------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAZINGER Z FAQ/WALKTHROUGH (Super Nintendo/Famicom) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.00 Written by matthewcarter50 ================================ Table Of Contents ================================ I - Introduction/Version History + II - Controls/How to play III - Characters IV - Weapons V - Walkthrough + VI - Enemies VII - Closing A + means that the section was updated since the last update. ======================================= I - ***Introduction/Version History*** ======================================= Hello, and welcome to the guide for an old SFC game, Mazinger Z. For those of you who didn't know, Mazinger Z is often called the first super robot, with few other contenders. The game is a simple go through the level and fight a boss, though the levels are well constructed. This is also my very first FAQ/Walkthrough. As for the version history, here it is. Version 0.60 - First released version of the FAQ. Version 0.75 - Continued the walkthrough, fixed some typos, added one more attack to the controls section, added to the enemies section. Also, slightly edited one character's description. Version 0.85 - Ok, ok, so I lied. This isn't complete yet, and I took a bit of a break from it. But I'm back. V.1.0 should be up in a week. Really, this time. Updated the walkthrough. Version 1.00 - Yeah, a week. A week. Yup, a week. Wel, various things came up and I just plain got lazy. Updates will now be random and rare, aiming to finish off the enemy section. =================================== II - ***Controls/How to Play *** =================================== The controls in this game are fairly simple, but i'll explain them anyway. When you start the game up and get past the title screen, the following controls are available- A - Change Power B - Jump Y - Punch Y when close to an enemy - Throw Forward and Y - High Kick Y Repeatedly - Combo Attack (Against an enemy) Y in the air - Air Fist Y in the air while moving - Knee Forward Twice - Dash Down - Duck Y while Ducking - Ducking Punch Y while Ducking and holding a direction - Low Kick Y While Dashing - Running Boot Y While Dashing, and then Ducking - Slide Assault Dash, Jump, and aim diagonally and press Y - Drop Kick Hold up and press Y - Use power* L or R - Rocket Punch** Hold Y - Block Those are the controls. Mostly simple. * - A power drains a certain amount of energy. If you do not have the required energy, Mazinger Z will do nothing (Perform a harmless pose) ** - L shoots one Rocket Punch, R shoots the other. Certain attacks are unavailable until the Rocket Punch comes back to you. Hopefully you understand the controls. If not, then practice a bit in the game with them. You'll get them eventually. ================================ III - ***Characters*** ================================ There are several characters in the game, but most are seen only in the cutscenes. These include --- Kouji Kabuto - Pilot of Mazinger Z ---------------------------------- Kouji is the pilot of Mazinger Z. He stops the bad guys with his robots various attacks. Typical Good Guy, I suppose. Sayaka Yumi - Pilot's Aphrodite A --------------------------------- Sayaka is a girl with brown hair. She only appears during cutscenes. Boss - Pilot's Boss Borot ------------------------- Boss made his own robot out of scrap metal. In the show, he was quite helpful at times. Ashura ------ Evil villain that looks like it has two faces. Serves the evil doctor guy. Tries to stop Mazinger, but fails. Brocken ------- Another evil guy. He has his head flying. Also tries to stop Mazinger. Generic Evil Doctor Guy ----------------------- Yup, good old Generic evil doctor guy. Also known as Dr. Hell. However, I like to call him generic evil doctor guy. Purple skin. There are a few more characters, but either they aren't important enough, or they don't appear in the game much (If at all). ================================ IV ***Weapons*** ================================ Mazinger Z has a few weapons at his disposal. These are changed by pressing the A button. I will review each weapon, my thoughts, and energy consumed. The format used shall be this - Name - The name of the weapon. Icon - What the weapon looks like in the box at the bottom. Strength - How strong the weaopn is. Energy Use - How much energy the weapon uses. My thoughts - Where I think the weapon is good. Final Grade - A rank. From F to A+. Also, don't forget that weapon energy recharges over time. Let's start, shall we? Name - Photon Beam Icon - Yellow Line Strength - 4 to 4 and a half energy blocks. Energy Use - 4 And a half energy blocks. My thoughts - It's actually an alright weapon. Pretty basic, however. It's good nonetheless, and should be used to soften enemies up before you go in for the kill with your melee attacks. It covers a fairly wide hit range, and is decently powerful. Long range helps it out. Final Grade - B Name - Breast Fire Icon - Red symbol that looks like Mazinger's Chest. Strength - 5 and a half to 6 energy blocks. Energy Use - 3 and a half energy blocks. My thoughts - An effective close in attack. Quite strong, but lacking in range. It's a cheap attack when compared to it's cost, use it when needed. Final Grade - A- Name - Missile Icon - An, um, missile. Strength - 13 Blocks. Energy Use - 18 blocks. My thoughts - Dangerous and expensive, use mostly on bosses, and even then, if you miss, or if it's blocked, your almost out of energy with no damage on the foe to show for it! It can be alright if used sparingly. Long range helps it, but it's quite slow. Use only in emergency's. Final Grade - C- Name - Drill Missile Icon - Two needles pointing forward. Strength - Usually one