===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2004 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Photo-Boy FAQ January 06, 2006 Daniel (FecalLord) Engel fecalord [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Story (D) Walkthrough (E) Help (F) Thanks (G) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are very simple, and are as follows: dpad - Used to walk left/right as well as move the cursor for your camera. I - Takes pictures. II - Jumps. Run - Pause the game. ############################################################################### (C) STORY ############################################################################### [Taken from the game's into] "David Goldman always loved to take pictures. So he enrolled at LA Photography School. Everyday, he'd commute on the crowded trains. Suddenly, his parents died in a tragic plane crash. He loved them dearly, but they were gone. He got depressed, and almost dropped out. The Dean saw this, and wanted him to do well. Dean: David, don't quit yet! Pass my test, and you'll graduate! I want 8 photos. Get them all and pass! Even Unsure, David still accepted his offer." ############################################################################### (D) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy Before you start the game the Dean will tell you that pictures of weirder things will get you more points, and if you get hit you will lose film. So basically try to take as many pictures of weird things as possible. Any stage will end when you run out of film, either by taking pictures or getting hit. After a stage is over you get 100 points per blank picture you have left in your camera. Targets that I have found to be multiple-picture targets will be marked like so: *M* Otherwise I indicate how many points [P] each target is worth and how much extra film [F] you get, if any for photographing that target. Some targets will also give you special upgrades, BIG indicates a bigger lens for your camera. This means that your target area for taking pictures gets bigger. SPD on the other hand indicates a speed upgrade and simply makes your cursor move faster during stages. If you get hit by a hazard you lose any upgrades that you have earned so far, otherwise the upgrades get carried over to the next stage. Anything marked with [dark] in the target list is a black silhouette until you take a picture of it, and therefore can be easy to miss unless you are looking carefully. ---- Tips ---- Although it seems that you need to meet the goal for points in each stage as well as getting a picture of the goal for the stage I managed to beat the second stage by only getting the points that I needed. Also remember that if you can't avoid a group of hazards you can always take a picture of one of them for a few points but more importantly to get rid of that hazard. It is also possible to sometimes get a picture of a target twice and not only get twice the points but also twice the film [if you get film from that target]. Basically you need to take a picture of a target as soon as it becomes active [cursor starts flashing], and then quickly take a second picture right after the first one. It doesn't work all the time but it can help a lot. You can even use the trick mentioned above to get more than two pictures, basically if you find a target that you can get twice [especially if it gives you more film] get greedy and try to get it multiple times. ------- TAKE 01 ------- Goals: Picture of a flying car. 10000 points. Hazards Skateboards - Just jump over these. Balls - Run under these as they bounce over you, or jump over them while they are low to the ground. Targets: [200P + 5F] First UFO [400P + 5F] Same UFO beaming up car *M* [500P + 5F] Alien faced man [300P + 5F] Man falling on banana [500P + 5F] Bum flashing you [200P + 5F] Helicopters [300P + 5F] Women with dress being blown up [300P + 5F] Fallen roller-skater [3000P + 10F] Flying car [500P + BIG] Crashing airplane [300P + SPD] Flying superhero [200P + 5F] Person tied to rocket [500P + 5F] Man falling out of air balloon [200P + 5F] Man bouncing on trampoline [1500P + 5F] Statue of liberty's dress blown up Being the first stage of the game, you wouldn't expect this stage to be very hard. Thankfully it isn't, it just gives you a good idea of the structure of the game and lets you get used to the controls. The hardest part is probably learning how to dodge the ball hazards, you'll be seeing variations of them throughout the game. Other than that try to get the BIG upgrade from the crashing airplane because any upgrades that you keep until the end of the stage get carried over to the next stage. Your target picture [the flying car] shows up just after the fallen roller-skater, you should see it just above the right end of the house. ------- TAKE 02 ------- Goals: Picture of someone dangerous in the ghetto [?]. 15000 points. Hazards: Balls - Run under these as they bounce over you. Knives - Jump over them. Flower Pots - Run past them or back up before they fall on you. Targets: [300P] Fire hydrants [200P] Blue cats [500P + 5F] Half-naked woman in window when she screams [take pic of window to open] [500P + 5F] Car when it hits the pole [500P + SPD] Spiderman [900P + BIG] King Kong at the top of the screen in the first alley [dark] [500P + 5F] Woman who says HELP in first alley [300P + 5F] Bum in garbage can [300P + 5F] Little flying blue aliens all over the stage [500P] Yellow cat jumping out of the window [once opened] [1000P + 15F] Man/Terminator in alley [get 3 pics once out of car] *M* [500P + 5F] Little red man in alley [300P + 5F] Man in white with bag of money [500P + 5F] Kissing couple in window [once opened] [800P] Michael Jackson [take 2 pics] [500P] Prostitute