TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES IV: TURTLES IN TIME FAQ/WALKTHROUGH by Fartman333 computerchad@hotmail.com Version 2.0 Updates 7.27.04 1. Fixed ten lives cheat. 2. Added how to do Power Slam attack. 3. Added a little information to defeat Bebop and Rocksteady bosses. Hello there, I am Fartman and this is my first walkthrough. I hope it helps you. CONTENTS 1. Introduciton 2. Meet the turtles 3. Controls and attacks 4. Walkthrough 5. FAQ 6. Tips and info 7. Legal information INTRODUCTION The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They used to be so cool. In my opinion, they still are! In this game, you play as the four turtles; Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo, and Raphael to try and save the Statue of Liberty. Who could be behind this? Maybe...Shredder? Looks like he's at it again. Time to kick some ninja-butt! But things won't be so easy this time because the turtles are going to be sent back in time! MEET THE TURTLES Who should you choose? Read below and find out who fits your style. LEONARDO: He is the most serious of the turtles. He is the turtle in the blue, and wields a pair of swords. Leonardo is a good choice for beginners, as he is very well-rounded and his stats are all about average. In Leonardo's special attack, he does a sort of spin with his swords. So if it is your first time playing, Leo would be a good choice to get used to the game and it's controls. DONATELLO: Donatello is the smartest of the turtles, and invents many things. I guess you could call him a nerd, but not me! Donatello wears purple, and he uses a staff to bash the baddies. The reason most people choose him is because of his weapon's very long reach. Donatello is the slowest of the four turtles. In Don's Special attack, he pushes off with his staff on the ground to propel himself forward and kick his enemy. So remember to pick Don if you want long reach. MICHAELANGELO: Michaelangelo is the goofy party turtle. He wears yellow bands, and uses his nunchaku. Mikey is definitely the slowest attacker, but because of this, his attacks are extremely powerful. In Mikey's special attack, he jumps forward and swings his nunchaku away from each other. Pick Mikey for power. RAPHAEL: Raphael is the turtle with the attitude. He does not joke around, and is very serious when it comes to combat. Raph is known for his incredible speed. His attacks are very speedy too. His attack and defense are a little below average. I would say use him if you want speed or a good challenge, because playing with Raph can be hard. Raph does a round house looking kick for his special attack. CONTROLS AND ATTACKS Here are the controls and different moves you can do. *All controls are for the "type c" controls. Go to options to change the control style. MAIN CONTROLS Y BUTTON: Use the Y button to perform your turtle's main attack. Each turtle has their own unique combo when you press this button multiple times. You will mash this button a lot. B BUTTON: Use B to jump. That is all you will usually use it for. However, there are many different advanced attacks you can perform while jumping, you'll see later. A BUTTON: Use the A button to do a special attack. The special attack is much stronger than your main attack, but when you make contact with an enemy, it will take a small chunk of your health away, so watch out! X BUTTON: Nothing, at least in type c controls. SELECT: Pause game. ADVANCED ATTACKS Hey don't make fun of the names I have given these attacks, I made them up myself! :) The Bulldozer: Get your turtle to run, (keep walking for auto, double-tap and hold for manual) and press Y to bash a baddie with your shoulder. Continue to press Y to kick the enemy, and then start using your main attack. The Snake: Get your turtle to run, and press X to do a front handspring. Then in the middle of the handspring press Y to slide on your back and knock all of your opponents down. Flying Kick: Start running, then press the A button to do a flying kick. Don't get this confused with the jump kicks! Main Jump Kick: Jump in the air, and in the middle of your jump press Y. Two other jump kicks: For two other types of jump kicks, you can either press Y right before you hit the ground, or right as you leave the ground. Somersault Slice: To do this move, you must press Y at the very top of your jump. Power Slam: This attack is the same as the throw, but instead of pressing and holding the direction you're facing, press and hold the opposite direction you're facing. While doing this attack, you press Y again and again right before the foot soldier (attack can only be used on them) hits the ground to slam them down left and right. Everytime you slam another enemy, you get two points, and when you finish the enemy off, you get two points. Throw: Get very close to your enemy, and facing him, hold the direction you are facing and press and hold Y to throw him towards the screen. This move is a little hard to explain, so you'll have to practice and see for yourself to get the hang of it. WALKTHROUGH This game is very straight-forward, so I'm not going to give you a perfect guide for every single detail in it. However, the walkthrough will provide you with a basic strategy, such as obstacles to watch out for, and dealing with the bosses. *This Walkthrough