Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -Crossroads of Time FAQ by Seth0708 ( ================================================================================================= CONTENTS ================================================================================================= I. STORY II. WALKTHROUGH III. PASSWORDS IV. GAME GENIE CODES V. COPYRIGHTS ================================================================================================= STORY ================================================================================================= Stardate 46379.1 (2369 by our calendar), Commander Benjamin Sisko is sent to the planet Bajor as a representative of the United Federation of Planets. Bajor has just been released from sixty years of occupation by the Cardassians. Upon arrival he takes command of a former mining station, Terok Nor. It is renamed Deep Space Nine, and crewed by a joint Federation and Bajoran force. This force includes, for the Federation, Chief Miles O'Brien (chief of operations), Doctor Julian Bashir (chief medical officer), and Jadzia Dax (chief science officer), and for the Bajorans, Security Chief Odo and Major Kira Nerys (first officer to Commander Sisko). Stardate 46873.6, it has been several months since the Federation has arrived at Bajor. While many welcome them, there is a minority that opposes the Federation presence on Deep Space Nine. As the game begins a group of dissedent Bajorans has threatened the station... The "story" of the game design can be found here- ================================================================================================= WALKTHROUGH ================================================================================================= As the game begins we find Benjamin Sisko in Ops. As another day begins on the station he gets a call from Odo. Head to Odo's Office. The constable informs you that Bajoran terrorists have infiltrated the station and are holed up in Lower Pylon 3. After speaking with the constable you are directed to see Doctor Bashir in sick bay. Speak with the good doctor and you'll receive a call from Dax, asking you to return to Ops. Do so and speak with her to get a tricorder. At this point you may head down to Lower Pylon 3. Make your way through the pylon. It is pretty straight- forward, except when you come to a ledge near the end. At one point you will find that you need to reach a ledge directly below you. How you do this is you must hang from the ledge you're on, and then hit down. This will cause you to land on the ledge below you. Keep going until you find the bombs the terrorists have planted and disarm them. From here you are beamed back to Ops. From here you should head back to Odo's Office, where he will give you a debriefing on the terrorist group responsible for the attack on Lower Pylon 3. After speaking with him go back to Sisko's Office in Ops. It is at this point that you meet Gul Gurgey, a Cardassian liason visiting the station. For now ignore him and go to Quark's, where you will confront the bartender about the recent attack on the station. After going over it with him move down the Promenade to the tailor's store. There you should talk to Mr. Garak, Plain, Simple Garak to his friends. After a conversation full of euphemism you should return to Lower Pylon 3 to investigate the scene of the attack. Once you have discovered where several of the terrorists have gone, board a runabout connected to the pylon and head through the wormhole. From here you have to navigate through the wormhole and an asteroid field. Once this is done you can confront the terrorist's shuttle. Defeat them and capture the ship, thus bringing them back to the station. Back on the station Odo informs you that the terrorists are not cooperating, but they do reveal that they have a leader. Odo informs you that their group had no leader, until recently. From go and speak with O'Brien to learn more about the initial attack. At this point you can go and speak to Gul Gurgey. The Cardassian plays coy, so leave him be for now and talk to Kira. At this point you learn that the terrorists have struck again, this time they've attacked the Vedek Assembly and taken Kai Opaka, the Bajoran spiritual leader, hostage. Return to the docking pylon and head for the planet. On Bajor you must navigate through the catacombs below the Vedek Assembly, thus avoiding detect- ion. Once you reach the end you can enter the Assembly. Several terrorists stand in your way. Dispatch them and save the Kai. Once this is done you may return to the station. Once back on the station talk to Odo for an update. From here you can talk to Bashir to learn a few things that the captured terrorists have revealed. Use the tricorder on some of the Bajorans, then go and find O'Brien. Discuss your findings with him, and after getting his insight go and find Odo (who is patroling the Promenade). Odo