Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 13:30:25 -0400 From: fuzzby ****************************************************************************** * * * S U P E R P U N C H O U T F.A.Q./Walkthru * * Written by |X|treme * * Ver. 1.50 * * * * * * As request by many people, Part 2 of the Punchout FAQ with more crap added * ****************************************************************************** Okay, since this is the 2nd FAQ for this game, I'm gonna rewrite most of it. Probably because while I was writing the first faq, it was also my first time playing too :) HEHEHE But now that I'm a Punchout Vet, it means you benefit too. ALSO! Special Circuit added! Hey! Welcome to Super Punchout. An amazing sequal to the classic game PUNCHOUT on NES. This game in my opinion is one of the best for the Super Nintendo. Anyways, enough with the boring chit chat. UPDATED: -offense -counter punches -world circuit -major circuit *NEW* -special circuit *NEW* -Code for Music/Sound test *NEW* -GUEST WRITER Matt Renfrow for Rick Bruiser!!!!! Control: Offense: Okay, there's 3 buttons for punching. One's for left punch, one's for right punch, and one's for Special/Super, whatever hell you wanna call it. Holding up while pressing the left or right punch cause your character to aim for the head of your opponent. Leaving the controller in neutral will make your guy punch in the torso. This also works for super punching except you don't get to choose left or right punch. :( Ah well. Now it's time for me to explain head punches and torso punches. When you catch your opponent missing a punch on you and you punch back, the opponent is caught in a dizzy. Usually you can get 3 punches in a row before your opponent gets out of the dizzy. This depends on what opponent and which kinda punch you catch him out of. With HEAD punches, you can tell when the opponent will come out of the dizzy. When you punch in the head and your opponents head get's knocked straight back, you can punch him again. If his head get's knocked to the side when you punch him in the head, then he'll most likely block or dodge your next punch. TORSO punches have no indication of the amount of punches that can be thrown in a row. However, they are FASTER and usually STRONGER than head punches. Super punches are used for UPPERCUTS/HOOKS and RAPID punches. An uppercut/hook does A LOT more damage than any other punch. However it takes a long time to charge and you can only use this punch when your super meter if full. Same with Rapid punches. It has to be full to use. Rapid punches are punches that don't do as much as HOOKS/UPPERCUTS but more that normal punches, AND they hit in succession. Depending on your level bar, you can usually tag up to 3 hits. Defense: You can dodge or parry in this game, all determined by the direction pad. PARRYING: When you leave it in neutral, you block your torso area. Punches from the opponent that are aimed in your torso area will be blocked. *Note: Some opponents will cause block damage. When you hold up on your direction pad you guard your head area. DODGING: When you hold left or right, you quickly dash yourself the the left or right. This will cause you to avoid almost all punches directed at you. The most primary defense in the game. Holding down will cause you to dodge punches aimed at your head. Counterpunches are punches that you land on the opponent when they are in the middle of punching you. The easiest punches to counter of the computer's is the ducking uppercut. Eg, when you see him duck, just punch him in the torso, and POOF you get points for a counterpunch. :p Game: Each boxer has a stamina meter. e.g. Fighting games. When you get hit it goes down. When it is gone you get punched out. If recovers at a very slow rate, faster when you avoid punching. Even faster when you land punches on opponent. A player is defeated in 2 ways, a TKO or a KO; TKO stands for Technical Knockout. This is when you pass out your opponent 3 times. KO stands for just Knockout. This is when you beat your opponent so badly, that he's too chicken/hurt or just too unconscious to fightback. This involves quick punches and a few super punches. *Note: You must defeat your opponent in under 3 minutes, otherwise the computer automaticall wins. Crap eh? So make sure you keep an eye on that timer. If it takes your mother than a minute to pass him out once, then you better hurry up! Strategies: The best time to punch your opponent is after a dodge or parry. It's more easier to retaliate after a dodge cause it takes more skill to dodge than to parry. To dodge, you must recognise each charater's animation sequence before he punches. Most of them bring back their arm or some other visible sequence before they punch. To parry, you keep an eye of where he is holding his fists. If they are near his head, you hold up. If they are near his chest, then you just leave in neutral. Retaliating after parries is ALOT harder than dodging. *Note: Careful not to dodge to early, otherwise you'll land right into a punch. If you've accidently dodged to early, you can extend your dodge animation by holding the direction. Once you find your opponents punching sequence and know when to dodge, it's time to kick some retaliating *ss! As soon as you come out of the dodge, start pounding they punches. I don't think it really matters where you hit him or with left or right punches. It's your choice. But some opponents take more damage in certain areas and some characters take NO damage from certain areas. You can usually punch 3 times in a row before your opponent will block. Some remember to only punch 3 times, otherwise your opponent will parry or block your 4th hit and retaliate. However, sometimes it is possible to hit 4 times in a row. But you can never be sure when or when you can't, so I use what I call "4 Hit Safety". When you dodge a punch, aim for his head 3 times and aim his torso for the 4th hit. This will work on MOST opponents. Since torso punches are a bit quicker, usually after the 3rd hit the computer will retaliate but the torso punch is quick so it usually hits the computer before he can land his punch on you. AND, if the computer is still dizzy after the 3rd hit, you won't miss it because you're punching him 4 times anyway. AND, on most computers, if he blocks the 4th, you should have enuff time to be ready for his retaliation. If you wanna be careful and not have a little fun :), you can tell when the computer will be dizzy after your next hit by looking at his head. When you retaliate, look at his head when you punch him. If his head gets knocked straight back, it's okay to hit him again. But if his head knocks to the side, then he CAN block the next hit. However, usually they'll try retaliate and if you hit him with the 4 hit safety, you'll probably hit him first with the torso punch. Please note that the Dizzy Check ONLY works for HEAD PUNCHES. There is no way to check the torso punches. So why bother punch in the torso? They usually do more damage on most characters and they tend to be a tad quicker. Another great little move I use is called the "Special Dizzy". This only works when you have a super. Instead of doing a 4 Hit Safety after retaliating, do this: PUNCH PUNCH SUPER. Does great damage. You can choose which super, as it doesn't really matter. *Note: Multiple hits work because the computer gets into a dizzy when you hit them. This allows you to get 3 straight hits on MOST opponents before they get out of the dizzy, hence the 4th hit is a safety. Please note some opponents are only dizzy for the first 2 hits. So the 3rd hit would have to be the safety. Some opponents are 4 hits so you can add on a 5th safety hit. Remember, in order to do the Special Dizzy combo effectively, you must replace the last hit before the safety, with a Special. If you're never sure if the computer will block the next hit, do the Dizzy Check. One last note. You can RECOVER health in many ways. For one thing, it recovers by itself slowly. 2nd, if you punch someone that's not a retaliatory punch, you get a bit of health. Lastly, if you punch someone out, keep pressing the buttons during the count, and you'll get health back real quick. Walkthrough: ************* Minor Circuit ************* GABBY JAY: Okay, as you can figure, this guy really sucks. You can do 2 things to beat this guy'ss easy *ss. Just pound him, though he does know how to block. Or just wait for him to punch and retaliate. His punch sequence is really easy to pick out. As soon as you get super, use it on him. BEAR HUGGER: This guy is THE EASIEST guy in the game. It's so easy to beat him without taking a single hit. Bear Hugger is immune to hits aimed at the torso. If you try, he just laughs at you. So always aim for the head. As soon as the round starts, aim for his head. He'll probably block, then IMMEDIATELY hold down to duck his Thunder Clap move. Then just keep punching him in the head. When he blocks again, duck IMMEDIATELY cause he'll do his Thunder Clap again. Then stand up and punch him silly. Keep repeating this patter and you'll beat him no sweat. After 3 times you'll get supers and instead of just punching him after ducking his T C move, just super him. I beat this guy in 28 seconds. PISTON HURRICANE: This guys a bit more difficult. But it's a simple formula: Pick out his punch animation and retaliate when you can. He has a Rapid Power Punch super move which is pretty tricky. While fighting, before he pulls it out, he'll sway to the left then right or vice versa. This will tell you he's gonna pull out the Rapid Power punch super. He'll rush in and punch HIGH, LOW, HIGH, LOW, HIGH, LOW, UPPERCUT, UPPERCUT. So to block this, just press UP, NEUTRAL, UP, NEUTRAL, UP, NEUTRAL, LEFT, RIGHT, then punch his head out. BALD BULL: This guys is the hard guy in the whole circuit. Pick out his punching animation sequence and be