at end of stage This stage is also pretty easy, the hardest part is probably dealing with groups of hazards at once, but don't forget that you can take pics to get rid of them. Be sure to get a pic of King Kong for the bigger lens, other than that just follow the list of targets and you should be fine. *NOTE* I still have no idea what the goal picture for this stage is, if anyone knows please let me know and I will credit you. ------- TAKE 03 ------- Goals: Picture of a bicycle flying past the moon. 20000 points. Hazards: Falling Stars - Run under or jump over them. Beach Balls - Jump over them. Bowling Pins - Jump over or run under them. Targets: [500P] Fireworks throughout the stage [1000P + 5F] Explosions in the background [300P + 5F] Juggler when pin hits him in the head *M* [100P + BIG] Peter Pan-like character [300P + 5F] Man on trampoline [700P + 5F] Tiger jumping through ring of fire [200P + 5F] Rollercoaster cars in background *M* [200P + 5F] Clown with balloons [700P + 5F] Man fired out of cannon [400P + 5F] UFO [lights] in background [700P + 5F] Falling tightrope walker [800P + 5F] Green thing running in background [500P] Ferris wheel rolling away [5000P + 10F] Bicycle flying past the moon This stage is pretty easy and is made even easier if you get lots of pics of the rollercoaster cars because they will give you lots of film. Other than that just keep a careful eye on the hazards because sometimes you won't even notice them among all the lights in this stage. You can't really miss the goal picture for this stage it's clearly visible in the sky before the end of the stage. ------- TAKE 04 ------- Goals: Picture of a fish wedding. 25000 points. Hazards: Crabs - Jump over them. Spiked Things - Run under or jump over them. Squids - Run under or jump over them. Spears - Fly diagonally downwards at you, jump over them. Piranhas - Weave up and down as they travel left, jump them if needed. Bottles - Drop straight down, easy to avoid. Seahorses - These jump while sinking a little, jump over them as needed. Targets: [1800P + 5F] take three pics of any blue blowfish [500P + 5F] little red octopus [all over the stage] [500P + 5F] fish with arms at the start [500P + 5F] fishing girl once she becomes a man [400P + 5F] mermaid at mirror when she turns to you [500P] big skeleton [300P + 5F] mermaid swimming in background [800P + BIG] Pinocchio inside whale [200P + 5F] second of the three clam shells [800P + 5F] Shark eating diver [6000P + 5F] Fish Wedding [dark] [700P + 5F] Submarine [dark] [700P + 5F] Sinking ship [900P + SPD] Fish swimming up high [dark] [600P + 5F] Treasure in second chest [800P] Snake in vase The hardest part of this stage is the sheer volume of hazards, when there are some on the screen there are lots so don't be afraid to use film on them if you are about to get hit. Other than that you can get a lot of points/film on the many red octopus and blue blowfish in the stage. The only thing tricky about the goal picture is that it's dark and can therefore be easy to miss, but if you keep an eye out for dark silhouettes you shouldn't have any trouble. ------- TAKE 05 ------- Goals: Picture of a surprised Mona Lisa. 30 000 points. Hazards: Spiked Balls - Jump over them when they are low, otherwise run underneath them. Worms - Easy to avoid, just jump over them. Flies - VERY annoying as they follow you wherever you go, take pics of them to get rid of them if you can spare the film. Birds - Drop rocks on you, watch out for them and move accordingly. Paper Airplanes - Travel in a circle, jump over them as needed. Spiders - Bob up and down AND fire webs at you, jump the webs and/or take pics of the spiders to get rid of them. Rats - Jump over them, nothing tricky here. Targets: [500P] Fly hazards [500P] Spider hazards [500P] Rocks that the birds drop [500P + 5F] Crashing blimp [500P + 5F] The thinking statue *M* [500P + SPD] Helmet of giant suit of armour [take 2 pics] [500P + 5F] Dark spear thing in background [200P + 5F] Tip of large mountain before entering museum [800P + 5F] Mummy behind the sarcophagus [500P + 5F] Statue just past mummy when it moves [800P] Person from the scream painting [500P + SPD] Helmet of second giant suit of armour [take 2 pics] [700P + 5F] Dancing orange sculpture [1000P + 5F] Moving picture [800P + 5F] Smoking picture [700P + 5F] Smoke from smoking picture above [1000P + 5F] Wiggling picture [700P + 5F] Sculpture of woman when her arms appear [800P + 5F] Brown big-eyed statue [7000 + 10F] Surprised Mona Lisa This is probably the hardest stage in the game next to the final stage, so be prepared to play it many times. There are just so many hazards in the stage and they all seem to work together quite well to hit you easily. Also this is the first stage to have hazards that follow you wherever you go (Flies) so be sure to use your camera to get rid of them. The goal picture is at the very end of the stage, but she doesn't stay surprised for very long, so try to keep your cursor on her before she gets surprised to increase your odds of catching it. ------- TAKE 06 ------- Goals: Picture of someone running. 