------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Title: Uncharted Waters 2 Save Hacking Guide Version: 1.0 (More updates to come!) Creator: G*Paladin Date: 11 / 07 / 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Disclaimer! Plagiarizers Beware! Thou will be imprisoned for stealing the work of the Great Paladin (G*Paladin) he will phone the bizzies, find a lawyer and fill his wallet with $'s, £'s and ¥'s! This FAQ is copyright © 2003, G*Paladin all rights reserved; please ask before taking anything from this miserable text dump. I will be more than fair when it comes to trading ideas! The FAQ is exclusive to Gamefaqs.com, so that means CJAYC will be the ONLY person hosting the guide until further notice. * Introduction! Hell, I'm surprised someone has NOT done this guide before; it seems that the number of FAQs exclusive to Uncharted waters 2 was VERY low indeed, hence i'm going to produce something quick and simple for a nice bit o' fun...a Save State hacking guide for ZSNES! I hope this is enjoyable...you will need ZSNES from and Hex Workshop v3.11 that's the best emulator for the Snes as well as the Hex editing software. Let's Begin.../\/ * Future hopes! @ Offsets for all Navigators in the game, Pirates, Fleet commanders and the vagabond sailor in the Cafés. I also need offsets for navigators which will be automatically obtained in the games storyline; e.g Emilio Sanude and Rocco Alemkel! @ Something which offers the change of editing ships in ones fleet, I want to change the armour plating value on ships, and modify them so each one has an insane amount of Cargo space (65535 if possible!) @ Offsets for editing Port names, even NON-SUPPLY ports such as Istanbul and Lisbon. And to finish, I suppose I would like this FAQ to be 100% correct! ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ ¬ The Basics of Hex editing (HWS3.11) ¬ ----------------------------------- Hex numbers range for 00-FF (0-255) for some reason. We use the letters A-F after the number nine in alphabetical order, first it's 0A, then 0B, then 0C; et cetera...and after the number 0F we would have 10 (16 in decimal) to save some bother i've prepared some important Hex Values listed below../\/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Decimal ~ Hex ~ ^After FF we will get the number 0001 (256 in decimal) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the number is two bytes, so let's see them as shown in ~ 1 ~ 01 ~ Hex workshop. ~ 10 ~ 0A ~ ~ 20 ~ 14 ~ 00000000 | 0001 ~ 50 ~ 32 ~ ~ 100 ~ 64 ~ The actual value of this is 256 in decimal, to get the ~ 255 ~ FF ~ number above we need to do FF + 01 on a Hex Calculator ~ 65535 ~ FFFF ~ which will give us, 0001. For this equation I will be ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ producing a standard formula with a good explanation. I am going to use ‘ß’ to represent the 2nd number (01) and ’Ø’ to represent the 1st number. We will be doing this...‘ (ß × 256) + Ø ` This means...Convert the second offset into a normal decimal number and × by ‘256` to begin with. Then we can add on the first offset once it has been changed into a decimal number to the previous total. I'll do an example to show what I mean... 00000000 | 64 0C 0C is equal to 12 in Decimal! so we do 12 × 256 which equals 3072 64 is equal to 100 in Decimal! so we can now finish off the sum with 3072 + 100 to get a total of 3172! can you see now? All we need to do now is convert a number into Hex, we could use the Hex base convertor tool which comes with Hex workshop but that would be no fun. So to make things HARDER i'll give some guidelines which can help you work all the Hex number out in your head. We'll use the number 7777! To get the second offset divide the decimal number by 256; in this case we have 30 and a few non-whole numbers to follow, 30 is the ONLY important value in this equation. Convert 30 into a Single byte Hex number (30 = 1E in HEX) and place the Hex number over the second offset of our Hex value so it looks something like this... 00000000 | ?? 