U.N. Squadron FAQ By: Carson Lee aka Shugarholic |\----\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |/----/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- U.N. Squadron Complete Walkthrough Version: 1.12 ~~~~~~~~Please do not copy this FAQ w/o my Permission first~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents: Section 1- General Information 1)Contact Information 2)Reason of Being of this FAQ 3)Story 4)Commanders 5)PLanes 6)Weapons 7)Items 8)Game Controls 9) Last Minute Hints 10) Important Notes Section 2- Walkthrough 1)Mission 1 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss-Mega Tank 2)Mission 2 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss-Mega Stelth Rays 3)Mission 3 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss- 3 Mini Stelth Rays 4)MIssion 4 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss-Submarine 5)Mission 5 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss-Forest Fortress 6)Mission 6 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss-Land Carrier 7)Mission 7 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss-Aircraft Carrier 8)Mission 8 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss-Mega Giant Spy Plane 9)Side MIssion 10)Mission 9 a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d. Boss-Ceiling Base 11)The Last Mission(10) a.Briefing Room b.Hanger c. Level d.Mini Boss e. The Final Battle-MEGA(x10) Battle Plane Ship Section 3- Wrap Up 1) Version Numbers 2) Credits 3) Copyright Section 1- General Information 1)Contact INformation If you need to contact me, email me at shugarhol1c@yahoo.com 2)Reason of Being of this FAQ The reason I made this FAQ is so that you and other people can complete the game easier. I also made this FAQ for my own enjoynment because I like this game so much. For the walkthrough, in the beginning of each level, I will have a "Briefing room/hanger" section so you know what plane, and what weapon you need to get. Deal with me, this is my first FAQ I have written. 3)Story A year ago, a ruthless army of mercenaries swept across the kingdom of Aslam and destoryed everything in their path. Guided by the arms dealers of Project4, the mercenaries now contol every area of the country- except one On a tiny piece of desert lies the last hope of the people of Aslan. There, in a small corner of Area 88, are the world's finest pilots-the UN Squadron. For months they have been waiting for the exact moment to begin their assault on the forces of Project 4. The moment has just arrived. Each pilot begins his tour of duty wiht $3000 in his flight account and an unlimited number of F8E Crusader. As you destroy air and ground targets, money will be added to your flight account. THis money can be used to purchase additional aircraft and weapon systems to help increase your chance of survival. And only the best survive. 4)Commanders Shin Kazama- Born in Tokyo, Japan. Top Gun of the UN Squadron. SHin raises his power level the quickest. Mickey Scymon- Born in San Francisco, California. Served as a US navy pilot in Vietnam. MIckey is capable of handling the most special weapons. Greg Gates- Born in Copenhagen, Denmark. Former indturctor to N.A.T.O pilots. Greg recovers from battle damage the quickest. 5)Planes F8E Crusader- Maximum Fire Power of Vulcan Cannon=5 Speed Class = C The most basic of all available fighter aircraft. With a good pilot, the F8E can hit both air and ground targets effectively. F20 Tiger Shark- Maximum Fire power of vulcan Cannon =5 Speed Class=B An upgraded version of hte F8E Crusader, the F-20 features enchanced air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities. F14D Tomcat Maximum Fire Power of Vulcan Cannon=5 Speed Class=A The F14D Tomcat is the fastest and most agile fighter aircraft available. Made primarily for air-to-air combat, the F14D features minimal ground based weapons. A10A Thunderbolt Maximum Fire Power of Vulcan Cannon= 3=3 Speed Class= D The A10A Thunderbolt is primarily used to attack ground based targets. It features twin vulcan cannons and a good selection of ground based weapons. YF23 Stealth Ray Maximum Fire power of Vulcan Cannon=6 Speed Class=B The YF23 is the latest design in stelth aircraft. The stelth ray is undetectable to homing missles and can use the vertical missle launcer. The F200 Efreet Maximum Fire Power of Vulcan Cannon=7 Speed Class= B The latest in fighter tecnology. Developed by the Soviet Union, the Efreet is capable of handling all known weapon systems. 