+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Welcome to the Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals FAQ! + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\_____ ______________ / / \ / < |\/ \ __ / /\ | | | | | | / \ /\_| |_/\ | | | | |FAQ by Heavyarms| _/ \ \___ ___/ ___ | | | | \ \ /\ /\ | | /\ / \ | | | | | ^ / / \ / \ | | / \ / \_ | | | | _| / \/ < >< >| |< >| / \ / | | | ||Odd's and End's FAQ| / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |// | | |__| | | | | | | \ / | | | | | _/ |_____ < \| |< >| |__| | | | | | \ _____ /| | \ / \ /\ | | | | |Version 1.6| |____________| \/ \/ | | \/ \/ \___| |__| | | | / \ | | /______________\ RISE OF THE\ /SINISTRALS \/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Table of Contents + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For easy searching, hit control and F to bring up the search function. Then type the letters in the brackets, including the brackets themselves. I. Introduction and Credits II. Legal Matters III. Capsule Monsters IV. IP Attacks! V. Equipment Protection VI. Elemental Properties of Weapons VII. Ancient Cave Bonuses! VIII. Leveling Guide IX. Updates +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Introduction and Credits + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome Lady(ies?) and Gentlemen! I can only assume you've clicked on this link to find out just what makes the game Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals so fun to play. Well, you clicked on the right place, and here's why: This FAQ was the combined effort of myself, and my good friend Reli (a.k.a: relnqshd), and we pride ourselves on knowing just about everything Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals has to offer. He's the man to look for if you want a special task done, and I'm the man to look for if you need an answer to any question that needs asking. While I often flaunt myself as the King of the board, he's my trusty Janitor, and we hope you enjoy our efforts putting this together. The Major credit for this FAQ is to Reli, and I am the voice of reason to get this knowledge to the world! Credit to Arancil for helping me add in CM Level name Lists. Credit to Jigglysaint for pointing out Pumpkin Jewel's Misspelling. Thanks again to Arancil for pointing out Blaze's Master form to be Firebird. Credit to ScottyD, for correcting Jigglysaint's find, and my inability to get a Pumkin Jewel until now. Thanks to Freegamer for finding out about Aussie Zeppy's Mega Trident Thanks to GSTLA for several IP Moves! Also thanks to Squeeealer for his IP ratings. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Legal Matters + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Copyright 2004, Joshua Carlberg, AKA Heavyarms525. The only place this document should be found at, unless my permission is obtained, is www.gamefaqs.com. No section in this FAQ may be copied for use on your own websites, however it may be kept for your personal use, unless you plan on selling it, and then it is not. If you desire to upload this FAQ to your website please notify me before doing so either by e-mail, or posting on the boards. Stealing this document for your own use is stealing the time, effort, and spirit of all those who helped bring this together... In a more subtle way of thinking: "Touch this document and die. Copyright 2004, Heavyarms525" If you wish to contact me to ask if you'd like to host this FAQ, please inquire on the Lufia 2 Message board, or e-mail me at carl1011@hotmail.com. Please note that I strongly recommend posting on the boards for permission, because I don't answer my e-mail very quickly, nor do I take kindly to people asking about what is already contained within this FAQ. Thanks! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Capsule Monsters and Their Many Forms. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Enigmatically Neutral... Jelze (AKA Foomy) Jelze, the first Capsule Monster obtainable in the game, is also this gamers absolute favorite CM. Others may not share this opinion, but Foomy is a powerful companion the entire game through, usually having a higher level than the Capsule Monsters following him, and having useful and powerful moves in his level 4 form. He's effective against just about everything, and in return, you get a loyal pile of foam bubbles. Generally, Foomy is most powerful in his level 4 form. Gold Fox is useful though, in the end game, due to the Final Boss(es) Singularity. To Evolve into Gold Fox, use a Secret Fruit on Foomy in level 4 Form. Little Foomy also has the added benefit of being completely immune to the following Status Ailments: Poison, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion, and Sleep. Unfortunately, for being a Neutral guy, he has no Elemental defenses. Foomy's Stages Level 1: Foomy S Level 2: Foomy M Level 3: Foomy L Level 4: Foomy H Master: Gold Fox *************** *Foomy's Attacks* *************** The following section should be easy enough to understand. In '( )' these, you'll see what form learns the move, and my opinions of the move. *Foomy punch Physical attack on one random enemy Neutral Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Foomy S: Useful in the early game, weak in the end.) *Mega punch Two Foomy Punches in a row Neutral Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Foomy H: A very powerful move, when used.) *Fang attack Physical attack on one random enemy Neutral Base DMG = ATP * 3 (Gold Fox: A powerful move, if you decide to go Master Form.) *Tail smash Physical attack on one random enemy Neutral Base DMG = ATP * 9 (Gold Fox: Yes, the 9 is real. This is one of the stronger CM Moves.) *Head Butt Physical attack on one random enemy Neutral 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Foomy M, L, H: Great single target move throughout the game.) *Tackle Physical attack on all enemies Neutral 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Foomy L, H: Foomy Punch on all enemies, a killer.) *Bubble blow Reduces DFP of all enemies by 40 % (Gold Fox: This is a useful move, but there are better moves...) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Incendiary Canine... Blaze Blaze is the second CM you'll find on your journey, and seems to be many players favorite. He's a Fire type, and such, burns away the plants and undead that fills up a lot of the game with. His initial form lacks the power of Foomy but those that follow only get better and better. In his final form his high Int Stat will power his flame skills up to deal widespread damage. While Blaze is strong in battle, the little guy runs fairly often after taking damage. This can be annoying in a boss fight where his flame could be put to good use, just keep him away from the wet stuff! All around a strong and useful Capsule Monster when he's not saving himself! Blaze is at his strongest in his Master form, no if's and's or but's. Blaze Dragon gets an honorable mention for looking cool though. To evolve Blaze, give him a Charm Fruit at level 3. Blaze must NOT be hungry to evolve at level 3. Blaze has full protection from the following: Poison, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion, and Sleep! And while Blaze is resistant to Fire, he's weak to Water, keep him off the boat if you don't want to see him run anymore than he normally does... Blaze's Stages Level 1: Armor Dog Level 2: Winged Lion Level 3: Wing Lizard Level 4: Blaze Dragon Master: Firebird *************** *Blaze's Attacks* *************** *Tail Physical attack on one random enemy Fire Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Armor Dog, Winged Lion: Foomy Punch on Fire, useful early, weak later.) *Fang attack Physical attack on one random enemy Fire Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Wing Lizard: This is Gold Fox's Fang Attack, on fire!) *Flame punch Physical attack on one random enemy Fire 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 1.5 (Blaze Dragon: Not quite as strong as Head Butt, but it's Fire Elemental...) *Burning fang Physical attack on one random enemy Fire 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Winged Lion: The chance to learn this move early makes it powerful!) *Iron claw Physical attack on one random enemy Fire 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Wing Lizard: A sad replacement for Burning Fang...) *Tailspin Physical attack on one random enemy Fire 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3.5 (Firebird: A strong physical move, but he's got better in the form of...) *Flame breath Magical attack on all enemies Fire Base DMG = INT * 2 (Wing Lizard, Blaze Dragon: The following moves run off Int... Which Blaze has plenty of, even more than ATP, and proves very deadly.) *Burning rain Magical attack on all enemies Fire Base DMG = INT * 2 (Firebird: Flame breath with a fancier name.) *Terminate Magical attack on all enemies Fire Base DMG = INT * 4 (Blaze Dragon: Awesome move for Blaze) *Inferno Magical attack on all enemies Fire Base DMG = INT * 6 (Firebird: The be all, end all of Fire Moves!) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Consecrated Fuzz-Ball... Flash Flash is the third Capsule Monster you should discover on your journey. She's the Light CM, and due to the heavy influence of Dark Monsters, and Bosses in this game, you can expect her to throw her weight around. Flash is also the first CM to have skills that target the party instead of the enemies. This ranges from mediocre healing, to stat plusses, and full party healing. However, the AI for using CM attacks is very stupid, healing people who don't need healing, and curing status on the party when a Holy Thunderbolt would have been much better! Still, Flash seems to be the CM of choice when it comes to Ancient Cave Spelunking, and isn't too shabby in the normal game. Getting Flash to Master Form as soon as possible is recommended. Pixie can be useful in the early game, and as soon as possible you want Unicorn. Twinkle has the horrible habit of using Restoration and Purification more than is needed, (Cupid shares this trait as well) but Unicorn only has Healing and awesome attacks. To Evolve Flash, use a Dark Fruit at level 2. Flash must NOT be Hungry to evolve at level 2! Using this strategy, you can evolve Flash without ever seeing Twinkle at all! Flash is invulnerable to Poison, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion, and Sleep! Flash also has a nasty weakness of being weak to Shadow. While she should hopefully kill all Shadow monsters before they can strike back, watch out for them. In return Flash is resistant to the few Light enemies in the game. Flash's Stages Level 1: Shaggy Level 2: Sprite Level 3: Cupid Level 4: Twinkle Master: Unicorn *************** *Flash's Attacks* *************** *Antler stab Physical attack on one random enemy Light Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Unicorn: See: Foomy Punch, Tail, except this is Light Elemental... and on a Master level CM... with bad attack scores...) *Dash Physical attack on all enemies Light 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Unicorn: Tackle, but Light Elemental! A useful move, however her low attack score hinders this move against those not weak to Light.) *Spear revive Restores HP of one party member (between 20 and 21 HP) (Shaggy: A nice single target heal, if Flash uses it on someone who needs healing.) *Healing kiss Restores HP of one party member (between 60 and 69 HP) (Pixie: See Spear Revive, but better.) *Sacred song Restores HP of one party member (between 140 and 161 HP) (Cupid, Twinkle: See Healing Kiss, but better.) *Holy energy Restores HP of all party members (between 140 and 161 HP) (Twinkle?: A whole party healer, ensures someone gets healing!) *Healing aura Restores HP of all party members (between 180 and 220 HP) (Unicorn: The best healing Flash can give. Very useful!) *Wink Increases ATP of one party member by 40 % (Pixie: If she hits the right person, this can be deadly.) *Restoration Cures one party member of Poisoning, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion and Sleep (Cupid, Twinkle: Never useful. Trust me. You'll see it far too much.) *Purification Cures all party members of Poisoning, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion and Sleep (Twinkle: See Restoration...) *Holy thunder Magical attack on one random enemy Light Base DMG = INT * 4 (Unicorn: The best attack Unicorn has, very strong against several Bosses.) *Thunderbolt Magical attack on one random enemy Light Base DMG = INT * 2 (Cupid, Twinkle: A strong move throughout the game.) *Bolt attack Magical attack on all enemies Light Base DMG = INT * 4 (Twinkle: See Holy Thunder, but less useful because it's on Twinkle.