SUPER STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI By: Zapto369 Created on: November 22, 2006 Finished on:December 22, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------- This guide is a strict copyright of the brilliant and geeky Zapto 369. ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 0---Revision History 1---Introduction 2---Controls 3---Advice 4---Walkthrough -Landspeeder -Tatooine -Jabba's Dance Hall -Jabba's Palace -Rancor Pit -Attack on Sail Barge -Inside Sail Barge -Endor Speeder Bikes -Ewok Village A -Ewok Village B -Endor -In Space -Power Generator -Inside Death Star -On Death Star -Tower -Tower Entrance-Vader -Emperor's Chamber -Entering Death Star -Exiting Death Star 5---Bosses 6---Exclusive Passwords 7---FAQ 8---Epilogue/Acknowledgements 9---Legal Information ----------------------------------------------------------- Revision History R1- Today, on the creation of this guide, I merely did the table of contents. November 22, 2006. R2- I did the introduction and advice sections but I will have to wait until this weekend to do the other sections. November 26, 2006. R3- After a long day of evil math projects, I managed to complete the controls section, and the landspeeder and Tatooine levels. December 2, 2006. R4- Man, I've been takin' care of business today! I did all the levels from the dance hall all the way to Ewok village A and added some stuff to the controls section. December 9, 2006. R5- Tonight, all I did was the two Ewok levels. Winter break is coming so I'll have much more time to work on this guide. December 15, 2006. R6- I am finally on Winter break! You all know what that means: Super power playing time!! Incidentally, I fully completed the controls section as well as the next 3 levels. December 20, 2006. R7- Today, this guide is done for good! Happy Holidays!! December 22, 2006. ----------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Welcome one and all to my 3rd guide for Return of the Jedi for SNES. Now, you may be thinking, "why is he doing a guide for a super Nintendo game in this day and age"? Well, let me tell you, I am an old guy. I love star wars (mostly the trilogy) and this game has only one guide written about it. So I figured, what the heck! And here it is! ----------------------------------------------------------- Controls On foot: B- jump Y- Attack A- Use special (the force, grenades, etc.) X- Use thermal detonator (if you have one) Select- Change Force (as Luke) Landspeeder: B- Boost Y- Jump X and A- No use Speeder Bike: Y- Fire Millennium Falcon: Y- Fire X- Shield (in space) ----------------------------------------------------------- Advice This is a pretty simple game, but I will give you some simple advice before I begin the walkthrough. 1. This game's levels are mostly straightforward so just move along through the levels following my guide. 2. You have probably heard this a million times, but if you are playing as Luke, use the force! It can help you in many ways. 3. Don't give up! Although the bosses and levels may seen impossible (believe me, I know the feeling), they are all beat-able (except maybe the very last level). That is all the general advice I have to give before the actual walkthrough. Good luck!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Let's get this show on the road shall we? -------------------- Landspeeder As the level begins, you are in a landspeeder headed for Jabba's palace. Press and hold B for a rocket boost and use Y to jump. Basically, always use boost (as it helps you on the jumps) and avoid the rock heads. Note that you can jump over the little ones. When you first start, your distance meter is at about 1000. As you go, it steadily decreases. When it reaches 0, you clear the level. Note that the sky gets brighter as you get closer. After you finish, you begin to climb the mountainside to the palace of Jabba the Hutt… ----------------------------------------------------------- Tatooine Character of choice: Leia Leia? Yes I choose Leia for this level. Luke can easily beat the level, but has a hard time with the boss. Chewie can easily beat the boss, but has a hard time with the level. Leia is all around good. Basically, stay along the high areas of this level and keep jumping along the rocks. At the end is R2-D2 (if you die, you will start back from there) and the boss. Palace Guard This guy is not as tough as he looks. If you took my advice and used Leia, keep your distance and shoot a super blast (press and hold Y until you're charged up) when you get one. If you use Chewie, stay back and continuously shoot blaster fire. If you use Luke, die and choose one of the other two. You should be able to beat this guy in no time and enter the palace… ----------------------------------------------------------- Jabba's Dance Hall Character of choice: Luke This level could be absolute torture, unless you know how to deal with it. If you use Luke, slash through your enemies until you get to those guys who pick you up and punch the shizzle out of ya. Use the force to freeze them and kill them in one swift slash. Continue like that and you'll win easily, until the boss that is. Jabba's Guard If you notice, this is the same guy from the movie who meets C3PO and R2 at the beginning. If you use Luke, it will be a long battle with no guarantee of success. However, you can shoot his lasers back at him. I however, use Chewie because, if you shoot directly in the center of the room, a power-up will appear. Get it and blast him like there's no tomorrow. Once he's out of the way, it's time to trek deeper into Jabba's lair… ----------------------------------------------------------- Jabba's Palace