kinda like one of those "why bother?" things.) I'm actually going to try that on my next dungeon run- through. Conquering the Iris Treasures list is my new objective. I don't know about you, but I want to see if those blasted rumors are true!!! No one seems to know. I plan on being the first one to find out. But, I digress. Back to this section! If you do try in the "Start" or "Retry" modes, you don't have a choice on what party you can use. Well, that's not completely true. At one point, you reach Gruberik (the location of the Ancient Dungeon) without your final party. But I can't remember the exact party make-up at that point. But you can definitely count out Artea and Tia. This means your party consists of one of the following combinations: 1. Maxim, Guy, Dekar, Selan 2. Maxim, Guy, Selan 3. Maxim, Guy, Selan, Artea (Final Party) I'm not sure if Dekar has left the party at this point, or if Lexis has taken Dekar's place. In any event, you should probably avoid taking Lexis into the Ancient Cave because he can hardly use any weapon, his magic is nowhere near first rate, and he's not that strong or capable of good defense. E-mail if you can tell me who's in your party when you're at that point in the game. Now I'll talk about each character's strength and weaknesses. Note: All comparisons of stats in this section is without anything equipped. This is in case you don't have all of the best equipment when you first start out. DUH!! I've also divided the characters into one of three categories: muscle, magic user, or average. ========================== Average Characters ========================== Average characters are average. DUH! There aren't any REALLY average characters, the one is an above average character, the main character, Maxim; the other is a really below average character, Lexis. They have more strength than the magic users, but less strength when compared to the muscles of Guy and Dekar. -------------------------- Maxim -------------------------- Okay, let's be honest people. You can't get rid of him, but he's one of your pretty average all-around guys. His HP are excellent as they are average. He's not solely muscle, and not solely a magic user, so his HP are right in the middle. Not to mention, he can actually use magic, a big advantage over Guy and Dekar. The only problem with Maxim's magic is the fact that it is not that powerful, and you don't get much of it. When you use Absorb on high-level monsters, you don't get a lot of MP. It especially stinks when you fight genies that absorb your MP, but you can't replenish it as fast as they can steal it. You should count on using absorb 4 times, for each 1 time a genie casts absorb. This does of course depend on the type of genie. Therefore, his magic should be used in case of emergencies. For example, everyone's dead so cast Valor, it cures the same amount no matter how much magic power he has. Also, Destroy is an excellent spell for him to use. This comes in really handy in the lower levels of the Dungeon. He's also not the fastest person in the world, especially when compared to Tia, Selan, and Artea. In any event, he's an excellent addition to any party, even a party by himself if you so incline. But to me, that's a suicide mission. That may be another thing I try to do later. -------------------------- Lexis -------------------------- Yes, let's talk about Lexis. He's a mechanic, not a fighter. That's all you really need to know about him. He really stinks because he can only equip ONE weapon found in a blue chest, and on top of that, it's not a great one. In case you're wondering, it's the Water Spear. He's slower than every character, he has magic, but he has horrible magic power and magic points. His defense sucks, his MGR sucks. He's in the average character category, because he doesn't have the strengths of either the magic user category or the muscle category. Lexis is only given to you in the game as a transition character for your party to get ready for Artea. I suggest not using Lexis at all, unless you want a major hindrance to your party. You should only use Lexis for bragging rights for your friends, because they would be really impressed if you got through the ancient dungeon with a REALLY bad character. You'd think that they wouldn't have made him such a bad character, but they did. Go fig! Since writing this, I have been informed that Lexis actually ends up having the highest INT stat. Now that I know what this means (from whom, look at Thnx Section), this is awesome! Lexis becomes the character with the best magic. This comes in handy for healing your party. Unfortunately, at the end of the Ancient Dungeon, magic does almost nil damage to the Master of the Jellies. He's not the BEST character in the world, but I guess he does have his strengths. I still wouldn't waste my time with him though, but that's me! ;-) ========================== Magic Users ========================== Magic users use magic. Well DUH!!! What's the big deal with that? Magic is essential if you want to get through the Ancient Dungeon! They have low HP when compared to muscle and average characters. Their magic power and magic points are much stronger than the average characters. Strength takes a beating though, their attack power is not that great. Neither is defense, another major bummer. -------------------------- Selan -------------------------- First of all, if you don't choose your own wife, SHAME ON YOU!!!! Second of all, her magic power is the best in the game, so you'd be stupid not to have her on your team. Also, only she and Tia can wear some of the best items that are found in the blue chests. (e.g. Dia Ring, Ruse Armor, Hairpin, etc.) Her speed is excellent, but it doesn't get better when compared to others in the party until she gains a few levels (15?) Her strength is the best of the magic users, except for Artea. But seeing as how the magic users are best-suited to using magic, their strength is not overly impressive when compared with Dekar, Guy, and Maxim. Selan's magic power and magic points are the best of the magic users. (The reason for this is discussed later in this section.) One of the great strengths of her high MP is when you use your IPs that replenish magic meters by a percentage of 25% or 50%. In other words, you get more for your money. Her defense power is tolerable, not excellent. Her MGR is second only to Artea which makes her a great ally. One of the problems with Selan is that she has very low max HP. I mean VERY LOW HP, which means you should probably keep her on the back row with good to excellent defense when equipping her, and good to excellent MGR for that matter. To reiterate, you could use an honorable wife like Selan to enhance your magic balance for the team. -------------------------- Artea -------------------------- Artea is one of the best magic users in the bunch. He has the best defense against magic, and at the beginning of the ancient dungeon, he has more magic points and magic power than any other character. (until he reaches a certain level.) One of his greatest assets is the ability to use Fry and Zap magic. Seeing as how there are an enormous amount of undead creatures, this can come in real handy, especially against those bastard Archfiends. The only way for anyone else to cast Zap is Selan with the Dia Ring's IP, so it can't be used repeatedly. The other greatest asset of Artea is his agility. He is the fastest character that you can control in the entire game. He doesn't have a greater AGL until after a couple levels, like Selan. When he gets those couple of levels though, he almost always attacks an enemy before it attacks him. Artea has a much higher max HP than Selan and a little lower than Maxim. His attack power is fair, and much better than the other magic users. So do yourself a favor and pick Artea for your group. -------------------------- Tia -------------------------- I haven't had much experience with Tia, so to do her justice. Just think of Tia as exactly like Selan, except a tiny I can't come up with a description bit worse. She's still a great character because she can use so many of the Blue Chest items like Selan. There's nothing wrong with her magic, and her defense is pretty bad like Selan's. Until I use Tia to go through the Ancient Dungeon, Tia's section won't be complete. Look for an update though!! ========================== Muscle ========================== Muscle characters have the best attack power. You should have at least one character with muscle in your party! The reason for this is because they have the best max HP. It can go up to 999 if the level is really high! The really big problem with muscle though, is the fact that they can't use magic. Their defense is rated good to excellent, but magic defense is rated bad to really bad. One major strength with muscle is that they can use certain spears, and the powerful axes. There are some good shields in the blue chests that only they can use too. -------------------------- Guy -------------------------- Guy is categorized as muscle. He's a great character to use, and has certain strengths over Dekar. For example, Guy is much faster to attack, his INT is higher and has a higher rating for MGR. Basically, when choosing muscle you choose Guy if you really hated Dekar's ego in the game itself. Guy was always a loyal friend. But it doesn't really matter which muscle you pick, but you need at least one. -------------------------- Dekar -------------------------- Dekar is also categorized as muscle. I would choose Dekar for my party because of the fact you might find the Dekar blade. Its IP comes in extremely handy for the final boss. Dekar is slower than Guy, although all muscle is slow, Dekar is abnormally slow, so you should boost his speed with some of the equipment. He has the best strength and attack power in the game. His GUT is higher than Guy's and his defense is great too. Again, when it comes down to muscle you just take your pick. Now that the character descriptions are over, it's time for your choices. I would generally have (besides Maxim), Artea as a magic user and strength against undead creatures, a second magic user, either Selan or Tia, and a muscle. This line-up is great for curing your party and using Destroy to end a battle quickly, or have a better shot at eliminating a really difficult monster, because Artea can't use "dark" magic like Perish or Destroy. Another decision you can make is as follows: If you don't find the absorb spell, getting MP can be a major problem. Because of this you might want to focus on muscle instead of magic, so you should probably keep Artea, and add both Dekar and Guy. Or you may even go a different way. Ultimately, it's your own decision. Something else you should consider is the fact that stats change values when compared against another character in the long run. I've noticed that playing with Selan and Artea, better stats can change sides. Big example: Until about level 40, Artea has more Magic Points and more Magic Power. Once you reach level 40, all of a sudden, Selan's cure spells are more effective and she has more Magic Points than Artea. So, if you plan on getting to B99 and actually defeating the Master of the Jellies, I suggest you choose a party that is better in the long run for your team. And when you are fighting the final battle, AGL and MGR don't even matter because you don't get attacked. I'm still not sure about INT though, if anyone knows what that is, contact me PLEASE!!! For that matter, I'm still kinda foggy on MGR and GUT as well. I guess that what happens when you don't have an instruction manual! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PARTY SELECTION!!!!! -------------------------- Suggestion from Hornet888: -------------------------- "My best party is Dekar, Guy, Selan and Maxim. Get Maxim and Selan to stand in the back rank whilst Dekar and Guy rip the enemy apart. Also if you have Dekar equipped with Dekar's blade and Guy equipped with Gades Blade... ...killing the [Master of the Jellies] is a SNAP. Easy as pie. Dekar chops bout 5000hp off and Octo-Strike takes off bout 3200hp leaving a measly 1800 for the other 10 moves." ============================================================================= C. Capsule Monster Selection ============================================================================= Most people you ask say that you should use Flash as your capsule monster of choice for the Ancient Dungeon. In this section I will discuss Flash's strengths and weaknesses. I, however, like to use Darbi, and I will also discuss his strengths and weaknesses. You should consider the other capsule monsters obsolete because they can't benefit you like Flash and Darbi can in the Ancient Dungeon. If you have a capsule monster you like to use in the Ancient Dungeon that isn't Flash or Darbi, send me your suggestion and what makes that capsule monster the best one to use. -------------------------- Flash -------------------------- The reason most people use Flash in the Ancient Dungeon is because he can cure your hit points without you using any magic. The problem with this philosophy is that he can cure you, but you are generally faster than Flash when you start out in the Ancient Dungeon and remains that way for quite some time. Flash has a VERY high INT rating, but I still don't know what that does. As far as I'm concerned it's worthless, unless someone proves to me otherwise. So you're up somewhere near level 10, and Flash STILL hasn't cured you. His second form ain't that much better! He's faster, and his cures are more powerful. He has a second "attack" called "Wink" that raises your attack power. The problem with this is that he never casts Wink and when he does, it doesn't matter because the monsters you're fighting die before you even get a chance to use it. Form three is just plain annoying to me. His cures are more powerful that form two, and he has a new "attack". Restoration just pisses me off. Flash uses this WAY too often, and always when you don't need it. It wastes your time and spending 8 hours in a dungeon is a long time in itself. If you had your way, you'd get outta there as FAST as possible, which can't happen when this idiot keeps casting this. This spell is only useful when you don't have the "Poison" spell, or antidotes and you're poisoned. The third form finally has an attack spell of Thunderbolt, but it takes too long for it to learn and, as I said earlier, it pretty much sticks to casting Restoration. Now on to form four. This form has a dramatic improvement in speed and it's healing spell. It can now cure all members of your party. It has the Purification spell, but I can't remember what it does. It has a more powerful bolt attack than form three, but it almost never casts it. Instead, form four focuses on "attacking" with its fists. That brings me to the worst part of Flash. It can't attack worth a crap until you can get it into the M level, which by then, it's almost too late. Every form of Flash likes to not waste its MP (which is non-existent) and either defends itself or tries to attack. Because the ATP and STR are so low, it almost always misses. If it actually connects, count on it taking off only 1 or 2 HP (no joke). In order to get the M level Flash, kill a Black Dragon on B60 to B72 and hope he drops Dark Fruit. Then change to form two and feed it Flash. The M level Flash is one hell of an improvement. Its attacks can finally do something, but it doesn't do a lot. Its cure does wonders for your entire party, and the thunder attack has gained the power of Holy in it, so it's great against undead creatures. As I said earlier though, it's too late for that to do any good. You also have to realize that when you get to the final boss, it's necessary to have a good attacker, the chances are slim to nil of Flash actually hitting the final boss with it's Holy Thunder. You don't need to be cured, because he doesn't attack. Just think about it. Overall Flash is almost worthless in the Ancient Dungeon. It's all your own preference though. Just don't blame me when you get fed up of wasting precious minutes for it to do nothing for you like missing an attack, defending itself, curing you when you don't need it, and the biggest crap of all the Restoration spell. -------------------------- Darbi -------------------------- I never bothered using Darbi before, until I had excess items in the Ancient Dungeon I needed to get rid of. So I decided to see what the other forms of Darbi looked like. After one level up, it turned into a werewolf. I've always had this fascination with werewolves and I said that I would use Darbi from then on. He hasn't let me down since. He has problems too though, but when compared to Flash, Darbi kicks a lot of ass! Lets start with the huge advantage of Darbi's first form and Flash's fourth form: he already has more attack power. If you want to get out of the Ancient Dungeon quickly, use should use something that can attack things. All of Darbi's spells are used to attack, and they seldom miss. His agility isn't the greatest, but it beats Flash when it comes to what it does with his speed. Darbi is actually useful. Form one has one attack, Trancemaker, which attempts to confuse all monsters on the screen. After fighting for a while with form 1, he gains Shriek, which cures all members of your party of confusion. His second form has the two attacks of "Wolf Punch" and "Wolf Fang". They're strong attacks, and Wolf Fang also poisons the enemy. After fighting for a while, Wolf Punch is replaced with Sizzle Smash, a very strong Darkness attack against one person. Form three has three attacks. He just keeps getting better!!! Mega Trident is a powerful attack, and Dark Flame attacks all enemies. The third form also introduces Destruction, a Destroy-type magic against one character. This itself makes Darbi one of the best, if not the best, capsule monster in the Ancient Dungeon because it has a high percentage of working. When used against a bitch of a character, it's always good to see it go in one hit, rather than three rounds of curing and attacking. Again, after fighting for a while, a new attack replaces an old one. Terminate takes the place of Dark Flame, and is basically a much stronger version of Dark Flame. The fourth form has the opposite of Flash's Holy Thunder, Dark Thunder. Sizzle Smash is back from the Werewolf in form 2. Terminate, its third attack, is back from form 3. In order to get the M level Darbi, kill a White Dragon on B64 to B68 and hope he drops Holy Fruit. Then change to form two and feed it to Darbi. The M Form makes it all worthwhile. It's first attack, Dash, attacks all enemies with a very strong attack. Dragon Blast is another strong attack against all enemies. His third and final attack, Eliminator, is like Destruction, except Eliminator has an even higher percentage of connecting and it attacks all monsters! Keep in mind, that even if Darbi doesn't use one of its spells, its regular attacks are outstanding as well. Darbi is bad against undead creatures, and there are a lot of them. They either don't work at all, or don't cause much damage. But, in the last 13 floors, you'll find plenty of really bitchy dragons. The up side is that they are holy-elemental and Darbi can REALLY put the hurt on them. It will make defeating them seem like they're jellies! Well, let's not go THAT far. Now, for the problems with Darbi. Darbi is very hard to level up, until form M, because one attack will send him running, unless it does little to no damage. This can become extremely annoying. His GUT is low, but I don't know what that does either, so that doesn't really bother me. A big problem comes with his defense. He has average defense, but his MGR is atrocious! At level 90, Darbi's MGR is only 21!! If something hits Darbi with a spell, you can almost kiss him goodbye because his HP aren't high enough to compensate with a huge spell. So after weighing strengths and weaknesses, Darbi should be your capsule monster of choice. I'm sorry I was so harsh against Flash, but he can REALLY get under my skin sometimes. Again, it is ultimately your own choice, but at least listen to my advice. If you have a problem with what I have said, or you want to argue your own opinion, contact me! I'll stick your comments up here! (as long as they're not too dirty) ============================================================================= D. MAGIC USE IN THE ANCIENT DUNGEON ============================================================================= You've chosen your party, you've chosen your capsule monster, and you finally enter the Ancient Dungeon. But wait! You've lost everything, levels, equipment, and most importantly magic! What are you going to do?? There's an easy answer. Open every freaking treasure chest you find. There are very important magic spells that are essential to your survival in the Ancient Dungeon and they can only be found in red treasure chests. In this section, I tell you what magic spells will greatly aid you in your quest to B99, as well as how to conserve your precious MP. Magics with an "*" beside them indicate that they are not extremely necessary to your survival. Curative magic is different because all of it is useful. Just take what you can get. Also note that if you don't have magic without an * doesn't mean you should turn of the game and try again. It just means that it GREATLY improves your chances of reaching the bottom of the Ancient Dungeon ========================= CURATIVE MAGIC ========================= When I first entered the Ancient Dungeon, I never realized how important the curative spells are. You level up pretty quickly in the beginning of the Dungeon and you quickly begin to notice that your HP meter shrinks with each level up. You have pretty much four options: hope to God you find an HP spot under a bush, use some potions (you only start with 10), use Flash (great help my butt!), or use magic. HP spots do not come up very often, so don't plan on finding any quickly. Potions cure about 30 HP, but they run out fast when you level up. Flash almost never cures you, and when he does, he cures the person that needs it the least, or not at all. That leaves you with magic, and your MP aren't that great either. Your best option is try and wait to find an HP spot, because most of the time monsters won't even connect with you until about level 10. That's when you need to start worrying. -------------------- STRONG (3) -------------------- Strong is one of the two most essential spells in the Ancient Dungeon. It's the best curative on a short-term basis because you can use it out of battle at a really low MP cost! You shouldn't use this spell in battle when you get up really high in the levels, because it won't do you much good. But think of it his way: By using only one Ex-Magic, you can refill your MP meter by about 90 MP, and that's equivalent to using Strong 30 times!!! Also, at the beginning of the Dungeon, every character can cast it with about the same results in magic power. You can beat the Ancient Dungeon without Strong, but you would definitely have to use every potion you get your hands on, and you should probably use Flash. -------------------- STRONGER (8) -------------------- Stronger is a good spell if you can't have Strong. Stronger has more than twice the MP cost of Strong, and doesn't cure that much more than it does either. You should only use Stronger if you don't have Strong and can refill your MP easily, or use it in tense situation where you need to cure fast, and you don't have any higher-level magic. -------------------- CHAMPION (16) -------------------- Champion is a great spell much later in the game. In battle, Strong and Stronger suck if you need to cure large amounts quickly. Champion can definitely cut it by curing more than twice as much as Stronger. It's better to cure in late battles because it's MUCH cheaper than Valor. If you only have Champion and not Strong(er), you shouldn't use it to cure out of battle unless it is an emergency because of the large MP cost. -------------------- RALLY (10) -------------------- Rally restores fight power, so you really need to have this on hand. It only cures 100 HP, but it has a much lower MP cost than Valor, and one time I went through the Ancient Dungeon only finding 1 Regain. Rally is good in a pinch if you can immediately cure afterwards (unless it is extremely early in the Dungeon). When you are out of battle, use Rally and then some other method of curing because Rally is the cheapest. You should keep regains in reserve until you find a fight power restoring magic. -------------------- *VALOR (30) -------------------- Valor restores 2000 HP and fight power. Depending on how you split the magic among your party, it cures 500, 666, 1000, or 2000 HP on the character. I've only been able to restore one person at a time with Valor, so don't try to bring everyone back to life at once. Valor is a great spell because it completely restores one of your character's HP. It's also good if you don't have Champion, or you really need to cure someone that is really close to dying. It has a huge downside in the fact that it costs so darn much MP. You should avoid using Valor unless it is an absolute emergency so you can conserve MP. Valor is not necessary, but it comes in extremely handy by the end