The following lines should match up for this faq to be read correctly on your computer. 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Legal Disclaimer >>2. Updates >>3. Starting Out >3.1 About Strike Gunner >3.2 Starting The Game >3.3 Controls >>4. Special Weapons >4.1 Plasma Shield >4.2 Homing Missile >4.3 Atomic Missile >4.4 Laser Cannon >4.5 Megabeam Cannon >4.6 Anti-air Mine >4.7 Sonic Wave >4.8 Sonic Shooter >4.9 Spray Missile >4.10 Photon Torpedo >4.11 Comrade Fighter >4.12 Adhesive Bomb >4.13 Heavy Vulcan >4.14 Heat Arrow >4.15 Auto-aim Vulcan >>5. Hints >5.1 Dodge >5.2 Know Your Weapons >5.3 Figure Out The Obvious >>6. Level Walkthroughs >>7. Contact Me >>8. Credits NOTE: This FAQ was written while being played on Level 1. |=============================================| Section 1: Legal Disclaimer |=============================================| This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. |=============================================| Section 2: Updates |=============================================| ____________________________ DATE: 01/02/2003 V0.2 *Started FAQ *Finished Starting Out Section *Added 5 weapons to Special Weapon Section ____________________________ DATE: 02/02/2003 V0.5 *Finished Special Weapons Section *Added a few Hints ____________________________ |=============================================| Section 3: Starting Out |=============================================| >> 3.1 About The Game << Strike Gunner is game for the Super Nintendo where you get to take command of a fighter craft and complete various missions. These missions can take place over jungles, oceans and deserts and there is a good variety of enemies each suited to their own particular environment. Strike Gunner can be played with only one player or it can be played co-operatively with two players each helping one another out. >> 3.2 Starting The Game << To start Strike Gunner insert the game cartridge into your Super Nintendo's slot and flick the start button on. Once the menu has loaded you have three choices: =>One Player (Starts a one player game) =>Two Player (Starts a two player, co-operative game) =>Options (Allows you to change certain features of the game) In the options you menu you can change two things:-the Level, ie the difficulty of the game -the amount of Lives you with each time you play Strike Gunner >> 3.3 Controls << ______________________________________________________________________________ ACTION |BUTTON(S) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sideways |Left and Right Directional Buttons Move Forward On Screen |Up Directional Button Move Backwards On Screen |Down Directional Button Primary Fire |B Special Fire/Alternate Fire |A Connect Side-by-Side |X Connect On Top Of One Another |Y Pause Game |Start Button | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |=============================================| Section 4: Special Weapons |=============================================| When starting a game of Strike Gunner you will be presented with a list of special weapons of which you can choose one per level. However keep in mind that once you have used a weapon it cannot be used again until you start a new game. In the following section I will give a list of all the special weapons in the game and a brief overview of what they all do. >> 4.1 Plasma Shield << What It Does: Creates a shield around your plane making you invincible for a limited amount of time (around 12 seconds). What It's Good For: This shield is very useful if used properly and since it makes you invincible for approx. 12 seconds it can be very when fighting bosses taking on many enemies at a time. While activated this shield will kill any normal any on touch an most other things after a few seconds. Activating the shield takes up very little of your special weapon ammo bar meaning you can almost constantly use it and not have to worry about running out. I give this a rating of 8.5/10 . >> 4.2 Homing Missile << What It Does: Fires two heat seeking missiles at the closest targets. What It's Good For: This weapon can be quite useful in places where you have lots of enemies coming in from every direction. When firing it is often best to wait for two enemies to be on the screen at once to make the most of the two missiles. This uses up your special weapon ammo bar fairly slowly however you shall find it tough trying to constantly fire this weapon without running out between ammo refills. I give this a rating of 7/10 . >> 4.3 Atomic Missile << What It Does: Fires an atomic missile that a few seconds after being launched causes a massive explosion killing anything caught in its blast radius(excluding bosses). What It's Good For: This weapon is especially useful in taking out large amounts of enemies all at once and takes out most mini- bosses in one hit. It can be successfuly used 12 times before completely emptying the special weapon ammo bar so you can't go around shooting everyone with it. It is best kept for mini-bosses and bosses and if there is an exceptionally large number of enemies grouped close together. I give this a rating of 7/10 . >> 4.4 Laser Cannon << What It Does: Fires two parallel laser beams that keep travelling even after coming in contact with an enemy. What It's Good For: This weapon is best used against mini-bosses and bosses due to the fact that very rarely do you get alot of lined up in a row. The laser itself is quite powerful and takes out everything in one hit(bosses