Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time Walkthrough by John Perdue Version 1.0 Copyright 2008 John Perdue. See the Legal and Contact Info section at the end of this document for usage restrictions. CONTENTS Introduction....................................(INT) Part I: Lower Pylon 3...........................(LP31) Lower Pylon 3 Accessway....................(LP32) Lower Pylon 3 Superstructure...............(LP33) Part II: Space Race.............................(SR1) Wormhole...................................(SR2) Asteroid Field.............................(SR3) Part III: Bajor.................................(B1) Bajoran Temple.............................(B2) Redemptionist Hideout I....................(B3) Generator Room.............................(B4) Redemptionist Hideout II...................(B5) Bilitrium Grenade Replicator Room..........(B6) Part IV: Memory Lane Detective Work.............................(ML1) U.S.S. Saratoga............................(ML2) Part V: Cardassian Ship.........................(CS1) Appendices Appendix A: Password List..................(PL1) Appendix B: Item List......................(IL1) Appendix C: Enemy List.....................(EL1) Legal and Contact Information...................(LEG) To jump to a section, use the "find" function in your browser and type in the corresponding code from the Contents section. INTRODUCTION (INT) Welcome to my walkthrough for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time. If you're reading this, I'm shocked, as I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who has ever played this game. Which is a shame, as it's one of the best Star Trek adaptations of its era, in my opinion. It has plenty of action, but the real emphasis is on puzzle solving and exploration; these elements are seamlessly blended with the plot to create a solid, challenging gaming experience. Anyway, enough out of me. Here's what you came for. TITLE SCREEN Here you can choose between Start Game (which lets you start a new game) Password (to continue a previous game) or Options (where you can set the sound to Stereo or Monaural, and sample the game's music and sound effects). Choose your selection using up or down on the D-Pad, and confirm it with Start. Select New Game, and a cutscene will play giving story information for this portion of the game. You can skip this, and any other cutscenes, with the Start button. CONTROLS - SISKO D-Pad Left/Right = Move left/right. D-Pad Down = 1) Descend stairs and ladders. 2) Crouch. Press Up to stand back up. 3)Pick up items on the ground. 4) Aim your phaser downward at an angle. 5) Press while standing on the edge of a ledge to lower yourself down and hang from it. D-Pad Up = 1) Stand from crouching position. 2) Enter doors. 3) Climb ladders and stairs. 4) Climb back up while hanging from a ledge. 5) Hold while jumping to grab ledges. 6) Pick up items on shelves, tables, etc. 7) Aim your phaser upward at an angle. B Button = Jump. Press while running to do a long jump and cover more distance. A Button = 1) Hold to walk while pressing the D-Pad left/right. 2) Hold and press the D-Pad to move lifts and elevators. Y Button = Use phaser or tricorder if those items are selected; punch if empty hand is selected. X Button = Speak to other characters, continue to next page of speech. L and R Buttons = Cycle through currently available items. Start button = Pauses game. WALKTHROUGH - PART I: LOWER PYLON 3 (LP31) You begin the game in Sisko's office. After reading Odo's message, head through the door to find yourself in Ops. Here you can talk to Chief O'Brien, Major Kira, and Lieutenant Dax if you feel the need; once you've satisfied your thirst for gossip, take one of the two Turbolifts to get to the Promenade. The Promenade has two levels, separated by two stairways; in this area, you'll find two Turbolifts which lead back to Ops, Quark's, Odo's Office, and two passages to the Outer Ring and Main Pylon Corridor, both of which are currently locked. There are several people you can converse with here, too. Head to Odo's office, and talk to the constable to receive some information. When you exit, you'll see Doctor Bashir on the lower level of the Promenade, just past the Bajoran monk (if you're not familiar with the DS9 characters, he's wearing a black and teal uniform). Talk to the doctor, then return to Ops and talk to Dax (black and teal uniform, standing in front of a computer console). She'll give you a TRICORDER, which will soon come in handy, and suggest that you check out some anti-proton emissions in Lower Pylon 3. To get there, head back to the Promenade, and use either of the doors to the Outer Ring and Main Pylon Corridor. LOWER PYLON 3 ACCESSWAY (LP32) Once here, you'll notice a new, squarish display at the top of the screen. This is a form of radar that alerts you to the presence of Bilitrium Grenades. These will appear as dots on the radar screen; the center of the screen is your current position. You'll also see a lift immediately to your right. When standing on the lift, you can move it by holding the A button and pressing the D-pad; you'll know if you're standing in the right spot if the red light on the lift starts flashing. Note that the lift can only travel along set pathways, and you cannot change its direction while it is moving. Step on the lift, and use it to move two levels down. You'll find an injured crewman, and a TYPE I PHASER, which you'll definitely want to pick up. Climb up the ledges to your right. You'll see a Bajoran planting a BILITRIUM GRENADE on the wall. Dax recommends you dispose of it in the nearest ejection tube; these are the recessions in the back wall with lines of golden energy flowing through them. Dispatch the renegade Bajoran with your new phaser, then walk up to the grenade and press Up on the D-Pad to remove it. Hurry to the ejection tube and press Up while standing in front of it to eject the grenade. Be quick; once you pick up the grenade, you'll see a timer start counting down from 23 seconds. If this timer reaches zero, you're finished. Run right, until you reach a gap. Climb down one level from the ledge to reach another lift. Take this up one level and right to find another tube/grenade/Bajoran combination, which you should handle the same way you handled the first. Proceed right to another lift. One level down is another Bajoran, who you can ignore; down one more level is the last grenade in this section. Nab it, then head back up two levels to dispose of it in the same tube where you threw out the last grenade. When you're done, head back down to the bottom level and proceed right. You'll find a jammed hatch; use your phaser to blast your way through, and continue right. After a message from Dax, you'll exit to the next section and receive a password. (Note that if you try to exit before disposing of all the grenades in any section of this level, Dax will send you back to take care of them before letting you continue.) PASSWORD: NUHHOM LOWER PYLON 3 SUPERSTRUCTURE (LP33) When you enter, Dax informs you that you have five grenades to dispose of in this section, and O'Brien advises you to destroy any devices you find attached to the opti-cables. The devices he's referring to are small grey boxes with what appears to be a blue digital readout on their surface; they will appear on the ceilings of the corridors in this and the ensuing sections of this level, and when you get too near them, they'll cause your Grenade Radar to stop working. To remedy this, destroy these boxes with your phaser whenever you find one. What neither of them tells you, however, is that from here on out, you only have three minutes to clear each section of grenades. If the timer runs out, you're toast. To make things even more difficult, the grenades in this and the following sections will be invisible, except on your radar. To find them, you'll need to move near their location using your radar as a guide, then use your Tricorder, which will cause them to appear as small flashing dots. To begin, go right. Find the first grenade with your Tricorder, then take the lift to your left up three levels, and dispose of it in the tube on your right. Head back to the lift, take it up three levels and destroy the grey box in the corridor to your right. Take it up one more level and run right along this corridor; the next grenade is in a pile of containers, right next to an ejection tube. Go back to the lift, take it up two levels and search for the third grenade on the platform to your left. Take it back to the last ejection tube you used to get rid of it. Take the lift down three levels, then move right three and up one. Take out the Bajoran with your phaser, then head left to find the third grenade in another pile of containers. Take the lift down one level, left one, and