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Game: Mighty Morhpin Power Rangers System: Super Nintendo Author: SaiyanPureheart Date: August 2, 2010 ~*TABLE OF CONTENTS*~ I. VERSION II. INTRODUCTION III. ABOUT THE SHOW AND GAME IV. CHARACTERS A) THE RANGERS B) THE VILLAINS V. MENU VI. TIPS VII. CONTROLS VIII. WALKTHROUGH AREA 1 AREA 2 AREA 3 AREA 4 AREA 5 AREA 6 AREA 7 IX. BOSS FIGHTS X. CONTACT ME XI. CREDITS/DISCLAIMER TIP: Press Ctrl + F to jump from section to section. ========== |I. VERSION| ========== 08/02/10 - Introduction, show and game, and boss fight sections completed; the guide is complete. (Version 2.0) 08/01/10 - Rest of Area 4 finished. Areas 5, 6, and 7 completed. (Version 1.5) 07/31/10 - Areas 2 and 3 completed. Finished half of Area 4. (Version 1.0) 07/30/10 - Guide started; menu section, controls, and Area 1 sections completed. (Version 0.5) ================ |II. INTRODUCTION| ================ Welcome to my guide for what I believe to be an epic side-scrolling game! As a long time fan of the show, I felt the need to write a guide for this game. Sure this game may be almost two decades old, but the classics are NEVER outdated as I always say. You'll enjoy this game very much if you're a fan of the show or love side-scrolling games. ============================ |III. ABOUT THE SHOW AND GAME| ============================ As I already said, the game is old. It was first released in North America on September 1994, back when the show was at its peak. The show aired its first episode on August 28, 1993, and its last on November 27, 1995. However, as of January 2010, the show had been revived with a new comic book feel. Later on, Saban bought back the right to the series. I haven't actually seen any of the episodes since the show came back, but I do know that it's in HD (high definition). I figured that, with the show's revival, it would be appropriate to write a guide for this game. ============== |IV. CHARACTERS| ============== I won't give a fully detailed description of the characters, but I will give my two cents on how I think they are if you choose to play as them. Please note that I haven't included EVERY character from the show; only the ones that are in (or are a part of) the game. A) THE RANGERS Zach Taylor/Black Ranger: An awesome dancer, Zach is the comedian of the team. Two cents: He's great in both unmorphed and morphed. Kimberly Ann Hart/Pink Ranger: Considered by many as the hottest Power Ranger of all, she is the down-to-earth kind of girl. Two cents: She's great in both. Her up + y attack fires an arrow that's great for stunning enemies. And her range is good too. Billy Cranston/Blue Ranger: He's the over-achieving bookworm and brains of the team. Two cents: His pummel combo (unmorphed) is funny and damaging, but I didn't like his jump kick because it was kind of easy for the putties to counter. His lance (morphed) has a great range though. Trini Kwan/Yellow Ranger: Wise, sincere, kind-spiritted, and second to Billy in intelligence, Trini is the kind of fighter who does more damage to her enemies with the least amount of attacks. Two cents: Her jump kick is better than Billy's, but I didn't like the range of her daggers (morphed). Still, she's quite manageable if used carefully. Jason Lee Scott/Red Ranger: The fearless leader of the power team, Jason can be a little audacious at times. Two cents: Kind of like Trini (unmorphed), but his range (morphed) is great. Quite recommended if he's your favourite ranger (I know he's mine!). B) THE VILLAINS Rita Repulsa: The vile villainess whose desire is to conquer the Earth after being trapped in a dumpster on the moon for thousands of years. Goldar: One of Rita's hencemen, he is a flying monkey with a golden-armoured suit who pilots the war megazord, Cyclopsis. Finster: A loyal hencemen to Rita, he's an elfish creature whose job is to create putties and new monsters for the Rangers to fight. ======= |V. MENU| ======= When you start the game, you immediately hear the AWESOME classic theme from the original TV show! Enjoy listening to it before starting the adventure! If you remain idle on the title screen, you will see a few gameplay footages. START - Begins the story mode of the game OPTIONS - There are only two options: Sound (MONO or STEREO) and Password (where you can enter a 4-digit password that will allow you to play certain levels; you are given a password at the end of each stage) ============ |VI. CONTROLS| ============ 8O ?N$ ON? 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Below are the basic and advanced controls for unmorphed* and morphed**: ************************************************ *B button Jumps*/** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Y button Punch*/slap*/ * * melee attack** * *----------------------------------------------* *Left/right Moves character * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Down Crouch * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Rapidly tap Y button Combo attack*/** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Jump + Y Jump attack*/** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Left/right + jump Flip jump*/** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Left/right + jump + Y Jump kick*/** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Down + Y Crouch attack*/** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Running up to enemy Grabs*/** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Grab + left/right Throws enemy*/** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *X button BOMB attack** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Grab + rapidly pressing Slapping** * *right and down * *----------------------------------------------* *Up + Y Weapon attack** * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Tap B twice Backflip** * * * ************************************************ Below are the basic and advanced controls for the Megazord: ************************************************ *Left/right Moves megazord * * * *----------------------------------------------* *B button Jumps * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Y button Sword attack * * * *----------------------------------------------* *X button POW special * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Hold down left/down