1E Now we can see the FIRST offset is missing or it has a stupid value, so we need it to be changed. Simply multiply 256 by 30 to get 7680 and take this number from 7777! 7777 - 7680 is 97, we now have to convert the answer to Hex numbers, hence we end up with "61" as a Hex Number. Now we can end the first offset to make things look like this... "Ta da!" 00000000 | 61 1E Also I'd better mention that we can press CTRL + G to Go To certain offsets; a collection of numbers will be listed on the LEFT of a page, you'll notice the 8-Digit numbers I included in the examples! Just type in the offsets I give and you will not fail, these are also Hex numbers so be careful...^~^ ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ ¬ Character stuffage ¬ ------------------ Various statistics of a character can be edited, the stats have no name but I do have some idea what each of them means. Please Note the following:- Leadership = Flag Seamanship = Anchor Knowledge = Book and Feather nib Intuition = "!" mark Courage = Clenched Fist Swordsmanship = Fencing Sword Charm = Love Heart - Commodores - Joao Franco ~~~~~~~~~~~ Forename: 320F - 3218 Surname: 321C - 3224 Portrait: 3229 Leadership: 322B Seamanship: 322C Knowledge: 322D Intuition: 322E Courage: 322F Swordsman: 3230 Charm: 3231 Nav.Level: 3233 Bat.Level: 3234 Experience: 3235 & 3236 for Nav.level Experience: 3237 & 3238 for Bat.level Age: 3239 Job: 323D Skills: 323F Nation: 3240 Catalina Erantzo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forename: 3241 - 324A Surname: 324E - 3255 Portrait: 325B Leadership: 325D Seamanship: 325E Knowledge: 325F Intuition: 3260 Courage: 3261 Swordsman: 3262 Charm: 3263 Nav.Level: 3265 Bat.Level: 3266 Experience: 3267 & 3268 for Nav.Level Experience: 3269 & 326A for Bat.Level Age: 326B Job: 326F Skills: 3271 Nation: 3272 Otto Baynes ~~~~~~~~~~~ Forename: 3273 - 327C Surname: 3280 - 3288 Portrait: 328D Leadership: 328F Seamanship: 3290 Knowledge: 3291 Intuition: 3292 Courage: 3293 Swordsman: 3294 Charm: 3295 Nav.Level: 3297 Bat.Level: 3298 Experience: 3299 & 329A for Nav.Level Experience: 329B & 329C for Bat.Level Age: 329D Job: 32A1 Skills: 32A3 Nation: 32A4 Ernst Von Bohr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forename: 32A5 - 32AE Surname: 32B2 - 32BA Portrait: 32BF Leadership: 32C1 Seamanship: 32C2 Knowledge: 32C3 Intuition: 32C4 Courage: 32C5 Swordsman: 32C6 Charm: 32C7 Nav.Level: 32C9 Bat.Level: 32CA Experience: 32CB & 32CC for Nav.Level Experience: 32CD & 32CE for Bat.Level Age: 32CF Job: 32D3 Skills: 32D5 Nation: 32D6 Pietro Conti ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forename: 32D7 - 32E0 Surname: 32E4 - 32EC Portrait: 32F1 Leadership: 32F3 Seamanship: 32F4 Knowledge: 32F5 Intuition: 32F6 Courage: 32F7 Swordsman: 32F8 Charm: 32F9 Nav.Level: 32FB Bat.Level: 32FC Experience: 32FD & 32FE for Nav.Level Experience: 32FF & 3300 for Bat.Level Age: 3301 Job: 3305 Skills: 3307 Nation: 3308 Ali Vezas ~~~~~~~~~ Forename: 3309 - 3312 Surname: 3316 - 331E Portrait: 3323 Leadership: 3325 Seamanship: 3326 Knowledge: 3327 Intuition: 3328 Courage: 3329 Swordsman: 332A Charm: 332B Nav.Level: 332D Bat.Level: 332E Experience: 332F & 3330 for Nav.Level Experience: 3331 & 3332 for Bat.Level Age: 3333 Job: 3337 Skills: 3339 Nation: 333A ¬ Item Stuffage ¬ ------------- Ever wanted a Crusader's Sword & Armor in a few seconds, or is it