Super Mario Brothers 2: ......................................................................_______ .___..............___................__________..___................./.......| .\..\............/../.............../..........||...|.............../....____| ..\..\........../../................|.......___||...|.........___...|....| ...\..\......../../.................|....../....|...|.........|..|..|....| ....\..\....../../...._________.....|......|....|...|.........|__|..|....| .....\..\..../../..../..____...\.....\.....\....|...|................\...\ ......\..\../../..../../....\...\.....\.....\...|...|______...____....\...\ .......\..\/../.....|..|....|...|......\.....\..|.....__...\..|...|....\...\ .......|.....|......|..|....|...|.......\.....\.|..../..\...\.|...|.....\...\ .......|.....|......|..\___/....|........|....|.|...|...|...|.|...|.....|...| .......|.....|......\........../........./..../.|...|...|...|.|...|.....|...| .......|.....|.......\________/........./..../..|...|...|...|.|...|.....|...| .......|.....|........................./..../...|...|...|...|.|...|..../.../ .......|.....|.....................___/..../....|...|...|...|.|...|.../.../ .......|.....|....................|......./.....|___|...|___|.|___|../.../ .......|.....|....................|______/.......................___/.../ .......|.....|...................................................|...../ .......|.....|.......______......................................|____/ .......|.....|....../..____| .......|.....|...../../......___..............................................___ .......|.....|.....|..|.....|...|............................................|...| .......|.....|.....|..|.....|...|............................................|...| .......|.....|......\..\....|...|...______....__....___...___................|...| .......|.....|.......\..\...|...|../......\..|..|..|...|./...\...............|...| .......|.....|........\..\..|...|./..____..\.|..|..|...|/.__..\.......____...|...| .......|.....|........|..|..|...|/../....\..\|..|..|...../..\..\...../.__.\..|...| .......|.....|........|..|..|...||..|....|......|..|..../....\..\..././..\.\.|...| .......|.....|......../../..|...||..|....|......|..|...|.....|...|.|.|....|.\|...| .......|.....|......./../...|...||...\__/.......|..|...|.....|...|.|.|....|......| .......|.....|..____/../....|...|.\........../|.|..|...|.....|...|..\.\__/../|...| .......|.....|..|...../.....|...|..\......../.|.|..|...|.....|...|...\...../.|...| .......|.....|..|____/......|___|...\______/..|_|..|___|.....|___|....\___/..|___| ..............................Boss FAQ............................. ASCII art is HARD! Especially the "S". This FAQ was started on 3-27-02 and finished 4-16-02 Since I don't submit FAQs until they are COMPLETELY finished, this will be version 1.0 This FAQ is made by LinkZ1k(GameFAQS Name) E-Mail all questions to This ENTIRE Yoshi's Island FAQ is copyright James Raggio. No persom may sell, use, or republish this FAQ without the permission from the author(Me). ~~~ World I Boss 1: Burt The Bashful's Fort Located on block: 1-4 This fight isn't to tough. As soon as the fight starts, get down in the lower right hand corner of the screen. There should be a little ditch. Stay down in there and if Burt comes right above you, duck. When you get a chance, hit him with an egg. You will see the blue part of his stomach go down. There is a plant in the middle, so when Burt moves away, you can restock on eggs if you need them. This battle shouldn't be to hard at all. Just follow the procedure and you'll make out fine. Boss 2: Salvo The Slime's Castle Located on block: 1-8 When the fight starts, immediately shoot him with an egg. If your lucky, when the egg bounces off the wall, it will hit him again. You may lose Baby Mario in this battle. Mainly because this dumb slimeball will charge right into you. If he's small, then it will be easy to avoid. But when he's big, if he TRIES coming at you, try jumping on his head. You can't get hurt when jumping on top of him. The more you hit him, the more little slimeballs will come out and you can use them to make eggs. Just keep shooting him until he is nothing more. ~~~ World II Boss 3: Bigger Boo's Fort Located on block: 2-4 This fight is, well....Easy! When the fight starts, aim an egg at the wall and shoot it off so it will hit the Big Boo. Each time he gets hit, he grows. So basically, stay at the middle part of the room bounces eggs off the wall into him. Then look straight at him to stop him from coming at you. You can run right through him when he is invisible. You can pull this fight off without even