Blocks * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Left/right + jump Directional jump * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Left/right + jump + Y Jump attack * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Double tap left Dash backwards * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Double tap right Speed dash * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Double tap right + Y Speed slash * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Up + Y Hammer sword * * * *----------------------------------------------* *Down + Y Vertical strike * * * ************************************************ ========= |VII. TIPS| ========= - Always hit the putties quickly, or they will hurt you bad with their knives - Use your BOMB attack wisely. If you're in circumstances where your LIFE is low and you're up against a pretty tough boss fight, use the BOMB. - Don't hesitate to pick up a health container if your life bar is full. Your health bar will actually stack and change in colour to make you more durable! - When you're in the megazord levels, don't hesitate to use your POW special if your meter isn't all the way full. It is often a waste to wait for your POW meter to be full, but only to see the boss avoid it after you use it. Keep an eye on the meter at the bottom of the screen. It just needs to be at a certain gauge for you to use one type of POW attack. If you're in tight spots, keep using your basic POW attack to make the fight go easier. - Each time you use a POW, however, your meter is fully drained and you have to wait until it's high enough for another POW. So use your POW attack wisely. - The boss has a POW meter as well. And as such, they have their own set of special attacks. They typically use it when you're at a distance. You can block or jump to avoid most of their special attacks. - Try not to block too much because blocking doesn't prevent damage. It only reduces the amount of damage you take. ================= |VIII. WALKTHROUGH| ================= Before we begin, take note of the "LIFE" bar on the bottom of the screen. Obviously if it depletes, you lose a life. You start out with two and only have two. This game gets a bit tedious as you progress, so play carefully. Choose your favourite ranger and let's get on with it! There are enough stages for you to try out all five rangers. I'll give you the play-by-play as you progress through the game. ====== AREA 1 ====== -Part 1- Move forward into the park to meet a gray putty, which dies in one hit. Move a bit forward to find two more gray putties for killing. Move along to find yet another gray putty. Two more take its place. Immediately after them, a blue putty jumps out from the window. They are slightly trickier than the gray putties (since they move around a lot) and take about six hits to kill. Continue on to find two gray putties along the way. You`ll come across two green putties wearing yellow coats. They take about eight hits to die. If you kill one or both of them, two gray putties will take their place. After them, two blue putties will break through the window. Keep moving, killing the four gray putties along the way, and you'll come across two more to kill. Move a bit further to kill another two gray putties, then another two. A blue and gray putty will drop down. Two blue putties will show up afterwards, followed by a gray putty. Proceed to kill four gray putties, then keep moving to find three gray putties and a blue putty. Immediately after killing the blue putty, your character will automatically run towards the boss and morph into action! Take care of the two blue putties. Two green-coloured putties will appear, having the ability to jump kick. They die in one hit. Then three putties will appear in a ninja-style. They die in eight hits like the blue putties. -Part 2- Moving along at the park, kill the three gray putties that you'll meet. Watch out for the two flying-robots; they carry bombs that could hurt you if you're standing on the wrong place. The two jump-kicking putties will appear for you to take out, followed by a blue putty. Head a bit forward to fight three gray putties and one blue putty. Move on to kill one gray putty, and you'll come across another gray putty with a park bench and a container nearby. Pick up the bench to kill the putty if you wish, then destroy the container to reveal a BOMB pickup. If you haven't used the one you started out with already, you can do so now to get rid of the two gray putties, or the two blue putties that will appear afterwards. Again, watch out for the robotic birds that drop bombs. Moving on, kill the four gray and the two jump-kicking putties. You'll find another park bench that you can use. Kill the gray and blue putty along the way and you'll find yet another park bench to throw. Kill the two blue and jump-kicking putties before moving. Kill the three gray putties. A pick-up truck with three blue putties will immediately crash in. You can destroy the pick-up truck if you wish. You'll come across a health container, along with another vehicle you can destroy. Kill the two gray, blue, and jump-kicking putties that will show. Kill the two gray putties as you move forward, and you'll come across two barrels. You can throw them at the four gray putties or the two jump-kicking putties that will show. Immediately after them, you'll encounter two darker-coloured jump-kicking zombies that take about five hits to die, and two blue putties. -Part 3- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= BOSS FIGHT: Bones +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= He's not too hard since it's the first boss. He has a sword projectile attack, (which is easily avoided by jumping) and a dashing sword attack (again by jumping). He has three parts, with each part requiring several hits before breaking down. Part One: Run up to him and keep attacking him. He jumps around quite a bit, so try to stay on him and keep attacking so that he doesn't get the chance to attack. His main body will break down in 51 hits. Part Two: His arms are gone, which means he can't use his sword on you anymore. He will be hopping around and shooting a fireball at you (which is easily avoided). Repeat what you did in part one. It will take about 16 hits for the breakdown. Part Three: Now there's