of the Ancient Dungeon. -------------------- *POISON (2) -------------------- I consider Poison a curative magic because when you sort your magic list, it goes to the top with the other curative magic. Poison is not a necessary spell to have, but it does come in handy. It's measly cost of 2 MP makes it worth it. Antidotes, along with any other status-curing item, are hard to come by in the Ancient Dungeon. Considering that it only costs 2 MP, you should probably use it. You can even split this spell among all members of your party. This means instead of using 4 Antidotes, you can use 2 MP and the Poison spell. ========================= ATTACK MAGIC ========================= Attack magic is not as important as curative magic in the Ancient Dungeon, but it is extremely important on the lower levels. As a note of common sense though, level 3 magics are much stronger than levels 1 and 2 elemental magics. Levels 1 and 2 elemental magics are completely obsolete and don't do you any good. They don't hurt, but they sure don't help as much either. Elemental magics are also not extremely necessary, but they're always good to have. -------------------- *PERISH (4) -------------------- Perish can be split among your enemies as you try to get rid of them with one spell, regardless of how many HP they have. The problem with this spell is that it rarely works against higher-level monsters. Artea cannot use this type of magic. Which is why I equip him with a Fatal Pick with the Curse Lifted. -------------------- DESTROY (8) -------------------- Destroy is almost exactly like Perish, except it is a lot more effective. You can kill anything that dark magic works on. Because it is a dark magic, Artea cannot use it. When you get to B86, you start running into Silver, and then Gold Dragons. These are major bitches so use Destroy!!! It takes these out very often because these dragons are Holy-elemental, and thus susceptible to dark magic. If you run into two Gold Dragons, you better hope that you get a "Got in First", and at least one of the Destroy spells hit. If that happens, you are well on your way to butt-loads of experience points! -------------------- *FIREBIRD (20) -------------------- Firebird is a level 3 element spell. This is great against enemies weak to fire, and your magic character has something equipped their weapon that does less damage. Use this spell and your battle will be over a lot quicker. All level 3 magics have a problem with high MP cost, and Maxim can't even use Firebird. -------------------- *DRAGON (22) -------------------- Dragon is a level 3 element spell. This is great against enemies weak to water, and your magic character has something equipped on their weapon that does less damage. Use this spell and your battle will be over a lot quicker. -------------------- *ICE VALKYRIE (22) -------------------- Ice Valkyrie is a level 3 element spell. This is great against enemies weak to ice, and your magic character has something equipped on their weapon that does less damage. Use this spell and your battle will be over a lot quicker. -------------------- *THUNDER (22) -------------------- Thunder is a level 3 element spell. This is great against enemies weak to thunder, and your magic character has something equipped on their weapon that does less damage. Use this spell and your battle will be over a lot quicker. -------------------- FRY (20) -------------------- Fry is a good spell to have because it is one of two spells that is Holy- elemental. Use it against undead creatures and enemies weak against holy magic. A downside to this magic is that only Artea can use it. It does less damage than Zap, so only use this when you don't have enough MP for Zap, or you don't have Zap at all. -------------------- ZAP (30) -------------------- Zap is a GREAT spell to have because it is the other of two spells that is Holy-elemental. You use this magic against undead creatures and enemies vulnerable to holy magic. Again, only Artea can use this magic. A big problem with this spell is the high MP cost. Once you have Zap, you will never need Fry again. Zap is especially useful when fighting archfiends because it gets the battle over MUCH quicker. ========================= STATUS MAGIC ========================= -------------------- TRICK (5) -------------------- Trick increases your attack power. I have learned that focusing the spell on one party member, gives that member the same attack power increase when the spell is split between all members. If you want to try and face Gold Dragons you really need the trick spell to have your weapons do more damage. This spell is a necessity for the final boss in the Ancient Dungeon. Trick has a low MP cost, so any of your characters should be able to use it. -------------------- COURAGE (5) -------------------- Courage is also a great spell and works the same way that trick does, except it greatly increases your defense. If you plan on fighting Gold or Silver Dragons, you need Courage. This is especially true when fighting Silver Dragons, because they cast Dread, which lowers your defense. Courage is only a necessity when your life is in danger. When facing dragons that can attack more than once, consider your life in danger! -------------------- *BRAVERY (3) -------------------- Bravery increases your defense, but not as dramatically as Courage does. Bravery is almost never used, unless you want to fight the dragons, and you don't have Courage yet. Concentrate on using Courage, and don't bother wasting a turn where you can be attacking or curing, with a sub-par defense spell. -------------------- *SHIELD (4) -------------------- Shield increases your MGR, but it is not as effective as Courage is in raising defense. You may want to use Shield when facing the Copper, Gold, and Silver Dragons, because their magic is so darn powerful. But, it isn't that useful in the long run. -------------------- ABSORB (1) -------------------- Absorb is the second of the two most essential spells in the Ancient Dungeon. If you get this early enough in the Ancient Dungeon, you can easily fill your MP. The cost of the spell is a joke! As long as concentrate the Absorb on one monster that has MP, you get more MP. How can you go wrong with that??? I guess I forgot to mention that Absorb takes MP from an enemy and then gives it to you. -------------------- *DEFLECT (5) -------------------- Deflect is a magic spell that can only be found in the Ancient Dungeon. It freezes the enemies magic (in other words it becomes mute). This isn't that good of a spell to have, but you can only find it here, so I put it in this section. -------------------- *DREAD (5) -------------------- Dread is also a magic spell that can only be found in the Ancient Dungeon. It decreases your enemies' defense power and thus, makes them easier to kill. This is a pretty handy spell, but I wouldn't waste the time to cast it. Again, as with Deflect, Dread is in this section solely because it can only be found in the Ancient Dungeon ========================= CONSERVING MAGIC ========================= Since MP is VERY hard to come by in the Ancient Dungeon, this section is used to tell you about how to conserve your precious MP. 1. Use Absorb!!! 2. If you don't have Absorb, fill your MP meter with the following items: -Hi Magic (Cures about 40 MP) -Ex Magic (Cures about 90 MP) -Magic Jar (Cures about 8 MP) -Charred Newt (Cures about 6 MP) -Miracle (Completely restores) Try to avoid using Miracle until you really need to, because it can also bring party members back to life 3. Use IPs from Mirak Plate, Magic Scale, or Silver Armor, on the party member with the most max MP. 4. Use lower cure spells out of battle (Strong, Stronger) 5. When needed, use Valor only in battle. 6. Use Rally to revive someone after battle, or in battle when you can cure them with a low cure spell. 7. Use items to cure status effects, unless the cost is small and you have plenty of MP to spare. 8. Use high MP cost spells only in emergencies, or you can cure quickly after battle. 9. There is no shame in running! 10. Use IPs instead in the later levels, because the meter goes up VERY fast. 11. There is a rumor that an MP spot exists somewhere in the Ancient Dungeon, but I have never found it in 40+ hours. So don't hold your breath! These tips should help you get through the Ancient Dungeon without too much MP loss. ============================================================================= E. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND FAQ ============================================================================= In this section, I discuss general things you need to know about the Ancient Dungeon, or things to avoid, or whatever. -Open every treasure chest on every floor. If it's a red chest, you could get a great magic spell, or an Iris Treasure. If it's a blue chest, you can bring what you find back into the Dungeon -Kill everything. Experience is everything. A general rule of thumb is to keep all of your characters at a level that is equal to or really close to the Floor number. For example, on Floor 10, your characters should be at Level 10. Eventually, you come to a point that you can't possible do that. When you get to the levels with the BIG dragons, you can kill them for LOTS of experience, and that should equal you out a little bit. I believe that it's impossible to get to Level 99 in the Ancient Cave. When you reach Level 98, you have to gain 1500000 EXP, which is the most you have ever needed for a level up. -Treasure chests in a group (5 or more in close proximity) have a TON of monsters around them. Use this to your advantage to gain a lot of EXP and hope you get something good out of those treasure chests. -More than 1 Blue Chest in a room means that they are all probably mimics. And take it from me, Blue Mimics suck. You can tell what mimics look like though. A Red Mimic has a much brighter yellow shine, than the golden shine of a red chest. These things also follow you around the room, so don't get caught off guard. Blue Mimics look identical to blue chests, except that they don't have the "glare" from the lights on them. This means, that between the golden stripes that go down vertically on the top half of the chest, they are glare spots. If they aren't there, you're dealing with a mimic. Blue Mimics can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time, and in most cases, they're faster than you. Also, anytime you see a chest hugging a wall really close to a door, or stairwell, it's probably a mimic. Keep your eyes open! -Most monsters in the Dungeon can be caught from behind. I'll list monster movements later to help you do that. This is a huge advantage because it ends the battle that much faster. -There are monsters that can be real bitches in the Dungeon. Some of these are: Copper, Silver, or Gold Dragons, Fiends or Archfiends, and Dark Summoners. I'll go into more detail with these things when I get a bestiary up. -Never be ashamed to run. Sometimes, you have to retreat in order to get yourself better prepared. It really stinks when you're at B98, and all of a sudden you die when facing a Gold Dragon, and you can't do anything about it. -Equip everything you find in chests immediately! Chances are you aren't going to have everyone equipped when you first get into the Dungeon. Some can't be fully equipped by items in the Blue Chests too! -Prepare to spend hours in the Ancient Dungeon. I turn off the sound to the game and watch television, or a couple of movies to get the time to move faster. Or I listen to other music, because the Ancient Dungeon music gets extremely repetitive. -Occasionally on certain floors you will find odd looking bushes. Cut them down, and you will find an HP spot. Someone has said that they found an MP spot, but I never have. That's all for now. I'll update it if I can think of anything else! ============================================================================= F. FEEDBACK AND OTHER GAMER TIPS ============================================================================= After about two weeks of being posted on and, I finally got my first feedback!! In this section, I will post all received feedback that is relevant and helpful. Without further adieu, here's the feedback. ------------------- Tip from Ripthor: ------------------- "I found something very interesting for the ancient cave using ZSnes: every floor can only have about 12 configuration (shape, enemies, enemies location, treasure chests, etc...). So here's the trick: when you're about to go down a stair, save. After that, go down and check the whole floor for blue chests (or good red chests). If there's nothing, reload your state then go down again: the floor has changed! Now just continue this until you find something interesting. Note that you won't find something good EVERY time. And if the floor doesn't change, just don't go down at the same moment as the last time.