ready to dodge a lot. He has a bad *ss Ragin' Bull super which takes a lot of damage. However, he punches a lot so there's a lot of room to retaliate. You should beat him once you figure him out. *By Matt Renfrow: When he does his bull charge, on his 3rd hop give him one quick body punch and he'll kiss the mat. When his cornerman shouts "COUNTER ATTACK" then he only has 2 hops before he hits you. When he does this, it's better to dodge REALLY fast and come back with several successive jabs to his face. ************* MAJOR CIRCUIT ************* BOB CHARLIE: He's easy. Find his punch sequence, blah blah etc. And retaliate. He's only got one super and it's really easy to dodge. He'll pull back from the fight and do this weird pose, you'll know when you see it. He "coos" too. Then he'll do 3 uppercuts in a row. The first 2 uppercuts won't reach near you. But the 3rd will. So just duck the 3rd one. It's that easy :) His other super, the 2 Hit Uppercut will start when he starts to bob his mits up and down. Just leave the direction pad on neutral. Should take care of it. Oh yeah, 4 Hit Safety works wonders on this guy. DRAGON CHAN: This guy was REALLY hard to figure out. He has 3 supers and they're all not good news. First of all, it is REALLY hard to pick out his punching sequence. It'll take some time with this guy. Lemme start with how to retaliate. He has 2 punches only. A hi and a lo punch. When he is about to high punch, we will have his fists near his head and he will move them in a circular motion. When you see this, dodge immediately. Don't mistaken this circulay motion for his "twitches". He does this alot with his fists when he holds them high. It's a distinct CIRCULAR motion. When he hits lo, is tricker. This guy likes to move around a lot. When he does, he snaps to the left and right, and YOU ALSO move a bit the left and right shadowing him. But when he moves to the left and right but YOU DON'T move, then he's about to punch low, and it's time to dodge. His punches are EXTREMELY quick so you'll have to be quick too. The 4 hit safety does't work well on him don't use it often. Sometimes.. As i sad before, he has "3" supers. That's alot! :) The first one is a real bitch cause if he hits you with it, you're automatically passed out. I've been hit by this with FULL HEALTH and still you lose ALL of it when you get hit. So remember, ONE HIT, BYE BYE. Here's how you dodge the Jumping Dragon Death. He'll jump to the ropes of the ring TWICE before he attacks you with a drop kick on the third jump. So remember, 2 jumps and the DUCK! He changes the timing on the drop kick so here's the trick. Hold down only when you heard him yell, (turn up the speaker) before his third jump/attack. He usually does 3 or 4 of these supers in a row. His other super is a standing jump kick. This also does a lot of damage but it doesn't pass you out. It takes about 1/3 of your full health. The way you dodge the Jumping Dragon is this, while you're fighting, he'll start to move his fists up and down. Sometimes you'll see some chinese words from a word balloon. When this happens get ready to dodge left or right. Dragon Chan will move either left of you or right. Just be patient, this if a fairly easy move to dodge. If he's on your right, dodge left. Vice Versa. His last super is his Healing Factor super. He is completey vulnerable when he's in this stance. It's a good idea to try to have a super when this happens. You'll see him completey disappear from the ring. When this happens hold down the super and BOOM! he get's hit :) If you don't have a super just punch his lights out. One last note, Dragon Chan takes a while to beat. So keep an eye on the clock. UPDATE: I've found a REALLY easy way to beat this guy. As soon as he starts his animation sequence to punch you, just counter punch him. Since your torso punches are MUCH QUICKER than any of HIS punches, just punch him! :) Also, try to keep your super with this guy. I've beaten him in 48 seconds without even getting hit. Just hold on to that super! MASKED MUSCLE: This guy is quite easy. Again, get his punch sequence down. He has 2 supers. First he has his Spit super. You'll know when this happens when a word balloon pops up. Don't dodge immediately. There's a delay. Watch after the balloon pops up, and catch his head pull back. This is when you dodge. When you come out of the dodge, smack his head a few times and tell him not to play dirty. The 4 Hit Safety works AMAZING on this guy. The 4th hit usually hits him out of a punch. If you DO get spit on, and you probably will, he'll turn gray and you won't be able to punch. You can still defend though. This guy only has one super so he shouldn't be too hard. One of the hardest things to do is though, to retaliate against his high punches. They are too quick to effectively retaliate, so whenever he has his mits high, he's about to throw high punches, so just leave the direction pad up and wait