Character of choice: Luke This level is super easy and you should have no problem getting through. Just keep on going until you reach the boss. Giant Frog This dude is just as easy as the level itself. As Luke, just run up to it and continuously slash it to death. It spits frogs, but don't worry about them. Just focus on the big fella. After that, Luke and company get thrown into the lair of the Rancor… ----------------------------------------------------------- Rancor Pit Character of choice: Han or Chewie This level is kinda tricky so be on your toes for erupting volcanoes and annoying bats (why is it always bats?). If you play as Chewie or Han, you will have no problem upgrading to at least rapid ion (which is pretty sweet!). After a long level, you will find the big man himself, the rancor monster. Rancor Pit Monster Unlike in the movie, here you have a blaster or lightsaber. If you are using Luke, you stand no chance of winning, so die and pick one of the others. As Han or Chewie however, it's easy to blast this guy to oblivion. Just jump to dodge his fire blasts and keep on blasting till another one bites the dust. Now, Luke and co. are on Jabba's sail barge running across the desert to the Sarlacc Pit… ----------------------------------------------------------- Attack on Sail Barge Character of choice: Luke This level is pretty tricky, but if you have the Force as your ally, it can be easier. Start off as Luke and use Force freeze on the guns when you see them. Note: if you hit the force button at exactly the right moment while you are jumping, you will be raised up unto the next platform. If you didn't make it, you'll have to take the long way. Either way, turn left at the top to find R2 and some power-ups. Then continue on the boss. Elephant Guard This guy looks tough, sounds annoying and carries a big chain (not a big stick). But he is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Use Luke and slash him repeatedly until he either jumps or swings his chain. If he does the latter, jump and resume slashing. If he jumps, follow him. Use Force heal if you're about to die. After the guard is out, Luke and co. enter the sail barge to deliver the final blow the Jabba the Hutt… ----------------------------------------------------------- Inside Sail Barge Character of choice: Han Solo This is a cool level in an almost factory area. Also, if you destroy enough crates, you can easily get blaster power-ups. Speaking of power-ups, when you go up the first big chute, turn right to find R2. Jump onto to platforms above him and go left to find 2 extra lives, big hearts, and blaster power-ups. That gives you at least proton seekers! At the end of the level, you finally fight the big man himself. Jabba the Hutt Although you would expect Jabba to be really hard, he's really not. Just stand at the leftmost part of the screen and let slip a steady stream of blaster fire. Hopefully the annoying little frogs he spits out will jump into the line of fire, however you may need to go out of your way to silence that little orange freak. After Jabba's reign of terror is finally over, Luke and co. must go to Endor to shut down the shield generator… ----------------------------------------------------------- Endor Speeder Bikes Character of choice: Luke There really is no difference in your character choice (except for gender) so pick whoever you want. This level is very easy and should be no problem whatsoever. Just wait until the enemy speeders pass you by, then blast em. After you defeat all of the speeders, the Ewok horn goes off and two Ewok levels must come… ----------------------------------------------------------- Ewok Village A Character of choice: Wicket This level can be somewhat tricky if you don't know what you're doing. Just climb to the highest point and take the elevators up and across to the boss area. Flying Blaster Droid This guy is E-A-S-Y! Just stand in one place and blast him with arrows and kill the scout troopers if need be to get hearts. After this level, you must play another as an Ewok… ----------------------------------------------------------- Ewok Village B Character of choice: Wicket This is my most hated level in this game! Luckily, I do have some shortcuts that make it easier. When you get to the first tree, shoot arrows at the side and climb to the top. As some advice, shoot those giant preying mantises from a distance and destroy all the pots immediately before those damn frogs start jumping all over the place. Luckily, the boss is easier than the level. Forest Tiger This one is just as easy as the previous boss. Just stand at a good distance away from him and barrage him with arrows. When he charges, jump and continue shooting. After he's done for, Luke most confront Vader leaving Endor behind… ----------------------------------------------------------- Endor Character of choice: Luke This level can be kind of tricky, so be on your toes. Firstly, if it seems you can not continue, find a lift elevator and go up. When you reach a docking area, you know you are almost up to the boss. Flying attack ship This is a not so hard boss if you stay focused. All you have to do is destroy the big mother ship. Do not waste time and health attacking the big robots, only attack the ship. Use Force heal if you need it. Now Lando and Nein Numb must hold of the Imperial fleet giving time for Han and co. to destroy the shield generator… ----------------------------------------------------------- In Space This is quite the classic arcade level. Simply destroy an x amount of Ties and you win. You can also use X to activate the shield if you need it. Now Han and co. have finally entered the