and Sisko will go over the facts of the recent events, prompting Sisko to make two inquiries. The first is with the monk at the Bajoran Temple. Talk to him to learn a little about the occupation. From here go to the tailor's shop and talk to Mr. Garak. Garak is his usual evasive self, so use you tricorder on him to catch him with contraband material redhanded. After a revelation from the plain, simple tailor, go back to Ops and talk to Dax. Dax will confirm Sisko's suspicions, so confront Gul Gurgey. Sisko will accuse Gurgey of having an operative infiltrating the Bajoran terrorist organization responsible for the attacks, and that that operative has become the leader of the terrorist group. Gurgey will con- gratulate Sisko on his ingenuity, and then beam back to his ship before the station can raise shields. From this point talk to Dax to learn that Kai Opaka is on the station. Go to the Temple and talk to her to get some psycho-babble. Go back to Ops and talk to O'Brien to get some techno- babble about how the Cardassians have the advantage in a battle between their ship and the stat- ion. Go and see Odo for some more information, then go back to O'Brien who reveals that if he could get some tactical data from a Galaxy-Class starship he might be able to allow someone to beam through the shields of Gurgey's ship. From here you should head back to the Bajoran Temple and talk to Opaka. She'll use one of the Bajoran orbs and send you back in time. Sisko finds himself on his old ship, the USS Saratoga. This is not during a typical day, but dur- ing the Battle of Wolf 359. At this point in history a cybernetic race known as the Borg have begun an invasion of the Federation, intent on assimilating it's people and making them a part of the Borg. You now must navigate through the burning, and boarded, Saratoga. Along the way you will have to save several crewmen, including Sisko's son, by escorting them to a transporter pad and continually reactivating it. Along the way you will encounter several Borg. It is important to remember that your phasers will only get one shot, once you have killed one Borg the others will "adapt" and be immune to your weapons. There are a few computer terminals on the ship that will reset your phasers, but they are not always accessible. Once you have saved the injured crew you need to head to Deck 1, where you can recover the data you need to fight the Cardassians. At this point you will be returned to the present. Using the codes the station is able to beam Odo over to the Cardassian ship. As Odo you can tran- sform into a puddle and a Cardassian vole (a rat-like animal). Using these abilities you need to navigate through the ship's vents and corridors and disable all the tactical consols aboard the ship, thus disabling it's weapons. Once this is done Sisko will beam over, and it's time to kick Cardassian butt. While you're doing this, it is also important to disable the navigation consoles so that the ship cannot escape. Of course once you've done this Gul Gurgey will activate the auto destruct sequence of his ship, intending to detonate it close enough to the station to destroy it. Naturally your next mission is to disable the auto-destruct. Once this is done Sisko will beam back to the station. At this point three Cardassian ships will arrive, commanded by Gul Dukat. Dukat's ships open fire on Gurgey's ship and destroy it. Dukat then requests a meeting with Sisko, and beams over to his office. Dukat apologizes for Gurgey's "unauthorized" actions and promises it will never happen again. Sisko merely replies that he will be watching the Cardassians in the future. Miffed, the Gul departs. Thus ends another day on Deep Space Nine. ================================================================================================= PASSWORDS ================================================================================================= Deep Space Nine- NUHHOM Deep Space Nine- SEPLOS Asteroid Belt- YOSMIS Gamma Quadrant- VANDAQ Deep Space Nine- BIQPUM Catacombs- DISYIB Vedek Assembly- NUDJIB Deep Space Nine- VESDUJ USS Saratoga- YOTHOM Gul Gurgey's Ship- QUVMOH Ending- REJHOM ================================================================================================= GAME GENIE CODES ================================================================================================= Start with ¼ health FDBF-0F04 + FDBF-076F Start with ½ health F2BF-0F04 + F2BF-076F Start with ¾ health 45BF-0F04 + 45BF-076F Infinite health C23C-6545 -OR- 3C3E-0915 + 3C3E-09C5 Play as Chief O'Brien D0BF-0D6F ================================================================================================= COPYRIGHTS ================================================================================================= Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -Crossroads of Time is (C) Playmates Interactive & Paramount Pictures