or one and a half energy. Hits 1 to 4 times. Energy Use - 3 Blocks. My thoughts - Quite useful for damage, can be used at any range, and will do quite well at that range. More effective in close range, but long range is safer. It's your choice, an all around good weapon, though it may miss a few shots, making Photon Beam a better choice at long range, and Breast Fire a better one at close range. However, this is a cheap, all around weapon. Final Grade - B+ Name - Rust Hurricane Icon - A blue Tornado. Strength - 5 and a half to 6 energy blocks. Energy Use - 4 and a half energy blocks. My thoughts - Not too great really. It isn't worthless however, as all weapons in this game are helpful. It travels along the ground, and will miss any enemies in the air. It's decently powerful, actually as powerful as Photon Beam, and hits both sides around you. It's got long range, and is best used when your surrounded. Not too often, if your smart. But.... it's still a much better weapon then the missile, i'll rate it on par with the Photon Beam. Final Grade - B ===================================== V ***Walkthrough*** ===================================== ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~ Level 1 - Ruined City ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~ When the level starts, walk to your right. Look a the cool background effects. Looks rather nice. Suddenly, an Abdra U6 will appear. These brown enemies are no trouble. It might try to bounce on you, but don't worry about it. Beat it down with the combo attack, or some special attacks. If you want to try out some special attacks, I reccomend the Photon Beam, Breast Fire or Drill Missile against this foe. Dash more to the right. jump through the areas where it is needed. Another Abdra will soon appear. Beat it down in a similar fashion as before. continue onward, and eventually an Elephant Tank will appear. These things are a lot nastier then the Abdra's, as they are small and fast. I reccomend Breast Fire as it can hit them rather reliably. Use combo attacks if the opportunity presents itself. Still not too hard. Next up as you continue, is a Sword Shogun. Beat it down with ranged attacks like the Drill Missile, and then go in for the kill. Notice that when you or your opponent is knocked into a building or similar object, it explodes. Nice touch. Continue onwards to find a Dabras M2. These things are hard to hit, but they have low Hp. I reccomend blocking until they stop jumping, and firing a couple of Photon Beams. 2 should defeat it. Look out however! When you continue on, probably dashing, you will see an area where the hill that your heading up ends. Before you get there, a Dabras M2 will appear from behind, and attempt to kick you! Be ready by blocking when you near the top of the hill, if you block, he may just jump over you! Dispose of him in the usual manner. Don't stand too close when he's down, or you may get energy drained. Anyway, go on further. You will see a Sword Shogun. However, look out, as soon after, an Elephant Tank will come charging from the left of the screen! You have to be facing the direction he charges to block his attack. Do that. Though you have to fight two foes at once, this is no big deal. If you use your combo attack, the final hit may hit them both! Rust Hurricane is useful, as is Photon Beam. Even Breast Fire may work reasonably well. However, don't celebrate yet! A Dabras will walk in from the right, or rather Kick in. This Dabras has much more HP then the others, and he may put up more of a fight. However, he's still little trouble. An energy refill may drop after you beat him. Walk to the dead end... seems to be nothing here... notice the change in tune. However, no sooner then you may think that, does the boss appear! from the building, no less! /--------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss Sheet - Garada K7 HP: 37 Blocks Difficulty - Low-Medium | |Attacks - Scythe Swing - Garada uses an overhead swing, and deals | |1 and a half blocks of damage. Beware of this attack when at close | |range. | |Twin Missile - Garada shoots two missiles at the same time. Deals 1 | |damage. No trouble. | |Twirling Blade - Garada uses this after being knocked down. He spins | |and deals 1 and a half blocks. Look out. | |Spin Attack - Garada occasionaly uses this. It's powerful, so stay | |away! 2 blocks. | |Jumping Scythe - Garada jumps high, and brings his scythe down. 1 | |and a half blocks, or 2. | |Boomerang Scythe - Garada throws his blade/scythes as a boomerang, | |doing 2 blocks of damage. | |Running Scythe - Look out for this one. It deals a massive 4 blocks of| |damage to Mazinger. | | | |Strategy - As you can see, he has an impressive repertoire of attacks.| |The Spin Attack and Running Scythe are the rarest, and rightfully so--| |their the strongest. Don't attack him until he holds his scythes, or | |it's a wasted effort. Walk a bit away at first, and use Photon Beam. | |It's more effective then Drill Missile, which he often blocks. Give | |him a few running kicks, or a breast fire or Rust Hurricane. the said | |attacks are very powerful against him. However, he's no wimp himself, | |so look out. When you run out of energy, either hang back and block, | |jump kicking every so often, or go melee. He's likely weak, so I like | |the latter more, combos are almost needed, and a quick Breast Fire | |should finish him. Enjoy your victory ---- others won't come as easy. | | | |Victory Pose - Flips scythe, and puts them on his head. | \_____________________________________________________________________/ Congratulations on beating the first level. Watch Mazinger jump onto the Scrander, and go Onto the next level! Watch the cutscene if you wish. You'll see Aphrodite. ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~ Level 2 - Rocky Valley ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~ A new level. When you start, you'll notice some crazy creature coming at you. These things have always reminded me of the tick for some reason. Anyway, I'll call them BullBots. Bad name, I know. Anyway, you may have to get used to these things. Stay away when they get up - just like Garada, he counters. I HIGHLY reccomend using Breast Fire to dispose of these things, or at least another special power. Look out for their dash attack.... it can hurt. However, he should be killed easily. Continue to the left. You'll meet a Toros D7 for the first time here. It's like the Elephant Robot's from the previous level, except buffed up. It's missile attack is troublesome, but weak. However, while your fighting, a BullBot may come over to help the foe. I thusly say that you should use Breast Fire here. Photon Beam or Rust Hurrican will work if you want to keep your distance, though Hurricane is superior here, because of the slanted surface. Once they are disposed of, continue on.... You'll be treated to your first Jetpack enemy. These guys are annoying. Very much so. This one has little hp. It flies into the air, dropping bombs. Try to Drop Kick it before it can take off into the air. If it get's into the air, jump up and try to take it down. Now, be careful when jumping on these platforms, as inbetween are some dangerous tread spikes. They don't hurt a lot, but they add up. Jump out as soon as possible if you fall, or are pushed in (by a jetpack guy, maybe?). Another Jetpack will soon appear. He will likely get into the air, so jump punch him down, and Breast fire. Continue to the left... for another Jetpack Guy! Here we go again... the platforms are smaller this time ---- I advise you to look out. You may fall in a couple of times, don't worry. Breast fire helps, as with Drop Kicks. You know the drill. Continue on the small land, to get to a large area of land. Dash Jumps are your friend. Hey, a new enemy! The Rhine X1 is moderately hard. It's throw is quite painful, and it's good at playing keep-away. You know what that means, Photon Beam! If you can't, or choose not too, try Rocket Punching. Yes, Rocket Punching. Look out if you get thrown into the spikes, however. They aren't too tough, but can rack up damage. Floating Platforms! Joy. Before jumping on, wait a while for two Toros to appear. Dispose of them. If you jumped on before, their missile attacks would annoy you to no end. You may not have much energy left, so use Breast Fire and punches. Sweep Kick them if they stay on the spikes. Go across the platforms now. A BullBot? Yay.... Get rif of him normally. If he's on the spikes, use Breast Fire. It can still hit him. Going forward, you'll find a Rhine X1, and a Jetpack Guy. An annoying team. Recharge your energy beforehand, if you like. Look out, the Jetpack guy has about 45 Hp! Take care of either first. You might be able to toss the Rhine into the Jetpack. Try it if you like.... but don't get tossed yourself! The Rhine will drop a heal. Continue onwards, and out of nowhere........ /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss Sheet - Rumbly Ball HP: 35 Blocks Difficulty - Low-Medium | |Attacks - Sword Swing Swings his sword. 1 and a half blocks. | |Diving Slash - Jumps into the air and lands on you with sword down. | |Half a block. Can be aimed diagonally. | |Rolling Sword - Rolls across the screen, dealing 2 or 2 and a half | |blocks of damage. | | | |Strategy - Actually, easier then Garada. He's hard to hit in melee, | |but if you use either Rust Hurricane, or Drill Missile, he's easily | |beaten if you use those. Even Breast Fire works well.... if needed, | |finish him off with a Drop Kick. No Trouble, but stay away from | |the Missile power. If you miss, then your in trouble. Oh, that | |isn't his real name, obviously. | | | |Victory Pose - Dances around a bit, and then points his sword | |diagonally, the sword then shines and makes a sound effect. | | | | | | | | | \_____________________________________________________________________/ You beat the (fairly easy) second boss. Congratulations! Mazinger will jump on the scrander, and fly away. Laugh at the typo of bonus.... and go on to the next level! The cutscene is the first appearance of Boss. Watch the Mazinger Launch sequence. ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~ Level 3 - Dark Cavern ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~ We're getting harder here. This level is quite a bit more confusing then the previous levels. Don't forget, you need to kill all enemies to progress. Go forward, and you'll see some stalactites falling from the ceiling. Their weak, so they aren't much trouble. However, if you want to not get hit, walk forward slowly until one falls right in front of you, dash to about where the hole in the wall is. A little farther. Anyway, continue.... Go Right and left down the hole like area. When you go farther, you'll see Crazy Birds! To beat them, block until it comes down, and stops, and use Breast Fire, after you use two of those, finish it off with a dash kick. Next up, when you move forward, an enemy will come out of the ground! Duck, and kill it here. When you knock off it's shell, beat it down with combo attacks. However, another enemy may have entered the screen. This is a Spartan K5. Tough, actually. These are the hardest enemies in here, as they can block well, and are hard to hit with melee attacks. I reccomend Photon Beam, but only 1 or 2 shots. Then back off a bit, and give him more. If you must melee, try and throw. Climb up the platforms, and go all the way