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Swift Dragonfly... Gusto Gusto is the fourth Capsule Monster you'll capture on your adventure. Gusto is the fastest CM, and even Artea has a hard time keeping up with his speed. As if to emulate this, Gusto has a built in ability to avoid attacks at random times, which will be explained a bit later. Many of Gusto's moves are the same as ones he's had before, but with different names, so you can be sure he has a useful move throughout. Though, he's easily the CM of choice when taking on several foes at once, and he has more Hit All Enemies moves than any other CM. In my time playing with Gusto, he also seems to use his special moves more than any other CM, this is just my opinion, but this is a useful thing if true. Gusto is a very useful CM throughout the game, seeing as no monster has defenses or weaknesses to Wind, and Gusto is fast enough to strike before the enemies are killed by your stronger Playable Characters. He's my second favorite CM for that reason. He has one glaring weakness... Thunder is a common element (and seemingly a boss favorite) in the game and Gusto is weak to it! Gusto works best in his Master form, but his level 4 form has a use at high character levels in the game. Sonic Blast has a base damage of 2300 or so at high levels (Zap, the strongest spell, has a base of 600.) Even though, I still recommend Master level. Looking at his abilities, it seems his level 2, Bluebird has superior moves to a few of his later forms! His stats are too weak to back it up, unfortunately (He's an early game titan!). To evolve Gusto, get him to Level 4, and feed him an Earth Fruit. Gusto must NOT be hungry to evolve him. Gusto is invulnerable to the following: Poison, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion, and Sleep. Gusto is also weak to Thunder, and has no elemental defenses! Gusto's chance of avoiding attacks goes as such: Chances of evading attacks: If the AGL of the Capsule Monster is greater than the AGL of the attacker... The probability of evading the attack ("miss") is: (AGL of the CM - AGL of the attacker) / AGL of the CM Ex.: if AGL of the CM = 300 and AGL of the attacker = 200 => probability of evading the attack = (300 - 200) / 300 = 0.33 (33 % chances of evading the attack, not bad!) Gusto's Stages Level 1: Hard Hat Level 2: Bluebird Level 3: Winged Horse Level 4: Green Titan Master: Sky Dragon *************** *Gusto's Attacks* *************** *Fang attack Physical attack on one random enemy Wind Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Hard Hat: See other Fang Attacks, but Wind Elemental.) *Beak bash Physical attack on one random enemy Wind Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Blue Bird: See above...) *Finale Physical attack on one random enemy Wind Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Winged Horse: See above... At least he's consistent!) *Dragon fang Physical attack on one random enemy Wind 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3.5 (Sky Dragon: A new move, and a strong one to boot! Very powerful.) *Iron claw Physical attack on one random enemy Wind 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Blue Bird: This moves is great, since it's on his level 2 form.) *Iron fist Physical attack on one random enemy Wind 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Green Titan: See Iron Claw, but with Fist, and Level 4 form.) *Air attack Physical attack on all enemies Wind 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Winged Horse: The second of several hit alls, and weaker than his first.) *Twister Physical attack on all enemies Wind 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Green Titan: Air attack, but a bit better on the stronger Titan.) *Spiral wave Magical attack on all enemies Wind Base DMG = INT * 4 (Bluebird: Gusto isn't the smartest, but this attack hurts early game.) *Tornado blow Magical attack on all enemies Wind Base DMG = INT * 2 (Sky Dragon: This move is good, but not as good as Spiral Wave.) *Electro bolt Magical attack on all enemies Wind Base DMG = INT * 2 (Winged Horse, Sky Dragon: See above.) *Cyclone wave Magical attack on all enemies Wind Base DMG = INT * 4 (Sky Dragon: See Spiral Wave... I told you he was consistent.) *Sonic blast Magical attack on all enemies Wind Base DMG = INT * 8 (Green Titan: One of the better CM moves. No one can defend against it!) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Radish King... Sully Sully is the fifth Capsule Monster you'll unearth during the course of the game. It feels to me like Sully is in the game to replace the loss of a certain playable character, seeing as both of them are almost exactly the same. Sully is incredibly slow, has a high Strength and Defense Score, and isn't too shabby in the HP category. I'm not a Sully fan because his weaknesses outweigh the benefits. He's strong, don't get me wrong, but this CM has an affinity to defend instead of attack when he's hurt, and is too slow to help out a fast, strong party. His attacks are pretty powerful, and some are of his very own special Soil Element, but previous and later CM's have better. His attacks do seem to inflict status ailments that other CM's don't have. If you like Sully, rename him after that replaced character and ride him into battle. His attacks should serve you well! Sully is a strong and slow CM, so which form should we choose? His Master form offers the best attacks, as always. Stonehead is also a good choice, so it is up to you on whom you use. To evolve Sully, feed him a Breeze Fruit at level 4. Sully must NOT be hungry to evolve. Sully laughs off the following: Poison, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion, and Sleep. Sully is weak to no move. Sully has resistance to Thunder moves, as well as Hard type moves. The Thunder resistance is useful, but I'm not too sure about the Hard resistance... Sully's Stages Level 1: Raddisher Level 2: Red Cap Level 3: Giant Level 4: Stonehead Master: Centaur *************** *Sully's Attacks* *************** *Fist Physical attack on one random enemy Soil Base DMG = ATP * 2 36 % chances of inducing Sleep (Giant: Foomy Punch with a chance of Sleep. Not too shabby.) *Radish kick Physical attack on one random enemy Soil Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Raddisher: See above, without the Sleep chance.) *Battle bow Physical attack on all enemies Soil Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Centaur: Not a bad move, useful with his meaty attack.) *Perish punch Physical attack on one random enemy Soil 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 1.5 60 % chances of causing Instant Death (Red Cap: If he can't kill with the hit, the ID will, hopefully.) *Glow knuckle Physical attack on one random enemy Soil 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Red Cap: A strong move made stronger by his Attack.) *Heel drop Physical attack on one random enemy Soil 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 1.5 (Giant: This move is okay, but Glow Knuckle was better!) *Hammer punch Physical attack on one random enemy Soil 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 60 % chances of inducing Paralysis (Centaur: A strong attack that could cause Paralysis. Not bad.) *Head Butt Physical attack on one random enemy Soil 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3.5 (Stonehead: Blows all the other Head Butt's away. One of his best moves.) *Stone crush Physical attack on all enemies Soil 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Stonehead: Awesome attack on all enemies. A great move.) *Tackle Physical attack on all enemies Soil 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 + 60 % chances of inducing Paralysis (Centaur: Stone Crush with a chance of Paralysis? Awesome.) *Shakedown Magical attack on all enemies Soil Base DMG = (ATP + INT) * 2 (Giant: Not as useful as you would think. His INT isn't the best.) *Battle anger Magical attack on all enemies Soil Base DMG = (ATP + INT) * 4 (Stonehead: The multiplier is good, but Stonehead has way better.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Mushroom Being Darbi Darbi is the sixth Capsule Monster we'll snag in the adventure. Darbi is the Dark CM, and as you may know, isn't as useful as he could be in a game full of Dark Bosses and Enemies. He's stronger on Defense than offense because of the resistances, and then still, he has one of the most God Awful Magic Resistances I've ever seen, about 3 or four points higher than Sully's. What he doesn't have is Sully's staying power though! While he does share Gusto's evasion power he doesn't have Gusto's extreme speed to back it up! As you may know by now I'm not very fond at all of Darbi. He's got useful Instant Death moves, (And by useful, I mean 100% Instant Death.) more than any other CM, and his Dark skills will take out just about any Light monsters you may encounter. I've heard that he's more useful in the AC, where you don't have to suffer as badly for choosing him... (You see, in the normal game, you are so close to finishing the game, raising another CM is just... pointless, and there's one more after Darbi too!) Adding to his usefulness in the Ancient Cave is that his ID spells get you out of many a tight problem. If you like Dark things, Darbi's the CM for you... Just keep him away from me, and take the Ancient Cave too! MASTER DARBI IS BEST FORM. Enough said. To evolve Darbi, feed him a Holy Fruit at level 2. With this method, you won't even have to set eyes on Big Imp! Darbi must NOT be hungry to evolve. Darbi is immune to the following: Poison, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion, Sleep, and... wait a second... He's also immune to ID, making him unique! He's vulnerable to Light, and Resistant to Shadow, and has Gusto's evasion power. (See Gusto's section to find out how it works.) Darbi's Stages Level 1: Myconido Level 2: Wolfman Level 3: Mini Imp Level 4: Big Imp Master: Red Dragon *************** *Darbi's Attacks* *************** *Wolf fang Physical attack on one random enemy Shadow Base DMG = ATP * 2 36 % chances of inducing Sleep (Wolfman: Fist in Fang form, useful.) *Wolf punch Physical attack on one random enemy Shadow 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Wolfman: Iron Claw's Shadow Elemental.) *Sizzle smash Physical attack on one random enemy Shadow 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Big Imp: Glow Knuckle in Shadow form. Great move on a level 4) *Mega trident Physical attack on all enemies Shadow 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Mini Imp: Return of Tackle, Shadow Style!) *Dash Physical attack on all enemies Shadow 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Red Dragon: Return of Dash, Shadow Style!) *Shriek Cures all party members of Confusion (Myconido: USELESS!) *Trancemaker 100 % chances of confusing all enemies (Myconido: Not so useless.) *Destruction 90 % chances of Instant Death for one random enemy (Mini Imp: Instant Death. Great hit rate. Yay!) *Eliminator 90 % chances of Instant Death for all enemies (Red Dragon: See above, but more so because of hitting all enemies.) *Dark flame Magical attack on all enemies Shadow Base DMG = INT * 2 (Mini Imp: Yes, this move is only Shadow Element, despite the name.) *Dark thunder Magical attack on all enemies Shadow Base DMG = INT * 2 (Big Imp: Yes, this move is only Shadow Element, despite the name.) *Terminate Magical attack on all enemies Shadow Base DMG = INT * 4 (Mini, Big Imp: This is a great Shadow move.) *Evil aura Magical attack on all enemies Shadow Base DMG = INT * 6 (Big Imp: Awesome Shadow Move.) *Dragon blast Magical attack on all enemies Shadow Base DMG = INT * 4 (Red Dragon: This move is exactly the same at Terminate! Good!) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Forlorn Fish Zeppy Zeppy is the seventh, and final Capsule Monster you'll join in the game itself. For being the last, he is considered the least, as in the worst CM ever. This fact can be true, seeing as his attacks seems very mediocre after having five (You can get he and Darbi at the same time) other beasts at higher evolutions. The fact that he's also the most hidden CM doesn't help, people like myself often overlook getting him until we decide to go Dragon Egg Hunting. Zeppy isn't a bad guy, he's got some unique moves and some even powerful than their earlier counterparts. But when your Master form is a little Fish with a butt, you generally don't get any respect. If you ever get a chance, give Zeppy a chance! He's got a bit lower HP than Sully at times, and he's got an awe-inspiring Magic Resistance (Note: Darbi and Sully give you two of the worse before you get Zeppy.) His attacks aren't anything to laugh at either: A 5 times normal damage attack, a stronger Mega Punch, and the best stat upper in the entire game! Zeppy's best form is a tie between Level 3, and Level 4. Yes, Zeppy's Master form pales in appearance and skills than his earlier moves. Level 3's got the best stat upper in the game, and does not disappoint on the offense. Level 4 has the impressively stronger Foomy Punch, and a great hit all move. I suggest Level 3 for the Ancient Cave and random battles, and Level 4 for bosses. To evolve Zeppy, feed him a Flame Fruit at level 4. Zeppy must NOT be hungry to evolve. Zeppy is immune to the following: Poison, Silence, Paralysis, Confusion, and Sleep. He's vulnerable to Fire, and Resistant to Water, which is okay. Zeppy's Stages Level 1: Red Fish Level 2: Toadie Level 3: Sea Giant Level 4: Blue Titan Master: Fish Head *************** *Zeppy's Attacks* *************** *Fish kick Physical attack on one random enemy Water Base DMG = ATP * 3 (Red Fish, Fish Head: On a level one, this move is unrivaled for power.) *Hyper kick Physical attack on one random enemy Water Base DMG = ATP * 5 (Fish Head: This is a great, unique move.) *Frog kick Physical attack on one random enemy Water Base DMG = ATP * 2 (Toadie: After Fish Kick, this is a disappointment.) *Iron trident Physical attack on one random enemy Water 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Toadie, Sea Giant: Foomy Punch's Water Form.) *Thunder fist Physical attack on one random enemy Water 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Blue Titan: This attack is water elemental, despite the name...) *Power fist Two Physical attacks on one random enemy Water 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Blue Titan: And this move is HURT elemental, despite the name.) *Mega trident Physical attack on all enemies Water 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Toadie: Not a bad hit all for a level 2. What gets me is that Zeppy's level 3 form doesn't get this move, but the inferior one...) *Dive attack Physical attack on all enemies Water 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 2 (Fish Head: This isn't Fish Head's most endearing move.) *Diving claw Physical attack on all enemies Water 100 % chances of Critical Hit, with critical base DMG = ATP * 3 (Fish Head?: This is one of those endearing moves though.) *Bubble blast Magical attack on all enemies Water Base DMG = INT * 2 (Red Fish: A decent move.) *Hail attack Magical attack on all enemies Water Base DMG = INT * 4 (Sea Giant: A wonderful level 3 move.) *Thunderblast Magical attack on all enemies Water Base DMG = INT * 4 (Blue Titan: A wonderful level 4 move. Yes, it is water element.) *Energy wave Increases ATP of all party members by 40 % (Sea Giant: The best stat upper in the entire game, right here.) *Magic freeze 100 % chances of silencing one random enemy (Fish Head: If status-inflicting skills were more useful, this would be too.) *Frog song Reduces DFP of all enemies by 40 % (Toadie: Gold Fox's Bubble Blow returns!) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: The Powers of Ikari Points! (IP) + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This section contains every IP known about and useable in the game. Ikari Points, or IP, are gained when you have taken damage in battle. The small yellow bar under MP will grow, and at a certain level, choose the Fire Icon at the bottom of the Battle Menu. All Available to use IP's are in White. Unusable IP's will be in Blue until you have the required amount of IP. Please note that some of these IP's have no weapons to be used from! To understand how IP Effects work, here is a guide: Name: self-explanatory Type: 2 types: - spell (the targeting cursor is a staff) - attack (the targeting cursor is a sword) Cost: the IP cost. A full IP bar = 255 IP (the max number of times an IP effect could be used with a full IP bar is given in brackets) Targeting: 5 targeting modes: - 'auto' (you don't have to target; the IP effect affects either the caster alone, either the whole party, either all enemies) - 'only one ally' and 'only one enemy' (self-explanatory) - 'one or several allies' (but can be used on enemies too) - 'one or several enemies' (but can be used on allies too) Description: the in-game description of the IP effect Items: the list of all the items that possess the IP effect Comments: additional information* Rating: self-explanatory* *Note* : Comments and Ratings will be given at a later date. If you have a favorite, why not send it to me and explain why you love it! All comments and ratings will be given credit to the one who sends them in. Name: Ancient power Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from all monster attacks by 50% for a short period. Affects user only. Items: Old shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Anger mirror Type: spell Cost: 214 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns attacks back against enemy for a short period. Items: Old helmet Comments: / Rating: / Name: Antidote Type: spell Cost: 16 (15) Targeting: auto Description: Cures all members of your party of poisoning. Items: Cloth armor Comments: / Rating: / Name: Aqua attack Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 3 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to water. Items: Aqua whip, Mist rapier Comments: / Rating: / Name: Aqua mirror Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns water attacks back against enemy for a short period. Items: Aqua helm Comments: / Rating: / Name: Arctic freeze Type: attack Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to ice. Items: Air whip, Freeze sword, Zirco flail Comments: / Rating: / Name: Aura protect Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: auto Description: Increases MGR of all members of your party. Items: Silvo shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Ax attack Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces HP of one enemy by 1/8. Items: Gorgon rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Battle fury Type: attack Cost: 192 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy HP by 1/4. Items: Bunny sword, Myth blade Comments: GSTLA: Much better than Fatal Blow because you are able to use it more than on one boss. Use it on the Egg Dragon for 9999 Damage! Rating: 10/10 Name: Battle lust Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: only one ally Description: Increases ATP. Items: Anger brace, Mini shield, Slash shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Battlecry Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy HP by 1/6. Items: Deadly sword, Old sword Comments: / Rating: / Name: Beserker Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: auto Description: Increases ATP of all members of your party. Items: Bunnylady, Tall shield, Zirco shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Bite Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Attack enemy with attack twice as powerful as normal. Items: Lion fang Comments: / Rating: / Name: Blaze attack Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 3 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to fire. Items: Fire dagger, Red saber Comments: / Rating: / Name: Blizzard Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Causes snowstorm. Items: Ice ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Bolt Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Lightning bolts hit enemy. Items: Thunder ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Bomb attack Type: attack Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies. Items: Beserk blade, Bronze ax, Buster sword, Deadly sword, Hand ax, Heavy lance, Insect crush, Multi sword, Rage knife, Rainy ax, Rune rapier, Superdriver Comments: / Rating: / Name: Boomerang Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns attacks back against enemy at half strength for a short period. Items: Legend helm Comments: / Rating: / Name: Bravery Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Increases DFP during battle. Items: Muscle ring, S-power ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Brilliance Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns attacks back against enemy with doubled strength for a short period. Items: Pearl helmet Comments: / Rating: / Name: Buster attack Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Camu's special attack. Flame attack hits all enemies. Items: Camu jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Celestial Type: attack Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to light. Items: Blaze sword, Holy whip, Silver rod Comments: / Rating: / Name: Champion Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Restores large amount of HP. Items: S-mind ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Combo attack Type: spell Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Blow fire, water, thunder and ice at all enemies. Items: Gorgan rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Confuse Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Confuses enemy. Items: Glass ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Confusion Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Attack enemy and confuse it. Items: Figgoru Comments: / Rating: / Name: Courage Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Increases DFP by large amount during battle. Items: Engage ring, Protect ring, S-pro ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Crisis cure Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Restores HP of each member of your party by user's max HP level. Items: Holy robe Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dark force Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Defeats all enemies. (effective most of the time). Items: Gloom jewel Comments: GSTLA: Nice Dark Damage and good chance of ID. Invaluable on lower levels of the Ancient Cave, not as good as Hardboiled. Rating: 9.5/10. Name: Dark mirror Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns darkness attacks back against enemy for a short period. Items: Hairpin Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dark mist Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Protects user from darkness attacks for a certain period. Items: Dark mirror Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dash Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Attack enemy with a Critical Attack twice as powerful as normal. Items: Uni jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Deadly smash Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 3 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against flying enemies. Items: Flying ax Comments: / Rating: / Name: Deep freeze Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies and then hit them with Ice Valkyrie spell. Items: Snow sword Comments: / Rating: / Name: Deflect Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Freezes enemy's magic. Items: S-witch ring, Witch ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Destroy Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Destroys enemy instantly. Items: Ghost ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Devastation Type: attack Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy HP by 1/8. Items: Deadly rod Comments: / Rating: / Name: Diamond dust Type: spell Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies with water and ice attacks. Items: Silver eye Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dimwit Type: attack Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Lowers intelligence. of all enemies. Items: Gold band, Silver hat, Turban, Zirco band Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dive Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Attack enemy with an attack twice as powerful as normal. Effective against flying enemies. Items: Eagle rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dive bomber Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 1.5 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against flying enemies. Items: Chain, Crazy blade, Cutter whip, Spear Comments: / Rating: / Name: Divine cure Type: spell Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: auto Description: Restores HP of each member of your party by 25% of user's max HP level. Items: Camu armor, Plati plate Comments: / Rating: / Name: Do-re-mi Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: auto Description: Confuse all enemies. Items: Song rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Double slash Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack enemy twice in a row. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dragon Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Calls the Water Dragon to your aid. Items: Dragon ring, S-water ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dragon fury Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 1.5 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against dragons. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dragon rush Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 3 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against dragons. Items: Lizard blow Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dragonfire Type: attack Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies. Heavily damages dragons. Items: Dragon blade Comments: / Rating: / Name: Dread Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Lowers enemy's DFP Items: Angry ring, Fury ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Fake Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Increases AGL during battle. Items: Fake ring, Rocket ring, Sonic ring, Speedy ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Fatal blow Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy HP by 1/2. Items: Dekar blade Comments: GSTLA: Halves enemies HP! Almost necessary to beat the AC, but worthless normal game because you get it for half an hour before... Rating: 5/10 (Normal) 9/10 (AC) Name: Fireball Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Huge fireballs hit enemy. Items: Fire ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Firebird Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Calls the Firebird to your aid. Items: S-fire ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Firestorm Type: attack Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to fire. Items: Burn sword, Sizzle sword, Zirco sword Comments: / Rating: / Name: Flame attack Type: attack Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 1.5 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to fire. Items: Estok, Whip Comments: / Rating: / Name: Flame guard Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from flame attacks for a short period. Affects user only. Items: Gold gloves, Gold shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Flame return Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns flame attacks back against enemy for a short period. Items: Agony helm Comments: / Rating: / Name: Flameblock Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Protects user from flame attacks for a short period. Items: Flame shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Flash Type: spell Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: auto Description: Strike all enemies with a blast of light. Items: Light jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Fleet Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: only one ally Description: Increases AGL. Items: Fayza shield, Kite shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Flood Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies and then hit them with Dragon spell. Items: Dragon spear Comments: / Rating: / Name: Forcefield Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: auto Description: Increases DFP of all members of your party. Items: Zirco gloves Comments: / Rating: / Name: Forgetful Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Lowers enemy intelligence. Items: Headband Comments: / Rating: / Name: Free magic Type: spell Cost: 16 (15) Targeting: auto Description: Unfreezes magic of all members of your party. Items: Light armor Comments: / Rating: / Name: Frenzy Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Attack enemy with attack 1.5 times as powerful as normal. Items: Horse rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Frost Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Blow frost over enemies. Items: Water jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Fury force Type: spell Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from normal attacks by 50% for a short period. Affects user only. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Glacial blast Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 3 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to ice. Items: Cold rapier, Freeze bow Comments: / Rating: / Name: Gloomsplash Type: spell Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies with darkness and fire attacks. Items: Black eye Comments: GSTLA: Good attack weakened by the large amount of Fire and Shadow Monsters in the game. Good on upper floors of the AC. Rating: 8/10. Name: Gloomy Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies with dark flames. Items: Evil jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Groundshock Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Shakes ground and damages all enemies. Items: Earth jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Hardboiled Type: attack Cost: 8 (31) Targeting: auto Description: Affects enemy's attributes (can also cause total defeat). Items: Egg sword Comments: GSTLA: Amazing ability to kill or damage all monsters. Invincible with the Egg Ring. Rating: 10/10. Name: Head attack Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Head butt enemy at twice normal attack power. Effective against strong enemies. Items: Pumkin jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Healing Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Partially restores HP. Items: Frock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Holy energy Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 3 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against undead enemies. Items: Crystal wand, Gladius, Holy staff, Silver sword, Silvo rapier, Super sword Comments: / Rating: / Name: Holy healing Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Restores HP of each member of your party by 75% of user's max HP level. Items: Holy wings Comments: / Rating: / Name: Holy mirror Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns light attacks back against enemy for a short period. Items: Brill helm Comments: / Rating: / Name: Holy shield Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Protects user from ice attacks for a short period. Items: Cryst shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Holy wall Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Protects user from light attacks for a short period. Items: Apron shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Ice attack Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 1.5 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to ice. Items: Royal whip, Scimitar, Short sword Comments: / Rating: / Name: Ice guard Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from ice attacks for a short period. Affects user only. Items: Plati shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Ice mirror Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns ice attacks back against enemy for a short period. Items: Ice hairband Comments: / Rating: / Name: Ice..... Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Calls the Ice Queen to your aid. Items: S-ice ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Illumination Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: auto Description: Increases INT of all members of your party. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Immobilize Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Paralyse enemies -if you're lucky. Items: Bee rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Incendiary Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Blow fire at all enemies. Items: Flame jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Iron barrier Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Protects user from punch attacks for a short period. Items: Mega shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Iron kick Type: attack Cost: 48 (5) Targeting: only one enemy Description: N/A Items: Deadly armor Comments: / Rating: / Name: Ironclad Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: only one ally Description: Increases DFP. Items: Block shield, Bracelet Comments: / Rating: / Name: Light attack Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 1.5 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to light. Items: Light knife Comments: / Rating: / Name: Light guard Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from light attacks for a short period. Affects user only. Items: Holy shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Lightbulb Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: only one ally Description: Increases INT. Items: Mage shield, Pearl brace, Tecto gloves Comments: / Rating: / Name: Magic cure Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one ally Description: Restores 25% of max MP. Items: Magic bikini, Metal coat, Silver armor, Silver mail, Zircon armor Comments: / Rating: / Name: Magic healing Type: spell Cost: 192 (1) Targeting: only one ally Description: Restores 50% of max MP. Items: Magic scale Comments: / Rating: / Name: Magic rebirth Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: only one ally Description: Fully restores MP. Items: Bunnysuit, Mirak plate Comments: / Rating: / Name: Magic remover Type: attack Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Attack enemy and freeze its magic. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Magma blast Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Blow molten lava over all enemies. Items: Magma rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Mega quake Type: spell Cost: 20 (12) Targeting: auto Description: Big earthquake that damages all enemies. Items: Catfish jwl. Comments: / Rating: / Name: Meltdown Type: attack Cost: 192 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy attack power by 1/6. Items: Eron hat Comments: / Rating: / Name: Menace Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy attack power by 1/8. Items: Brone helmet, Fury helmet Comments: / Rating: / Name: Miracle Type: spell Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: only one ally Description: Restores fight power. Restores HP and MP fully. Items: Seethru cape Comments: / Rating: / Name: Miracle care Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Protects user from all damage for a short period of time. Items: Pearl shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Mirror Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Makes magic mirror to repel magic. Items: Mystery ring, S-myst ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Mirror block Type: attack Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: auto Description: Protects you from enemy's Mirror spell. Items: Arty's bow Comments: / Rating: / Name: Ninja Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Defeats one enemy (effective most of the time). Items: Mysto jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Octo-strike Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack enemy eight times in a row. Items: Gades blade Comments: GSTLA: hardest hitting attack in the game. Great on bosses with the proper ring, this can kill almost everything in one hit. Rating: 10/10 Name: Paralysis cure Type: spell Cost: 16 (15) Targeting: auto Description: Cures all members of your party of paralysis. Items: Ironmail, Metal armor, Thick cloth Comments: / Rating: / Name: Perish Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Destroys enemy instantly. Items: Evil jewel, Undead ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Phoenix Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Restores fight power of all members of your party. Restores HP and MP fully. Items: Pearl armor Comments: / Rating: / Name: Phoenix blow Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies and then hit them with Firebird spell. Items: Spark staff Comments: / Rating: / Name: Power guard Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from punch attacks for a short period. Affects user only. Items: Gauntlet Comments: / Rating: / Name: Power healing Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Restores HP. Items: Lab-coat, Long robe, Silk toga Comments: / Rating: / Name: Quicksilver Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: auto Description: Increases AGL of all members of your party. Items: Tect buckler Comments: / Rating: / Name: Re-energize Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: only one ally Description: Restores 50% of max HP. Items: Coat, Light dress, Tough hide Comments: Squeeealer: Great early game and in AC when you don't want to use magic/items. Crappy armor its on lessens its value. Rating: 6/10 Name: Reawaken Type: spell Cost: 16 (15) Targeting: auto Description: Wakes up all members of your party. Items: Tight dress Comments: / Rating: / Name: Rebirth Type: spell Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: only one ally Description: Fully restores HP. Items: Heal armor Comments: / Rating: / Name: Recovery Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one ally Description: Heals user of all damage. Items: Bright cloth, Deadly armor, Eron dress Comments: / Rating: / Name: Regeneration Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Restores fight power of all members of your party. Restores a lot of HP. Items: Old armor, Ruse armor, Seethru silk Comments: / Rating: / Name: Rejuvenation Type: spell Cost: 192 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Restores fight power of all members of your party. Restores HP by 50%. Items: Crystal robe, Ghostclothes, Royal dress Comments: / Rating: / Name: Repeat attack Type: attack Cost: 48 (5) Targeting: auto Description: Attack enemy four times in a row. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Revival sleep Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: auto Description: Heals all members of your party of all damage. Items: Revive armor, Silver robe Comments: / Rating: / Name: Reviver Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one ally Description: Restores fight power. Restores HP by 50%. Items: Iron plate, Quilted silk, Stone plate Comments: / Rating: / Name: Sacred song Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: only one ally Description: Restores HP fully. Items: Evening gown, Metal mail, Power robe Comments: / Rating: / Name: Samurai Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Powerful attack against enemy. Occasionally this will be a Critical Attack. Items: Samu jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Scissor slash Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: auto Description: Attack enemies twice with giant pair of scissors. Items: Cancer rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Shadow guard Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from darkness attacks for a short period. Affects user only. Items: Rune gloves Comments: / Rating: / Name: Sizzle Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies and then hit them with Zap spell. Items: Fry sword Comments: / Rating: / Name: Skysplitter Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies and then hit them with Thunder spell. Items: Sky sword Comments: / Rating: / Name: Sleep stinger Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Attack enemy and send it to sleep. Items: Coma hit, Sleep rod Comments: Squeeealer: 100% Chance to hit if not vulnerable. However Only Lexis can use it, but it's powerful none the less. Rating: 8/10 Name: Slow Type: attack Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces speed of all enemies. Items: Golden helm, Iron helmet, SilverHelmet, Zirco helmet Comments: / Rating: / Name: Sluggish Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy speed. Items: Beret, Jet helm Comments: / Rating: / Name: Spell repel Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: only one ally Description: Increases MGR. Items: Brone shield, Power brace Comments: / Rating: / Name: Spellstruck Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Lowers enemy resistance to magic. Items: Jute helmet, Red beret Comments: / Rating: / Name: Spiderweb Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: auto Description: Tangles enemy in spiderweb. Items: Spido jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Stardust blow Type: spell Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies with thunder and light attacks. Items: Gold eye Comments: GSTLA: Massive Holy Damage to all enemies, pretty much ensures a normal monsters death. Does a TON of damage otherwise. Rating: 10/10 Name: Stronger Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Restores medium amount of HP. Items: Mind ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Stun shocker Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Attack enemy and paralyse it. Items: Stun gun Comments: Squeeealer: See Sleep Stinger, but with Paralyse. Rating: 8/10. Name: Sudden cure Type: spell Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: auto Description: Restores HP of each member of your party by 50% of user's max HP level. Items: Bright armor, Crystal mail, Zircon plate Comments: / Rating: / Name: Swoop Type: attack Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies. Heavily damages flying enemies. Items: Flying blow, Launcher Comments: / Rating: / Name: Swordsplitter Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy attack power by 1/4. Items: Bunny ears, Safety hat Comments: / Rating: / Name: Tail attack Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Normal attack against all enemies. Effective against strong enemies. Items: Snake rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Ten-legger Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Water attack hits all enemies. Items: Kraken rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Test Type: spell Cost: 0 (infinite) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: N/A Items: / Comments: Dummy IP. Damages enemies, uses the Vortex spell animation. Rating: / Name: Thunder Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Calls the Thunder Monster to your aid. Items: Bunny ring, Earring, S-thun ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Thunder blast Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 1.5 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to thunder. Items: Battle knife, Halberd, Kukri, Rockbreaker, War rapier Comments: / Rating: / Name: Thunder guard Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from thunder attacks for a short period. Affects user only. Items: Plati gloves Comments: / Rating: / Name: Thunderball Type: attack Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 3 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to thunder. Items: Thunder ax Comments: / Rating: / Name: Thunderblock Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Protects user from thunder attacks for a short period. Items: Bolt shield Comments: / Rating: / Name: Thundershriek Type: attack Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to thunder. Items: Boom sword, Mega ax, Zirco whip Comments: / Rating: / Name: Thunderturn Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Returns thunder attacks back against enemy for a short period. Items: Boom turban Comments: / Rating: / Name: Tidal wave Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Tidal wave crashes into all enemies Items: Tidal jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Torrent Type: attack Cost: 224 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack all enemies. Heavily damages enemies vulnerable to water. Items: Aqua sword, Water spear, Zirco ax Comments: / Rating: / Name: Trick Type: spell Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: one or several allies Description: Increases ATP during battle. Items: Hipower ring, Power ring, Trick ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Triple attack Type: attack Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Attack enemy three times in a row. Items: Hidora rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Twister Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Slash all enemies. Items: Twist jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Vampire Type: attack Cost: 32 (7) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Suck up enemy's MP and add it to user's MP. Items: Bat rock Comments: / Rating: / Name: Voltage bolt Type: spell Cost: 164 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Blow thunder power all enemies. Items: Thundo jewel Comments: / Rating: / Name: Vortex Type: spell Cost: 64 (3) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Whirlpool sucks in enemy. Items: Sea ring, Water ring Comments: / Rating: / Name: Vulnerable Type: attack Cost: 196 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Lowers resistance to magic of all enemies. Items: Holy cap, Plati helm, Tight turban Comments: / Rating: / Name: Wakening Type: spell Cost: 16 (15) Targeting: auto Description: Cures all members of your party of confusion. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Water attack Type: attack Cost: 96 (2) Targeting: only one enemy Description: 1.5 times more damage than normal attack. Effective against enemies vulnerable to water. Items: Bronze sword, Trident, Wire Comments: / Rating: / Name: Water guard Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Reduces damage from water attacks for a short period. Affects user only. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Water screen Type: spell Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: Protects user from water attacks for a short period. Items: Water gaunt Comments: / Rating: / Name: Wave motion Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: auto Description: All your attributes increase. HP and MP are fully restored. Items: Dual blade Comments: / Rating: / Name: Weakener Type: attack Cost: 255 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy attack power by 1/4. Items: / Comments: / Rating: / Name: Weakpoint Type: attack Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy defense power by 1/8. Items: Crysto helm, Fury ribbon, Stone helmet Comments: / Rating: / Name: Weaponweak Type: attack Cost: 192 (1) Targeting: only one enemy Description: Reduces enemy attack power by 1/6. Items: Plati band, Rock helmet Comments: / Rating: / Name: Zap Type: spell Cost: 128 (1) Targeting: one or several enemies Description: Hits enemy with beam of light. Items: Dia ring Comments: / Rating: / +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Equipment Protections + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In this section, you will find out what armor, shields, helmets, and ect. will grant you protection against a certain status ailment. This is a fairly new find, and was previously thought that nothing in the game would prevent these various Ailments. With this you'll know just what to wear in tough situations (if any...). Protection against Poisoning: - Bright armor (All) - Bright cloth (Lexis only) - Bunnysuit (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Camu armor (Guy, Dekar) - Crystal mail (Maxim, Guy, Dekar) - Crystal robe (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Holy robe (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Holy wings (Selan, Tia) - Lab-coat (Lexis only) - Old armor (Guy, Dekar) - Pearl armor (Maxim only) - Pearl brace (Selan, Tia) - Quilted silk (Selan, Tia) - Royal dress (Selan, Tia) - Seethru cape (Selan, Tia) - Seethru silk (Selan, Tia) - Silk robe (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Silk toga (Selan, Tia) - Silver armor (Maxim, Guy, Dekar) - Silver mail (Maxim, Guy, Artea, Dekar, Lexis) - Silver robe (Selan, Artea, Tia) Protection against Silence: - Bunnylady (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Hairpin (Selan, Tia) - Long robe (Selan, Tia) (This is not full protection, but the chance is 1/2) - Mage shield (Maxim, Selan, Artea, Tia, Lexis) - Old shield (Guy, Artea, Dekar) - Pearl shield (Maxim only) - Royal dress (Selan, Tia) - Rune gloves (Artea only) - S-myst ring (All) - Seethru cape (Selan, Tia) - Seethru silk (Selan, Tia) - Silk toga (Selan, Tia) Protection against Instant death: - Bright cloth (Lexis only) - Bunny ring (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Dark mirror (uncursed) (All) - Ghost ring (All) - Holy robe (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Holy wings (Selan, Tia) - Jute helmet (Maxim, Guy, Dekar) - Pearl armor (Maxim only) - Ruse armor (Selan, Tia) - Undead ring (All) Protection against Paralysis: - Bright armor (All) - Bunnysuit (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Holy robe (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Magic bikini (Selan, Tia) - Mirak plate (Maxim, Guy, Dekar) - Old armor (Guy, Dekar) - Pearl armor (Maxim only) - Pearl brace (Selan, Tia) - Seethru cape (Selan, Tia) - Seethru silk (Selan, Tia) Protection against Confusion: - Brill helm (All) - Bunny ears (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Ghostclothes (All) - Jute helmet (Maxim, Guy, Dekar) - Legend helm (Maxim, Guy, Dekar) - Old helmet (Guy, Dekar) - Pearl helmet (Maxim only) - Power brace (Maxim, Selan, Artea, Tia, Lexis) - Safety hat (Lexis only) - Seethru cape (Selan, Tia) - Seethru silk (Selan, Tia) Protection against Sleep: - Agony helm (Maxim, Guy, Dekar) - Anger brace (All) - Boom turban (Selan, Artea, Tia, Lexis) - Bunny ears (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Fury helmet (Maxim, Guy, Dekar) - Fury ribbon (Selan, Artea, Tia) - Ice hairband (Selan, Tia) - Mystery ring (All) - S-myst ring (All) - Seethru cape (Selan, Tia) - Seethru silk (Selan, Tia) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Elemental Properties of Weapons + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First and foremost, let's begin by saying there are 15 Elements in Lufia 2. 15, you say? Yes, 15, some you may know, and some that you most likely won't. Lets begin with the Elements that the Capsule Monsters encompass: Neutral (Jelze) Wind (Gusto) Fire (Blaze) Water (Zeppy) Soil (Sully) Light (Flash) Shadow/Dark (Darbi) These elements are pretty self explanatory. Most, if not all of these elements end up in pretty much every RPG to date. Continuing on, let's get to the other few elements you'll be familiar with: Ice Thunder Earth Yes, it's our favorite side elements, Ice and Thunder! But... Earth Element? Yes, there's an Earth Element in addition to the Soil Element. Soil Element is a special element only for Sully. The Earth Element belongs to two IP Attacks. But wait, there's more: Effective against Hard (or "Strong") enemies Effective against Flying enemies Effective against Dragons Effective against Insects Effective against Sea enemies These are definitely out of the ordinary. Infact, most of these elements are used only on one or two Weapons and Accessories. However, you'd be surprised how many Hard Element enemies there are. Note: The Sea Ring says it's strong against Sea Enemies, but infact, it does absolutely nothing. Now, let's get onto the elemental properties of weapons. Before I begin, all weapons not on the following lists are Neutral Element. Wind: Sucks! Only Gusto has Wind attacks, and no enemies are resistant or weak to Wind powers. Making it effectively Neutral Damage. Fire: - Fire dagger - Burn sword - Red saber - Sizzle sword - Spark staff Fire is fire. There are no true Fire Elemental enemies in this game, just fire attacks, and, as above, weapons. Just because a monster is weak to fire doesn't mean he's strong against ice, for example. Water: - Aqua sword - Mist rapier - Aqua whip - Water spear - Dragon spear Water is water. Like Fire, there are no true Water Elemental enemies. Like the above, just because a monster is strong to water, doesn't mean he's weak to thunder. Soil: See Wind. Soil is Sully's Domain, and don't you forget it. Light: - Dual blade - Gladius - Silvo rapier - Silver sword - Super sword - Rune rapier - Blaze sword - Fry sword - Holy staff - Crystal wand - Silver rod - Holy whip Note: The Undead Ring makes your attacks Light Element. Shadow: - Deadly sword (cursed) - Deadly sword (uncursed) - Beserk blade - Beserk blade - Gades blade (but Octo-strike is Neutral) - Deadly rod - Deadly rod - Fatal pick - Fatal pick Gades Blade being Dark Element makes it a shoddy choice against many foes, luckily, it's IP attack is unbiased, destroying everything equally. Effective against Hard (or "Strong") enemies: - Frypan - Mace - Rod - Staff - Long staff - Morning star - Pounder rod - Zirco rod I never really knew about the Hard Element until recently. Now you do too! Effective against Flying enemies - Flying blow - Flying ax - Launcher This Element should be obvious if playing through the game. Useful weapons for their time as well. Effective against Dragons: - Lizard blow Yes, this is the only weapon effective against Dragons. The Dragon Blade is neutral element, only its IP is effective against Dragons. Note: The Dragon Ring makes your weapon attacks Effective against Dragons. Effective against Insects: - Insect crush The first unique weapon you should find in the game is also unique as it is the only weapon Effective against Insects. Ice: - Cold rapier - Freeze sword - Snow sword - Air whip - Freeze bow Thunder: - Boom sword - Sky sword - Thunder ax - Mega ax Earth: Earth Element is found only in two IP's: 'Groundshock' and 'Mega Quake'. Both are equally boring (Except early game or in the AC) and don't hit Flying enemies. Effective against Sea enemies: ... There are no Sea Enemies really, just monster fights on the Sea. The Sea Ring does diddly squat. Just gives the men a Blue Chest Ring. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Ancient Cave Stat Bonuses + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the different characters enter a special 99 Floor Random Dungeon called the Ancient Cave, each character starts on Floor one, at level 1 with no items equipped at all. To help buffer these weakened forms, each character gets special bonuses to their various stats. When you see Pot. Max (Stat) it means Potion Maximum Boost. The boost you receive in the Ancient Cave isn't just a boost to yours stats normally, but actually is a boost akin to what the Stat Upping potions would do. Example being the 'Brave' item raises Guts by about 4. This boost is called a potion boost by the game, and these gains are temporarily given to you as you start the Ancient Cave. Have fun on your spelunking adventures! ******************** Maxim ******************** pot. max HP+ 13 pot. max MP+ 20 pot. ATP+ 0 pot. DFP+ 0 pot. STR+ 16 pot. AGL+ 8 pot. INT+ 6 pot. GUT+ 0 pot. MGR+ 5 ******************** Selan ******************** pot. max HP+ 8 pot. max MP+ 23 pot. ATP+ 0 pot. DFP+ 0 pot. STR+ 3 pot. AGL+ 10 pot. INT+ 15 pot. GUT+ 0 pot. MGR+ 8 ******************** Guy ******************** pot. max HP+ 18 pot. max MP+ 0 pot. ATP+ 0 pot. DFP+ 0 pot. STR+ 30 pot. AGL+ 4 pot. INT+ 1 pot. GUT+ 0 pot. MGR+ 3 ******************** Artea ******************** pot. max HP+ 12 pot. max MP+ 28 pot. ATP+ 0 pot. DFP+ 0 pot. STR+ 16 pot. AGL+ 10 pot. INT+ 15 pot. GUT+ 0 pot. MGR+ 30 ******************** Tia ******************** pot. max HP+ 13 pot. max MP+ 20 pot. ATP+ 0 pot. DFP+ 0 pot. STR+ 10 pot. AGL+ 8 pot. INT+ 15 pot. GUT+ 0 pot. MGR+ 6 ******************** Dekar ******************** pot. max HP+ 28 pot. max MP+ 0 pot. ATP+ 0 pot. DFP+ 0 pot. STR+ 38 pot. AGL+ 4 pot. INT+ 0 pot. GUT+ 0 pot. MGR+ 0 ******************** Lexis ******************** pot. max HP+ 12 pot. max MP+ 38 pot. ATP+ 0 pot. DFP+ 0 pot. STR+ 7 pot. AGL+ 2 pot. INT+ 20 pot. GUT+ 0 pot. MGR+ 20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Leveling Guide + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Below is a nice listing of the minimum amount of stats each character in Lufia 2 can gain at a level up from level 1-99. Using this guide you can see that no character will ever have less statistics at each level, they will either have what is shown below, or higher. There are 13 stages of status growth. An example being Maxim's first stage. Maxim begins with 20 HP, and up to level 8, he will gain a minimum of 7 HP each level, he will gain either 7 HP or more, never less. At his last stage Levels 96, to 99, Maxim's minimum HP gain is 3. So he'll either gain more, or 3, but no less than 3. Here are the Stages: Stage 1: level up from lv 1 to lv 8 Stage 2: level up from lv 8 to lv 16 Stage 3: level up from lv 16 to lv 24 Stage 4: level up from lv 24 to lv 32 Stage 5: level up from lv 32 to lv 40 Stage 6: level up from lv 40 to lv 48 Stage 7: level up from lv 48 to lv 56 Stage 8: level up from lv 56 to lv 64 Stage 9: level up from lv 64 to lv 72 Stage 10: level up from lv 72 to lv 80 Stage 11: level up from lv 80 to lv 88 Stage 12: level up from lv 88 to lv 96 Stage 13: level up from lv 96 to lv 99 ********** Maxim ********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR | Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 20 0 12 9 8 100 5 | 51 402 234 200 101 93 100 131 2 27 4 15 11 9 100 6 | 52 410 240 205 103 95 100 133 3 34 8 18 13 10 100 8 | 53 419 245 209 104 96 100 136 4 41 12 22 15 11 100 9 | 54 427 251 214 106 98 100 138 5 49 16 25 17 13 100 11 | 55 435 256 219 107 100 100 141 6 56 20 28 19 14 100 12 | 56 444 262 223 109 101 100 143 7 63 24 32 21 15 100 14 | 57 451 267 227 110 103 100 145 8 71 28 35 23 16 100 15 | 58 458 272 231 112 105 100 147 9 78 32 39 25 18 100 17 | 59 465 277 236 113 106 100 149 10 85 36 42 27 19 100 18 | 60 472 283 240 115 108 100 151 11 93 40 45 29 20 100 20 | 61 479 288 244 116 109 100 153 12 100 45 49 31 21 100 21 | 62 486 293 248 118 111 100 155 13 107 49 52 33 23 100 23 | 63 493 298 252 119 113 100 157 14 115 53 55 35 24 100 24 | 64 500 304 256 121 114 100 159 15 122 57 59 37 25 100 26 | 65 506 309 260 122 116 100 161 16 129 62 62 39 26 100 27 | 66 513 314 263 123 117 100 162 17 137 66 66 40 28 100 30 | 67 519 319 267 124 118 100 164 18 144 71 69 42 30 100 32 | 68 526 324 271 126 119 100 165 19 152 75 73 44 31 100 35 | 69 532 329 274 127 121 100 167 20 160 80 77 46 33 100 37 | 70 539 334 278 128 122 100 168 21 167 84 80 48 34 100 40 | 71 545 339 282 129 123 100 170 22 175 89 84 50 36 100 42 | 72 552 344 285 131 124 100 171 23 183 93 88 52 38 100 45 | 73 558 348 289 132 126 100 172 24 190 98 91 54 39 100 47 | 74 564 353 292 133 127 100 173 25 198 102 95 55 41 100 50 | 75 570 358 295 134 128 100 174 26 205 107 98 57 43 100 52 | 76 576 363 299 135 129 100 176 27 213 112 102 59 44 100 55 | 77 582 367 302 136 131 100 177 28 221 117 106 61 46 100 57 | 78 588 372 305 137 132 100 178 29 228 121 109 63 47 100 60 | 79 594 377 309 138 133 100 179 30 236 126 113 65 49 100 62 | 80 600 382 312 140 134 100 180 31 244 131 117 67 51 100 65 | 81 605 386 315 141 135 100 181 32 251 136 120 69 52 100 67 | 82 611 391 318 142 136 100 182 33 259 141 124 70 55 100 71 | 83 616 395 321 143 137 100 182 34 267 146 128 72 57 100 74 | 84 622 400 324 144 138 100 183 35 275 151 133 74 59 100 78 | 85 627 404 327 145 139 100 184 36 283 156 137 76 61 100 81 | 86 633 409 330 146 140 100 185 37 291 161 141 77 64 100 85 | 87 638 413 333 147 141 100 185 38 298 166 145 79 66 100 88 | 88 644 418 336 148 142 100 186 39 306 171 149 81 68 100 92 | 89 649 422 339 148 143 100 187 40 314 176 153 83 70 100 95 | 90 654 426 341 149 143 100 187 41 322 181 157 84 73 100 99 | 91 659 430 344 149 144 100 188 42 330 186 161 86 75 100 102 | 92 664 435 347 150 144 100 188 43 338 191 166 88 77 100 106 | 93 669 439 349 150 145 100 189 44 346 197 170 90 79 100 109 | 94 674 443 352 151 145 100 189 45 354 202 174 91 82 100 113 | 95 679 447 355 151 146 100 190 46 361 207 178 93 84 100 116 | 96 684 452 357 152 146 100 190 47 369 212 182 95 86 100 120 | 97 687 456 360 152 147 100 190 48 377 218 186 97 88 100 123 | 98 691 460 362 153 147 100 191 49 386 223 191 98 90 100 126 | 99 694 464 364 153 147 100 191 50 394 229 195 100 92 100 128 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** Selan ********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR | Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 20 0 20 9 7 80 5 | 51 327 401 116 131 205 80 174 2 24 5 23 9 12 80 6 | 52 332 407 117 133 206 80 177 3 28 11 26 10 18 80 7 | 53 337 414 118 135 208 80 179 4 32 16 29 10 23 80 9 | 54 342 420 119 137 209 80 181 5 36 22 32 11 29 80 10 | 55 347 427 120 138 211 80 184 6 40 27 35 11 34 80 11 | 56 352 433 121 140 212 80 186 7 44 33 38 12 40 80 13 | 57 356 435 122 141 213 80 187 8 48 38 41 12 45 80 14 | 58 361 438 123 142 214 80 188 9 52 44 44 13 49 80 18 | 59 365 440 124 142 215 80 189 10 57 50 46 13 54 80 21 | 60 370 442 125 143 216 80 190 11 61 56 48 14 58 80 25 | 61 374 444 126 144 217 80 191 12 66 62 50 14 63 80 29 | 62 379 447 127 145 218 80 192 13 70 68 53 15 67 80 32 | 63 383 449 128 145 219 80 193 14 75 74 55 15 71 80 36 | 64 388 451 128 146 220 80 194 15 79 80 57 16 76 80 40 | 65 392 454 129 147 221 80 197 16 84 86 59 16 80 80 43 | 66 396 457 130 148 222 80 199 17 89 93 62 21 85 80 49 | 67 400 460 131 148 223 80 202 18 94 99 65 25 89 80 54 | 68 404 464 131 149 225 80 204 19 99 106 67 30 94 80 59 | 69 408 467 132 150 226 80 207 20 104 112 70 34 98 80 65 | 70 412 470 133 151 227 80 209 21 109 119 73 39 103 80 70 | 71 416 473 134 151 228 80 212 22 114 125 76 43 107 80 75 | 72 420 476 134 152 229 80 214 23 119 132 78 48 112 80 81 | 73 423 480 135 153 231 80 215 24 124 138 81 52 116 80 86 | 74 427 483 135 154 234 80 216 25 129 149 82 56 119 80 91 | 75 430 487 136 155 236 80 217 26 135 160 84 59 122 80 95 | 76 434 490 136 156 238 80 218 27 140 171 85 63 124 80 99 | 77 437 494 136 157 240 80 219 28 146 183 87 66 127 80 104 | 78 441 497 137 158 243 80 219 29 151 194 88 70 130 80 108 | 79 444 501 137 159 245 80 220 30 157 205 90 73 133 80 112 | 80 448 504 137 160 247 80 221 31 162 216 91 77 135 80 117 | 81 452 508 139 162 251 80 222 32 168 227 93 80 138 80 121 | 82 456 513 140 165 254 80 223 33 177 237 94 83 142 80 125 | 83 460 517 141 167 258 80 223 34 187 247 96 87 145 80 128 | 84 464 522 143 170 262 80 224 35 196 257 97 90 149 80 131 | 85 468 526 144 172 265 80 225 36 206 268 98 93 152 80 135 | 86 472 530 145 174 269 80 226 37 215 278 100 96 156 80 138 | 87 476 535 147 177 272 80 226 38 225 288 101 100 159 80 141 | 88 480 539 148 179 276 80 227 39 234 298 103 103 163 80 145 | 89 486 545 148 181 278 80 228 40 244 308 104 106 166 80 148 | 90 493 550 149 182 279 80 228 41 252 317 105 109 170 80 151 | 91 499 556 149 184 281 80 229 42 261 326 106 111 175 80 153 | 92 506 561 149 185 282 80 229 43 269 335 107 114 179 80 155 | 93 512 567 150 187 284 80 230 44 278 345 109 116 183 80 158 | 94 519 572 150 188 285 80 230 45 286 354 110 119 187 80 160 | 95 525 578 151 190 287 80 231 46 295 363 111 121 192 80 162 | 96 532 583 151 191 288 80 231 47 303 372 112 124 196 80 165 | 97 540 590 151 192 288 80 232 48 312 381 113 126 200 80 167 | 98 549 597 152 193 289 80 232 49 317 388 114 128 202 80 170 | 99 557 604 152 194 289 80 233 50 322 394 115 130 203 80 172 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** Guy ********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR | Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 20 0 8 9 7 90 5 | 51 504 0 252 83 88 90 57 2 33 0 14 9 7 90 7 | 52 508 0 259 86 89 90 58 3 46 0 21 10 7 90 10 | 53 512 0 267 89 91 90 59 4 59 0 27 10 7 90 12 | 54 516 0 274 92 93 90 60 5 72 0 34 11 8 90 15 | 55 520 0 282 95 95 90 61 6 85 0 40 11 8 90 17 | 56 525 0 289 98 96 90 62 7 98 0 47 12 8 90 20 | 57 528 0 296 99 98 90 65 8 111 0 53 12 8 90 22 | 58 531 0 302 99 99 90 67 9 123 0 59 13 9 90 24 | 59 534 0 309 100 101 90 70 10 135 0 64 14 9 90 25 | 60 537 0 315 100 102 90 72 11 147 0 70 14 9 90 27 | 61 540 0 322 101 104 90 75 12 159 0 75 15 10 90 28 | 62 543 0 328 101 105 90 77 13 171 0 81 16 10 90 30 | 63 546 0 335 102 107 90 80 14 183 0 86 17 11 90 31 | 64 550 0 341 102 108 90 82 15 195 0 92 17 11 90 33 | 65 554 0 343 102 109 90 86 16 208 0 97 18 11 90 34 | 66 558 0 344 103 110 90 89 17 219 0 102 19 14 90 35 | 67 562 0 346 103 111 90 93 18 230 0 106 20 16 90 35 | 68 566 0 347 104 112 90 96 19 241 0 111 21 19 90 36 | 69 570 0 349 104 113 90 100 20 252 0 115 22 21 90 36 | 70 574 0 350 105 114 90 103 21 263 0 120 23 24 90 37 | 71 578 0 352 105 115 90 107 22 274 0 124 24 26 90 37 | 72 583 0 353 106 116 90 110 23 285 0 129 25 29 90 38 | 73 588 0 356 106 117 90 113 24 297 0 133 26 31 90 38 | 74 593 0 358 106 117 90 115 25 307 0 135 28 34 90 39 | 75 598 0 361 107 118 90 118 26 317 0 136 29 36 90 39 | 76 603 0 363 107 118 90 120 27 327 0 138 31 38 90 40 | 77 608 0 366 107 119 90 123 28 337 0 139 32 40 90 40 | 78 613 0 368 108 119 90 125 29 347 0 141 34 43 90 41 | 79 618 0 371 108 120 90 128 30 357 0 142 35 45 90 41 | 80 624 0 373 109 120 90 130 31 367 0 144 37 47 90 42 | 81 631 0 377 109 121 90 132 32 378 0 145 38 49 90 42 | 82 639 0 380 109 121 90 133 33 386 0 150 40 51 90 43 | 83 646 0 384 109 122 90 135 34 394 0 154 42 54 90 43 | 84 654 0 387 110 122 90 136 35 402 0 159 44 56 90 44 | 85 661 0 391 110 123 90 138 36 410 0 163 46 58 90 44 | 86 669 0 394 110 123 90 139 37 418 0 168 48 60 90 45 | 87 676 0 398 111 124 90 141 38 426 0 172 50 62 90 45 | 88 684 0 401 111 124 90 142 39 434 0 177 52 64 90 46 | 89 693 0 406 111 125 90 143 40 443 0 181 54 66 90 46 | 90 703 0 410 112 125 90 144 41 449 0 187 57 68 90 47 | 91 712 0 415 112 126 90 145 42 455 0 193 59 70 90 48 | 92 722 0 419 112 126 90 146 43 461 0 199 62 72 90 49 | 93 731 0 424 112 127 90 147 44 467 0 205 64 74 90 50 | 94 741 0 428 113 127 90 148 45 473 0 211 67 76 90 51 | 95 750 0 433 113 128 90 149 46 479 0 217 69 78 90 52 | 96 760 0 437 113 128 90 150 47 485 0 223 72 80 90 53 | 97 771 0 443 113 129 90 151 48 492 0 229 74 82 90 54 | 98 783 0 448 113 129 90 151 49 496 0 237 77 84 90 55 | 99 794 0 454 114 130 90 152 50 500 0 244 80 86 90 56 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** Artea ********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR | Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 20 0 8 9 7 60 5 | 51 383 356 181 165 148 60 198 2 31 10 8 13 13 60 9 | 52 390 360 185 166 148 60 204 3 43 20 9 18 19 60 14 | 53 398 365 189 168 149 60 210 4 54 30 9 22 25 60 19 | 54 405 369 193 169 149 60 216 5 66 40 10 27 31 60 24 | 55 413 374 197 171 150 60 223 6 77 50 10 31 37 60 28 | 56 420 378 201 172 150 60 229 7 89 60 11 36 43 60 33 | 57 426 382 203 173 152 60 233 8 100 70 11 40 49 60 38 | 58 432 386 205 173 153 60 238 9 105 79 12 44 55 60 41 | 59 438 390 207 174 155 60 242 10 109 87 13 48 60 60 45 | 60 444 394 209 174 156 60 247 11 114 96 14 52 65 60 48 | 61 450 398 211 175 157 60 251 12 118 104 15 56 70 60 52 | 62 456 402 213 175 159 60 256 13 123 113 16 60 75 60 55 | 63 462 406 215 176 160 60 260 14 127 121 17 64 80 60 59 | 64 468 410 217 176 161 60 265 15 132 130 18 68 85 60 62 | 65 473 414 219 177 162 60 268 16 136 138 19 72 90 60 66 | 66 478 417 221 178 163 60 272 17 142 146 20 76 94 60 67 | 67 483 420 223 178 164 60 275 18 147 153 22 79 97 60 68 | 68 488 423 225 179 165 60 278 19 153 161 23 83 101 60 69 | 69 493 426 226 180 166 60 282 20 158 168 24 86 104 60 70 | 70 498 429 228 181 167 60 285 21 164 176 25 90 108 60 71 | 71 503 432 230 181 168 60 288 22 169 183 27 93 111 60 73 | 72 508 435 232 182 169 60 292 23 175 191 28 97 115 60 74 | 73 513 439 234 183 171 60 294 24 180 198 29 100 118 60 75 | 74 517 443 236 184 172 60 296 25 187 205 31 103 121 60 78 | 75 522 446 237 185 174 60 298 26 193 211 32 106 123 60 81 | 76 526 450 239 187 175 60 300 27 200 218 34 109 126 60 84 | 77 531 454 241 188 176 60 302 28 206 224 35 112 128 60 88 | 78 535 457 243 189 178 60 305 29 213 231 37 115 131 60 91 | 79 540 461 244 190 179 60 307 30 219 237 38 118 133 60 94 | 80 544 464 246 191 180 60 309 31 226 244 40 121 136 60 97 | 81 548 469 248 193 183 60 310 32 232 250 41 124 138 60 100 | 82 552 473 249 195 185 60 311 33 240 256 51 127 139 60 105 | 83 556 477 251 197 188 60 313 34 247 262 60 129 139 60 109 | 84 560 481 252 200 190 60 314 35 255 268 70 132 140 60 113 | 85 564 485 254 202 192 60 315 36 262 274 79 134 140 60 118 | 86 568 489 255 204 195 60 316 37 270 280 89 137 141 60 122 | 87 572 493 257 206 197 60 318 38 277 286 98 139 141 60 127 | 88 576 497 258 208 199 60 319 39 285 292 108 142 142 60 131 | 89 580 502 259 211 201 