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Credits / Special Thanks ********************************************************************* A). CONTROLS ********************************************************************* Very basic controls for this game, simply: B - Jump Y - Shoot Guitar A - Special Attack Left/Right - Move Character Down - Crouch Start - Pause Game ********************************************************************* B). ITEMS ********************************************************************* There are a variety of items found in this game, which can be split into three groups: Health Items: Thumbs Up - Increases Health. Heart - Adds One Life Special Attack: Up Arrow - A special attack that kills all normal enemies on the screen. Can only be used once for each one. You can carry a maximum of nine. Guitar Upgrades: Squiggly Blue Line - Changes your basic guitar attack into one that moves up and down when you fire it. Lasts until you die. Speaker - Increases the size of guitar shot. Also lasts until you die. 11 Symbol - An even larger guitar shot that is twice as powerful as a normal shot. Lasts until you die. Seen from act two onwards. Three Stars - Splits your guitar fire into three groups, increasing the area of its attack. Seen from act two onwards. Blue Ball – A blue ball that acts as a heat-seeking missile, targeting the nearest enemy. Seen from acts three onwards. ********************************************************************* C). WALKTHROUGH ********************************************************************* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACT ONE - The Studio +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Level One --------------------------------------------------------------------- This first level is pretty basic, and the main obstacles are the electric blue lines you need to avoid. From the start, go as far to the right as possible to pick up an "Up Arrow" powerup. Right under this is a thumbs up (henceforth "health"). Head to the left and jump over the gap by using the drum (jump as you land on it). Kill the two baddies up here and pick up the health. Go back to where the drum is and go down and left, jumping over the electric lines and killing the baddie. When you get to the edge, time a jump over the gap to pick up a guitar upgrade. Head back down and to the right and watch out for the enemy that springs towards you. At the end use the drums to jump up and collect another up arrow. Head back down and to the left, jump over the electric lines, pick up the health and kill the baddie. Follow the path until the drum. Go up and right to pick up an up arrow and guitar upgrade. Head down to the right and watch out for the large electric line at the bottom of the drop. Pick up the up arrow to the right and then use the drums to reach the top, watching out for the flying enemies, and pick up the health to the right if you need it. Head to the right along the path, the up to the left after the drum. Go up to the upper right path after this, and do your best to avoid the flying enemies, then jump over the electric lines and pick up the health. Head right, down, then left, jumping over the electric lines and the spring enemy (don't bother killing it). Go down then right, and jump across the gap to pick up some health. Go back down and to the left, jumping over both the electric lines and the baddie again. If you have enough health, go down to the bottom, kill the baddie and sacrifice some health for a life heart. Otherwise go down the middle path to the right and drop down to the bottom and find...Garth!...who then gets grabbed by some mysterious hand... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Two --------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the drum at the start and jump to the left to get a life heart (will take a few goes to get the jump right). Then use the drum again to go to the right side, kill the baddie, and drop down the gap. Use the drum to jump over the electric line, and then go down and to the right, jumping over the lines and either avoiding or killing the baddies. Jump up with the drums and grab the health on the top of the first guitar rack, the up arrow on top of the second, and the speaker to the left of that. Then go back to the right and down and to the left, watching out for the flying baddies. Jump across the gap at the end and pick up the health. Go back down and to the right and use the yellow drum to collect the health on the bottom right corner of the area then another one on the left, and yet another further up on the right. Get up to the top and head right, the head straight down past the drums to collect an up arrow. Head back up with the drum, and watch for the falling guitar. Head down, the right again to pick up some more health. Move down again, and land on the guitar rack to grab an up arrow, then further right for some health. Head to the right, the up with the drums, right again, grab the speaker, then up again watching out for the flying baddies. Then go to the right, jump across the gap, avoid the rocket and pick up the life heart and health (excellent!). The go back down and pick up the up arrow. Go