6) Weapons Cluster- Encircles your aircraft with explsive charges Falcon Missle- An air to ground missle Phoenix Missle- Fire and forget missles. Once fired, each missle will lock on to its own target. Super Shell- A plasma bolt of tremendous destructive power Bullup- Fires 5 missle shots in different directions Thunder Laser- Fires 3 forward lasers Bombs- A conventional bomb which must be dropped on its target Napalm- When detonated, this bomb engulf the area in flames Gunpod- Fires a vulcan cannon diagonally up and to the right Saling Missle- Fires a missle straight up Mega Crush- A high altitude missle which rains down lasers. 7) Items Orange Power-Ups -Adds 1 to your POW total Blue POwer-Ups - Adds 3 to your POW total Yashichi -Refills your fuel tanks(life) Weapons Rack -Partially refills your current special weapons. Star -Adds $5000 to your flight account Mech -Destorys all enemies on screen Unicorn - Surround your aircraft wiht a shield Fuel Tanks - Partially refills your fuel tank(life) 8)Game Controls Fly your aircraft in any direction -Press the control pad left, right, up or down Fire the Vulcan Cannon(UNlimited) - Press the Y button Fire the Active Special Weapons - Press the B button Change the special weapon - Press the X Button Pause the Game - Press the Start buttion 9) Last Mintue Hints - Do not buy to many special weapons if you are not sure if you are going to beat the level. If you explode, you lose all the special weapons you bought. - When you are saving up for the Efreet, the best way ot earn money is to attack the supply trucks. They give you an easy $20,000. - Do not use the Mega Crush to early. Remember, you only have one(until you get the Efreet), use it for the boss of the level. - Use Greg Gates. He is my personal favorite because he recovers form damage the quickest. - The only planes you should get in the whole game are: F8E Crusader, F20 Tiger Shark, and The F200 Efreet. You will find more info about this topic in the walkthrough -When you get hit, danger will flash on your fuel(life). At this point, if you get hit, you automatically explode. However, if you keep on lowering your fuel(by crashing, getting hit), then you will have DANGER flash in your fuel tank for the rest of hte mission. This leaves you very vulnerable. -The more POW's you have, the better. POW's mean "Powerups", not "Prisoners of war." On the top right corner, you will see two numbers. the top number is how many POW's you need to increase the vulcan cannon to the next level. The lower number is the total number of POW's you have. 10)Important Notes -----------------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------------- To beat the supply trucks, just stay low. When you see a big boulder in the way, fly up, and dodge it, and quickly go down.Shoot the trucks, and just crash into all of them, and then fly up and dodge the boulder at the end of the supply trucks. After you come back, use the same strategy, and you will defeat it easily. Section 2) Walkthrough 1)Mission 1 a.Briefing Room: You can only go to one place for one. Click on it, and listen to the explanation if you want b.Hanger: Chose the First Plane, the F8E Crusader. After you get the plane, you will be sent to the weapon page. IF you are a beginner, I would buy a megacrush, but I strongly recommend you not to buy any weapons, to save up money. c.Level: This level is pretty easy. Just blow up the planes, and make sure to get the POW's(they make your vulcan cannon bigger). For the tanks, just go low, and blow them up. Do not crash into the obstacles or even worse, the planes. THey do mega damage. If you had a choice to get hit by a vulcan cannon or crash, just get hit with the vulcan cannon. Crashing makes your fuel(life) go down a lot. When you reach the big laser dudes that fire rapid cannon fire, an easy way to defeat it is to stay as low as you can on the ground. WHen you are as low as possible, your vulcan cannon will be able to hit the cannon, while the cannon dude would not be able to hit you. Make your way through the easy level until you make the boss. d.Boss ---Mega Tank--- Difficulty:* THis boss is fairly easy. Ignore the ball for this boss. Just stay as low as possible and fire your vulcan cannon at the wheels of the tank. The only weapon that will be aimed at you are directed missles. THese