nothing left of him but a floating head. He'll still be shooting a fireball at you. It will only take four hits to kill him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the level, you will receive a password (3847) that you can use to play the level again. ====== AREA 2 ====== -Part 1- Head forward into the forest to take out two gray putties. Watch out for the projectile-shooting machines that are mounted on top of the trees. Try to stay in the middle of them to avoid getting hit. You can throw a putty at a machine to destroy it. Quickly run towards the blue putty to throw him at the machine. Kill him along with two gray putties and a jump-kicking putty. With any luck, the projectile may hit a putty to make your job easier! Go forward to kill a gray putty and throw the jump-kicking putty towards the machine before killing him. You will have to take out six jump kicking putties (two at a time) before moving on. Quickly run up to combo them before they can hurt you. You will find two blue putties along with a rolling barrel. You can either avoid it by jumping over it, or destroy it by using your crouch attack. Either way, kill the putties. After them, two new putties with shields will appear. They can be very annoying to kill because they seem to block your attacks. However, if you pound both of them enough times, they'll lose their shield so you can kill them. Watch out for the next rolling barrel as you fight them though. A good tactic would be to jump kick them so you damage them while avoiding the barrel. Kill the four gray putties as you push forward, and avoid the barrel rolling from your rear. Two jump-kicking putties will show up. Kill them quickly, then avoid the two rolling barrels that come from both directions. Three blue putties will drop down for you to kill. When they're grouped together, it's a bit tough to avoid getting hit. So accommodate using jump kicks and crouch attacks. Move a bit further to encounter a blue putty and a rolling barrel on your right. Another blue putty will come along with a barrel on your left. Then another blue putty will appear with a barrel on your right. After that, a jump-kicking putty will arrive. Deal with the three gray, two blue, and two jump-kicking putties as you move forward. Immediately after killing them, your character will run towards the boss for this level and morph into action! Fight the two jump-kicking, two-shielded, and two more jump-kicking putties before proceeding. -Part 2- Move along to kill the two gray and three blue putties. You will come to a dead-end, but see a "jump-able" platform above you. Hold the "up" directional pad and press jump to hold on to it. Press the "up" pad again to get on top. Watch out for the gear machine above you and carefully jump on top of the platform. Grab the next platform, but carefully get on top of it by avoiding the spiky tank and spinning gear. You can destroy the tank, but not the gear. Grab the next platform to get on top and destroy/avoid the spiky tank. Then grab and get on top of the next platform. Continue forward to deal with four blue putties. Crouch attack in front of the walking escalator to safely take them out. This part might be tricky because you will have to move on the walking escalator that is moving against your direction. Watch out for the burning pipes that are falling. Quickly run past the first walking escalator and get to the middle to fight a blue putty. You'll notice that the next walking escalator is actually moving towards the direction you'll be moving, which will make fighting difficult. The fire pipes will still be falling, so you'll have to apply a little caution as you move around. You will have to fight a total of six blue putties before moving further. As you move, you'll have to go down from platform to platform. When you reach the bottom, you'll confront two shielded-putties. You'll come across an impassable object that you'll have to destroy if you want to proceed. You'll come across two more (with one of them containing a health pack). -Part 3- You'll immediately spot a laser-shooting machine and two blue putties. You can jump attack to destroy the machine. Move forward and you'll see that jump-able platform again. Get on top of it, then on the platform to the right (avoiding the spinning gear), and then on top of the next jump-able platform. Jump on the platform to your left, avoiding/destroying the laser machine. Then get on top of the jump-able platform to find a container with a BOMB pickup. If you've been playing well, you probably still have the one you started out with. If you don't need it, jump back down on the platform where you destroyed the laser machine. Jump on the platform to your left. Carefully avoid the spinning gear to get on the jump-able platform. You can destroy the double gear machine before climbing up the platform. Now you'll notice that the next jump-able platform you need to get on top of is too high to reach. Hold down left, then jump against the wall to bounce off of it, then quickly press up to grab on to it. Once you're on top, you can move on (make sure you don't fall off!). You'll fight a total of four blue putties. Destroy the laser machine above you to make things easier. As you move past the walking escalators, you'll come across two flame shooters on the ground, as well as another laser machine. Try to stay in the middle as you deal with the four blue putties. And yes, the laser can hurt them too. Destroy the machine before moving on. You'll come across moving platforms and another shooting machine. Destroy it, then get on top of the first moving platform. Jump to your left, destroying the second shooting machine, then jump on the next moving platform. With careful timing, jump to the moving platform on your right. Jump to your left, destroying the third shooting machine, then jump to the next and last moving platform to get on top. You'll meet a new putty that's carrying a spike ball. It takes about eight hits to kill them. Move forward to come across two more of these fiends. Destroy the impassable object in front of you, then fight three blue and two spike ball putties. Destroy the next two impassable objects (with one of them containing a health pack) to reach the final part of this level. -Part 4- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= BOSS