in about 3). It's only advantages are that it continues after hitting something and that is uses barely any of your special weapon ammo bar meaning that you can use it on every enemy and not run out between refills. I give this a rating of 7.5/10 >> 4.5 Megabeam Cannon << What It Does: Fires one large beam constantly for about 2-3 seconds. Kills everything in one hit and makes invincible while in use. What It's Good For: This weapon is only good against bosses due to the fact that it kills them, or sections of them in one hit, however at the same time it totally depletes your special weapon ammo bar each time you use it making it not the best weapon to use at the beginning of levels. Even though this is the most deadliest weapon in the game I find it quite useless since it's only worth using in about 1% of each level. I give this a rating of 4/10. >> 4.6 Anti-air Mine << What It Does: Deploys a mine that can blow up ships and stop incoming bullets. Once something hits it it still stays there. It lasts for about 4 seconds. What It's Good For: This weapon is fairly useful if you know where the enemies are going to come out of so you can put one in the way they'll all run into it. Otherwise, it's fairly useless against bosses but can do tremendous amounts of damage to mini-bosses if you fire 5 or so on top of them. The mines use up very little of your special weapon ammo bar so you can constantly fire them if you want. I give this a rating of 5.5/10 . >> 4.7 Sonic Wave << What It Does: It kills everything on the screen including bullets and missiles (except bosses and mini-bosses) in one hit after causing a sonic wave(looks like a camera flashing). What It's Good For: I found this weapon quite useful especially in tight spots were there were lots of enemies and lots of bullets. This could be used against bosses but I doubt that it would do too much damage. This weapon can only be used 12 times before your special weapon ammo bar is depleted making it have to be used only in desperate situations. I give this a rating of 7.5/10 . >> 4.8 Sonic Shooter << What It Does: Fires a sonic arc that can travel through anything at the same time as killing it and it stops all bullets and missiles aswell. What It's Good For: This weapon is actually quite powerful when you think about it. It uses up very little of your special weapon ammo bar and it can take out as many enemies as you want at once, provided they are all behind each other. In boss battles I found this to be best used as a defensive weapon because it does not seem to cause much damage.I give this a rating of 8/10 . >> 4.9 Spray Missile << What It Does: Fires anywhere from 1 to 16 missiles at once(depending on how long you hold in fire) and sprays them over quite a large area. What It's Good For: Taking out large groups of enemies seems to be this weapons advantage. The missiles it fires are not heat- seeking and they do stop once they hit a target. They are fairly useful in boss battles and since they don't use much of your special weapon ammo bar you can use nearly all the time. I give this a rating of 7/10 . >> 4.10 Photon Torpedo << What It Does: Fires four photon torpedoes in the opposite direction of which you are moving. What It's Good For: If your screen is clouded with enemies a few shots of this will do the trick. Against bosses I found it quite useless since it does little damage and I don't particularly like using it at all due to the diffulculty in aiming. It is near impossible to shoot it while moving sideways. It doesn't use up too much of your special weapon ammo bar but that doesn't mean you can be firing it constantly. I give this a rating of 4/10 . >> 4.11 Comrade Fighter << What It Does: Calls in two mini fighters that attach to your wings that you can control. They last for a certain amount of time or until shot. What It's Good For: Very helpful, can be used in any situation. Imagine having control of a ship twice as wide with three times as much firepower. This is excellent not only during the beginning of levels but also against bosses aswell. I guess that you could use this around twelve times before depleting your special weapon ammo bar but that is more than enough. I give this a rating of 9/10 . >> 4.12 Adhesive Bomb << What It Does: Fires a sticky bomb straight ahead which sticks to an enemy if there is one and explodes after a few seconds. What It's Good For: This is quite a useful weapon against bosses however it is not good at all against normal enemies due to the fact that it takes a few seconds to detonate. It doesn't use up very much of your special weapon ammo bar either so you can use it alot but I recommend only using it on bosses. I give this a rating of 6.5/10 . >> 4.13 Heavy Vulcan << What It Does: Fires a stream of bullets capable of doing great amounts of damage. What It's Good For: This gun be used against anyone. It is excellent against bosses and since each normal kill only uses one bullet it is also great for normal enemies aswell. It is a constant drain on your special weapon ammo bar but nothing to worry about. I give this a rating of about 9/10 . >> 4.14 Heat Arrow << What It Does: Depending on how long you hold the fire button in for in fires a round of bullets in every direction. What It's Good For: This weapon is probably most effective when your surrounded by a group of enemies. It is very useless against bosses because you can't aim it but since it uses up very little of your special weapon ammo bar it