are easy to blow up. Just fly up, and blow them up before they hit you. Very soon, you should beat the boss. 2)Mission 2 a. Briefing room YOu would be able to see a lot more levels opened. The one that you want to go to is the little plane that you see. Go to that one and listen to him talk. b. Hanger Keep using the F8E Crusader. When you get to the weapon page, buy bombs and a Mega Crush. c. Level Right when you get into the level, fly your plane up, and fire. THe row of planes would all die. After that, immediately fly down as far as you can and fire. The same will happen. Then stay in the dead center, and a bunch of planes would just run into your fire(retards). AFter a while, you would see a big(not that big) aircraft. Dont worry, its not the boss. Just stay behind it and in the middle of the plane. Fire. By staying behind in the middle of the aricraft, you would be able to hit it, and avoid the daggers. Make sure you don't get hit by the daggers. They do mega damage. After a while, you will see no planes coming. At this point, swith the special weapon to the bombs and stay high. I am pretty sure if you stay high on the screen, you will get a fuel tank(Not completely sure). After that, you will see it coming... d.Boss ----Mega Stelth Ray------- Difficulty: ** Sort of hard boss. When you see the stelth ray coming in, immediately start firing your bombs down at him. After you are done with bombs, you will see the boss's attack. Its a bomb, that explodes once into 4 lasers, and then the 4 lasers will explode into 8 lasers. Watch out. YOu will have to dodge them. After you use up all of your bombs, unleash your Mega Crush. Then fly your aircraft to the back of his ship(watching not to get hit by the engine) and start firing away. Sometimes, the bombs will be impossible to dodge, but that is OK. Shoot him for like 10-15 seconds, and the Ray will explode. 3)Mission 3 a.Briefing Room: Go to a little plane flying in the map area. Listen to him talk. b.Hanger: By now, you should have enough money to buy the second plane, the F20 Tiger Shark. If you do not, then just go to this level without any weapons, just to get money. After you get the Tiger Shark, buy Phonenix's and a Mega Crush. c. Level Short level. WHen the bee planes come in, start shooting like crazy. THey attempt to dodge you missles so be careful. If you take too long, then you will be screwed because there will be like 4 planes on the screen. As you progress, you will see some planes slowly coming from the back of you. As soon as you see them, PHOENIX! htis is extremely important. IF you wait too long, then they will start shotting at you like crazy. If many bee fighters come in, just use your Phoenix's. Then, you will come to the boss... d. Boss ----3 Mini Stelth Rays---- Difficulty:** The stelth rays attacks are bombs that come out of there engines. They explode ,one second after they come out of the engine. They are easy to dodge, but since there are 3 of them, it gets kind of annoying. As soon as you see the boss though, use your Mega crush. Do not bother to use your Phoenix's because the Phoenix's dont lock in to them because they are Stelth Rays. Just use your vulcan cannon on all three of them and they should all die. THe only thing that is hard about the boss is that if you get hit, its very easy to get hit again while in danger because there are 3 of them. So if you get hit, just try to dodge the bombs the best you can. 4)Mission 4 a. Briefing Room If you look on the lower part of the map, you will see a lake. In the lake, you should see a submarine.Go to that level(make sure not to click the water level that has the three triangles). If you can not see it(the sub sometimes dives under water), then just go attack an supply truck and come back later. b. Hanger Get the Tiger Shark, and get bombs and a Mega Crush c. Level There is no level. YOu go straight to the boss. But when you are facing the boss, there are these annying super fast bee planes that just rush into the screen trying to crash into you. Keep an eye out for those.... d. BOss ---Submarine---- Difficulty:** Kinda hard boss. First I will tell you the boss's attacks. It can shoot this bomb in the air that explodes into this huge energy wave. That is its most devastating attack. Watch out. It also lunges out at times so don't stay too low. The last attack it has is these small bullets that he fires like 5 at a time in