down one. Run left along this passageway to find an ejection tube. Go back to the lift and take it down one level. Destroy the grey box on your left, then take the lift down one more level. The last grenade is in a pile of containers on the edge of this platform. Take it back to the ejection tube in the corridor two levels up. To get to the exit, simply run right from the ejection tube, across the lift. In the next area, proceed right until you hit a gap; lower yourself down here to find the lift. Destroy the two grey boxes you see, then head up five levels to find your first grenade, then back down two to find the tube to dispose of it along a platform on the left. You can take the lift back up one level to find a TYPE II PHASER on the left platform; however, it's not necessary, and won't really help you out as long as you already have the Type I. Whatever you decide to do, take the lift down three levels (four if you went back for the Phaser), then head left one, and down one more to find your second grenade on a platform to your left; nab it and take the lift back up, right, and up to the ejection tube on the platform to your right. Take the lift down, right, and down two levels, then run right to find another lift. Take it up five levels, destroy the grey box, and head right along the platform to find the grenade, then take the lift down two levels and along the platform to your left to dispose of it. Head back to the first lift you used, take it up two levels, left, then up five levels, then right; dispatch the Bajoran and destroy the grey box, then take the lift back left and up one level. Run along the platform to your right, Phasering the Bajoran you run into, and grabbing the grenade you'll spot in a pile of crates. Continue right to find another ejection tube. To get to the last grenade, head back to the lift, go up one level, right, then down six levels; its located on a platform to your left, right next to an ejection tube. Take the lift down three more levels, passing or shooting the Bajoran you'll meet along the way, to find the exit. The next section will involve a lot more jumping than the previous ones did. You'll also want to keep your Phaser handy; a lot of the time, you'll be climbing onto high platforms only to find angry Bajorans waiting for you when you get there. To start off, you may want to shoot the Bajoran on the bottom level, so you won't have to deal with him later if you end up falling down here. Your first grenade is on the platform just above and to the right of where you start; to reach it, you'll need to do a running jump to grab the edge, then climb up. Get the grenade, then jump two platforms to your right to find the ejection tube. Jump one platform to your left, then climb onto the platform above you and destroy the grey box. Take a running jump to your left to grab onto the next higher platform, climb up and quickly dispatch the Bajoran waiting for you there. You'll find your second grenade in a pile of crates; after obtaining it, lower yourself off the edge of the platform (even though you can't see the platform below you, it's not far enough of a drop to injure you), then jump two platforms to the right to the ejection tube. From here, jump left, climb onto the platform above you, take a running jump to the left to reach the platform where you found the last grenade, and climb onto the small platform above you and to the left. You'll see a platform above you and to the right; if you're attentive, you'll notice a pair of Bajoran legs on it. Standing on the very edge of the platform you're on, you can hit him with your Phaser by aiming up before he becomes a threat. Jump up to his platform, then the next higher platform after that; by now, the grenade should be showing up on your radar, a level below you. Take a running jump off the right edge of the platform; the grenade is hidden in a cluster of three boxes on the longer platform, NOT the short one just above it. Get the grenade, and lower yourself off the edge of this platform, then off the right edge of the platform you land on; the tube is a short jump to your right. Now for some more backtracking. Jump left, climb onto the platform above you, then jump left again. Climb onto the shorter platform above you, then take a running jump right to reach the next platform. Climb onto the next higher platform to your right, then the next higher platform to the right of that (the platform to the right and above this platform only has a Bajoran, who you don't need to mess with). Take a leap of faith to the left; you'll grab onto a ledge with a grey box above it. Destroy the box, then jump straight up to get to the platform directly above you. Leap to the right and climb onto the ledge; the grenade is in another pile of cargo containers. Snatch it, then run right. You'll hit a hatch you can blow through with your Phaser; do so, then continue right, jumping across the gap to the next platform, where you'll find another ejection tube. Now, jump to the platform on your left, and lower yourself down. Continue downward in this manner nine levels until you reach the very bottom of the level, where you'll finally find a lift. Take it up eight levels, ignoring the Bajoran you pass on the way. Shoot the grey box, then continue right and up one level to find the last grenade in a pile of containers on a platform to your right. Take the lift down five levels, right, then down one more level. Shoot the Bajoran and drop the grenade in the tube. Take the lift down two levels, left, then down one more; head right for the exit. Having cleared this area, you'll get another password. PASSWORD: SEPLOS WALKTHROUGH - PART II: SPACE RACE (SR1) Watch the cutscene, then you'll return to Odo's office. After a brief conversation, exit to the Promenade. You'll get a message from Major Kira; head to the nearest Turbolift, and once in Ops, enter your office and speak to Gul Gurgey. Then head back to Ops and speak to Major Kira (red suit, to the left of the door to Sisko's Office) for information about the Idran System. Head back to the Promenade and speak to Garak (in the brown vest, near one of the Outer Ring doors), then return to Ops to speak with Dax for some information about the Bajoran terrorists you encountered in the last area; they belong to a group known as the Redemptionists. You'll now need to go to the Promenade and speak with Kira; she's standing in front of the leftmost Outer Ring and Main Pylon Corridor. After your conversation, there will be another cutscene, at the end of which you'll find yourself in control of Major Kira as she pilots a runabout in pursuit of the Redemptionists' ship. CONTROLS - RUNABOUT D-Pad Up/Down = Move runabout up/down. D-Pad Left/Right = Move runabout left/right (only available in Asteroid Field). B Button = Fire photon torpedo. WORMHOLE (SR2) This is a pretty straightforward level; you must pilot your runabout through the wormhole, being careful not to run into any obstacles or the blue walls that border your path. There are no enemies, but if you run into anything, your shield strength will be depleted, and if it drops to zero, you're done for. The display near the top shows your overall progress through the stage and how close you are to the end. Bear in mind that the runabout's controls are pretty sensitive; you'll want to tap the directional buttons, as holding them down will likely ram you into a wall. At the first junction, take the upper path. Do the same for the second junction. At the third, take the bottom path past both walls. Stay on the bottom for the next junction, then swing up above the next wall that comes up when the path divides again. Do the opposite at the next fork, first taking the high road, then the low. Take the top path at the next junction, and from there on you've got a clear shot to the end of the level. ASTEROID FIELD (SR3) You'll now find yourself in open space with chunks of debris flying toward you. You can vaporize the small asteroids with a single photon torpedo; the larger ones will split into two pieces that fly towards the top and bottom of the screen when shot. You now have the ability to maneuver the runabout left and right, although you're still limited to the left half of the screen; in addition, you start this area with full health. After about thirty seconds, the enemy ship will come into view. The object here is to disable the ship while dodging the incoming asteroids. The ship will not fire back at you, but you can still take damage by colliding with asteroids. Note that asteroids can damage your enemy as well; an effective strategy involves tricking the ship into ramming asteroids as it attempts to dodge your shots. With luck and good timing, you might even manage to destroy a large asteroid in such a way that the ensuing debris strikes your