FIGHT: Gnarly Gnome +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= With many thanks to Tom Bradbrook, the bosses from Areas 2 to 6 finally have been given their actual names. Anyway, this boss can be very frustrating. He will randomly teleport from one spot to another, so you can only hit him once or twice per teleport. If you're too slow, he'll whack you with his rake or shoot a projectile at you. His attacks do a lot of damage, so you'll want to avoid getting hit. Just stay alert and you should be fine. After hitting him about 26 times, he'll start teleporting in VERY confusing patterns. This is the part where you have to be extremely cautious or you're finished. If you have a BOMB, use it to bring him closer to death. Wait until he stops teleporting before using it. Otherwise, you'll have to improve your reaction time to hit him before he hits you. It takes about 18 hits to kill him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the level, you will receive a password (5113) that you can use to play the level again. ====== AREA 3 ====== -Part 1- Move forward into the sewer to face a total of four gray putties. Along with a gray putty, you will spot a spitting spider. Crouch attack the puttty and jump attack the spider. Press down and B to drop in the water. You will spot two gray and two blue putties along with two electric machines. Crouch attack to destroy the machines before taking care of the putties. As you move forward, you will find another electric machine to destroy. When you move up a bit, you will spot a spitting spider, an electric machine, and two blue putties. Take out the putty on your left before clearing out the enemies on your right. After killing the first two blue putties, three more will come, along with another electric machine. You will immediately spot two spitting spiders. Destroy them before moving ahead. Two blue putties will appear along with an electric machine. Kill the spitting spider as you go. Then destroy the electric machine along with another spider. You will be greeted by two gray putties and another electric machine. After killing them, two blue putties will show. Move up to kill two gray putties. You will find a wooden box that contains a chicken drumstick (health) along with a floating top that explodes upon hitting the ground. Run past it to avoid it. Kill the four blue putties that will appear. Run past the next floating top, then drop into the water. Avoid the next floating top as you kill the two blue putties. Two more will arrive along with two more floating tops. Avoid them as best you can as you take care of the putties. Kill the two blue putties along the way, and you'll come across the same number of blue putties and floating tops. Like before, avoid the tops as you kill the putties. Your character will automatically move towards the boss of this level and morph into action! After killing a total of five blue putties, this part will be over. -Part 2- Run forward to face a gray putty and three blue putties. Crawl into the little space by pressing down and moving right. As you move through the space, a putty holding a set of spikes will immediately drop down and attempt to hurt you. But you should make it out before he can even reach you. Kill him if you like before moving on. Destroy the laser machine hovering around and watch out for the flame-shooting pipe before dropping down. Again, crawl into the little space where that spike-holding putty will drop down. Watch out for that laser machine and flame shooter as you move on. Carefully crawl into the small space, as there is another flame shooter in it. Take out the laser machine, then continue further to take out a total of four blue putties. After doing so, the ground you are standing on will break and you will begin to fall. You can control the direction of your fall although it doesn't matter. Two blue putties have fallen into the water before you did. You cannot hurt enemies while swimming. Swim carefully to avoid them and wait for the water level to subside before killing them. Again the same deal as you move forward. Two more blue putties that you will have to avoid by swimming around before killing them. Kill the lone blue putty that you see and destroy the gate to move further. You will find a container that includes a health pack. Now you will come across what appears to be a dead-end. If you remember what you had to do in the previous level, you will have to jump against the wall to bounce off of it. Press right and jump, then keep pressing the jump button to bounce your way to the top. Continue on to destroy the hovering laser machine and you'll come across the same kind of dead-end, except this time there is a blue shooting pipe on the wall. With precise timing, you'll have to bounce your way to the top without taking any damage. Watch out for the next pipe before going downward and the next one as you move forward. Bounce your way upward to stand on the edge of the wall. To make it up the rest of the way, you'll have to press against the wall according to the direction as you jump. Destroy the laser machine and avoid the flame pipe. Again, you will have to bounce off the walls, except there is a flame pipe. Continue further when you reach the top to end part two of this level. -Part 3- In this part of the level, the water level will rise and fall. You can avoid the few putties you will come across here. Run forward to drop into the water. Watch out for the propellers and spinning gears as you swim to your right. When you reach a dead end, wait for the water level to rise so you can swim upwards to reach the higher ground. Move forward to kill the three gray and blue putties. Continue swimming to your right, avoiding the propellers and spinning gears as you go, and you should reach an area with a container in mid air. Use your BOMB to bring it down and you will find two BOMB pick ups as well as a health pack! Continue right, again avoiding the propellers, and you should come across another container with another health pack. Swim to your upper right to reach the higher ground and go all the way to the end of it. -Part 4- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+ BOSS FIGHT: Eye Guy +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+ This is probably the hardest boss yet. He will