the air. About halfway, they break open, and a bunch of tiny bullets start falling down. Try to dodge these. Sometimes they trap you so you have know where to go. At this point, its ok to crash into them. As soon as you see the sub jump out, start unleasing you bombs. It was descend pretty soon. After it comes back up again, repeat the process until all of your bombs are used. Now, the next time you see the sub, use your Mega Crush. At this point, it will almost be dead. When it comes out, go to the front of the sub, and start shooting it. Now be very careful. If you look closely while you are firing, sometimes you will see a little compartment in the sub opening up(kind of like a missle launcer thing), at this point, RUN! IT will unleash the bomb that sends a energy wave I talked about earlier. Just watch out for that, and the sub should go downn in no time. 5)Mission 5 a. Briefing Room Go to the forest section and go to the fortress with the three triangles. My advice is to first go through the level without any weapons just to get a feel for the level. Do that once or maybe twice, then do it for the real deal... b. Hanger Get the Tiger Shark. Get the Mega Crush, and if you don't think you are that skilled in this game, get a Phoenix to help you throughout the level. c. Level This level is very fast paced. Always be on the move, and as soon as you see a bad guy, shoot it down as fast as you can. Throughout the level if you got Phoenix's, use them. When you get to these little bases that shoot out flame or planes, just stay low and keep on shooting them to get rid of them. Later in the level, you will see like 5 kamakazies atacking you at once. As soon as you have sight upon them, try to shoot them all down. If you don't, and they start try to crash into you, just dodge them as best as you can. Near the end of the level, you will see bullets firing up. What you should do is stay as high as possible, and shoot the missles. WHen there is a TEMPORARY stop of the missles, move your aircraft as fast as you can to the other side. Now here is the hard part. This is the exact same thing as you passed, but longer. Again, stay as high as you can. As you shoot the missles, slowly inch forward a LITTLE into the middle. Then look for a temporary stop and zoom across. Get ready, because your about to face a fortress. d. Boss ---Forest Fortress--- Difficulty: **** Note: If you have Phoenix's, just fire them like crazy This boss is hard. Like the level, this boss is very high paced. You will first see a gun firing. Just keep on firing and when the laser ball is about to hit you, go up, and then immediately go down and shoot it. It should blow up.Then you will see a little opening with planes coming out. Just shoot the planes down. After you blow up the first gun, stay in your same position and shoot the next one. After like 3 seconds, you will be over the opening. When it opens, immeadiately go up and start DODGING! I mean DODGING! DODGING!!!!! Ok you get the point. At this point, you will need to do mega dodgin. There will be two laser ballers(hehe) firing at you, planes trying to hit you, and A HUGE ASS DOUBLE LASER CANNON. What you need to do, is keep on hitting it while you are dodging the laser balls. As you see a laser peeping out of one of the cannons, immediately get out of the way and keep on firing. It will shoot out a LONG laser. Keep on firing, and when the screen starts to move in, move to the top, and go over the cannon, and go down so the cannons can't hit you. Now you will see the dome. THe only way you can hit it is when it opens up. This is THE main weapon. If you destroy it, you beat the boss. After like 2 seconds after you see the dome, it will open up. AS soon as you see it open up, shoot it. It will shoot 10 missles around the dome. Only like 4 missles would be threatening to hit you. Dodge the missles, but make sure you still hit the dome. If you are VERY low on health, I suggest you use the Mega Crush when the dome is opened. Try not to though. After the main dome thing, you will see another Double Laser Cannon. As soon as you see this, start firing on it for like 4 seconds, and then go up, trying not to get hit by the lasers, and go past it. After this, you will see 2 more laser ballers. Stay very high and dodge the Cannon and the two laser ballers. You will then turn around. Stay even with the first laser baller and hit it continously. After