60 320 40 292 298 117 144 142 60 135 | 90 583 507 260 214 202 60 321 41 301 304 124 146 143 60 141 | 91 587 511 261 217 203 60 322 42 309 309 130 148 143 60 146 | 92 590 516 262 221 204 60 323 43 318 315 137 150 144 60 152 | 93 594 521 263 224 205 60 324 44 326 320 143 152 144 60 157 | 94 597 525 264 227 206 60 325 45 335 326 150 154 145 60 162 | 95 601 530 265 230 207 60 326 46 343 331 156 156 145 60 168 | 96 604 534 266 233 208 60 327 47 352 337 163 158 146 60 173 | 97 607 540 267 237 209 60 327 48 360 342 169 160 146 60 179 | 98 610 545 267 241 209 60 328 49 368 347 173 162 147 60 185 | 99 613 550 268 245 210 60 328 50 375 351 177 163 147 60 191 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** Tia ********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR | Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 10 0 8 9 7 60 5 | 51 234 381 74 146 154 60 151 2 14 6 9 13 10 60 9 | 52 238 386 75 149 156 60 156 3 19 13 10 18 14 60 13 | 53 242 392 76 152 158 60 160 4 23 19 11 22 17 60 18 | 54 247 397 77 155 160 60 164 5 28 26 12 27 21 60 22 | 55 251 403 78 157 162 60 169 6 32 32 13 31 24 60 26 | 56 255 408 79 160 164 60 173 7 37 39 14 36 28 60 31 | 57 260 411 80 163 166 60 177 8 41 45 15 40 31 60 35 | 58 264 415 81 165 167 60 180 9 46 52 17 44 34 60 39 | 59 269 418 82 168 169 60 183 10 51 59 18 47 38 60 42 | 60 273 421 83 170 170 60 187 11 56 66 19 51 41 60 45 | 61 278 424 84 173 172 60 190 12 61 73 20 54 45 60 49 | 62 282 428 85 175 173 60 193 13 66 80 22 58 48 60 52 | 63 287 431 86 178 175 60 197 14 71 87 23 61 51 60 55 | 64 291 434 86 180 176 60 200 15 76 94 24 65 55 60 59 | 65 295 436 87 182 177 60 202 16 81 101 25 68 58 60 62 | 66 300 438 88 185 178 60 204 17 86 110 27 71 61 60 65 | 67 304 440 89 187 179 60 206 18 91 118 29 73 65 60 67 | 68 308 443 89 189 180 60 208 19 95 127 30 76 68 60 69 | 69 312 445 90 191 181 60 210 20 100 135 32 78 71 60 72 | 70 317 447 91 194 182 60 212 21 105 144 34 81 74 60 74 | 71 321 449 92 196 183 60 214 22 110 152 36 83 78 60 76 | 72 325 451 92 198 184 60 216 23 114 161 37 86 81 60 79 | 73 329 453 93 200 185 60 217 24 119 169 39 88 84 60 81 | 74 333 454 93 202 185 60 218 25 124 178 40 90 87 60 83 | 75 337 456 94 204 186 60 219 26 128 187 42 91 90 60 84 | 76 341 457 94 206 186 60 220 27 133 196 43 93 93 60 85 | 77 345 459 94 208 187 60 221 28 137 206 45 94 96 60 87 | 78 349 460 95 210 187 60 222 29 142 215 46 96 99 60 88 | 79 353 462 95 212 188 60 223 30 146 224 48 97 102 60 89 | 80 357 463 95 214 188 60 224 31 151 233 49 99 105 60 91 | 81 361 464 96 216 188 60 225 32 155 242 51 100 108 60 92 | 82 364 465 96 217 189 60 225 33 159 250 52 102 111 60 95 | 83 368 466 96 219 189 60 226 34 164 258 54 105 114 60 97 | 84 371 467 97 220 190 60 226 35 168 266 55 107 116 60 99 | 85 375 468 97 222 190 60 227 36 172 275 56 109 119 60 102 | 86 378 469 97 223 191 60 227 37 176 283 58 111 122 60 104 | 87 382 470 98 225 191 60 228 38 181 291 59 114 125 60 106 | 88 385 471 98 226 192 60 228 39 185 299 61 116 127 60 109 | 89 388 472 98 227 192 60 229 40 189 307 62 118 130 60 111 | 90 392 472 99 228 192 60 229 41 193 314 63 121 132 60 115 | 91 395 473 99 229 193 60 230 42 197 321 64 123 135 60 118 | 92 398 473 99 230 193 60 230 43 201 328 65 126 137 60 121 | 93 401 474 100 231 193 60 231 44 205 336 67 128 139 60 125 | 94 405 474 100 232 194 60 231 45 209 343 68 131 141 60 128 | 95 408 475 101 233 194 60 232 46 213 350 69 133 144 60 131 | 96 411 475 101 234 195 60 232 47 217 357 70 136 146 60 135 | 97 414 475 101 235 195 60 233 48 221 364 71 138 148 60 138 | 98 417 476 102 235 195 60 233 49 225 370 72 141 150 60 143 | 99 420 476 102 236 195 60 234 50 230 375 73 144 152 60 147 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** Dekar ********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR | Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 10 0 8 9 7 100 5 | 51 574 0 303 46 22 100 62 2 25 0 17 9 7 100 6 | 52 579 0 306 47 22 100 63 3 41 0 27 10 7 100 8 | 53 583 0 308 48 23 100 64 4 56 0 36 10 7 100 9 | 54 587 0 311 49 23 100 65 5 72 0 46 11 8 100 11 | 55 591 0 313 50 24 100 65 6 87 0 55 11 8 100 12 | 56 595 0 316 51 24 100 66 7 103 0 65 12 8 100 14 | 57 603 0 324 52 25 100 67 8 118 0 74 12 8 100 15 | 58 611 0 332 52 25 100 67 9 132 0 82 13 9 100 16 | 59 619 0 340 53 26 100 68 10 146 0 90 14 9 100 18 | 60 628 0 348 53 26 100 69 11 160 0 98 14 9 100 19 | 61 636 0 356 54 27 100 69 12 174 0 107 15 10 100 21 | 62 644 0 364 54 27 100 70 13 188 0 115 16 10 100 22 | 63 652 0 372 55 28 100 70 14 202 0 123 17 11 100 23 | 64 660 0 381 55 28 100 71 15 216 0 131 17 11 100 25 | 65 668 0 389 55 28 100 72 16 230 0 139 18 11 100 26 | 66 676 0 397 56 29 100 72 17 243 0 147 18 12 100 27 | 67 684 0 405 56 29 100 73 18 256 0 155 19 12 100 29 | 68 693 0 413 57 29 100 73 19 269 0 163 19 13 100 30 | 69 701 0 421 57 29 100 74 20 283 0 171 19 13 100 31 | 70 709 0 430 58 29 100 74 21 296 0 178 19 14 100 32 | 71 717 0 438 58 30 100 75 22 309 0 186 20 14 100 34 | 72 725 0 446 59 30 100 75 23 322 0 194 20 15 100 35 | 73 733 0 454 59 30 100 75 24 335 0 202 20 15 100 36 | 74 741 0 463 59 31 100 76 25 347 0 207 21 16 100 37 | 75 749 0 471 60 31 100 76 26 359 0 211 21 16 100 38 | 76 758 0 479 60 31 100 77 27 371 0 216 22 16 100 39 | 77 766 0 488 60 32 100 77 28 384 0 220 22 16 100 41 | 78 774 0 496 61 32 100 77 29 396 0 225 23 17 100 42 | 79 782 0 504 61 32 100 78 30 408 0 229 23 17 100 43 | 80 790 0 513 62 33 100 78 31 420 0 234 24 17 100 44 | 81 798 0 521 62 33 100 78 32 432 0 238 24 17 100 45 | 82 806 0 530 62 33 100 79 33 443 0 242 25 17 100 46 | 83 814 0 538 62 34 100 79 34 454 0 246 26 18 100 47 | 84 823 0 547 63 34 100 79 35 465 0 250 27 18 100 48 | 85 831 0 555 63 34 100 79 36 477 0 255 29 18 100 49 | 86 839 0 564 63 35 100 80 37 488 0 259 30 18 100 50 | 87 847 0 572 64 35 100 80 38 499 0 263 31 18 100 51 | 88 855 0 581 64 35 100 80 39 510 0 267 32 18 100 52 | 89 864 0 589 64 36 100 80 40 521 0 271 33 18 100 53 | 90 872 0 597 65 36 100 80 41 526 0 274 34 19 100 54 | 91 881 0 605 65 37 100 80 42 531 0 277 36 19 100 55 | 92 889 0 613 65 37 100 81 43 536 0 280 37 19 100 56 | 93 898 0 621 65 38 100 81 44 542 0 283 38 19 100 57 | 94 906 0 629 66 38 100 81 45 547 0 286 39 20 100 57 | 95 915 0 637 66 39 100 81 46 552 0 289 41 20 100 58 | 96 923 0 645 66 39 100 81 47 557 0 292 42 20 100 59 | 97 932 0 653 66 39 100 81 48 562 0 296 43 20 100 60 | 98 940 0 661 66 40 100 81 49 566 0 298 44 21 100 61 | 99 949 0 669 67 40 100 81 50 570 0 301 45 21 100 62 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** Lexis ********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR | Lv HP MP STR AGL INT GUT MGR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 10 0 8 9 7 70 5 | 51 350 224 187 99 265 70 133 2 16 3 10 11 13 70 8 | 52 357 229 190 102 268 70 134 3 22 7 13 13 19 70 12 | 53 364 234 193 104 272 70 136 4 28 10 15 15 25 70 15 | 54 371 239 196 107 276 70 137 5 35 14 18 18 32 70 19 | 55 378 244 199 110 279 70 139 6 41 17 20 20 38 70 22 | 56 385 248 202 112 283 70 140 7 47 21 23 22 44 70 26 | 57 392 253 205 115 286 70 142 8 54 24 25 25 51 70 29 | 58 399 258 208 117 290 70 143 9 60 28 28 27 57 70 33 | 59 406 263 211 120 293 70 145 10 66 32 30 29 63 70 36 | 60 413 268 214 123 297 70 146 11 73 35 33 32 70 70 40 | 61 420 273 217 125 301 70 148 12 79 39 35 34 76 70 43 | 62 427 278 220 128 304 70 149 13 85 42 38 36 82 70 47 | 63 434 283 223 131 308 70 151 14 92 46 40 39 89 70 50 | 64 441 288 226 133 311 70 152 15 98 49 43 41 95 70 54 | 65 447 292 229 135 314 70 153 16 104 53 45 43 101 70 57 | 66 452 295 231 136 316 70 154 17 111 58 48 45 106 70 60 | 67 458 299 234 138 318 70 155 18 117 62 52 47 112 70 62 | 68 463 303 237 139 321 70 156 19 124 67 55 49 117 70 65 | 69 468 307 239 141 323 70 157 20 131 72 59 51 122 70 67 | 70 474 310 242 142 325 70 158 21 137 77 62 53 127 70 70 | 71 479 314 244 144 328 70 159 22 144 81 65 55 132 70 72 | 72 485 318 247 145 330 70 160 23 151 86 69 57 138 70 75 | 73 490 322 250 147 333 70 161 24 157 91 72 59 143 70 77 | 74 496 325 252 148 335 70 162 25 164 96 75 61 148 70 80 | 75 501 329 255 150 337 70 163 26 170 100 79 63 153 70 82 | 76 506 333 258 151 340 70 164 27 177 105 82 65 158 70 85 | 77 512 337 260 153 342 70 165 28 184 110 86 67 163 70 87 | 78 517 340 263 154 344 70 166 29 190 115 89 69 169 70 90 | 79 523 344 265 156 347 70 167 30 197 119 92 71 174 70 92 | 80 528 348 268 157 349 70 168 31 204 124 96 73 179 70 95 | 81 534 350 270 158 351 70 169 32 210 129 99 75 184 70 97 | 82 540 352 272 158 352 70 169 33 218 134 104 76 189 70 99 | 83 545 355 273 159 354 70 170 34 225 139 109 77 193 70 101 | 84 551 357 275 159 355 70 171 35 233 144 114 78 197 70 103 | 85 557 359 277 160 356 70 171 36 240 149 119 79 202 70 105 | 86 563 361 279 161 358 70 172 37 247 154 124 80 206 70 107 | 87 568 363 280 161 359 70 172 38 255 159 129 81 210 70 109 | 88 574 365 282 162 361 70 173 39 262 164 134 82 215 70 111 | 89 580 368 284 162 362 70 174 40 270 169 139 83 219 70 113 | 90 586 370 286 163 364 70 174 41 277 174 143 84 224 70 114 | 91 591 372 287 163 365 70 175 42 285 179 148 85 228 70 116 | 92 597 374 289 164 366 70 176 43 292 184 153 86 232 70 118 | 93 603 376 291 165 368 70 176 44 299 189 158 87 237 70 120 | 94 609 379 293 165 369 70 177 45 307 194 163 88 241 70 122 | 95 614 381 294 166 371 70 177 46 314 199 168 89 245 70 124 | 96 620 383 296 166 372 70 178 47 322 204 173 90 250 70 126 | 97 625 384 296 167 373 70 178 48 329 209 178 91 254 70 128 | 98 629 386 297 167 373 70 179 49 336 214 181 94 258 70 130 | 99 634 387 297 168 374 70 179 50 343 219 184 96 261 70 131 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Updates + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version 1.0 FAQ is up, already hearing people point out what I missed! Version 1.1 will be up as soon as I give the FAQ a once over. Version 1.1 Changed Darbi to Zeppy to fix a mistake. Gave CM's Level Names. Fixed various spelling errors. Version 1.2 Added Credits Section in Introduction. Jigglysaint and Arancil get credit for thier help. Fixed 'Pumkin', and 'Pheonix'. Version 1.3 ScottyD spots Pumkin Jewel's Misinformation Fixed Pumkin Jewel Fixed Darbi's Instant Death Moves, they only hit 90% of time. Version 1.4 Reli finds Flash's Healing is weaker than stated. Added Equipment Properties Added Search Functions Version 1.5 Freegamer finds Zeppy's Sea Giant learns Mega Trident. (Aussie Version Only?) GSTLA and Squeeealer add some IP Comments, more to come in the future! Won't be updating for awhile. Version 1.6 Used a spell checker over the whole FAQ, fixed errors. Messed around with the Legal Matters section. I'll Rate IP Attacks myself in the next Version. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Odd's and End's: Legal Matters 2 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Copyright 2004, Joshua Carlberg, AKA Heavyarms525. The only place this document should be found at, unless my permission is obtained, is www.gamefaqs.com. No section in this FAQ may be copied for use on your own websites, however it may be kept for your personal use, unless you plan on selling it, and then it is not. If you desire to upload this FAQ to your website please notify me before doing so either by e-mail, or posting on the boards. Stealing this document for your own use is stealing the time, effort, and spirit of all those who helped bring this together... In a more subtle way of thinking: "Touch this document and die. Copyright 2004, Heavyarms525" If you wish to contact me to ask if you'd like to host this FAQ, please inquire on the Lufia 2 Message board, or e-mail me at carl1011@hotmail.com. Please note that I strongly recommend posting on the boards for permission, because I don't answer my e-mail very quickly, nor do I take kindly to people asking about what is already contained within this FAQ. Thanks!