spew eyeballs, shoot a laser upward or downward, or slam on you, all of which are pretty hard to avoid. He has two parts: body and giant eye ball. Run forward to quickly get a few hits on him (avoiding the eyeballs as best you can). He will either shoot a laser at you upwards or downards or slam you. Try to avoid it and keep hitting him. As you tap Y, you will combo him, which does more damage. It takes about 90 hits to destroy his first part. Thankfully, the second part is much easier than the first. He's just a giant eye ball floating around shooting a laser at you. The laser can hit you if you're not careful though. It takes about 20 hits to destroy him. If you collected enough health packs, you shouldn't have too much trouble defeating him. If you lose a life here, try to improve your concentration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the level, you will receive a password (3904) that you can use to play the level again. ====== AREA 4 ====== -Part 1- The music in this stage is so cool! Anyway, you'll meet four jump- kicking putties as you move in the mansion. Kill the total of five blue putties as you move forward. Move forward to confront three blue and two jump-kicking putties. Avoid the hovering laser as you fight them. When you're finished, break down the door to proceed. Avoid the chandeleer that's about to fall. Avoid the hovering laser machine as you fight the three blue putties and a jump kicking putty. If your timing is good, you can stand below the chandeleer and quickly move out of the way so that it falls on a putty. There's a crate containing a chicken drumstick directly below a chandeleer. Quickly break it open to grab it and avoid the chandeleer. Avoid the hovering laser machine as you fight the two blue and two jump-kicking putties. Avoid the first chandeleer, then kill the two blue and two jump-kicking putties. Avoid the second chandeleer before breaking open the door. Kill the four blue putties as you move on up. Keep moving and kill the two blue and two jump-kicking putties. Move on to encounter a new type of putty, which throws its knife at you from a distance. It's easy to avoid if you crouch. There are four of them and two jump-kicking putties. Your character will automatically run towards the boss for this level and morph into action! Fight the four knife-throwing putties and two jump-kicking putties before you proceed to the next part of this level. Some of them have darkened eyes, but they seem to be the same kind of putties you've already dealt with. -Part 2- You're on a elevator that goes upwards to the next part of this level. You'll have to fight enemies and avoid a few obstacles as you move up. Avoid the electricity field on your right and the spinning wheel on your left. You can destroy the wheel if you like. Avoid the electric field on your left and the wheel on your right. Crouch to avoid the laser machine on your left. Then avoid the one on your right. Avoid the spinning wheel on your right, electric field on your left, and another wheel on your left. Avoid the electric field on your right before avoiding the one on your left. Quickly run left to avoid the spinning wheel from above. Avoid the laser and electric field on your right. Run to the right to avoid the wheels on your left and middle. Then quickly run left to avoid the wheel on the right, along with the laser on your right. The elevator will start to malfunction. Quickly get in between in the spinning wheels to avoid them and avoid the laser on your left. Avoid the next laser machine to your left. The elevator will come to a halt. So you'll have to jump and grab the platform and watch the elevator explode. You've done this before. Get on top of the platform and on top of the next to find a container with a health pack. Avoid/destroy the spike tank as you move up. It takes two hits to destroy it. You'll have to bounce off the wall on your right to get on top of the platform on your left. Carefully time your jump so that you can avoid the spike tank on the platform before destroying it. Again, you'll have to bounce off the wall on your left to get on top of the platform. Quickly crouch to avoid the laser machine on the right wall. Destroy it if you wish. Grab the platform above you and wait for the spike tank to move away before you get on top. Jump attack to destroy the laser machine above. Make your way to the top and take out the gun-shooting putty by jump- kicking him. Continue up and kill the next gun-shooting putty. Keep moving up and go forward to finish this part of the level. -Part 3- Move forward to kill a knife-throwing putty, then rush forward and hit the next one so that it falls. Then kill the four remaining knife-throwing putties. Throw some of them off to make things easier. Jump and grab the platform to get across the gap, then continue forward. Kill the four knife-throwing putties. Watch out for the falling objects as you proceed. Jump on the first platform, then the one above, then the one to your right, and finally go left to get a BOMB pick up from the container. Then jump to the left platform and get back on the platform to your right to move on. Carefully jump on the moving platform to get across the gap and destroy the laser machine. Move a bit further to kill the five knife-throwing putties. Quickly crouch to avoid the laser machine before destroying it. You will find a container with a health pack along with another laser machine. Jump on the floating platform and wait for it to move high enough so you can safely jump to the other side. Now here is where you will face a "mini boss". It's a floating balloon that moves around shooting three projectiles from different angles. They're not hard to avoid. Just keep moving around according to where it fires its projectiles from. It takes about 30 hits to destroy it. Wait for the moving platform to come to you before you can jump on it. Carefully jump-kick the laser machine on the other side. Jump on the floating platform and avoid the laser machine on the higher ground before destroying it. Proceed forward and you'll reach the end of this part of the level. -Part 4- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+- BOSS FIGHT: Genie +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+- This boss isn't TOO difficult, but can be if you don't know