Casltevania 4 Walkthrough Version 1.0 1/24/05 William Dudley Welcome to my Castlevania IV walkthrough! This is an in depth walkthrough, so you shouldn't have any questions regarding. . . anything. So print this out, rev up your SNES, and prepare to take on this outstanding game. Section one: Items Section two: Weapons Section three: Walkthrough Section four: Legal stuff Section five: Acknowledgements SECTION ONE {Items} Small Heart: Gives you one shot for most sub- weapons Large Heart: Gives you five shots for most weapons or one for the stopwatch Leg Roast: Restores some of player's health Whole Roast: Restores most of player's health Morning Star: One turns leather whip into a flail, another makes it longer Shot Multipliers: Found after using a certain sub- weapon enough. Each multiplier allows the player to throw as many weapons as the multipliers indicates (2 or 3) Rosary: Immediately destroys any on-screen enemies Jar: Makes player temporarily invincible Cash bags: Gives player 1-700 points SECTION TWO {Weapons} Dagger: An accurate, fast moving weapon, but quite ineffective, even with shot multipliers. Only get it if nothing else is available. Axe: Flies through the air in an arc. Pretty powerful, especially when multiplied. However, timing and aiming your shots is difficult. Holy Water: Fair, but not as good as it is in other Castlevania titles. It shatters on the ground when thrown and burns for a while. Decent weapon. Stop Watch: AVOID. Takes five hearts per use and is not worth your trouble; it stops enemies in their tracks for a few moments, but too few to justify using it. Can't be multiplied either. Cross: Best weapon, ESPECIALLY when multiplied. Powerful and good on almost any enemy. It sails across the screen, hits a number of times, then returns. If you get it, hold on to it! SECTION THREE {Walkthrough} All right. Now that you've had the rundown of the items, let's do it to it. Stage 1: Stables (Block 1-1) Head right and whip every candle. There's a knife on top of the platform, so get it. Jump onto the blocks over the water (careful, they're crumbly) and head through the drawbridge. Keep going right, whipping all candles and destroying all skeletons. You should get another Morning Star upgrade here. When you come to a gate in the fence (the one that gloriously sprang forth from the ground) press "up" and go through it, onto the other side. Don't worry about the two candles to your left; they're small hearts. Keep going, and stay behind the fence. Whip the candles, skeletons and bats (there's also a rosary in a candle near a skeleton.) Go through the passage marked by the bat with flickering eyes. (Block 1-2) Get the Cross (it's in the second candle) and try to hold on to it. Kill the bone tower and go on, killing the skeletons (eek! They throw bones now!) You'll come to a platform on which there are two skeletons. Go under, and whip the candles. One's an axe, let it disappear. Whip the wall for a Whole Roast. Be sure to dodge the fireballs from the bone tower on the other side of the wall. Go over the platform and right. Jump to the small platform, then drop down and assail that pesky bone tower (the candle between it and the wall has an Invincibility Jar.) Keep going, and climb the stairs to the platform. Don't worry about the candle underneath; it's only a knife. Kill the skeleton and jump over to where he was. Go up the stairs (don't bother with the third bone tower or the candles below you) and into the next screen. There will be a skeleton on your right; dispatch it. Beyond it you'll see a thing on the wall; a flappy bat holding a ring. Whip it, and hold attack. You'll be able to swing across gaps this way. Press left or right to swing either way. Swing across the pit and get the Leg Roast on the pillar. Swing across the next gap and kill the bone tower. Go down and off the screen. Go down and left; the lefternmost (yeah, I know) candle has a Jar. Get it and kill the two skeletons. Move right, kill the bone tower and go out into (Block 1-3) You're outside now. Go right. The second candle has holy water, don't get it if you still have the cross. Go into the stable and look out for the viper swarms; they're those things on the ceiling. Kill them when they fall by pressing up and attack. Keep going, killing the Mr. Heds (those horses.) Go to the wall near the stairs and whip it; a big heart will fall out. Go up the staircase. Go left and up into the next screen. On the left is a stopwatch, don't get it. Head right to find-Medusa