up. and go into the little nook to the left. Another new enemy. It's an easy one though, much easier then the Spartan. Go in, combo, or try ducking and punching followed by a slide. It's easy. Anyway, go backwards and fall down. all the way. New area..... go to the left and on the platform. You'll see a Crazy Bird. Now, poke him with Drill Missile or Photon Beam. I reccomend the Drill Missile. Anyway, drop down, and lure him or smack him to the bottom of the hill. Then either use Rust Hurricane or a few drop Kicks, or Running Kicks. Should finish him off. Jump back on the platform, and jump onto the next. Dash jump, and Drop Kick the Bird. On the way, a sniper enemy may shoot at you. These are Genova M9. Unhurtable, so don't bother. Breast Fire the Bird, and stay away from it. A new area opens up.... however, before going there, go to the right, climb the little pillar, and dash jump to the top right. Now it's a Ball-and-Chain guy. No trouble, duck, and duck punch and combo if needed. Go down now, from the right side of this platform. A Crazy Bird will be spotted. Dispose of it, and a Mole Robo is also there. Once you sispose of both of them, instead of going in the lava, go to the right. You'll see a small platform hovering above the Lava. Jump on it. Climb up after the platform stops, and you'll see a Ball&Chain Guy. Defeat him, in the usual way. A bit trickier though. Climb up, and don't fall. You'll see a Genova, look out. You'll see a Ball&Chain Guy, use the usual Duck Punch and Combo. A heal is in the area after beating it. Go to the Right, and Climb . Climb more. Eventually, another Ball&Chainer will be there. This is the only really hard one. You need to be careful, but it's the same idea. A Mole Robo is also there. You know what to do, but look out for the Genova. Go forward... Hey, Stalactites! After getting past them, look out for the Spartan. As usual, it's tough. Use plenty of powers. You'll see a Crazy Bird. Take it out. Try a flying knee to start. Ok, a hole will open.... go down, after taking a deep breath. Oh no! It's a new song! /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss Sheet - Winged Robot HP: 24 Blocks Difficulty - High | |Attacks - Vulcan - Shoots several bullets when in the air. Does 1/2 | |or 1 Blocks. | |Grab Crush - This attack is used when he is close to you. 3 or 4 HP. | |Kick - Used rarely, only when a certain distance away after being | |knocked down. 2 blocks. | |Glide - Used quite often, dodge by ducking or countering with Breast | |Fire. 1.5 or 2 blocks. | | | |Strategy - Pretty tough. My favorite strategy is to block, and Breast | |Fire when he Glides at you. However, you may wish to Air Punch or Drop| |Kick him out of the sky. Then Breast Fire when he dashes at you. | |Look out for the grab, so try not to stay directly under him. If you | |block, make sure that your facing the way he is shooting. Else your | |block will fail. Hopefully you'll win. | | | |Victory Pose - Lands, and spreads out wings and fake laughs. | | | | | | | \_____________________________________________________________________/ Congratulations on beating level 3! Now, watch the short cutscene, and go onwards.... ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~ Level 4 - Underwater Ocean ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~ I'm running out of ideas for level names.... anyway, when you land, the first thing you'll notice is the moving land. The second thing you'll notice is the waves getting shot at you. Look out. Either block, or jump inbetween the hits. It will help immensely if you can seperate the two TriangleV enemies. (The clams). Try throwing one in the opposite direction, and comboing it. A missile may come in from an outside area, but in this section, don't be surprised if you take hits. Hopefully, you haven't taken too many. Continue, and when your climbing the volcano's, they spew lava streams, that take off either half an energy, or one block. Oh, when you defeat a TriV, a mine is placed. Weak, but annoying. Now, travel forward, and you'll see two pink/red enemies. Land in the same area as them, and beat them down with combo attacks. Block if needed, and Breast Fire is certainly helpful. Hopefully, you can back them into a volcano, and clobber them there. Anyway, continue to the right some more. You'll see several mines. However, damage from these can be prevented if you duck. Duck whenever you see a mine. When you go more to the right, however, you'll see a missile, and a wave being shot at you. Oy. You may take a few hits, but continue onwards, normally. Soon, you'll reach the TriV that was shooting at you. Combo him quickly! Give him combo after combo. Hopefully, a Photon Beam will shoot out of one of the combo's, hurting the sea fighters on the other side. If one jump attacks you, block if possible. Well, after disposing of them, head even further forward. Ah, a new enemy. However, before reaching said enemy, you'll come face to face with..... a missile! Yes, another one. This one is near the large volcano. Anyway, when you get as close as possible to the volcano, the enemy will appear. Photon Beam, and Breast Fire it, though if it gets through with it's attack, try delaying your punches. Go Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y instead of YYYYYYYY. you may get hit, but if you pull it off, it works. It's like a rhythm. Well now, go forward more, and climb the now famous large volcano. If you don't go too far, you'll see scissors sticking out of the ground........ a mine is also floating in the air. Yeah, activate it, and run. But, the Pincher will come up now. After a Breast Fire, do the Y-Y-Y combo, or just regular beatdown. Another will soon appear. Running Kick, and Slide. Or do whatever, this is just my suggestion. Continue to the right, and jump down the shaft.... part 2 of this level. ====== PART 2 ====== This level is quite long. Hopefully, your missing only about 4 energy blocks. If it's more, then don't worry, as there's an energy refill soon. Anyway, fall down the shaft. You may hear a Bzzzzing sound. That's the new enemy, a Thunder Launcher. They shoot bolts of electricity. And rhythm doesn't work on them, because they have a throw. Thusly, I reccomend that if you have low ground, to duck, or block. Or jump, but the first two are preferable. Then Photon Beam/ Breast Fire. A heal will drop. After (hopefully) defeating that enemy, go to the left, and jump over the volcano. You'll hear another Thunder.... a bit tougher, as ducking is harder to use. Throw him over the Volcano, and Breast Fire through the wall. Drop Kick coming in, as well. Oh, another one.... not much to say, but they can't be attacked if they change into spiked ball form. Running Kick's are effective here. Dash jump to the left, off the cliff. An HP refill! Now, go to the right. Ugh...... A TriV and a Sea Fighter. Ryhthm the fighter first, or just plain smack him down. Go even further to the right, and volcano jets will stream out. You know how to dodge these by now, and two fighters are also here. Just beat them. Going more to the right, more pincers will appear from the ground. Breast Fire, and if they swim over, combo. When three missiles fly over your head, switch to Rust Hurricane. A lightning bolt will also be shot at you. This is not good. It's difficult to avoid being hit here, but use what you can to take out the Thunder, Sea Fighter, and Pincer. Hopefully, you won't awake the Pincer. This is Rust Hurricane's time to shine. Use it often, and when you kill the Thunder, it'll drop an HP refill. So don't worry about being hit. Missiles will be shot at you, but.... what's this? The boss song! /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss Sheet - Seahorse HP 34 Blocks Difficulty - Medium | | | |Attacks - Rubble - Used only at the beginning, various things fall. | |1/2 or 1 blocks of damage. | |Tail Bomber - Seahorse grabs and throws. 3 and a half blocks. | |Hook Claw - a close range attack, can be used rapidly. 1-1.5 blocks | |of damage. | |Energy Spit - Shoots a shot out, dealing half or 1 blocks of damage | |Explosive Friend - Not to you, though. If it latches onto you, escape | |by jumping away. 1 block. | |Flying Tail - when Seahorse jumps, it uses this attack.half-1 block. | | | |Strategy - If your not prepared, this one is tough. Immediately start | |off by going just a little away from where he's going to land, and | |combo him. Just a little away is so he doesn't Tail Bomber you. Then, | |get back, and when he jumps around, Photon Beam at where he is, try | |predicting. This one requires a bit of reaction time, so you could | |also try Drop Kicks. Do that when you run out of Photon Beams. Block | |is ineffective in this match, and if he's flailing with his Hook Claw | |then Photon Beam him! You should win, as he screams. | | | |Victory Pose - Raises arms up. | \_____________________________________________________________________/ Congratulations on beating the sea level! The cutscene shows Kouji entering the fortress.... ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~~ Level 5 - Evil Doctor Guy's Fortress ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~~ Your now entering the final two levels of the game. This level is much harder then anything you've come across thus far. Be prepared! When you start, a spotlight will be shining on you ---- it's just graphical. So, move forward. You'll see a MissilerT7. Start off by ducking. The missiles will go right over you. Move forward in the breaks, and give it a low kick! However, if it starts to come after you, Breast Fire, or Low Kick. Another way of beating them, if you prefer, is to duck, and punch rapidly. They may get a few hits in, though it's simpler. Photon Beam is a simple and easy way to get some hits in, if you can spare the energy. You'll now see a moving hook on a chain. Duck below it, and wait for it to pass by. Then go forward as quickly as possible! You may also wish to wait for it to go in the direction it came from. However, at the top of the little hill that is next, is another T7. jump up after the missiles, and beat it down! Choose, though if you throw it down to the chain level, I reccomend a rapid punch (ducking) with a combo following. When you continue to the left, you'll see several elevators and conveyor belts. This part is just here to show you what they do, if it wasn't obvious. So, go on the elevators and jump onto the belts. Yes, you have to jump off the second one. Well.... go on, you'll see several chain like things. But these won't hurt you. Fall off the first one, and dash to the right. You'll see an electric barrier there. Though it spans quite a large area, keep jumping through it and uou should suffer no more then 2 damage, hopefully less. When your on the little platform part, dash jump to get up to the top. Sorry for the confusing directions there. When you rush forward, a new enemy will appear! It's laser shot is unduckable, so don't bother trying. Block it or jump over it, and stay away from the edge. Breast Fire when he comes close, with an occasional Drop Kick. I presume you didn't knock him off the edge, which is good. Collect his energy powerup and go on. Platforms going in circles await you here. Jump on the first, then the second. Just wait for their paths to cross. Jump on the third one and make it to the end of that part. If you fall, the run to a corner and jump on a platform when it passes by. Keep on going, and up the elevator, and you'll meet a Laser Shooter and a Driller. Can you tell that I don't know any more of the robots names yet? Yeah. Anyway, Rust Hurricane or Photon Beam works well here, once you defeat one, the other should follow. Dash forwards, and you'll meet the incredibly annoying Pipe Leeches! These things are hard to hit, oftentimes come in packs of two, and take 2 blocks of energy every attack! This can really add up. Their normal attack isn't much to write home about, so stay away from them if possible, and Photon Beam. But if you must go close, pummel it with combo's. Don't try blocking! It won't work. Also, try not to knock it into the lasers. But it might get up anyway! After defeating that nuisance, either jump on the platform, or tough it out and jump through the lightning bolts. It really doesn't hurt too much, so if you fall, jump through. Now, the annoyance begins. Your on a conveyor belt, but a Pipe Leech is there waiting for you. The belt will drag you towards the lightning, while the Leech will just annoy you to no end. If you go too far to the right, another Leech will pop out of it's pipe. Try to avoid this, if possible. I prefer a combo of, um, combo's and Breast Fire. Jumpong on the belt will get you in the direction you wish to go quicker. There's a bit of elevator floating platforms coming up here. As tempting as it may look, you can't just jump straight up. The platform above you goes up too quickly to do that. So, just jump from left to right until you make it to the very top. What odd ground.... another Pipe Leech awaits you here, though annoying, you should know how to dispose of these by now. Yes, another will come out of a pipe if you go too far, but with no conveyor belt, it's easy to avoid it. The second one drops an energy refill ---- you'll likely need it. This is on a conveyor belt. That, alone, makes it difficult. No enemies, but lots of fire jets. Sorta like the ones in the ocean level, but they only activate when you get close to them. It might seem easy at first, but it quickly turns into a nightmare of dodging and getting knocked back. I'll try and take you through it the best I can. Go forward. You'll see an odd attachment to the pipe. Yep, it's a fire shooter. Said thing shoots fire, but only when you get close. Dash towards it and jump! Hopefully, you should get over the pipe. Walk forward to stay in place. Another one shoots fire straight down. Dash past it. Don't go too far. Another two are next. Jump in the middle of the Upside-down U shaped pipe, and wait there for a while. This part right now is sort of difficult. Dash forward after the fire stops. Jump over the next spewer, and you'll see a down one. Wait for it to go, and jump! Get over the next spewer, and that's it..... Or not. Here's more! And combined with enemies! What fun! Anyway, move forward on the belt a little, and lure the T7 over. When it falls off, get back, and attack it with all you've got! When it's defeated, go on the Belt. More Fire. For the spot with two jets, both ending in the same spot on opposite sides, dash as close as you can to the jet, maybe a little farther if it's off, and jump! Then, just do the normal stuff. Nothing much special. Jump on the elevator that you see. Note that up on the elevator, there is a fire jet. It shouldn't hurt much, but still. Two drill robots await you near the top. Get them close together, and Breast Fire. Try not to go too far, as a laser enemy is waiting. I highly recommend Photon Beam, and block when your Weapon Energy runs out. Breast Fire your gained energy on him, and it should be the end for it. Go under the two swinging chains, and go up the elevator. You'll see something flying up. Go upwards to meet the boss.... /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss Sheet - Minerva X HP - 38 Blocks - Difficulty - Medium/High | | | |Attacks - Running Kick - Identical to Mazingers. Look out, though. | |1 and a half blocks. | |Breast Fire - You know how this one goes. 2 Blocks of damage. Hits | |straight ahead. | |Photon Beam - Same as Mazingers, but weaker. 1 Block. | |Low Kick - Kicks low when she ducks. 1 Block of damage. | |Flying Kick - She jumps in the air and kicks quickly. 1 Block. | |Slap - Only half a block of damage, but is often done multiple times. | |Can be painful. | |Throw - Mazinger gets grabbed, with one hand, no less, and tossed. | |2 Blocks of damage! | |Knee Jump - For lack of a better name.... you gotta see this one. | |weak, half a block, but fast. | |Rapid Fire Fist - Minerva ducks and punches rapidly. Hits about thrice| |for half a block per hit. | |Flying Drop Kick - Jumps in the air and kicks. Look out for this one. | |It hurts. 2 and a half blocks. | | | |Strategy - Minerva has an impressive Repertoire of attacks. Looking | |at the sheet above, she can use lots of Mazingers attacks, but is | |missing some. Her attacks are also slightly weaker. This doesn't mean | |that this fight is easy. She has more HP then Mazinger, and can also | |block. Now onto the fight. She'll be kneeling at the start, so Run | |Kick. Not a whole lot to say about this fight, block when needed, but | |don't abuse it ---- she has a throw move. Breast Fire is effective, | |but don't use Rust Hurricane --- she bounces around far too much for | |it to be effective. Photon Beam also works adequately. Just attack | |with all that you've got. Hopefully, you'll win. | | | | | |Victory Pose - She bounces around Mazinger in her, um, Knee Jump | |pose. | \_____________________________________________________________________/ Watch the short cutscene. (Consisting of very little) This is, as you may expect from it, the lastlevel next. ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~~ Final Level - Doctor's Fortress V2 ~~~~~<>~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~<>~~~~~~ This is it, the last level. The game's not over yet, however! This final level will make you use al the skills you've... or not. But it's still hard. Anyway, admire the background's flashy colours and go forward. You'll meet a Fire Guy! They have two varieties of Fireballs - High and low. They'll almost certainly start with a high, so go near and duck. Wait for him to fly at you in a fireball, jump over it, and give him running kick after running kick. This should be enough, but be careful not to knock him down the pit in front of you, which is why I recommend that you jump over him. When the Fire Guy is destroyed, go back to the front way and fall down. You'll find another new enemy. They have a Suplex move, so stay back and use the long range power of your choice. If you do, however, decide to go up close and personal, after knocking him down, run away! Run far away! Repeat whatever you've chosen to do until it's defeated. Note that a Fire Guy may decide to walk across at any time, adding to the chaos. Dispose of one of them quickly, and destroy the other in a method of your choosing. Run forward, and a Ninja Robo will fall from the sky! Or the ceiling. Whichever. I believe that you should block and duck the second you see him, getting yourself pushed back. Deal as much damage as you can, until big axe robot decides to appear. Quickly, switch to Rust Hurricane and use that until one of them is destroyed. A quick note about our axe wielding foe here. He attempts to grab you the second he wakes up, so you should back off. Another Axe-guy lies ahead. You should know what to do, but note the area you are standing on. He comes from below, so be cautious. Note that if you jump in the air, punch and hit them with that punch you can sort of "Chain" it into a combo. If you like, try it out. It works well against the Axeguys. Even more forward, you'll see a weird platformy thing with electricity. It's jump-on-topable, so do that. The sides damage you, however. There's also an automatic elevator --- jump to the lower platform. The higher one is a dead-end. On the platform, an electrical current will surge through the platform. Just jump slowly, and normally. You'll make it. These things are unblockable, and deal only half a block of damage, so don't fret too much if you get hit. Oh great, you'll see many Ninja robots. The second one on the floor will come to life, so corner it and destroy it. The 5th one on top and another one on the bottom will try to doubleteam you. Breast Fire and Rust Hurricane work wonders here. More electrical currents, combined with Crane Game Cranes coming after you. Jump, and jump fast. The cranes do more damage then the lightning, so don't be afraid to get hit by the lightning. Anyway's forward more and.... hey, the boss song? Already? Our old friend GarudaK7 is back. And now he's red! But if you need help, just look at his strategy up above. After demolishing him, go forward, up the elevator, and left. Another axe guy is waiting for you. Give him a nice greeting. There's nothing special about this guy, but take notice - if you fall down the elevator, he'll likely come after you. You may also be damaged from the mini-boss fight earlier. Yay, even more electrical currents! This time, your going with them, however. Look up at the roof when you meet the enemy, the beast enemy is there to lure you into the lightning dischargers up at the top. Instead, lure him out and beat him down. However, another one will come, and if you go too far back then the currents will hit you. So exhaust all your energy and just plain attack them. One of them will drop a full heal, and the dischargers up top do very little damage --- they serve only to stun you. Run through the dischargers - none should hit you. You'll then meet up with a fire guy. Destroy the thing. However, a Ninja Robo wil appear during the fight, so take notice. You can kick the fire guy even when he's in fireball form. Try to take the Ninja guy first, actually... the Fire guy may appear again, so you then give him pain. If you have weapon energy left, use it. An axe guy awaits you forward. Oh, wait, TWO axe guys? Twice the fun. Just weapon them, if you've waited for your energy to recharge. Photon Beam and Hurricane work best. Then jump combo them, and end it with a running kick so they won't grab you. Grab the heal, and wait for your weapon energy to recharge to maximum. Trust me. Walk forward, and.... ___________ ___________ / Dr.Hell \ Difficulty - Very High /Last Boss \ / Hp - Varies \_____________________________________/ Sheet \__ |Form one Attacks - Oil Drum - 1 block. The DR. throws an Oil Drum | |that explodes on contact with the ground. Dodge by a running jump. | |Photon Ray - 2.5 Blocks. The Dr. shoots a Ray out from his hand at an| |angle. Dodge by running. | |Lightning - Shoots Lightning straight below. 2.5 Blocks of damage. | | | |Form 1 Strategy - Dodge, dodge and dodge some more. You have to | |conserve your energy for the other forms. Note that he quits this one| |after he attacks so often. The attacks that he'll use depends on how | |far away you are from him. Long Range = Oil medium = Photon Ray | |Short - Lightning. After dodging enough of his attacks, he'll give | |up and change to.... | | | |Form 2 Attacks - Flying Fists - Dr. Jumps in the air and lands close | |with his fists. 1 Block. | |Flying Photon Fists - Essentialy the same, except he shoots rays at | |you. 1.5 Blocks. | |Big Fist - Just a fist. 1 Block. | |Jump Kick - Jumps and leaves his leg out for a long time. 1/2 block. | |Doc Ghost - Charges up and shoots a ghost at you. 1 Block. | |Fire Wave - Kneels and shoots out Fire like the Oil Drum. 1 Block. | |Photon Ray - Shoots out a Photon Beam. 1 Block. | |Big Bad Knee - Knee's a lot. Grab. 2.5 Blocks. | |Missiles - Shoots several missiles forward. 