what you're doing. He will do one of the following attacks: 1) Four homing daggers (avoided by jumping) 2) Three electric horizontal projectiles (avoided by carefully jumping over them) 3) Four raining fireballs (avoided by going in between them) 4) Two vertical laser beams (avoided by moving away or by destroying the objects) 5) Flame breath (avoided by staying away from him) What you want to do is try to hit him so that he doesn't get the chance to attack you. Each time you hit him, he'll teleport to another spot. Stay on him and keep whacking him. You can use your BOMB special to make the fight go faster. Otherwise, it takes about 70 hits to kill him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the level, you will receive a password (1970) that you can use to play the level again. ====== AREA 5 ====== -Part 1- Move forward into the cave to kill the two knife-throwing putties. Then keep moving to kill a total of six knife-throwing putties. You'll encounter a total of five knife putties as you move. Keep moving and you'll have to fight four knife putties and two jump-kicking putties. Moving along, you'll confront two knife putties and two blue putties with swords. Don't give them the chance to hit you. Treat them like the blue putties you've been fighting. You'll find a crate that has a chicken drumstick. Kill the two knife and two jump-kicking putties. Be careful as you fight the two knife and two jump-kicking putties since you're fighting on a higher ground than they are (which could make it easier for them to knife you). Kill the two knife and two sword putties. Your character will automatically move towards the boss for this level and morph into action! Kill the four knife and two sword putties and this part of the level will be over. -Part 2- Continue further in the cave, killing the knife putty as you go, and head down the stairs. Kill the four knife putties. Watch out for the rolling barrel to your left. You can destroy it if you want by using your crouch attack. Go down the next stairs and kill the knife putty. Watch out for the second barrel to your left. Go down again to kill the two knife and two jump-kicking putties. Again, watch out for the barrel to your left. Kill the total of five knife putties. You can throw the barrel that you see at them. You'll come across two more throwable barrels along with four knife putties. Use them at your disposal. Kill the four knife putties carefully here because there is a hovering machine that shoots lasers in a fixed pattern. Get in between the lasers to avoid them. There are two knife and two jump-kicking putties along with another laser machine. Again, avoid the lasers as you kill them. Watch out for the rolling barrel as you go up the stairs. Kill the gun putty by jump kicking/crouch attacking him. You'll find a container with a health pack. Continue up the stairs, watching out for the rolling barrel that comes at you, and kill the second gun-shooting putty at the top. Again, avoid the rolling barrel as move up the stairs. Kill the four knife putties as you advance. Keep moving to kill a total of four knife and two jump-kicking putties. Afterwards, this part of the level will be complete. -Part 3- Move forward into the laboratory to kill the total of three knife and four jump-kicking putties. Watch out for the machine that shoots its lasers at a fixed pattern. Kill the four knife putties. You can destroy the two monitors by grabbing a putty and throwing them towards it. Watch out for the security laser. Try to stay to the left to make it easier killing the four knife putties. Or quickly jump attack to destory the laser first. When you're done, break the door open. Proceed and kill the four knife putties. If you move forward a bit, you'll find a mounted machine gun in front of you. Avoid and destroy it. Destroy the second mounted machine gun that you see, then kill the four knife and two jump-kicking putties. You can smash them into the two monitors again if you like. Jump on the elevator and it will take you to the top floor. Then jump to your right. This next part is not so difficult. You need to carefully make your way to the giant machine that will fire a thick laser beam at you from afar. There are many gaps for you to crouch on to avoid the laser. You can tell when the laser is about to fire by hearing the little guitar tap. After hearing four taps the machine will fire, so that's when you have to crouch. Try to ignore the putties that get in your way because the laser should take them out. When you reach the giant machine, crouch attack to destroy it because it will still fire its thick laser. It takes about 45 hits to destroy the machine. Moving along, kill the four knife putties. Watch out for the security laser as you do. When finished, break open the door. Kill the next set of four knife putties, then break down the next door to reach the end of this part. -Part 4- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= BOSS FIGHT: Dark Warrior +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= This is the final boss for the Ranger levels. And as such, he is quite tough. He has the following attacks when you begin fighting him: 1) He'll jump directly above you to throw a bomb at you (avoided by running) 2) A sword slash (avoided by jumping away) 3) A sword dash (avoided by running/jumping away) His attacks are rather hard to see coming, so stay alert. You'll notice that he jumps around a lot. You'll probably be doing a lot of that yourself to avoid his attacks. Try to stay on him as you attack. He'll occassionally teleport from one spot to another (usually behind you). Try to save your BOMB special for when he gets even trickier. After about 60 hits or so, he'll start doing the following attack: 4) He'll spin a chain and attempt to whack you with it (avoided by running/jumping) 5) Spinning chain attack (avoided by staying away from him) At this point, you could use your BOMB special to speed up the process of killing him. He'll teleport more often though, so it might be difficult getting a few good hits on him. But try to stay on him. After about 61 hits, he will be destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the end of the level, you will receive a password (8624) that you can use to play the level again. Congratulations, you have beaten all the