Heads! One of the most annoying enemies contrived by Konami. Kill them and WALK over the thin platforms. If you jump on them they will flip you off the screen and to instant death (NOTE: this is clever death-trap. You'll instinctively jump the medusa heads, but then land on the trap doors and fall through. Don't fall for it!) Keep going and whip the candles. One has a Leg Roast. You'll come to a step up. The candle has a knife, don't get it. Step up again and kill the two ghosts. A little right, you'll find another viper swarm. Kill it. Jump down, making sure you don't land on a trap door. Go left and down the steps. Kill the viper swarm and walk right. Be wary of the trap doors. The last candle holds a leg roast. Keep going right until you come to the first boss. Boss: Rowdain 2/10 (difficulty) Rowdain is no problem. He's (duh) that skeleton on the horse, which will spit fireballs at you. unless you're in bad shape, don't worry too much about getting hit. Aim for his horses head, it's only vulnerable place. After seven blocks of Rowdains health are gone, he'll dismount and attack you with his lance, jumping into the air and dropping on your position. Whip/ cross him until he fly into pieces. Then he'll come back together for one last attack. Hit him once, he'll die, and collect his orb. Stage 2: Forest (Block 2-1) Go right, killing the purple hand things and leaf men. A spider will come down from the sky; kill it. Don't get the axe in the candle near the spider; hand onto the cross. Keep going, you should get a shot multiplier soon. Go down the slope. Jump across the spikes (careful, they'll kill you instantly.) Go right and kill the armadillo thingy. Jump up the platforms and kill all the armadillos. You should soon find a place on the right with six candles; they're all hearts, big and small. Turn left again and keep going. On the left and up is a Leg Roast, so get it. Head right and up the next slope, avoid the pits. Zombies, leaf-men and armadillos will plague you, so kill them first. Head right to (Block 2-2) Head right, platform to platform, killing viper swarms, bats and crows. You'll come to some floating platforms, so time your jumps. The candle over the muck is a watch, so be careful not to get it. Head right, taking the high road. Kill the skeleton and the crow, as well as the two frogs. Go under the next path, and get the Whole Roast hidden in the wall. Left, up, kill the skeleton and crow. Jump on the rising platform, and let it take you up to the bridge. Get on and kill the crows. The second candle has a knife, do beware. On the space between the bridges is a viper swarm, so be careful. Now look out for crows and bats. The first candle on the grey bridge has a Leg Roast. At the end of the bridge kill the skeletons and armadillo. Go right to find the next boss. . . Boss: Medusa 4/10 If you have the cross with any multipliers, she'll be a pushover. If not, just hit her every opportunity you get and use your sub- weapon. Avoid her snakes and the thing that she shoots at you. Once she's dead you'll automatically head right into (Block 2-3) Kill that hand and skeleton, and you should get another multiplier here. There's an axe in a candle on a pillar, so don't let the stream push you into it. Go down the slope and the flow of the stream will reverse. Kill the green demon thing and the skeleton at the bottom. Keep going right. Down the next slope are two more green dudes, and red spikes. On the slope is a Jar, so get it. Kill the skeleton. Another slope. Up above is a candle, whip it for a Leg Roast. Careful here. There is a spike in the stream; you can see it's tip. Jump it and move on. Kill the bone tower, hop the spikes and drop the green demon guy. Look out for bats and arms. At the bottom of the slope you'll find another bone tower. Go down the long slope, kill the demons arms and bats. At the bottom you'll move off screen and into Stage 3: Caverns (Block 3-1) Hop across the green spikes and kill the oncoming bats. Soon you'll find a mudman. Every time you hit him, he'll multiply into smaller versions of himself. Defeat him, go right, and kill two bone towers. Go over the spikes and kill another one. Go right into an alcove and kill yet another bone tower. The candle above has an axe, only get it if you don't have the cross. Go down and kill (good gosh) another you-know-what. Whip the cubed blocks behind him and go through. Here you'll find hearts, cash bags, and a Whole Roast. Backtrack until you're back to where the secret passage