is very useful against normal enemies. I give this a rating of 5.5/10 . >> 4.15 Auto-aim Vulcan << What It Does: Fires a stream of bullets at any enemy on the screen. What It's Good For: This weapon is very good. I found it most useful in the beginning of levels where all I had to do was hold in my special weapon fire button and I never got hit. This weapon is okay against bosses but there are better choices however for shooting down normal enemies I think this one tops the lot plus it doesn't use up too much of your special weapon ammo bar. I give this a rating of 9.5/10 . |=============================================| Section 5: Hints |=============================================| >> 5.1 Dodge << This is one of the best and easiest ways to stay alive in Stike Gunner. If you are a good dodger there is not much chance you'll die while playing this game. I recommend playing the first level through while only shooting when you have to to make the game go on(eg. against the boss). If you can do this on level 1 then you have the dodging skills neccessary to play this game. >> 5.2 Know Your Weapons << One of the first steps in becoming good at Strike Gunner is knowing and making use of your special weapons. Don't go choosing the Megabeam Cannon for the first level. To make use of your weapons you must know everything they can do, for example, the Auto-aim Vulcan not only shoots down enemies but missiles as well. So use this while playing the game. The Plasma Shield not only stops all bullets from hitting you but it also hurts the enemy if you run into them. Learn what all the weapons do and you'll not only learn what weapons to pick for each level but you'll also become alot better player. >> 5.3 Figure Out The Obvious << In case you haven't noticed all enemies except bosses, etc are mirrored. So when you see 5 helicopters ome out of the bottom-left side of the screen. Once you've killed them you know that 5 are going to come out of the bottom-right side of the screen. If you didn't know this then I imagined you died alot. |=============================================| Section 6: Boss Information |=============================================| At the end of each level you shall encounter a boss who you must kill in order to proceed onto the next level. These bosses usually have many weapons and are very hard to kill unless you know what your doing. The following information should give you a better chance at beating them. You can tell when your going to enter a boss fight when you get a weapon upgrade and a ammo refill straight after one another. >> Level 1 Boss << What Is It: Big Plane Weapons: 6 Turrets, 3 Heat-Seeking Missile Launching Bays Strategy: Okay for this battle and probably most of the boss battles hold down your primary fire key. Even if your not hitting anything, it doesn't hurt to be firing. To start with, depending what your special weapon is. Try and take out the turrets as these will be shooting at you first. The camera will keep switching between the left and right wing aswell so make your shots count. If your secondary weapon isn't one that can shoot the turrets then your going to have to take out the missile bays first, before they start firing. The missile bays are the parts of the ship that stop your primary fire from hitting the turrets. Once the missiles are down take out the turrets(some dodging will be required here) and then aim for the head once the camera allows you. While your shooting the head watch out for the missiles that come out of the neck. Once that head blows up it's on to the second level for you. >> Level 2 Boss << What Is It: 8 Bladed Chopper Thingy Weapons: 4 Kind-Of-Heat-Seeking Missile Launchers Strategy: This boss is actually quite easy. For this whole level my special weapon was the autoaim vulcan which I chose because of the tanks that come up from behind and the vulcan hits all the missiles before they get me which make it really easy. Since the rockets aren't fully homing you should be able to get yourself into a position where you can shoot every rocket just as it comes out and shoot the plane at the same time without needing a special weapon at all. Once it blows up your on to the third level. >> Level 3 Boss << What Is It: Weapons: Strategy: |=============================================| Section 7: Contact Me |=============================================| You can contact me with anything related to this game\guide including: *corrections *anything you want me to add to the guide(I'll give credits) *hints/tips on writing guides *and although I'd rather you ask me a question and I'll put the answer in the guide, if I have time I'll try and reply to questions directly to you. My email is and please don't send any abuse for whatever reason. When emailing me please make the subject "About Your Strike Gunner Faq" unless I've specified something else otherwise I'll most probably delete it. |=============================================| Section 8: Credits |=============================================| I'll be putting anyone who contributed to this guide, corrected me with anything and so on. I'm almost positive that I haven't ripped anyone off. If I have and I haven't mentioned you below I didn't mean it so just email me telling what I did and I'll fix it as soon as I can. *NeonGlow - This is me and well I think I deserve at least some credit *Activision and Athena - For making and producing the game All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.