was written using the easy difficulty. You could probably still use it for normal and hard, but it wouldn't be EXACTLY the same. LEVEL 1 BIG APPLE, 3 AM When you start off in this level, keep moving forward until you see two small cones. Beat up the baddies here, and you can strike the two cones if you want to to kill the foot soldiers with them. You will soon come to a stop and you'll see a large ball on a chain. It's pretty obvious what NOT to do- DON'T GET SQUISHED! Some more foot soldiers will come off a small lift, kill them and keep moving on. You will soon see a small building, and some soldiers will come out of it. There is a TNT barrel to the right of the building. Strike it and run away! It will blow up and you hopefully killed a lot of soldiers. Grab the pizza box here and continue to find Krang. He will try to shock you by zapping you with electricity. It is pretty easy to avoid the electricity, so keep on killing foot soldiers until you see another large wrecking ball. Avoid it, and keep on killing baddies until you finally get to the level's boss, Baxter! What a weirdo... He will shoot at you, try to avoid the blasts. A good strategy is to stay on the same side he is on so you won't get hit. Baxter will soon come back down and start walking around. This is when you beat the crap out of him! Don't stop hitting him until he starts to fly again. Soon he will shoot a weird hand-like thing at you. Keep avoiding his attacks, and hitting him when he comes back down, and soon Baxter will explode. Not too hard, was it? LEVEL 2 ALLEYCAT BLUES Start off the level by hitting that fire hydrant and killing some ninjas. Move on and you'll see a big dumpster, with a balcony above it. Watch out, Ninjas will leap off the balcony. More ninjas will also approach you to your left. Move past the dumpster and you will face some more foot soldiers. One will pop up out of a sewer, and throw the manhole cover at you. Hit it back at him if you can, if not just avoid it. Soon you will encounter some deadly robots. I say deadly because they can take away HUGE chunks of your health in one hit! The best thing to do is to jump kick left and right and try to hit them. Keep moving on to get to a tall fence. All the way along the fence soldiers will jump over it and attack you. Fight them, and be ecspecially aware of the one red one that throws knives at you, the knives are deadly. Continue forward and pick up the red box to start spinning around. Move right and left and kill all the soldiers. A little farther ahead, you will see a hole in the ground. Try not to fall in it. Get the pizza if you need it and kill all the foot soldiers. Then it is time for the boss! This guy is pretty easy if you know what to do. At first just do your best to avoid his attacks. They are these weird hand things that launch out of his stomach. Try to get a few hits on him. Then, when he jumps up to the upper-right section of the screen, he will start moving down and shooting a machine gun at you. Jump up and over the lasers. Then, he will do three zig zag jumps, and end up in the upper-left corner. Make sure you dodge his jumps, and right when he lands from his third jump, attack him. Attack until he jumps back to the upper-right corner again, then just jump over the lasers again, and repeat the process. HA! HE IS SO EASY! Well, this is easy mode, I guess. LEVEL 3 Sewer Surfin' This level is pretty easy. Just keep hitting the soldiers. For the blue ones that jump, turn backwards and hit them right before they leave the screen. After killing all the foot soldiers, some long, green spikes come down from the ceiling (weird). Stay at the upper-right side of the screen so you won't get hit by them. Then later there are these red spiky balls on the ground. Time your jumps right to not step on any (my toe! my toe!), and then you will face the boss. Killing Sewer Rat is a pretty east process. He will shoot rockets at you from his boat. Get in between the two rockets, and hit the boat several times. Soon he will pull back and start shooting those red spiky balls at you. Stay at the very top of the screen and you will never get hit by them. Repeat these two steps and Sewer Rat will explode and you will move on to... LEVEL 4 Technodrome Let's Kick Shell! When you start out those deadly robots and some foot soldiers will appear. Again, use jump kicks left and right to take out the robots. And just beat the crap out of the soldiers. Keep moving forward and you will have to battle more foot soldiers and a few mousers. Try to jump kick the mousers. A little farther ahead you will get another red box. Pick it up and move right and left and try to kill all of the foot soldiers that will come out of the ground. Soon, you will reach two of the three bosses in the level. Tokka and Rahzar. I honestly don't really have a good strategy for these guys. Except to take out one at a time, preferably Rahzar first. When they are back to their animal forms, whack them as much as you can. It doesn't do anything but it makes a cool noise. :) Proceed into the elevator. Get the pizza here if you are low on health. If not, save it for later. The elevator will start to ascend, and baddies will come out of the left and right doors. Not too tough. Soon they will come out of the ground, so be ready. Now you