until he pulls another move, and retaliate that. SANDMAN: This guy is pretty much like Masked Muscle until you pass him out twice. When he comes back the 3rd time, he's is SO FRIGGIN HARD! Anyhow, this guy has 2 supers. One is the "Rekka Ken". He punches you 3 times really quickly with uppercuts. However, if you get hit by the first hit, you can't do anything about the 2nd hit, but then you can dodge the 3rd hit if you're quick enough. But if you don't wanna get hit at all, block it with this sequence: High Block, High Block, Dodge or Duck. You'll know he's about to pull this move out when he studders his mits up and down. This move does about 75% damage if you hits with all 3 hits, so don't get hit! His other super, the "Rising Uppercut", isn't really a super but there's an intro to this move so, oh well. Anyhow, he starts to studder his FEET, and you can hear this if you turn the volumeup. All yo have to do is remember generally how long he studders and then just duck or dodge. It does fair damage. Sandman's right punch is a lot quicker than his left. His uppercut is DELAYED. So if you tried to dodge it like a normal punch, you'll land RIGHT ON his uppercut when you come back. So remember that when you see him go low, he's about to do an uppercut, either wait a tad bit, or hold extra long on the dodge. It's better to wait a tad because you come out of a dodge when you don't hold extra long, but it's also a bit harder to react to. Also, you can tack on 4 hits in a row after this uppercut before he comes out of his dizzy. If you have a super, then this is my favorite move; duck his uppercut, then punch,punch,punch,super rapid punch. >:> You get about 8 hits if you do it right. Also, always throw torso punches at Sandman. It does more damage. *UPDATE* Again, with Dragon Chan, There are ALOT of moves you can counter with this guy. Counter work great because you don't have to block or dodge his moves AND you beat him faster :) ************* World Circuit ************* AARON RYAN: This guy's pretty easy until you get into his supers. One of his supers is the Drain Hold. You'll see a word balloon that says "Grab Him". There's really not much you can do. However, you CAN punch him out of trying to grab you but it's REALLY hard. So as soon as he grabs you, rapidly press the buttons otherwise he drains your life. One thing that is really important is that as soon as you break his Drain Hold, he'll always do an uppercut at the end of it. So get ready to dodge it and retaliate. Another one of his supers is the Beserker Barrage. You'll know he's about to do it when he backs off and starts moving to the left and right. Then he charges and and punchs LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH UPPERCUT HIGH LOW HIGHT LOW HIGHT LOW UPPERCUT. Blocking this is synch. However, you must block the first 6 hits in order for him to pull out the uppercut. If he hit's you with any of the first 6 hits, he'll just keep on punching you. So you HAVE to block 6 hits for him to pull out the uppercut. You can retaliate after the first uppercut so he won't pull out the 2nd sequence of his super on you. Try to use supers on him as much as you can. It'll make life a lot easier. His punchs are very quick, as are almost everyone in the world circuit, so be ready to tap. One good thing is that if you dodge to early, HOLD IT. His punches are so quick that if you dodge to early and hold, by the time you come out of his dodge, it's a good chance he's thrown his punch and you can retaliate :) *UPDATE* Try not to use the Hook on him. Because he'll try to grab you with the hook EVERYTIME you land a hook on him. Instead use the Rapid punch. He'll grab you with the Rapid Punch if you land a lot of hits on him. The best defense against this hold is to keep punching into his torso. That usually works. HEIKE KAGERO: This guy is ONE BAD *SS mother. He's got lightning quick punches. You REALLY have to anticipate his punches. He's got 3 supers both which are painful. One his his Hair Sweep. You'll know he'll do this when he twirls his hair around and ducks REALLY LOW, and then he'll swipe you with his hair TWICE. I emphasize REALLY low because, this is REALLY easy to mix this move up with his uppercut if you're not watching carefully. Remember that he'll twirl his hair around first. I haven't figured out how to avoid the first hair swipe but you duck the second one. He has another super, the Mirage Dance. You'll know he'll pull this off by the word balloon at the side. He just teleports and disappears but then he reappears ALWAYS in the centre, and immediately uppercuts you. So while he's phazing in and out, just be ready to spot his hand go back to punch you, as soon as you see that, just tap the dodge key lightly and retaliate. Remember that his punches are DAMN quick. You really want to do the Dizzy Check on this guy. Here's a good strategy, since this guy is friggin hard. Watch for him to punch, the