right then down, then left, killing the baddie and grabbing some more health. Go right and down two levels then left. Do a small jump over the electric line (or else you will end up on the higher level again), and watch out for the falling guitars. When you get to the gap, just walk over the side a little to pick up more health, then fall down the rest of the way. Use the drums to jump up the other side, then go right, killing the spring baddie. Watch out for the rocket at the electric line. Continue to the right, then drop down and go left, killing the baddie after the drum and jumping as far as you can to get over the long electric line. Drop down the gap, grab the health then the up arrow after the guitar rack. Continue right, up using the yellow drums, grab the health and head to the right. Get the up arrow on the first right after the drop, then just drop down to the right to watch Garth appear only to get snatched away yet again. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Three --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump down and kill the new enemy, a violin. Head down again and all the way to the right to grab an up arrow, go back to the drum, and use it to grab the health. Proceed under the guitar rack, watching for falling guitars, and jump up to the next level. The enemy there requires two hits to kill, and will hit you unless you use an up arrow, so that might be a good idea if you are low in health. Grab the guitar upgrade as well. Jump across the gap with the drum and pick up some health and another up arrow. Drop down where the drum is and head to the right. Head as far down as you can straight away, past the trumpet, and jump over the electric line (don't worry about the moving instrument, it wont hurt you). Continue left, then up using the drums, watching out for the rocket. Jump over the electric lines, and then use the drum to jump over the large gap and grab some more health. Head back down and to the right, snatch up the speaker guitar upgrade, and jump over the three electric lines. Use the yellow drums to get right up to the top and grab the guitar upgrade. Jump over the electric line, and then quickly jump over the trumpet as well. Continue left and use the series of drums to jump up and grab three items: some health, an up arrow and a life heart, excellent. Head back the same way, jump down the gap and head right. Jump and then shoot twice to kill the trumpet then proceed, watching out for the rocket. Walk along the top of the guitar rack to grab an up arrow. Head down then right to grab some health. To the left of here is some more health. Move right and jump-shoot another trumpet, jumping over the lines and down the gap. Head left then down another gap. Read right for some health, then left down another gap. Use the drums to jump over some more gaps, making sure not to fall on the electric lines in the second gap. Drop down the third gap for an up arrow. Go back up, move across, jump down and back to the right for some health and a level up heart. Go back and use the red and yellow drums to get to the top, then drop down to the other side to see Garth get snatched away for a third time. ===================================================================== BOSS BATTLE ===================================================================== Head straight to the left and pick up the guitar upgrade and health. Continue on and a machine-like enemy will suddenly appear! It has three attacks: shooting little blue balls at you, pecking you and firing a blue laser at you. Its weak point is the purple ball at the back. The easiest way to kill it is to stand on the top of the highest box, avoid its attacks, and wait until it comes down to your level and blast away at it. The duck feature (press down) can be quite useful here for dodging attacks. Once you beat him, Garth will appear and be stolen again (cause thats never going to get old...), and you will have to endure some dweeby dialogue and an attempted movie scene. Thats one act down. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACT TWO - The Kitchen +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Four --------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, finally a nice new setting. Most of the enemies in this act are food or drink-themed, and the main obstacles are the numerous stoves. Head right from the start and shoot the cup while in the air from the spring. Move across the stove, avoiding the heat wave coming off it at the enemy shooting at you. Continue right and jump across the gap to find a new guitar power-up, an 11 symbol that creates a larger-sized shot which is twice as powerful. Drop down to the left, watching out for the falling ball. Grab the up arrow then kill the cup, pass over the stove and kill another cup. Do NOT jump on the spring here, it will just return you to the top level. Kill the donut man and jump onto the next spring to grab some health. Go to the gap and drop down, don't get the powerup, its worse than the one you should already have. Move right quickly, avoiding the falling ice cubes. Drop down and double back the left path underneath, dodging ice cubes and picking up health. Move right, kill the donut men and pick up the health at the end. Move down then to the left, killing more baddie and the cup at the end. Race over the stove and dodge the cup and ice cube. Use the springs to jump over the pillars, watch out for another ice cube and land on the donut for an easy cup kill. Pass over the stove and under the cup quickly, and then watch for two falling ice cubes. Take the upper path for a up arrow and a new guitar upgrade, three stars, which splits your fire into three groups, allowing it to cover a large area. Once you have this, backtrack and take the bottom path and sprint across it, just hold the fire button and move right at full speed as heaps of ice cubes will be falling. Drop down the edge to finish the level. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Five --------------------------------------------------------------------- Head over the stove quickly, jumping over the shots from the liquid monsters and pick up the 11 symbol at the end. Jump down and heap left, watching out for the two donut baddies. At the end, watch out for the food tornado, get under it and head left. Kill the cup and head down and right for an up arrow, then left, killing the donut man and picking up the health. Head back up and left past another food tornado and use the drum to jump up and get some health and another up arrow. Head down carefully, watching for the stove, then left and down a long drop. Run past the cup and tornado, and then use the spring to jump over the stove. Pick up the 11 symbol if you need it, then jump up, kill the donut man, drop down and pick up the health. Jump over the stove and run under the tornado, past the donut man and grab some more health. Head back to the tornado, use the left spring to jump up to another spring to get to an upper level. Jump past the stove, kill the donut man and run under the tornado. Grab the health, then use the spring to get to another level, holding left as you jump to avoid another tornado. Grab the health and three stars, head back right under the tornados and jump over the stove, watching out for the two liquid monsters. Once at the end, use the spring to grab a level up heart. Use the spring to jump up onto the cups, avoid the tornado, kill the cup, and pick up the health. Move to the right and jump down the gap, then left across the stove. Use the spring to jump onto the lower stack of cups, then up to the next level. Grab the health down the lower path, the go to the upper level using the donuts, not the spring (the tornado will get you if you do). Jump up to the top, grab the three stars and kill the donut guy. Don't get the up arrow unless you really need it, as you will have to backtrack a fair bit if you do. Jump over the gap, avoid the cup, and use the two springs to jump over the stove. Grab the health on top of the donuts, move left, and use the two drums to reach the top. Head left, killing the tow donut men and picking up some health. Drop down and double back on the level just below to get an up arrow. Head back left, drop down, carefully avoiding the tornado and getting some more health. Hurry across the stove and under the cups, drop down and use the spring to get another up arrow. Sprint across the stove and grab the health, drop down, head right, and jump up with the springs. Head right, under the cup and kill the donuts. Drop down to finish the level. ======================================================================= BOSS BATTLE ======================================================================= Head left, drop down the gap and pick up all the items. Move right and the boss will appear, a kind of food monster. Its attacks include: rolling along the ground, shooting red balls at you, pouring liquid at you and shooting food at you. The only ones that are any real worry is when he shoots red balls at you or rolls at you. Its attack become fairly predictable, just dodge his blows and shoot and him as much as you can, using jump shots when it is in the air. Soon enough it will explode into a flurry of tasty treats, and another act has been completed! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACT THREE – The Gasworks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Six ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some new scenery here again, with the enemies getting tougher. Baddies including things like darts, disco balls, flames and...Wayne's "Girlfriend". It's also the first map you can get really lost in, so be careful. Move right from the start, then down, jump past the GF and down the drop, grabbing the 11 symbol. Drop down again, kill the disco ball and get the health, watching out for the flame. Drop down to the lowest level, kill the GF, and time your way past the darts to collect an up arrow. Jump up to the level with the purple stools and use them to get to the upper right ledge. DO NOT use them to go straight up, doing so will result is a serious waste of time. Head right, watching out for the submarine that shoots heat-seeking missiles at you (they were common-place in bars and pubs in the early 90's, I swear). You can shoot the missiles to destroy them, but can't kill the sub itself. Head right and