will exit the elevator, and face the boss, Shredder! To defeat Shredder, all you have to do is use the throwing move on the many foot soldiers. Nine hits should finish him off. When are we going back in time, you ask? Now! LEVEL 5 Prehistoric Turtlesauras At the beginning of this level, you will see small birds carrying rocks. They are really bombs in normal and hard modes, but in easy mode they never drop them so don't worry. Continue forward and killing the foot soldiers until you enter a cave. Watch out for falling spikes from the ceiling, and for the blue soldiers with axes, they really hurt you. A little later you will encounter some weird rock guys. They will charge at you, but you can very easily stop them by hitting them just one time. Kill these guys and a little later you will get a red box. You should know how to use it by now. Watch out for the yellow soldiers who toss bombs at you. Just jump to avoid the bomb blasts, and try to kill them if you can. Once you exit the cave, keep fighting, and if you hear the ground shake, be sure to jump because it means a dinosaur is about to charge at you! You will soon see a statue in the background and will face the boss, Slash. A lot of people consider him to be very hard, but if you do a certain thing, (at least, I know it works in easy mode) he is very easy. All you do is avoid his attacks, and wait for him to jump to the opposite side of the screen he's on. Right before he lands from his jump, attack him. He will usually jump back to the other side of the screen again, and you can do the same thing. If your turtle is slow, use jump kicks to get from one side of the screen to the other while attacking Slash instead of using normal attacks. Continue doing this, and Slash will explode. LEVEL 6 Skull and Crossbones 1530 A.D. This level takes place on a pirate ship, and is pretty fun to play through. See the little bumps on the deck of the ship? Don't walk into them or a plank will spring up and smack your turtle in the face! Keep walking right and killing the soldiers. Watch out for the green archer soldiers, the arrows hurt you badly. You will soon find yourself fighting some more rock guys. In normal and hard modes, the ship in the background will shoot cannonballs at you. After the rock guys are dead, get the red box and move left and right killing many green archers. Kill all the archers, bombers, and normal foot soldiers until you get to the end of the pirate ship. Two more rock guys will appear. One of them has a machine gun, (machine gun? 1530 A.D.?) so make sure to take him out first. Now it is time to fight the bosses of this level, Bebop and Rocksteady. Again, I don't have much of a strategy for this boss, but try to kill Bebop first, he is easier and if you get him weak Rocksteady and Bebop might just finish each other off. LEVEL 7 Bury my Shell at Wounded Knee This is definitely a fun level to play. It takes place on a train. At the start of it, hit the barrel you see and run forward to knock over many foot soldiers. A few train cars up, you will see three little costumes by the wall. Oh no! Three foot soldiers jump out of them. A pretty bad disguise if you ask me. Now a rock guy with a large metal pole thingy will attack you. Kill him and move on. Keep fighting foot soldiers, and watch out for the ones with chains. Try jump kicking them. Three more rock guys will appear. Hit the strange-looking box and run away, because it will explode. Hopefully, you killed all three of the rock guys. Move forward and kill one more rock guy. Up ahead is the boss, Leatherhead. Dodge Leatherhead's attacks, in which he throws some sort of lobsters at you, and knives. When he gets on all fours, he will charge over to the other side of the screen, so jump over him to avoid him. When he is hopping around with his fists up, this is a good time to attack him. Start with a jump kick, and continue with your normal attack. When he gets on all fours, jump over him, and continue the process until he falls off the train. LEVEL 8 Neon Night-Riders This level is very similar to Sewer Surfin', mainly because it is also a bonus stage. When the foot soldiers come up to you, attack them. And be sure to jump if a bomb ever hits the ground from a yellow soldier. Soon the soldiers will stop popping up, and you will see small circular icons with question marks on them. Get them, they are actually pizzas. But you will also see other little silver things on the ground. Watch out for them because they will electrocute you. Now you will see foot soldiers fly over you in these little helicopter things. One simple jump kick should take them down. Time for the boss! This time it's Super Krang. Super Krang is fairly easy. Just keep bashing him nonstop, his attacks are rather weak and they won't hurt you too bad. When bombs start falling from the sky, try to jump and move around a lot. Once Super Krang is defeated, you move on to the second to last level. LEVEL 9 Starbase Where no turtle has gone before At the start of this level, jump behind the robot you see and attack it. Now some blue and purple foot soldiers will appear, as well as some small bug-like robots. Jump kick the robots and kill the soldiers. Move on and you'll see two rock guys. Get the red box and kill them both, then move forward quickly and you