you can't any more, dodge it. You should see a little red circle with a cross in it. Get it. Its a fuel replenisher. AFter you get it, keep on firing at the Double laser. Keep on hitting it, and it should blow up. If you are trapped, just keep on firing, and when the screen closes, just crash into the cannon. When you get to the dome, get ready to use your Mega Crush. As soon as you see it open, use MEGA CRUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shoot it for like .5 seconds, and it will close up. Watch out for the missles. Just stay to the right of the dome, and when it opens up, shoot it until the screen pushes you. At this point, it should be dead. If not, then dodge it, shoot and blow up the Double Cannon, and go through the whole boss again DODGING, until you get to the dome. Now shoot it, and it should explode the WHOLE fortress. NIce job. 6) Mission 6 a. Briefing Room Choose the three triangles in the desert area... b. Hanger Choose the Tiger Shark. Get Phoenix's MegaCrush, and a Bullup. c. Level As you go through the level, you will see annoying tanks on the ground. Simply use your Phoenix to get rid of it. Watch out for the many natural obstacles, trying hard not to crash into them. When mini helocoptors come,immediately start firing at it, and use ONE phoenix. If not dead, the coptor will start shooting many missles, just blow those up, and keep on firing at body of coptor. At one point, you will see a missle launcer on the ground. As soon as you see it, use your Pheonix to blwo it up because another one of those coptor guys will come on. Blow up. After defeating the coptor, you will see a bunch of missle trucks. Just blow them up. When you get to teh boss, there is a chance(Correct me if wrong) that you will get a weapon rack... d. Boss ---Desert Land Carrier--- Difficulty:**** As soon as you get to the boss, stay as far right as you can, but not to low. Soon you will see this mega missle launcer dude that will start firing. YOu should be above it by now. THis is the main weapon. TO defeat the carrier, defeat the mega launcher. When you see it, start firing Phoenix's. After about two, it will hide. When its hiding, you can not hit it, so just stay above it and DODGE the spy planes that are trying to crash into you. When you see the launcer, use two Phoenix missles. Keep on repeating process until your missles are gone. At this point, when you see the launcher, use your Mega Crush. It shouldn't be dead yet though. Now since you dont have any weapons that can shoot down, you have to be next to it, to hit it with a BUllup. Now here coems the tricky part. The place you want to hit the launcher at is exactly where spy planes come out. When planes come up, dodge and go back to same position. Now as soon as you see the launcher use two Bullups, always being alert for the planes coming out. After two, go above the launcher and stay there until the launcher hides. Now go back to where the planes come out, and wait while dodging. Repeat process, and boss should be history. 7) Mission 7 a. Breifing Room Go to the three triangles in the water. b. Hanger Get Tiger Shark and Phoenix, bombs, BUllups, and a MegaCrush. c. Level The level is pretty easy. THe only hard part is when boats start to come from behind. Do not try to go around it to blow it up, right when you get near it, it will shoot missles that go up, hitting you. Instead, use your Phoenix. Sometimes it will be surrounded by 4 planes. At this time, just tap the special weapon button as fast as you can to blow up everything. Watch our for these jets that have big engines. Just dodge. d. Boss ---Aircraft carrier--- Difficulty:**** When you get to the boss, stay high. You might get a unicorn(correct me if wrong). Come down to the first big Missle Launcher. These are the main weapons. THere are two on each side of the ship. As soon as you see the launcher, use as many Bullups until it explodes. Then you will see another missle launcher right behind it. Use your remaining Bullups. If still not dead, get above it, and use your bombs. Now you are in the middle. Here is the annoying part. There are these guys that shoot missles at you, but you can't hit them because they are hiding behind big ship parts. Blow up the ship parts and use your Phoenix to get rid of the missle guys. NOw get your MegaCrush ready. As soon as you see BOTH of the missle launchers,use your MegaCrush. Then start