losing Mario. Boss 4: The Potted Ghost's Castle Locasted on block: 2-8 This fight is pretty simple. PUSH PUSH PUSH! As soon as the fight starts, start pushing. When he moves back to push you away, no need to run, it doesnt hurt you. Just keep pushing. Two Shy Guys will be pushing him back towards you, but very slow. The only time you should wait is when he blows out blue fire. Wait for it to clear up then begin pushing again. This fight isn't hard at all and you will probably do just fine. ~~~ World III Boss 5: Prince Froggy's Fort Located on block: 3-4 Mmmmmm, isn't it just GREAT being eaten by a frog? When you enter this room, you'll see that Yoshi AND Baby Mario are shrunk to about half the size of a egg. Believe me, that is SMALL. Then, to top it off, that damn Frog eats you. So you are now in his stomach. The main point in this battle is to eat the giant shy guys that are tossed down at you, digest them into eggs, and hit Prince Froggy's Tonsils. Sound simple? It's not. That Frog must suffer from some serious heartburn because drops of fire start dropping into its stomach. The more you hit him, the more fire will fall at a time. So it may be hard to get a perfect 100 on this level. On top of that, avoiding the fire may be hard, because it can be a little slippery in his stomach. Yoshi will sometimes fall around like he does when he dizzy. Just keep making the giant shy guys eggs and shooting them at his tonsils. If you damage him enough, you will win, and will get back your full size, on top of giving him a major stomach ache. That'll teach him to eat Yoshi. Boss 6: Naval Piranha's Castle Located on block: 3-8 Now this fight may seem a little hard at first, but once you know what to do, it can really be quite easy. You will see that the little Piranha Plant has grown up...GREATLY. This thing is huge. Well, when it arises from the water, look down, you will see a swolen spot with an "X" on it. That is the place you have to hit. When I first did this battle, I would aim, stop the aimer at a straight angle, and jump down in the water and shoot. But there is actually a MUCH easier way to do it. When it takes it's protective mini stems from in fron of the swolen "X" mark, look the opposite way towards the wall, aim down at the wall, and shoot. The egg will bounce off the wall, and glide along the water and hit the weak spot. Hurting it. But don't get this fight wrong, there is more to it. The Piranha will put it's head down and charge you. So you have to jump over him. Sometimes he will charge half way, and go back in an attempt to fake you out. So try and be sure what he is going to do. He will also shoot three parachute type things up in the air. Let them fall and hit the ground, if the one closest to you is in danger of hitting you, just eat it and let the other two hit. When they hit, you will be able to make eggs out of them. So don't worry about running out. Just follow the strategy I stated above and you will do just fine. ~~~ World IV Boss 7: Marching Milde's Fort Located on block: 4-4 This is, perhaps, one of the most fun boss fights in the entire game, along with being one of the easiest. Kamek(The Which who keeps creating these bosses)will make the marching guy grow to a giant size. But don't worry, you can easily get on top of him. When on top of him, you can either bounce around like a trampoline, or mess him up. When on top of him, perform a hip drop(Jump up in the air and hit down). Yoshi will plummet down and go right through him. This will split the boss in two. Do the hip drop again to the other two Milde's and they will be split in four. Keep doing this until they shrink to normal size. Then you can just keep jumping on them until they die. This fight is pretty easy. Boss 8: Hookbill The Koopa's Castle Located on block: 4-8 This fight isn't too tough. A regular Koopa will be turned giant. So how do you kill him? To kill him, when he stand up tall, start hitting him in the chin with eggs, over and over again, until you knock him on his back. Then, jump no his stomach and do a hip drop(Jump and hit Down) this will damage him. Watch out though, he can charge at you and jump across the screen at you. So it can be kind of hard. If you want an egg refill jump on his shell, when he is on all fours and keep bouncing. He will cough out all the eggs you need. Winning this fight is quite easy. Trying not to get hit can be quite difficult. ~~~ World V Boss 9: Sluggy The Unshaven's Fort Located on block: 5-4 The key word in this fight is time. If your not quick, your gonna die. When you enter the boss room, stock up on eggs from the plant to the left. Then