(it's WHEN you go down that set the next floor). With that trick, I found 5 Iris treasure and about 40 blue chest (31 without the repetition) in only one visit." My comments: I used the Snes9x save state system exactly the same way. It's a great tip and you should definitely use it if you have an emulator. This is also a great help if you don't want to spend 8 hours at once in there. Spend as much time as you want, freeze the game state, and open the file at a later time. -------------------- Tip from Beedrill51: -------------------- "About the INT stat.... My personal guess is that INT is the stat used to determine magic power, that would explain why Selan's spells seem to be much more effective than Maxim's or Artea's." ---------------------------- Tips from Rubyheart: ---------------------------- "INT stands for magic strength. It boosts the power of offensive and curative spells. That would make Lexis the strongest magic user since (if I remember right) he has the highest INT in the game. "By the way, GUT affects how often the capsule monster will run away. Compare how many times Darbi and Sully run away and you'll notice the difference. In fact, even in near-death situation, Sully won't run! GUT does a different thing with your character. I believe it affects IP growth rate. "You can catch ninja-like monsters from the side if you use a door. Attract his attention, go through the door and there is a chance that it will be stuck in front of the door in "side" position. As you pass through the door against, you may have a free battle round. "Pugs are great for gaining levels since they call for help (I believe it is called harvesting). Use spells like shield and courage for not being hurt. Just be sure to not let the capsule monster beat the last one! Some of the "Green Cloak", maybe the Necromancer, is great for harvesting! If you battle for an hour (and even more!), you'll level up an insane numbers of time! In fact, that allowed me to finish the old cave "easily" in one day! Give it a try! "You can get many rocks (blue chests) from bosses (CATFISH JEWEL, CAMU JEWEL, SPIDO JEWEL) but also from common enemies: TWIST JEWEL, THUNDO JEWEL, EARTH JEWEL, GOLD EYE and surely even more. Look at the Monster List at for the full details. It doesn't matter if you find those inside or outside of the cave so don't hesitate to stock up." My comments: These are AWESOME tips! All "Green Cloak" Monsters harvest. The "Ship" and "Gnome" harvest as well. There are definitely others, but I'll go find them some other time. The GUT stat makes sense, and the INT stat is so obvious I could kick myself! --------------------- Tips from Hornet888: --------------------- "GUT is guts or bravery. Come on, a brave potion increases GUT. A braver person or creature runs away less and is less susceptible to confusion. It also plays a hand in attacking since Dekar, Guy and Maxim have the best GUT. "The way I always play is: Kill Everything up till Bronze Dragons. Kill some of them but at about level 80, start running boy and don't stop. Silver and Gold Dragons will eat you alive. With a level 75-80 killing the [Master of the Jellies] is easy." My comments: Granted that the Brave potion increases GUT, but I don't think that it would do two different things for your party and your capsule monsters. My hunch is that GUT has something to do with amount of critical attacks, which is why those three hit critically so often. If someone actually owns the instruction booklet for this game, a description would be really appreciated. Other than that, these tips are outstanding! ============================================================================= G. MONSTER LIST, FLOOR BY FLOOR ============================================================================= Basically, this section contains a list of monsters that are located on each floor in the Ancient Dungeon. This includes the amount of each characters possible when you run into a roaming monster. Each floor is in the format of: -Floor Name- -Roaming Monster Name- -Total Characters Possible (Minimum, Maximum)- -Monster Name- -Number of Monsters Possible- -2nd Monster Name- -Number of 2nd Monsters Possible- -etc. "Total Characters Possible" tells you the least and most monsters that CAN be on screen for each Roaming Monster. This means you will NEVER have 4 Gold Dragons on screen at once. When the number of monsters possible is (0-3), the monster may have 3 representatives, 2 reps, 1 rep, or may not have any of that particular monster(0). A 0 is used because sometimes a character shows up and sometimes it doesn't. The roaming monster name is chosen in one of three ways: 1. The monster itself 2. A different color than the previous monster. 3. A really bad description of what it looks like to me. -If there are some you don't like, e-mail me a better way to put it, and I'll consider changing it. Listed first underneath the roaming monster is the monster name that ALWAYS shows up under that roaming character. For example, every monster first in the list under the roaming monster has a number of 1 or higher, up to 4. In some cases, all monsters can be represented by that roaming monster and have a value of 0. Two good examples of this are Goblins that can represent Goblins, Armor Goblins, and Regal Goblins. Another great example is the Genie. The Genie can represent any combination of the four genies: flame, water, earth, and wind. This distinction does not always work because sometimes you get a monster that can be a new distinction or an old one. For example, around Ancient Dungeon B68, a red dragon can represent EITHER a Black dragon combination, or a blue dragon/thunderbeast combination. In this case, the word "OR" is placed between the two possibilities. -Note: Not all of these have been caught yet. In future versions, they will be fixed. That about does it for the explanations. Enjoy the List! ============================================================================= Ancient Dungeon B1 Red Jelly (1,4) Red Jelly (1-4) Lizard (3,4) Lizard(3-4) Bat (1,4) Bat(1-4) Spider (2,4) Spider(1-4) Mushroom(0-3) Moth (1,4) Moth(1-4) Mushroom (1,4) Mushroom(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B2 Blue Jelly (1,4) Blue Jelly(1-4) Red Jelly(0-3) Moth (1,4) Moth(1-4) Spider (2,4) Spider(1-4) Mushroom(0-3) Bat (1,4) Bat(1-4) Mushroom (1,4) Mushroom(1-4) Mosquito (2,4) Mosquito(1-4) Moth(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B3 Blue Jelly (1,4) Blue Jelly(1-4) Red Jelly(0-3) Mosquito (2,4) Mosquito(1-4) Moth(0-3) Frog (1,4) Baby Frog(1-4) Mosquito(0-3) Blue Beetle (1,4) Beetle(1-4) Spider(0-2) Mosquito(0-2) Spider (2,4) Spider(1-4) Mushroom(0-3) Mosquito(0-1) Bat (1,4) Bat(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B4 Blue Jelly (1,4) Blue Jelly(1-4) Red Jelly(0-3) Mosquito (2,4) Mosquito(1-4) Moth(0-3) Blue Beetle (1,4) Beetle(1-4) Spider(0-2) Mosquito(0-2) Horse (2,3) Mad Horse(1-3) Eagle(0-2) Frog (1,4) Baby Frog(1-4) Mosquito(0-3) Eagle (1,3) Eagle(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B5 Blue Beetle (1,4) Beetle(1-4) Spider(0-2) Mosquito(0-2) Eagle (1,3) Eagle(1-3) Horse (2,3) Mad Horse(1-3) Eagle(0-2) Green Jelly (1,4) Bili Jelly(1-4) Blue Jelly(0-2) Red Jelly(0-2) Frog (1,4) Baby Frog(1-4) Mosquito(0-3) Green/Orange Spider (1,4) Sentopez(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B6 Bat (1,4) Big Bat(1-3) Bat(0-3) Green/Orange Spider (1,4) Sentopez(1-4) Bull (1,3) Buffalo(1-3) Eagle (1,3) Eagle(1-3) Green Jelly (1,4) Bili Jelly(1-4) Blue Jelly(0-2) Red Jelly(0-2) Horse (2,3) Mad Horse(1-3) Eagle(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B7 Pink Moth (1,4) Mega Moth(1-4) Moth(0-2) Green Jelly (1,4) Bili Jelly(1-4) Blue Jelly(0-2) Red Jelly(0-2) Red Chest (1,4) Mimic(1-4) Green/Orange Spider (1,4) Sentopez(1-4) Bat (1,4) Big Bat(1-3) Bat(0-3) Bull (1,3) Buffalo(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B8 Bull (1,3) Buffalo(1-3) Pink Moth (1,4) Mega Moth(1-4) Moth(0-2) Bat (1,4) Big Bat(1-3) Bat(0-3) Goblin (1,4) Goblin(1-4) Cobalt(0-2) Imp(0-2) Red Chest (1,4) Mimic(1-4) Cobalt (1,4) Cobalt(1-4) Mad Horse (0-2) Ancient Dungeon B9 Pink Moth (1,4) Mega Moth(1-4) Moth(0-2) Pink Beetle (1,4) Poison Beetle(1-3) Mega Moth(0-1) Beetle(0-3) Blue Lizard (1,4) Needle Lizard(1-2) Sentopez(0-2) Baby Frog(0-1) Lizard(0-3) Goblin (1,4) Goblin(1-4) Cobalt(0-2) Imp(0-2) Red Chest (1,4) Mimic(1-4) Cobalt (1,4) Cobalt(1-4) Mad Horse (0-2) Ancient Dungeon B10 Pink Beetle (1,4) Poison Beetle(1-3) Mega Moth(0-1) Beetle(0-3) Goblin (1,4) Goblin(1-4) Cobalt(0-2) Imp(0-2) Lizard (1,4) Newt(1-4) Needle Lizard(0-2) Scorpion(0-3) Blue Lizard (1,4) Needle Lizard(1-2) Sentopez(0-2) Baby Frog(0-1) Lizard(0-3) Imp (1,4) Imp(1-4) Cobalt(0-2) Cobalt (1,4) Cobalt(1-4) Mad Horse (0-2) Ancient Dungeon B11 No Core (1,4) Red Core(1-4) Lizard (1,4) Newt(1-4) Needle Lizard(0-2) Scorpion(0-3) Pink Beetle (1,4) Poison Beetle(1-3) Mega Moth(0-1) Beetle(0-3) Scorpion (1,4) Scorpion(1-4) Needle Lizard(0-2) Imp (1,4) Imp(1-4) Cobalt(0-2) Blue Lizard (1,4) Needle Lizard(1-2) Sentopez(0-2) Baby Frog(0-1) Lizard(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B12 Brown Gorem (1,4) Wood Gorem(1-4) Nuborg(0-3) Scorpion (1,4) Scorpion(1-4) Needle Lizard(0-2) Skeleton (1,4) Skeleton(1-4) Imp (1,4) Imp(1-4) Cobalt(0-2) No Core (1,4) Red Core(1-4) Lizard (1,4) Newt(1-4) Needle Lizard(0-2) Scorpion(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B13 No Core (1,4) Red Core(1-4) Brown Gorem (1,4) Wood Gorem(1-4) Nuborg(0-3) Scorpion (1,4) Scorpion(1-4) Needle Lizard(0-2) Wispy (1,4) Wispy(1-4) Skeleton (1,4) Skeleton(1-4) Bat (2,4) Red Bat(1-3) Big Bat(0-1) Bat(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B14 Skeleton (1,4) Skeleton(1-4) Bat (2,4) Red Bat(1-3) Big Bat(0-1) Bat(0-2) Brown Gorem (1,4) Wood Gorem(1-4 Nuborg(0-3) Wispy (1,4) Wispy(1-4) Ork (1,4) Ork(1-4) Regal Goblin(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B15 Goblin (1,4) Goblin(0-3) Regal Goblin(0-3) Armor Goblin(0-2) Ork(0-2) Wispy (1,4) Wispy(1-4) Blue Zombie (1,4) Ghoul(1-4) Skeleton(0-3) Bat (2,4) Red Bat(1-3) Big Bat(0-1) Bat(0-2) Ork (1,4) Ork(1-4) Regal Goblin(0-3) Skeleton (1,4) Skeleton(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B16 Blue Zombie (1,4) Ghoul(1-4) Skeleton(0-3) Mushroom (1,4) Big Mushroom(1-4) Green Zombie (1,4) Zombie(1-4) Skeleton(0-3) Ghoul(0-2) Ork (1,4) Ork(1-4) Regal Goblin(0-2) Skeleton (1,4) Skeleton(1-4) Goblin (1,4) Goblin(0-1) Regal Goblin(0-3) Armor Goblin(0-2) Ork(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B17 Green Zombie (1,4) Zombie(1-4) Skeleton(0-3) Ghoul(0-2) Blue Gorem (1,4) Nuborg(1-4) Wood Gorem(0-3) Mushroom (1,4) Big Mushroom(1-4) Goblin (1,4) Goblin(0-1) Regal Goblin(0-3) Armor Goblin(0-2) Ork(0-2) Blue Zombie (1,4) Ghoul(1-4) Skeleton(0-3) Ork (1,4) Ork(1-4) Regal Goblin(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B18 Scorpion (1,4) Antares(1-4) Mushroom (1,4) Big Mushroom(1-4) Blue Gorem (1,4) Nuborg(1-4) Wood Gorem(0-3) Ork (1,4) Ork(1-4) Fighter Ork(0-3) Regal Goblin(0-3) Doben(0-2) Green Zombie (1,4) Zombie(1-4) Skeleton(0-3) Ghoul(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B19 Pumpkin (1,4) Pumpkin Head(1-4) Winger (1,3) Winger(1-3) Scorpion (1,4) Antares(1-4) Ork (1,4) Ork(1-4) Fighter Ork(0-3) Regal Goblin(0-3) Doben(0-2) Blue Gorem (1,4) Nuborg(1-4) Wood Gorem(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B20 Winger (1,3) Winger(1-3) Ork (1,4) Ork(1-4) Fighter Ork(0-3) Regal Goblin(0-3) Doben(0-2) Pumpkin (1,4) Pumpkin Head(1-4) Gold Gorem (1,4) Sand Gorem(1-4) Green Clay(0-2) Scorpion (1,4) Antares(1-4) Sword (1,4) Deadly Sword(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B21 Sword (1,4) Deadly Sword(1-4) Armor (1,3) Deadly Armor(1-3) Yellow Snake (1,3) Earth Viper(1-3) Pumpkin (1,4) Pumpkin Head(1-4) Winger (1,3) Winger(1-3) Gold Gorem (1,4) Sand Gorem(1-4) Green Clay(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B22 Lizardman (1,3) Lizardman(0-2) Skull Lizard(1-3) Red Snake (1,3) Spinner(1-3) Earth Viper(0-2) Yellow Snake (1,3) Earth Viper(1-3) Gold Gorem (1,4) Sand Gorem(1-4) Green Clay(0-2) Armor (1,3) Deadly Armor(1-3) Sword (1,4) Deadly Sword(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B23 Yellow Snake (1,3) Earth Viper(1-3) Flying Pig Thingie (1,3) Dragonian(1-3) Armor (1,3) Deadly Armor(1-3) Lizardman (1,3) Lizardman(0-2) Skull Lizard(1-3) Bee (1,4) Stinger(1-3) Dark Fly(0-3) Red Snake (1,3) Spinner(1-3) Earth Viper(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B24 Flying Pig Thingie (1,3) Dragonian(1-3) Brown Clay (1,3) Mad Gorem(1-3) La Fleshia(0-2) Red Snake (1,3) Spinner(1-3) Earth Viper(0-2) Bee (1,4) Stinger(1-3) Dark Fly(0-3) Armor Bee(0-3) Lizardman (1,3) Lizardman(0-2) Skull Lizard(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B25 Bee (1,4) Stinger(1-3) Dark Fly(0-3) Armor Bee(0-3) Red Ghost (1,4) Specter(1-4) Chicken (1,4) Pug(1-4) Flying Pig Thingie (1,3) Dragonian(1-3) Brown Clay (1,3) Mad Gorem(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B26 Chicken (1,4) Pug(1-4) Brown Clay (1,3) Mad Gorem(1-3) La Fleshia(0-2) Red Ghost (1,4) Specter(1-4) Samurai (1,3) Ochi Warrior(1-3) Snail (1,4) Drill Shell(1-3) Cancer(0-2) Bee (1,4) Stinger(1-3) Dark Fly(0-3) Armor Bee(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B27 Snail (1,4) Drill Shell(1-3) Cancer(0-2) Squid (1,4) Evil Fish(1-4) Samurai (1,3) Ochi Warrior(1-3) Chicken (1,4) Pug(1-4) Red Ghost (1,4) Specter(1-4) Dog (1,3) Hound(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B28 Samurai (1,3) Ochi Warrior(1-3) Snail (1,4) Drill Shell(0-3) Cancer(0-2) Ammonite(0-3) Dog (1,3) Hound(1-3) Lion (1,2) Lion(1-2) Squid (1,4) Evil Fish(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B29 Squid (1,4) Evil Fish(1-4) Lion (1,2) Lion(1-2) Dog (1,3) Hound(1-3) Medusa (1,4) Medusa(1-4) Dragonian(0-2) Blue Chest (1,4) Blue Mimic(1-4) Snail (1,4) Drill Shell(0-3) Cancer(0-2) Ammonite(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B30 Red Armor (1,3) Jurahan(1-3) Medusa (1,4) Medusa(1-4) Dragonian(0-2) Blue Chest (1,4) Blue Mimic(1-4) Skull (1,4) Dark Skull(1-4) Snail (1,4) Drill Shell(0-3) Cancer(0-2) Ammonite(0-3) Lion (1,2) Lion(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B31 Medusa (1,4) Medusa(1-4) Dragonian(0-2) Skull (1,4) Dark Skull(1-4) Ork (1,3) Gnome(1-3) Blue Chest (1,4) Blue Mimic(1-4) Red Armor (1,3) Jurahan(1-3) Troll (1,3) Troll(1-3) Dragonian(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B32 Ork (1,3) Gnome(1-3) Bear (1,3) Lunar Bear(1-2) Troll(0-2) No Core (1,4) Blue Core(1-4) Red Core(0-3) Skull (1,4) Dark Skull(1-4) Troll (1,3) Troll(1-3) Dragonian(0-2) Red Armor (1,3) Jurahan(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B33 Bear (1,3) Lunar Bear(1-2) Troll(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Necromancer(1-4) No Core (1,4) Blue Core(1-4) Red Core(0-3) Ork (1,3) Gnome(1-3) Giant Green Plant (1,2) Crow Kelp(1-2) Troll (1,3) Troll(1-3) Dragonian(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B34 Tengu(1,2) Tengu(1-2) Bear (1,3) Lunar Bear(1-2) Troll(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Necromancer(1-4) No Core (1,4) Blue Core(1-4) Red Core(0-3) Ramia (1,4) Ramia(1-3) Medusa(0-3) Giant Green Plant (1,2) Crow Kelp(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B35 Green Cloak (1,4) Necromancer(1-4) Giant Green Plant (1,2) Crow Kelp(1-2) Ramia (1,4) Ramia(1-3) Medusa(0-3) Tengu(1,2) Tengu(1-2) Orange Flower (1,3) Desert Rose(1-3) Crab (1,3) Garbost(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B36 Orange Flower (1,3) Desert Rose(1-3) Mummy (1,3) Mummy(1-3) Ramia (1,4) Ramia(1-3) Medusa(0-3) Vampire (1,4) Vampire(1-3) Red Bat(0-1) Big Bat(0-1) Bat(0-2) Crab (1,3) Garbost(1-3) Tengu(1,2) Tengu(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B37 Flying Pig Thingie (1,3) Armour Dait(1-3) Orange Flower (1,3) Desert Rose(1-3) Assassin (1,3) Asashin(1-3) Crab (1,3) Garbost(1-3) Vampire (1,4) Vampire(1-3) Red Bat(0-1) Big Bat(0-1) Bat(0-2) Mummy (1,4) Mummy(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B38 Flying Pig Thingie (1,3) Armour Dait(1-3) Mummy (1,3) Mummy(1-3) Vampire (1,4) Vampire(1-3) Red Bat(0-1) Big Bat(0-1) Bat(0-2) Shadow (1,2) Shadow(1-2) Assassin (1,3) Asashin(1-3) Pumpkin (1,4) Mad Head(1-4) Pumpkin Head(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B39 Assassin (1,3) Asashin(1-3) Pumpkin (1,4) Mad Head(1-4) Pumpkin Head(0-3) Flying Pig Thingie (1,3) Armour Dait(1-3) Samurai (2,3) Samurai(2-3) Shadow (1,2) Shadow(1-2) Red Ghost (1,4) Dark Spirit(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B40 Red Ghost (1,4) Dark Spirit(1-4) Samurai (2,3) Samurai(2-3) Pumpkin (1,4) Mad Head(1-4) Pumpkin Head(0-3) Minotaur (1,4) Minataurus(1-2) Medusa(0-3) Ramia(0-2) Shadow (1,2) Shadow(1-2) Hidora (1,2) Hidora(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B41 Hidora (1,2) Hidora(1-2) Minotaur (1,4) Minataurus(1-2) Medusa(0-3) Ramia(0-2) No Core (1,4) Green Core(1-3) Blue Core(0-2) Red Core(0-2) Samurai (2,3) Samurai(2-3) Skeleton (1,3) Bone Gorem(1-3) Red Ghost (1,4) Dark Spirit(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B42 Blue Flower (1,3) Wheel Eel(1-3) No Core (1,4) Green Core(1-3) Blue Core(0-2) Red Core(0-2) Skeleton (1,3) Bone Gorem(1-3) Minotaur (1,4) Minataurus(1-2) Medusa(0-3) Ramia(0-2) Hidora (1,2) Hidora(1-2) Orange Flower (1,3) Vampire Rose(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B43 Orange Flower (1,3) Vampire Rose(1-3) Skeleton (1,3) Bone Gorem(1-3) No Core (1,4) Green Core(1-3) Blue Core(0-2) Red Core(0-2) Blue Flower (1,3) Wheel Eel(1-3) Tree (1,3) Mad Ent(1-3) Blue Snake (1,3) Coridras(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B44 Blue Snake (1,3) Coridras(1-3) Tree (1,3) Mad Ent(1-3) Blue Flower (1,3) Wheel Eel(1-3) Orange Flower (1,3) Vampire Rose(1-3) Giant Red Plant (1,2) Red Plant(1-2) Assassin (1,3) Ninja(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B45 Giant Red Plant (1,2) Red Plant(1-2) Blue Snake (1,3) Coridras(1-3) Assassin (1,3) Ninja(1-3) Tree (1,3) Mad Ent(1-3) Blue Flying Pig Thingie (1,2) Brinz Lizard(1-2) Flying Snake (1,4) Cokatoris(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B46 Blue Flying Pig Thingie (1,2) Brinz Lizard(1-2) Giant Red Plant (1,2) Red Plant(1-2) Gargoyle (2,4) Gargoyle(0-2) Rogue Shape(1-4) Flying Snake (1,4) Cokatoris(1-4) Grey Gorem (1,3) Iron Gorem(1-3) Assassin (1,3) Ninja(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B47 Flying Snake (1,4) Cokatoris(1-4) Tartona (1,3) Tartona(1-3) Gargoyle (2,4) Gargoyle(0-2) Rogue Shape(1-4) Green Dragon (1,3) Waiban(1-3) T Rex(0-1) Blue Flying Pig Thingie (1,2) Brinz Lizard(1-2) Grey Gorem (1,3) Iron Gorem(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B48 Gargoyle (2,4) Gargoyle(0-2) Rogue Shape(1-4) Tyrannosaur (1,2) T Rex(1-2) Grey Gorem (1,3) Iron Gorem(1-3) Green Dragon (1,3) Waiban(1-3) T Rex(0-1) Tartona (1,3) Tartona(1-3) Skull (1,4) Hades Skull(1-4) Demise(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B49 Tartona (1,3) Tartona(1-3) Skull (1,4) Hades Skull(1-4) Demise(0-2) Samurai (2,3) Dark Warrior(1-2) Samurai(0-2) Blue Ghost (1,3) Demise(1-3) Green Dragon (1,3) Waiban(1-3) T Rex(0-1) Tyrannosaur (1,2) T Rex(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B50 Vampire (1,3) Nosferatu(1-3) Vampire(0-2) Skull (1,4) Hades Skull(1-4) Demise(0-2) Tyrannosaur (1,2) T Rex(1-2) Blue Ghost (1,3) Demise(1-3) Green Cloak (1,4) Wizard(1-4) Samurai (2,3) Dark Warrior(1-3) Samurai(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B51 Blue Ghost (1,3) Demise(1-3) Fiend (1,2) Fiend(1-2) Samurai (2,3) Dark Warrior(1-3) Samurai(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Wizard(1-4) Chariot (1,2) Hade Chariot(1-2) Vampire (1,3) Nosferatu(1-3) Vampire(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B52 Vampire (1,3) Nosferatu(1-3) Vampire(0-2) Grianos (1,2) Grianos(1-2) Chariot (1,2) Hade Chariot(1-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Wizard(1-4) Fiend (1,2) Fiend(1-2) Ramia (1,4) Seirein(Siren)(1-3) Armour Dait(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B53 Bear (1,2) Thunderbeast(1-2) Cyclops(0-1) Ramia (1,4) Siren(1-3) Armour Dait(0-2) Hidora (1,4) Sea Hidora(1-2) Moray Vine(0-3) Fiend (1,2) Fiend(1-2) Chariot (1,2) Hade Chariot(1-2) Grianos (1,2) Grianos(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B54 Eagle (1,2) Serfaco(1-2) Ramia (1,4) Siren(1-3) Armour Dait(0-2) Cyclops (1,2) Cyclops(1-2) Hidora (1,4) Sea Hidora(1-2) Moray Vine(0-3) Grianos (1,2) Grianos(1-2) Bear (1,2) Thunderbeast(1-2) Cyclops(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B55 Green Tartona (1,3) Armour Nail(1-3) Tartona(0-2) Bear (1,2) Thunderbeast(1-2) Cyclops(0-1) Cyclops (1,2) Cyclops(1-2) Tengu (1,2) Sly Fox(1-2) Hidora (1,4) Sea Hidora(1-2) Moray Vine(0-3) Eagle (1,2) Serfaco(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B56 Brown Eagle (1,2) Crow(1-2) Armour Nail (1,3) Tartona(0-2) Armour Nail(1-3) Grianos (1,2) Behemoth(1-2) Tengu (1,2) Sly Fox(1-2) Cyclops (1,2) Cyclops(1-2) Eagle(1,2) Serfaco(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B57 Red Dragon (1,2) Green Dragon(1-2) Tryrannosaur (1,2) Brokion(1-2) Green Dragon(0-1) Tengu (1,2) Sly Fox(1-2) Armour Nail (1,3) Tartona(0-2) Armour Nail(1-3) Grianos (1,2) Behemoth(1-2) Brown Eagle (1,2) Crow(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B58 No Core (1,4) No Core(1-4) Blue Core (0-3) Green Core(0-3) Tryrannosaur (1,2) Brokion(1-2) Green Dragon(0-1) Hidora (1,2) High Hidora(1-2) Sea Hidore(0-1) Brown Eagle (1,2) Crow(1-2) Red Dragon (1,2) Green Dragon(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B59 Tryrannosaur (1,2) Brokion(1-2) Green Dragon(0-1) No Core (1,4) No Core(1-4) Blue Core (0-3) Green Core(0-3) Red Dragon (1,2) Green Dragon(1-2) Dark Brown Gorem (1,3) Magma Gorem (1-3) Hidora (1,2) High Hidora(1-2) Sea Hidore(0-1) Purple Vine (1,4) Venus Fly (1-4) Ancient Dungeon B60 No Core (1,4) No Core(1-4) Blue Core (0-3) Green Core(0-3) Hidora (1,2) High Hidora(1-2) Sea Hidore(0-1) Red Dragon (1,2) Red Dragon(1-2) Black Dragon(0-1) Dark Brown Gorem (1,3) Magma Gorem (1-3) Flying Snake (1,4) Snow Gas(1-2) Warm Eye(0-3) Flying Pig Thingie (1,2) Salamander(1-2) Purple Vine (1,4) Venus Fly (1-4) Ancient Dungeon B61 Flying Snake (1,4) Snow Gas(1-2) Warm Eye(0-3) Grianos (1,3) Basilisk (1-3) Purple Vine (1,4) Venus Fly (1-4) Red Dragon (1,2) Red Dragon(1-2) Black Dragon(0-1) Dark Brown Gorem (1,3) Magma Gorem (1-3) Flying Pig Thingie (1,2) Salamander(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B62 Flying Snake (1,4) Snow Gas(1-2) Warm Eye(0-3) Red Dragon (1,2) Red Dragon(1-2) Black Dragon(0-1) Flying Pig Thingie (1,2) Salamander(1-2) Grianos (1,3) Basilisk (1-3) Ancient Dungeon B63 Grianos (1,3) Basilisk (1-3) Red Dragon (1,2) Red Dragon(1-2) Black Dragon(0-1) Flying Snake (1,4) Snow Gas(1-2) Warm Eye(0-3) Flying Pig Thingie (1,2) Salamander(1-2) Eye (1,4) Warm Eye(1-4) Green Vine (1,4) Venus Fly(1-4) Moray Vine(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B64 Red Dragon (1,2) Red Dragon(1-2) Black Dragon(0-1) Green Dragon (1,3) White Dragon(1-3) Gold Gorem (1,3) Gold Gorem(1-3) Flying Pig Thingie (1,2) Salamander(1-2) Green Vine (1,4) Venus Fly(1-4) Moray Vine(0-3) Eye (1,4) Warm Eye(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B65 Eye (1,4) Warm Eye(1-4) Green Dragon (1,3) White Dragon(1-3) Squid (1,4) Squid(1-4) Lion (1,2) Sphynx(1-2) Green Vine (1,4) Venus Fly(1-4) Moray Vine(0-3) Gold Gorem (1,3) Gold Gorem(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B66 Gold Gorem (1,3) Gold Gorem(1-3) Lion (1,2) Sphynx(1-2) Squid (1,4) Squid(1-4) Green Dragon (1,3) White Dragon(1-3) Ancient Dungeon B67 Gold Gorem (1,3) Gold Gorem(1-3) Lion (1,2) Sphynx(1-2) Squid (1,4) Squid(1-4) Green Dragon (1,3) White Dragon(1-3) Blue Ghost (1,3) Leech(1-2) Nosferatu(0-2) Red Dragon (1,2) Blue Dragon(1-2) Thunderbeast(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B68 Gold Gorem (1,3) Gold Gorem(1-3) Red Dragon (1,2) [BOTH] Blue Dragon(1-2) Thunderbeast(0-1) OR Black Dragon(1-2) Cyclops (1,2) Mega Cyclops(1-2) Green Dragon (1,3) White Dragon(1-3) Blue Ghost (1,3) Leech(1-2) Nosferatu(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B69 Blue Ghost (1,3) Leech(1-2) Nosferatu(0-2) Red Dragon (1,2) [BOTH] Blue Dragon(1-2) Thunderbeast(0-1) OR Black Dragon(1-2) Cyclops (1,2) Mega Cyclops(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B70 Blue Ghost (1,3) Leech(1-2) Nosferatu(0-2) Ship (1,3) Ghost Ship(1-2) Leech(0-1) Nosferatu(0-2) Cyclops (1,2) Mega Cyclops(1-2) Red Dragon (1,2) [BOTH] Blue Dragon(1-2) Thunderbeast(0-1) OR Black Dragon(1-2) Hidora (1,2) Orky(1-2) Current(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B71 Cyclops (1,2) Mega Cyclops(1-2) Red Dragon (1,2) [BOTH] Blue Dragon(1-2) Thunderbeast(0-1) OR Black Dragon(1-2) Blue Ghost (1,3) Leech(1-2) Nosferatu(0-2) Hidora (1,2) Orky(1-2) Current(0-1) Ship (1,3) Ghost Ship(1-2) Leech(0-1) Nosferatu(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B72 Cyclops (1,2) OR (1,3) Mega Cyclops(1-2) OR Earth Genie(1-3) Hidora (1,2) Orky(1-2) Current(0-1) Minotaur (1,3) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Red Dragon (1,2) Black Dragon(1-2) Ship (1,3) Ghost Ship(1-2) Leech(0-1) Nosferatu(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B73 Minotaur (1,3) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-1) Hades(0-1) Archfiend(0-2) Cyclops (1,2) OR (1,3) Mega Cyclops(1-2) OR Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Red Dragon (1,2) Black Dragon(1-2) Ancient Dungeon B74 Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-1) Hades(0-1) Archfiend(0-2) Minotaur (1,3) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B75 Flying Snake (1,2) Great Coca(1-2) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B76 Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Flying Snake (1,2) Great Coca(1-2) Hidora (1,2) Orky(1-2) Current(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B77 Hidora (1,2) Orky(1-2) Current(0-1) Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Flying Snake (1,2) Great Coca(1-2) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Minotaur (1,3) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B78 Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Hidora (1,2) Orky(1-2) Current(0-1) Minotaur (1,3) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B79 Cyclops (1,4) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Minotaur (1,3) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B80 Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B81 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Ancient Dungeon B82 Minotaur (1,3) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B83 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Minotaur (1,2) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B84 Minotaur (1,2) Gorgon(1-2) Basilisk(0-2) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B85 Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B86 Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Fiend (1,2) Ice Roge(0-2) Archfiend(0-2) Hades(0-1) Leech(0-1) Ancient Dungeon B87 Chariot (1,2) Hades(1-2) Archfiend(0-1) Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-1) Cyclops (1,3) Earth Genie(0-3) Flame Genie(0-3) Wind Genie(0-3) Well Genie(0-3) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B88 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B89 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B90 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B91 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B92 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B93 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B94 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B95 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B96 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B97 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Green Cloak (1,4) Dark Summoner(1-4) Ancient Dungeon B98 Red Dragon (1,2) Copper Dragon(0-2) Silver Dragon(0-2) Gold Dragon(0-2) Ancient Dungeon B99 Master of the Jellies ============================================================================= ============================================================================= H. MASTER OF THE JELLIES ============================================================================= This section explains strategies on defeating the master of the jellies. First off, as soon as you reach B99, you notice something isn't quite right. You guessed it, yet another room that is full of glitches (intentional or not). Before walking straight forward, check your equipment one final time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy #1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you want to do now is give everyone one good strong IP attack from one of their equipment slots. Examples of good IP attacks: Anything that has a fractional attack - Dekar Blade Fatal Blow: 1/2 of Remaining Hit Points IP Gauge: 100% - Myth Blade Battle Fury: 1/4 of Remaining Hit Points IP Gauge: 76% - Old Sword and *Deadly Sword with a Curse Lifter Battle Cry: 1/6 of Remaining Hit Points IP Gauge: 51% - GorgOn Rock (note: it is gorgOn, and not gorgAn.) Ax Attack: 1/8 of Remaining Hit Points IP Gauge: 65% * There are two forms of the Deadly Sword, so keep that in mind Anything that has multiple hits: -*Gades Blade Octo-strike: 8 attacks in a row. IP Gauge: 100% - Hidora Rock Triple Attack: 3 attacks in a row. IP Gauge: 77% -*Dragon Spear Flood: Attack and then Dragon spell. IP Gauge: 100% -*Snow Sword Deep Freeze: Attack and then Ice Valkyrie spell. IP Gauge: 100% -*Spark Staff Phoenix Blow: Attack and then Firebird spell. IP Gauge: 100% -*Fry Sword Sizzle: Attack and then Zap spell. IP Gauge: 100% -*Sky Sword Skysplitter: Attack and then Thunder spell. IP Gauge: 100% *: Blue Chest Items These attacks are listed in order of effectiveness. Hopefully you have one of these weapons or jewels in your inventory. You really need AT LEAST AND ONLY one of these PER PERSON. You also need to have your IP meter filled to the percentage specified for each IP attack. After your IP attack is taken care of, use your remaining slots to bulk up on your stats. You only need to focus on two stats: Attack power and Strength. Once you are satisfied with your equipment. You're ready for the next step. Walk straight ahead and you will meet the Master of the Jellies. You have a brief conversation with it and then it asks you to "fight" or "not fight". If you didn't listen to me before you walked straight ahead, don't worry. Just choose "not fight", and then fix your equipment. When you're ready, take a step back, and then walk forward again. The conversation begins again and he gives you the same choice as before. Choose fight and the final battle begins. Now, don't get intimidated by it's size. This thing is a baby. In fact, it helps you out during the first two rounds. What makes this guy a real bitch is the fact that you have to beat him in ONLY THREE ROUNDS!! You get a chance to attack only three times per person. Now, the first time I fought this guy, I thought that he would start out with one heck of an attack, and would practically kill me with one hit, so in the first round I focused on using the Courage spell. BIG MISTAKE! Don't build defense, it's pointless and a waste of precious attack time. There's nothing worse than spending 8 hours in the Ancient Cave, reaching the bottom, and then finding out after he kills himself that you wasted the only three rounds on building your defense when he doesn't hit you at all!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I was just really pissed off when that happened the first time. After that, I got wise and started using save states on my emulator. His three (kinda four) rounds go as follows: Round 1: Completely heals all characters Round 2: Completely fills all magical characters magic points Round 3: One of those "Checking Situation." attacks. Round 4: Destroys itself. Since the Master goes first, you don't get the fourth round. There is nothing you can do to increase speed enough to beat him. I have a hunch that all of its stats are at 999. The next obvious question is "How many hit points does it have?" The answer you ask? It depends. That's right, it depends on your characters average levels. I've gone completely through the Ancient Cave 3 times and each time I had different average levels: AVG Level: 73 __ HP of Big Bad: about 8000 AVG Level: 87 __ HP of Big Bad: about 10000 AVG Level: 98 __ HP of Big Bad: about 11000 Okay, time to bring out the big guns. Now that you know about the Master's "attacks", time for some of your own. I always begin by having everyone who can cast the Trick spell, or the IP "Battle Lust". The characters that should use this are the ones that DON'T have a fractional IP attack. Also, if someone has a 1/4 attack, and someone else has a 1/8 attack, make sure that the 1/4 goes first, so that more damage is incurred. The reason for using the trick spell is to boost your attack power big time in the next round. After your fractional attack in the first round, attack the thing with your other good IPs. If you used trick twice and battle lust once on once character that just happens to have the Gades Blade with full IP, you can take off a hell of a lot of HP from the boss. After you use IPs in round two, round three is used to just go all out with the rest of your boosted attack power coming in handy. Hopefully you took enough out of him with the combined attacks of your party plus the attacks of your capsule monster (See the capsule monster section when I make it for the best one to use). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy #2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of the main points of the Master of the Jellies is in Strategy #1, so if you haven't, read that one first. Okay, now you don't even need to worry about IP attacks. In fact, give each character equipment that increases ATP and STR, and get rid of everything that adds to defense. This is important because what you're gonna do is try to kill yourself within three rounds. Sounds stupid, but you still get all the rewards and benefits if you do it. It also sounds easy, but it isn't. It's still difficult. You have to be very precise about how you kill yourself. One thing you should avoid is using Flash, the Light-Elemental Capsule Monster. This is important, because it really stinks when you're almost dead, and it heals you. ARGH!!! You also can't cheat it by coming in with everyone almost dead, because the first attack heals you. Just choose your attacks carefully. You might want to also use magics that can heat all members of your party. Here's something you could try, because I haven't confirmed it. But you may be able to come into the battle with only one character that's alive, and then it's EASY to kill yourself. Check it out! Let me know!! I'll give you credit! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you actually beat this guy you get the key to the ancient cave, after his little victory speech. Use providence and get the hell out of the hell- hole you spent HOURS of your life in. When you get out of the cave, you try to make your way to the lock in the door. My brain was so fried that it took me almost 10 minutes to figure out how to get to the door. There's a crate at the bottom-left of the desk in the foyer of the cave. You go behind the door and pick up a Brill Helm, a Dragon Ring, and yet another jewel, the Light Jewel. These sound really great, until you find out that you can't even take them into the Ancient Cave itself. Go figure. You do all of that work in the "Gift" mode, and these items are useless. The final reward of beating the Master of the Jellies is that he becomes the 10th Iris Treasure. So, there's SOMETHING rewarding about beating it, other than bragging rights to your friends. The Treasure isn't in your inventory, but talk to the lady in charge of the showcase in Gruberik and she'll display it. Also, if you manage to get all 10 Iris Treasures in the "Gift" mode, you can't check out the rumor at the end of the game. And this ROYALLY sucks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting Side Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- While playing the game I haven't seen an exact name for this final boss. When you are actually in battle and choose him/her/it as your target, it says "Master". It looks like a blown up Red Jelly, complete with bad pixelation. (That doesn't make much sense either. Unless it's used to further make you believe this will be an easy fight. Personally, I would have chosen the Bili Jelly's color of green, or even a completely new color like orange, or purple.) If you lose the fight he/she/it refers to itself as the "jelly juggernaut". In the opening monologue from this thing, it refers to itself as the "strongest and oldest of the jellies" as well as mentioning its "gelatin gestures". So lets review. It's a master, a jelly, the strongest jelly, the oldest jelly, gelatin, and a jelly juggernaut. Taking all of these into account, I decided to call it the Master of the Jellies. ============================================================================= I. IRIS TREASURES ============================================================================= What is an Iris Treasure? It's a treasure you find in the Ancient Dungeon that "emits a rainbow-like light". These are called Iris Treasures and are only found in red treasure chests. I also have a hunch that the Iris Treasures can only be found on specific floors. I'm going to further research this and let you know. The treasures are listed in order of display from left to right in Gruberik. Top Row -Iris Ring -Iris Armor -Iris Helmet -Iris