Ranger stages! Don't think that the game is over though, for there are still the MEGAZORD stages to beat. And trust me, they won't be easy. Refer to the "CONTROLS" section if you wish to know all the controls for the megazord. Also refer to the "TIPS" section for a little advice. Enjoy the AWESOME megazord transformation sequence and let's get ready to rumble! ====== AREA 6 ====== +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+ BOSS FIGHT: Mutitis +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+ The first of the two megazord battles isn't so hard. This boss only used the following POW attacks on me (both of which can be dodged by jumping/blocking): 1) An energy ball 2) Multiple laser beams He may have more POW attacks, but I didn't get to see them because I killed him early on. He will also try to punch, claw, spit acid, and extend his nails on you (all of which can be avoided the same way). He can block your POW specials and perform dash attacks on you. The best way to deal with him is to keep hitting him and use whatever POW you have (just make sure it hits him). Using the speed slash is really effective against him. This way, he'll hardly have the time to use his POW special, and your POW meter will be high enough to use a special of your own! Remember: the higher your POW meter, the more damaging your special attack will be. Try them all if you can! When his life has been fully drained, watch the Megazord do its finishing move! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the level, you will be given a password (2596) that you can use to play the level again. ====== AREA 7 ====== +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= BOSS FIGHT: Cyclopsis +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= Fortunately, I remember this boss' name! This is the second and last megazord battle, as well as the final level of the game. Cylcopsis has two parts. This battle can range from very easy to very hard depending on how you play. His POWs can be rather devastating and bring the Megazord's life bar down to half with his strongest attack! PART ONE: For part one, these are his typical POW attacks (two of which are avoided by blocking/jumping): 1) An upper or lower fireball 2) A shield which blocks your POW and fully enhances his 3) Laser blast He also punches, performs a dash attack Like the previous boss, he can block or jump away from your POW attacks. Apply the same strategy as you did on the previous fight: your speed slash. He shouldn't be too difficult on part one. PART TWO: Just when you think he's dead, he isn't! His life meter will be fully restored, physical features will change, and colour will change to gold. This is the part where he can be most deadly! In addition to the POWs you've seen in part one, he has the following now: 4) Energy ball (which does about 40% damage; avoided by jumping) Energy ball is probably his strongest POW (though I haven't seen them all). His attacks do slightly more damage. But other than that, he's not TOO different from part one. Your speed slash should be enough to kill him. Keep using whatever POW you can, and he should go down in no time. There, now that wasn't so bad was it? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations, you've finished Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the game! Now sit back and watch the ending! You will receive three passwords (1007, 0411, and 1212) that can be used to play the megazord battles again, except they will be a two-player mode! =============== |IX. BOSS FIGHTS| =============== There are a total of seven bosses to fight in this game. They are as follows: +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= BOSS FIGHT: Bones +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= He's not too hard since it's the first boss. He has a sword projectile attack, (which is easily avoided by jumping) and a dashing sword attack (again by jumping). He has three parts, with each part requiring several hits before breaking down. Part One: Run up to him and keep attacking him. He jumps around quite a bit, so try to stay on him and keep attacking so that he doesn't get the chance to attack. His main body will break down in 51 hits. Part Two: His arms are gone, which means he can't use his sword on you anymore. He will be hopping around and shooting a fireball at you (which is easily avoided). Repeat what you did in part one. It will take about 16 hits for the breakdown. Part Three: Now there's nothing left of him but a floating head. He'll still be shooting a fireball at you. It will only take four hits to kill him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= BOSS FIGHT: Gnarly Gnome +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= With many thanks to Tom Bradbrook, the bosses from Areas 2 to 6 finally have been given their actual names. Anyway, this boss can be very frustrating. He will randomly teleport from one spot to another, so you can only hit him once or twice per teleport. If you're too slow, he'll whack you with his rake or shoot a projectile at you. His attacks do a lot of damage, so you'll want to avoid getting hit. Just stay alert and you should be fine. After hitting him about 26 times, he'll start teleporting in VERY confusing patterns. This is the part where you have to be extremely cautious or you're finished. If you have a BOMB, use it to bring him closer to death. Wait until he stops teleporting before using it. Otherwise, you'll have to improve your reaction time to hit him before he hits you. It takes about 18 hits to kill him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+ BOSS FIGHT: Eye Guy +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+ This is probably the hardest boss yet. He will spew eyeballs, shoot a laser upward or downward, or slam on you, all of which are pretty hard to avoid. He has two parts: body and giant eye ball. Run forward to quickly get a few hits on him (avoiding the eyeballs as best you can). He will either shoot a laser at you upwards or downards or slam you. Try to avoid it and keep hitting him. As you tap Y, you will combo him, which does more damage. It takes about 90 hits to destroy his first part. Thankfully, the second part is much easier than the first. He's just a giant eye ball floating around shooting a laser at you. The