firing bombs like crazy, after a while, speed ahead to the right. There is a chance(correct me if wrong) that you will get a weapon rack. It refills all of your weapons, even if you used them all up. If you didn't get it, you are out of luck, and just try to blow up the two launchers wiht the remaining special weapons, and your vulcan cannon. If you go the weapon rack, use all your BUllups on both of the launchers. Then, for the last launcher, its your choice to either use bombs or Pheonix's to get rid of it. Very soon, the ship will sink. 8) MIssion 8 a)Briefing Room Go to the lower three triangles b)Hanger Get Tiger Shark(getting tired of it, huh...) MegaCrush, Phoenix, and Bullups. c. level THe cave is pretty easy. JUst blow up any tanks on the ground. The only hard thing are napalm(bombs that explode in flames around it) attackers. THey fly high, and drop them. Watch out. THe flames go high. Dodge the plane and/or the napalm. When the mountain shooters come, keep on firing. If you are going to get stuck, just forget about it, and fly away. Soon, you will go in the air. Your main objective here is dodge. Dodge all the flame planes. At one point, spy planes will come. Immediately shoot them with Phoenix's, because they try to trap you into crashing into an upcoming fleet of planes. Just blow up, and dodge. Now, stay low... d. Boss ---Mega Giant Spy Plane--- Difficuly:*** Not too hard of a boss. YOu will see it zoom across the screen. Then slowly, it will come out. The attack of the plane is a bomb, that explodes into 8 Phoenix's. Also, if you stay below the plane, it will drop these Mega Missles. First use all of your Pheonix's. At points, the engine will start to blaze. At this point, DROP DOWN. It wil blaze away. THis means that it is "hurt". After you are done with your Phoenix's, use your BUllups, always paying attention to the engine. After about a few, it will blaze away. THe next time it comes out, use your Mega Crush. Then keep on using Bullups, and it should blow up in no time. 9)Side Mission At this point, you should have about 800,000 bucks. What you want is one mil bucks to get the Efreet. It is impossible to beat the level w/o the Efreet. All you have to do is just keep on doing the supply trucks over and over. I know its boring, but it is the only way to get money. Another way I recommend doing is going into the level itself, not buying any weapons, and just trying to blow up as mmany planes posible to get money. It also gives you a sense about the level. After you get 1 Mil bucks, you still have to get at least 100-115 more thousand to be able to buy all the weapons... 10)Mission 9 a. Briefing Room Go to the top level b. Hanger Get the New Efreet,and get Clusters, Phoenix's,Gunpod, Ceiling, Napalm, and of course, a MegaCrush. Good thing is that this plane can handle more quantity of a weapon, so you get 2 MegaCrushes. c. Level First you will go throuhg a cave. There are many kamakazies, so always be ready to use your Phoenix's. When they come, use them. WHen you get to the part where there are stalagmites, be very careful to dodge them because they do a lot of damage. Then you will start to go up automatically. USe a Cluster for an easy kill of all the kamakazies. NOw here comes the hard part. You will go through another cave, and this time its like a maze, so do not hit the walls. What makes it hard is that their are tons of kamakazies around you. The whole time you are going through the MIni Cave, just keep on using your Phoenix's until there arent to many around you. At the end of the cave, you might get a star. You will then start to drop. Use your Phoenix's if you wish. d. Boss ---Ceiling Base--- Difficulty:***** Very, very hard boss. Probably even harder than all the bosses in the game. What it is, is a little base with a ball(you know what to do) with two arms surrounding it. These arms shoot out flames that touch the ground. But thats not all. On the ground will be ground attackers, ranging from missle launcher to flame destroyers. THe flame destroyers are VERY annoying. To get rid of these ground attackers very EASILY is using your cluuster when right beneath the ball. It hurts the ball, and destroys the enemy's below you. Another good way, is to use your napalms. THis automatically wipes out anything near you. IF at any time, you are stuck by the flames, and you are on very low health, use your Mega Crush. WHen you first