Shield -Iris Sword Bottom Row -Master of the Jellies -Iris Tiara -Iris Pot -Iris Staff -Iris Jewel Interesting side note: I was watching Jeopardy the other night when they mentioned a goddess of the rainbow, or something to that extent. Guess who it is? EXACTLY!!! Iris is the goddess of the rainbow. On it says that Iris is the Rainbow. She carries the messages of the gods. All of a sudden the Iris Treasures make a lot more sense. ============================================================================= J. IRIS TREASURE RUMORS ============================================================================= So you've finally collected all of the Iris Treasures after about 40 hours of game play in the Ancient Dungeon. You put them all on display and the lady in Gruberik says "You brought back all the Iris Treasure!? You must be the best treasure hunter in the world." So what?? It's kind of eerie because no one seems to know what getting all ten treasures does for you. The main thing everyone says is that after getting all ten Iris Treasures, go finish beating the game. After you confront and destroy Daos, Iris appears and tells you that you need to destroy the three Mystic Stones to stop the island from crushing your hometown. You enter the warp portal that appears and then you find yourself winding through a maze of a sort. You notice that above the doors you go in you see two triangles on either side of a banner with weird writing. This appears over EVERY door. On your way to break the third and final Mystic Stone, you see the banner and triangles, but no door beneath it. The main rumor about the Iris Treasures is that there is something in that room when you obtain all ten Iris Treasures. Again, no one seems to know if this is true, but I intend to find out! What do you think? Has it worked for you? Let me know. ------------------- Rumor from Ripthor: ------------------- "Some guy said that if you get all the Iris Treasures and then beat the Ancient Slime, you must go give them to the woman in the bar, then continue your quest. When you get Artea, you're supposed to go back see her and she will give you the Iris Weapon and the Ancient Slime(supposed to boost the user level by 19, capsule monsters included)." My comments: Unfortunately, I won't be able to try this out for a while. Seeing as how this would require going through the entire game again. I will do it in the future, but it isn't near. This involves the Ancient Dungeon only in the fact that it takes the Iris Treasures and what they do. When I finish with everything else for the Ancient Dungeon, I will try this out. ------------------- Rumor Updates ------------------- Update on rumors: This is my current goal right now. As I go through the Ancient Dungeon, I try picking up Iris Treasures and Blue Chests. In one go around I picked up around 35 Blue Chests, and 6 Iris Treasures, 7 if you count the Master of the Jellies. So, I'm just 3 away!!! But, it gets MUCH harder when you have a lot less to find. The odds are very against me now. Wish me luck! Update II: I have finally picked up all 10 Iris Treasures in regular gameplay. I went to the end of the game and checked out the rumor. This specific rumor is still unknown. I had all 10 Iris Treasures on display in Gruberik and it didn't work. I have a new rumor for this now. I will now try to have all 10 (9 are listed, the Master of the Jellies is not) in my inventory when you beat the game. It now makes more sense that no one has found out about the door, because no one would think about having it in their inventory. This still sucks though because there is like no room in the inventory anyway by the end of the game. I have a save state of the game mentioned in the last update, so I'll start with 7 Iris Treasures in my inventory and try to find the other three. I'll update again the next time I get the final 3 Iris Treasures. Update III: That hunch was wrong. I still don't know what the Iris Treasures do, so I only have one more rumor to try out and fail at. But it will be a while. ============================================================================= K. BLUE CHEST ITEMS ============================================================================= This list is finally complete. How do I know you ask? Look at the Pro Action Replay Codes, putting in every possible combination only comes up with the following items that can be taken into and out of the Ancient Dungeon. I have found everything myself either in a blue chest, or in my item list after I exited the Ancient Cave. If you don't find an item in a blue chest, but it stays in your inventory after you leave the Ancient Dungeon, then that item CAN be found in a blue chest later on in the Ancient Dungeon. I know that you can win the Jewels during the course of the game from certain monsters and the Gades Blade can be won from Gades. I'm sure there are others, but I don't know from which monster they come. ========================= WEAPONS ========================= -------------------- SIZZLE SWORD -------------------- Description A sword with the special power of the flame. IP Name Firestorm IP Description Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to fire. IP Needed 88% Stat Increase ATP +400, GUT +120 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan -------------------- BLAZE SWORD -------------------- Description A sword filled with Light power. IP Name Celestial IP Description Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to light. IP Needed 88% Stat Increase ATP +400, INT +20, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Selan -------------------- GADES BLADE -------------------- Description A sword possessed of the fearsome power of the evil Gades IP Name Octo-strike IP Description Attack enemy eight times in a row. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +200 Characters that can use the item Dekar, Guy -------------------- SKY SWORD -------------------- Description A sword filled with the power of Thunder IP Name Skysplitter IP Description Attack all enemies and then hit them with Thunder spell. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +250, DFP +25, STR +50 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Dekar, Guy -------------------- SNOW SWORD -------------------- Description A sword filled with the power of the Ice Queen. IP Name Deep Freeze IP Description Attack all enemies and then hit them with Ice Valkyrie spell. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +380, DFP +50, MGR +50 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia -------------------- FRY SWORD -------------------- Description A sword filled with Fry magic. IP Name Sizzle IP Description Attack all enemies and then hit them with Zap spell. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +210, DFP +10, STR +10, AGL +10, INT +10, GUT +10, MGR +10 Characters that can use the item Dekar, Guy -------------------- MEGA AX -------------------- Description An extremely strong ax. IP Name Thundershriek IP Description Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to thunder. IP Needed 88% Stat Increase ATP +400, DFP +20 Characters that can use the item Dekar, Guy -------------------- SPARK STAFF -------------------- Description A sword filled with the power of the Phoenix. IP Name Phoenix Blow IP Description Attack all enemies and then hit them with Firebird spell. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +350, INT +50, MGR +50 Characters that can use the item Artea, Selan, Tia -------------------- AIR WHIP -------------------- Description A whip from the heavens. IP Name Arctic Freeze IP Description Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to ice. IP Needed 88% Stat Increase ATP +400, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia -------------------- WATER SPEAR -------------------- Description A water spear. IP Name Torrent IP Description Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to water. IP Needed 88% Stat Increase ATP +400, INT +20 Characters that can use the item Artea, Lexis!! (This is the ONLY blue chest weapon Lexis can use) -------------------- DRAGON SPEAR -------------------- Description Sword with the power of the Water Dragon IP Name Flood IP Description Attack all enemies and then hit them with the Dragon Spell IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +380, DFP +25, AGL +50, INT +25, MGR +25 Characters that can use the item Artea, Selan ========================= ARMOR ========================= -------------------- MIRAK PLATE -------------------- Description Armor which can cause miracles. IP Name Magic Rebirth IP Description Fully restores MP IP Needed 100% Stat Increase DFP +120 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Dekar, Guy -------------------- RUSE ARMOR -------------------- Description Armor with special power. IP Name Regeneration IP Description Restores fight power of all members of your party. Restores a lot of HP. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase DFP +140 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia ========================= SHIELDS ========================= -------------------- FLAME SHIELD -------------------- Description A shield with flame protection power. IP Name Flameblock IP Description Protects user from flame attacks for a short period IP Needed 100% Stat Increase DFP +80, GUT +10 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Dekar, Guy -------------------- WATER GAUNT -------------------- Description A gauntlet with water protection power. IP Name Water Screen IP Description Protects user from water attacks for a short period. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase DFP +75, AGL +10, MGR +10 Characters that can use the item Artea, Selan, Tia, Lexis -------------------- BOLT SHIELD -------------------- Description A shield with thunder protection power. IP Name Thunderblock IP Description Protects user from thunder attacks for a short period. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +10, DFP +85, STR +10 Characters that can use the item Dekar, Guy -------------------- CRYST SHEILD -------------------- Description A gauntlet with ice protection power. IP Name Holy Shield IP Description Protects user from ice attacks for a short period. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase DFP +80, MGR +10 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia -------------------- *DARK MIRROR (Cursed) -------------------- Description A shield which gives out dark power. IP Name N/A IP Description N/A IP Needed N/A Stat Increase DFP +150 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- *DARK MIRROR (Uncursed) -------------------- Description A shield which gives out dark power. IP Name Dark Mist IP Description Protects user from darkness attacks for a certain period IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +10, DFP +85, STR +10, INT +10 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis *The Dark Mirror is very weird. It has one helluva high defense power increase. When uncursed, it gets an IP power, its defense goes down, and ATP, STR, and INT goes up. When you lift the curse in the Ancient Dungeon, you get all of the perks, but it won't stay with you when you use providence. If you uncurse it out of the Ancient Dungeon, you can't take it in with you. So it's your choice. But, once you put it on, you can't take it off until you leave the Ancient Dungeon or uncurse it. -------------------- APRON SHIELD -------------------- Description A shield which gives out sun power. IP Name Holy Wall IP Description Protects user from light attacks for a short period. IP Needed 100% Stat Increase ATP +10, DFP +85, STR +10, MGR +10 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Dekar, Guy ========================= HELMETS ========================= -------------------- AGONY HELM (or FLAME HELM in some versions) -------------------- Description A helmet with flame protection power. IP Name Flame Return IP Description Returns flame attacks back against enemy for a short period. IP Needed 65% Stat Increase DFP +80, GUT +10 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Dekar, Guy -------------------- BOOM TURBAN -------------------- Description A turban with thunder protection power. IP Name Thunderturn IP Description Returns thunder attacks back against enemy for a short period. IP Needed 65% Stat Increase ATP +10, DFP +85, STR +10 Characters that can use the item Selan, Artea, Tia, Lexis -------------------- AQUA HELM -------------------- Description A helmet with water protection power. IP Name Aqua Mirror IP Description Returns water attacks back against enemy for a short period. IP Needed 65% Stat Increase