began. Guess what? That SOB is back! Kill it and drop to find another of his kind. Duck waddle under the platform where he was and whip two candles. One's holy water, the other a big heart. Get the heart and leave the water unless. Go right and kill two mudmen. Go over the spikes and kill the two bats, but beware; the stalactites will fall on you. Kill another mudman and bone tower, then go on to (Block 3-2) Go across the log bridge and kill he viper swarm on the other side. Go left, kill BT (bone tower) and two VS (viper swarms) and get the big heart. Go back right and slay the BT. Head up through the falls and kill the VS and BT. One BT is hiding behind the curtain of water. Swing across gaps when needed. Swing across two gaps and kill a VS and BT on the left; don't get the knife in he high up candle. Follow the up and left/ right pattern, avoiding the green rolling things. Swing, dodge rolly on small platform, go right. You'll find a confusing spot where the ledges are hidden by water; I can't help much here. Find your way up and across. Look out for bats. Once through, kill the VS on the right side of the screen. You'll see a hook that goes over to a ledge on the left. Don't bother, the candle holds a stopwatch. Keep moving up and right, and you'll reach (Block 3-3) Mermen will come up from the water, so be careful. So blocks here are of the crumbly sort, so watch out. Also, big blocks will fall from above, so be on your toes. Go right, and you'll find a floating eye. Kill and move on. At the right you'll find a bone snake. Kill it with the limp whip. Move up and off of the screen. Up here you'll find another bone snake. Kill it and collect the Leg Roast in front of it. The next candle has a dagger, so watch out. Go, swing, kill the eyes, the VS and any mermen who get in the way. Head up into the next screen. Here you'll find skeletons and a dude with a club that hides behind the wall. Kill both and move left. Up above between platforms is a candle. Whip it and get a rosary. Swing across to the next platform. Repeat, then move up into another screen. You'll find yourself below a bone snake. Kill him, go up, swing and you'll find yourself below another one. Kill him, and (for me, he did) he drops a lot of big hearts. Keep climbing. A group of three crows will assail you; kill them and go up. Above them is an armored skeleton, so slay away (hee hee.) On the right below the second skeleknight is a candle that contains a Leg Roast. Snag it and move on. Keep going up and up and up (it's tedious, I know.) You'll cross some crumble type blocks and head up a few platforms. A big waterfall with appear on your right, and you'll fight the next boss. Boss: Orphic Vipers 3/10 The water will rise and they will appear on the left side of the screen. Stand on the middle platform and whip them. If you have a cross, a dagger or an axe, use it too. This is a very easy boss, a cinch if you have a multi shot cross. One head will die before the other, so concentrate attacks on one then another. Stage 4: Tower and Dungeon (Block 4-1) Go right, killing the skeletal soldier. Don't go up the stairs yet. Instead, go under them and whip the candles, which hold big hearts. Go towards the wall and kill the sprite that comes out of it. Whip the wall for another big heart, the go back and up the stairs. Walk over the green platforms and kill the demon guy hiding in the background. Keep walking, and kill the next skeleton and wall sprite. Go down the stairs. Kill another hiding guy and armored skeleton. Jump on the platforms and go across. Go up and kill both skeletons and a WS (wall sprite, mind you.) jump up to the highest platform and kill the dangling skeleton. On the second green platform is a knife, so avoid it. Go left, kill two dangling skeletons and three normal ones. Below are a big heart and a small one, as well as an axe. Get what you need and head on up. Kill the AS (armored skeleton, that is) and go up to his position. There's a Leg Roast above the green platform on the left and, if you're quick enough, you can whip the candle, jump down, grab the meat and get back up. Now go right, kill the bats and AS, then go to face Boss: Puwexil 5/10 Puwexil is a big skull with a long tongue (his name backwards is lix ew up. Ha Ha.) Basically, this is a race to see who beats who first. He's pretty difficult if you're not well equipped, but he's not that hard. He's fairly quick, and every time you hit him tongue sections fall on you which are hard to avoid. The main hazard