enemy. In any event, this stage isn't difficult, just tricky; the enemy ship is quite a bit faster than your runabout, but tends to run into asteroids a lot. About 36 shots (or collisions) will finish it, after which you'll get a new password. PASSWORD: YOSMIS WALKTHROUGH - PART III: BAJOR (B1) Kira will report to Sisko in his office, after which you'll regain control of him. Talk to Dax in Ops, then head to the Promenade and talk to Odo in his office, O'Brien near one of the Outer Ring passageways, and Gul Gurgey near the stairs to the upper level (not necessarily in that order). Then go back to Ops to initiate a conversation with Kira. Head back to the Promenade and go through the Outer Ring passage to view a cutscene and start the next mission; it will take you to Planet Bajor to rescue the Bajoran spiritual leader, Kai Opaka, from the Bajoran Redemptionists who tried to blow up your station. BAJORAN TEMPLE (B2) You'll find yourself on the surface of Bajor, armed with a Type II Phaser. Go right. Run past the first fire-breathing statue when it's inactive, and kill the small Rat-like creature on the ground; it will damage you on contact, as will the Bat that swoops down on you from the right. Continue right, past another fire-breathing statue, and kill another Rat and a Bajoran Redemptionist. You'll encounter another fire-breathing statue and another Bat, which you can kill before it moves if you're fast. Then come two more Rats, a Redemptionist, another Rat, another Redemptionist, and a fire-breathing statue with another Rat beyond it; be careful when running past these statues, as Rats are often lurking just on the other side. When you reach the end of the path, shoot the Bat on the beams above you, then take a running jump off the end of the cliff to grab the beam just beyond it; you'll climb hand-over-hand to the next platform. Wait for the Bat here to move so you can kill it, then climb along the next beam. You'll encounter another Rat, followed by a statue, a Redemptionist, and yet another Rat. Enter the door. In here will be a Bat immediately to your right; shoot it, then press Up in front of the two wall statues to unlock the door in this room (you'll know you've activated them when their eyes glow red; when the door opens, they'll start flashing). There are two more Bats in the nextroom, and two more doors. Ignore the first door and set of three statues next to it; it leads back to the room you just came from. Instead, go right; pass the first statue with the elongated nose, and activate the next three to open the other door in the room. Enter it. There's one Bat in this room and a slew of long-nosed statues. To open the door, start at the left side of the room, with the statue next to the door from which you entered the room. Activate it, skip the next statue to the right, activate the next, skip the next, and so on. You should end up with four statues with flashing eyes, and an unactivated statue on each side of them (the eyes of the first state will not flash -- you'll see why in a minute). Enter the open door. You'll enter a room with two Bats, three doors (including the one you just came through), and a bunch of statues. The long-nosed type are clustered to the left of the second door; there will be four, and a fifth above the door where you can't reach. If you activated the left-most statue in the previous room, the eyes of the statue above the door will be red; simply activate the second and third statues from the left to open this door and proceed to the next area. If you didn't activate that statue, continue right, to a second door, surrounded with horned statues. Activate the fourth, first, third, second, seventh, fifth, and sixth, counting from the left, in that order (activating them out of order will reset the puzzle). Go through this door to the previous room, activate the left-most statue, then continue into the next room. The second door will now be open. You'll be outside again, with a Bat on either side of you. Take them out, then run left, stunning two Redemptionists along the way. You'll soon run into the missing Kai Opaka, but you won't be able to leave yet, as an underground generator is interfering with your ship's transporters. After some dialogue, Sisko will head into a nearby door, and you'll receive a new password. PASSWORD: VANDAQ REDEMPTIONIST HIDEOUT (B3) Your goal here is to make your way through the complex, find and disable a generator, then make your way back out. Along the way, you'll be harassed by the usual Bats, Rats, and Redemptionists. Head right and take out a Rat. Jump to reach the overhanging ledge, and continue up the stairs. At the top you'll find a pipe overhead; jump toward it to crawl along it hand-over-hand to the next ledge, and enter the door you find there. On the other side, ignore the ladder to your left; there's a Redemptionist at the bottom who will be waiting to attack you. Instead, continue left until you reach an elevator shaft. The elevator will arrive; enter it and descend to the next level. This makes it much easier to take out the Redemptionist. Continue down to the bottom level and head left, shooting the Bat overhead before it has a chance to become a nuisance. Notice the two acid leaks in the overhead pipe here; wait for the drops to fall before running past them. Continue to the door, keeping an eye out for another Bat. In this room, ignore the ladder for now and run right. Use the pipe to reach the next platform; stun the Redemptionist there, then continue right to the elevator shaft and use the elevator to go up to the next level. Go right, past an acid drip, to find another Redemptionist. Shoot him, then climb up to the small platform above you. A message will tell you that this is an electrical switch; shut it off by standing in front of it and pressing Up (you'll know it worked if the checkered readout on the front changes to thin red lines scrolling downward). Climb down off this platform, head left, and jump up onto the next ledge above you, which has a stairway leading right. Stand on the very edge of this ledge and jump straight up to reach the platform to your left; I don't recommend attempting a running jump at this one, as the distance is difficult to gauge, and if you miss it, you'll fall and take damage. Continue on to another small platform on your left with a switch; shut this one off too, then proceed right back to the platform with the staircase. Head right, up the stairs, and past the acid drip. Notice the fan in the background here? If we hadn't shut off the second switch, it would have sucked you toward it and caused damage. Kill the Bat and continue right. Lower yourself down the ledges here until you reach the very bottom; you'll know you've reached it when you see a machine in the background with a readout similar to the switches you saw earlier. Kill the Rat here, then head left and enter the door. In this small room, kill the Bat, then take the BAJORAN FOOD to replenish some health. On the other end of the table, grab SECURITY CARD 1, then exit the room. Watch out, as the Rat (and all the other non-humanoid enemies in this room) will have respawned; kill it, then climb back up the ledges (you'll have to jump onto a platform above the door, then take a running jump off it to the right to reach them). Backtrack left, watching out for the Bat and acid drip, and continue down the staircase. Drop down from the ledge, then run left to the elevator. Take it down a level, run left, and use the pipe to return to the platform with the door from which you first entered this room, and the ladder I told you to ignore earlier. Descend the ladder now. Climb onto the ledge on your left to shut off the switch there, then head right, past the fan you just shut off, killing a Bat on the way. You'll reach a door; with Security Card 1 in your possession, you can now enter it. To use Security Cards, select them as your active item, then enter the locked door as normal. Climb the ladder, then head left. If you need some health, take the elevator down and head right, but be careful; the third stalactite you pass will drop large rocks at regular intervals. These are similar to acid drips, but do MUCH more damage, and knock you down besides. Run past after a rock has fallen, take out the Redemptionist on the other side, and continue right to find another Redemptionist and some Bajoran Food. Return to the elevator, go up, and head left. Climb across the pipe to the next ledge, and enter the door you find there. It leads to another small room, with a Bat, Rat, and Redemptionist. Take them out, then pick up SECURITY CARD 2 from the table, and exit. Climb down the ladder to the right of the door. Be very careful, as a Rat is going to come at you from the right; when you're far enough down the ladder to fall without taking