Magical Pop'n Walkthrough FAQ Copyright (c) Jeremy Jusek Version 2.70 This FAQ was last updated by DarkFury3827 June 13th., 2004. If you'd like to contact me about this FAQ for any reason, I can be reached at ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------- A. Introduction/Controls B. Walkthrough a. Level 1 b. Level 2 c. Level 3 d. Level 4 e. Level 5 C. Enemies a. Levels they make an appearance b. Movement patterns/attacks c. Easiest ways to defeat them D. Abilities/Items E. Legal Information F. Update Information G. Special Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------- A: Introduction/Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to a game that seemed to have been swept up by the tides of gaming a long time ago! I am surprised that this game never made it big at all, and if anybody knows its history I would like to find that out. I just picked this up myself not long ago and started playing it. The more I played the more I appreciated the game, and started to take it on myself to give this game a fitting tribute by writing a few FAQ's for it. The Walkthrough FAQ isn't finished because I'm stuck on the fifth world, but give it time, I'll work that out eventually. The game itself is Magical Pop'n, and it doesn't seem to have much of a story to it. You start out by saving a king from a wizard floating in his hall, and you chase him out of a castle and end up in the village outside the fortresses' walls. Ten seconds later you are in control of your character and ready to roll with your sword. Here are the controls: A - Magic B - Jumping/Activate Button (For teleport pads and such) X - Nothing (As far as I know) Y - Sword Start - Pause Select - Superpower L & R - Switching between magic Control Pad - Moving around Movement in this game is simple; almost like Super Smash Bros. Melee in a way... you're little guy even looks like Link. You can small jump and even pull off a cheap kind of wave dash move. Holding down he can crawl and swing low, pressing up he can swing high. Jumping up in the air you can strike below you with your sword or up in the air, which is a great help against some bosses. Finally, if you time it right, you can on your third swing of your sword hit farther out. That's diversity for the SNES huh? Anyways, it takes about thirty seconds in all, jumping around and swinging swords to get used to your character. Take some time to get used to it, and you're off! ----------------------------------------------------------------- B: Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------- Note: There are no real secrets in this game; 95% of the secret areas just contain cakes and stars, something that you will only need if you go through all the extra hassle to get. The secrets that will benefit you I will outline how to get. a. Stage 1 - You start out in the pouring rain on top of somebody's house. Running to the right you'll encounter a few grunts and bats. The bats are too high up to be much trouble, and this way you can develop a technique for fighting the grunts. (Because you'll be doing a lot of it) Going all the way to the right next to a wall is a chimney. Fall down in it into a house. Bats will be flying around all over it. Just don't jump. Go through the door on your left and fall through another hole. You'll land in a big blue-bricked room. There are a couple of steps going up on your right, and a pit beyond that filled with some blue slime. Don't bother with the slime, because it is the platforms above you that you need to climb. Kill the bats flying there so they don't get in the way, and climb up to the doorway at the top right. In the next room there's a giant slime moving around. Ignore it and jump on the bumper that'll send you straight up in the air. Land on the top platform, which will take you to the next doorway. Run to your right and hop up the platforms, and you'll be back outside again. Continuing right you'll find a spearman trapped by some crates, and a pile of barrels behind him with a fire lizard spewing flames. Keep going right and ignore the pit that you can drop into. It has nothing in it at all, only enemies. Even better, there are some spearmen that will undoubtedly take some health down. Further right is another fire lizard in a barrel at the top of another stack. Past it is a bumper... avoid the bats and use it to get onto the balcony and the top doorway. This will save time. If you are low on stars and think you need some, the bottom door will bring you to the bottom floor of the house, complete with a bomberman and some other enemies. There are three rooms on the second story of this house. The left room is where you come in through the upstairs door from the balcony outside. The middle room has some stairs with a grunt on it, but ignore that for now. Go through the door on your right and kill the grunt there and get the treasure, your first golden statue! Yay! Go back to the middle room and up the stairs. Through the door on your right is the mini boss of this level. (If you have trouble with any of the bosses, refer to the boss FAQ for this, but I didn't think that it was necessary to include the bosses in this FAQ... they aren't that difficult) After beating the boss, a hole will be blown in the wall that leads to the outside. Running to the right you'll encounter a mole, a bomberman, and another mole. For defeating the moles I just suggest chasing after them, and in mid stride firing a blast at them. Otherwise you will chase them into the pit you have to go into and nine times out of ten you'll get hit by one of 'em. On the opposite side of the pit is a grunt working a cannon. He'll fire bombs at you, so just run straight down into the pit and go into the door on your right side. Inside is a spearman, blast him to death. Following are some blocks with what looks like lollipops on 'em. Can't get through them just yet, but we can fix that can't we? Drop down onto some stairs going down right in front of the blocks, (By pressing down and B, if you didn't know) and head to your left. In the next room you'll find a truckload of enemies, including bats, slimes, and some floating energy balls. Get through it the best you can, just avoiding the energy balls and hacking your way throughout the rest. All the way on your left are a couple more of those blocks, and a door that leads into your first magical chamber containing your next magical spell... the bomb. Get it and head back out. Don't worry about blowing apart those blocks on your left, it leads to a room that you can literally do nothing in. Instead leave the basement through where you came and go back up the stairs and blow those blocks to bits. Go through the door on your right and you will be back outside. On your right is the classic block and barrel setup of the fire lizard and spearman waiting for you. On their right is a place to drop down, (Don't just yet) a crate with a bomberman on top of it, and a door behind him. Kill him and go through the door. Kill the