shield generator core… ----------------------------------------------------------- Power Generator Character of choice: Han Solo This level is a pain in the a-ctually, there is a secret that can make it easier. When you reach the R2 by the platforms, jump to the ledge above it and collect a lot of coins and enough power-ups to get you up to plasma wave (the best). Once you have that, it's almost easy to reach the end. Generator Core All you have to do is keep jumping from platform to platform, dodge the laser, and blast it. If you got plasma wave like I said, you should have this boss beaten in all of 1 and a half minutes. Now that the shield generator is down, Luke can get inside the death star and head for the emperor's chambers… ----------------------------------------------------------- Inside Death Star Character of choice: Luke I really don't have much to say about this level except for that if you miss the lifts here and there, just move off screen and they will reappear. At the end is a really easy boss. Twin Destroyer Bots These two tough guys are the stronger version of the bots in the Endor boss fight. First, face right and block there shots. Then turn right and do the same. When they hover and shoot, jump up and slash 'em. Once there out of the way, Nein Numb and Lando begin their attack on the Death Star… ----------------------------------------------------------- Millennium Falcon on Death Star This one is a bit harder than the last Falcon level. All you gotta do is move around and destroy the TIES. There is a slight catch: for unknown reasons, the hearts that the TIES leave behind are almost impossible to get! Good luck. Now Luke has made it to the tower of the dark lord of the Empire… ----------------------------------------------------------- Tower Character of choice: Luke This is a somewhat longer level than previous ones, but that doesn't make it harder. Just fight your way up through the few floors until you find a destroyer bot. dispatch him as you did the previous two in the earlier level and move on to the real boss. Royal Guard This is but one of the Emperor's personal bodyguards. If you have a strategic strategy, use it. If not, use my simple plan of going mad on him and using Force Heal when needed. Once he is dead, Luke must confront his father, once and for all… ----------------------------------------------------------- Tower Entrance-Vader Character of choice: Luke The first part of this level is a simple fight with two of the royal guards. The second part is not so easy. Darth Vader Vader may look tough, and quite frankly, he is. I have no definite strategy to beat him; except for the best time to strike is when he is floating in the air. When he's attacking, I advise that you block. With your skills and the Force as your ally, you will eventually prevail. After he is defeated it is time for the final showdown with the dark emperor… ----------------------------------------------------------- Emperor's Chamber Character of choice: Do I really need to say? This level is just one big boss fight. And it's a hard one. The Emperor This is by far the hardest boss fight in the game! I have only one good strategy to beat him. The first one is my favorite and includes a lot of force power. Wait until he lands somewhere and shoots lightning. Use Force Vanish and rapidly slash him with all you've got! When you start to run low on power, break some of the containers for Force power. If and when you totally run out, stand on the far right of the screen and put up your lightsaber as a shield until he lands in front of you. Then slash him health or not. It's a long shot, but it might work if you do it correctly. Once the Emperor finally is defeated, the Falcon enters the Death Star, ready for its final attack… ----------------------------------------------------------- Entering Death Star Compared to the last level, this level is a walk in the industrial park. All you have to do is aim your blasters and blast the TIES. At the end of a long tunnel, the level ends and part 2 begins. ----------------------------------------------------------- Exiting Death Star This level is the hardest level of them all! For the record, I have never beaten this level, but I have some hints that may come in handy. Firstly, you can use Select to switch between Real and Flat (whatever that means) and you must use the B button to accelerate enough to escape the flames. Good luck and if anyone ever beats this, tell me! CONGRADULATIONS!!! You have completed the game!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Bosses Palace Guard This guy is not as tough as he looks. If you took my advice and used Leia, keep your distance and shoot a super blast (press and hold Y until you're charged up) when you get one. If you use Chewie, stay back and continuously shoot blaster fire. If you use Luke, die and choose one of the other two. You should be able to beat this guy in no time. Jabba's Guard If you notice, this is the same guy from the movie who meets C3PO and R2 at the beginning. If you use Luke, it will be a long battle with no guarantee of success. However, you can shoot his lasers back at him. I however, use Chewie because, if you shoot directly in the center of the room, a power-up will appear. Get it and blast him like there's no tomorrow. Giant Frog This dude is just as easy as the level itself. As Luke, just run up to it and continuously slash it to death. It spits frogs, but don't worry about them. Just focus on the big fella. Rancor Pit Monster Unlike in the movie, here you have a blaster or lightsaber. If you are using Luke, you stand no chance of winning, so die and pick one of the