here it that he'll damage you for later. If you still have the cross, get all the way to the left and throw it as many times as you can when he drops into the screen. When he's dead you'll automatically go on to (Block 4-2) Annoying area (you can tell the games getting harder.) Go up the stairs and latch onto the bat. HOLD ON. The screen rotates here, and you can be dropped onto spikes. When the screen stops, drop onto the platform and kill the oncoming Medusa heads. When the screen starts again, latch back on to the bat. When it stops again, wait and blocks will come out to you. Get on them and head left. (Block 4-3) Head right, whip all the candles and kill all the skeletons. You'll get a rosary, a Jar and a Leg roast here. Move right into (Block 4-4) Tough area. Head right, and try not to get crushed on the ceiling. You've got to play this area by ear, going up and right whenever it feels right. But remember, always up and right in this area. Go right into a room (you'll know it's right if it has purple spikes rising and falling.) Go under them. Now you're back in this area, only faster. Go right and try not to get pushed into the spikes. You'll come to a room with a flight of stairs. The first candle is an axe, only get it if you don't have anything else. Head up. Kill the bone towers and get the Leg Roast. Head right to go up against Boss: Kuranot 5/10 What is this?! Konami thinks it must be funny to have boss names be something else backwards. First it's "licks you up" and now "Ton o rocks!" How stupid is that? Anyway, Kuranot is like one of the mudmen you encountered in the cave, only a lot bigger. He jumps around, and every time you hit him blocks fall on you (likes the Puwexil battle.) If you have the cross he'll be easy, harder if you have the axe. Hit him and do your best to avoid the rocks he drops on you. Stage 5: Castle Entrance (Block 5-1) Head right and kill the hand, as well as the harpy holding the jumpy guy. Go up the slope and go left, killing the BT and the green demon. At the far left head up, killing the harpies. At the top of the next slope kill the BT. Head right, kill green demon (GD) and the two BT. Avoid the knife at the top platform, but get the big heart below it. Move right, killing GD. There's a rosary at the end of the long stretch of grass (they give them to you when you don't need them.) Move into the next area. (Block 5-2) Here you encounter a skeleton with a whip. Kill him as fast as you can. Move right and kill the bat, whip skeleton and an AS, the another whip skeleton. Go up the steps, get the Leg Roast, kill the bat, go by the statues and into the castle. Stage 6: Gallery, Dining and Dance Hall (Block 6- 1) Kill the dog and go right, killing zombies and bats. Kill another dog and head up some stairs. To your right on the second ledge is some holy water, but don't get it unless you are crossless. Kill the axe armor by whipping diagonally. Kill another bat and axe armor and move on. Zombies appear again and you have another axe armor. Go all the way right and kill the AA (you should know what it means) on the ledge and head up into the chandelier room. This part is easier than it looks. Each chandelier has four grey platforms. Make your jumps as the chandelier swings to the right. Make your way across the room into (Block 6-2) Okay. Go right and kill the AA. Watch out for falling chandeliers. Before you reach the third chandelier, whip the ground. A block should crack and reveal a staircase. Go down, get what you need (weapons, Roast, Cash bags, hearts) then go back up. Head left, and kill the three nymphs. Don't get the axe unless you need it. Keep going and kill the ghost dude. Go, get the two big hearts in the candles (they're before the ledge with the AA on it.) Kill the AA from below and go over the platform. Go left, look out for the invisible ghosts. Collect a Leg Roast from one of candles and kill the AA from underneath. Kill the AA and two bats at the end of the screen and head up and right. Jump onto the spike platforms; be careful, they flip. Go over to the stairs and head up. Go over the spikes, look out for crumbly platforms. Kill the skeleton at the end, and beware the coffin. Go by it and it will attack from behind. Turn around and kill it. Beyond is another skeleton and a Leg Roast. Head right, down, up and off screen to (Block 6-3) Kill all the skeletons (red, whip, and normal.) The red ones come back to life, so be careful. Head up the stairs. Kill the hands in the wall and the skeleton