spearman in there, and take the three treasure chests. If you're low on magic this'll do a great deal of good, because they are all filled with giant stars. Go back outside and fall down. More spearmen and lizards to be found, and a doorway past one of the lizards. All the way on the left of this "cellar" is a pile of crates with a lizard on top, and a bunch of stars floating behind him. When everything's dead and the stars are yours, (Or if you don't need them, ignore them) go through the door. The next room has a spearman trapped between two crates, and in the middle of the floor is a hole that drops down into a room with an energy ball floating towards you, a spearman and a fire lizard. The right side is blocked with some more lolly-blocks... so take them down. Now, there's a door on your left. The right way is the correct way to go, but if you want you can make your way left. The left side leads through several rooms choked with enemies, (including the rare gray slime that can't be killed by physical attacks, you need magic) ending finally at a room with a single chest with a golden statue inside. If you do decide to get the golden statue, be warned not to jump over the crates, because you won't be able to go back and you'll wind up right next to where you got the bomb power, which is a bit of backtracking on your part. Once all is said and done, make your way back to the crossroads, follow the trail of stars and go through the right door. The next room has bats and slimes, and some platforms moving around. Jump up the platforms vanquishing bats all the way up until you get to the top, complete with another spearman and a door on your left side. This is where things get kind of hairy. Wait for the lizard that's sitting on top of his crate pile to let out some hot air, kill him and head up the steps. Grunts are littered everywhere, and two of them are in tanks. Make a mad dash for the right end, killing them however you please or just jumping over them. If you kill a grunt in a tank don't bother to stick around, because the tanks go haywire and start firing blasts all over the place. You can kill tanks with your bombs, if you really wish. Don't worry about running to the left side, it only leads to a door the brings you to a room with a trio of grunts. The door on the right side of the bridge is what you want. Go inside and you'll be in a church, apparently stationed at the very edge of town. A giant statue is in the room up by the altar. It busts open and the end boss of this level comes flying out. Beat him and stage one is done! b. Stage 2 - *Will be completed in the next version of the FAQ* c. Stage 3 - *Will be completed in a future version of the FAQ* d. Stage 4 - *Will be completed in a future version of the FAQ* e. Stage 5 - (I haven't completed this level yet.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- C: Enemies ----------------------------------------------------------------- *Will be completed in the next version of the FAQ* ----------------------------------------------------------------- D: Abilities/Items ----------------------------------------------------------------- Being so little of both, I didn't see the need to make separate sections for both abilities and items, so here they are... in that order. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities: (Note: Each ability has a special ability that has a higher casting cost, but in most cases covers the entire screen. Pressing A uses a selected ability, and pressing select uses the supped up version of it.) 1. Blast, casting cost (2) - Fires a blast of energy straight ahead. Superpower, casting cost (8) - This looks just like Goku's kamehameha. You little guy fires a giant blue blast across the screen that lasts for awhile, which is good for hitting some bosses multiple times. 2. Bomb, casting cost (4) - Throws a bomb like a grenade that explodes on impact. The blast doesn't hurt you, and destroys the lollipop-looking blocks. Superpower, casting cost (12) - An explosion is let out that covers the entire screen. 3. Grappling Hook, casting cost (0) - This doesn't cost any magic to use, and you need it to latch onto hooks to get across pits. Superpower, casting cost (8) - Using this lashes out 4. Ice, casting cost (3) - Ice shards are flung out three at a time, freezing enemies and blocks of fire that you will find. Superpower, casting cost (16) - The ice ability brings down a blizzard that covers the screen. 5. Fire, casting cost (3) - For the fire ability, don't just tap A, hold it. If you repeatedly tap A you'll waste a lot of stars because what this does it let's out a stream of fire. If you hold down A the stream will continue, but if you press it only a little flame will come out. Every few seconds or so you lose another three stars. Superpower, casting cost (20) - The fire superpower hits everything on the screen with waves of fire emitting from your character. 6. casting cost (**) - (I haven't gotten this ability yet... it is on the fifth stage which I'm stuck on right now.) Superpower, casting cost (**) - * * * ----------------------------------------------------------------- Items: 1. Candy - Just a little piece of wrapped candy, it will restore 1/2 of a heart. 2. Cake Slice - Restores a full heart. 3. Cake - Brings your health to full. 4. Heart - Finding one of these will bring your maximum health up by one heart. 5. Golden Statue - Finding three of these will grant you an extra life. 6. Star - This will add a star to your magic pool. 7. Giant Star - Finding one of these behemoths, which usually come in pairs with a cake, will raise your magic pool by ten stars. 8. Treasure Box - Use a sword to open these up. They usually contain cakes and giant stars, but sometimes will have golden statues, hearts, or even explosives. The bombs are easy enough to notice so you can avoid them; it takes awhile for them to explode. ----------------------------------------------------------------- E: Legal Information ----------------------------------------------------------------- I don't care if you use the information found in this FAQ, especially considering it is such an old game. But I did put serious time into making this, so give me some credit! The only site that has my permission, (Or wants it, for that matter) is Gamefaqs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- F: Update Information ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.70 - Made the core layout of the FAQ, including the first world in the Walkthrough, the abilities and items section, and a lot of the other miscellaneous parts of the guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------- G: Special Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks goes to Pack in Video, for making a sweet game that spanned the ages of video gaming and was never exposed. Also thanks goes to all sweet 70's and 80's rock bands that kept me going while writing this beast. And finally a special hat off to CjayC for putting this on his website.