should be able to kill a couple of soldiers. Now more purple and blue soldiers will teleport in. Destroy them and continue on. Some more ninjas will teleport in. Keep moving forward and you will eventually reach an area with small blue circles all over the ground. When a circle turns blue, don't be standing on it or you will be frozen solid. Defeat all of the ninjas here, get the pizza if you need it, and keep moving to the right. Several rock guys will appear, two of them have guns so destroy them first. A little farther to the right there is a red box. So use it, and then keep moving forward until there are two electric beams shooting out of the wall. Avoid them while killing the soldiers. Now you will finally face the boss, Krang in a spaceship. I find it easiest to attack Krang using all three jump kicks, ecspecially the one where you press Y right before you hit the ground. When three curvy yellow lines appear on the side of Krang's spaceship, he is going to shoot bubbles at you. Don't get shot by them or you will be trapped in a bubble! Also, when Krang is flying up high watch out because he could smash you if you are below him at any time. When you weaken Krang, he will start dropping those small robots you saw earlier, and then dissapear. Destroy at least two of them and he will reappear. Keep jump kicking Krang and he and his spaceship will explode. LEVEL 10 Technodrome The Final Shell-Shock Now it is time to face the final boss, Super Shredder. Super Shredder has three different attacks. The first is his fire attack. There will be a red flame surrounding him, and he will shoot a wave of fire on the ground at you. The second attack is his ice attack. There will be a blue flame surrounding him and he will shoot ice up into the air. The third attack is his mutation attack. A Green flame will surround him and he will shoot a green ball at you that will turn you back into a turtle. For the fire attack, jump up and away from the fire. For the ice attack, simply stay on the ground. For the mutation attack, just jump away from the green ball. Now, whatever you do, don't try to attack or touch Shredder when he has a flame around him. Use the colors of the flames to determine which attack he will use and then dodge it. The only time you should attack Shredder is in between his attacks, when he has no flames surrounding him. He doesn't even punch you or anything, he just waits and soon performs his next attack. Once Super Shredder is dead, congratulations! You've beaten the game. Splinter will have something to say to you depending on what level you beat the game on. Try beating it on all the levels. FAQ I doubt anyone will ever have any questions on this game, but if so I'm almost alway checking my mail so send away! computerchad@hotmail.com Also, if you see any mistakes on ANYTHING in this guide (spelling, grammar, false information, etc) please let me know! Q:Who is the best turtle to use? A:There is no real turtle that is the best, you just have to find who you like and use him. I prefer Donatello because of the long reach of his staff, and Raphael beacause of his speed. Remember: Mikey is power, Leo is average, Raph is speed, and Don is reach. Q:Can I post this on my website? A:No, don't even email me because the answer is always NO. Q:Are there any extra bonuses I get for beating the game? A:Splinter will say different things once you beat the game on different difficulties. Q:Are there any cheats or codes in this game? A:Yes, there is one that I know of. At the main menu, press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A on player two's controller. Then go to the options screen, and you can increase your lives to ten. If anyone knows any other cheats, please let me know. TIPS AND INFO Here are some things you probably already know, and that I mostly mentioned already, but I would like to point them out anyway. -Killing enemies earns you points. For every two hundred points, you get a 1-up. -When first starting the game, it is best to play with Leo to get used to the controls and game. -Special attacks take away your health, watch out! But only when you actually hit you foe with the attack. -Only get a pizza when you have low health. If not, save it for later. However, if you have to move on and have full health, get the pizza anyway it gives you a few points. -You should almost always be attacking or dodging, never just stand still. -When you get a red box, you can usually get the most kills out of it by moving left and right around the screen, don't just stand in one place and waste it. -Use jump kicks to take out the mousers, and all the robots. -There is a two player mode where two people can battle each other, and a time trail. -Make sure you use the bulldozer on the soldiers with the shields. Also, a special attack will finish them. -Try to use the slam attack often, anything you slam with the enemy immediately explodes and you get two points. CREDITS I give thanks to- The actual game. I couldn't of made this FAQ without it. The instuction booklet. I got some information on the turtle's stats from it. LEGAL INFORMATION This walkthrough is for the use of Game FAQS -ONLY!- It cannot be used on ANY OTHER SITE. It should be used for your own personal reference to the game, and nothing else. Copyright 2004 Fartman333