jump down to a lower ledge. If you need health, head right to get some, otherwise just drop down to the left. Kill the disco ball, and use the arcade machine to jump over the flames and grab an up arrow. Watch for darts when you land. Jump down after the flame and head left (right goes a long way before an annoying dead end). Kill the GF and jump over the flames. Head down, left, and past the darts to get some health and a life heart. Head back and to the right. Jump over the flames, watching for both the ones on your level and the ones above you. Pick up the up arrow, drop down, and head left. Kill the GF and move down again, heading right. Jump over all the flames. After the triple flames is a roach you cant seem to not get past without getting hit. Jump over the remaining flames and up a level, move right, kill the GF, jump down, kill the disco ball and pick up the health. Drop down and grab the three stars. Use the stool to the right to jump up to the next level (you may need to do this at an angle to avoid the pillar). Get past the flame, use the arcade machine to get to the next level and use the stool to jump to the left and get an 11 symbol. Jump to the right and land on the pillar, then jump right as far as you can to fall down and grab a new guitar upgrade, a blue ball that acts as a heat-seeking missile. Move right then down, avoiding the two submarines, then head left, dodging the dart. You can now kill the roach with the heat-seeker, if you missed it then just dodge it. Keep moving left until you get to some purple stools. Use the one most to the right to go flying up a couple of levels. Jump up and kill the disco ball. Jump past the flames and darts, and jump down at the left to finish the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Seven ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Head left, kill the baddies, and jump over the flames. If you still have the heat-seeker, ignore the three-stars, otherwise pick it up. Drop down and use the stool to grab an up arrow. Head right, over the flames and past the darts, grab the health, jump over the edge and get another up arrow. Head left, watching out for the submarine and roach, and down the gap. If you lost your heat-seeker, use the stools to jump up and right for another one. Otherwise head down and to the right for some health, then left, over the flames, and killing the disco ball. Head down and take the lower path past the disco ball. Grab the blue ball to the left if you need it, then head down the lower right path. Head right until you get to the purple stool, and then use the stools to jump up several levels. Once you get to where the 11 symbol is, jump up and to the right for a life heart, then up to the left, get the health, then up and to the right. Head right, jump up with the red stool, then up another level by going slightly to the left. Head right, across the gap and pick up the health and up arrow. Then head back down and take the lower right path, then drop down until you get to the double darts. Jump past them, down, and to the right. Drop down and then jump over the four flames in a row. Continue left then down and to the right, past the GF. Head right, over the dance floor, jump past the flames and darts, and grab the health at the end. Head down then left until the drop, fall down it then go to the right to finish the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Eight ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Head left to encounter a new enemy, the fat man. This guy takes a few hits to knock down, so keep at it. Continue left, then head down and move right to see another new baddie...some kind of rocker it seems. Keep moving right, avoiding flames and darts, and grab the health. Head down and left. Jump over the gap and kill the fat man for an up arrow, then head down and kill another new enemy...fire-spitting shoe. Yeah. Anyway, keep going right, use the purple stools to jump up and grab the up arrow. Land on the pillar then jump across to the right. Head down as far as you can then move right again. Head past the darts and flames and head all the way down the left. Head right and down to get to the purple stools, move left past the fat man and a new baddie (some kind of "Kiss" face by the looks of it), and grab the health. Head back and use the stools to jump over the pillar, and then jump up a few levels using stools and tables. Head left and use the purple stools to get up to the top of another pillar. Jump over the gap and head right, past the rocker, and use the arcade machines to jump up beside the shoe, then head right. Head upper right where the kiss face is for a new blue ball, then upper left, past the flames and the kiss face. Use the arcade machines and red stool to jump up a few levels, and then head right. Following the zigzag path until you reach a drop. Jump over it, continue right. Jump up some levels until you get to the shoe, then head right and down the gap to finish the level. ======================================================================= BOSS BATTLE ======================================================================= Head left to grab some health, then back right. Unless you have no guitar upgrade at all, try to jump over the blue line upgrade. The boss will then appear. His name is Elvis. He has no place in a game based on a early 90's movie...but whatever. He rolls around mainly on the bottom level, so take the upper right part as soon as he jumps off it, and move away whenever he starts to move there. Apart from rolling around, he shoots two kinds of beams at you, both avoidable easily enough. Just keep shooting at him and he will die pretty easily, with great ease if you still have your heat-seekers. Once The King dies for good, Act Three is ka-put! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACT FOUR – Psychotic Suburbia +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Nine ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nice, colourful level, eh? Head up and right, using the trash cans as springs. Jump across the gap and watch out for the water sprinkler. Get up another level using the can and head right, watching out for the bird (you will need to jump and shoot to hit it). Jump down and pick up the health to the right, then head back left for an 11 symbol. Drop down at the end, then down again to the right. Grab the health to the right of the level you land on, then head left, past the post box and grab the up arrow and health. Head left and jump to the top level when you get to the gap to grab a life heart. Go back and jump down the gap and head right past the post box. Kill the low-flying bird and run under the higher one, watching out for the eggs it drops. Use the can at the end to jump up and kill the baddie (yes, he is just standing there). Jump down, grab the health to the right and the up arrow on the left. Use the big can to jump up a level and head right. Jump up when you get to the end for some health. Head right and down until you can head left. Grab the health and continue left, past the post box and jump down. Head right, dodging the water sprinklers, and jump on the post box when there is no enemy showing in it to get to the higher level. Grab the health and jump across the gap, using another post box to jump up. Jump up for some health then head down. Once you get to the blue house head right. Jump down the gap and continue right, then down the next gap and left, using the cans to jump up. Head left, pick up the 11 symbol at the end and jump up. Use the can to jump to the right for some health and an up arrow. Head back left, then down, then right. Grab the health and follow the path until there is a drop. Drop down, grab the health and head left. At the end, use the streetlight to jump up. Continue up and then left, keeping as far left as possible while falling down the gap. Use the right-hand can to grab a life heart. Jump down, head left, then down again to finish the level. ======================================================================= FINAL BOSS ======================================================================= Alright, here we go. Move along the path and kill the hockey dude that comes at you. Follow the path until you get to the items. Pick them up then head left to face the final boss, which is...Zantar the Gelatinous Cube! Bet you never saw that one coming >_>. Anywho, he has Garth inside of him in a somewhat Han Solo state, some time to free him once and for all. Zantar has a basic, repetitive attack pattern. It will be on one side, shoot balls up in the air at you, then jump across the screen and land on the other side. Before it jumps its eye will open, and this is your time to strike at its weak point! After awhile it will start firing an arrow at you along the ground after it fires the balls. Basically, wait until its eye opens, shoot it, and then dash across to the other side of the screen when it jumps up. Keep doing this a few times and he will be toast before you know it, Garth will be free and you have finished the game. Excellent! *********************************************************************** D). FAQs *********************************************************************** 1. How long does it take to finish this game? Not too long, a couple of hours max, which makes it fun enough to play when you really have nothing better to do. 2. When should I use the up arrows? I found that I really never needed to use them very often, and as they never work against bosses you might as well just use them when you are low on health, or in a hurry. 3. You actually expect anyone to read this? Of course. You are, aren't you? >_> 4. Did just made up all those questions, didn't you? Don't be silly. I am asked these questions all the time. Anymore questions? Have anything to add? Email me at knifeofdreams@gmail.com *********************************************************************** E). CREDITS/SPECIAL THANKS *********************************************************************** Lets see, I would like to thank THQ for making this D-grade game, my lack of a life for finding the time to write a walkthrough for it, and Cragnous and all the guys from the Waynes World message board, mainly so that he will look at this. And last of all, I thank anyone who actually read this. Party on! This file is Copyright (c)2006 Ciaran Friis. All rights reserved.