1/2 Block. | |Low Kick - Kneels and Kicks. 1 Block. | |The Throw - 1 Block. Just a throw. | | | |Form 2 Strategy - An actual fight! The Dr. Is about your size, so | |concentrate on getting close. The attacks are mostly simple, usually | |if you see him charging up, block or run. if it's fire, you have to | |run jump, the others can be blocked. When your close, Jump Kick him | |to get near, then back off a little. Hell will likely run, so get him| |with your specials. If you see a yellow ghost at you, duck. Combo's | |Do work well, but it's nearly impossible to finish one without the DR| | Stopping it somehow. | |Try to have at least 7 blocks of life left when he's destroyed | |however.... you'll likely need it. The Dr's close range combo's | |are tough to stop. Just try your best, and then.... | | | |Form 3 Attacks - Fireball - The head shoots a fireball. 1 Block. | |Lightning Wave - The usual followup to a teleport. Lightning appears | |around Dr.Head. 1 Block. | |Fire Stream - A short range Fire Blast. 2 Blocks | |Teleport - Dr. Teleports. Not really an attack though. | | | |Form 3 Strategy - The third form has a small number of attacks, but | |seeing as how your likely weakened, they may be enough to finish you.| |But after you hit him, he'll teleport. Run away, and Block. When he | |gets close, use Breast Fire. Repeat the process. If the DR. get's too| |close, then he'll use his Fire Stream, which is difficult to block. | |Just try to outlast him, and then he'll explode. If you have no | |weapon enrgy left, use a similar strategy, but instead use Running | |Kicks or Throws. | | | |Victory Pose (Form 2) - Does a pose. | |(Form 3) - Hovers in place.) | \____________________________________________________________________/ Anyway, assuming you beat it, congratulations! Watch the ending, and thanks for reading this FAQ. At least someone looked at it then. ===================================== VI ***Enemies*** ===================================== The enemy list will be handled like this - Name - The name of the enemy. Real or what I made up. Look - What the robot looks like. Attacks - The attacks they have, and the damage they deal. Victory Pose - A description of what they do if you are defeated by them. Name - Abdra U6 Look - Brownish, with silver belly. Wirey legs. Attacks - Punch - 1 Block of damage, or sometimes 1/2. Easy to avoid. Belly Flop - 1 and a half points of damage. Jumps into the air and attempts to land on you. Victory Pose - Kneels and looks left and right. Name - Elephant Tank (Not Real Name) Look - A sort of Barrel creature with a horn. In stage 1. Attacks - Ram - 1 and a half blocks of damage. Runs at you. Goo Spit - Shoots a ball of goo that explodes on contact with the ground. Either one damage, or Half a block. Jump Attack - Jumps and strikes with horn, for 1 block of damage. Victory Pose - Jumps on hind legs, then flips over and flails wildly. Name - Sword Shogun (Not real name) Look - Robot with helmet and sword. Attacks - Sword Swing - 1 damage. Overhead swing. Sword Stab - Stab's sword outwards. 1 Damage. Victory Pose - Walks in place. Name - Dabras M2 Look - 2 Headed green creature. Attacks - Head Extend - Extends a head to attack. Half or 1 damage can also stretch diagonally. Jump and Flying Kick - Jumps around several times before dealing a kick for 2 damage. Energy Drain - Grabs you and deals 2 and a half blocks. Victory Pose - Walks in place and Jumps. o=======o |Stage 2| o=======o As an added note, Not Real Name will be replaced by NRL. Also, if I say one block or whatnot, it may deal 1/2 more or less, (but only one). Name - Bullbot (NRL) Look - A purple and black creature with what looks like a smiley face. Attacks - Uppercut - an uppercut, dealing 1 and a half damage. Punch - punches, dealing 1 block. Can be used rapidly. Horn Rush - Jumps back, and dashes with horns, dealing 1.5 blocks. Victory Pose - jumps around a little, and does a superhero pose. Name - Toros D7 Look - Box with 4 legs, and a horn. Attacks - Charge - rushes at you. 2 blocks. Missile Spread - Shoots out things that later land somewhere else. 1 block. Victory Pose - Moves one foot back and forth, scraping it. Name - Jetpack Guy Look - A thing with a Jetpack-like object, and can fly. Attacks - Bomb - 1 damage, or half. Fly's into the air and bombs you. Victory Pose - bombs Mazinger repeatedly. Name - Rhine X1 Look - A Red/Pink haired robot, that is pink and has a whip at the end. Attacks - Whip - Lashes at you with it's whip. 1 Damage. Kick - Kicks you, at closer range. 1 damage, but is one more often. Whip Toss - Snags you in it's whip, and throws you away. 1 damage. Victory Pose - Flicks whip back. ===================================== ***Closing*** ===================================== ----------------------- MP-I Copyright ----------------------- This document is copyright 2004 Matthew Carter. This FAQ may only appear at www.gamefaqs.com. All work is the original product of the author. ----------------------- MP-II Contact info ----------------------- If you wish to contact me, e-mail me at matthewcarter50(at)NOSPAMhotmail.com Remove the NOSPAM, and replace the (at) with an @ symbol. Make sure that Mazinger Z is in the subject title, or something similar. You may submit tips, questions, or whatnot. /---------------------\ |MP-III Credits | \---------------------/ Not much here yet. Um, CJayC for posting this FAQ. If anyone helps, i'll add them here. o--------------------------o |END OF FAQ. | o--------------------------o