see the boss, get under the ball, a little to the left, and use about 5 Gunpods(Very effective on this boss). Remember, if anytime there are attackers beneath you, use your napalms, or Clusters. I highly recommend using Clusters as first priority, and after you are finished with them, to use your napalms. After using about 5 gunpods, use the rest of your Phoenix's. THis is good, because it hits the ball, and it hits the ground attackers(not effective though). Now use 5 Ceilings. Use 5 Gunpods, and then use BOTH of your MegaCrushes, one right after another. If not dead then, (highly doubtful) use the remaining of your Celings. THe boss then should be history. DO NOT BE VERY MAD IF YOU LOST ON THE BOSS. THIS BOSS IS EXTREMELY HARD, AND IT IS DOUBTFUL THAT ANY OF YOU PLAYING THE BOSS THE FIRST TIME, WILL BEAT IT. IF YOU BEAT IT FOR THE FIRST TIME, CONSIDER YOURSELF AS A MASTER. IF YOU LOSE, JusT RESTART THE LEVEL. 11)The Last Mission(10) Drink some water, and get pumped up for the last Mission of the Game. Good Luck. You will need it. a.Briefing Room QUite obvious where you will go. b.Hanger Get Efreet, Cluster, Phoenix, BUllup, SuperSehll,T-Lazer, Napalm, and a Mega Crush c. Level First, you will be in a forest. Very easy. Use Phoenix if needed. This is like a tunnel. There will be a lot of kamakazies waiting. Wait for the Mech to show up. Get it. THen you will go in the tunnel. Your vulcan should kill everything in the screen. After a while there will be nothing. Get ready to use your Clusters. Use about 2 when the back attackers come. Next, there will be another cave. YOu will see these rock angels, They dont do anything to you, but after you kill them, they will explode into 3 mini angles that run away. Then there are two paths. Take the top one. Kill the arrows, and then use a Cluster to kill all the kamakazies. YOu will then go into this factory place with weapons. Use your Phoenix's to reach the unreachable guys. Then you will get to these elevator sahfts, that have cubes that shoot out lasers. Look on the bottom right for a fuel tank. Right after that, you will see a camera shooter. Use your Phoenex to kill it. After you kill it, you should get a unicorn... d. Mini Boss Dont be fooled. THis is not the real boss. THis is a Mini BOss. Its like a birdshaped plane. It has lots of attacks. It has a flamethrower on the left bottom, and it drops these shooters that shoot at you. It also has arrows shooting up. What you want to do is use a combonation of Bullups, Super Shells, and T Lasers. You should use about 5 each. If still not dead, use Clusters... e.The Final Battle ---MEGA(x10) Battle Plane Ship---- Difficulty:***** This is a combonation of a HUGE plane and battleship. Do not be frightened by the size. It is actually not as hard as you think. First, blow up the nose. Then use your remainder of Bullups, T lasers and Supershells on the 3 laser ballers. These are a lot harder than the ones at the Forest Fortress though. One of them you can not hit. You will not be able to hit all of the laser ballers. However, pay attention to the last laser ballers of the gang. After you blow up this baller, it will reveal a(guess what) ball. You wont have anytime to do with it now, because the screen moves you. You will turn around, and go to the bottom of the ship. Use your Gunpods and Ceilings IF YOU WANT, on the laser ballers on the bottom. HOwever, DO NOT KILL THE WATERFALL LASER BALLER! You will find out why you dont want to do it. When you circle to the top, and get to the ball, use as many napalms as you can on the ball. Now you see why you dont want to open up the hole on the bottom. If you did, then the napalms would just fall through. Repeat the process with the napalms, and Congratulations, you have beaten U.N. Squadron, and can now consider yourself as a master. Watch your money go bazooka, and watch the cool ending. Section 3- Wrap Up 1)Version Numbers Version 1.12-----------9/21/03 Version 1.11-----------8/22/03 version 1.10-----------8/19/03 Version 1.00-----------6/18/03 2)Credits -To Nintendo, for making this great game, and for providing all the facts in the instruction booklet so it could help me put together the beginning of this walkthrough. -To my bro, for getting this game. -TO GameFaqs, for helping get the idea of making a walkthrough. 3)Copyright Copyright 2003-2004 Carson Lee This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.