DFP +85, AGL +10 Characters that can use the item Selan, Artea, Tia -------------------- ICE HAIRBAND -------------------- Description Hair decoration made from special non-melting ice. IP Name Ice Mirror IP Description Returns ice attacks back against enemy for a short period. IP Needed 65% Stat Increase DFP +80, MGR +10 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia -------------------- HAIRPIN -------------------- Description Special Indian hair ornament. IP Name Dark Mirror IP Description Returns darkness attacks back against enemy for a short period. IP Needed 65% Stat Increase DFP +80, INT +10, MGR +10 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia ========================= RINGS ========================= -------------------- EARRING -------------------- Description Jewelry for your ear. IP Name Thunder IP Description Calls the Thunder Monster to your aid. IP Needed 51% Stat Increase DFP +5, MGR +5 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia -------------------- DIA RING -------------------- Description Diamond ring. IP Name Zap IP Description Hits enemy with beam of light. IP Needed 51% Stat Increase ATP +30. DFP +30, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia -------------------- SEA RING -------------------- Description Effective against monsters living in the sea. IP Name Vortex IP Description Whirlpool sucks in enemy. IP Needed 26% Stat Increase DFP +25, AGL +10, INT +10, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- ENGAGE RING -------------------- Description If wearing when you shop, merchants will charge less. IP Name Courage IP Description Increases DFP by large amount during battle. IP Needed 26% Stat Increase N/A Characters that can use the item Selan ========================= JEWELS (and lots of them) ========================= -------------------- WATER JEWEL -------------------- Description A mysterious jewel with water power trapped inside it. IP Name Frost IP Description Blow frost over enemies. IP Needed 65% Stat Increase DFP +10, INT +20, GUT +10 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- THUNDO JEWEL -------------------- Description A mysterious jewel with thunder power trapped inside it. IP Name Voltage bolt IP Description Blow thunder power all enemies. IP Needed 65% Stat Increase ATP +30, DFP +5, STR +10, INT +10 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- EARTH JEWEL -------------------- Description A mysterious jewel with earth power trapped inside it. IP Name Groundshock IP Description Shakes ground and damages all enemies. IP Needed 65% Stat Increase DFP +20, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- TWIST JEWEL -------------------- Description Calls up a Twister attack. IP Name Twister IP Description Slash all enemies. IP Needed 51% Stat Increase DFP +25, AGL +30 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- GLOOM JEWEL -------------------- Description Lets you do Dark attacks. IP Name Dark force IP Description Defeats all enemies. (effective most of the time) IP Needed 51% Stat Increase MGR +50 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- TIDAL JEWEL -------------------- Description Causes a tidal wave. IP Name Tidal Wave IP Description Tidal wave crashes into all enemies. IP Needed 51% Stat Increase GUT +20 Characters that can use the item Selan, Tia -------------------- CATFISH JEWEL -------------------- Description Causes a huge earthquake. IP Name Mega Quake IP Description Big earthquake that damages all enemies. IP Needed 8% Stat Increase GUT +20, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- CAMU JEWEL -------------------- Description Lets you do Camu attacks. IP Name Buster Attack IP Description Camu's special attack. Flame attack hits all enemies. IP Needed 51% Stat Increase ATP +20, INT +20, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- SPIDO JEWEL -------------------- Description Lets you do Tarantula attacks. IP Name Spiderweb IP Description Tangles enemy in spiderweb. IP Needed 26% Stat Increase ATP +10, GUT +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- GORGAN ROCK (note: it is gorgAn, and not gorgOn.) -------------------- Description Lets you do Orky attacks. IP Name Combo Attack IP Description Blow fire, water, thunder and ice at all enemies. IP Needed 77% Stat Increase ATP +20, DFP +50, STR +20, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- BLACK EYE -------------------- Description The bracelet of the Black Dragon. IP Name Gloomsplash IP Description Attack all enemies with darkness and fire attacks. IP Needed 77% Stat Increase ATP +20, DFP +20, STR +20, AGL +20, GUT +20, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- SILVER EYE -------------------- Description The bracelet of the Silver Dragon. IP Name Diamond Dust IP Description Attack all enemies with water and ice attacks. IP Needed 77% Stat Increase DFP +10, AGL +20, INT +20, GUT +20, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis -------------------- GOLD EYE -------------------- Description The bracelet of the Golden Dragon. IP Name Stardust Blow IP Description Attack all enemies with thunder and light attacks. IP Needed 88% Stat Increase ATP +40, DFP +30, STR +20, MGR +20 Characters that can use the item Maxim, Selan, Dekar, Artea, Guy, Tia, Lexis ============================================================================= L. PRO ACTION REPLAY/GAME GENIE CODES ============================================================================= This section contains the codes for obtaining all the Blue Chest Items, the important Red Chest Items, Iris Treasures (!!), Capsule Monster food, strength enhancing items, and awesome items that can only be found outside of the cave, and cannot be brought in. All equipment that is not found in Blue Chests is considered Red Chest items in this list. The only problem with this is the question "What's the point?" Since the Iris Treasure Rumors are still only rumors, they're pretty much useless and make your trip into the Ancient Dungeon a complete farce. The only thing you can't put in your inventory is the Master of the Jellies. So you can go through that way, but oh well. I encourage you to only use these codes very sparingly. Until I figure out what the Iris Treasures do, just don't use a whole bunch of them. Code (1) and the items, weapons, capsule monster fruit, and armors all came from the help of Cloud S. If you want the full list, go to the Item Maker FAQ on This is what you do: Enter the code, then go to the Equip sub screen, select 'REMOVE', and select the slot you want the item to appear in. It also doesn't have to be in the same slot it's supposed to be in. You can put a weapon in the jewel slot, or a shield in the armor slot. You can even have 6 weapons equipped at one time. The items also are no longer character-specific. You can give everyone a Dual Blade if you want, or 6 Dual Blades for that matter! Anyway, here you go and enjoy!!! Code (1): 82F91D-- In place of the "—-" put in the value to match the item of choice ---------------------- ITEMS ---------------------- 11 - Life Potion 12 - Spell Potion 13 - Power Potion 14 - Speed Potion 15 - Mind Potion 16 – Brave 2C - Curselifter 2D - Providence ---------------------- CAPSULE MONSTER FRUITS ---------------------- 2E - Secret Fruit 2F - Holy Fruit 30 - Breeze Fruit 31 - Charm Fruit 32 - Dark Fruit 33 - Earth Fruit 34 - Flame Fruit 35 - Earth Fruit ---------------------- BLUE CHEST WEAPONS ---------------------- 69 - Sizzle Sword 6A – Blaze Sword 6C - Gades Blade 6D - Sky Sword 6E - Snow Sword 6F - Fry Sword 79 - Mega ax 88 - Spark staff 91 - Air whip 98 - Water spear 99 - Dragon spear ---------------------- RED CHEST WEAPONS ---------------------- 36 - Dual Blade 54 - Dekar Blade 66 – Ancient (Old) Sword 6B - Myth Blade 70 - Egg Sword 92 - Fatal pick (Cursed) 93 - Fatal pick (Uncursed) ---------------------- BLUE CHEST ARMOR ---------------------- E0 - Mirak plate E1 - Ruse armor ---------------------- RED CHEST ARMOR ---------------------- BF - Silver armor C7 - Magic bikini CD - Revive Armor D8 - Magic scale DA - Ghostclothes DD – Ancient (Old) armor E2 - Pearl (Divine) Armor The following code must be activated in order for them to work. Keep Code (2) activated, while changing values with Code (1). Code (2): 82F91E01 ----------------------- BLUE CHEST SHIELDS ----------------------- 06 Flame Shield 07 Water Gaunt 08 Bolt Shield 09 Cryst Shield 0B Dark Mirror (Cursed) 0C Dark Mirror (Uncursed) 0D Apron Shield ----------------------- RED CHEST SHIELDS ----------------------- 05 Ancient (Old) Shield 0E Pearl (Divine) Shield ----------------------- BLUE CHEST HELMETS ----------------------- 3B Agony Helm 3C Boom Turban 3D Aqua Helm 3E Ice Hairband 40 Hairpin ----------------------- RED CHEST HELMETS ----------------------- 3A Ancient (Old) Helmet 3F Legend Helm 41 Brill Helm 42 Pearl (Divine) Helmet ----------------------- BLUE CHEST RINGS ----------------------- 46 Earring 64 Dia Ring 65 Sea Ring 67 Engage Ring ----------------------- RED CHEST RINGS ----------------------- 66 Dragon Ring 68 Egg Ring ----------------------- BLUE CHEST JEWELS/ROCKS ----------------------- 76 Water Jewel 77 Thundo Jewel 78 Earth Jewel 79 Twist Jewel 7A Gloom Jewel 7B Tidal Jewel 82 Catfish Jewel 83 Camu Jewel 84 Spido Jewel 85 GorgAn Rock 87 Black Eye 88 Silver Eye 89 Gold Eye ----------------------- RED CHEST JEWELS/ROCKS ----------------------- 86 Light Jewel ----------------------- IRIS TREASURES ----------------------- 9C Iris Sword 9D Iris Shield 9E Iris Helmet 9F Iris Armor A0 Iris Ring A1 Iris Jewel A2 Iris Staff A3 Iris Pot A4 Iris Tiara A5 Power Jelly (I'm not sure about this one) ----------------------- ITEM COMANDS ----------------------- A6 Jewel Sonar A7 Hook A8 Bomb A9 Arrow AA Fire Arrow AB Hammer All of the item commands can actually be used in the Ancient Dungeon. Even the Jewel Sonar. Cool, eh? You can use them, but they don't have the same effect as they are supposed. ============================================================================= M. THNX ============================================================================= This section is basically for all the people that helped me with this FAQ. - for posting my first faq - My Uncle "Noodle" who got me into the whole RPG genre. - My roommate Kevin for putting up with me playing RPGs at all hours of the night. - My parents for getting me this awesome computer I used to play the game, and write the FAQ for it. - Square for making me love Final Fantasy so much and inspiring me to search for other ways to quench my thirst for RPGs until a new one comes out. - Nobuo Uematsu for that kickass music I listened to while going through the Ancient Dungeon (for HOURS!) - Taito for making such an awesome game with some tough sidequests! - Ripthor for being the first to e-mail me comments, and sending in awesome information on saving. - Beedrill51 for the INT stat suggestion and Rubyheart for confirming it. - Rubyheart for all of the great tips. - Hornet888 for the comments and suggestions. - Cloud S for the awesome Code that got me started searching for the code to get the Iris Treasures. I'll come up with more later, trust me! ============================================================================= N. FUTURE ADDITIONS ============================================================================= This Walkthrough is nowhere near complete, so this section includes future additions. These are in the order of future completion. 1. Roaming Monster Movements 2. Probable Monster Combinations 3. Minimal Bestiary By Floor -Including Experience points received -Including Attacks -Including Number of Consecutive Attacks -Including Strategies to Defeat Them -Including Possible Items Dropped -Including Difficulty Rating 4. An actual map of every floor in the dungeon. (It's not completely random.) This is a very daunting task. This will take quite sometime. ??. ASCII art for the title ============================================================================= O. NOTES FROM THE AUTHOR ============================================================================= This walkthrough is shaping up pretty nicely if I do say so myself. Each time I go through the Ancient Dungeon, I'll do the next listed under Future Additions. If you have any comments or suggestions, SEND THEM TO ME!!!! My email address is That may change in the future too by the way. This is my first FAQ, so don't be too harsh. The next set of revisions is due whenever I finish my next quest through the Ancient Dungeon. (Whenever I have time, but that could be a while.) You never can tell when you can find enough time! Until then, this is Beastman signing off!