lots of wonderful treasures you need? This will allow you to place all the desired items into onto the games item screen, with 20 being the limited number of items one can have during one time! Items: 4DB0-4DC3 (One is able to carry 20 items in total!) -------------------------------------------------------------- | HEX Code | Name of Item | Genre of Item | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 00 | Dagger | Sword | | 01 | Short Sword | Sword | | 02 | Long Sword | Sword | | 03 | Rapier | Sword | | 04 | Epee | Sword | | 05 | Estock | Sword | | 06 | Short Saber | Sword | | 07 | Scimitar | Sword | | 08 | Japanese Sword | Sword | | 09 | Cutlass | Sword | | 0A | Broad Sword | Sword | | 0B | Blue Crescent | Sword | | 0C | Flamberge | Sword | | 0D | Basterd Sword | Sword | | 0E | Claymore | Sword | | 0F | Saber | Sword | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 10 | Leather Armor | Armor | | 11 | Chain Mail Armor | Armor | | 12 | Half Plate | Armor | | 13 | Plate Mail Armor | Armor | | 14 | Quadrant | Measuring Instrument | | 15 | Sextant | Measuring Instrument | | 16 | Theodolite | Measuring Instrument | | 17 | Pocket Watch | Voyager's Aid | | 18 | Telescope | Voyager's Aid | | 19 | Cat | Voyager's Aid | | 1A | Golden Dragon | Sword | | 1B | Telescope | Dummied Item? | | 1C | Null | Dummied Item? | | 1D | Letter of Marque (P) | Royal Edict | | 1E | Letter of Marque (S) | Royal Edict | | 1F | Letter of Marque (O) | Royal Edict | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 20 | Letter of Marque (E) | Royal Edict | | 21 | Letter of Marque (I) | Royal Edict | | 22 | Letter of Marque (H) | Royal Edict | | 23 | Tax-Free Permit (P) | Royal Edict | | 24 | Tax-Free Permit (S) | Royal Edict | | 25 | Tax-Free Permit (O) | Royal Edict | | 26 | Tax-Free Permit (E) | Royal Edict | | 27 | Tax-Free Permit (I) | Royal Edict | | 28 | Tax-Free Permit (H) | Royal Edict | | 29 | Rat Poison | Emergency Item | | 2A | Balm | Emergency Item | | 2B | Lime Juice | Emergency Item | | 2C | Royal Crown | Accessory | | 2D | Balm | Dummied Item? | | 2E | Expiation | Dummied Item? | | 2F | Pardon | Dummied Item? | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 30 | Null | Dummied Item? | | 31 | Null | Dummied Item? | | 32 | Silk Shawl | Accessory | | 33 | China Dress | Accessory | | 34 | Aquamarine Tiara | Accessory | | 35 | Platnium Comb | Accessory | | 36 | Ermine Coat | Accessory | | 37 | Circlet | Accessory | | 38 | Peacock Fan | Accessory | | 39 | Silk Scarf | Accessory | | 3A | Velvet Coat | Accessory | | 3B | Diamond Crown | Accessory | | 3C | Mermaid's Bracelet | Accessory | | 3D | Ruby Scepter | Accessory | | 3E | Brass Candleholder | Accessory | | 3F | Jade Jewelbox | Accessory | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 40 | Crown of Majesty | Accessory | | 41 | Gold Bracelet | Accessory | | 42 | Sapphire Ring | Accessory | | 43 | Malachite Box | Accessory | | 44 | Garnet Brooch | Accessory | | 45 | Ruby Ring | Accessory | | 46 | 106 | Dummied Item? | | 47 | Bendadecan | Dummied Item? | | 48 | Chakuses | Dummied Item? | | 49 | Magic Muramasa | Ultimate Sword | | 4A | Rune Blade | Ultimate Sword | | 4B | Crusader's Armor | Ultimate Armor | | 4C | Crusader's Sword | Ultimate Sword | | 4D | Siva's Magic Sword | Ultimate Sword | | 4E | Errol's Plate | Ultimate Armor | | 4F | Reserve | Dummied Item? | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 50 | Map of Gold Mask | Treasure Map | | 51 | Map of Jade Table | Treasure Map | | 52 | Map of Statue | Treasure Map | | 53 | Map of Lithograph | Treasure Map | | 54 | Map of Crystal | Treasure Map | | 55 | Map of Pot of Fire | Treasure Map | | 56 | Map of Sword | Treasure Map | | 57 | Map of Medallion | Treasure Map | | 58 | Map of Staff | Treasure Map | | 59 | Old Map | Dummied Item? | | 5A | Gold Mask | Hidden Treasure | | 5B | Jade Table | Hidden Treasure | | 5C | Statue with Eyes | Hidden Treasure | | 5D | Obsidian Lithograph | Hidden Treasure | | 5E | Crystal of Darkness | Hidden Treasure | | 5F | Pot of Fire | Hidden Treasure | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 60 | Sword of Destiny | Hidden Treasure | | 61 | Gold Medallion | Hidden Treasure | | 62 | Staff of Poseidin | Hidden Treasure | | 63 | Treasure Chest | Dummied Item? | -------------------------------------------------------------- * All numbers higher than 63 will crash the game! ¬ Hex Values ¬ ---------- This is a Reference section for hacking certain values, like changing a characters portrait and equipping them with swords 'n' armours. Portraits ~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------- | HEX Code | Name of Character | Job/Title/Rank | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 00 | Joao Franco | Commodore | | 01 | Catalina Eranzo | Commodore | | 02 | Otto Baynes | Commodore | | 03 | Ernst Von Bohr | Commodore | | 04 | Pietro Conti | Commodore | | 05 | Ali Vezas | Commodore | | 06 | Butler Marco | Village Seeker/Butler | | 07 | Count Morie | Village Seeker | | 08 | Ranajame | Village Seeker | | 09 | Joan, Duke of Modena | Village Seeker/Duke | | 0A | Professor Mordes | Village Seeker | | 0B | Giovanni Verazzano | Catographer | | 0C | Gerald de Jode | Catographer | | 0D | Diogo Ribeira | Catographer | | 0E | Olives | Catographer | | 0F | Mercator | Catographer | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 10 | Professor Juliano | C.Navigation Teacher | | 11 | Dr.Wolf | Gunnary Instructor | | 12 | Leon Franco | Duke of Portugal | | 13 | Christiana Franco | Duchess of Portugal | | 14 | King Manuel | King of Portugal | | 15 | Prince Alberto | Prince of Portugal | | 16 | Raul Franco | Leon's Father | | 17 | Marquis Martinez | Marquis/Bad-ass | | 18 | King Carlos | King of Spain | | 19 | Roberto Ezequiel | Naval Commander | | 1A | Sir Gilbert | Knight/Otto's Nemesis | | 1B | King Henry VIII | King of England | | 1C | Govenor General | Leader of Holland | | 1D | Sultan Suliman | Sultan of Turkey | | 1E | Paula | Oriental Girl | | 1F | Rocco Alemkel | Joao's First Mate | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 20 | Enrico Malione | Philosopher/Professor | | 21 | Domingo Manana | UNKNOWN!!! | | 22 | Emilio Sanude | Catalina's First Mate | | 23 | Andreas Paella | Catalina's Navigator | | 24 | Matthew Loy | Otto's First Mate | | 25 | Govenor General | Leader of Italy | | 26 | Camillo Stefano | Pietro's First Mate | | 27 | Han Starten | Ernst's First Mate | | 28 | Salim Jahan | Ali's First Mate | | 29 | Pilly Reis | Vagabond Sailor | | 2A | Fernan Pinto | Vagabond Sailor | | 2B | Dante Paleira | Vagabond Sailor | | 2C | Miguel Solis | Vagabond Sailor | | 2D | Bernardo Sanchez | Vagabond Sailor | | 2E | Luka Ullman | Vagabond Sailor | | 2F | Benito Gomez | Vagabond Sailor | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 30 | Afmet Glanie | Vagabond Sailor | | 31 | Zagonas Bei | Vagabond Sailor | | 32 | Lawrence Edwards | Vagabond Sailor | | 33 | Gus Johnson | Vagabond Sailor | | 34 | Antoine Fitch | Vagabond Sailor | | 35 | Aloji Jovanni | Vagabond Sailor | | 36 | Fritz Ramsey | Vagabond Sailor | | 37 | Nicolo Montagna | Vagabond Sailor | | 38 | Georg Scholl | Vagabond Sailor | | 39 | Patrick Toman | Vagabond Sailor | | 3A | Jacob Walweik | Vagabond Sailor | | 3B | Pirate | Martinez's Henchman | | 3C | Robert Donahue | Vagabond Sailor | | 3D | Simon Sekiera | Merchant Sailor | | 3E | Louis Costa | Merchant Sailor | | 3F | Raphael Selran | Guardian Sailor | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 40 | Garcia Alvardo | Guardian Sailor | | 41 | Esteban Ortega | Merchant Sailor | | 42 | Juan Santana | Merchant Sailor | | 43 | Tonio Burciaga | Guardian Sailor | | 44 | Hugo Montoya | Guardian Sailor | | 45 | Hernan Chavez | Guardian Sailor | | 46 | Palah Abdul | Merchant Sailor | | 47 | Marwan Hazan | Merchant Sailor | | 48 | Rashid Jabbar | Guardian Sailor | | 49 | Walid Kemal | Guardian Sailor | | 4A | Siddarth Kebin | Guardian Sailor | | 4B | Joseph Eastman | Merchant Sailor | | 4C | Colin Lowe | Merchant Sailor | | 4D | Robert Wilde | Guardian Sailor | | 4E | Victor Russel | Guardian Sailor | | 4F | Guido Benzo | Merchant Sailor | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 50 | Giovanni Aldente | Merchant Sailor | | 51 | Andre Glimani | Guardian Sailor | | 52 | Vittorio Doria | Guardian Sailor | | 53 | Hugo Oljack | Merchant Sailor | | 54 | Vilem Hein | Guardian Sailor | | 55 | Julian Felmer | Guardian Sailor | | 56 | Jacques Broom | Guardian Sailor | | 57 | Pirate Kahn | Martinez's Henchman | | 58 | Khayr Ad-din | Fearless Pirate | | 59 | Idin Leis | Fearless Pirate | | 5A | Mohammed Syarook | Pirate | | 5B | Ulgu Ali | Pirate | | 5C | UNKNOWN!!! | UNKNOWN!!! | | 5D | Howell | Head of M.P Bank | | 5E | Tafari | Atlantian Decendant | | 5F | Meconbe | Atlantian Decendant | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 60 | Bret Perot | Martinez's Henchman | | 61 | Carlotta | Café Owner | | 62 | Lucia | Café Waitress | | 63 | Ladia | Café Waitress | | 64 | Leticia | Café Waitress | | 65 | Mathilde | Café Waitress | | 66 | Theresa | Café Waitress | | 67 | Francesca | Café Waitress | | 68 | Helen | Café Waitress | | 69 | Layla | Café Waitress | | 6A | Jamila | Café Waitress | | 6B | Elaine | Café Waitress | | 6C | Lillian | Café Waitress | | 6D | Johanna | Café Waitress | | 6E | Melanie | Café Waitress | | 6F | Claudia | Café Waitress | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 70 | Viveka | Café Waitress | | 71 | Natasha | Café Waitress | | 72 | Isabella | Café Waitress | | 73 | Lupe | Café Waitress | | 74 | Silvia | Café Waitress | | 75 | Tobia | Café Waitress | | 76 | Tisa | Café Waitress | | 77 | Shani | Café Waitress | | 78 | Hadi | Café Waitress | | 79 | Salma | Café Waitress | | 7A | Aruna | Café Waitress | | 7B | Rukia | Café Waitress | | 7C | Titis | Café Waitress | | 7D | Mei-Yi | Café Waitress | | 7E | Onatsu | Café Waitress | | 7F | Sapha Vezas | Ali's Sister | -------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Combinations Nations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ N - Negotiation......... 00 = Portugal A - Accounting.......... 01 = Spain G - Gunnery............. 02 = Turkey C - Celestial navigation 03 = England X - Cartography......... 04 = Italy 05 = Holland 01 = N 06 = Piracy 02 = A 03 = A..N Jobs 04 = G ~~~~ 05 = G..N 00 = Nothing 06 = A..G 01 = Commodore 07 = A..G..N 02 = Captain 08 = X 03 = First Mate 09 = N..X 04 = Bookkeeper 0A = A..X 05 = Chief Navigator 0B = A..N..X 06 = Navigator 0C = G..X 0D = G..N..X 0E = A..G..X 0F = A..G..N..X 10 = C 11 = C..N 12 = A..C 13 = A..C..N 14 = C..G 15 = C..G..N 16 = A..C..G 17 = A..C..G..N 18 = C..X 19 = C..N..X 1A = A..C..X 1B = A..C..N..X 1C = C..G..X 1D = C..G..N..X 1E = A..C..G..X 1F = All Skills! ¬ Other Stuffage ¬ -------------- Well, I couldn't find a topic to include these in so... Gold ~~~~ Offsets: 3207; 3208 & 3209 Fame ~~~~ Having enough Fame could end the game in the space of a few seconds...which is NOT advised! Joao Franco ====================== Trade......31B3 & 31B4 Piracy.....31B5 & 31B6 Adventure..31B7 & 31B8 ---------------------- Catalina Eranzo ====================== Trade......31C1 & 31C2 Piracy.....31C3 & 31C4 Adventure..31C5 & 31C6 ---------------------- Otto Baynes ====================== Trade......31CF & 31D0 Piracy.....31D1 & 31D2 Adventure..31D3 & 31D4 ---------------------- Ernst Von Bohr ====================== Trade......31DD & 31DE Piracy.....31DF & 31E0 Adventure..31E1 & 31E2 ---------------------- Pietro Conti ====================== Trade......31EB & 31EC Piracy.....31ED & 31EE Adventure..31EF & 31F0 ---------------------- Ali Vezas ====================== Trade......31F9 & 31FA Piracy.....31FB & 31FC Adventure..31FD & 31FE ---------------------- Popularity with nations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You know about red and white numbers listed after each item on the status screen? This will edit them, remember that Red is Bad and White is Good! Joao Franco Catalina Erantzo Otto Baynes Ersnt Von Bohr ================ ================ ================ ================ Portugal....31B9 Portugal....31C7 Portugal....31D5 Portugal....31E3 Spain.......31BA Spain.......31C8 Spain.......31D6 Spain.......31E4 Turkey......31BB Turkey......31C9 Turkey......31D7 Turkey......31E5 England.....31BC England.....31CA England.....31D8 England.....31E6 Italy.......31BD Italy.......31CB Italy.......31D9 Italy.......31E7 Holland.....31BE Holland.....31CC Holland.....31DA Holland.....31E8 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Pietro Conti Ali Vezas ================ ================ Portugal....31F1 Portugal....31FF Spain.......31F2 Spain.......3200 Turkey......31F3 Turkey......3201 England.....31F4 England.....3202 Italy.......31F5 Italy.......3203 Holland.....31F6 Holland.....3204 ---------------- ---------------- 64 means neutral (0) 00-63 = Bad (00 means 100 - Pts for a nation) Think of them as - numbers... 65-C8 = Good (C8 means 100 + Pts for a nation) Think of them as + numbers... Nothing Special, but it had to be said.../\/ Changing Ranks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ever wanted to be a Duke in an instance....??? I took some time to test these on all six commodores, so all of these offsets should be 100% correct, if there's errors send me an e-mail so I can change them! Offset: 31C0 for Joao Franco 31CE for Catalina Eranzo 31DC for Otto Baynes 31EA for Ernst Von Bohr 31F8 for Pietro Conti 3206 for Ali Vezas 00 = No Rank 01 = Page 02 = Squire 03 = Knight 04 = Baronet 05 = Baron 06 = Viscount (Yes, you'll be a Chocolate Biscuit!) 07 = Earl 08 = Marquis 09 = Duke (0A - FF increases the amount of shields with NO rank!) ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ * Credits! No major captions due to the size of this FAQ, it's too small for too much rambling on! Now for the Credits.../\/ CJAYC ¬¬¬¬¬ For maintaining Gamefaqs and submitting this guide. Where would we be without his services, and hardwork? G*PALADIN (Me!) ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Because he is the Great Paladin, and he wrote this FAQ! KOEI ¬¬¬¬ For making this game, and for their cool new DW4 game released in the U.K! Breakpoint Software Inc. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ For creating Hex Workshop which I used to create this FAQ! Helios Software Solutions ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ For making TEXTPAD v4.5 which I use to create ALL my Guides! And Last of all... You people! The readers, for reading all my FAQs 'n' stuff, despite how bad some of them could be....Thanks a Bunch Ladies and Gentlemen. Au Revoir me maties, i'll go back to walkin' the plank...^_^ ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ Copyright © G*Paladin 2003...The Great Paladin, wielder of Ragnarok!