dodge and punch him in the head about 3 times or until he's out of the dizzy. As SOON you finish your last punch, press the dodge key and IMMEDIATELY look at him. If he pulls his hand back, HOLD the dodge key and let go when he's released his punch and then you're free to retaliate. If he hasn't pull his hand back, then quickly let go of the dodge and get ready to dodge his next punch. Also, he when he does big uppercuts, he does them 2 in a row. One to each side. So get ready to dodge 2. It's not that hard to pick out. One more thing, he has a semi super, where he twitches left and right. Block high until he punches you 3 times and the dodge his 4rth uppercut. *UPDATE* Okay, this guy is REALLY EASY for me now :) Here's how you dodge his hair thingy. As soon as you see the hair animation, DODGE LEFT and hold, when it finishes, DUCK and HOLD. The kick his *ss. He does the samething at the beginning of the round everytime so here's how you get the first 8 or so punches. Watch for him to dodge, the punch him 3 times, then after third punch, IMMEDIATELY DODGE and hold, because he'll immediately punch you. So after he misses his 2nd punch. Hit him again. Then this process repeats for one more time :) MAD CLOWN: This guy is really weird. He has moves that you won't be used to, AND he can only be hit in the head. His punches, like most world circuit players, are REALLY fast. Like as fast as Haike. He's got 3 supers. They're not too bad. One of them, he rolls back and pulls out these balls that he starts juggling. Then he'll throw 2 balls at you. Either LEFT, MIDDLE or RIGHT. Since there are 2 balls, there's only one safe place to be. So make sure you're there when he throws them. It's REALLY easy to dodge them. He throw's 3 sets, then he'll twirl and jump ON YOU! So make sure you duck as soon as you see him twirl. If he gets you with this, bye bye! Even with full house. >:( Another one of his supers, he pulls up his pants and then CLAPS down on your head. Not a good thing. Just duck when you see him pull up his pants. His last super, he starts pointing at his pants and then WHAM! He uppercuts you. Don't dodge to early for this one. Wait till you see him take back his punch. This clown is a really good fighter. He'll retaliate you, if you miss a punch. And the "time window" to retaliate after one of his missed punches is really small so only punch him when you are pretty sure you'll hit. If not, it's better to just skip it and get ready for the next punch. Also, watchout for his Elbow Slam. It's REALLY delayed so WAIT 1/2 a second before you dodge. If you dodge to quickly, quickly release the dodge button and press it a gain. This is REALLY hard to spot and avoid! Good LUCK! *UPDATE* In the 3 round, he has this new move where he can punch you in the head 3 times quickly in a row. So whenever you see his fists up in the 3rd round. You throw your fists up too! SUPER MACHOMAN Okay, I held out on beating this guy because the game would be more fun. But.... He has 5 supers. They're EXTREMELY easy to block. Just pay attention to the word balloons on the side. If it says "A" then block high. He'll do 4 quick punches to your head. You can hit him 4 times if you block this. If it says Fighting Method "B", the just leave the block in neutral. You can't hit him out of this. "C" you have to tap Duck 3 times REALLY quickly. He uppercuts your 3 times. I haven't been able to hit him out of this either. Another one of his supers is him shaking one of his gloves. If you see this. DUCK! He has the big *ss windup punch that REALLY hurts. He also has another super where he turns half way around. DUCK again! He does those big *ss windup punches except he does them 3-4 times in a ROW! So again, you have to duck them quickly. Good news is that you can hit him out of this even ducked extra by accident. In the 3rd round, nothing special happens except his punches get MUCH QUICKER! Still beatable though. :) *************** Special Circuit *************** You have to ACE all 3 circuits to get into this circuit. Incredibly hard. :) Narcis Prince: If you've made it this far, then this guy is pretty easy. Just remember, he always punches in pairs. That means if he's gonna high punch you, he'll do it twice. So dodge, then counter, and immediately dodge again and counter again. :) He has one super, and he "vibrates" around before he does it. Hold up to block the whole super and then counter with 4 straight punches :) The only worry is beating this guy in time. It takes a while because he likes to wait around before punches. Oh yeah, one last thing. No MATTER how fast you think your punches are, or no matter how long you think he'll be in his punch delays, YOU CANNOT punch his face. He'll dodge or block in EVERYTIME. So, yep you guessed it, always aim for his torso. Hoy Quarlow: This guy will be THE hardest guy you will come up against so far. That is untill you get up to the next guy; if you get up to him :) He attacks are delayed so you'll have to pick out his attacks are learn to dodge a little later than usual. He's still feckin' hard if you ask me. First time i played him he ACED me in 32 seconds. Took me about 3 hours to be able finally tell myself he's easy. :P Okay, here's the run down. He has this move where he brings his cane way up high, as soon as you see this, DON'T DODGE right away! Hold dodge at the last possible second and hold it long! He strikes 3 times with this so if you dodge out of it right you can retaliate. If you don't think you can work with this awkward time, just block high through the whole thing and dodge immediately because he'll throw an upper right after this move and you can punch him out of this. This is the FIRST move he'll do in the match. Oh yeah, in order to hit him with consecutive hits, you have to mix up your punches, eg. Left Punch, Right Punch, Left Punch and so on. His uppercuts you have to dodge a slight early. But you can hit him really nicely out of it. He has a kick which you can dodge as soon as you see him start. The nice thing is that since some of these moves are delayed and some aren't. So just hold the dodge button until you see if it's a delayed move or not. The only thing that's HORRIBLE about this is one of his supers. You instinctivly dodge when you see this except it's a ducking move and by the time you realise what've you done, WHAM! it's too late and it takes about 1/3 of your life. Gets me ALL the time :( Wait, I think I've ducked it once ;). Another one of his supers, he jitters around and does 4 sets of 3 rush punches. The FIRST time he does it, block the first 2 high, then the last 2 low. The 2nd time he does it, block the 1st and 3rd blow and 2nd and 4rth high. The 3rd time, is the same as first and the fourth is same as 2nd etc. His last super, his jump sweeps. These things are so easy to dodge. Just start to add punches on the 4th or 5th ones to retaliate. *By Matt Renfrow: I know when he does his uppercut where you have to duck. Whenever he does a lone straight punch, block it, of course. Then DUCK right then, cuz he always does that right after the strong straight punch =) Rick Bruiser: (By Big Matt =]) This guy looks bad, but once you fight him a couple times he isn't THAT bad... It only took me a few days to be able to beat him =) AAAAAAAAAAAAnyway, Whenever he lowers his guard to his face, punch him once, then block HIGH because he'll reel back and do a straight punch to your face. When he starts to shake and disappear in and out, he will do one of two things, so immediately block low. 1) He will do a left body hook, a straight head jab, then an uppercut. Block low, then block high, then dodge to the left or right and give him a left body punch to get back at his uppercut. He'll be stunned and you can get in 5 or 6 punches to his face. 2) He will jump up and bring his elbow down. Dodge at the very last possible second and HOLD IT, do not release the left or right button, he will come up with an uppercut that will have you kissing the mat groping for your mouthpiece. If you successfully dodge, you will be able to try and give him a series of counterpunches. I've never been able to do this because he comes back so quickly. It CAN be done however. Sometimes when you do a body punch to him, he will come down with his elbow onto your hand. Your glove will be glowing purple, and you'll probably notice that you can't use that hand. For about 15 or 20 seconds you can't use that hand, it's a pain to try and hit him since usually you have to use a left-right combo on him when you counterpunch. Also, keep your eye when he does his uppercuts. If he does a left or right uppercut, you will have to retaliate with a body punch in that direction, a face jab will not reach. If he uppercuts to the center, hold your dodge for a few extra seconds for him to come down with his elbow. Also, he is fairly susceptible to your super flurry, usually you can get in 4 or 5 before he blocks. This guy is pretty tough, but he's no match for his brother, Nick, although he claims otherwise =) Nick Bruiser: He's not nice :( He's a lot like his brother. Except, faster, stronger, more smarter of course :) I'm not gonna blab too much on this guy cause, As I said, that would not be fair :) Just remember that you have to cross up your punches to juggle him in dizzies like with Hoy. His supers are his elbo flying smash and his rapid punches. Both are easy to pick up. Just lasting in the ring with him is the hardest part. Hang in there :) Any problems, email me as the last resort. :) CODES: This from Sega Sages To get the music test, hold L+R during the Nintendo sequence. The press A button to listen to the sounds/songs. Well that's it! Hope you liked the FAQ, if there's more demand, I'll release a SuperFAQ FINAL. But I doubt I'll ever have the time or patience for that. But you never know ;) |X|treme --------------7C8D32F1CDB3831576E6557C--