damage, drop down and kill it. Continue right to find a Redemptionist with another ladder just past him. Climb down it, dropping the last few feet to keep the Redemptionist there from getting the drop on you. Continue left, to find another Redemptionist and another door. Enter the door to find a small room with two acid drips, and a Redemptionist and a Bat on the other side. Proceed carefully. On the far right of the room you'll find a BILITRIUM GRENADE on the ground. Unlike the ones from the first mission, this one isn't armed, and will soon prove quite useful. Exit the room. Head right and up the ladder, then left and up the next ladder, mindful of the respawned Rat at the bottom of it. Climb across the pipe to your right back to the platform with the elevator. Continue right, past the elevator and ladder, watching out for an acid drip in the pipe overhead. When you reach the end of this platform, lower yourself down two levels with your Phaser at the ready so you can take out the Redemptionist at the bottom. Turn right, kill the Rat approaching from that direction, and climb up the two ledges on the right side of the room. You'll see a small machine on the ground with a checkered readout similar to the fan switches, and nearby, an arcing energy barrier. This can't damage you, but prevents you from continuing. The solution? Select your Bilitrium Grenade, stand in front of the machine, and press Up. Sisko will kneel and set the grenade. You then have five seconds to get out of the way; standing too near the blast will knock off about 1/8 of your life bar! With the machine gone, the energy barrier will cease functioning. Continue past it to the door on the other side. Enter it using Security Card 2 to receive a new password. PASSWORD: BIQPUM GENERATOR ROOM (B4) This area's short, but intense. You have to make your way to the bottom of the level, destroy the generator, then make a mad dash for the top, climbing platforms. As soon as the generator explodes, flaming liquid begins to flood the area. It moves FAST, and it drains your health even faster; stay in contact with it for more than a second or two, and you're dead. To begin, lower yourself down six levels from the platform you start out on; descend from the left side of the last platform, so you don't run into the Redemptionist on the other side. At the very bottom of this area, go right. The large machine in the background is the generator you must destroy. To do this, select your Bilitrium Grenades and press Up in front of each of the four screens on the generator (easily identifiable by their lighted displays). You must place a grenade on each screen in order to destroy the generator, and remember, move away from the grenades after they're placed. As soon as you place the last grenade, IMMEDIATELY start climbing back up the level; this is where the fun begins. Climb up the four platforms above you, then jump to the platform above you and to the left; if you miss it and land on the platform below, immediately jump and continue climbing. Remember, speed is the key here. Climb up two more levels, and DO NOT make the mistake of trying to enter the door you came in from; it won't work (you lose both of your Security Cards coming into this area, and this door is locked). To get to the ledge with the door, you may have to stand on the very rightmost edge of the platform below, start running and quickly jump to grab the edge; this is a very tricky maneuver to perform, but works better than attempting to grab the ledge by jumping straight up. Jump to the ledge on your right, then stand on the edge to jump up to the ledge above that. Jump over to the ledge on the left. You'll see three ledges above you, the highest one on the left, the lowest one on the right. You may be tempted to try reaching the ledge in the middle, but you should actually jump for the rightmost ledge; it's the only one you can reach. Jump across the next two ledges on your left, then run and jump right to grab the ledge in that direction. Jump across another two ledges to your left, then climb up two more ledges. Luckily, the burning fluid stops just below this platform; once you make it this far, you're home free. Hop across the gap and run right to reach the exit, and receive another password; the programmers are pretty merciful, aren't they? PASSWORD: DISYIB REDEMPTIONIST HIDEOUT II (B5) Run across the platform to the right. Jump to the next ledge, then to the next ledge after that. Lower yourself to the ledge below and kill the Bat, then drop off the right edge of this platform. Kill the Rat and turn off the switch, then climb back up to the ledge and run left, down the stairs. Lower yourself down two ledges and immediately fire your Phaser to take out the Bat hanging uncomfortably close to you on your right. Proceed right, past the fan you just disabled with the switch, until you reach the elevator. Descend one level, then run left. You'll reach a pipe with a Bat on it; take it out, then watch the three acid drips carefully. They're out of synch with one another, and they're too close together for you to wait in between them. Try and wait for all three to drops to fall at the same time, then run past all of them. There's a fourth acid drip after these, so watch out for it as well. There's enough room for you to wait for this one to fall. Lower yourself down two levels and kill the Bat and the Redemptionist, then continue right and take out another Bat. Continue past two acid drips (these are spaced far enough apart to allow you to wait in between them) and you'll reach another elevator. Take it down, then run left, stunning another Redemptionist as you go. There's another Redemptionist on a ledge above and to your left; shoot him from the ground, then climb up to his ledge and then the ledge above. Here you'll find some Bajoran Food and a switch, which you should disable. Descend back to ground level and run right, passing the elevator. Shoot the Bat, then climb up to the ledge it was hanging from. Climb to the ledge above that, then run left, past the disabled fan. When you reach the outer wall of the elevator shaft at the end of this platform, climb up two platforms, then jump and grab hold of the overhanging pipe. Climb along it to the next ledge, then run right and climb up to the ledge above that. Jump up to the ledge on your left, then the ledge above and to the left. From here, run and jump to reach the ledge to your right. Climb onto the small platform above it, then climb onto the next platform up, and dispatch the Redemptionist and the Bat waiting for you there. On the rightmost edge of this platform is another switch; deactivate it, then run back left and jump to the next platform. Head left, then jump up to the next platform with the staircase on it. Kill the Bat here, then head right, up the stairs. When the path levels out, watch out; just before the fan are two rockfalls. Proceed past these and the fan, then jump over to the small ledge on the right. Lower yourself down six levels and kill the Bat, then drop off the right edge of this platform and kill the Redemptionist and the Bat. Proceed left. Drop down two more levels, watching out for the Bat and Rat at the bottom, then enter the door. In this area, wait for the Rat to approach you from the right, then kill it, before running past the rockfall; dealing with both at the same time is a sure way to take a hit. Continue right. When you see the pipe, watch out, as you're going to be running into a rockfall, two acid drips, a Rat, and another acid drip. On the other side are a Redemptionist and a Bat. Continuing right, you'll hit another Bat and another Redemptionist before reaching the elevator. Take it up. At the top, climb up three levels, then get a running jump to reach the ledge on the left (be careful; missing this jump is fatal). You'll see a Redemptionist, standing directly under an acid drip for some reason, and taking damage from it; put him out of his misery, then proceed past this and the next acid drip. Continue left, past two Bats and a Redemptionist, then exit through the door. Kill the two Rats coming at you from the right. Continue right, take out the Rat and the Redemptionist and pick up some yummy Bajoran Food for some health; you probably need it at this point. If you're feeling adventurous, you can try to climb up the ledges here, but I recommend you head back left to the ledge with a stairway leading up from it, climb up there, and follow the stairs. Watch out for the Redemptionist and the two acid drips at the top, and pick up SECURITY CARD 3. Climb across the pipe to the next platform, but don't drop down; instead, wait for the rock to fall, then climb past it and drop onto the platform. Lower yourself down two levels (pausing on the second platform to let the Rat pass underneath