knight. Go left, under the hands. Kill the living skeleton armors, but you can walk by the stationary ones unharmed. However, if the hands grab you, they'll come to life. Go up and you'll find yourself in a room with a big circle of coffins. Just whip them, they die easily. Go right, whip all the candles and kill the tables. Head right and kill as many of the dancing ghosts as you can. Kill more tables and ghosts, then go to the wall and break it open; you'll receive a one up. Go up the stairs. Get the Leg Roast then head right to fight Boss: Dancing Ghosts 6/10 This boss is pretty challenging if you don't have a good sub weapon. They dance around the screen (and into you) and shoot fencing foils out. Beat them down as fast as you can, avoiding them as the dance along. If you have a multi cross, you'll be in good shape. When they're dead, you'll be relieved to know that this long, tedious stage is over. Stage 7: Library (Block 7-1 [this is my favorite stage. I love the visuals and the music]) Go right and kill the spear armor. Whip all the candles. Kill the AA from below and head up. Kill the ghost and the other spear armor below you. Go down and right; kill the AA and SA (spear armor.) Go up, kill another AA and that pesky ghost that creeps up on you from below. Kill yet another AA on a single platform, then hop the ledges. Slay up two more ghosts, another AA, then head down into the next room. Look out for possessed books and shield-toting gargoyles. There's an axe on the ledge at the right from where you enter the screen; get it unless you have a cross. In here, pretty much head down while avoiding all enemies. In the next room, kill the two AA and look out for their axes. The go right. Jump on the green books (time your jumps carefully) and whip the red skeleton on the ledge. Jump over to it and whip it again when it comes back to life. Keep going right, and avoid the axe in the top candle over the precipice. He right into (Block 7-2) Move right and kill the bats. The woman in the painting will grab you and hold you for them, so whip her hand to kill it (do this to all of paintings like it.) Go right and kill that orange dog thing; it'll knock candles off the wall (very annoying.) Below the dog is a statue; when you get close to it, it will crumble, so look out. Beyond it in the wall is a Whole Roast. Get it and go up, make sure to dispatch the AA. Go down and walk under the spikes. A rug will try to push you into them, but it won't be able to. Kill the two bats that fly at you. Kill the woman's, the five bats and the AA. Head up, after getting the rosary on the far right. In this room are two guys hiding in picture frames and another orange dog. Kill all three and get the Whole Roast (wow, another one!) in the wall near where you entered. Go up and right (the magic movement formula. . .) See that big centipede? Ignore it. Instead, JUMP on the first trap door. The statue will crumble, but it won't hit you. The candle on your left has a Leg Roast. Whip or let the centipede by. Then head right and down. Get the eight small hearts in the stacked candles and kill the portraits hand. Crouch and walk under the spikes, go by three falling statues and up. Kill the AA, the guy in the frame, get the Leg Roast, kill the hand and go face Boss: Sir Grakul 6/10 One of the coolest looking bosses ever. He's a big suit of armor who uses a sword and an axe to try to dice you up. This is another race to kill the other guy. Sir Grakul attacks first with his axe, throwing it like a big AA or hitting the ground with it, causing flames to shoot across the ground. After he takes enough hits he'll pull out sword and stab you with it. Hit him repeatedly and use whatever sub-weapon you have. It you don't keep hitting him, he can be tough. Also be sure to stay on the left ledge. Note: Grakuls attacks aren't that damaging, so don't worry about taking hits unless you're in bad shape. Now we fall through the floor into Stage 8: Catacombs (Block 8-1) Kill the spider and go right, jumping on top of the spiky platforms. Kill the next spider and keep going. Look out for the green drippy stuff; it hurts. Kill the viper swarm on the other side of the green pool, then kill the bone towers and the eye. Go up then down, and duck-waddle under the swinging spikes. Kill the viper swarms and axe armor on the other side of it. Jump on the up and down spikes, go to the top platform and kill the eye. Hop the rising spikes and kill the bone tower. Go across the pool, kill two more eyes and