go confront the slug. Kamek will make him a giant. When he turns giant, you will see his heart through his body. So you must keep bombarding him with eggs. Keep shooting towards his heart, each egg will knock the front part of his body in a little bit more. Some of the eggs will bounce back, so you can just grab them. When his body is knocked in enough, lay the final egg and it will hit his heart. Keep repeating this until you kill him. But after each time you hit him, run back and stock up on eggs. You must be QUICK, because he is slowly advancing on you. If your not quick, he's going to push you off the side of the cliff and your going to die. So be quick when reloading eggs. Boss 10: Raphael The Raven's Castle Located on block: 5-8 This fight can be easy, or it can be hard. Depending on how you take it. The battle starts when you and the Raven are tossed onto a giant circle/globe thing. It has to stakes sticking out of it. The Raven is basically the same size as you, if not bigger. The key to this fight is to run around the globe, trying to keep him on the other side. He will stop eventually. When he stops on the opposite side of a stake, hip drop it(Jump and hit down), and it will go in, and part of it will come out the other side, which will stab the Raven. He will jump and make two fire balls rotate around the globe every once in a while, so just jump when he does that. No eggs are needed for this battle, so just try to keep pounding stakes into him for the victory. ~~~ World VI Boss 11: Tap-Tap The Red Nose's Fort Located on block: 6-4 This battle can be tough. The way to win is really pretty simple. You must take advantage of the monster's stupidity. He will jump around the level wrecklessly trying to get you. So to win you must shoot the floor, which is made of blocks eggs can break. Shoot the floor while avoiding Tap-Tap(What kind of name is that?). When you break enough of the floor off, lure him to the bottom and he will most likely jump in the lava beneath. Then you can watch and laugh as he struggle, but only DIES! Boss 12: King Bowser's Castle Located on block: 6-8 Part 1: Baby Bowser Ok, this fight isn't tough at all. Kamek will be petrified that Yoshi is there, Baby Bowser will wake up, and smash Kamek. Have fun laughing at this part. Baby Bowser will then trash talk Yoshi by saying he wants a ride. Then the fight begins. Baby Bowser will keep hip dropping directly above Yoshi, so you better move. When he hits, the floor will go both ways of him, like a wave, so stay in the air until its over. AS SOON as hes done himp dropping, jump between him and the wave and hip drop the floor(Hit down while in the air). The floor will go towards HIM now. If done fast enough, it will hurt hiom. If NOT done fast enough, when he plops up to give you a hip drop again, the floor won't hurt him. So you must be quick. Do this, while avoiding him and the floor, and you will advance on. After three hits, Kamek will come and turn him into SUPER GIANT GALLACTIC Baby Bowser! Part 2: SUPER GIANT GALLACTIC Baby Bowser Just as his name implies, he is Super Giant! He is in front of you, so you must shoot giant eggs forward. You get the giant egg from balloons that float by, carrying them. When the battle starts, you will see Giant Bowser arises in front of you. He summons a bunch of rocks to fall and collapse what your standing on. It only crushes and takes away parts of what Yoshi has to stand on, and it tells you what part is going to be taken away by pointing an arrow. So don't go near it until the rock falls, or you'll get sucked down and die. When the rock falling ceremony is over, get ready to rumble! Go from side to side looking for egg carrying balloons. Grab one when you find it and aim. The aim will be going up and down, in front of you. So to hit Bowser, you need to positiong it just right. Not to high, but not to low. If you aim to high it will go over his head, to low will hit his stomach and wont do damage. You have to hit him in his face. He wil be shooting fire balls at you too, so watch out. When you hit him, he will sometimes start to run forward at you, so he will be increasing in size. That will make it easier to kill him. Keep grabbing eggs and shooting him in his face. After enough hits, he will make more rocks collapse the platform, which gives less room to move around. But still, keep up the same routine and you will pull off a win. Baby Bowser will fall onto the platform and Kamek will call you a "Meanie". Yeah, like she has room to talk. Run all the way to the right and save the stork and Luigi. Then sit back and watch the ending. Have Fun! ~Fin~