you) then proceed right, dispatching a Bat and two more Rats in the process. Climb onto the first ledge you see, then continue up three more levels to the ledge with the door. Take out the Redemptionist guarding it, then enter it using your Security Card. BILITRIUM GRENADE REPLICATOR ROOM (B6) The music will have changed when you emerge from the door, which clue you off that there's something special about this room. Indeed there is; it contains the closest thing to a boss fight you'll find in this game. Proceed right, drop down two levels, then continue right. You'll see a conveyor belt with a large machine at the end; this is a Bilitrium Grenade Replicator, and you'll have to destroy it before you can proceed. The machine doesn't plan on making this easy for you, however. You'll have to stand on the conveyor belt during this fight; the ledge above is too far away for your Phaser fire to reach. Don't get too close to the machine, as it spouts fire from its side. Instead, hold position at the leftmost end of the belt, with your back against the cliff face behind you. The blue orb at the top of the machine will drop grenades, which the belt will carry toward you; needless to say, avoid these, either by jumping them or destroying them with your Phaser. You need to jump and shoot a grenade, detonating it, just as it's emerging from the orb; this will damage the orb and stop it from producing grenades. You may think that you're too far away to reach the orb from your position, but you aren't. Now keep a steady stream of Phaser fire on the orb by jumping as you fire at it, which will cause it to overheat; you'll know this is working if the orb begins to gradually change color, from blue, to purple, to red. The secret to beating the Replicator quickly is to not jump too high, which will cause your line of fire to rise above the level of the orb momentarily. Instead, hold B just long enough so that at the apex of your jump, your phaser beam is still connecting. The orb will begin to cool down every moment you're not hitting it, fading back to its original blue color. Once it's completely cool, it will start producing grenades again, only faster, so keep your beam on it as much as you can. When the orb has overheated to a certain degree, it will trigger two rockfalls above the conveyor belt, one directly over where you're standing. If one of the rocks hits you, the orb will have cooled down and started producing grenades again by the time you can stand back up. Once you get the technique down, you should be able to destroy the orb before the rocks become a problem. If you can't manage this, you'll have to try and maintain position in the area between the two rockfalls by jumping in place. Destroying the orb will render the machine inert, but it will also trigger an earthquake and the two rockfalls. Stand in between them until they stop (the conveyor belt will have ceased functioning, making this much easier). In its death throes, the Replicator will toss an item of some sort onto the ledge to your left; climb up and approach it when it becomes safe to do so, and Sisko will transport out of the cavern. You'll receive another password. PASSWORD: NUDJIB WALKTHROUGH - PART IV: MEMORY LANE DETECTIVE WORK (ML1) After a cutscene, you'll find yourself once again back in Sisko's office. Dax comes in for a brief conversation, after which you'll be in control once more. Head outside to Ops, where Chief O'Brien has an interesting report for you. Head to Odo's Office on the Promenade and talk to him; when you exit, Dr. Bashir will contact you. Head right, past the light green doorway of the Bajoran Temple, to automatically initiate a conversation with him. You'll now gain control of Bashir for a time; he comes equipped with a (medical) TRICORDER, which seems to be malfunctioning. First things first, head to Ops and talk to O'Brien to have him look at your Tricorder. He'll repair it for you. Then head to the top level of the Promenade to find Odo and talk to him. Head back to the lower level and talk to the Bajoran Monk, in the purple robes near the green doorway, then head back to the top level to talk to Kai Opaka. Now go back to the lower level and talk to Garak, then use your Tricorder. Talk to Garak again, then use your Tricorder again. Now, take a Turbolift up to Ops and talk to Dax. This will trigger a long series of conversations, during the course of which much of the plot is revealed. After Sisko's conversation with Gul Gurgey, you'll receive a new password. PASSWORD: VESDUJ You're back in control of Sisko. Head into your office and speak to Kai Opaka, then head to the Promenade to get to Odo's Office and speak to him. Go to Ops and talk to Chief O'Brien, then head back to your office and talk to Kai Opaka again to start the next mission...which, trust me, is gonna be hell. U.S.S. SARATOGA (ML2) Using the Orb of Time, you have arrived at a moment in Benjamin Sisko's past in order to look for information that could help you out in the present. Unfortunately, it's a really sucky moment; the Battle of Wolf-359, when his former starship, the Saratoga, was destroyed by the Borg, along with half the Federation fleet. You have to find the necessary data to help DS9 out of its current predicament, find and rescue your son Jake, help out several injured crew members, and make it to the transporter room in under 12 minutes, at which point the ship's warp core will explode, and you're history, if you'll pardon the pun. If that's not enough to give you a headache, you'll also have to avoid or fight your way through the numerous Borg who have commandeered your ship; aside from them, there is also a wide variety of inanimate obstacles, from coolant leaks to exploding panels to electrical currents, by which you can meet your demise. Good times. Before beginning this level, a couple of notes on the aforementioned Borg. One, not all of them will attack you without provocation; some of them stand at consoles and block your path until you get too close. Even the ones that will attack you can often be avoided if you're quick. Second, any weapon will only work on the Borg once. You'll get both a Type I and a Type II Phaser during the course of this level; you can kill one Borg with each. Eventually, you'll gain the ability to retune your phasers' frequencies at certain companels located throughout the ship, giving each weapon one more shot, but doing this takes up a lot of your valuable time, so try to avoid shooting as many Borg as possible. Follow the instructions in this guide, only killing the indicated Borg, and you should have plenty of time to complete this level. Also note that the weapons only become useless on the Borg; you can use your phasers a limitless number of times to shoot through weakened hatches and floors/ceilings without retuning them. First, head right to initiate a conversation with another crewman. He'll give you some useful info; the tactical computers you need to access are on Deck 7. You start out on the Bridge (above Deck 1), so you're going to be traveling downwards. Head over to the emergency power companel (the ridged surface on the rear wall) and activate it by pressing Up to turn on the lights. It will also allow you to enter doors and do other useful things. Continue right and drop through a gap in the floor to fall to the level below (Deck 1). Head left and enter the first door you come to, carefully passing the exploding section of wall. Head left to talk to another crewman, then leave the room. This place also has a companel, which may come in handy later, and a food replicator, which you can use to replenish health; to activate it, stand in front of it and hold Up. You can refill about three quarters of your life bar using food replicators; once you've healed that much with them, though, they all cease to work, all throughout the ship. Head left out of the door, go through the automatic hatch to the shaft with the ladder. Climb down one level; you're now on Deck 2. Head right and enter the first door. Continue right in this room (which also has a companel and replicator) to talk to another crewman, then pick up the DAMAGED P.A.D.D. from the floor, and exit the room. Head right. You'll notice a section of floor covered with flames. Jump over them and grab hold of the bar above them to crawl to the other side safely. Continue right, jumping over the small electrical current traveling near the ground, and enter the next door, which is more properly a Turbolift. This will take you to a section of the Bridge that was inaccessible before. Head left and you'll see your first Borg. He won't attack, so continue left until you reach the two lockers in the wall. Open the one on the right by pressing Up while standing in front of it; it contains a TYPE I PHASER, which you definitely want. Head right and