35 000 points. Hazards: Balls - Jump over them or run under as needed. Coconuts - These fall when you get close to them. Crabs - Jump over them. Pop Cans - These are similar to the bouncing balls as they arc towards you, but when they hit the ground they bounce once a little bit before becoming harmless. Targets: [300P + 5F] Moles throughout the stage *M* [500] Falling water-skier [500P + 5F] Shark in water [700P + 5F] Naked girl once her towel drops *M* [1500P + 5F] Dark sea monster [700P] Man falling off jet ski [200P] Bum peeking around right side of mountain *M* [700P] Octopus holding whale [700P + 5F] Drowning guy [700P] Falling space capsule [500P + 5F] Bottle floating in water [700P + 5F] Surfer falling off wave [500P + 5F] Submarine periscope [700P] Man on the island *M* [1000P + 5F] Two ships crashing together *M* [700P] Man swimming really fast [8000P + 10F] Guy running across the water [700P] Giant face in the water [700P + 5F] Man being rescued by helicopter *M* This stage can be hard BUT if you make sure you know which targets can be photographed multiple times the stage becomes laughably easy. Remember that every mole can be photographed twice and the naked girl and helicopter rescuing the man are both great for MANY pics. The goal picture for the stage runs really fast so be ready for him after the two ships crash together, he runs across the water. ------- TAKE 07 ------- Goals: Picture of a scary ghost. 40 000 points. Hazards: Fire - This bobs up and down, jump over it. Swords - Fly diagonally downwards at you, jump over them. Bats - These jiggle in place, avoid them if you can otherwise take pics to get rid of them. Skulls - These fall from above then run at you, simply avoid their fall and jump over them. Hands - These burst out of the ground, jump them or wait for them to sink. Coffins - Jump over them or run under as needed. Pumpkins - These bounce towards you like skulls but follow you around, take pics to get rid of them as they're really annoying. Targets: [800P] Fire hazards throughout the stage. [800P + 5F] Werewolf in the background throughout the stage. [400P + 5F] Frankenstein in the background throughout the stage. [500P + 5F] Vampire when he opens his arms and flies away. [800P + SPD] Flying witches throughout the stage. [700P + 5F] Speech bubble that appears at the top of a castle in the background. [500P + 5F] Faint blue ghost-like creatures in the sky. [700 + BIG] Floating pumpkins [300P] Blue flame, this releases MANY ghosts that all give you extra film and 300P each when you get a picture of it. [1000P + 5F] Creature howling in front of the full moon. [6100P] Michael Jackson, keep taking pics of him every time the cursor flashes to get points up to the amount indicated. [9000 + 10F] Eyeball in front of castle near the end of the stage. This stage is relatively easy to beat because there are a lot of targets to get pictures of, especially if you get a picture of the blue flame. You can get a lot of points from Michael Jackson near the end of the stage, just be sure to keep an eye on the hazards around you and leave yourself enough time to get a picture of the stage goal beyond [eyeball in front of the castle]. ------- TAKE 08 ------- Goals: Picture of a shoot out. 45 000 points. Hazards: Vultures - Drop cans on you, watch out for them and move accordingly. Arrows - Fly diagonally downwards at you, some also fly horizontally at you, either way jump over them. Scorpions - Simply jump over them as they walk towards you. Snakes - Simply jump over them as they walk towards you. Barrels - Jump over them or run under as needed. Black Birds - Travel in a circle, jump over them as needed. Horse Shoes - These are similar to the bouncing balls as they arc towards you, but when they hit the ground they bounce once a little bit before becoming harmless. Targets: [500P] Barrel hazards. [700P] Can hazards. [1500] Black Bird hazards. [1500] Horse Shoe hazards. [400P + 5F] Paper targets with pictures on them, once they stand up. [2500P + 5F] Baby being chased by a bull, take a pic of it every time it runs past you for more points. [500P + 5F] Totem pole segments. [300P + 5F] Man riding horse, there are more than one in the stage. [1400P? + SPD] Coin on the ground, take pics of it until it disappears. [8000P + 10F] Dead cowboy after gunfight. [400P + 5F] Hanging guy. [1000P + 5F] Vultures without cans. [500P + 5F] Cowboy on the roof of a house. This stage is not hard to beat since most of the hazards are easy to avoid and also give you a good amount of points if you take pictures of them. The arrows will likely be your biggest concern so keep an eye out for them, otherwise keep the targets listed above in mind and try to get as many as possible. For the target picture just make sure you get a picture of the dead cowboy once he gets shot, it's not hard at all. ------- TAKE 09 ------- Goals: 150000 points. Hazards: None. Targets: [5000P] Your Boss. Basically for this stage your boss pops up in one of nine squares and you must try to get as many pictures of him as you can to meet the 150000 point [30 pictures] goal within the time limit. It's actually very hard to do as you have a really small window of opportunity in which to get a picture before he disappears. As far as I can see the only way to beat the stage is to keep your cursor in the middle of the screen and abuse the pause button to find out where your boss will show up next. ############################################################################### (E) HELP ############################################################################### If anyone knows what the goal picture is for the second stage let me know and I will credit you, I can't seem to figure it out at all, so I just beat that stage by meeting the points goal. ############################################################################### (F) THANKS ############################################################################### Huge thanks go out to Alexander Beetle & Zatos. ############################################################################### (G) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address is fecalord (AT) gmail (DOT) com, and the paypal address is listed below. For those that want to contribute, you can use paypal at the following address: fecalord2002 (AT) yahoo (DOT) ca Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan