SNES Shadowrun Walkthrough & FAQ May 7, 2003 Version 1.12 ======================================================================= Introduction ======================================================================= Welcome to the unofficial Shadowrun walkthrough. This information is intended to guide people who either are stuck in Shadowrun, or who have rented it for two days and need to get through it lickety-split. [WARNING] This file is essentially an ordered list of spoilers. I take no responsibility for ruining your fun. If you need/want to get in touch with me about this FAQ, contact me through my GameFAQs account. The email will get to me. ======================================================================= What's new? ======================================================================= From most recent back to when I started keeping track: * Added a resources section * Preston Smith sent me a PDF version * NJH sent me an ASCII map of regions 1 & 2 ======================================================================= Acknowledgements ======================================================================= I am thankful to the following people for providing answers to my questions and for contributing to the content of this FAQ: Jason Box Scott Robert Sadusky Wendy Silk NJH Preston Smith ======================================================================= Locations ======================================================================= First, we have a list of regions and associated sub-regions. These are all the places that I talk about in the walkthrough. If you don't know what is where, it's up to you to find out. City Region 1 - Tenth Street station ------------------------------------ morgue park & water fountains dark alley Glutman's building businessman's building your apt. building other apt. building subway station bar cemetery & crypts the Cage City Region 2 - Oldtown station ------------------------------- caryards arena subway station bar street doc gun shop shaman shop City Region 3 - Daley station ----------------------------- subway station street doc building hotel cemetery + sewers Wastelands bar Rust Stiletto hideout Jagged Nails bar R3 Docks -------- Matrix Systems Dog warehouse octopus warehouse boat launch boatman & boat R3 Dark Blade Club ------------------ gun shop upstairs crypts R3 Bremerton ------------ forward (left) aft (right) down extra-dimensional zone R3 Volcano ---------- Sub-levels 0-4 catwalks Drake room R3 Aneki Building ----------------- Floors 1-5 ======================================================================= Walkthrough ======================================================================= This walkthough is not technically as bare-bones as it could be. I have left in some instructions that are not vitally necessary, but will advance the story line, especially near the beginning. Anything encased in angle brackets <> is optional. Usually it means extra story context, though it is not necessary to progress in the script. Here we go! A. Stuck in this end of town ============================ 1. R1 Morgue Get scalpel Open fridge door Get slap patch 2. Exit R1 morgue, meet punk Learn Hitmen Learn Firearms 3. Follow punk to R1 dark alley Get and use Beretta Kill orc assassin Get and use leather jacket 4. Go to alley end, meet Dog's acolyte Learn Dog 5. R1 park gate Open gate Get dog collar 6. Go to room with murdered man (R1 other apt.) Examine seems familiar... Examine and get door key (6) 7. Go to your own apartment (R1 your apt. bdlg.) Use door key Listen to videophone message (threat) Open filing cabinet (nuyen) Get & use shades Examine ripped note (Sassie's p.n.) Have a nap 8. R1 Cage Talk to bouncer Learn tickets 9. R1 bar Talk to busy man Learn heal & street doc Talk to bartender Ask about hitmen Learn shadowrunner Learn firearms (if you haven't already) Learn hiring & deckers Move away, come back Talk to bartender Learn datajack Get iced tea 10. Go to tired patron (R1 bar) Give iced tea Talk about tickets Learn Grinder, Maria, & Lone Star 11. Go to businessman (R1 businessman's office bdlg.) Learn shadowrunner (if you haven't already) Ask about shadowrunners Learn hiring Ask about hiring Learn negotiation Talk about Lone Star Buy & use badge 12. Empty office in R1 Glutman's bdlg. Get paperweight 13. R1 morgue Talk about Grinder Open filing cabinets Get credstick & tickets 14. R1 cemetery Shoot ghouls Use scalpel on crypt doors Examine coffin lids Use slap patch on Indian shaman Learn shaman Get & learn magic fetish Shoot more ghouls outside crypts Get ghoul bone 15. R1 Cage Use credstick on videophone, call Sassie Learn calls Ask about calls Get Glutman's phone number Call Gutman Talk to secretary Learn Cage Give tickets to bouncer Talk to punk in corner Learn ghouls Find Glutman B. Oh, so this is the rest of the city. I guess I should get some spells. ============================================================== 1. R2 caryards Talk to people Learn caryards, matrix, Drake, King 2. R2 arena The lineup of opponents is: Gang Member, Heavy Dude, Heavy Dude, Mage, Mage, Street Samurai, Ferocious Orc, Gang Leader, Troll Decker, (Replicating) Mage. IMHO, the Gang Leader is the most difficult, since he moves around a lot causing to you lose your gun tracking. There are two paths to take here. One involves getting negotiation and buying your way out, and the other involves killing the King. Variation 1 (Recommended) ------------------------- Win all the arena fights up to and including Ferocious Orc Save game Challenge King If you lose, go get more stamina You will win ¥3000 for killing the King, plus save yourself the ¥2000 you would have paid him to get out. This should allow you to buy mesh armour and a shotgun almost right away. You cannot fight the King once you've paid him off. A FAQ respondent has told me that the grenades you can buy from the businessman (A11) make killing the King a lot easier. Variation 2 ----------- Talk to arena owner Ask about negotiation Pay him ¥1000 for negotiation skill 1 Once you have negotiation 3 pay King ¥2000 to get out Purchasing negotiation is worthwhile at any rate. 4. R2 shaman shop Learn talisman Get his phone number Buy stake (if you've got the cash. It will prevent you needing to come back while you've got a sidekick) 5. R2 street doc (You need ¥2000 before starting this sequence) Ask about datajack Learn examination Ask about examination Oops. Learn cortex bomb Ask about Street Doc Learn about Dr. Maplethorpe 6. R3 subway station Kill gang members Learn Rust Stilettos Get iron key Encounter Dog acolyte #2 7. R3 street doc (cross the highway, run along sidewalk) Talk about cortex bomb Get it removed (¥2000) Learn head computer & matrix systems Buy Leadership 1 skillsoft (¥3000) 8. R1 Glutman's office Get cyberdeck Break into computer (¥1000) 9. R3 Wastelands Kill orc Talk to bartender, learn ice 10. Deal with Rust Stilettos (RS) Kill RS outside R3 hideout Use iron key to open door Kill RS inside, get crowbar Kill final RS Get password 11. R3 Jagged Nails Talk to Kitsune Ask about Dog Get enchanted leaves 12. R3 docks - boat launch Talk to boat owner Learn docks & mermaids 13. R3 docks - Matrix Systems Break into computer (¥2000) 14. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Get Heal spell Learn Rat 15. R3 cemetery + sewers Kill all rats Kill Rat shaman Learn Jester Spirit 16. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Get powerball spell Ask about Jester Spirit (background info) 17. R3 Jagged Nails Ask Kitsune about Jester Spirit Learn Dark Blade Ask about Dark Blade Learn vampire Ask Bartender about vampire Learn strobes Ask about strobes Ask other bartender about strobes Get strobes Use videophone, call shaman Ask shaman about Dark Blade Get Dark Blade phone number Use videophone, call Dark Blade Ask about magic fetish 18. R3 Dark Blade Club Talk to vladimir, ask about Jester Spirit Give magic fetish to vladimir Learn Nirwanda, Bremerton Search upstairs, kill everyone Break into computers (¥10 000 + data file) Get bronze key from bookshelf Open bronze gate Go through crypts Kill all the ghouls in vladimir's room Use strobe Use stake Ask Vladimir about Jester Spirit Learn Nirwanda, Bremerton Use stake Ask Vladimir about Jester Spirit Learn Laughlyn Use stake (¥5000) 19. R2 shaman shop Get black bottle (¥6000) Get blue & black potion bottles (¥3000) 20. R1 park Use potion bottles on water fountain 21. R3 docks-octopus warehouse Kill it (¥2000) Get ink in black bottle 22. R3 wastelands Talk to bartender, learn ice (if you haven't already) Talk to ice man (left corner) Ask about ice Buy ton for ¥100 Ask about docks (for delivery) 23. R3 docks Get mermaid scales (down on boat launch) 24. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Get freeze spell 25. R3 docks - boat launch Kill orc Get explosives Ask boatman about Bremerton Pay ¥1000 Get in boat C. What shall we do with a drunken sailor? (Don't let him near the oil tanker) ======================================= 1. R3 Bremerton Run to end, kill everyone Get dog tags Use crowbar on door Kill toxic pools Hit switch 2. Go forward (left) Kill everyone Get safe key Use safe key on safe Get detonator (makes time bomb) 3. Go down (down) Kill poison ooze Use potion bottles on toxic water Descend stairs Throw second switch (airlock door closes) Go back; throw first switch (water gate opens) Unthrow switches Go down Use time bomb on safe (stand back) Get green bottle 4. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Get summon spirit and invisibility spells 5. R3 Bremerton - go aft (right) Use green bottle on toxic wastes Throw first switch (door opens) Throw farthest switch (mines in next room will detonate upon entry) 6. Extra-dimensional zone Shoot at bubble piles to quiet them 7. Confront Jester Spirit Take damage and heal and shoot at him until he taunts you Talk to Jester Ask about Laughlyn Ask about Drake Learn volcano Get Jester Spirit D. Drake Towers ============ By this point you should have all the spells except armour. Also you should have dermal armour, mesh jacket, ruger pistol, and heightened reflexes. If you don't, things are going to be pretty tough. On each floor, step off, and immediately cast invisibility. Shoot everyone, and grab their money. Run your action glove over the scene to locate all the computers. You will find locks on the elevator, data files giving you more story line, and nuyen. At one point you will find Drake's phone number. Calling him is interesting, though not necessary. 1. First floor 1 computer - elevator lock 2. Second floor 2 computers - elevator lock, data file + ¥8000 3. Third floor 3 computers - data file, elevator lock, trash data only 4. Fourth floor 2 computers - data file, elevator lock 5. Fifth floor 2 computers - level 6 node + elevator lock, 2 data files + ¥10 000 6. Sixth Floor 1 computer - elevator lock 7. Roof Destroy sentry guns Talk to helicopter pilot Ask about volcano E. Volcano ======= The volcano is, in my opinion, the most difficult part of the whole adventure. My guess is that by now you should also have an assault rifle. The computers here contain a lot of money, and you have to crack all of them to find out what they have. It is worth taking notes to remember which ones are useful, and which ones aren't. There are also special routes to take that avoid most of the troll decker sentries. One thing you might find useful is a notation for getting through the computers in case you die and have to do it again. I use a notation where I note how many ICs I ran into in a certain computer. It is totally dependent on the route you take, so my notes won't help you much. For example, one of the computers is notated 1-2-2-1L/1-1L-2. The numbers indicate numbers of ICs, L indicates that the last square is an IC, and the / means lots of movement. 1. Sub-level 0 Nowhere to go but down 2. Sub-level 1 2 computers of note - program, elevator lock. Apparently if you kill everyone and then screw with some computer you can get the alarm to shut up. Unverified. 3. Sub-level 2 1 computer of note - elevator lock 4. Sub-level 3 5 computers of note - data file + ¥, data file, ¥, data file + ¥, elevator lock 5. Sub-level 4 - max security Run left instead of going through the doors Kill 3 nagas Enter room at the end Exit Kill naga Get serpent scale 6. Leave volcano Go back up Ask helicopter pilot about Drake 7. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Learn Armour spell Get it up to level 6 8. R3 volcano Go down to sub-level 4 9. Catwalks Use invisibility to avoid damage Kill troll deckers Kill scientists 10. Drake room Cast armour immediately (deflects falling freezes) Get in range of Drake Use Jester Spirit (It blows bubbles. Drake is immobilized during this, though you are not.) Use freeze to avoid getting killed Use shooting or powerball to kill Drake 11. Computer room Talk to scientist Ask about head computer Get Aneki password F. Aneki Building ============== By the time you're here you should have (at least) the assault rifle, and partial bodysuit+dermal armour. As you enter each area, cast invisibility on any allies you have, then just slug it out with the baddies. 1. First floor 1 computer - elevator lock Note: You can't get to the basement, and you can't do anything with the computer at the top of the screen. 2. Second floor 2 computers - datafile + level 3 node, elevator lock 3. Third floor 2 computers - ¥10 000 + ¥12 500 + data file, elevator lock 4. Fourth floor 2 computers - ¥25 000, elevator lock 5. Fifth floor 2 computers - ¥50 000 + ¥20 000 + ¥15 000, AI computer You're finished! Stick it out through the credits - there's more stuff afterwards. It doesn't make much sense, though. ======================================================================= My Comments ======================================================================= Equipment ========= Weapons ------- Try to upgrade your weapons as little as possible, because you lose money every time. Try for Beretta, Ruger/Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Assault Cannon. IMHO, the Uzi sucks, but the shotgun's nice. I have > 1 report that the Uzi works much better in conjunction with heightened reflexes. Armour ------ Try for Leather Jacket, Mesh Jacket, Dermal Armour, Partial, then Full. Skills ====== Firearms -------- About 11-13 should do you. It help extend the usefulness of your weapon, which may be becoming underpowered. Computer -------- You will need level 6. Negotiation (obtained from arena owner) ----------- For all the hype you get at the beginning of the game, negotiation is pretty lame. Hiring is cheaper with negotiation skill but I think hiring is over-rated, too. Leadership (skillsoft purchased from street doc 2) ---------- Much more money-conscious than negotiation. If you have level 6, Norbert will help you kill all the Rust Stilettos, kill all the rats and the Rat Shaman, and clear out the main floor of the Dark Blade HQ on one contract. If you're slick, you can even get him to escort you through the Dark Blade crypts. If you hire Kitsune, Leadership is irrelevant. Spells ====== Heal ---- Requires three items from Dog's followers: one of the Earth, one of a creature, and one of a man. (enchanted leaves, magic fetish, and dog collar) Heal is good, because it represents the most bang for your magic buck. That is, you can do way more damage by shooting and using heal lots than you can by casting powerballs. Get level 6. Powerball --------- Requires two items that have not rested in the Earth. (Paperweight & ghoul bone) I don't find it that useful. When making this file, I didn't use powerball at all. One person has reported that it works well against Drake. Summon Spirit ------------- Requires two items of Dog's pack (Dog tags & Dog collar) I don't find this useful either. Kitsune's summon spirit is nice when facing Vladimir's ghouls. Freeze ------ Requires the residue of two sea creatures. (octopus ink and mermaid scales) I never found freeze that useful. This is because SR tends to throw a lot of enemies at you, in which case invisibility or armour is more useful. It works well on Drake. Invisibility ------------ Requires water from a clean and unclean source. (Water fountain and Toxic Water) Indispensable. Armour ------ Requires the scales of a warm and cold blooded creature. (Naga & mermaid scales) I'm not sold on armour - invisibility works better against everything except Drake, and Freeze works better there. Attributes ========== Stamina ------- About 12-14. It should be this high to make the best use of your heal 6 spell. Magic ----- The more the merrier. You'll need at least 12. Other stuff =========== Hiring ------ With the exception of hiring a thug as soon as you get to region 3, I found hiring unnecessary. As soon as you get any good, their principal role is drawing fire while you run through the screen. This is especially true in the Dark Blade crypts and the volcano. Hirelings taken to the Jester Spirit or to Drake will either die or suck off so many magic points you will die. If you take Kitsune with you to the Rat Shaman, she will stick with you for the rest of the adventure. Keeping her alive is challenging because she can only wear a leather jacket and only has 50 HP. Karma ----- Karma is farmable by killing bad guys. In region: 1: Use the office next to your apartment or the graveyard 2: Use the caryards dead end 3: Use: - The docks - The Bremerton deck - Vladimir's crypts. When you first go down, go up against the far end of the coffin on your right and the ghouls will be unable to reach you (mostly). - The gold naga in the volcano. Kill the naga once then run into the room at the end. Exit the room, and kill it again. Yo! 6 karma! Repeat. Don't pick up the serpent scale until you're finished. Money ----- Kill people in the zones designed for getting karma and loot their bodies. Ghouls have no money. The computers in Glutman's office, Matrix Systems, the Dark Blade club, Drake Tower, the volcano, and Aneki towers have money accounts. Compete in the arena Kill the Rat Shaman, the octopus, or Vladimir Once you have finished the Bremerton, every time you go through the Jester's dimensional portal, Vladimir re-appears. Kill him again for another ¥5000. Sell your old stuff ======================================================================= Open questions ======================================================================= Q: I did what you said, and the did not appear at ! e.g. Dermal Armour at Dr. Maplethorpe's office. A: It is unclear at this time what all the triggers are for these items. It is probably a combination of several things, including adventure triggers (which I have noted) and character development. Q: When (if at all) is Shadowrun II coming out? A: Probably never for the SNES. A Shadowrun video game that is truer to the RPG exists for the Sega Genesis. ======================================================================= Game Genie Codes ======================================================================= 4DBE-4DA4 Computer & Firearms skills to lvl 2 D7BE-4DA4 Computer & Firearms skills to lvl 3 D0BE-4DA4 Computer & Firearms skills to lvl 4 D9BE-4DA4 Computer & Firearms skills to lvl 5 D1BE-4DA4 Computer & Firearms skills to lvl 6 6DAE-4FA7 + FFAE-44D7 Everything is free! CEEF-4DDD Don't subtract karma for skill/spells/attributes, but you must have enough to advance CE6D-47A4 Don't subtract karma for shooting people who mean you no harm (ignore message saying you lose karma) 8E69-3DA4 Don't subtract spell points D4BC-4404 Strength & charisma start at 2 D0BC-4404 Strength & charisma start at 4 D9BC-4404 Strength & charisma start at 5 D1BC-4404 Strength & charisma start at 6 These are some basic ones, there are ones for increasing life but if your stamina goes over 250 the game freezes. Also if you have 250 the game freezes (slows down to impossibility in the Matrix only).