laser can hit you if you're not careful though. It takes about 20 hits to destroy him. If you collected enough health packs, you shouldn't have too much trouble defeating him. If you lose a life here, try to improve your concentration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+- BOSS FIGHT: Genie +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+- This boss isn't TOO difficult, but can be if you don't know what you're doing. He will do one of the following attacks: 1) Four homing daggers (avoided by jumping) 2) Three electric horizontal projectiles (avoided by carefully jumping over them) 3) Four raining fireballs (avoided by going in between them) 4) Two vertical laser beams (avoided by moving away or by destroying the objects) 5) Flame breath (avoided by staying away from him) What you want to do is try to hit him so that he doesn't get the chance to attack you. Each time you hit him, he'll teleport to another spot. Stay on him and keep whacking him. You can use your BOMB special to make the fight go faster. Otherwise, it takes about 70 hits to kill him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= BOSS FIGHT: Dark Warrior +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= This is the final boss for the Ranger levels. And as such, he is quite tough. He has the following attacks when you begin fighting him: 1) He'll jump directly above you to throw a bomb at you (avoided by running) 2) A sword slash (avoided by jumping away) 3) A sword dash (avoided by running/jumping away) His attacks are rather hard to see coming, so stay alert. You'll notice that he jumps around a lot. You'll probably be doing a lot of that yourself to avoid his attacks. Try to stay on him as you attack. He'll occassionally teleport from one spot to another (usually behind you). Try to save your BOMB special for when he gets even trickier. After about 60 hits or so, he'll start doing the following attack: 4) He'll spin a chain and attempt to whack you with it (avoided by running/jumping) 5) Spinning chain attack (avoided by staying away from him) At this point, you could use your BOMB special to speed up the process of killing him. He'll teleport more often though, so it might be difficult getting a few good hits on him. But try to stay on him. After about 121 hits, he will be destroyed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+ BOSS FIGHT: Mutitis +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+ The first of the two megazord battles isn't so hard. This boss only used the following POW attacks on me (both of which can be dodged by jumping/blocking): 1) An energy ball 2) Multiple laser beams He may have more POW attacks, but I didn't get to see them because I killed him early on. He will also try to punch, claw, spit acid, and extend his nails on you (all of which can be avoided the same way). He can block your POW specials and perform dash attacks on you. The best way to deal with him is to keep hitting him and use whatever POW you have (just make sure it hits him). Using the speed slash is really effective against him. This way, he'll hardly have the time to use his POW special, and your POW meter will be high enough to use a special of your own! Remember: the higher your POW meter, the more damaging your special attack will be. Try them all if you can! When his life has been fully drained, watch the Megazord do its finishing move! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= BOSS FIGHT: Cyclopsis +-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-= Fortunately, I remember this boss' name! This is the second and last megazord battle, as well as the final level of the game. Cylcopsis has two parts. This battle can range from very easy to very hard depending on how you play. His POWs can be rather devastating and bring the Megazord's life bar down to half with his strongest attack! PART ONE: For part one, these are his typical POW attacks (two of which are avoided by blocking/jumping): 1) An upper or lower fireball 2) A shield which blocks your POW and fully enhances his 3) Laser blast He also punches, performs a dash attack Like the previous boss, he can block or jump away from your POW attacks. Apply the same strategy as you did on the previous fight: your speed slash. He shouldn't be too difficult on part one. PART TWO: Just when you think he's dead, he isn't! His life meter will be fully restored, physical features will change, and colour will change to gold. This is the part where he can be most deadly! In addition to the POWs you've seen in part one, he has the following now: 4) Energy ball (which does about 40% damage; avoided by jumping) Energy ball is probably his strongest POW (though I haven't seen them all). His attacks do slightly more damage. But other than that, he's not TOO different from part one. Your speed slash should be enough to kill him. Keep using whatever POW you can, and he should go down in no time. There, now that wasn't so bad was it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= |X. CONTACT ME| ============= If you have any questions about the game, please email me. But before you do, please check the guide to see if your question isn't already answered. If you ask me a question that's already covered in the guide, I will tell you where to look for the answer. If you want to send me the names of those bosses, you would be helping me A LOT. It's been a loooong time since I watched the whole show, so I have a vague memory of those monsters. I'll gladly give you credit for it. My email is rasheed_islam@hotmail.com - I check it on a regular basis and usually get back to my senders within 48 hours. If I don't, it means I'm busy. But I will get back to you. ====================== |XI. CREDITS/DISCLAIMER| ====================== - Bandai for creating the game - Natsume for publishing it - Myself for creating the guide - Tom Bradbrook for his help on providing me the names of the bosses of Areas 2 to 6. Thanks a LOT, man! - GameFaqs for hosting the guide - Most importantly, YOU for reading it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document was built and compiled by Rasheed Islam/SaiyanPureheart. All Rights Reserved. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. -Copyright © 2010 SaiyanPureheart- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The end.