others. As Han or Chewie however, it's easy to blast this guy to oblivion. Just jump to dodge his fire blasts and keep on blasting till another one bites the dust. Elephant Guard This guy looks tough, sounds annoying and carries a big chain (not a big stick). But he is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Use Luke and slash him repeatedly until he either jumps or swings his chain. If he does the latter, jump and resume slashing. If he jumps, follow him. Use Force heal if you're about to die. Jabba the Hutt Although you would expect Jabba to be really hard, he's really not. Just stand at the leftmost part of the screen and let slip a steady stream of blaster fire. Hopefully the annoying little frogs he spits out will jump into the line of fire, however you may need to go out of your way to silence that little orange freak. Flying Blaster Droid This guy is E-A-S-Y! Just stand in one place and blast him with arrows and kill the scout troopers if need be to get hearts. Forest Tiger This one is just as easy as the previous boss. Just stand at a good distance away from him and barrage him with arrows. When he charges, jump and continue shooting. Flying attack ship This is a not so hard boss if you stay focused. All you have to do is destroy the big mother ship. Do not waste time and health attacking the big robots, only attack the ship. Use Force heal if you need it. Generator Core All you have to do is keep jumping from platform to platform, dodge the laser, and blast it. If you got plasma wave like I said, you should have this boss beaten in all of 1 and a half minutes. Twin Destroyer Bots These two tough guys are the stronger version of the bots in the Endor boss fight. First, face right and block there shots. Then turn right and do the same. When they hover and shoot, jump up and slash 'em. Royal Guard This is but one of the Emperor's personal bodyguards. If you have a strategic strategy, use it. If not, use my simple plan of going mad on him and using Force Heal when needed. Darth Vader Vader may look tough, and quite frankly, he is. I have no definite strategy to beat him; except for the best time to strike is when he is floating in the air. When he's attacking, I advise that you block. With your skills and the Force as your ally, you will eventually prevail. The Emperor This is by far the hardest boss fight in the game! I have only one good strategy to beat him. The first one is my favorite and includes a lot of force power. Wait until he lands somewhere and shoots lightning. Use Force Vanish and rapidly slash him with all you've got! When you start to run low on power, break some of the containers for Force power. If and when you totally run out, stand on the far right of the screen and put up your lightsaber as a shield until he lands in front of you. Then slash him health or not. It's a long shot, but it might work if you do it correctly. ----------------------------------------------------------- Exclusive Passwords This section is really very cool, for it has actual passwords for some of the levels. You know how sometimes you may say "if I can just beat this one level, I'm sure I can beat all the others"? Well, for that reason, I have passwords for staggered levels that if you want to play any level, it easy to get to. Note that all the levels here are in the easy difficulty. Jabba's Dance Hall- ZJLMRJ Jabba's Palace- LZLKJF Attack on Sail Barge- QZNFPP Ewok Village A- QYXYHB Endor- QDQGKH Inside Death Star- BPFFZQ Tower Entrance/Vader- VQXDQJ Emperor's Chamber- HLQMYL Exiting Death Star- ZZSTXZ Note that these passwords are not foolproof and don't blame me if they don't work. ----------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Well, uh, actually, I don't really have an FAQ yet being that I have gotten any e-mails. But rest assured that when I do get a good, intelligent, question, I will answer it and post it here. If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, send it to Thanks, dudes (and dudettes)! ----------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue/Acknowledgements And so one more guide comes to a close. Doing this guide has certainly brought back some memories. Well, as customary, I will thank all those wonderful people who made this guide possible: 1. The greatest book author of all time, Timothy Zahn. This great man wrote a saga of Star Wars books after the trilogy. These books re-inspired me back into Star Wars which led to this guide. 2. The MP3 Rocket, for doing what you guys do best: providing awesome music! 3. All those cool people out there who are my fans. Recently, I have been receiving questions and such about the various guides I have written as well as compliments. Thanks!! That's a wrap! Goodbye for now but I'll be back for this next guide: Pokemon Stadium 2! However, it might be a specialty guide for it, I don't know yet. Well, see ya!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Legal Information This is a list of what is NOT allowed concerning this guide. 1. Plagiarism. Do not, for any reason, copy anything out of this guide EXCEPT if you mention my name with it. 2. This guide may only be placed on and and and Nowhere else! 3. You may not change or alter this guide in any way without my permission first. 4. You or anyone is not allowed to mass copy this guide and sell it to anyone anywhere, unless you give me a percentage. A printed copy for your own use is allowed. Violators will be prosecuted! As long as these rules are followed, we will all get along just fine. ----------------------------------------------------------- This guide has been brought to you by no other than: [+-][+-] [+-] [+-] [+-][+-]apto369