a bone tower. Go to the next platform to get a Leg Roast. Kill the two bone towers above you and go up. Go right, avoiding all the spikes. The candle in that little area under the ledge is a knife, so don't bother. Kill the eye and look out for the falling spikes. There's a bone snake coming up, but you can kill it with a rosary in the candle in front of it. There's another one, so kill him quick and keep going. Look out for the bat. There are two big hearts in some candles at the top platform. Avoid the drippy stuff and go; you'll find another bone tower and a bat, as well as a crumbly bridge. Go across and kill the bats. Move on to (Block 8-2) Kill the viper swarm above you and move up. Go down, avoid the spikes, viper swarms, Medusa heads and dangling skeletons. Also, where the stairs are red will break if you hit them. They'll send sharp shards out and hurt you, so be careful where you whip. Keep going, and down where a spike block makes a small gap between itself and the wall is a Leg Roast. Get it and move on down. In here, just go under the spikes. On your right under the first ledge is a Jar, so get it, go up, kill the dangling skeleton and jump on the swinging spikes. Go and again watch for falling lances. Go right and kill the eye. Between the two spike platforms is a knife, don't get it. Just move on by. Here you'll see spikes descending from the ceiling. Simply duck-waddle underneath them. The disappear/ reappear bridge is hard to maneuver, so do what you can. As you go across, look out for more falling spears. Move right to fight Boss: The Monster 4/10 He's pretty easy, considering you have a cross. If not, he's harder. He'll throw potion bottles at you, much like holy water. They'll either make a lot of fire or a replica of himself, or rain down energy balls on you. Stay on the platforms and hit him repeatedly. He'll die soon enough. Stage 9: Treasury (Block 9-1) Drac's loaded, isn't he? There are A LOT of cash bags here (it's appropriate, I guess. . .) so get them. One whole room in here has them in every candle. It's easy street to one ups. Go right. Don't worry about the floating ghosts; they can't hurt you. Kill the bats and keep going until you meet a gold skeleton. Kill it and cross the gap. Kill all the enemies then go down into the next screen. Kill the gold skeletons and note that the coin platforms crumble. Go left and kill the bats and GS. Go over or under the platform, it doesn't matter. Go up, kill skeleton, go down. Go across the coin bridge and look out for the two GS at the end; they can knock you down the pit easily. After they're gone, you can (if you need it) get an axe where the lower skeleton was. Go left, kill the gold skeleton from above. If you can, swing across to the ledge on the right. There are hearts, a Leg Roast and a rosary. If you get there, you won't need to manually kill the bone tower. Go down and right. Go across the big coin bridge, killing bats and GS on the way. Go across a series of towers into (Block 9-2) Kill the bone snake, but don't bother swinging across; there's only a watch and a big heart. Go right, kill another bone snake, get the Leg Roast and go down. Kill the bone snake and swing across. The bottom is filled with coins that you can sink in, so if you fall jump to the chest and latch back on. Go left, but don't bother with the candles near the coffin. Just go down. Hop across the falling blocks, being careful that they don't fall on you. Go right and kill the bone tower. Take the low road and defeat another bone snake, then go up and kill a bone tower, then to the cash area. The first candle is a leg roast, but every other one is a cash bag, so enjoy! Make your way, robbing ol' Drac blind. Kill any enemies who dare to interfere. When you're done, head up to find a gold whip toting skeleton. Kill and go the most frequented direction. Kill two more skeletons and get the Leg Roast under the stairs. Go right to find Boss: Zapf Bat 7/10 He's actually pretty tough. He dives at you and damaging coins fall every time you hit him. After he's lost nine health he breaks into several smaller bats which drop coins on you and swarm. If you have an axe, it's good here. Otherwise use your whip. Hit him enough and eventually he'll die. Once he's dead, stairs will come out of the ceiling and take you to Stage 10: Clock Tower (Block 10-1) Move right across the gears and go up into the next screen on the far side of the room. Kill the bone tower above and keep going. There's a knife on the third platform from the bottom, don't get it unless. . . Kill another bone tower and the armored skeleton above you. Cross the crumbly platforms and go up. Go up, swing where applicable. Kill anything in your way. In the next screen you'll find skeleton whippers and Medusa heads, as well as other nasty sorts. Go right, killing Medusa heads. Jump on the big gear and crouch beneath the spikes. Go and grab the moving latch thingy. Go across, kill the armored skeleton, then go on up. Kill the axe armors and go up. Look out for falling gears. Kill another AA and bone snake, the latch on to the upward moving bats. Look out for the AA and swing off on top. Go up, over the crumbly blocks and over to another elevator type deal. Kill the bone snake and exit at the top right. Go right. After the second armored skeleton, you'll find a Leg Roast. Then go fight Boss: Akmodan 2 7/10 He'll through fireballs at you, then unravel and reappear somewhere. Whenever he reappears, hit him as many times as you can before he relocates. Hit him enough and he'll fall and wither. Stage 11: Room of Close Associates (11-1) Final stage. Go down and kill all the headless guys, you should have good vantage points for strategic whipping. Go down into the next screen and cross the bridge. Just walk, don't mind the candles or bats. Move on into (Block 11-2) Beware the spiky thing and go up. Don't worry about anything else, just go. There are a few Leg Roasts, get or avoid them, going up both stairs and floating platforms. At the top move right to fight (Block 11-3) Boss: Slogra 9/10 This boss has style. He's a big skeleton bird with a spear. He's hard though, so look out. He'll fall through the ceiling on the right side of the room. Whip him and he'll go up again, just to come back down where you're standing, so once you whip him, MOVE. He'll also shoot stuff at you with his spear. Once he's taken enough hits he'll ditch the spear and use his beak and claws. No sub-weapon is that good here, so use your whip. You'll probably have to redo this guy a few times. When he's dead, go collect two roasts. Then go fight Boss: Gaibon 7/10 Gaibon is a big blue gargoyle. He's not all that hard if you know what you're doing. Blue form flies around and spits fireballs at you, while making sharp rocks fall from above. When half of his health is gone he'll turn red. His red form flies around and just shoots a lot of fireballs so simply whip him dead. Then move on to face Boss: Death 9/10 Ahhh. . . look who it is. Dracula's best pal. Death flies around, shooting sickles at you. He'll also swipe at you with his scythe, as well as land and throw it. This will cause you to be pulled towards him. Stay behind the platform on the left and whip him whenever you can, especially when he's overhead. Destroy any oncoming sickles with the limp whip. Also, if you have a cross or an axe, use it. However, it's ineffective when he's on the ground. Once Death's dead (yeah, I know) go right to (Block 11-4) Right. Here you are, time to finish the job. If you jump out over the precipice at the right spot, you should land on an invisible ledge. Head down some invisible stairs to the left side of the screen. Everything you could possibly need (Roast, Morning Stars, multipliers, hearts, and a cross) will rain down on you. Go back to the platform, go up the stairs and left to fight Final Boss: Dracula 7/10 Drac's not that hard. He'll start with the classic routine; teleport, shoot fireballs out from under his cape. Whip them, don't jump them. If you do, they'll shoot up and hit you. Hit him a few times in the head and he'll do one of two things: he'll release an energy ball that flies around madly and tries to hit you (whip it for a Leg Roast) or he'll summon fireballs that follow you until whipped. After he's taken enough damage, electricity with surge through the air and different music will start playing. He'll reappear, now with a skull for a head. He'll call down lightning on you, but don't worry; it's easy to dodge since it appears in the same place all the time. In fact, your main threat is that he might reappear on you. Keep whipping/ crossing him until he's dead, then watch the glorious ending. Congratulations! You've just beaten one of the best games of all time! SECTION FOUR Walkthrough and all contents are under copyright to Conker2000, 1/24/05 SECTION FIVE Thanks to the fine people at Konami for making such a wonderful game, and to the kind people at Microsoft for creating the software that made this walkthrough possible.