take the rightmost door, which is a Turbolift to another area of the ship. In here, head right, until you see a TYPE II PHASER lying on the ground. Kneel to pick it up; if you're fast, you'll duck under the oncoming Borg's attack in the same motion. Don't kill this Borg; there's nothing past it in this room. Stand back up and leave this room the way you came in, then take the door to your left to return to Deck 2. Back on Deck 2, head left, past the previously mentioned obstacles, until you reach the ladder shaft again. Climb down one level to Deck 3. Head right and you'll fall through a weak floor section to Deck 4, which was inaccessible from the ladder. Head right, past the electrified wall panel. When you see the stationary Borg, stop, turn left, and shoot at the weak section of ceiling, then climb through the hole you created back to Deck 3. Be careful not to kill this Borg; it's a waste of a shot, and we're about to bypass him and his friend upstairs anyway. Continue right and you'll see a lift. Ride it down two levels, to Deck 5, then head left. You'll see a Borg wandering around; shoot it, then run over the weak floor section without falling through it. You'll see an OPTICAL CHIP embedded in the wall; take it, then run back right and drop down the gap in the floor to Deck 6 (You could have actually run around this Borg if you'd wanted to, but doing so is tricky and difficult to manage without taking any damage; you're about to come to an area where you can retune your Phasers anyway). Run right until you see the door, and enter it. In this corridor, run left, jumping the two electrical currents, and enter the next door. In here, talk to another crewman, who will fix your P.A.D.D. for you; this will allow you to retune the frequencies of your Phasers at certain companels. Use the Replicator in this room if you need to, then head right and kill the Borg standing in front of the companel. You can use this companel to retune your Phasers (select "Phaser" from the menu); do so, then exit. Head right, back through the doorway, to the main hallway of Deck 6. Run left and climb back up to Deck 5 through the gap, then continue left to reach the ladder shaft. Don't stop running through this hallway, as there's a weak section of floor that will fall away and drop you right into some flames. In the shaft, you can't climb up or down here, so continue left through the hatch. Kill the Borg, as he's very difficult to avoid, then run left and climb up the left side of the gap, where all the debris is, to Deck 4, and continue into the next ladder shaft. Again, the ladder is broken, so continue through to the other side, and fall through the weak floor to Deck 5. Run left, past a blown-out section of wall that will hurt you and a small fire on the floor, then shoot the Borg you see coming from your left. Now, run back right and climb up through the gap to Deck 4 (I know this last sequence might seem a bit pointless, but trust me, it'll save you some time). Run back right through the ladder shaft, then jump the gap to get to the right side. Get a running jump to reach the ledge above and to your left. You're now on Deck 3, and if you continue left, jumping a current, you'll find the door to Sick Bay. Enter, proceed left, and get the HYPOSPRAY from the table at the end of the room. Exit by the door you came in from. Jump back down to Deck 4, then climb back up to Deck 3 on the right side of the gap in the floor. Climb up another level to Deck 2, hop the small gap, run past the shower of sparks issuing from the wall and enter the door. In here you'll find a food replicator, a companel where you can retune your Phasers (which you should do), an ENGINEERING LASER WELDER on the ground that you should pick up, and an injured crewman lying on the ground. Equip the Hypospray and kneel next to him to bring him around; he tells you where to find your son, in a room blocked by fires and coolant leaks. Exit this room. Lower yourself through the gaps all the way back down to Deck 5, then head left. Climb up the left side of the gap in the ceiling (where all the debris is lying on the floor) to Deck 4, then left through the ladder shaft. Fall through the damaged floor to Deck 5, then continue left, past the point where you killed the Borg a moment ago (killing him then allowed you to retune both of your Phasers at the same time earlier; if you hadn't, you'd have had to kill him now, and have had to backtrack and retune your Phasers again for the part coming up). Jump over a current near the ground, and run left to another debris pile. Destroy the weak ceiling above you with your phaser, then climb up on the left side. Notice the coolant leak on the right side, which prevents you from gaining the door beyond it? We'll be coming back here; for now, continue left. There's another ladder shaft here; this time, before you enter the hatch, look for the small node on the ceiling to the right of the hatch (it'll light up when you pass underneath it, causing the hatch to open, and it's very easy to miss). Destroy this with your Phaser, and do the same to the node on the other side of the hatch; this hatch will now remain open permanently. Destroy the nodes for the hatch on the other side of the shaft too, then proceed through and enter the door. Head left and Phaser the Borg standing in front of the food replicator (you can use this now, if you need to) and continue left. Stand on the weak floor and drop down to the level below you, then run right and use your other Phaser on the Borg in front of the companel. Use this companel now; after retuning your Phasers, turn off the emergency power by selecting "Shut Down" from the menu, then log out and run left, climbing through the gap back to the upper level and exiting the room. Head right through the open hatches (these would have been locked shut when you shut down the emergency power if you hadn't destroyed the nodes). Continue right, hopping the small gap; shutting down the power stopped the coolant leak! Enter the door. Run right (stopping to turn the lights back on at the companel; select "Aux Power"), continue through the hatch, and enter the door. You'll find your son in here with another crewman, who will carry him to the transporter room. Exit by either door and head left. Stop at the companel to turn the power back off, and exit through the main door back to Deck 4. Head left and use the companel in the room where you first shut off the power to turn it back on again, then exit. Head right and drop through the gap to Deck 5. Continue right past the various hazards here, enter the ladder shaft, and climb down to Deck 6. Run right. You'll immediately encounter a Borg; shoot him, then climb back up to Deck 5, head through the left hatch and climb through the gap to Deck 4. Head through the shaft to the right, climb the ledges all the way up to Deck 2, and enter the room where you found the Engineering Laser Welder. Retune your Phasers at the companel here; otherwise, you won't have enough ammo for the two more Borg you have to kill. Now make your way all the way back down to Deck 6, to where we just killed the Borg. Continue right. You'll pass the transporter room; you don't need to go in yet, but remember its location (if you enter now, Jake Sisko will just tell you the transporter's broken; since you already know this now, you can get right to fixing it). Continue right, pass through the ladder shaft and out the other side. Fall through the weak floor here to Deck 7, and kill the Borg patrolling the area (be careful of the ground current). Switch weapons, and continue right. Hop over the two fires and enter the first door you come to. Use the replicator if you need it, then run left. There's a weak section in the ceiling above you. The cracks may be hard to spot, due to the pattern on the ceiling; it's just to the right of the left end of the room, and is a slightly darker color than the surrounding ceiling. Shoot it, then climb up to the next level. Run right, kill the Borg, and use the Hypospray on the injured crewman; in thanks, he'll fix the transporter for you! Exit this room; you don't need to bother retuning your Phasers, as you won't be encountering any more Borg for the rest of this level. Run right and blast through the damaged hatch. You'll see a bank of three computer terminals on the back wall; stand in front of any one of them and press Up to access them. Select "Transfer" from the menu that appears to download the information you need to your P.A.D.D. Mission accomplished! Now to make a mad dash for the transporter room. Run left, head back up to Deck 6 at the ladder, then continue left to reach the transporter room. Inside, run left to talk to the crewman, who asks you to check on the transporter's pattern buffer, then run right and drop through the gap in the floor. Select your Laser Welder. Head left, and you'll see that the pattern buffer is a large mechanical structure at the end of the room. There are three cracks in it, leaking steam; you'll need to repair these with your Laser Welder by standing in front of them and holding Up; a countdown will appear letting you know how much longer it will take to seal the breach. Flames will periodically flare up beneath each of the breaches, and will damage you if you're standing over them when they appear. If they do pop up under you while you're sealing a breach, move to one side or the other; the flames do quite a bit of damage, and you won't have to start over from the beginning if you leave a breach and come back to it, so as long as you've got more than a minute left, don't take any unnecessary risks. It should take you two attempts to seal the first two breaches, counting from the right; you can actually take care of the last one in one go, if you stand far enough to the left that the flames can't touch you. When finished, head back to the top level and run left to transport the hell outta here. You'll see two cutscenes and a brief conversation, then you'll get a new password. PASSWORD: YOTHOM WALKTHROUGH - PART V: CARDASSIAN SHIP (CS1) You start out the next section controlling Constable Odo. He's quite a bit different from what you're used to with Sisko, so take a few moments to get the hang of him. CONTROLS - ODO HUMANOID FORM D-Pad Left/Right = Walk left/right. D-Pad Up = Enter doors. Y Button = Transform into Cardassian vole (a small rodent). VOLE FORM D-Pad Left/Right = Run left/right. D-Pad Up = Transform into pool of liquid and enter ventilation duct. B-Button - Jump. Y-Button - Resume humanoid form. Note that Odo has no means of attack in either form. The Empty Hand displayed in your item screen is just for decoration; you can't even punch. To begin, transform into a vole and enter the first duct you encounter. Transform back and enter the doorway on your right, being careful not to run into the steam issuing from the vent next to it. Transform back into a vole and run left down this corridor; the shots from the Battery on the rear wall will pass overhead. Continue left, past the steam vents; when you reach the door at the end, resume your humanoid shape and pass through it. Transform back into a vole and enter the shaft on your left. Thus ends your brief career as a Constable; in the next section, you'll resume control of Sisko. He comes equipped with a Type II Phaser and a CODEBREAKER; this unique device will allow you to sabotage the ship's computers. Keep in mind that Sisko is a much easier target for the various defense mechanisms and Cardassians aboard the ship. Try and conserve your health as much as possible; there are no opportunities to heal in this level, and you'll need all the health you can get at the end of it. Proceed right until the first ceiling-mounted Turret comes into view. The best way to deal with these is usually to run past them; however, in certain instances, such as this one, you'll need to destroy them, or they'll cause a lot of trouble while you're trying to get something else done. To do this to approach them, fire up at them with your Phaser for a second or two, then run the opposite direction until they're out of view; this will keep them from firing at you. When you approach again, they'll usually be emerging from the top of the screen again. Fire for a few more seconds, retreat if necessary, and repeat until finished. Take out the first Turret in this room, then the Cardassian on the other side of it and the other two Turrets. Now break out your Codebreaker. Stand in front of one of the computer consoles on the back wall and hold Up to begin hacking; if you're doing this properly, a countdown will appear on the right informing you how much longer the job will take. Hack all three consoles in this room, and a compartment will open on the far right side; get SECURITY CARD 1 from it, and use it to exit this room through the door. Now for the rest of the ship's computers. Head left and take out the first Turret, then continue left and take out the next one. Scramble the three computers in this room (don't worry about the ones with chairs in front of them; you can't access them) then exit through the door on the far left. In the next room, run left and destroy or run past the Turrets as you please. The first door you'll come to is locked, and your Security Card won't work on it. Remember its location, though, as we'll be coming back here. Exit through the second door on the left. Run left past the Turret and long Battery without stopping; you'll only get hit if you stop, and although the Battery can be destroyed one gun at a time, you'll probably take MAJOR damage in the process if you try. Continue left and enter the first door you come to. Inside, stun the Cardassian with a Phaser blast, then use your Codebreaker on the four computers. Don't worry about the upper ledges in this room; they only contain steam vents and Turrets, and nothing of any value. Exit through the door, then enter the door on the left. Run right and enter the door at the end of this corridor; in the next, destroy the first Turret and scramble all three computer terminals. Continue right, destroy the second Turret, and stop when you reach the door. On the right side of it, above a steam vent, you'll notice two rectangular alcoves, similar to the one in which you found Security Card 1. Open the one on the left when the steam stops flowing to obtain SECURITY CARD 2. Incidentally, there are a great many of these alcoves scattered throughout the ship, but the vast majority of them are empty. Don't waste your time looking in them; I'll let you know if there's anything worth looking for. Now, there's one more computer to disable before we enter the locked door; however, I've skipped it, and it doesn't seem to have any bearing on the end of the game. If you want to go for it, enter the door next to where you got your new Security Card and enter the first door you come to as you run right down this corridor. You'll have to take out a Cardassian, but he shouldn't be a problem; there's nothing on the platforms in the upper half of this room. Whether you decide to scramble this computer or not, when you're done head back toward the locked door; run past the Turrets in the room where you got the second Security Card to the door at the left end, down the next hallway to the door at the end there, then run right down the next hall, passing the first door. You'll have to pass the Battery and Turret again, but they shouldn't hit you as long as you keep moving. Enter the door at the end, then the door immediately to the right of where you emerge, using Security Card 2. It seems you've reached the computer mainframe. Advance right, dispatching the Cardassian and the Turret, then continue right past the first tower; you'll want to take out all the enemies on the ground level before attempting any hacking. On the other side of the tower you'll see a small, Spiked Ball hovering in the air. It takes a short burst of Phaser fire to destroy it; do this quickly. Although these devices seem innocuous, if you leave them alone for more than a few seconds, they'll target you with a phaser beam of their own that does considerable damage. After you've destroyed the first of these, continue right, past the second tower, and destroy the second Spiked Ball. On the other side of the third tower is a Turret you should destroy. Now, down to business. Take out your Codebreaker and scramble the the ground-level terminals on each of the three towers, then head back to the first tower. Climb up onto the platform above the terminal. Hovering off the right side is another Spiked Ball; stand on the very edge of the platform to destroy it, then scramble the terminal on this level. You'll have to deal with two Turrets on the platform above this one, one on each side; unfortunately, it's nearly impossible not to take damage from one or both. Try to climb up quickly and dispatch one with a steady stream of Phaser fire, taking a hit if you have to, then use the advance-and-retreat method outlined above to take out the second. Scramble the computer terminal here. Now climb down to the second level again (although you can jump to the top level of the second tower from here, I don't recommend it, as it puts you in range of enemies you won't be able to attack just yet). Jump right to the second-level platform of the second tower, and stand on the edge of that platform to destroy the Spiked Ball hovering to your right. Scramble the computer here, then climb up to the third level from the left side of the platform, in order to avoid fire from the Turret on the right; destroy that Turret, then scramble this computer. You can now jump over to the top-most platform of the third tower; destroy the last Turret to the right of your platform, then scramble the computer. Lower yourself down to the mid-level platform and hack the last terminal, then drop to the ground level. An alcove will have opened up, containing SECURITY CARD 3. Nab it and use it to enter the door at the right end of this passageway, minding the steam vent on your way to it. When you enter this room, Gul Gurgey is waiting for you with some disappointing news. The minute he transports out, whip out your Codebreaker and run right. You won't have time to deal with the Turrets in this room, so just take the hits and hope you've got enough health to get through. Pass by the first computer terminal (it's a fake) and scramble the one on the large machine in the center of this room (it'll have the numbers of the self-destruct countdown hovering above it). Once you're done with that one, hurry to the terminal on its right and scramble it. Speed is of the essence here; you don't have much time at all, so be quick. Finish in time and you'll get another password. PASSWORD - QUVMOH WALKTHROUGH - PART VI That's right, you're not doneyet. Enjoy a brief automated conversation and a cutscene, then you're back in control of Sisko. Take two steps to the left. NOW you've beaten the game :). Enjoy the credits! APPENDICES APPENDIX A: PASSWORD LIST (PL1) NUHHOM - just after the first stage of the Lower Pylon 3 level SEPLOS - after the end of the Lower Pylon 3 level YOSMIS - after the Asteroid Field stage of the Runabout level VANDAQ - after saving Kai Opaka at the end of the Bajoran Temple stage of the Bajor level BIQPUM - after the first Redemptionist Hideout stage of the Bajor level, just before the Generator stage DISYIB - just after the Generator stage of the Bajor level NUDJIB - just after the fight with the Bilitrium Grenade Replicator at the end of the Bajor level VESDUJ - after playing as Doctor Bashir aboard the station, between the Bajor and U.S.S. Saratoga levels YOTHOM - after the U.S.S. Saratoga level QUVMOH - after the Cardassian Ship level APPENDIX B: ITEM LIST (IL1) Bajoran Food Found in: Bajor Description: replenishes health. Bilitrium Grenade Found in: Lower Pylon 3, Bajor Description: in Lower Pylon 3, you'll have to find and dispose of these before they explode. In the Redemptionist Hideout on Bajor, you can use these to destroy the Generator and an energy barrier blocking your way. Codebreaker Found in: Cardassian Ship (starting item) Description: use to scramble the ship's computers Damaged P.A.D.D. Found in: Memory Lane Description: repair with an Isolinear Chip in order to receive the P.A.D.D. Empty Hand Found in: available at the beginning of all levels except Space Race Description: select this to punch. Much weaker than a Phaser; you'll probably never use it. Engineering Laser Welder Found in: Memory Lane Description: use to seal ruptures in the transporter pattern buffer. Hypospray Found in: Memory Lane Description: use to revive unconscious crew members. Isolinear Chip (a.k.a. Optical Chip) Found in: Memory Lane Description: take this to a crewman on the U.S.S. Saratoga to have him repair your Damaged P.A.D.D. P.A.D.D. Found in: Memory Lane Description: allows you to retune your Phaser frequency at companels; also allows you to download the transporter frequency data you need from the U.S.S. Saratoga's computers Security Card (1, 2, 3) Found in: Bajor, Cardassian Ship Description: use to enter certain locked doors in the are where you find them. Type I Phaser Found in: Lower Pylon 3, Memory Lane Description: a standard sidearm. Use to fire a damaging beam at an enemy; hold for continuous fire. Holding Up or Down while firing will cause you to aim at an angle. Type II Phaser Found in: Lower Pylon 3, Bajor (starting item), Memory Lane, Cardassian Ship (starting item) Description: no difference between this and the Type I Phaser. Either of these will destroy any enemy in one shot, with the exception of the Replicator and, in certain circumstances, the Borg. Tricorder Found in: Ops (before Lower Pylon 3) Description: use to reveal invisible Bilitrium Grenades in your immediate vicinity. Tricorder (medical) Found in: Memory Lane (Dr. Bashir starting item) Description: use to scan for DNA evidence during the Detective Work stage of the level. APPENDIX C: ENEMY LIST (EL1) NOTE: All non-humanoid enemies (meaning all except Bajorans, Cardassians, and Borg) respawn when you leave and reenter a room. This INCLUDES automated weapons! Bajoran Redemptionist Found in: Lower Pylon 3, Bajor Description: these guys are pretty slow. Some will punch you, some are armed with beam weapons, but neither pose much of a threat as long as you deal with them as soon as they appear. Bat Found in: Bajor Description: usually found hanging from the ceiling or some type of wall fixture; when you come near, they'll start swooping around the room. They can be difficult to hit if you don't take them out immediately. Battery Cannon Found in: Cardassian Ship Description: these emerge from behind wall panels and fire energy projectiles at you. They are found in long batteries in two sections of the Cardassian Ship (although, following this walkthrough, you'll only encounter one). They can only be damaged when they emerge to fire, and can take a lot of damage; it's safer to just run past them at full speed. Bilitrium Grenade Replicator Found in: Bajor Description: a large machine that defends itself with Bilitrium Grenades, rockfalls, and bursts of flame; the only true boss enemy in the game. See section (B6) of the walkthrough for advice on dealing with it. Borg - Type I Found in: Memory Lane Description: stands in one spot, ransacking the U.S.S. Saratoga's computer systems and often blocking your path. Won't attack unless you get too close to it. If you kill one of these, the weapon you used won't work on any other Borg until you readjust its frequency at a companel. Borg - Type II Found in: Memory Lane Description: walks back and forth in a given area of the ship; it will fire a short-range electrical discharge at you if you get too close. More dangerous than the Type I Borg, you'll usually have to kill these; however, just like with the Type I, the Phaser you use will be useless on other Borg until you retune it. Cardassian Officer Found in: Cardassian Ship Description: not much different from the Bajorans -- although I wouldn't tell either one to their face :-). They attack with beam weapons and their fists. Gun Turret Found in: Cardassian Ship Description: emerges from the ceiling and swivels back and forth, firing bullets at several points around the room. You can usually run past them; however, if you have a task to perform in the same room (say, scrambling a computer terminal) you'll want to destroy them. Rat Found in: Bajor Description: small rodents that scurry along the ground in a straight line. If they hit an obstacle, they turn around and run in the opposite direction. They don't do much damage, but can eat away quite a bit of your health in enclosed spaces, and can be difficult to hit because of their speed and size. Redemptionist Ship Found in: Space Race Description: fast and maneuverable, this small vessel will try to elude you in the Asteroid Field. It won't attack you directly, but you must disable it to continue. Spiked Ball Found in: Cardassian Ship Description: hovers in the air in the computer mainframe chamber. If you don't destroy it within several seconds, it will target you with an energy beam. LEGAL AND CONTACT INFORMATION (LEG) Thanks for reading my walkthrough. I hope you enjoyed it, and the game itself. This is my first walkthrough, so I wouldn't mind getting some feedback about it. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, or just want to let me know that somewhere out there, somebody else actually played and enjoyed this long-forgotten game, feel free to shoot me an email at Please include the words "DS9 Walkthrough" in the subject line, and keep in mind, if you're hoping for a response, that I might not be able to get back to you immediately; I'm usually pretty busy, and I'm a lazy bastard, but I will attempt to respond if you request it. This document is copyright 2008 John Perdue. It may not be claimed as the work of any other author or authors. It may not be reproduced in any form or for any reason except personal, private use without the author's prior written approval. It may not appear in print, on any websites other than, or in any other media whatsoever or as part of any public display without the author's prior written approval. Unauthorized reproduction, publication or distribution is a violation of U.S. and international copyright conventions and applicable local law, and is strictly prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.